The Straits Times, 17 January 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.940 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 996 1 NOTICES E^^^ AflentS for LEA ™H^'S WORGESTERSiiIRE SAUCE. 1] PURVEYORS TO a^SHr*" a TIIE KING, Mffi sO E 1 VyP Celebrated Oilman's Stores I DE DION was the first to introduce practical motor cars. DE DION is still leading the trade. The first 1906 Models will soon arrive Ask full
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    • 993 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. Gentlemen's High Grade Boots and Shoes AT POPULAR PRICES TAN TAN WILLOW 1 I WILLOW CALF BOOTS M M I I CALF BOOTS $7.50 $7 50 Per Pair. Per Pair. L| Smart useful up-to-date Boot in '2 shaped, Oxford and Derby, fair stitched, lined leather, well finished
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  • 501 2 Prospects and Finds. Hkmikbson's Transvaal Estates, Ltd.. held last month a general meeting, at London. Mr. J. C. A. Henderson presided. The chairman thus dealt with the Coml>any's tin properties:— Tin is n uch to the fore, and you will be interested to know that it has been
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  • 406 2 Sir Walter Egerton. K.C.M.G., Governor of Lagos and High Commissioner of Southern Nigeria, and Sir John Gorst. M. P.. were entertained at luncheon in Liverpool lately by Sir Alfred Jones, president of the Liver |mh>l Chamber of Commerce. Sir Alfred Jones said that as a result of
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  • 165 2 The following almost inert; iible tale was sent to the Sortli Chuut Dnili/ Sews "by a trustworthy correspondent": The Governor of Huuan is being spoken of by the man in tin: street in no very Hat lering terms. He had only one daughter and she died.
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  • 870 2 Interesting Excerpt from a Private Letter. Thk following interesting paragraphs from a private letter to a Singapore resident from a friend who has just been on a visit to Port Arthur gives a very vivid idea of how that whilom Russian fortress now apjiears to British eyes.
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  • 330 2 At the annual banquet of tinColston c i u'liioiatioii BeeWMai of Bristol. Mr. Lyttleton Haiti the BritUli Kmpire had until it comprised JiHi.iHKl.iHKi MihaTi li together under the folds of the British flag, an aKKregation of sell governing colunieH all bearing allegiance to the same
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 241 2 NOTICES. GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES AND STEAM ROLLERS. m FODEN'S STEAM WAGONS. )^l^Bplt^—^.fl _f** M ""^T^^ aE^X^L^as^LaaßßßßßßßßßßßaCafTVa^aKrTaZlaV^a^a^aP^^l HBt-rfc— VOV O— T 2*La— ■Lmm f aUV^aßßßßßßßVlaiaflßß^aa^ala^EßßW 'fl^lV^WH v 'aU'" .•■^^^J^Ta?*^^^*^^fi4l^L^^^H N vMaaal r~< jIA ■yj^oa»aav»amJ" f i^taaaaaß dk|^^^jLMJr JV V^aTaaw MINING MACHINERY, of all descriptions SUPPLIED BY The Borneo Co., Ltd. .Inly
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    • 189 2 PHOSFERINE c The Greatest of all Tonics. 5 5 RADIATE* HEALTH. J J Fk.j«fctors Athtoo ft Paraons, Limited. S if, Farringdoo Koad, London E. C. J •■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■3 RECREATION HOTEL Seraiiggong Road. Open until is p m. Terminus of the Electric Tramway. Can stop at the door. Tiffins and dinners to
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    • 20 2 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE,c*u La obtained from all dispensaries (quicklj by post). Oivea instant relief. Avoid imitations Keep the Otaulne handy
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    • 459 2 NOTICES. Consumption. Lung Troubles. It is gratifying to note that every year a large number nnrorDlDrn of consumption hospitals and sanatoria use Angler's rntdunlDtU Emulsion systematically. Wbat better proof can be given of its value? For the successful treatment of DV HAPTfiDQ vn K affections there are two main essentials
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  • 764 3 A Progressing Enterprise. The following is from the Statist The Indo-China Company was formed into a limited liability Company in 1882, with authorised capital of £1,200,000, and the Company proceeded to allotment wi' h a paid-up capital of £495,890, divided into 49,589 shares of £13 each (being
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  • 131 3 Kuu. ;ukl Countess I^-itriui. of County hcnuyiil. In lain I. are, nay* the T inn* of Ctflom ut 'the 4th instant, ayain staying at Coloihlm. after a tour up country. They are on a round -the- world trip. On leaving iVylon they will K<> to Japan
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  • 68 3 HOM Volunteers arc t'\|M-ctant of loiuinn l» :n li.-iftl otMMgM. Tlic Kihi'ine which had liven lirimglit forward by tho late War s. intai v.ancl uliiili was temporarily hliolv. id owinn to the ihanye of (iovrrnment, is to eaMMTad l>v Urn new Government in -*****11 .tion with tlie oiyanisation
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 646 3 NOTICES'. m KITSON LAMPS BURN PETROLEUM AND GIVE A BRILLIANT LIGHT AT A LOW COST LAMPS OF 500 AND 1000 CANDLE POWER sou 9 enn: HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. MAYNARDS TONIC IRON PILLS. (DR. BLAUD'S FORMULA) The safest and most efficacious form of administering iron. For anaemic jrir's, for female complaints,
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    • 258 3 SUPPORT A BIHTiSHPIBMandbeSUBEto HAVE A GU01) SUPPLY oi FUSSELL'S PURE MILK Bfeß^ i f NOT substitutes. NOT makeshifts THE: NOT condensed or sweetened. \Cjo^^TTlJlfj Y bonply pure rich fjjl^S—^J|^ j V L natural Milk ami pure wm~\\)s wsjj& k rich thick Creaiu m ;\«yN nr^kM^^a^Ty l sterilized tin?, guar- A3%%
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    • 159 3 NOTICE. Depositors in the SavingK Bank are reminded to send in their puss rxvikH hetwecn tlie 2nd and Imili January. 190U, for audit, in ci>mpliance with the Rules and Mediations under the Savings Dank Orilinancc. l'ans baohi may be forwarded free by poHt to the Superintendent of the Bank. NOEL
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  • 90 4 Folev On Sunday morning 17th December. I,ni:i. Foi.kv pasted a.vay at Ruxley Lodge, (lavgate. in the presence of Lady Foley. Mv iwiiie On the 17th of December at liis residence. 2. Inverness-mansions. QoeenVroad Buyswntor. R. K. M v, Bbihk, Ksq., C.M.Ci.. late Director Public Works. Ceylon, aged 61 years.
