The Straits Times, 9 February 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.958 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 619 1 NOTICES DE DION MOTOR CARS 1906 MODELS. We are now prepared to book orders for the celebrated De DION Cars at the following prices calculated upon the new fixed exchange: s li.p., one cylinder, two Heated §2,000. s ii.ji., one cylinder, I seated $2,100. '.i h.p.. one cylinder. nested $2.500.
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    • 330 1 "Some two years ;:go 1 began to suffer u-itb. pains .v niy back, and other kidney disorders. 1 became sa.low and thin, and used to feel tired and worn out my appetite was poor I could eat but little. My friend adviacd me to I take your Doan's Backache Kidney
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    • 277 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO, ATHLETIC OUTFITTERS OUR SPECIAL TENNIS RACQUETS "Straits" "Empire" "Colonial" (SPECIALLY MADE FOR THE TROPICS AND STRUNG BEST BLACK GUT) Tennis Nets and Poles Court Markers and Marking Pins yres' Championship Tennis Balls White Wool Sweaters Canvas and Buckskin Tennis Shoes (BEST RED RUBBER SEWN SOLES) White Cashmere
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  • 289 2 By Capt. H. R. Bakkii 73rd C. 1., Adjutant and ActinK Commandant. B.V.C. ■ajaawn, titlt IWrajrf. The Hon. \V. H. (olive-- having left the Colony. Ins lmmc is struck off the roll of Honolarj mini l*m from this date. (i.,liily Officer for next week Lieut. I). Prtieitaop. (Marij
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  • 45 2 Thkrf. have been a considerable number of deaths in Calcutta from smallpox lately, and in '-onsequence wholesale vaccination has been resorted to by the Kuropcau population, I. old and Lady Minto and the whole Viceregal household having set a useful example to the Calcutta, community.
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  • 55 2 A aaIUHM of pilgrims at the Allahabad Km u bh Fair I India) on the 25th January is estimated at two millions The crush on the river bank near the Fort was bo great that seven people were trampled to death and eighteen others injured. The police saved many from
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  • 53 2 A sad accident occurred lately at Dibrugarh in Assam, to Frank Smith, the Jockey, which ended fatally He was riding Mr. Kitcher s Lady Cheltenham in a Steeplechase when the mare fell at the tirst fence. turniiiH over and falling on Smith. The mare broke her nee-;, and Smith died
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  • 70 2 Taa West Hotel, at Minnea|)olis. I. S. A.. Ute Ugfjeet botei between Chicago and the I'acitic. eaaght tire on the sth January, when "Oil -^iiists were asleep on the premises. Ternlile aoeaee were vrtaeaMd, anil many heroic leseiies wore effocted. Ten deaths were caused by the outbreak. The captain of
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  • 73 2 Khiiokvtk Bnaaimtfaae au- in-iny made to illi'uiinaU- St. (iiinycs 'inililinys at Hoiiykonn durinj; the I'lince's visit. Messrs. Sh. van Tonics, tiibb Livinjjsto'ie and Co.. ami Maakhead and Cd, have taken tin work in hand and are usinj; alxmt I.IKMI electric light* t.i illuminate the front of the building. A featme
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  • 125 2 Tin. Ixivcott has imt U-en st.tni|>ed out ill Manila apparently. On the IMb January. Captain C'rowley of the I'olice was infortmil that nut' nf iii- mi v had torn tmina wall of a building a Cbiaeac placard of uearlv bar I feet in length .mil o,\. u-d with approzi inately
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  • 111 2 Anaßwiing to teoeat teeecta iritfa Maud to the paeeeat aoaWoa of the private ihipboildaw industry in (ieriiiany. the construction of sliips fur the mercantile marine has afford id aleaaaai aaajieyaKat i" the principal yards, and the orders Meefoed ensure the continuation of this staU' of affairs until the end of
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  • 155 2 Tmk Timtl of Crijlon calls attention to the su-aclv BMMMC in tlie emigration of Tamil* ii<«m Jaffa*, in tlmi hrnrrfl. to the K. M. S. List year, MM thousand .laffuisc. wli.) an- called the Scotchmen of the East, Ml C'oluiiilm) for the Strait* Settlements and the I. M. S. They
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 48 2 StkMKR Cohplai.vt is the children's most dangerous enmny and the mother's most dreaded foe. Immediate and proper treatment is always necessary. Chamberlain s Colic Che 'era and Diarrhoea Remedy, given acctrding to directions, is the most effectual remedy known. For sale by All Dealers. The DISPENSARY, General Agents
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    • 417 2 NOTICES. "EAGLE" CEMENT. FROM LENGENFELD, AUSTRIA. The finest Cement beds in the world. Largely used in Government Contract work and wherever the highest quality Cement is essential. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. July II S'IAXDAKD pOUCJES. DU(ICCC R I Xl C The demand fur these Securities con- IflUwlClll Vm C tinue,
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    • 114 2 NOTICES. THE WORLD FAMED Rose Glycerine Soap Prepared by Ferdinand Mulhens, Cologne. Trade Mark 4711 v only sold at THE FI^I^K/Z^E^Oir, CHARTERED BANK BUILDINGS General Agents, for Singapore. 1825 CINEMATOGRAPHS Pathe Freres FILMS Pathe Freres. New films by every mail FOR COMPLETE Installation, Apply to Levy Hermanos 3 Cattery lioad
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    • 839 2 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. In order to make a connection of nvh Water Main. TANK ROAD will be closed from to-morrow, Wednesday, tlie Ttli. until Monday. the 12th instant. By order. F. J. BENJAFIELD, Acting Municipal Secretary. Municipal Office, Singapore, Sth February. 1906. ISSI SARAWAK GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS will be received
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  • 235 3 Mi:. OMIMI Chkstos, a leading London Stock exchange broker wan, lately interview k\ by a Timm qfOtfttm reporter at Colombo .1- to the rulilH r industry and British capita lUBi In his opinion the latter can only be attracted by j-Uiliiil; compiinics with XI shuns. Aslied
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  • 154 3 Mtimi D Hoon awl 11. H. iUmm have rollected inlnnnatioi: on the ot ea>th eatins trom all part- of India, <""l ii'inliiile that il is Lot td significance lint uoran HMMg every race. Tlie MOM coin ii.un materials UN are kaolin, burnt clay, and a
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  • 126 3 Tm: SiaiuiX' (iiminment. says the Htmgktmf ZVhympA, is about to iound a (Kiveriiment lal>oratoiy. on the |>lav of the t siHhlishiuent in Manila. With that object liicv ree< ntlv made an oiler ot the diraotomnp of the institution to l>i. MwgMfflß, the pathologist of the (ioverumint la)M>raUiry
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  • 139 3 Koi.lowim; the last McKinley election, a l.i.iurr whs hilled before Ills betters on dwp ot serious assault. He thus iimhl hinisell 1 w;is Mttiny <]iiietly in n;\ hoiiM- whin a ti;.inp came along ami iii -mamkil food. He was an ugly looking l.llow. ami 1 told
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  • 118 3 1 H ii>i|Kiii.iut announcement of the possibility o! OOring rabies liy treatment with indium, which has Im en made by the Italian Accadcmi.i dci Lince*. is arousing deep interest in I'aris. says a home paper. Naturally Moagß, the views of the MeoNNI of radium haw Ih-bji sought,
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  • 163 3 FOR SINGAPORE I. i I' .v O s. -Lin, from London Jan. 6, dm- Imli K.b (apt. H. \V. I'oynu, Mrs. I'oyiit/.. Major Atkins, and Mrs. NUB*, Miss Carver. Per P. .V 0. i. MmMm from London Jan. U, .In. lntli Kel. -Mr. D. Ci Maclean, Mr.
