The Straits Times, 10 February 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.959 THE STRAITS TIMES. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 614 1 NOTICES DE DION MOTOR CARS 1906 MODELS. We are now prepared to book orders for the celebrated De DION Cars at the following prices cilculated upon the new fixed exchange: h li.|i., one cylinder, two nested $2,000. s h.p., one cylinder. 4 tested $2,100. 9 li.p.. one cylinder, 1 mated
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    • 358 1 ""^Z™™^ Facing Baffle, Sc,ua,-e. Tlie charge of an efficient Euro|iean Dispeuiier. who will personally and of patent medicines in stock. Concentrated Information. authority thatGillingham Red Hand Cement »as secured practically all the Cement contracts; m!?°* M"'"™ NOTICE. SinKlf i""l ilinilili 1 moms are now vitcnnt at tlie On** Hotel. laajoag
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    • 149 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. I ATHLETIC OUTFITTERS 1 OUR SPECIAL TENNIS RACQUETS ;|Straits" "Empire" "Colonial" (SPECIALLY MADE FOR THE TROPICS AND STRUNG BEST BLACK OUT) Tennis Nets and Poles Court Markers and Marking Pins Ayres' Championship Tennis Balls White Wool Sweaters (Canvas and Buckskin Tennis Shoes (BEST RED RUBBER SEWN SOLES)
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  • 1592 2 Race Week. I'rtinu-i, SiiiiHmii, (/I, I'rl,rnmry. Penaug is just commencing to recover from the effects of a week of horrid dissipation, and even the very bullocks wear a more tired-looking air than usual, while the customary Sunday calm is intensified from its contrast ':<> the feverish activity which
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  • 277 2 A Prosperous Outlook for 1906. If a comparison of all branches of trade, one with anothei. could be made, says the New York India Rubber World," it doubtless would be found that rubber has more than held its own for the past twelvemon.Ji. if indeed, it has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 286 2 NOTICES. GARRETTS PORTABLE ENGINES ANJ) STEAM RGLLERS. FODEN'S STEAM WAGONS. 3y^fi" y^TTß"*"* rr^ifiiss^ .^ssLypHsßis^ssß^ ~aHsS L' J^S»tt i twPs^S ■»^ssssst^^B»Eir^>i ■B-tf rji^ssssW ftk X" MINING MACHINERY, of all descriptions SUPPLIED BY The Borneo Co., Ltd. .Inly -21 T HK _N E(iLKCT ()F L IFB a ssukaxbl YEAR AFTER YEAR men
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    • 125 2 PHOSFERINE The Greatest of all Tonici. HAOIATE* HEALTH. PkJfffeton:— Ashtto ft Parsons, Limitsd, I 17, Faningdoa Uati. London EC. j RECREATION HOTEL At the terminus of the Electric Tramway, Raffles-Pavah Lebar line. The Town and Volunteer Band will play on Saturday, 10th February, from 7.30 p. m. until 11.30 p.
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    • 445 2 NOTICES. ITCHING HUMOURS SPEEDY CURE TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOUR. Bathe the affected parts with hot water and CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin and scalp of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply CUTICURA OINTMENT freely to allay itching, irritation, and Inflammation, and
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  • 386 3 Later Returns. 1.0m>,.\. JainiHrv Mb. The following l.:lK-ials have Imim "eleeUil Mr. H. Balfour. l.anarksliiie ,I'articUl. Mr. W. J. Ciu-.1.v. v lipshiie i Alti-iii-lin.ui i. Mi. A. Kindluy. N.-K. Lanarkshire. Mr. K. C. I.ehinaiiii South. Leicestershire I Market Harborol. Mr. J. Brigg. West Hiding iKeighleyi. The following
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  • 607 3 Mil 11 1 -oiiiiiieiit has Ikcii occasioned liv an interpellation in tin- Japanese Badjgrt C'.iiiiinitlee. t<i which the Minister for War iiiaile luiet attirinative reply. Tlnintei-jK-llation |>ointe<l 01U tli;ik the Auglo-lapanese treaty ol Alliance MOeaaitataa the expansion of the Japanese Army, and that the Kritisli Army was Ml
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 42 3 Anyonk who has ever given Chamber- .In-. C'lmlora and Diarrhoea Remedy a trial will tell M it is unequalled lor all stomach and bowel troubles. 1< iii-vei tails and is pleasant to take. Foi K.I- iiy All Dealers. The' DISPEKBAR7, General Agents
