The Straits Times, 31 January 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.951 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. JANI'AKY 31. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 109 1 liit fifth extra Bombay Race meeting, held i.t Mahalaxmi the other day, watt quite a success, says the Advocate of India, but did uot end without a sensation. A respectably dtMMd clean-shaven in the crowd around the bookie*' stalls made an attempt to relieve one of the Beattie Brothers
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  • 28 1 Thkkk will be a frieudly match between the Sliajai ul Mautalia anil the Hackney carriage football clubs this evening on the "Old Goal Site, kick-off at five o'clock.
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  • 31 1 The British Minister at l'i kiny lms stated that Britain will positively decline to give up Weihaiwei. though she is willing to under- I take not to increase her troops there.
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  • 34 1 Thk Art Club Kxhibition is fixed for Friday next in tin* Victoria Memorial Hall. We have announced this already, but a reminder seldom comes amiss. Miss Anderwn has promised to give away the prizes.
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  • 33 1 Oli: report ot Mon.lav'-i piuceedingH at the Solrtai Itupmt \MTf unavoidably held over. t)iroii*>h want of wgae*, yi-sterday. The report of lM>th .Monday's aud TueMlay'8 pro-ce<-«liii^s aj>|K'!ir on ]i:i«jr> ti ami 7 to-ilar.
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  • 67 1 On Monday .-iitcriinon a Chinese carter was driving his out mi the wronj! side of the Miiiil at the junction of Stamford and North Hi Hgn UmMB. Sikli l'ulici'constalile •iTi^i on duty there arrested liim. This morning he m ehatgBtL It wan iucidcntally stnti'1 tli.a a Ktiro|)can had to pull
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  • 22 1 Thk Imperial Hotel Co.. Tukio, proiKiM'U> build a new hotel of 100 rooms, of which the present hotel will be a branch.
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  • 78 1 Thk Ceylon Agricultural Society is hut a year old, yet it is a very flourishing and pro raising institution. 11. K. Sir Henry Klake. the Governor, presided at a meeting tin other day and made a most interesting address. It was pointed out that one of tin chief difficulties the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 701 1 NOTICES 1 VELTEN BEER. I PURE, j WHOLESOME. PALATABLE. The same as supplied on b<>aid ihe French Mail. TO BE HAD I'KOM ALL DEALERS. C. DUPIRE Co., <. 101 J "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. auctioneers CALEDONIAN HOTEL POWELL CO., Singapore. 77- Bras< Basalt Roari- Singapore (Estabushkh 42 ykabsl. The Brightest
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    • 95 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. JUST. ARRIVED, -A. .Largr* 1 Shipment o± "GRAMOPHONE S." THERE is only one "GRAMOPHONE and it is made l>v tli<- ORAMOPHOME TYPEWRITER Ltd. LONEON, for which w» are the Sole Agenta ALL others are imitations. NEW RECORDS /^Jfe HE™ RECORDS assun« by DANCE MUSIC THE CHORI Sjof
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 125 1 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 31st January. High Water. •> :1B p.m. S.Y.C. Rehearsal Parade. Sherwood KoreRters. Assault at Arms. Drill Hall. 9. Thursday, 1st February. High Water. 3-11 a.m. 3-2X p.m. Moon. First Quarter. 7 46 p.m. P. and O. homeward mail clow-. 3. Philharmonic Orchestra. Town Hall. h.ri. i
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  • 1543 2 S. Figgis Co.'s Annual Review. Ceylon and Malay States Plantation Rubber. Loll/Inn, 3rd Juiiiinry. I'.KUi. We have reported upon this fine ■lubber and urged f.s cultivation for n.i n v years, and are glad to know that he cultivation of the Para llevea braziliensis has extended.
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  • 235 2 Aitmii readinx the niithoritnr'.iri- liisb/*)- .if hk '"Munition an MA farts' Wn by >h W'intiUm t'kiwrrliill two or time mfihiriiiln are inevittfnk, says tho Acaiemv. Om M tiioin is tliat lsn<\ Knnriolpli let hllliilf !>.- BBIIW away by a Urn cany iin<l mrl v inrrc—
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 316 2 NOTICES. 3STOTICE. "EMPIRE" TYPEWRITERS PRICES ARE REDUCED TO THE FOLLOWING:— Foolscap Model takes paper 9 iris, wide $110. Brief 18* 135. Insurance Policy 18 155. The Machine is used in the Government Offices throughout the Straits Settlements. 550 Empire Typewriters have been supplied to the HOME GOVERNMENT within a period
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    • 173 2 NOTICE Mr. I). C". van Leeuwen Buonkamp has been appointed M uiafjcr in Singapuie of the HANDKLSVKRKKNIGING. HOLLAND," lal January. 1906. ISM NOTICE. All perrons having any claim against our linn are requested to send same to uh not later than the 31st instant. PHILIPS A CO. 1429 NOTICE.
