The Straits Times, 19 January 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.942 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY. JANUARY 19. 1900. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 201 1 Thk Sourabayu HandeUblad hopes littK good from the tactics followed in the operations in South and Central Celebs where, though many districts have been overrun, the people are sullen and show themselves uneasy under the new order of things. It pointa out that the officers in
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  • 169 1 Taa Customs recently, «ays the Amoy ci ii-rc»p< indent to the China Mail, made a great capture of morphia. It has been well-known for a long time that vast quantitieH of the drug havi been introduced into Amoy. The difficulty has been to capture the smugglers,
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  • 305 1 A corrcs|x>ndent sends the following letter kdthi Malay Mail: Whilst some buffaloes were being entrained here the other day, one had its nostril cut open, and having got clear of the only thing that could have kept it under control, made a dash at the keeper and
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  • 76 1 Is honour of the British naval visit to Saigon, the Corcle Sportif Saixonaia have organised a grand sword display, in waiab the chief f\]x>rts in the art of fencing will take |>«rt. The winner of the bouts will receive a medal entitling him to denignate hiniHelf champion. Several contests will
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  • 443 1 An Adventurous Career Ended. i Arm lying idle for nine months at Saigon, the ill-fated Carlixlr, laden with a cargo of ammunition on board, once intended for I'ort Arthur, has found a i resting place beneath the waters of the Saigon river. Laden with a cargo of all
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  • 83 1 Tin. following was the somewhat strange charge preferred against a. hawker named An Kiiiii. at the Hougkong Magistracy on the 11th January:— "Unlawfully did sell an article of food for num. to wit. fresh blopd. usually sold in a Public Market in a place other than that licensed by the'
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 372 1 NOTICES DE DION was the first to introduce practical motor cars. DE DION is still leading the trade. The first 1906 Models will soon arrive Abk full particulars and specifications from C. DUPIRE Co., 1 Singapore -7? gents. ULU. AnlbUo a UU., I admiralty quality india TB> N vVVV I
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    • 259 1 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77t llrus I'xisuii liixii! Singapore- TW BriyliUst ami Healthiest Resort in tlic City. Hotel PorVr. in uniform, meets al! j !W;s and Train-. WAVERLEY HOTEL .79, HiU-strert. SingaporeHealthy Position. Freii.-I'. aud German Cuisine md Refreshment-. Meal- at every time of the j lav Three Billiard Table-. Liquors of
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    • 422 1 WANTED Two lientlenieii as hoarders in private house 'in Tanylin. Large rooms with se)»rate hath- ro.nn-. Stablinp for several horses. Tennis I court. Apply to F. D. a/a simit* lime-. UM WANTED Board and Lodging with private family. Stati- turns. Anplv to K. S. T. c o Strain ttmm. l.txl
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    • 142 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. JUST ARRIVED, -A. JL?» SliipmeriL ot "GRAMOPHONE S." THERE is only one "GRAMOPHONE', and it is made by the GRAMOPHONE TYPEWRITER Ltd. LONDON, for which we are the Sole Agents. ALL others are imitations. NEW RECORDS /gj|j|^ NEW RECORDS PARIS OPERA HOUSH I M I CHORUS OF
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  • 1484 2 Massacre. Melbourne, Ulth December, IDOo. The reported massacre of a pioneer setl.ler and his party in the Northern Territory is a reminder that the aboriginal Australian still exists untamed and treacherous Mr. F. M. Uradshaw, a Staiionhnlder on the Victoria River, about 300 miles from Port Darwin, accompanied
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  • 347 2 The writer of Echoes of Science i the Globs remarks Th? recent publication of Che autobiography of that veteran scientific pioneer. Dr. Alfred Rus sell Wallace, recalls some interesting facts in ths history of the theory of natural election. It was the practical study of the earth
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 239 2 NOTICES. 2STOTICE. :o: "EMPIRE" TYPEWRITERS PRICES ARE REDUCED TO THE FOLLOWING:— Foolscap Model takes paper 9 ins. wide SI 10. Brief m,, 135. liiburanee Policy 11[> 155. The Machine is issued in the Government Offices throughout the Straits Settlements. 550 Empire Typewriters have been supplied to the HOME GOVERNMENT within
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    • 118 2 RECREATION HOTEL Seranggong Road. Open until la p m. Termimig of the Electric Tramway. C 111 stop at the d.ior. Tifhtu and dinners to be ordered three hour* beforehand. PRAKKE BROTHERS, Proprietors. C 854 SULPHURIC AND HYDROCHLORIC ACID APPLY TO The Singapore Planting and Packing Coy. N«rth Bridge Road. July
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    • 41 2 Cholera Morbua baa lost iU terrors in the home where a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is kept. It never fails even in the most severe and dangerous cares. For sale by All Dealers. THE DISPENSARY. General Agents
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    • 366 2 NOTICFS KELLY WALSH. JUST PUBLISHED JUST PUBLISHED In 1 volume crown Bvo full cloth, price ta.-iO Iv 2 volumes Rvo full cloth price 119 00 VOCABULARY »,TH TKVM..V. U, THE RE-SHAPING MALAY MEDICAL TERMS THE F;R EAST P.N. GERRARD, b,a., b.i... n.A.0., *.i.. Dm., M 1.™., cavtw, b. L PUTNAM
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  • 313 3 Another Big Rubber Company. Y«t another big F. M. S. Rubber Company is, ;avs the 'Times of Ceylon shortly to be floated, to take over* large and flourishing rubber estate which is already paying handsomely. The new Company has not been floated yet. but is on
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  • 475 3 The Vallambrosa Rubber Co. have says the Malay Mail. now purchased j the native holdings between their pro- i puty and the Kapar Road, from t he j U |o the 8J mile, giving a load front- j age to their c tate < f -j
