The Straits Times, 18 January 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times THE STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY. JANUARY 18. 1906. NO. 21.941 PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 867 1 Business in 1905. \\k have received the following report upon tin rubber market and the rubber industry generally as carried on in the Strait-. Malay States and Ceylon, from Messrs. Lewis" and Peat, tho produce brokers of Mincing Lane. E. 0. The past year has been a
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  • 55 1 An official Japanese statement gives the following particulars as to the torpedo-boat destroyers and submarines possessed by the navies of the Powers ireat Britain :us-i,i ■ta'y teruiauy America lapan M 2.-! 9 H 7 SUBMAKINKS. neat Britain France lapau Itussia Liermany Italy \i. vii'ii 72
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  • 92 1 The Kokumin states that up to 12th Dec. the total number of troops who had returned to Japan from the front was 212,106 of all ranks. They may be said to represent two months' work, and if the same rate is preserved, as cms more
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  • 245 1 A Powerful Weapon of War. Thk Itiwn, which has just completed liei trials, is the latest of the great armoured cruisers which will form the bulk of the I fleets of the < mat Powers in the near future. j and is the finest cruiser yet
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  • 102 1 Thk Malty Slml correspondent sends it the following Mr. Hickie, District Surveyor. Kuantan. is proceeding on long leave. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard have passed through Raub on their way to Karak. The old Kest House at Bentong has been transferred to the Medical Department as (juartors for dressers.
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  • 90 1 Thk following is from the Btmfktk Timer. It will not be possible fur the Customs Department to publish its statistical report for some months yet. The following figures, however, will be found of interest. The value of the imports on which 3 per cent duty was
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 919 1 NOTICES DION was the first to introduce practical motor cars. DE^DION is still leading the trade. The first 1906 Models will soon arrive A^k full particulars and specifications from C. DUPIRE Co., c 10l Singapore Jigents. DOGSHEAD^^ BRAND BASS'S ALE 107' 1 A Gruesome Spectacle. In Noumea i New Caledonia
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    • 103 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO, JUST ARRIVED. -A. I^argt-* Shipment o± "GRAMOPHONES." THERE is only one "GRAMOPHONE", and it is made by the GRAMOPHONE and TYPEWRITER Ltd. LONDON, for which we are the Sole Agents. ALL others arc imitations. NEW RECORDS .^^jfc EW RECORDS assungb v jllbbHl dance music K'ARIS OPERA HOUSf;
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  • 1222 2 I Some Notes about the Pongul Festival. As we have already stated. U.e great *>ngul feast of the Tannin took place Saturday at Mr. Annamalay Pillais mtim Rt Tanjong Katong. The Pongul festival U held in honour of the Sun commencing his yearly course by entering Capricorn ami
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 764 2 NOTICES. I I Notice to Telrpho*? S»b« cribrr* I A new telephone list is now in preparation, and subscribers are requested to tend to the Company's office any additions or alterations to I the iißiiics or numbers as given in the present I list, before the 85th instant. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION.
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    • 217 2 NOTICES. I CINEMATOGRAPHS 6 FILMS. Russia-Japan War Films, Comic Films, all kinds always in stock. i New Films by every mail FOR COMPLETE Installation, Apply to LEVY HERMANOS, 3, BATTERY ROAD. IODEON GRAMOPHONES ODEON RECORDS. Which can bo fitted on all talking machines SOLE AGENTS LLVY HERMANOS. c3l 3, BATTERY
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  • 339 3 False Accusation. London. January 4— Sir Edward Grey, the British foreign minister, has called upon Count Lamtdorff. the foreign minister at St. 1 eterrburs, to gi\ 2 an explanation of the accusation by Admiral Rojdt .t\<ii' ky 11 the NOVW Vr'inya '.hat. at the lime of
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  • 270 3 Royal Party Present. Before a large gathering, in perfect we.ithr. the race f«i thj Prince of Wales' Cup was run at Calcutta on the 3rd Dec. The Trince of Wa'es. accompanied by the Princi ;:'id v escort uf the 15tli llu -j ii-. (liisi M to the course
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  • 246 3 District Rich in Tin. Good progress is being made in tbe <..nst ruction «>f this highway which to link up Pahang with Ncgri Sembilan. Thai action ,)f it whiih lie* within the latter State is praciieally completed, and nnw. the Malay Mail hears, there is every prospect
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 357 3 NiDTICE^-.^ THE OLD COACHING BLEND OF 1746 §A blend of the finest Glenlivets and Highland Distilleries in Scotland 10 years old. A rich, mellow, medium flavour. A survival of the old Whiskey of the Country Gentlemen of last century. £MI mackie-s H^il W HITE HORSE CELLAR B^Hfl The Unrivalled Scotch.
