The Straits Times, 13 February 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.901 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1061 1 NOTICES DE DION MOTOR CARS 1906 MODELS. We are now prepared to book orders for the celebrated De DION Cars at the following prices calculated upon the new fixed exchange: ,s !i.p., one cylinder, two wated $2,000. s li.p., one cylinder, 4 seated W.lOO. 9 h.p.. one cylinder, 4 wated
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  • 726 2 The Sterling Scheme Jromthe beginning of this year, classes and 1 of the Sterling Scheme have Ik-cm amalgamated to lama one class with an initial salary of X'JHKt per annum rising l, v triennial increments of MO to JMso an annum, and the following I'ahang ments have
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  • 275 2 Ox the lilth ultimo. Wong Wi cut his throut witli a [Mxkit knife at No. 17 Sago Street. A rejwrt was mad.- to the poMo* »■<! he was removal to llm General Hospital. Tin -re h<made a statement that he did not know h,,n
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 121 2 NOTICES. 16,844 CASKS CF Eagle Cement HAVE BEEN Sold in Singapore DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS Our largo TURNOVER combined with the high rate of Exchange enables us to appreciably Reduce APPLY FOR QUOTATIONS TO The Borneo Co,, Ltdj SINGAPORE. ROVER MOTOR CARS "I Unm APPOINTKI) SOLK .Vi.KNTs MS THE
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    • 181 2 RECREATION HOTEL Seranggong Road. Open until 13 p.m. j Terminus of the Electric Tramway. Can stop I at the door. Tiffins and dinners to be ordered three boars beforehand. PRAKKE BROTHERS, c 854 Proprietors. All must eat sait I Then why not choose I the only one CEREBOS SALT I
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    • 560 2 BANKS. I Hongkong S" Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL i10.000.00u KESKRVEFUND:— Sterling Reserve 110,000,0001 llflwftnnn Silver Reserve 8,400.000 1 $18W0 000 R««erve Liability of Proprietors »10,000,800 COURT OP OIRBCTOHS. 11. A. W. Slade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. F. Sali-ger, Esq. E. Goetz. Esq.
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    • 361 2 NOTICES. I The fr— 1 I Strain Haiis I I Will Tell ca II T Wine. !i j a It is a common thing in g I I this tropical land for strong $Lj^J B I 1 men to break down under ffl—J I the strain of work and worry.
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    • 42 2 WHY be bony, angular and weakly when you may as well be plump, rosy and robusi? Steams' Wine of Cod Liver Oil is I great-flcsh-pioducer f<M can use ncthinj better in connection with wholesome food, to iucrea-c y. vi weight. Sold everywhere.
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  • 778 3 The Koyal Mint. wfcoM bie. t-riin frontage •it tin- Mi of Tower hill is M object of icvercutiiil awe to town and country visitors Mike, is in the IktOM <>f that activity which I accompanies tin' Riiinml prodnoMM <>f the I New Year coinage; and tlic citizen
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  • 289 3 M Lcm tii a iv.~i<l. :it t ■> go to l'.ui- 1., rail. Hf I'aU >>< «itli a Natii."iinVi-.t IHlhMil W9> ut s <-' vr c*- ll< .•iiiiu- in «t a ifmiH'>iii<ms tiuir. ami had j |O liuT v.ry RMMh niiisi.- batWM MM Q«« St.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 MANY a jroson's life is rendered miserable by distressing weakness that can be quickly cured by the use of a gmi bliMKl builder and tonic— such as| Steams' Wine of Cod Liver Oil. This remarkable remedy produces desired results. Sold everywhere.
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    • 529 3 NOTICES DOGSHEAD |Q| BRAND BASS'S ALE W^^^^GUINNESS'SSTOUT KATZ BROS., LTD. GENTS OUTFITTING. PRICES CALCULATED ON A 2/4- Baiis Investigate and Campare jroods, The closer the Investigation the Surer we are of your orders CAN YOU BEAT THESE PRICES? (It-nts folding Panama Hats fine quality, I wide brims Price Box calf
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    • 410 3 NOTICES DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE.j ORIGINAL AND ONLY OENOIKS. Each Bottle of this well-knownßemedy FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, DIARRHOEA, •SPASMS, ETC. Bears on the Government Stamp the name of the Inventor. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE. Numerous Testimonials from Eminent Physicians accompany each Bottle. Sold in Bottles
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    • 410 3 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £B' >.«'O BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Account* are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
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  • 52 4 Cnonsu: On tbe Hth JammrN. at Lagea, Waal Africa. Hujjli William Henry, third son of the late Hugh Macphersou Cuniming. of IJelniout. Slianklin. Isle of Wight. Li!in\. li n the Ctli January, of fever, at Kmj; Obin<, Oeorgt John LetaMere Litton I H. M. Cn-nl at Taag Vueb. (hum,
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  • 916 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 13th FEBRUARY. \Vk do not yet MM to be done with what may Ik omW the Suyeiiiatsu Affair." At •■-..where Hrn Karon i> waited ii(n,:. by tin MffM) ntalh cs of the local press. ami the wfaola matter is none MMM]h again.
