The Straits Times, 26 January 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.947 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY. JANUARY 26. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 351 1 NOTICES T VELTEN BEER PURE, WHOLESOME. PALATABLE. The same as supplied on board the French Mail. TO BE HAD FROM ALL DEALERS. C. DUPIRE CO., Sole JlgenU. GEO. ANGUS CO., ES^HHH|i^^B_ admiralty quality india LDn I /K wr^^'-l RUBBER BHEE T ST. JOHN'S WORKS. NEWCABTLE-ON-TYIIE. I A -/'I Oak Tanned
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    • 258 1 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 7/~. I!raB> Uuxaii h,Hiil SingaporeThe Brinlitot an.l Healthiest R.'sort in City. Hotel PorUr. in uniform, meets all Boats and Trains. WAVERLEY HOTEL s§k ll ill '-street. SinfinfioreHealthy Position. French ami German Cuisine ami Refreshments. MeaU at ev»r> time of the <la>. Three Bill:nr.l Table*. Liquors of first j
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    • 189 1 TO LET BURNISHED. ■IVER VALLEY ROAD, SINGAPORE. For six months from the middle of April, the very comfortable residence known as "Glengarry." on River Valley Road, corner Oxtey Road. <MB and electric bells throughout. Municipal water, stabling for trap* and I two horses. Telephone upstairs and down- otairs. Well appointed
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    • 129 1 ftftITCES. ROBINSON CO, JUST ARRIVED, .A: J_arg^ Shipment o± "GRAMOPHONE S." JTHERE is only one "GRAMOPHONE', and it is made by the GRAMOPHONE TYPEWRITER Ltd. LONDON, for which we are the Sole Agents ALL others are imitations. MEW RECORDS nJ_JL RECORDS THE CHORUS of the n§_______Hk PARIS OPERA HOUSE THE
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    • 52 1 NOTICE. Mr. B. J. Schadd has been appointed agent of the HANDELBVERINIGING "BANDJER MASSIN voorb E. A. Hilckes, from 15th of January. 1906. 1399' SINOAPORE-KRANJI RAILWAY. Notice is hereby given that on the 26th, 27th, and '29th instant, the trains on this railway will run as on Sundays. W. TEARLE,
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    • 38 1 %o tvs Tiffin </* 9 g. Robinson Road, NEAB THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Open dally until 1 1 p.m. Cold Supper, Toast, Eggs Ac, and Liquors of best quality supplied. JOE F. de CONECICAO Proprietor. (Late Manager. Hotel dol'Europe 1342
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  • 516 2 The Reception. Turn following interesting account of the arrival of the British cruiser squadron at Manila, on Admiral Noel's cruise to the Southern foreign porte, is taken from the Cablrnnvt of the 12th inst: The British cruiser squadron under the command of Admiral Sir Gerard Henry
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  • 291 2 The Hon. Treasurer of the Destitute Strangers' Fund begs to acknowledge with I thanks the following siibsn iptimis for 1905 received by him ami not yet published Montague Harris, Esq. %25 Noel Trotter. Eoq 50 The Dispensary 285 Mrs. Taylor 5 Jas. Aitken, Ksq 10 J. W.
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  • 250 2 Two breakwater*) arc in course of construction at Manila, one to the west of the harbour extending from the Pasig River and following, approximately, the shore line of the bay for a distance of 8,68.5 feet, and too other of 2,785 feet running in a northwesterly
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  • 85 2 There in some jubilation in German mercantile circlet* on the subject of German commercial prospects in Egypt. Between 1894 and 1908 Egyptian exports to Germany grew from under 18,500,000 to 80,000,000 marks, while those from Germany to Egypt increased from 7 ,800,000 to over 28,250,000. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 375 2 NOTICES. "TIMES" MINING CANDLES. THE HARDEST, MOST BRILLIANT AND CHEAPEST. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. SIDEROSTHEN m I AIJM i (y^ 1 The standard preservative for Iron and Steel. Resists the action of Sea Water and Acids, will not blister or crack under tropical heat. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. July 21
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    • 597 2 happy Jmlffl MOTHER, (.f( .f HEALTHY l^rf BABES. A Singapore Husband's Tribute of Thanks to OR. WILLIAMS PWK PILLS.. My wife's present excellent health, and the healthy state of my children I attribute solely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, said Mr. S. Samuel M it's really wonderful the good these
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    • 349 2 NOTtCRSr SOFT DELICATE SKIN it assured to those ladies who avoid poisonous cosmetics, and use ROWLAND'S KALYDOR which •lltrs all smarting, irritability of the skin, exterminates tan and freckles, heals all cutaneous eruptions, and renders hush red and rough skin beautifully soft and smooth. It imparts a matchless beauty to
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  • 596 3 Extraordinary Find Tut-: Hrilinh Sorth llorneo Herald gives the following summary of a report on Manganem in Maruda Bay by Mr. A. R. Dunlop. I!, side -Mt on the West Coast. The wharf at Tanjong Batu is in hand and r>,(*X) ton cargo boats will be able -to
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  • 313 3 A stm v illustrative of the methods employed in child stealing was told the other day at HM Hongkong Magistracy. A sampan woman of Canton had two Kons, one four years old and the other four months, and a U\\ days ago tthe missed the elder. Search
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  • 134 3 Tiikhk was a series of nuHliaps to horses at the Tollynanj steeplechases, Calcutta, recently. Captain Guest's and Mr. Locke's Chmt, after winning the first race, pulled up so lame that h< will probably never start H^iiin. The well-known chaser lia tiger in iln' same stable drupptnl down dead
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 19 3 STEARNS 1 WINE, for debilit; emaciation, thin and impure blo<x Aiiii'inic girls improve rapidly. An ex client Iron Took.
