The Straits Times, 9 January 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.933 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. JANUARY 9. 1906. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 659 1 NOTICES THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS 1 1 DUCELLIER MOTOR CAR LAMPS E*# *\l| Reading ci a newspaper at 400 FEET v^'dEuß^ C. Dupirc Co., 10l Singapore Jigents. PAULS MILK. Norwegian Pure Cows' Milk. \AjJFWr THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH THE FULL WATERPROOF FLAVOUR OF FRBSH COWS' MILK IS RETAINED.
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    • 374 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO, Gentlemen's High Grade Boots and Shoes AT POPULAR PRICES TAN TAN willow R9J willow CALF BOOTS M Pll )TS Per Pair. p er p ajr A Smart useful up-to-date Boot in i shapes, Ovford and Derby, fair stiklied, linetl leather, well finislied EXCELLENT STYLE, EASY FITTING will
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  • 2044 2 MR. fkost. Mr. Meadows Frost, who has just been appointed British Consul at Kedah and who came out the other day by the P. and O. Ooeana, was one of the F. M. S. Cadets the greater part of whose service has been in Pahang he has worked
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 475 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. "EMPIRE" TYPEWRITERS PRICES ARE REDUCED TO THE FOLLOWING:— Foolscap Model takes paper 9 ins. wide SI 10. Brief I<U,, 135. Insurance Policy 18 155. The Machine is issued in the Government Offices throughout the Straits Settlements. 550 Empire Typewriters have been supplied to the HOME GOVERNMENT within a
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    • 317 2 NOTICES. I Stricken Ip^fl I I By Hairs I I Famine f™ I Wine. ft Your neuralgia is the I prayer of starving, tortured V^T* m nerves for proper food. Why jOfZ-J a be cruel to yourself Why suffer when you need not When the weather or the work or
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  • 108 3 A parallel has been found to the enrau win) said •Hcirendetli t!ie first innings.' In I ntwlj-publislied lxK>k of (joliinc; stoii«s«. read of a clergyman who on a Saturday was beaten ill a coiii|Mtitiou by a putt on the last tri-on. This seems to liave i>reyed on
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  • 63 3 To Whip Wile -Beaters. A Wasliin-;toiiili-;iitch sUtosthat a whipliiiiU |xwt i«r wifclKattrs in tli«' l>i->trkt of Columbia will I'stalilished if COMtMi sliotild enact the measure whiefa Mr. Adams. i.f Pennsylvania, has totoodwued. Mr Adams ha* talk.'il to the rmllUllll .ilxmt his bill. At the com lii-ioii of tliciiit<'i\ieu lie quotwl
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1013 3 NOTICES UEDf*lllE£ (f3k PCMCiIT nclfuULEa bEmENIi NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that from the 3 1st December 1905 the late firm Stiven Co., or their Successors will cease to be our Agents and that we have appointed from the Ist January IiJOG. Messrs. RIGOLO, BERGMANN Co. Singapore and Penang. our
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    • 324 3 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office upto noon of the3lst January, 1906, for the following works Supply of laterite and gravel on (1) Bukit Timah Koad (2) Juroug Road (3) Holland Road (41 Cl,u:i Chu bag Rood Kranji Road (0) West Coast Road (7| Pasir
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  • 107 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 9th JANUARY. The post office instruction, number IH*2, to which reference was made in yesterday's article, runs thus "To prevent the purloining of adhesive stamps by employees in firms or large establishments, they may be perforated with initials traced in minute holes, so
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  • 106 4 A OHHMMH observes that the Kight llev. Bishop Hose and Miss Hose were yesterday afternoon seen taking a little trip to I'ayar Lebahand back in a tramcar. Apropos of this, says the same correspondent, it may be remarked that this service is now worked with very much increased ability, the
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  • 194 4 About a month ago, we had occasion to draw attention to the fact that a Portuguese Christian woman, named Maria Francisco, had been inadvertently laid to rest among the defunct pauper and non-Christian Chinese in the unconsecrated cemetery belonging to the Tan Tok Seng Hospital, out Bidadari way. Our comments
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  • 633 4 It seems likely that the present Ministers are Koiug to have a lively time of it at home. Mi. Kdimind Beale, Mr. Hradlaugli. Mr. Bright, Mr. Broadhurst. and others of pronounced Itadical opinions at once exhibited most conimendable calmness and self-res-traint directly they obtained office, but Mr. Burns appears to
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  • 949 4 .U'st a little less than a decade ago, in the summer of 1896, a terrible catastrophe visited the northwest coast of Japan from Scndai to Shiriyazaki. A tidal wave swept in. one evening, and in ten minutes had wiped out more than 27 .000 of the coast-dwellers. The tragedy create.