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  • 13 4 Thk next As-izesat Singapore will com in. nee on the nth of March.
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  • 13 4 Mk. M. TuiNOKßis aanointada Uadal iv th<' Civil Service of this Colon y.
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  • 14 4 Mb. (i. H. KkiiAiuis i- appoiated an A--istant Superintendent ol W.nk,. I>. W. naaag.
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  • 14 4 .Mi:. \v. N\\-.o>.is appointed a member ol CoiniuitUcof Management of Unities Library ami Vnannai
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  • 18 4 Tin. t xamiiiatiou lor the Queen's ami *ii>\«i iiinont KngKih Bobolanliim will ooenimiK. ea the l'.tth ol Martli.
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  • 21 4 'h'min H. w. Pmnm, of tin- Sbenrood rbroatoit, arrived ami has boon taken on tit* atrengah of tlie liatulion bece.
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  • 21 4 -Mi:. A. C. Hi ttox>' Yokohama Sliarc ■Mart, duU'il -J-itli .liinuary. -ays that Hniili Mine- hue bean panhaaed at M.lO.
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  • 22 4 Sow attention is Ik-iii^ ({iven to rice growing in Stuih Queensland, aud the proat yield of UO bushels pat acre is rtjiortod.
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  • 25 4 -Mk— i:>. M. .1. K. Ax.ii-LLii.v (i. s.'iul wall C'alleiidars for this year embillished with ixirtiaits of men of 'mark, including Lord c harlcs Bereaford
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  • 23 4 h is racntted that 8b K. c'amerou, the retired London maaagar of the Hongkong and Shanghai liauk. will visit Hongkong Honictiuie next month.
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  • 22 4 Thk St.ximvaart Muatschappij Naderhad has i-sucd a handsome gaMa t.. liasseiiKers alon^ their sUainer routes w hich is full of iiM'ful information.
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  • 29 4 Tin IKkkv iKlichi Dictionary which has bean in preparation tor several years by Iba liev. l». Maclver. m.a.. is alioiit to be puh■abed and has grown to l.L'-J.'j BBgaß,
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  • 24 4 ■Tin. la/.ie-t man on eartl t),,. d.sciiption applied to Rajah Shackle. SB, who was cominitud lortrial at Clerkcnwell, nlnrgfld with rafaalHg to maintain himseii.
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  • 34 4 Thk N. V. K. aspeela to regain possession in alxiut to months of all its own steaim i todiapanaa as soon thetaattaraapoaaible, with the foreign ships it has cliarti red to leplaee its own.
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  • 36 4 Ix the list of reliefs for *****7, it is announced that tad batt. Hoya! West Kent Kegt. go from Hougkong and North China to Singapore and Ist hatt. Notts, and Derhv Ragt> from Maganata t<> India.
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  • 38 4 THK first of a series of Sunday night services in Bnghah will be oondnotad by the ltev. W. Murray. M.A., at the Tanjoug Pagar Hoa<l Chuieh on Feh. l.sth. at 7.4.'i p.m. Chines:' and .lapanose are specially invited.
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  • 39 4 A writes in the Ohtervtt that Castilloa trees planted in Mataia in October, ItKX). show in many cases a eiiviimferenee of M inches at 8 feet from the ground, and that the average tree is alxiut .'MI inches.
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  • 48 4 l!i tome pkgM has l.rokeu out at Saigon. An Indian and his wife first died of it. Hays the Cou.ri.r dr ITai'f»—ai'l ol the Ist Feb. Then a Chinese lad was seized and died two days afterwardx. The authoriticH at once' t(Kik measures to stamp out the disease.
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  • 38 4 Loi:i> ftunuum QniMHSU, sjicakiiie, at Stockton in IHrt."), made a prophecy, the Sliimlirxtci (Imiriluui recalls, which is of iutercst at the present time. He then said Touch the tariff and preach Protection, anil Lancashire will sound your death-knell."
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  • 22 4 Thk Koninklijke Paketvaart Maat*cha|>i>ij nr Hdviil Packet Navigation Company has issued in pamphlet fiinn its thur ttit)li>H. passage rates, etc., for 1906.
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  • 36 4 riw\,.nKs remarks the Stimih /..A... do not seem to be very great snorts. On Thinsday last few turned up at the Drill Hall that McAuliffe and Christie who had anuounc.l a boxing match returned the MM)
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  • 43 4 Mic.l.niKs Balfock, of WUMlngehame grandfather of the late I*rimc Minister, made a huge fortune in India, and on his return bOBM he purchased three larga estate- 111 Scotland, two of which (WkftUngahaine and Newton f >■■'■ 1 are now owned by his [rand sons.
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  • 46 4 Ma. vi lv's hank notes now. A branch of the Itanco Xacional I'ltraina-ino of fiialioil lias beea opmed there and they issn.,l on •Taunary "ii'th notes of two ilenominatiuuss and 11, The notes are about the size of those laened by the Hongkong and Mhaoßhai Bank.