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  • 99 3 Eoroa*, Gatjtmau (from China) due Hal tea., Helm Meyer I'rrinantJe via pores, Sulluii, on 27th Jan., HaaaMa. Hoogkuog, Cn/iri (from Bombay) due 2Htb •Ihii.. It. I. ii Meyer. Port Swettenham, Hrntontj, S. S. S. Co., and Avuyyrt, Koe Guan, every Tuesday. Port Swettenham via ports Penang
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 42 3 Anyone who Las ever given Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reinr Iv will tell you it is unequalled for all stomach and bowel troubles. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For ■lie by All Dealers'. Th« DISPENSARY, General Agent*
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    • 181 3 THE LONDON OUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. We beg to notify as having, from the Ist January 1908, taken over the Agency of the above Company for the Straits Settlements and Malay States The Guarantee Bonds of the Company are accepted by H. M. Government at Home, in the
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  • 561 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY. 19th JANUARY P— reports of gay time* and all manner of holiday tistivities. that were •indulged in by the foreign residents during Hie Xitiax season at IVkiug, there seems hair doubt but that grave apprehensions as t<> what the immediate future may bring
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  • 317 4 At the Legislative Council this afternoon the Hon. A. Huttenbach was to ask whether the Government, in the face of the opinions as stated by His Excellency regarding speculative rises of exchange, will take such steps as are in their power to prevent and arrest the evil complained of, and
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  • 285 4 Opinions differ ax to the wisdom. sl;ill. and foresight of our Municipal officers is Singapore, but nobody has ever called in question their reputation for ingenuity. The latest example ot this characteristic was to be witnessed, yesterday afternoon, in Hill Street. Instead of constructing suitable stone refuges as places into
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  • 328 4 By to-morrow's English Mail but as freight, not as mail matter we expect the iiirixal of the Strait* Time* Annual, which will therefore be ready for distribution on or about Tuesday. As there can be no delivery of cargo before Monday, and the consignment of AnnuaU weighs several tons, it
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  • 220 4 Thk I'iwimj (iazeti'e notes that. "A special couiiuittee to to inquire into the question of the Registration of Partnerships iswxpected to sit both in Singapore ami Penang at an early date. The Hons. J. Srorahead Matthews and A. Huttenbach will both probably be appointed on the special rouunittee." This is
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  • 9 4 Tuk Penang Amateur Dramatic Club are rehearsing "Sweet Lavender."
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  • 17 4 M»ssks. A. S. Suaik Adam and Co. have issued a neat little metallic wall calendar for 1906.
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  • 15 4 *nie Russian Volunteer fleet steamer Kottroma arrived from Odessa this morning en route for Vladivostock.
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  • 17 4 Thf Singapore Koyal Engineers Volunteer Monthly shoot will take place to-morrow i Saturday i at 2.«X)p. m.
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  • 19 4 H. E. Liki Ki>.. Vice- President of tin ChinaHf Board of Foreign Affairs, will be appointed Minister to Russia.
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  • 17 4 The Penang Municipality have voted < :.n for decorations on the occasion of Prince Arthur of Connaught's visit.
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  • 22 4 Thk P. 4.0. intermediate steamer Palawan left Hongkong at Ip. in. on Wednesday and is exjiected here at 3 p.m. on Monday.
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  • 26 4 I ii I', ao. outward mail steamer Delhi left Penang at 4 p .m. on Thursday and is i cted to arrive here at daylight to-morrow
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  • 35 4 Cokseqiknt on the promotion of InUrpre ter Li A Sek to the prize |x>st in this service, at a salary of %'I.M n i a year, there will be considerable changes among the interpreting staff.
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  • 31 4 The shipping and the Im|x>rt and K\port Offices will be closed .on the %i>th instant, aad will be open for one hour from 10 to 1 1 a.m. on the 26th.
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  • 31 4 It is stated that Kandasami Saiuiar. of Kochore Road, has sent a report to the Post-in.i-t. i 4ignerat "of Madras. couplaiying> of som« delay in tile doliverv of his t*"gistered letters.
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  • 31 4 A soTRK in our advert|setuent columns sets fortlr that it has been decided to hold the Chinese New Year S|xirts on -lannary 27th. instead of Fehri*ry 6th. the date previously fixed.
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  • 37 4 Yestkrday Sergeant Conlan and a number of revenue officers found $7.i<l worth of illicit chandu in a junk off Tanjong Klin. There were »iilv two men in the junk at the time, and they were both arrested.
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  • 26 4 The following information has been received from Messrs. M. Mntlmi <. Please instruct Captains steamers proceeding Vladivostock must have a- pilot Askold Bay Camaroff Bay owing mines.
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  • 35 4 Mkskks. Ginsbury A Co. have asked the marine authorities here to instruct the masters of steamers proceeding to Vladivostock to take pilots at Askold Bay. and Gamaroff Bay, owing to mines being in the neighbourhood.
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  • 41 4 Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox nud Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton left this morning for Penang to attend the Appeal Conrt there. Dnfiug their absence all the routine work of the Court will be undertaken by Mr. C. E. Velge, the Registrar.
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  • 49 4 %t is expected that permissiwi will shortly bu granted by the Japanese Foreign Office to foreigners to visit Port Arthur and Dalny. in order that they may make a personal investigation of their business affairs and properties, which have been in a state of great confusion since the siege.