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    • 431 2 NOTICES. Weak Lungs. (Consumption. Thos- who have »»ak lnn?» or an- tendency to Consumption will find -D Aigier s hmiil»i"u ife >tv lw-t remedy for fiehtinK ihe PR tSP.fll it II <!"*■»« Iha m&s- convinvniß pr» iof its valu :in Ihe (act lhat it riUOOIIIJUU v resrrjh d ,)v, )v
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    • 67 2 Chamberlaik°» Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy L> everywhere acfatow. ledged to be the must successful BMcticine in use for towel complaints. It alwayi cures and cures quickly. It c;iu 1 di ponded upon even in the most scvero and dangerous cases of oholora Biflrhtw. dysentery and diarrhoea. It sfcvnfd be
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  • 362 3 Bra APOCaTCa HBMMUM an antlioritv on Ida snliji^-t. tlius M'ts fortli liis opinion of tin- idea <>f having (iovcrnors. General of Kroapa Coloate was should ajpaaJ six imnithe of th<' yeai at the OotnanaJ oMdb, and ni-t us kind of Ciloiiial ConsulUitive Cdiiiniittec. whilst rcUininu utluiinistrative awed tin-
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  • 202 3 A OOUBaroXMn writes to the Mul 111 Mud statin*! that about t .vo thirds of the shares in the Kuala Sehlll^or Itiiuhon^ KuhU-r Co. are held by X.M.S. ))eople. anil that they are not entirely in the hands ol Coloiiilhi paOftß, as has Ik-cii previously -laud.
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  • 135 3 Mr. Siiimii 1 M.«.;i11. RapobUean troni Jfaaaaebaai tta, has intradncad a> n solution to Coagjtaae directing l'nsi111 nt I!ikis( vi it to acgotiaag with the poware with a view to tin- mutializftion of tho Phil11,i'i 1 1< A ii'sohuion in similar U this is to
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  • 141 3 Winter, f.u-n.l of health aad wealth, Bailed d good)) gMaaad 1 Slav- 1 in- Boot by strength and stealth, ■•ha their liven Ins mIM t' JF*. One boj >;"<■* trial over the moorland. Wild with di-li«ht .if the aaaahaM and »\>eed. I.:, :li,- m bird on
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  • 96 3 A Tokk) panec ixiint- oat that, ivliilr.liipanMe trade with North Cbina isil. treloptaaeon--nil i.iliK litiU [iimimw i- being nwflir in the Booth. U iUnatnUc* lll s fail lllr Wlowtaa rtatrmrnt ttf tho mlatJTr poanioM oomfiai by til* l'>i\»i'i-sin tin- tnulcof various |xirt* ..f (lima:— NYw.-liwanß— .lftjiau. Kn^Um).
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 Cholera Mortal lias lost its terrors ii, ;!u< bo« whan a bottle of Chamber lam's C'olio. Cholera and Diarrhoe Koiiß-dy is kept. It never fails even i the most severe and dangerous case: P( r Ball by All Dealers. THE DISPKXSARY, General Ageuti
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    • 611 3 NOTICES. "Best" Incandescent Gasoline Lamps. MAKE BURN \B GIVE A BRILLIANT THEIR OWN GAS. WHITE LIGHT. LAMPS SUITABLE > j^^ STREET OTHER FOR jJyLJ^L/ LjfTJSL*. FORMS OF PRIVATE HOUSES. "t./^X^S^ OUT-DOOR LAMPS. Sole Jlgents: HUTTENBACH BROS. CO. CINEMATOGRAPHS FILMS. Russia-Japan War Films, Comic Films, all kinds always in stock. New
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    • 124 3 MAYNARDS TONIC IRON PILLS. (DR. BLAUD'S FORMULA) The safe-t and most efficacious form o administering inn. For anaemic jrir's, for female complaints, as a general tonic and bio<>d purifier they have no equal. Highl} recommended by the Medical Faculty f rice 51-OO pep bottle containing 144 Pills. MAYNARD d Co..
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    • 377 3 MARTIN'S Ladles .1 f| LLtZLI *>«n«t ttMii for all Irr«tfalarlClft«. TbooaaA4D« t^il— kMt boi Martla Pilliln tfe« «oum. to Uwt «at •vti tUfn efmay ImfulwUr o( th« tywtum Um»if Asm ma ■BilWlßßllßi TbcM WBO OH tIMB lll rillßl iVwn.BlM AUCTION SALE OF PAWNBROKERS' TNREDEKMED PLEDGES. To be held at Powell
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  • 12 4 (\i.i.K..ixs On January Nth. at Shanghai JeeM CMMMM, aged 51 years.
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  • 977 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 31ST JANUARY. I hi- Transvaal is now plunged into political agitation of the fiercest kind, through the rash action of the Home Government. Led astray by the party cries of Yellow Slavery." and "Chinese Serfdom under the Kandlords." it has decided to stop
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  • 320 4 Ofß read. atUntion is directed to a letter. ap|>eariiig eleewhen to-day, which bears the signature. Nm of the Maxims." IJie suhject i^ most intciesting one Our \oluntecrs. and the letter is a reply to one published on Monday over the signature of ■Xx Volunteer. It will appear to every fair
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  • 23 4 The Shipping and the Import and Export Offices will be open for one hour, from 10 to 11 a.m., on the 3rd Feb.
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  • 30 4 Owisc; to the death of H. M. the King of Denmark, the flags on the Consular buildings in town and on the Danish shipping offices were flown at half-mast to-day.