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  • 48 4 A iokkksi'i.nukst, who has had occasion to visit the Police Courts lately, suggests tliat the wooden doois of the Courts iniylit lxcleaned once in a way. They are sticky with dirt, and, from a sanitary point of view, it would be an advantage to have the dirt removed.
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  • 13 4 Tuk Philharmonic Orchestra resumes tinweekly practices at the Town Hall on Thornday next.
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  • 15 4 A I'liiimmaii was captured yesterday lor snatching a gold hairpin from a Chinese woman's head.
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  • 18 4 Nink huiulreU ami seventy five diaths were registered at Singapore m Danaafcar, The ratio per thousand wa» io.'Al
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times"
  • 190 4 To-day Messrs. Davidson ,v Co. OMaed their new tailoring establishment in Winchester House. Collyc-r Quay. Th« firm is e.mipi-. I of Mr. Qeo> l'a\ i.lson. who is well-known in Peuang. and .Mr. Powell Itohinson. whoso sartorial abilities are ccjually well know n in Singa|>orc and the F.M.S.
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  • 11 4 Cahtaix Boldero, b expected hack tram Penan", on the 15th instant.
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  • 19 4 MIMII Jllllll Little and Co.. Limited, send us calendars issued by Aiklicv Ishei .v Co the well-known whisky distilleis.
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  • 30 4 The detective department of the police captured a big Malay yesterday w honi they believe to be the perjietrator of nil the net M daylight rabbarwa ill the Tanyliu ilistri.-t
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  • 32 4 Thkkk will bu .1 mi-et of the Hunt < lnh on Sat'irday next, the IMb. inst.. at Cluny Station at 4.4* i p.m. Finish at tin Heseiv.'ir Major Kverettand Lieut. Wybargh are hIHITn
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  • 43 4 Wk limch ngret baaciaajiVoni Psajuag thai Mr. Khaw 800 Ann, whom we might call the Sugar King." has died. Hi was al>oiit TOyt-aisof age and owned a partii ul.uiv line estate at Siinpang Ampat. on the liordi i between Perak aud Province Wellesley.
