The Straits Times, 19 October 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.808 THE STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 1628 1 Revelations Expected. mi raeediy, Aag Kirn i bong wai be fare air. < olemaa Mfc prelim i nary enquiry int<- an allegation of perjury brought against him by Mr ttproule, Depafcy Public Piusujiitiir. Air. >.dii; Oiil' appeared tot the ml. nit Mr l'ounlney. OfßoaJ Aapatched the case
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  • 882 1 Futile Raid on local "Uncles." As extensive robbery of jewellery occurred in I teach Itoad on the '.'lst ult. A ic|H,it..f kht matter reached the detectives mi tlie •J.'ith and the usual notice was issued on all the pawnbrokers. Sergeant Taj lor then commenced a raid OB
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 165 1 NOTICES Robinson Co. Gentleman's Complete Outfitters SHIRTS AND COLLARS Direct from Ireland WHITE AND COLOURED NEGLIGE SHIRTS Soft fronts and stiff cuffs attached, exclusive designs in smart and new snles. LINEN COLLARS (five fold) in all the popular shapes. RELIABLE UNDERWEAR* ROBINSON CO. A PmUImMm annmmct's that the mail from
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    • 254 1 PAH US MILK. Norwegian Pure Cows' Milk. THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH I HE FULLFLAVOUR OF FRrisH COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. The most flattering testimonials from medical men. To be had from the Dispensaries, and retail deafen. THE EAST ASIATIC Co., Ltd. Salt fnfwnw. July 10 9/1/06 ARTIE TULLY
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  • 436 2 Mi:.\V..l.K.Willinins<)irsl{f|)ort.asKiniinoial \.lm-. r.on the ltu.l K «t of Siam f.>r 190.V0 is all interesting iloriimrut. Tbeeaeimaeed nveaae lor 1005-6 amounts to r >3,<KKt.m I tlcals. leaving ii am ill sucplim of 12H.017 ticaU over tha st.iii.t.'.lcxiHiiiliturr.Tli.cstimrttcrlrcvi'iiiir of t.i iMiiriit yrar exceeds t!ml of the pro«iofM twelve Iliotltlis l>)
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  • 518 2 Bl M> i. h. Coinniiiiiiliiiit. S.V.C. Siagapore, 17th rjrtoWr. s. C. Kemben of the 9io«waie Bifl* Aaneiatioo u1.,1 in.' iii Boaaeaaiaa al riHcs to letaiii the ■H to tlit- Drill Hull at once lor the annual rtripi \u K and olaaninfl. Mi. W. 11. Shelford baring lieen
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 136 2 Aivumiskmksts of Balsa Wanted, To Let etc.. ill U' f mini on p,i>;t 11. smvi:' quotation, general dripping mi anil |nu«Kouger lists. \wMm ihipping and iiixniui.i ii<lv< rti-M iiictit. will 1«- found on |ia^i> il and ID. l!i:m>n |iitriiitisin i,, day ia not wi-.liunt a Hiiiacli ol tli<- r,ifr..h«,,t,,,,i. Then
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    • 161 2 NOTICES GARIRETTT'S PORTABLE ENGINES AND STEAM ROLLERS. FODEN'S STEAM WAGONS. \QIL'B»-m^^/— i^J rf^SsawSMß^*^ I IA^T W MINING MACHINERY, of all descriptions SUPPLIED BY The Borneo Co., Ltd. July 24 EVERY FACILITY 'cnnrction utth Life Assura'.e Ii ■■■if afforded by THE gTAXDAHU L IFE QFFICE. one of the largest and wealthiest
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    • 145 2 iRIGAUD'S OF JAPAN TOILET WATER Ri gaud's Kananga Water hat the sweet perfume ot the Kanang; Flower of Japan and a toothing and RIGAUD&C 0 j PERFUMERS 8, rue Vlvienne. 8 •f Iml tat tons I Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ld BRICKB AND FIREBRICKB The Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ltd. Is prepared
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    • 552 2 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporatit n. PAID-UP CAPITAL U0.000,000 RESERVE FUND-:— Sterling Reserve ♦10.000.00 d. SiUer Reserve d,*«,00(l 1 5 °0,000 Receive liability of Proprietors •10,000,000 COURT OF ItIReCiMRS. 11. A. W. Slade. Esq. -Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. H. ejuhubart, Esq. E. Uoett. Esq.