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    • 578 3 NOTICES I Aflents for LEA PEBRIITS WORCESTERSHIRE s" t^m SPECIAL WiRRAHT yH Ko^§ H M lt o B^ 9 I HP; wBM purveyors to «^«lfiß*"«af THE KING. JJ B I I %J9 Celebrated Oilman's Stores I |jOHNLITrLE&CO.,LTD.CI I J&awson's Jfaiqueur HH EXPERIENTIA DOCET. ■H|^^g^^3F^M^9 It is now so universally admitted
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    • 563 3 SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. From Ist August. 1906, and Unti Further Notice Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. *^«»tay~S" oowe nws. oow mm AM. A.M. A.M. A.U. P.M. P.M. T.U. P.U. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. SINGAPORE d. 6.00 6.86 7.40 10.00 12.85 2.02 8.16 4.41 5.29 6.50 10.30
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  • 198 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY. 10TH FEBRUARY Aiiox.r the many subjects which are more or less strenuously exorcising the minds ot people iv Singapore, at the ptaaaat time. the award to the T. P. I). Co. shareholders may certainly be conceded fii-st place. As the time approaches for
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  • 187 4 wi have seen and heard so much about exchange of late that it is almost with a senseof necessary apology that we fjaate the the following imra^raph from the L. < —Straits exchauKt- has fliictnau-d considerably during the week. The wonderment as to whether it was sjaasfMe SS crystallise at
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  • 2098 4 The text of Baron Suyematsu s letter of complaint anent the alleged discourteous treatment he received on the German steamer "Zieten," is to hand by this morning's mail. It leaves no doubt as to the fact that either Captain von Binzer and the Chinese Minister lately returned from the Court
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  • 12 4 Mmumi-. U.i-sht gave a successful coinirt i.t Kuala l.uuipur on Tuesday last.
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
    • 45 4 Cihull,,. loth r.brunni. The Imliaii (ioverinnent conUiuplate .in early construct ion of the lihanio and Moulmein Railway, as a strategic line on tin north eastern frontier. This line may form the first section •>( it future scheme of linking Muiina with China.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 47 4 lirrli,,. m Fthmmp. Fnsh attacks in the Kiench press on (iermany may render the solution of tliw Morocco police question inure difficult. M. Houvier. s|Hakiny on the subji'Ct in tin Chamber of Deputies, ilecliiHHl t<> aunsbw illHllellee on the press ill tilt' ll!Rtt<T.
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    • 17 4 A Cabinet has lieen formed in Italy un.l. i the premiership of BfajßUt Sonnino.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 45 4 Am erican Navy. t;,r,l. Smfmpore 8-15 p.m. 9iA February. l>ri;i hii ltniln 11-IS 10th irhruonj. The plans for the Tinted SUites m battleships North Cmnlhni and Michigan provide for the supply of twelve U inch l'iiiis lint no see.m.lar. battery, except to repel tor]>e<lo boats.
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    • 62 4 A toletirain frni Al^eeiras has b. -n Meeived i and published in I'm is. It declares tha'. the critical moment has arrive<l. The |xjwers arc favourably impiessi I i,\ I tha frankness of the r'leneh delegates, as i eoi.ipartii with the reticence shown b\ the (iermans. It
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    • 47 4 'I'll. Ihiilij Cliro'.irlr states that a HUM tinii has ban caused by tlie diseovei y j st-ci-ct plans i >f Sydney fortifications in:h> luggage belonf(iß|i to two Japaacae. Mr. I'layford SenaUir and Minister .1 l>i fence. Australian Cummoinvealth is iuvcKtiuatiuu the matter.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service
    • 60 4 ttrr' Btrngmpon i>.m. nth I H.Vil.hii ReutrrllJS <t.w. mil, February. The House of Ifepres, ntati\es at Washiut..n lias pass, ,1 a liill i inixiwei my the Int. i stitU' Coiniueree Coniinissioii to ti\ iimximiim railway rates, and to etiforee 11.1 1 1 I>li1 > I i ii
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    • 30 4 The Spanish Cabinet has eongratnlatcil Kina Alfonso on his ehoi.o to many tin I'riiniss Baa. The marriage will proonbl) lake |ilae- on the '2nd of .lune next.
