The Straits Times, 23 January 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.945 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. JANUARY 23. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 288 1 NOTICES VELTEN BEER. PURE, WHOLESOME. PALATABLE. The same as >upplied on board the French Mail. TO BE HAD FROM ALL DEALIBB. C. DUPIRE CO., SoUXeenU. c 101 DOGSHEAD |jj|| BRAND BASS'S ALE "STRAITS TIMES" BOSLNESS DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS POWELL CO., Singapore. (Established 42 years). K~»l Estate Auctioneers and Valuers. Mortga- -rranged.
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    • 270 1 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77. Bras* Basalt Rotuh Singapore The Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter, in uniform, meets all j Boats and Trains. WAVERLEY HOTEL 6s. Hill-street. Singapore Healthy Position. French and Gernmn Cuisine J and Refreshments. Meals at every time of the j day. Three Billiard Tables.
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    • 57 1 I WATERPROOF FIRE RESISTING COOL DIRABLE CHEAPEST OH THE MImET Supplied 111 Roll. 3 ft. x 24 yds. S*U Agent. Ataauo, liilillai&(V, LU. STEARNS' WINE, in addition to being an Iron Tonic, is the best Cod Liver Oil preparation known to the Medical world. The Prettiest Thing in Singapore STRAITS
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    • 281 1 j NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. ■HP™— j JUST ARRIVED, -A. JLarg«- Shipment o± "GRAMOPHONE S." THERE is only one "GRAMOPHONE', and it is made by the GRAMOPHONE TYPEWRITER Ltd. LONDON, for which we are thp Sole Agents ALL others are imitations. NEW RECORDS /^g|j^ WEW RECORDS M DANCE MUSIC THE CHORUS
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  • 3917 2 Prize Day. His Excellency tiik Oovkrnok Pbkmdim .On Saturday afternoon, the recreation shed in the grounds of St. Joseph's Institution was resplendent. Flags and bannersof all kinds and a multi-coloured cloth roof had been provided to make the place as tastefully ornamental ax possible, and the success
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 178 2 NOTICES. TWO ENGLISH MILKS. Per Tin. k '^wf^^ H FROM AUSTRALIAN STORES J^J^TJD J^XjXj DEALERS, NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NOKWICH LONDON. Established 1797. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount insured .£335,000,000. Losses paid X 11,600,000. Premium income. 906,000. Insurance effected on almost every description property at current rates of
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    • 141 2 RECREATION HOTEL Seranggong Road. Open until \i p.m. Trrmiims of the Electric Tramway. Cau stop at tkadoor. Titling and dinners to be ordered three hours befureliaud. PRAKKE BROTHERS. Proprietors. >m SULPHURIC AND HYDROCHLORIC ACID APPLY TO The Singapore Planting and Packing Coy. North Bridge Road. July 4 ARTIE TULLY. TDBF
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    • 412 2 NOTICPS r t I Strengthf- 1| TO Halls Resist coca Wine. This is what residents of tropical countries lack. Un- W^/^ I aided you cannot conquer i the climate. i Brace up your system I 1 Hem Ccnuifit willwut take the sovereign remedy ot m I thousands <>' British doctors
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  • 385 3 The Hamburg- Bremen Shipping Conflict. The announcement that the difference* between tin- great shipping companies of Hamburg and Bremen have been amicably settled after protracted conferences has been greeted with a satisfaction which is all the more lively in view of widespread apprehension list tiie dispute should develop into a
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  • 181 3 Ml. (fALKMBKRT, the Deputy Commissioner of I'iixtoms in Ajnoy, nbeds some light on the social life and habits of the people in his trade rejiort. He writes A last cause, not so important, probably, but still vity detrimental to trade, is the extensive Helling of lottery tickets
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 13 3 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER. pw 'ect xntiseptic dentifrice, cleano* aupreserves the tetth, very refrething.
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    • 695 3 NOTICES. CINEMATOGRAPHS FILMS. Russia-Japan War Films, Comic Films, all kinds always in stock. New Films by every mail FOR COMPLETE Installation, Apply to LEVY HERMANOS, 3, BATTERY ROAD. ODEON GRAMOPHONES ODEON RECORDS. Which can be fitted on all talking machines. SOLE AGENTS LEVY HEFMANOS, 8, BATTERY ROAD. c3l Hall's Sanitary
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  • 851 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 23 rd JANUARY. A t'ORREspoNDKNT writes under Saturday's date, in reference to a matter connected with the coming visit of the King's nephew, Prince Arthur, to Singapore. The public are informed through a communication issuing from the Colonial Secretayat, which was published in
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  • 452 4 To-day's wire that the Labour party are pledging themselves to hold aloof from joining any other political section in the Commons may rentier interesting a short summary of their programme, put forward before the commencement of the general election. Moreover the unexpected and, comparatively speaking, enormous success of thr Labour
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  • 473 4 No more insidious mode of attempting to acquire a landed estate exists than squatting. In 1H76. it was suddenly discovered in Km; land that thousands of squatters were living in the full enjoyment of land, which they or their predecessors had so wrested from the rightful landords. and had held
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  • 14 4 Mb. and Mrs. Graham arrived from Port Swettenham by the s.s. Carlyle this morning.
