The Straits Times, 18 October 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.807 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 1015 1 Some Symphonies in S yU at the Rac> I, M i.-ire,/ hv a sartoricl Enthusiast I wa~ tin tirst ,la\ ot the Antuuin nteetinfi ami. ii ■ivihK. all the tank and bullion I >ini;a|Kire rolled by me twixt the palatial j maiisiuiis that a' loin tin highway
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk 3^-—^^ Enriched 20 per cent, with Cream, Sterilized- Not Sweetened L j A Perfect Substitute for Fresr Milk. TO ARRIVE SHORTLY ONE 6 H.P. "DE DION" VOITURETT E 1905 MODEL, 3 SPEEDS AND REVERSE TAKE YOUR CHANCE AND BUY A GOOD CAR. REMEMBER: WE KEEP IN STOCK
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    • 139 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. BnTJUm (Jmilin- iK.i'm-mii Ski tiox). I cm .*****11 (ii iileiit'L- i- wimteil at uiue for t'i.- 1 .ni.'iiiN (Jhpli-h-.. BalaiJ S2O )>er month tin- and ol Hrii nai Kr .in Ist .l;iiiu:ir> i.-»i. MOO )ier annum |Wb| 1 Mi'Hl pat :im:niii l>\ triennial increiiitiit^ of WO pat
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    • 121 1 NOTICES Robinson Co. Gentleman's Complete Outfitters SHIRTS AND COLLARS Direct from Ireland WHITE AND COLOURED NEGLIGE SHIRTS Soft fronts and stiff cuffs attached, exclusive designs, in smart and new styles. LINEN COLLARS (five fold) in all the popular shapes. RELIABLE UNDERWEARROBINSON CO. c 98. THE BANKHIHTCV ORDINANCK.Ikns. b mi: Sriiu.uK
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    • 144 1 DAHL'S MILK. Norwegian Pure Cows' Milk. THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH THE FULL FLAVOUR OF FRESH COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. The most flattering testimonials from medka] men. To be had from the Dispensaries, and retail deafen. THE EAST ASIATIC Co.. Ltd. Mi Dayartaw. July 10 9/l/0« TEUTONIA CLUB. Thursd
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    • 73 1 ARTIE TULLY Turf Commission Agent. Artie Tully begs to inform liis clients that he has a $10,000 lxx>k opened on the Governor's Cup. Double Events on Maiden und Governor's Cup 1,000/50 and treble event and straight out in all events, also 1,000/50 in the double Griffins. Tully has already deposited
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 218 1 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, iBth October. Hi«h Water. Ml p.m. OpaninfofM. Hull In U.K. I lie Governor I .10 S.V.A. (Jill!-lilMllfJ. Ml. S.V.C. Maxim Coiii|niiiv. B. aTnwnal Dinaar. Hiit.-ldflKnii.iM-. HaaMlaa'i circus. 9-15. Thursday. 19th October. High Water. l-:»4 a.m. 1-13 p.m. lUces. S.i-ond Day. MO. Strait* Time [lublished early. Hanks
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  • 1058 2 Doings and Practices. The following irnin "FIW Lance" Down Whitehall way tluiv i> lit t la ?roup of oiticiais known «s the Crown agents for tho Altaoogh ia lircctiy connected w; !i the Colonial Office they are in I it it They uuu > ..e ult.ily jm
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 337 2 NOTICES "EAGLE" CEMENT. FROM LENGENFELD, AUSTRIA. The finest Cement beds in the world. Largely used in Government Contract work and wherever the highest quality Cement is essential. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. For Nervous /^HWT 1 CHAPQTFfIUT'S Pbospboglycerate Hf i The moittm rtstoratfo* 11^9^^ r tl>ie nervous system. gam 4^H r
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    • 685 2 NOTICES. Aoents for LEA 4 PHRIITwORCmS *tg BM^bb »^t\»^^ €*U JBfe '^^^mJt •^■a^BMr I 4H[ aay. SPECIAL WARRANT "Jjdß H M l r 0 nP^Bt V* I H Ml PURVEYORS TO THE KING. I Celebrated Oilman's Stores U| NOTICE. Tin- followiin; rrtalllilhmsill i will be closed at 1 p.m. on
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    • 269 3 jDALLAN'S TELEPHONE 54 0 I AUSTRALIAN HORSE I REPOSITORY. 3& 4 Kor k Road (off Orchard Road). TUKNOUTB of every description mi: sai.i: i Bobber-tjred or ordinary) New Shipment of HORSES, COBS, PONIES, prize Carriage pain Ex Euryalus." Pint class turnouts (rabber-tyred >r ordinary) for Hut AT SHORTEST NOTICE. DALLAN'S
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  • 1388 4 The Straits PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 15TH OCTOBER. '1" ii v I'nipire anil iiieiiil>ei"K of the Tanjonjj I'a-jar Arbitration Court Naonaf their atttnfl MMB after tin o'clock yesterday morning. Then' mis. of course, a considerable inrusli of i>eople interested in tin case, in addition to than whan prnwei was required
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  • 16 4 application that the Board had derided not tegraat an application that had not yet been foriniilausl.
