The Straits Times, 23 October 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.870 THE STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 1258 1 Description of Building. Tllf: following is a description of the Victoria Memorial Hall iiiiifortuu;itcly croudi-d out of our account of the opening .iniiioiiy last Thursday), ooesßßed by a SinyK|»ir«- MllflMi than whom MM! is !>• tti-i i|iialitii'<l To draw up such a sketch. The entrance to the
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  • 204 1 S. C. C. v. Warders' Mess. Tuk s. i'. C. and a uam hem tin' Wastes' Mi—* nut iii a mk-cit inatcli on the Ksplaiiade OB Krida\ afternoon. Tlie Wfdete JwuJ s. •mi- yo.xl ])lay in tho earlier (>art of the gMM ami Wen able to reply to
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  • 326 1 Arrival at Singapore. Thk KiHusli kanadn BMaaßari Ftmdn Nu i aid vc-U'klhv afternoon from Toulon. Sin baa "ii bawd WWWI small harbour iMtM t<.i|Kilu Wt- and also two of the latest siiliiiiHrint"-. ami is nc>'i>iii|uiiii< il hv t ">]><■ toriiedo destroyer Bad six soa-)»oint; toi|Mxln-l>oats. wliicli she
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 298 1 NOTICES. 53 Of our 4 de DION" Cars are running in the Malay Peninsula and ever, one of them gives entire satisfaction. O. JDTJ^XFi.EI 00-, Singapore Jigents. Eljv an Import firm. :i smart araisixt iKiiraHimii. Letters under trmttl Timr*. Competent nun t > take charge of Life :vii<l Fire Insurance
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    • 298 1 NOTICES. Robinson Co. Gentleman's Complete Outfitters SHIRTS AND COLLARS Direct from Ireland WHITE AND COLOURED NEGLIGE SHIRTS Soft fronts and stiff cuffs attached, exclusive designs I in smart and new styles. LINEN COLLARS (five fold) in all the popular shapes. I RELIABLE UNDERWEAR* ROBINSON CO. i VinDesiles^ I Cordial Kegtaerateur
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    • 230 1 Vcncsta." PATENT WATERPROOF BOARDS from 3/16 to 1 inch thick, any »ize untolM) inches lung I*o inches wide with Oak. Walnut, Muiio>j!in\ or Teak outside. hlso ilmirated witii Hut nt or KmboHsed Designs for Panelling. Fur particulars and urues. Apply to Ml lIKmTi 111 H. Tl HHkllrr Ki»|»p«rt. 127 THE
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    • 468 1 kki>ki:atki) mai.av staiks railways. Tkm.kki. m ihk Imu m Can I'.hh; Temlers aM bnrttad for khj* supph of Coke for the service of the Federate! Malay Stale! Rail whys, lorpariod lst.)anuar\ lotlat December MM. The totiil .stinuiteil (|iialitity it lIMI toiiv. 1, be supplied on ino.itllly indentK. The priaeto include
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 104 1 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 23rd October. H.O. Water. I p.m. Pootbill. Knpfauuula. >.Y..\. (o. M. M. homeward mml Am. tiiinii-tui,- Ciccaa. 9-15. Tuesday, 24th October. Hiuli Water. 7JI a.m. ti-44 p.m. S K. Hqoad Drill, he Kocrm^. '.1.-.. Hotal de IKorope. Musical Tirtin Al> 1. n ttm't 1 liw t-U.
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    • 30 1 WEATHER TELEGRAM. HtiNCKOXG.— -i-'M. O. t.— lo a.m. Barometer 30.91. Direction of Wnnl nyiiith Force of Wind 1. Max. Temp in Sliade 73. MANILA.— Mud— m. n.k. 1.. M. 2S.
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  • "Renter's Extra Service.
    • 202 2 /...(I./..,,. ?/«< (hi!,!,,!. ._i orowd wiUiiii outride Victoria Hi -i .n. ixt i.ncli' aa cntliu-, i .tic tan «.-ll km tad MmmoI W I... Unadowne, Mr. Ui idrlok, tl«' M i |aw nf Bath, OananU Sir B. CmII.m. I i Weolooh ami other noUhlcw aouiuitad
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    • 64 2 The riai tit Paterjborg n n mapmiiliiiil itayH that Count Witte is holding informal i Eerenceß with infloeatial Rojaaaa Befurruent. 11, as,:ir«ci them that it was theCaar'i ilenire to bet cne a ooai4itntional Ih, ideal King Rdward. Tie Caar Ii i- I to grant constitutional (tavernment mlely
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    • 60 2 Admiral Tog >. hi« captaim aad atanT, and "..■i 1 1 s.. I'm ii pro I d to t!i great tana pit of tli u.i.shiji spirits, a i 1 the anc 'stors ot rial family to retare thanks for Mm vktori&i achieved. Ii wan a moat uapreeaivc
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    • 39 2 Kxtemuvi' prcparationM arc on in h tar ot the naval review in Tokyo Hay tised br the 22nd iiist. The ships will !>;• aiTangirli in seven colnmna i Kteadiag for miles. 111. captured lnnwole will head the line.
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    • 37 2 Negotiation* with Prince C'barkw of Denm irk are proceeding. Tlie Norwegian Crown baa not yet bee. formally i (fared to him. ll'- will hold a private conference to night with tin Norwegian Government and the Storthing.
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    • 53 2 tUi Oetobrr. (l(-orj(c Hamilton, ipnalrli; at Lincoln, referring to tin- Carson-Kitchener L-iiutroveniy, expruxHed liiit miiigivinga ax to t!.. |'.a tichility of c si-iii'in arranged at liuuic being (oroedon the Indian < lovenunent, If tbe neheme was to remain an integral partuftiiu (■>veinnient of India, material alti
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    • 31 2 I i; laataa hatttaJiip Tmmitck, at rsiugtao. has boon ordered home. The 1./.././ and aaaambk at Teiagtaa tad go to Vbulivuetook. 'I'lic disorder^ in Kkaterin idar continue.
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    • 70 2 K< «-rvi«f i an. l st idcxi. plnuddcd the ai mnuriea, manifoiito by the Caw. proclaiminß im ac b, refeni to the oallantr) of the troops in a siiii^^li ngnin't a brave and mighty euelnx. T M C/ii pi. us tor r»' hle^siie;. ai Providence on i>i
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 39 2 IN QUEST 0l CAPTIVES. Omfoi. Orh+er 11. .M. s. Pmthfimdet has left Tangier for Ccuia to obtain deAaMe inferawUo. ehaajl the oaptrre naval ofliccis. iii, „i.n. talea 5"«,., rawiud tee htfe for iimrtiii in l''ndn\ xissii.' il l amatireaJatei
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    • 186 2 lauui mm lmatliwl pawn— attended Hh toneral at tbe late Mr. Ltacli at Mow, o« Si pi.n morning tan*, Hie imri^l ■Miiixi beisff roail by Mr. C. B. Buckley, wbotaaaI* m cl tv arrive al Mini! mi l!iat inoinini;. Among* those who attanilal were l>i. (!r:mt.