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  • 15 4 Thk Hongkong Volunteers are to have a field day on J.'ith instant (China New Year.i
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  • 24 4 Tut S. V. A. and the Maxim Company go into camp at- Tanjong Katong U- morrow afternoon. They will remain under canvas till Sunday.
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  • 25 4 Ai>mii:u. Sik Qcbabd Noel arrived at Manila with a Squadron on a naval visit on the 11th instant. He was fertively received with every honour.
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  • 29 4 Ykmtkrday a Chinaman attempted to commit suicide in Neil Road by hanging himself with his towchang. It is understood that he had previously had some trouble with a w»man.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
  • 30 4 Thk report of the prize distribution at St. Joseph's Institution, the length of which unfortunately kept it out of yesterday's paper, will be found to-day on pages 2 and 8.
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  • 39 4 Thk Town and Volunteer Band will play at the Esplanade this afternoou from I to 6 o'clock, weather permitting. Tin Town and Volunteer Band will play at the High Service Reservoir to-morrow from •"> to <i p. ni., weather permitting.
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  • 42 4 It was undoubtedly a happy thought which suggested an international ball .i s part of the festivities which will mar]; the presence of H. R. H. Prince Artliu of Connaught in Hongkong next nionthr The date has been fixed. Monday, February 12th.
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  • 49 4 Thk Master Attendant reports that the buoy marking the outer shoal at the wetrance to Labuan is missing from its moorings. A temporary timber buoy witli a tin;, attached has been moored over the shoal at a spot 150 feet west of the eastern edge of the said shoal.
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  • 68 4 Wk greatly regret to learn that Mr. A. Koch, the head of Messrs. Lambert 1 Co.. had to leave for Home by the Germau mail s. s. oajiMM yesterday, on account of very serious ill health. He had arranged to proceed by the P. O. mail on Thursday, but on
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  • 61 4 Mkmbep.s are reminded that farewell is to be taken cf the President (Hon. W. K. Collyer. I. S. O.) on Tuesday n-xt. the .toth. at 8. Mb p. m. The Bisiiop of Singapore aud Sarawak has very kindly promised to preside on the occasion. There will be a short Musical
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  • 64 4 Ykstkhpay, four Chinese were arraigned before Mr. Coluian for joint MMMM9 of 16 worth of illicit morphia. One of them was found in possession of a hypodermic syringe. After hearing the evidence Mr. Colmau discharged one of the defendants. The others were fined ?2( *t. in default three mouths. The
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  • 70 4 On Sunday evening Inspector and Mrs. Wilson were out for a drive in a hack gharry. When near the Marine Station the pony IkilU'cl and their posit ion became exceedingly dangerous as the road taken by the beast was along Boat Quay. At length the animal got into a ditch,
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  • 248 4 Captain James W. Price, the famous MMnaut, has jjst arrived in Singa|x»-e from New York, and intends to give a balloon and parachute descent exhibition dining liis stay here. He is accompanied by Mr. C. K. Arnold. In view of H. K. H. Pritvce Arthur of
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
    • 72 4 Some Appointments. Calcutta, 22nd Janutmj. Lieut W. H. Barnett, Offg. Qr. Mr., 91st Punjabis (Light Infantry, now stationed at Rangoon, has bcun appointed Company Commander with the Malay States Guides. Similar appointments are gazetted for Lieut. T. Mmß. froth. Offg D. C. C. ltMth Welleslcy's Rifles, m
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  • "Reuters Telegrams.
    • 57 4 liec'il. OMMJMM r >.4l) ji.m. ','hnl January. Drill, by li,;',r H.P) j,.,,i., Hid January. The Mcmb<-r>> of Parliament and candidates of the Independent Labour party are giving their pledges to form themselves into a distinct group and strictly abstain from identifying themselves with any
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    • 33 4 As Mr. A. .1. Kalfoin is now unlikely to secure a seat before the assembling of Parliament, it is expected that Mr. Afcan Dougla will lead the Opposition.