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    • 26 4 The BbrImI) I'leshvteliail Cllllleh SIIMKUUI bnUding at rhanajrTmiftn si\t\ miles from Amov. has been liurned by it mob. The missionaries escaped.
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    • 39 4 The paper* ate full of details about th. mw battleship Dreadnought win, h 11. \l. the Kin» will launch to morrow They point out that all the earlier battlosbipi ..f the ISriti-lt Navy ha\. becoi obsoleU'.
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    • 31 4 An eX-oAcet and student have .a. I, been sentemed to two veals' impriaoanu nl tin raising .lisfu'ian. es at the inventor\ inn of a eliunli at r-.-iill.
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    • 16 4 The Chiefs of I'ohee at I'en/a and Kuuis ildissial were iimi'dered vest>\.
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    • 35 4 Ml. A. .1. P.alf has seiit letter* to I nionist M. IV s. re.|nestiii[; them to 1h in their place- in the House ol Cotninonx. when Parliament opewi on the Lath insumt.
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    • 20 4 Sir Henry CampeU-Bajmennan and Until Ki|Hiii have Mat similai letters to tin n slip]*,,
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    • 163 4 H',il. Sitigtporr, II a.m. lot I, I, !>,r,l. 1,,, Hmlrr 11.46 „.m. lull, hVh, A debate in the l-'nneli Chamber )\:i'voked <'onsi.l-r;ili!i- ilissatisf:n-tion :is to In ttiins <»f tin- coiiiincivial treaty between Kraiu-e ami Knsxia. S|H'aki'rs .lei lined tliat Ifnssia bM ill return lor Freiuli money ami
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  • 21 4 Tin. M. M. s. i. Coltdonien left H to-day at H it in. utiii may 1m- expected licT* mi Monday morniim.
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  • 23 4 Thk P. *0. liiU.Tin-.liat, st.Min.T I. tl PflMMg nt n<M)ii to -il:iy an. l is BXpecUvl Ul arrive ben »t 8 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 19 4 Tmi Dntcli c-niis, i Wo./ 1 arrived from RMo this morniim ami «eul alorundda No. I Bectian, Tanjomi Panr.
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  • 26 4 A Kk.siiikm-.s' Conference \\,is to upun .it ar. osii. Kimla Limi|Kir. on Thursday I. ist. All tin- t. M S. l!-,i. l.nts wi i. to |insi'iit.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 461 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS CALDBECK MACGREGOR Co. (ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE AND PENANG. Price List on Application. 776 fiotel de reurope FOR SALE FRESH FASS BEER IGED 1 1ST RECEIVED XX Api'l-y Okhck. A BRITISH COMPANY. The CHINA MUTUAIIIFE INSURANCE CaLtd I'm Rates anil prospectus apply
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    • 186 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Photographs of the Official Group. taken by us. consisting of H. It. H. I'riuce Arthur of Connanght, H. K. Sir John Anderson, the Sultans and BssatSßfta of the F. M. States, and suite, etc. etc. may be had at our studio. U by 12 in Bromide 13.50 15
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  • 1327 5 Friday. 9th February. 11l- Ewkij.fxi v tup. BMBM, Sii .lolm Amler -on. h.l'.M <:. 11,,.,. B. U nilllltlMll (A.I. OaL Swrctary. 11, ,n. .1. H. ItIQM i A.-t. Atturiiev General). Hon. K. 11. Hill i Auditor-General). Baa. 1. O. Am (Ooloaial Timwiih). ]|„i, A. Miirni.. r.K., M.i.r.i:. (001.
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  • 158 5 Fridays Results. I. vi, IK- PorM.i.-. Mrs l-'rofi ami Mrs. Brooke 6 beat Miss Sal/mum, and Mr-. McTaggart 4, 6-4, 6-3. i Mrs. Nicholson ami Mi-s Littlefair— 4 beat i MtS. and Miss Newton— 2. 62. ii •>. Mr-. I)*re and Mrs. Saunders— 4 beat Mrs.