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  • 43 4 It is understood that the Japanese Government h*s allowed Russian Jewish prisoners to proceed to any country they desire, instead of beiag sent home with the other prisoners. By so doing the Japanese Government foregoes all claims for the maintenance of these prisoners,
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  • 76 4 Y km k him in the Supreme Court, before the Chief Justice, Andaloo Ammall, a Kline woman, residing in New Bridge Road, applied for summons against her sister Ammathayee Ammall, for bleach of trust in respect of jewellery. w*rth about $850. In her deposition, she stated that the defendant was
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  • 73 4 Bowling Championship. The Annual Bowling Championship waH decided at the Tanglin Club yesterday evening and sevea member* competed. The 1-e.sullkwan a win for H. A. Mason with 744 points, V. A. Flower was a close second with 784. The scores did not approach the tine score of 9*25,
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
  • special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
    • 41 4 /"> ■naiiij, I'Jth January. The Perak Chinese have forwarded to the Viceroy of Canton a s;mi of 114,100 in aid of the Reform movement in China. Towkay Foo Choo Chun contributed $l.<) 00 of that amount.
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  • 56 4 SHKUiixii at a meeting of the Royal Geogra Society on Anthropo-geographical Investigations in British New Guinea." Dr. 0. G. Seligmann said that the Daniels KthnographicalKx|)cdition heard of. but had no opportunity of personally investigating a tribe, the members of which, before sitting down, scratched a hole in the ground
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  • 59 4 Kamxkin is in-a Com about the Koyal visit. The Prince and Princess of Wales will have a befitting reception there. Workmen have been busy erecting large triumphal arches and these are covered with decorations cf a fearful and wonderful character. The town looks radiant under a new coat of paint,
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  • 56 4 0M feature of German trading enterprise in the Far Kast is tin announcement that the first German Industrial and Commercial KVhihition. in tlt<- interett* nf tlu (lhrlt>i>mint af Gtrmaitys commercial rrlation* inth the founlrie* of Far Ea*trrn A*ia. is U»be held %t Tsing-tau iKiaochaol. The Government officials at Ts-iug-taw are
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  • 66 4 Thk enlightened Viceroy of Cantou lias displayed common-sense iv connection with the proponed railway iv that province. The gentry in the various districts protested that their ancestral graves would be disturbed by the rails. The Viceroy became angry and indignantly said that railways were "a process of civilisation and profit
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  • 73 4 Thk Sunday Tim,* i Sydney. 17 Dec. slates that a man answering to the name of V. G. Phillips, "formerly a Hantanl reporter. was remanded on. the 16th December at the Police court. Perth. W. A., on a charge of causing evidence taken on commission regarding a murder at Singai>ore
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  • 82 4 Wk i Time* nf Ceylon hear a great deal nowadays of properties which in a few years time cannot earn less than Km per cent, dividend iv rubber alone Two conditions are necessary before we can accept the calculations of these optimists and they are lioth impossible of control. The
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  • 81 4 Upon the departure of H. E. Lv Hsianchang, attached to the Cliinese Legation at St. Petersburg, who has been transferred to become Chinese Minister to Holland and the Cliinese delegate to the Hague tribunal, the Czar gave a farewell bauquet and sent his Chamberlain to see the Minister off at
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  • 87 4 Thk following news is from the I'inamj Gazettr. —Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, whose retirement was rumoured to take place shortly, will continue to perform his duties in the Straits Settlements for some years to come. Mr. .1. R. Innes. lately Senior Judicial ConituiitKioner for Perak, is expected to bu
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  • 94 4 Tuk numerous friends of Mrs. Kschkc. oi Mount Rosie. and of her parents, Mr. and Mis. Sohst. will be pleased to learn that a marriage has been arranged between that lady ttixl Mr. A. P. Nieuwkamp, the Internationale Crediet en Vereeniging, Rotterdam's" agent in Singapore.' Mr. Xieuwkamp is already well
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  • Special German Telegrams.
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 46 4 Bsv'sti Sinija/n ■>■• .,.,,11 p.m. isth /«MMWf. Peril, hijl:, liter a.m. lUth January. 171 Liberals. 27 Labourites, and 78 I'nionists have Ix en returned. The Liberals have gained Mate, the Labourites 21. In West Birmingham Mr. Cliainlierlain polled 7,178 votes, and Mr. Outwaiu- il.i 2.094.
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    • 39 4 Prince Arthur of Connaught has nache.l Suez. More Ex-Ministers Unseated. Umd. Smaaj.on 1 1 a.m.. tilth .lanu<n,j. Drill hij U-uter. 12 noon.l'.lth .human,. Mr. W. Brodrii k and Mr. H. Chaplin have lost tin ir Mate.
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    • 19 4 The returns s |,o\v 17H Liberals. 27 Labourites, ami Tit Cnionists. The Liberals have pfaad M seats.
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    • 35 4 M. Fallieres. the newly elected Presid.-iil of tlie French K. public is self made man of moderate opinions and unassuming habits. Ho is guneVally. described as Ixinj; syo ud M. Loabi hi* predecessor
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 237 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS A vital question with you i- whether or not it is wise to go to a place where variety is greatest, »nd where prices are lowest. If you pay less than we charge for provisions, you'll certainly get less. Thompson Thomas Co. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. 107 Hotel De
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    • 297 4 "Reuter'e Eytra Service. i Hij Submartnr OmUtJ WEST BIRMINGHAM ELECTION. Much Rowdyism. Sinif'ijii'ie ~,.:,<l p.m. (Ml ■lannary Ihiil. hi/ Huhr a.m. IWh, Public fit-liiiM at Kiriiiiii^liain wlicri' tinIHilliii" took plnic to <lay rim liiyli ami led to much rowdyism. Joe's Popularity. Mr. Chamberlain on chiving roinul afli i the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 173 5 It the Editor of 111, Bhmitt TiiiKH. gn Will von kindly allow M through the i.Jliinuof v.,,r valuable to call the onpt attvi.- of the Municipal Sanitary offi"er of t!, Tanjon* Pagar division Tthe iMt that su.h rubbish as has lM,n thro* I away b> MM ton M+
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    • 853 5 th Editor oj the Strait* Times Sik.— A fairly representative body attended the meliuiin.iry meeting yesterday to consider the prospects of holding an bxhibition in BuMfON this year. Enthusiasm ».,s evident and such is abundantly ni'tdcd if success is to be attained but t'l,, .m, icw hat hurried
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  • 500 5 Alleged Gang Robbery and Attempted Murder. On the 21st ultimo, so the story goes, Kuah Kirn Chi went to a wayang in Teluk Ayer Street He left the place after midnight and was making his way towards China Street, where he lived A man named Mong Tun was
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  • 363 5 Monster War-Ships being Built at Kure. Two first-class armoured cruisers are being built at the Kure Naval yardr the Ikumn. of the Tmkuba tfpe, being expected 'to be launched in February next. The other vessel, the Ibuki is of 1.4.600 tow. with a speed of 21 knots.
