The Straits Times, 16 January 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.939 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. JANUARY 16. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 218 1 Formed in Ceylon. The KualaSelangor Rambong Rubber i Company. Limited, is the latest rubber eou- cern formed in Ceylon to engage in rubber I cultivation in the f .M.S. The shareholders i are all Colombo people Messrs. V. A. Julius. I F. \V. Bois. H. O.
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  • 158 1 At the Bureau of Insular Affairs in Washington the opinion is strongly held that the application of the American coastwise shipping laws to Philippine trade would be seriously detriiuemtal to the interests of the islands, and the officials are contending for postponement of the application for another three
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  • 126 1 There wan a large and interested company at Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Cos Auction Rooms yesterday afternoon when the R.s. Etmeraula. and the valuable town property kuovvn ax Nos. 23, 24, Arab Street and 02. 68 Haji Lane, were offered for sale by auction. After
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  • 198 1 In connection with the dissolution of the Japanese United Fleet, Admiral Togo addressed a lengthy message of thanks and exhortation to the officers and men. In the course of this communication he urges the Navy to remember that its duties are in no way less important now
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  • 201 1 Shins arc not wanting that the awakening of China has commenced, in Canton province. The Japanese, who U-nuliU'il for a time through the prestige tliey gained by their victory, and who had so carefully sown the patriotic and anti-foreign winds, are the first to feel the storm,
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  • 138 1 It is one of the consolations of life that no taxk undertaken and conscientiously carried out ever proven to have been entirely aaaJaaa, Tlio individual who uadertakeH it invariably reapu a moral benefit, even although he may not be able to see any tangible rosultn. The point wan
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 912 1 NOTICES THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS I I DUCELLIER MOTOR CAR LAMPS afl RV X BPx^a^^ uil^-^^^^AjM Readin oi a newspaper at 400 FEET a^aß Singapore Jigents. Wfie Straits Isimes. AND l)F>e Straits SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE in ADVANCE. Daily issue per year 130.00 do per quarter 7.30 do per month 2.50
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    • 319 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. Gentlemen's High Grade Boots and Shoes AT POPULAR PRICES TAN TAN WILLOW I WILLOW CALF BOOTS M I I J CALF BOOTS M P W mm $7.50 $7.50 Per Pair. Per Pair. A Smart useful up-to-date Boot in 2 shapes, Oxford aud Derby, fair stitched, lined leather,
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  • 57 2 Owing to the date fixed for the exhibition fulling on the »econd day of the Ch nene New Year it iias Imh.ii d«oidod to poBt|x>ne it to Friday. 2nd February, 19UU, Bamc time u-i before. Kxhihito must be sent to the Victoria Memorial Hall not later than
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  • 11 2 Mr. J. E. Nathan, cadet, is appointed a magistrate of Singapore.
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  • 18 2 Tuk s.s. 1\ intuit being in deck will not sail on the 17th inst. for l'enang via ports.
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  • 17 2 Owing to the heavy rains of Saturday tin meeting of the Hunt Club had to be abandoned.
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  • 10 2 Pknano Municipal Estimates for 1906 are Revenue, 11,050,600 Expenditure $1,080,015.
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  • 17 2 Mr. and Mits. I'khtilk arrived from Europe by the (iermau mail and are staying at Jii.ltles Hotel.
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  • 18 2 Nkw visitors at the Hotel de l'Kuiope include Messrs. Lucicn Kann, F. D. Byrne and F. S. Souza.
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  • 21 2 Thk Hon. Mb. J. Tcrskb's leave of absence from his duties us M L. C. U extended until the 16th February
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  • 16 2 Tun Town Band will play at the High Service Kenervoir thin evening froiu sto *>. iiilu-i" permitting.
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  • 17 2 Mb. MarhioTT is appointed a deputy collector of land revenue and deputy registrar of deeds, for Singapore.
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  • 22 2 The S. C. C. lawn tennis tournament will begin on March 7th. Entries close at 7 p. m. on Wednesday, 28th February.
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  • 22 2 The members of the S. C. C. will have to Use the temporary atap pavilion until the completion of the new clubhouse.
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  • 22 2 Thk out-going Chinese Minister in London and his wile and son were to sail for China ou 26th December, per German mail.
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  • 22 2 Thk P. A. O. outward mail steamer Dr'.lti left Colombo at 2a.m. on Sunday, and is expected here early on Friday afternoon.
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  • 23 2 Ton Sloan, the jockey, has mode his appearance ou the stage of a New York variety thcatie. and Ulls stories of racing incidents.
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  • 24 2 Mr. St'EN Tzk tini; is recognized as Consul General tor China in this Colony, tire Mr. Fung Yee whose term of office has expired.
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  • 23 2 Tuk Hamburg Ainerika Line s.s. BrUgavia was fired •jfj*Wrunllng lighter at Yokohama on the 4th inst. Two of her hatches were burnt out.
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  • 21 2 A list of practitioners registered under the Medical Registration Ordinance, 1005, is given in the Government Gazette of the 12th instant.
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  • 25 2 Thk J.'ith and 26th instant will be observed throughout the Colony as Bank Holidays, for the Chinese New Year. AH government offices will be closed.
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  • 24 2 Thk pari-iuutucl system of betting is to be introduced iuto Madagascar next year. Racing in that country has begun to boom, under French influence.
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  • 23 2 AMMM the passengers who passed through on the last homeward-bound French mail was Mr. K. A. Sncwin, late Editor of the Huiigkoiiy Telegraph.
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  • 24 2 Thk Messageries Maritimes Company announce that, this year, the whole of their steamers going through the Suez Canal will leave Marseilles at 11 a.m.
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  • 29 2 In tlie Championship of India final tie in amateur golf Lieutenant J. Campbell (Lebanon) beat T. R. S. Mackenzie (Calcutta) by 5 up and 8 to play 86 holes.
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  • 31 2 The Hongkong Jockey Club has decided to' alter the dates of its next race meeting to February 12, 13 and 14, when Prince Arthur of Connaught will be in tin Colony.
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  • 29 2 (HAKiMi-i -iioss station will be partially reopened (for local traffic) this week. The length of the delay shows the amount of damage caused by tiie fall of the roof.