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  • 313 5 Tan.ionK Parar v. John Little's a»tki. a long s|x'U of aantaaaa in that .(■iart< r the paonla in the Tanjong I'agar district were given an uuuurfallity of witnessing an As-jx-iation f<iotball match on tin Anson Itoail ground yesterday afternoon. betweea John Little ana Co.'* nan and one i made
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  • 191 5 S. R C v S C C. 2nd XI Tn S. K. C. and the s> -olid cli yen team of the S. C. C. m.t again in I H.K-key match j on the h-plauad, y. -terdav altirn.Min. and! an interesting game followed. The S. I!. C. have shown
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  • 104 5 Tut- N,w /.ealaudci's in Lonilou entei tamed the Maw Zealand team of Hugby I footballer* at soin-e in the Honors Town Hull on the IMb .lanuaiy. Lord Kiiiuainl. who pre-ided. n ail a lettci from Lord Knollys. I'rivau wnan to the King. e\pre-sing His Majesty s ho|M' tlial the team
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  • 1409 5 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Onanann wax held in the Municipal board room yeßterday at 2.80 p.m. Mr. J. Polglaae, Deputy President, took the chair and there were also present —A. W. Bailey, Cheng Keng Lee, H. L. Coghlao, J. W. Walk ins. Wm. Macbean, Me Arthur,
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  • 121 5 Thk Km <>/ Ctijlon London WMM> dent says under date- lltli January The statutory meeting of the Aii^lo-Malay Company is to be held shortly, and at it, 1 hear some very favourable views of the pnapaati of the concern, and of Straits rubber com|ia vies in general, will be expressed.
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  • 33 5 Mn. Kostkk Kuaskr, the Tariff Reform candidate for lludderstield. laid claim to the biggest posters to be seen iv the country. One covered 2.000 square feet, the Utterson which were 17 feet high.
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  • 85 5 CorsTABLK Kkdri'i*, in company with other policemen, on Thursday, made a raid on No. 21 Triu-ojanu Street, and arrested eleven men for gaining in a common gaining house. They were brought before Mr. Seth yesterday. Two ul tliein were lined |U oi- M) days: the rest were called upon to
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  • 123 5 Cvl'T. .I.VVWVAKIiKSK. l>f tile Cevloll Volllll nan, m being nvannad imuailli m t.. pwniond worldwide iotar-ooioaia] ihootinK competition, said thai the idea was quit, laaafw and thai lie was already in earn pondence with some of the BaONtaMMof Colonial KiHe Associations. The Beruradax were c|iiite agreeable to joining the coln|>.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 411 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER To-night MUSIC YOU TAKE NO RISK i rr r Ist because 13 years' local experience is built into them; the it st is Teak and Iron. 2nd you may exchange at any time and we acknowledge the value of our name on the Piano.
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  • 1246 6 Manipulations Accentuate the .Strength of the Market. As certain inquiries have been addressed to "The Financier" < 1 tli subject of the tin market, with specia reference to the metal market repor which appeared in our issue of Thu'.-dsy ■ays that useful journal in its issue o
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  • 518 6 Keen Interest in Rubber. The Ceylon Observer contains a report of an interview on planting prospects in the Philippines with Mr. 11. B. Schcitlin, an American gentleman going home via India and Ceylon from the Far East. Mr. Seller: lin tmjt the Dava« Planters' Association is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 633 6 NOTICES. The Robinson Piano Co. Ltd. wish to engage a good European clerk as sub. manager here or Hongkong. Sahnx $200 lisini* to $350. c 1700 WANTKI) FOB BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. A CliineHC Clerk, and Interpreter, Apply in writing, stating salary required, to GUTHRIE* CO Lii.., 1313 Agents, British North
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    • 551 6 NOTICES. FOX SALE The s.s. POSTI.IXAKnov lying in tbe Roads tt Mngapore. Length 125', "breadth 20' 4", Draft b". speed 8 knots. Tonnage 99 tons. T. M. CONNOLLY 0797 FOR SALE. The S. 8. ABBOTBfORD built in 1900 of iteel, classed 100 A.I. at Lloyds, length 120 ft., beam 22ft.,
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    • 642 6 NOTICES. KINRARA." 1 To let unfurnished, from Ist May next, that commodious recently erected Dwelling House KINRARA," at present occupied by F. W. Barker Esq. Tennis Court, Stabling for three horses, water laid on. Private entrance from Orchard Road. Apply A. EMSLIE BENZIE, Howartli Erskine, Limited. D 1498 TO LET—
