The Straits Times, 24 November 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.897 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY" NOVEMBER 24. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 476 1 HtVTh NOTICES. am at* 4 1 m. GYMKHANA. Milkmaid^ BRAND jTaaBBBaV g0(/jm\ H^^Bfek aHaaaaai K T^ aY 1 1 Jtfa Vi Mn'rwcrn'llinHß 11 11 AT* a^Laaaaß E RJBy| I VI U K4 i Tftjt .MB I J.TA Mn-* ::l ><iii«a|«.r.' Guaranteed ti_r" gjilifl ay B*a tahi 'it. any Sma «>i-3
      476 words
    • 521 1 NOTICES. NOTICES. v ■IUOCrn IaILLUIIO •miMm.. (.kASI) i'UW, I»\WIS. 1900. B^Pal Wk affc 0 RickMtqaatttj; •BabaftafOnMNt DonMbtyan tawafcn W0 hH K ohiapcst. mm II %0 ROBINSON CO. TOYS TOYS TOYS 1 1 I GIRLS AND BOYS <>F DESCRIPTION DOLLS (Dressed and wmmft*9tS DOLLS HOUSES UOLLS HOLSE FUKMiUUE ENAMELLED TEA
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  • 333 2 An Experts Book. Vl hat. 1.. a*i I .1 1- 1 ami .1. K«-i»; .1-.11. i' 1- of Caiman, MM .t a MM I'ai.i liul.U 1 v 11. r!« it Wnu'it I■ li. 11.1. 1 tli I iii.nt K\|< riin.iiul >:.-iti..i. at himhiaiit in < \l..ii. It 1-.
    333 words
  • 335 2 Meter- readers aiiJ their little vays matk. «ill ptove t!i. i. ».IV I" V, 111. into a auoaa tii «vii ili- i i j .i|'|>.. nrter »:i- em .ii.. ...u. .i mm linil ixn lamed an. mml, r< .ix.u> t! ..ii. I did mat i iv
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1000 2 NOTICES. SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY.' Ki-om l>»t Auiiur-i. rid, mid lutil Fun her N<>fi.-©. Train S«-rvi«i- for Work Day* ami Sunday*. l '*.,»(.'/*'-aV" •owa tMWa. oowa Tanas im. ».w. a.m. ».v. r.M. r.M. r.M. r.M. r.M. r.M. aw. r.K. p.m. kINQAPORC <f «■«> 10.00 li.:« IM 316 4.41 Al9 6VI
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    • 329 2 NOTICES. ARTIE TULLY Turf Commission Agent. Artie 'fully Ih-^s to inform his c'.i.nts that li<' has ii KMHKIIiHik Wjmmt 01; th«- Vn»i<i\ Cup, run 1 in Calcutta on tli*' 26 tn of hncinImt, also the Douhlr Trials and Vie.Toy Cup 'i.OOO 100. Trli-k'rapbir Aiklreiu "TI'I.I.Y" Singapore. Adtirtii: 22. RAFFLES PLACE.
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  • 124 3 Amusing Scene in a Paris Screet. I 'I' I I lit llf tllO It :ti > Illlilil il.llr. I it.t iii... .i- fi IWn Tkera m esisi t!ir rank> .f tin i haiiffinrv With MM any tl. -ii ri- Ii if tiiinu. t~ tli' ><!■■■ iii- in-
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  • 72 3 1 tl..- r.. k. t ..i:.l fa t rim in Kii^l.ukl i- ndrrfu! in it- I .ir «ty .uni i|. n the w nl- in tin I n Am. ;i. l ,i v V 1 I-. .1 \t the I it be m I r then an
    72 words
  • 107 3 Klnadil Uit< .rp ol'B-nkrupt< »C< srt I in I. K Dadikc in 'i hold l>v twenty ...II I twi my lie n him i r tin »h -I. tii h.i.i 1 K'Viiku!.:i I I tin it I li'fi.. th. I- .it 1i.i.1 I- 11l SfiStd bj
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  • 137 3 A .in i..v- pill problem arwe in a i.. tut big Mi.ii ii .it >t Aa_N~i T.iv i.i ii.i.i .i |>m -f i I— l hf 19; i»li I tin- ash SB- Uy a frvt ilicllc Ikv.iicl In- Tr.i«ln-<l nvcr I it Midi In- pun. i ui<i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 120 3 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. IM ii|;i' i|:\ i I Bl 801 \l. ll \I:l lit. apitaJ !>>•' iaa) i n«-l..ri I Kntni hund i II V N K lUnk el KiiKlkml. National Hank ..< S<-..t1an.l Thr I-.ndi.u City A Mullaud lUuk. Ltd. KlMi.U'OllK HUM— Current Am.unU
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  • 152 5 I'hk •■leiiM-uti urn imiMTcilul towanln Ki_K_pon vi. mi IMMMMJ li-t iiicht.iiiit tin- MtWMMMMMMHJM >'"■ ..t -l/< I•• id MM lain 111 1...U th. ...inert at th. Town Hill. Th. p. n-raiim. wa- in excellent in.l wa* -veil 1...1...1 Ml- M.'<ileli \i .innal b Rhl h
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  • 16 5 I i- 11 ii'>niiii itad lo M.m.i. -i|m1,. I I, II.. VMM I'.mi;