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  • 413 4 Sim. uoiik ciinnot Im- aocomd "i any unen viable notoriety lor charity to the etrail||er, though the cotnnninitv us a whole is ratlin yciicions iii running to the temporarj reactK of any fellow resilient «ln> has rom. financial crop|Kr. and assisting him to leave thciolony nn. ln ciiiimistanci- ot decnuv
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  • 7 4 Thk .Mniiici]nl Board meetN on KriiUj afternoon.
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  • 15 4 U>VBjmanHßim of Sales Want. .1. To Lei eU\. will be f mud on pag 6.
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  • 21 4 I.mmiiks leave JohuHton'i Kei (or th> Swimming (lnh Bungalow as fbltowtc Saturday. IK and •>:. :;il: Sunday. In 11, J.!.i and HJKi
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  • 32 4 A 1 Penaag next Mar tin Uover i-iil will elect premises tor llk Opium and Hllirii Farm Factory at a oori <l <l-_'s.i>m. A Kami town office is also to U hnilt.
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  • 33 4 Thk. Meeting ol the member* ol tin Uhuruli Work A —rotation, poatpoiied un acconnt "I the weather, will be held at tin Colonial Chaplains home on Widnesda;. Oct. IStll. ll 1O.:IO. a. in.
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  • 35 4 It lias been natiineanri that new dredger and banje« tor Penana "ill aH >2(>0.l Ml I. Of this sum S.VI.INNI will proli:ilily Ik- apart aw the end of this year and On balance in 1906.
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  • 42 4 On the 7th Oct. the n. w yacht hi. ill in Japan tat the Crow Prince <■• sium. arriv< .1 in the Hongkons on its way u> Bangkok, it is aMm little craft of 400 tons and is .-..,.1 innnded by a Japanese.
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  • 32 4 S11: MI.IHU. HicKM-BkaCH Mill no', bl present at tin- opening ol tin Victoria Memorial Hall, this afternoon, ac lie is in inoiiniiny in connection wiUi the rec.-nl death of l,ad\ Hicka-Beachx father.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 589 4 LATEST ADV ERT I S EM E NTS Modern Photography. Is it Ton<»d Bromide Prints or the Carbon Process Any tyro in photography will tell you that there is about as much novelty or trouble m Toning Bromide Prints as there is in mixing Whisky with S<xla, but a photographic
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    • 243 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WILSON CO., Artists and Photograph ers Our Permanent and Artistic Portraits and Enlargements in Carbon, Platinotype, and Bromide, Plain or in delicate art colours, rank with the liiitst s|K'ciineiiB of MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY. BBABOHABLB HKMINDER. We -hall be obliged if customers wishing to ■and photographs Home for XMAS A-
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times.'
    • 54 5 1(,.ii,,k«n.,. 17th (>,t,<h,r. nt i dynastic troubles are re|M>rt<-d to beIn < wing at Peking. Through app eliension. the l^-gation gates are partly do, I at nightfall. The sentii- p isted have Im ,n incnased in number. Pass, is b\ .i rntinised. The inis,i, i ni's at
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    • 21 5 Vdmiral TaKo's >■ bteed fleets will ii Ii brat.- tin Nelson c. iit.narv on the 21st Octotx i.
