The Straits Times, 5 February 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.954 THE STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1900. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 237 1 The Tramway Company could scarcely have had a better occasion for increasing their profits than that of the Koyal visit. which threw a very larye portion of_ tl ittraffic into their hand*. The carx in all* the sections, particularly that !>etweei] (iaylau^ ami Tanjoug Pagar. were tilluil with
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  • 61 1 A TKAM-car driver lias btt'ii tinod 10 by Mr. Hooper (or recklessly driving liiHciir ovit (nulling Bridge, which lias already bum deHcribed aH ■MMMtvta|(o tlie luck of space on either side of the tram lines. In thin incident a bullock wan ho injured that it had to l>e felH<i)jhtered. and
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  • 462 1 How Mr, Balfour was Fought in Manchester. Neuter's recent telegram giving a hint to tbe effect that Mr. Ha Hour's opponents were not exactly playing the game in their cam paigu against him. is explained by the suli joined excerpt fnmi Ttt Timrt: The following disgraceful handbill is
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  • 65 1 Dm readers will note, with much satisfaction, no doubt, that Mr. van Wijk has rt ojieneil his confectionery business this time at the new Hotel van Wijk, in Stamford Road. Ice-creams and the most delicious pastry, to* are served at very moderate prices, in the open air restaurant, till late
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  • 75 1 I lit London (irajiliir weekly to hand by Saturday's English mail notes: —We have received the "Strait* Tuuih Annual" for 19OV0. a unique production dealing with the life, manners and customs of the thousand and one races who inhabit Malaya, Nc-'v (iuiuea. Java and countless other islands of the vast
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 537 1 NOTICES M VELTEN BEER, j PURE, WHOLESOME. PALATABLE. The same as supplied on b <>ard ihe French Mail. TO BE HAD FROM ALL DEALERS. C. DUPIRE CO., Sole Mgenh. I 1M1 MARINE MOTORS, The undersigned have been appointed sole-agents for the Straits Settlements for the KROMHOUT Paraffin MOTOR and f
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    • 422 1 WANTED 1. In the Medical Department. Penang and Province Wellesley. five Apprentice Dressers, on a salary of t3Hn"per annum. •2. Temporary appointment for two veara only K. Applications with copy of testimonial! s!i. ml, l I*- f.ii'Muriled to the Colonial Surgeon. I'enniii;. 1497 A \TKI C.imposit.irs with jobbing expeI rieuce.
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    • 325 1 L NOTICES. 'ROBINSON CO, L J U S T A R R I V E D, -A. JLarg*-* Shipment oi "GRAMOPHONE S." THERE is only one "GRAMOPHONE and it is made by the GRAMOPHONE TYPEWRITER Ltd. LONDON, for which we are the Sole Agents ALL others are imitations. NEW RECORDS
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 141 1 DAY BY DAY. Monday, sth February. High Water. *-46 p.m. Hsri I lava Hadji (Moh. festival,. B.VJL Kuze-Setting. 5-30. S.V.I. Co. Drill. (Ml Philharmonic Orchestra. H. Missionary Meeting. Prinsep St. Church. Tuesday, 6th February. High Water. 7-50 a.m. 9-39 p.m. Singapore Founded. IXI9. Wednesday, 7th February. Biaft Water. Ml a.m.
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
  • Special German Telegrams.
  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 48 2 Rec'd. Singapore fi p.m., 2nd Frbruiirij. Del'd by Keutrr 9.30 a.m. 3rd February. The Daily Mail urges the holding of a conference between Mr. A. J. Balfour and Mr. .1. Chamberlain with a view to uniting the party under Mr. Balfour, with Mr. Chamberlain's programme.
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    • 19 2 Sir Edward Grey's wife waft thrown out of a carriage yesterday and is still unconscious.
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    • 22 2 The Italian Chamber of Deputies lias rejected the vote of confidence in the Government by 221 votes to 188.
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    • 23 2 London, 3rd February. Lady Grey is suffering from concussion of the brain. Her condition is very serious but not hopeless.
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    • 101 2 Most serious disorders are reported from Paris. Yesterday the Church of St. Pierre near the Chamber was occupied by 8,000 persons when the official attempt to take the inventory of its property was made. These barricaded the doors inside the church and hurled stones at the aggressors. Firemen
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  • "Reuters Extra Service.
    • 44 2 Una. Singapore OJ?S p.m. Una rebruury. Dttd. by Hrutrr 'J.3oa.m.:inl February. Of those arrested at Sainte Clothildc r PariK inventory troubles] seventeun have been detained. Them; include Comtett de la Rochefoucauld and Georgex Bourbon, who «tru charged with axsaulting the police.
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    • 46 2 The affair led to an interpellation in the French Chamber of Deputies, and a heated debate ensned. Violent altercation and uproar followed, and the Hitting was suspended. Finally a rote of confidence in the Government was carried by 884 votes to 166.
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    • 31 2 The Sylvia which struck a mine at ftca wax laden with troops. Ten soldiers were killed, and seven wounded. The troops were landed at Ice Cape. NjvcsilßUy.