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  • 102 3 Fremantlc via ports- Chanm. on 11th Feb., Mansfield. I'rnadg and Calcutta, h'ookuing, due 11th 1,1,., |i,m»teu<l. K.i*t Owst [K.rtK, //,i» II h.ittHin, alternate Saturdays and Wednesdays. IVimiiK via |>orts. Ki'lif, every Wednesday, BommmL i'ort Swettenham, hrntoiit), S. S. 8. Co., and i,unite, Koe Uuan, every Tuesday.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 964 3 NOTICES. "Best" Incandescent Gasoline Lamps. MAKE BURN GIVE A BRILLIANT THEIR OWN GAS. WHITE LISHT. 0 0 L\MPS SUITABLE STREET OTHER PRIVATE HOUSES. T&\ II OUT-DOOR LAMPS. Sole Jlgents:^ HUTTENBACH BROS. CO? JOHNLITrLE&CO.,LTD. AB s .l I Jbawsons Jbiqueur Jk Whisky. HI EXPERIENTIA DOCET. l£ff»7gtaFlt.Sß It is now so nniversaUy
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  • 14 4 Mom :—On the Mia laaaarj faaani on Tientsin Btlate. B, «awautalawn. Ceylon.
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  • 670 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY. 9TH FEBRUARY. one i» pleading a loHing cane, and the above excerpts from our Berlin correspondence is an admirable, example in point. Who. remeinMUM. the circumstance* of the Kaiser's visit lo Tangier, can read without a smile the in geiuiotiK declaration wherein our
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  • 591 4 OUI Matal will note with much concern tliat the drought in India continues; and. lack of rain in tit-- lVninsula at ecit.iiii ■MM ol the year iimim distress, famine. destitution. DmM and death, lieiiti r. miller yesterday 's«-. says there are already 21."!,:!7 .t persons on relief works nit
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  • 309 4 Thk dispute about the I nionist purty leadership, as Renter's message to-day shows. is rapidly coming to a hind. It had become a burning question at the end of last month when the founder of the City OhMmMm Association vai»ly protested against the adoption of Mr. A. .1. Dalfour as
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  • 41 4 Hi plies tii .iilvrrtiMuiuuuts .1 gfm Km sliniilil -allcil for at il/r ortiff- tl»' atrmih 1 t fmm, i-M.. in r«-<-il Stni t, ih < 11 tin lionpi iit'.la.iu. ;uul 8 p.m. Ki'plic-. .Hi' not iMiWi.nkil tip MNwtfaMn. except by ai liin^oinciit.
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  • 15 4 Thk Judges returned from I'tiuiiiy m atol day Court work was resumed this nwi nlng
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  • 16 4 Ihk Town ami Volunteer Mawi will pla\ at the KsplantrU to night fromH.Uii; WNHM (k rmitting.
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  • 17 4 11. K. H. the I'nclicMi of Ccmamaabt baa Urn rohbadoi i'-'iH) worth of JeweaK] ia South Africa.
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  • 23 4 All the pcayacty repor!«il to b< miiwilM from l>r. <inll way's mMmi :it Cairn Hill ha^ l<m reoo* > ■< «i. we aiegla<l to hMur.
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  • 27 4 At Kanguuu. T. Barton, lha BuMiM athletic wondi-r. lias adMvfmd a luiiy |inn| of 21 tVvt 'J; iuth.-s. wliiuh is ImHiviil Ui Ik a retonl lot lirli;i.
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  • 21 4 Thk authorities of Harvard Uaivwait] li.i\. pMkMtad iutercollrn;iu- tootball until tin- A merica.i inline i« reformed ami piu^cil of iU bnitalitir-.
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  • 28 4 Thk Kesi<lent Councillor of I'ciian^ b soliciting the aid of the public than towards .1 fimil for the relief of suffrrvrs by tin )in -< in famine' in lajiau.
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  • 26 4 !s tin- rirV uatefa batoMM Mm Ueylon Vofauiteen, aad Mm Malay states 1 1 Urn latter von by 19 jwints. The (.Vvloii VoluntOfi- mxnt only M72ixnnt-.
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  • 28 4 A IUIUMOf tha Le«islati\i' Council v\ .i~ iii'ld this Hlttriicmii in the Council CliuniUr. It was proposed to carry tho Currt'iicy Stole OhHmMh Hill tljiou^li its lcmaiiiiiin -Uii;c~.