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    • 58 4 The Captain ot the (iei-man liner /.■■it. i, which has arrived at Colombo, affirms that all possible courtesy was shown to Baron, ami that it was iMMMMI t<> assign to the Japanese the first places at table because they were already occupied, anil he wax unaware
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    • 87 4 Omjmwm D.r, Mnl Twinum lhi.i, by v, -Ht, i. n p.m., MniAMUKy. The magazine on board the Brazilian ironclad. Aqui.laban exploded near We de Janeiro. She sank in three miuutcV time. Among those who perished were the Commander and four Keur-Admiruls who were accompanying the Minister Marine on a
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  • 214 4 (By Submarine CabU) Rte'i 1 I),!, I by i:,;il,, 1. 40 p.m. I p to how "27 London County Couucillors have been elected members of Parliament. It is sUUhI that forty non-commissioned officers will be court-martialled at an early dat<- in connection with the War Storesea lidal.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 451 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS On and after the ist of January, 1906, the discount allowed off our prices, as per our List, will be ioper cent, Champagnes, Sparkling Wines, and Aerated Waters excepted. Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants, Ale, Beer, and Stout Importers. 776 IVin. ROBERT J\£ YE*. A.JVE is
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    • 248 4 MORTGAGEE'S SALE of the VALUABLE LIFE INTERESTS of Cheang Jim Kong and Cheang Jim Khean In the INCOME of VALUABLE LANDS and MESSUAGES, situate at Kirn Seng Road. Cheang Jim Chuan Street. Havelock Road, Ontram Road. Telok Ayer Street, and Cheang Hong Lim Market Street. Singapore. Also of TWO VALUABLE
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    • 56 4 Tuk Dutch mail steamer t>ranj,\ which arrived on Saturday from Katavia. reports having paiwod the British Imv-MMmI bMBjM Arrow off N'auglia Light ill tinBanka Straits. Iron is a food to Anaemic persons aud iv conjunction with Cod Liver Oil as found in Steam*' Wine, provides a most excellent Tonic. It
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  • 120 5 ttU for the January Medal has resulted in a tie between Me, 0. A. Leggatt and Mr. <'. M. Kollett whose scores were A I^eggatt 46*47 98—20 78 C. 11. Follctt 4H tc 45 98—20 78 IHa tic will bo played off in the- course of tlir
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  • 129 5 Mysteri ous Disappearance. Ykstkri>a\ InR Houg left the Central Station in the custody of Constable 379 to be •HOtted t<> the Court lockup. Detective 154 left at the same time with the exhibits of the case, which is one of alleged housebreaking. By and by. the case was called and
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  • 714 5 Vkstkriiav. in the Court of Heipiests. Mr. M i< 1 nil gave judgment in the cases of Messrs. Little and Company. Mrs. de Crux and vie hrn, Mr. Miles appeared for the firm Mr. Chopard for Mrs. de Cruz. Mr. Miles said that his client claimed
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  • 148 5 Trouble Among Fishermen lin </ ii MtibujH xivcs particulars of dMutanea* among fishermen at Kurau in I'ernk mUm from the enforcement of ivrtaiu i nl< lot tisliinw. Tlusc rules are sa,.l to be n.nlU-sly strirt anil Imrdennome. w nli let's laai upon 100 liit;li a scale.
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  • 1781 5 Prize Day Sir John Akdkrson, k.c.m.g., Prksidinu. Vkstkkdav, the Anglo-Chinese School, Colenian Street, was beflagged and be bannered to an abnormal extent the occasion being the prize-giving day of the school. Conspicuous among the flags hung the picture of the founder, not only of the school but also
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  • 161 5 Yksterday morning, a Chinese servant. Li A Teng. in the employ of the Hotel de la Paix. was cliarged by Sergeant Bartels before Mr. Seth with breach of trust ef 25 lbs. of ice. Yesterday morning he was sent to the Ice Works, River Valley Road, for 150 lbs. of
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  • 133 5 Somk evenings ago, Goh Sin Li dined with a friend in 'limy Road and seemingly dined too well. Being unable to get home, his friend put him in a 'rikisha and told the puller to take him to Cavenagh Road. Sleep overpowered the guest on the way home. The puller
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  • 84 5 Last night. Sergeant Thrale made a raid on Number 20 Prinsep Street and arrested IT Hylain boys in a coffee shop. This morning they were before Mr. Column for playing in a common gaming house, and fined S3 each T I iese boys gather from all the neighbourhood. Mr. Colman
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  • 58 5 The following are the S. C. C. fixtures for this week Wednesday, hockey, S. C. C. vs. Officers of the Garrison Thursday, cricket, S. C. C. vs. the United Services Friday, cricket, S. 0. C. Second eleven vs. K. E. Saturday, cricket, England and Scotland vs.
