The Straits Times, 13 January 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times THE STRAITS TIMES. SATURDAY. JANUARY 13. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS. NO. 21.937
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  • 372 1 (Sunday, 14th January) I Sim.w im.i; Kiimunv. Bt. Axmkw'i 'atuki'lsai.. --7 a.m. Matins an. l I.itanv. 7-45 a.m. Holy Coniimin. (Choral). Children's Service. 4 p.m. Ml p.m Kvensoug ai:d Sermon. St. Mm 111. Ski-.a l.isis. 11 l.'i a.m. Holj ('o.mnunion. 11-15 a.m. Foo Chow Service. l'.vensong, mid
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  • 87 1 On the Bni inst. tlui ncwly-iipiKjiuU-tl Junior .ludicial (-'oinniinhioner. at Ipoh. who '■at lor the first time, gave judgment in the OBM of an upix'iil from the lower Court's |,r, vions finding. Tlie |x>int at is>ne was whether or not a biiffalo may enter the lands of another
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 554 1 NOTICES THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS I DUGELLIER '^laaajf?^ MOTOR CAR LAMPS n ."*Z\t\ R^adini? of a newspaper at 400 FEET Singapore Jigents. J. BERTRAM KINSEY CO~ OFFICE SHOWROOM 83. CHANGE ALLEY BRANCH SHOWROOM (Maw in taunt ofeatMaraeaiaa) kWHITEAWAY. LAIDLAW CO.S PREMISES \itisiic ?'ittinys an.l Accessories. V 9 imuiNi, Lmmam
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    • 400 1 7s>6e Straits Wimes. AND Straits SUBSCRIPTION RATES.... PAYABLE in ADVANCE. Daily isaue per year 130.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per inontb 2.50 do ]>er copy 0.15 Weekly imue per year 18.00 do per quarter 4.->0 do per copy 0.40 When sent by post, there ia added for the laily
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    • 379 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. Gentlemen's High Grade Boots and Shoes AT POPULAR PRICES TAN TAN WillOW I WILLOW CALF BOOTS M I I CALF BOOTS m PII m w $7.50 $7.50 Per Pair. Per Pair. A Sinardjusefnl up-to-date Boot in 2 shapes, Oxford and Derby, fair stitched, lined leather, well finished
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    • 94 1 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. .Inn. IJ— At Sale-room, British steamer Bato Iliuljev." Ml p.m. 16— At Sale-room, houses Nos. IS to 16off Outram Koad, and 50 Pagoda Strutt. 2.30 p.m. -Ai At Sale-room, houwhold furuiture, >Vc. 11 a.m. H. L. Coft-hlan and Co. Jau. IS At Sale- room, steam
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 145 1 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 13th January. High Water. 0-17 a.m. 11 SH :i.m. Hunt Meet. Cluny. 4-40. Raffles Hotel Special Dinner. U. P. Meeting. Pres. Cnurch. m-30. Town Band. H. 8. Reservoir. 9. Sunday, 14th January. High Water. 0-52 a.m. 019 p.m. B.V.A. Rifle Club Shoot. 7 German outward mail
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  • 506 2 The Cost To Japan. Figures are published in some Japanese contemporaries showing the cost 'o Japan of the late war. The total expenditure provided for by the Government in the various Budgets since the outbreak of hostilities amounts to over 1,746,000,000 yen. Including the expenditure for
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  • 238 2 In order to show that already various stations in a system of wireless telegraphy may work near one another simultaneously, without the transmitted waves producing mutual interference, Count Arco lately set up six small experimental stations in the hall of the War Academy, Berlin, and sent messages
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  • 120 2 Prof. Fricdrich Preinicke. of the University of Stra&Hburg. has been engaged on the translation of certain ancient Egyptian papyrus MSS. which he recently discovered at Oxy phy ncliiiM, in Kgypt. He has come to the conclusion that the art of stenography wax certainly known to the
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  • 517 2 The Hamburg-Amerika Line's Appeal. The Board of Directors of the Ham-bui£-Amerika Line, in consideration of their own interests and German trade, are distributing freely a pretentious pamphlet entitled Stand und Aufgabe der Deutschen Industrie in Astasien," in which there is summed up the present position of German
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  • 264 2 An apparatus specially imigtmi by the Director of Agriculture for tenting the elaxticity and resilience of rubber, constructed by Messrs. Ha in) and Tatlock from Mr. Carrutriers' drawings, is now being experimented with at the laboratory of the Department of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur, says the Malay Mail.
