The Straits Times, 11 January 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.935 THE STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY. JANUARY 11. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTSI
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  • 263 1 Mis. O. W. H.iwLF.v. the Agent of the British-American Tobacco Co. for the Strait-. and. Malaya, entertained a small party of friends at tiffin on Tuesday afternoon, at the new office* of the Company, No. 52 Robinson Road. Tin- new premises apart from the intellectual distinction they
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  • 90 1 H. K. Drake, a man from Western Australia, according to his own account, was Ix-fore Mr. Si-th jf stri -liny morning for mendicancy. He 1 -aim- to find work. He had been assisted by the police oo two occasions Mr. Seth told him lie really did not wish
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 733 1 NOTICES _J THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS 1 1 I DUCELLIER MOTOR CAR LAMPS M jjsMJ^ Reading of a newspaper at 400 FEET 0 101 Singapore Jigents. DAHL'S MILK. Norwegian Pure Cows' Milk. TME ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH THE FULL FLAVOUR OF FRESH COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. The most nattering
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    • 721 1 ISOTICES. ROBINSON CO. Gentlemen's High Grade Boots and Shoes AT POPULAR PRICES TAN TAN WILLOW II WILLOW CALF BOOTS M I I CALF BOOTS 57.50 $7 50 Per Pair p er p air A Smart useful up-to-date Boot in 2 shapes, Oxford and Derby, fair stitched, lined leather, well finished
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 153 1 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, nth January. High Water. 11-43 p.m. Chess Club. Annual Meeting. Town Hall. 5-15. Philharmonic Orchestra. 8-30. V. I. Meeting. Pres. Church. H-30. Boxing. Alexandra Hall. Friday, 13th January. High Water. 11-2 am. Legislative Council. 2-30. Municipal Commission. 2-30. Bohemian Club. General Meeting: Hotel de l'Europe. 6
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  • 2365 2 P. 0. S. N. 60. The Annual Report. The 65th ordinary general meeting of the P. and O. Co. was held on the 12th Dec., at the offices, LeadenhallStreet, Sir Thomas Sutherland presiding. The Chairman said he thought that, on the whole, the accounts would be regarded as satisfactory. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 627 2 NOTICES. MOET CHANDON T H EJ CHAMPAGNE DE LUXE Stocked by all the best Wiike and Spirit Dealers. extract from"lstje Medical Magazine," London, October. 1905. ANALYTICAL REPORTS. "BLACK WHITE" WHISKY JAMES BUCHANAN Co., Ltd. CLASfiOW and LONDON. OUR Analysis of this Whisky proves it to be a blended spirit of
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    • 146 2 NOTICES. t LEMCO^ Energy Packed." Tk« eriflaat ud ml? fmoh» tleb'c Camsur*! Extract. I HO HONGI]IU iICE MILLS rv Wmzs\ 539 North Briel 8 c Road g[ M> <^) ]U SINGAPORE CABLE ADDRESS HOHONG' SINGAPORE. Town Office 61 Kling: Street. MM J. BERTRAM KINSEY CO. OFFICE SHOWROOM: 8-3, CHANGE ALLEY
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  • 112 3 As application has been made by the .Tnpaneae Government to the British General Mciliciil Council asking it to recognise the clefjn-iN ol Japanese medical practitioners in variouH pnrts of the British Empire. At the i •iiiicil s last meeting a resolution was passed sympatbising with the application,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 125 3 NOTICES r M HERCULES CEIfIENTi Notice is hereby given tftat from the 31st December 1905 the late firm Stiven Co., or their Successors will cease to be our Agents and that we have appointed from the Ist January 190 G. Messrs. RIGOLD, BERGMANN Co. Singapore and Penang. i»ur authorised ole
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    • 70 3 RjPii l^§!Nfipf GUINNESS'S STOUT Jewellers and GJatchmakers. Precious Stores, Fancy Goods. Agents for the OMEGA WATCHEf. LEVY HERMANOS, 3, BATTERY ROAD. Cinematographs and Films Russia-Japan War Films, Comic Films, and other kinds always in stock. NEW FILMS BY EVERY MAIL FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION, Apply to LEVY HERMANOS, 3, BATTERY ROAD.