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  • 1062 4 Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 17th JANUARY. It is not alone in the Police Courts that one is brought face to face with the minor troubles of a big city. It is diirin« a .lay spent in the Court of Requests that one i, ay observe the poignant miseries
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  • 400 4 Blank amazement is the emotion created by the telegraph to day announcing Baron Suyematsu's complaints anent the treatment he has been subjected to on board the crack German Mail steamship Zietrn. Hitherto the line has enjoyed a reputation that was almost a notoriety for its unfailing courtesy and attention to
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  • 92 4 Mr. O. Bainbridge talked shortly upon his travels to the boys of Singapore last even ing and showed them many pictures. They were most attentive and, as Mr. Hnllet declared, enjoyed the address aud illustrations very much. They gave three cheers heartily for the traveller and wished him good luck.
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  • 8 4 The Stniil, limhjet will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 14 4 At Mincing Lane, on the sth January Kine Para was easier at ;">s. 4}d.
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  • 14 4 Thk Geo. L. Squier Manufacturing Com iwny send a neat card calendar for 1906.
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  • 24 4 On hundred and fifty deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 13th January. The ratio per thousand was 27.5 H.
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  • 26 4 A hi kkv match will be played on the Esplanade this afternoon between the S. C. C. and a team representing the Officers of the Garrison.
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  • 28 4 Lainchbs will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club bungalow on Sunday next, at 6.30. 9, 1(1. 2.1.1, and 3.80 returning at K.:tn. 9.3() 12.15, 3 and 5.
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  • 31 4 Mi:. .1. Haxxav, late Inspector, V. M. S. Police, died at Gibraltar. H is surmised that he had to land at the Rock owing to the serious state of his health.
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  • 27 4 Another big X.M.S. Kubl>er Company is on the jxiint of being floated at Glasgow. The promoters aim at acquiring the I.uw lands Estate near Klang in Selangor.
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  • 29 4 Mi:. AC. Hittox Potts, share aud general broker at Yokohama, reports under date 'JHth December, that Raub Shares had just bet largely dealt in there at $5.10 to 85.15.
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  • 30 4 Thk remaining three denominations of the new Siamese postage stamps have now txtu issued. These are the one tical, yellow and blue eight atts. puce and sepia five tats, pink.
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  • 35 4 Hms have been opened for the construction of a new water supply system at Manila. The lowest was MaUen. Lord, and Belsher C o who offered to do the work for Sl.ntoUMM). i gold I.
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  • 34 4 Kikly this month storm and mist so obscured the coast of Aunam that the M. M. cargo boat Caobang was wrecked near the Pulo Canton lighthouse on the 4th January. Xo lives were lost.
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  • 32 4 Judging oy the number of tickets already s..ld for the Smith-Christie fight, there should be a bumper house at Alexandra Hall to-morrow night. Both men are reported to be in excellent trim.
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  • 34 4 The blockade-runner steamer CmHUU, well-known in the conveyance of explosives of war, has sunk after an explosion in Saigon Kiver with a hugt cargo of Russian ammunition onboard. Two of the crew are aUaf
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  • 41 4 Ykstkkday, Mr. Khory appeared before Mr. Seth and asked to be allowed to withdraw a charge of theft of a watch and chain, instituted by a client of his. Mr. Seth allowed it, but fined the client »20 for frivolous prosecution.
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  • 40 4 Mil. BtKKiMiTON, having taken up his new appointment as Senior Judicial Commissioner, F. M. S., has been succeeded by Mr. Innes, from Perak, who will carry on the duties of Legal Adviser till the return of Mr. Bellield from leave.
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  • 41 4 On Monday, P. C 888 arrested two Chinese for grubbing in a dustbin in Japan Street. They had secured a few half-rotten vegetables. They were brought before Mr. Seth. this morning, when both denied grubbing, but were lined a dollar, each.
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  • 44 4 Thk rc-constructod China Squadron will be a very powerful one when all the alterations about to be made are effected. Of course, it will not be so strong as when it included a battleship division.but as a crniser sijiiiwlron it will be thoroughly up-to-date.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 24 4 Berlin. ICth Jnnnanj. The Emperor William has received M. Kokovzeff, who is devising measures to safeguard the gold standard in Russia.
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    • 22 4 The importance of the Liberal victory at the British General Election is exaggerated in the French press.
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    • 47 4 The German press cautions the public against ready belief in the premature reports that a tariff war between the I'nited States and Germany is at hand. The final decision in the matter on the American side has not yet been come to.
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    • 13 4 The Morocco Conference began its sittings at Algeciras in the afternoon.
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    • 25 4 There have been most impressive displays of cordial feelings towards Hritain at the Town Hall, Cologne, aud nt the Chamber of Commerce, Berlin.
