The Straits Times, 27 June 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. VO. 22.073 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 316 1 Hill-climbing Success at San- Remo Scored by TIKE B-BLIABLE* O-A.IR,, DE DION-BOUTON Th«' Hill-conquering CarDetails Milan Sun Henio Trials. Hill-i-linibin^ Competition, Saturday, April 7. Voitmvtte Section: De Dion-Bouton (driven by Matters), First, in iniimti's :JC>' seconds. C. DUPIRE Co. 101 Aoents; Sinoaj)ore.__ "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS POWELL CO., Singapore.
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    • 185 1 The Recognised Headquarters of the Army, Navy and Tourists THE ADELPHI HOTEL A limt ohm lluitl in Singapore. Bjriandid situation. All modern comforts. Electric Fans, Lights, and (all Bell, mm French Billiard-. Uwi Tennis CourtCharges Strictly Moderate WAVERLEY HOTEL •~>l), H ill -street, SingaporeHealthy Position. French and Qerman Cuisine
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    • 217 1 Money to lend 'rom $10,000 to $100,000 on first class security in town L. HERMENT, Broker Cliauge Alli-j I c 648 SAVARESSE'S SANDAL CAPSULES Noi M c ..f '..-latin*, bm efficacious because -il.-.luicly pure F.nglijj Oil Full directions. All Chemists. Insist on gawew'8. I gaimtt^aumwi IMAKESTHE SKIN^ j as SOFT
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    • 563 1 ROBINSON and COMPANY. HINKS HANGING LAMPS .9 )*Hy Hinks Hanging Lamp fr~y\ f^\ Hinks Brass Han; w Lamp. Bronzed chain pullies vHf'- J^X duplex safety tamer glass container. Brass container, complete ?5^y r*TJ complete with shade Bad chimnev *W> <We ami cliiiunev "'^Vj^-^^ 1 NEW PR!:. iS $9.60 each. Ap
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  • 367 2 P. and O. Report. TB half yi-arl\ report "I the I'i-iiiu- lai and Oriental Bteam Navigation Compaiu states: The CoromatuM mid have dieappeared from the list, having b< somi months aflo, and nheeaTneni to tin the half-year, theh Rineriiiiip, tin Ckmum has ttkeWke been diapoeedot. Tin Drlhi, Delta. <■„„/,.,. and
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  • 264 2 i ,11 latest a v Shipping Ims t1,.. following lotteipiem, aooonapanied with .1 half page illustration, nbowina a l.a h 1 viißc's" sjiliMni entrance, with !tn attractiv< patent Interlocking robber tiling Our French contemporary Yaeki lian been writing in high tormx of tin- laxnrioiiK BtUugnof the
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  • 229 2 M. M. Tonkin 65 Hours Overdue. Tbi >!. M. m. Tonkin, irbJefa w.-^ ,lv, at Coknubo from MantoilleHat h p.m. ou tin lith Jane, arrived at 1 1.40 p.m. on the Utli. nearly 6d limn- behind bet Khednled tiuw. The oilii-ial explanation <ii the team 1 is that a ilav
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  • 158 2 The Brittth SoHh BornmtHtraU Mjxirt" Hit- lolliiwiny li. .i.l iimitiiiK illci.lcnt tlui. Two'.- Kiiics mi Sj. i i] U'Hiii'li -I 1,-, nuopitaiiit,' or blu\> jiilH; il.nts. 1i,..| b) OHM nnliii ih nnn in Urn jangle. The njeretit < atch (roiii .ully hit I. .huts aanall) rexmlta
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  • 47 2 It is reportcf ilial c-non^; li been discovered :n the Island i I' one of the Philippine group, i the Philippine Government, witli the army n.ivt. irith tons annually for M4B years. FavoUl ri-siilts liavr f01!.,.v,,l tke BM if llii> on some of the intoi iiland tnuuporti
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 227 2 "EAGLE" IMPORTERS: Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRAWS~J Ihe Hoise Repository Orchard Road ,iaH jnat landed ex v. Darin* forty mi y k 1.-rtiitirM-s.t'.iiii.s. ;il! tii..r«. i-lily Broken u> aaddb and lurniwi and read; loi ■aaoe > ry carriage borsM .n.i t l>"1" Evi iv liunicsnaranteed ami any reamnable
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    • 200 2 HOEG'S Anti -Corrosive Composition Anti- Fouling; Composition Boot Topping Paint Used constantly with success by steamers and wiling ships of nil nntinng. For aubagencies iipp!; to H. >CHAEFER CO., 1765 Sole Agents BUCHANAN'S BUCK WHITE Fi'olds top place in the highest class of Whiskies Guaranteed 12 twelve years old c
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    • 257 2 THE COCOA' OF THE 'OLD COUNTRY' i^pAir,.. IAIIDIJIIY-U It is tKe purest and most economical cocoa ii\ vise. It's nicest too. «a a THEIANCEf says "Gadburys is theSfandardcfhighest purity.' USE UHUi LSE ALWAYS LWaffiSßK!l >aS9NHBfIRSMfI9l aBZ^HH rVJO^T jF^lai^^ii ||jlvy*Jllfanfc^ REFRESHING. A Luxurious Perfum^ Far Superior In Health. Gcrman^Kinds. E TORATIVE
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  • 198 3 Tmt .v..i k ine- ction with the rcHtartinK ol i. ornikb tin mini s continues witli chccrInl activity. An Australian syndicate, says tli, Morning Leader, recently ■MOMMd tin lords of Botallack. near s t. .lust, but nM{otUtioM fi-11 through, ami a MG«d coinimiiv is now making in\.
