The Straits Times, 15 January 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.938 THE STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY. JANUARY 15. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 365 1 NOTICES THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS I DUCELLIER m hi-_ff* S^ MOTOR CAR LAMPS H sv™__M Readinii of a newspaper at 400 FEET \^9§nF C. Dupire Co., c 10l Singapore Jlgents. NOTICE. Neither the Oajarfa nor Ov.iii.m- "f BM ■Uliag rated ACHE "ill lie reHpoiiMble he debts I b) tht rr.
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    • 337 1 NOTICE. Mi. Wilhelm Kesxler has been admitted a iiautier in our firm from to-day. KUMPERS CO. Singapore Ist January. 1906. IM NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE ITALIANA FOR PENANG AND BOMBAY. The Italian s. s. ISCHIA. 4.200 tons. Capt. .«liolo. having left Hongkong on the lath inst., may be expected to arrive here
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    • 240 1 NOTICE. By order of the Board of Directors, only cash dealings will be transacted at the Hotel Van Wyk, and no chits will be allowed to be signed. This took effect from the Ist January. 1906. H. VAN WYK. Manager, Hotel van Wvk Co. 1259 TO BE LET Available from
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    • 279 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. Gentlemen's High Grade Boots and Shoes AT POPULAR PRICES TAN TAN WILLOW j_B WILLOW CALF BOOTS M I CALF BOOTS $7.50 $7.50 Per Pair. Per Pair. A Smart useful up-to-date Boot in 2 shapes, Oxford and Derby, fair stitched, lined leather, well finished EXCELLENT STYL*E, EASY FITTING
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  • 1660 2 As Mr. Hnllett will Hhortly be leaving the Colony to retire from the public service after very many years of arduous work, it might not be altogether uninteresting for Rafflrsians of the present day to be carried back to the time, about 85 yearn of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 785 2 NOTICES. RECREATION HOTEL Seranggong Road. Open until ia p m. Terminus of the Electric Tramway. Can stop at the door. Tiffins and dinners to be ordered three hours beforehand. PRAKKE BROTHERS, Proprietors. D 854 STRAITS AND F M. S. GOVERNMENT MEDICAL SCHOOL. REGULATIONS FOR HOSPITAL ASSISTANTS. The course of instruction
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    • 308 2 NOTICE 3. "TIMES" MINING CANDLES. THE HARDEST, MOST BRILLIANT AND CHEAPEST. IMPORTERS: BORNEO Co., Ltd. SIDEROSTHEN m PAINT. \m> The standard preservative for Iron and Steel. Resists the action of Sea Water and Acids, will noi blister or crack under tropical heat. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. July 21 NOTICE. Depositors
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    • 205 2 J^ STANDARD JJOLM/'Y. OF ,£5OO 8m Payable at Age 55 or at Death, if previous Costs at the Rate of I'er quarter. Age. £4 10 oif commenced at 25 £6 14 11 if commenced at 35 I £9 1 10 if commenced at 40 For Bates for other Aget, tee
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    • 315 2 NOTICES. MAIKTAIXS TnE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with !??!B!ißi^iS^!^^^E»S«wc«w^LuT^r^SAc^T7T!Jo_j ■W« eaaoot nx*k mM^aaa\¥mm\\^m*mmWmmm\Wm\mm^m9aWi^a\m9a\\ H Laal k^m too hifhlr o( if |^1ll k ajlll|^'B||fl|BßV H l Imoi m^ m^ m^^^ m^^^^*^ m^^^^^^Lj m^J^J^^^a\^^mmmmS^mm\ Pronounced by the Hiuntsr MEDICAL AUTHORITIES SvVo
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  • 462 3 Tins Russian clond is the only one that tliri-aU'iis. but unfortunately it is no more -loud M the horizon ;it blackens the whole pnis|>/<t. It accinin'.s for the ileuriinl for C»ld in litrlir. and I';iris. mid it in Ist enter int<i every calculation as to tli"