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  • 98 5 1 V .ii Um ,im) I 1 mm; I In i. owiia t.. ili< e i.. j ti -.11. u rape «i|| mote, in ban ..n llii« limit;. I I via i< I- -.T ii. i U.-HII ..n tin ,i,.«l nuim t.i ml. i n. I Ii light I hwa
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  • 566 5 Chitty a Victim M/M Kit II. k _M Imm- .iml Tan! Mo.hi Man were In fore Mr. -vtli on remand; on tin- allegation of abetment of che-ting I' It. K. IYta|icriiial Chitty in n*|iect of I'i.iMi M.s- rs. BmMMmImMB. M—IfMMNNMI. and Mr. Mams is HMMMi for the
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  • 189 5 Police Court Strong Room Tampered With. I»ur;i._ ghl M <• t« ti',.t ■<-.ik ii t :i r.~ in at tli«- I'uluv CwVtl Tli:II til. Of Htl tin Third M. irv t.iki-n .:i :':•>•- l- kijjt tht-rr K< thing w.i- Mi-|K-<t"tl thi» Hi' mini,' wl: n hut .it n
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  • 198 5 THE POLICE COURTS -'hintine- \i;aiii. I ii-nii'U. lioli v\ „n Tom tin.. l -I".<. i for sinuuglini: letti is into tin MMMJ I \hdnl Kmlu ..n.l Tan Client: Mai. i liiutinu-. MM aa I-M'.l a -t. .liner. On the i wax to tin Ml t.-uinl wax of him to par!
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  • 117 5 A r tin- Awtiuw yesUnUy the trial wa» j <«nilndi-l of Lai Moll. Chan Cheng, and Low Heng. charge*) with ;;.inu robbery on '2nd October at I'ayah Lebar. .Vcting lns|H.t..i Keximl.l- was in charge >>f the cane. The evidence that a gang of robbers, of xvhich the
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  • 213 5 l\ the I'ourt of Kiipn sts vistenlav. before Mr. MiUhi-11.. tin taw- of Tan CMM QMM againHt I'oghlan and Co.. auctionwm. raine on for iH-aring. This is a suit in which tin- plaintiff had iHiught mime articles at aa auction last month and did not lake .1.
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  • 147 5 WmMMMMMi MM Voxnulai Tin MM -h«i to In MMi IX i'l.-l.lilit |MMM*MI in vt I'ongrcHM will liave. as its dominant now. the uee«l of giving more power to tin I I nitiil States doti nun. ut MMrMfMHMiII and concerns «li.n I.i-mm— cover* tin < rountrx .it HMJM. Tin
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  • 365 5 When will the Boom End Tut London o.m-sj k-nt of th. Tim., daU JTUi <Vt Tin .jainl.!.' in MMM -liar.-s. MMM I enpeciall) Iboae of Ike Malaya ..n.|uiiii.-s. i lint without abatement, aud it I would appi-ar that tin vain, put l.y thr I ■MMM
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  • 180 5 StMu\s (jetrich ijuick hlk'liii' in tin rub Li i !.int. line -|»ru~. wh.n plant. -.1 twenty all.iiii- a height of U-n or twelve feet in a couple of years, aud i- ex|iectcd to yii 1.1 >."»«l sap in i^-lit >. ar-. It lliiims in Inyh and
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  • 591 5 On the Way to Singapore. Mm. KtHi. BmHMM, h lmw reputation .i~ a uil.l U-H-t cnlkwtor an.l Uimr li.i--|.i. .i.l over tin' <.1.l and tin niw worUU. returncil fat Cokmiho a fortnight »rur a lonK almeDcr fr..m I .\l.>n wlmli In- ijient in tonrint; ovi-r the Continent
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  • 379 5 Bomlmx. Lull November Tin- morning Their Royal Hi«lmt^«-. nit-ivtil vi«it» from tin N»tn. Mmm ww > -»t«-rii lihlih. In tin afternoon a k-ntfthy ilrive u.«-tak«-ii tlir..nuli th.- n.itiv. town." Tin- pruM-mion |...~-..i tlir.-i.jh tin new l«riti..-» Strwt. in beioij .ni-tru. U-.1 to o|»n -oint- tin-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 11. Ml M I Wuud*
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    • 44 5 I n. I a life-time In mhmmMJ 'ti i :'rm>, i.i Ly tin tMiu they've kilWd ihuu. Tli'.y M pMMMJ a> i>:g M uirni>: would lisil adieu tv earth, troubles w uihl be fewer. ii i! airyi ry in T..k W...1- Cre^t Pr'>|K I'ure
      44 words