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    • 434 2 NOTICES usu^ir I l^ at can con I structecl Madame Bassett(Mme Blanche Arral) "Will receive a limited Dumber Ail guaranteed. of pupils for music lessons vocal IB U r 1 11 r and instrumental according to £8 *UI Ml dlt OVCI 8 the French or Italian methods,! 3C the WOnd.
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  • 256 3 Figures for the Colony. Thk Trade l{<-|x>rt for 1(104 shows the BBOpa of bnsinessin tin-colony as to tin and 1 uhh< i Tin and tin ore napofaad valne<l abont 79 millions dollars, a de<rease of nearly 21 millions. Mli«-k tin receivei! Meorded "J 1..">77 tons, an increase
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  • 197 3 11. K Chan". Chin Han, the Chinese Imperial lli^h Commissioner, appointed to study commercial bJWn at foreign |mrts. and Director (ieneral of Agricultural Indus try. Railways and Mines in the KwMegtng, amafd and I'ukien Provinces, has Ih-iii at Kuala Lumpur. 11. K. paid a visit to
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  • 216 3 As reyanls today's alarmist win- afcoari the ixilitical situation at Peking, it is inti -resting U) note that a private dispatch from Tientsin states that, several days Ik lure the Iwrnb outrage at the Chinese cipiial. H. K. Viceroy Yuan Sbih-k'ai iecuive<l reliable information that, a
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  • 122 3 Thk aaknaaa from our Hongkong ioric-|xinilfiit. I Ik- othrr >lav. sintin^ 1 hat lo.ui bad been araniad l>y tbe Monn ktmg QoTarnmont, ao Cbaon Chih Tons;, a Yangtse Viceroy, for tli" redemption ol tinllaokou r.iilway OOMOewdon I (lir Piarpont-Morgan fiyndicate is ol great importance. The lota
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 451 3 NOTICES. HERCULES CEMENT. m M STIVEN&CO., Singapore. Nov. 10 tu. th. f BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. rXOOBPOBATED ltv BOTAL CHABTBB. Capital i'soo.CKX) Baaarva Liability ot Proprietor! i'«(Ki,ooO 1 and i>7.V(HH] BAMKEBB. Bank ol England. National Bank ol Hootland. The London (<tv A Mplland Hunk. I.UI BIKGAPORK
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    • 184 3 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co Oct. '.'I— At Sale room, houses Km. :f_> Ophm Hoad. Mt, '-')'>0t. 1Mb, MOc, MOoand Ml Victoria Street. 4M, '.11 :>\>. "ill. -.11. Mi, MS, iin.l .'.lx North UruiKf Baad, Jaddak strc, >. -ji and 54 Civile Street, fruit plantation Mamlnliiv ltoatl, Ac. %M |>
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  • 1640 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 18 CENTS. THURSDAY, 19TH OCTOBER <>x i i.smupiii i procewlinMß before the Wbitration oiirt at ten e'oMek, >es Iclay morning, it was announced by Lord Hubert Cecil that the raparlan had aot yet Iwiehad the avvara) copies af Lheir ante*, and thereapon the Court decUed la
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  • 509 4 li would ba presumptions to at:, nipt t > supplement the ible ami c xhaustivc rmumi of the history of the Victoria Menioi ial Fund, as well as that of the building of the M"inorial Hall itself, so cloipu ntlv set forth by Mr. .lohn Anderson at the OMBUJI •en
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  • 450 4 ••The law is a sort of IliHJIM [HHIIH nn. that Hiniles in yer (ace wliile it pieki JM( |>ocket and the glorious uncertainty of it of mair use t<« the professors tlmn tli.- jmMmd it." Ill no recently NMfdti instance BM l« found a better exemplification of this moral from
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  • 94 4 OwDM to illness, foitniititt I v dI no serious character. Sir Michael Hicks. Beach h:is Immii uiialile to take his )>1 ice in the TanjoiiH I'agar Arbitration Conii today. After the unavoidable delay, the Arbitrators, Sir Kdward lloylc and Mi. .1. t'. fa^tMHU to nit without the I'mpire. and the
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  • 11 4 Mil. W. Kviik Kknnv. I'.W.I).. is yoiii» on leave t<> Australia.