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  • 150 3 Y.M.C.A. vs. Band of the Sherwoods. In VM.l'.A. met tlir 1'iiiihl <il tin- Sin i w.h«I 1'uifluiii at cricket nn Out Raflltn Sclioul )<iiiiiiiil em SiitiinUs kftenoun. TW lull Hcorea in .-I- follows: V. M. < \v ('M«lMi >■ (BrlMiiy b Coorotwr Mattbe«H bCota M Mailer e
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  • 124 3 The Club vs. Law and Civil Service. M.nii in iimiiiition with tin- S. C. cricket toinnaiiM nt «ru played >>u tin K-|.l:.n .<l.MiiiS.itin.ii\ afternoon between the team* representing the Club and the Law .111.1 \il s,-niir. Onl) tin latter batted. '111. acorn ate a» follow
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  • 93 3 [*iMtn 11.. wlui dchaicd Pretty Polly" two MMOM .i;,'" in the l'nx da I C n-( i] Municipal, i en an«'thcr chance beat Major Euatace I v.i nd rfn] male. 1 1» m t<> !>•• ■em i tei from France to lun m the Aa...I (^.]<1 Cup. in which Pretty
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 140 3 B"bi!3at3^^v£ißs' sakaT\^saHw J\l f^l^ \n Assassin i-reap* npfrom In-hin 1 when »o«r bai k hi turned. Before you know it you arr in Ite wilt, ami the tarribU |i«ins an.! :uhe»that follow arc i-vin »w«t than i! tir iiuuln'i knife wu driven into row rlcib. UTTLE'S Onental BaSsn la the
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    • 129 3 LACE STORE ITU OBCHABO BOAS. Large nnd vnried gtock of Laces, Nottingham, Valencienne.-, Irish and Brustels am l English and Swiss Embroideries. Prices very moderate. Inspection Invited. K. i: SI! \SIIA. Mosquitoes I and other insect* wilt not be so reaiiy f CALVERT'S I Carbolic Soap. I Moreover, the use
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  • 419 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 27th JUNE. of certain political proclivities mttkm it will l>e ma from Reutcr's vablc 1 1 1 i«.t that eoclnBie JMM| politician. Winston Churchill, has l x >eu busy blowing his own trumpet at the gathering ol Liberals at Manchester. When Winston brings
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  • 319 4 i Sim,aii.i:k is ever on the look-out for i MMMttriog now. something stimulating and yet not too exciting or too violent. Will "Baby Parties" suit society liore. Their success in other parti of the world are absolutely immense. Kven in India, where MhMgJI rqjtfns us a result of too much
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  • 317 4 Tin. Miuistiv hnve now readied Clans,: 4 nf tlii' Education Kill. The Clause runs thus: The local educational authority may give extended ia.-ilities f,, r religious instruc tiou of son,, s[M'.-iiii ■haracter in any trans, ferred voluntary Mhoal in an urban area. l>y permitting the religious instruction given in the
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  • 429 4 Sow particularly interesting details an to be 'ound in the report of the PMmmM Malav State* Department of Agriculture i,.r MM, and m thmt ~!i> >'il<I M-aanai bmaton in Knbkr lauds that it is ini)>ossible to glow I ta» much good robber, «ra shall proceed to give some extract* llie
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  • 268 4 Admiral Sir John iMlrymple Hay. who. we regret to say, is now quite blind, preside at the recent meeting of Mentor's Telegram Company Limited, and said "the war between Rnsiiia and Japan brought home to them the necestu'ty of thoroughly overhaul ing their new arrangements at the Far Eastern branches.
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  • 182 4 BCTWMI piece goods manufacturers MM easting longing eyes ou the barren tasoti i>f Mesopotamia, as a Held for mMm growing. In tliat country are vast regions of untillcd gMmad that was once oue of the RMdtM of t'ne world. Trcc-dest ruction ami the ruin of tlie old irrigation schemes by
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  • 64 4 Owing to drauMteam, vnt irUeh we have iiail no control, m art; MMBaled to hol.l over the list (tritli mi timiM) \j yn.-t-, ami nieiiib.'rs at the T< utoiiia Clubs (;in<v inm hall till the publication of the Strait* Ita4*rt, tW« •naiag. The |>ul>iicHtion »ill it«l in hVBHROV'l issue of
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  • 18 4 li.i n.uoSri Amar d' l.'ajah of -lohor, i, due from Knglaud by the ( mail B<nj, ,i to-morrow.
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  • 34 4 X\\\- BMOriag Boadiug Officer 11. l>. nni sou saw a sampan deeply laden with btioka floating alxmt in the harbour. Then was no one in the sampan The Marine Polios took charge of it.
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  • 35 4 Dnm ha-s (lMfa Jane) beaten Leicester by an innings and SO; Yorkshire has beaten Hampshire by three wieketa; Lancashire has beaten Kssex by lour wieketa; Surrey has beaten S:isse\ by 2*9; Notts beat Middlesex by :>■>.