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    • 454 3 NOTICE. The extensive premise* divided into numerous offices built by Towkay Loke Yew on the site of Messrs. Byrne Co. 'a former godown in Coliyer Quay and Change Alley are now resdy for occupation. For particulars of rent, Ac, pleaae apply to the undersigned. CHOP HENG LOONG, 34, Robinson Road.
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  • 1851 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 26th January. .Ii iKiiNi; from what accounts could be gathered on the steamship Zietrn, this forenoon, the criticisms published by Baron Suyematsu in respect of his treatment on the big German liner were not justified by the fin ts. and would seem to
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 372 4 fenang, 26th January. Captain von Binzer, of the N. I). L. s.B. Zieten, thus explains the circumstances attending the alleged lack of respect shown to Baron Suyematou on the present outward trip of the vessel he commands. He says that H. E. Chang Ta jen,
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 45 4 Berlin, X4th January. Tlie report of the projected sale of the Philippines, as published in The Tim.*, is considered in Ilcrliu as a "feeler" thrown oat from Washington. No confirmation o' the report is to hand from the latter capital.
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    • 32 4 Hungary has prohibited the importation of cattle from Servia. German Ambassador at Windsor. Count von Metternich, the German Ambassador at London, is a guest of the King at Windsor.
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    • 29 4 lirrlif. MM January. The Morocco Conference at Algeciras has settled the arms importation question in a satisfactory manner. The Conference is n6w considering the taxes question.
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    • 28 4 Illness of a Grand -duke. The. (iranddiikt) of Luxemburg b seriously ill. The heiress apparent is the Grand-duke's eldest daughter, Princess Marie. Her mother has assumed the Regency.
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    • 41 4 King Alfonso and the Princes Ena have exchanged visits at Hiairit/.. Servia backed by Russia and France. The Russian and Kccncli press express opinions favourable to Servia in the tariff war between the latter aud Austria.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 27 4 li-,,1. at Suujapon- i.4-', p.m. Dtfd. If K.ut.r tMpj*. Three French cruisers have left Trinidad. It is believed that they will blockade La Guayra.
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    • 59 4 The whole of the staff of the cotton mills at Yaruslav. in liussia. including Mr. Davison. the English manager, were imprison. I on the liHh instant. Mr. Davison is charged with possessing books of a Liberal tendency. Sir Kilward <irey telegraphed from the Foreign Office to
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    • 31 4 Mr. Asquith. speaking at King's P>,irns. said that, anxious as he was to reduce the national expenditure, he saw little hope of doing so. during the current year.
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    • 38 4 Mr. Haldane. speaking at Kuiwick. emphatically declared that no compact or under standing e\isted between Government and the Irish leaders for establishing a Statutory Parliament in Ireland, or lor lutrodncin^ I Hill lot that purpose.
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    • 53 4 London, MIA January. The Empress Dowager of China has ordered all the eligible Imperial Princes to be presented to her during the coming New Year iv order that she may select three or four out of the lot, one of whom will be eventually nominated as successor
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    • 34 4 The new German treaty with Auys>iniit secures for Germany larger privileges re garding freedom of sojourn, travel, trade and industry MkM is granted by their tn tti.--. to England and America.
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    • 31 4 It is announced in St. Petersburg that the Persian Government has refused to ratify Major McMahon's award respecting the waters of the Helmand Hivcr on the AfghanScistan border.