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  • 131 5 The Programme. The three British cruisers. Diadem flagship Stithj and Hague were dne at Manila on the 10th January. The South China Morning Pott says that they were to stay there for three days departing on January 14 for Labuan, where they are due on January 17.
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  • 253 5 According to the Prince, published at Durban, Natal, there appear to be a good many wrong notions knocking around regarding some of the officials who came from the Straits to South Africa to occupy official positions in connection with the importation of Chinese labour. The
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  • 28 5 Thk examination for the Queen's and Government English Scholarships will be held in Singapore and Penang on Monday, the 19th of next March, and following days.
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  • 20 5 The Russian Volunteer Fleet will run its regular Far East service from next month. The next vessel due vr'Mbethe Petersburg.
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  • 59 5 It lias long been a grievance of British shipping interests that foreign steamers trade at an advantage in British ports because they do not come under the stringent British regulations regarding load-line and other matters. Mr. Lloyd George says he is going to alter all that at once, and it
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  • 27 5 Dkspitk the changes of years, the Army Lint for December gives E. W. Birch, Esij.. C.M.d.." as Governor and Commander in Chief of Labuan and its Dependencies.
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  • 51 5 SiMiAKAM. a e'erk in the Marine Surveyor's Office, was before M-. Seth on Saturday on the allegation of having, during the months of No /ember and December last, committed criminal breach of trust in resrJect of S5OO. The D. P. P. asked for an adjournment till the 27th instant. Bail
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  • 44 5 M. Bocrxashkff, the Russian Vice-Consul, at Colombo, has drawn attention to the fact that during the next few months he expects that close upon 300,000 Russian troops will be conveyed from the Far Eastto Euro].. Colombo where the transports will take in provisions, etc.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 405 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I Raffles Hotel SINGAPORE. Most Modern Aristocratic Rendezvous BRANCHES. E O. HOTEL —PENANG THE "CRAG" HOTEL— SANITARIUM— PENANG HILLS STRAND HOTEL-RANGOON. The Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. have had 13 years' Practical Experience Manufacturing and Importing for Singapore. Every Piano they sell is Absolutely Guaranteed and they take full
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  • 602 6 Probable Dates of Completion. The following is from the Crylon Obtener of the loth January -Mr. Win. Matthews, Consulting Kngiuoer of Messrs. Coode, Sou and Matthews, leaves for home to-morrow. He arrived in Colombo from Penang on December 27th and has been little over a month in
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  • 244 6 The Maghzen and Reform Tiik Sultans delegates, it is understood, are making no proi>o.sals whatever to tho Conference, hut arc- inviting tlte European delegates to formulate proposals, NMrviag the right to join in the discussion, and they will do their best to bring about unanimity on all
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  • 177 6 Saints and Sinners. A KKy.vitK wii.k scene was witnessed at an Aberdare tlioatre ou the 27th December during the performance of Mr. H. A. JoM I jiluy Saints and Sinners." Mr. Banting Thomas, a well-known Welsli actor, app, .v as Jacob Fletcher, the Nonconformist mill inter who plays hucli an
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 648 6 NOTICES. WANTED, by Import firm, smart Chinese or Eurasian Clerk, must be good writer and quick at figures. Apply F. S. c/o Strait* Tim**. v 1112 Wanted a Surveyor's Junior Assistant. Must be able to trace neatly, technical knowledge not eaacntial. Write stating salary 4c. required to 8. K. Y.
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    • 592 6 NOTICES. FOR SALE CRUSHED FOOD around In Singapore by steam power, at $3 70 per bag, of 145 lbs. FRESH WHEAT FLOUR \l»o ground in Singapore at $7 per bag, Of 164 lbs To be had of S. Abdolbahman, Di-basii, at 33a Tan] one Pafar Road, or No. 30 Serangoon
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    • 574 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. No. 90 and A Institution Hill, and 1 St. Thomas Walk- Entry Ist January, 1906. Apply to LEE CHENG VAN A CO., c 968 10 Malacca Street. TO BE LET. From the Ist March, 1906, Essex Lodge," No. 1 Steven's Road. Apply to Mrs. dk BABAGOITI,
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    • 977 6 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of the 31st January, 1906, for the following works Supply of Uterite and gravel on (I) Bukit Timah Road (S) Jurong Road (3) Holland Road (4) Chua Chu Kang Road (5) Kranji Road West Coast
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    • 580 6 AUCTION SALES. 380 LOTS AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK AND MAHOGANY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE A BRILLIANT TON* D COTTAGE PIANO By M. F. Rachals 4 Co. A large collection of plants, 4c. The property of W. HASENBALG, Esq. To be held at "flreen Hill," Chancery Lane, On Saturday, 27th January, at
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    • 23 6 STEARNS' WINE, although containing Iron, in a most excellent form, doe* not constipate or blacken the teeth. The beneficial effect is reaily remarkable.