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  • 157 2 Owi.v, to tlio injury done by the nails t« the hoof of a horKc, a iiaillcss BOCM^iHM lihs for louu lici'ii the aim of the inveutor. A .lonte-shoe carrier littin^ the hoof, anil to which the nlioe proper ran be alhxtxl, is mm of the latent
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 421 2 NOTICES. TUCK'S HAIR AND LEATHER BELTING. FOR TROPICAL CLIMATES PARTICULARS FROM The Borneo Company, Limited. HUMBER CYCLES. Imperial $65. "Standard $90. "First Grade" $140. "Beeston" $175. IMPORTERS Borneo Co., Ltd. July 20 RECREATION HOTEL JHE j^EULKCT OF Seranggong^Road. L IFE A. sSUKANBE Open until I. p.m. YEAR AFTER YEAR men
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    • 565 2 NOTICES. fOX Bin SKIN SCAIP AND HAIR Something for Mothers to Think About EVERY CHILD, born into the world with an inherited or early developed tendency to distressing, disfiguring humours of the skin, scalp, and blood, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only because of its suffering
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  • 616 3 Thk Antflo Continental Gold Syndicate ini't at London on the 10th December, with Mr. W. F. Turner in the chair. In riexcribinn Mm holdings of the Company the chairman said We have holding, which are too MHMI to detail. Amongst these is MM British Kornco Exploration Company,
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  • 114 3 Thk quinquennial census of the (lerinan Umpire, taken on December Ist, is expected 10 nv<al that the population exceeds 61,*****0, a«ainHt :>6,545,(N>0 in 1900. Siucu IKB4 the population will liave exactly doubled. It is believed that tliis hitherto continuoiis increase lias reached its climax, as the birthrate
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 169 3 NOTICES XtsßT_4fe*s_ UCDPIIECC mm I^TMrilT ncnUULCa UtIfICIIBNOTICE]. Notice is hereby given that from the 3lst December 1905 the late firm Stiven Co., or their Successors will cease to be our Agents and that we have appointed from the Ist January »i)OG. Messrs. RIGOLD, BERGMANN Co. Singapore and Penang. j)iir authorised
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    • 646 3 I' READY IN DECEMBER. The Straits Times Km»« Annual, which will be issued in Decejnber' will be a unique publication of .about 150 pages, printed on superIrine art paper, the size of Skrtch. It will be tilled with stories, articles, sketches, photographs, caricatures of Straits folk, plain and colored, and
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    • 335 3 THE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. We beg to notify as having, from the Ist January 1906, taken over the Agency of the above Company for the Straits Settlements aud Malay States. The Guarantee Bonds of the Company ar* accepted by H. M. Government at Home, in the
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  • 27 4 (kadikhk i Siitlilenh at Inveriiess, Scotland, on the loth December, of acute pneumonia, .1. K. ruddock late at the Raub Australian (i. M. Co.. Raub. Palmng.
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  • 171 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 13th JANUARY. VISIT OF H.R.H. PRINCE ARTHUR OF CONNAUGHT. Probable Programme. MkM a.m. Land at .lohnston's Pier. Day Fireworks in Harbour. Drive to <iovernment House. U noon. licception of Malay Sultans at (iovernmeut House. Afternoon. Motor car drive round Singapore. 7. -ill p.m.
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  • 52 4 I T is the Kt. Hon. C. K. Spencer, half-brother to Karl Spencer, who is appointed Lord Chamberlain in the present Ministry. He is heir to his half-brother, was born in 1H57, and has sat for North Hants IMO-86, and Mid-North Hants 198S-W,a*d since 1900. He is now raised to
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  • 23 4 (•wish to pressure on space today, and the early issue of the pai>er. several columns of matter are unavoidably held over until Monday.
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  • 10 4 We have receivc<l tlie Singapore and Straits Ahuanac for 1906.
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  • 16 4 Thk Eabl of Sefton iSe/ton won the Derby in l«7«t is the present Master of Horsu.
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  • 14 4 Miks Anderson arrived from Kangoon yesterday afternoon by the B. I. Steamer \'ir in;
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  • 22 4 Tobacco ix likely to be HUpersedcd l>v rubber, in a few years, in B. N. Borneo, says the L. <r C. Kjrprett.
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  • 19 4 In Town and Volunteer Band will play at the High Service Kescrvoir to-night from 9 o'clock, weather net luitlillg.