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  • 178 2 (>:: Thumday, a »ye 1 1 ui| loyed by an Arab, named llaswaidi. was snmuioiied at the instiuic- of Mr. N. Leicester, for driving to the public dangl i Bt the corner of Armenian j Street. Be had no lights and was aoiag fast. Killed J'2."i with
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  • 145 2 On I'jiday tnoming, J. McCarthy. .1. Noil is and .1. LawroDoa of the Bntuh s. s. < rotm "i < ■isi,'.- were oharaed by [aapeetec Hart with the theft of a case of whisky on board the ship. Captain Smith stated that Norrk resisted violrntiy the gearching of
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  • 169 2 Many and \arious arothc aMthodi reported to hy Chinese NBOgaJMnol opium to >{t't the drug either in or out of the Colony, but one that was OKaaeai, at Honjjkony the other daj had the distinction of Ihhi(J extremely iiniomiiiiiii i says the China Moil Sergeant Qarrod had
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  • 147 2 Thk M0;, 1,, CmUmnm pnhlishes the btUowiag, which lit-ars date London »th <»ct.. The nephew ot lieiieral De Wet ha* Im-cu ane.Ud as a ringleader ill a conspiracy to estahllsh a Boat Kepnltlic in (ieinian South w,st Africa. A tremendous sensjition has bee. created throughout Africa. Knylaud an
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  • 116 2 Tilt: Poll omiiMssioncr.s of lianyoon. baviaa decided rani time a^o to >onsidt Mr. P. \V. Meik. M.1.1.X.. tbe expert m Uiver Traißiag, as to what mnam iWinM Ih> adopted in oriler to train and briafl the RaaapOß Ifiver under control. A s|>icial river survey stall lias conducted :i series of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 19 2 BTKABNB' IIKADACIIE CURE .-an U- ul.ta.iiod from all the dispensaiiea (quickly by post). Never be without tli. Crnuiue. m.w.f.
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    • 71 2 Whooping Colon. --My three childreu, suffering severely from whooping cough, have been entirely cured after using two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. John Guainucu, Graf ton, N. S. \V. There is no danger whatever from whoopiii^,' eowgk when the cough is kept loose ;unl «'X|>eotoration easy by the use of
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    • 291 2 NOTICE^ MAINTAINS TTTE TIIGRF/T REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with alno» IIM.) CaaiNOK OW PLUIU IXTKk.i f,— ','7", JU ?mlm^-^mmm ••We cannot upeaU ff^ Tßa^BnT^X) I B MllS A^H too highly of it." Btfek^B ■^■Tflk^^BT BB^v vl IV wH H *K9r*
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    • 455 2 NOTICES THE "EMPIRE" TYPEWRITER is the Favourite Machine wherever it has been introduced SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH, LIGHT TOUCH AND VISIBLE WRITING ARE SOME OF ITS POINTS. ORDINARY MODEL $140.00 BRIEF MODEL $165.00 INSURANCE POLICY MODEL $190.00 IMPORTERS: Borneo Co., Ltd. These tiny -V^^i^g^^^ftTA Capsules IBVVH superior i f, tWw\^ 9m t0
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  • 369 3 B. F. BIBLE SOCIETY Mr. Haffenden's Retirement On Thursday the V.M.C.A. rooms were these. -Hi 1 oi v<r\ pleasant function which took the form of a farewell to Mr. Ml Haffeinlen on his retirement from his active vvoik as A^ent of the Hritish anil Korean Hible Muoiaty. I'he llon.W.U. Collver
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  • 380 3 Saw* of a very liorrihlc innr.lil rradics tin V. 11.-r'.ilil (ruin tin- Kinahataimiin: tlnn wen- two oarpawtan an liatu I*ut<-li KsUitr naiiifil Nio lln ami l-'uk Bhtag— aOBM l;i\- ago tlnv ,|iiair<'lli,l baMHBM the latter lm, l o, ra-ion to reßort tbe foraaat for mbm i, Mi
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  • 328 3 'I'm totknring baa been sent tntlie Britith Vorf* Beraae Hermid l>> a eoraaßoadaai, 111. affair li ip|>i mil in Dutch Dor— 0 lint in which district ia not etaied it istgnMMafl Htory of l>>al> aaraajarY. I'll, -pint ,if Herod'a irintnr in lm aseana la live lm ever,
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  • 24 3 s.iim;i qnotationa, Keneral abippinn news ami passenger lists, beaidni tOiipping and insurance ad\,i iis< inent. will Ih 1 found ou pagm In and 11.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 (11,1 Knulun.l \.iv> ralM ill, s,.i. N.. matter where bar ■bini ma] be: Mi i Bag »ill IK in even dime Foremntt, nil tbe end of time. 11, i 1, .ii. 1- -..i.'i lovea to roam, I n tbc «>ne lie calls lii^ home. ilc from l!c cold ha is
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    • 265 3 For The Races. JUST UNPACKED A' FINE ASSORTMENT OF POWERFUL FIELD-GLASSES. Stop Watches at all prices. Levy Hermanos, 3, BATTERY ROAD 31 The Cairo Tobacco Manufactory THE SUPERIORITY OF HANDMADE CIGARETTES. XotliinK i» more annoviiiK when Kinnkint! to In..- ilunt ami Hinall pieces of t,,1m,,.. entering the mouth. Tliia
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  • 60 4 i'.vi.mi-i. On tiii- «jh Beptsmber, atzobo. lianiH. Qeonsji Mmer, of tlie P. <\ Co.'x Mrvue. :i(;c<l M years. N.. inns: On tin- Oetobsr, at bis Msidena 1 I'iivali Lebar Hoad, Hicliurd Owen Norris, aged 78 yean and uiontlis. Poneral »t ■> p.m. HcLbcm>: hi, tin. null October, at lvnanj.'.
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  • 476 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 21ST OCTOBER. A anenni.thal falilj tookawajrensi'ebsMth away, went round bafam the Arbitration t Onri Mm for t:!tin to day. to the nflbjat that lime will have U) bo a fresh trial in London. This w ill be the case if the Arbitrators
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  • 12 4 Thk nest Assizes here commence on Tuesday, "th prox.. at 11 a.m.
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  • 17 4 On Sat'irday njoming, a four fnum -lied French cruiser pasaad throujjli the port from west to east.
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  • 14 4 Dikin.. September, 7r>."> deaths wew reyisuied at Singapore. The ratio prt thousand ra 86.70,
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  • 20 4 Tiim.i is 1 1,. t Miic- fimihall match 011 tile Eeplanade thisalternoon S. V. A. v. (i. Co. BbniSJQOd Foresters.
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  • 17 4 Till- a. S. O iitlnh arrived from Australia to-dax with tresii supplies for the Cold Storage Company.