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  • 82 7 By 83 votes to 31 the Belgian Chamber of Representatives have passed the Bill which provides Prince Albert with an annual allowances of 200,000f. £8.000 in view of the fact thwt by the death of the Count of Flanders the Prince becomes Heir Presumptive to the
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  • 94 7 The Englishman gives much prominence to a manifesto signed by Sir Roper Lcthbridge on behalf of the Anti-Tea Duty League, of which he is vice-presi-dent, urging every planter, merchant, and broker connected with the tea industry to address to the candidates in his own constituency
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  • 62 7 It is confirmed at Liverpool that German agents have purchased the two Bibby liners, UMMMMirv and FeeMWra, to bring back Russian troops from Manclitwje, Uotli vessels have Ik-«ii renamed aud are now fitting up at Birkenhcad dock*. They will 1 leave shortly for Hamburg or Antwerp,
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  • 21 7 Thk Spanish national game of pelota is being played, for the first time in England month, in the arena at Olympia.
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  • 51 7 The administrators for the execution of m Sin.plon Tunnel have, according to the tndepeudmue* BftfC rendered their complete accounts dow 11 to the Hint of December 1904, uaoatiH M«Wea Adding the expenditure lor 1906. the total cost of the undertaking will teopmit)* tijUfilijm. Tlii- works out atalK.ut 1146 per lineal
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  • 65 7 FnoM Condoblin (New South Wales, it is HIM Mi that a Mr. MatM is oondactina experiments «Hh a divining nxi on the l'latina tiutields to locaU- the deposits of ore and that, so far, his efforts have been attended with remarkable success. "In MR hill— wlure sinking has been
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  • 85 7 In reference to the tin boom in JohanMMMH we lead Looking at the tin bootu from a market a.«i>ect there can be little doubt that the whole thin« was worked up, uot so much on the future prospect of the MM industry, but simply as a gigantic uamhle without any
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  • 81 7 Dnanu the lost OAes cU-rk imaSa to stick to the oii^i'ial Uxlot a tele«raiu. < n the BOOKb that it does uot make MM M to go in for conjectural emendations, we M n.-nd r.-siill-. my lioim |.ii!K-r. 'On.- of IhniwliwihwMiwiwinwnfiTrnT— ,n-.-im.-.l when I'liiner. engaged to pla\ a maul, mm
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  • 110 7 jmr— lias Imi-ii lirnde in our UllhllllH, rt uiaiks tlie L> ,idij Chnmu-b: to tbe opinion ■SBMMBd liy Urn m*. Dr. that unless the ISntish steamship companies woke up. tin (.riiiKir.s woulil soon Wat off the seas. A discussion is in progress in the Melbourne papers, and many correspondents acne
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  • 124 7 ii -ki:i>v Slinni of Canton lias issued a proclamation which aiin.s at ending the boycott in South China. Ho ur^es the need of acquiescing to the imperial decree which orders the merchants to carry on business ax iimihl ;iml to abstain from inciting the pMfll U< in-atc trouble, and at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 114 7 W. 11. Connelly, General Storekeeper, Tolaga Bay, N. Z., says Have stocked Chamberlain's household medicines continually and feel much pleasure in confidently recouuuending their Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has no equal." This is the universal verdict the world over with people who have become acquainted with the good
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    • 451 7 NOTICES. NOTICE. To Engineers, Builders, Contractors, and others. when laying Expanded Metal for embedding in concrete, the long was of the mesh MUST run the short way of the Span. Guthrie Co.. Ltd 710 V.B '.^fm In nature ol KupVM »7W thr JV^f :-jS <J«t!<i\ It also rxpLitns ftW /.-.'xflLM
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    • 677 7 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* £000,000 Reserve Fund £875,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National 1 Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooounts are opened and interest allowed at lpsr cent, per
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    • 543 7 BANKS. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL •10,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 110,000,000) llgwinllll Silver Reserve 8,500,000) flBlBooloo Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Slade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. F. Sali»ser, Esq. E. Goetz. Esq. E. Shalbm,
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    • 386 7 NOTICES. YOU CAN AVOID I FEVER I AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH AND LIVER SUCH AS: Constipation, Languor, Pains In the Chest 4. Shouldors, Biliousness, Headache*, Nc-vous Depression, Palpitation, Sleeplessness, Flatulency, Acidity, Loss of Appetite, •V TAKING DAILY AFTER MEALS Thirty drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup, which contains digestive
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  • 438 8 An appeal is being issued for funds to endow a separate Bishopric for Singapore. At Government House, last month, the Governor Sir John Anderson presiding, Ja meeting was held at which the desirability of dividing the diocese of Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak was fully considered. After a
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  • 260 8 S.C.C. vs. Sherwood Foresters. Thk Sherwood Foresters met the S.C.C. at cricket on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon. The game ended in an easy win for the S.C.C. by a large margin of runs. The full scores arc as follow Sherwood Forester*. Pte. Chambers b Carver.. 0 Pte.