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  • 138 5 He may possibly deliver an Address. It is expected that Mr. W. .1. Bryan, the Silver candidate for the presidency of the United States of America when Mr. McKmley waH elected, is expected to arrive here to-day from Manila, ri« Sandfckan. by the H. s.
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  • 299 5 At this afternoon's sitting of the Legislative Council. the following questions will he asked by the Hon. Mr. A. Huttenbach w "Will the Government, in the face of their opinion as stated by His Excellency regarding speculative rises of exchange, take such steps as are in their power
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  • 221 5 Thk following is from the Malay Mail A mining kongsi, at Lana, near Pantai. in which four Chinese coolies lived, was attacked by five robbers, Krhs. on the 12th instant at T p.iw> Unfortunately two of, the oMltes aad left at 6 p.m. on the same evening
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  • 265 5 Thk Auntniliau Mining Slumlnnl says News received from Mr. J. F. Larson, formerly of Melbourne, who was recently in Potosi, Bolivia, states that the mines on Mount Potosi, which were worked for silver in aucient times, are now operated on for tin, the two metals occurring in
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  • 24 5 Tuk flag at the German Consulate was half-mast high to-day owing to the death of Baron von Kichthofen, chief of the Germanic Foreign Office.
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  • 24 5 Mkmhkkh of the Keppal Golf Club are reminded that the January Monthly Medal will be played for to-morrow and next day Saturday and Sunday/.
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  • 1209 5 AGRI- HORTICULTURAL SHOW. To be held in August. A (iKNKKAL public meeting was held at the Council Chamber yesterday at 4-45 p.m. for the purpose of discussing an A^ri Hoiticultural Show to be held in Singapore this year. The Hon'ble John Anderson presided and there were alao present Hevd. N.
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  • 241 5 Ykstkkday. a hen with two eggs shut up in a hutch occupied a prominent place iv the Third Magistrate's Court. In the afternoon a Chinaman was charged with stealing the property. He said the bird was continually in and out of his house. He had frequently taken
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  • 166 5 Distribution of Prizes. Ykstkkday. the Chinese Girls School in Hill Street was cm fete, the occasion mmj the annual distribution of prizes to the pupils, of whom Miss Lemon is in charge. Miss Anderson very kindly intended the little function, and Mr. Marks, the Hon.
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  • 199 5 On the l.Jth instant. Lim Clkk.ii gang. being in possession of two bad dollar*, resorted to a very common practice licit in order to get the most he could for th. •1. He took two other men with him to the house of a woman and there
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  • 191 5 Nkws has reached isyilney of ina-sacre* of natives in British New Guinea. On November 11. a raid was made by a wrong par. v of warriors from the I pjier BfOWB Hivir Valley, upon the small village of Ekiry. Abo it :t4 miles from I'ort
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  • 143 5 Vkstkhuav illuming. Vio 1V1 1 >t the Opiiini Fanner, had a place on Mr. t Oilman's remand sliet't (M an allegation f criminal breach of trust to the extent of •660. Mr. Itainr was retained for the VtQte cutionaud Mr. Farrir-Bayiie* for the dcfi-iu c.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 23 5 STEARNT WINE is an ide-1 Utmutf for lung disease. Palatable, aiding d.gestion assisting assimilation of fofdIt builds up and strengthens 9(tat m Wine.
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    • 101 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Raffles Hotel SPECIAL DINNER S*T°R D A* IMITJSIC. Exchange to-day if your Piano is getting worn. We will allow you its UTMOST VALUE IN EXCHANGE with us for a New Piano. PIANOS in solid TEAK cases with a compass of 7 1/3 Octaves. HANDSOME DESIGNS in Ebonized.and Natural
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 176 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 19th January. High Water. > 27 p.m. Chinese GirW School Teluk Aver Prize-giving. 4-30. Saturday, aoth January. High Water. 5-47 a.m. 7-9 a.m. St. Joseph's School. Prize-giving. 4. P. A O. outward mail clue. Hunt Meet. Cluny. 4-45. Mr. Buckleys Lecture. Y.M.C.A. IV Raffles Hotel Special
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  • 281 6 In nn article entitled The Battleship of the Future," the Kolnurhe Zntuny, as quoted by the Hcrlin correspondent of the Globe, says Scarcely had the German Admiralty decided to raise the displacement of battleships' in the future to 1 s.i kki tons, neii the question
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  • 198 6 The British North Borneo correspondent of the I'emk I'iimeer thus writes under date. Sandakan, Ist Jan :—lt: It was generally believed to bo the intention of Government to collect all customs duties in the Marudu District departmentally during the current year, but lunch to every one's surprise
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  • 162 6 Thk boycott of American goods has given an uii|M-ins to local industry at Canton, says a Hongkong Ihiiltj I'm* corresjunideut Since the banning of American cigarettes a large cigarette factory established there has now a large mid prqpperous business. The factory has tried to make its products as