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  • 32 4 IMBMI, Maud Lipshut sued Mrs. Marshal), of the Baldwin Hotel, for a month's wages in liew of notice for having been summarily dismissed. Mr. Michell, after hearing the evidence, dismissed the plaint.
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  • 648 4 (By Siihiniiriii, CihUi PENANG RACES. fencing, -HHIi luHumy. There was a good attendance at the first day's races yesterday. The weather was tine and the going good. Hi- dts The Maidkv Plate, Value »600. A Race for Maiden Hors»-H Weight as per scale reduced
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  • 98 4 At Powell 4 Co's saleroom, yesterday, the life interest of Cheung .lim Kheau age 22 I in the incoiue of S houses at Cheang HVng Lim Market Street, and of B houses at Cheang Jim Chuan Street, was purchased by S. P.F.I*, Palaniappa Chetty lor »1..«N(.
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  • 81 4 Mkssrx. Macmillan, Hm publisher*, arc bringing out the speeches of Iaji>1 Ciirzon during his Viceroyalty iu a collecte«l form. Lord Curzon has Hecurod as liis editor Sir Thomas Kaleigh, who is to Mofeitmte general introduction dealing witli Lord Curzon's adminiHtration. The speeches art' to be grouped according t" -.ilij,
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  • Special German Telegrams.
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 102 4 Ric'd. SIIMBjIUII, t.4.r, HJtli -I,, Itit,lIfl. Dttd. hij Beultr CJOjun. MM Anwwy. It was not till I.W p.m. that Kiny Christian became sufficiently indisposed to mak. it necessary for His Majesty to retire to bed. Only the En-press-Dowager of Immj tad Prince Hans brother of the
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    • 44 4 /.■..V. Simj-i/wn- :;l«t .1.11,11,111/. Dttd. If li.ut.r t.,nj. H. I. M. the Kaiser goes loOmmJmmb, as doesal«o H. M. Alexandra, but whe ther H. M. Kiny Kdward will be able to go MMMM on Mm date H\<-d for the funeral.
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    • 12 4 Kiny Edwaid will open I'ailiai.ient. with a modified ccreiuoniaJ.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 30 4 Ibr'A „t BtHfptrt 6 jmw. ;ml, Januarr. DtU. hy Urntrr :,.:!</ ;ioil, uii.ial (iria/noff. kka Tliwhij'i Chid Staff Oftioer. lias !>«•, n killed by a Ixuiib ;it Tirlis.
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    • 73 4 M. Theotokis has iiniioiiueeil to t'n Chamber of Dmmmi th:it the pyini of the new Qnak Cabinet incl'l,l. administrative ivforins. It is intended to rcdnct- military nrviw to one year, ami to place the iti.rtivc army on a peace-foutiny of MM half Mm |«rinuill MBBtal of
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    • 25 4 Itii'll. ill .Sillijil/Kilr 11. ,1.,,,. I'•■l'd. 1,,j llml.ii'.lr, j,.,,,. Famine is in, leasing in India. 17<MrJl |>ersons are on Mm relief works.
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    • 38 4 I>ord Klgin has written I'lettcr to Mr. /angwill. promising to giva the most careful mid sympathetic iitlcution to any MMOM put forward for ]ilmjting ;i Jewish Colony in some unoccupieil part of the British Kiiij.iic.
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    • 40 4 Tlic Spanish MM pays tributes of prais, to the PriuuCHg Kirn's physical ami intel leciual attaiuments, and hopes that her marriage with King Alfonso will infuse some ftweetness into the bitterness of Spanish national lift;.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 494 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS fiotel De reurope. A Prince Arthur of (oniuuiiht" Tiffin WILL BE SERVED ON Saturday next, 3rd February, at I. p. m. SPECIAL MENU BAND IN ATTENDANCE C. CHAYTOR, Mai ager. c. 55 ive artiste: motors. The undersigned have been appointed sole-agents Inc the Straits Settlements for the KROMHOUT
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    • 467 4 VISIT OF H.R.H. PRINCE ARTHUR OF CONNAUGHT. X c His Excellency the Governor and Miss c Anderson will hold an cvininy n .|ition at 9 p.m. on Feliniarv :!rd. All Ladies and (ientleme.ii BMMMag tins reception ar<' rMMMkI la MMJ cards with their MM lariwy print-cd or written th.iv on
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    • 285 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ARIJSTIC PORTRAITURE OF THK HIOHKHT KxcM.I.K.M K. HAVING 2 STUDIOS Adapted for Forenoon and Afternoon Light, and our Chief Artist's time being confined entirely to the studios, we are thus enabled to give sittings throughout the day. HIGH-CLASS SPECIALITY ART PORTRAITS IN CARBON. WILSON Co., 1 Mfil ST.
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    • 18 4 STEANS' WINE, a general tonic and strength restorer. Always reliable. 'Must be Stearnt'." Tak« no other. It cures.