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  • 58 8 Amom Taiuils, ali eustoin calls for blaming -1. k rattle with a r-.^l Imtiron as reni.(l\ A Tamil who did that a few days ago at ™»N hauled up Man the Magistrate ami line<l heavily with a warning that inj. pninnml would follow the reiwtition of tl.i aOraea. The kiluikl
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  • 100 8 1 n Mmtmt Mtaa that Home dim-<-ulty ta Ixiiij. c FlrillliJ in K ettine up a i.|..-.-..|,tutivr team to shoot against the .Malay States Guides. I'iantiu« riflemen me unable- to getaway to Colombo and Caut I lyley is the oulv ih.ikoii available, but he li»s not mmmmi his willinKucHH as
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  • 630 8 A Cup valued 100 Guineas presented by H. R. H. the Prince of Wales and Rs. 13,000 from the Fund. A handicap for horses. R. C. one mile five furlongs 48 yards.) Dr. Spoouer-Harfs Lvn<j Tom, »st 101 b Robinson 1 Mr. R. J. Farqubarson'g
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  • 42 8 Tuk Ceylon Obtrrvrr announces the engagement of Miss Clarice Scharenguivel. daughter o f Mr. .lames Scharengoivel, retired Assistant Superintendent of Works, P.W.I). Straits Settlements, and Mr. Edward Hevzer of Messrs. Finlay, Muir A Co., and second son of Mr. Julian Heyzer. Proctor.
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  • 58 8 Tuk British squadron, consisting of the <nns,is lh«d,m, SulU-j. and Hoijiu: have been accorded an enthusiastic reception at Manila, both officers and men being hospi. tab'y entertained. The Governor-General gave a banquet on the lMli of January in hum. in <if Admiral Sir Gerard Noel, while on the previous day
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  • 68 8 A BCDOKT, it is reported from Peking ut to be issued by the Board of Revenue there at the end of tins year, or according U> the Chinese, the 82nd year of the reign of His Ini[)t-rial Majesty Kuang Hsu. The lines of this, the first Financial Hmlgct of China,
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  • 382 8 Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club was held yesterday evening in the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. C. Sugden presided, and among those present were Messrs. T. de M. BraddeU, Hon. H. Fort, J. D. Saunders, N. Trotter, L. K. Davies, J. W. B.
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  • 193 8 It is interesting to note how golfers, when tin y are gathered together in convivial entertainments, seek to enshrine their golfing memories either in song or in poetry, writes A. J. Robertson in the King. Our content. porary (jives two instances. Mr. Ernest Turner, in singing the song
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  • 28 8 A Cincinnati florist has sold a new carnation seedling, called The Aristocrat, for 40.000 dols gold., or 10.(100 dols. more than Mr. Lawson paid for the Lawson pink.
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  • 29 8 Thb Nippon Yussen Kaißha's chartered transport Vancouver left Colombo on Saturday, and is due here on Thursday next, 25th instant. The Vancouver is taking Japanese ex-prisoners-of-war back to Japan.
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  • 47 8 On Friday last Tan Lian stole 27 cents belonging to Chin Goh from a rikisha in New Bridge Road. On Saturday he was before Mr. Seth who fined him 1 15, or in default 45 days' hard labour. The fine was paid 98 went to the complaniant.
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  • 48 8 Mks. ()i.i>ham will be "at home" at. Wesley House, on the afternoons of the 26th instant and 2nd proximo, both of which days are Friday. Bishop Oldham will preach at Coleman Street Church at the 5 p.m. services of Sunday, the 28th instant, and Sunday, the 4th proximo.
    48 words
  • 50 8 Thk German steamers Andalutia and Trave arrived from Vladivostok on Sunday. They have been chartered by the Russian Government to convey troops to Odessa. The Andalusia lias on board 8 officers and 1479 men and the Trave has 110 officers and 166H men. Both vessels continued their voyage this morning.