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  • 28 2 Okrmany has apologised to Brazil tor the I'.mllirr incident. She admits that the officers of the warship in seizing a German subject ou Brazilian soil exceeded their instructions.
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  • 32 2 Captain A. Ralston, who returned from home lately and made a short stay in Singaliore, where he has many friends, left by Sunday's Uermau mail for Shanghai to join a northern tirm.
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  • 36 2 Thk l-mil; I'ionrrr rei«)rts that H. H. the Sultan of Perak has been unable to accept the invitation to be present at the reception ■Hloxt mouth, in Singapore, of H. li. H. Prince Arthur of Connanght.
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  • 27 2 Mohmud has been appointed Penghulu over I'nliiiiM Buknm Besar. Bukuin Kachil, Scbaroh, Kentain, Siking. Ular, Jong, Sudong, Boning, and Semakan. with the powers of a pohoe officer.
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  • 34 2 Mr. C. R. Spknckh, now Lord Chamberlain and created a peer, has taken the title of Viscount Althorp and Lord Windsor, railed in the peerage to an earldom, has become the Earl of Plymouth.
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  • 32 2 Thk late Mr. John Fc« ney. principal proprietor of the Birmingham Daily Pott, has bequeathed 89,000/. to Birmingliam institu tious. including 50.000/. to the Art Halle y and '20.000/. t<> the University.
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  • 70 2 Tor Admiralty order Intely published, directing that henceforth pattf omcent in the Navy shall be ■cMrawrf Vj their full titltH, and that there shall be lew familiarity than at present exiHtw between them and ttuhordinate lower deck ratings, is evoking a great deal of satirical coniiiieiit by the
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  • 35 2 Thk Oermaii Government has tendered to Brazil an expression of its regret in IMMat of tile I'nntln r incident. It is :iilmitted that the party who landed from the I'nntlirrw^L Santa Catharina uxceedi-d theii iustrncli4|B^
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  • 35 2 Thk Timrn of Ceylon underHtamls tlmt Mr. J. H. Oarrett. of Messrs. KousU-iul Brothers, Colombo, has been appointed man ager of the Singapore Irnmway Company, and that he will shortly leave Ceylon for th" Straits.
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  • 36 2 Admiral Toot, in his farewell addrcxx to the officers and men of the fleet, warns them to hold themselves in constant reailiness fat all emergencies, and concludes with the words, Victor, pull your helmet strap tighter."
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  • 42 2 A cricket match was playeil nn tlio S.C.C. end of tin 1 Ksplanadc on Saturday afternoon between Hrn S.C.C. anil the S.K.C. The S.C.C. batted first and knockeil up 112 runs for H wickets. TheS.lU 1 NflW with ">9 for 7 wickets.
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  • 40 2 On Satnrday afternoon, In-tween the Straits Chinese Kecreation Club and the V, M. C. A. a football match was played on very sodden ground. The game was very well contested and ended in a draw, each side scoring two goals.
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  • 45 2 A kkm vitK.uii.K game of billiardsvvas played at the Duipie-ne Club, l'ittsburg. recently, by anumber of Pittshnrg millionaires. In a game of:sm poinis. one of the players lost $72,000. and altogether Sl 7o,ooo chauged hands. One bet of 5,000 was uiade on a single shot.
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  • 43 2 A RURtiLARY is rcjiortcd from H7 I'rinsep street, the residence of a Kling named Marican. He states that on Saturday night he was aroused by shouts of "thief. He found a window of his house open. *s.",ii in jewellery and money had disap|icnrcd.
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  • 51 2 Thk London correspondent of a Ceylon paper says: liubber is lnort than a boom. it is a mania, and there is hardly a known country within the tropics which is not Iniug ransacked to provide promoters with sufficient data to form companies. There will be many burnt lingers and singed
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  • 41 2 The following days are appointed to be observed as public holidays, in connection with the visit of H. H. "H. Prince Arthur of Connaught :—lst: 1st February (/Vh<ih</i llrd February, in substitution for 6th February iSuiijitjiore) and 6th February in (Mnlure<i).
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  • 46 2 Li A Sik, the interpreter has been transferred from the Police Courts to the Official Assignee's office on well-merited promotion. The other day. the Government permitted his acceptance of I AO. given by the mcr chants for his services in connection with the famous Bankruptcy case.
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  • 59 2 Tbe tram started rather suddenly, and a gentleman who had just got in was lauded into a latly's lap. "Oh, get up get up!" said she iudiguantly. What kind of man are you to do a thing like that? "What kind of a man am 1, is it? said he.
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  • 52 2 A correspondent of the MttnehntfT (liianliiiii relates that he saw mi the notu cIxjartl in an Ipswich reading-room the followinjj appeal: "Will the gentleman who teak a horuhiimllol iiniliM'lLi from the suiml naWcdnm day Ui ii>ll return it to the Librarian." Some one wrote Im'Mchili ill BMeßi "Certainly not; weather
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  • 63 2 It is reported that Mr. Ralph Scott, acting revenue officer, is ill. The tol lowing temporary arrangements therefore become necessary Mr. Hayes Marriot. '2nd magistrate, has taken up the duties of acting revenue officer Mr. K. C Column, 4th magistrate has relieved Mr. Marriot; and Mr. J. K. Nathan, who
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  • 80 2 Some months ago the (iovernmeut put two deer on St. .John's Island, lteeently the buck became vicious ami it was decided to shoot it. On Sunday morning Capt. Stoc-klev. H.M.. A.D.C. to H.K. the Governor, and Lieut the Hon. C. D. Baring, A. D.C. to General luigo.Lines, went MtMito St.