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  • 29 4 Asu>Mi new arrivals at tin- Hotel <!<■ I' Knropearc Mr. .1 Darlivsliin ti-om I'almni:. ib. mm Xn. Him Lkb ban TMngten. Mr. Ht'iiri Virlcywnfroiu BnUMbs licckiT and H. Si-chehayi'. Earopa
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  • 38 4 Ywiuday uteaawwoMra f ■iiHm .it l'p|ier Hokit-ii Stre"t uainlm<l all her hKuifV a«ny and in a tit ot ileprr»um s«iilli)"til i|uantity of opium. Tliu polite We mt for and she was taken to tlie lu.spital where slic di-.HI.
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  • 43 4 dr., it Bed bail fMßnraO to Pill hHii on th« 3tth Ki-iimilmt wlit-n hf <ail*-<l ;i\\.i\ t. i Kii^laml in the sliip T* Heiau. Hi- MM ulrt-iuly l)wii entered for tl» Ibmchentei L'u|i ami the (iolcl Cap mill Alcxamlra Plate. lit A -rot.
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  • 37 4 Aftkk their p*Mßt tour to the Strait-, aixl China, the Banilinaiiu Open Company return U> Calcutta aliout May. cv n ate tit Kn^lanil. wUUmt it is aimlood Mr. Kaiiihimnu «oes to or^anis.- lii^ mtM' sun s coni|>aiiv.
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  • 37 4 Mi— liiwi.fliiniiii iiml in. an •tjwrted to have issued a cirvulur ti> Ibail li iKiny CHmm ewtawn tmmaian then ill tin picri' fftoit liriill in Die firm air at liviiisli iiiaiiiifactiiri' anil MM limn tin luitol StaUs.
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  • 35 4 Tin: Dutch cruiser Z.,himl. i aptaiu Broax. arrived from Batavia yesterday afternoon and exchanged salutes with the jKirt. She went alongside Section No. 1 Tanjoug Pagar this morning. Th.i Setkimd will leave on the 12th.
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  • 44 4 The Japanese War Minister, inteno^u. d in the Dich, as to whether, in view of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, he intended urging the British Government to reform its Army organisation, is reported to liave replied that Ik 1 would do so .it a future date.
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  • 42 4 Tn ■iigageiiie.nt of Mr. N. (ireniel. I'm micial Assistant. P. \V. I).. l\rak. to Miss A. (lilli'tt. of New Zealand, is announced. Miss (iillett's brother is a member of the New Zealand Football team who lately distiu guished themselves in Great Britain.
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  • 49 4 l\ the City of London Court a creditor applied for the committal ot .i dihuir. and as evidence of means, said that he believed by the debtor's manner that iie was a -in gie man. "Does a man's manner change much when lie is married I the judye asked.
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  • 43 4 ■Mill drop dea«l if I don't s|ieak the truth!' exclaimed a defendant, at Mail iMinmglist.. London, the other day. •|>oiit say that", responded Mr. KftnttHjT. the magistrate. "If all those wishes i -timed out we should have tlH' Hour stnu n with corpses."
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  • Special Telegram to the " Straits Times."
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 175 4 (.-■■•l. Sitfpolt, (I, Ml, l-;i,r,i.n:,. I >'!,/. h, 1:,,,1,, 9a.m. •HI, F,1,n.,n,,. Mr. I. C'liaiiilH-rlaiii has written a long l.tu Ito M ni Ridley, in which he no desire far the leadership „f the Inioiiist part] But he repudiates all suggestions
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    • 37 4 gtc'il, Singaptre, 10.;.j „.m .:ilh Vtbruary, Ihl.l 1.1, l;.ut. r. 11..;, nhtuig. Mi.-lohn Bmns. Praaaieni ot Hut La U lOovernntentI Oovernntent Board, had an hour's a idnn, witfa tin Kinj; ye^li nlay.
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    • 27 4 I'rote-ts at) lieitiL' lotnlly made iv Fran ■gainat any yielding on the part oi tin Qowrniuert eeajaarning the Morocco police < 1111 11 -:ioii.
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    • 76 4 ft EL 11. f>nkc of Connan-ht at I'l, iori* wsterdav roo --I in audience Ml ;iati\i chiefs and til, il Mlowera, who in «tiony lei ins awora loyalty and devot Ul King Kdward. They recalled the many ben tit- they bad derived from the lab
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  • 109 4 A Hoxu the ai i.aU hy the mail fexV rd.iv cvi niuy was Mr. George Fleit oi London, who lias conn- oat in connection with tht affairn oi the Hinoapore Bleetrio Tnmways. He «as met at the wharf by Hoa Mr. John Anderson, Mr. C. W. Bdwarda, Mr.
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  • 54 4 |)i. M>i:iin. a Prussian financial <\|h it. [xiiiits out in an interview, published b\ tinWinter TafblaH, that Russia must aoou baoom baakrant, and that the year hhn; will find her plliagml in a rcvelution which is liki ly to last longM and Ik; mori terrifying than llie French Ihliuhltfcw of
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  • 59 4 nil \rthur Livwlev. (Jovunioi Elect of Madras, on his return to Kiu;lanil from South Africa, has mat with atagalarl; had luck. A son and daughter are ill. and inhiinsi h lias had lo undergo a slight opemtion w iiich Deoeeutatea wt t »Bi1 oninnqnuntii y he will not l>c able
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  • 61 4 Tut Skipping 11..//./ sa\s that a 0,,,, d deal of iiisiiraii'i has l«rn effected to cm. i the risk of war Utweeii Kngland and <i. i BMW] and Franri- ilui-iny the fint Mix months of this year. The premium r the n-i, batweea France and (ieriii.-ny only wax I y-.
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  • 61 4 'I'm other nin'iit. the s<pu- 'iug piy* hroii^l.t the owner, a (.'liiimimn living mi PaaarTraa, rVovino* tVnUmlnj. tn tin sj,,,t. and lie discovered the trouble to hedne to I couple ot leopards, lie aid a fri.-ml lia\in^ got tin ir guns, soon finish, il olf tl.e Intruders and. on the
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  • 71 4 A Huciaijm w.i^ m-lii 'iiiemly denouncing e\er\ liody the other day in l.or.don, .m,l then escliiimed What do you think, men A big ipiiet man rose anil saiil I I1I 1 tell yon what 1 think, I think if you ami n.e WM go thri'iigh this < omitrv during this
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 766 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS THE AUSTRALIAN STORES IS THE LEADING HOUSE FOR PROVISIONS IN SINGAPORE. We do not admit into our Stock anything j we cannot recommend. Our prices are the lowest that can be quoted compatible with the high Standard of Merchan- 1 disc worthy of our guarantee. Thompson Thomas Co.