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  • 17 4 Singapore is now enjoying some excellent ini'.nyosteens which have arrived in considerable quantities from up the coast.
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  • 22 4 The M. M. steamer JSmwl Simon* left Saigon at 5 a.m. on the 13th inntant and may be expected on Monday morning.
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  • 23 4 Mr. Little, resident of Alcock Provinoe, M. N. li.. who died in Kdinburgh on tbe iFth ultimo, was only forty-live years of age.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 57 4 The Tiiiipn reports that the French banks have decided to p.dvance Russia '266 million francs at 5i per cent. This does not involve an export of %oU\: the capital sum remaining in the banks against Russian drafts. Hei'ii. Simjuporr 4,) D p.m., 1 !lh January.
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    • 35 4 A soberer tone is manifested by the press in the political controversy, on the eve of the polling, but rowdyism i- rampant everywhere. Some candidates havt been pelted with mud and atOMa,
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    • 15 4 Mr. I.loyd licorge. at Leamington, and Mr. Lyttelton. at Warwick, ajajn shouted down.
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    • 86 4 Mr. As«|iiitli. at Perth, warned the country tititt .im remission of taxation would be impossible, till the general level of expenditure had been reduced and better provision had been made for redemption of the national debt. Herd. Singapore 10.-'i i.m. IVh J,nin,,r,j. Ihlil. by llMln 10.4-J
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    • 158 4 ■il Si,i!iaj,an:, p.m. 13th Janiiai,/. Ihld. by lhutrr oMlp.m. l-ltli January. The following have been re-elected, unopposed: Mr. Chance. Carlisle: Mr. Austin Taylor, Kast Toxteth. Liverpool; Mr. U. Hrynnioi-.lones. Swansea District: Sir Christopher Furness, Hartlepools. According to an official despatch, two bombs were thrown at a Cossack patrol
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  • 47 4 This the Pimm,/ (ioultr of the 10th January The money market is in a very excited state, and rates are rising and falling alternately. It is anticipated that there will he a slight fall in exchange after tbe Chinese NewYear, but that it will be only temporary.
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  • 41 4 excitement was caused along the Ksplanaile this morning by a runaway pony. unharncsHod and nnhaltered. It careered wildly past the Hotel de l'Kurope and then jumped over into the Cricket Ground, when it ultimately tired itself out and was caught.
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  • 72 4 Mk. F. Whitkhkld, who resides at The Priry, River Valley Road, reports to the police the loss of a gold watch and chain. This morning Mr. Whiu-tiold forgot liis watch and chain in the bathroom, when h& got down to office he missed it and telephoned to his house. It
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  • Correspondence.
    • 350 4 To Oic Editor of the Strati* Timm.' Sir,— Under the above heading, A .Man in the Street writes that the Straits io\ .in incut under the guise of the Taniong I'agar Dock Board has submitted a tender to the Government for the supply of coolie labour, tongkangs,
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  • 30 4 Mr. H. .T. Chope, who met with a oarriagfl accident on Tharaday, spent a ratlui Ihul ni^ht. but, we an to learn, he is much better today.
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  • 168 4 A few days ago we reported the case of an unli. nu:...:. Britisher named Drake, who eiM up before Mr. Seth on a charge of having no visible means of subsistence. Tlie man had practically spent his la^t dollar on a passage from West Ausvralia to Singapore,
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  • 99 4 A KjRIM of tbOM inUTi sUtl iii the formation of the new Bohemian Club was held vi sterday evemnfi in the Hotel de I'Earope ilr. Wm. C. Me Kean presiding- It was reported that the ib rooms in the Hotel premises will be paedy towarda the
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  • 17 4 A MMHKK of C!iiii"<e banishment pi is,, mis left Singapore to-day by the Hmuj Bm |bj China.
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  • 16 4 I'vi'T. Holi.kko. the Master Attendant, is expected back from Banana on Monday, hy the Sm Bdh:
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  • 23 4 Itaaaaa, .John Limi ami I'o. send hand some and partic.ilarlv clear calendars for the current year leaned 'by Dewar's, the gnoj whisky distillers.