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  • 2560 2 PENANG LETT ER. Pnutng, Sunday, ?Hth January. Wedding. On Wednesday the wedding of Mr. George Teeling. Barrister at Law. and Miss Bee Anthony t >ok place at the Church of the Assumption, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Fal.her Meneuvricr. The bride was attended by Miss Gunn and Miss
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 470 2 NOTICES. T"WO ENGLISH MILKS. WITH JJIB a u<3M)«s^m2B^^^^l GANE SUGAR. F C^On^PSselb V yV\ I1 > r\> h3HJ ni ti T Plir^ Ai yQH Per Tin. L L NDENSS ~"^^B fullcream i* .^l^pli^H Per Tin. FROM AUSTRALIAN STORES J^l<TlD ALL DEALERS. J^ STANDARD |X)LICY. OF ,£5OO BTU. Payable at Age
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    • 402 2 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System -agains_tj)isease with W« ouuiot Wftmk W^^ m T7^L\^mW^mWl^Ui*m 1 V *X IKC LV ■W^ too highly «t it" |hvl*l.A2f*1 B J*l| V|l[H B B /.«.«■>! I^T^^L^^l^p^^^yß^^i^l^i^i^i^B^BßßaiaßVßßVß Pronounced by tit* MlUhtbT MEDICAL AUTMOKI ntS ™4;B&*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 87 3 NOTICES. "Best" Incandescent Gasoline Lamps. MAKE BURN W GIVE A BRILLIANT THEIR OWN GAS. T WHITE LISHT. LAMPS SUITABLE I x^ STREET OTHER FOB _JJ^^\ JL jfjJBL FORMS OF PRIVATE HOUSES. <^J|\J > OUT-DOOR LAMPS. Sole %nfe.-HUTTENBACH BROS. CO. Summer Complaint is the children's most dangerous enemy and the mother's
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    • 225 3 CINEMATOGRAPHS FILMS. Russia- Japan War Films, Comic Films, all kinds always in stock. New Films by every mail FOR COMPLETE Installation, Apply to LEVY HER M ANOS, 8, BATTERY ROAD. ODEON GRAMOPHONES ODEON RECORDS. Which can be fitted on all talking machines. SOLE AGENTS LEVY HEFMANOS. 8, BATTERY ROAD. cSI
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    • 608 3 YOJR AILMENT IS NATURE'S REPROOF. To overcome that ailment You require Nature's Assistance. ENO'S FRUIT SALT' IS NATURES OWN REMEDY, und an anßarpawed one. It is peculiarly adapted for any conatitu nunal Weakness of the Liver, poweraes the power of reparation «lien digestion has been disturbed or lost, and places
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  • 18 4 Pnaaata On -Mtli January, at Jiurmuu Road. Penang, Henry Hilary Peterson. Rged 77 years and 19 days."
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  • 190 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 5TH FEBRUARY. PRINCE ARTHUR'S MESSAGE. We are favoured with ':he following official communication His Royal Highness Prince Arthur of Connaught before leaving, desired Hib Excellency the Governor )to convey to those responsible for the decoration of the route traversed by the procession, and
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  • 1527 4 H. K. H. Pkixck Akthi/k ok Coxxalmut has come and gone. The brief official paragraphs which we publish above indicate the kindly impression that his reception coiivi \ed to the Royal Messenger, and it only remains for us to congratulate our various communities.-- but more especially the Chinese community, on
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  • 43 4 Tklkokams which were received In 'tween the publication of Friday's paper and Saturday at 1 o'clock, were issued on Saturday to those who sent for them they arc published on page 2 for the benefit of our readers who diil not see them.
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  • 11 4 Tui- Years "Bisley" will be held from Mb to 'JUt .Inly.
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  • 12 4 Thk (unit of Appeal will assemble hi Singapore on the 19th instant.
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  • 20 4 Mi:.. l. I;. Iwks is ap|Kiinted ko act ti in porarily from the sth instant as Attorney < ieneral. S. S.
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  • 18 4 Wk have received a copy of the sailings of the M. M. ships on thelndo-China and Japan Lino.
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  • 21 4 Thk Hon. Mr. .1. Anderson sue. .-els the late Mr. H. 1. Chope as member of the Sin g;',|«ire I'ilot board.
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  • 18 4 Da. .1. Lkask, colonial aOM i. Singapore, has on return from leave resumed tli- duties of his appointment.
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  • 24 4 Mhssi:s. Mi Alistkk A Co. notilv that they an iinpiling a new catalogue ot adjusted prices, and it will be issued early next month.
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  • 23 4 Mn. A. H. Lemon and Mr. (1. B. stratum an- appointed to act as Clerk of Councils and Second Assistant Colonial Secretary, raapastively.
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  • 15 4 Owns to pressure on space m veraJ articles art unavoidably held over from publication to-day.
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  • 25 4 Thk German mail steamer PrtaaoM Aliet, having left Colombo on the ilrd instant at tj p.m.. may be expecte<l here on Thursday at about '> p.m.