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    • 888 6 NOTICES. Wde Straits TBimes. I AND @6e Straits SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE in ADVANCE. 1 Daily issue p-r year $30.00 1 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.<0 do per copy 0.15 Weekly issue per year 18.00 do per quarter 4.50 do per copy 0.40 When sent by post, there
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    • 66 6 Ciiambkrlain's Colic, Cholera an* Diarrhoea Remedy is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowvl complaints. It alway>: euros and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases of cholera m<>i 1.11-. ilvs.-n-tery and diarrhoea. It should ba tVikon
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  • 510 7 Rubber in London in 1905. Messrs. J. Russell Grant and Co., rubber brokers at London, thus report on business in 1905: The past year, though a lean year in a commercial souse, has nevertheless introduced a new sphere of industry to the London share market. This, in a
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  • 410 7 The "Tillies of Ceylon."— The question that arises most prominently is 'Is it not time that we had a Port Trust in Colombo?" High time, is our repiy, and that uf the Port we are sure There is the danger that Downing Street nay once more bow down
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  • 372 7 Opinion of the Perak Pioneer." Th-» "Straits Times Annual," tbe first of the kind issued by a far Eastern paper. reflects, says the Perak Pioneer," the highest ciodit on its enterprising publishers. The universal chorus of appreciation with which its advent has been greeted from all
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  • 393 7 An American Expert's Point of View. There jesnn to be a diver-, it y <;i" opinion a- tv the wisdom thown in preparing rubber M it it now coining from ili Far East ;.h:it is, rubber in what |i known as the washed form. To-day, says the India
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 671 7 AUCTION SALES. RBI \TE OF CHOO i:n(. CHOOH, rim rif. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE PBBBHOU) \M> UABBHOIiOTOWII PBOPEBTIBfI To be held at Powell ft (o.h Saleroom, On Tuesday, tbe 20th February, ■t 2 30 p.m. So. 6 I>'Almei,la Street.. Ko» 54 t.» .".7 North sMAjI K.u.l. No. H2 Bnuw lfossa
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    • 602 7 AUCTION SALES H. L. COGHLAN iV CO S LIST OF PREMISES TO BE LET. Near Newton Station 7 roomed house, with outbuildings and stabling Kent (£5. i:un>|iean I'orrace House, situated in good locality, U null-, from Town, close to Railway Station, completely and comfortably furnished. siiiUlile for European family or
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    • 481 7 NOTICES. "HO" HONG OIL RICE MILLS 839 North Bridge Roac I SINGAPORE CABLE ADDRESS "HOHONG" SINQAFORE. Town Office 61 Kling- Street ffigF YEARS' SUCCESS, jts3§ the WORLD'S REMEDY for Coughs, Colds, fir¥ Asthma, Bronchitis, S% tjtS Influenza. Whooping- $BB Cough, Hoarseness, &c. fgfeM INSIST ITOX HAVING lOKKbridgCsi la £unglbnic O
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    • 363 7 NOTICE I have this day appointed Mr. E. M. Cohen, an minager of my firm of E. Meyer it Co., and my Attorney for me and in rr v name and on my behalf. All previous powers of Attorney granted by me to others for the said Firm and Mr
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    • 117 7 W. 11. Connelly. General SUi.j keeper, Tolaga Bay, N. says Have slocked Chamberlain I household medicines continually and fee! much pleasure in confidently rcivimiiiiuliMij tlieir Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has no equal." This is the universal verdict the world over w:th people who have become acquainted with the
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  • 141 8 Two Natives asphyxiated fllllllll afternoon, two natives met tl.eir deaths by asphyxiation iv a well that i- betag suuk in River Valley Bond inconnecI Mil with the railway extension.The work is U ing carried ou by the Public Works DepartI MM. It appears that work
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  • 507 8 VisiKitlMV afternoon. Ml. Seth resinned the preliminary en<iuiry into the allegation I l>i;',;iin v. brought against Cilia Vu Siang. by his wife Siow Ann Nio. for marrying another woman during her. Siow Ann Nio's. lifetime. Mr. Kllis ajmand for the; Mr. I. de M.