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  • 44 4 Wk luil.lish elsewhere the a.h.iti-* of Mes-rs. liuan Onan and Co., Uouiuiimion ayent-. and general store l<. i|hi- wboaa Monhnein Cigars ompaic favoiuahly w ith Manila nud others now „n th, market To lovers ot Bunua cheroots the .Moiilmein cigar is nio-t aeeapMla,
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  • 45 4 On the let February, the recently !..nnc.l Horticultural Society at H«gt«ij inenced it- first show m the Botanic < wrdena there. Ma;-!i, -,ls were put up t..r tbeaoooaa inflation of the exhibits wliicll w. re displayed on hajaja covewd :.ibl. It .ill made a creditable display.
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  • 51 4 Tn Knmpeaa Warders in tba I". .M. s. have Ik-.']] so hard hit by the ri-c in ebaage that one of them' ha-. -.> tba mk Pioneer anderstaada, applied te the hangman's Hp|Kiintmeut iv a>ldition to liis own duties, provided that the salai y attach. .1 loit is also sjivtu
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  • 58 4 Pmm hi. ;.",th April to KoTember. 1905, tbe Colonies oi France will unite in n ill ill exhibition CO be hold at Marseille*. While not ilii.-e'.ly international in Mope, -ime the direct participation ot lon iyn countiies an. l colonies has not been invited, this exhibition wiD, none the laaa.
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  • 53 4 Thi .\~i.i;i. Robber and Prodooe Ua, Ltd., inteiiM increaaing vary largely tbe onhivaCon 00 their valuable nrniMilUow. Diam I .luhile. in Malacca and Plang in I. I.IK. Baton the year is oat the brmer itt expected tohav, :;..«Hi,ieres. anil the lattei 1,000 acre* fully pfawted with ta;iiix.-a. rabber, coffee, cooon
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  • 68 4 At 1 oi k this morning, Inapector Kirke made a raid at 19 Macao. Street and netted is men 'j.imblinj; there. There wa- abundant evidence ol paw and aboat M in ouwierH wen bead on toe floor a- tbe majomy of the d<'f. were holding reMpectable mwitionk. fom of
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  • 62 4 Scotland is to have ■< di-ti.^uished Preach gae«t. Daring the annual me. -lint; of the Ki. im u- Scottish Bodety and tbe a oi the ■luartfr-eenten/uvol Aberdeen Inivei— in September next, M. Caaunir Perier. ex-PreaUaßt of the Freuch Republic, has proniiaed to pay \i-it to Aberdeen. He will Ik
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  • 60 4 A iv leal of mirth was provukml in the Sm|.i, i,,. (niii-t at Hongkong on the morning ai the Ist in-tant by the oxeitae grreafai the itow-anpearano ivitnem. I I How loii^ before he can appear Tile l'l:.:u:iff— He is aofforinK froui beri- 1 beri. Hi- H ir- Beri-beri!
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  • 93 4 1,11-akhkl- mk Sikh watehineii are ao tie.' onentlj in the MagMratcit' Court that it ibecomini; Dotioeable that they are beginning to an.- :h. polioe trouble Hitherto they Iwve been leniently dealt with bat th. y erulently fail to appreciate the con-iileiatioii. VeHterday, two of then were before Mr. Setfa tor
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  • 82 4 As unwonted aaaetaok vsi- asea ti.imorning by thoaa travelling along BnJdt Tiniah Road. A watering cart ma bang ilri-.en aknig the toad, almost halt iray to Newton Station, and was actually «rninlrl»g Iba .lusty roadwaj with water. Such au extraordinary -i^in is rarely vei witnessed in that part ol Singapore
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  • 101 4 Wi. regn Ito record Iba >U .ah of Mr. L. I'ereint which t«K.k place at his residence; at i MnKeniw Uoad yaaterda; forenoon. His tiilieral took jilacu this BMMling and was anmeromdy attended. Th. deoeaai I gentle man was nn old resident and Government IKiisioner. He joined the Public W.ulDepartment
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  • 120 4 i Thk body ol tba KurnjH an wbo araa i.iuii.i lin the jangle at TanjoiiK Katong has been identified ;.s thai of a German muter mariner named Willom ahlail irbo bad beea raairHng r. tin' IwAwauu Hotel in Cecil Street. The deceased left the hotel in qoea tion .jii tlie
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  • Special German Telegram.
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 85 4 /.VrW. Sin,/,,,,,.,; 1.1 l.'tl, f., i Drf.l. 1,,/ U, „t, i- :.i:, i,.m., l:'lh Frhm.n,,. Apparently, a deadlock luis arisen in tin oegotiaski :s ai Algodraa, awing to a farthtu -laU-inelit that has BBM luade hv the delegataa. Their position i- that they insist on
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    • 30 4 1 hi tOMM "I tiie native outhreak in Natal i- now quiet, ami no op|K>sitiou is Ixin^ oflered to the ■"umlitiiwi whieo ha- been -i nt there.