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  • 54 4 Thk master ot the Hamhurg-Ainei ika Linie stcauier \nlu,i naperti having [NfeMed on the :«)th IV.cml* r at I p.m. in t *U North and lltti >)' Kast the British ship OtUie Chief K. I). O. H.iof Liverpool, on a voyage from Hongkong ti> Port A.I. l.iid. which uished to
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  • 69 4 I'HK Perak Ladies' iiitle As-ck iatiiin h. Id tlieir opening shoot at Tai piny on tin toll January, when two pri/.es were comi« ied for. At tlie termination. Colonel Walker, who was present, made a speech baton yiviny away the prizes. He. heartily congratulated the inemhers on their steady *****1
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  • 57 4 Onk of the laU'st rccinits to the l.ilxral camp i- Sii West Wiiljjiwav, eX-GoTWnG Ceylon, who ap|K-are<l for the tilst time OB )iolitical platform the other nighlHt Leeds. 11. dei-laied that as a I'niouist, a him beUevei in the Kmpire. ami as an adherent ol Frw Trail-, be could no
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  • 57 4 Tlih Dam ..fa certain sm.illeo liege at I .tin bridge has just baM \n< seuted w ith a silver salver. The incription ran: "Vim BgTOgio hiijusce colleniae <lcea Id., hanc patellani alumni. Smith Minor's rider broth, r. a iiii'inlxT nt 'tin- college. biM translated it "To the ngranimw gentleman, dean
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  • 73 4 A C.\lcutt< ciirrcspouduiit wriU's cutta ijuit<! forgot the date of the Kind's birthday and not a tiag fM hoisted, unt even on tin- GwWMMri offices; hut we woke up in time to f.'ive a \ci\ Ii welcome to tin- new Viceroy. T!ic city was a bla/.e of colour
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  • 87 4 Tuk British Foreign office expaata to Inmi from the Chinee (ioveriiiui -lit shortly on ilii subject of raising the status ol the ChiMae locations nt London. Washington, l'aiis. St. Petersburg, Merlin, and Vienna to that ol Kmhassies. Th- Japanese (lovurumcut took this step recently, and is said to Im' ftnxioilH
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  • 90 4 The servant munition at liiin^kuk. (Horn Frm Prtm, is n-.illy on >>i first iuwnitude. and the. marvel is that a stand I'm* not In <n made. I'eiliaps it has not \et -_;oii< tar enough. It is had to |>.i\ enoniMHiv wage*, ■adwonetogat bad Nrvio*. When one dismisses I scu.uit. a
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  • 86 4 Tuk funeral of Lociii. I. the twciity-fotirtli Chief tt the Clan Ciiineion, was MM of Urn largest and most taayoriag ever MM in (be Highlands. There ni pnx-ession ban Aelin;.^unv (ustle to l-'i.rt Willmni, ndisian-, i eot twelve miles, witn i train ol carriages over a mile in length, ami
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 624 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS On and after the ist ol January, 1906, the discount allowed off our prios, as per ojr List, will be ioper cent, Champagnes, Sparkling Wines, and Aerated Waters excepted. :o: Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants, Ale, Beer, and Stout Importers. TTIi fiotel De ireurope. A FANCY
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    • 428 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. t BOXING BOXING. GRAND BOXING CONTEST TO TAKE PUCE AT THK. ALEXANDRA HALL, NORTH BRIDGE Ri>. Thursday 11th of January 1906. j MAIN EVENT OF U Boa. Between Smith, Versus Christie, middle Champion R.G.A. weight Champion of j China. Three Good Preliminaries will precede the main event Doors
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 17 5 Germany's View. Berlin. M January. The German White Book on Morocco has been published.
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    • 28 5 It lifts the veil from the proceedings of M. Taillandic the French minister to Morocco, who aflegai that he took action in the interests BmM)*.
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    • 20 5 The-WhiU Booh -jives circumstantial details how M Taillandicr claimed on behalf of Franc a piotectorate over the country.
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    • 16 5 Sultan 's Protests. The Sultan of Morocco emphatically protested against the claim. France then naed threats.
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    • 47 5 Mm von Ituc low maintained the principle of the open door, aud of international control over the finances of Morocco. I'rince von Buclow also stood up for international control over the Moroccan police force, stationed outside the frontier district abutting on Algeria.
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    • 16 5 < iermany's telegrams bearing upon these matters were couched in a firm but conciliatory tone.
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    • 34 5 The news that Germany is sending menof war to Tangier is not confirmed. Krance is sending there no other men-of-war than the two which arc already in M.n.xcan waters.
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    • 15 5 Count Witte semi-otticially declares that he defends Prince von Buelow's Morocco policy.
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    • 21 5 Count San Giuliano. the Italian minister for foreign affairs, expresses confidence in Prince von Buclow
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  • Reuter's telegrams.