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  • 8 4 An Austrian warship arrival in Hiulxmi tin* forenoon.
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  • 13 4 Taiij<>»K I'atfars today stootl at «l'.tn. sellers. Belat* arc at and Hruselis «6.;'i4).
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  • 16 4 11. M. S. UifMM left tins morning, with the clrolner SI. Dunntan in tow. for Colombo.
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  • 96 4 TO-DAY'S SELECTIONS. With favourable weather. \w should see MM nixxl rm-iiii» this afternoon. The Club Cup. in consequence of the scratching* all the horses, has resulted in a walk over for Rminuton. The majority of the races appear to be very open, and it Mali not surprise ur
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  • 145 4 The following won t!»- MMMi of the sales last evening First Race. Blank Dav »140. Auburn V>0. HockcoM »8. r >. Dawn r >, KIivIht Festina »3r.. RinaMin »150. Manfred 1180, Spilsby MO, M M Ma Second Race Sir Oarcth $2(1. Postman *110. Mandolin »1(H). Banzai $240. Tra Tr.n ISO,
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  • 274 4 On -|h ial (icnnan wire of Tneeilay tella )f earnest efforts to- iniKe it up between I'.i-ii.iin ami liuxsiu. In thai regard it is worth noting that the Vmi.. Vrtmga lan influential St. Petersburg Joaraall oomiaanta iilKin proposals fur M Anylo liissiau nti nil which have lately Ihcii
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  • 16 4 i practice will take place from the western entrance to Singapore li.i.liour on the 21st instant.
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  • 21 4 Tun Y. M. C. A. Canearl on Saturday night will be held at the Town Hall, instead of at /etland House.
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  • 34 4 Ovvixi, to pressure on apaoe ami the net of irir going to pies- early to day. a eon sideiable qnantity ot hi wl matter and corres[Mindein c has to In held OVOT until Ui-morrow.
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  • 27 4 Tun iicautifiil Ixinquet of wliite eliiysan themums and lilies pnaeated to Miss All.lelsoii at the Meluorial Hall, '.eslelilav ■Aaraoon, was made by Miss Moss. ..I Orchard Hoad.
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  • 36 4 Thk agenda of the Municipal Board meet ing to-morrow afternoon includes, to addition to the usual loutiue business, ihe |,n -tlon of tramway kiosks, application- for plot- in the Christian cemetery, and Bnlrft Tiinah Itoad market.
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  • 37 4 i fWUl tlnii- different llinn-.i- dealan n-liiM il to buy Manila dgfttl al Kut/ Itin tlii'is. iHcause Manila is in an Aim ruaii roliiiiv. 'I'licv als.i rrfumd t.> buy Amerieui clockn. The bovi-ott spiiil i^i\iilintlv still aitivc.
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  • 85 4 Aktkk tha o|H-niny (ii iln- .Mcni.iiiiil li.ill yesterday itaMN, a jiuimImt at the yiirsts. in. lulling sonic ladies. cliiii)x-<l tin- liajn to the top of the tower iiiul wan rewarded «itli a liiit^niKcent view <.I tin Imrlioiii ami torn ii. the t-tfi'i t Ix'iny ciihaiK I'd by tin- setting sun
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
    • 31 4 MMianj, Oeaseer, I'rinci- (ion havint; nfusiil to obey the order M come to Macassar the Dutch trmi|is are m icailiness to cross the Irontior. heavy resistance is antiii| .ite.l.