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    • 20 5 The Chines.' Tibetan c. anaioaer returned to Hongkong to day. his mission to India havinfi boon fruitless.
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    • 82 5 l-'ianco Chinese \ssi«i.uion has Ihiii formed tn develop the oil Melds in the socalled new I inion Chines.' Turkestan Hongkong, l*th October. Last night, when half way between Canton and Hongkong, the steamer I;, (hi of the VikOn. S.S. Co. collided with and sunk a liin s, torpedo
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  • Special German
    • 51 5 No Republic. H.rUn. nil, October. The Iftrnpmlen la Copenhagen journali .innoiini i s that, owing to there iM'ing no candidate Irom the Swedish Royal Family loi the Norwegian Throne, the succession will tall to Prime Charles „f Denmark. The schemes fi. r establishing a Republic iv \.iw.,\ 1,.v.
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    • 26 5 \s ic.jards the financial question in Macedonia, m in are afloat "f the three Emperorx meeting to arrange for a moderate policy towards Turkey.
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    • 26 5 Tin (.rand D.ike Cyril been str v k otf lie Russian Army List lot marrying the livorccd (iranel Dm Ins- Militant Heew.
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    • 11 5 lln compositors at St. PetenbnrK are on stllke.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 75 5 WA October. Captain .\Hiiok&, the Chiei Constructor of I Japanese battleships Kaakima and 11 1111 1 are on the point of completion. itertaini I y,-t-iliv at a far.-veil Jinni i. Vt the dinner lie presented with a rilvere-wer cup mounted on oak from the
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    • 46 5 "'wing the shortage ol otti is in Cav,ui i, eiui, nts. tin Army Council has made known its readiness to reoerre. for the time being, applications foi commissions in that unit Irom geiitlenen. without nquiiing any preliminary training at military <• illeges ■■■.in.
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    • 36 5 I lie Dc.iu oi Westminster Ins consented •!i intern nt of Sir Henry Irving in a. Rtminxter Abbey. The funeral is expected to on Friday. .11 be .i great public i, iiionial.
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    • 18 5 v I leu, -b Kt|oaelrun has 1,-ft Cherbourg for in /,i.l;, v water-.
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    • 34 5;, in i i. wilier and Lieut. Tlatlon. of In Royal Marine*, have been captured by \ughera bandits between Tctuaii and I'.iiigii i when i turning from the strandiil tn..
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    • 34 5 > o in: I■ j. ivary nas been ivap|H,inted I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i m Premier, this implying a renewal tile BC 'I' conflict between the Clow II till' p:iiliumcntai\ majority.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 34 5 Lotion, nil, Ortrtw. Sixty members of the Paris Municipality have started on a visit to London where all sorts of festivities are being arrangi-d for their delectation, including audiences with the King.
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    • 53 5 The Conservative press to day admits the seriousness of the defeat in the Barkston Ash election. The Tim-x, commenting upon the incident, points out that it is becoming more difficult for the Government to maiutain its |H>sition in the contention that it is rcs|>on sidle to the House
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    • 31 5 HOntOH OOmapoMeat at Tokyo states that Japan is pn paring to begin the evacuation of Manchuria forthwith, and the work is expected to l>c completed in six mouths.
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    • 33 5 ■ana Komura has arrived in Japan win re he was received by the KinjKror with -|ncial marks of favour. The rCmperor expressed pleas, ire at the conclusion of a satisfactory peace.
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    • 27 5 The Russian troops in Finland are being sent hack to Russia. This is regarded as sign of Russia adopting a conciliation policy in Finland.
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    • 20 5 Ihe reserves throughout the Caucasus are Ixing mobilised, owing to the continued ciitical situation of affairs t here.
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    • 13 5 The Japanese have seized the American steamer Centennial in Saya Straits.