    • 58 5 Continuity of Foreign Policy. Sir H. Campbell- Kamicrman. in his electoral address. sa\s l!y renouncing undesirable characteristics, which we formerly detected in their foreign •olicy. the Inionists have made it possible for us to pursue their policy with substantial continuity, without departing from the
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    • 54 5 it will be our duty to uphold economy. si If -government. ci\il and religious liberty, and bee trade: to repair, it' ixissible. the mischief wrought in in.nt years; and to MM social and economic reforms. Ute'd. Mngmpon lI. 'HI a.m.. 'Jth -January. li. Id. 1,,,
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    • 18 5 Meetings continue to l>c held in Germany in lavour of fri. mlly relations with Britain.
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    • 22 5 Iv the elections for the French si i:.ite M. Jaures. the socialist, aud his colleagues have been badly defeated.
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    • 12 5 King Edward signed the dissolution of iliameiit \esti rday.
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    • 215 5 i;,,',i i p hi. l),l,l 1,,, p.m. CiMint Witte. on MMJ interviewed, expressed Ma confidence that Russia would come rejuvenated out of the present crisis. In I Witte s opinion the reports circulated alMpii' the crisis were exaggerated. i. Kukovzeff. the ex llussian Minister of'. has
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1841 5 Mr. Pertile Again Discusses the Matter. To the Editor of the Strait* Times." Dkak Sir,— ln the Straits Times of the 'i.Hli of November, which I received at Suez, I have seen and read with all attention Mr. Huttenbach's views on the present position of the Currency
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    • 1256 5 To tlu- Editor of the St rails Times.' Sik.— ln your newspaper recently a report appeared, which Haul that the authorities propose appointing a Commission to inquire into and take evidence on the condition of affairs in Singapore regarding Public Health. Subsequent to this report one of your
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  • 137 5 This morning the s.s. Ban Whatt Bmh was seen to hoist the police flag. Serjeant Ralph of the Marine Police went on board and found that a Malay seaman or lascar had been badly wouuded by a companion. It is alleged that this morning a Malay lascar
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  • 110 5 It is interesting to learn that Master Rene Eber, a Queen's Scholar who went home only a tew mouths ago. has done remarkably at his initial effort. Last month at his Entrance Examination for Christ's College he stood first. The Principal congratulated him and said he
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  • 39 5 By kind permission of Lieut-Colonel C. N. Watts and the Officers Ist battalion the Sherwood Foresters, the band of the battalion will play iv the Botanical Gardens on Friday next, 12th inst.. from it to 11 p-m-
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  • 278 5 More Tiger Shooting. (iwALioK, December Mk, -Christinas morning broke at Gwalior with a crisp bracing air, and a blue sky. lightly decked with mackerel clouds. Everyone was bout on quiet enjoyment. After breakast there was a general exodus to Morar. where the Lord Bishop of Nagpur
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  • 185 5 Thk King's famous stallion, Jubilee, has been purchased by tli. w.ll known Argentine breeder. Sum l^natio Correas. The price, which is BMMMOOd t<be a very big figure, lias not The sale will arouse much interest in turt circles both in England and abroad. Diamond
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  • 295 5 Mk. T. R. Hubback has practically finished his work in connection with the construction of the final section of the Pihwifl Hrgrri Sembilan trunk road within the N. S. border. He is shortly disbanding his labour force. This MM a pity, as there is a pwMB
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  • 98 5 As exciting "go as so you please contest across the Atlantic to Gibraltar took place recently between the vessels ot I'liucc Lo 'is t/t liuttruliei-g's cruiser squadron, retuiiiin^ from America. To ensure MiauM ohmn nt the flagship, which won the race. worked in the stokehold. The Dfa
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  • 39 5 Owns to the date hxed for the exhibition falling on the sec. ml day of the Chi.-. V I Year, it has ixou decided IOMMMM it to Friday, Sad I'cluuaiy. at the same time as lxjlore.
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  • 27 5 Thk British-American Tobaooo Company havcino\c<lto No. V 2 ltobinsou ltoad. Their new offices lire in a handsome newly-cons-tructed block ot' buildings mid are very cool and spacious.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 20 5 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE.can La obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by post). Gives irutant relief. Avoid imitations. Keep tke Genuine bandy.