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  • 83 2 Thk Uornimg Nmes snys of Tin Tin r>' is a talk of tremendous mlwiiici ■> even iilnive presi'iit reeoid |iriees. The deiiiaii'l is still increasing, wliiiv the supply remains stationary, ami the near future iint\ Mi 1 a stilt, 1 at things which will justify the rewuikinyol mines that long
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  • 100 2 Sin>. viiikk will Ih' «lad to hear that Mr. Hurtzig. another victim t<> the elftvts ot her excellent climate— wu MM excellent, really hii»iilsiic|iii te recovered from the prostration which attacked him daring Ins visit lien He writtw: When I arrived in Ku^hunl I was in |H'ifc<t health ami had
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 368 2 NOTICES. CEMENT. FROM LENGENFELD, AUSTRIA. The finest Cement beds in the world. Largely used in Government Contract work and wherever the highest quality Cement is essential. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. July !i NORWICH UNION FIUE IN DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S SURANCE SOCIETY OF NOKtbaAt CHLORODYNE. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount
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    • 222 2 NOTICES. I Waiting -f=j] j I Attack ce ca I This tropical climate grows vrnrjA I cruel and relentless the o^l^j I moment one begins to lose I the vigour to resist. I When the vital forces languish under the strain or m I work or worry, health goes, "ark
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    • 20 2 STEARNS' WINE it pleasant to take. Its effect is certain in preventing coughs and colds. It build- up and strengthens.
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  • 234 3 M v:.. M aiitiia OaUMRT, a very old colonist, who was born at Parramatta in IHI4, died recently at Lismore. New South Wales. Her parents wore therefore MMMMJ the earliest colonists. Mrs. (teraghty married at an early age, and at one time lived on the South coast,
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  • 152 3 Tm. HMHMM Tramway carried 8.4W.M0 MMH MJI M M«i >cai tad earneil Us. tIUHQ. Those figures show a substantial over those of the pre\ ions year. The new electric tramways in Maudalay, opened in .Inly. I'HH. were also successful. For the MM tiidiui; :ilst .Inly. IMS, a
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  • 140 3 A W'i/.ii/ .U.ll/ I'ahany corres)>en<lent sends tin' following items:- The monsoon appears to have commenced afresh in I'ahanu. M. IJoiiii is building a small MMMMMW at tho *>th mile on the li< ntonu; Hoail. where he intends living while millin^on the Sun(;ei Kerl.idan^. Mr. and Mrs Ma have
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  • 134 3 An affray, which resulted in two Chinamen MmUM, took place on the Tith inst. at Sun^oi l.iiinhii, in the Kukit Mortajam disti nl. It is iflajMi that a CUaOM coolie. aronwd Mm jialousy of a married man. The lattor went to Mm oiKilii's employer and fniillesulv
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  • 88 3 Tin I'umrrr'H London CorrenroiuL-iit wins under dale lilst Dii-chiUt Tli.' Saturday rim- cupreHWjM the opinion that Lord Kit<iicinr will \k- furc< d to resign. It adds Wluilicr Mr. BIUtM nuardIliis latrlglM with couijiUcfiiiv is douliUul. \s between Lord Kit* honor and Lord in/ ;i vm- littlo douht
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 750 3 NOTICES HERCULES lIP CEMENTi NOTICENotice is hereby given that from the 3 1st December 1905 the lute firm Stiven Co., or their Successors will cease to be our Agents and that we have appointed from the Ist January I iiOG. Messrs. RIGOLD, BERGMANN Co. Singapore and Penang. i)iir authorised c
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    • 76 3 RECREATION HOTEL Seranggong Road. Open until 12 p m. Terminus of the Electric Tramway. C»i> MOf at tlie door. Tiffins and dinners t > be ordered three hours beforehand. I'RAKKE BROTHEHS, ProprieUrs. v 854 PHOSFERINE 5 Tho Greatest of all Tonic*. 5 J RADIATE* HEALTH. M ftjfrieton:— Athtoa A Parson*,
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  • 1104 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY. 16TH JANUARY. Mk. J. M. Allinson, though he is no longer a resident in the Colony, retains his ever genuine interest in the affairs of the Straits. Therefore his memorandum on the subject of the Compulsory Registration of Partnerships which we publish on
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  • 80 4 Oub Calcutta correspondent telegraphs the disquieting information that the Bombay Corporation has declined to allow Dr. J. A. Turner, the Bombay Health officer, to sit on the Singapore Sanitary Enquiry Board. The gravamen of this announcement will be realised when it is recalled that one of Dr. Turner's notabli claims
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  • 17 4 Wk have been requested to state that Raffles Girls' School will be re-opened on the 22nd instant.
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  • 18 4 Wk beg to acknowledge 92 from Stain ford towards the fund on behalf of the distressed Australian Drake.
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  • 20 4 Thb usual weekly practice of the Singnpore Philharmonic orchestra will be held at the Town Hall at 8-80 on Thursday.
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  • 21 4 Vkstkrday, Mr. Gilbert S. Carver wan sworn in as an advocate and solicitor before Mr. Justice Thornton at the Supreme Court.
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  • 27 4 Thk annual prize distribution of the Telok Aycr Chinese Girls' School, No. 92-1 Neil Road, will take place on Friday, the 19th inst.. at 4.80 p. in.
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  • 25 4 Vkstkrday. Inspector Wilson charged a Malay, named I'dah, with causiug hint to another of the crew on board the ban Whmti Soon. I'dah was fined »!.">.
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  • 31 4 Thk accounts of St. Mary's Clmrdi at Kuala Lumpur for last year closed vnth a balance in hand of 1932 current account, and a fixed deposit at the Bank of »1,642.
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  • 29 4 Thk regular meeting of the Women s Christian Temperance Union will be lulil on Thursday next, the lHth instant, at the home of Mrs. Tomlinson, on Syed Alley Koad.
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  • 29 4 Turks Chinese counterfeiters were found guilty at the Penang Assizes on the 11th instant. One of them got five fHBS' im prisonment and the others got two years', each.
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  • 36 4 A sleek-looking Klinj; was before Mr. Setil, this morning, for working his bullocks in an emaciated condition. The cattle looked as if they had not had a meal for weeks. The owner was fined two dollars.
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  • 34 4 Wk would remind our readers that .Mr. Bainbridee will deliver Ins lecture in the Town Hal', to-morrow evening. A short sketch of what he has been doin« lately appears on page 9, to-day. i
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  • 39 4 At l'hillip Street yesterday afternoon a Chinaman hit a companion with a chop)>"r as the result of a dispute. The injured man wan removed to the Hospital and the iiinn that attacked him was put in the police cells.