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 113 3 s A*" Don't S Be Blind. < k y DonH rrtav to bellcro In n Iblnc, till I you've II lid 11 'Iliou-nuds "I peoplo/ ■■ilt-r the iiiili-M-ri'iiuil. mrturn ot\ KHU K4IISJI btcaiue they iiav. acvw hoard of Little's Oriental Balm or htcr.niw 1 lh»yare Mlnrt to thdrown/ us a
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    • 231 3 SDPttmrABUITiSHFIKMandbeSUBEtoKAVBAGUODSUPPLIof FUSSELL'S PURE MILK i^ggjEg§i| CREAMS iaß^ aB f NOT substitutes. NOT makeshifts i THE NOT condensed or sweete ied. iG^^JSyy^tltfj y\ bimpy pure rich C^^^^^^Sfe £t^r natuiai Mnk an i imre >:^|^^^C^^^ Bterilized tmF Bual8 ual fefcfi^SSßl'^- pir l.^B anteed fret' from pre- [mkl^ *^f?Pf% 0 "3* k |JW
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    • 202 3 PETROLEUM SPIRITS, BENZINE. OASO 1 INE. NAPHTHA PETROL. ••MOTOR CAR" B<**ND. In drama of < nivl H Imperial illong. We have reduced nur piice for abjvc Rpirito to 50 cents par Imperial Gallon from 11th December. De'ivcrv can be obtained from:— Chin Huac rtin Oil Trading Co 246 K:>uth Briil^
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  • 823 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 15TH JANUARY. "Urkat oaks from little acorns grow," and we know that, in ordinary life, events of prodigioiiß importance are occasionally the outcome of the most trifling occurrences*. Nevertheless it will be learned with amazement that a trifling half null or mayhap even
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  • 488 4 It will be remembered that, when Sir .John Anderson referred in Council to the various alternative schemes which had been submitted for improving Singapore River, His Excellency gave a strong expression of opinion to the effect that the riparian owners and the proprietors within the whole area to be benefited
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  • 323 4 Auvkks by the last mail from Kurojie assimil M that matters hod been arranged Ihlxmi'li France and Venezuela. We hear from London today that diplomatic relations Ix'tweeu the two countries have been severed. A French squadron is said to have sailed for Venezuelan waters, and \\x may baa 1 very
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  • 197 4 Thk QMaa'l Christina* Carol, which is an iintliiil.ij>\ of poems, tttories. (Mt)k drawings. an<l music, by Hritisli a.itliors. artists, ami comi>oHerH [Dnili/ Mail: Js. >'hl. i. lias been published on behalf of the QaMß** Kunil for the Cncmployed. ami is a fittinu publication ami s]H'aliiiin t^stiitmiiv to th< «oo<l willto\var<!-tlio
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  • 162 4 It will interest Siii<^;i|H>i I'lin-. .iml Strait* >HU-]x»\rr- generally, to remember that tin tenders for work on the Siiif;ii)>orc Mail Scheme art- to l>e handed in to tin- Crowa \neuts at London to-day, by the Mleeted Admiralty contractors, for whose benefit mall jolw are invented ami MMtVMI l>y tln>-< Agents.
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  • 126 4 Thk transmits Pimeowrmd CiuubromiiH are clue to am\r at Btapfm on t itt- JKt and A'trd inst.cnt. respectively. Tiny in cari-yiu({ hoM I.Tiki to I,WM» .lapaiu have been detainee! in Kus-iu as prison, n at uai and we iearn that much hospitality uhl a lioarty welcoiiie-andwncl-off were nten ckcl to
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  • 79 4 Attkmion is invi'rd to un udvrrtis. uieut, ap|M'aring mi I 'a go 4. roiH-rrning Urn pililn meeting to held on Thursday n< jg reference to the Third Joint Annual Agri Horticultural Show. It is hoped a thorn, ij-lily representative yiitlierm^ will result upon Mr. Ridley's invitation. The Hon. Mr. I.lm
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  • 12 4 Thk ileatk of Mr. .lolm ltoger, a prominent Ceylon planter, is ann-mm-cil.
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  • 25 4 Thk I*. k O. homeward mail liiltit having left Houkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, is expected to arrive here at i p.m. on Wednesiliiv.