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  • 25 4 liisiior Hbare, of Victoria, Hou^ Kimg. liaa given aa ntldrt-ss <>n the nsaWon in China, at the usual Wtnlnesilay mid-day service iv St. Micha.:l's, ComhilL
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  • 32 4 Pk.ictuk Fh:in.. (rOB the heavy gam at Fort Palmer commenced at V2.HO to day. and ear drums are therefore a.-heiny mi that side of the town at the bom of to pnaa,
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  • 33 4 Mk. .1. B. (ieildes. ..i China, complains tliat lie was arrested aaa spy hy BfMMUaa, ami Htibjected to «reat brutality, tje has arrivotl in Louilen to lay his case ix-fore the Poraisn Office.
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  • 37 4 Mk. W. C. lllimiai. who has beeoßM Vioß-Chaiaberlain, nas sat for 11. shani division of Nortliui.ilHrlainl since IHIt.V He is son of Mr. w. B. Beaumont who repreHcnUil South Nort'n :m bt Hand from Is.'r2 to 1885.
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  • 47 4 His many frit-mis in Singapore anil tin; StHl.'s will MgMt to luar of tilt- death of Mr. -I. H. C'raddock, laulv i-uuiuctiil with tin' Haub Australian (i. M. Co.. I'uliang. The iloath is saiil to have ooonrpad suddenly at Inverness :\iv iunmdiiito OHMe was acnte piiriiniuiii:i.
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  • 288 4 Friday, 12th January. I'hkoemt. His I'm ii.i.i v THK QoVBBMB, Sir John Ander- sou, K.c.u.n. Mnjor-General Inigß lones (Offircr Coninian.l b)g the Tnx.p-i Him. K. L. Brockinan (Act. Col. Secretary). Hon. W. K. Collyer i.s.o. lAttornev-C Hon. .1. O. Anthoius/. i niaJ Tnaaanr. i Hon. A. Mumii.r.i., 11
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  • 5903 4 Tin- Att.ii:\: (Ii \n linivi 1 the I bill fin- the n yi-tmt...n of MUrtn islii]- ...I firms !>.■ nncl tin' -iii.ii. l tinii'. The Covmtul Kvonxn aomwViii Mr. John Anderson. Mr. Joan Amu i.-. s:i:,l It is clt'.i.' ;i "'.ii ail
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 506 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS On n d a ft er the lst o[ January, 1906, the discount allowed off our prices, as per o jr List, will be loper cent, Champagnes, Sparkling Wines, and Aerated Waters excepted. :o: Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants, Ale, Beer, and Stout Itiporters 771; Rote!
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    • 141 4 Visit of H.R.H Prince Arthur of Connauglit His Excellency The Governor and Miss Anderson will hold an evening reception at 9 p.m. on February 3rd. All Ladies and Gentlemen attending, this reception are requested to bring cards with their names legibly printed or written thereon, and to hand them to
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    • 78 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SUITABLE AND TASTKFIL FRAMES ill greatly enhaifce the VALUE aiul EFFECT of your PICTURES at the approaching Singapore ART CLUB EXHIBITION. Place your orders for framing with WILSON Co., and you will be satisfied. c 361 G.R. Lambert Co. 1 dozen cabinet photos in platino. $20 r. u.i.s:
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  • 343 5 EXCHANGE. The Governor and the Dollar. Before the Council rose, tlie (iovernor said he desired to offer a few remarks on a matter of general interest. He had been surprised to learn that during his absence from the Colony, there had been a -harp rice in exchange and his opinion
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  • 31 5 MX. OLIVKK B.UNMIIDIiK. K.S.A.. EMLG.S., who has been studying anthropology, in its relation to education, and has reoantlj \isited Papua and other places, is now iii Singapore for a few days.
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  • 48 5 The band oftha Sherwood Foresters played I a very pretty selection of music at the I Botanical Hardens last night. Notwiih. j siandi^k the heavy rain of the afternoon, a •argajPhll** of tcsideuts avail, d themselves oi tin: !«W suflßearliat ratu treat. Sever;. l of •o|u» were applandcu.