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  • 37 4 On Saturday afternoon a Chinaman committed suicide in a house in Sago Street by cutting his throat. It is understood that he had previously complained of having no money to spend during the approaching Chinese New Year.
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  • 37 4 V.M.C.A. members are reminded that Mr. C. B. Buckley will give another lecture in the Rooms on Saturday M&ttaJß. Subject The Invisible Air". Friends of the V.M.C.A. (ladies or gentlemen 1 are cordially invited to lie preseut.
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  • 83 4 I hi-- morning, Toh Kam VOII was char^nl by Inspector Murphy with assaulting S.I.C. 1.59 at Cairn Hill Road, on the nightof the Hth. inst. Mr. Raine defended. The constable said the defendant was loitering. The defence was that the man was going home late from a
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  • 91 4 Thb Times of Ceylon reports that Mr. J. H. Garrett, of Messrs. Boustead Brothers, has been appointed Manager of the Singapore Tramway Company, and will shortly leave Ceylon for the Straits. Mr. Tandy wax questioned by a representative of the Straitt Times this morning about the statement,
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  • 151 4 A i okhkspondknt says Throe years or so ago the Police were put on sterling salaries, the constables getting 4:100 a year. The rate of exchange then enabled them to draw till) a month. This mouth, at the preseut rate of excliange. they
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 421 4 lXtbst advertisements On and after the ist of January, 1906, the discount allowed off our prices, as per ojr List, will be loper cent, Champagnes, Sparkling Wi es, and Aerated Waters excepted. Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants, Ale, Beer, and Stout Importers. 776 Rotel De If'europe. Applications for
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    • 334 4 Notice to Telephone Subscribers A new telephone list is now in prep»rati<ni. and subscribers are requested to send to the Company's office any additions or alterations to the names or numbers as giveu in the present list, before the 25th instant. A LADY would take a married couple as boarders.
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    • 226 4 NOTICES. The Third Joint Annual AgriHorticultural Show, 1906. A General Public Meeting will be held| at the Council Chamber on Thursday, the 18th January, 1906, at 4-45 p.m. for the purpose of discussing an Agri-Horticultural Show to be held in Singapore this year. The Hon'ble John Anderson will preside. H.
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    • 541 4 Special udcQram r^> rb. "Straits Crimes' I Hlj Submarine (abl, SINGAPORE HE4LTH AND SANITATION COMMISSION. Bombay Will Not Help. Calcutta, Kill, January. The Bombay C'nr|>oration have declined to spare Dr. J. A. Yunier to «t on tlw Sanitation Cominitteo at Singapore. Special German Gcleorams. {By special arrangement with Der Ostatiatische
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  • Correspondence.
    • 134 5 To the Editor of the Strath Time*." Sir.— Will you kindly inform me if no remedy exists "against the continual barking of a lot of pariah dogs opposite my bungalow on Bukit Timah Koad I They appear to be turned loose aliout dunk, and make night hideous by
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    • 153 5 '/<> thr Editor 0/ th>- Stntits Tim ft." Sib.- Since of late there have been several kinds of irregularities perpetrated in Clung Tuiiu Street every night with impunity by some rowdies and others. The adjoining hill has already been opened for the extensive use of the Railway traffic
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    • 690 5 Sih. In your issue of the lltli instant, under the above heading. Sano replies to my letter of the 9th, subject headed Sanitary Singa]M>rc." I watt not actuated by any MhMJi of antagonism when I sought to (jive vent to my ideas through the courtesy of the
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  • 47 5 Born the Straits Steamship OaMH^I s. s. ,S.i/»y</i(i and tlir riiiiii'sr owned Pali 1 got stuck up on the lltli .lan nary in the m,:- em nnilrUt Teluk Aiihoii. The former .Mutually K''t to her ilexti nation about noon. ami the latter at 7 p.m. or thereabouts.
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  • 1252 5 Chaytor v. Niblett. Before Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton in the Supreme Court this morning there whs called an action in which Chaytor, manager of the Hotel de I'Europe, sued W. C. Niblett. advocate, md solicitor, for damages for negligent' n tlie preparation of a mortgage, dated
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  • 668 5 Straits Branch. Tbk annual meeting of the local branch of the Royal Asiatic Society was held yesterday afternoon in Raffles Museum. Right Rev. Bishop G. F. Hose presided, and there wen also present Hon. W. R. Collyer, Mr. W. Graeme St. Clair, Rev. J. A. B.
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  • 126 5 Ykstkrday, before Mr. Colman, Lv I'liua. boatswain of the steamer Charterhontr, was charged with smuggling opium into the Colony. Mr. Montagu Harris defended. The evidence went to show that last Thursday opium had been found concealed beneath the forecastle of the steamer. The police learned tliat
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  • 118 5 Whks the Russian transports (fern and Stuttgart arrived at Colombo, a few days agb, on their way to Europe with returning troops on board, it was noticed that they were fearfully overcrowded. The look-out men there asserted that the Russian transports' own particular smell was so much stronger in these
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  • 291 5 The entries for the Penarig Jannary Race meeting closed on the 11th inst., as follows First Day, 30th January. I.— Maiden Plate.— Butter Cup, Marie, Kitty. 2.— The Griffin Race.— Rex 10, Para 16, Coastguard 9, Royal Flush 7. Millbrook 18, Truant Boy 6, Clamati* 2, Malger
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  • 164 5 Second Day, i.*t February. I.— The Griffin Handicap.— Rex (10), Para (16), Coastguard (9), Royal Flush (7), Millbrook (18), Truant Boy (6),"ClematiH (2|, Malger (2), Diamond Star (12), Wodar (81, Jukubang (Hi. Adonis (5), Income (11. The rif^nr. s denote the griffins' numbers. 2.— The Tby Again Stakes.— Quinam, Poh
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  • 124 5 Third Day. 3rd February I.— The Stable Stakks.— Quinaui. Poh K.llll. Little Mary, Fiona. Dummy. Marie. 2.— Thb Larrikin Ccp.— Rex (10), Para 116), Coastguard (9). Royal Flush 1 7 1. Mill"brook (18), Truant Boy (6). Clematis (2), Malger (If), Diamond Star (If), W«Un (5), .Inkubou)> |H», Adonis (51, Income
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  • 137 5 S.C.C. Beat the Garrison. A mn of the S.C.C. a victory over a Garrison team on the Explanade. yesterday afternoon, by a goal to a try. With the ground in excellent condition and the teams at fairly level strength, a good tussle was witnessed. The Club got
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  • 196 5 Aitobvino to the Time* of Ceylon, on the 4th January, Mr. Matthews, of Harbour fame gave a dinner to the Harl>our Works staff at Colombo, forty in number. The function marked the conclusion of the work in connection with Mr. Matthews. This has been very considerable, owing
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  • 189 5 At Calcutta, on the 4th instant, the Prince of Wales laid the foundation-stone of tbe Victoria Memorial Hall. The function was stately and solemn, and was attended by" representatives of official and civilian society. After the garden party at Government House, the Prince and Princess of
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  • 145 5 As will In- seen from an advertisement in this issue, arrangements have been made for a contest between Jim Christie and Baby Smith of the R. G. A., the latter of whom got the decision in the fourth round on the occasion of their last meeting because
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  • 44 5 Thk tin ore exported from the K. M. S. during the first eleven months of 190"> sli»ws a decrease of 14,709 picnls compared with the corresponding period of 1904. The dutycollected during the same period amounted to $8,836,076 in 1905, and 1H.018,810 in 1904.