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  • 28 4 Wk have to congratulate Mi. lull <>n Us* marriage of which the usual notice will bn MM elsewhere. Mr. Bell hopes to l» .Singapore by the 25th instant.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 317 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS A vital question with you i- whether or not it is wise to jro to a place where variety is greatest, nnd where prices are lowest. If you pay less than we charge for provisions, you'll certainly get less. Thompson Thomas Co. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. I U'7 The
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    • 548 4 LATE3T ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. Wednesday January 17th at 9 p.m. I mler the esteemed Patronage of Hi» Excellrnoy the Governor Lecture on Native Life and Customs In > out hern Seas. Beautifully Illustrated, by OLIVKK BAINBRIDGE, f.s.a., k.r.0.5., etc. Tickets »*.OO Back Beats f 1 ,OO Heseneil Seats and Tickets
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    • 255 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Mit. axii Mas. L. K\..n PP-Q-1341 SI'ITABLE AND TASTEFUL FRAMES Will greatly enhance the VALUE and EFFECT of your PIC TUBES at the approaching Singapore ART CLUB EXHIBITION. Place your orders for framing with WILSON Co., and you will be satisfied. _cB6l Wanted a Surveyor's Junior Assistant. Must
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 49 5 Berlin, 13th January. I'rivate preliminaries, already arranged b.tuion Oeruiany. France, Italy, and Spain, in rettpect of th Algecira* Conference, assure tin- jioaceful laaw of the negotiations. l*rinc«' von I'.-H'low. in an interview with a nprenenUtiv.- ..f the Mm York Herald, lias afew rvory as-urance of peace.
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    • 28 5 Visioiint Ino ive. on his first official visit to lVince vun Bnelow, as Japanese AntbaftMulor at Iterlin, was most cordially n<-.-ivi-d by tl»• <iorman Chancellor.
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    • 30 5 M. .la'ir<"i i* M. Rouvier's strongest opixment in the French Presidential Election t,ii 1 MH-tesHor of M. Lonbot. that is to be held on Hie 17th inst.
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    • 19 5 M. I.oiibot has declared that lie will never ■mat the honor of re-election to the Presidency.
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    • 30 5 A French Yellow Book, that has been issued in respect of the situation in Macedonia, is merely a retrospective review of m-ent events in that locality.
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    • 25 5 The Korean Minister for War. who lias been on a visit to St Petersburg, has been attacked there by his official interpreter.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 30 5 London, I 'llli January. I liplomatic relations between France and Yt in/in la have been sevcrcil. Thf telegraphic cable between New York am i Venezuela is interrupted.
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    • 47 5 Later. Tin- circulation of uotcs of the Bank of Kraiuv having now reached the inaximuiu allowed by its constitution, the French (iiiv.rmii.nt have introduced a bill raising tin nil-illation by sui million francs, so as to avert a depletion of the metal reserve.
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    • 29 5 Si i far. in the (ieneral Election. 4."> Liberals and VI I nionisl*. have been returned. The actual Liberal gains in these contents arc J'J -«'ats.
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    • 28 5 v-tti. aiii'j 11!"'"1 ■f">»'"ru-h-I'l. h,j linln. -i.i/i. /.<</* ./<im«iri/. Mr. Arthur Kalfour has Im. n defeated at East MunchesU'r hy Mr. T.(l. HorridK 1 K.C.
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    • 17 5 The state of the poll at Mm finish was Horiicliif MM Halfmir 4.423.
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    • 14 5 Mr. Halfonr'N defeat was received with the illicit enthusiasm ill London.
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    • 19 5 It is liclievcKlthat a safe seat will be found for Mr. Balfuiir at bah*
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    • 20 5 I'moiiist clubs recognize tliat the Bowing tiili is with tlie Liberals and are preparing for tin- worst.
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    • 9 5 Kv.ii strons; rainliilaU's arc l»-|>imiiii}! to ijimkc.
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    • 22 5 U l.ilH'ial lu-atli|iiarterstliurv is jubilation, ami mNbH > s H|Hml that a large ii. l. ii.ltnt majoiity will be secured.
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    • 32 5 Bte'4. Sinijnj,i<r'. 0.10 p.m. 11,1,1. 1,,j ll,ttt<r 0.40 p.m. A yoiuij! Korean attacked tlic Korean Minister of War who is visiting St. Petersbiuy. ami iiiHictol eleven wonnils.
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    • 26 5 Tartars and Armenians in I'aiuasia continue to lnirii each other's villages and to massacre the inliabitaiits. They also attack tin troons.
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    • 12 5 W*lm lH'iit Knuland at Hnnliy I'mitliall by lti to I iN.inl-..