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  • 30 4 a si'Ki lALdmuei trill he Mnrad .it the 11. .i, I de lKurope on Saturday next, and the Town and Volunteer Band will play from 7JM till U i>. m.
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  • 47 4 Mk. \V. A. i-. tin- Chief PoUee Officer, asks na Ui state that IhoM ladies and aentlemen who nriahto keen a* Roaveuirx their admis.-iun tickets to .lolniston s I'i. during lbs visit of 11. B. H. Prime Arthur. can have the Mine on applying to him.
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  • 67 4 U:mii;iuv, a Chine-e WOOMUI WM found in [>os-H>siou mi s.| Rortfa of packets »l Chanil.i brought from China. Sh, wan arreated. Tin- morning, -!>■ was charged before Mr. Sath. Sbeeaidaba bad brought it for li.-r mm. Mr. F, K. Jennings mid that in all prohahilitv her son had induced her
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  • 87 4 TiyWi a gamhHnfl Infni niai \\a- faitat day evening set ujk>ii hv four men in '.Syii i gogne Street ami aneorning to bia aoooont a heating from four men for yi\ iuw Infoi nation them. One of them, Koh Chi. v Tek. whs arrested for this when he went
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  • 140 4 Tan Kwa* Ti, a reaident ..i Batn Pabal came here oo the 4th inatant and put up ia No. 19. c. ii pentcT Street. He wm ooantum liis money preparatory to ptnfrfng it in the hands of iii> landlord lor safe keeping, when Tan Liat Sing entered his room ami
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  • 32 4 Tn nanal monthly slkk.i »a- held on Saturday and Sunday last and the re-ults were as I'nllnu A Ckm 8. M. fanilwa It Clas, (limner Ager 101.
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  • 119 4 j Captain Bills. Commandant; Captain Stockley Adjutant. I'wtus Shield, y. K. M. Ij. 1.. A. I), C. i,, His the Governor, took ovw tin duties Ttf flflJTTWnt nflllll fMlgilllllll Volume. Corps, this morniii". Captain liaUer. whii baa performed the dntiaa ot Adjutant for some time,
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  • 68 4 I r is ,t,it4il in a latter, neaivad last area bw ami too lal^ ior publication, thai tbe Johore China* have their Idol lv Scan i'.ij Kiih .in tin- l;;tli and l t i in-tant; and there will also lie. a ni^ht pro cission on the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 547 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS CALDBECK MACGREGOR Co. (ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE AND PENANG. Price List on Application. fiotel de reurope Daring the visit of the Bandmann Opera Co, on Thursday and Friday next Supper will be served at the above Hotel from i 2 to 1.
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    • 129 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Photographs of the [official royal group taken by iis at (r.)verniiient House, consisting of H. K. H. I'rincc Arthur of ConnaiiKlit ami suite. H. K. Sir .lohu Anderson, tlio. Sultiiiis and li. sidents ol the Native StateH. .te.. aad ;ilw> of the [Princfi aud suite in Motor Cars,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 152 5 gwyipow iv)< PMrMr* DeCd, l« Itofcr 9M fjm. '■"'< /•'<'"•""'■"■ Mr. Makino. the JsfOMM Miuister at Vi. nna. has Ie t hi— award bound. The bade fan «t«fl t<> most of the Ambassadon there Thegrarft] the political situation at t MonOOa WWO aOOOtla attention at the nwaoni i .'i.nt.
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  • 193 5 i /fi/ Submaritu C<M* Heed. Bingaport .'p.m. ml, Irbrn.inj. 1). h,j ll' Uh r t.45 I-". Hith l'i-hni -try. There i- uwiaMwrahhi anxiety la Natal c wnrfagthe natfrc tranUe, tlumjjli it is believed t<> l»- toeaHawd. it- ghugbai isuHUKpamdtmt, who Magßaati that t)»' i»iiin obj.vt al tlu-
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  • 464 5 NV.J. C. Korman v. M. van yk. Thih morning in the Supreme Coast thej iV-li'.' Thornton The plaintill '"I" 1 u.a in Conxtl wm« Mpreeented hy Mr. l.\»n-. while Mr. (.'nyleaberg appeared km thej Mr. Lyons stated thai 1■ i client had failed t». pot iii an ;.p|HUiiiii(
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  • Correspondence
    • 433 5 /(> tin- Editor of tilt- Slrnita Tim**." I>km: Sik. While 1 endorse Mr. Huttenbach's protest ajjainst extending tlie power df banishment to tin- Courts, I cannot agree with him. nor with your leader of yesterday. in o|)|Hisition to the Bill for Houses of Detention. As I understand
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  • 183 5 [ContribmtetL) Tiih annual ooagngatfoaal meeting "t the Presbyterian i lunch will be held to-morrow erasing at a qnaitet to nine o'clock. Tlio| programme will eoaeJat of organ »i»l vtx-al ini-ir. tlif paaaiag of tlic vaiimi- i and imocta, anil a conversazioni. Kn-in tin Vi:ir liiHik whwh lia^ ju>t
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  • 121 5 This morning. Chinese la<l was changed I,\ Saigaaat Nolan for disorderly condpctl: in tiirowiug sand over women travelling I along North Bridge Koad in jinrikislias. luiistalili 101 saw the lad doing this i, \istriday. and arreaked him. Rergeant Nolaa told Hrn Com that the woman, rhiinwi and Japaaeae,
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  • 105 5 This morning. DoßMtta IwWWtOI Tyrrell charged I-i Koh Soon with rash act OH tinl(lt!i instant by knocking U A Seng into the i -iver ami Molding him under the watt", l.i I Seii« sniil the defendant struck liim with a of wood and tanked him into
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  • 35 5 On Sutm-ilay. tiie riihU-i- Htm of a gentleimmii hic-M-li -"were torn off at tin- jnnctiou ol High Street and North Bridge Koail owing j t«. tlie mils lx/ing liiglier than the roadway.
