The Straits Times, 22 January 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.944 THE STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY. JANUARY 22. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 336 1 NOTICES VELTEN BEER .PURE, WHOLESOME. PALATABLE. The same as >urplied on board the French Mail. X) BE HAD FROM ALL DEALERS. C. DUPIRE Co., SoUyigen( c 101 THE TANJONQ PAOAR DOCK BOARD. NOTICE. l IIIIIHII NKW YEAR HOLIDAY. Nniiic is hereby given, that all labour will be suspended during Thursday,
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    • 300 1 rf. Tiffin <£" 90. Robinson R sad. J 3OUH TH« TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Open daily until 1 1 p.m. Cold Su pper. Toast, Eggs 4c. and Liquors of best quality supplied. JOE COXCEK WO. Proprietor. lLate Manager. Hotel del'f uropei. 1342 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77, Bras* Btuah Road, Singapore- The Brightest
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    • 310 1 SARAWAK GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS will be received i\\> to 9 a m. on Mouday, Sud April. 1906 for reuting the follow- ing Farms for 3 years from Ist January, 1907, i viz. j The Opinm Farm for the Territory of SaraI wak from Tanjong Datu to and inclusive of the
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    • 377 1 jfe NOTICES. ROBINSO_N CO, JUST ARRIVED, A- .L^arg*- Shipment o± "GRAMOPHONE S." THERE is only one "GRAMOPHONE and it is made by the GRAMOPHONE TYPEWRITER Ltd. LONDON, for which we are the Sole Agents ALL others are imitations. MEW RECORDS /^3fc WEW RECORDS 88 SUDB b> JmeSSßm DANCE MUSIC PARIS
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  • 845 2 His views on Australian Politics. Mr. G. H. Reid, the popular and genial Leader cf the Opposition in the Australian Federal Parliament, was lately on a short visit to Ceylon. At the present time Australian politics are coming so prominently before tho world that an account
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  • 879 2 And Are Sometimes Caught Napping. It is said that no toast is more popular among lawyers than The man who makes his own will," and there is no doubt that the layman who thinks himself clever enough to frame his last testament is entitled
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 452 2 NOTICES. MOET CHANDON T S E CHAMPAGNE DE LUXE. Stocked by all the best Wine and Spirit Dealers. Extract from"H>6e Medical Magazine" London, October, 1905. ANALYTICAL REPORTS. 'BLACK WHITE" WHISKY JAMES BUCHANAN A Co., Ltd. CLASGOW and LONDON. OUR Analysis of this Whisky proves it to be a blended spirit
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    • 115 2 RECREATION HOTEL Seraiiggong Boad. Open until n p.m. Terminus of the Electric Tramway. Can stop at the door. Tiffins and diuners to be ordered three hours beforehand. PRAKKE BROTHERS. Proprietors. 0854 SULPHURIC AND HYDROCHLORIC ACID APPLY TO The Singapore Planting and Packing Coy. North Bridge Road. July 4 J. MOTION
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    • 13 2 A* an ideal Iron Tonic STEARN3 WINE is tolerated with great satisfac lion.
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    • 743 2 NOTfCES MAINTAINS TIIK UIGBEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with. (unblkhrt IIMI BMKNOI Oil IH.UIO UTMei v-r klj JAMAICA 'We oannot KMftk ■^■T^^b^V^V ■MBiHrnH JAaBSMW m jfi too lufhir or if b^w rAjff A TJ& c■ZAsi W* saf Pronounced by the
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    • 42 2 Anyone who has ever given Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a trial will tell you M is unequalled for all stomach and bowel troubles. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For ■ale by All Dealers. The DISPENSARY, General AgenU.
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  • 913 3 Migrating to Dutch Waters. In Torres Straits pearling fleet that has. says a Sydni v contemporary, for yearn made its' hendquarUTH at Thursday Island, appcani to in fair way to leave the Island for good. -.Jini Clark, the king of the pearling trade, lias uken one fleet
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  • 133 3 lh di-^ire of the Italian Government it has ban decideil to cancel the diplomatic notes dated December Ist. 1H94. and attached to the Treaty with Japan concluded on the same date. The Jnjxiii M<i 1 1 says that them? notes provide that whereas Italian commerce with .lapau
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  • 94 3 B .B. tlierhampion swimmer, after n uili riding Hi) o|M.-ration for appendicitis. ilinl nt Brisbane in QuoenHlautl ou tin "21st !)<•<•« iiilmt. Tb« rriiiiiiM>of Kioran. m laid to rot in the (iorc Mill t'«inetory. North Sidney, on tin Alili D.-.ciiilm r. Tin- funeral procession wan headt d by the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 213 3 NOTICE. Neither the Captain nor Owners of the sailing vessel ACME will be responsible for debts contracted by the crew of the above vessel while in this port. STANDARD OIL CO., OF NEW YORK. 1-1093 DAN MACFARLANE'S ROYAL V. O. V. LIQUEUR SCOTCH WHISKY (io years old) Gold Medal, Dublin
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  • 34 4 kmmm:—Oa January Hth. at WIIIIII. Jigs Wilmork kmmmm, of the CMmm im^-pta Maritime Customs Service. Niven: —On 21st January at her residence Singapore Jane, widow of the late Laurence Niven, aged 66 years.