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    • 31 5 U K;ist Bradford. Mr. Priestly, the Liberal ciuuliilatc |n>lli'd 6.1H. r i votes agahiHt 4.277 vot.-- liist loi Mr. Viucunt aillanl ll"). Mr. Hurtlcv (LahNrita) imillc<l ■\.ii'M) votes.
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    • 34 5 (.'•unit vim Talb iiliai-li. on \hi»u. inter viiwiil in I'aris. saiil that lie expected the MWMM I'oiiferciiceUi last twn nioiiths. Ho was < imvinci-il that tin- Coiifcrenri wonlil MHk .vi a^n ciiiiiit.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 92 5 To the Editor of the Straits Timet." Dkar Sis, In yonr paper of the 12th inst, inclnded in your F.M.S. notes, it is said that the only jockey complained against at the Selangor races was 0. Randall, and that I had to explain the in and out running
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    • 411 5 7'i> Iht Editor of the Straits Timtt." Sir, In a brief leader this afternoon you state that as a result of a misinterpretation of the remarks in respect of exchange, made by H. E. the Governor at yesterday's meeting of Council, an extraordinary panic overtook the exchange
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    • 202 5 Tv ih, Editor of the Slrai(s Time:" Di:ab Sir. According to your report of the meeting of the M v n ici pal Beard on Friday last, we are not to have any ornamental shrubbery about the fountain after all. Is there anything in the excuse
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  • 203 5 Onk of the pleasantest treats of the season was that given tin children and teachers of the Methodist Sunday School by Mrs. J. A. Wijeyekoon at Oldham Hall, Orchard Koad, on Saturday afternoon. A hundred and twenty children were present, but failed to make much impression on
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  • 907 5 Report of the Special Committee Thk Special Committee appointed by H.E. the Oovernor to consider the subject of the proposed improvements in the Singapore River, have sent in their report. His Excellency had requested that the Com mittee would (I select the scheme to be adopted 2 advise
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  • 125 5 Wo ii MiU'rMUiiultliattlie talented Bumlniann Opera Co. will shortly be uaHKing through this city, from India, bound for the usual northern port*. In India the Company has lia'l a great tour. During Christmas week in Calcutta, the)' produced Aladdin under ih. directorship of Mr. Warwick Major, who
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  • 24 5 On account of the automatic circuit-clos-ing mechanism getting out of adjustment, the Singapore time-balls and time-gun were incorrect yesterday (Sunday. I
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  • 54 5 Thkkk will be a Kugby match this afternoon at the Esplanade between the Club and the Garrison. Some new players are expected to turn out and if they act up to their reputations making some allowance for the climatic conditions and the rain keeps off, it ought to
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  • 279 5 On Saturday morning, a quiet wedding took place at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, the contracting parties being Mr. G. I > A. McKellar, who was recently the recipient of the Royal Humane Society's bronze medal and a certificate at the hands of H. E. the
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  • 95 5 On the 28th ultimo, Yeo Chup, a boatman, was coming down river on an ebb tide Snpaya on a barge was drifting on to him. A row commenced between the two men, and Yeo Chup was struck with a stone on the moutn. and thus
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  • 190 5 s. B. <'. vs. s. c. c. Tbk above-mentioned cricket match was played last Saturday on S. C. C. ground s. I. I R. B. C. W. Dunman retired 19 L. AX is c sub b Talma 1 I.t. Clarke hit wkt. b Alvis -J 3. R. Angus cR.
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  • 35 5 Wk are requested to direct attention to an advertisement appearing elsewhere relating to the s. s. KUttm which will not be sailing on Wednesday next, but will resume her weekly sailings on the 24th instant.
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  • 45 5 W. ,1. Hkyan. who was twice the Democratic candidate for the United States Presidency, has left Manila for the Southern Philippines. From thence he will cross over to Sandakan to meet a steamer leaving for Singapore. He is expected at Singapore about the 22nd instant.
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  • 169 5 VmBH of late have been rife at the Presbyterian Church, the latest taking place yesterday afternoon. The contracting couple were both Danes. Mr. Kmil Jorgenaen, and Miss Ulga Peteroen. Mr. Jorgensen, who is in the East Asiatic Company at Bangkok, had been in Singapore a few days previously, awaiting his
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 STEARM8' HEADACHE CURE can be obtained from all the dispensarie* (quickly by post). Never be without the Genuine. m.w.f.