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    • 245 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SIKBAP01« PH'LHARMONIC SOCIKTY POPULAR ORCHESTRAL CONCERT Saturday, February 10th, Tht FhUhanaMfa Orchestra will play Overture "Dim Giovanni" (Mozart); "Walther'K Preixlietl (rom the Meistereiuger vonNiirnberj; (Wagueri us violin nolo with orchestra; Intermezzo Kventide" (Myddleton); Scherzo (rom Syniphmy No. 7 (Schubert); Waltz 11,.m nine.- anx Damet" (Waldtcu(el) Selection Toreador" llvan
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    • 45 4 On page 9 and 1(1 to-day apjiear tile latest Shipping and Shares news, MMthei with some iiiU'i-estiiig items on economical and safe Huhbcr production, health of the Navy, extraordinary series of mishaps to warships. an alleged offer to Japan ahont the Philippine*, and Gorman shipping.
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    • 10 4 STEARNS' WINE, tht ideal reconstructor, repairer, renewer and builder op.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 27 5 faaaaj fam M* Fmrmmrt, Ihl.l. hit Biaiir, 9 aja, Nl fSaVaafp. The ilrought iv India continues: and lIUII iK-rsi.n- n. alrc.idv on rhlief works.
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    • 21 5 Mr. Balfour i isenti 1 v< oterdaj U> con Tine ii ineetip I the Dakadal party.
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    • 57 5 luioiiisl p. n welcome Mr. Chamlx-r lnin's latter 1 Lori Hidlcv. indicating that til. i lisis ih i-ll led. Tin- Balfon. c papera the Patfy OraafcV and the l>,ttir I,' imph insist that tariff reform must U sulxtnliiiiile to the m-ccssity of defen.lini; conservatism
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    • 55 5 A Mysterious Copy of a Mysterious Document. The Tnlmt., „.iries|H,ndent at Cl.efoo has received the copy of ikeament purporting BO I .me from the Kui|x'ior of China. It is diited the Mil of .lanuarv and. jnotestingagiiirst the assumption of ,la|ian to control Korea. ;ip|«als that the country bi- placed under
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    • 47 5 Herd. Smir'fi,. 0M »jn. Ml February. 1>,1,1. In/ Heuter, IM pj«. Ml PaWwarv. There hits been a railway st.ike. followed by riots, al AutofagusU in Chile i South Aiii.ricai. One hundred persons were killed during the distiirbanci-s. Th< Chilian 'ioMinment anaaaaaaj menot will thither.
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    • 18 5 Mr. .Luke ilnioiiisti has Ix-en elected M. P. for the I'nivcrsitv of Kdinburgh.
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    • 58 5 correspondent in Peking reporta that, in vii w of the tn ad of cv. Nts in China, thi Treaty r\*wi Ci have iim miailVllwl their oonaaat to tin Kaiaer'i proposal bo withdraw tile international tnxi|is now garrisoning certain points North China. The Powers will await furthei develop
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    • 19 5 great Liberal landowner in Lanark shire. Sir Kdward Colebnxike. has lx en raised to tin- p.-. 'age.
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    • 73 5 Mr. Xiitlall. an M. l., on presiding at the animal iii'-eting of the Manchester Chamtx-r .*****1' ;<e. took ii glixiniv view of the c- it ton trade. [a his opinion til. difficulty was loaaoan ddav orders, the fulfilment of which merchants wen- tiv.picntly unable to obtain before
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    • 49 5 A Cabinet ha* been formed in Italy under the premiership of Signor Sounino. who is also Minister of the Interior. In the Cabinet. Cosat < iaie; iaidini is Minister tor Foreign Affairs. Signor Lu/./ati pr. sidcsm.i the Treasury Signor Carmine is ovet the Public Works D. liaillnellt.
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  • 246 5 Chinese or Japanese Labour Wanted. Mi .lolls V. Sri I ..Ms. t hief Kngiiu I I at tin Panama Canal, will stion-ly recommend to the IS. (■oM-iiniH nl the construction of a link canal, as against I sea lo\. 1 waterway. Asked if til. re were any
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  • 89 5 THE AMERICA CUP Sir T. Liptons New "Challenger." 1 In New York Sun has received a kt;.i Hi in Sir Thomas Lipton in which In- MJI that he i' considering plans for a new CliallenjfUT for the America Cup. .md hopes to bring tht yachf to America in 1907. He
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  • 82 5 Tiik M, i l,i ii M,,,: si.a, with r,fereuc»! to tin- articl.'s on the Malacca UubUr Co. illukit 1 1 1 1 1 'Jiit it ifpun not to have lx-.ii made clear that though the capital has v.ii reduced from CMOjOU) to L'-'Umi.cmni. tluiiii a lias also been reduced by
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  • Correspondence .
    • 786 5 l,i llu Eililor Ih, Stniit* Timen." Sir, In your issue of the 7th inst.. Mr. .1. K. lionieiiii has givep bis views on the alNivc silb]eet. Answering the advocates for "Wharfage in the Koatls. this gentleman tells them tiiat there will be ample accommodation at K( -pix-1
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  • 184 5 A Meeting at Penang A mkkuni. ol representatives of the most prominent irirkc Hag associations iv the Straits Settlements ami Federated Malay Stato w held ill the IVnanu Chamber of Coiumeire i,n Ji:d inst.. ainonj; those present I ißiny Mi E. W. liirch. < M. <;.. in tie
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  • 205 5 Meeting of Shareholders Tut half-yearly ordinary general meeting of shareholders iv the Tanjong I'agar Dock Co., Ltd.. was held to-day at noon in the Singajxtre Exchange. There were present Messrs W. H. Shelford. A. U. Faber. J. K. Hoinenij idiiectorsi. J. B. Young, R. Little.