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  • 39 5 Wk learn that Messrs. O. R. Lambert. it Co.. photographers, have received notification from Captain Stockley. A.D.6. to His Excellency tho Oovernor.of their appointment as official photographers at Government House during the forthcoming visit of Prince Arthur of Connaught.
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  • 60 5 Mk. A. McTavish, late foreman blacksmith j with the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board, left for home yesterday by the French mail Brmml Simon*. He got a hearty send off from his fellow employees of the Dock, among whom he was very popular. We understand Mr. McTavish does not intend to
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  • 374 5 Ykstkrday, Sergeant Nolan brought police Lee. Corporal Ali, No. 561. bclme .Mr. >i-:h on tlie allegation of liaving on the 2nd inst. received a gratification other than legal remuneration of a dollar from Tan Eny K i in a billiard room in Dnxton Road. Mr.
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  • 85 5 Mkkax J.ix. an eating-house l« \< In High Street, endeavoured to prove lieiuuMr. Seth that a Bengali lad in his employ had stolen »45 from him. A little < :n I enquiry showed that the charge was malicious. The defendant was discharged, and tin complainant rebuked. He
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  • 70 5 Vks tkiih.vy morning upon the application <>f Mr. E. Farm Baylies, on In-half of tlio l>li'.iiititt. Mr. Nansou consenting; on behalf of the defendant. -Mr. .lustico Leslie Thornton made an order dissolving the partner-hip hitherto carried on by the jilainliti .vi.l defendant as the Mandai Quarry
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 STEARNS' WINE, the ideal reconstrnctor, repairer, renewer and builder up.
      10 words
    • 91 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. E. O. HOTEL, Penang. THE CRAG HOTEL SANITARIUM, Penang Hills. STRAND HOTEL, lUngoot. SAKKIES BKOS Proprietors. EXCHANGE TO-DAY^ if your is getting worn. We will allow you its UTMOST VALUE IN EXCHANGE with us for a New Piano. PIANOS in solid TEAK cases with a
      91 words

  • 2663 6 News and -Notes. London, 22tul Deermbtr, 1900. A Grand Day at Cardiff. Cardiff ajid Waterloo are now bracketed together! The Land of the Leek has. caved the Empire! Gallant little Wales is top-dog! such are some of the expressions used in sober sedate journals in connection with the
    2,663 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 636 6 NOTICES; WANTED by the Municipal Commissioners, U.U/v^. a driver for a steam roller (5 tons), •alary »4«0 per annum. Applications with copies of testimonials addressed to the Municipal Hecretary, Malacca, will be received up to the 10th January, 1906. 1076 ENGLISH HOME A laxly wishes to recommend a clergyman's wife
      636 words
    • 540 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. compound bouse of. wo stories. No. 88 Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 18-2 Prinsep Street. c 111 ROOMS TO BE LET with board. Apply Mis Laws, 21, Sophia Road. W0 TO BE LET. Kildare," 262 Bukit Timah Road, pleasantly situated about S miles from town,
      540 words
    • 699 6 BANKS. £h*rter«l Bank of India. Australia and Chin* INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800.000 Reserve Fund £875,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
      699 words
    • 661 6 AUCTION SALES. THE STRAITS ENQUIRY AND REGISTRATION AOENCY. Have for sale a small consignment of splendid MIRRORS in handsome heavy gilt frames. Suitable f. r Clubs, Hotels, Restaurants, and Private Houses^ Exoeptlonal'y Low Price* May now be seen at THE AUCTION ROOM, *1«4 I.ll— Pho. la Bj*nt»TCT In he Shbaoir
      661 words
    • 762 6 NOTICES. All OLD SA'LOR'S LIFE SAVED. A retired sailor of the British Navy, Mr. Chares Harrison, now employed on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway as a signal fitter, lives at 19, Stewarts Lane West, Battersea, London, S. W. Up to January, 1905, Mr. Harrison always enjoyed good health, but
      762 words

  • 71 7 Tin .minimi in Burma seems at present to bo confined to the districts of Morgui and Tavoy.for, although this mineral is found elsewhere there, it do«-s not necm to be worked. The output in 1904-05 amounted to 1:1HM ewt.. value, l at Ks. 128.681. It would have
    71 words
  • 77 7 OwnM to the neat and smart a; ]i.a; ance of the of police who were Kent to Fe-king by Viceroy Yuan Shi-Kai these police have had their queies cut off aud arc dreMwd in lonian Mtyliil uniforms— Yuk Long, a Minis vi of the Hoard of
    77 words
  • 70 7 In the outlying (uirts of Ache>en, the eneuiv <lis|>lays incri-aNint; bolducHs in surpriHcs and onHlaugbtH. Small disastcrx to tlie troojMi in tin- field have rcHiilted. A cry is now rafaoi a^uniHt the policy of cutting down the' strength of tile narrinon. So few troops arc Ii ft
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 20 7 When the whole system is depressed Nutritive recoustruction v of viuJ 'jn portancc. MMi m* Wine i the idea! Tor.ic.