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  • 11 5 Tut Dotob cruiser ZetUmd left for Uatavia ;it 8.4H this morning.
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  • 55 5 Taa ißiiiinnwjr boJMiiaj <>f the s. C. C. mm .i'iii|,n<l lor tin' Hurt time w-acrilay, ...iKlinu tin •.<•<■. Mistriuti >n of ilu- «.M liuililiiiK. l'lu' tanpocan rinakn parao" la be Mt brighter ami' meter. This mntwjna the liraliehf.s of tin- tr«'» adjoining the old l>uil- i, im being topped off
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  • 767 5 Biagwm is undoubtedly 11 plate ol vivid contrasts, and all enticing interest to the keen investigator of manners and customs of KasUTii nations. Where would, we ask. b»| obtained a greater variety of ethnological subjects to deal with The ghost of that great man. Sir Stainfonl Haffles.
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  • 219 5 XCTUM "1 invit.a gB—U, inclii.linsj a Ui.m limiilH r nf children. tfathered at thet, ..".I, mv of Dr. Handy, n AH Koart. at 9 o'clock last ni^lit l<> witness a most int. renting autertafaneot profidM oyDt. Puttn. Thfa gentleman is a most skiltui preHtkUeitateni as well
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  • 28 5 ii; h Town and Volunteer Bawl will play at the High Service Uescrvoir tomorrow. n;nl on Tlmr-alay IMb, at the Ksplan i<lj from to 6 _>.m., weather permitting.
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  • 35 5 Wl tmtmmmi that the European police have forwanleil a petition to H. B. the (.ovnuor praying (or an ioonflM in their HalarieH owing to the lurli price of the dollar. The poUte fti< i">i>l >» sktHdh
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  • 138 5 Halimkk, a Kling girl, had kept house for Singarain for four years, became wearied of the position and left him without notice. During this period he had given her some ornaments worth $88. These she too 1 with her. He felt bad about this and meeting her on
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  • 126 5 Woo Tai and (too Hok were yesterday charged by Inspector Sheedy with assaulting Cheng Pai. a gambling informer. Mr. Lowell appeared for them. Mr. Hawtrv. \ssistant Sui>erii.tendent o' Police, in charge of the Gambling Suppres sion Department, said that the complainant had reported to him on the
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  • 46 5 Polhk Sergeant Leonard was went to Australia to bring back a man named Phillips, who is wanted here in connection with tlie alleged murder of Private Short of the Sherwood Foresters, and was expected t,. leave Australia on tie Ist of this month with his prisoner.
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  • 45 5 Thk Licensing .lustic.s have granted ]Mi-missioii to the management of the Hotel (UlKiirope to keep their premises open till one o'clock a. m. on Thursday and Friday niyhts after tin perfonnanet s of-tdie Handmaim Opera Company. Sup|Kr will be served for the convenience of theatre-goers.
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  • 74 5 Mk. Hfi.H W. H. CmOOM, whose il.atli at Lagae we, with mnen Mgna,Maoit today. came M Siagaann early in the nineties and joined the firm of lawyers, Messrs. Donaldson and Kurkiiishaw. He afterwards proceeded home, and later on was nominated by Sir H.nry McCallum to an appointment in the police
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  • 88 5 Six BMM mcmUrs ot the late Inionist Adminisuatiou share feY fate of Mr Halfour. Mr. l.vttelton. Mr. Lour. Mr. (lerald Halfour. and sir Savile CioiaVy, than being Mr. Brodrick. the ex Secretary of State for India. Mr Kellowes. Lord larrington's prc.l-c.ssoi •is President of the Hoard of Agriculture.