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  • 37 4 I s constMiuencc of the. thoioii^hiai. being snbjccteil to repairs, Ksplanade Road I Went side i bevreen High street and Cowman Street will be closed from the cvuniug of the l^th instant, until the work is completed.
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  • 35 4 Htjfnol I's X, woMfv r prominently aiHiloyisos for reproducing wader* and aaperaiouii on Sir M. Bhowna^rce in August. 1908, ami regnai pabliahing uwarranted imputationa against a man of au hoiviii ihl: ami .listin gnithed record.
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  • 40 4 Bsrou the Marine Court vesUr.lay Hoarding Officer J. Cohen charged Captain Learuiont of the B. 1. A.v,//.i witli un ilv blowing his sieaiu whistle ou the 20Ui inst. while at anchor in the Singapore roads. He was fined *."> and costs.
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  • 43 4 Thk Voveinor of Ceylon has apminu-d Warder V. Woodford of Urn Criminal Prison, Singapore, to Ik' a Ist.lass Kuro]>can •Tailor in the Ceylon Prisons Department oa an initial salary of -WOO jhi aniiiini risiiiu try five annual increments of i-JO each to 4MQ.
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  • 42 4 As conductor of the Tumtsiu i North China) Electric Tramway Co., wha ran down and killed a little tfrl. and baa Ikmh imprisoned therefor since March, has just bnen sentenced to three y.«aiV irapriwiu. ment with ham labour, and' lined IV. in.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
  • 39 4 remaikalii(! aowhllg feat is recorded from home In a match between Cam Qtammai School and Mar i on the ground ot the latter, K. P. Martin tot Camberwell, took all id wicketc fornonin«. and performed the hat trick.' 1
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  • 41 4 Lii dtkxam \V. V. Richai us, Adjutant ol Urn Mth lntaiitiv. Biagapote, ha* been pro moted captain in the Indian Aim, tain Richard* originally entered th. i shire Regiment in 1097, and WM th. Colljwing year t., (he In.liau Aiin\.
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  • 55 4 <>v Ali. .1. 1.. Crookatt, ..i th.- [pofa brancli of the Chartered Hank, leaving for Europe ou a holiday abont the beginning ol next month, the mn of Malaya hean I will ti11,, 1 by Mr. Wallace Jonea, from the Peaang Bntßch, well known as a brilliant ami keen hOTIIHIMII
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  • 56 4 Thk A11,, i nej icueral of Hoii^'konj; d in the Legislative Council that Coiou\ n Urn i Hi. Jane tin- third reading ol Bin entitled au Ordinance to amend th. law relating to the property ol married WODM n The Colonial Secretary xv<md< .1 and tinitill was read a third
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  • 70 4 Tin* morning Karl Mewr, >!»■ at tl:< en <.i the KallMfon wax oiiftrj refuting to obey the kwfal ooounnadt ol tin UMwter, i t.nn Wirkhiuu. The defeudaut s.vmiiiyl\ (ranted monej it wan rafuneilauil ai'tiiiitcil l>\ ;li. niasim ''no money no work" lie rcfiiM-il m iln duty. Tl« iU-f."-ii«liin: Ii.mI Ktrinii
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  • 61 4 Thk Britisli Government has intimated tlie Wahrnpn Foreign MEtin H Peking, that arrangement! will be made to proiiibil th. sportation ol Britiali n tared morphia to China, provided that the 'hiin-e QovemnMßt nndertokew t,i prev< nt the mannfartnre of native nrphia and th. importation of the drag fron othei commie-.
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  • 83 4 'I'm- following propertiei were dis|M.~ .1 „i at Powell ,v (os. Saleroom niM.n. No. 00 Clyde street.' Hingaoon H2H ■anace teet, MO years' leas. r. M. R. Chaygappa Chittj *****. Coconut ami fruit plantation oti Refor i itory Roail. Hingaprme, .'ifjit mii s from •own. ■era ■■> i-.hwU it, pole*
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  • 114 4 YacnuiU] the Chin, se mJa'ointoil lluii feast of Sainbayaiu- Qaaj Cbatifl, which tails „n the fifth day c.l the 11 u-s, tiltli imKin. On OM -side of their I bunch of long lo.iws was hang, which ilHheve.l by then, (a I*- nffectiv» in driving kWkyonlWpirite. Those of the N< iiuUmwlkj
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 351 4 Hotel de l'Europe Austriin String Orchestra UNDER CONDUCTOR MR. C. MUHBERGER is expected per s.s. Baym due on the 29tfa instant Hotel de l'Europe syndicate Proprietors. RILEY HARGREAVES CO. LTD., si2sr3-^:po:R;:E &c ipoh. Electrical Engineers. 1 CHILDREN'S CONCERT. Til.- THIBO CHILDREN'S COHCEBT of the year v ill take, plnce in
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    • 121 4 WILSON Co.'s PHOTOGRAPHS AIK IMffUMH TO BE The Best in the Straits, AMI MJBMI H> AXV ASVWHKRi:. Price ef Cabinet Portraits: 6 Copies 12 Copies IN MATTOTYPE H.OO »12.00 BROMIDE „12.00 „18.00 PLATINOTYPE „l>oo „25.00 CARBOiN ,25.00 „40.00 Portraits on Porcelain each $15. WILSO S PHO'OARTSIUDIO. FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS •hist
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 76 5 JEALOUSY.; American Millionaire kills Wealthy Architect. U..'il. Siiiyupnr. tTik -him: liifil. by Unttrr 19M <(.'«. \n iaUMBM -i ns.itiou has arisen in NewYork by a iiiillion.iirc naiiKxl Harry Tliaw liavin« tirtil at. aad killed n wi-nltliy archiStanford V. lito bj name, at tile Madison Square (iardi r
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    • 42 5 Vn iinixirt Opposition annn'lmeiit to „t Mm Kilination Hill which at making the OHMi mandatory haH b.. ii i,|,-,-trd liv :tt(l U< -1M votes. Tln-n- was pnloagad OpjHisition li.-iriuj; at the fall in th« (iov, i nmelit majority.