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    • 454 7 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of the 31st Januar}', 1906, for the following works Supply of Uterite and gravel on (I) llukit Timah Road (3) Jurong Road (3) Holland Koad (4) Chua Chu Kang Road (9)
      454 words
    • 85 7 WACKIES YX/HISKIES White Horse Cellar a blend of the finest Glenlivets and Highland distilleries in Scotland. 10 years old. A rich mellow, medium flavour. A .Air :ival of the grand uld Whisky of the country gentlemen of last century. Laird 0' Logan a liqueur of the rarest Highland Stills in
      85 words
    • 647 7 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. NOTICE. The Animal General Meeting of the Members wi'.l be held in the Singapore Exchange, M Monday, the 2 2nd Jan tin rv. IUO6, at "> o'clock p.m. Imm To pass the Annual Report and Accounts of the Cluh for the year euded 31st December. 1905. To
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  • 2682 8 Mr. Allinson voices strong views on the subject. Mb. J. M Ai.linmhn, our former Member of Council, still takes a strong, and we venture to hope, a long interest in all affairs pertaining to the Colony. As a senior resident of great sagacity in Imimmcss affairs, his opinions
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  • 40 8 J. Coffey was, yesterday, fined $0 by Mr. Setli for begging on the public thoroughfarew. He paid the fine ;at least someone paid it for him. It will not be wise for him to appear before Mr. Setli again.
    40 words
  • 27 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 16th January, 1006. The Netherlands Trading Society to day quotes the 4, nis bauk rate at -Au- The Mercantile Bank quote* it at 2 4j.
    27 words
  • 95 8 Gambier buyers I 7.25 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.78 Copra Ball 7.30 do Pontianak| 7.00 Pepper, Black buyers ..,,20.26 do White, B^, bnyen 30.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.P0 do Brunei No. 1 y.65 Pearl Sago 8.40 Coffee Bali, 16% batis 19.80 Coffee, PalembaiiK. 20$ Coffee, Liberian No. 1
    95 words
  • 261 8 (Mercantile Bun.) On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4} Demand 2/4 Private 6ms 2/4| do 3 m/s 2/41 On Germany— Bank d/d 2.SH Private 3 m/s 'J.4-J do 6m 2.44 On Fr.mct Bank d/d 2.93 Private 3 ia/s 2.9* do 6 m/s 3.00 On r ndia— Bank T. T. 178
    261 words
    • 170 8 Ailing, Dut. str. 704 tons. Captain Danck, Utli.lan. From Bandjerinauin. Htli Jan O.c, and 109 d.p. DaendeU A Co. For Handier jennanin. *Hh— Rds. Arratoon Apcar, Brit. »tr. 2,931 tons. Capt Fey. 16th Jan. From Hongkong. 10th Jan G.c. aud 423 d.n, Paterson Simons Co. For Calcutta.
      170 words
    • 86 8 for Per Steamer Time To Morrow. Sarawak Kitclii,i<t 7 a.m. Bangkok Sfepapar* 1 p.m. H'kong, Amoy. Swatow'./.m.;;/, 2 p.m. Penang and Calcutta drrmtum Jjftur 3 p.m. Malacca A Port Dickaou limn, l.Urn 3 p.m. Ampauan Macassar WUMm p.m. P. S'tenham via port* I'.n.nui 3 p.m. Muntok A Palembang
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    • 120 8 From Europe— By the P. ft O. s. s. helhi due on 19th Jan. From China By the I. A a. s. luita due on 18th Jan. Left Singapore Due in London Arrived )ec. 7th 'P. *<> .Tan. 2nd Dec. 30th )ec. 11th N. D. L. Jan.
      120 words
    • 74 8 Wharves at Which Different Shipsare Berthed To-day. EiST Wwar— Nil. Victoria Graving Dock ltarque Acme. Albert Gkavixh Doc* Selan^or. Section No. 1 Salnliailji. I'mtu. (itni|iliuiJB, Kistna. H. van Langkat. 2 Thougu-a. 3 Nil. 4 Au»tn.i. .1 Nil. 6 Verona. Ila- Hera. Borneo Wiiaki 7 A. A|>ctti\
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 59 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notify the pablic that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at reduced prices. A good opi>ortonity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers «are advised to
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 138 8 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 16th January. High Water. 1-55 p.m. Town Band H. 8. Reservoir. 5 to 6. Wednesday, 17th January. High Water. 2-53 a.m. 3-53 p.m. S.V.A. Maiim Co. Drill. VI V Lecture Towu Hall. 9. P. A 0. homeward mail due. Thursday, 18th January. High Water. 3-42 a.m.
      138 words
    • 28 8 WEATHER TELEaRAM. HONGKONG.— ISth Jan.— lo a.m. Barometer M).\>. Direction of Wind him. Fbroe of Wind o. Max. Temp in 53. MANILA. -15th -760. t.s.i. 1 29.
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  • 335 9 Trade Depression in Perak. The continuance of the rise in the exchange value of the dollar has now; begun to produce permanent serious effects at lpoh, in the opinion of the Times of Malaya A coolie, who now receives a dollar, is handling 33 per cent more
    335 words
  • 209 9 List of Visitors and Residents. I)R. and Mrs. M. Frankel. Dr.A.B. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Aduir, Mr. B. Grnss.t. Dr. Nicderhapheim. Mr. Weinl>er[j. Mr anil MrsS. A. Korczki. Mr. K. L. Palmer, Mr. W. Moraux, Mr. W. Dunma::. Mr. W. J. Haskius, Mr. V. .1. Martin, Capt.