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    • 330 3 SOriVKl 1 BUITiMI FlKMandbe.SUßEto HAVKA Gi)OI)>UITLYoI FUSSELL'S PURE MILK '^^^msss* CREAMS NOT substitutes. NOT makeshifts TH C NOT condensed or sweetened. IgKE^ri r^^^^^^ I; Ifreefvom, 7 servatives and to fc VJV. PURE^vilv anywhere for any onum y£C CRffl!^ QUITE "GOLDEN BUTTtKFLY BRAND tt^"-- m ~~"^M&r i-.iTnar^ This is a Jib.
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  • 1880 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 18th JANUARY. In Hrn cold li^ht of the election returns from home, ami the trend of recent events in Kussia and other continental countries, there can no longer exist any shadow of a doubt hilt that humanity us a result of the diffusion
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  • 7 4 Th« StraiU Budget was published thin morning.
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  • 10 4 We have received the Drli Courant wall calendar tor 1906.
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  • 11 4 Dr. D. K. McDowell is staying at Rafflex Hotel from to-day.
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  • 12 4 Tuk bnoy which lately went adrift from Brani Shoal lias been replaced.
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  • 9 4 The quarantine restrictions here against Saigon have been withdrawn.
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  • 20 4 Mb. M. V. Robinson, of the Robinson Piano Company, arrived from the North yesterday. He is staying at Raffles Hotel.
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  • 23 4 Tint outward Dutch mail s.s. Koning WilIrtn I. left Saban^ on the 17th January, and itt expected to arrive here on Friday morning
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  • 309 4 Funeral Yesterday Afternoon. Amid many manifeHtationsof general regret, the funeral of the late Mr. H. I. Chope. P. and O. agent and Neuter's agent in Singapore, took place yesterday afternoon. The deceased was known to a very large circle of friends and the attendacc,
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  • 25 4 Mk. Solomon J. Solomon has been elected a full R. A. Mr. Solomon was the artist who painted the mural decorations for the Koyal Exchange.
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  • 32 4 Mk. H. H. JoriKPU, one of the Director* of the P. and O. Company, arrived this mor uing by the I). I. .-.learner Zaiiln from Rangoon and is living at Rafflcx Hotel.
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  • 25 4 Thk Governor of Hongkong favours the idea of holding an exhibition of paintings and photographs, the work of amateurs there, in the month of March.
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  • 30 4 Thk Smjanaki frett says that up to Dec. 29th. 39,0(10 Russian prisoners of war hail been sent home from Japan, and there were still more than 80,000 left in Japan.
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  • 28 4 In view of the General Election one of the Accident Insurance Companies is issuing a special policy, covering all campaign risks i violent death included), for Irish candidates.
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  • 29 4 I >i.-. Mokhison, of Peking, is returning to China after all. The services of such a journalistic expert arc regarded as indispensable during these times of stir and change.
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  • 30 4 Thk steamer T-iipiny whilst loading candles and kerosene for Vladivostok at Shanghai ou the 11th instant caught tire, and had to be beached. One Chinaman was killed by the flames.
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  • 37 4 Cmr Justice Sir Lionel Cox and Mr. •Justice Leslie Thornton leave by the mail this evening for Penang to attend the Appeal Court there. The next sitting of th« Supreme Court here is fixed for sth proximo.
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  • 42 4 Individual shipowners in Japan, who own If* l vessels of !:50,000 tons, propose to form a great steamship company with services to all the leading Asiatic and European ports. It is reported that the capital required will lie at least 20.000.000, yen.
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  • 38 4 Thk P. .V S. N Co.'ssteamer Coiommulrl, which was advertised for sale, has been purchased by M. Essujee Tajboy, a wellknown iron merchant and ship owner of Bombay. The vessel will be employed on the Aden -leddah line.
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  • 38 4 The betrothal of Miss Alice Roosevelt to Mr. Nicholas Longworth, a member of Congress, was officially announced at tin. White House on the 12th ult. The wedding lias been fixed to take place about the middle of February.
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  • 41 4 The annual prize distribution of the AngloChinese School will take place ou Monday next, at 4.45 p.m., and not ou Friday of this week as announced in these columns \esu-r. day. His Excellency Sir John Anderson lias kindly consented to preside.
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  • 38 4 Thk general death-rate for KHi.l was 17.4 per 1,000. l'.xu. with iU general death late of 16.9, remains the lowest on record for the present. The rate for Chinese taken separately was 17.4, and for von Chinese 17.5.