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    • 163 4 Ay, V. flif yore, i).:i> „i. uith /«Mara Itil'd. by Riutcr I p. in. -Jtith January. Many of the ministerial newspapers indicate the probability of strong BMMUM being taken towards dealing with Chin. -.<■ labour. This is causing much apprehension in. l excitement in the Transvaal. Mr. Ahxjuilh. s|>eakiiig
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 790 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS A vital question with you in whether or not it is wise to go to a place where varietjis greatest, and where prices are lowest. If you pay less than we charge for provisions, you'll certainly get less. Thompson Thomas Co. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. r 107 fiotel De
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    • 58 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ABTISTIC PORTRAITURE Of thk Hiuhsst Excellence. HAVING 2 STUDIOS Adapted for Forenoon and Afternoon Light, and our Chief Artist's time being confined entirely to the studios, we are thus enabled to give sittings throughout the day. HIGH-CLASS SPECIALITY ART PORTRAITS IN CARBON. WILSON Co., c 8M G.R. Lambert
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    • 27 4 Ti. MoKßuw is the birthday of His .Majesty the Kaiser, which happy occasion will b»celebrated at the German Club with a bin dinner followed by a dance.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 34 5 Hec'd. Singapore, 4.15 p.m. 24th January. DeVd. by Heuter, ti.U't p.m. 24th January. The engagement of King Alfonso with the Princess Kirn of Battenbcrg will be shortly officially announced.
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    • 23 5 Kussia has approved of the selection of Dr. Motono, the Japanese Minister in Paris, as Minister in St. Petersburg.
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    • 46 5 Hec'd. Singapnrr 4p.m. r tlh January. DeFd. by l! utrr H. 45 a.m. MM Jantutry. Mr. Secretary Root has received the -Chinese travelling Commissioners, and said that a hearty welcome would be given them, as an expression of America's true sentiment towards China.
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    • 160 5 Wangtahsieh. new Chinese Minister to Britain, has been interviewed by Reuter. H. E. said there was no doubt that China would follow the example of Japan and do her best to become a modern nation. A new Chinese army would probably be formed in South China, on
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    • 32 5 Singapore .'i p.m.. r,(h January. IhTd. by U,nt,r UM a.m., :»tith January. H. M. King Kdward, with H. M. Queen Alexandra, will ojten Parliament on the 19th of February.
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    • 57 5 It is announced from Paris that France has decided to take action against Venezuela. Krance. however will choose her own time and procedure, and will not allow Venezuela to force her hand. It is believed that the French government are anxious not to become involved anywhere, pending
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    • 48 5 li:ril. Singapnn 11. 1', turn. :'>'>tli January. D.V.l.hy Hrul.r O.l'l !,;th. January. Sir Edward (Jrey has been re-elected for Berwick -on- Tweed Division of Northumberland. The Hon. A. H. dibbs has resigned his seat for the City of London iv favour of Mr. A. .1. Balfour.
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    • 19 5 I'resiilent Roosevelt has cordially welcomed and entertained at luncheon the Chinese travelling Commissioners.
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    • 18 5 1 he flrst passenger train has traversed the Simplon Tunnel in ;17 miuutos.
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    • 130 5 Loutlnn. :'4th January. The electoral returns show:— Liberals 294 Labourites :i« I'nionists 128 The gains are Liberals 153 seats. Labourite :10. and I'nionists 10. Later. 1..n.l Dalmcuy Liberal, son of Lord Rosebery I has been elected to the Midlothian Division, with H..m votes as against .1.131 polled by
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  • 265 5 Declines to discuss the alleged trouble on the Zieten." The N. D. L. 8.8. Zieten, which arrived here this morning, brought among her passengers Baron Suyemateu, who is returning to Japan on the completion of his political mission to Europe, and whose allegations as to the lack
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  • 79 5 Thk British steamer Vancouver, Captain Maddux, which has been chartered by the Japanese Government as a transport, arrived yesterday afternoon from Hamburg witli 981 Japanese officers and troops, exprisoners from Russia. She is bound for Kobe and is coaling at the wharf. She will leave to-day if
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  • 376 5 Officers (Garrison) v. S.C.C. I iK-riTK the drizzle which came on about five o'clock on Wednesday afternoon two hockey matches were played on the Esplanade and attracted a fair number of spectators. tin the S.C.C. ground the officers of the Garrison met the S.C.C, and the match proved very
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  • 307 5 Band and Drums S Foresters v. S.R.C. and XI. The other match was on the S. K. C. ground between the Band and Drums of the Sherwood Foresters and a second eleven of the S. U C. The homesters started the game witli two men short, but later one of
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  • 161 5 Orders of the Day. Thk Legislative Council will 'meet on Friday next at 2.80 p.m. and the following are the Orders of the Day 1. Corporations Dnty Bill (Bill "To im pose a dnty on the Property of Bodies Corporate and I'ninoorporate.") Brd Reading. 2. Vagrancy Bill (Bill
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  • 250 5 Chinaman Shot Dead by Police. Last night, the police authorities received a telephone message from Chan Chu Kang Police Station, saying that a Chinaman had been shot dead there in an affray with the police. Mr. W. A. Cuscaden. Chief Police Officer, with Inspector Sullivan
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  • 67 5 fanmH Si K WVHKIi. Thk I'inany Gazette announces that the well-known race horse Ettington has been scratched for all events. He will, therefore, be out of the big races for the Club Handicap and the New Year Stakes at the next Penang Meeting. In the Club Handicap, in
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  • 397 5 One hundred and ninety-four deaths were registered here during the week ending on the 20th January. The ratio per thousand was 36.05. Thk Chinese Government has approved the opening of Whampoa as an open port. Weishien and Choutsun, as well as Chinanfu, were opened on Dec. 15th. On Wednesday morning,
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  • 125 5 Thb Chinese New Year was welcomed in at midnight on Wednesday by much cracker firing, \esterday the whole of the Chinese quarter of the town was en fete. AU Chinese dwellings were gaily decorated and the Chinese community douned their best attire and sallied forth to
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  • 129 5 On Tuesday, Poh Ghee Kang entered number 7 Mount Sophia Road and annexed a clock at the Deaconesses' Home. He was arrested. This morning, Inspector Sullivan charged him. He said he was under the influence of liquor and had no idea of what he did, so was
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  • 468 5 Nanek is a Mali bari maiden of eleven summers. She was maid-servant in the family of Mr. Menon, a veterinary inspector. She had been entrusted to his care by her parents. A couple of days ago, she disappeared from his quarters at the cattle infirmary. A man named Yelayoh, with
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 37 5 THIMBU, Owj i.yv Whatt, charged with stabbing two couutrynimi with a knife at the junction of Cross and China Street*, watt again brought upat the I'oliw Court. Further fvidi-ii. ■>■ wan .ailed and the defendant waB again remanded.