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  • 298 5 Thk tramways found no little trouble in getting through crowds here and tin re in North and South Bridge Itoads during the cracker firing last night, and two eases of very narrow esca|x.-s from being run ever by the trams are reported. One was that of
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  • 512 5 A Warning to Smugglers On the lHth ultimo. Sergeant CoiiUih. of the Marine Police, laid hands on Chua Neoug and three others mi a CUbHI IhkU. trading iv firewood between Cheribon and Singapore. The tougkang was in the Kallang Kiver and the men were the crew. The
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  • 76 5 lam hist ni^lit a Police Countable ou duty in liobinson Koad saw two Chinamen carrying a uountrviiiii.. of llieirs aloui; the road. When Hmj not ke a dark jiart of the thorough tare they <liiiii]mml theii' Imrilcn down and ■MM pnOMcUag to run away when thr policeman i-aptim-d tlit-m. It
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  • 416 5 Alleged Carefully Planned Armed Gang- Robbery. Ykstkkday afternoon. Mr. Scott commenced a preliminary inquiry into a charge of armed gang-robbery brought against Mo Sin. Ho Chock Teng, Lo A Si and So A Kan. The alleged roblx-ry is Raid to have taken place at a spirit shop at Wayang Satu
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  • 201 5 The Htm/ill'/ It, im I'iiml oliwrvcs that some of the i \ecptioual reliates of freight which lia\e baaa allowed during the laKtsixmonths tosup|x>rtcrsof the conference lines of steamers trading with South Asian ports, wen expected to come to an end on .Ith January. "Thus all shipments from Banana to
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  • 131 5 Loki> KiTcUKXKi: has formed what HaBM to be a very practical and good plan for allowing soldiers in India the opixjrtunity of having, at the end of a long (x-riixl of service, six months' holiday in Kngland. The idea is to grant the privilege to well-conduct<-d
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  • 145 5 Kkom the Ist March next then will come iiitoo|xiatioii iv. Japan a uew system ot handling money through the medium of the )x>st office. Briefly speaking, the nnonmnl piau is to substitute post-office chcpies for postal orders. Thus il will not be necessary to go or send
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  • 112 5 THE SAME OLD SWINDLE As- old swindle seems to liave O*H revived in India, judging from the following note which has reached the QmtOttfomtUH "An annisiiig storyette is goiug the rounds in Calcutta which I thought might Ik- of interests. An advertisement appeared in an lndi;>ii lleU-]M|H-l. How to COM
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  • 69 5 Mi:. Alfhkii (iwvNNK Yanukkhilt yavioiilctk months at><> for tli>' construction at New York of a aMMffol raciuu motorcar clemn"<-<l to riyi one mile in 'iH '2-3 hcc.. meaning 1 ">- miles an hour. This wonderful machine iH nearly completed. It is uf -J'.d home-power, ami when reiuly will weigh les
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  • 338 5 SCC. v. 0. Co. Sherwood Foresters OaaMDMHUBU interest was ceiitnd in the soccer match played yesterday aftcrinxin on the Ksplauade. between the S. C. C and <i. Co. Slurwixxl Foresters, and the fact that tin- best civilian team was to meet the best Ucgiineiital Company team drew a
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  • 176 5 An Appeal For Help I'm- t. 'ommilteeof the Town and Volunteer j Band ap[x-al la the public for more sub stantial aoypoH in consequence of: mi The sum voted by the Municipal Commissioners for 1906 being n>duced to *:!.(KHt from S»i,((0(l paid in previous years. ,ln
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  • 76 5 A nmn scandal has sprung up al War saw baoMMa while Colonel Novitsky was waiting at the station for a train a travelling trunk in his charge, containing secret documents of thr highest importance, was stolen. Among the papers purloined then- u.-ic U documents drawn up by the stall of
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  • 117 5 A 7 i....« ujCiijUtii London kakaptaai aatad Klst .liiniiary -tates tliat the ptimhaar fiw ot tin >in Iford (.'ompanj's )iio|m-i ty, iiulud inH the pn miters" profit, is CSJKKI Tin- list was to, lust; on the Ist inst. journal says that this i-ompany owns Miil.vy Stak-s property. It is
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  • 81 5 Thk public is reminded of the I'iiilhai llionic Society's Popular Orchestral Concei'. which takes place on Saturday night at the Town Hall, seats for which (for non-member*) arc now being booaad at the Robfauoa I'iano Company. Admission is fr.-i to nlx-rs of the Sixiety. Particulars of the
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  • 37 5 To-Moaaow night, from 7.:!n till IIJKt, the Town and Volunteer Band will plaj at the I;., nation Hotel at the tramway t. i minus on the KatH.-s I'ayah Lebar line. Late cars will be run as provided.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 When the whole system is depressed Nutritive reconstruction is of vita, uu portanct. Steai Wine L the idea) Tocic.
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    • 403 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER To-Morrow Night MUSIC YOU TAKE NO RISK if purchased from us: Ist because 13 years' local experience is Imilt into them: the red is Teak and Iron. 2nd yon my exchange at anytime and we acknowledge the value of our name on the Piano.
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  • 477 6 MR. 0. DEVITT. OF MESSRS. LEWIS PEAT. To Visit Ceylon Estates. The following is from the CcijlonObscrrrr: Mr. Oliphant Devitt, partner in Mctm*. Lewis and Peat hax arrived at Colombo, on an extended visit to Ceylon. The firm of Messrs Lewis and Peat is probably the leading rubber-broking firm in
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  • 182 6 In their Annual Review of tlie rubber indi'stry (IMS) Messrs. (irisar Co. of Antwerp, make the following reference to the Eastern plantation rubber which we translate. Among new kinds which have. e\citeil mucli interest we li&vc to mention ii> in the tir-t rank the rubbers coming
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  • 255 6 No. 2.— The Wounded Interpreter Who Had Been to Hull. The Paris "Journal" of Jan. 12. publishes a long letter from its Tokio correspondent giving an account of an interview with Admiral Rojdestvensky. The Russian Admiral stated that during his long detention in Japan he arrived at a
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  • 615 6 DR. WILLIAM'S PINK PILLS Fresh Singapore Evidence. During the past few years abundant and convincing evidence has come to light proving that Dr. Williams' Fink Pills tor Pale People are a remedy for that terrible tropical disease Beri-beri. Whilst medical opinion differs as to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 622 6 NOTICES. The Robinson Piano (<■. LUI. wish to engage a good European clerk as sub-manager here or Hongkong. Salnry »200 rising t.i »350. i- 1700 WAXTF.D for Halik Papan, Kast Borneo, x rcnpectable Straits lxirn Chinese Clerk, must bra K'xkl man careful at figures. Agreement fortwo years with free quarters
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    • 557 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. No. 19 and 20 Boat Quay. Immediate entry. Rent moderate. Apply to v 899 MORAUX 4 CO. k fi TO BE LET. r Kildare," 262 Bukit Timah Road, pleasantly situated about 3 miles from town, also a godown and offices at 49 Robinson Road. Apply to
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    • 715 6 AUCTION SALES. MORTGAGEE'S SALE Tuesday, 13th February, at 2.30 p.m. The valuable freehold residential property kn»wn as No. 139 TANJONG KATONG, Singapore, formerly known is the TANJONG KATONG HOTEL. Area 29,853 square feet. Powell V Co.. 1519 Auctioneer/. TO BE LET. ImmeJiate entry, a splendid Office and Godown at No.