    • 68 5 _MMMMMMI of Salea Wanted. To Let etc.. will be f-mnd on paj-v ft. A pi'.-ce i i -troir <vi my ring i Now what rail that Iv. Im S. iih tiling I MMM to rcronnrwr To fetch to-night from mm mmn My wife >aid rh-> d Aie without -A. Her
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    • 233 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER TO-MORROW BAND IN ATTENDANCE. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co.. Ltd. I'ianos and \)kil!on |Pl_|ffi* PlflJTri) in t ri« >r* >i»«^lt -niiiiii i condition and limit for tin < HniHt* nt BARGAIN PRICES. Haakr DnnjM (iian.l form. C.llar.l A C.l'anl |tiia> .1.. t-Tvi Wiiiki-lmann .1.. MM
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  • 1276 6 Si. Petersburg After the Peace. "J'ind pi Mr W T. Stead has a long article in the latert Rvvicw of Reviews d>.«i limit' Ii wit lo Ku-sia what he aw and whtim he met. The following art one <t two extracts September J'.'ud I went last
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  • 274 6 The first place in the Nineteenth Century i« given to Sir William Cant in > elaborate aMBMBMi if pro blems of the Upper Nile. He h rxer cised by the fact that the White Nile I c iit.un- a large volume of v.-ater before I it ent<
    274 words
  • 465 6 BRITISH SUPINENESS IN THE TROPICS. In an uidie-tment if the British ■olom al system, in the L' Re-vitw." Vi count Mount i |i it r• I th l.i.erp." 1 In-litu K arch, makes a »t i i for Stitc aid in ilevi l( pnu .n I. iv is tli- (iifltt.
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  • 273 6 For many intuit Ii- Baal thi Ktiti-li an. l Foreign Bible Society has had t. ■•in plain t f the hindranivs which are placed :n the way of its work l>y local officialin various parts tf Turkey Its aMfai ii vis have been prevented from
    273 words
  • 310 6 A -h. rt t.iiK- back, say* tin- l.< mlon ti'hil*. the SiaiiK <■ .iiiint lit w.igrcatly appi.uidu) fur 'Inittnu.' iij> ail ili. l:.« n-• i fatal |jag aai M I knk. ft.lriy v MM lt- u-id pu' 1 morality Ii I in:. I .i in' ii
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  • 256 6 In .< eaavanatiaa with Mr Hmnik n. Ml. wh«> nxintly -1. i I'ol.inlxi .ii ln« way t i Aii-tralm. repre-*ntMive f the Tin. I i. ;in .1 ill '1 tl" .|ii.- ::i[x'l.. j c^blo and I jouinii; C'oyion with IktOoei hlMt il ;>r«-»i Nt in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 627 6 NOTICES. TOY BAZAAR TOY BAZAAR KATZ BROTHERS, LTD. NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. GRAND DISPLAY. WWII 111 1 faajataaaa as |«\init nur»t with a pn\atr family. rv.i.lmj; in tlie brat part of Tannii' la|dyl M .t. straHi Timr: 771 I IP k) an Impnrt firm an eiueneiKwd t'liinrae aaleaman with kn..wl«d|tr
      627 words
    • 317 6 BOOM! kS let »itli U«r,l. Ai'i'l. al Bar (aiin> Ii Rtas. NI UK I.XT .mall first Baa* offirm l*.-.n« (avrna«:)i Mdjai H>mi\ ami Flint Slrt--t K^ to tiullin. .V Lul.. A. T<i UK 1.1 1 D raa V.iv. Brw lt.«.|. and M I.I "%.l it.«.l m- s^lamai Rukit Timah. A|.pl>
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  • 273 7 Th.- Loud ti i .irn-*|>. nd' nt <f th«rii- M '.''rth <Vt Tin I. mi- hi- Ml in .i HHu t- i tlu-.-i th t».. ii w rul'l" aame I the v».1.|.-t mm. un. have la tlM' numlier uf appli arc- in l».th. in. re c-.ptx-iallv m
    273 words
  • 127 7 CLUL NBW RHODES STORY. \< MM iii Kirn i i. tlir. wn ..ut Mi Hi.- .1- tn n .-i. im-.ijj. ..!i tribal**. IK Ml li.'d -III" in. tllli. i a i, ir-. i lu..ii-.'li wli ek tli J I' 11. T Mil lIJ- til 1> ■aajij vv. i .i
    127 words
  • 210 7 The H imi -i.-vv ;...i- i agraai frosa i.. i.ti-.i j r)it,',l til i'.,1l in t:mt Hid -Lite- that Ih.- adri ad in lend t. drei in Eoronean riot be MM ih ajufona <>f laaaia] Ambaasa- th Dtali Matk Bar :i in. ru--. with pU-nty n.i in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 11 7 W...1- Oksjal Perm~"^in»» inf«tl»ihU for Cbi.Jrwi < SUiimch TrouoUs. M mv.