    209 words
  • 130 9 Three first-class battleships of at least IH.UKi tons displacement aud eighteen knots ajMai three scout cruisers of 5.000 ton displacement ouc gunboat of the "Helena class, mil] four other gunboats of light draught, two for use in the Philippines and two for service on the rivers
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  • 138 9 A Mf steamer, the Drvnnhn, has been Micresufnlly launched from the yard of Mes,rs. Caird and Co., Greenock. She in one of four new twin-screw vessels, each of n.i k*i tons j;ii..\ built for the P. and U. Company* Bombay-China mail and passenger
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  • 95 9 WnWrday two men of the; s.s. Couhhtm nun- In-fort- Mr. Column for lighting in Malay IM ycsUrdiiy. They made quite a puliirc. lusiM-ctor Sullivan said that it needed the assistance of half a dozen Itritish men of. war's men to get them to the police station.
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  • 41 9 BdWIJMi. Thk annual competition for the President's prize was held at the Tanglin Club on Tlmniday and Saturday last. The result wait ax follows W. 1 Kemp F. O. K. Brown >. H. Millar.) 6W M0-H82 610 250-HBO M9 M0'8M
    41 words
  • 324 9 I<l sinjf jpore. As we announced on Saturday, the famous traveller Mr. Oliver Bainbridge, F. S. A.. K. EL G. S., had arrived in Singapore that morning and ho lias now arraugod to ijivi- an account of Home of his travel* at the Town Hall on Wednesday
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  • 179 9 A chess match was played on Saturdayevening between six players of the Singapore Chess Club and six of the Straits Chinese Recreation Clvb the game being played off in the latter Club's premises with the following results G. S. Reutens 2 Clioo Sian Kirn v Capt. Whitehead 2
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  • 103 9 A coKKK»?ONnKXT of a Japanese newspaper says that all the Chinese., from the officials to the general public, intend to obtain the restoration to China of all privileges and concessions as to rail ways, mines, ect., which have been granted to foreigners. They have been much puffed
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  • 76 9 Tiik Netherlands Consul-General here has laid before the Java Government proposals for securing at Singapore a supply of coolies to work on the Banka tin mines. In that island not only are working minecoolies scarce from disease, desertion, and departures, but they are also
    76 words
  • 266 9 FOR SINGAPORE Per P. A O. s. s. MMnriu connecting with the Bteamer Dtlhi at Colombo, from LoadoM Dec. M, doe 20th Jan.— Mine D. H.-df.-i Mb. Chalhur, Mr. F. .1. Hullifax, Mr. W C. Harper, Miss F. R. Friend, Mr. O. C. Hunter, Mi. R. W.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 468 9 NOTICES. iS 1 IS^ Si ITT 1 "pEXffiA CONCENTBATH) J h—^ <*ALU«CORONARIA» PH IJ.ONDON PARISj HH f ""> CjcD Sold hy all Insist on the "CROWN Stopper, which may not be used by others. The Public are thus protected against imitations. i- 935 <® READY IN DECEMBER. The Straits Times
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    • 185 9 NOTICES. J. BERTRAM KINSEY CO. OFFICE SHOWROOM: 8-3. CHANGE ALLEY BRANCH SHOWPOOM f (Now iv coarse of construction) kWHITEAWMY, LAIDLAwTcO'S PREMISES 1 Artistic Fittings and Accessories, B BILLB, IXDICATOBS, LIOHTSINO C'oNDLCTOKS, etc. Wjf Estimates given for all kinds of ClPl ELECTRICAL APPARATUS MACHINERY. M FOR SALE. Best Java Potatoes $2.00
      185 words
    • 20 9 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE.can Lj obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by pott). Oivet inntant lelief. Avoid imiutioiu. keep the bandy.
      20 words

  • 175 10 Lewis Peat's Rubber Report. Straits and Malay States Plantation Rubber Report. Wfi Deermlier. At the but sale of the year held to-day about SO pkgs Strait* and Malay State* weighing about 8$ tons were offered and ao'ld at rather dearer price* in sympathy with ordinary Para which
    175 words
  • 447 10 Para. We have had a firm market since our last report and at 5/4J at 5/5 for spot and near and at 5 4 J to 5,5$ for delivery. Soft Fine sjld at 5,3 to 6,3J perlb. Negroheads. Manar.s at 3; 11, Islands 3 2 and Cametas 32J
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  • 620 10 The following is the General Produce Letter kindly furnished to us by Messrs. John lladdou <fc Co., the well-known Colonial Produce Merchants and Coamam AajWtal of Salisbury Square, London, E. C, and carrying prices up to the date of the departure of the mail to hand ou
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  • 285 10 14th December. Spot. Notwithstanding supplies continue on a very small scale, the demand has been limited, and prices shew a further decline of Is. to 2s. per cwt. for Colombian descriptions. A few small lots of new crop Costa Rica have been offered and sold at steady
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  • 79 10 The differences between the Hamburg. Auierika Line and the North-German Lloyd respecting the K»st Asiatic service** hax been decided by arbitrator!* in favour of the Hamburg Amorika Line. The Hamburg- Amerika Line had established a passenger service to tlie Far East in waters which the NorthGerman Lloyd regarded an its
    79 words
  • 1451 10 Middle-East Industry. The following is from the Finan cior": The fact that both French and German groups of capitalists have agents in the Middle East inspecting on their behalf estates in both Ceylon and the Malay States suitable, for the growing of plantation rubber, is but a further
    1,451 words
    • 775 10 tlliis heading the following abbrevianmd «tr. steamer ah. ship bq. barmie scb. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cm. —Cruiser Obt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— United States Feb.— French Ger —German Dnt. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger IT. Uncertain T. P. W.— Tanjong Pasjar Wharf
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    • 658 10 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and iumm of af«nte. Stbamebs. Achilles, Liverpool, Jan. IS Mansfield. Airlie, Sydney, Feb. 27 Bouatead. Alcinous. Liverpool, Jan. 29 Mansfield. Ambria, Hongkong, Jan. 23 Behn Meyer. Armand Behic, Colombo, Mar. 12 M. Mtimes. Andalusia, China, Jan. 21 Behn Meyer. Arratoon Apoar, Honkgong,
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    • 74 10 Royal Aktillkky. Maior-Oen. Sir H. J. Alderson, K. C. 8., to be colonel commandant, vice Lieut-Gen, and Honorary General P. G. Pipon, C. 8., deceased. C'OLDSTRKAM GuABDB. Lieut, the Hon. C. D. Baring is seconded for service on the Staff Second Lieut. G. M. Darell to
      74 words
    • 242 10 iXuinuor of Shares I Issue Value Paid Dp tO Company i usBuyers Sellers Transaction* I solo. 10 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 15.00 15.00 •10 j (Deferred) 8.00 I 10 Kadana G. M. Co., Ltd 200 •10 (Pref.) nom. 1 Kechau G. Fields, Ltd. (f.p.) 3.u0 19/- i,