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    • 53 4 The Hamburg-America liner aWUa homeward bound from Yokohama hax stranded on the coast of Holland. The crew saved their lives. The Serbia measured 2M4 vet registered tons and was a cargo-boat plying to and from the Far East. She left Singapore homeward bound on the Brd Dec.
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    • 16 4 Ihe Prussian Government has bought out the potaHb mines belonging to the Hercynia Company.
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    • 60 4 Her New President. Berlin. 17 Ih JuniKiri/. at F\li.ikrks, who was recently elected to the Presidency of the French Senate, has been elected to succeed M. Loubct as I'resident of the Republic. This bears out the assumption made in the Strait* Tiuirt some days ago that M.
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  • 19 4 Pkixck Victor Dhnlcep Singh and Princess Dhuleep Singh are now in Ceylon. They intend to go over to Penang.
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  • 49 4 A Cbuikeb squadron consisting of H. M. S. Diadem, SntUj and Uogut left Hongkong on the Kth inst. afternoon for the Philippines and afterwards for Saigon. The visitors will ba e.itertained both by their American and their French hosts. The Dimitm is the flagship ot Admiral Sir Gerard Noel.
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  • 54 4 Thk annual Prize giving at the AngloChinese School is set to take place at 4.45 p.m. on Tuesday. 22nd instant, at the School in Coleman Street. His Excellency, the Governor, has expressed his willingness to be present and to preside on that occasion. All friends of the School are cordially
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  • 52 4 Thk Chinese Board of Commerce, the Shaugpu. have decided to build a railway from Sinning elm to Canton. Sin-ning-chu is situated on the borders of Tonquin. The proposed railway will pass in very close proximity to the Yunnan railway running to Kwing-chow-wan. if indeed the two railways will not cross
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  • 58 4 I'kkfaratioxs are going on at Saigon for baMMag honours to the British Squadrou expected there on the 20th instant. M.Beau, the (lovernor-Ueneral, will give a grand reception at the palace. Dancers from the Court of the King of Cambodia will enliven the proceedings. The Municipality are also doing their part
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  • 56 4 Ykstkkday Inspector Hart charged six Mm,; boatmen with criminal breach of trust as carriers. They were said to have broached a case of syrup, probably thinking it was something stronger. Evidence was taken and judgment reserved. This morn ing Mr. Column discharged one of the men and fined the other
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  • 62 4 Tin farmers in the Orange Kiver Colony, who find that the Kaffirs will not work now as formerly under the Boer regime and seeing the Transvaal's mine labour demands supplied by the importation of Chinese coolies, are formulating requests for the importation of Asiatic labour for agricultural purposes. They aak
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  • 70 4 Sih Hknuv Howakp. British Minister at The Hague, presented, in the name of King Edward, the insignia of Knights Commanders of the Order of St. Michael and. St. George to Vici Admiral Tadema and Rear-Admiral Baron Sweerts The appointments were made in connexion with the recent visit of the Channel
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  • 92 4 At Bangkok,on the 7th instant, the cricket match played at the Sports Club ground was between Government Services and the Baal of Bangkok. It yielded a century, the second in the history of Bangkok cricket. The first 108 not out was scored by Mr 0. S. George on the 22nd
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 30 4 Results at Present. Heed. Singnpar. p.m. Hill, JaniKtrij. Drld by Henlrr. 10.40. a.m. 17th January. So far. 99 Liberals. 14 labourites, and 29 Unionists have l>c«'u returned.
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    • 16 4 Ministerial gains are reckoned at V). and the Labour gain at 11.
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    • 30 4 For Bristol South Mr. Mowell Davies (Liberal) has jwllml 7964 votr.s to 5272 ajfae to the Rt. Hon. W. H. Long (Conservative!, the former ineml>er.
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    • 23 4 Opening of the Meeting at Algeciras. The Morocco Conference opens today. Favourable Outlook. The press regards the prospect optimist ally.
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    • 60 4 Against Pre.sent Nationalist Leader. According to the Ti,,,,*. a new Mat) organization has sprung up which is promisingly opposed to Mr. Redmond^ parliamentary paHej. Extremely Anti- English. It proclaims a Iwycott of all British BBC* imported into 1u1a,,,). prohibits ,j into the British army ami
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    • 33 4 U«;i. giafjiwa, :.t<, p H,r,l. hi, Bmfcr,.-. Mr. Redmond, shaking at WaUrford. arid he would take care that the Government s sympathy with Ireland should ataaahM into action.
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    • 40 4 A Liberal m -.vspupor. entitled the,, Tribnnr. has ban published. It styles itself the organ of Liberalism, and Labour, nnd Progress. Iv a message. Sir H. Campl>ell -liunncrinaa ajNw his Kooii v. ishes to the paper.
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    • 17 4 The polling for Lambeth North has resulted as foil,. us Meyer GaaM i.'.km Naoioji 1.7.;,t
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    • 61 4 Treatment of Japanese on board a Liner. Kn-d. Shu/,!/,,,,,' n. in l:i j. /><■/-,/ by Inbr </.-.' mi, Baron Suveimitsti, writing to the m us papers from l'ort Said, complains most bitterly of the treatment of himself ilM d other Jaaaaaaa paMaagan on boaad tin German liner Miti n. They
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    • 28 4 The Japanese Minister a t Santiago iv Chili is devoting attention to pushing trad, in Japanese manufacture- there in return for Chilian saltpetre.