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    • 46 5 ',1. Siiii/u/iori- I'itli .Inn.. 1t.r.1. by Bmttr i.w p.m. It is reported from (iievtown. in Natal. that natives h.iw Im.ii seen in the vicinity of the Insii/i ,\\u\ N'.MxlslxrK iH>lice stations which have been attacked by the nW| who bjt*« s.i/,ed the forinei.
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    • 31 5 What will the End be I be ctobata in Hrn lions, ol OoaaaaoM on Clause 4 of the Kilucation Bill has developed stroni; opposition H Ixith sides, including mmeflf the Ministerialists.
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    • 299 5 LJbataJ papers admit perplexity MM* say that the Mini-terial line has wavere<l almost for the tirst timi during the session. Bee'd, Sintftfon tftk June, 1'.r.1. hi,, r 11.;0n.m. The revolutionary propaganda, is making head in the Russian army. l'lie liiijH-riui liuards and the ic^iiiiints stationed in
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  • 120 5 < >n the day. ot night following the o|Kiiing ..t the Outram Hoad C.oveiuuient School nearly Mm months ago ~omchody entered the phlOa and removed nearly all the brass fittings. The matter was repotted to the jKilice a. id deligeut search has Hen kept up since.
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  • 92 5 The Thin! Children °n Com en of thi- verne will take place at the Toy n Hall on Friday at V:io pm. and ill last lor one hour only. darn wo, Warden' and Police children are sp.iially desired to attend. Head of Schools ■iad p.llents plca-e note. The
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  • 57 5 "I. * Hong A Tnng was arrested .v \o. IJ7 South Bndaa Hoar, with eight luass window hooks iv his possession. This morning, he was charged lip Inspector Hart before Mr. Scott for dishonestly retaining stoli ii property. The mmi was sentenced to ali th's rigorous and
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  • 603 5 Enhanced Revenue and Reduced Expenditure. Thk second ordinary general inn tiny of tlit' shareholders of the Balgownie Rubber Kntatcfl Ltd. was held this afternoon at the registered offices of the Company. Uie following being present, presided over by Mr. \V. M. Sim«. Messrs A. W. Bean .1.
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  • 349 5 An excellent coucert was jjiveu last evenin» at the Sinuajiore Catholic Club, hy way of coniiiK moiatint; the anniversary of the (oandins of the Club. Mr. C. OoalaWa and Mr. N. Wilkinson's solos were all that could l«- desired. Miss van Kenesse in Has Zauberlied (Sweet
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  • 9 5 Tn Str.,,l* 1U,,h,,l niU he pihlishe.l to DIOROW morniut;.
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  • 552 5 Singapore Doctor and His Wasted Time. Tlir illness of Mana Mohammed, which lias been yi eatl y agitating the Supreme Court for the past week, created a breeze in the Court of Requesta yesterday, Dr. von Wedel* appearing to testify to that illness and also to the
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  • 568 5 Chinese Woman Finds Herself In Trouble. Yksthjh »v. luapector Howard brought up a Chinese wouian. named Chong A Ho on the allegation of having kidnapped a girl ten years of age from the guardianship of her parents. Ixfore Messrs. Michell aud Nathan sittiug as a Uench Court.
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  • 37 5 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal oinuiissioners will l>e held on Friday at ■J.HO p.m. If time ixtmrts the ordinary meeting will be followed by a *pucial moot iiii; t consider S ippleti ental Budget No. 1.
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  • 880 5 Mr. Coelho Is Saved from Imprisonment. In giving judgment yesterday in the appeal of Mr. F. \V. Coeliu against the Hentenoe of one month's imprisonment for cheating a'rikisha coolie, given by Mr. Colman. Mr. Justice Fisiier said It appears to mo to be no more than common
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  • 199 5 S. C C. 2nd XI. v. S. R C. A second eleven oi th« S. C. C. played the S. K. C. in i Hockey Match on the ground j of the latter yesterday afternoon aud a goixl game was witnessed. A few minutes .uter play had commenced the
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  • 61 5 Wk have received two letters regarding the case at the Court of Kei) nests, in which the partial concerned were Mr. M. A. Tobin and Mrs. Alice Oilmour, but as their contents are of no public interest they s'mply I affect the contending litigant- we do not I feel i
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  • 548 5 Evidence at the Preliminary Enquiry. Yksikkhay. Mr. Cohuau resumed the 1 preiiuiiuary enquiry into the allegation of murder brought against Xi Yang Huat for comma the death of Choh A Kho iv Macao I Street by stabbing him several times on the i night of the 7th
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  • 85 5 Vwtkbbat, MuuHhi Hy<ler Ali was before Mr. "M-ntt, I'm preliiniuary anqoiry into an alligation of criminal l>reacli of trust while itn.iL:> lit. Alxlul Hahinan. a dubasli liail a simp at No. 11l A ScianmM.n an I place. I the tli tVn.liuit fp iliar^e with tin- result, us lie said, that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 529 5 Eastern Oriental Hotel PENANG. The Only First-class Establishment in the Island. Splendid Situation overlooking the sea, with Magniticient view. All modern Comforts. Electric lights throughout the Hotel. CRAG HOTEL, PENANQ HILLS. The Only Climatic Health Resort in the Straits, 3,000 feet above the sea level. Beautiful and Extensive grounds. Billiards
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  • 621 6 P. O. LINER ON FIRE. Fighting the Flames in Bay of Biscay. A sensational story was related at Ply mouth by the paawkjen who lauded from the P. A- O. liner Somali, which oaught fin in the Hay of Biscay whilst homeward bound with 80 passsngan from Calcutta to London.