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    • 11 4 '/i' rial iiriiiii'irmint mi ill />. r OtttuuiHtehe Uo*i."
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    • 37 4 i i, Iftth October. fount LatiisilorM. the liiissian alilllatiil i.h Poteajn Affairs, has reoeived the Vladimir Oviat of the lirst cla-s for .liplon.itii Ben JOB* ill the war anil in the peace ur^oti ilion-.
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    • 42 4 'The press is diacnamng the Mikado'x pro ciamation annooncing the conclusion of |m ace. The priM-laiuation is Uiken to show highly civilisi'il si ntim. nts. an. l a ica.lin. -s on .1.111.111- part to,, I:;, mis witll Russia.
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    • 21 4 'The Itritish pies- is tull of matter dealing; with the announcement of an approaching An^lo Hiissian v. ,Tv
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    • 26 4 'The liriu.l Dnhe of Baden will me I Kaiser shortly at Donaoeacbingaa. The (ininil Date has riaitad I1I 1 Von Huelovv at Helen 1f.i.1.n.
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 53 4 Madrid, IHIh October. 'The \i,iiUj Mail Mailriil oorreapondent siiys that the Moors, (earing an attack by Hritish torpedo-bonM oa iceount of tin- Amittanet incident, releaaed Meaan. Crowther anil llattui. who han arrive. I I'eiita. 'The Moms liieil ;i|~.n the deatroj i (li.mill near C'eiita. Their hnlkltn pil
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    • 60 4 LanJow, nth Oetoaw. 'I'lleil Majesties ojM'lleil the new thorough I, iri's in 1.0n.10n. Kin^svviiy ami Aldwych, in liemitiful weather. The Paris Municipal L' w muind from seats. Their Majesties shook hiinils with tin ii I'resiilent. Three addreeaea were preaanti .1. inclmliun iiiefn. in I'oplar.ileaHn^ with tin
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    • 10 4 Su Henry Erring body will Im- oremateil
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    • 8 4 Lord Spencer ont of danger.
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  • "Renter's Extra Service.
    • 50 4 London, IHth Oclolxr. The Armenian Aichimiiii.lriti baa repoi b .1 to the Viceroy of the OanoaanH thiil ten \iiin uian riWagon uaTc bet n nlnndi i -it'i.ition of their inhabitant- in Bobber baada are laying the country waste. The reatoration of peace there h ini|Kissible at present.
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    • 42 4 There HreredMonlerx among the H a Bkaaarinodar. The shop window* «vi re masheil. anil the traflic va- intol llie troops ilisjicrscil the cmwil. which v HIMidi two thous.nnl. ifawr i had i n li ii iii 1 on both sides.
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    • 58 4 Mr. McClllily. the I'resiilent ol tile Mntmil Life Ins nance Co., of New York lulmitteil tluit MTge sums haii Ikiu paid by him for the aarrioea of politicians. Hut, Hjii.l he unless legislation he apaeaalr; framed to watefa ov. interests of the iiisi.i ani" cumpani. wm daogM of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 553 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. luilii the iliiilnjiiihil natoanaaaal II 1:. the (toveraor, Sir .I.uin Asm ami «.i .n." THE GAIETY STARS I.* special I est Spe ia Vicoßck'l Might To-Night To-Night October THE WHEELERS in ll vi. v lntcst sins.iti.iiis. DANTF/S, New Triekaaad IHaa i. The Rosebuds Illustrated Sune«. Biotmph
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    • 14 4 For Cold in the Head and Coughs take Wood*' Great Peppermint Care. 90 cents.
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    • 15 4 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per- feet antiseptic dentifrice, cleaucb aiul preserves the tetth, very refreshing.