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  • 20 4 A lap. 1 Hun; Chili run is advertised to lie belli next Saturday. The a-swinbly is at tin- Betanioal Oardeejsat44injn).
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  • 20 4 Tiik M. M. Company's steamer Fount** left Ualeaaho at aoon'en the HaiQat and may l>e expected here on Friday Boning.
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  • 21 4 Two hundred deaths wan leaiatared at Sin<ja|H>i'e dnrlng the week snemM on the 14th instant. The ratio SOT thousand was 41.22.
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  • 23 4 The I*. (I. outward mail steams! Hfinjiil left ColoniUi at Hp. 111. on Saturday .iuil is c\|Mtted to arrive here on Friday afternoon.
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  • 22 4 The P. ,v 1). ho lewanl run I'lmsiii, loft Houfl day anil is. axnaOßM to arrive heic at tin. in on Thursday,
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  • 28 4 Tiik (>■ ■> 111:111 mail steamer ftWftirn left Oalomba on the -Jnth instant at H a.m., and is ex]iecte«l to arrive ben on Wednesday next at about 4 p. 111.
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  • 30 4 Tiik leavr of absence yrantofl to Mr. F. (i. IVimcv has bean cxtumled until the anivnl of tlm ateamef which is tee at Singapore on the of January next.
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  • 31 4 Mk. ll I.LV wishes those Reutlriuen who hack.-il Quinum for a place at the liaccs on Saturday t<> call at Ii KathYs l'lacc. They won their U't. their iK'in^ eight iiiiineis.
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  • 38 4 Thk bUowing paeeengan anired bj (be B. I. mail shMMsat Tlmm/ini. Captain Int. band, from I'euano ou Satunlay morning Mrs. 11. Ahrains. Mrs. A. Barker. Messrs. F. S. V.. Jenatem L. Weil. U Manas sch. ami Jack McAnliffe.
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  • 44 4 Mk. A. 11. DiKK. who is now in I'cnan",. bus ht'cn ap|K)inteil by tin- Court of Siam lo be Kiunncial Adviser to tin- Government of IVrlih. The I'iiiiuiij (in. t tie nay* that lie will shortly BJBjanni to Perils H take up his ap|H>iutnit'iit.
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  • 342 4 Satikhvv was loyally celebrated in Mng.i pore in honour of Trafalgar Day. There was a general cessation of business and as the! Haces synchronised with Nelson's centenary. more than the customary jubilation was apparent in the Colony. Notwithstanding that the Navy league dinner had to be abandoned, through
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  • 93 4 About 7«H> on Saturday night, a .Malay police constable was stabbed in the neck by a Chinaman who made off before he could be captured. The |H>liceman, who was in the vicinity of the Hylam knngsi at the time, was in plain clothes and was not on
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  • 85 4 Tbk fine new steamer Dmul, of the Norddeutsilier Lloyd Line, arrived on Friday night from Kuiojh-. She in a modem vessel ot I. ik in tons ami was built to replace one of the older steamers sold to the Japanese. She will probably be put on the
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  • 128 4 Vn kAi.viii;u..Mooiii:. who is to succeed Sir (ierald Noel as Conimander-in-Chicf of the liritisl, si|iiadron in China waters, entered the Navy in IHCO. and saw his first war service during the Kgyptian War. I«K^. when he commanded the Oriel and was present at the occupation of Ismailia and
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  • 18 4 MB. li. Seth. Third Magistrate, baa reeoveieil tiom his recent indisposition, and resumed his magisterial duties this morning.
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  • 32 4 I'm Acting Consul for Austria paid m official visit on board the Austrian cruisers Kaiterim EUtabetkmaA KaiaerFnmt Jotepk I on Friday at iiihui. and received the enatonHUf] salute when leaving the foi-Mcr.
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  • 34 4 Tith Uovemot has been pleased to appoint the Rev. II C. l/.ard. Colonial Chaplain, Singapore, to In' Church of Knglaud Chaplain Ui th*- Singapore Volunteer Corps with the j ry Captain ritl kit 181
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  • 43 4 Tin: M. C. A. Ath'ietic Club com. rt j given at the Town Hall on Saturday niyht vvjis i daoided BDCOesa as a performance, bnt, owing to other attractions, the obji which il vvasyiven. v i/.. the raisini; of funds, was not attained.
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  • 56 4 Sm Miiiiiki. 11ick> (U:a< ll was again prevented by lAtreine weakness from atteiuliu« tin] A i liiliationCoiirt this morning. La*ly Lucy Hicks Hi arh with one of her daughters, was shoppine in town up to noon, and then time was found to take a few photographs on the Ksplanade. on
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  • 62 4 Tin \hibilion of I' Dante s skill as a master of the art of legerdemain, as yivin at the Hotel dejl'Soope on Saturday evening, proved a success. The place \va« CKiwdeit. liy special reipiest. the Maaagat ol the Hotel has arranged with Hrn I'lofes.sor to yivi two more exhibitions with
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  • 66 4 1 Tills nun nine, shortly after o'clock, the trolly of a traincar -hpi>eil o(T the wire I Opposite the Police Courts. It baeaaM entangled with a •apporUag wire and was w reiiche<l entirely off. carrying with it the woodwork to which it was attached, and fell on a passing rikisha
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 83 4 A Local Memorial. Homjkomj, -Jl*t Oetomw. The I Ii me kony branch of the Navy Loagne. to celebrate the centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar, intend ■tooting permuuent buildblgnnw the naval recreation ground, piovided as rent] In ears lenaeoanba obtained, which H.K. the (Governor recommends th«
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    • 74 4 Hamjkomj, Urd OcUker. The North Qmtmmm Lloyd s. s. Oa, have iatvitad the Hongkong hocks to tender for the construction of a steamer. IH<) feet lone. to be placed n the Sinya|H ne Deli i\ui of that Company 'a service. The Viceroy Slunn ot Canton has baasj creaUd a
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 25 4 H- rli n. :'l*t October, The Km St. Petersburg corrcs|>ondci]t says that Count Witte refers to Kiny Kdward at an ideal mo'iaicii.
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    • 46 4 In regard I. the Macedonian finance (juestion. tin- Ambassadors have asked for a collective auilieii"! el the Sultan. In the event of his declining to recognise the reoenth appointed financial com mission, it is Intended to make a naval lemons*.! atiou at Salonika.
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    • 15 4 Hen Mixller. I'tussiau .Minister of Commerce, has resigned. His naeoaaaor is Herr DeWmiwi
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    • 24 4 In a manifesto, anent the coih lusion of peace, the C/.ar points out that itusKia and .lapan have now bwoBM h»k»I friends.
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    • 34 4 Berlin, :J>t Oct. The (jerman (Government authorities aic opiKisinj; the attacks niaile by the < iurman press apen Mmv Edward and Lord Lanadowne us dietarbara of the peace of Bar ope.
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    • 27 4 K.:it: Mfonso. who arrives at licilin on I Nov. r.tli. .is previously announ<eil, will piiK-eecl thence on the l:tth idem, to visit Vienna and vlunicli.