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  • 41 4 Through a typographical error, the date fcr the Anglo-Chinese school prize distribution was stated in our local columns yesterday as Tuesday, the 22nd instant, instead of Monday, the 2°2nd instant. It was, however, correctly given in oar "Day by day" column.
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  • 37 4 Thk German mail steamer OMMHMD having left Hongkong on the 17th instant at noun may be expected to arrive here on Sunday at about noon, and will probably 1»despatched for Europe on Monday at 10 a. m.
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  • 44 4 Sir I'kkcy and Lady OoniSMUl arrived from Kueliiug, Sarawak, by the s. s. Rajah of Suniwak this morning. Sir Percy Ciuinyngham is the Resident of Kuchiug. Lady Cnnnyngbani is going homo for a change, and Sir Percy will ettcort her as tar as Colombo.
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  • 53 4 Tuk animal distribution of prues at the Anglo-Cbineae Free School, Telok Ayer Street, will take place on Friday urxt. Ifac l'.Hli instant, at 12 o'clock noon. I'arpnts and K'lanliaim of pupils and others interested in the institution are invited to attend. Hon. W. K. Collyer, 1.5.0., Attorney-General, will preside and
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  • Special German telegrams.
    • 23 4 lirrlhi. 17lh ./.inmir;/. Baron von Richthofen'H illness arises from weakness of the heart, and his condition is most critical.
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    • 60 4 The first meeting of the Morocco Conference at Algociras resulted favourably. Through international agreement. France has been obliged to acknowledge the Sultan's sovereign rights, the integrity of Morocco, and the open door as the basis for her further policy in Morocco. The next question to be discussed
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    • 33 4 At the Itritish (ieneral Election the most striking feature is the thorough organization of the Workmen s Party who are running eighty candidate^. This will form a fourth political party.
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    • 17 4 The members of the Workman's Deputy Council at St. Petersburg have lx-<-ii
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    • 25 4 The French Presidential Election was held at Versailles. M. Fallieres was elected at the first voting 449 votes being cast for him.
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 35 4 H>;<l. Simjaporr f,.r, p.m. 17th J,imuinj. />./»/ If Ilrntrr UM ".in. IHth Jnnunry 134 Liberals, 24 Labourites, and H Unionists have been returned. The Liberal gains amount to 65. The Labour gains arc '21.
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    • 34 4 A meeting of Deputies aml Senators belonging to the Left selected M. Fallieres as the Republican candidate lot the Presidency. 416 voted for M. Failures and 191 for M IV>umer.
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    • 21 4 The Sttir.tiiiirl says that Britain. France and Russia have agreed to Ml in concert at the Morocco Conference.
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    • 30 4 l!,r'il. Sinrjiiji >n- U.4~, ,i.,,i. lHth Juninirij. Derd. by Rater, p.,,,. Uth TmuMiy M. Fallierrs was elected President by 449 votes. M. Doumer securnd M7l \nu-.
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    • 55 4 The uews papers discus* Huron Suyematsu's letter in a most sympathetic tone. The managing director of the North German Lloyd cabled to Colombo, .iskint; for an explanation. He had issued stringent instructions to show the utmost courtesy on board to Karon Suyematsu, and to the
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    • 21 4 The Chief Kngineer of the Panama Canal officially reports that Chinese Übour alone can be used efWtually there.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 30 4 Reed. Simjiijiort li.l.'i p.m. 1711: Joiiiniiij Drill bit Urulrr. ll.J:) il.w. l»ih /mikWf The first sitting of the Morocco inference at Algeciras was devoted to proceeding with formalities.
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    • 38 4 The Council of Workmen s dclen.iles. composed of twenty two revolutionists, wen arrested at St. Petersburg. It is expected that the arrests will nip in the bud uny further expansion of such organisations.
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    • 24 4 The (iermun Government has appointed .i Commission of Inquiry into the causes of th, revolt in German Kast Africa.
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    • 145 4 The Conservative pa|>crs expect that slight I'nionist rally, apparent yesterday. will continue, on the ground that wan'iviwill be scared by the magnitude of the Liberal triumph. The strength of the Labourites is still the chief political topic of the day. The Conservative ]inss is warning
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 489 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS^ Hotel De neurope. Applications for tickets for our Fancy Dress Ball on the 26th instant AT THE TOWN HALL. bhonld be sent in as early as possible. Admission for Gents $5 Ladies $3 Refreshments by Coupons only HOTEL DE L'EUROPE SYNDICATE, Pnprutm. A BRITISH COMPANY. The CHINA MUTUAL
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    • 75 4 SUITABLE AND TASTEFUL FRAMES Will greatly enhance the VALUE and EFFECT of your PICTURES at the approaching Singapore ART CLUB EXHIBITION. I'lace your orders for framing with WILSON Co., and yon will be satisfied. r 361 NOTICE We beg to notify the public, that our establishments will be closed during
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  • Correspondence.