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    • 108 4 1 I' em can l«i:ist a heavy -bay" ill this part of the world .luring the past year. Mis latest victim is Mr. I. I). Philip-, ol Bangapore, Baatern Bapreatatatiw ol Messrs. Henry W. PeaboU) I Co., Si Voik. who leaves for Colombo b\ the Knu. i .Mail in \t
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  • 6659 5 OPENING CEREMONY. Speeches by the Oovernor, Mr. J. Anderson and the Municipal ('resident. T| 1( V» M.iii.'iial Hall was lor ntaljy ofjeni reeterday aftaraooa by il,v Km Ii ■i" Qovamor, Sir John Anderson, I n.0., m presence of a very large >l repwaaßtativa Mambly of t ln-
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  • 1324 5 WITNESSES EXAMINED. \nn: tiffin yesterday, the c\ unination was resumed, liefore the T. P. I). Arbitration Court, of Mr. P. \V. Meik, Harbour Knginecr. London. Sprakinj; of Missis. MatheWK and Niiholson's st-heine, he said he approved of it aaoapt the proposal to carry out the wet
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  • Correspondence.
    • 177 5 r< tkt Bmtof t* Vi-nif. Tim*." DBAS Sii:. lii your Wire New-,, on the I (road lMtH 1 yi'stirdav i— it is suited that -tho lniu-il States lias tailed to aware h li.isr at Huiii;tiiny. near Cliol'oo. indicating that therr has SSSU -.v.-li .in att<-in|>t m.idr. An
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 236 5 LATEST ADVERTISEIVIRNTS. Raffles fiotel. SPECIAL RACE DINNER Wo-fiigdt AND OH 21st October. BAND IN ATTENDANCE. BARGAINS IN PIANOS. (O) HACHALS (1) Pianos by BMNBMEAD ill HAAEE 1 2t and many others, to be s.>li! *JI»1 itwo liiin.lnd iVillare) below orij;inal_sel!iui£p-ice these piamw have li«l very little use. and are as
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 231 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 19th October. Hi>;ii Water. 1 1:1 p.m. liiur- Sc.-uii.i Day. In. Strati* Tiam pabuehed early. EUflaa Hotel. Raea Draner. Musical TUand Raoa Dinner H.del'EuruiK Mr. rUffenden'itarewell. Zetland II Harouton'i Cireaa. !i l>. Qatet] Basra. Town HhII. 9. Friday, 20th October. Hi^li Water. •-'•-'(ln 111. 1 111
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  • 1384 6 The Leading Counties of 1905. Writ nit; in th W-stimnster Gazette" cf the county cricket season of 1905, Mr. P. F. Werner says The season has, in every way, been one of the most successful there have ever bcvMi. In the first place the weather li;i Ucn delightful:
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  • 328 6 Government Insurance. The manager of the New Zealand State fire insurance is proceeding to London in order to consult \.iiu re-insurers. In the New Zealand Parliament ou the 20th Sept. Mr. Scddon, the Prenujr characterized the tactics of the private me companies as monstrout mil unmoral. If
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  • 7 6 Tiik. Shnita Iindgtt was published this morning.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 21 6 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE.can 1 2 obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by post). Gives inttant lelief. Avoid imitations. Keep the Genuine bandy.