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  • 251 6 l.ook .nit (or yellow itampa Recently the Lancet was struck with the bril haucy .il Uu yellow colouring Used m the British threepenny poetafe stamp, and WM -■■ -i.ntlcil to tinil on analysis that this colouring was div to a poisonous salt. chrOßWte of lead (chrome
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 565 6 WANTED WAMTBD rc-|M-i tal". well educated girl to dike charge of money and books in a sin. p. Apply. K. R. c/o Straits T. MM. ww n. n vi <>N< l. an enenjaVc jpeaag t.. "licet adM-rti-.nienN for a well known Directory. Good commission offered. Apply i. ii Stmits Times."
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    • 549 6 TO BE LET. TO BE LET.— small first floor offices facing Cavenagh Bridge Road and Flint Street. Apjly to Guthrie it Co. Ltd., Agents. n.o TO LET, Kinrara," Orchanl Road, partially famished. For farther particulars apply to D. Turner. British Dispensary. 1-2346 TO BE LET. from the Ist Juue. a
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    • 612 6 TO BE LET. TO BE LET. Office .52/53 Robinson Road. Apply to BBITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO.. Lti.. i- 2364 TO BE LET Office and godown No. 50; 51. Robinson Roaxl. Premises; shops, and compound houses at the corner of Bmux Baxsa Road and Ben coolen Street. Apply to A, M.
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    • 832 6 NOTICES. NOTICi OF REMOVAL. The offices of Messrs Giaug Bros. 4 Co. and tbe Singapore Steam Saw Mill Co. have been removed from No. 2 Malacca Street to No. 11 and II North Boat Quay, from Ist Jnne, 1906. 8484 CHOA GIANO THYE. NOTICE. The Sale by Auction of ACM
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    • 700 6 COMMON SENSE -.NUTSHELL K ««w iMdical work on the nnin ud man K-Untifli-ud •Stetakl MUatfMlf-eur. er.r diKormd tor mm and funrtiooil *ebokj, wuir of tIUUij, d«pn*ka of •l>inb. «X. with practical okMmUooj no narrlafeud full dirrrtiou lor rraorinc ortaln di^oaliflcaUoaa that An irojr lhrh*pplnruo(w«>drdllfr. It *k» tnati OS urinarr dcrmnirftnenta.
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    • 42 6 Chajnberlain'i Colic, Choi tb and Diarrhoea Remedy 1^ the moi racceaa ful medicine va t' 1 world for bowel complaint*, and ia the <-iily iwmodj that will euro chronic diarrhoea bottb is warranted For tale All Dealers The Dispensary Gei* Afentfl. 40/6
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 165 6 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. Dail) issue per year $30.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per month '2.50 l*r copy 0.10 Weekly issue per year 18.00 do per quarter 4.50 do per copy 0.40 When sent by post, there is added for the laily isHue, two dollars a quarter to
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  • 227 7 Peculiar Accident at the Bottom of the Sea. An liKjuest wal held at Simoiistnu 11 (Cape Town) recently regarding the death of a diver lumcl Ermming, who was drowned under circum ■taaON wli Ch are unpic«>deiite<l. It appeared that Kiani:ng went dowi as usual to attend to
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  • 174 7 Abbai "r Dnuuiini IsDr< kd n^ Comstaki AJU YOl Tun 1 The physical evils that are laid from the eonstaW use ol 'In- telephoue havi often been insisted ai«>n. imt with tl. characteristic thoroognneai of the Teuton, !>;■ Wallbanm, of Berlin, ap pean t.. have tci n ntiflcallv
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  • 212 7 Some definite and start-hug revelations wen- Mi.ulr at tli. inquest wliii-h \v.-i^ opened ai Paddinftoo on Mr Archibald Wakley. tne ri Iki w.,^ murdered in lii^ studio in Monmouth road. The main facts which mi.- bronghl oui were I Thai thwliicli >!r. Waki.v ».i- in. lered
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  • 32 7 A wrjll-known Congn n M made the i n ai itatcm ni thai to be Benatoi X York State worth £20,00 He added that the oornipl ing ly from inmrancc c n
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 128 7 Dan Macfarvane Co:s ROYAL V. O.V. Jbiqueur Seotefi VOfjisky. OBTAINABLE IKoM Messrs. Yong Lee Seng Co. Ghee Soon Co. Ann Lock Co. Hong Seng Co. Hoon Keat Co. and all dealers. Wholesale from Syme Co. 2305 Sole Jigents. What we Do. We do Well. mm^^^ m Good Work TELEPHONE NO.