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  • 9 5 Mk. H. CaBFMAH M granted alicenceas Surveyor and Ll
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  • 83 5 St. PHmktf, -Inn. I*. (,'mtain BaBOM Kokk. of the BbdiomN Cuirassiers, was buried ben to .lav. Be m his d.ath in the following .irciimstanc. With a squadron he was aMßgad mid. r General Orloff in paeifyiafl the Haltic provin ces and coininaniled a aiaaoon which had t
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  • 11 5 Mi:, s. li.i-KMiim has named oharg. the Belgiaa Conanlato at Btagafon.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 433 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SOME LEADING ESTABLISHMENTS oi THE EAST. Fafflcs Hotel Singapore E. tf O Hotel Penang Grand Hotel "Sanitarium" Penang Hills Strand Hotel Rangoon. SARKIES BROS- Pwprirtoi* YOU TAKE MO RISK if purchased from us. Ist became 19 years' local experience is lmilt into them; th<' real is Teak and
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  • 511 6 A retired sailor of the British Navy, Mr. Chares Harrisou, now employed on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway as signal fitter, lives at 19, Stewart* Lane West, Battersea, London, 8. W. Up to January, 1905, Mr. Harrison always enjoyed good health, but Uicn he
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  • 924 6 Facts and Figures. '"tli .laniiaiv. The following is from the Miiiine Journal.":— «6« 6 Tin show 3 a further considerable advance, and all efforts to keep the )rice back are unavailing. The strength las largely come from the East, where iroducers have declined to sell, 'driving cealers
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 628 6 NOTICES. The Robinson Piano Co. t,td. wish to i-ngagc good Knro|>eaii clerk as sub-manager here or "Bumftamj- Salary MOO rising to JMO. I 1 700 WANTED F()K BRITISH NORTH HOKNKO. A Chinese Clerk, and Interpreter, Apply in writing, stating salary required, to (UTHIUK A 00 b» v 1313 Agents, British
      628 words
    • 536 6 NOTICES. TO UK LET. No. 90 and A Institution Hill, and 1 St. Thomas Walk- Entry Ist January. 1906. Apply to LEE CHENO VAN A CO., 968 10 Malacca Street. TO BE LET. From flint January, Valhalla," Cavenagh Road. In firxt clam order. Rent moderate. l.ric|vnrc next door above. TO
      536 words
    • 657 6 AUCTION SALES MORTGAGEES SALE of Freehold Land and House OFF RANGOON ROAD. The undersigned have received instructions to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION At their Kales Room, No. 5, Raffles Place. Oil Tliurulay, the JMIi ttbruanj, 1306, at X.3op.m. All those 6 pieces of Freehold land, situate at a Reserve Road
      657 words
    • 641 6 AUCTION SALES. EBTATE OF CHOO ENG CHOON, irliuf. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD TOWN PROPERTIES To be held st Powell Co.'s Saleroom, On Tuesday, tbe 20th February, at 2 30 p.m. No. 6 I Almeida Street Fc» 54 to 57 North Bridge Road. No. 83 Brass Bassa Road.
      641 words
    • 370 6 SARAWAK GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS will be received up to on.Mi.en Monday. 2nd April. 1906 for renting the following Farms for 3 years from Ist January, 1907, The Opium Farm for the Territory nf Sarawak from Tanjong Datu to and inclusive of the Lawn- River a distance of some 400 miles
      370 words

  • 313 7 ON board the s.s. iinmr:. which pas.s.-<l Colombo on the Ist February for MMH, wan Mr. Oliphant. administrator of the Solomon Islands in the Western I'a. itu being on his wav to London on affairs connected with his administration. Mr. Oliphant is the representative of the (iovcrnnx-nt
    313 words
  • 463 7 The following article on the tin wealth or Bolivia is from the Mhuikj correspondent:—The rich tin mine called Llallagua. near Oruro. has passtKl into the hands of a Chilian syndicate. The sale price. 4800,000, is probably the highest ever paid for a mine in Bolivia. It is
    463 words
  • 173 7 tStk J iminrif. The market was very firm tafiag Mm mk, says the (■■nu.ih !'(•*>. until this morning. the highest l»int tieiiiK reac)ie<l yosU-nlay say wtlOH for cash and tlm .">s. for tlirec inout!i>. but the weakness which already shewwl itwslf at the clow of yesterday's market
    173 words
  • 194 7 Mb. H. W. Bailky. a planter, rctiirnt-il im the 2nd Krl>. to icy lon after an alisoueo of a fortnight, tin- gri-ater l>ail of wUleb U« s|Hnt in Bnrinali whither lie WWI to wport on loot bnadtad acres i>f rublicr laii'l. Son by :i ri )> excitative of
    194 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 652 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, J«p«n. Penan*. Os/I««. Amtralla, India, Men, fi*yot. Mediterranean Po-t*. Plym^t" and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coa«t, Persiau Oalf, Continental, and American Tort*. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mall Line. Onttrard (Inr China). Prlta 17 Feb.