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  • 205 8 ITCSK'a |«ist|«)Uenient was granted by Mr. Seth yesterday in tlir ease ot Tan Kiiii Tliye. wli.i MM eharyd with criininal bcac-li ..I titist. in ies|Hct Of MM, the ]ini|H-rty of Mr. F. Rodriajma, 'ou;plaiiiant stated that lieayrc^l with the di li ndant to share the profits
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  • 87 8 Mi.. Si i M jraatcci*) bad haaaaa him a 'I'.niiil. Da '1 rhoWM charyecl writfa having rommittful eiiininal hnacli of 111 1 i-t while employed aa eiatk in the Marine Siumvois OSm "t tlie (ioveiiiinent. It was alleged that in performing the duty of mllecUot
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  • 207 8 Thkkk Chinese, one of whom was nearly blind, were yesterday Mm Mi. Seth for vagrancy. The magistrate explained to them that they would have to change their method of living, an a law would shortly M paused which would deal with alien mendicants and vagrants in
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  • 206 8 PrkviousU) sailing for Port Swetteuliaui an opportunity was given yesterday morning to several of those interested in engineering uud mercantile matters, to iuspect. aiul enjoy atrip round the harbour in. this first class vessel. ■Ihebiiilders.Messrs.Howarth Bimktw. Ltil. included the Press amongst their invitations,
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  • 116 8 Statistical cabled received by the Nederlandsch ludische Industrie en Handel Maatschappij (London officel from the hclds in Borneo for the four II weeks and the whole years 190. r > and 1904 show the following figures, iv tous: Four 13 weekh. Years. Pndootioa— 1905. 1904. 1905. 1904.
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  • 41 8 Ihisi. to pressure <m space to-iliiv. sunn i oiiinu'iits on the IctU r aiunt tin; Hllhw [mprovcinent Scheme which a|>|>< ,v d in cut' iHHiie of \<sti til;i\ iivi-i the si^miture of Mr dm. Sini'llii air uiKivoidahlv held over ilnti' Moi,,la\.
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  • 387 8 (Sunday, 11th February) Slhl li.IMIH SIM>AV. St. Axi.rek's Cathedral. 7 a. m. Matins and l.itanv. 145 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 4 p.m. Children's Service. 5-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's Sepoy Lixeh.— 9ls a.m. Holy Communion. 11-15 a.m. Foo Chow Service. 4 p.m. Children's Service. H-15 p.m.
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  • 87 8 Thk *mad Municipal Water Supply qu.s tniii in Penang town has been narrowed down to two alternatives: one is the so-called Waterfall scheme with an available supply of 10.000,000 per day ami estimated to cost tl.-MKMNHI. so the I'iiuitig Gazettr makes out. and the other the Tanjong Bungah scheme, which
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  • 26 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. lath Frbntnry, 1906. Thk Ni-therlainUi Trading Society today ijuotes the 4 ins bank rate at 1 The Mercantile Bank ijuotes it at 2 41.
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  • 133 8 Messrs. (iow, Wilson, and Stanton of 13 Hood Lane London under date 18th January give the following X.M.S. Rubber Company 1 1 11. tM tit nis Current Dividend Price, for 1904. Anglo-Malay. Ord. (£1) 12/6 paid I|-1) Batu Caves, il.ll>-. Ord. Ill) 7 6|»id 1-1* Bukit
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  • 94 8 Gambler 7.70 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.50 Copra Bali 7.40 do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black baver* 19.87} do White, 8% buyers 29.00 S&go Flour Sarawak 3.09 do Brunei No. 1 'i.85 Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali, 15% basis ,20.25 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 25.00 Coffee, L iberian No.
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  • 263 8 (Mercant^pe Bisk.) On London— Bank 4 m 2/44 Demand 2/4J Private 6 m/s 2/4 ,'j do 3m/( 2/4(1 On Germany-Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3 m/a 2.45 do 6m/s 2.47 On Franct— Bank d/d 2.95$ Private 3 m/s 3.00$ do 6 m/s 3.02J On India— Bank T. T. 174* Private
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    • 278 8 Aminil 1.n1,,iu-he Treiillr, Frli. str MM tons. ("apt Tatosme, lOtli Feb. From Saigon. 7th Feb. G.c and 362 d.i>. Moiue Comte Cie. For Havre, lOtli—Rds. Htitarier, Brit, str. 213 tons. Cant Moni», lOtli Feb. From Natuna Is.. 9tli Feb. Copra, and 39 d.p. Huttenbach Bros. For Natuna
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    • 59 8 for Per Sttamer Timt Mumiav. Malacca and Linggi KkmsS**l J p.m. H'kong, S'ghai, Japan I'n.w 2 p.m. Penang aid Calcutta Foot/ianf :l p.m. Sarawak Kmhion 4 p.m. Til— li Batavia,<-. lUiuJ 11 n.m. P.Swettenham vih ports BtMtoHp p.m. Penang and Deli Ilrh, p.m. I'enang and Calcutta Qrtforg Apctn
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    • 132 8 From Ecrope— By the M. M. s. Ofmtm due on 12th Feb. From China— By the M. M. ».s. CuMonin, due on 12th Feb. run: tami.i or in i Left Singapore Due in Loudon Arrived Dec. 28th B. 1. Jan. 20th .lun. Ma Jan. Ist M. M
      132 words
    • 73 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. K*sr Wr»w:- Nil. Victoria Graving Doer. Harque Acme. Ajjiibt Qravis.i Doc»:-M N. M. Zeeluml. Section No. l.Sult.iu nm^kat I r!> •> Tkongwa, Pentakola, 3 NU. 4 Pemia. 5 Charon. 6 Stout..,-. Yangtwse. Bosnto Whmii :^7 Loch Tay,
      73 words
    • 35 8 Arrived. 10th February. r_r TMf ft- Kl.ih Tatok rjmou M md Mn. i Hodge Mr. and Kn. Pai^H, Mr. K. (.H.1.1.H-. Mr. Bryan, Mr. C. P. Galloway, Mr. Dnbbic and Mr. Ultra.