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    • 896 7 &jmw> m^m QIIMEN s STORES M I CEOSSE 1 By Special AND ToV^" Warrant I BLACKWELL, maltviweoar H TiTTI A#iHTt Purveyors to H M lea&perrins MLB Woretstirshirt H.M.The KINB Wm saice KATZ BROS., LTD. July 2nd to July 7th GREAT CASH (.HEAT SALK .muni, i,n m ~l~"~ l (iKKAT SALK
      896 words
    • 61 7 viiiß- apeaki i .is h is ;i mv m tfa P i ixgn j by tin' let ten Lved fr m il over the < .i aiul DiMThoea Itemed} has been I 1 ict< ry It i: the best known remedy for ami n.. I where it hi give rclie
      61 words

  • 1396 8 .!,<„■ TaIHM presented quite an animated ap|>carance this last week end. wlu n tin Batu iajah's football team visited us. to play off tin n match in thr Walker Coinjx titioii with tl,, Taipiug Recreation Club. Hatu (iajah although previously showing an excellent wire not over-jubilant at the
    1,396 words
  • 721 8 January-April Tin. By tin end of April, the iu the K. M. S. tin production had been reduced by 4.(197 piculs the falling off for tin rir-'t quarter waft 19.718 pieuls a nioiitli later. the deOMMO was 15.616 as compared with the hm for the first 4
    721 words
  • 43 8 TbK limstvr of s.s. (i. M- if MDOtti a^ tollows: Miuiv Kre<U-rick Hendrik S}n>al at inn tli 1'iiti'Hiici of Kanka Sti :iit has I > i-u adrift to the North. Position at CL6Q the -Uth .In m- 1 S. Lat.. 104 :r I'M Long."
    43 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 357 8 To 11,,- E,t,tor of tht Strnit* Tiuur*. Siu. At our last sale we sold 2 canes of about 1 cwt. each Ceylon rubber, which hail been sent home in a new form, viz., "pressed w onus aud met with good competition and was generally favorably commented
      357 words
    • 98 8 Tv the K'litor of tlir Straits Timm." Sir. As some confusion has arisen through the similarity of the title selected by the directors of the .Ingra Land and I Kubber Estates, Ltd. aud the company which 1 represent. I beg to state that we are
      98 words
  • 498 8 I Da. I>. K. Mi DoWEU. bM presented his report us Kegivtiar (ieneral of Hiiths and Deaths, tor lflu'i. and suvs that the estimated filiation racially ami coilectivelv of the strait- St-Uleinents for the year "l»>"> and alao the estimated iK.pulatioii for
    498 words
  • 50 8 A MKKTtM. of tile Football Association w ill be held in the S. C. pavilion to-morrow iTlmrsdayi at ii.l' p.m. to complete the arrangements in connection with the Cup coiu|h titiou. Kntries dose at 7 samp evening. It is hoped that the DsTaafa team will enter lor this interesting competition.
    50 words
  • 1013 8 Cruel Murder and the Penalty that was Paid. Pkttbk to yourself a happy fOOg OMfii married for a few mouths only, sitting alone in the diniug room of their farmstead ou the veldt. Tbe evening meal was being dis-i-iism-d on one of Vital'- bent aud coolest evenings.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 379 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese i.e. silk kimonos, Maltese silk lace collars. Ladies' silk blouses. Japanese cotton crape kimonos. lVrsian nnd Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies and Gentlemen
      379 words

  • 494 9 The Japanese are becoming very active in their efforts to secure control of shipping on the Pacific Ocean. Since the close of the war with Russia, remarks the New York Tribune," the nation has been taking every possible means to monopolize the carrying trade of that ocean,
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  • 245 9 The derision of a naval combine to end ordnance works at Scotstoun. is accepted by the British Trade Review as being rnereiy the nucleus of a gigantic fusion of ordnance armoured-plate makers. This conclusion i.s arrived at from the inter-com-pany interests recently concluded between the great makers
    245 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 343 9 Date of formation I Capital Snbscribed I i ml X'K Issue Paid V lne °P to Keserve Company I QCOTATIONS Pays at Present Price. 1140,000 •293,600 £16,175 7/ £100,666 £191,250 /1, 800,000 1300,000 •600,000 £350,000 ♦120,000 £60.000 •99,000 £244,306 £375,000 £95,000 $£20,000 •230.000 £160,000 13.500 10 I 10
      343 words
    • 285 9 190» lite 1904 1905 1903 1906 1904 11)05 1906 1906 1903 1904 £150.000 &200.000 £30.000 700,000 £70.000 5150.000 £12.000 £7.-),000 525d.000 iMOO.OCO 30.000 1200.000 £140.000 »120,000 £11. 125 1610,000 £59,520 tl 25.000 £10,500 £55.000 1225 000 £260,625 £20,000 $135,000 140.000 1 1 I 20.000 I 10 16 7000 1
      285 words
    • 211 9 1*94 1903 1698 186-5 1901 1901 1899 1903 1891 1884 1890 1887 1H64 i..377.10.0. 377. 10.0 £400,000 5225.000 ♦10.000.000 ♦2.400.000 134,000 fc-75.000 9600.000 ♦30.000 ♦•200.000 ♦500,000 13,000.000 13,700.000 £4.648.1.5.0 7,638 12/6 12/6 £350.000 350.000 1 1 W/Oi um»u«d f 225,000 4 500 ♦50 f5O 112.500 10.000.000 a 110,000.000 t-0.000
      211 words
    • 50 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% 1600,000 2% prem buyers. Riley Har K reaves, Ltd. 6% 2*5,000 2% prem buyers. Singapore Municipal 6% 400,0 0 2-,, prem buyers. 5% 1,478.000 par. buyers. 4% 602,'K'0 par. sellers. Tanjong PagarDock Co., Ltd. 6% V. 250,000 2-, prem buyers. 5% 1,965,500 1% prem buyers.