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  • 158 6 A IBV statistics of fowl analysis carried out in Paris may be of interest for purposes ■>f comparison. They have also an interest as showing the tixed line taken by adulteration in all countries, with some of its variations. For instance. Paris apiiears to be
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  • 145 6 Thk Tronoh Free School (Perak) just opened, owes its existence to the generosity of Mr. Chang Yen latt. one of the leading towkays of Tronoh. This gentleman, having seen the urgent need of an institution where the sons of the poorer Chinese mining coolies and others could
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  • 109 6 The construction of tbe battleship Aki. with a tonnage of 19.15(1 and speed of IHJ knots, will b« commenced shortly at Kurc. It is also reported from Kuro that tbe first class armoured cruiser Ikomn. hjsUt ship to the Tnukub.t, will be launched in February. Another
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 699 6 NOTICES. WANTED FOR PAHANG. A Chinese Interpreter on a salary of 188 per mensem, grade 11. Qualifications necessary are: i. English, spoken and written. ii. Three dialects of Chiueae. iii. Chinese character. (A good knowledge of Chinese letters, accounts, petitions, and notices. Applications, accompanied by copies of recent testimonials, must
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    • 508 6 NOTICES. FOR SALE CRUSHED FOOD Ground in Singapore by (team power, at $3 jo per bag, of 14s lhs FRESH WHEAT FLOUR Al*o ground In Singapore at $7 per bag, of 164 lbs To be had of S. Abiklbahman, Dibasii, at 33>Tan|onr Pagar Road, or No. 30 Serangoon Koad. Telephone
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    • 646 6 NOTICES. THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK BOARD. NOTICE. CHINESE NEW YEAR HOLIDAY. Notice is hereby given, that all labour will be suspended during Thursday, the 25th January, 1901, throughout the Works. Wharves, and Godowns of tbe Tanjong Pagar Dock Board. By Order of the Board, J. 8. M. RENNIE, 1340 Acting
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    • 714 6 THEY CURE CHILDREN. A Grateful Mother's Thanks To DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS for Pale People. Willie Arndt, whose portrait is here shown, is now 13 yean of age, and a fine, healthy, well-grown boy. Yet so delicate and sickly was he until about five years ago that his family were
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    • 745 6 AUCTION SALES. H. L. COGHLANffCO S LIST OF PREMISES TO BE LET. Tanglin District. Conveniently situated house in select neighbourhood Two Tennis Courts Unfurnished Entry Ist May. European Terrace Houw. situated in good locality, U miles from Town, close to Railway Station, completely and comfortably furnished, suitable for European family
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  • 225 7 An enormous python, estimated to be eighteen to twenty feet long, wax I ing the other day, across the Railway line about half a mill- from Tapah Road station as the> express from Kuala Lumpur approached. Instead of trying to escape it raised its head to
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  • 80 7 Thk (lencral Medical Council in Britain his decided to take an unusual courxe in regard to advertising and canvassing by Tiiedical practitioners. This is to intimate that advertising or canvassing, either by agents or itrrsonally. for the purpose of prmuring patients, is contrary to the public interest. and discreditable to
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  • 94 7 Tn new Chiiiwaa Minister to Holland. Lv Tsenj; t-ing. wax ban at Shanghai, and educated at the Kiangiinn Arsenal College. proeeexling afterwards to the Tung Wen Kwan at Peking, where he BMtl Bts examinations brilliantly. In IH9O lie was sent as xtiindent interpreter U> the OUaMB Legation at St. Petersburg,
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  • 115 7 The uew foreign settlement of Chinr.nfn was opened ou the 11th inst., in Ix-aiitifiil weather, and the function was an immense siKcess. The Governor entertained fifty foreigners to n hampict. Anion" the guests wen- soin otlidal visitors from Chefoo and Tsinytan. Chiiianfu. the c.ipilal of the Hlftllllg prvim-e. is now
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  • 129 7 Whks Mr. Jones, the MHMfIH of tlic I'Hhiiiiy.Kiihaiiy tin lixle mines in the Malay Peninsiiia. was in Cornwall aOMM Man ajj<>. be WM intrrvirui'il mi l M 'h.ilf i.f the Mn,ni,j World and lie had t<i admit that the till lodes at the Str;ii*.s *hotr«d .1 tendency to ilwindl in
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  • 107 7 A in ik-al Ins been written in Hsafkon« |)H|hts coiurrninj; latf jitU'iidanw at fnU'rtiiiinociits. The South China IforaMf I'oit noti's tlmt lit a I'onicit <;ivcn by Usa Literary ScKiiety of Yokohama. Mr. Dndjr, formerly of the Honukoni; and Shau^liai Rank. intriKliucil the following rant into one nf liJh MM There's
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  • 156 7 That hiiiiiau beings are (laily iMin^lit and sold in Hongkong is a st«rtliiin'fai-t. says the Daily l'n-s* of that city. It is Meverthe less only too true that there is a fairly extensive trafficking in boys and girls. Am a rule, the children are seldom lxmi>lil t.i Ixkept in Hongkong.