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    • 15 4 Messrs. S. Fioois Co.'s annual rubier re|x>rt for 1906 will be found on Map 1
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1040 5 7".. ih.- BdUorcf Qm u Strait* Timm." Sn:. It is i great pity that Xx- J Volunteer." \vh;>. in your issue of Monday, put himself at gIWN pains to prove the friNjih ntly .i tiveaud iuvariably interest ing" differen. In tween the past and present standard of
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    • 130 5 tli. Wiior (At Slmil, TiNin." Sii;. Mr. Sijuills" sii^cstion is by no means wide «>f tin- mark. Regulars receive li.i UMM0B bjMM fat Will ami self I. and lucmoen of the Colonial Swiss enjoy a iHiMOWjI. Why. tlicn. should not VoluntoiTs i lion scrvici nun i olitain s<nni' advantage in
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  • 590 5 At the business session of the Methodist Conference yesterday morning, the last of the Presiding Elders' reports was read, Lhat of Rev. B. F. West, M. D., for the Singapore District. Considerable progress was shown along different lines. Dr. West also submitted his report as
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  • 178 5 On the tdttl in-tant. Lim Bflu went oit from his lol" ti-;- early and returned in an ho'ir or so. He had left the street door opeii. but found it closed when he came Imck. As he forced it <i|xn. I man. Tan Lim. rushed out. Lim
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  • 134 5 In coiir.iitioii with the visit of I'riuce Arthur of C'oiiimn^ht to Singapore on Satnrii;iv m\t. the Sultan oi Sclanyor will arrive liere to morrow iiiorning. also the Yang di IVrtimi of Sfagri Seinhilan. They will land at .lolin-t. .n- l'icr iilxnt H o'clock and will Ik' rivciwd
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  • 836 5 Hon. W. R. Collyer Receives Two Presents. An interesting gathering took place last night at the Y. M. C. A. headquarters, when the President of the institution, the Hon. W. l{. 'oily r. was made the recipient of an illuminated address a id a photograph. The meeting was
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  • 113 5 Ykstf.kday. Sergeant Haiti charged Tan Ting Hiny with mischief iv wantonly damaging a Chinese harp belonging to a singing girl. The girl said the man forced hinisi If into her room and ho damaged her instrument that it was no longer of any use. and -he
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  • 64 5 Hai:v.u:i> I'nivcrsity I I'nited States I has prohibited the playing of football by students in games with other colleges, while the rules remain as they are. This is likely to lead to the adoption of the rule that ten yards instead of five must be made on three downs, which
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  • 133 5 A journalist paused through Singapore last Friday. Mr. Alfred Curtis, Kditor of the A'jj.: Hi mill, who returned to Japan after a six month*' visit to England, paid after an absence of twenty-five years. Mr. C'urtis's inipnsMui) of KnylHiKt. after his long absence from it. is not altogether favourable. The
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  • 311 5 Ykstkrday. Lim Chin Wee was charged by the Deputy Public Prosecutor with <111 1 breaking into No. 128, Tanjong Pagar Road during the small hours of the 19th instant, (2) with causing injury to Constable 623 Oosman with a knife, and (8) with escaping
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  • 177 5 To build the Canton-Hankow railway, the Government of Canton propose to double the transit dues, collect a poll-tax, and levy a rate on wealthy natives and the reason given for these new impositions is that money must be raised for the building of the railway with the utmost despatch. Strong
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  • 58 5 Last night, a Chinaman wan arrested at Tanjong l'agar Dock while hammering at the hull of a launch. When he heard the approach of the police he dropped into the sea. The constable went after him and caught him there. This morning he was charged with criminal trespass by Inspector
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  • 81 5 Aboct a week ago, we gave particulars of a gang robbery which occurred about half a mile from the Police Station at Wayang Satu. It w»s then reported to the police that, one night, a gang of armed Cantonese attacked a spirit-shop kept by Hylauis. and seriously wounded two of
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  • 60 5 Ykstkki.av. Mr. Hooper hwl in his Court a number of Kuropeans, who prosecuted hack-gharry syces for demanding and accepting excess fares, and jinrikisha pullers t ,r refusing to ply. A syce who had demand, d $5 and received 44 for a $2.50 fare iraa ordered to refund the excess; he
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  • 74 5 Thk (xilicc haw di-eovered in a pawn -ii p some of the property which was -tol, nt n the Cadets' Kungalow a few nights at'o. The property is alleged to have been pawned by a Javanese and he has been airc-i The )>olice have also found a sew ing .machine.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 Any irritating or disfiguring skin disease is quickly relieved and permanently cured by I loan's ointment. This ointment cures piles, eczema, scurvy itch, and every skin complaint. Sold by I <!.. mists and pharmacies.