      11 words
    • 854 7 DR. WILLIAMS' PMK PILLS. WHAT THFY ArfE— AND WHYTHEV CUKE. A Ceylon Clerfyn»«n» Thanks. I)r VillMMi Hmk P:ll» f' r Palt IV .pl«- RMMt th? lifc-w.rt ol a imiimgmmWmi Canadian phy.cian. who. -tig all the tumor unaliu-i-.itL'ui- i msidervd suiTicwut for the v Kuropean medical man. tuok hr J|.
      854 words
    • 659 7 AUCTION SALES FIRST CLASS EUROPEAN RESIDENCE. To be let that pleasantly situated ho«Jt BurileiKh." SenuiK<»ii Road." health) locality Tenui* coart. Good stabliaf. KlerUic trams pass the door every fe» minutes. H. L. C oik.** V Co.. H>mst AffnU. c PRELIMINARY NOTICE. TME SALE OF TME SEAfON. most attractive firnitikk sai.k
      659 words
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    • 417 7 TME STRAITS ENQUIRY AND REOISTRATION AOENCY. thk ai< tiun aoom h KArr l.» 11. i. On and after MMM] sM< JMMa*. we are nreparr-l t.i i-arrv ..11 Al'(ll«i\ HAVES at No. V RsVFnJta PLACE, mmtm Meaars K-.lvk an.l Kavi.U.n- il«i.r I 111 FINEST \M> LABOKBI VI 1 thin ROOM IN
      417 words
    • 422 7 MLNICIPAI. NOTICh. N .11 in t^riii. f Baatssaa .I*l an.l 37 ..f Ih. MMMfaJ OMMM MHaMsU l>v or.liiiai,,. Ra at MM an.l 111 ..f MM, tliat an 11 t I .mm,. (Ml lln.l..|Mi..|iti I War.l. >f tin -T-.vtn MBBsaaßi will uk.- Bbbbj at th.Minn. i|«l (MM*, i-:<|,lana.l. BMJMMB, on Tu.-iav
      422 words

  • 109 8 I .mi .vliu-h ••i-.n. < bj H.i will. I. 1 tv In tin .1.-li. l._ 111. lllll'lliploMil of I IVUDO. The i.-i«.n- |> ma. l. Ii) Hi 1 M >„ atj I th. \ti.iin in th. < it) I ivi.mni««i at font 11 1— 1..-.I at ninety w
    109 words
  • 71 8 1 << ,<h,. ,1 pajMtM l-y Hi i. M.M.iith .-ir m -1.1. 1 ..1. .v. t.ik. th. MMMsMafl t.-.ii- jiiu P ,111 -im Mi. til. I'll. l .i.l.'i frown i.-iii 11. .il- Uuk '|k.ii 1 MM 1- -how 11 .iiiiiin^ th ii qaich rat t w.i-
    71 words
  • 92 8 T IN IN QUEENSLAND. Ml till' I J 1 fro .ii h.i.l 1 t. tiri- 1 tli.- lull mi. 1 «i I ..n.l in m..i.\ I h 1, tolll'il Ml. 1..1 .1 Folk. 1.1, W I .th lli. it m, nth- Th v '111 j-.k- .11 the him >.'. ..m.