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    • 20 4 The Unionists fear the loss af*M scuts at Birmingham, aud a substantial icdiieiioM in Mr. .1. Chamberlain's majority.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 82 4 aWA 5m.,,,/,, m ii. i; nth i>,r,i. |y it, n.i i;u, ■!.>,<„„,,,. The increasing yams of the Leooer party at the polls continue to Ik- a theme for com meut among Übanla and Conservatives alike. They agree in viewing it as a new political
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  • 64 4 It is undersold that the S. V. A. and tin Maxim Company will yo into i-aiup at Tan Jong Katoug on the evening of tin- Mth. They will remain uuder canvas till UM JKili. Tlte Volunti ii- will hardly need to lie reminded tiiat n few days" training
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  • 36 4 Thk poKtpoiifd meet of tin- Hunt Chili w ill take place on Saturday next, at Chiny Station, at 4.4' i p.m. Finish at the Bawrroir. Hares Major K\ crctt am I Lieutenant Hai
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  • 62 4 A cokrespomiKNT of the I'imurr writes: One of the sensations of tin- Calcutta Christ mas week was provided nt the Victoria Circus on Christinas night, when Mr. IVivy Wheeler, an Advocate of the Calcutta High Court, entered the lion's cage and calmly smoked a cigar and drauk a elm of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 513 4 LATEST ALWHKTISRMRNT* fiotel De li'europe. Applications for tickets for our Fancy Dress Ball on the 26th instant AT THE TOWN HALL. should be smt in as early as jxjssible. Admission for Gerts $5 Ladies $3 Refreshments by Coupons only HOTtL DE LEUROPE SYNDICATE, Pifrifn. The Third Joint Annual AgriHorticultural Show,
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    • 72 4 H. N. RIDLEY, Honorary General Secretary. SUITABLE AND TASTEFUL FRAMES Will greatly enhance the VALUE and EFFECT of your PICTURES at the approaching Singapore £MT CLUB EXHIBITION. Place your orders for framing with WILSON Co., and vou'will be satisfied. 361 G.R. Lambert Co. 1 dozen cabineic photos in platino. $20
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  • Correspondence.
    • 111 5 the K<li/..i S'r.iif" HaMa." Sii Though lam an earnest believer in the StSSS&M, I EZ, in the flottlir™ til a very ■tronj sentiment of o^itt. to miasur,, "k*£««£ I welcome the l«| Mil embodied in your bate of yeste: day. By all means, let the BUI
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    • 372 5 REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS. Mr. Seah Liang Seah Favors the Measure. gih'fcw a/ffcr-fffi Tim,*.' I >m: Sik -A great deal has recently been said about the Registration of Partnerships, an.l in MKtioillax much attintion has been m ,t,,l to the attitude of the Ihmisi' towards tins ,|iustion. I'iiliaps I may be
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  • 60 5 \s ■\traonlinary uniting of the Lin iismij; .lupins was held at the First Magistrate's Cant on Monday afternoon to consider the application of Mrs. S. Kinloeh for a BMMMI class licence for No. H Kcppel Harbour Boad. Mr. Hi > ant. Senior Magistrate praaMM Mis. kinlocii was represented
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  • 55 5 !>■■■■! 11 111 W has just learned throflgh lli.- mmUIWI of a letter from Leicester that a OOpToftfae "Straits Times Annual' was dehverod then on the 19th ultimo. The recipient 'i lady, writes tliat ii ithe annual) is naoat f.>v«lv and iatat eating l shall have (he frontispiece fraiiu-d aiid
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  • 81 5 Gun listivitiis are now gniug on at li..m (M-nli. the capital of Cambodia, at the cremation of the late King Norodom of that Ilir remains of two other members tin royal tamilv are to be cremated at the same time. The doings are expected to last mouth. The prm-i-ssion to
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  • 84 5 It is rather .-avly in the day, when rubW [llailiMg M absolutely in its infancy, to talk of ngoUtika the output. Yet a Ceylon planter, with abnormal powm of provision, suggest tl'rtt Ceylon and Malaya should combine to regulate their output of rubber. UlmmHh profits are what they are on
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  • 109 5 BMOT \V. P. Oldliain. who is in charge of i Mi tliodist EaJaoafaJ Mission in Malaya. baa telegraphed from Mnlmra that he will anne i" SingiiiMire tomorrow. He will preach at the eveuing service at the Mitlio dist i Imrcii lit :> o'emk em Sunduy. Ou the 'ml February the
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  • 284 5 Information and Sooorhtionh. The following communication has been addressed to the public of Singapore by the Colonial Government, being issued from the Colonial Secretary's office under date of the 2nd of January but received last evening The Mission under His Royal Highness Prince Arthur of
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  • 745 5 Chaytor v. Niblett. Is the Supreme Court this morning, before Mr. .Justice Leslie Thornton the hearing was miuimied of the action in which C. Chaytor. iranager of the Hotel de l'Europe, sue w C. Xiblett. advocate and solicitor, for ImMJM through negligence in the preparation of
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  • 379 5 THE AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW. Previous Exhibitions the Finest In the East. 11 ■•NTKmrTK.M Thk attention of all those interested in the agricultural progress of the Peninsula is called to a public meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Thursday. January 18th, at 4-45 p.m., under the Presidency of the
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  • 459 5 S. C. 0. "2SI> XI. V. S. R. C Thk presence of two sets of goals with nets up on the Esplanade, yesterday afternoon cave rise to the belief that two football matches were to be played, but it turned out that a soccer match had been arranged
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  • 195 5 On the 7th instant, three Chinese schoolboys, Teo Soli Mob, Yeo Kwi Moll and Cha A Bak went up Fort Canning to dig lip herbs. Teo Soli Mob had a knife with him. On the slopt of the hill they met Amat Kechil, an
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  • 18 5 Thk Town and Volunteer Band will play at the Esplanade to-morrow, from 5 to 6 p.m., weather permitting.