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  • 1171 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY 22nd JANUARY. In view of the fact that the aims and objectH of H. E. Sir John Anderson's recent visit to Labuan and Brunei were matters of common knowledge at home long prior to December 23rd ult., it seems extraordinary that The Time*
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  • 272 4 Tuk annual Blue Book issued by the Indian government, which deals witli the vital statistics of that Peninsula, contains at least one reference that is of importance to us in Singapore, being, as we are, on the eve of a Health and Sanitation Inquiry. The paragraph runs as follows: "Owing
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  • 266 4 Thk franchise tronblo at Berlin mentioned in our wires to-day, was looming hi^ ai thu late of last mail advices. It should bo borne ;u mind that the franchise in Prussia is restricted, which is the more intolerable from the fact that the elections for the German Parliament are based
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  • 162 4 Tuk report from Penang as to the preparations for receiving the grandson and representative of the King does not seem to be very' flattering to either His Majesty., or to His Majesty's subjects in the northern settlement. Our authority is the I'iiunuj Gazette who thus remarks "We have at last
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  • 116 4 Tuk Chinese are not to have a monopoly in boycott. A very considerable movement of the same sort has been proceeding iv Hindustan, though not in connection with Amen can goods' in particular. It bears the name of Sudihuhi and operates upon any goods, whose import into the Peninsula is
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  • 15 4 Bkktam Estate, in Province Weilesley. is said to liave heen floated for one million dollars.
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  • 17 4 Thk Hon. R. K. Bland, Resident Councillor of Malacca, arrived from Malacca this morning by the Snjipho.
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  • 20 4 At five o'clock this evening the annual general meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club will be held iv the Exchange.
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  • 26 4 Thk Germain mail steamer IMm having left Colombo on the 20th instant at I p. in. may be expected here on Friday, at 7 a. in.
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  • 23 4 Two aeronauts arrived in Singapore to-day and we hear they may give a balloon and parachute display during their stay in the Colony.
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  • 32 4 Thk police have received a report that a Malay fell into the sea at Keppel Harbour last night and was drowned. The man is believed to have belonged to a sailing ship.
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  • 35 4 On the 17th instant, the members of the Town Club at Penanggave a farewell dinner to Mr. Otto Sielcken, the head of the branch of Behn, Meyer Co., there. Over sixty sat down to dinner.
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  • 31 4 With the prize distribution at 4.4*> p.m. to-day, the Anglo-Chinese School closes for the Chinese New Year. The boys of the Boarding School are to spend tlieii holidays at Tanah Merah.
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  • 35 4 Tiik special musical dinner at Raffles Hotel on Saturday night was will attended. The band of the 95th Russell's t Infantry was in attendance and played a pretty selection of music during and after dinner.
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  • 47 4 Work on the arches at the Orchard Koail entrance to the Government House grounds has been begun an ,i j s being rapidly paabed forward. Other decorative feature* in connec. tion with the visit of His Royal HJgbaaM tli .jrincc of Connaught will be begun this week.
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times"
    • 32 4 DISASTROUS FLOODS IN JAVA. Dykes Broken. Sorrnbaya, 20th Jiinunrij. A large part of the country between Semarang and Joaua is inundated in consequence of the rupture of tin- dykes along the rivere.
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    • 32 4 The Colonial Government has put relief funds at the disposal of the Governor of Scmarang, to buy food for the inhabitant" of the villages that are insolated by thr floods.
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    • 37 4 Since 1891 there have not been such high Hoods in this section of the country, which, from its physical conformation, is in a very unfavourable condition in thn face of such a calamity.
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 34 4 Protests in Berlin. Mi, ?<>H, Jmmmrt. It is arranged that eighty Socialistic Licet ings will be held in Uclin to-morrow |ta day 1 to protest ipM Lit.- new Prussian voting law.
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    • 29 4 The |Xilice have warned the ugitiUoragainst committing an\ •xcefises, and announce that en. -rgetie-iiii MM will l>e taken, it iKcosa.iv. for the safef, at the pnWfa
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 25 4 Barti Binff*r»< WMmjm. ttmlJmtmtrg. h,\\t. If BmUtr 11.t0,,.,,,. J.mi,,,,,,. The Socialist demonstration in Berlin against the Prussian sulfi;.;, :U day. passed off quietly.
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    • 15 4 Ninety-two BMetfagi were h -!d, in din*, rent parts of the city.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 27 4 A Hasty Forecast. riwtnn. MCI Jmmmp, The Labour organs are already cnstiti'.; tin future, and throw doubt tftm the stability of tin- present Government.