      652 words
    • 1253 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KoninMiJi.e P»Wet\aart M»at«chapplJ. Under ccntmct with the Netherltndf India Government. Aatnf at Ml JIT— -Miir Aoikct, laii J. DiD.i>Eii. 4 Co., 2-8 Collteb Qc*t. 1 he ii odei mentioned cli>tei« ore only approximate Smmn Fiun bxpiodj Wiubede«iatchedtor:— VZ~i soeralwva Feb 8 Soerabaya. Macassar, Banda. Amboina. soeranaja TernaV>i Gomntalo,
      1,253 words
    • 690 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fMt and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Haipburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soathamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Sue/., Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and
      690 words
    • 732 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. The Companies' steamers despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from .Japan homeward* for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to Vancouver, Seattle and Tacoma taking cargo on Through BiUi of Lading for other Pacific
      732 words

  • 591 8 1 Tow V..i So. i WM knockiu' round in DM usual style Uic other day au' dm 1 knew where I was. i was up tor me eyes in trouble. It camp that MdaM, as I dkj'nt know it was than till 1 v is rijjht in Km
    591 words
  • 115 8 is aUeoed that one In.liis wa.s enhkai li 1 hlo Hukiiiu on the 26th tn, ii,,- t0,,,,, «;,s raniuiei to the I -n.-riil Hospital di.don Snndav t|, ,|t t K Tp b -s,l au.l th, .as, was post|X)Ued derelopu ata. 1,, the
    115 words
  • 91 8 Ihk TimmoJ Mmlmgmmfmi^t ipmbm,, .il be intenated lo bee* ol ra.V ,«■<•„,, 1111 v l*« ..^.lavsa^o ■"i a tiny Smith and W.5t.,,; rervtat •>HI-.r.1.i1!i.,« a fu11 s, U appear- that Mr. Btotherwick, WB*t, Whell t.av.11,,,,. l^ tw --I R«b r b tl^darka:.^ iijdc ...1 th. s,,| ..rth, ioa.ltli,»v.s,,i bead
    91 words
  • 19 8 Kivatem of Rokl-pnclucitti; colonies „r <-.„,,., t r rM V^ 1 1 tl- comperet'». himuu being 1: st UfiOOfiob b
    19 words
  • 630 8 The True Story Three Men Arrested. The following excerpt from a IW" a l«ilK-r should bt- of Mtnat to our C&MM n ad. is as Mm unfortunate Mr. Clian Boon Chun m will known here as agent to the Opium Funnel A tragedy was unacted on Friday
    630 words
  • 239 8 Utum is a Chitty an.l llon ey lender Uringia Ma.ka Strt-.t. H. to have been ill-treatin K a servant naiuetl Kurpan. in fact hail him ta-,1 „v ;i t the bot of Ute stairs in his houst-. Oa tlit M instant, one 1 mul m| to tea
    239 words
  • 56 8 It is not ouly Scotsim-u »1,,, a MTK, L ,,1 v ,H,-ati,,.. lK.f»,v t1,,.v .-a,, hTSmU >» -e Job. Sooi.aft.-r l>r.Yrei,.hton Ta, MUOWUR anißein, i lu .i 1,,,, t ooeimS Mrs .-1it...,, ihnjl U rn-tiN« .-..-worker wit of w..rk.nj. <lass n.0t1,,,, t T u ir 22 dntus.
    56 words
  • 223 8 Jamaica Governments Action. Diktv Dick's is a hostelry in the City of London which is probably well-known to a good number of people in Singapore, am many may learn with surprise, that the proprietor has been charged with selling as -Jamaica rum a spirit that was not. the
    223 words
  • 177 8 The Cossacks at Work. < -m-ral MisU-henko and his Cossacks have snccecdeil in quelling the luutinouN regular trcxjps in Vladivostock. ata cost of over four thousand killed a.,d wounded. The fighting was principally the barricaded streets the artillery in the seaward forts having n n am. !cy<ti.
    177 words
  • 32 8 ran- Maul, if you've a laggard Beau Mho backward MOM the Scratch to toe Inrmt ,i Kiral— that's tl.e Plan That „n iiot fail to fetch your Mau.
    32 words
  • 59 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 14th February. The Netherlands Trailing Society to-day quotes the 4,rns bank rate at 2/4 ft. The Mercantile Bank quotes it at 2,4}. Thk Manager of the Societe 1m Ktains.le Kinta states that the total output from the various tin mines of the Company during last month amounted to
    59 words
  • 101 8 Gambier hnyers 7.8T, do (Cube Xo. 1 1 unpicked 10 37* Copra Bali 7!w" do Pontianak 700 Pepper, Black buyers HIM j do White, 5% buyer* 29 50 Ssgo Flour Sarawak 3,05 do Brunei No. 1 mj Pearl Sago 5 4 0 Coffee Bali, 15^ basis 20 25 Coffee,
    101 words
  • 255 8 (Mercantile Bake.) On /.<"/..:; Bank 4 m/s 2/44 Demand ># 2/4 I Private 6 m/s 2/4 |J do 3 m/s 2/4| On O«n« aßl ,_Bank d/d 2 .40 Private 3 m/s 2.45 do 6 ra/K 247 0.1 »n»«_Bank d/d 2 .95 i Private 3 m/s 3.001 do 6 m/s
    255 words
    • 308 8 h,.n,,,,,,n n. x. m. era. MM lorn, •I. rre« 2", guns. B.IWO h.p. (apt Rnndm, l-'tl, P«b. 1-rom Batavia. lOtli I-l, |.1 SabHii«. I".- Dock. TkADINQ VESSELS. &c. .iliin.l. *Uut. str. 704 tons. Captain Dan.k 12th Feb. From Sourabaya. 7th Fi-I, au.l 1:1 ,1,,. Uaendels Co. For Btadjar' jcnna-vn.