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  • 23 4 Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot K. Gaunt arrived from Colombo by the s.s. Dmfofa on Saturday. They are staying permaneL<tly at the Adelphi Hotel.
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  • 24 4 Thk Rev. A.J. Stevens, B. A., latch acting C haplaiu to the Forces at Colchester, has been appointed Chaplain of St. Andrew's Kowloon. Hongkong.
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  • 26 4 Thk following is the result of work at the Rauh Mine for the four weeks ended Jan-uary-27th. 1900. Stone crushed. MM ton; (iolil obtained, 494 ozs.
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  • 26 4 A i'o.vkr of attorney, appointing Brother I'.itrick Director in Penang at St. Xavit i s Institution has been tiled in the Supreme Court Registry at Penaug.
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  • 25 4 The next, and final night when crackerfiring is permitted in Singapore between H p.m. and midnight, is the Hth instant, in certain streets of Singapore.
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  • 26 4 It lias been semiofficially announced that King Edward will visit Athens this spring to attend tlie Olympic games. A large British squadron will accompany His Majesty.
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  • 27 4 Notuk appears iv the ft S. Oooemmeni d.i.'-ti of Captain A. H. Young's appointniMUt as Colonial Secretary, iv place of being ebil I secretary to government. Cyprus.
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  • Special Telegram to th; "Straits Times."
    • 188 4 Third Day. I'fnnnij, -trd h'rbrimrii. The winners at to-day's Kaces were .is follows:— First Kaik -Pohkum 1, Little Mary >, Marie :S. Won by three lengths. Time 1.2(H. Winner paid »11. Second Hack —Diamond Star I.Adonis •2. Koyal Flush 3. Won easily by two lengths. Tune 1.r.1. Winner
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  • Special German Telegrams.
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 74 4 Umitn, M F,i.n,,,, The question of opposing Mr. Italfo.n candidacy in tin City is still unsettled. The Lilxiral organs aqai a eomju.-st I contest so a^ la compel him to define his future .taiiil|Hiint. and thus either nail the OapaaMtaa to a i>olicy af Ptotaotioa thereby
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    • 143 4 liwim. M Ft6rtutry. The tariff WM l>ctwcen \ustri.i nul Si r\ ia has Ixni brought to an cml. Servia Baa "jrec-d to yield to Austrian pressure, ami has abandoned fear CaatOßM luion with H'dgaria. /.'r '.'</. SiiK/itf i. lii.f, „.in. ~>th I'rlirnini. D.lil. bij Baiter 11. in
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  • Correspondence.
    • 153 4 To tlu- Brftfor <•/ th Mw((i T*m t, Dkak Six. 1 think tl at yon are a little hard on the Government for attempting to Make list! of the inside information wliicli they possessed, in Older to make a heavy purchase of gold U'lure that mi.l inatloii I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 243 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS $I=2/4 Owing to the dollar being fixed at 2/4 we are allowing the following discounts until our revised price list is issued On Purchases Under %0 Q I Qo( o f $20. lO°i° s°i° $50. lO°i 7H THOMPSON THOMAS CO. The -A-u»trali,'ui Stores. 147!" NOTICE. i:K-ori:NiX(i OF thk
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    • 257 4 SINGAPOH* PHILHABMOXIC SCCIEIY POPULAR ORCHESTRAL CONCHkT Saturday, Febuary 10th, Tin- fliilliarmonic Orchestra will play Overture l>on Giovanni" i Mozart I Wallher s Preislied from the MeistersiiiK«-i- von Numbers I Wagner) a- violin ado with orchestra; Intermezzo Eventide (Mvddletonl Scherzo from Symphony No. 7 flfciaaWl] Waltz Hornmatfe aux Dames" iWaldteufel) Selection
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    • 216 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Photographs of the Official Group. taken by us. consisting of H. R. H. Prince Arthur of Connanght, H. K. Sir John Anderson, the Sultans and ReoidenU of the F. M. States, and suite, etc. etc. may be had at our studio. l"i by 12 in Bromide »3.50 IS
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  • Untitled
    • 131 5 LaMba, nm at|, The Birininyiiuii Ihiili, PM states that Mr. Chamberlain entertains a chivalrous and insuperable o'oj lion to being placed in couijjetition with M Balfour for the leadership of the Cons, i■. \.e party. The /W. 0 hi uniting on the fact, states that
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    • 76 5 The authorities ill Paris axpoot further s. i ne, of violence. The Catholic youth of the city are deter l, lined to epfaaa Dm inventories l>eing made (Of the ]iro|M-rty of the various now disest. ahlished Catholic churches i, while counterdemonstrations arc being organized by the Anti
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    • 10 5 I .ii- Italian Cihind lia, ici-n. .1.
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    • 12 5 I'he death is announced of Lord Mashani.
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    • 42 5 The C/.ar. while receiviiiy a deputation of peasants from Kurek. stated that a Duma was to be iinmme.l. which would discus, 111. .111s for saMafyteg the .1. mauds of the sjeaaaata, h;it that the law of property was unassailable.