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    • 428 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Raffles fiotel SPECIAL DINNER In Honour of the Birthday of H. I. M. The Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany ON To-morrow, 27th instant BAND IN ATTENDANCE. The Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. have had 18 years' Practical Experience Manufacturing and Importing for Singapore. Every Piano they sell is T^H
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  • 475 6 New arrangments have, so the Perak Pioneer reports, been made in regard to the letting of the Town Hall, at Taiping. It is reported that it has been decided that •hit* building will not in future be let or allownd for any theatrical or other performances without
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  • 130 6 Mmk. Blavatsky's meteoric career as the founder of theoaophy is recalled by the death of Mr. Richard Hodgson, 8.A., who first exposed that famous lady's many frauds. In IHR"> Mr. Hodgson wan sent out by the Psychical Research Society to investigate tbe extraordinary claims made by
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  • 136 6 An incideut which has been everywhere noted with satisfaction is that the gold industry of the Transvaal has beaten its record. The output for October was valued by the Chamber of Mine- at £1,765,047, compared with £1,388,167 for October, 1904, an advance of nearly £400,000. Since
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  • 126 6 Skveral bitter complaints have been made in the Calcutta papers about the terrible crush there was at the Prince of Wales's Levee. One Bays The squeeze was simply excruciating. Some native gentlemen of the bulbous order of architecture were nearly flattened, and uttered piteous groans
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  • 116 6 Thk Gorman steamer Sophir Biekuun which arrived from Calcutta on the '20th instant, with a full cargo of Indian coal, went aground yesterday afternoon whiic she was being shift, il from the eastern to the western section of Tanjong Pagar. She floated off at high tide at aim,
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  • 634 6 By Capt. H. R. Baker 73rd C. 1., Adjutant and Acting Commandant, S.V.C. Singapore, J3rd Jinuary. s. c. It is notified for general information the annual camp will take place at Tanjong Katong during Easter week. Those who will be able to attend should send in their names
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  • 138 6 The following statement is attributed to the Herman Km) hi or by M. Qaaqpa Vi|. hers in tlie limps. Speaking "quite n cently" at a private gatneriug lbs Gasman Emperor is said to have expressed hiiuscll Ujuh: People are wrong to say that there is a war
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  • 144 6 The attention of the Admiralty having been drawn to the fact that there is too much familiarity between the petty officers and the able seamen, a new order has been issued with a view to stopping the alleged habi:. of the seamen of not paying
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  • 184 6 It is said that the members of the (Inn, Kiubansy at Alipur were the reverse of pleased at having the Tibetans staying just across the way at Hastings House, as they never were quite sure whether they might not wake up the next morning with their throats cut. It is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 658 6 NOTICES. The Robinson Piano Co. Ltd. wish to engage a good European clerk as sub-manager here or Hongkong. Salary 1200 rising to %KM. r 1700 WANTED, by Import firm,— smart Chinese or Eurasian Clerk, must be good writer and quick at figures. Apply F. S. 0/0 Straits Times. 0 1112
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    • 549 6 NOTICES. FOR SALE. The furniture (all first class teak) and whole ontfit of a bachelor's mess, consisting of 2 bedrooms, 2 sitting rooms, dining room and verandah, all nearly new. Honse 2J miles from town, rent»Bo. Forfurther particulars apply to Q. c/o StraiU Times. 1387 FOR SALE. Two English clinker
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    • 824 6 TO BE LET. Room or office on ground floor of 2 Finlayson Green, (formerly occupied by the Mitoui Bussan Kaisha. Entry Ist July 1906. Apply to Chop HENG LOONG, 34 Robinson Road. Oct. 27 u.e |TO BE LET. Immediate entry new and substantial godown and office No. 100 Robinson Road,
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    • 569 6 AUCTION SALES. 380 LOTS AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK AND MAHOGANY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE A BRILLIANT TONID COTTAGE PIANO By M. F. Raehals A Co. A large collection of plants, Ac. The property of W. HASEVBALG, Esq. To be held at ■Green Hill," Chancery Lane, On Saturday 27th January. at 1.30
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    • 19 6 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE can be obtained from all the dispensaries (quickly by post). Never be without tbe Genuine. m.w.f.