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  • 176 5 Baron CfeieJ taaMoa sir Lionel Cos and a jury, the trial was concluded afternoon of Chu Ang Chu and K.>\\ g i Kiat on a charge of cheating :i Chatty of the sum of »H,o(Hi by in]H'isouation. and ol a Kay HiK-k on a charge of abetting the
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  • 181 5 Mbdii \l practitioner* through.. m will hail with walooßM a Vocabulary J Malay Medical Terms." by Dr. I.V of the F. M. s. Median] Service, whii jusi ban published by Messrs. Kelly i I Walsh. This littli BOOK is Well prim tastefully bound; and must prove utmost
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  • 109 5 JonoBJI now rejoices in a series of veiy attractive pi lure [Wist mill*, some sami.les ol which bay* bean kindly forwarded v by M. hcbii ux. the .Manager of the Johore lintel. They arc beautifully exeinl. I in photogravure from photographs taken by that most talented of
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  • 36 5 Mi:. PaSCI CiscU'KN. Assist. Supt. .1 the K. M. S. Police, arrived this morning by the Bapfho in charge of a number ol ba'uishnieiil loners from l'crak. 11. iMr. \V. A. Cnscadeii. ou- popular Chiel 'mecr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 81 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DIMER TO-NIGHT BAND. EXCHANGE TO-DAY if your Piano is getting worn. We will allow you its UTMOST VALUE IN EXCHANGE with us for a New Piano. PIANOS in solid TEAK cases with a compass of 7 1/3 Octaves. HANDSOME DESIGNS in Ebonized and Natural wood
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  • 43 6 A Church of England Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Application* to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew's House; or to the Colonial Chaplain. w. a. a. c.
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  • 479 6 Under the new King. A correspondent writes from Christiania, December 12 as follows The official festivities welcoming the new, King and Queen have now at last been almost brought to a close, but the public in general is still in such a cheerful mood, that there is every indication
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  • 418 6 A Berlin Correspondent writes Both the great Government bills before the Imperial Diet, the Imperial Finances Reform Bill and the Naval Programme, have, as a matter of course, been referred to Committee, so that the final decision cannot be expected before February or March. But the attitude
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  • 776 6 Figures and Facts. In Black wood's Magazine," Lieut. Col. Sir H. Smith, ex-Commissioner of the city of London Police, under the heading of "The Streets of London," has much that is interesting to say concerning ihe force which he controlled for so long. The two Commissioners,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 584 6 NOTICES. Money to lend from $10,000 to $100,000 oa first class security in town. L. HEFMENT, Broker, 8-r Change Alley c 648 WANTED by the Municipal Commissioners, Malacca, a driver for a steam roller (5 tons). salary 14H0 per annum. Applications with copies of testimonials addressed to the Municipal Secretary.
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    • 492 6 NOTICES. FOR SALE CRUSHED FOOD around in Singapore by steam power, at $3 70 per bat, of '45 lbs. FRESH WHEAT FLOUR Also ground In Singapore at $7 per bag, of 164 Ib* To be had of S. Abdci.hahhas, Dcbami, at 33a Tanjong Pagar Road, or No. 30 Serangoon Road.
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    • 597 6 NOTICES FOB. BALE. One Motor Cycle, almost new, complete. Apply Motor c/o Strain Timtt. 1805 TO BE LET. No. 19 and 20 Boat Qnay. Immediate entry. Rent moderate. Apply to v 699 MORAUX A CO. TO BE LET, No*. 15 and 16 Devonshire Road. Apply to M. H. Saseoon, 24
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    • 646 6 AUCTION SALES. THE BELANGOR GOVERNMENT STEAJTYACHT ESMERALDA To be sold by Auction At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A Co.'s Mart, Singapore, On Monday, lith January, at 3.30 p.m. MESSRS. H. L. COGHLAN 4 Co. are instructed by the Master Attendant, Singapore, to sell by Auction, on behalf of the Government
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    • 114 6 W. H. Connelly, General Storekeeper, Tolaga Bay, N. Z., says Have stocked Chamberlain's household medicines continually and feel much pleasure in confidently recommending their Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has no equal." This is the universal verdict the world over with people who have become acquainted with the good
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  • 742 7 Danger to India. The following is from Indian Eiitjieti iihj The new Chinese invasion of Calcutta in numbers mounting up, according to a local daily," to several thouaands constitute a peculiar peril to which some attention It due from Indian authorities. In Singapore and similar settlemeri.s rulde
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  • 190 7 Tut; Ri^ht H>m. QsMgi Wyndlinni. M.l.. ■BMatfag at a function connected with a literary and recreative institute at Dover. expressed the ho|H' that the future would see inn-eased pros|>eritv in Knylaiicl. which won]. l mean inereusetl |M>pulation. Hut." lie ixlilcd. what in the kocm! of our all
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 STEARNS 1 HEADACHE CURE.can 131 3 obtained from all dispensaries (quickly Vj post). Givei instant relief. Avoid imitations Keep the Genuine handy.