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    • 523 3 SUPPORT A BRITISH FIRM BY ORDERING dl^^^^Cl I UNSWEHTEN I EmLhEml CONDENSEDED "WHITE t^g^^^^S^^l BUTTERFLY" JyJ^ j^J^ -^"V 7.1 BRAND I7IISJ^iI?Tl 1 S I ST ERILIZED GERMLESS Ijc 1 (^^pJT^-^jy 0 the BRITISH NAVY > Urf^WtAcTeiirD I THE BRITISH ARMY *m **i f PS > %s<* THE indian army &c
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  • 720 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 11th JANUARY. A li. Whitk Al-ktkalm may profit by the lesson of the unfortunate man whose case is reported in another column of this issue, and refrain from Bending Europeans with no special accomplishments to look for billets in the Straits. One would
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  • 190 4 Dr. J. N. Cook, -the Municipal Health Officer of Calcutta, who has been selected to enquire into and advise upon the conditions which tend to ca«ee Such a high death -rate in Singapore, has enjoyed excellent experience, and lias earned high commendation in his present post, and doubtless will make
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  • 1233 4 I On the return of Mr. W. H., Graham, the English Adviser appointed by tlie Siamese Government to tlie Rajah of Kelantan, his very able co-adjutor^Mr. H. W. Thomson, will proceed Home, with tlie happy intent, it is reported, of becoming a Benedick. Both Mr. Graham and Mr. Thomson deserve
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  • 7 4 Thb Strait* Budget was published this morning.
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  • 14 4 Lieut. Dimbkll. Sherwood Foresters, has obtained leave nntil 24th March, to go to Java.
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  • 24 4* is no longer a ward for women at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital, an they have been removed to the Kandang Krebau Hospital.
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  • 21 4 Mkshbs. J. Bertram Kinsky Co. have received the contract for the electric lighting and ventilation of the International Restaurant and Bar.
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  • 23 4 It is understood that Mr. A. H. Lemon, collector of land revenue, Penang, is coming to Singapore shortly as acting assistant colonial secretary.
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  • 25 4 On Tuesday night. Police Sergeant Thrale made three gambling raids in the Kandang Krebau district. The men captured were fined at the Police Court yesterday.
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  • 30 4 We understand that the Maxim Company of the S. V. A. are going into camp at Tanjong Katong on the 24th. They will be under canvas for about four days.
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  • 26 4 Thk Netherlands India Government has forbidden the circulation of the new Straits dollars in West Borneo. The prohibition takes effect on the 18th of May next.
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  • 27 4 A socckb match will be played ou the Esplanade this afternoon, weather permit ting, between an S. C. 2nd XI and a team representing the Old Rafflesians.
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  • 28 4 Captain Allen of the British steamer .\inijcJioir, which arrived this morning from Hirkenhead, reports that the light buoy ou Cyrene shoal is, so he thinks out of order.
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  • 34 4 L w m'hks will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club Bungalow on Sunday, the 14th inst., at 9.30. 1112. US and M 0 p.m. returning at 10.80 11.30 12.80, 8 and r, p.m.
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  • 26 4 Mkmbkbs of the Singapore Rifle Associa tion are reminded that the Monthly Shoot takes place at Kallestier Rifle Range ou Sunday afternoon next, couimencini' at 2.30.
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  • 29 4 Wk received a telegram yesterday atVrn. >>n after we had gone to press, to the following effect:— "Arriving Saturday will settle over Kuala Lumpur and Viceroy's Cup. t.iiijmih Tully."
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  • 32 4 Thk many improvements to Raffles Hotel will include a barber's saloon, to be erected on the Bras Bassah Road side of the building, The artists and HHmi are shortly exacted from Palls.
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  • 29 4 Doom tlie absence of Captain Boldero, the Master Attendant, ou lighthouse ins|we tion duty. Captain Hadcliffe. the Deputy Master Attendant, lias been taking the cases in the Marine Court.
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  • 42 4 Thk annual Chingay or procession of the Hylam, Teochew and Keh communities was held this morning. The procession paraded the principal streets in town and caused a great deal of inconvenience to the traffic. The police on duty had a busy time.
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  • 41 4 M. Beau, the Governor-General of French I ndo China, is said to favour the recruiting of coolies in Java for labour there. M. Hardouin, the Colonial Secretary, will be despatched to Java to confer with the India authorities on the subject.
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  • 34 4 A Concussion has been granted by the Netherlands India Government for a telephone connection between the island of Great Samhu (Rhio archipelago) and Singapore. The Royal Dutch Petroleum Company is interested in tho venture.
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  • 48 4 A Bank hampers navigation in the Deli Kiver.'and is a I<Jng standing hindrance. On the 2nd instant the mail steamer BfmM could not cross the bar at the mouth of the river, even as high tide. The resisting delay in the delivery of the mails aroused loud complaint.
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  • 63 4 Heavy Gun Practice will be carried M from Fort Palmer on the 13th instant from P. Passir aud Siloso on the loth. 18th, and 2oth, and from Silensing on the 'i.'lrd aud 25th instant. The practice will com mence, each day, at 10 a.m. Ships, Ac, are thereby warned as
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  • 91 4 A NiiTHKU rubber company ix in course of formation, sayx tlie Ptnana Gcuettr. The HliaivM are to be allotted here and in Cey.'on, but preference will be given to the friends of those in the syndicate holding the option over the estate, which is situated in Perak. and contaiuH about
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  • Special Geleflram to m. "Straits {Times "
    • 41 4 Engagement of an Outside Expert. Calcutta, 11th January. The Straits Settlements Government have engaged Dr. Cook, Health Officer of Calcutta, for two months, to report and advise upon the high mortality at Singapore and on requisite sanitation.