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    • 46 5 Summer Complaint is the children's mos^ dangerous enemy and the mother's most dreaded foe. Immediate and proper treatmt'iit is always necessary. Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, given according to directions, is the moit effectual remedy known. For sale by All Dealers. The" DISPENSARY, General Agents.
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    • 22 5 Don't wait until you catch cold, but being now with Steam*' Wine in moderate doses to build up and strengthen the body.
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    • 17 5 STEARNS' WINE strengthens the resistance to disease of the lungs and air passages. It soothes and heals.
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    • 825 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. E. St O. HOTEL, P«*«*. THE CRAG HOTEL SANITARIUM. Penang Hills. STRAND HOTEL, R*ngoc*. SAKKIES BKOS Proprietors. EXCHANGf¥O-DAY if your Piano is getting worn. We will allow you its UTMOST VALUE IN EXCHANGE with us for a New Piano. PIANOS in solid TEAK cases with
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 600 6 NOTICES. WANTED by the Municipal Commissioners, Malacca, a driver for a steam roller (5 tons). •alary 1480 per annum. Application! with copies of testimonials addressed to the Municipal Secretary, Malacca, will be received op to the 10th January, 1906. 1076 EN0L15H HOME A lady wishes to recommend a clergyman's wile
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    • 523 6 NOTICES^ FOB SALE. One Motor Cycle, almost new, complete, kpply Motor c/o StruiU Tima. 1806 TO BE LET. A compound house of; wo (tones. No. 98 Sophia How). Immediate entry. Applv to 18 -2 Prinaep Street. c 111 TO BE LET. KiUlare," 262 Bukit Timah Road, pleasantly litaated about 8
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    • 350 6 BANKS. Chtu-Lred Bank of-Indi». Australia and Chin*. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor £800,000 Reserve Fund £875,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current AoconnW are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per annum
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    • 652 6 NOTICES. YOUR AILMENT IS NATURE'S REPROOF. To overcome that ailment You require Nature's Assistance.' ENO'S FRUIT SALT' IS NATURE'S OWN REMEDY, and an nnanrpaMed one. It is peculiarly adapted for any constitutional Weakness of the Liter, po*e-ses the power of reparation when digestion has been disturbed or lost, and places
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    • 605 6 AUCTION SALES. THE 5TRAIT5 ENQUIRY *ND REGISTRATION AGENCY. .Have for sale a small consignment of splendid MIRRORS .n handsome heavy gilt frames. Suitable for Clubs, Hotels, Restaurant*, and Private House*. Exceptionally Lo» Prio«« May now be wen at THE AUCTION BOOM, 5, Raffles Plae* c 1934 In BAaiMfrrcT In be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 347 7 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. *i* iidMttiilla U Wk VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL. ijw OPENING CEREMONY KJrß^^^MS 3 la s t 'tli^tandiiiK the heat of the afternoon, the interior x^Sf^^KSP^ M 1C v n K wtut C P^ pleasantly cool by the electric fans t49bV Jh fixed upon the walls,
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  • 270 8 Appreciations by the British Printer." Ky Saturday morning's l.iail from Home there arrived The British Printer." which contains a critique on the recently -published Souvenir of Singapore." It might be mentioned that the '8.P.." known the world over to members of the craft, is recognised to
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  • 225 8 The Hindu Festival of Pongol." On Saturday last Mr. Anaiualai, a prominent member of the Hindu community, placed his bungalow at Tanjong Katong at the disposal of a large number of his co-reli-gionists on the occasion of the Hindu festival of Pongol." More than three hundred men. women, and children
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  • 44 8 I'hk usual monthly shoot of the S. V. A. I t'i Club was held 011 Saturday and yesterday. There were over 4<l oni]>etitors and tin results were as follow A.CU-. (iunner Walker S.V.A. 94. <7#i«x. -Corporal Baugh S.V.A. S3.