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    • 74 4 They helieve tlmt the wobblers will be washed away at :\ir next elections, leavini; the Labour Party pnslominant. Liberal Compact with Nationalists Repudiated. Sir Henry Campbell -Baiineriiiau, in thr course of a -^wcdi. dt-nird having niaile the alleged cauipart with Mr. H.-.l iiioinl. and aveiTMl that it
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    • 41 4 General Improvement Various Russian MB&M show pMHMI im proveiuent. Slow but Ste-idy The pacification of the] Baltic ProviM W In proceeding slowly hut steadily. More War.+aw Execution*. Ten more revolutionaries have bean HH i eted at Warsaw.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 711 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS A vital question with you iH whether or not it is wise to go to a place where variety is greatest, and where prices are lowest. If you pay less than we charge for provisions, you'll certainly get less. Thompson Thomas Go. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. c 107 THE
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    • 217 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SUITABLE AND TASTEFUL FRAMES Will greatly enhance the VALUE and EFFECT o%our PICTURES atjthe approaching Singapore ART CLUB EXHIBITION. Place your orders for framingjwith WILSON Co., and yon will be satisfied. FOR SALE. The S. S. ADHOTSFORD built in 1900 of steel, classed 100 A.I. at Lloyds, length
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  • Reuter's Telegrams. (By Submarine Cable)
    • 38 5 Her',l. »t Singapore I ji.m. :'<ltli ■hinnartj. D«UL by It, uter 1.4! p.m. !(Hh .hinuanj. Mr. Luke K. Wright, formerly UovernorGeneral of the i'liilippines, has been appointed the U. S. Ambassador to .lapan.
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    • 22 5 The Bel^iai: Cliainl)er of Deputies has passed a Bill .ithorizing the fortifying of Antwerp. TW st will 1m- immense.
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    • 13 5 The Belgian War Office is rearming its artillery with KrajMl guns.
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    • 139 5 Party Returns. I.tmihm. -!t)ili January. Returns so far urc as follow Liberal M Lain. ur 86 Unionist 94 Nationalist 7(1 Party gains are thus Liberal 120 Labour 2* Nationalist 1 LnUr. The diction returns so far are as follow Liberal i'A'l Labour M I' nionist 96 Nationalist
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    • 41 5 L«> n>lnn. :")tl, .I.tnuarij. Haron Hayashi speaking at llatlcy (near I.« tils i stateil that Britain could rest )mt littly c:i\v at .lapau's progress. The idea that sinli woilil Ik' injurious was contrary to the principles of political economy.
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    • 384 5 Rn'd, Singapore, iv; p.m. U.V.I 1,., Unit, r ■!.<>:, t >. Ml. The papers AkoM the question of the reeoiistriK tinii of Urn I nionist Party. The Mnruhnj l'f>t ilisirii tin- leadership to tall to Mr. J. Chamberlain. The DmUg fthpwyi sumls out for Mr. A. J. Balfour as
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  • Correspondence.
    • 390 5 Y't> the Editor of the Strait* Timet." Dkah Sik,— For the benefit of some of your readers who may be afraid to venture a trip on the Borneo State railways because they have read and heard so much against the system, will you kindly give publication to
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  • 445 5 THE INVISIBLE AIR." Interesting Lecture by Mr. C. B. Buckley. On Saturday night Mr. Buckley delivered another of his popular scientific lectures before the members of the Y. M. C. A. The Rev. J. A. B. Cook presided over h large audience of young men. A few ladies viiv also
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  • 141 5 Last Wednesday, Mr. Lini Chi n Hin, an active corporal of No. 2 Company of the S. V. 1., was coming to town on his buggy. In Victoria Street, a Kuropean horseman collided with the buggy, and the violent stoppage of ilir vehicle caused Mr. Chin to be
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  • 67 5 YKsfKRDAV afternoon. Bishop W. F. Oldham, d.d., took the Hervice at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Coleman Street. He took for his ttxt 'Go Ye into all the world 4c." The sermon was a powerful appeal on behalf of the support of missionary endeavour and incidentally an effort to reach the
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  • 435 5 Ox Saturday, Chong K&ng Chuan, Qwee Yeng, and Uon Yee were brought before Mr. Bryant for preliminary inquiry into an allegation of causing the death of Lim Loh, in Tanjong Pagar Road, on the 28th ultimo. Mr. Sproule conducted the inquiry for the Crown. Hoh Vim.