    • 146 5 VISIT OF PRINCE ARTHUR OF CONNAUGHT. ft the HHW «f Hit Stroif lime*." Si«,— According to the MMM laid i down im the envision of the visit of Prince Arthur of ConiiMight it is proposed to have a Chinese landii procession through the Government II i isc domain and a
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  • 325 5 u.'ith Kissklls bnm v. s.C.C. A Tkam of officers aud men of the 95th Uu^scll s Infantry met the S.C.C. on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon in a game of hockey. A slight drizzle came on a little after play had started and was followed in a short time
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  • 146 5 m days ago. Seng Tun Nyi. proprietor ol i gotten »t number 111 Boat Quay, laid information at the Magistracy to the effect that Wi Yeok Chay. his cashier and bill collector had, during the period between September I .Hi I and th current month, collected
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  • 129 5 Wsicrday. Mr. Lowel ou U'half of the Opium Farmer, charged Poll Pang with poaMSSSM of two bottles of chandu pills worth *2. The Farm tester said that the pills were an infallible remedy to allay the craving for chandu. He was not to Im' shaken
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  • 49 5 Titv establishment of a direct Japanese '.unship line U'tweeu the- Dutch Indies and Japan is said to be iv contemplation by the Nippon Yuseii Kaisha. Hitherto a direct service Im tween these |uiiuts has been worked hy the Dutch Java C'hina-.lapan Line." of Amsterdam and Hongkong, formed in MM.
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  • 84 5 Tut H.UKjkok Thins says that freights arere remarkably steady there throughout last year. The rate to Hongkong was 80 it nis inside, and 28 outside all the time, while thsA to Singapore varied as under: .lan. 1 Keh. Hi -"JJ cents less 111 Keli. ll> May 1 10 cents less
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  • 104 5 Hums von Riclithofen. the German .V.nistcr wiio is now dangerously ill, wan 1» m in 1H47 ami served in the GermanAustrian and Franco Prussian wars. He li mcd she lni|Hrial Civil Service ill AlsaceLorraine iv IH7I. remaining there for five lean, after which he entered the Foreign office. Nine years
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  • 509 5 Chaytor v. Niblett. In the Supreme Couat this morning, before Xlr. Justice Leslie Thornton.the hearing was concluded of the action in which C. Chavtor, manager of the Hotel de l'Europe, sues W.C. Niblett, advocate and solicitor, for damages through negligence in the preparation of a mortgage,
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  • 147 5 Thk boxing contest between Baby Smith, champion of the R. G. A., and Jim Christie. China's champion, at the Alexandra Hall, this evening, will probably be by far the most interesting fight ever witnessed in Singapore. It will be remembered that last week the foul which Christie
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  • 85 5 I'iik fancy dress ball, to be held under the auspices of the management of the Hotel de l'Europe. promises to be the feature of the European side of the Chinese New Year holidays. Sixty-seven subscribers have sent in their names, and thirty-three more are required to
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  • 78 5 Mahamk Bassktt leaves for Pcnang on the 24th. on a short holiday. She will return on the 4th February and is giving her pupils a holiday during her absence. Xladame Bassett needs a little rest before she opens the School of Music on March Ist. Intending
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  • 221 5 Ckvuiss latest new product shows a very satisfactory increase in exports, 132,174 lbs. in l.m.-. against 72.1*40 lbs. in 1904 and 41.684 lbs. in 1908. During the present year it is more than probable we shall export fully -2.M1.000 lbs. The past year, remarks the <
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  • 938 5 Lecture by Mr. Bainbridge. Mk. Oliver, Bainbkidue, the celebrated traveller and ethnologist, gave an address at the Town Hall last night to a big audience hi "Life in the Southern Seas." His Excellency Sir John Anderson was unfortunately unable to take the chair owing to indisposition.