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    • 314 5 Bee' Bimfaport i>.',t> p.m.. $tk February. I), ill. by Renter :'.ki p.m., Mli February. The London Standard declares that unless Mr. Balfour aooepti th. ganaral aoMoy of Mr. ChambarJaJn'e tariff aehaaM, his leadership of I unit.-.! pan] has gjBM for ever. As Mr. 1 lain will not accept the
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  • 141 5 Ties for Wednesday, 7th Feb. MIXI I- '.>•>! 1.1.1 A. <l V-s. -maim ami Mr. PwUlll I v. Mr. A M. Bl Mi>^ Al.iiiin-. iiiul Mr. \\\\<h mt. v. Mis. 1...M-I, 101,1 Mr. I'immv 11 Mrs. Sii.m.ii-rs and Mr. Cieavor <i Mrs. Bcott RuMelland Mi. Birapwo*
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  • 1577 5 BRILLIANT DECORATIONS. A Right Royal Welcome. On Saturday morning His Koyal Highness Prince Arthur of Cpnnaught, K. (>., arrived in Singapore <n route to Japan on what has come to be known as the Japan Mission. At the present moment it is rather interesting to review the
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  • 1209 5 An Imposing Display of Ornamentation. I'ndouhudly Siuyaport' was ssj fete. Like the native resident!, the city was clad in festive uarli. which, to say the least, was most effective. With few exceptions the decorations were by no means gamly they were simple and neat. But they did ample
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  • 2365 5 Prince Arthur of Connaught has every ivjmiii t<> be proud of the manner in which he wax welcomed by the inhabitants of ■■■Man on the occasion of iiis on Satunlay. For on every hand the utmost loyalty was'deinonstrated. indicating the fact that Singapore is patriotic
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 102 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE PENANO RAFFLES E. O. WHERE TO STAY RANOOON PENANO HILLS STRAND THE CRAQ YOU TAKE NO RISK if purchased from us: Ist because 13 years' local experience is built into them; the rest is Teak dnd Iron. 2nd yon may exchange at any time and we acknowledge
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  • 428 6 Wilson Smithetts and Co.'s Circular. ~ith Jiinimri/. Plantation. During the past year the market was throughout in the favo-ir of growers ;at the opening auctions, on nth January, fine sold up to 6s per lb., and this price was obtained or exceeded during the whole course of
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  • 259 6 Automobile Notes.* 1 In our November notes mention was made of Ceylon as a promising field for the production of rubber and a recent mail from Ceylon brings some additional news from a reader of our observations. On one estate. where the oldest trees are
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  • 154 6 38,000 Famine Stricken. The gravity of the agricultural situation in Upper India is increasing. Famine i* now declared officially to exist in the Jalaun district of the United Province* anil the absence of rain is causing anxiety for Allahabad. In Jalaun mattent seem to In- going
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  • 828 6 FRANCE AND 'GERMANY. The Result of Russia's Defeat. The military correspondent of The Times," in the course of an article on France and Germany, writes No one in France entertains the slightest doubt that the new direction so abruptly given to German policy aiVer the decision of the battle of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 606 6 NOTICES. The Robinson Piapo Co. Ltd. wish to engage a good Kiiro)M'Hii clerk a» Hub manager here or Hoii(!k..n«. Salary »200 rWnfl to %:iW. v 1700 WANTED, by Import firm,— smart Chinese or F.uraxian Clerk, must be good writer and quick at figures. Apply F. 8. c/o Strain Times. 0
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    • 555 6 NOTICES. ROOMS to let. Apply 8 Orchard Road. 1474 ROOMS TO LET at Eden Hall. Apply Mr- Campbell. 1463 TO BE LET— No. 164 Middle Road. Immediate entry. Apply to A. S. Shooker, 1 Malacca Street. 1457 TO BE LET- A large compound house No. 1 Dublin Road, suitable for
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    • 453 6 NOTICES. 1 iTMfc teiTforLEA^ERRirS WOBCESTEfiSIiIRE SAUCE, ■mq! |j %mm V)^ 1 by A^Bfejy HM IHI IHHI SPECIAL WARRANT £sgH E?§ WM^B^ I 1 PURVEYORS TO &*<vBß**Q* THE KING. Hj |jR j I |^B Celebrated Oilman's Stores |Up I THE Straits Wimes CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES in Singapore.
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    • 333 6 RECREATION HOTEL Seranggong Road. Open until 11 p.m. Terminus of the Elect* ic Tramway. Can fttsp at the door. Tiffins and dinners to be ordered three hours beforehand. PRAKKE BROTHERS. Proprietors. c 854 f£V> TEN DAYS 1 FREE TRIAL t ft Honajr m lull it lund« 4 ithout go mmq
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    • 20 6 STEARNS 1 HEADACHE CURE can be obtained from all the dispensaries (quickly by post) Never be without the Geniuae. m.w.f.
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    • 41 6 Cholera Morbus has lost its terrors in the home whero a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is kept. It never fails even in the most severe and dangerous cases. For sale by All Dealers. THE DISPENSARY, General Agenu.