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  • 134 7 TIIK Colonilio tislicnucn. til rotii>li th-ir hi-ailiiiHii. Mr. John f IVrerit. have juxt conveyed to Mr. Win. Matthews ithe harbour expert) their (grnU-ful appreciation of Ins efforts on their hchalf in connection with the provision of ii Fishery Hxrbour. which in now uearuiK completion By the esUhlish ment of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 811 7 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and Chin* INCORPORATED BY ROTAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reaerr. Fond £478.010 BANKERS. Bank of Kin-land. National Hank of Scotland. The losrion City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Account* are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
      811 words
    • 493 7 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. as;la 5 ;l aW HwffllSroßßifirMß HiS sB? ■Shu V a^K^9' a% WB&Si a>>K^ H»S^^B I B »rd Wtr MtstU aM V^ mr wk I lax r^^^H mm al Bwl^^^^k A Esal V mtaK^G&&sB I %o n's Tiffi* <^ °o 9g. Ri']i nson Rear?. TKLBGBAM Or
      493 words
    • 166 7 What we Do. We do Well. La^^ b^^^J Qioi Work I TELEPHONE NO. 348. 1 Low Pr'.ce Let us Quote. l"^^™ 1 u ci 1>n tck Every Description PRINTING From a Visiting Card to a Newspaper. c»t»ioguts. AND Expresses, Wedding Cards. 8) AHYTHIHG Mtnu Cards, f Visiting Cards. ELSE Bills
      166 words
    • 44 7 NOTICE Is given that I have this day established myself aa Government Contractor, Khipchandler and General 8t >re Dealer, at office No. 1 Raffles Place. For the Eastern Peninsular Syndicate, Ltd., L md. 11. W. 0. REED, Manager. Singi pore, l'i|b January, 1906. ISM
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    • 173 7 NOTICE. To Engineers, Builders, Contractors, and others. when laying Expanded Metal for embedding in concrete, the long was of the mesh MUST run tho short way of the Span. Guthrie&Co Ltd 710 DAN MACFARLANE'S ROYAL V. O. V. LIQUEUR SCOTCH WHISKY (10 years old) Gold Medal, Dublin 1894. STOCKS HAVE
      173 words

  • 1099 8 Judgment for Client l> tin- Sii|ircuir Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Leslie Tliorntou, the hearing was < 'included of the action in which C. Chaytor, HMM of the Hotel <le l'Europe, sued W.C. Niblett. advocate ami solicitor, for damages through MMfMofc ill the preparation of a
    1,099 words
  • 1455 8 A Good Night's Sport. Iii na was a good attendance at the Alex audra Hall in North Bridge Road last night on the occasion of the fistic encounter between "Baby" Smith of the Royal Garrison Artillery and Jiiu Christie of Hongkong and Shanghai, who, it will
    1,455 words
  • 51 8 Thus tbe China Mail .-—This is the season of school prize distributions and Sir Matthew Nathan (the Governor I finds plenty for his busy hands and head to do. It is' no light task to say something different on education at about half-a-dozen schools Last year His Excellency accomplished it
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  • 48 8 The offertories in St. Andrew's Cathedral ou Sunday next i.Janiiarv 21st) will be given to help towards alleTiating the terrible suffering owing to famine in Northern Japau. Monday being the anniversary of the King's Accession, at the close of service on Sunday the National Anthem will be sung.
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    • 46 8 Negri Sembilan's Output. District. 1905. 1904. SeremUan 81.474.42 85.15tf.94 Broga 8.016.09 BUI] <^oa»t 458.19 46 Tanipin 58.52 15.90 Kougkoi 1-25.88 85,182.60 85.6H8.41 Or a < of piculH 555.81. The duty collected in 1905 amounted to 5989.616.96. and in 1904 J888.398.79 or an increane of »51.228.17.
      46 words
  • 105 8 PRODUCE. Gambler borers f 7.40 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.75 Copra Bali -j.30 do Pontianak M 7qq Pepper, Black buyer* ..,,00.26 do White, 5% Ml 80 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.t+ do Brunei No. 1 a 65 Pearl S^o j'^a Coffee Bali, 16% basis M [-j.-, j Coffee, Palembang, 20%
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  • 126 8 (Mercantile Bank.) On London— Bulk 4 m/s 2/4J Demand 8/4 Privile6m '9 2/4 j do 3m- 3/41 On (itrmnny— Bank d/d 2.3t*s Private 3m- 2.4 f* k do 6m/s MM On' France— Bank d/d 2.93 Private 3 m/« -J.!H do li in 3.00 'in India— Bank T. T. 173
    126 words
    • 166 8 Amhtnt, Brit. »tr. 1M tons. Capt Scott, 19th Jan. From Pontianak. 17th Jan. G.c. and 10 d-P- Wee Bin d Co. For Pontianak. 21st Bun lllmlt Hi,,. Brit. str. 195 tons. Capt I Rawliugsou. 19th Jan. From Pahang litth Jan. G.c. and 18d.p. Straits Steamship Coy Ltd.
      166 words
    • 64 8 for Ptr Sttamtr Time Tomorrow. J loiigkong and Aiimy Xaiil., 7 a.m i •alembang JMf neon.' 8 ['kong. Amoy. BVatow< ilmwl, neon, 'baya. Bjeiinavtm Alii,,,, j )#m enaug and Deli Htht 2 D m •cli S,,tm,, 1 eluk Anson via porU Malacca 3 n. m abang, Suez Geuoa
      64 words
    • 66 8 PABBED SINDA STRAITS OB AKKIYKD FOB OBDEBS. DATE I }_Rm 1 HmSH X tME Caftai^ K.m M Whekk Danunc. an 6Dut as Khipeqs j Barend. jjau 0 Batavia Amiiterriani «M° r t 1 Rasmussen Ja,, 4 Batavi,, P.ula,!^ 8 Nor b<i Inglewoocl Soensen IVokolionia Anierof 5,,,,,.. "10 Brit
      66 words
    • 136 8 From Ecbope By the P. ft U. a. 9 helhi due on 20th Jan. From China— By the N. I), r.. g .s. ffnrf r,i> due on 21«t Jan. Left Singapore Due in Loudon Arrived Dec. 7th P. dO Jan. 2nd Dec. 30th Dec. 11th N. D.