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    • 51 5 London, FMI (h-tobfr. An bapottaitt meeting has been held at S\din v. in which Mr. Watson, the Labour leader in the Commonwealth Parliament. took part. The meeting passed resolution for the formation of an Australian Defence League. ami the adoption of universal compulsory military training in the
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    • 36 5 M. Sven lledin.the famous explorer, has left Stockholm for Armenia. Persia. India, and Tibet. He intends to explore the sources of the Indus and the Brahina)>ootra. and the lake region of Central Tibet,
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    • 108 5 The Mikado, by rescript, announces that peace and glory having Uen secured by Japan, he call- for blessings from the kindly spirits of his ancestors. He expresses the hope that Japan may long enjoy the blessings of |ieacc. The Mikado then announces that itussia has again become a
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  • 260 5 The Russian war vessels interned at Sail Kraucisco and Cavitc have been released. The betting on the Czarevitch is 7 1 I'lincess Klori/el. H7 Costly Lady. !l 1 War grave anil Admiral Bree/e. 100 H the Page. 100/1 Manmierkof. Submarine A 4 has liccn towed to Portsmouth having U-en
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  • 1983 5 EVIDENCE TAKEN. Thi-: Tanjong Pagar Doeh Arbitration Court was resumed yeste-rday. Sir Michael rJieki Beach presiding. Lori Hobe-rt Cecil, continuing liis OMdag Bii>Mßj went into tlie details of the Company's claim. This business, lie said, had shown an average profit for the last five years of
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  • 126 5 This morning, the Police re-port that a Chinaman was murdered at a brick kiln al Krauji last night. It appears that a Chinese coolie iniployeMl on the works hael a quarrel with the Chinese- e-ook regarding the i|:iality of his makkau and he hit the' cook over
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  • 19 5 On Saturday, the- 21st instant. Trafalgai Day. the (ien.'ral Post Orlice and th. sub post offices will In- clohcil.
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  • 68 5 With regard te> the Tanjong Pagar Arbi tratioii Hoard, a Press Association telegram to the Australian newanapan notes the general In'lief at London that the Dinks will ba enlarged. It is further Ik lievc.l that the Docks will lie possibly taken ,n,i by the Imperial Government with the intention of
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  • 2211 5 Thk first day of the S. S. C. Autumn Meeting yesterday provided some excellent Hport. Despite the dismal outlook in the early part of the day. the weather in the afternoon proved |o lie fine and comparatively cool, and not a drop of rain fell to mar the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 576 6 NOTICES. •■si 1 UOIOCK," No. H BHter Road, vitt ptabUag. Beat Moderate. Apply to c di:nnison. Maater AUendaot'e nfticc. 1 in? H.-.|inr.-.l miiiii.-.likUl.v. T»,, DnaMf*, ••"<• PiratUrade, oni Heoond Grade hx tin- Fahaag Corporatiot] Ltd. Hospital, Koantan, Pahang. Patenon B a Co., Bingapora. 461 Money to lend from $10,000
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    • 615 6 NOTICES. BURMAH CIGARS Fresh eveaajansant jiiHt received from Itan goon and on asla ut THE r.rit.MAll CIOAB BTORE, >4 Viotoria Dti'eel (oppoaHa I'ortuguene Choroh). To BI LET. ••AUCBENCAIBN Taagha Hill— a well ritaated aad commodious lltsukiice. Entry IMh Angnat Apply V> A. M. McNeil, B 48 SymcACo. 10 BE LET.