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    • 145 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. CRAG HOTEL SANITARIUM, Penang Hills. E. 0. HOTEL, Penang. STRAND HOTEL, Rangoon. EXCHANGE TO-DAY if your Piano is getting worn. We will allow von its UTMOST VALUE IN EXCHANGE with us for a New Piano. PIANOS in solid TEAK cases with a compass of 7
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  • 2741 6 London 15th December. Sir Alfred Harmsworth, the pioneer of Yellow journalism in London, has been raised to the peerage It is nrV yet known what place is to have the honour of being included in Mr. Balfour's gift though Peking has been suggested as the most appropriate. Yellow
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  • 88 6 The constitution of the Yokohama Specie Bank will, it is reported, -ays the Japan Hi mill, be amended so as to enable (.'lunette to join its board of directors. This amendment, of course, refers only to the China branches of the Bank. The matter is considered of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 593 6 NOTICES. WANTED by the Municipal Commissioners. Malacca, a driver for a steam roller (5 tons), ■alary t4HO per annum. Applications with copies of testimonials addressed to the Municipal Secretary. Malacca, will be received up to the 10th January, 1906. 1076 ENOLISH HOME A lady wishes to recommend a clergyman's wife
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    • 560 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. No. 90 and A Institution Hill, and 1 St. Thomas Walk- Entry Ist January, 1906. Apply to LEE CHENG VAN 4 CO., v 968 10 Malacca Street. TO BE LET. Two well-built European dwelling houses. Aci-oninxxlaiH'ii 12 rooms each. Tennis and servants' quarters. Close tc town.
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    • 114 6 W. H. Connelly, General Storekeeper, Tolaga Bay, N. Z., says Have stocked Chamberlain's household medicines continually and feel much pleasure in. confidently recommending their Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has no equal." This is the universal verdict the world over with people who have become acquainted with the good
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    • 661 6 AUCTION SALES. THE SELANGOR GOVERNMENT STEAM TACHT ESMERALDA To be sold by Auction At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan 4 Co.'s Mart, Singapore, On Monday, lotK January, at 2.30 p.m. MKSSKS. H. L. COGHLAN Co. are instructed by the Master Attendant. SingH]x>re, to sell by Auction, on behalf of the Government
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  • 527 7 The "Mining Journal" for 18th Xov. ■♦ates that tho tin market for the week ending the 1 7tli idem has shown groat strength, and prices on balance he W HI improvement of £3 per ton. The demand home consumers has been on a. scry large scale,
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  • 314 7 FOR SINGAPORE Per P. *O. h. .1/.. /./-i iin connecting with; ti.. tfamar VtiUtt Cokatbo, from Loadoa. Dm. •>•. Am- -.'lllll .Inn. -Miss I). Kwlfvrn. Miss Cballiur. Mr. P. .1. Hnllifax. Mr. W C. Harper. Mi" 1 K. I-ruii.l. Mr. U. C. Hmiti-r. Mr. B. W.ltnuMell, Mr.