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    • 58 6 Before You Start on a journey, procure a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This may save you much trouble and annoyance as it can not be bought on board the cars or steamship. For all forms of stomach and bowel troubles this remedy has no equal. For
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    • 564 6 NOTICES. "SIfifMROCK," No. 82 Barker Roid, with ■tabling. Rent moderate. Apply to C. DENNISON. Master Attendaut's Office. u407 Required immediately. Two Dressers, one First Grade, oue Second Grade for the Pahang Corporation Ltd. Hospital, KuanUn. Pahang. Apply Paterson Simons Co., Singapore. S4OO REWARD. A reward of $400 will be given
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    • 556 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. AUCHENCAIRN— Tanglin Hill— a well situated and commodious Residence. Entry 15th Angust. Apply to A. M. McNeil, o 48 Syme 4 Co. TO BE LET. A compound house of two stories. No. 28 Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 18-2 Prinsep Street. c 111 TO BE
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    • 752 6 NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given that Mr Choa Kirn Kiat acts no more as manager for our rirm. and from this date, we will not hold on revives responsible for any business that may be transacted by him. KIM CITING 00., Ch:>pChii Seng. Singapore, 29th Sept., 1905. 52S THE OENERAL
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    • 611 6 NOTICES. Straits JBimes. AN 1 > @6e Straits SBudget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. Daily issue )>er year 130.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.A0 do per copy o.l* Weekly issue per year IH.OO do |ht i]iiarter 4.50 do per copy 0.40 When wilt by post, there is
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  • 625 7 The Outlook for the Planter. The following is from the '"Ceylon Observer" That the praaaat high price of Indiarulilier is a matter of aHatani t-> inaiiubetaran and aaen alike ajeeda no cmpliasis. and it would be ijuito superfluous to enlarge ujkhi il. With regard to the future,
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  • 315 7 An iimi .line urn of inl<-ic^t is attaciMd to tin- tw.i iifw tmrfame diivea Ikmii" eoeNtraeted lor the Cvii imi '.ini|iiiiiv. wkioh in;'.v l>e sa:<l U> i»- .<:i earnest "i Qnsal Bntain i <i in kiii to win back tho Atiantii- rooord i mmbc \ ago
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  • 399 7 Has Germany Got Them Consternation reigns in French naval circles. It is more than feared, says the "Mr.tin," that the plans of t lie best trench submersible boat have bueal obtained by (ierm.-Mi naval conMi tutors, and that years ol lain m for the uatiou w.ll probably
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  • 366 7 Story of Horrible Brutality. Particulars of a fearful murder arw tha* g-><-n in a tetaynua uaieu muouio, >v use Australia, Btptaaibar 18th faijU) .Mai'ijucs. who on oaiurday iii.ul>an uatiiiiMK-u statement regarding events mat iiiuntcliaU'iy piLCeeiieci Uic •nunicr oi Man LrfSSgUd, I pearler •uuiic a lull confession of the
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  • 60 7 TiiK miscK ant is coniiiKiii eanoajh from mil' lii-.irs \v!ki won't trust the nil lll«H if the honwrliolil pa>M t>< Wi- wife, whodoltw mt Kola or peace as Urn eaaa may Ik', lint won't lay down n n-ynlar «Mkh sum fir Mm regular weekly CZpMke, We lire all quite
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 11 7 K >r all niU"-iml romnlninu take Woods' Great r«pp«nuiut Cure cent*.
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    • 187 7 NOTICES. JOHN lilTf LE CO., LTD. AG s^?s I BeWßftHJ^flpflQStlQfcH Panaw^^m^SlßiVuvV 'aawf awawV?ws7 wanwMT^^Pj anwanK^W BBwavOHIuaBV wawan^B^wV awanwaaKßwCDcS^B I BBwawj ■>9% Bawu anaanaV nwaairWHHQft fliiiiir"^- aaw**r .^BBwanwBISBwBSSawM nm tH > nt^kaat 1 BBwaßV^BnaawawB(DCMHrU j^ awanißraSn BMuN wanwawSv^BVarWlWfwCovCQ I I BlVMnMfl£BlßTiVirf^ffWiT aanwaww Vaaaaßwau«r jiiiiiiiiiiW .^BHwawawJaHlt^V j********mJßw I KaBCMßlßrwm*W .j*ha^K_ Onvß^B^Bn^^ -^^aanwawawMD^SiißßaßW^