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  • 768 7 The Reform of the Turf, The reform speech made by Colonel Hall Walker at the annual dinner of tho Gimcrack Club has been the sensation of the day in racing circles. The owner of the winner of the Gimcrack Slakes ai York ha=» from time immemorial occupied
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  • 185 7 Thk Women's Medical Coll. y of the American Presbyterian MisHon at Canton is p -rformiuu a great work, sure to have abiding effect* on tie social life of China. The aim of the College is to provide a counte of study in lni'dicint! for Chinese ladies who, on pass nit:,
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  • 604 7 Lawson on Rockefeller, a Bold Prediction "A billionaire," said Mr. Law.on. of i Boston, the other day, to a Pre«s interviewer, is Ihe greatest object le.son to the people of the punishment oi robbing people of their savings by means whi h the laws of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 164 7 NOTICES THE OLD COACHING BLEND OF 1746 §A blend of the finest Glenlivets and Highland Distilleries in Scotland 10 years old. A rich, mellow, medium flavour. A survival of the old Whiskey of the Country Gentlemen of last ceniury. fh mackies J^^y \yHITE HORSE CELLAR ■■^HH The Unriv.iied Scotch. Sole
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    • 65 7 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cure* and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases of cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It should be taken *t
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    • 130 7 PORTLAND OREGON EXPOSITION. Highest award UNDERWOOD j TYPEWRITER. Agents: Guthrie Co., Ltd. cm MARTIN'S {J.PIOL&STEEL ■Cm*- m^d*MM q| m m m fNM. »,m<i M ill ImnluWM. runUlt NOTICE Mr. D. C. van Leeawen Boonkamp has been appointed Manager in Singapore of the HANDELHVKREKNIGING. HOLLAND," from Ist January, 1906. 1348 NOTICE.
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    • 139 7 We have, on the Ist instant, opened a Depot in Battery Road, No. 7-B, where the following cigars can be bought by retail at the following prices: CUBAN STYLE. CUBAN STYLE. Perfectos in boxes of 25 $2,00 K.\«|iMs.ti.s in lx.xi-- ..f 100 $3 50 Reina Special SO 52.75 Couchitus 100
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  • 227 8 Losing Bangkok Trade. Onk of the most interesting features of the Bangkok import trade last year was the marked development of the tendency to send imlt'iM direct to Europe instead of to the Singapore middleman. In the past, remarks tl.« liangkok Times, the Chinese importer, dt alt invariably
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  • 235 8 Dog -Shooting. A cobrbspondknt writes in to tell us of what he describes as a flagrant offence on the part of the Municipal dog-shooters. He lives in Kampong Java Road and he has o. ■-v" up against the canine slaughterers before; therefore lie thinks that there BM been malice shown
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  • 197 8 W imiim.ton. Jan. 9. President Castro of Venezuela has rejected the proposals of the Asphalt trust for the settlement of its claim against Venezuela. He insists on rrtinfHllgjn; the decision of the supreme court of Venezuela which decided against the company some months ago. The company deisM to
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  • 166 8 .Mi"i.~ .1. lirssKi.i. (iii\si> ,y Co.. produce broken, write tlins to the Strait* h'.iho under date, London. 29th December: Ma\ we claim a little of your space to <i!l attention to the method of floating liuhber Companies, which. to our himkl. is .simply playing into the hands of
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  • 77 8 VIMHUUMI afU-riuxin. H. Palmer returned la Mr. Seths Court in i-ustody of ItetcctivtItodriguei uml bringing with linn Mr. ('ixlho. M a surety for his bail of 11..VN). K\< ntiiallv. Mr. S*>tli decided that he could not allow bail and transferred the case to hirst Court. I'.ilnn i is
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  • 557 8 Winning by a Foul. A Pknam; correspondent sends us a cutting from the Referee dealing with the decision of a referee in a boxing contest at the National Sporting Club in which the same sort of foul occurred as in the recent contest in Singapore. The catting
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  • 242 8 At a meeting of the Siaiu Society, on the I'ith January. Dr. Campbell Highet in the chair, an interesting pa]>er was read by the Key. John Carrington. M.A.. on the province of I'uket. One of the most beautiful and enchanting spotx in the world and certainly in Siam,"