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  • 54 7 L*M KloiHiicc Dixin, till; well known <x |>lorer. s|K>rts»oinnn, anil author, wlio iln-il a in ui'cks la, lift mi < staU\ vitlncil at X"2. r >7 Bh. Id. Ijidy Klori-iu'c, wlio wax only fortyfi^lit ycin> nt aj.<- wlu'ii sin- died, left no will and lu-r liiislhiihl MHolieitorn lutvu Im-i-ii yunt
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 Chammkklain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhwa Remedy is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowol compl.iints. It always «ur»". and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the most severe and ungcrous cases (if cholera rnorbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It should be taken at
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    • 650 7 NOTICES. DOGSHEAD^III BRAND BASS'S ALE STOUT Gast) Clearance Sale IT CHENG CO. 43, HIGH STREET. A marvellously cheap sale to clear stock in view of the approaching Chinese New Year. From Monday the Bth Jan. 1906. To Saturday the 20th Jan. 1906. Sunday Included. 1270 THE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT
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  • 737 8 Liiliiimi. ','iul ■finiwiry. Mk. tliKHiTz arrived on Saturday from .1. MattoJi in the s.s. I'rlrel, but did not land. H. M. S. ;'W«i came in at 8.30 p.m. and Mr. Oiicritz went on board and formally handed over the Colony to Sir John. An. luson. Sir .lohn Audersou
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  • 160 8 'I' lit. International Olympic (■anus, which wil! take piaoe fm the second time at Athens ban baacj ti\eil for the end of April of next yiai. They will In-gin on April I'l and end on May 'J. According to the programme ikhUedoytbe committee sitting under
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  • 87 8 Mk. Win-ion Chiiii nu'l ap|>ointmeiit as 1 miei-.Sei -r.-t.ny foi tin- oloiiiis is generally commented mm in the Canadian Am, Im.i I. Uy a single newspaper oilers I word of friendly commendation. The Mi,nlrnil. DM <■( the- most influential journals in the Ooiiiiuion. remarks that in this parti i nla]
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  • 217 8 A Coiner. Siew Ah Tau pleaded not guilty to a charge of being in possession of instruments and materials for counterfeiting coins. An Opium Farm chinting stated in evidence that he arrested the prisoner near Borneo Wharf. When searched there were found in his possession dies, plaster of
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  • 375 8 The British Consul at Shanghai has claimed damages with regard to the recent disturliances there. Tlic Viceroy denies any liability, on the ground that the Chinese lorces were not allowed to enter the foreign M-ttliiiients. He states that he is willing to agree to the appointment of a
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  • 199 8 At li>oh. on the 4th insttuit. in the Junior .Indicial onmii-sionci- Court, before His Honour L. M. Woodward, the case of M« -AiilinV. the pugilist, v. the State of Perak came on for hearing. The facts of the case •M simple. McAulifl'e. during the last Taiping Wat
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  • 28 8 it is said that a certain amount of prepared opium is sniuygU-d regularly to ami from Ainov to the Straits. BasjatSOß pieuls tlu-.s left the port last vein.
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  • 338 8 Queer Reports of the German Cruiser from Brazil. Some little time ago we received certain rather puzzling reports anent a difficulty occasioned by the presence of the German cruiser Panther in Brazilian waters. The matter seems to be somewhat cleared by the correspondent of the New York
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  • 188 8 With its u>ual enterprise tlie Management of tin- Hotel il<- I'Europe is arranging to give a fancy dress ball in the Old Town Hall on January 'Jtitli l liinese New Year. The affair will naturally be by subscription, with tickets at j.j eacli for gentlemen, anil $8
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  • 25 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. uih ftnmmrp, MM Thk Netherlands Trading Society today quotes the 4 ins bank rate at 2,'!);. The Mercantile Bank quotes it at 2 :<;.
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  • 223 8 Lewis Peat's Rubber Report. 15th December. Para. The market has been firm and prices for fine para sorts are higher A Fair business has been done as follows Fine hard spot and near delivery at 54, distant at 54J to 5 4j. Soft Fine. Scare*. 53 value
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  • 100 8 Gambier buyers 5 7.7"> do (Cube No. It unpicked 11.00 Copra Bah 7.60 jo Pontianak 7.15 Pepper. Black buyers ..,,20.50 do White. 5°,, 30.00 Stgo Flour Sarawak 2.77* do Brunei No. 1 i.71 PtarlSago 5.40 1 Coffee Bali. 1V O basis 19.50 Coffee, Palembanß. 20° o basis 25.00 Coffee,
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  • 270 8 (Mercantile Bank.) On London— Bank 4 m/» Ml Demand t/M Private 6 m/s 2,4,, (So 3 m/s 1 On Germany— Bank d/d Mil Private 3 m/s 2.35j do 6 m/s L«<] On France— Bank d/d M 8 Private 3 m/s 2.93 do 6 m/s $.»."> i On rnrfi-i— Bank
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    • 192 8 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Aijutliia, Brit. BBT. 694 ton-. ('apt Curtis, 9th Jan. From Bangkok, 3rd Jan. G.c. Borneo O}. For Bombay, 9th—Rds. BruHirer, Dut. str. 342 tons, Capt. Gregor. Bth Jau. From Paneh. 6th Jan. G.c, and 11 d.p. Daeudels Co. For Deli, 12th IM-.