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  • 102 8 Tuk Singapore Ifitle Association Handicap Slnx>t for .lanuary was shot ofl yesterday alleiniMin. at the Kallestiel rifle range, witfi the following result A. Class- Teow Keong Hec. ,*6y>/ 8 94 Ist. Sung huiK BatJ ..s-.' f /10 92 2nd. ■I. Loaf Mfl 7 «9 3rd. 11. Class—
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  • 79 8 M mi Mum.. The results of the contest for the monthly medal, wfaiek «as played for on Saturday, w« re as follow 0. Murks Major Wilaoo D T. Boyd.. it. numintaB J II.. i,, M.i imMtraag Minor l.verctt i D. Hawaii I 1. Carver II'.:.].. Toll
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  • 71 8 \'i ma lane orowi at the Kami ang Kerlmn Police fltaliiiai w-stenlay afterr n. In ya/e at sinne BnroaMUM who bole tin aafMawM of hiring bee* mmbmml >n a llgbt All inquiry elicited the fact that the 1 m were German aad Finnish aaQonwlM I d
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  • 372 8 k have received from the Strait* Times Press. Limited, a copy of the Straitx Timr> Annual, a. most artistic publication, which, we trust, says the L. <t C. Erprett, may prove the forerunner of many similar works in the years to come. The publishers are to
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  • 233 8 An excee<Ungly vigorous attack on the Crown Agents is being made in Singapore. says the Globe. The Crown Agents and their engineers appear to have induced the Government of the Straits Settlements to embark upon a very expensive scheme of harbour improvement, in the face
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  • 243 8 A Surveyor's Device. While a well-known local .surveyor, who had been kept out late at work on Saturday niyht. was driving in a rickislia along Tampeuis Road, about 7.30 o'clock, his rickisha coolie suddenly dropped the shafts and ran for his life into the edge of
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  • 50 8 Tuk directors of Price* Patent Caudle ('oiiipauv t Limited), in whose service Mr. Jolin Burns worked as a boy. recently sent the ri^'lit lion, •'entleniau a letter conveying the lonyrattilationti of the directors.'the stiitt. and tin workmen of the tinn upon liis ap|niiiitinriit as President ot the Local Government Board.
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  • 187 8 Seizure of Smuggled Chandu. Ykstkkhay morning, a seizure of 28 tins of Amoy chandu. worth (2.700, was made in a twakow at Teluk Ayer Market and one Tan Kang was arrested. This man explained to Mr. Colman that at midnight, on the 11th instant, Lim Chu engaged
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  • 230 8 Tuk case of a Chinaman who, as an undischarged bankrupt, had it was alleged incurred further debt, was on Saturday again mentioned to Messrs. Bryant and Column sitting as a Bench Court. Mr. Van Cuylenberg told the Court that as he understood no evidence was to be
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  • 24 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. l~>th.)tiHifiiy,l9O6. The Netherlands Trading Society to-day ijui.les the 4 111s bank rate at 2/4^. The Mercantile Bank quotes it at "2 4(.
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  • 16 8 The December i1905l output of Tronoh amounted to picnls :!.64"i.Hl drcsseil tin ore. and realized 5189.910.81.
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  • 96 8 Gambier buyer? S 7.45 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked ..,,10.71 Copra Bah 7.30 do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black buyers 20.50 do White, s<\> bnyen. 30.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.80 do Brunei No. 1 U. 65 Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali, 16% basis ,19.30 Coffee, Palembang, 30% bails 25.00 Coffee,
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  • 263 8 (Mebca-stii.k Bask.) On London— Bank 4 ml* 3/41 Demaud l~; Private 6 m/s 2/5 do Sm/s 9/4} On Germany— Bank d/d 2.37} Private 3 in > 2.4U do 6m/« 2.43J On France— Bank d/d 2.96 Private 8 m/s 3.01 do 6 m/s 3.03 On India— Bank T. T. ITU
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    • 663 8 Amirnl itlry. Frli. Ktr. 3,563 tons, Capt Le Bran, loth Jan. From Saigon, 12th Jan. G.c, and 277 d.p. Mbine C'omte 4 Cie. For Havre, IMb— Ma. Hnhalmi. Dnt. str. 4*4 tons, Capt Swart. 14th Jan. From Bangkok, 10th Jan. Hullast. SymetVCo. V.— Rdi. Han Hin Huan.