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  • 91 5 Thk following arrangements have been made for launches to and from the Swimming Club during this week;— Thursday. 25th inst.— Leave Pier 9, 10. Leave Chit) 9. 30. 12. 15. Friday. 26th instant.— Leave Pier 10. Leave Club 9. 30. 12. 15. Sunday. 28th inst.— Leave Pier
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  • 77 5 The unfortunate shower of rain on Saturday afternoon was responsible for only a moderate field turning up to enjoy the excellent run which Major Everett had mapped out. The going was in excellent condition and the trail led through a really pretty line of country, skirting the
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  • 87 5 Is commemoration of the departure from Singapore of the Hon. W.R. Colly er. 1.5.0.. the members of the Y. M. C. A. intend presenting him with an illuminated address, as a token of gratitude to the Attorney General for his untiring efforts on behalf of
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  • 114 5 A daking case of gang robbery is reported from Wayang Satu, about half a mile from the police station. It appears that at 8 o'clock last night a gang of six Macaos rushed into a Hylam spirit shops just as the occupants were about to close up
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  • 48 5 Is view of the visit of Prince Arthur of Connaught, the unsightly mass of outhouses and woodyards that lie behind the Cioverumeiit offices are being boarded in so asto be invisible from the street, and tall poles are being erected for the purpose of bearing streamers and flags.
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  • 45 5 To-day is the anniversary of the accession day of H. M. King Edward the Seventh. A salute was fired from Fort Canning at noon. H. M. S. Flora, tke Sea Mew and Sea Belle and the flagstaffs at Fort Canning and Mount Faber were decorated.
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  • 44 5 This morning, the B. I. steamer Palameotta arrived from Aftloy with 244 Chinese deck passengers for Singapore. A case of smallpox had occurred during the voyage and the passengers were landed at the quarantine Station at St John's Island. The vessel was granted pratique.
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  • 47 5 Tub premises of the Straits Trading Company were entered by burglars last night. A Sikh jaga discovered some one in the building and called for the police, but the niea got away. They had entered by the roof. An examination thi« morning she\wd that nothing was missing.
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  • 25 5 Major General Inigo-Jones will inspect the troops at Pulau B rani next Thursday morning. The General leaves Johnston's Pier for the inland at 6.80 a.m.
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  • 38 5 Thk annual banquet of the alumni and old pupils of the Anglo-Chinese School was held at Oldham Hall on Saturday night. Tl<e attendance was much smaller than usual owing to the proximity of the Chinese New Tear festivities.
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  • 38 5 As Thursday next is Chinese New Year, there well be no Philharmonic Society rehearsal on that night. Practices will be held on Monday 29th inst.. and Thursday Ist prox. concert is fixed for an early date in February.
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  • 42 5 C apt UN Q. Kinghorn of the s.s. Nam Yong, which arrived from Sourabaya on Saturday afternoon, reports that he encountered rough weather at Boeleleng, in Bali, and ww unable to land eight cases of opium which were shipped for that port.
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  • 54 5 Mil. E. O. Monky. of Messrs. Bonstead Brothers, Ceylon, will be leaving Colombo for the .Malay States on the 24th inst., by the P. &O. Macedonia. His visit, it is understood, is in connection with certain lands he is desirous of purchasing for rubber cultivation. Mr. Money will be away
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  • 54 5 Wk are advised that Artie Tully begs to inform his clients tliat he will be leaving for Penang on Wednesday next, and wonld advise those who wish to do business on the forthcoming meeting there, to •■-ill at 22 Raffles Place as soon as possible. Penang Address for wire or
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  • 58 5 W« regret to note the death of Mrs. Nivene which occurred yesterday at her residency in Singapore after a stroke of paralysis on Saturday. Mrs. Niven was the mother of Mrs. E. W. Birch, Mrs. Hooper and Mrs. Kbden. The funeral, which was attended by many old residents, took place
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  • 63 5 On Saturday night, Mr. W. G. Noble of the Chartered Bank staff had a farewell dinner at the Hotel de l'Europe ou the occasion of his departure for home to-day. His health was cordially pledged with musical honours by the company. Afterwards a concert was held in the rooms of
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  • 62 5 Java papers to hand give particulars of the beginning of the floods in East Java. The province of Pekalengan was the first to suffer. There, after two days and nights of heavy rain among the mountains, the river of that name overflowed its banks and flooded the neighbourhood. Storms raged
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 23 5 When Stearnt' Wine has been taken for a few weeks, the tallow cheek* be mmc rosy, and the sufferer become* Irijht and cheerful.