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  • 179 5 At 4.80 yesterday morning, while Marine Inspector Wilson and Lance Corporal 814 were on rounds in the harbour in a private boat, they saw a sampan with three men in it moving about in a suspicious manner. They followed, and the sampan made off towards Telok Ayer
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  • 842 5 Some Rbvklations. In a recent issue a paragraph appeared relating to the arrest at Telok Ayer Xlarket of a boatman named Tan Kaug for having in his boat moored just off the market ninety tins of smuggled chandu worth 12,700. This man was then taken
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  • 189 5 (,'uam.k of Ybni'e Suggested. K. Palmer was again before Mr. Seth on remand on the allegation of criminal breach of trust in respect of a number of lamps, the pro-jM-rty of Messrs. (iadclius A Co. value 11,250. Mr. Montagu Harris appeared to prosecute and suggested that as the
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  • 35 5 The Nippon Yusen Kaisha's service to Bombay is to be changed from monthly to bi-monthly. Five steamers are to be placed on the run and the Japanese terminus will be at Osaka, instead of Yokohama.
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  • 69 5 On Tuesday, Chia Yu Siang was brought again before Sir. Seth for further investigation into the allegation of bigamy brought against him. Tan Teng Swec gave evidence to the effect that, on the occasion of the alleged marriage, he had observed indications of a Chinese wedding. The case wan further
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  • 372 5 Lipin, 12th Jtinuitry. Cum Meeting. Thk annual general meeting of the members of the Pahang Club was held here the other dny. under the presidency of Xlr. Cecil Wray. tlie Resident. The accounts for the past year, which disclosed a satisfactory state of affairs, were passed mm. mn.
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  • 224 5 To Visit Canton. The Homjknny Ttlefffk bghrm konadei stand that iv view of the visit of I'riix.v Arthur of (.'onnaught. to Hongkong. M rxmti to Japan, whither he goes to present the insignia of the darter to His Majesty the Emperor of .lapan, on behalf of
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  • 159 5 Elsoi'K BIN Mahomkii went out yesU rd.iy before the Court retired for tiffin in ohatga of a detective ami a BMOSM server to look for an imaginary witness. There was no witness. The object of the request, as Inspector Tyrrell divined, was to make an
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  • 64 5 Visitors and Resident* 'omiU'liirt-yand valet, (.'apt. H..1. Hans.ii. K. S. DeSou/.a. dipt, and Mrs. Maker. Mr. and Mrs. l>eSonza. Misses I>eSou/ii. >. i Penny. Mrs. Woods, L. Kahn. f. l>. livian. M. M. Noordin. Amy liauuian. \V. I'afliser. .\iuii-. I.eclair, K. S. domes. C. Chuytor. .1. Lyon,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 STEARNS 1 HEADACHE CURE.can I j obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by post). Gives initant relief. Avoid mitations. Keep the Genuine handy.
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    • 214 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Raffles Hotel SPECIAL DINNER S*T v R d A y MUSIC. EXCHANGE TO-DAY if your Piano is getting worn. We will allow you its UTMOST VALUE IN EXCHANGE with us for a New Piano. PIANOS in solid TEAK cases with a compass of 7 1/3 Octaves. HANDSOME DESIGNS
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  • 2158 6 Stirring Joint Debate at the Presbyterian Church. The Young Men's Society of the l'resbyterian Church had as guests on Monday night the Chinese Christian Association, who gathered in the Church auditorium to discuss the following motion in joint debate Resolved that the Gambling Farms should be
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 590 6 NOTICES. ENOLISH HOME A lady wishes to recommend a clergyman's wife who him entire iliar«r if hir two young children at a delightful country rectory in Suffolk, heated thr.m^lioiit and with lovely grounds, and an Ideal bosns for young children whose pnnnts are abroad. Apply to M. c/o Strain Timet.