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    • 95 8 For Per Steamer Time To- Morrow. Sarawak Kiirhiiui 7 a.m. P. S'ttenham A Penang/fmi II halt SoM 1 p.m. Bengkalis,BiakiVPakan//i>n>f Lee 3 p.m. P.Swettenham via ports Bmtmg 3 p.m. BaiKljermnssin. etc. Hun I.i»inj 3 p.m. H'kong. S'ghai, Jupan Au.-irin 3 p.m. Peuaug and Deli Calyp/n 3 p.m. Hongkong
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    • 138 8 From Ki-Rom By the XI. XI. a. s. Safari* due on 13th Jan. From China— By the P. *O.s. s. /vifa* due on 18th Jan. Loft Singapore Due in London Arrived Nov. 30th B.I. Dec. MM Dec. _>Hrd Dec. 4th M. M. Dec. 26tli Dm. J-ith Dec.
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    • 79 8 Wharves at Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. East Whark— Nil. Victoria Graving Dock Barque Aetna. Albert Gravinc Dock:— Nil. Section No. 1 Kalahadji, I'mtu. (umpliiiij*. Virawa Soembawa. S. Un r,nnj;kat 2 Gladestry. Obra. IIW 4 Austria. M 5 Kuching. 6 Verona, Calypso. Oopack Borxko Whaiik:—
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    • 94 8 Arrived 15th January. I'er UorilHit:- From ISminknk Mi. V. CkMT, Kr. T. Aariat, and atr v fTiitiiifm Vcr fUmffapurt: l-'r.jin Bangkok atr. and Mis. ltngnon. Mi. Well), ami Mr. mid Mix. Dosseu. l'ei .s,i',imi|..i I'niiM Tclok Alison M. Q \V. BmmU, Mi 'I. KiiHsell. Dr. ThoaiMan, Btr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Beg to notif)' the public that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now selling their goods at reduced prices. A good opix>rtunity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are advised to
      73 words
    • 42 8 Anyone who has ever given Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a trial will tell you it is unequalled for all stomach and \x>wel troubles. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by All Dealers. The DISPENSARY, General Agents.
      42 words
    • 41 8 Cholera Morbus has lost its terrors io. the home where a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is kept. It never fails even in the most severe and dangerous cases. For sale by All Dealers. THE DISPENSARY. General Agent*
      41 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 126 8 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 15th January. High Water. 1-4 p.m. Asiatic Society. Museum. 5. S.V.A. Gun Drill. 5-30. S.V.I. Drill. 5 13. Tuesday, 16th January. High Water. 2-9 a.m. 1-5.5 p.m. Town Baud. H. B. Reservoir. 5 to 6. Wednesday, 17th January. High Water. Mi a.m. 2-33 p.m. S.V.A. Maxim
      126 words
    • 96 8 WEATHER REPORT. Knnilanii Ktrbm Bttfkml, nth Jmtmm 9 a. Ejp r. v.. 'j r. Ukmakk-. Bar. :<2 29.963 29.870 29.9*7 >•> Temp 84.5 BH.H 7'J.j Wet Bulb Ther 7H.5 H0..-, 76.5 jj Dirof Wind r.k. \.i:. g Max. Temp M. I -3 2 Mm 73.9 Max. in Sun Us.:, SZ
      96 words

    • 79 9 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq. —barque sch. schooner Yet. Yacht C'ru. ftshl Obt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Horsepower; Brit. British U.S.— United States Feb.— French Ger —German Dut.— Dutch G.c— General-cargo d.p.— deck passenger; U.— Uncertain T. P. W.—
      79 words
    • 533 9 ttura, It. M. twin-screw second-class cruiser, 4,360 tons, 32-' crew, 10 guns, 7,000 b.p. Capt I>»lUm. Uth Jan. From Jeaselton, Bth Jau. Henior Naval Officer. U.— Rds. Sea Mew, Govt. str. 500 tons, displacement, M crew, 700 h.p. Commander Haddocks, 13th Dec. From Malacca. 12th Dec. Colonial Government. U.—
      533 words
    • 605 9 name, port, probable dale of arrival, ami name of ayentt. Stumibs. Achilles, Liverpool, Jan. 15 Mansfield. Airlie, Sydney, Feb. 27 Bouttead. Alcinous, Liverpool, Jan. 29 Mansfield. Ambria, Hongkong, Jan. 23 j Bebn Meyer. Andalusia, China, Jan. 21 Bebn Meyer. Arratoon Apcar, Honkgong, Jan. 16 P. Simon*. Arcadia, Hongkong.