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    • 42 6 Anyone who Las ever given Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a trial will tell you it is unequalled for all stomach and bowel troubles. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by All Dealers. The DISPENSARY, General Agents
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    • 142 6 TO BE LET.— Part of Oollyer Quay, at present in the occupation of Messrs Syme Co. Also No 9 D'Almeida Street. Dates of entry to be ascertained from MEYER BROS. Feb. 8 m.w.f. u.c. TO BE LET. Houses X08. 41 and 45 Anson Road suitable for shops or store roorrs.
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    • 594 6 BANKS. Hong* on? V Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,00 a RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve »10,000,000t Silver Reserve I 8,.W0.000| 1H W0 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors »10,000,0 M COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Slade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. F. Salinger, E«}.
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  • 251 7 Mr. S. K. .1. Skkiiti uly yarns as follows in the (JiiretuUintler It is now suggested that the interesting Moiriories of the Chatham Islands near New Zealand were l'olyiicMaii immigrants mu< cedeiit to the coming of the Maories to New Zealand. I ouoe had as a travelling
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  • 192 7 Rkvikwins the baaking Imlf y.;a in a leading article, the Financial Ttmet says. as regards the future, the proxpectH certainly Heem to favour the banker. The KusHo-Japa-nese War, as is the < ase in all wars, would seem to have absorbed more capital than was apparent at the
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  • 164 7 A Nkw /c alaml 1 Conference was |o b« liel.l in Cliii>teliuicli t)iis lnontli. ut wliicli ainoiiy other things, the MHJBMtioa from llnMellMiiime Trades' Hall C oiiteien. c. tor B six. hour day. was tal.i n into eoiisiilerHtion. l'leliininaiv leteieiiets .In not iniliiat.- a favolulile I'ifi
    164 words
  • 133 7 H\i> water i- a familial thiny to PariitiAßN M H. MOW an.l It. I'lu lihM' just la!. I haCon the Muaicipal Council their very iin|KiiUint report on tlie vta'.ci supply of tin* iiipital The li)ort states at tinoutvet that the wal.-i Mi|| to Paris. which baa
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 505 7 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capitol £800,000 Rewrve Liability of Proprietor. *<*>0,000 K«erv« Fund £875.000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
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    • 158 7 NOTICES. RILEY.HARGREAVES&CoItd. Sllsra-APORB cfe XFOT£. Electrical Department Motors Dynamos Lamps Complete Electric Light Installations and I'ouse Wiring. Switc.i Gear, Slaps' Fittings, House Fittings, Mining Fittings, Fans, Ac. Arc Lamps, Accessories, Radiators, &c. Expert Advice and Estimates, Free. Addr... HARGREAVES KELLY WALSH SOLE AGENTS THE YOST TYPEWRITER 22 trl2e^Ro|nin^| catalogues
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    • 289 7 NOTICES. 1 vj a "A perfect beverage, combining Strength, fy I Purity and Solubility." Medical Annual. I j van flouten's 1 I 1 I it I Unequalled for I I High Quality, Delicious Flavour f Digestibility. I I BEST GOES FARTHEST, i f p J&J*^tO be Artistically Dressed it is
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    • 139 7 1 i I The Weight of The Pyramids i seems piled upon the head of the x unfortunate sufferer from a split- ting headache. A headache of this kind, if unrelieved, leads to aberra- tionofthemiodandinsanity. Jt'-oes i beyond human power to enduie. Every sufferer from these head- /> aches will
      139 words

  • 620 8 The Agricultural Department in Selangor. MTSthe ifalmf Mmil, h tafctlM wlmt promises t 1m- ii most useful stop. It is about to make Hi .ateinpt to induce tho natives to plant up nwaaapj land with the BftfO pahs. Ap;ut b .111 tlie fact that,
    620 words
  • 288 8 1 tin .hunmiv meeting of the Penally I it lluli. Mr. A.'X. liniu-ry started three I uraeaaM of which won. Of two horses started 1., Hassn Butteiv and .laniou both proved winners. Next comes Mr. Lee Toon Poon who hud three trim out of four starters. Mr. <j.
    288 words
  • 72 8 AtMAM tin- replies to the lin-ular of tin; alwve propoaed publication bare couuneucoil ii'iuc iii .sb-adilr lochllv. His K\c«'llimuv 1 QoTfOT. awl of tin- heads of (invrriii nts anil ninny of the leiulin*! inerelinats having ivtnriicd forms. As it i>. ilesiretl t«> K«'t tin bosk
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  • 1145 8 Facts and Comments. Mrtlwunir. loth .January. Bomb Throwing: ii .< -1«J< p- 111 1 heard of in Australia, but ou Saturj day morning last a dastardly attack was made on Sergeant- Detective 'O'Donnell at liis resilience opposite the Melbourne Exhibition buildiug. O'Donnell has been siicc'a'ly active in presecnting
    1,145 words
  • 159 8 Dr. Neild Cook. Calcutta, '.'4th ./•uiuary. Aftkb a two-days' discussion the Corporation of Calcutta have resolved by a narrow majority of one vote only, not to reconsider, or rescind their resolution of the 18th December last, giving six mouths' uotice to Dr. Cook, Health Officer, or
    159 words
  • 160 8 Thu Koiairm Augunt'i lictoriu, of the Hamburg-American Line, shares with the Ilaltic. of the White Star Line, the credit of being the largest ship in the world. She is not quite so long. 70u ft. against 72b ft., but her displacement is about the same, viz.. 40,000 tons.