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    • 601 6 NOTICES. TO LET, UNFURNISHED OR FURNISHED. BOBCOMBE, KaitHim Road. New House, 3 BedroomH. Electric Bells, Cookiog iiange, 3 stalls, excellent water, tennis lawn. W. DUNMAN, 0 900 3, Prince Street. TO BE LKT. No. 90 and A Institution Hill, and 1 St. Thomas Walk' Entry Ist January, 1906. Apply to
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    • 206 6 NOTICES. What we Do. We do Well. Lp^-^-jja^-j-J Good Work I TELEPHONE NO. 348. I Low Price Let tv Quote. uick Des P> l t k lB«aBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBB^ V ■■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^BBBI Every Description n( PRINTING From a Visiting Card to a T7ewspaper. Catalogues, AND Expresses, Wedding Cards. 3) AHYTHIHG Menu Cards, Visiting
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    • 75 6 TO BE LET. Immediate entry— splendid offices No. 84 and 54 Robinson Road, also 2 newly finished European residences at Stevens Road and No. 9 Tyrie No. 9 Mount Elizabeth. Apply to N. REUBEN, 8 Prince Street. July 38 v.c. TO BE LET. Room or office on ground floor of
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  • 55 7 Thk folli.wiiiK is a true conversation Ixtnrrn a liri^ht little cliap of four and Ins inntlNT Mamma. who made the linns and the elephants.'' "Ood, my <loar." And 1..1 11. ni.ike tlie Hies, too?" "Yes. niv dear: 1 The little .Imp paused awhile, an if potxforinu tlie in-Uter over, then
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 495 7 NOTICE. lam obliged to snil from Sin|{apore by s. s. IV us-, ii "on lfl'hFeb. instead of bvPrincess Ah. -i mi l'.ttli March, my commercial and private frunls will greatly ulili^r M if tliev will address :i 1 1 < >rr< spondence connected with :lu chlVren! Kstut.s which I r.-|>riM-nt
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    • 179 7 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China INCORPORATED BY BOYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £875,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
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    • 417 7 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. fl ;l SARAWAK GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS will be received up to 9 a.m. m Monday. 2nd April. 1906 for renting the following Farms for I years from Ist January. 1907, viz. The Opium Farm for the Territory of Sarawak from Tunjong Datu tv aud inclusive
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    • 393 7 THE STMAITS ENQUIRY AND REGISTRATION AGENCY. Have for sale a small consignment of splendid MIRRORS in handsome heavy gilt f rimes. Suitable for Clubs, Hotels. Restaurants, aid Private Houses" txc ptional y Low Prices May in w be seeu at rue auction" room.' 5, RatHes Place v 1 I Is
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    • 381 7 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLK TKAK HOUSEHOLD FLHXITUUE. fee. The propel ty of D. k. McDowell. Esq., To be held at NASSIM MILL. 1 TANOLIN, Saturday 20th Jan., at 2.3 >p m. Valuable carved and polished teak sideboard with mirror panel polished teak dinner wagons, polished teak dining table (13 feet),
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    • 461 7 NOTICE. 1 Neither the f "sptnin nor Owners of lh" sailing vei-sel ACMK will be resp .iikil.l.- for debts contracted by the I ew si the skSM viss.l wlule i in tlusp Mt. STANDARD OIL CO., OF Ni:\V YoltK. j v 100:s SINGAPORE SPORTINO CLUB. NOTICE. The Ainnml Genera! Meeting
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  • 1432 8 Things they do Better in India. The lullowing article is from Indian Engineering Rightly or wrongly all the Crown Colonies east of Suez have of late become increasingly embittered against the doings of the Crown Colony Agency at Home, more especially in connection wi;-h engineering matters. Quite
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  • 139 8 Tut. Osaka Mnmi ipul Aswinhly has approver! tl le appropriation of a further sum <»f :*i m i.i mm i yen for plague prevention. Mr. Kubota, Director of the Sanitaiy Bureau in the Home I >i-p:ii tiiienl. Uciw ill Osaka. atUndol the meeting and s|K>ke on the
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  • 456 8 Thk Stum Obtrrrer, in noting the increase in the number of companies doing mining business in Siam, says that it cannot be forgotten that Shim's experience of Ruch companies in the past wan not very- fortunate. It has been suggested that the Government, in granting mining leases or
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  • 141 8 When the baby Czarewitch was a few hours old he was gazetted to the Pavlorski Regiment of the Guard, one of the finestlooking bodies of troops in Europe. No man can belong to this regiment unless his nose is decidedly turned up. and the more
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  • 71 8 Arrived iBth January. Per /Tiim/ii .-—From Rangoon— Mr. and Mrs. Schuchardt. Mrs. Steel Boyce. Messrs. Thos. Hughes. H. H. Joseph. George K.imch. W. M. Heck. G. G. Kiss. T. F. Kiss. G. A. Reid. Hiuwn. F. Edroond. G. T. Creig. G. Spanjaard and J. Adler. Per Rajah