      35 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 94 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify tha public that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at radnecJ priam A good aypuiUuuij of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are advised to
      94 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 166 8 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, loth February. High Water. 11-Vtp.m. S.V.A. KitlcClub. Monthly Shoot, Halle»titi-. _>:!il p.m. S.V.K. Sinfile lock bridge. 4. Hunt Club Meeting. Gardens. 4-4*>. Raffles Hotel Special Dinner. Town Band. Recreation Hotel. 7-sti Popular Orchestral Coucert. Town Hall. 9. Sunday, I ith February. HiUli Water. 11:14 a.m. St'ptua^esimu.
      166 words
    • 97 8 WEATHER REPORT. Inimtt JTiriM ttntjttil. M Krtnwry, UK*,. 9 a. H. :t r. v. it i\ a. Kkmakk.-. ■ar.M -29.96* 29.«.")3. > 2!).!t:«)l 'I'. Illp Ht.."> HM.I) -HI..'. WetBnlbThn 77.0 T».< Tti.o JDirof Wind »Jt U.B. i mm M».v. r.....p m.O *5 Miu TM SI Max. in Sun UM £Z
      97 words

  • 660 9 Wm. Jas. Hy. Thompson's IndiaRubber Circular. 12th January, 1906. In Auction Friday, sth January, 1906, moderate supplies were offereu which sold at steady prices for Columbian, Central America, Madagascar. Mozambique and Nyassa. Ceylon and Straits Plantation sold at full prices. Para and Peruvian— lo2 pkgs. offered and 4 sold, coarse
    660 words
    • 754 9 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq. barque sch schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cm. —Cruiser Gbt.— Qnnboat Tor.— Torpedo H. p. —Horsepower; Brit. British U.S.— United States Feb.— French Ocr —German Dut. Dutch O.c. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger U.— Uncertain T. P.
      754 words
    • 99 9 tut! A IKtk M f l)Mt. Hi... %—fß%*m. 1- W i>l-TINVT!..V. i I i Jan 18 Nor Providence QmmHmm Jan ..Singapore Cliriatmim lalaml 1\ (in Fur»t Bitmarck Wilktn Kmmahavcn BaU\ ia i Dut st Kediri Vkm dor Dock Dec U RottertUm Hatavia 34 Nor bq Joorgen Bang DaniuUan
      99 words
    • 671 9 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agentt. Ktkammui. Agamemnon. Liverpool, Feb. 26: Mansfield. Airlie. Sydney. Feb. 24 Boustead. Antenor, China. Mar. S Mansfield Arcooia. Vladivostock, Feb. 17 Kast Asiatic. Armand Bebic, Colombo, Mar. 12 M. Mtimeo. Arratoon A pear. Calcutta, Feb. 14 P. Simons. Arcadia.