    92 words
  • 976 8 in aMtat ..1 .-x. .11 1 Wmblmkbm ■:-l- liavc U-f, off P HIV. in 1 nllim.-.! M .1 tl Bi 1.1 \l r, 11. 1 -1. -i t 10ini.i,,,. 1',,. f th BOtlußg 11 11. .11 .v with -I \vli>. ll.i 1 I MM i.illy I"' ihv Bmj
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  • 141 8 i A Splendid Achievement. Ih> Ki.-m.u. t""i"«N QmUmmmk ami ..i./.i./.. uhirii ii Miink at I'im-i Arthur, liavi ritiiiUx Imi-ii n -111 miii I. Tiny lia\. 'iimtl tin tmUmmmti ami Ihtyn. I that tlif following arc tin oul) Hiinkiu \«-»*l» uliicli «ri n..» in Artlnir Harlxuir •mik
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  • 207 8 I m 1111. 11 Han railway. wlik-Ii run- ft..m IVkiuK t<> Hankow. wa» uKicially <>|mu<-.I with inn. I. iin|ir<->M\< iir.uiouial. .>■■ Novciulur Mlh. Man) (.'lliacat ami 1..i. I^ll |H. xjnaliti. „f 11,. v «.ri- |il.-«iit at the it r.inon). nliicli t<«>k |>lai<- <>n tin- Inhlt. •Mi tl»-'H.«nuho tTaMM
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  • 262 8 Concurrent Titles. vi th. i.i. Mm Mm I', i it Mm mm! M J»>t 1 1 nit., til. r«-|.l\ ..f th, K. ill n-m-ml with rvf.i.ii. t. MMMNl ml.-. loi Inii.l mi. I. r l».tl, tli. Mimtitc mul Ij.ii, I Kiia.-tiiu-nU a- a n u. .1
    262 words
  • 40 8 Arrived 22nd November. Rx <r I r.*,i Slianilba. Mr VV. I I rr. Mr. \V. It. I'arkwi. li..i, K k..ii^ Mr. ami Mr- SternrWl.l. M... M. i.'- 9mmmk M»..uh.i.. M, „,.1 Mr- M Mn.arthm 1
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  • 34 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. fill, Wmmmm, nxu. I Tlm- N.tli.ilan<U Troting M* .111.*.- tin- 4 ins bank rah- at 2 I M'-rcantili Bank quotea it al I Tanj «n l'ax»r- v. .ia\ »Uiti.l at *4;»it MahM.
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  • 90 8 Otrabier s 117 j do «'ube Xo. ll unptctod 10 7 1* 1jh do Pontuuiak g m l''|'l" HWk b-l»»r. C.I *> Wh M .oii Scgo Floor Suink •_•<-, do Brunei No. 1 70 Pc*ri8««o n'w Cog— Btdi, 1A\. bun sjm Coff«e. Palcinhaiitf. W% btMtm J.VI10 Coffee. I.ibenui
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  • 241 8 (Mi it' >\-.i i Bi\k i On Lrmd,m— Bank 4 m,. MM 1 >.-m« n i It Prnale 6 m do m IkUtnmy-Hukd.i 1 IU, Private 3 m 't t" 6m- •.>•»:« <»» r,«met— Bank d .1 l'ni»l» .1 m do 6 in i ii»Mn l:*nk T T Ml
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  • 153 8 Arrivals since Noon of Ye.«trrday. TUADINO VESSELS. Ac. Mi -t.. 1.477 t-.n«. OM lUlt _>l:ii n.» Kr..n, UmmI mom w M.n.Orld r Hongkong. -.Mil. W. I— m, lint .ti I u.n». (apt Mitluck ilili Rot. F, a i imI, n... mi.! 101 ,l.|>. BMrtM I I •Mb w y..