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    • 13 4 By special arrangement with Der Ottasiatitche Lloyd' (By Submarine Cable)
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    • 29 4 Mm, 10th January. Baron von Richthofen. the secretary lor foreign affairs to the German Kiuperor. has had an apoplectic stroke. He lies in a critical condition.
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    • 35 4 A Persona Grata." The official press iin Berlin i holds Count Aoki. the minister president of Japan, in kindly remembrance. It cordially dwells upon the fact that he has twice acted ax minister to Germany.
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    • 18 4 Count von Tatteubach. the German envoy in Morocco, has proceeded from Klesmet to Algeciras.
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    • 18 4 The German White Book lias Ixvn favourably commented upou in Britain and France, generally speaking.
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    • 46 4 M. Paul Doumer has been re elected presi dent of the French Chamber of DepnticM. Sarrier was the Kadical candidate. The Radical party in France are now run uiug M. Falliercs, the president of the senate, as candidate for the ['residency of the Republic.
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    • 36 4 M. Kokovzeff, the former Russian minister of finance, has made arrangements in Paris for protecting the gold standard system in Russia. Paris financiers will advance .'UN) millions of francs on the future Russian loan.
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    • 16 4 The German Asiatic Hank will shortly open blanches at Singajxire and Kobe.
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  • 95 4 H. K. Sir John Anderson arrived bom Brunei and Labuan this morning in H. M. S. Flora. H. K. was accompanied by Captain Stockley. R. M.. A. I). C. aud .'.Mr. I). Campbell. Resident of Nagri Sembilan. The Flora arrived at 0.3(1 a.m. aud and the
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  • 126 4 A Chinese Child Drowned. Thk heavy downpour of yesterday after. noon flooded several streets in the low-lying parts of the town. Cross Street. SrlVyie Road aud tlie lower ends of Victoria and QjMMi Streets were inundated. About .'< p.m. a little Chinese child, who WM playing in
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  • 35 4 The Hamburg mint has a^ain been utrusted with an order by the Mhmm ioveinineut for the coining of subsidiary currency, amounting in all to U millions <il pieee-. The order is already being carried out.
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  • 65 4 Thk following passengers are expected to arrive by tlie German Mail *:e.uin r /Y. w, *en due here ou Sunday morning the 14th instant:— Mrs. Lisa (i'lihlierz Ditmar, Mr. H.Vogel. MissHi-dwig Klober. I'rof. Dr. A Mi-. Scliauinsland.Mis. Micholsi.n. Miss Allen. M, Paul Heinhard, Mr. John lir»inald Hanh y. Mr. A.
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  • 62 4 ITU .lijriculturnl Bulletin for <)ctobo» coutaius much interesting mutter bearing upon lubber. There are also articles ou caterpillars attacking the tobacco plaut. hat guano, patchouli and citrouclla oils and certain Memek tree insect pests. Mr H. V Ridley, the editor, contributes an article on the position of rubber 1 among
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  • 61 4 Thk Norwegian officer* in the Siaim-e Naval Department who are leaving the MT< vice arc: Commander T. King, Lieut.I'umnmiider Petterson, Lieut-Commander Mvklt-lm-t. Lieut. Rhothe, and Lieut. R. Nielsen, in addition to Lieut. I'lmiinamlei Christiansen and Lieut. Samuelscn. The l>e|>artiiient, says the Bangkok Tint,*, is disponKJnn with the services of tlie
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 498 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS On and after the ist of January, 1906, the discount allowed off our pric s, as per ojr List, will be 10 per cent, Champagnes, Sparkling Wines, and Aerated Waters excepted. lAI Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants, Ale, Beer, and Stout Importer*. t 776 fiotel De
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  • Reuter'e Telegrams.
    • 35 5 liee'il. Singapore 5J>O p.m. 10th January. I'- Id. by limter 10..i6 a.m. 11th January. The French Chamber of Deputies has K-assembled. M. Paul lto.iuier has been elected President of the Chamber.
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    • 73 5 Correspondence regarding the Chinese labour question in the Transvaal has been published. These documents show that Lord Elgin, the secretary or state for the colonies, at first directed t.iat every step should be taken to prevent the shipment from China of 14,700 coolies already recruited for work
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    • 96 5 Sir Henry CampbeU-Banncrman, in a speech delivered at Liverpool, expressed regret for his powerlessncss to cancel the arrangements for the importation of the C 1 lines*' coolies already licensed. He said that the sudden issue of 18,000 fresh coolie importation licences in the Transvaal early in November
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    • 31 5 Mount Vesuvius is in active eruption. Lava is pouring down the side of the funicular railway on Vesuvius, which is seriously damaged. A slight earthquake is reported from Vienna
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    • 22 5 The revolution in the Caucasus is extending. The reliels have seized the railway and have organized a general strike.