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    • 426 5 latest advertisemehts. Raffles Rotel SINGAPORE. Most Modern Aristocratic Rendezvous BRANCHES. E. AO. HOTEL PENANG THE "CRAG" HOTEL SANITARIUM PENANG HILLS STRAND HOTEL RANGOON. The Robinson Piano Co., Ltd have had 13 years' Practical Experience Manufacturing and Importing for Singapore. Every Piano they sell is Absolutely Guaranteed and they take full
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  • 933 6 Mr. Lloyd-George. The following is from the London Daily Express The impetuous Welshman, Mr. LloydGeorge the present Minister of Commerce for the Empire once said in my presence "If a young politician wants to succeed in Parliament he must persistently play up to some big
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  • 242 6 An interesting comparison has recently been prepared by Daniel W. Williams, the American Consul at Cardiff, Wales, relating to the production and consumption of tin. Mr. Williams says 'that it is difficult to secure accurate statistics relating to the production of tin, but the following
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  • 332 6 Fight with the Standard Oil Co. Say- the Incrttor*' liiiieiv: Our sympathies arc entirely with Sir Marcus Samuel and his board in their fight against the American Standard Oil octopus. The story ho liad to tell at the shareholders' meeting whs much what m should have
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  • 209 6 It is a singular fact, known to very few at tin- beginning of December, Rays the AuslraKm Mining Simulant, thai the New South Wales Avepenny stamp has the honor of beiug the oldest postage stamp in use in the world. Its jubilee was celebrated recently in Sydney
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 619 6 NOTICES. WANTED, by Import firm,— smart Chinese or Eurasian- Clerk, must be good writer and quirk st figures. Apply F. S. c/o Straits Times. D 1112 Wanted a Surveyor's Junior Assistant. Must be able to trace neatly, technical knowledge not essential. Write stating salary Ac. required to 8. K. Y.
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    • 524 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. No. 19 and 20 Boat Quay. Immediate entry. Rent moderate. Apply to i- 699 MORAUX A CO. TO BE LET. Houses Noa. 41 and 45 Anson Road suitable for shops or store rootpi. Apply to E. NATHAN, 18 Change Alley. April 6 v.c. TO BE LET.
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    • 817 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. Two well-built European dwelling bouses. Accommodation 12 rooms each. Tennis and servants' quarters. Close to town. Excellent places for boarding houses. Rent moderate. Apply S. MANASSEH A CO., u998 TO BE LET FURNISHED From Ist February. ANSDELL LODGE— GRANGE ROAD The Residence of Mr. H. \V.
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    • 19 6 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE can be obtained from all the dispensarie* (quickly by post). Never be without the Genuine, m.w.f.
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    • 50 6 Summer Complaint is the children's! most dangerous enemy and tbe mother's I most dreaded foe. Immediate and pro-! per treatment is always necessary. Ch.uu- 1 berlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea' Remedy, given according to directions, is the most effectual remedy known. For sale by All Dealers. The DISPENSARY, General Agenta.
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    • 568 6 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE BUILDING LAND Fronting Johore Straits. And Agricultural Land at Upper Mandai. To be held at Powell 4 Co.'s Saleroom, Turn/lay, MM January, at 2.30 p.m. 1. Three valuable 999 years' leasehold building sites, fronting Johore Straits, about 2} miles from the Kranji Railway Station,
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  • 1140 7 Story of the Salvage of the Rubber. Intense intercut has been taken «11 over the world in the story of 'the salvage of the rubber cargo from the Liverpool steamer Cyril.' wfciofc ran ashore near Para in September last. At first it was considered that the
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  • 682 7 Life of Sir Andrew Clarke Sir Andrew Clarke, who had a shrewd eye for capable men, was the first to appreciate the talents of his namesake Sir George. Sir George Clarke in his gratitude contributes the preface to Colonel R. H. Vetch's Lif:
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 20 7 STEARNS 1 WINE repr«wenU both Ccd Liver Oil and Iron, and can betaken with especial bei-efit in An.tmia It cures.
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    • 391 7 BANKS^ Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* 2800,000 Reserve Fund £«7!i,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Account* are opened and interest allowed at 1 \mc cent, per
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    • 336 7 NOTICES. TiOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. *ifr .rni^, Mfci VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL. -w OPENING CEREMONY £ZEff<s|^|^^ Notwitlißtanding the heat of the afternoon, the interior FWU^^^HMPf M the bu ding wax kept pleasantly cool by the electric fans 4fiiH jjt fixed upon the walls, demonstrating the hitherto unheard of jV possibility
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  • 1658 8 Presentation from the Members of the Local Bar. At half past twelve on Saturday, a meeting of members of the local Bar was held in ti Supreme Court on the occasion of a luvse.itation to the Hon. W. R. Collyer, Attorney-General, who is shortly leaving
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  • 334 8 Thk Prince and Princess of Wales hare not taken their full staff to Burma, hady Shafu-slinry is a gueet at Government House, and Lord Sliaf te^hui y has gone on a shooting trip. Lord and Lady Crichton have proceeded to Alwar. The Hon. Derek and Mi- Keppel are
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  • 112 8 Thk South China Morning Pott understand* that the Germans in Hongkong who are liable to be called in for service in the army have received the hint, if not direct notice, to be prepared to leave Hongkong and join the colours at the shortest notice in case ueceHsity should arise.
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  • 590 8 The General Manager's Monthly Report. MM December, 1905. Gentlemen I beg to submit my monthly report on your Mining and Milling operations. The accompanying sheet of mine measurements and assay results of prospecting work shows a total of 361 ft. for the period
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  • 92 8 Arrived 21st January. Per Deli From Bangkok— Mr. Hinchley. Mrs. Hinchley, Mr. R. W. Webb. Mr V. E. Sprague. Mr. Windsor aud five children. Mr. C. Biaucheri. and Mr. Rochelliu. 22nd January. Per I'enami From Telok Ausou- Mr. K. J. Watt, Mr. L. T. Nutt. Mr. E.