      50 words
    • 225 9 Singapore, 27th June, 1906 PRODUCE, flmWrn buyers 7.10 do (Cube Xo. 1 1 unpicked 10.62* Copra Bali m 8-874 do Pontianak 8.12J taw, Mack boyera 20.50 do White 5% 28.12J S.iyo Klour Sarawak 2.70 S Brunei No. 1 2.60 IVarl Sago 6M Coffee Bali, 15% fcoyers 16.25 Coffee, PalembanR,
      225 words
  • 1373 9 The Marshall and Caroline Islands. I 1 the House of Lords, on July 12 Jast year, Lord Lansdowne made a statement regarding British Australian trade in the Marshall and the Caroline Iplands. The attention of the then Minister for Foreign Affairs had bojn called to
    1,373 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 78 9 At this season of the year the first unnatural looseness of a child's bowels should have immediate a tention. The hr^t thinsr that can be given is Cham berlain'i Colic, Cholera and DtarrboM Kemedv followed by castor oil as divectflnwndj followed by castor oil as directed with each bottle of
      78 words

  • 118 10 On the House -of Commons, on the 1 3th June, Mr, O'Grady asked a que>ti n regarding ttMaier ihooting a native on the .-Minla road. (India) declaring that this w.i- the fifth case of the kind in l'juo. Mr. Lea uitci luptcci him. protesting againai tin w rding of the
    118 words
  • 145 10 A matter ■eriotuly afTccting tiie motoc trad v m. cztnordiaary rise iv 1 1 1 pure it aliiMi.niuni At pic lit the price bwng paid lot aluininiuin cast:iii; ii-mI .ii tii ooaatevction of an omnibu i £6 per car aiore than that paid six Bsoathi ago. Thii rlaa forcibly briagi
    145 words
  • 118 10 11. 11. 8. Axgonaat "is bringing out tfefl new rirti- foe II M S. "Cadmus"' and 11. M 8. Challenge. The Chal-loi.L'i-r is on the Australian stati.m. and ■he w.ll pioioed tn Singapore to pick up her new crew. The Argonaut is expectad 't Sincjaporc about Uks middle of next
    118 words
  • 1329 10 A Japanese Estimate Of The Great Seaman. it wis a year on May laM since the Battle of the Sea of Japan ended in tincomplete neati 1 action of the RajsJaa Bal tic Fleet by the Japaaa Navy, nader Admiral TopO. Wm give liilow .111 an iiiver>arv sludy
    1,329 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 747 10 P. #0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porte, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast. Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lin*. Outward (for China). Delhi 7 July Delta 1
      747 words
    • 714 10 Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agenu at Singapore .—Ship Aoenct, lati 3. Daman Co., 2-8 Colltkb Qcat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be des i«ti*ed for s Brotucer Bengkalis June 25Bengkalis, Siak, I'akan Baroe, Paneh, I Asahau and Belawan Deli
      714 words
    • 500 10 HAMBUROAMERIKA LI HIE. HAMBURO. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, I China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for i Bremerhaveu direct, calling at Penang and i Colombo. The
      500 words
    • 665 10 C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATEB. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Ses> o! Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,000 Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
      665 words

  • 283 11 About two kandred CbiaaßMß, aativaa t Aiimv. l'.ikliui aad Bwatow, who wcr.> have i cru kklaapped uid bi njiit to Hongkong (or the parpoeei oi emigration, crowded tlie o mpound .ut "li tbe charge room <>f the tloagkon^' Central Police Station the other <lav. A Hongkong
    283 words
  • 120 11 Per P <* O. n. Suhic 7rom London May M, .hi.- MHi -lim Osxtad I:. Whitehead. Mr. mid Mrs A. T. Cu.tis. Lieut H. M. Mil ward. A. Kewton Ilnnie. Mr. and Mrs. Summer*. Kmh, .1 K. Daaloa, C M Nimmi J. r.tti.-. Mr S. K. Darker.
    120 words
  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 1292 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sb. ship bq; barque sen. schooner Yet. Yacht Cru. —Cruiser Got.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.- -Horse-power; Brit. British U.S.— United State* Fch.— French Ger German Dut.— Dutch Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spauisb Sar. Sarawak G.c. General-cargo; djp. deck
      1,292 words
    • 791 11 Same, port, probable date ot arrical, and name of agent: Steamers, Achilles. Liverpool, July 9; Manstield Acilia, Hongkong, June 30; Bella Meyer Ajax, China, July 8 Mansfield. Alesia, Hongkong, Aug. 12 Behn Meyer. Anamba. Copenhagen. July 26 E Asiatic Cor Annani. Saigon. Aug. 80; M. Maritimes Arcadia, Hongkong.