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    • 412 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE PENANO RAFFLES E- O. WHERE TO STAY RANGOON PENANO MILLS STRAND THE CRAG The Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. have had 13 3'ears' Practical Experience Manufacturing and Importing for Singapore. Every Piano they sell is Absolutely Guaranteed and they take full responsibility for its performance. Specially low prices
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  • 1764 6 Under the above heading, the following article of great interest and importance appears in the latest "Commercial Supplement" of "The Times The transformation of China is in the air, and the history of the past year is one of change visible to the most casual
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  • 111 6 A list of political honours was issued oa the 'iilth of December. Lord Kdinund I'itznianriee. M.l.. Sir Arthur Hayter. M.l., the Hon. Philip Stanhope. SLR, Mr. C. EL Hem] hill. X.C.. M.l.. Sir. lame-. loicev. M.l. Sir William Wills, and Mr. C. H. Wilson. M.P., ware raised to
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  • 4888 6 Inquest Continued on Monday and Tuesday. More Police Evidence, Thk inquest on n C'liinuiiniii who was shot dead at Chan Cliv Kann mi tlic niglit of the Chinese New Year, and which wax < > m 1 1 I at I'luiii Cliv Kan", Police Station on Sunday
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 652 6 NOTICES. WASTED for Engineering Establishment. coni|ieteut Chinese Storekeeper, and a good Chinese Clerk. Apply to N. M. cloStraits Times. 1414 The HolmiKon Piano Co. Ltd. wish to engage a i;i«ml Kiiropeau clerk as sub-manager here or rfMsjjftnng Salary »200 rising to «:W. v 1700 WANTED, by Import firm,— smart Chinese
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    • 540 6 NOTICES. FOR SALE CRUSHED FOOD Orouod in Singapore by steam power, at $3 70 per bag;, of 145 lbs. FRESH WHEAT FLOUR \l»o ground in Singapore at $7 per bag, of 164 lb« To be hod of S. AlllH-MUIIMAN. DI'IIASU, I at 333 Tanjong Pagar Road, or No. 30 Serangoon
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    • 614 6 NOTICES^ TO BE LET. At a reasonable rent, a large office with strongroom, one small godown and one large godowu. The above can be let either separately or together. Apply to HANDELSVEREENIOINO, HOLLAND. Mar. It) w.s. v.c. TO BE LET. Kildare," 262 Bukit Timah Rood, pleasantly situated about 3 miles
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    • 14 6 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDEU, a ,>er feet antiseptic dentifrice, cleanoa a:;oreserves the te»th,— very re/rtthiny.
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  • 211 7 iu.s Miles an Hour. Tiik writrr of -Motor Car Notes in the QUa i.'trtl .Ihii.i AfU^r standiiiu at i 1 '1 •'> s.-< {or over a year, tlu rtiord foi MM BriM kilometre ha« been |mm n-l liv :i r, sr<\ This remarkable achievement was ;uvun.|ilislic<l
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  • 988 7 The Times correspondent at Rome writes The object and main argument of the White-book to be published by the Holy See. under the title of The Separation oj i he Church and the- State in Fnmcc," are beat given in the ac.ual wi-rds of i s preface
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  • 191 7 No. of OisplaceBhpw ment. Tons. 1' merged f mm tho wnr W 228,159 npiuird and rellcated 16 103,1)55 Cwldinft, built, or to be 111 1111 dinlely laid down 140,520 Totals 11« 472.&14 In this list torpedo-boats and submarines are not included. Tlie programme, if completed,
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  • 208 7 Viceroy and Lord Kitchener Agreed. Tuk following appears in the Kngliitimnn: It tlie re[)ort may be believeil, tlie Viceroy and Lord Kitclieuer have already agreed on the main principles which are to be observed in the future coudiict of the Military Admi lustration in India, and it
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 43 7 Axron wlio I as ever given Chamber■ia fiilii-. Cholera and Diarrhoea Reuiody a trial will tell you it is uueiiualled lor all stomach and bowel troubles. It ■ever fails and is pleasant to take. For ■le by All Dealer*. The DISPENSARY, General Ageuts
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    • 526 7 KIDNEYS INJURED BY AX AOCIDKKT. Mr. \V. J. Moore, 11, Pakefield-street, Pakefield, Lowestoft, England, is well known and respected. Although only 25 years of age, he has been connected with religious work for many years, and on most Sundays during the past OA years he has ably occupied some village
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    • 695 7 NOTICES. J A fl ents fop LEA PERRIII S WORCESTEfiSHIRE SAUCE, mmgm f^KwSc^ »3aJ^^ rv fti. >■ Hmmb^m^^ jjjJPßf V H M *J i* *HaW. PURVEYORS TO THE KING. ]g*:.' K I mJB Celebrated Oilman's Stores wjf I QOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up
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    • 481 7 Wde Straits JDimes. AND fide Straits SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE la ADVANCE. Daily issue per year 930.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.50 do per copy 0.15 Weekly issue per year 18.00 do per quarter 4.50 do per copy 0.40 When sent by post, there is added for the
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    • 489 7 PHOSFERINE 5 Tha Greatest of all Tontea. 5 J{ RADIATES HEALTH. Pkjfrieton Aihtoa Parsons, Limited, J 17, Finingdoo Koad, London. B.C. j •■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•)■■> Money to lend from $10,000 to $100,000 on first class security in town. L. HERMCNT. Broker i n.i Alley ■ta SAVARESSE'S SANDAL CAPSULES Not made xf (irl.itinc,
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  • 179 8 Curious Accident to a Witness. On Thursday. 25th instant, about 9 p.m.. I while six Javanese coolies were reading the Koran in tho coolie lines at Ptilau Biikum one of them received a severe blow on the I head, from behind, with some sharp instrument. He was
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  • 103 8 Ykstekday morning, a Kling lad was before Mr. Bryant to explain why he sold milk with water added thereto. He said he had bought it from another man. Chief Sanitary Inspector Mayhew explained to the Court that the badges intended for licensed milk vendors had reached Singapore
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  • 112 8 On Monday, Choi Soo Koon went into an opium shop, called for a leaf of chandu. paid for it and left. In a few minutes he returned and demanded that the leaf should be changed for another. The shopman weighed the leaf, said it was light, declared he
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  • 8 8 Tuk Straitt Budjet will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 193 8 Ykstbrdav, Lim Cbye Tat. an old man. was again before Mr. Seth on remand on three allegations of criminal breach of trust in respect of jewellery, valued at over *****. the property of three Chinese ladies. Detective Inspector Tyrrell appears*] for the Crown Mr. Farrer Baynett
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  • 170 8 TIAM A Mis is a dealer in cane mats of a very fine and ex[>eusive kind, and lives at 45 South Bridge Road. On the 31st ultimo he awoke, to find that while he slept a burglar had entered and stolen away with thirty of his
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  • 232 8 Arrived 38th January. By La Xeijne From Batavia— Mr. R. I-nbert, Mr. Van der Elst, M\ C. B. Curtis. Mr. O. Leers, Mr. H. Bartning. Mr. and Mrs. Q. G. Reynold. Mr. Hardouin, Mr. Hounnt, Mr. M. A. Gareh. 29th January. By Tourunr: From Europe and rorte
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  • 25 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. SUt January, 1906. The Netherlands Trading Society today quotes the 4/ms bank rate at 2/4}. The Mercantile Bank quotes it at '2 4,',.