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    • 30 4 The TxatalfsJU a V bratfan in London was ot an monWnl aatnre. Tberelore the Foreign Powem, ineludum (ieri!ian\. were m 4 n ■presenu-il at the function.
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    • 54 4 I':. -nt Roosevelt ill the course of a speech ;il Atlanta, lieoiyla. ill respect of the Chinese hoyotl ot Ameican said that the American c.mlii BXcloxion 1. 1« should 1»> appHed mildly, and '.hrtl Chinese labjeeta, othei than those of t?ie laboring classes. OBgbt
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    • 26 4 Poattive riiiiioiirs arc i iiiiuhltail to the •fleet that M. rVibdiedonnoßtnev, the Procurator of the HniMaa Holy Synod, has Hunt in his le-iynatioii.
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    • 6 4 i \u ica.
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    • 13 4 The employes of HcveraJ Roimuui railwaya have pane on strike.
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  • 154 4 A Jumping Contest. HwtMsToVs bitf eilills tent ».l- i l.iwdeil on Saturday nieht. wbon the excellent programme whiih uhs put on ilirinj; the gsaater partof hkri weed repeated with great success. To siiyhl ami bllowing nighta tiiere is a c:>nipli ti iiiin^;. of programme, in which some
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 51 4 l.mulon. :'l*t October. I'resident lt.tose.velt. BBjankiagj at Atl.ti.lrf (ieoryia, lan overwhelmingly Deni.x-iatK State i refarred to tho cynical dishonesty wherewith some yreat fortunes h.i.l been obtained and Mad. He also saiil that the hers of bOM ness ni ||illlMlnl lile sh.iulil be treated with eontcMiiptuoiiK
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    • 88 4 Meerrimj t<i the ChnMaa boycott fcgainxt American prixlnct-v he state. l that China must liowiire in paniatfalg in ii policy to which \meiiia c mid not honorably mii limit The Aineriean |xilicy of Chinese exduMun. ho continued, ilid not justify the boycott. The wnaVbesmj of we Anserioan
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    • 110 4 Sir Kihviinl Gmj si.r. (Liberal), »|ieaking in the City, stateil that Überal Government would not change any of the cunlinul poiutH in tho present foreign poli.v ol Britain. namely: Tho friendship of America, tin alliance with Japan, the agreement with Kranre. It was desirable, however, be contended. Ui
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    • 56 4 Immman. Hud Oetubrr. A.liniral Togo tele^raphi-il to the Kishmon ger«' Coni|ian\ s.liniHi on the oc.asioii Ih Nelson (Tramlmr) osntonery, expressing ii« i-vcr increiisiiii; aihniiation for. ami devotion to the great Admiral This ft'elinij. hn ;kl<liil. Imm< uiies the Mon intense when ho reoolleeM that the Japan navy
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    • 49 4 An immense oosjoonras attended ill. riHfjrni aad M-mi mdMmvej oalohratioa t Tratalf:,;:' Sijuare ou the mwaailtn of ill.-i-cntt-nary oi the nth of Nelson. Bi«ho|> Wel.loii officinal, Kipling'a Xi oaommal was raaHad, ami the crowd joined in hin^in^ the Nati.mal Anthem in ;i Monl impri'SKi\t manner.
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    • 40 4 A pieofl vi nniehiiierv fell upon in MUI H i •rtnor K. I'Miliips. ii > ol tin' bataloali Victorian*, while he waa directing the imlvi ut of the atramled repair ship Auittaner, Hi- i.jl!,-,l on the
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    • 45 4 London, ml OctoUr. Yin Admiral sir a. \V. Moon (seooud in ciuiiiiiniKl of tin- Channel Pleat) has been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the China Squadron, Rani Adi.iiiai the Boa. A. <;. Uurzon Hour mow sciciiid iii-i-iiiiini.inil ol tl I c'liinn SiMiaili'iin Hueoeada Vioe-Aiiniiral Moore
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    • 27 4 11. M. Mxmi I'lithtimhr has returned Ui Tangiei with the rnlnaeod Britint naval i I'Ruoiiv. K B£l .i MADRID. Pnakhmt Lonbet has to Jfadriil.
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    • 35 4 The railway strikes are thr..M^ii..iit Rnsna. Hobom is pnoUoallj oat off. tt is stated tbnt tlie strikes an the ten I of polWeaJ iimux-iivics aiming i' eventual atoning s < PBteraburg am Hoaoow.
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    • 43 4 The Tempi, In .i notawortbj art* tliai.inil wiii. pin wai between 0 Mritain lad <ieinmii\. Uu polioy ol ba an armed neutrality so fannfclabl*! as tn ]iii-wnt aiiynTM- thinking ol implicati lbat ill v ijiiarirl in which llhfl vv.i-, »"1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 704 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS COAT HANGERS FREE! •1 Vs, its an Hd" for Us. but its a good coat hanger for Von. It will help to \<w\) our name in your mind and may be, help you to think of us when you want provisions etc. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES Thompson Thomas Co.
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    • 12 4 For Wind on the Stomach take Wood« Great Peppermint Cure. HO ceuta.
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    • 11 4 For al! latsiiisl eemaWnta tnk.- WoaeW Great Pepperniiul Cure- »0 rents.
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    • 44 4 i A quantity of U-lmraphic news will he lound on page 2 to-day.] Tiik Hnn Wkatl .5"../, arriv.-.l horn IVu yeeterdaj vv iih a Koropaan prkonet in cli [>t a polioe conatabla I JniUtion of the 11.-.i.t Uk<. W Omat Peppermint Care, "-n Mnea.
      44 words

  • Centers Extra Service.
    • 19 5 Lusdin. tW Uel. The Mi.ldle Park I'laK' was won by /■'.(«>. with UmituUf Crirhttm sßOOnd.and Oingul third.
      19 words
    • 43 5 The Czn manifesto, issued upon the occasion ol the conclusion of the war. contains the I .Mows: •The Fast mi portion of OUT realms will develops in peace and good MighborihMsi with Japan, which Power has no« beoome our friend.'
      43 words
    • 93 5 Prince's Message to Lord Mayor. The I'rii... -I Wale-, replying to a eon. iiiiiiie.itioii from the Lord Mayor of London. conveying good wishes of that official on the occasion of their Royal Highnesses' visit to India, Sayi lll:lt he earnestly trusts that the liritish Kmpii. will
      93 words
    • 18 5 M.i-t iiiipressiw nccnoi charactenaed the] funeral of Sir Hear] Irving at ■Festnaaster I Abbey.