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  • 55 8 Piracy continues to flourish on the inland waterways of China, and merchants are afraid to ship by junk, and launches are not permitted to carry cargo. "To all petitions praying that this nuisance be stopped." says the Consul atHangchow. "the officials turn a deaf ear. or reply that decent people
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  • 232 8 On Saturday uext.tlie outward-bound P. A (>. h. h. ]>elhi will carry away from .Singapore for China a much-reHpected and popular figure among the Straitx-boru Chinese, in the penon of Mr. K'ung Ch'ing Hsien, who lias been an attache to Mr. Fung Yee. now no longer Consul-General. He in a
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  • 28 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 18th Jamutry. 190 G. The Netherlands Trading Society to-day quotes the 4, ins bank rate at 2/3<. The I Mercantile Bank quotes it at J :i
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  • 90 8 Gambler buyer* 7.40 do (Cube No. II unpicked 10.75 Coprsßali 7.30 do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black buyers 80.7S do White, 8% 30.00 Ssgo Flour Sarawak 2.M do Brunei No. 1 a.65 Pearl Sago 8.40 Coffee Bali, 16*. baau 19.80 Coffee, Palembang, 30% baais 88.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 81.80
    90 words
  • 262 8 (Mercantile Bank.) On Luiulnn— Bank 4m > 2/3 A Demand -t Private 6 m/i J 4 do S m/s -2/3} On O«n»i<inj/— Bank d/d 1M Private 3m s Mi do 6 ra/g 2.40 On France— Bank d/d 2.*» Private 3 m/s 2.91 do 6 m/s 2.93 On India— Bank
    262 words
    • 222 8 lMh. Dut. »tr. H27 toua. Capt. W fjem. litli Jan. From Batavia. 15th .lan. G.c:.. ami 20 d.p. DMiulels .v Co. For Batavia. l'.uli Brit. str. 34.1 tons, Capt lnkater. lstl. Jau. From Deli, 16th Jan. G.c., and .t.xl i. W. Mansfield <Jr Co. For Deli. 2i»h-
      222 words
    • 85 8 h* I'tr Slt,,mrr Time To-Mohro*. I. Swfttcnliuni. lVnaun /'in Stms 2 p.m. Teliik Austin via ports //;/>■ /.i"»;; X p.m. llangkok gat tl ttmmf 3 p.m. Auipuiniii .V M»c:i^s«r It'ilhtliu :t p.m. Baiidjernißnsm. (to, v.iriV /.'■.me,' :f p.m. I-HiH-kat suniii 4 p.m. Gomntalo in p >rts IWaMa 4
      85 words
    • 123 8 From Europe— By the P. «O. 8. Ihll.i due on l'.Hli Jan. From f'uiN* -By tue K. U. L. i.i. liiuimum due od °2'2h<l Jan. Lett Singapore Due in London Arrived >n-. 7th P. A Jan. 2nd Dec. 3<>tli >ec. 11th N. 1). L. Jan. Kth Jan.
      123 words
    • 73 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. Eaht Wharf:— Nd. Victoria Graving Dock Marque Acme. Albeit Graving Doc* Kistim. Section No. 1 Sulnli-ulji, laiak, K. t Lun^km. Selan^.ir. 2 ShaMM. 8 Nil. H 4 Both. Ha. 6 HelH-. Siak. A.-liilk-s. Bobxko Whaiit: 7 A. A|hw\
      73 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 124 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify the pabiic that, in view of the rise iv exchange, they are now selling their goods at reduced prices. A good opi>ortunity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are advised to
      124 words
    • 262 8 HIGH CLASS GENTS' FOOT WEAR! AT? SAJIiEi PRICES EL D ar^aV i> arA HbbW a^av awftW. TAN GLACE KID BOOTS BLACK GLACE KID BOOTS ("KARLTON" BRAND) KARLTON" BRAND) Gents' Tan Glace Kid Boots, Made from Gents' Black Glace Boot*, Soft Finished I the Best Glace Kid, smartly sewn, superior Upfwn,
      262 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 164 8 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, iBth January. High Water. 4-8 p.m. Agri Hort. Show Meeting. 4 »■"> Philharmonic Orchestra, 8-30. W.C.T.I'. Syed Alley Road. Town Band. Esplanade. sto 6. Glove Fight. Christie v. Smith. 9. Friday. 19th January. High Water. 4-38 am. 5-27 p.m. P. A O. outward mail due. Legislative
      164 words
    • 27 8 WEATHER TELEQRAM. HONGKONG. -17th Jan. -10 a.m. Barometer 80. S3. Direction of Wind \.i.. ForceofWiul 1. Max. 'lVinp in Klimlt- MANILA.— I7th -7KI. w.K.w. 1. S«. II
      27 words

  • 559 9 The following is from the Mini up Journal Kith Ilrrrmber. Throughout tic week this market has been exceedingly strong, and shows a further rise in prioe of 1"3. The consumptive demand has been phenomenal. America has taken large lines, whilst the Welsh tinplate makers have bought more
    559 words
  • 113 9 Speaking at Carlisle on the 16th of December, Sir Wilfreid Lawson said that the whole mass of organised Tory hypocrisy had fallen, never to rise again. Dissolved, dissipated, discomfited, and destroyed, there they lie your Balfours and your Chamberlains, your wholehoggers,' your little piggers, your fairtraders, your
    113 words
    • 595 9 Under this heading the following abbreviation* are naed *tr. steamer; ah. ship; bq. barque sch. schooner Yet. Yacht Cm. —Cruiser Obt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— Uuited States Fob. French Ger German Dut.— Dutch G.c— General-cargo d. p.— deck paasenger U.— Unoertain T. P.