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    • 36 5 Bee'd, Singapore. 5.50 p.m. 10th January. Kcuter MM a.m. 11th January Sir Cliarles I Hike, speaking at Westminster and referring to Morocco, declared emphatically that there was no danger of war.
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    • 81 5 The Italian press is perplexed as to what will happen as a consequence of the approachinn Morocco Conference. If Italy supports Germany, she will be confronted by France and Britain united. If she Hnp]N)rts France, she will be opposed by (icrmany and Austria. Notwithstanding these difficulties,
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    • 29 5 The revolutionaries at Rostoffondon have been finally crushed; the suburb constituting their stronghold lieing captured after six days' fighting, in which artillery and infantry took pan.
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    • 24 5 Sir Edward Low has been appointed British representative on the international commission of inquiry to consider financial and administration reforms iv Crete.
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    • 35 5 llu first (Milling in the forthcoming General Election takes place at Ipswich on tin 12th inst. i to-morrow I. There will be a dozen more contests on Saturday, including that at Manchester.
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    • 17 5 Lord Hitchie (formerly Mr. C. T. Ritchie). e\ Chancellor of the Exchequer. is dead.
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    • 34 5 The question of Chinese labour in South Africa is the chief election topic. To-day, at Manchester, Mr. Bvlfour 3ontinued his defence of using Chinese in Africa and was severely heckled.
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    • 30 5 The lierman minister. Baron von Richthofeu. has been seized with a stroke of paralysis, due to overwork in connection with tin production of the White Book.
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    • 164 5 Ji.-rd 1.1.', p.m. Ih-fd hij p.m. There is a Iresh agrarian revolutionary movement ill the districts of Jovi and Diishet in the Caucasus. Martial law has been proclaimed there. Fighting between Tartars and Armenians continues at Klisabctxpol. Each party interpret ■> the results as favourable to itself. Thi'
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  • Correspondence.
    • 660 5 To the Editor of the Strait* Times." Sir, As the correspondent referred to by Sfregazzi yesterday as favouring home experts rather than local authorities on hygiene and engineering for the proposed Sanitary Commission, I was deeply interested in his exhaustive survey of local sanitary conditions. The main
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    • 450 5 To the Editor of the Strait* Time:" Dkab Sir,— Mr. Pertile very ably answers Mr. Hnttenbach's plea for a two shilling dollar, but I cannot agree with the former in looking upon a three-shilling dollar as desirable. He states that the high dollar will be an advantage
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  • 885 5 Abrupt End to a Love Affair. Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Bryantopmmenced a preliminary enquiry into an allegation of the murder of one Periasamy, brought against a syce. named the Crown. Mr. Sproule conducted the case for the prosecution. Apaboo, a Bengali syce, deposed that he lived at Payah
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  • 37 5 Mks. J. A. Wmeyekoon, of the Metho ilist Episcopal Church, is giving an afternoon party to the Sunday School scholars and teachers at Oldham Hall, Orchard Road, on Saturday next, the 18th inst., at 4 o'clock. m
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  • 38 5 Wk are pretty welkgo into January now and Old Moore's" prediction that this month will supply a series of railway and shipping disasters has not been fulfilled by the Kranji Railroad or any of the local steamship companies.
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  • 35 5 Thk new Government launch Kittitnh, constructed by Messrs. Rildy Hargreaves and Company, was handed over to the Master Attendant's department, on Monday, after being inspected by Captain Radcliffe and Mr. Trowoll, Inspector of Marine Surveys.