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  • 1266 7 Public and Private Vehicles. Thk day may be far distant sh\h the h'm'inrirr— lion every mail who h;i- work t.i |HTfiirtn will own a motorcar ax a uiatU-r nf coins*., just an to-day the million are >iir heaviest jmrrliiiMcrHof the ordinary bicycle. If H years a^o anyone
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  • 621 7 Mr. Fullerton L. Waldo contributes a most interesting article to the l^ngiuecring Magazine" upon an engineer s lite in the field on the IVnmu.s of Panama. The life is by no means an enviable one, the conditions under which work has to be done being often
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  • 277 7 A Policy of Obstruction. Thk h'rkimj unit Tirntiin Time* of the flth January says that obstructive action having lieen taken by the local 'authorities at Huaiching in Honan. to the proper work ing of the coal mines there, the Ilriti-li Minister has required the Waiwnpu (Foreign
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 799 7 NOTICES. 156e Straits Wimes. AND §6e Straits S&udgeL SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. Daily issue per year 130.00 do per quarter 7.50 do par month 2.50 do per copy 0.15 Weekly issue per year 18.00 do per quarter 4.60 do per copy 0.40 When sent by post, there is added
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    • 441 7 NOTICES. <y mm 3 fl« aa vaH^^ii^Mi>a« N^>WM»^«^ aM^.^ t^^ jw fi* Some of the Special Advantages possessed by C 1 JBB^^23HHs^^s^F^»b»^^^^s^^^^^^^|^A **jay^A^a^a^V J i S^^^a^As^^a^B^^^M^li^S^s^ M T»« Nin Fa«aa ckmly aaaiailaMH la csaan'UM la. aa< arc as Ml 7 at <l(t«l*> ai Kaltnal Ullk. 1 iyj |J^ ye FOOD
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    • 533 7 We have, on the Ist instant, opened a Depot in Battery Roa', No. 7 B, where the following cigars can be bought by retail at the following prices CUBAN STYLE. CUBAN STYLE. Perfectos in boxes of 25 52.00 Exquisites in boxes of 100 53.50 Reina Special SO 52.75 Conchitas 100
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    • 465 7 AUCTION SALE UNREDEEMED PLEDGES On Friday, 2nd Feb., 1906, at 10 a.m. On Monday, sth Feb 1906, at 10 a.m. On Wednesday, 7th Feb., 1906, at 10 a.m. From the following pawnshops 178 South Bridge Road, 74 South Dridge Road, 395 North Bridge Road, 2 Naukin Street 48-4 Selegie Road,
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  • 636 8 Practically the entire community of Singa(Hiie \M-iit out on Saturday night to see the Chinese procession, which part of the entertainment of H. K. H. was of a purely Oriental nature aud was a gorgeous and fantastic function. The Straits-born Chinese for the occasion joined forces with
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  • 461 8 •In the arrival of the head of the prm-es -i"ii ;it the |H>rih of Government House. Dr. I. in> I'mhim Ken^. who :u'<'(iui|iunicd the Mi. in- (hintsc lirilish Association, pres< ntnl an addles-, in 11 silver casket to His fad ffkhnraa 'i'he address was as follows
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  • 429 8 His Royal Highness thanks Residents of Singapore. Thk departure of His Koyal Highiu from Government House to Johnston's Pier was witnessed by a large number of people who evinced, for another time, great interest in the event. The route was lined with members of the Singapore police
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  • 285 8 There were several incidents both serious and amusing in connection with tin- reception of the Prince. Over the entrance to a shop in High Street wait a motto containing the words "(tod Save the British Empire" and a still mure amusing motto was one bearing the svnfbnce
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  • 267 8 A sTAKTLiNo accident, which fortunately was not attended by serious consequences, happened while the reception was iv progress at Government House on Saturday evening. A gharry containing Mr. and Mrs. Klphiek.and elderly lady, was being driven up the drive to Government House, and the syce made an
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  • 97 8 Libkrty to gamble seems to have been given to the natives during the Royal visit. Numbers of gambling mats and tables, with groups of fortune seekers in attendance were to be seen along the sea margin of the Esplanade, and in the five-foot paths of the houses in
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  • 123 8 MALACCA RUBBER FLOTATION. A special telegram to the Time* of Ceylon dated London January 25th says The Malacca Rubber Plantation. Ltd.. is advertised, with a capital of £806,000. The prospectns states that Mr. W. W. Bailey valued the property (Bukit Ashan/ at .£76.000. The Directors, being dissatisfied, sent Mr. A.
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  • 30 8 Mi;. H. Dyson-Simpson, Mill Manager Bangkok Saw Mills and the Siam Forest Co., Ltd., who arrived from Bangkok yesterday by the s. s. Dtli. is staying at the Adelphi Hotel.
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  • 31 8 Wl learn that Mr. and Mrs. Evatt have experienced a sad loss just as they have been preparing to return to the Straits. Mrs. Kvatt's mother has died suddenly at Bournemouth.
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  • 33 8 Swkkrts dk Lamias, the Dutch Minister at Tokyo, arrived here by the German mail yesterday. He leaves for Batavia in a few days, aud is at present staying at the Adelphi Hotel.