      671 words
  • 227 9 111 1 Company Lut Bayer* Sellers Trausactioni Buyers Laat Sellers Trausaotiont I I SOLO. 13,30 10 t 10 Bersawab G. M. Co., Lid e,uu i uui»iwl. 4,000 t 10 10 (Inferred) 2U.000 I 10 I 10 Kadana G. M. Co., Ltd 10.0U0 1U Id ,I'n-f 50,000 1 1 Raub
    227 words
  • 142 9 400,000 1 OUO nu i-. uad 2,000 4,500 12,000 3,400 0,000 2,750 35.U00 600 2,000 6,000 786 uniMMUtri. 300,000 I.UUU uniMued 37,000 1 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. i 8.00 I 8.00 t 100 t 50 t 123 100 10 I 100 100 > 10 50 100 I
    142 words
  • 142 9 ZU.UUU 1U 9 V 70,000 10 i 10 70,000 K. I 1 9,0)0 uuMWMd 6,000 1 < 1 6,000 JL 1 i 1 I^JUUiMO«i W.OOO K. 1 1i,50u uuiMbeU ■2,000 1100 tIOO 1,000 »ioo »ioo 150 UUUMUOd :M,OOO 1 1 I. malinl ISO tIOO tIOO ts*l »IOU 90 10,000
    142 words
  • 48 9 Howtrth Ertkine, Ltd. 6X. Riley, Hargretves, Ltd. b% Singapore Municipal 6% 5% T»dj jng I'ngar Dook Cu., LU1. K 5% 1600,000 3% prcm sale». 223,000 t% prcm buyer. ■400,000 2% prem bu j3 1 ,H78,000 1% pram buydrn. tw-j.XW (xur. seller,.. 2W,00l> 1% prem. I.Wi.'iUU p»r. Inner
    48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 566 9 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporate n PAID-UP CAPITAL »l0.000.0(X UEBF.RVE FUND: sasirttsr vimZ\ i^ 000 n I I.KilHlllv ..f l'r.|, »10,000,(K)(l COl HT OF IMRKTOM. ii. A. w shuie. i:s.| Ckasnaaa. A. ll.ui|.t. Bsq. Dap**) Cliairnian. lion. c. \v Dieksoai. I' oall"|ar, Esq. K. Qoste. Kk<|. E. Shellini. Ksq. C.
      566 words
    • 496 9 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia ard China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors ..£BOO,OOO Reserve Fund £87ft,000 BANKERS. Hank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts arc opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
      496 words
    • 302 9 1 Mosquitoes I F and othar insects will not be to ready f 1 to trouble you if you use 1 CALVERTS 20% XCarbolic Soap. I Moreover, the use of this powerful antiseptic Soap affords protection against contagious diseases, and i imparts, too. a delightful freshness to the skin, as
      302 words
    • 101 9 APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. KOU PENANG AND CALCUTTA. Messrs. Apcar Co.'s steamer UMKOUUi Al'i Alt, Captain Olifent. having left Hon|{konu on the sth inst., is due here nn Sunday, the 1 Itli idem, ami will receive prompt des|iatrli for the above porte. For freight and passage apply '<< PATEKSON. SIMONS
      101 words

  • 639 10 The Army Council iui.- decided to arm the Brigade of Fnot Guards, toa battalions, and the battalions tit (lie first six infantry lirigaties -34 battalion:; iv all—with the m f-lmrt ritle. "Charger packed' aniinunitnui and the new banodolier equipment will be issued at the same
    639 words
  • 243 10 Flashes of Humour. Lord Curzon is not quite devoid of a sense of humour though wo believe that some of his qualities an more strongly pronounced, aud it is more in amusement than displeasure that he road the Indian Civil Service, a lesson on departmentalism. The Story has
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 716 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds to]) place in the lii^hest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. i it; STKAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par China, Japan, Penan*, Cs/lot Aaatralla, India, Aden, Erypt, Mediterranean PorU, Plyminth and London. Through Hills of Lading issued fir China Coast, Persian Gulf.
      716 words
    • 1294 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Penlnkl!Jl«e Paketvaart MaatschsppiJ. Umier contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agevtt at Singapore Fhip Aoekcy, late J. Daisdei* tS Co., 2-3 Coiliib Quay. 1 he undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be de«[atohed for VrnnOuthoon l'enaug I Feb s Peiian^. Sabaiig. Oeloe Lheue. Pbcloe Raja
      1,294 words
    • 665 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (ierman Mall Line. Trie fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from ItremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Smilhampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, an 1 vie» versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
      665 words
    • 722 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OGEAIi STEAM SHIP Go,, Ltd. AND 1 China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight aud for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each mouth extends to Vancouver,
      722 words
    • 20 10 STEARNS' HEADACHE CUBB.cau ba obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by post). Givea mutant relief. Avoid imitation* keep the Genuine haudy.
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