      18 words
    • 482 5 Telegrams from all the Colonies indicate tin universal eharaetei of the Nelson centenary celebrations. N.-lsims Column was dieoiated •II ail unprecedented wale; it was surrounded by mniwni nl Aoweta from every corner of the Knipire. It is estimated that memorial services Were bekl in fewer than :I2.<KKI churches throughout
      482 words
    • 134 5 h'ugler uf the >.. iitrkn*, \lii<li arriveil Froui l'ontianal< on S.iuiida\. reports liavm; in life l>m>\ not ill oi Kin... wliirli l.-lun-.,! to tile Oh at Kjiii^.m.ii. \\i I. in n tli:it Mr. Ernest Carioa, ih. i ii c ii Schul;:i. wm ii \iiiiin >f nnrknt picking on bin arrival
      134 words
  • Correspondence
    • 280 5 To the Editor of the -Strait* Time* Sih. Yoiir leader of We<lnesday on the insolvent condition of the Strangers' Aid Society calls attention to a real need which is assuming increasingly large proportions. I Quite agree with you that (ioveriimeut should come to the aid of this
      280 words
    • 343 5 litiht RdUoroftht StraUt limn." I>k\h Sir. I was very glad indeed to see by your leader of Friday that you have gallantly returned to a subject you took cognizance of a little time ago- the stranger within our gates. M'he Strangers' Aid Society is well worthy
      343 words
    • 228 5 To the Editor c/ tht Btr*it§ Timtm." Sik. I have never found occasion to complain of European drivers of horses who use the wrong aide of the Road as has Reasonable." although they ordinarily drive at a reckless npeed which is in itself a menace
      228 words
    • 130 5 An interesting lectors, illustrated l>y -tiiinptic views, waadalrrerad l>y the Ber. s. s. Walker, M. A., at the Hall <>f the rimstain \-.-.,m iation in I'rinsep St.. Friday niyht. Sonic IwailUflll mountain SOSMS were shown m well .is view* taken in Qmhi and other town*. The illuminating
      130 words
  • 1641 5 Ainu' by excellent weather the third da\ of the S. C. C. Autumn Meeting, saw a larger attendance than ou the two previous days M'he fair sex were well represented and arrayed in all the glory of frills and furbelows of many a delicate shade and lent quite
    1,641 words
  • 344 5 - Appended is an aualysis of the threi days racing, giviug the winning horst s. jockeys and owners as they wen placed Hobsks. Kiualdine. 1. '2- Manfred. J. I. Khybei. :i. Hutland. 1. 1. Queen Anne. 2, 1. Marie. 1. 1. Fiona. 2. Poll Kum, 3. 2.
    344 words
  • 150 5 With much regret we have to announce the soiuowhat sudden demise of Bro. Aibert of St. .l.wephs Institution, which took place ci So'olock on Satnrdaj momirs. years. He was thirty-nine years of age. He was French and entered religion 1 as a novice when he was
    150 words
  • 100 5 Thk (huett* mUm li-it~i at joxon fur Singapore, aud of persons MalUUd U> vote for the election of MilffMf" Goiiiniissioinis. Also the Municipal Kstimates for 1WH5. The mUbmM rivinuc is 03,141,177, the extitnatcil expeoditare i>:t.ivj4,:;r>o MMauted eredit balance e9«.647. Thk TauKlin Club dance on Friday tii^lit wan agreat siuiiss. .Mu.u-
    100 words
  • 448 5 Thi- Miiniiiii.i; OmmaAmioaara mat <.n Friday afternoon, the Preaidmit, Mi. Broadrick, in the chair. There wen also present Drs. Murray Robertson and l,im Hoon K<n^. Messrs. Win. Macbcan. McArtlinr. Bailey. CIMM Keng and Chojx the KngJIHWT, Mr. l'eircc: and the Secretary. Mr. PlWgtatr The President remarked Uiat
    448 words
  • 87 5 r Baruma to a lefMst by the Chi (iovrrniiiriit. Sir KrncMt Satow Iiuk s i: ,ti .1 tbat th<; <)iii'stion of the valuation of Wei- J haiwfi by (ircut Hilt^ill lias not yet been eencUana t>y thf CiW— t It has U.-«!ii ilcciiicd tlmt a Sliootiny ib ik to 1»
    87 words
  • 488 5 Majfic Smoke. As elderly Chinese woman named Vt A Vow, a xervant to Id >ii Tang, who render in Pagoda was vint tiv lu-f inistt- t. >it av\iih'oki i's DM hy In redeem mii jew ill r\ and fur this parpoM cntnisti'i with MOO. Tin- jcHcllciA
    488 words
  • 38 5 l!i. ir i 'itiiiiiHtraiiii-r A'"/"":/, tin Hw« steamer I l BrltUi rtnami /'«.,!•</. rlf mi ami. S.u/*., ni.t. iptiinil liy.l.i|> i havebMndeoUred laftmr appeal) to be la' ,,i war. iii> ftwl tti uwd M i .ill.!. on board.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 STEAKNS' HEADACHE CURE.can obtained from all dispensaries (quickly hy post). Gives intlant relief. Avoid imitations. Keep the Genuine bandy.
      19 words
    • 13 5 I Woods' Great Peppermint Can i- infallible for Children's Stomach Troubles. »U cents.