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    • 703 6 NOTICES. Wfie Straits Wimes. AND (9/fc Straits budget SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. Daily issue per year 930.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.50 do per copy 0.15 Weekly issue per year 18.00 do per quarter 4.50 do per copy 0.40 Wheel sent by post, there is added
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    • 193 6 Strength- [p^fl I Health- Hairs I Hope-Go Si Thistropical climatcgrows cruel and relentless the J'A*^i^ moment one begins to lose the vigour to resist. 1 When the vital lorces Norn Genuine without languish under the strain or felt work or worry, health goes, trademark and often hope as well. I
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  • 609 7 Proposals by Comtesse De Horn. The Paris correspondent of the "Daily Chronicle" writes The lady who calls herself Comtesse <i( Horn has again been amusing a lans C"<.urt With a male acquaJntanc. she is alleged t> hay hwM implicated in dnfrauaing a Bnreisn prince by moans
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  • 297 7 Korean impon |>ly let ween the bat Im iiai (iiiiu I>l-eci a (1 the ihipping l i:, the bar!" W, a ,d l'< r ti .lajiu M oenU, > u'l'v brai ii b, ot s ,ne i rowed aero t the bay a bay tairly aii-.c
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  • 498 7 The has so often boon disappointed and fooled in the line of synthetic rubber th.-.t its bare mention :<i apt to bring forth a nule of derision. This, says the Now York "India Rubber World," Is chiefly because to many ■MM have been put forward by th<^>
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  • 290 7 11l Mexico and Ontial Amerir;i, an nidigcnou* rubber tree, the Cmltilloa, is being extin-iMlv pi. ml -d. MMJ tluif is no good reason M doubt of Hlt*«rf>f .cry i-iiiit-. bang blamed. In tins on—cTtion a may ii. t in raperfltiotM t.--ay word a. to relative quality. 'I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 WhoOPIKO CoDOU. My three ehildre:!. suffering severely from whooping OOUgh, :i entirely cured after using two bottles 1 1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. John Ctauoran, Omffeon, V. B. \V. There is no danger whatever from whoop- 1 mil; cough when the cough is kept 1. 1 so a ii. l expect
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    • 212 7 NOTICES. IRE JAPANESE CURIO AND FINE ART STORE fR V m f^? «JN* J^* 9 nil A#^ j\ bTbJ r> f4J pj™ \MJ AW% 'f^'W^r i] W<M IflAo AiiU nitLW TIL An J^S^V CHRISTMAS AND NFW YEAR CARDS LALlllNDArio run 4t\ Ij^ LADIES AND GENTLEMEN 9^f Vx^pC&f^ are cordially invited
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    • 142 7 I.SIATK 808 ANN XXX -Dfckasm.. AUCTION S'LE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND AND llorsK PBOPEBTIES. To 1* held at Powell Co.'g Saleroom. tlu filriilinj. Ih, '.HI, Urt,,l,,T. /Ml"., nr ;::il p.m. KALLAXG BOAD, Two awesnuj houses. I Nos. !I4 anil M. QATLARfI BOAD, Two dwelling houses, Nos. ins sad »os-i QATLAMfI
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    • 224 7 FFI'SP IMITATIONS INSIST ON THF COW'MFT BRAND HOUSE OF LOIR/IDS Old Highland Malt Whisky There is only onoeoaltt9 ol this Whisky shipped by u», an I BemhaSSCl -re i-aiith.iie I to observe tlie "COBOMBT BRAND" ml our Trade Mark on tli laU-l. ho.I our nmne api ears on the
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    • 21 7 STEARNS HEADACHE CURE can h<» obtained from all the dis|>eosariea (quiokiy l>y post). Ke«W U.- witbout the G«nuiae. n- v f.
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  • Correspondence
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  • 28 8 Then «r< re no entries ot -.iiiin« shi|». ■a i 1.,g. (icnnan Itritinh Switlinli Ontch Fiencli Tounagr. BJWU C.ITI 1.11 .1 >7i I :.n ii Total K*a .11
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  • 462 8 A Creditable Show. What with theatres and variotj showa, the public of Singiipiire ha\e recently head plenty of amusements put oclorc tlicm; but the fact did not to any serious degree dimmish the popularity of llariusLuuK Circus ou their opening in their teut iv Breach Uoad
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  • 72 8 Till-: monthly S. li. A. Handicap Shoot ha- Im en |Mi-tpoiii d to Saturday, the "iMtli October, at LOO p. m. Members who wish to enter lot this shoot should write their names dow ii (jn tin lists prov ided for the pntpoM at either the 8.
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  • 64 8 Thk (iaiety Stars Vaudeville Company Bare v exorOeatl show at Tanglin Bamoka theatre last night, to a crowded audience of the military, who were enthusiastic in their reception ol tin piograinine. The CiMnpanv gi^e c other public |Mifoiinanee here, in the Town Mall on Thursday i to-morrow
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  • 127 8 A- we have previously notified in these columns. Mr. LcoiniM I'reinyslav. the distinguished Polish violinist, will give a concert at the Teutonia Club on Tlmr.s da\. the -'Uth inst.. which will Ih DM to sasaaben of she Teutonia and Taiiglin Club and their guests. Mr. IYeinvsla\ i-
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  • 150 8 (Minuer I'arr 1!. <i. A., v. ho assaulted a Chinaman with his cane on Moiidiv night. tM yesterday fined $I.*>, in default fourteen days, half of the fine if realized to go to the complainant. The roping of hullock carts and bullocks iv a row to haul
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  • 322 8 Sad Fate of a Mission Friend. Thk American pajHTs which arrived by the last mail announce the shocking death af Mrs. Mary Clark.- Nind. of I>. tioit. Michigan, after whom the Mary C. Nind Deaconnesses' Home, of Mount Sophia, was named. Mrs. Nind was visiting a granddaughter
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  • 29 8 ID Annual Kxami'iation of the llattles (iirls' School closed yesterday. The teachers ami pupils are enjoying a few day« holiday. The examination of tilt Convent classes commenced this morning.