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  • 192 8 Teak not Insect- Proof. Tukrk is a very general belief that teakwood is impervious to the attacks of insects. sa\'H the Allahabad Piunrrr. but though tins may be true of the ordinary household |H-tts. forest officials and those engaged in the timber trade have long been aware that there exists
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  • 193 8 Ykstbkday, A Chum Tye was charged ky a sergeant with having escaped from police custody in July 1904. Detective Corporal number 2 told a story of having been one of a party under Inspector Howard who went to look for a quantity of stolen property, the proceeds
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  • 164 8 O.UITK a number of N.C.O.'s from the troops of the garrison left for home by the P. and O. Palawan on Wednesday eveningThese included First-class Staff SergeantMajor W. Siddans. A.3.C.; Sergeant J.W. Fanusworth, R.G.A.; Staff -Sergeant F. Fewster, R.E.: Staff- Sergeant J. Ford. R.E.; Company
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  • 335 8 The Bangkok Timei says that the arrivals of paddy at the Rice Mills in Bangkok during 190.5 realised expectations, but. although the export returns are not published yet. most estimates put the figures for 1905 somewhat below those of the preceding year. The trade cannot be said
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  • 111 8 Sib Matthew Nathan, the Governor of Hongkong, is hard put to say anything new on presiding at school prize-giving* there. He did manage it. however, on distributing prizes at the Hongkong College of the Ellis Kadoorie Chinese Schools Society. He spoke to the pupils on the importance of studying Geography
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  • 26 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 24th January. I'MMi. Thk Netherlands Trading Society to-day quotes the 4/ins bank rate at 2/4 The Mercantile Bank quotes it also at 2 4
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  • 92 8 G»mbier market do (Cube No. 11 unpicked 10.62$ Copra Bali 7.30 do Pontianak '-00 Pepper, Black ..nomarket do White, 5% market Sago Flour Sarawak 5 2.90 do Brunei No. 1 2*> Pearl Sag* «•«> Coffee Bali, 14% basis ..,,20.25 Coffee, PalemUng, 20% baaii 25.00 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • 256 8 (Mercantile Bask.) On London— Bank 4 m/i 8/4 A Demand 2/4X Private 6 m/» 2/4J do 3 m/s iH On Germany—3ank d/d 2.39* Privates m/« 2.44* do 6m/« On France—Bank d/d 2.94 Private 8 m/» 2.99 do Sm/a 3.01 On Indui—Bank T. T. 173 Private 80 d/ 176 On
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  • 62 8 for Per Steamer Time To-Morbow. Saudaxa:i via ports Manilla !l a.m. Bangkok M»M 11 a.m. Penang, Sabang. Padaug.VflffrHi/rJtrr 11 a.m. Colombo Alicante noon. P. Swettenham, Penang Pin Snnj 2 p.m. Hongkong Sang 3 p.m. Penang and Deli Hcbt 2 p.m. Teluk Alison via ports Malacca 8 p.m.
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  • 132 8 From Europe— By the B. I. s. 9. Ttc-ti hie on 27th Jan. From China— By the M. SI. s.s. NBJMtJa due ou 29th Jan. TOUt TABLE OK MAILS DYE. Left Singapore Due in London I)i- Uth 11. I. Jan. 6th Dec. 18th M. M. Jim. lull
    132 words
  • 75 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf:— Lai Knntf. K. v r.anykut. VicToßuGraving Dock Barque Acme. Albert Gbaviso Dock Gianj; Aim. Section No. 1 Nil. 2 Vancouver. 3 Yeodo. 4 Ileiu, Carlyle. 5 Sultan. 6 Oceauo. liloiikihus. Hebe. BonxKo Whii:i '7 So|iliifltirkmer», Pakuani.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 77 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Begjto notify the public that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at reduced prices. A good opportunity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are advised to avail
      77 words
    • 175 8 HALF PRICE. January 29, 36, 31, February I§2. f AVhtteaway, Laidlaw C/o. WILL SELL FOR HALF THE USUAL PRICE A Large Assortment of Drapery, &c. If THIS EXCEPTIONAL OFFER which must be Cleared before we I take Stock IS All other Stock will be .^old at Sale Prices Duril»g this
      175 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 133 8 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 36th January. High Water. 11-12 a.m. Public Holiday. Bunko clone. S. C. Launch. 9 and 10. Saturday, 27th January. High Water. 0-19 and 11-54 p.m. B. I. outward mail due. Kaiser's Birthday. German Counular Reception. 12. Chinese New Year Sports. Raffles Hotel Specjal Birthday Dinner. Hotel
      133 words
    • 28 8 WEATHER TELEBRAM. HONGKONG.— 26th Jan.— lo a.m. Barometer 30.22. Direction of Wind caxt. Force of Wind Max. Temp in Shade 86. MANILA.— 26th 7(53 n.k. v. W. B.