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  • 614 5 We deeply regret to announce the death of Mr. H. I. Cbope. Agent of tlig P. O Company, and also Router's Agent, in Singapore. He died at five mintues past one o'clock this morning at his residence, Cree Hall, Tanglin. The immediate cause of
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  • 217 5 Thosci Monu and Hok Chu kek are itinerant pork vendors. On the IBUI of \o° ember last, tl.e former wMfe four others set uTx>n the Utter near the EUenborough Market. One of the four held him by the hair and Thong Mong struck him on
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  • 182 5 Yko Boos Chan lives on Ann Siang Hill, in the neighbourhood of Captain Palinke s On the night of the rtlst ultimo. Cautain Palinke went out but did not use his carriage. His syce, Rais, and his kebun. both married men, were on the premises so was
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  • 41 5 Tbb current number of the Hongkong 0..-IJHin J Gazette is issued in a handier form From the former crown folio, the JtM is reduced to one of foolscap folio, and it is got up after the style of the Straits Gazette.
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  • 106 5 Aksital (Ikxhkal Mkktiso. The Annual General Meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club will be held in the Singaiiore Exchange on Monday next at I p.m. In addition to the ordinary business as to the report and accounts, members will be asked in i to consider and, if
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  • 355 5 This morning, Kusope bin Mahomed, a man well-known adversely in Tannin, was brought before Mr. Colman on reniand l>y Detective Inspector Tyrrell and charged the tlitft of a sarong, belonging to Mr A I Acer, on the 2<>th ultimo, at Blanche Cottage. Mrs. A. P. Acer
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  • 14 5 WsKKiKETtohearthatMr. A.M. Pouutney, the Official AaalajMe, ta still cnutim-d to his room through indisposition.
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  • 94 5 AsKKsios. ,i variety of the aaaaWhole m hornblend f unily of minerals has Ikh-ii in large quantities in the province of Ilocos Xorte (Philippines I and a number of mines are being rapidly opened up in that province. The importance of this find can M reuiliiy understood, says
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  • 414 5 Hv Cut. 11. it. Bjuohi 7:i.d C. 1., Adjutant and Acting Comman la. B.V.C. 9ktftfor\ fimtiar I. V. A. Orderly Officer for next week Cap-.. ailton. Orderly N.C.o. Ser«i. H. .W.Allen. l'arHiU-: For right section. On >l l»y, 12nd SfjiiMl and Carbine Drill Tuesday, *J3rd Lecture. Friday. 26th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 LATEST APVERTISKinttiNia. RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. E. O. HOTEL, P«™* THE CRAG HOTEL SANITARIUM. Penang Hill.. STRAND HOTEL, R»*foor. SARKIES BKOS Proprietors. EXCHANGE TO-DAY f your Piano is getting worn. We will allow you its UTMOST VALU E IN EXCHANGE with us for a New Piano. PIANOS in solid TEAK cases
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  • 728 6 German Pro-British Demonstration at Berlin. Our Berlin Correspondent writes by the latest mail The two great English Pro-German demonstrations of sympathy have been toon followed by an Anglophile meriting in Berlin. Reports upon the proceedings in this imposing assembly have already been made by wire. But it
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  • 84 6 This death is rejKirted of the Row Dr. Stewart, the head of the I'nited Kreel'lmrcji .Mission at Lovedale. South Africa, at the age of 74. Dr. Stewart was associated with Ln-iiißstone. whom lie joined un lni ■MOM journey of exploration in the Lake Nyiissii region.
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  • 90 6 Two interesting ttpucimenH of the rarer Eastern fauna liuvr lately l> added to the British MaMVB. Om b a tine slu-op of the peculiar ti^litiny brood of Buroda. These animals an* NM**gHM cocks" of India, aud arc carefully bred in tho Raroda State expn -sslv for riyhtiiiH mains.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 662 6 NOTICES. Money to lend from $10,000 to $100,000 on first class security in townL. HEVMCNT. Broker, S-r Change Alley v6iB WANTED by the Municipal Commissioners, Malacca, a driver for a steam roller (5 tons), salary $480 per annum. Applications with oopiss of testimonials addressed to the Municipal Secretary, Malacca, will
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    • 522 6 NOTICES. FOR SALE CRUSHED FOOD around in Singapore by (team power, •t $3 70 per bag, ol 14s ■•>»• FRESH WHEAT FLOUR 4.U0 ground in Singapore at $7 per bag, of 164 lbs. To be had of S. Abuclkahman, Uihimi. at 33a Taajong Pagar Road, or No. 30 Serangoon Road.
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    • 633 6 NOTICES. ROOMS WITH VERANDAH. VACANT at EBER HOUSE. Apply to Mrs. Orre, 1 Eber Road. 1808 TO BE LET. The European residence, known as' No. 8 Port Road in Malacca. Suitable for a Hotel or Rest House. For particulars apply to L. K. C. c/o P««t Office, Malacca, or W.
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    • 404 6 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £875,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at I per oent.