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  • 847 5 A Tramway Incident. Rahiman, driver of tram No. 17, was charged with causing the death of a Chinese coolie, Chan Ah Kow. The charge was culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Mr. Sprout I>■ I'- P- prosecuted, and Mr. D. Y. Perkins appeared for the defence. Sim Turn,
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  • 103 5 Ykstksday morning, Lim Chye, a riVisiia puller, was arraigned before Mr. Setli under the .liarikisha Ordinance for causing obstruction to tramcar No. 30, on Tuesday, in South Bridge Road. Inspector Tyrrell gave evidence as above but added that the car was pulled up. Witness said that the
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  • 102 5 Thk annual dinner of the Penang division of the Malayan branch of the British Medical Association took place at the Town Club there on the sth instant, Dr. Lucy, Acting Colonial Surgeon, in the chair. The Penang Division numbers 19 members, of whom two are away on leave, and one
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  • 119 5 Thf Hongkong Daily Prett, in looking forward to the new year, asks Would it not be agreeable if the Hongkona Govern inent were to make a r <*^MNR that it would start in earnest to coai^MgH business could not be helped by a BiinH|KUing all Chinese partnerships to be regi
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  • 389 5 9 Review of the Meeting. The following is from the Malay Mail: J We must again congratulate the executive of the Turf Club on a successful Meeting. The entries were excellent, and the fields larger than we have ever seen here before, and they would have been larger
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  • 68 5 Thk Nippon Race Club at Yokohama held its annual business meeting last month. It contributhd 8,000 yen for the relief of sufferers by the war, bonght all the land lying within the circle of the course, rocided to, erect a new grand-stand to seat 4.900 ponton* (at a cost about
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  • 66 5 Two carriage accidents occurred on Tuesday. In theniorning Dr. Yin's horse bolted in River Valley Road and did some damage to the carriage before it was stopped. Later in the day a ghari pony took fright iv Orchard Road and dashed madly along the thoroughfare. It was finally stopped near
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  • 114 5 Yestkrday morning. R. Palmer was placed before Mr. Seth on the allegation of criminal breach of trust in respect of some 91,200, the j property of Jfessrs. Gadelius and Coy. Mr. Montagu Harris, who holds a brief for the prosecution, applied for a postponement on the
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  • 66 5 Ox Tuesday, Aluuat. a private syce, when driving along Kling Street, chose to auuisu himself by butting his horse's head against the back of an old Chinese woman and knocking her down. He passed on but, fortunately, a policeman saw the offence committed and arrested him. Yesterday morning,
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  • 69 5 Mb. O. Randall, who has just returned from the Kuala Lumpur Race Meeting, had a very successful career there. Out of his stable no less than five winners emerged, and a sixth got a place, mounted by K. W. Bryans. Mr. Randall leaves in a few days
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  • 21 5 Miss Andkkson. who has been on a visit to Rangoon, is ex|iected to arrive here to-morrow by a B. I. steamer.
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  • 52 5 Mr. .1. Wkst, secretary aud director of Messrs. Kelly .V Walsh's Shanghai establish inent. and one of the best known residents of the Model Settlement", where they havo revolutions and things, is iv Singapore on a a visit, and will l robably not leave for the North again until next
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  • 54 5 Is the early hours gf yesterday moruui Sikh Police coutU|fe un duty i" Ruw* Square discovered (fifb a big Vale padlock on the door of The {■pensary. of which Mr. Watt., i* the manager, had been smash* 'l. aroused the occupants of ftfe premises and a search was made, but
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  • 67 5 Vkstkkdw morning the h. s. Lightning arrived from Calcutta. She brought down for the local markets 20 cows, 14 calves, an.l m>o goats ami sheep. On arrival tl> was carefully inspected by the Port Health Officer as a suspected cane of small-pox hnd occurred at Penang. All the crew aud
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 23 5 KEEP YOUR BODY NOURISHED, k°ep strong, your Doctor tells you so. Steam*' Wtne will assist yon* Atk your Chemist. An Iron Tonic alto.
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    • 82 5 LATEyrTtbVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DIALER, ON SATURDAY BAND. Exchange to-day if your Piano is getting worn. We will allow ye v its UTMOST VALUE IN EXCHANGE with us for a New Piano. PIANOS in solid TEAK cases with a compass of 7 1/3 Octaves. HANDSOME DESIGNS in Ebonized and Natural
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  • 884 6 Ho* Chinese see it. There it no surer test of the real feeling of a people than their proverbial sayings, those gems which on the stretched forefinger of all Time sparkle lor ever." That China is no exception to this rule might have been supposed even if we
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 570 6 NOTICES. WANTED by the Municipal Commissioners, Malacca, a driver for a •team roller (8 tons), ■alary 1480 per annum. Applications with copies of testimonials addressed to the Municipal Secretary, Malacca, will be received np to the 10th January, 1906. ENOLISH HOME A lady wishes to recommend a clergyman's wife who