    25 words
  • 93 8 Gam bier buyers i.oS do (Cube No. II unpicked 10.62 f Copra Bali 7.30 do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black 20.75 do White, 5% buyers 30.W Sago Flour Sarawak 2.95 do Brunei No. 1 2.80 Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali. 15% basis 20.25 Coffee, Palembang. 20% basis 25.00 Coffee, Liberian
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  • 264 8 (Mercantile Bisk.) On London— Bank 4m 2/4 Demand 'A Private 6 m's 2/4 11 do 3m/a 2/4, On Germany— Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3 m/a 2.45 do 6m/« 2.47 On France— Bank d/d 2951 Private 3 m/s 3.00J do 6 m/s 3.02} On N/ha— Bank T. T. 174*' Private
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  • 114 8 tor Per Steamer Rm Tl II Panuli. Asuhau. NaaagjilMJMa 11 a.m. Bangkok l>«ym«r 4 p.m. Europe ia ports Ucoinn p.m. Madras via ports Timtu p.m. Teluk Aiihou via ports Hun Hin f/uuu 3 p.m. Penang and Deli Calypmi :i p.m. SourKhuya .V Macassar Mm I"«M 3p.m. Malacca and
    114 words
  • 122 8 From Ecrope— By the P. A O. s.s. due ou 3rd Feb. From China— By the N. l>. L. ftaoa due un Itli Feb. TIME TAhI.K Of MAILS Hit. Left Singapore Due in Loudon Arrived Dec. 21st P. AO. Jan. 13th Jan. IUI. Dec. 23rd N. D.
    122 words
  • 74 8 Wharves at Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. I East Wuarm— Nil. Victoria Graving L)mx BatfM Amu-. i Albert Gkavino Don -Tara. Section No. 1 Sultan van Langkat. Tiv-,U [,i,Hhtniun. (Hang \mi 2 Venctia :i C'ai)ili<'iiiiftii. 4 Ok...a Nil. 6 Nil. Borneo Wharf: 7 Agni»nthns. OeMaa
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 57 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify the pablic that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at reduced prices. A good opportunity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are rt.lvis.-d to
      57 words
    • 128 8 )HALF PRICE. i January 29, 3G, 31, February 1&2. lAVhtteaway,I AVhtteaway, Laidlaw 00. WILL SELL FOR HALF THE USUAL PRICE A Large Assortment of Drapery, &c. THIS EXCEPTIONAL OFFER SST~&2SrJX2 take Stock All other -^tock will be frold at Sa.e L J rices During; this Week /"^TYTTj I DOLLAR wol
      128 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 31 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. I HONGKONG.— :M)tli Jan.— 10 a.m. Barometer M.lfi. Direction of Wind k.n.k. Force of Wind Max. Temp in Shiiiie ">•>. j MANILA.— 90th 763 s.w. by n. 1. J». M.
      31 words

  • 648 9 More Returns luth January Tlic following Lil« rals have been elected: -Mr. Henderson, Wont AbcrdeoiiKhire. Mr. H. J. Tennant. Berwickshire. Mr. l,airl>. North Herefordshire. Mr. Mariiliaiii. NorthI West Surrey. Mr. Mi-Mickinn. Kirkiidbri(jlit. 1 Mr. Arinstrmm. South Suffolk. Mr. Stanley. Cheshire (Kcltlishurj Mr. P. Ilrcxjklclmrst. Cheshire iMaccleHtkld). Mr.