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    • 673 6 AUCTION SALES. THE STRAITS ENQUIRY AND REGISTRATION AGENCY. Have for sale a small consignment of splendid MIRRORS in handsome heavy gilt frames. Suitable for Clubs, Hotels, Restaurants, and Private Houses Exceptionally Low Price* May now be ssen at THE AUCTION ROOM, 5, Raffles Place ft MM Is Bakebcptct In re
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  • 1134 7 Further Developments Expected. The eighteenth ordinary general meetkig of the Pahang Corporation, Limited, was held at Winchester House, Old Broad-strt t. M Urn l'Jth December, Mr. J. E. Charapncy. in the place of Mr. E. A. Poutifix, presiding. The Chairman said that at the annual meeting la^t year
    1,134 words
  • 694 7 Tin and Gold. I. if it. 9th Drcrmbrr. The November tin cuiput from the Raub dl.irict was a little over 1,2u0 p.culs, wh la Penan teat off but 35 the latter is not, however, a mining centre, the only workings being alluvial in .he l Lcpar. Ac legnrds
    694 words
  • 98 7 Sdmk time li.-u'ls eontiiderable intereKt MM niHiiil'i'sti'il in the intention of Mciwrs. Yarrow, the hiK Poplar tjiiphuiklerx. to tr.uiKfcr their workH to the Clyde. It wait in.lcr^tiMxl that the transfer of the workw had been fully decided on but, after prolonged negotiatinuM, tho firm decided
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1458 7 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. a s ;i I li&liiiillil b»H aH ffll Vral a^r .^M&S&sSI ■ES^SSranSl I SINQAPORE SPORTINO CLUB. NOTICE. The Annual General Meeting of the Members will be held in the Singapore Exchange, on Monday the 22ud January. 1906, at p.m. BrsiNEfui To pass the Annual Report
      1,458 words

  • 490 8 We, Malay Mail. understand thai U'ood progress is being made in the construction of this highway which is to link up Pahang with Negri Sembilnn. We have already been able to inform our readers 'that that section of it which lies within the latter State is practically
    490 words
  • 225 8 ;.>i the Mauritius ThreeaudaCent Loan of tl.'iO.iKKi were openDeoambei in at the office of the Crown A'j ath for the Colonies. The loan was slightl\ o-.. i applied for. Tin W i.itrr (i.i-.rltr says:— Kor one or another the issues made hv the I nt~ for
    225 words
  • 119 8 Ce>lon Loses it> I Jest All Round Sportsman. t N. Knk.hi arrived in Goloeaboon ■I cn.i.lllliswiiv totlii- X..M.S. Hi is. us Mid, L;.'in^ t«i tin' .Irlxin^ Ciiinpiinv s ompriauia neari) LMO aetea. la t -hum isatiim with h Timtti tfi < i/lmi rejiorter, M\.
    119 words
  • 370 8 Thk following corretipondenct lias taken place between Lord Stanley, the late Po«t-iu;i-t» i (ii-m ml. imrt .Mr. T. McKinuey, yrmral secretary of the Postal Telegraph Clerks Association "Liverpool. November 2H. 190, r >. My Lord, From the report of a nut-ting at Little Lever laxt night I
    370 words
  • 215 8 Tmk death took place at Soiithsea on the 16th of December of Sir Clement Courtenay Knollys at the age of 56. He was the son of the Key. W. K. Krskinc Knollys. rector of Wrothaui and Hon. Canon of Canterbury, by Caroline Augusta, daughter of
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  • 175 8 A i Saltford Hail way Station, near Bristol, recently one morning. Mr. Lewis Wright, who was about 65 years of age. and who resided at the Tunnel-house. Saltford. was crossing the line as an incoming train was approaching, under the impression that it was the usual train
    175 words
  • 119 8 A loiiKKsi'uMiKNT writinjj to the Mhnm (iiizitl,; under date Nth January. Hayn: I have aeaa present at several fireH that have takaa place in I'enauK ihiriny tho lawt few mouths. At first 1 wax siirpri-i-d to Hee that only few ]Kop'.i- ■MM tlieir property, while the majority
    119 words
  • 39 8 Halw.vnt Mhoi-.vlkak. tlit- cilitor ol the Muliratta i>a|H r lllitil, i>ul)li>li,«l at Poona, Ims beaa ■Daatedea the charge ot bcin^ the author of a sexlitious article. The trial will take place in Bombay.
    39 words
  • 286 8 The "Pioneer's" London correspondent wires that Mr. Prevost Batbersby, the Morning Post's special correspondent with T. R. H. the Prince and Princess of Wales, discusses the Indian Army in an article just published. He says that for the defence of India the Army is absurdly inadequate. Its organisation
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  • 237 8 An Irish Nationalist plot to wreck the new Liberal Government has (writes a politician in intimate personal touch with the Irish party) just come to light. Unless a clear and unmistakable pledge is giveu by the Liberal Premier to introduce a Home Rule Bill at the
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  • 152 8 Thk practice of laying false charges prevails to a remarkable extent in Singai«ore and, no doubt, in other cities of the Orient bnt it is questionable if those who carry on this practice get away so easily tlsew here as here. The law makes no provision for redress
    152 words
    • 94 8 Gambier buyen 7.25 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.75 Copra Bali 7.30 do Pontianak| 7.00 Pepper, Black buyers ..,,20.25 do White, 5% b'lvers 29.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.80 do Brunei No. 1 2.65 Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali, 14*, basis ..,,19.50 Coffee, Palembang. 20% basis 25.00 Coffee. Liberian No.
      94 words
    • 263 8 (Mercantile Bask.) On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/3* Demand 2/8} Private 6 m/s 2/4} do 3 m/ 8 2/4 On Oermunii— Bank d/d 2.32 Private 8 m/s 2.3* do 6in 2.40 On France— Bank d,d 2.*r, Private 3 m/s 2.9-2 do 6 m/s 2.94 On India— Bank T. T.
      263 words
    • 143 8 JaMßsSi Brit. str. 4.4 M-> tons, Capt Thomp9in. 17th Jan. From Liverpool. 16th Dec. G.c. Mansfield A Co. For Hontfkonn. IStli— W. Baajcfeak, Ger. str. 1.237 tous, Capt Klimmet. 17th Jan. From Bangkok, 12th Jan. G.c. I and 15 d.p. Behu Mever Co. For Bangkok, l\-Rd 8
      143 words
    • 80 8 fur Ptr SaaaßMT li,.n ToMorro". I Palemban^ Krnnmg 7 a.m. Anamha A Natuna Is. Batarin 9 a.m. Paneh. Asahan. I'enan^ Irnha* 11 a.m. Malacca and Lingui Khimg Stm/ I p.m. Europe via ports l>,-lt<, :i p.m. Madras via port* Tkcmgra 3 p.m. BaiidjerinaNsin, etc. Svrit Boriuo 'A p.m.