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  • 41 8 VBBMVbKaMI v DMI 1..M.1... I '.i»>"( 1... 1»..t »t I; lul Mr. H a iha> 1 1 <«..!..■'.; s,i Mr. I Jbbmm i VaMa sir Java* ■MM* etr. II Will mi,. II i;. .t. rimlajßaj I 'ui Mr. BW i > i
    41 words
  • 47 8 ToM I ill K«i<.«>ii Xatfmml Hmii;k .11. .in I \f. f.,l i*. ..ii., ln.ln.Kin 5»n4 i Uriilimin m« I IViiau- u.i.1 »l. .:t« i'.SMvtk-llilHUi I'eiiani; m I ih-i, \lll|«.l.MI, ,V ImM < IMaag, H«M .1 UMHi A. N fftrimui I i,'i,. Kant* m« |».rt. v ll»»n,
    47 words
  • 36 8 TIMI l<eft M. N i s ni i ;i i. n K m m h Kr.mi Kin.ri M> Mm tO <ln« on i.i, Kan Fnm Cms. D« t■■ Nil Jm SGtli X i
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  • 19 8 Whiru-i at W hah Dillcrcul Shipare lien lie J I<» -«!■>. i J J.NIHV V li.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 52 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. HZJLVE 3STCTW OFEIsTEID A \nui- show of Indian. himl Clnii.-sc fancy articles. Silk (uriohities, Golti ami Silver I.wiU.iv. ('lin-tin:i- iiiid N< T«bTCmTmI Prices Vtry Moderate Telephone No 254 Inspection Kindly Solicited. Wi Troablaa and P> D Ur>
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    • 61 8 WE NOW HAVE ON SHOW A WELL SELECTED COLLEC C TOUT OF CHRISTMAS CARDS PRICES FROM 36 cts. PER PACKET OF 50 Cards. FOR FOREIGN MAILS The above Cards are Chiefly BY THE PREMIER MAKERS .Messrs. Raphael Tuck, Sons BOXES and PACKETS Complete with ENVELOPES which \vi: feel sure Will
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 456 9 A Change Under Consideration. Th Times of Ceylon" makes tin following editorial remarks on the forth coming change in F M.S. land sy-Wm For th? past two months no fresh land ha* been granted in the Federated Malay States and a nuinlier <f
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  • 240 9 Mr Rol.rt Klworthy. I I. Jamaica, write- to th 0 M nl. .i- MA Sr. lii\«-sior. Vermm. 8.C.. asks l"i iiit.rinai,.ii from an Kngli-hman res aaetaaa th- oaltiva iaa of rubber. A 1 few planters in Jamaica, myself am. i,-_'-t tii MMMMT, have taken up rubber
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  • 232 9 Writing in the H.iik- and Colonial Mail." "Cachar" says lmcstor-. shy though they l« to accept the invit itioii .1 the <■• mp»ny promoter join him in ventures of the old familiar kind, are -rowing some interest in rubber development. They have heard something of late about
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  • 1459 9 Dar-cs-Salaam. I Th- following i« fr.m (.Vtia Miriiiiiu Port": Dar-ct-Salaam. the ll.irl.oui repre;ent«. to the few Bnt,n« who kn..w r it, an unanswered query. Why was i- allowed to oaaa iuto the hand- a th« C i mini f The capital of German K.i-t Afn n.
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  • 321 9 Tl»- T.i/i i.l i. ni..,ii.M Imm mm i« Mii.r- tv A.1.1 li. <-:r.- aa»ciallj tin- use with Booth, K..i. .1 V. i In- \V. ril St.,t.. „f N.rih >>f OutIUMH OVat m tli.- DaUu ,ii in „:.i Aii'. ii. lir. tli. r t. id. I! ii I.! lifit
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 441 9 BANKS. Hongkong Bf Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID PPCAPTTaI »10.000,000 Rl HKKVI MM' 11. -r>. tin iinn ....-no,-, UaaMaj al najaaaaa tio.uooooo COURT OF DIRECTORS. II I Sla<lr HHJ Chairman. Maaal •-I l*aMa> Chairman. H.n C. W. Diaaaaa. r. Sali^grr. MH> 1 MHMaa, bm> I m/iiiinn. N. A. Slfb*. K*q. G
      441 words
    • 355 9 I NOTICES THE PHARMACY'S I'ricklv H»-;it Cure is an infallible remedy for affections of the skin. Only soid at the Pharmacy. PRICKLY HEAT CURE BATTERY ROAD, Chartered Bank Buildings, Singapore. PUBLIC AUCTION. Th« I'mlei-Mpwil tiarr rr«-ri\r<l iiiptrurti.«i« to «ril b> Public An 29th 1905, :l in 1.11 l'H«rl nf 11.