    648 words
  • 358 9 Tuk fixing of Mm Lux lamp installation atlpoh havini' MM complcU'd. Urn RraHirtlt. with the Deputy Chairman of the Smiitary Board, made a tour round the town le M Hrn new lights. The Ki'siilcnt Ix'tnir stiirtuin Messrs. MrAlisUr A Cos MWJHeM KpTMMd liisyicit plaaaon tl
    358 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 263 9 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKIHtUJiJTEir ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. m^^^fM Wk VICTORIA ,^L MEMORIAL HALL. "-lfc^ W OPENING CEREMONY SS-^jßge^/ Not«itliBtanding the heat of the afternoon, the interior ■J'^, the bu ding was kept pleasantly cool by the electric fans" J *?T W^^l tix< I> l xvalls demonstrating the hitherto unheard of Jm possibility
      263 words
    • 90 9 INDIAN ENGINEERING. Am Illustrated Wkekly Journal THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THE PROFESSION IN INDIA. With guaranteed bona fide circulation. LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLE C. E. CALCUTTA CHARLES T&fe HEIDSIECK'S White Seal IW®; Champagne. *r$ POLE AGENTS B Behn, Meyer A Co Ld lL Singapore and Penang. M^K^^^k DEPOT
      90 words
    • 261 9 NOTICES. HO HONG OIL RICE MILLS g^jdggp^ 539 North Bridge Road I if^y) SINGAPORE CABLE ADDRESS "HOHONG" SINGAPORE. Town Office 61 Kling Street. Cheapest Known Power TANGYE'S PRODUCER GAS ENGINES They make their own gas with the aid of ordinary Gas Coke which sells here at say $17 per ton.
      261 words

  • 816 10 How Members of C.-B.'s Cabinet Amuse Themselves. Sir Edward Grey, the Foreign Secretary, was only the other day amateur champion at tennis, and it would take a very good man to beat him at the old English game now. Of recent years Sir Edward has spent more of
    816 words
    • 801 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer ah. ship bq. barque sen. schooner Yet. Yacht Cm. —Cruiser Got.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— United States Fch.— French Ger —German Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger D Uncertain T. P. W.—
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    • 540 10 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. &TEAKIKB. Airlie, Sydney, Feb. 24 Boustead. Alesia, China, Feb. 3 Behn Meyer. Armand Behic, Colombo, Mar. 12 M. Mtimes. Arratoon Apoar, Calcutta, Feb. 14 P. Simons. Arcadia, Hongkong, F?b. 15 P. AO. Austria, Hongkong,, Mar. 14 Rautenburg. Ayuthia,
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    • 359 10 FOR SINGAPORE Per P. 4 O. s. s. MaajsMl connecting with the steamer Ihmgola at Colombo, from London Jan. 5, due 3rd Feb.— Mr. K. E. Whiting, Mr. J. Davidson, Mr. F. L. Marshall, Dr. and Mrs. Hose, Messrs. H.P.Lawrence, J. M. Maitland Kirwan, D. W. Gilmour,
      359 words
    • 257 10 Number i f Laat of e Company Buyer. Seller. Traiuac Share. P** u> "P* o I tiop. BOLD. I 13,50 10 10 Benawah G. M. Co., Ltd 14.00 13.00 ,000 uuu-ut d. 4,000 I 10 10 I (Deferred) H.Oo 20,000 10 10 Kadana G. M. Cu., Ltd. W nom.
      257 words
    • 131 10 wu.uw a"obo 4,500 80,000 12,000 3,400 6,000 2,750 36,000 «JO 2,000 6,000 786 UUIHUId 300,000 I.OW uujuuol 37,000 1 L>ufl Development Co., Ltd.. 8.00 tt.UO I 100 50 125 100 10 I 100 > 100 10 5 50 > 100 100 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. M Frawsr Neave.
      131 words
    • 145 10 •2(1,000 HI ii 70,000 »101 10 70,000 i jl i ,00U U..M.HWI 6.000 1 1 6,000 £1 1 1,400 unusind 30,000 1 1 Li Sou uuiMUed 3,000 tIOO i $100 650 uuiafcueu 1,000 1100 1100 I*l i l l 4,UUU uiuMUert 150 1100 1100 850 MOD 90
      145 words
    • 47 10 Howarth Krakine, Ltd. 7% Kiley, Hftrgreavea, Ltd. b% biugapore ilunicii*l 6% v .1 Taoji Dg P»gar Dock Co., L 0% 6* 250,000 i% prem Ivivw*. Ut.SOO 1% prem buyer>. 4tiu,ouo prem l>u.. <•• I,»7»,iaaj in, (iniri bu)r«n. (jj-,, >OJ (uir. wllrn. i.U.OOU i., [.it-Mi I,3ik.,jUU par. buyers
      47 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 113 10 \V. 11. Connelly, General Storekeeper, Tul.iga Hay, N. says Have stocked Ckasabssiais'i houscliuld medicines continually and feel much pleasure in confidently rcci'mmcnding their Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has no CAjual Tins is the universal verdict the world o\<i pwpls who have become accMi.iinV 1 with the good
      113 words
    • 588 10 BANKS. Hongkong 9 Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Beserve 110,000,000 «18« 18 v>a (w) Silver Reserve 8,500,000,- llBlso ooo Reserve Liability of Proprietors 510.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Blade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Diokson. F. Kalmger, Esq. E.