      28 words

  • 933 9 Mr. James Brycc, Chief Secretary for Ireland. The scl: J.ion of Mr. James Bryce to be Chief Secretary for Ireland has, says a London paper, gives satisfaction to the Nationalises. He is a firm believer in Home Rule. Indeed, with the Prime Minister, the Lord
    933 words
  • 174 9 The Tashi Lama and the Tongsa Pen l op. The Earl A Kioto has; received a State visit from the Tashi Lama of TiUi. and the Tongsa Penlop of H'ltit in The Lain s retinue rede through Calcutta 1 I on shaggy ponies and blowing trumpets, the monks wearing qaaini
    174 words
  • 356 9 In the I'nited States Ml inU iv-t is amused in the i stramdiuary Knaiuial situation which baa <l«-vi lo|hml in the Philippine island Sihei has increased in price of late to such an extent that the ratio of JJ2 to 1 li\e<l by the is now decidedly
    356 words
  • 144 9 Tata total output of ulnarattea from all the fH.fL.>ii<- in the Philippine! doling the year emits I July :tl. 1886 WM for domestic <on suiuptii>ii B,BM 141,090, for export 14.010J85, or total of 2.979.3.", 1.N.V) ciyaretUs. The Manila and proviiu-ial markets ere largely D\. ratockud «itli cigarette*
    144 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 379 9 NOTICES. Jor JVews of tde Straits, W Straits Times. IT HAS TIHIE Largest Circulation O F ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FOR V)elegrams, Straits Times It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Messrs. John UttU ft Co.. Ltd. The Rtlrcsbmcnt BBuil t Tank Sepoy Lines kamponf Bahru
      379 words
    • 588 9 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. 1 PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve »10,000,000) „o,nnrwi Silverßeaerve I 8,600,000/ 18 400 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Blade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. F. Salinger, Esq. E. Goetz. Esq.
      588 words
    • 526 9 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and Chine INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Koserve Fund £875,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent.,
      526 words
    • 143 9 9 m An Assassin Rhcumntism is like an assassin. It creeps up from bchin I when buck is turned. Be-fore you know it you are In Its power, and the terrible pains and aches that follow are even worse than \l fleli rr Yen yy Ur aßßßssssss^»»»»™ssssssssssssss«Bsssss»»»ss«»Bs™»»---^L LITTLE'S Oriental
      143 words

  • 2875 10 Points Discussed. A few diivs ago we published a piper on I lie occurrence of gold in Upper Sarawak by Mr. J. S. Ucikie. The piper was read before tlie Institution of Mining and Metallurgy at London. A discussion followed the reading of
    2,875 words
  • 449 10 Sympathy from the L. and C Express." Quite a furore appears to have been created at Singapore, nays the L. it C. Krprett, over thu harbour scheme contracts To begin with, the Colony, or. at any rate, a very representative portion of it, holds that the Harbour
    449 words
    • 678 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer; sh. —ship bq. —barque sen. —schooner; Yet. —Yacht; Cru. —Cruiser. Obt. —Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. —Hone-power; Brit. British U.S. United States; Feb. —French Ger —German Dut. —Dutch G.c. —Genernl-cargo d.p. —deck passenger; U. —Uncertain; T.P. W.—Tanjong Pagar
      678 words
  • 582 10 Same, port, pr-iltable date of arrival, aud name of agenli. Steamers. Airlie. Sytlncy. Feb. 24 Bouslead. Alcinons, Liverpool, Jan. "29 MntiHtield. Alcsiii, China, Feb. 6 Behn Meyer. Ambria, Hongkong. Jan. 27 Behn Mever. Armand Behic, Colombo, Mar. 12; at Mtunts. Arratoon Apcar, Calcutta, Feb. 14 P. Simons. Arcadia,
    582 words
  • 314 10 FOR SINGAPORE Per P. A O. k. a, Nu/.i,i from Loikl.hi Due. 23, due 27th .Inn.— Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown ami children. Mi. A. C. Cutter, Mr. au.l Mrs. M.G. Bell, Mrs. N. K. PaH-more. Mr. EL lux: (apt. and Mrs. Lewon Qowar, Miss Culver. Per
    314 words
  • 253 10 Number t t> j II Last |VSS |£g Com^ -H-^tS eoLO. 13,50 t 10 10 Uersawah G. M. Co., Lfi 15.00 15.00 f.Ouu udu-1 «L 4,000 10 10 (Deferit,. 8.00 20,000 5 10 J 10 Kadana G. 11. Co., Ltd. 2on bob. 10,000 10 i 10 (Pref.) 10.00 uom.