      80 words
    • 125 8 From Ei-bope— By the P. XO. lirlhi'. due ou 19th Jan. I From China— By the P. O. s. lirlt,, due ou ISth Jan. Left Singapore Due in Loudon Arrived Dec. 7th P. *O Jan. 2nd Dec. 30th Dec. Hi!. N. D. L. Jan. 6th Jan. 2nd
      125 words
  • 74 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Whahf:— Nil. ViOWSmObw iiaaj DOCB lianjue Acme. Albert QIMSM I>w.ii Selangor. Section No. 1 Salahadji. Kiatna, S. Laagkal •> Tkoasjaa 3 K»kdale. 4 Nil. 5 Nil. 6 Aril. lk-. Borneo Whark:— l A. A|K-ar. 8 Nil. I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 91 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify the pablic that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at reduced prices. A good op]x>rtunity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are advised to
      91 words
    • 17 8 STEARNS' WINE increases vigor, appetite, aids digestion and nutrition. It does this steadily and consistently. It cures.
      17 words
    • 384 8 HIGH CLASS GENTS' FOOTWEAR! .A.T SALE PRICES TAN GLACE KID BOOTS BLACK GLACE KID BOOTS ("KARLTON" BRAND) 'KARI.T. N" BRAND) Gents' Tan Glare Kid Boots, Made bom Gents' Black Glace Boot«, Soft Finished the Best Glace Kid, smartly sewn, superior Uppers, Smuit Toes, Light Weight Good 8 finished welts, Light
      384 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 188 8 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 17th January. Hiiih Water. Ml p.m. S.V.A. MaTim Co. Drill. 0.1.V Hockey. Ksi>lanade. Afternoon. Lecture. Town Hall. 9. P. .v O. homeward mail due. Thursday, 18th January. High Water. 3-42 a.m. 4-3 p.m. Glove Fight. Christie v. Smith. 9 p.m. W. A. Chaplain'H House. 10-30. P.
      188 words
    • 100 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kamla.ia h'.riian Htffjtal, IM 1,,,u1,,,,i. VM*,. y a. m. 3 p. a i\ v. Biiin Bar. :i> 29.90' 29.5;1G JU.9W >■ > Temp «.m m.1.11 77.:* -=3 Wet Bulb Ther 77.-| 77.1 74.;) j.J DirofWind.. s.N.t. i.e. i.e. Max. Temp s!l.l -f Mm n.a srf Max. in Sun
      100 words

  • 951 9 The Question of Quality. The India Rubber World thus deals vital a leading topic of the day: On his return iroin a visit to Europe to his post as public rubber exper^ in the federated Malay Suites, fiir. P. J. Burgess, in an interview, said that the did
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 188 9 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. •^^^> _^k VICTORIA jam MEMORIAL HALL. --w OPENING CEREMONY S^/jaaV^inK^nV Ik ot it stall<lill 11lt ;lt f tlie afternoon, the iuterior ftAWEU jBPf the bu ding was kept pleasantly cool by the electric fans" MBy fixed upon the walls, demonstrating the hitherto unheard of"
      188 words
    • 430 9 c I READY IN DECEMBER. I I I The Straits Times Xmas Annual, which will I I In' issued in December, will be a unique I I publication of about 150 pages, printed on super- I i fine art paper, the size of SbtA. It will be I filled with
      430 words
    • 308 9 'notices. JMuNTSERRAL: Lime-Fruit Juice and Cordials, either with water or aerated water, is a delightful thirst quencher. Thm LAHCIT sajra I— I We coun.el the public to drink Lime--^m I Fruit Juloa whenever and wherever .If tbay Hat. It I* a far more wholesome JPa/ drink than any form of
      308 words

  • 1198 10 Blending Triumphant. The following ib from the Sou.h Cli la Morning fo-t :—lt: It may eem St.. .age that «ny doubt should exist a ii. what is but when tha trade itseii is kuarply divided on the mattt:, and whun the as.1 in.-e of the law
    1,198 words
  • 717 10 Latkmt RicroiTO. Thare'n a tremor on the telegraphic wires There's excitement 'mongst the Liberal elite For Balfour's knuckled under To the Bannermanic t h nmUr In a diplomatic manner rather neat. Crnvnui. Kkwk Tblmiium. Though the Opposition's pleased, yet they are not Paradoxical, perhaps yet still it's
    717 words
    • 80 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq. bari)iu' sell. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cm. Cruiser Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H. p. Horsepower; Brit. British U.F.— United States Feb.— French Ger —German Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck pattaenger U.— Uncertain T. P.