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    • 162 7 I i!u>lluxm be travelling *awb in the R'<cky iUmntaiits, cv:d thnll depend a gnnd deal m/wh I.iebin's Kxlriet that is to lay, upon LKMC'O. whtcli is Cut m/| I. it ij's Kxiraci Ir/ctignitt."— Edwabu Wuvxicb. Sportsmen provided with LEMCO are equipped for all emergencies in the food line. In addition
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    • 68 7 Good foh Athletks. Red Bird CVchl Depot, Bendigo, Vie, Aug. IS, 1901 I have pleasure in stating what benefit I derived from using Chamberlain's Pain Halm. I have used it freely in training for various bieyela events ami have e\i IJ goaaaWaea ia reeoauaa«dinf it to all ithletes as pcrfonniiig
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  • 31 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. Hill, Oetob i. 1906. i The Netherlaado Trading Boeietj t.. .i.iy anotoatbe 4 m- haul; rate at 2 17.I 7 The 1 M.ivantiU- Bank (juot,- it at i 1
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  • 90 8 OambieT it ul>e No. It unpicked ll.(M) Copra Bali 7.V. Poatiaaak Ml Pepper. Mack M.lSf do White. V buyers :t.V<K>" ar Sarawak •j.<i do Bnnai No. 1 -'.To Peail Bagn 1.40 Coffee »:ili. IV, Ivi-i- UM OoflM, I'-lembani;. itK',, basis ».OO Coffee. Übariaa Sa l .ki Taaioea, -mall Kink.-
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  • 249 8 IXTUJ lilNk.| On .../..i. -lt,mk I in s I 1».m,,.,,,,1 -.M,;. Privntc ti in-. do 3 m/H -J I On Otrmamj— Bask il/<l -'.1^ liu.ilf I im'h 1' jn do G m/s IH| flu Timmm Hant ii/il MTi Private :J m/s L 7» fa K m/s t.7JU Oh /ihJi.i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 99 8 The "Berkefeld" House Filter PATENT THE MOST PERFECT FILTER EXTANT Guaranteed to remove all gurras, Sewage, Lead, Lime, Iron, Orgui ie Matter, Poisonous toxine. and every impurity from the water. SECTION YOI AVOID IH-EASE. I PLAIN BUFF STONEWARE, AS ILLUSTRATION Capacity H Gallons Price $10.75. 2-i Gallons Price $13.95. THIS
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  • 1108 9 Physical Culture in Many Lands. Strange case ol a I'arsee Merchant. r.usMMi ttaadow returned i>> tngiand ii.iiii iua eignteen montlis tour e< urn wond in me i .-lii bepeeaiber, aad m. event was made tae oooaatea oi an i ntliiisiasiic ctemiouet ration by the oevoteea ot phyncal culture.
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  • 1041 9 The Rugger Team Which is Beating all Opponents. Router, it may U- rvaaetnbered, j,m\i us OB Friday la&t the news that the i uui'v team ut Hew Zaalaaaen aou mug the British Isles was up to that I.; carrying cverytaiag balon them. l»;it itiy all the
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  • 526 9 The ■Mnuug Journal" has the following it is announced that Messrs. Karrar Bros. have decided to abandon the option on the tiu properties on the >wazilaud border owing to the results being unsatisfactory, as depth is attained. This is somewhat discouraging, as increased utteution is being
    526 words
  • 379 9 Valued at Nearly £2,000,000. The hreadinmght appears admirably to have aiiticipaU-d the IeaMNM of the batlUin the Tsiisliima Slr;iits: she will Ix- able to deliver a smashing fire ai loag raage. The power ii put down at ■.:'>.< and should be sutlieient f. r from '20
    379 words
  • 811 9 SHIPPING IN PORT. Daami this hewlint; the following ahbrevistionH are used str. Bteamcr; sh. ghip;bq. —barque; sch.- -schooner; Yet. Yacht Cm. -Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. Horsepower; Brit. British U.S.— United States Fell.- French Ger —German Dnt. -Dotch G.c— General-cargo d. p.— deck passenger; U.— Uncertain T. P.
    811 words
  • 682 9 Same, port, pruhable date uf arriral, and name uf agenti. Stkamkrs. tMMM, (hum, Oct. 23 Manshi-ld. Alston, Hongkong, Oct. 25 AdamHon Giltillan. Arcadia, Honkong, Nov. .V O. Arratoon Apcar, Calcutta, Nov. 7; P. Simons. Ayuthia, Bombay, Oct. 30; Borneo Coy. Benavon. London, Nov. 10 Patenton Simons. Bencleuch, Bangkok.