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  • 99 8 Bth February. Per I'enlaknta .-—From Calcutta via Penang— Mr. Duff, Mr. J. C. Bucliauan. Baron Dongage and brother, Mr. N. A. Naasim. Mr. Mrs. and Miits Bridguell, Mr. and Mrs. Masson, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Lovell, Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. .1 Mayell, Mr. H. C. Bennett. Mr.
    99 words
  • 49 8 Ykstkkday a Chinese balm wan out shooting birdu with a muhll bore shot gun in luh plantation at Payah Lebar. whin une of the pellett* Htruck a Chines? boy hi tin' back of the wrist. The lad's hancl was dressed at tin- hospital. He wax only iery slightly injured.
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  • 97 8 yth February. MM, Tub Netherlands Trading Society to-day-quotes the 4,' ms bank rate at 2 t »s.» s The Mercantile Bank quotes it at J 4 The quantity of tin ex|mrted from l'ahang in November amounted t0 3.191.19 piculs. the output being slightly less than that os
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  • 95 8 Oambior f 7.70 do (Cube No. 1) nnpicked 10.50 Copn Bali 7.40 do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black buyer« 19.871 do White, 5% buyers ..,,29.00 Sago Flour Sarawak :).ft"> do Brunei No. 1 a.85 Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali, 15% basis 20.25 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 25.00 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • 255 8 (Mercantile Bank.) On London Rank 4rn h 2/41 Demand 2/4 J Private 6 m/« 3/4 ,j do 3 m/s 2/41 On Germany— Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3 m/g a.45 do 6 ra/s 2. 47 On France Bank d,d •> M-H Private 3 n/s do 6 m/» ,i MI On
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    • 23 8 Man -of- War. /.return!. H. N. M. ru. MWtoSM, Mi crew 28 guns, M.iWOh.p. Cuptain Braes, Bth l-.-l, Fromßatiiua, 6tli Ki-1,. D.— Dock,
      23 words
    • 163 8 Him fa s.«,n. Dm. str. 222 tons, Capt Odiiik, 9th Feb. Ki.nn Sambas, 7th Feb. O c and 50 dp. Urn Ah Sam. For Pontiauiik 10th— Rds. lianiiknk. Oar. sir. I.J.iT kOBa, Capt Klimmet 9th Feb. Itangkok. tnd I'eb. (1.c..' and 13 d. p. Behn Meyer
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    • 103 8 MAILS CLOSE for Per Steamt' 7 i,«, To-MOIIHOM Pontiaunk and SHinliaH Inlmii,,, 9am Saiidakaii via ports 1>,,r,,l 10 a.m.' I Palembnuii Kami,., 10 a.m. I IVnang.Saliang.Piiiliiiii; Ta* Omtknorn 11 11.111. Kangoou and Calcutta Ptntmkota 11 a.m. Djambie Sahak Htemhan noon, l'.mtianak dwuunt 1 p.m. P. Swettenham. Pi-nang/'in Stag 2 p.m.
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    • 132 8 From Europe— By the It. I. s. s. ThoHftn due 011 10th Feb. From China— By the M. K. s.s. CmWhmhn din- on 12th Feb. TIME TABU OK MAOa MIX, Left Singapore Due in London Arrived Dec. Wb B. I .lan. -_'iUi .lan. -20th Jan. Ist M.
      132 words
    • 77 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East WINR- Nil. Victoria Graving Dnn Marque AinuAlbert Qaanaa Dm: M. N. M. ffislsnri Section No. 1 SulUn \an Luugkal. Taamau, .Niini Sunf;. Torp. boat Exe. Bros „2 Peutnkota. 3 Ayuthia. „4 Persia. s Chacon. 6 Bssßtor, yaagtaat,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 77 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify tin- ihiblic that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at redneed prices. A good opportunity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are advised to
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    • 179 8 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Feb. 10 At Sale-room. Borneo Tobacco. 11 a.m. 18 At Sale-room, share and interest. 2-iiO p.m. 13 At Sale-room, house No. 139 Tauioug Katong. 2-30 p.m. 13 At Bale-room, house No. 1 High Street. 2-30 p.m. 13 At Sale-room, building land and house 68 Ballestier
      179 words
    • 15 8 Vw m I *CG3^V3 Y fS\fS \(f&f\ fff^ Laidlaw &Co.'s 7 pnTpnn 1 (jI rri§v^Q§i/
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 132 8 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 9th February. High Water. 11-27 p.m. Oarrisou Field Operations. S.V A. Gun Drill. 5-30. Town Band. Esplanade. «:10. Saturday, 10th February. High Water. 10-54 a.m. 11 ->s p.m. B. I. outward mail due. S.V.A. Rifle Club. Monthly Shoot. Ballestier. 2-30 p.m. Hunt Club Meeting. Gardens. Mfc
      132 words
    • 99 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kiiii.hnii) Ktrintu Hiupital. 7tli tihrumy, hum.. A. M. 3 r. V. 'J t. M. HKHARKb. Bar. M 29.999 29.M56 29.96.V Temij H4.11 n'i.ii 711.0 Wet Bulb Ther 77.(1 77. ti 7.V.1 >■ Dirof Wind X.c. vi »im Max. Sana n0.4 «£>-' Mm §J Has. in Sun Ud.O
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    • 608 9 Samt, port, proliablt ■lute of arrical, ami name of agent*. Bteaukrs. A^anuiMiion. l.i\erpo-il, Feb. 21 Manslitlcl. Airhe. Sydney. Fi-I>. M Boustead. Antenor. China. Mhi I Mau»Hcld Arniaud Behic, (.'olombo, Mar. 12; M Mtiiiie!Arratoon Apcar. aliutto, Feb. 14 P. Simons. Arcadia, Hongkong. F«b. 15 P. O. Austria, HflOpUßf,, Mar.