      80 words
    • 255 10 Men -of- War. Horn, H. M. twin-screw second-clans cruiser, 4,360 tons, 322 crew, 10 guns, 7,000 b.p. C«pt Dal ton, 11th Jan. From Jemselton, Bth Jan. Senior Naval Officer. U.— Rds. .S'«i Belle, Lighthouse tender, 48 tons registered, 38 crew, 100 li.p. Naoodah, 12th Dec. from Malacca, 11th Dec. Colonial
      255 words
    • 243 10 BISL p*»" |'P» Comp y T UULU. I I 13,500 10 I 10 Bersawau G. M. L'c, LU lj.oo Ii.DO *MN »10 »10 1 (Deferred, 8.00 2u, ixw > lv •10 Kadaua G. M. U, Ltd. -J 00 lu.ouo i lv 10 (l"ief.) li.U/ uom. b,*>7 Ml 1 I
      243 words
    • 134 10 ■*uu,uvu 0.0 UvulaU uula u«d 'i,imu 4,j00 tSU.UOO I*,UUU i>,4UO b.UUU oo.UUU 000 a,ow O.UUU 785 uuuulil SJU.UUU >,Ouu uiwi ml J.,uuu t 100 so 125 10U 10 100 lou 10 M 10U 100 I 100 oO »m iuo 10 100 ioo 10 60 I 100 100 Uud Develojimeut
      134 words
    • 136 10 •20,(00 Vu.uuu 9,00U u*.t««ti«u U.UUU tt.UUU I.SUU uiumuM iO.UOU U.iou um~L«. ■i.UUU 600 iihuMii I.UUU 150 ÜblMIMd au.ixx) i,UUU uuMuffi 140 85.1 10.UU0 I,«*H UUIMIKWi £50,000 10 A 1 1 1 1 •100 •100 6 x. i 1 1 1 •100 1100 Balgownie Rubber Estate Lul. 8.50 V, I
      136 words
    • 53 10 Howarth Erakine, Ltd. 7% 200,000 3% prrm. Kiley, H*rgre*v M Ltd. tt% iid.OUO t% (>nm buyer* bmgapora Muuioip«l 11% 4<M,UW) 2% ymu L>uj«- i% l.m'o.OUO 1% iii-uiu Ouver.. It ii {ykI.HK) "i% UU. ui»ll f «njofm Dock Co., Ltd. B% K M.uuu U b (iraui ules. t% I,«m,«u< lj
      53 words
    • 680 10 Same, fort, probable date of arrical, and name of agentt. Stbamus. Airlie. Sydney, Feb. 37 Boustead. Alcinuus. Liverpool, Jan. 30 Mansfield. Ambria, Hongkong, Jan. 23 Behn Meyer. Armand Behic, Colombo, Mar. 13; M. Mtimea Andalusia. China, Jan. 21 Behn Meyer. Arratoon Apcar, Calcutta, Feb. 14 P. Simons. Arcadia,
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  • 18 10 STEARNS" WINE, preeminently the ideal reconstructive tonic when tbe whole system is left in a state of depression.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 240 10 NOTICES. HO HONG OIL RICE MILLS 839 Nofth Bridge Road m^k V) SINGAPORE CABLE ADDRESS "HOHONG SINGAPORE. Town Office 61 Kling- Street. l-> 22 t 2 'JZ— Ghe Cheapest Known Power TANGYE'S PRODUCER GAS ENGINES They make their own gas with the aid of ordinary Gas Coke which sells here
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 688 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. cM STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penanf Ceyloo. Auatralla, loila. Aden, Erypt, Mediterranean Ports. Plymouth mni London. Through Bills of Lading iasued for China Coaat, Persian Oulf, Continental,
      688 words
    • 832 11 STEAMSHIP COItH»ANIES. KonlnkllJl'* PaUe*v P r t MttatichspplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agent, at Singapore Fbjf Aoekct, late J. Daskdiui A Co., 2-8 Colltbb Qdat. The undermentioned daU* are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be desistcbed lor 8011, Billitou Jan 18 Billiton, Batavia, Java-Coast, Samarang, Soerabaya
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    • 590 11 MAUBURB-AMERIKA LINIE HAMBURG. The steamers of thia Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straito, China>, and Japan. Homewarda, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremernskvea -eNreot, calling at Penang amd Colombo. The arrivals of the next
      590 words
    • 662 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NOROOEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Qerrain Mall Una. The fast and well known mail steamem of thia Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Oibraltar, Genoa, Naplea, (connection Marseilles, Naplea, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Snez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
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    • 755 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAI STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd, AND China litul Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewarda for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to Vancouver,
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    • 550 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. BOUBTEAD C0.,-.^au#. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,900 Paid-up Capital 212,760 Refer.'c Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, AgenU for the Company are prepared to accept fire risks at curran rates of premium. BOUBTEAD A C0..-
      550 words

  • 876 12 In Foreign Countries. "Commercial Intelligence inns iK'.i«ith thk engrossing topic Mr C. E. Town, head of the education Department of the London Chamber of Commerce, has been good enough to furnish us with a transcript of the lecture on "Commercial Education which In' recently delivered to the Ashford
    876 words
  • 636 12 Resentment in Japan. The Jiji Shirapo," writing with reference to the emigration question, observes thai; although Japan has now been admitted into the ranks of the first-class Powers, as is evidenced by their reception of Japan, the position of individual Japanese in the eyes of the world
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 119 12 'Don't Be Blind. i Don't rrfii«e to hollercia n thine, till I you've tried It. Tboutaodß oi peopio. Iruffir the liiilwrinabli- tmiun- .it 1(111 I StTISS bevausu they liavo uevtr 7 hcurd or I Little's Oriental Balm kor l>wtu«o they are Mind to their own i 'tntrrwi and refuse u>
      119 words
    • 589 12 BANKS. ■ongkong 9f Shanghai ff Banking Corporation. I AID-TJP CAPITAL 110,000,000 EBERVE FUND Sterling Reserve S10,000,000) Silver Reserve 8,800,000) 118 500 000 ;eserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Blade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. lon. C. W. Dickson. F. Sali"ger, Esq. L Goetr.
      589 words
    • 291 12 NOTICES. RILEY HAR6REAVES CO. LTD. JjL The "SAEKULAR" fi P INCANDESCENT 111 1 SPIRIT LAMP. if UNSURPASSED. /jjyjjw IT BURNS 20 HOURS WITH ONE CHARGE. Mas given satisfaction wherever tried/ MOTOR CARS LORRIES. "ALBION" "DARRACQ" SIMPLE COMFORTABLE Glasgow Motor Lorry Co.. Ltd fcaQgfl lg3sM^y i l'"^''l"l roiuplctf stfuin Wilsons with
      291 words