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    • 516 6 I NOTICES. TO BE LET. I Aaaaodale House, Orange Orove Bead, from the lit of January, 1906. Rent 180 per month. DONALDSON 4 BUBKINSHAW, TO, Collyer Quay, Singapore. TO I FT UNFURNISHED OR FUKNIMIEUBOSOOMBE,F UKNlM1EU BOSOOMBE, NNairn« im N w S Bedroomf Btoctris BelU, CooW* 8 stalls, excellent water, tennis
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    • 617 6 NOTICES TO LET RJRHISHED. HIVER VALLEY ROAD, SINQAPORE. month* from the middle of April, 111 1 Of i*»y comfortable residence known as!: "Glengarry," on Biver Valley Road, corner Oxley Road. Ou and electric bells throughoat. Mamcipal water, stabling fo* traps and I two horses. Telephone upetairT and downstairs Well appointed
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    • 701 6 NOTICES. NOTICE. Owner* of hones are warned that heavy gun practice will be carried out. at $fc Palmer alter 10 a.m. on Saturday, ISth instant GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. > Tenders w3l be .eceived at the Colonial Secretary's Office, np to noon of the 3 lit January, 1906, for the following work*
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    • 641 6 AUCTION SALES. THE SELANGOR-jBOVERNMENT STEAM YACHT ESMERALDA To be Anction At Mill. H. L. Coghlan 4 Co.'s Ma -t, Bkfln, On Monday, 7,JfA TSiiMrj/, a< «.J0 p.m. MESSRS. H. L. COGHLAN A Co. are instructed by the Master Attendant, Singapore, to sell by Auction, ou behalf of the Government
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  • 419 7 An interrotJM contparinon is drawn by th«"Trankfort Giscttc between the nowent and lieavient Gtrmaii naval kuii. with which ♦he Deut«c))land type is to be armed, and the moat modern but riot the hravirst liritisli gun, with which the King Edward class is equipped, The German
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  • 337 7 Mr. Winston Churchill's life of his father. Lord Randolph Churchill, which Messrs. Macinilliin decided to issiu ou the date already announced January B—no8 no matter what the foniiterattiactions miyht have Ikiuiu tlie political world at that time.' is based on the oorreapoadMMi Statr] documents, and
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  • 56 7 Thk Mission uniler Prince Arthur of Connaught. which is to convey the msiyiiia ofOlie liarter to the Emperor of Japan. has left London and caught the P. A O. Mv*§vii". at Marseille*. Prince Arthur and members of tbe Mission tranship at Colombo to the hongolm, which is due to arrive
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  • 129 7 Sn: H. Da Brant |>ceragc is tlie ttecoml has Ikhu niven in the well-known Jcwisli fiiniily i>f which he wa niriiiber, Lonl Wmulswortli' who waH formerly ViNcomle dc SttTii. having Ik-i d elevated to the Houxe of Loril* stum years an»- *ir H. <!<■ Stern. Wktm hi» <narriaKe to
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  • 169 7 Tin.-, yea#s Christinas Number of Truth is a v«ry-aniu|ing number. It is described as **£Hbk'<'tSiit< ntr (Jordialc and contains four ffistibrtly clever coloured platen with tiiiitahle yortic explanations: "A Court Miiitial." whan Mr. Arnold Foster looks an txtreinelv goflto party The Terrace," by whirl) tlie rcuiU-r is introduei (I to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 471 7 «j f NOTICES. THE OLD COACHING BLEND OF 1746 §A blend of the finest Glenlivets and Highland Distilleries in Scotland 10 years old. A rich, mellow, medium flavour. A survival of the old Whiskey of the Country^ Gentlemen of fl A -A m last century. ma mackibs 1 KWM W
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  • 1222 8 A Cup, value 4SIOO, presented by H. E. the Viciroy anil Rs. 27,OO() from the Fund. For homes, W. A. and C. DiHtance, 1] miles. Dr. Spooner Hart's Long Tom 6 yrs, 9«t W. Bnru 1 Hon. Mr. A. Apcar's Qrrat Scot 6 \rn. 9»t 31b Peutou
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  • 233 8 A cobi-ksposdist writes So they have found a scape- oat in one of the dressers at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital, over the burial of a Christian woman in unconsecrated ground. The public are under the impression that the Senior Resident Apothecary at this
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  • 235 8 Thk F. M. S. Judicial Commissioner. Mr. L. M. Woodward, delivered judgment at Ipoh on Saturday last in the law suit between McAuliffe. the boxer, and the Perak Government. McAuliffe. during the last Taiping Race week, booked the Town Hall for a performance he intended giving, paying
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  • 102 8 Well -Merited Penalty. A dkmikk. looking Malay faced Mr. Seth yesterday. He had cheated very poor fellow-nationals. His defence made his offence seem worse. He had according to his account been paying something towards tin support of a yonng girl. Presently he feigned to believe that the girl was already
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  • 81 8 ()s the 26th ultimo, Seah Son Kirn Was charged before Mr. Marriott with dishonestly retaining a sarong, worth a trifle over a dollar, belonging to Sliaman. Three or four adjournments were permitted, but. on Tuesday, the matter was fought out. Mr. Everett appeariug for the defendant.
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  • 72 8 To-NiiiuT in the Alexandra Hall the fight arranged between Baby Smith of the K.G.A. and Jim Christie of Hongkong will take place in the Alexandra Hall. Tickets have sold well and there promises to be a record crowd. Preliminary events are Collins v Kobertson ot the R.G.A..