      13 words
    • 142 5 B LATEST ADVERTISEMRNTS. V I CRAG HOTEL Penang Hills. Sanitarium SEASON IN FULL SWING MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AT RAFFLES. BULL-DOG STOUT VW^Ssli^Bßn^Bßn^ JaY AWARDS Melbourne i»8o, Adelaide 1 88 1. Calcutta 1883, Jamaica 1891, Chicago 1893, San Francisco 1894. ONE QUALITY THE BEST c ai I REQREATION HOTEL, SERANGOOS ROAD. We
      142 words

  • 1343 6 A Remarkable L'ecislon The High C'dtiit, Sydney, on 11th September delivered judgment in the BBM of CrowUy v (il ssan. The respon- ilent. JaajßM Clissau. had obtained a \crdict lor £800 BgailHl the appellant. Qoafge Ciowlcv. in an action for nialiciniis pißMf til Ml Crowley having pro- ci
    1,343 words
  • 197 6 The alleged falling off in British trade activity at boaghoac through .ivcr-atteiiti<m to sport, leads the'n C'liina Mnrniiii; Pi st f to put :i;ul answer flip following questions Who are the jockeys, footballers, cricketer.-, swimmers, etc., of this Colony? mainly young Britvher>. Whose inkeneti are being .'camped
    197 words
  • 146 6 Tlip !.lli)\viiii; ;u<' British Xortk Pot Mv a|)j)(iiiitnicnts Mr. L 11. \Vi>. (Is to II K Assistant Distii.t Oflear, Bast Coast Residency, witleffect fiom ll'tli July. 19<>5. Mr.' A. W. EUmtledge to act as Superintendent, Go\.iniM'iit I'lintiuj; Oflice with offect !2th July, 1905. Mr. William Price
    146 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 191 6 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Oct. --M— At Siile room. I,.. ums Xos. :,2 O|.lier Road, WO, -jiiiu. -jciim. MOc, Mtßaad MOa Victoria Street. 4.X). 641, MS Ma. IM, r )4-.. .itc. .-,47 and ">ix Norta lirulKe ltoail. :t!l Jaddaß Street. 21 ■BdMCrjrdt Street, fruit plantation Mamlalay ltoucl, Ac. 2.30
      191 words
    • 586 6 NOTICES. "SHAMROCK,". No. 32 Barker Road, with .tul. ln.-. Rent moderate. Apply to C. DENNISON, Master Attendant's Office, c 407 Required immediately. Two Dresaers, one Pint Grade, one Second Grade for the Pahang Corporation Ltd. Hospital, Kuantan. Pahang. Apply Paterson Simons Co., Singapore. u461 Money to lend from $10,000 to
      586 words
    • 569 6 NOTICES. BOARD AND RESIDENCE Just opened: Devon Villa. River Valley Road. Vacant rooms with verandah, by the day, week or month. Apply on the premises. 650 FOR BALE. A Bay cob, perfectly quiet in harness, also, for i lady to ride. A rubber-tyred dog cart and harness. Only in use
      569 words
    • 712 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET, FURNISHED. From Ist November, White House." Dakcv [load. For imrticulars apply to McALIBTERACO.. Ltd. L'6BB TO BE LET.— Part of Collyer Quay, at present in the occupation of Messrs Syme A Co. i Also No 9 D'Almeida Street. Dates of entry to be ascertained from MEYER
      712 words
    • 597 6 AUCTION SALES. FIRST CLASS EUROPEAN RESIDENCE. To be let tbat pleasantly situated h.mM "Goldburn, Scrimnoon Koad, healthy locality. TeimiH court. C.khl sUit lint;. Electric trams pass the door every few minutes. Kntrv Ist September, 1905. H L. Coghlan V Co.. ■cUM AatnU. Estate of Ha^jee Abdulrahman [Deceased.) AUCTION SALE OF
      597 words

  • 423 7 11. tober, Kith The enthusiasm <-<>n serning Uh visit ol ths Km.h Ptaet andei Admiral Bir Gerard H. U. Noel 1-. Japan till continues. To day cond batch <.f two thousand omcen sad m 1 the British rwel ami id in T. kyi, Their arrival nv.iUil the BUM
    423 words
  • 521 7 Mysterious "Man of Letters." l.ii in. til- in. in Celeba in th. -ii-in <vrcnipi.iago, .i_\.- i.inyd New t«ll Ol ln« .him nl 01 I nii.irri 1. 11- tinglunman, who bat lakea up ius re id "> < n the Islaud ol i»>.n«.ii. Kariv in .liiiv arrived
    521 words
  • 473 7 Transport Pioblcm The statement is repeated, remarks th Japan .Mail, 1 that the transport of the Japanese annie:- In in .Manelin ria will coaunence at the end of Octo her. We read 111 th Koknmin" that ilk prcceai of thoroughly disinfecting the hospital thipi v to
    473 words
  • 315 7 One of the largi i and no t tnillfv >y,.n.- i. ir m>:a:l,(l in the Kaal v in operation at Calcntui, India, a CllJ (*ltb .1 jiupulation ol aluuit I.J.h'.iiimi. 01 wr.rh 1...X iv i.nt- par iciit. is Europaan. Tht tytHan wta originaUjr laiiud i. n with
    315 words
  • 108 7 In addition u> tMsUitating tin- kMwiinfi mxl Hs<:liiir^iliy of OaBJBi the lldii uli;nl al .'cimii^ i> lonnd t.i Im- a gnat ooavenienoa to inal inariiK' ragineetM NMuotiineH. when nav\ i 11 1 1 i.. l^' dealt »iiii. The Uk .hn He mi In i aiin.ilon the lull 0r... rti'Ml
    108 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 29 7 'In:. BxCRV mtin.. I'a'\ frmn corns. bunions, or chilblains nnv Ih> avoiied apnlie it ion ri ("h imberlain'i Paia Balm Pat sale i.v all Dealers, The DISPENIAftT, Geueral tgaiti
      29 words
    • 578 7 NOTICES. BAD COMPLEXIONS Dry Thin and Falling Hair and Red Rough Hands Prevented by CUTICURA SOAP MILLIONS use Ccticcra Soap, assisted by Ccticcra Onrnmn, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the sculp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for oofteuiug, whitening, and
      578 words
    • 426 7 NOTICES. John Little ©'Co., Ltd. li/\JO aj, 'g^pSH li/UD LETTS'S OFFICE DIARIES Handsomely and very strongly hound in Dark Green Cloth. ROUGH COMMERCIAL SERIES Extra Stroii" Card Cover. Well Bound, Durable. All Si/.es in Stock. Week on Page, Week 0:1 opening, "2 days on Page and 1 Day on I'age.
      426 words
    • 68 7 G)oi>f .11 Athletes. Rad Bird Cjrcl* Dc|>.it. Bandigo, Vie., Aug 12, 1901. I aavs pUaiure in rtnting what batwCt I darived (rooa nsiai Chamberlain 'l Paia Balm. 1 have aSM it I'recly in li.iiiihil; for nuriou btoyds awants and aavs nn i-oiifidciKT in rciimimeiKlins; it lei all aihiaias us performing
      68 words

  • 3633 8 GOVERNMENTS CASE. \|i, uvKL Hick- B«A. v was pn II H t u r l.itr.iiion Court met on hi i la,'te. tl alter tilliii. ll ITH agreed h\ < sel to puatpniW the land .piestio:, I tin i in the meantime, with a view to .-■ttli
    3,633 words
  • 188 8 Till Train wav cars ruuiiing on the Kallles Hotel l'ayah Lcl>ai and the Tanjong I'agar Ciaylang station were rilled almost ji over Mowing with passengers from an earl] i ill the afternoon till past p. in on Satin lav last, the Kaees being luainlv reaponaUs lor tl uisuallv
    188 words
  • 123 8 W'k regret to have to announce the death. lOf heart disease, of Mr. Itichar.l Owen j Nettie, which took place before n yeatoi day at his residence. I'avah l.ebar lioa.i. The deoeaaed was the son of Uentonanl Norris. of the Commissariat Department, and was
    123 words
  • 128 8 Arrived aist October. Per Prom Miwlras Mr. Majftlon, Mrs. and Mi" FIniSHM. Mr. iind Mrs. UktV. From riIISIIII Mrs. Abmnis, Mrs Barker. Mr. Maniscba, Mr. sfcAalifl*, Mr. L. Weil and Mr. V. S. B. .1.-nnings. Per KoMfca .■—Front Teksk Aaam Mr. Kinj and Mr. Scullv 23rd October.