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  • 96 8 Gambiur 0 H do (Cube Ho. 1) unpicked 11. 00 Copra Hal: TJO do rsiltlailSl 6.90 Pepper. Black M.IM Id White.V buyer* 35.1)0 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.5."> do Brunei No. 1 -'.7u Pearl Sago MO Coffee Bali. 15 basis 23.00 Coffee. Palembain;. 09% basis 2VOO Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • 266 8 |)Ia antii.k Bank.) oi, Bank 4 m.'s M| iteiiwn.l Jl,f Private fim's 2>i do 3 m/s ';.').,in', -Baakd/d Pri«ataom/i 2.20 >i 6in On France— Bank il .1 2.67* Private Am s 2.72* I do 6m/s ITC] On /iirfiM— Bank T. T. UU Private 30 d a 160* Ok)
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    • 81 8 W t l i N UtS. IM-HNATmN. l»vrt tmtke <l,ll<ll»,u Haft V. lUrkmen ■ineri.i tatywy Ipeai bmrn rmbatla fimmohi Hhiii) Vim; I 1.i,,, imh.,,, EMm s,/..,../.., Brit -n. Butgooa I >nt >tr. I'al.r ilmny Itr. l.iui^kat Oar rtr. Bugkoh -I!". >l< >ttl l>< > lint itr. 11.-MLlk.niu rtr. N,-.v
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    • 71 8 MAILS CL OSE tor PVi SMajaw Hrn To Komsw. Bojaanngd Bourabya tomg iia.m. rsiisiiu sinl ftmu i,i,,,,hi1, Sp.m. Kiirn|N' in ports Ilkantln p.m. Malacca and Bagau KlmtAn U p.m. I'.Svwttrnlmni m:i p .its/, ;i |„n FsiltAY. Bate' hi. SoiiiiilinMi. cii-. Hand 7 kn Muhi.,l. ,v l'.s kanhauK nriffi :t p.m.
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    • 32 8 rnmEnon B) the N. D. L. s.s. 5.,, i,.,,, ilm> on Jlith Oct. Ki-.mii Ciiixv B) Hrn MM. s.s. CaltdamitM due mi Mrd Oct. im TABU O» MUl.s 808.
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    • 64 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. &M1 Uiiakh Nil. Vktokia Qraviog l>» k KonU. Al.liKi:! OmATDn l>". I. Nil. Sk Ha 1 Kara, Oreann Apcar, Bharatn li'u.i :i Has 0» Nil. "I: 8 aJeinoun. 11..UN.,. Wll 7 Nil. 6 Nil. I Nil. IIBDCCI'I Wllllit:-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 105 8 K. A. Ja CHOTIRMALL Co, JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. ll;i\. inst received :i line collection of New Chinese and Japanese silks of all kinds, Indian, and Penian Carpets, Grass Cloth Table Covers. Silk Blouses with band-drawn thread work, Bampore Chudders and Silver and (iold Jewellery at
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    • 37 8 LADIES FASHIONABLE SHIRTS The Very latest Styles, zMi !i I S i 811. 1 J I I I ri WHICEAWAY, LAIDLAW <Sc CO. H Malarial Trouole-t and D> -winery ta. I Wood's Great Penpermiui Cure. *J ceuts.