      136 words
    • 70 8 Wharves at Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. tisr Wharf: Nil. Victoria Graving Dock llar.iue Acme Albert O«attno Docs Kintna Bection No. 1 Salahadji. Zuula. S. r Langkat a Nil. Sela 8or; 8 Zillah. CaMioif. M 4 Olemwle. Both. 6 Nil. BoRNEn Whark: -7 A. A|«ar.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 123 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co, JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify the paMki that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at reduced prices. A good opi>ortunity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are advised to
      123 words
    • 192 8 HIGH CLASS GENTS' FOOT WEAR! ■A.T SALE PRICES TAN GLACE KID BOOTS BLACK GLACE KID BOOTS ("KARLTON" BRAND) KARLTON" BRAND) Gents' Tan Glare Kid Boots, Mude from I Gents' Black Glace Boot). Soft Finished the Best Glace Kid, smartly sewn, superior Uppers, Smart Toes, Light Wright Good ji finished welts,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 104 8 WEATHER REPORT. K,,m1,,,,<j AYW«i» Hotpitml, 1,11, .himianj, 19(Mi. Va. si. 3r. >■.;« f! 11. Kkjia*k». »^r. :tj 29.973 29.M1U 2U.9iW MBW 7H.6 S6.S 77.0 -9 1 Wet Bulb Ther 76.0 77.M 7'i.O 1_ Dirof Wind M N M l: J" M»x. Temp HO.B m= Mm 71 s C J Max.
      104 words

  • 284 9 The Times of Malaya" learns f r. -in reliable source that a wellknown gentleman in Ipoh has secure il the option of purchase, to be rllccrd within six months, of a valuable tin (incer.rion, situated at Ulu Piah iic ,v Tambun, for 840,000, half of which
    284 words
  • 400 9 Official Despatch. Th text of Lord Elgin's telegraphic d( pr cli to Lord Selbourne. announcing the Government's decision to stop the importation of Chinc.o labour into the Trap ivaal. has been issued by the Colonial Office. Lrd Elsi'i says While reserving their opinion and fr- .|i in of
    400 words
  • 232 9 An interesting anecdote is told about Kits] Alfims-o in connection with his coniiiil' U.rollial His Majesty was travellinir iii the country when he met an old WXftJ woman, who told him his fortune. The- Kins,' offered her some gold coins. Inn shi- rejected them with pride.
    232 words
  • 429 9 The '•Morning Advert i.-. i says: Router's correspondent, writing tnm Singapore, cays —Singapore is just now in a rtate of -ac.ivo disnuictudc in res pect of a popular attempt to block th<proposed harlxiur improvement scheme, designed by Maaan. diode. Son, and Mt«. thaws. A
    429 words
  • 425 9 Java, Fads and Fancies." anuaani mi ■roan*. The above-named volume ni published by the "Straus T.mes fcmM ume few years ago, and we au pJaaaed to note a re-issue on which the World offers, the following remarks Miss Augusta De Wit gives a really fascinating description of life in the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 611 9 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. t b mim^^k VICTORIA 'l/^|k MEMORIAL HALL. ~-w IpT OPENING CEREMONY r ZSaal^Baw '^S U nar^Haiiw Ik Xotw itlistaiulinn the heat of the afternoon, the interior sB the bu ding was kept pleasantly "cool by the electric fans" WKSoH j tixcl upon the wallx,
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    • 603 9 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,l«0,000 RESERVE FCND Sterlintf Reserve 110,000,000) „„,> Silverßeserw 8,400,000) 18 SW OW Reserve Liability of Proprietors •10,000,000 COURT OP DIRPCTORS. H. A. W. Slade, Esq.— Chairrran. A. Unapt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. F. Salinger, Esq. E. Goetz. Esq. E. Shellim,
      603 words
    • 47 9 Summer Complaint is the children's Hi"-, dangerous enemy aivl the mother's most dreaded foe. Immediate and proper treatment is always necessary. Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, given according to directions, is the most effectual remedy known. For sale by All Dealers. I The DISPENSARY, General flgiitT
      47 words

  • 517 10 The following is from the Mining Journal •JJrul Dec, mbrr. This market has also receded from the highest point, owing' to realisations, which are always usual at this time of 3'ear but America has bought largely, and, stocks being so exceedingly small, we would not be surprised
    517 words
  • 317 10 Extraordinary Demoralisation. The annual rcjiirt of the Military Secretary of the United States Army isingular'ni being wholly divested of that optimistic official tone so tharar. of public ilui Hindi, says the'Xew York Nation." !lc gtW the actual number of AtMCtioM (luring the year as 6.333, or more
    317 words
  • 74 10 The Belgian minister in Constantinople r.iii rs to MOQfUM the validi'.y of the sc Htencc- m Jaffa, the Belgian, who has been condemned to death for complicity in the plot against the Sultan. He maintains that an Ottoinvi Court has no right to try a
    74 words
  • 491 10 Cause of the Coming rise in Prices. Those who smoke Oriental tobacco of the kind known as Turkish and Kgyptian will in the near future have to pay rather more than At present,, as the new season's crop, it U stated by importers, will be put little
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  • 80 10 A certain vicar, who had for some time been displeased with the quality of the milk served him. determined to remonstrate with his milkman for supplying such weak stuff. He began mildly, I've been wanting to see you in regard to the quality of milk with which
    80 words
    • 762 10 Under this heading the following abbrevialions are used »tr. steamer ah. ship bq -barque acli.— schooner Yet.— Yacht Cru -Cruiser. Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. -Horse power; Brit. British U.B.— I nited State* Fch.— French Ger —German Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck :»asenger; IT.— Uncertain T.
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    • 678 10 Name, fort, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. Stiahiu. Airlie, Sydney, Feb. 27; Boustead. Alcinons, Liverpool, Jan. 39 Mansfield. Ainbria, Hongkong, Jan. 33 Behn Meyer. Armand Behic, Colombo, Mar. 13; M. Mtimea. AndaluHia, China, Jan. 31 Behn Meyer. Arratoou A pear, Calcutta, Feb. 14; P. Simons.