      791 words
    • 69 11 Wharves at *A'hich Different Ships are Berthed To-day. Hast Whirk:— Nil. Victoria Ghavixci Den Nil. Albert Grauno Don;— -Nil. Sectios No. 1 Airlie, Ratho. Zweena. Zaiila. Chafcrmhhonp, Wompatnok. „2 Bharata. Lightning. 3 Java, I'etronia. 4 Nil. A Siak. 6 Uaufa. Deucalion. Borneo Whabt:— 7 Hebe, Glenlv.iM.
      69 words
    • 110 11 for Per Sleamtr Time Te>waaew, Malacca and Liafgf ltltns Stmf I p.n.. llengkalis and Hu*iii Btt*s ;> in. Kurope via [nirts Bharmt* 3 p.m. Penang and Colombo fWaraii :t p.m. Malacca lin 11.. i I. S'tenliani via \*>rU I'nt<in.i Hp m Malacca >v Port Dickson 11,.,,., 1.i.i,, :i
      110 words
    • 118 11 From El'tore— By the N. I). L. a, I due o'i J.ltll Jun«. From China— By tlie K. I) L. s. I due on 26tlrJune TIME TABLE Of MAIM DCX. Loft Singapore Due in London Arrived May llth I). L. June itii June s>t!i May 17tli B.
      118 words
  • 355 11 A correspondent thus writes to the Ceylon Olsi-rvi-r I met U ujMoimtiy BOtOTHI not long ago who Iml just had tin 1 orator tune to knock down an old woman Slic wai imt liurt. lint t ho moturi-t *M very iiiiuli pert tv !>•.■> I.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 710 11 N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamef a of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
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    • 637 11 N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co. Ltd A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is main tamed between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electrictity, provided with excellent accomm.xlatioii for
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    • 118 11 TNC BRITISH INDIA ■TEAM NAVIGATION GO.. LTD. i FOR PORT SWETTENNAM AND PENAN6. Tbe Company's steamer KISTNA. 1,187 tons, H. P. Learmont, >. n. Commander, will leave tbe Singapore Roads for the above port* every Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, arriving at Port Swettenham in time to conneot with the
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 33 11 WEATHER TElEC <A>1 HONGKONG. --'mi tv$m— 4 u Barometer ti 7i Diraotiou of Wind \w Force o( Win 1 I *f<v Terap in Shnd* +1. MANILA.— iXh 757 k ~.i 1 31 Jli
      33 words

  • 607 12 In the official minutes of the Pcrak \.unci! we find the following: The case of Raja Mamor, Punghuiu of Telok Panglima Garang, who was re1" iii-<l by tne District Officer o: Kuala to have withheld money which should have been paid to Government revenue is brought
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  • 259 12 A statistical abstract for the British Knipirc in each year.from 1890 to 1904, iaw by the- Board of Trade, shows, m> the British Trade Review points < ut, that the total trade of the British Kmpirc in the year 1904 was £1.305, Dividing the over-sea trade
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  • 147 12 MESSRS LEWIS PEAT'S REPORT London Rubber Market. London, June 1. Para. The market has been steady but quiet during the week and very little business has been done in Para sorts. Fine hard quoted at 6 3}. Buyers spot and June and 5 3j' for July-August delivery Small .sales of
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  • 225 12 Ticket -of- Leave Men's Romantic Experiences. The story of the escape of six ticket-of-leave men irom the French prison settlement at Noumea, New Caledonia, where they were working in the cobalt mines, reads almost like a page out of a novel. About 17 months ago they
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  • 434 12 The British North Borneo Herald thus goes into ecstasies at the progress made at Sandakan. To specify a few of the more marked improvements we must begin at the Wharf, where we find a new Office for the .Superintendent of Customs. Think what a relief it
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  • 206 12 There is at the Liverpool Asylum, New South Wales, an inmate, named John Brown, who, it is said, in May last reached the extraordinary age of 1 17 years. He eate, drinks, smvikes, and sleeps well and heartily, and lies on an indiarubber water bed. While lying
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 606 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up Capital 110,000,000 reserve fund Sterling Reserve »10,000,000\ „<,./>« nnn Silver Reserve 9,800,000 f 19 5OOlW)O R;serve Liability of Proprietor. •10,000,000 COURT. OF DIRECTORS. A. Haupt, Esq. Chairman. G. H. Medhurat, Esq. Deputy Chairman. E. Goetz. Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. Hon.
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    • 513 12 Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor. £800,000 Reserve Fund g £975,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City it Midland Bank, Lb*. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Account* are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
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    • 721 12 AUCTION SALE OF 15l)es.S-"9 > ontianak." To be held at Powell A Co.'s Saleroom. Tuesday, 3rd July, al 2.50 p.m. For particulars, se%C'irculars. Powell Co.. Auctioneer!. 2501 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD BI'ILMNG LAND At H. L. Cogblan A Co.'s Mart On Monday, 9th July, at 5.30 p.m. Lot
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    • 505 12 AUCTION SALE. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. The property of twelve Pawnshops One Monday, 2nd July, 1906 at 10 a.m. One Wednesday, 4th July, 1906 at 10 a.m. One Friday, 6th July, 1906 at 10 a.m. The pledges consisting of watches, chains, gold and diamond rings, earrina*, brooches, Uhineae and native ornament, with
      505 words