      605 words
    • 235 9 of Share* issue Value up to Company Buyan Sellers Traniael tiona 13,500 i.Mo uuiMuaa. 4.00U 30,000 10,000 6.W1 2J,7»3 50,000 15U.UUO > 10 10 10 10 IS 1 1 I 1 100 SOLO 10 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 1500 10 (Deferred) I 8.00 10 Kadaua G. M. Co.,
      235 words
    • 134 9 400,000 Jt)UUUuui.,u»d 2,000 4,. AW t»o,ooo 12,000 3,400 6,000 2,750 85,000 tJOO 3,000 5,000 785 uuunueU. 800,000 tO.uuu uuiHuad 87,000 I 10b 60 1-J5 IUO f 10 100 t 100 10 50 100 100 1 100 M 115 100 10 100 100 10 60 100 f 100 Duff Development
      134 words
    • 129 9 70,000 8,000 uuuau*d 6,000 6,000 1.H0 uuiMiMd 30,000 li,40U uuiuuxl 2,000 850 unijtufci 1,000 liu uuuwud 30,000 4.UUU uuwiw. m 850 10,000 I, till uuiMiie.1 £40,000 9 D XMllguwuiti ivuuuer relate i.wi. 1 Bukil lUjah 3.17.0 I 1 1 1 £1 Cicely Rubber EsUte 1 5%Pref £3. .Vo 6.0
      129 words
    • 46 9 Howarth Erikine, Ltd. 7% Riley, Hmrgreavea, Ltd. 6% tiiutfaporo Municipal 0% 6% Ttujuug Paftr Dock Co., Lid. 6% i 360,000 3%prem. aSS.OOO i% prem buyers 400,000 2% prem buyer.. l,t)7t),000 1% pram buyer*. 635,800 2% din. uoin. 250.00U U% prem aalea. I.MU.SOU l{<, prom mJm
      46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 579 9 BANKS. Hongkong tf Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,00t RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve $10,000,0001 .wumMM BilrerReserve 8,800,000) 180WUUU Reserve Liability of Proprietor! $10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Blade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Kw). Deputy Chairman. Hod. C. W. Dicksou. F. Sali"«er, Eaq. K. Ooetx. Esq. E. 8bellim, Esq.
      579 words
    • 259 9 NOTICES. \Vinßesiifs I I Cordial Regenerates: J? f^\ I Regulates tlie Circulation, Promotes X 2 A Digestion, Cures onstijiation. Prevent I A*jßH^iCfay^| epidemics. Composed of bent Elements. A M||ryHr^\ I I Tonic. A lAgurur. Wine. Jw?^B^i»gsf J I I 12 per bottle at all Diipensarien. Jl JsLy£9 m Sshe Cheapest
      259 words
    • 348 9 NOTICES. "tf 1 1 —>f Some of the Special Advantages possessed by Tka MM Faato ctaitly aaanilauK la caaiaatitlaa la. tm an ■< an; al 4l|Mllaa v Maximal Milk. I i J v^ VFf\f\f% M «-> 4 T.., „..14. p.r«c, 4M to, .h. <„».,« rf nn. n... Ml «r.a, H*
      348 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 694 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. C 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Ejypl, Mediterranean Po.-ti, Plym juth aad London Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian
      694 words
    • 1414 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklljke Paketvaart MaatsohapplJ. I'nder contraot with the Netherlands India Government. Agent, at Singapore Ship Agency, umc J. Daehdeui A Co., 2-8 Collier Qdat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be despatched for Camphityt IBawean Jan 8 Soerabaya, Macassar, Balik Papau. Donggala, Bwool, Soemalate, Menado,
      1,414 words
    • 617 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial dei-man Mall Line. The fast and well known instil steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      617 words
    • 729 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAH STEAM SHIP Co,,. Ltd. AND China Mutual Stem Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer eaoh month extends to Vancouver,
      729 words
    • 533 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE A LIFE. TOTAL INVEBTBD FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. TWE LAROaST FIRE OFFICE I* THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD A Co.,—Agenm. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital 12.127.800 Paid-up Capital 1 212,750 Reisawe Fund £1,073,860 The undersigned, AgenU for the Company are prepared to accept fire
      533 words