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  • 390 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. gSnd Janunry. 1906. The Netherlands Trailing Society to-day quotes the 4, ins bank rate at 2:4^. TWr Mercantile Bank quotes it at 2 1,,. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers I 7.50 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.75 Copra Bali 7.30 do Pootianak| 7.00 Pepper, Black buyers ..,,£1.00 do White, 5%
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    • 467 8 TRADING VESSELS, &c. Amlnluiia, Ger. str. 3.441 tons. Capt Filler. 21st Jan. From Vladivostok, sth Jan. 1.483 Hussion troops. For Odessa, 22nd—Rdn. Ilmi Hi* OSMSB, Brit. str. 243 toiiH. Capt Hunter, 21st Jan. From P. Swettenham, 20th Jan. G.c, and 23 d.p. Wee Bin A Co. For Port Swettenham. 23rd—Rd«.
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    • 72 8 tvr Per Steamer Time ToMorbow. Tringgaim it K«-lin;..ii llnu H'luttt Ilin 7 a.m. Sarawak Jliiuilmi •iarntruk Ip.m. Bengkalis, Sink.Vl'iikttii//.."../ 3 p.m. ronanj; uml Calcutta hut Smtg :i p.m. Teluk Ai.o^n via ports llan Ilin Q*m iii.m. Bangkok JaMtbicoll 4]. in. W— in P. S'tenliaiii A Penang JEMi I
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    • 121 8 From Europe By the N. I). L. s. 8. '/.irttu due on 26th Jan. From China— By the at. M. s.s. TaXfrnnim due on 29th Jan. ti:ii: tail.-; of UU mi:. Left Singapore l'ue in London Arrived Dec. 14th 11. 1. Jan. stl, Jan. 6th Dec. 18th
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    • 74 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf:— Nil. Victoria Graving Dock Bamjm Acme. Alhebt Gravimi Doci :--<iiiui^ Ann. Section No. 1 Kistna, ()<■■ oa, S. Langkat. 2 I-wina, <J. A|H-nr. II Koplni' Kiekmers. 4 DuMghahin, .1 Sultan. 6 C'alypin. Heilin. I'nkiiuui. Borneo Wiiabf:—
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 100 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify the pdblic that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at reduced prices. A'good opportunity of baying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are advised to avail
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    • 242 8 HIGH CLASS GENTS' FOOT WEAfftl A.1 1 SALE PRICES a^l a^a^L. JU9 Kpb a^LH Ll^alW. a»^. f P KBK BB^F^^^^^^aaal lav tOKB?-?^ TAN GLACE KID BOOTS BLACK GLACE KID BOOTS ("KARLTON" BRAND; KARLTiN" BRAND) Gent*' Tan Clare Kid Boots, Mtulo from J Gents' Black Glace Boot*. Soft Finished the Best
      242 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 122 8 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 22nd January. High Water. 9-37 p.m. King's Accessiou. Sporting Club Meeting. Exchange. 5. Ang'-. Chinese School. Prize-giving. 415. S.V.A. Squad aud Carbine Drill. S.V.I. Co. Drill. 5-90. Tuesday, 23rd January. High Water. 8-49 a.m. 10-29 p.m. Municipal Commission. 3-30. S.V.A. Lecture. Wednesday, 24th January. High Water.
      122 words
    • 29 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. HONGKONG.— 2Ist Jan.— lo a.m. Barometer :M3.-2.j. Direction of Wind kakt. Force of Wind 4. M»x. Temp in Sh»le 60. MANILA.— 2Ist— 76B. IJt. 1. 26. 83.