      355 words
    • 22 9 "^^^aßsaMß^^^^^^^^^ STEARNS 1 HEADACHE CURE can t* ol.tdined from all the di>peosari«« 'quickly by post). Never be without the Genutae. m.m.l. J
      22 words

  • 1031 10 A German Envoy's Views. The Daily Mirror ».ay- A pnv ite r\ aiM n«' been watching the ni-nk defence 1 Ixmdon. Ha> <lucted by General Kremh has prepared lor the kaiser a secret i>eiu,al a reutark.isl<- (|.i uinent I. is report I I a quite c-on-ti.ti-nual character,
    1,031 words
  • 534 10 Meat Condemned. Human triumph* of vegetarianism in the shape of a row of octogenarian* filled the front seat of the Famngdon street Memorial Hall platform, recently. There were eight aj them, seven wellknown public men and a venerable lady, wh 1 has just qualified lor inclusion in th<s
    534 words
  • 470 10 One of many interest .ng articles i.i the London Juagaxuic a <i s lipt.dii of h ..w animai. are trained To tame a ui»u, tl.e advice 1 Feed toe brute where a lion is coo- r r.ied, some imagine starvation v a means to the
    470 words
  • 448 10 The Njrth Ch-.n* Daily Xc«r»" cur- ■< punli nt at NgankuiK 111 the Yangt.-«-Valley gives the following account 31 an Utipiea&anl aflair —On the 24th O?to >cr the following mini unfortunate iffaire •rcurred in this vicimtv Ih-' I >hipi. GciM-ral Ala\a and' and "Quiros." coming down river from'
    448 words
    • 802 10 1'nder tbii heading the following abbrevia Imku are u»ed atr. ataamer >h ahip r»| barque arh ichnmr Yd lnlil.l'ni Cruuer; Gbt. -Gunbue* Tor.— Torpedo H.p. Horsepower; Bnl llnlnh I'.B.— I'mtad State. Feb.— French tter —German Dnt.— Dutch O.c.-G«tnlni»i d.p.— deck pMMv; C— I'ncertain T. P. W. Tanjong
      802 words
    • 711 10 Samu, fort, »rde«W« 4mt* a/ mmrul, and naaM ef a#aaw. BTBAMOa. Ajai. Liverpool. Nor. Manrfelrl. Altinc. Banrliermaaain N <v. M Daendela. Aruara. Uuunkjog. Nuv It Bouatead. Ambna. llambura. Dm. 1 Behn Mevrr. Annam. ManiU. Dae. IS V. Marituna. Arratnon A pear Honaffnoc. Nov. 17: P. Simon. Armaad Behir.
      711 words
    • 306 10 FOR SINGAPORE Per 1' .t (> >. .'..niMvtiiii! with In-«U-»m«-r i .>..«•« >../.( all ..1., (r. in 1.0n.1 mi (>ct *7. <<■»• JMII Nov. M> ami Mr. H k VwA M Ku-ldin,:. Mr. B I*llll l. Ml, Mn.T. llarriann. sr<-.»r- K Mv« p Ton be*. V
      306 words
  • 182 10 Slum Mm juplo CowpMy Bo .reS«IWr. Treiu* l ••< 15..W0 4.000 JU.OOO lu.uuu 6.W7 •MM jo.uuu l&o.ouo JO.OOU IJM> UIHMdfl •OLA. f I 10 I 111 Vtntnli U M U Uuy »<> >0 inferred, ».0U > lv 10 K«a*i»O. M (v.. Lid 1" .I'rel.) j 1 I Kcchmu U.
    182 words
  • 120 10 4OU.UUU I.OOU I nO.OUO li.uuo i.tUU to.UUU S,7dU M.ouu MM i,ow 5.0U0 WuMkl MMM S7.UUM i I Huß l>r»rl,.pillrul Ltd.. t 10U I 100 Federated Ku«iu M riii({ Co., Ltd. 40 .*> Kruarl Naatr. Ltd. I lli > I*s liuit({kou({ and nUsu^hai llaiik 100 I lou ll..»»rUi hntkiue, Ltd.
    120 words
  • 79 10 7U.UUO t 1 i i ml S.OOO 1 6.UUO 1 l>On.i mil au.uuu t. i J.OOO »100 "oaT" iioo IW.UOO 1 l.uux »< ISO 1100 «>•( IO.UUO I 10 i; 1 llukil IUj.L L £l Cicely Kubbrr L«Ute i« jt i.iu.j i'ateling Kubber Co. A •100 Ribu l'laiilins
    79 words
  • 37 10 Howmrth Erakina. Ltd. 7% UO.OOp JXpcrm. Rilay.tUMrMVM.LU. t> tti.uuo K t«m Ixiyin »>MH»o«* Municipal t% 4W.UUU «%prraibu.«r. l.s7a.MW I'Vimwd b u >«. j| Mi.MO t%aw. sou.. TM)<m« r»0Lt l>ock Co.. Lid. too.uou j.inn I.Md.mi I. v |>ccui.