      308 words
    • 50 8 *<"• I'tr Stmmtt Ti,., To-.w>m;..». Bangkok 11 11 .til.., Bafaak and D jambic moan, I'.StfciilmiM ,V I'enaiij; Ktotmt 1 Bttevia tad Saiimrani; I ,1,,,,1,, l Teluk Aiimhi \m |iort-. SeUngor I tin ChriMmaa bhod Pmrhtm JUkteea .v Di.-k-. u TICMtT, Bmpa ri« norti .1,,,.,/,,, «■.<! Mhhun Kb*
      50 words
    • 143 8 turn limi Bj tho r. a. (i I ilue on Hill, Feb. ■From China— Hv the P. ,v v.. due on IMb Xi 1,. L*ft Singapore I) Dec. Mh I*, i Jan. 1st M. M. ■Ian. 4th P. A O •Inn. -<tli N. D I, ■Ian. 11th
      143 words
  • 80 8 Wharves at Which Different Ship* arc Berthed To-day. Star M'HAar:— Nil. jtomuGmviagDoc*: BMmm Umh AuiEin Gkavix.. Don M.N M K EUatol Section- No. 1 Sultun van LaMkal \u,. u N -M. H.Hebdrik. rbongwm, Bf. Riekmen 3 Silesia. 4 Carhl.-. t. 5 Charon. b TaiiKim. RadMnaira, V,i,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify tb' pdfetic that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are n<w selling their goods at redtaeed prioes. A good opportahut* of baying things oheap is offered, and intending purchasers are Advised to
      92 words
    • 161 8 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. rYI>. H-At No. l->4, Cross Street. Printing I'n "i .iii.l t, 11a.m. 17— At "Glemjary" valuable teak household furniturf 1-30 p.m. 20— At Sale-room, freehold and leasehold town proiHTtiea. 2-30 p.m. H. L. Coghlan and Co. l-i— At Sale-room, toys. lU-H0a.m. 17— At No. 46.
      161 words
    • 442 8 ulhiteaway, ftaidlaw Co. $1.30 10 inch COLUMBIA DISC REOORDP. Si an 8 Dear Heart Bar S il ThjHolj city "'".Corsl Cor s JL 1"™"1 11 Cor: S. li Tell me. Pretty Maidm !W Dese Bones Shall Hise Again .Minstrels N Bedouin Lovi- Souk Brkk S M (Hi promise me Bar:
      442 words
    • 406 8 Sfffl Star sgiangled banner Col: S. ">94 luterme/./.o from Cavallei ia Kusticairn" I), j 1.2-2 Imitations V uulcvillr I lij.'i Sea l-'lowcr I'ulka 1 o2t> Sfii'iita Waltz tKW Bugle call of the rough ridein in theii: charge up San Juan Hill...l!m;lc il i I <>tA The laghiug songs fflnrtrpfci I
      406 words
    • 343 8 !•".»■< At CbeyMUM .I.m's C/OW-Bo] Tavern MOOM Im Zillerthal jrnllllhfl |in,t ...male and ii-malr rains UW .Musi, from Kaust (Jol I!. Whs Rnwiin Fantasia Ooc 8.1 HT.'i Daunu ii Dti't. .ins l)as Smcssc Kaodel U»-.'i The Last Wish Bmbmlol 146:) Wilhehneiiis van NaaMMrwe Hollandsh >.>imj ltiK") teggbierLeid.Hwiaayodleaoßg^.Teaoc 1817 By the
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 152 8 DAY BY DAY. 1 1 Tuesdny, i jth Februnry. f High Water. 0-oX p.m. Parliament Oi>ei,-. ■~-.\.A. Lecture. .".-30. M.C.A. Concert. Town Hall. S. Wednesday. 14th February. Hifih Water,, a.m. 1-44 p.m. S.V.A. Mas,.,, 00. I'nrmlc. Me. s.\ .a. Clnn lailna '>-30. Town Band. H. S. Reservoir. I hi
      152 words
    • 26 8 WEATHER TELEBRAHI. HONGKONG. -12th Fe...— 10 a.m. Barometer.. Direction of Wind T',' Force of Wind Max. T«mp in Shade MANILA.— 12th 763 N i '.M. M
      26 words
    • 56 8 WEATHER REPORT. A-..«i/,i, Ktrhm rtmpitul, I'll, l,i.n, nry y w^,. i M A a*■ nj Rkharks. Bar. 2».!IM() 29.5.54! 2f1.U60,' I onip M". H!i.(| i HO.O I Wet Lulb Thar 77.0 77.0 I 76.0 Dirof Wind., s.v:. r.s.t.. r.s.y. 4 Max. Temp Mm... 7 .3 8 Max. Sun i.vj.o E
      56 words