      595 words
    • 691 9 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. SIXUfXBS. Airlie, Sydney, Feb. 37 Boustead. Alcinous, Liverpool, Jan. 29 Mansfield. Ambria, Hongkong, Jan. 23 Behn Meyer. Armand Behic, Colombo, Mar. 12 M. Mtimes. Andalusia, China, Jan. 21 j Behn Meyer. Arratoon Apcar, Calcutta, Feb. 14 P. Simons.
      691 words
    • 242 9 s umber of Snares Issue Value Pud up to Company Buyers Sellers Transactions i i GCLO »J t 10 Benawab O. M. Co., Ltd 13.00 13,500 OUluuu-uad. 4,000 30,000 10,000 b,JO7 3J.7U3 50.U00 150,000 30,000 j,.u- unuiaiiwl. 10 16.00 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 100 10 I
      242 words
    • 129 9 I OUU UUU U*d 2.OUU 4.50U 80,000 12,000 3,400 6.000 2,750 85,000 tiOO 2,000 5,000 785 uniMiud. 300,000 ),OUU ■inltfiH 87,000 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. o.uv 100 50 > 125 100 10 100 100 10 60 100 100 100 50 t 125 9 100 10 100 100 10 60
      129 words
    • 123 9 70,000 ».'.'<> UUI..UOJ 6,000 6,000 1,500 uniMuad 30,000 li.JOu unu*n*d 3,000 bSUuUUUIMO 1,000 ISU uui**u»d 30,000 t.UUU uniMUM 150 H5O 10,000 1,«»UIUMU«1 £50,000 6 Balgowuie Rubber EeUte Ltd. 1 bukitK»jah 8.17.6 1 £3. 6.0 X.i. 5.0 S. 1 i. I £1 Cicely Rubber E»Ute 1 s%Pref t 1 1
      123 words
    • 46 9 Howarth Enkine, Ltd. 7% Hiley, lUrgreavea, Ltd. 6% biugapore Muuioipal 6% T»o)ouk Pbgur Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 6% 3M>,000 3%prem. BSB.OOO 1% prem buyer* 400,000 2% prem buyer.. 1 ,878,000 1% prem «Ufi,SOo 2% dis. Dom. 860,000 U'X, prom. mim>. 1,806,000 lit, prem mUm
      46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 234 9 NOTICES. HO HONG OIL RICE MILLS S^fM&^\ 539 North Bridge Road (S(^ SINGAPORE CABLE ADDRESS "HOHONG". SINOAFORE. Town Office 61 Kling- Street. 1-2-22 t*he Cheapest Known Power TANGYE'S PRODUCER GAS ENGINES They make their own gas with the aid of ordinary Gas Coke which sells here at suy $17 per
      234 words
    • 547 9 BANKS. Hongkong 8" Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 110,000,000 118 500 000 Bilrer Reserve 8,800,000 f 118l80U>UUU Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000.000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Blade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. F. Salinger, Esq. E. Goetz.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 697 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 twelve years old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO Par China, Japan, Penanj, Ceylan Australia, India, Aden, Rtypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plyraitltti and London. Through Bills of Lading issueJ fnr China Ooast, Persian Gulf.
      697 words
    • 1413 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KonlnkUjke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore ***** Addict, late J. Daemdbla 4 Co., 2-8 Coixteb Qdat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be despatched for Both Billiton Jan 16 Billiton, Batavia, Java-Coast, Samarang, Soerabaya with transhipment at
      1,413 words
    • 663 10 __S+EAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      663 words
    • 761 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. If Ir:-*-V^I r: -*-V^ OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co,, Ltd. AND China Mutual Sttatu Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan home y ards for London every fortnight and for L verpool monthly. One
      761 words
    • 539 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVEBTED FUNDS EXCEED £13,000,000. TIB LAMBBT FIRE omcE IN THI WORLD. BOUSTEAD 4 Co.,— Agmf. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital M,127,«00 Paid-up Capital tta.76o Reserve Fund £1,073.550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company are prepared to accept fire risks
      539 words