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  • 38 8 Thk cruiser Theti*. which recently went home from Chiua. is to be handed over to the Indian Government. She was put in dry dock at Portsmouth early in January, to be prepared for her voyage to the East.
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  • 45 8 Thk Hon. W. R. Collyer, I. S. 0.. Attorney General, left for home by the German mail steamer Moon this morning Mr. Collyer c nl a k. d from Johnston's Pier in the Government launch Kittiwakt. He was seen off by a number of friends.
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  • 40 8 Four Chinamen, who were arrested on a a tongkang in the Singapore River on th.i 18th January, charged with having in theu boat 25 tins of illicit chandu. value 1750, were again before Mr. Seth on Friday, and further remanded.
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  • 45 8 The British torpedo-destroyers Erne and Mm arrived from Bangkok yesterday and anchored iv the roads. They are both home ward bound, but their date of departure is uncertain. The Exe is commanded by Captain A. P. Kverett and the Erne by Lieut-Com-mander Rowland H. Bather.
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  • 82 8 As excellent special Conuaught tiffin, and an equally excellent special dinner were given at the Adelphi Hotel on Saturday, both functions being attended by large numbers of residents. The hotel made a brave show iv the matter of decorations, and the laige pile of buildings in Coleman Street was certainly
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  • 425 8 Exhibition at the Memorial Hall. Thk members of the Singapore Art Clnb held an exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday afternoon. The exhibition included the work of non-inenibent. and the member* of the Penang Impressionists' Club and the F. M S. Art Club (Selangor and
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  • 104 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. sth February. 1906. The Netherlands Trading Society to-day quotes the 4'ms bank rate at 2 I.. The Mercantile Bank quotes it at 2/4 A. The Tinirs of Malaya uihUtsUikls that New (ropeofl, Ltd.. has declared anotlier dividend of one shilling per sliarr fur the last three mouths of
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  • 93 8 Gambler 7.60 do (Cube No. II unpicked 10.624 Copra Bali T. 30 do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black NJi do White, 5% buyers W.OO Sago Flour Sarawak 3.02* do Brunei No. 1 MB Pearl Sago 8.40 Coffee Bali, 15% basis 30.25 Coffee, Palembang. 20% basis 35.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • 268 8 (Mebcaktilk Bank.) On London— Bank 4 m/s 3/4 Demand I Private 6 m/s 2/4 j do 8 m/s 2/4| On Germany— Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3m, 2.45 do Bm/« 2.47 On France— Bank d/d 2.951 Private 3 m/s :t.oo* do 6m/ 3.0-4 On India— Bank T. T. 174 J
    268 words
  • 36 8 h,,r Ptr Steamer Timr To-Mniuiow. P.S'ttenliam i Nmm| /'<i>i WhrnH Sam 1 p.m. Malacca. <V I'.S'teuhainC'iir/i//. I p.m. V. S'tiiilmin I Penan)* Kitlnu 1 p.irtf^ Teluk Anson via *Mrti Xr la if mi, p.m.
    36 words
  • 122 8 From Ei-rope— By the N. D. b. P. \Ue* due on 'Itli Feb. From China— By the M. M. s.». CaMvmim due on 12th Fel>. Left Singapore Due lv London D.-c. 23rd fe.S.L. Jan. Hltli Dei-. 2Hth B. I. Jan. 20th .Ihii. Ist M. M. Jh,i. 2:trrl
    122 words
  • 115 8 Arrived. 4th February. IV. DMTCi: Kmm I.almnn— Mrs. Kon/.ki I und Mr. Watty. 1 IVr s,iy.;./.,. Yen T«iok Alison Mr. anil Mrs. Inneß, Mrs. Hrown. Mr. M.Artliur. Mr. Petersen. Mr. \V. Duiinmn. Mr. .1 1!. .loliiihou. Mr..]. M. Seulh. Mr. A. It. .loliuson. B«r, Brother Gabriel. Key.
    115 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 82 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify the pablic that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at reduced prices. A good ow»rtaiiity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are •M-d to
      82 words
    • 4 8 s^AM.J.fcgX /^W^\ /^Wv^\ /f
      4 words
    • 40 8 THE NEW DOLLAR VALUE AT Whiteaway, Laidlaw &Co.'s New Fixed RATE New Fixed PRICES Terms Cast?. KEEP YOUR BODY NOURISHED, i k°«p strong, your Doctor tells you so. Steams' Wine will assist you. Ask your Chemist. An Iron Tonic also.
      40 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 94 8 WEATHER REPORT. ITrriilnj rrrtn r*"/""'. /■'■"<■<■«. ISOi:. 9 a. v. 3 V. K. S> I. U. Kkmakks. Bar. M 30.049 •2».(l--.l M.OU Temti H4.0 iHI.-J 7»-4 5 Wet Bulb Ther 77.0 77.0 75.x Dirof Wind si. n.i. N.n.i:. |J Max. Temp 91.1 Miv 7.-t.B Miix. in Sun UIJ Terr rad.