      608 words
    • 942 9 I'uder this heading the following abbreviations arc used str. steamer eh. ship bq. barque: sch.— achooner Yet.— Yacht Cru. -Cruiser Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo II. p.— Horse-power; Brit. British; U.S. Puited State* Fch. French Ger German Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger ll.— Uncertain T. P.
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  • 241 9 iuillkl of Snares Issue Paid Value iup to Company Bayen Sellers Transaction* I I BOLD. I 13,50 I 10 10 Beniawah G. M. C<j, Ltd <,UX'UUU-U«1. 4,000 I 10 t 10 (Deferred) iO.OOO i I 10 I 10 KxUut G. M. Co., Lul 10,000 i 10 t 10 (Pref.)
    241 words
  • 138 9 400,000 1 OUO uuu-uad 2,000 100 4,500 5 SO »0,000 i 12) 12,000 100 3,400 I 10 6,000 I 100 2,750 100 35,000 10 600 I 60 ■2,000 I > 100 5,000 100 ;>j umwuiil. 800,000 10 XI.UUi uniuoed 37,000 t 100 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. 8.00 8.00
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  • 140 9 30,000 •10 6 70,000 •101 10 70,000 1 1 »,0u) uuiuiwd 6,000 1 1 6,000 1 1 1.6U0 uniMMd W.OOO 1 1 U,.v»p uniKbued 2,000 »100 1100 S 'liooT 0 iioo moo 15 umaiUdU 30,000 1 1 i.uuu uuiuuad 150 »100 »100 -■■in »100 90 in.uoo t 10 10
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  • 45 9 Howartlj Knkiue, Ltd. 6% Riley, U>rtfr««vw, I-ul. B% Singapore Muuicipai 6% 5% Tunjong Ptgu Dook Co., Ltd. 6% >600,000 ML prem aaleH. MS.WX) i% prem buyer*. 400,000 2% prem buye'.. ,1*78,000 1% pram buyer*. 655.500 p*r. ieUan, 250,000 1% prem. M8 },500 p»r. buyere
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 238 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXF.CUTED. BUNKERS. FRESHWATER ISLAND .PULO BUXOM) Di,|w,kiti 1 Mrm KnTHih 1 t.> V w Mnrhnr. LIQUID FUEL 30/1 I'irh Skillinn) ftt ttl r. l. b. 11 KuiKrr* Mr of <| r |iv»ry 2(M» tint frt bm. v>CXS ALSO AT— Sncv. llonilwy.
      238 words
    • 495 9 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. llttllMM'l MM VIlJ" I wtll#% m/[^W MEMORIAL HALL. ffIS^^MMMMMMM XotwitliMtancliiiK tin- hoat of th< afternoon, tlii.- inU-ioi y^U 9kT j Hie bu <lin^ »as k.]>t pltasantly cool by the electric fans" IQJHbS '"^■pCil ftxed upon tlie walls, deniouHtratiug the hitlierto uuheanl of" /vT liossibility
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  • 328 10 Economical and Safe Rubber Production. hi:. A.M. Si „i ;ki, -.f tin- NoMUmI Kiil.ber limitation Coiu|iiiny. wriUs to tin Timtm <•/ 7/011 from Sun Krancinco xtatiu^ that lie 1 special to visit CiyloiiHoim time during l'.Hlfl to stiuiy rubber culture, and iisliinn the Im
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  • 229 10 Tubercular Disease Increasing •■ominous increase" in the iiuiulkt of ■.i-< -s ..I tuUreiilar diseases in the British Na\ is ntlii iiilly re|K)rte<l. Accoi<tinp to the >talistienl rlejwrtof the llealthof the Navy." lust issued, the miiuilh rof il< allis liom tub i ri ulosis in 19<M was
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  • 206 10 Extraordinary Series of Mishaps to Warships. Tai New York eomaoMMi of The I im v l<nrapliim> on January nth. MMM Wstcnlav was ;m nulucky day for the American fleet. Five MMMMM staitcil lioiu this city foi Humptou Roads, and in tin lower buy the Kcntiuki/ and the
    206 words
  • 175 10 Alleged Offer to Japan OoVBBMS bo, of the Philippines, made the following declaration Wli.n the American ".ovrriinient is ready to turn over the Philippine islands to unyouc it will be to the Philippine people themselves. Tin ill' u that the islands are to be turned over to Japan
    175 words
  • 74 10 I'iik ncciil MMMMBI of outstaudins litti -ri'iuM'.s Utwicn tl,,- Hiimburn Aiiicriian Limandtlu' N.ntli (ienmui Lloyd Compaiiy, hjivs lh, Timtm, included tlu> renewal of the contract Utwcjn Mm ContiiH-ntal shipping companies for tliu conveyauw of MM pMMn across the Atlantic. It in auticipuU d that tiie cllcct of Ibis
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 728 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in trw highest class of Whiskies. I Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p. a^o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO i Per China, Japan, Penan;, Gmflma Australia, India, Aden, Ejcypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymjuth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China I Coa?t, Persian
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    • 694 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljb« PaUeUesrt Maatschappll. Under rcntrtct with the Netherlands India Government J; CUM ,-t .v.'i.o;orc— pßif AcEKiv, iai* J. D«mis4Co., 3-3 Coilieb Qfay. 1 be undermentioned dates are enly approximate Steamer From |Kxp'ted" ill be desj inched for:— Van Hi, 1,,, I. Bataria Keb 5 Batavia, Java-Const. Hamarang Koura"
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    • 596 10 H4MBUR&-AMERIKA LI HIE. HAMBURO. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, aud Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly Mf Havre and Hamburg aud once a month for liremerhaveu direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of the
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    • 664 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. mm m NOROOEUTSCHER LLOfD Imperial German Mail Line ;l The fast and well known mail steamer* of this Company sail fortnightly from I)>vinen0 Hamburg via KottonUm, Antwerp, S >iith;»npton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Xaplei, (coniu-.tion Marseilles, Naples, Aloxau'liia, and vice u-rs.i) ;1 Port Said, Suez, Adeu, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hougkoug,
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    • 716 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OOBAfI STUAM SHIP Go,, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Lid. The Companies' MMMfI despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Strait*, China 1 and .lap. m every week, nml from .Inpan home MM lor London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. Om outward steamer each month extends
      716 words