    128 words
  • 151 8 In connection with Viceroy CluUtM Chih-tiing's railway sohamei iv the Vangtsc Valley, the llritish Oove lent have agreed to lend him the sum ot Tads 10.000.000 at four and a half par cent for the period of twenty years. The securiU for the loan is the lax levied on prepared
    151 words
  • 40 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. :>;,,! October, I'm;. The Netherlands Trading Society to da\ anotoathe bank rate at -11,..I 1 The Merenntil. Bank qnoton it at i Toiiav s i. ,ii,, cIiaURM IP Howarth Krskiiies J2J», „,,.1 Kill v I! ,r ;i-, avc- BllVfl
    40 words
  • 78 8 V: sjh Nvm h u i;',y DasmuTira, Dam /.•.ii,;;/../. i. -r. ItHiiukok Ma VafMM >lr. Del, Hal Bra u«u 11,-it str. Pimtianak .'lst str. Bambas --'Ist llrW sir. IMi Jlst I'l.iu.i,-, si,-. X'mai la. Hat ilatmrn ,t,. Pgwettenham -.'lst Mill oil,, II Up str. Poatiaaak flat N str. I',-imng
    78 words
  • 59 8 for I'tr 51e,,,,,,-r Tim, T.. M..1U...W. r i ~m f K.-laniaii Ham Wkatl lliu 7a.m Barawak KmrUmg n rKI.-nil.ann n r.Sw.-Hi-nlmni via portp nhnm p. in Hongknnu Calkeriar I/,.,,, i p.,., Ananil.a ,v Katnna Is HHUttm t p.m IVIJiMM'U Telnk anaon vm |H.rts SeUmgui :t p.m reimngand l>eli
    59 words
  • 135 8 Prom Ecbopi Bj the D. I. s.s. v,,/,.,„ due on Jtitli Oct. Prom Cui\* My tin- 11,I 1, a ii „s. < due dv Mth Oct. I .oft Bingunre Due in I ■M-pt. -It li N. I>. i.. Si|.i laM. 7th it. I. Oct. hpk lltl. M.
    135 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 65 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Iliivr jn>t received line collection of New Chinese and Japanese silks of all kinds, Indian, and Persian Carpets, GrasH Cloth Table Oorers, Silk Btoaaea with band-drawn thread work, Etampore Ciiuddera and Silver and Gold Jewellery at prices
      65 words
    • 89 8 FHP DRILL SUITS Ulf TAILORING White Flannel Troysers $5.00, 7.00 8.00. Blue Serge Suits $22.00, 28.00, 32.00, 36.00. Dress Suits Dress Suits $42.00, 45.00, 49.00, 52.00. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co. Befoul Vof Staxt on ;i journey, pro cure a bottle of Chamberlain'! Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Tlii* may amVa you
      89 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 67 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kamiamt K»H HutpUal, ■•■■v.l Ik-tobrr, ■I .1. v. \t I-. M. EtSMAMU Bar. U OT.WM: 30.H07: W.9«M T«mp «.fl ihi. i 50..-, U..1 Hull, ll.ii 7:i I 50..-, 770 j Dir of Wind .mm Mas. Temp M -f Mv, 71 f| Mas. in sun l 1.-.o T.-rr ru.l.
      67 words

  • 1200 9 Progress Striding On. The work which tin- Govern, r Ci n al ct th. Sudan, Sir K. Reginald Wiiiy.iu. who worthily fills alae the po i of Bu li (Commaiidcr:n-Chief) of t:ic Egypt ai ar.ny. I id lv military and civil Mail h•\ .11 'iiinp. ishcd in the
    1,200 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 571 9 NOTICES. SELF CURE NO FICTION. MARVEL UPON MARVEL 1 NO SUFFERER NEED NOW DESPAIR, but without nssSBBBj a ilurtor't bill or UHing into tIM-iln-iiil.ti ho* .iiiirkrry. may «alr!y. ipccdily ■■4 llnai— illlll < utrhimvll without thr kn.>w lrtl u „t astosj party- H»U»h«w*«rtk»cl THE NKW FRENCH REMEDY THERAPION, a rornul.-t.-
      571 words
    • 451 9 NOTICES. Agents fOP LEA PERRIN'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, j^-^^ H fl Purveyors to JB^BP^St'THE KING. mM Celebrated Oilman's Stores f^f mjm^z^ JBSmm rx a^ a^ i M juT Some of the Special advantages possessed by T»« Milk Fa*, OM* Pr I. t «n|«lli.s is. s.s sr> es«, .f O.eula. as
      451 words
    • 285 9 DALIAN'S TELEPHONE 540 AUSTRALIAN HORSE REPOSITORY. 3& 4 Koe k Road (off Orchard Road). TURNOUTS of every description FOR SALE 1 Knbber-tyred or ordinary) New Shipment of HORSES, COBS, PONIES, I prize Carriage pairs Ex Euryalui." First class turnouts rnbber-tyretl !or ordinary) for Hire AT SriORTEST NOTICE DALLANS REPOSITORY. Tel.
      285 words
    • 553 9 BANKS. Hongkoi g V Shanghai danking Corporatit n. PAID IP CAPITAL »10,000,00t I RESERVE FUND:— Stirling Reserve •10.000,0001 1H noo Silver Reserve I 8.500.000 18 500 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Slade, Esq.— Chairman. A. llHiipt. Esq.— Deputy Chairmau. Hon. C. W. Dicknon.
      553 words

  • 431 10 Mk K. .1. B. Dykks. Sfiiior \Vanl< n of Minis. K. tL S.. lias Im-cii gtaated liim noataa' leave; Mr. Itcikclcv. I). (1.. IVrnk N, w Territory. sis months, law*; and exteasioiis ot UaTC have Ixjrii yi anted to Mt. Wolff, Beeratary t<> Resident, Ncgri Semhi
    431 words
  • 45 10 ttvoiMxa to Uie Time* o) Malaga, 1. Resident went down to Singapore to m el !l E. the (sewernoc rt the Qaoibling I ami. It is 1 ell toil that H. K. is in i.ivoui of HlMilisliing tin (HnibUaa Pamu in tin K. M S.
    45 words
    • 661 10 t'nder this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq. —barque; sch. -schooner Yet.— Yacht Cru. Cruiser Gbt. Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. Horse-power; Brit. British C.S.— Knited States Feb.— Freuch Ger —German Dut. -Dutch G.c— General-cargo d.p.— deck passenger; C— Uncertain T. P. W.—
      661 words
    • 656 10 Same, port, prnlnbU date of arrival, and name of •imrnt*. Steamkrs. Alston. Hongkong. Oat '->"> Adamson (idflllan. Arcadia, Honkong. Nov. l\ ,v (i. Arratooii Apcar, Calcutta. Nov. 7; P. Simons. Ayuthia, Komba'v, Oct. SO Borneo Coy. Benavou. London. Nov. 10; Pmteraon Simons. Benclench. Bangkok. Nov. p. Siuiom. Bengal.
      656 words
    • 272 10 FOR SINGAPORE Per P. *O. s. s. M.irmorn coniicctinß witb the steamer Itrngal at Colombo, from London Sept. 99. dueSHth Oct Mr. K. K. Baxen dale. Minn Gaudy, Hiss Fielding, Me wrs. V. Kinlock, D. Owen. (J. H. 8. A S. n.nt. aad I Batae. Per I.