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    • 479 7 NOTICES. Sj ■^sssssi B R \J i llc'~**""-'' "^—sß** 3 1 La^a^aBHI^BHIIIHHjpBIj P^^^ Sold by all Insist on the "CROWN Stopper, which may not be used by others. The Public are thus protected against imitations. r P35 We have, on the Ist instant, opened a I epot in Battery Road,
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    • 159 7 H. L. COGH LAN VCO S LIST OF PREMISES TO BE LET. Tanglin District. Conveniently situated house in select neighbourhood Two Tennis Courts Unfinished— Entry Ist May. European Terrace House, situated in good locality, U miles from Town, close to Railway Station, completely and comfortably furnished, suitable for European family
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    • 254 7 NOTICES. Agents fop L™ PERRITSWORCMtS HH PURVEYORS TO THE KING. hH A I I Celebrated Oilman's Stores JU I DOGSHEAD BASS'S ALE 1070 COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELL A oirdical work on Urn caox. and mort •rientUc and effectual meant of teV-ean erer dlacorared (or wrroui and functional drbilitr, w»u of TltalUy, depmakn
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    • 538 7 v JPInI W^^^^^GUINNESS'SStOUT SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. From Ist August, 1905, and Unti Further Notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sunday*. 0 oowsj turns. oowi trains SINGAPORE d ..6.00 6.36 7.40 10.00 12.36 2.02 3!16 4.41 5.29 6.50 10.30 12.20 S.M a 16.07 6.43 7.47 10.07 12.42 2.09 3.23
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  • 1700 8 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal I Ommissiouers was held at the Municipal board room at 2.80 p.m. yesterday. Mr. I'ililliisc.the Deputy President, took the chair. MM there were also present: Dr. Murraj HolHitson. Messrs. Win. lSaylcy. Clung Keng Let, H. L. Coghlan. Win. Macbean, A. J. W.
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  • 95 8 Tith Q_H_ mercliantK in Java recently desiiatcheil a petition by telegraph to Viceroy Tsen of Canton the contents of which wo gather arc as follows It seems that liecnusc the (letitioners enjoy no cousulai ]iidUitioii tliev very often are subjected to uppr« -ssivi' treatment at the liauils of the Dutch
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  • 156 8 Public Examination. In the Bankrupt*.')' Court on the 19th of December there was a sitting for puhlic examination under a receiving order made on the 9th of November last againttt Shrager Brothers, inerchantfi. 4. Lloyd's-avenue, City. Mr. Cecil Shrager .stated that the tirm of Shrager Brothers consisted of
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  • 228 8 John Littl's v. Warders' Mess. John Littlk's Football team and the Warders' Mess met in a soccer match at the old gaol site, yesterday afternoon. The recent rains were responsible for the pre-, sence of small pools here and there. The field and football playing under such conditions became
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  • 372 8 The Port Weld deviation of the railway line is now complete. It will not be necessary in future for the train to back out into tlie station yatd before being able to get on to the Port Weld track. The train will in future leave the
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  • 103 8 Tuk Annual General Meeting took place in the Town Hall, last evening. Mr. P. A. Reutens in the chair. The Hon. Treasurers account ithowed a balance of about $80 iv haud, but the Hon. Sec. in his report regretted the small membership in such a large town
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  • 55 8 The Hongkong ami Shanghai Brauch Inn- ha* received the following telegram from the Head Office Hongkong subject to audit, dividend for half year 1.15.0 per share. ISoiius per share X'1.i1.0.. added to nilver retttrve fund 10 lacs earrieU forward to next half year IV lacs. The silver reserve uitid v
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  • 26 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. IMI January. 1906. The Netherlands Trading Society to-day quotes the 4/ms bank rate at 2/Bg. The Mercantile Bank quotes it also at i 4J.