    50 words
  • 55 8 This morning a bullock cart came to grief on the Serangoon Boad. The Javanese driver apparently fell asleep and the cart was precipitated into a ditch on the left hand side of the road. The driver got a ducking, but was not injured. Some difficulty was experienced in getting the
    55 words
  • 62 8 The largest American mail ever landed at Queenstown arrived there on the 27th of December by the White Star liner Majetlic from New York. It consisted of 8,2U0 sacks, which were transferred to four mail tenders. Sixteen mail vans carried the mail to Dublin, where a special steamer was in
    62 words
  • 28 8 Arrived 23rd Jan Per Carlijle From Port Swettenham— Mr. C. V. Stephen, Mrs. and Miss Macgregr Mr. 4 Mrs. Graham, Mr. Peralta and Mr. Lemoud.
    28 words
  • 389 8 FINANCE COMMERCE »3rd January, 1906. Thk Netherlands Trading Society today quotesthe 4/ms bank rate at 2/4£. The Mercantile Bank quotes it at 2/4<&. PRODUCE. Oambier huyera 7.55 do (Cube No. 1) Unpicked 10.821 Copra Dsli 7.30 do Pontianak 700 P.pper, Black buyert SlloO do White, 5% (f 30.00 Sago Flour
    389 words
    • 248 8 llnmUmii, Brit. str. 2,661 tons. Capt Lee, 23rd Jan. From London, 17th Jan. G.c, and 12 d.p. Patersou Simons Co. For Japan 24th—W. Carlylt, Brit. str. 381 tons, Capt Perm, 23rd Jan. From Port Swettenham, 21st Jan. O.c. and 59 d.p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd For Port
      248 words
    • 67 8 for Per Steamer Time ToMorrow. Triuggauu it Kelunt.lll ll.n, II hall Hi,, 7am Palembaiig Ofkir v a.m. Peuang and Calcutta hut S,m; U a m P. S'tenham 4 Penang Ki*tm< 1 p. ra Peuang and Deli Cnlypg,, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson via ports 5r1.m,,,,, 3 ,)m, )m Singora,
      67 words
    • 116 8 From Europe— By the N. 1). 1,, s. /.i,i,n due on 26th Jan. From China— By the M. M. s.s. Mas* due on 29th Jau. TIUE TAULE OF UAII.I Ml. L.ert Singapore Due in London Dec. Uth B. I. Jan. Hth Dec. lUth M. M. Jan. 9th
      116 words
    • 73 8 Wharves at Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. East Wharf: Nil. Victoria Graving Dock -Barque Acme. Albert Gravino Docs (ii.m^ Ann. Section No. 1 Chaknkoaaa, S. v Laugkat. M 2 Glenturret. S Bophie Uickmers. 4 Deub ghsliiit'. „5 Sultan. 6 Pakimm. Oct-an... lilomeiieus. Borxkd Wmtm -7
      73 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co, JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify the public that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at reduced prices. A good opportunity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are advised to
      85 words
    • 208 8 HIGH CLASS GENTS' FOOTWEARI AT SAHiE PRICTH^ m m wUu TAN GLACE KID BOOTS BLACK GLACE KID BOOTS (••KARLTors" BttAND) (KARtT, N" BRAND) Gents' Tan Glare Kid Boot?, Made from I Gents' Black Glace Boot?, Soft Finished li the Best Glace Kid, smartly sewn, superior i Uppers, Smart Toes, Light
      208 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 136 8 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 33rd January. High Water. 10-29 p.m. S.V.A. Lecture. Town Baud. Esplanade. sto 6. Wednesday, 24th January. High Water. 9-41 a.m. 11-10 p.m. S.V.A. B.V.E. in Camp. Town Band H. 8. Reservoir. sto 6. Thursday, 25th January. High Water. 10-28 a.m. 11-45 p.m. New Moon. 12-9 a.m.
      136 words
    • 30 8 WEATHER TELEBRAM. HONGKONG.— 42nd Jan.— lo a.m. Barometer 80.U*. Direction of Wiud k.s.i. Force of Wind :i. Max. Temp in Shade 6"2. I MANILA. -*!nd— 763. k.n.k. 1. 27. 23.