    253 words
  • 145 10 4UU.OOU XI K. 1 Uutl Devclopmeut Co., Ltd.. J.OOU HUM- U«d 2.00U 100 t 100 Federated Eugiueeriog Co., Ll>!. 4,500 50 d 0 Krawi Neave. Ltd. £0,000 t 125 SUS Huugkong and bhaughai I 1*2,000 100 9 100 Howarth Krakiue, Litd. a,400 s iv ID -Muynuril.v i l.ti.
    145 words
  • 142 10 20,100 Bin ti Hal«ownif Rubber Estate I.U. 8.75 70,000 10 Ii 10 Balu Injor Uubber Co., Ltd. 26.00 70,000 i 1 Hukit Rajah «8.17.6 9.00U uula.u*d 6,000 1 1 Cicely Rubber Estate CS. 5.0 6,000 K. 1 £l s%Prtf. r.'. -i.O l,M)ouulMiu«<i 30,000 Jf 1 1 Pat&liug Kubber Co.
    142 words
  • 45 10 Howarth Erakine, Ltd. 7% Riley, Hargroavee, Ltd. 6% SiDgapore Municipal ti% I M 8% Tinjong PagarDook Co., Ltd. 6% 5% •230,000 3% pan l."v— •ii5,000 i% prtm buyer100,000 l%pnnitm/» 1 ,U7ti,000 1% brain buyer. 055,500 a% tlis. BOB. -,450,000 1% prem. l.:tii.">,ot)0 1% pram.
    45 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 47 10 Summer Complaint is the children's nit's., dangerous enemy and the mother's most dreaded foe. Immediate and proper treatment is always necessary. Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, given according to directions, is the most effectual remedy known. For sale by All Dealers. The DISPENSARY, General Agents I
      47 words
    • 41 10 Cholera Morbus has lost its terrors in the home where a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is kept. It never fails even in the most severe and dangerous cases. For sale by All Dealers. THE DISPENSARY. General Agents
      41 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 698 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) year* old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO Por China, Japan, Penang, Csylo*. Australia, India, Aden, E{ypt, Mediterranean PorU, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued (or China Coast, Persian Oulf,
      698 words
    • 1397 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljke Paket*&»rt IWe&tschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore ***** Agency, late J Dai.ndelh 4 Co., 2-3 Collter Qcat. The undermentioned dates sre only approximate i Steamer From Exp'ted W ill be despatched for Brouircr Smk Jan 24 Siak, Bengkalis, Paneh Asahan, BelawanDeli with
      1,397 words
    • 660 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDOFUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mall Lint. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      660 words
    • 716 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. BHaWa^R^B) r f OCiAB STEiM SHIP Ss.. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month
      716 words
    • 587 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. THI LARGEST FIRE OFnCE IX THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD A Co.,— Agenti. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127.500 Paid-up Capital 212,750 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company are prepared to accept fire risks
      587 words

  • 374 12 Mr. W. O. B. Macdonough, of laucisco. California, has generously presented to the skull and limb bones British Museum the skull and limb bones of the celebrated racehorse "Ormonde," in the opinion of very many good judges the best horse of the 19th century.
    374 words
  • 321 12 GERMANY'S LITTLE WAR." Cannibals as Police Officers. Ganaaay has evidently come to a pretty pass* in her war with the Herreros in Oanaaa South West Africa. Her little war. which she thought to settle with a handful of soldiers, but which an .irmv has failed to stamp out, is causins
    321 words
  • 195 12 Ti:c ll..u^k(pii'; ami Slmii^lm; l'.unkinj; I i .;mr.itiuii bl s'.iin^ to MMW tiiMOjOOO advaaoed totiM Wnag l'miy Caaqiwj of ;ntou. Titli ill. iU U WOpwHw U l.iiyiii^ to Lmi ll'ik Slum hi i. Hporitl il u it!i the ISiinU n> a yuai.iiit.i. Lun
    195 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 15 12 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a p»r fee' antiseptic dentifrice, cieanee a::d preserves the te*th,— very refrething.
      15 words
    • 254 12 NOTICES. FIJSS ELL'S ">n»*l!SSsi MM Bk Bk V^ For Infant Feeding M Jr it does not mM 1 1 It la |k l£y^ thicken. It II \ffiS^^F*^ i» absolutely pure. It it Sterilized. II K^ N As Supplied to H.B.My^ U m^K^^r A^^^^ ll Ttm Md to s "**"^ilf^r All
      254 words
    • 769 12 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED? ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. *%^.^J MEMORIAL HALL. iV/4>v^HbT' w^^k. M^i'S^^kiS^m/ i Notwithstanding the heat of the afternoon, the interior B^sa^Bß^SlS^^BaP^ S B^Bft s£&P^^Kfcj/t? tlu b tliuK Wlls kel> P' easantl y Cll <'' by tlie electric fan^ /at3W BMT VbW^H B^y i fixed upon the walls, demonstrating the
      769 words