      678 words
    • 243 10 of Share* laiue Paid Value up to Company > Lut Buyen Sellers Trausac 13,500 '••<ou»i.-iMd 4,000 2U.000 IJ.OOO 0,207 2.1,74(3 Su.ouo IoU.UUO 20.0U0 MM uau.,td •OLD. 10 10 Beratwah G. M. Co., LM 10 10 (Deferred) > 10 10 Kadana G. M. Co., Ltd lv 10 (Pref) 1 1
      243 words
    • 143 10 W Ouu uuu u*l 2.U00 «,000 80,000 12,UU0 i 1,400 b.OOO 2,750 »6,U00 UOO 2.UUO 6.UUU m> uii.MiHi 3U0.00U H7.IXKI t 100 50 135 100 10 100 100 10 > 60 100 luu X 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. I 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. Ml i-'raaer <* Neave.
      143 words
    • 150 10 -".■iii 70.1,00 7u,0U0 t,o>> v. i M u»J o.uuu I^OU uuiMiuau 30,000 li,Jou uuiuuw 2.00U i WO iiui«»ii» 1,000 MO uuiaaueti uu.ouo 4.UUO .iiuw! 190 8»l < 10,000 I 1.6* uuutiMd 1 £50,000; 10 1 S 10 X 1 Bklgowme Rubber Estate Ltd. Batu Unjor Rubber Co., Ltd.
      150 words
    • 43 10 Howarth Knkine, Ltd. 7% Riley, H*rgra»ves, Ltd. 6% biDgapora Munioipal Q% Tnnjon»( r»g»r book Co., Ltd. 350,000 3%prcm. *»,000 J% prem buyer* 400,000 2% iircm buyer.. 1 ,87t*,0U0 1% urem buyan. «65,VJ0 2%di«. hoi... •iSO.LOO 14% pram aaJen. I.Wft.oo.' ]j prem «al<M
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 230 10 NOTICES. HO HONG OIL &'RlclufllLlJ /WS^^\ 639 North Bridge Road (if^JL^ln SINGAPORE CABLE ADDRESS "HOHONG"; SINGAPORE. IW2 Town Office 61 Kling Street. Cheapest Known Power TANG VE'S PRODUCER GAS ENGINES They make their own gas with the aid of ordinary Gas Coke which sells here at say $17 per ton.
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    • 19 10 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE can be obtained from all the dispensarie* (quickly by post). Never be without the Genuine. ui.w.f.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 700 11 BUCHANANS BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. w STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. F*r China, Japan, Paaaag, Ceylon Australia, India. Aden, E ry P t, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth •nd London. Through Bill* of Lading issued for China Coast,
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    • 829 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KonlnUlljWe P»l*et\aart MsatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agentt at Singapore Fair Aouirr, late J. Daexdbl* A Co., 3-3 Collies Quay. The uudnnif ntirmri rlstr* sre on)) spproximate Steamer From Exp'tad WUi be de*i»tched lor Both Billiton Jan 18 Billiton, Batavia, Java-Coast. Simtrang. 1 Soerabaya with
      829 words
    • 601 11 HAMBURG AMERIKA LIUIF. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, Hy«g at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of the
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    • 661 11 STBAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial derma- Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
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    • 757 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Pi jl% OCEAI STEAM SUP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Na?. Co.. Ltd. The Companies' steamer* are despatched from Liverpool outward* for the Strait*, China and Japan every week, and from Japan home "*rds for London every fortnight and for L .erpool monthly. One outward steamer <uch
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    • 617 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE A LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. TIB LAkOIMT FIRE OITKI IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD A Co.,— Agtntt. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 Paid-up Capital 2 218,700 rl Reserve Fund £1,073, M0 a The undersigned, AgenU for the Company i-
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  • 1316 12 A Sensational Case The trial of Hugh Watt, formerly member of Parliament for one of the divisions of Glasgow, on the charge of endeavouring to persuade certain persons to murder Mrs. Julia Watt, his wife, ended on 24th Dec. in the conviction of the prisoner,
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  • 164 12 Beginning life as a turf commissioner, Mr .George Herring took the fortune he made there to the Stock Exchange. Known generally as the Chairman of the City of London Electrical Lighting Company, he has many other commercial activities, yet finds time to act as tresurer to tlie
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  • 99 12 Diluting on the necessity for precise instructions. Lord Balfour of Burleigh, at the dinner of the Great Northern Railway Athletic Association, held at the Cecil, told an amusing story relating to the Sudan railway. To an official, he said, there came a telegram from an outlying station, Stationmaster
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  • 326 12 Biliousness (or bilious attack) needs little description to the unfortunate sufferer. Food cannot be retained, the tongue is furred, there is a bitter taste in the mouth, the head throbs and aches the patient is constipated, exceedingly weak, depressed and miserable. Doan's Dinner Pills will give relief in a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 120 12 'Don't Be Blind. > Don't refuse to bellere la a thine, till 9 .you've tried It. Thousands of peopni/^k UnUrr the locicsrrlTiable tnriurw oi 7 KIIH *ITIS>I bttauae they liave uever^k 7 board o( BT7 Little's J Oriental Balm \l kor bwaiue 1 her are blind to their own Zb
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    • 204 12 NOTICES THE Straits Wimes CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES IN Singapore. Messrs. John Little Co., Ltd. vlessrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel. Raffles Tiffin Rooms. Messrs. Kirn k Co. 6.0h x Co. \dclphi Hotel. ?huan k Co., Robinson Road. Hotel de la Paix. Hotel de l'Europe. dotel
      204 words
    • 446 12 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES CO. LTD. J^L The "SAEKULAR" pf INCANDESCENT H SPIRIT LAMP. W UNSURPASSED. /K£L IT BURNS 20 HOURS WITH ONE CHARGE. *^^^T^T^^ Has given satisfaction wherever tried ■91 1 J 7 w%' :o: MOTOR CARS LORRIES. "ALBION "DARRACQ" IB SIMPLE COMFORTABLE -^q^^^HS^Bl^^^a^SfV^ Glasgow Motor Lorry Co.. LtdvffiW J^^^SriWMß
      446 words