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  • 180 8 The report of the Pusing Lama Tin Mines. Ltd.. for the period from Jan. 16, 1904. ito June 30. 1905. states that the cost of the company's installation has amounted to £20,132. Active work on the property was not commenced until the middle of April last. Since the
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  • 346 8 Qambier buyers 5 7.40 do (Cube No. 11 unpicked 10.75 Copra Bali 7.40 do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black £1.00 do White. 5% HJI Sago Flour Sarawak 2.80 do Brunei No. 1 -'.'•"> Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali, 1J-; basis ..,.19.30 Coffee, Palembnng. 20% basn 25.00 Coffee. Liberian No. 1
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    • 64 8 it Per Steamer Timt Maaux. MaiAcca and Liu^i Klittnj Semi 1 p.m. Teluk Au*)ii via |>ort» SaapAo A p.m. P. S'enliam rift ports l',,h Ann p.m. ChriatntM Umm ftwtoma :s p.m. Sournbaya.Mncn-^ii.itc.' .oi/.Ah./< I p. in TraauY. Sarawak EwMm 7 a.m. flsMjfcilii fliil ITilmirf n| p.m. P..Swettenliam via
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    • 72 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships arc Berthed To-day. East What. Nil. Victoria Graving Dock Barque Acme. Albkht G:iavisi. Doa CliHiu-rli'msc. Vn. Knri Section- No. 1 halahudji. I'niU. Cninpliiiij*. S. van liun^kat. 2 Gladestry. irawa. :i Thoniua. 4 Au-tra. I I'nroo. 6 Tvdei.s, NingCllOW. Boiinko Whviik: H
      72 words
    • 256 8 THADINQ VESSELS. &c. Aiiflrhi. Aust. rtr. i.X'-l tons, (apt Collcdani. 13th Jan. From Trieste, 6th Dec. G.c. mid 7 d.p. K. Schmidt Co. For Hongkong. IMb Bm .Si»>«. Dut. str. 222 tons, Capt (Mink, 13th Jan. From Pontiuiiak, lltli Jan. G.c. and 2"i d [la
      256 words
    • 76 8 13 Tiberius, Ger itr. for Newoi-ie via Queeutlaud Deli, Gcr str. Han^kok Ulander. Brit str. Kobe Cooeyanna, Brit str. Sydney mb (K)rtVan der Lyn, Dut P. Brandau M Darvel. Ger str. Zainboanga via \vrU Phi-aimng, (mi- str. Bangkok Kchviird |{e«i!, liuss Vln.lno^ock l'aroo, Brit str. B'lSJIg anil Fn-mantlr
      76 words
    • 132 8 Km.n Europe— By the M. SI. s. s. Salti.i,' due on loth Jan. From China— By Urn U. M. s. IHmom due on 15th Jan. TIMK TABU: Of XML-. Hi 1 Left Singapore Duo in London Arrived N.>\. -.'Till N. I>. I-. Dm. Had Dm. \ii< Nov.
      132 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 77 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co, JEWELLERS ff SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. T>eg to notify the public that, in view of the rise in exchange, they are now .selling their goods at ledui-ed prices. A good opportunity of buying things cheap is offered, and intending purchasers are advised
      77 words
    • 140 8 WHITEAWAY'S, SALE PRICES. SHOULD TEMPT YOU TO Secure Your cHousefyold Drapery J^ow INFANT'S BONNETS Trimmed With Lace. Usual price §1.85 each. Sale price $1.40 each. BLACK ALPACA Very Superior Black Alpaca Width 48 inches. Worth $1.75 per yard. Sale price $1.25 per yard. UMBRELLAS Gents' Umbrellas, good covers strong frames,
      140 words
    • 112 8 WOOL POLKAS Wool coats for children, prettily trimmed and cord ties, sizes -i, 3, 4, 5. Usual prices $1.15. 1.25, 1.40, 1.(55 each. Sale price 75 85 cts. $1.00, $1.15 each TORTOISE SHELL HAIR PINS Four on a card, I ' price 10 cts. per card. Sale price sets.5 cts.
      112 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 26 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. HONGKONG. On |..m. Harometer MJI Direction of Wiu.l Force of Win-! Max. Temp in Shudr 1. MANILA.— lift Tv.i. MJk I :n>. M.