    72 words
  • 536 8 (CoNTHIBUTKDI Thk death of Mr. Kliaw 800 Ann at Penang, which was reported in the Strait* Timrt of the Oth instant, lias left a gap among the most well-known and influential Chinese of *he northern sister settlement, which will not be easily filled. My
    536 words
  • 162 8 A day or two days ago, two Chinese women, sisters, who were at the time covered with jewellery, were crossing Elgin Bridge in a rikis)ia with the hood up. The temptation, caused by a $2,000 display of such easily removable articles as hairpins, was too great for Chia
    162 words
  • 131 8 A i.tSKKAL meeting of all those interested in the formation of the Bohemian Club will be held in the private parlour of the Hotel de l'Europe tomorrow at 6 p. in. sharp. The business will be the joining of members and also the election of officers and
    131 words
  • 137 8 Wk understand that Mr. Robert B. Kees has severed his connection with the firm of McAlister and Co., Singapore, and leaves for Australia to-morrow by the s.s. Cooeyamw Mr. Kees will be greatly missed among the cricketing members of the Singapore Cricket Club. He is a South-Australian and is undoubtedly
    137 words
  • 168 8 "N. D. L. V. H. A." LINE. The Dispute Between the Two Big: Qerman Companies. AccoFDiso to a Berto despatch of Dec. 14th fche negotiations between the Hamburg- American Company and the Xojddeutscher i Lloyd had on that day been concluded, without a definite settlement of all the disputed points,
    168 words
  • 29 8 Arrived nth January. Per Malacca From Port Bwettenham— Mrs. Stafford. Miss E. Grey, Mr. O. Randall, Mr. O. F. Odell. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hill.
    29 words
  • 33 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 11th January, 1906. Thk Netherlands Trading Society to-day quotes the 4/ms bank rate at 2/4jf. The Mercantile Bank quotes it also at 2/4}. There was no markgt for tin here to-day.
    33 words
  • 351 8 Oambier buyers 7.50 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.75 Copraßah 7 do Ponti»nak 7.00 Pepper, Black buyer* ..,,20.00 do Wbite,s% 28-75 Ssco Flour Sarawak 2.75 do Brunei No. 1 2.65 i Pearl Sago s*o Coffee Bali, 15% basis ..,,19.50 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 25.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 82.00
    351 words
    • 32 8 Man-of-War. Flora, H. M. twin-screw second-class cruiser, 4,360 tons, 333 crew, 10 guns. 7,000 h.p. Capt Dalton. 11th Jan. FrJf Jesaelton. Bth Jan. Senior Naval Ot&cev.Jf.— Rds.
      32 words
    • 286 8 Amhertt. Brit. str. 185 tons. Capt Scott, 10th Jan. From Pontianak, Bth Jan. G.c, and 31 d.p. Wee Bin Co. For Pontianak, 12tb Amiml iff- Fch. str. 3,572 tons, Capt Jiriiot. 10th Jan. From Port Said, 20th Dec. O.C. Moine Comte Cie. For Saigon. 11th —Rds. Carlyle,
      286 words
    • 79 8 for Per Steamer Time To-Mobrow. Batavia aud Samaraug KdeiulaU 1 p.m. Teluk An-.. ii via porU Hije Leung I p.m. Penang and Deli lielte 8 p.m. P. Brandau Pis* 4*t I.ijn y.m. Bangkok DsN 4 p.m. Fremautle via ports Ahw 4 p.m. Satckiiay. Sandakan via ports harrel 9
      79 words
    • 134 8 From Europe— By the B. I. s.s. ThtMfva due on 13th Jan. From China— By the M. M. h. s. K. ttmom due on 15th Jan. Left "iiigapore Due in London Arrived Nov. 27th N. D. L. Dec. Mud Dec. 21»t Nov. 30th B. I. Dec. 25th
      134 words
    • 71 8 Wharves at Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. East Wharf:— Nil. Victoria Graving Dock:— Barque Acme. Albert Graviso Doc» Tiberibs. Section No. 1 Salahadji. Lightning, S. van Laugkat. A. M&gdk 2 Zibeughla. 3 Ratho. 4 Umta. 6 Paroo. 6 Tydeus. NingChow. aft Borneo Wharf:— 7 Hebe.
      71 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. BC^^TE IsTO'W OIPEnsnEilD A Magnificent stock of Gold, Silver and Gemset Jewellery of every description, also Indian, Chinese, Japanese silks, curios and fancy goods suitable for wedding and birthday presents. Prices Very Moderate. Telephone No. 254 Inspection
      93 words
    • 196 8 THE PRINCIPAL FEATURE JF GJhiteaway, Icaidlaw's Sale 1$ Every Article in Stock is Offered AT SALE PRICES. i NOTE SPECIAL VALUE IN DUSTERS SALE PRICE THIS A Strong splendid Kitchen Duster 75 cts. LINE Size IK by 18 inches. Per dozen. UNDERSKIRTS SALE pR CE FRENCH CASHMERE SALE pR CE
      196 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 27 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. HONGKONG— IOth Jan.— lo a.m. Barometer 30.08. Direction of Wind tui. Force of Wind t Max. Temp in Shade 67. MANILA.— IOth— 762. <■ 11. U.