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    • 54 8 for Per Sttamtr fi»« To-Morrow. P. S'teuliam Peuaug Um I'enaug mi. I Calcutta (h, (toaf l'eluk lm via ports .Sri<i;i;/,.iami Bangkok Bttmnf Bangkok CMmf IM 1 p.m. I p.m. .t p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m ThCkspw. Europe via ports MlbtKfUa HungKOiig l.iiihliiiiiii 3yilne\ via port- ('mKi/iiiim 3 p.m.
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    • 130 8 From Ecrope— By the N. I). 1,. MM, l'nn.*en due on 12th Jau. From China— By the M. M. s. X, Slmem due on 15th Jan. Left Singapore Due in London Arrived Sot. -JTtli N. I). L. Dec. iWml Dec. '.Mat Vox. 30th B.I. Dec. 35th Dm.
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    • 65 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Whahk:- Nil. Victoria Graviiu,' Dan Man|iie Acini' Ai.hkht Gravisii Dock lstaii< Ui'. Section No. 1 Salaliadji. Titania. 2 Ratho, Zibenghla. 3 Nil. 4 KmJ. S Pan*.. 6 Nuen Tung, Terrii-r. Borneo Whahk 7 Benlarig, I'mUi. I Tilx-ru.-.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co, JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. HAVE 2STCTW" OPEITED A Magnificent stock of Gold, Silver and Gemset Jewellery of every description, also Indian, Chinese, Japanese silks, curios and fancy goods suitable for wedding and birthday presents. Prices Very Moderate. Telephone No. 254 Inspection
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    • 25 8 STEARNS' WINE is very palatable. An excellent tonic for children, especially if they are pale r.nd thiu. Do not delay. '~Afutt be Stearin." It cure*.
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    • 225 8 FIVE SPECIAL LINES AT GJhiteaway, Icaidlaw's Sale. WHITE LONGCLOTH Made expressly for us and guaranteed. Sale price Free of Dressing q CLfl Most suitable for Ladies' *»mwl! and Children's garments. QZ Superfine quality. Width 30 inches. yards. TRAVELLING Our Famous Wool a j e p r j ce Travelling Rugs
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 126 8 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 9th January. High Water. 9-12 a.m. 10 32 p.m. I. P. Meeting. Pres. Church. Town Band. Esplanade. MS. Wednesday, 10th January. High Water. 9-50 a.m. HSpm. Full Moou. 11.34 p.m. V. V- Meeting. Pres. Church. 8-: W. Thursday, nth January. High Water. IC'2O a.m. 11-4:( p.m.
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    • 105 8 WEATHER REPORT. Baaiaag Kw*m Hmpifl, mh •/-.»»..<//. /»w.. 9 A. M. i V. K. 9r. H. iiEMAHk^. Bar. :CJ -.XJ.SKS3 -JK.H44 -JU.88.5 jt i Temp ..79.0 N.V.I TBJ 5-? Wet Bulb Tlu-i 77.-) 7«.4 76.0 I"^ Dirof Wind x.k. n.i. n.i. d J Max. Tt-mi. IT.« a 1 Mm. 71.-.