      26 words

    • 337 9 FOR SINGAPORE Per P. .V O. m. h. IMMI connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, .'mm Londons Dec. 22, due 20th Jan.— Miss D. Itedfern. Mis. Clialhnr, Mr. F. J. Hallifax, Mr. W C. Harper, Mi*s F. R. Friend, Mr. G. C. Hunter, Mr. P». W.Braddell,
      337 words
    • 79 9 Under this beading the following abbreviations arc used str. steamer sh. ship bq. barque sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cm. —Cruiser Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. —Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— United States Feb.— French Ger —German Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck pamenfler IT. Uncertain T. P. W.—
      79 words
    • 635 9 Man -of- War. sth Jan. From Labuan, 3nd Jan. G.c, and 37 d.p. Behn Meyer 4 Co. For Moluccas, U Ttintau, Ota. str. 1,002 tons. Capt Klugkirt. 11th Jan. From Maoanwar, 4th Jan. G.c, and 21 d.p. Behn Meyer A Co. For Macassar, U.— Rds. Tydrut, Brit. str. 4,800 tons,
      635 words
    • 620 9 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Snuims. Achilles, Liverpool, Jan. 15 Mansfield. Airlie, Sydney, Feb. 27; Bonstead. Alcinous, Liverpool, Jan. 29 Mansfield. Ambria, Hongkong, Jan. 23 Behn Meyer. Arratoon A pear. Honkgong, Jan. 16; P. Simons, Arcadia, Hongkong, Feb. 15; P. AO. Austria, Trieste,
      620 words
    • 244 9 S umber 01 Shares Issue I Value Paid up to Company Buyer* Sellers Truiw Mm I l»,500 i.MW UIIIMLS*. 1,000 20,000 10,000 6,207 23,793 50,000 150,000 20,000 B.UUO uoixuad. 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 100 SOLD. 9 I 10 Benawah G. M. Co., LUI 13-00 It.OO
      244 words
    • 130 9 *w,uw :0 000! 2,000 4,500 80,000 13,000 3,400 6,000 2,750 30,000 600 2,000 5,000 ;tU uuuaiMd. 300,000 w.uuu nuiMued 37,000 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. ..< H..iJ B.UU 100 50 135 100 10 100 100 10 50 100 100 100 M 125 100 10 100 100 10 50 t
      130 words
    • 127 9 20.000 70,000 »,OUU UDUMMd 6.000 6,000 l^OUunioiMd 30,000 11^00 uniuuwl 2,000 650 uuwkueo 1,000 IJU umuu«l 30,000 4.UUU unuuuM ISO 861) 10,000 l.**i nniasiMd £50,000 10 K. 1 6 B»ltjownie Rubber Kbtotc Ltd. 1 BukitlUjab «..)0 5.17.6 I B.Tft 1 1 1 Cicely llubbcr KsUlc 1 B%l'rer. fi. ">.U
      127 words
    • 48 9 Howtrth Ettkine, Ltd. 7% Riley, HtrgrMVM, Ltd. 6% Singapore Municipal 6% Ttujoun Yhq/u Duck Co., L.UI. 6% I I 800,000 3%prem. M 9.000 1% pr«m buyen ..1 400,000 2% prem buyer 1,878,000 1% prem buyem. 855..W0 -i% die. uom. ■JSO.OOO U% prcin. «k-... 1.360,300 l}% |>rum ualeb
      48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 552 9 BANKS. Hongkong «y Shanghai Banking Corporation, PAID-UP CAPITAL 910,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 910.000,0001 aIHa 1H VW fIOO Silver Reserve 9 8,500,000, 18 W0 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 910,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Blade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickdon. F. Salinger,
      552 words
    • 259 9 NOTICES. VinDesiles I Cordial Regenerates JP /E\S f liegulatcs the Circulation, Promotes ij A i Digestion, Cures onstipation. Prevent J{*^BißH/y[2W^\ I epidemics. C pomxl "i l»i.l Eluuculm A ttyLr yKpT^^X I tj S'2 per buttle at nil Dispensaries. II 9!m^f^Jf 669 JH *^HmV^\^Bt I t*he Cheapest Known Power TANGYE'S PRODUCER
      259 words
    • 433 9 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £875,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Account* are opened and interest allowed at 1 per oent. per
      433 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 685 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest rliiss of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO Par China, Japan, Penang, Cj/I->> Australia, India, Aden, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf,
      685 words
    • 819 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I Koninklijke Paketvaart Maat.chapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agentt at Singapore Ban Aobkct, latb 1. Dabxdbls Co., 3-3 Collteb Qdat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be despatched for Tatman Palembang Jan 8 Bandjermassin, Kota-Baroe, MoearaDjawa, Samarinda, Tarakan, Berouw, Donggala and
      819 words
    • 585 10 |jan yo HAMBUR3 AHERIK* LINIE HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals
      585 words
    • 615 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Snei, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      615 words
    • 736 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. pi jii OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co,, Ltd. AND China Mntual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends
      736 words
    • 568 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £13,000,000. -HB LABOBST FIBB OIIICI IN THB WORLD. BOUSTEAD 4 Co.,— AgmU THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £3,137,500 Paid-up Capital 213,750 Reserve Fund £1,078,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Compan) are prepared to accept fire risks
      568 words