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    • 474 10 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and Chin*. NCOBPOBATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 iteserve Fund £875,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. Die London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest illowed at 1 per cent,
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    • 132 10 THE Straits Ipimes CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES Singapore. Messrs. John Little 4 Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel. Raffles Tiffin Rooms. Messrs. Kirn k Co. R.oh k Co. Adelpfai Hotel. Chuan k Co., Robinson Road. Hotel de la Paii. Hotel de l'Europe Hotel Netherlands,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 715 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Pr r China. Japan. Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India. Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian
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    • 702 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklljfce Pabet%aat<t MaatachapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. AgenU at Singapore .—Ship Agency, late 3. Daenmelk A Co., 2-8 Collteb Qcit. The undermentioned dates sre only spproximste Steamer From Exp'ted Will be despatched for I Van lUemulyk Soerabaya Jan 20 Soerabaya, Macassar, Balik-Pauan. Donggala, To]. Toli,
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    • 613 11 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURa. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a mouth for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of the
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    • 655 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The thkt and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen amburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, G-ibtaltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
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    • 713 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan home- n wards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to
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    • 495 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. THE 11B0E8T FIBE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD A Cc.—Agemf. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital 212,750r Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company re prepared to accept fire risks
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  • 235 12 Inder the will of the late Mr. Yerkes, the widow and two mairieil children each reoehre LKI.IKHI. and divide the iuc <• from the residue of the estate. Mrs. Yerki s "ill have no voice in the disposition of any part of it, and the children have
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  • 178 12 Sin Gso. BIMUn Giiiß, who for the past 14 siarsbas boon tlic general manager of the North- Eastern Rlv.Co.. has resigned that pottition to become the leading spirit in the London railways controlled by the late Mr. Wrkrs. Mr. Kiigar Speyer, of the
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  • 175 12 An extraordinary general meeting of Lin«, r i Plantations. Limited, was held at Cannon Street Hotel, E. C. on Tuesday, January 2nd. when the following resolution was unanimously adopted: (ll That the capital of the Company be increased to <ffO,OPP l>y the creation of 20.000 additional Ordinary
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  • 154 12 Aram is already the most pensionMHqpd country in the world. Everybody there has a ]>ension, or meaus to have oneTliele are i>ensions for men who have fought for their country. |>ensions for those who liave sutTeied in health through war-: there are [Miisions for the widows and
    154 words
  • 132 12 The following Company has been formed in London lUnyiHin Kleetlic Tramways and Supply Cn, Ltd.. MriMl DeeeiiilnT 'ilitli. with ra|tiUil (if MODfIOO (7.. '.1K l.( KM I ni|Hesi in :a>.(*h) I |mi cent, i ninulative preference shares of ft racli and SSO^OOO oriliimry sliares of XI
    132 words
  • 63 12 Thk somewhat sensational Rtatcmcnt was uiiulr in tin- faAw Supreme Court on the iMtli January Unit liusimss of the Hongkong ami Shanghai ISauk was paralysed. The hank rtiiiprailore had been arrested under a jiul^ini in ami. in mUm that the writ be not usiili'. Counsel explained the urgency in these
    63 words
  • 233 12 Thk Mn lai/ Moil cives the following verbatim copy of the Senior Judicial CminniKHioner'B judgment in the recent till snultint; cane (recently reported in our rolnimisl in which the Batu Caves Estate wan concerned 1 iln not consider that the plaintiff has made out a case for
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  • 160 12 Thk forthcoming visit of Prince Arthur of Connaught to Japan is exciting much interest at Tokyo, and preparations on a large scale are in progress for the reception of the Royal visitor. An influential committee has been formed to carry out the arrangements for tin- reception. Amongst many
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  • 139 12 New (juris Ordered. Holland has followed the example set by other Powers, and is about to bring its fieldguns up to date. After a long series of experiments the Dutch military authorities have decided to adopt the latest Krupp model, to which will be added a water-brake. a
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  • 143 12 Thk P. and steamer Awtiralia. which was wrecked on June 1904. still rests on Corsair Rock, off Point Xepcan. in spite of the ceaseless action of the tide. The steamer has proved a veritable gold mine to Mr. A. G. Aikman. its owner, who bought the boat for
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 48 12 Summer Complaint is the children's most dangerous enemy and the mother's most dreaded foe. Immediate and pro per treatment is always necessary. Cham berlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, given according to directions, is the most effectual remedy known. For cale by All Dealers. The DISPENSARY, General Agent*
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    • 166 12 2 Facts of Absorbing Interest To Those Who Are In The Clutches Of Rheumatism One cannot be too quickly cured of Rheumatism. To get rid of those awful pains that make life a never-ending series of torture, now mild, now excruciating, to-day in bed, to-morrow hobbling around on crutches— to
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    • 351 12 NOTICES. We have, on the Ist instant, opened a Lcpot in battery Road, No. 7-B, where the following cigars can be bought by retail at the following prices CUBAN STYLE. CUBAN STYLE. Perfectos in boxeb of 25 $2.00 Exquisites in boxes «f 100 $3.50 Reina Special 50 52.75 Conchitas 100
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    • 177 12 NOTICES. R|LEY,HaRGREAVES& Co., Ltd. SIIfcTQ-.AiFOIR/lE] &c IPOH. Electrical Department Motors Dynamos Lamps I Complete Electric Light Installations and House Wiring. Switch Gear, Ships' Fittings, House Fittings, Mining Fittings, Fans, &c. Arc Lamps, Accessories, Radiators &cfr Expert Advice and Estimates, Free. Telegraph Addre..,- HARGREAVES 242 B|'f7 *Hlg ESS O be Artistically
      177 words