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    • 130 10 400,00U 50 00U uui». u*d 2,000 4,500 80.UUU 12,000 3,400 b.UOO 2,750 35.0UV 600 2,000 5,000 785 uuiMUtd. 30U.00U JU.Ouu uuiwiMd K7.0U0 K. 1 1 ■DuH Development Co., Ltd.. 8.50 8.00 100 50 125 100 > 10 100 100 10 50 100 100 100 50 125 100 10 100
      130 words
    • 129 10 20,100 7u,uuo 9.00U llulWHd 0,000 6,000 30.00U 10 I 6 Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd. Jt 1 Burnt ltajah 1 Cicely Rubbw Estate ii 1 6%4>rel. 1 Pataling Rubber Co. »«0 8.17.b| 8. 6 1 1 C 2. .-..ii Hi. 5.0 1 8.5.0 3,000 biu uuu.iw.l 1,000 ISO uuuaiud 30,000
      129 words
    • 48 10 Howarth Ertkine, Ltd. 7% Riley, Hargraavea, Lid. 6% Uing»por« Manioipkl 6% T<n)»«g F«g>r Dwk Co., Ltd. 9% 25U.000 8% prcm. 829,000 J% prem bayer» 400,000 i% prem buyer.. 1 ,U7«t,000 1% prem buyor*. 850,500 1% di». nnm •iSO,(XW IK pram ulra. ..I l,»oo,jjy 1| t> »<r>>iu Mies
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 66 10 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be deponded upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases of cholera morbus, dysen tery and diarrhoea. It should be taken
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 684 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Jlfll, Penant, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, BffPt, Mediterranean Porto, Plymiuth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued lor China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and
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    • 1392 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljke PaUetvasrt M.atsohapplJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agmt* at Singapore II Ship Aobmct, late J. Daendeld A Co., 3-8 CoiXTBB Qtjat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will he desvatched for Camphuy, IBawean Jan 8 Boerabava, Macassar, Balik-Papan, Donggala, Bwool, Hoemalata, Menado,
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    • 654 11 StBAMSHlP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oarmaa MaN Una. Tbi tut ud mU known mail rteamen of this Company nil fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via BuOwrtun, Antwerp, Soathampton, Gibraltar, Cfoaoa, Naples, (oonneotion Mantillas, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Baid, Soe«, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobs
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    • 751 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OOIAI STEAM SHIP Do., Ltd. AND Chlai Mutual Steam In. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight aad for Liverpool monthly. On* outward steamer each month extends to Vanoouver,
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    • 541 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £13,000,000. THB LABOEBT riRE OFTICE HI THB WORLD. BOUSTEAD rr o Agmt*. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital £2,127,500 Paid-up Capital 313,750 Reterve Fund £1,078,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company are prepared to accept fire risks
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  • 416 12 New Zealand v. Wales. After a tremendous straggle a great match on the Cardiff Arms Park at Cardiff, on 'the 16th of December, ended in a victory for Wales by a try to nothing. Thus the New Zealanders, after winning 27 matches off the reel,
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  • 358 12 A Singapore Consul's Opinion. The American Consul-General at •Singapore expresses the opinion, in a report recently published, that, the time is approaching when American production will overbalance the domand for home consumption, and that the American manufacturer will be consequently compelled to seek an outlet for his surplusage
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  • 647 12 Farther Issue of Capita!. The following is from the Financier of the 9th Dec On Monday, the prospectus of the Rubber Estates of Ceylon, Limited, will be in the hand* of the investing public, inviting subscriptions for further issue of capital to the amount of 40,000 shares
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  • 289 12 Ms. Joseph Chamberlain, in the course of a most eloquent and stirring speech, in which he opposed the Liberal policy of to-day, Raid that the Liberals had made a great mistake in believing that increased free imports would strengthen the foundations and increase the financial and commercial resources
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  • 317 12 The latest prt<test against the member for Battersea is based upon the fact thai he has retained his aeat on the London County Council since he accepted die post of President of the Local Government Board. It is argued that by holding both offices
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  • 289 12 The Original Owner. m Plang Estate, in Sungei Sipui, lVrak, says the Times of Malaya, was owned by Mr. Dosanquet, who planted it out with Liberian coffee and, subsequently, with Para rubber. After several years of hard work, failing health, consequent on attacks of malarial fever,
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  • 321 12 "The Re-Shaping of the Far East," &XSi b y Weale. W'k have received from Messrs. Kcllyjand Walsh a iKHik of great merit and absorbing interest to all dwellers in Farther Asia, under the title of The Ks-Shaping of the Far East," by B. L>. Putnam Weak',
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 114 12 W. H. Connelly, General Storekeeper, Tolaga Bay, N. Z., says Have stocked Chamberlain's household medicines continually and feel much pleasure in confidently recommending tneir Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has no equal." This is the universal verdict the world over with people who have become acquainted with the good
      114 words
    • 262 12 NOTICES. <r$ I Via Desiles H I Cordial Reg6n6rateur JP ife> I Regulates the Circulation, Promotes AA I Digestion, Cures onstipation. Prevent I jj^KPa^jfaßP^V epidemics. Composed of best Elements. A RJC^nKpTkA I I Tonic. A Liqueur. Wine. F^HnKI J I I 12 per bottle at all Dispensaries. 11 Tfkj&Om I
      262 words
    • 15 12 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per feet antiseptic dentifrice, cleanw and preserve* the texth, vtry rtfruking.
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    • 546 12 BANKS. Hongkong 9 Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL- 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve $10,000,000) ,lIIWIMn, IIIWIMn Silver Tieserve 8,800.000 J 18 *****0 Reeerve Liability of Proprietor! 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Blade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haapt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. DiokaoD. F. Salinger, Eiq. F.. Goetz.
      546 words