      272 words
    • 252 10 Number T MUe p- id La* «,°L v"" »p 2 Company Bu vere Belleiß Trmu c SOLD. I 13.000 I 10 $7.50 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 12.00 lfsool f 500 uuu.uML 4,000 10 10 (Deferred) 8.00 20,000 10 t 10 Kadaua G. M. Co., Ltd. 2.00 notn. 10,000
      252 words
    • 143 10 50 Ouu uui« ued' 2,000 > 100 4,500 ."in 1 •-'■> 12,000 100 3.400 10 0,000 I t 100 S.7M 100 35,000 > 10 600 I 60 2,000 100 5,000 I 100 7Hi Ituiix-utd. 300,000 f 10 ■m,ouu uuuaueil, 37,000 100 mitt Development < ■>„ 1.1.1.. S.OO 8.
      143 words
    • 92 10 a.oou v. uwiMd 6,000 1,500 uuiMuad 30,000 12.90U i.iii-i....-! 2,000 1,000 ISO UUIUUdU (,'MJ UUUailfl 150 MO 10.000 1 1 uukit Kajali C 5.11.0 2.12.6 1 £l Cicely Hubbcr Estate £1. .1.0 JE 1 1 b" N I'i-e. £1.10.0 1 1 Pataling liubber Co. %M Ct.10.0 »100
      92 words
    • 50 10 I Howartli Emkine, Ltd. 7% 2.VI.0O0 I",, prcm. ltiley, lUrgiokves, Ltd. O 1^ ttfc'i.Wiu 1% 1'il-iii buyerH biugapoie Jiuuicipml 0% 4UU.U0U 1% prtin bnVvrt. 6% 1,37»,UUO 1% [ bu>w«. 4,o Iwo. HHJ >% dm. uom. Tdujoiig P»g»i Dock Co., Ltd. 9% 2.HJ.IIUU >% buxeri. n s>% i,.kio,jui lx wmii
      50 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 146 10 12 I Healthl Little's Oriental Balm FOR ANY PAIN Tl.e p.iins of neuralgia, the pains of rheumatism.the pains of lumkigo, the pains of stiff joints, the rums of the neck, throat, back, chest, arms, lir^ ;md feet— all these X l) sway when you rub on plenty of Little's Oriental
      146 words
    • 808 10 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will k lece'ved ill llie Colonial S»rretarv s (Mses up to noon of Monday the :K)th instant, for the following articles reqaJMfor the use of the Prisons Deportment of the Straits Settlements dinint: the year ISM I 1 Three thousand two hundred ai.:l fifty vmils. more
      808 words
    • 669 10 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. AaMralra. and Chin*. IN<<il:l'OKATKI> BY. KOVAL CHARTER. Cupital JKrtOO.OOO Hi-terve Liability of Proprietor* £*M). 000 llexerve Fund £s;:.,o00 HANKKHK. Bank of Enslind. National Bank of Scotland. The London City .V Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per
      669 words
    • 155 10 NOTIgES. BENZINE. 4 We have appaintcd the Chin Huat Hin Oil Ti-ading Comi»uy, 240 Koutli Bridge Road, sr.le agents for the sale and distribution of our Benzine. They will issue all delivery or 'era aud te'.tle accounts. SYME GO. Feb. 37 u.o. PENSION I.ESSLEP. DUSSEL-DORF.ON-t/hiNE. The Fraulein Lessler recent-
      155 words
    • 116 10 "C.LKN 1.1 Ni: Of STKAMI'.IiS. FOH LONDON. The Ceasaaajr's steamer. (iLKXI Wi. S.OSB tons. .1. Kaltcr'tv. (ommau.ler, trill be dsmsaseaed niK.ut the nssinniiin if Novatnber. She hits e\i client ucollim. kIuIioII for BkloOll passengers. For passage and further particulars, apply t 1 BOUBTEAD .v i>. Agent: Ml ••AI'CAK" LINE or
      116 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 675 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Auitralla, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast. Persian Gulf,
      675 words
    • 709 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklijka PaUetvaart MaatschapplJ. I'nder contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agentt at Singn/mrr —Ship Ahkni y, i atk J. Daknukmi 4 Cn., 2-3 Coi.i.yer Qcat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From kxp'ted Will be despatched for Mrrkut Pontianak Oct 22 Pontianak Oct 34 Broutrer Paneh Oct
      709 words
    • 578 11 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURa. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of the
      578 words
    • 651 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      651 words
    • 631 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND HhiDa Mutual Steam Nay. Co.. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outward* for the Strait*, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extend* to Vancouver,
      631 words
    • 611 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTKD KINDS KXCKKD JC12, 000,000. THE LAROEST MKE BUM IN THK WORLD. BOUSTEAD 4 Co.,— Agent*. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,500 Paid-up Capital 212.750 Reserve Fund £1 ,073,550 The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept
      611 words

  • 680 12 The "Gummi Zeitung" contains, says the India nubber Journal, an account of the present st.; t+- and future pofwibilili<s of rabbet planting in Borneo by E. ft. S<hramm. This gentleman spent ■OSM tight yean in the interior at a distance of alnmt 160 miles from the
    680 words
  • 146 12 I>k. McDowkix, Innpoctoi General "i lli.>|.itiil-. F. M. s.. «rbo arrived the other '\.k\ mmi Singapore, inspected, Mtyi l/.1/.i,/ \ItlU •.■l'll -|„1 1,!, nl. the I.ell I'.eri h.^). at UlO :inl mile, in coin|>an\ with ;1.. K. M.l.nt and tin- State Burgeon. marriaou has beeii announced,
    146 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 116 12 llri!N> AMI Cllv Slifhi lIIJUMOS Ot tins charactw an of (reqneni ooeurreaca in almost every household. Wkile tfcey .\rv nut lUfirnni. exeepl wkea Mood pcaeowißg reraHt tnm the iujuiv, they ■n oflea <nnt<' peiafal and annoying. Tlh-v >au be quirklv healed by amHTing Chußfaeriain'i I'.un Balm. Italutyatbe pain almost instantly
      116 words
    • 263 12 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES CO. LTD. JL The "SAEKULAR" jf^^-~ Incandescent Spirit Lamp. y/r For inside or outside lighting. jf«f STORM PROOF^ ff A large stock has now JrW ARRIVED f\W A perfectly steady light for 20 HOURS JL I with one charge. /JmHJME SIMPLE! RELIABLE! DURABLE! ECONOMICAL! %Mj CAN BE
      263 words
    • 1133 12 NOTICES. A LADY TYPIST. Offers Real Kelp— Our Readers continue to .-how extraordinary interest in the frries of Opinion! Bad Bxperieacee oi the l'eop!e vrhicfa appear here at short intervals, aiul we are H'-Mire:l by numberless correspondents that the ii. formation is an invaluable help to them. Practical evidence of
      1,133 words