      27 words

    • 779 9 Under this heading the following abbreviaturns are uued etr. steamer ah. ship bq. —barque sch.— schooner Tot. Yacht On. Cruiser Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Toroedo H.p.— Horse-power Brit. British D.S.— United States Fch.— French Ocr —German Dut. Datoh G.c— General-cargo d.p.— deok passenger Q..- Uncertain T. P. W.—
      779 words
    • 642 9 Name, port, probable daU of arrival, and name of agents. Stumers. Achilles, Liverpool, Jan. 15 Mansfield. Girlie, Sydney, Feb. 27 Boustead. Mem. jus. Liverpool, Jan. 29 MansnVM. Ambria, Hongkong, Jan. 23 Behn Meyer. \rratoon Apcar, Honkgong, Jan. 16 P. Simons. Arcadia, Hongkong, Feb. 15 P. 4 O. \iixtria,
      642 words
    • 228 9 of Shares Value Paid op to Company Buyers Sellers' Last Transactions 10 SOLD. I 10 Benawah G. M. Co., Ltd 15.00 15.00 13,500 i,500 aaiMiMd. 4,000 20,000 10,000 6,307 23,793 50,000 150,000 20,000 >,000 udimuwl. 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 f 100 •10 (Pref.) 10.00 1 Kechan
      228 words
    • 130 9 OUO unutn*d 2,000 4,600 80,000 13,000 8,400 6,000 3,700 35,000 600 2,000 5,000 780 uuiaauwl. 300,000 J.'JUU UIUMIMd 37,000 100 SO 135 > 100 10 100 100 10 SO > 100 100 100 30 135 100 10 100 > 100 10 so 100 f 100 Duff Development Co., Ltd..
      130 words
    • 129 9 ZU.UUU f 11) 70,000 1 1,000 UUUMM4 6,000 1 6,000 1 1,400 uniwtwd 30,000 1 !,»> unlMUd -2,000 1100 660 uuu»uco 1,000 $100 150 UDla«u«d 30,000 1 ,000 uniMiMd 150 $100 050 (100 10,000 > 10 ,<M nuiautd £50,000 1 1 £80,000 1 1 Balgownie Robber Entail- Ltd. Bukit
      129 words
    • 32 9 Howarth Erslnne, Ltd. 7% 280,000 3% prem. 6% 325,000 J%Jrom buyer. tiuippore tfuuicipeJ 6% 400,000 2% prem bu/e7 A 5% 1,878 000 1% p«m buyer.. lU^Wco.,^ SSo:2S^| m u^e.. A
      32 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 557 9 BANKS. Hongkong 6* Shanghai Banking Corporation. i*HHaVUP CAPITAL »10.000.000 KKSIKVK FUND Sterling Reserve »10,000,000 l tlB -an 000 SilveriWve 8,500,000) 18 500 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. 11. A. W. Blade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. F. Sali-ger, Eiq. K.
      557 words
    • 262 9 NOTICES. win Desiles I Cordial Bdgdneratevr 2 mSs f Regulates the Circulation, Promotes J A V^^^ f Digestion, Cures oustijiation. Prevent jJP y?QJ^N I epidemics, Composed of best Elements. A U|£yVogr^v I I Tonic. A Ligutiir. Wine. BT^^^MrWe^l M I I 12 per bottle at aU Digpensaries. jtt>C# I t?he
      262 words
    • 329 9 Australia and China. [INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £*****0 g"»'e Liability of Proprietors £800,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Sootlaud. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoooanta are opened and interest allowed at^ per cent, per annum on the daily balances. .When the accrued interest
      329 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 690 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) year* old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. 6?O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO Mr CUM, Jtpu. P»nang. Or 1*" AMtralU, India, Aden, Eiypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian
      690 words
    • 1275 10 KonlnMUke Paketvaart Maat.ohapplJ Agtnu at S"* o^ nnderme ntioned date» are only approximate Jt «JL»^ From Bxp'tad WUI be defl»tohed for 8 \f Rillitmi Jan 9 Billiton LJJ RT SSSI- B^^w Donggalaandßampit J^ noeng Sitoli, Baron, Biboga, Natal, A 3*" Bannis and Priaman andPadang Jw h Batavia Jan 8 Batavia,
      1,275 words
    • 594 10 N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. I Imperial German Mall Line Th e fast and well known mail steamers of I this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburgf ia Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp- I ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonneotion Marseilles, Naplea, Alexandra, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki,
      594 words
    • 702 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ud.l AND China Mntual Steam Hay. Co.. Ltd. I The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Btraita, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homeward* for London every fortnight and lor Liverpool monthly. One outward s m I each month
      702 words
    • 546 10 INSURANCE COMPANrBS. ROYAL INSURANCE cT FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED~FUNDB EXCEED £12,000,000. f twm moot fib« omci m the world. BOUBTEAD Co.,— Agtntt THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,000 Th« and»»igned, D Agents for the Company are prepared to accept fire risks at curren Iom 4 C0.,-AimU. CANTON
      546 words