      30 words

  • 785 9 Not Willing to Spoil his own Journalistic Thunder. A StrsiU Time* representative on Saturday afternoon in the course of an interview with Mr. W. J. Bryan, the distinguished American who was on that day passing through the Colony en route from the Philippines to Java, secured a
    785 words
  • 317 9 A special military commission has been appointed to consider the question of making the German cavalry invisible, or at least less conspicuous, especially on the sky-line, where it would offer a good target for the enemy. Patrols and scouting parties are affected especially by this question. The
    317 words
    • 964 9 Solva, Nor. str. 041 tons, Capt TeUifsen, 31st Jan. From Bangkok, 16th Jan. G.c, and 3 d.p. Hong Lee Chan. For Bangkok, U.-Rds Sultan, Brit. xtr. 1,370 tons, Capt Townley, 19th Jan. From W. Australia, 10th Jan. G.c, and 16 d.p. Mansfield 4 Co. For W. Australia,
      964 words
    • 646 9 Name, fort, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Steamzbb. Airlie, Sydney, Feb. 34 Boustead. Alcinous, Liverpool, Jan. 29 Mansfield. Alesia, China, Feb. 6 Behn Meyer. Ambna, Hongkong, Jan. 37 Behn Meyer. A rniaud Behic, Colombo, Mar. 13 M. Mtimes. Arratoon Apcar, Calcutta, Feb. 14 P. Simons.
      646 words
    • 293 9 FOR SINGAPORE Per P. 4 O. s. s. Nubia from London Dec. 38, due 37th Jan.— Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown and children, Mr. A. C. Cutler, Mr. and Mr*. MO. Bell, Mrs. N. K. Passmore, Mr. H. Lee, Capt. and Mrs. Leveson Qower, Miss Calver. Per
      293 words
    • 239 9 S umber of Share* Issue Paid Value up to Company lßuy-:l Buy Trannao tiooi «OLO. 16.00 13,50 4,000 30,000 10,000 ti,a>7 25.793 50,000 15U.UUO ■JO.OOO JSOO uau»a«l. 10 t 10 j Benawah G. M. Co., Ltd 15.00 10 10 10 I' 1 I 1 1 100 •10 (Deferred) 10
      239 words
    • 133 9 iuu,vm; SO OUU MiilMf U#d 2,000 > 4,500 HO.UUO 12,000 3,400 6,000 2,760 600 3,000 6,000 785 uoiAMUwL 30U.000 iO.OUO IUIiHIMd 87,000 A a i/uii i/eveiopmuut KjO., lh< I o.uv 100 60 126 100 10 100 100 10 60 100 100 100 Federated Eugiueering Co., Ltd. I M
      133 words
    • 130 9 70,000 70,000 9,000 uaimid 6,000 6,000 I^oo uniMiwd 30,000 U^OOuDluawl 2,000 6&0 uiiis»u«d 1,000 15U uuiMuld 1 30.U00 4.U00 uniMUO 150 I 850 10,000 ),«tS ÜBIHUX) £50,0001 joaigowme nuuutT estate i.hi. Batu Unjor Rubber Co., Ltd. UukitKajah 10 1 10 1 *5.17.« ■Mj 1 1 < 1 1 Cicely
      130 words
    • 48 9 Howarth Ermkint, Ltd. 7% Riley, HargrwM, Ltd. 6% Bing»pore Manioipil 6% 6% 4% Tanjcng Pagtr Dock Co., Ltd. 6% > 360,000 3% pram. 836,000 i% prem buyera i 400,000 2% prera buyer.. 1 ,878,000 1% pram buyer.. 656,600 2% dv. nom. 260,000 H% prem. 1.56 A.600 1 %prwa.
      48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 234 9 NOTICES. HOION^OIL RICE MILLS is^jC Qb\ 539 North Bridge Road &[M° )n SINGAPORE CABLE ADDRESS HOHONG" SINGAPORE. Town Office 61 Kling- Street. 1333 t*he Cheapest Known Power TANGYE'S PRODUCER GAS ENGINES They make their own gas with the aid of ordinary Gas Coke which sells here at say $17 per
      234 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 685 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penafig, Ctylin Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plym >ufi and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian
      685 words
    • 1427 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, fconlnklljke Psi«et>aart MaatschspplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands Tndia Government. Agentt at Singapore .-—Ship Aoekcv, latk J. Daexdils A Co., 2-8 Collier Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be desjatched for:— Rcynirr>: Billiton Jan 19 Penang Bajan, Idi and LhoSeumawe Jan 25 Brouirer
      1,427 words
    • 655 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, An.werp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      655 words
    • 761 10 STEAMSHIP^ COMPANIES. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co,, Ltd. AND China Mutual Strain »a\. I'd.. Ltu The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight aud for L verpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to
      761 words
    • 598 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £13,000,000. THI LARORBT FIBE OTFICI IN TH* WORLD. BOUSTEAD Co.— AgenU. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £3,127,500 Paid-up Capital 212,760 Reserve Fund £1,078,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company are prepared to accept fire risks at
      598 words