      105 words

    • 910 9 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer ah. ahip bq. barque noh. schooner Yci. Yacht Cm. —Cruiser Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— United State* Fob. French Ger —German Dut. Daub. G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger U.— Uncertain T. P. W.—
      910 words
    • 530 9 Same, port, probable dot* of arrival, and name of agent*. Stbahbbs. Ambria, Hongkong, Jan. 16 Behn Meyer. Arratoon Apcar, Honkgong, Jan. 16 P. Simons. Austria, Trieste, Jan. 12 Rau ten burg. Ayuthia, Bangkok, Jan. 9 Borneo Coy. Baralong, London, Jan. 24 Patersun Simons. Barotse, London, Feb. 15; Paterson
      530 words
    • 244 9 Somber of Shares Issue Paid Value up to Paul Company Buyers Seller* Transaop i I I tions Company •OLD. I f J 10 Bersawah O. M. Co., Ltd 15.00 15.00 13,500 J.MO uuiMttd. 4,000 20,000 10,000 6.907 33,793 50,000 150,000 20,000 2,UUUIUUMUtd. 10 10 10 10 1 1 1
      244 words
    • 125 9 •iUV.WU SUUUUuuu»u«d 4,600 80.000 12,000 3,400 2,750 35,000 600 2,000 6,000 785 uniMuwL 300,000 VJ.OUU UHIIOU.KI 87,000 100 50 126 100 10 100 > 100 10 60 100 100 100 M 126 100 10 100 100 10 60 100 t 100 uun uoveiopmun* ix>., uta.. Federated Kuyiuecriut;
      125 words
    • 123 9 70,000 9,000 UDUWMd 6,000 6,000 l,Mounlwu*d 30,000 I»,SOU uniunt.l ■i.OOU ti&O UUUktMu 1,000 UU uuuwiad 30,000 4.UUU uuuwnwl ISO 860 10,000 1.846 uuimd £50,000 1 6 Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd. 1 Bnkitßajab I BSO 13.17.6 H.I 1 1 1 Cicely Rubber Estate 1 5% I'ref. Ml s.oi £-i. 5.01
      123 words
    • 46 9 I Howarth Erakine, Ltd. 7% Bilay, Harsreavea, Ltd. 6% Singapore Municipal 6% 6% Tftujou* Patfar Dock 00., Ltd. 4% 250,000 3% prem. 286,000 t% prem buyers 400,000 2% prem buyer.. 1,878,000 1% prem buyer.. 653,500 2% ills. iv.iv". 250,000' U% prem. sales. 1.365,000 ljxprem sale*
      46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 543 9 BANKS. Hongkong 9 Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RKKERVEFUND:— Kterlinc Reserve •10,000,000) n°v)0OO0 Kilvor Wrve 8.800,000 18 *****U Hcaerve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. H. A. W. SUde, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq.— Deputy Chairmau. lion. C. W. Dickaon. F. Sali»ser, EBq. E. Gootz. Ebo. E. Bhellim,
      543 words
    • 260 9 NOTICES. VinDesiles I Cordial Ho^Snersiteur J? >rfe^S I Regulates the Circulation, Promote* ii I Digestion, Cures unstipution. Prevent I j(^PK U^2b^EsT^\ I j cpulemicH, Conjptwod >l Ik-h( KkmcutH. A ttU 1 I Tonic. A Li'jmur. Wine. ■J^^Bh^^* a I f %"1 per bottle at all DispeiiKHrics. 11 J^mLtOf I t?he
      260 words
    • 306 9 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £875,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
      306 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 695 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 twelve years old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. g?O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO Par China, Japan, Panan*;, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porto, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf,
      695 words
    • 1356 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatachapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agent, at Singapore ***** AontCT, lati 3. Djlendelh A Co., 3-8 Collyer Quit. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be desi«tched for Houtman Kota Baroe Jan 4 Batavia Jan 9 Van der Lyn Bandjermassin
      1,356 words
    • 619 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      619 words
    • 715 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co,, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to Vancouver,
      715 words
    • 527 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. THK LABOICST FIRI OmCI IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD A Co.,— AgenU. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 Paid-up Capital 212,750 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned. Agents for the Company are prepared to accept fire risks
      527 words