      29 words

  • 1374 9 The Lukut of old. The following is from tho 'Malay Mail.' What war known, generation; ago, as the m 'in Hid ■prml-iit State of Lukut is now officially styled the Coast District, Negri Senibilan Very few have heard of Lukut, and yet there
    1,374 words
  • 440 9 How Collectors are duped. lion strange rtoriw of faked pictures and other works of art arc toM (says the Paris correspondent of The Telegraph") in the current number of the official organ of the Int: rnational Commission against Adu!Lcrat on, presided over by Dr. Brouardel. The writer passes
    440 words
  • 108 9 All in not well in Boni. tlic Soutli CVlclx j x xtate, jiiHt overrun by the forces of the Netherlandtt India Government. The people are taxed to nay a war-indemnity. lint will not pay it. To force them to pay in a hard matter. They Hay that the Government, on
    108 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 395 9 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES CO. LTD. ij|L The "SAEKULAR" VHr INCANDESCENT |fl SPIRIT LAMP. fIT UNSURPASSED. /n£fj^ IT BURNS 20 HOURS WITH ONE CHARGE. <^^ I H^^ Has sfiven satisfaction wherever tried TvIOTOR CARS LORRIES. "ALBION" "DARRACQ" %K SIMPLE COMFORTABLE ■I r TtiE Glasgow Motor Lorry Co., LtdrjGjlg s""^^>' < yTi
      395 words
    • 395 9 NOTICES THE Straits V)imes CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES 1 IN Singapore. Messrs. John Little Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel. Raffles Tiffin Rooms. Messrs. Kirn 4 Co. ivoh dr Co. Adelpbi Hotel Chuan k Co., Robinson Road. Hotel de la Paix. Hotel de I'
      395 words

  • 108 10 Mr. Lloyd George, M.P., addressing his constituents at Carnarvon one day, declared the foremost place in the programme of <.he Cabinet was nvai to the qeustion of religious equality. There must be popular control of all schools maintained by the public, and the abolition of sectarian
    108 words
  • 151 10 George Bakhmctieff, l>u;band of the American woman who was born May Beale, of Washington, his been appointed Russia's first minuter to Japan after the war. Bakhmetieff. says an American paper, is said to owe much of his success as a diplomat to his wife, whom he
    151 words
  • 322 10 Now that Britain is undergoing the turmoil of an appeal to the electorate, a little book. Election Anecdotes for All Parties," by J. H. Settle (Skeffigton), which has just been issued, makes a timely appearance. Many of the stories are well-known, but a few may be recalled
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  • 345 10 Ix a lettor to The Timrx Mutiny tin 1 changes tMßeeiMsJ Labuan and Brunei, which have already been announced. Sarawak pleads that Hruuoi should be liamleil over t<> the Government of Sarawak. He say* lucal opinion is practically unanimous in demanding the incor|>oration of Brunei, with or
    345 words
  • 621 10 And other Tropical Diseases. Now that an outbreak of dengue, otherwise known as dandy, or breakbone, fever has prostrated Southern Queensland, as far as Brisbane, and has appeared on the other side of the Queensland horded, the Sydney people are beginning to ask, What is dengue fever? 1
    621 words
  • 227 10 Johannesburg Opinion. London. December 23rd. Sir Henry CampbMl-Bannermans remark at the Albert Hall, on Thursday, that the Government had decided to stop forthwith, as far as practicable, the recruiting and cmbarkati.m of coolies in China and t!"ir importation into Bstfcfc Africa, is interpreted in mining circles
    227 words
  • 231 10 The Time* correspondent in New Yoik has cabled a denial of the report ax to the mobilization of U. S. troops in consequence of extensive developments anticipated aa likely to break out in China. He anwrtH that Secretary Root is very anxious to maintain the territorial integrity of
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  • 66 10 A communication has been received at Port Glasgow, intimating that the Messrs. Yarrow, shipbuilders, Poplar, after prolonged negotiations, decided not to go to Port Glasgow. The site, although ideal in many respects, was, atker consideration, deemed unsuitable, from the amount of dredging which would have
    66 words
    • 762 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq. barque ech. schooner Ybt. Yacht Cm. Cruiser. Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H. p.— Horse-power; Frit. British; U.S.— United States Feb.— French Ger —German Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck patweoger U. Uncertain; T. P.
      762 words
    • 670 10 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agentt. Btbahkbs. Airlie, Sydney, Feb. 34 Boustead. Aloinous, Liverpool, Jan. 99 Mansfield. Alesia, China, Feb. 6 Behn Meyer. Ambria, Hongkong, Jan. 37 Behn Meyer. Armand Behic, Colombo, Mar. 12; M. Mtimes. Andalusia, China, Jan. ->2 Behn Meyer. Arratoon A
      670 words
    • 303 10 FOR SINGAPORE Per P. 4 O. s. s. Suhia from London Das. 33, dne 27th Jan. Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown and children, Mr. A. C. Cutter, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Bell, Mrs. N. K. Passmore, Mr. H. Lee, Capt. and Mrs. Leveson Gower, Miss Calver.