    37 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 160 10 4 c^\ W A Reason For It Tkere k aaly cae care for Ikeaaatis* lUt kat reackea a war idwide poeabritv aad rtaautiea. There are r.iany remedies sold (or the r.-lief and cure of Rheumatism, but there is vinly one cure that can be considered as having a universal reputation,
      160 words
    • 21 10 STEARNS WINE, as a reliable re •nedy has be*» received with favor by n*n prominent :n ca» profusion of Uedicine i
      21 words
    • 76 10 Dr. S. Motoshima. 239. BENCOOLFN ITRCET. Kingauon. flSlh Kent.. IWW. Dear Sir. I have macb plraaure in making known to the puhlic who own hnnn and are need of a tbaroagaly ooaanelenl Veterinary S'liwin. thai jroa have aoeceMfiillv and thorooithlv cured my bora, whirh waa aent lo yua far treatment.
      76 words
    • 78 10 Maawstrnaani lu>i d roa ki Ron The MMMW (J^rniaii mail MM H.UHHKS,*i tona. < apUin V l*tu-n IVleraen left Hoimk.inK on Wrdneadav thr M iii»Unt at 11. -n an.l may I. lo amve her* on Sunda> avaaaaL tli^ ifitli inst si »ili proiwhiv hr aaaaaatkai f..r Baaaas on MoihUv
      78 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 695 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top plat-p in the liiK'lu-st cl.-tss of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 twelve i years old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. 6?0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par Ctelaa. Jaaaa. P.aaag. Caylaa. Australia, ladla. Aaea, Ef yat. ■iltanaaaaa Pott. Plyiaata aad Loeeon Tbrouiih Itilla of I.a.|inij issued for China Coast.
      695 words
    • 1357 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KonlnMUUe P»W«t; »mrt Msat.chappiJ. fader contract with the Netherlands India Government. A mi ar Sinmmworr tair Akimi, i at* J. Dakkdkl* A Co., 13 Colltis Qcat. Tha nadermentioneil dales are only arpmximate From E>p'ted W ill be desfatched for BtBWMsl Baweaa Nov W Bilhton. Batavia. Chenbnn. Tegal.
      1,357 words
    • 654 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L WORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oarman Mall Llna. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, i Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Bouthamp. ton. Gibraltar, Oeooa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples. Alexandria, and rice versa) < Port Said, Baas, Aden, Colombo. Penang. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
      654 words
    • 643 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OGEU STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China IdUil SIMM Hiv. Co.. Lti. The Companies' steamers are despatched (rom Liverpool outwards for the Straiu. China »ml Japan every week, and from Japan home i wards for London every fortnight and for i Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month
      643 words
    • 640 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTEK KINDS X.X( EEI> IU.UUU.IKSI TBI LAaOEKT MM MMI ■>' Tilt WOBU>. BOISTEAD A Co AftnU. THE LONIH)N ANU LANCASHIRE FIRE INSIRAN( E COMPANY Capital £1.1*7.300 Paid up Capital 21 a. TV) Reserve Fund £1 .075.450 The undersigned. AgenU for the Company
      640 words

  • 723 12 By an Officer of the West kents. A o.ircpomiriit of .< Home iviitciii X.iu ..ln. Kit Africa, tends nwii taptain C S Stij-and. d it Kent K.-im-iit, .mil 11. w MMaW .Irr tin Kereiga ortioe t<> the M B^i tall. .11 f ill- b| I Afruat.
    723 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 92 12 How to Aviuii Turn hi.i. Now it the tin* to provide yourwlf and faimlv with a MtUe nf (')iaiiiU'rl.iiii\ li, (ln.lrra .mil Diarrhoea Rcun-<ly It is almoet iirl.iin In U- iii.-d.d brfnrr the Mininu-r <iwr. and if |>r>« unil now niav uve you .1 trim to town in the night
      92 words
    • 337 12 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH. JUST KECI IVED- Price 58.50. I NOW ON VIEW VOr A R 111 A P V A (HOK K ASSORTMENT OF oo r B T Vr LAK V X'MAS CARDS. English Malay f Japanese Cards. Languages Pictures. sir frank aswettehham JmnesB CrepTPapßi 1 wths" Art Calendar.. warn
      337 words
    • 348 12 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Jjj ttk VICTORIA /4|L IV MEMORIAL HALL. OPENING CEREMONY j^jrTJag^^jßßw/ N I UI BV^V^BflaaHi^BßwLaaa' J^MH tm\ ~^^M\ 11 l; <v i' Iv I .v '•>' tl:l i- 111.1 1 1. fans i .|mii tin- wall*. •lfiii<»n«trntin(! tin- liitlurt.i unli. ni < Ma |ow<ibility <>f
      348 words