      94 words

  • 971 9 Handsome besquest to New York. The New York American states that the body of the late Mr. Vi rkes was placed in a wicker hamper and taken secretly down the freight ••lcvator at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel to the undertaker's wagon waiting below, and then removed
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 164 9 NOTICES. "HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. /^L mF MEMORIAL HALL. ■Srfl^^flß Hk. Notwithstanding the heat of the afUrnoon, the inferior -fyrßyjL.«A*^ l the bii dinn was kept pleasantly c.k.l by the electric fans VaVlßHj^^H^V' ~jm fixed upon the walls, demonstrating the hitherto unheard of JV possibility of a meeting of
      164 words
    • 166 9 Jor ffews of tde Straits, BEiD Straits Times. Largest Circulation O F ANY IPAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FOR Welegrams, W. Straits Times. It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Meaira. John Lllll. Co.. L.ld. The R<lre»hmcnt Bulfct. Tank S«poy Lln.a Kampong lUhru Maaara. Ktity Walah. Ltd. Road
      166 words
    • 257 9 NOT ICES. HO HONG OIL RICE MILLS 639 North Bridge Road (if^ [W* Vj SINGAPORE CABLE ADDRESS "HOHONG" SINGAPORE. Town Office 61 Kling- Street. t?he Cheapest Known Power TANGYE'S PRODUCER GAS ENGIRES They make their own gas with the aid of ordinary Gas Coke which sells here at say $17
      257 words

  • 933 10 Is it Well Thk following ih from the Time$ The telephone in there day s of Ktrenuo'lB rufth and liurry play* ho important a part in the every <liiy life of ho many buny iieople that it is well to paune occaHionally in the mad rusli
    933 words
    • 439 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh.— ship bq. —barque sch.— •choorer Yet.— Yacht Cru. —Cruiser. Obt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H. p.— Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— United States Fch. French Ger German Dut. Dutoh G.o. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger U.— Uncertain T. P.
      439 words
    • 570 10 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Steamers. Agamemnon, Liverpool, Feb. 21 Manntiekl. Airlie, Sydney. Feb. 21 Houbtead Alesia, China, Feb. 6 Behn Meyer. Antenor, China. Mar. !i Mansfield Armand Behic, Colombo, Mar. \\i M. Htimes. Arratoon Apcar, Calcutta, Feb. 14 P. Simons. Arcadia, Hongkong,
      570 words
    • 244 10 Lewis Peat's Rubber Report. Straits and Malay States. c o owing lota weighing about 114 tons were offered in public auction to-day aa follows -o "I "">"> uueren in puonc auction w d 5L Quantity. Description. ™r. M 7 oases Sheets pale to darkish 1 bag Sheet
      244 words
    • 232 10 loiaw uf Shares iMne Paid Value up to Company Buyen La»t Tranaacthins 13,50 4.001 uuu-u- d. 4,000 20,000 10,000 6,*)7 23,7»it 50,000 150,000 •20,000 ;M0 uuuaucd. 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 100 bULO 10 i Benawah G. M. Co., Ltd •10 I lltafar™.!. •10 Kadana G.
      232 words
    • 135 10 JOuu uuu u«d 2,000 4,500 80,000 12,000 3,400 6,000 2,750 35,000 600 2,000 0,000 7KS uuu»u.d. 300, U00 >,OUU luiiutud «,oou Jt 1 LiuO JJeveicipnicui Co., Ltd.. B.JO B.Oj 100 50 > m 100 10 100 100 10 50 100 100 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. JO rater A
      135 words
    • 139 10 20,(00 70.U00 7u,000 B.OJU v ._y»l b.OOO U.UUU I,s^' uulaaugu 80,000 IJ.SUU WU>UM 2,000 1,000 15" UUIMUOI 30,000 *,UW uuu*u»i iso 880 10.000 1,64> UDiuued £50,000 10 > 10 1 1 1 •100 6 10 J. 1 1 4S 1 1 •100 Balgowuie Rubber Estate Ltd. Batu Unjor Rubber
      139 words
    • 40 10 Howarth Ersk.ue, Ltd. 6% Kiley, Hargreavee. Ltd. b% Singapore Municipal 0% J% ra v;« 1(fPa 1{.r I>DockCo..Lta.^ V. Y. ..J 60J.C00 2fc prem hnv-r.. asli.ou) i% prem buyer. 4^,0,0 2% pren!, bu> I,tf«,UCO 1% prrnn buyers. 1^H».600 par. buyers
      40 words
    • 142 10 It is reported that two battleships, four armoured cruisers, three cruisers, and tweuty-nine destroyers, are now either under construction in Japan, or are about to be laid down. The following is a list Aki, battleship, (about 19,0(X> tonsl, construction expected to commence this month, at Kure Naval
      142 words
    • 188 10 FOR SINGAPORE Per P. O. s. s. Java from London Jan. 8, dne 10th Feb.— Capt. H. W. Poyntz, Mrs. Poyntz, Major Atkins, and Mrs. Atkins, Mias Culver. Per P. *O. s. s. Movltan from London Jan. 19, due 18th Feb. -Mr. D. G Maclean, Mr. W.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 141 10 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDEH, par feet antiseptic dentifrice, clexnc* mmi preserve* the te»th,— very rajnaattay. CRUSHED FOOD. TKY IT AM) Yor WILL BE SATISFIED I. it. BELILIOS begs to inform the public that his Factory for preparing Crushed Food, at No. 1, Belilion Koad, is now opened. Price of a bag
      141 words
    • 551 10 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and Chins. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £875,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
      551 words
    • 584 10 BANKS. Hongkong ft" Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL UO.OOO.OOti REKERVKFUND:— Sterling Reserve »10,000,000) la Silver Reserve 8,800,000) 18 000 «> Reserve LiabUity of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. A. W. glade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickaon. F. Salinger, Eaq. E. Goetz. Esq. E.