      303 words
    • 252 10 rsumoer p i^t c, of I Value up to Company Buyers Sellers Trannaoonares I tious ~~«olo. J 13,50 I 10 I 10 Beraawah G. Ji. Co., Ltd 16.00 15.00 i.OUUuuu-L* 4,000 i 10 10 (Deferred; 8.00 20,000 10 10 Kadana G. M. Co., Ltd -Jim iiom. 10,000 I 10
      252 words
    • 132 10 O.OOU iui> u«d 2.U00 4,500 80,000 12,000 3,400 O.UOO 2,750 ai.uoo bOO 2,000 6,000 78.% mu*kU> d. 300,000 37,000 K. I Dun Development Co., Ltd.. 6.M 100 60 t 125 10U 10 100 > 100 10 9 .".ii 100 luu 10 t 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. 50 Eraser
      132 words
    • 141 10 20,000 i 10 i 6 70,000 10 J 10 70,000 1 1 9,00u uuuwuod 8,000 1 1 6,000 I |1 1,500 uui*au«d 30,000 1 1 l'£ 50u uuiMiutfo 3,000 1100 1100 MO tuiuoued 1,000 »100 1100 I*l UUIMIMd 30,000 l I l W »100 1100 850 »100 90 10,000
      141 words
    • 44 10 Howarth Krskine, Ltd. 7% Kiley, U»rure»ve», Ltd. V% BiDgapore Muuioipfcl 6% 8% T«njAnK P*g»r"n«ok Co.. LW. 8% I 330,000 3% prom. 2-25,000 1% prcm buyer* 400,000 i% prem Im'.c- 1.M78.000 1% preiu buyer.. 65A..VX1 t% (li«. mini. •250,000 H prem. l,3ttt,ouu 1 yieiu.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 594 10 BANKS. Hongkong tf Shanghai BankinK Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,00 C RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 110,000,0001 j.,,™™ Silverßsserve 8,500,000 f ls BW w >° Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Slade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dicluon. F. Salinger, Esq. E.
      594 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 694 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. cM STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For Chins, Japan, Psasaf, Csylsxi. Au.trslls. Indls. Aden, BfTPt. Mediterranean Ports, Plyraiuti and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental,
      694 words
    • 1423 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, i KonirUnjfce Patetvesirt Meat** happ'J. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Sii.yupore r-BiP AaiMY. iaii J. L)*FNmiJ> Co., 2-8 Colltie Qcat. Ibe undeimtntKi «d i st<» sic c nl) sppioximste Steamer From Exp'ted ill be de*| etched for Rcynirr*: U Hit m Jan 19 Penang
      1,423 words
    • 665 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORODEUTSCHER LLOYO. imperial Oerman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      665 words
    • 726 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCIAfI STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan home "»rds for London every fortnight and for L •arpool monthly. One outward steamer <uoh month extends
      726 words
    • 568 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDB EXCEED £12,000,000. TIE LIBOEBT FIRE OFtICE IN THE WORLD. BOUBTEAD <k C0.,-^»«irti. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 Paid-up Capital 212.7 M Reserve Fund £1 ,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company are prepared to accept fire
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  • 498 12 Forthcoming Changes. We take the following from the 1 South China Morning Post —The Hritish cruisers Hogue and Sutlej are to proceed to England before the cud of the present month. Two other cruisers, the King Alfred and the 'Kent," are to arrive here (Hongkong) in March from
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  • 188 12 Miss Alice Roosevelt, only daughter of the President of the United States. is engaged to be married to Mr. Nicholas Longworth. a member of Congress. Mr. Lungwort h is 36. His future bride is 21, They first met when Mr. Roosevelt was Vioe-President, but the
    188 words
  • 154 12 French heavy field ordnance is about to undergo another groat transformation. The 4 4 -sth inch gun is found tint to be up to the latest standards of precision, and though the 6 l-sth inch gun is satisfactory as regards fire, it leaves much to be desired in
    154 words
  • 227 12 English, Dutch, and Dago." Ask an "old salt how many kind* c,S seamen there are. and he will tell you there are three kinds, English, Dutch, and Dago. Under the first term he would include English, Scotch, Irish, Welsh, American, and, in fact, all Englishspeaking sailors.
    227 words
  • 146 12 The many men and women who use typewriters because they do not wish their handwriting recognised will be astonished to hear that their identity cannot be disguised by this device, from the expert. In the High Court of London last month some typewritten worVs on a newspaper cutting
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  • 270 12 Passengers from Belfast to Liverpool on the /,<«//<•, had an exciting crossing the other day. Not only did they experience a heavy gale, but also the excitement of a bear hunt. A large polar bear, belonging to a menagerie, was being shipped from Ireland to England
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  • 257 12 Are Diamonds Alive The rather startling statement is made that diamonds are alive. It is certain that some precious stones are affected by the health of the wearer. Pearls and opals are both said to grow dull through the illhealth of those by whom they are worn, and the turquoise
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 14 12 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, per feet aotiseptic dentifrice, cleane* and preserve* the tetth, very rtfrtihing.
      14 words
    • 235 12 NOTICES. HO HONG OIL RICE MILLS |pljj|K^#\ 639 North Bridge Road m^k )n SINGAPORE CABLE ADDRESS "HOHONG": SINGAPORE. Town Office 61 Kling: Street. 1222 Cheapest Known Power TANGYE'S PRODUCER GAS ENGINES They make their own gas with the aid of ordinary Gas Coke which sells here at say $17 per
      235 words
    • 674 12 NOTICES. YOUR AILMENT IS NATURE'S REPROOr. To overcome that ailment You require Nature's Assistance. ENO'S FRUIT SALT' IS NATURE'S OWN REMEDY, and an unsurpassed one. It U peculiarly adapted for any constitutional Weakness of the Liter, pos-e-ses the power of reparation when digestion has been disturbed or lost, and places
      674 words