    682 words
  • 285 9 FOR SINGAPORE l'er r. a o. s. s. ttmrmm eaeoMeMai wWh the steamer /•'< iifial at ColomU.. from London tat. ilut- JHtli (let Mr. C. K. S. »a\.-n dale. Miss ( Miss Fielding. Meetm Kinl.K-k. 1). Owen. G. H. S. ,V S. Dent, and J. ■Mac. Per
    285 words
  • 234 9 Share, j j up'to Co™^ Bujers Seller* Trance I ...II SOLD. •13,000 10 $7.50 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 12.00 i,MO uuu-urtL 4,000 5 in j in (Deferred) 8.00 20,000 I 10 10 KadanaG. M. Co., Ltd. 2.00| n..,,,. 10,000 10 I 8 (l'ref.) 4.00 Mll 6,207 £111 Kechau
    234 words
  • 143 9 2,000 I.:>IX) 80,000 12,000 3,400 2,750 33,000 600 2,000 d,OOO 786 [iLi--mi|. 300,000 ),UUU uuuuued 37,000 £1 1 •100 100 so t ao IM I\M 100 $100 •10 (10 100 (100 100 100 •10 10 30 50 100 100 100 f 100 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. ».00 .ii
    143 words
  • 105 9 K. llßukitKajah 1*2.12.6 JE 2.12.6 a. »,OUU uuiiwiMd 6,000 0,000 .lIP.IXHI \l,huii iiui.Mie<l 2,000 UV» ltUlMP>llft> 1,000 iv 30,000 mil -ii.-.. 150 860 10,000 I ÜBUIIMtI I 1 1 X I 100 »IUO I I 1 Cin-lj ltulilwr IChUU- 11. S 1 v Pb i i .iii.o H
    105 words
  • 42 9 Howarth Enkinc, Ltd. 7% KUey, lUaaimiiii. Ltd. SuiK»pore MutncijaJ 6% 6'J ti Ttnjout! Pafciir liuck IV.. l,bl. 6>* 330,000 Hem. W5.000 Kfeembnyen 41J0.U00 2% preni Iniu-i-. 1,n7H.U00 l%proni lium i-. 1..'..1.»(K1 (lib. llolu 2AO.UUO a-i prepi bu\er». 1..1W.W0 l",, |,r.-ni bnyec*.
    42 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 105 9 •-APCAR" Urn OF STKAMKIiS. FOR lION(iKON(i. Messrs. A|)car.VCo.'s steamer < .1 I 111 HIM i/'(l/.-, A. C. Meweat. Conuaaeder, having left Caleuttn OB the lltli nmUint. is ilmhere on Monday, the 2:lnl idem, en route for the alHive port. For freight and paaMga .i|iplv to PATKKSON SIMONS ,v CO., lemM.
      105 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 691 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top plat* 1 in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Jnpan, Penang, Ceylon Australia, India. Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Port*, Plymouth and London. Through Hills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian
      691 words
    • 1323 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. .l.</fii<» at Singapore Ship Aoency, i.atk .1 A Co., 2-3 Collyxr Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be despitched for Batavia Oct 16 Batavia, Java-Coast, Soercbaya, Macassar, Pare Pare. Balik-Papan. Donggala. "'oh
      1,323 words
    • 650 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marucilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      650 words
    • 513 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OOEAB STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. to., Lv The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to Vancouver,
      513 words
    • 608 10 INSURANCE COMPANIRS. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVKSTKD KINDS KXCKKD 112.000.01H1. THK LABOBsr HIIK (Hill K IN 1 11 1 W01J.1.. HOISTKAD i Co., A.,entt THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIKK INSI'KANCK COMI'ANV. Capital i-.'.127.VHi Paid up CapiUl 212.7.V) lUwrve Fund Jt1.073,.%50 The iindersigneil, Agents for the Com|ianv. arc )ire]<ared
      608 words