      584 words

  • 596 11 Tbe Malay Residental School at Kuala Kangsar formed the subject of discussion at the last meeting of the State Council in connection with a letter received from the Resident-Oeneral, in which he forwarded an enquiry by His Kxuellency the High Com mismoner as to whether, if
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  • 210 11 Consii>ki:ahlf. excitement prevails in aeronautical circles owing to the MSaniaaw afloat concerni.ig tin- latent xperimenttt of the Brothers Wright, two young American aeronaut*, who for years have been fam.xis owing to the remarkable improvements they have effected in aeroplanes.or fly ing machine*. For eight weeks |»st
    210 words
  • 154 11 Mr. Frkd. C. Phnkikld, writing in tl Sorth American Hrvinc for November i.Bt Japan* Commercial Aspirations anticipates that Japan will achieve prosperity by mono polling the shipping trade of the I'u inc. and by workiug up American produce for the Chinexe market. He adds lapaur.-*' mm of affaire
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 713 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par China, Japan, P«aaiif, C«yl*a. Aaitralla, India, Aden, E typt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian
      713 words
    • 779 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljke Pakef »»i>t MsatschappiJ. Under contract with tbe Netherlsnds India Government. Agenti at Singapore .—Ship Aoekct, late J. Daendelh A Co., 2-3 Collteb Quit. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be deststched for Broaver Paneh Feb 4 Paneh, Asabsn, Belawan-Deli, Bajan, and Edi Feb
      779 words
    • 597 11 HAMBURG AMERIKA LIME. HAMBURO. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoa.a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of the next
      597 words
    • 655 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oerman Malt LIB*. The fast and well known mail .teamen of thi. Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      655 words
    • 709 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCfiAJS STEAM SHIP Go,, Ltd. AND (Jliiiu Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers despatched from Liverpool outward, for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homeward, for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extend, to Vancouver, Seattle
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    • 72 11 FOR FREMANTLE, ADELAIDE. MXI. BOURNE, ANl> SYDNEY. Also taking transhipment cargo for other Australian and New Zealand ports. 8.8. FOHTISATIS, MM toil, grows, Captain Robinson, is due here un at al> >ut th« 12th proximo, and will receive pnnnpt despatch for the above ports. Splendid passenger atom modation. For further
      72 words

  • 1134 12 Text of the Agreement. The Treaty recently signed by Baron Komura and the Chinese plenipotentiaries at Peking in regard to Manchuria, was approved by the Privy Council on Jan. 6th. A telegram to the Asahi fives the following as the text of the reaty Article I— The
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  • 371 12 Said to be injured by Gambling. Tbk following is from the Ceylon Observer. We hear indirectly that an excellent authority in the Straits, or rather Malay States, thinks tbat. as time goes on. the jrasition of rubber only gcta sounder, and that lie has no fear of rubber
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 153 12 I The Weight of i The Pyramids i J seems piled upon the head of the unfortunate sufferer from a split- K V t i ii g headache. A headache of this kind, if unrelieved, leads to aberra- (> tionof themindandinsanity. Itgoes 1 1 beyond human power to endure. 4}
      153 words
    • 174 12 NOTICES. RILEY,HARGREAVES& Co., Ltd. SUTGAPOE/E 6c IIPOIH:. Electrical Department Motors Dynamos Lamps Complete Electric Light Installations arid House Wiring. Switc.i Gear, Slips' Fittings, House Fittings, Mining Fitting?, Fans, Ac. Arc Lamps, Accessories, Radiators, &c. Expert Advice and Estimates, Free. T.u«r.pi. *-dr~.,- HARGREAVES 242 fp yLj/^UjO be Artistically Dressed it is
      174 words
    • 755 12 NOTICES. Hackenschmidt's Conquests. WHY HE WINS. /*A JENKINS. MADRAU.J&v P^^ttW S\ 19 4 I^%. A ~^[W m I FOURNIER p° hl i|L W I CAMBIER. EBERLE. PAUL PONS PIENING /j^k jJiu petersen bellin Yif Ja^*^g|^Bß mankind has there been so 1 Iwwlilfl marvellous a wrestler as _^^^^H Hackenschmidt. Seemingly he
      755 words