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  • 1832 9 First Report on Administration. The following is from the Times" A vi ry interesting report on Kclantan, ono of the Siamese M;.i::y States, was> presented to the Siamese Minister of the interior by Mr. W. A. Graham, h.s Humh Majesty's adviser in the Stat.-s, r ;mc
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 348 9 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS FOR LIGHT AND POWER DYNAMOS, MOTORS, SWITCH BOARDS. Wires and Cables for all Purposes ARC LAMPS, OPEN AND ENCLOSED TYPES. Friti>li made Incandescent Lamps, Nernst Lamps and Parts. Artistic Electric light Fittings, Special Accessories for Interior Wiring. CEILING FANS, WALL FANS, TABLE
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    • 127 9 i What we Do, We do Well. —^^^J Good Work I TELEPHONE NO. 348. I Low Price Let us Quote. r^^^"™^™"| uick D"PBtckD "P 8tck Every Description of, < PRINTING Frcm a Visiting Card to a Newspaper. Catalogues. AMD Expresses, Wedding Cards. ANYTHING Menu Cards, Visiting Cards, W ELSE Bills
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  • 833 10 SHIPPING IN PORT. Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer; sh. ship bq. barque; sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht Cm. —Cruiser Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. Horsepower Brit. British U.S. United States Fch. French Ger German Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger U.— Uncertain T. P.
    833 words
  • 95 10 Bydney, Colombo, Not. X; M. Maritimea, P. Laost, Oot 19; Hi.en.lels Terrier, Bombay, 00l 18; Borneo Coy. ToU. Haiujkok. Kor. 7 Borneo Co] Tonkin. Colombo. Km (I: M MarUimea. Touiane. (/oloinbo. Oct. tt M. Maritime*. Trieste. Roaflhoog, Dee. 1; HaatenliaiMValentyn. I'.mtiiinik. (let. 11l Daendels. Van den Itrwch,
    95 words
  • 269 10 FOR SINGAPORE Pat P. .v o. s. Harmon oonasatiug with tin' sti'iimi-r Bfafaial Colombo, from] lou BsptW, ilue-.'Hth Ort Mr. C. R. 8. lta\tn dais, Miss Candy. Mi-» Kuldmi.. Maw KinliH.-k, 1). Owcii. 11. S. S. Unit, and .1. Skene. Fer P. .v O. s. s. Ml,
    269 words
  • 245 10 Number LMt i^kj j^i:^ Comp>ay Sellera T rr GOLD 13,000 9 10 »7.50 Uerbawah G. M. Co., Ltd 12.00 6,300 unused. 4,000 3 10 10 (Deferred; 8.00 20,1X10 10 t 10 Kaduua G. M. Co., Ltd. 2.00 nom. 10,000 > 10 8 il'rtf.) 4.00 nom. 6,207 K. 1 K.
    245 words
  • 160 10 400,000 1 1 ViUuu uui* uad 2,000 100 100 1. i 50 SO HO.OOO j > lii-j 120 IJ.UuO IIKI 100 a, 400 10 I 10 s 100 100 2, i ii i iUO I -i 3.J.UUU > 1U J In 000 i M s „ii •-\IXHJ I
    160 words
  • 95 10 »,UOU iiol»»U<Kl 6,000 !..'/<> UM..UCI 30,000 I2.SUU uuiwuoi 2,000 65V*. 1,000 I*l uuuuudd 30.0U0 4.UOU uuuaueu 1.50 10,000 l.iiU um. i,ui.l 1 XI llukit llajah VJ.VI.Q (UM 1 £l Cicily Rubber Kstate £1. VO XI £l s%l're. 1.10.0 1 1 Patalmg Rubber Co. 1.10 1 -.'.10.11 8100 tIOO
    95 words
  • 49 10 Howarth Erskiue, Ltd. 7. 2"ih.i)imi 1% perm. Kiley, Hartjroavea, Ltd. ti 1 M.MO i\. i>r< m I. -i% .-i Singapore Mumciial 4Uo,oi>i) ■>■;, prein buwr-. ■> l.sT'i.oou L% pram buyvn. i C-y,,. ;0n dv. Horn. Tunjong Pagar Dock Co., Lul. li» o 810,006 prem kmyan. 6% 1,300,JUU 1% piein
    49 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 826 10 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Austral-ik and Chins. IN( om'OKATKD BY HOVAL CHARTER. Oaatei i:*».ooo K.\i Liability of Proprietors fHOO.fHW Kirn.l i 5*7.'.,000 BANKERS. Bunk of^l.ui.l. Nntional Dank of Sotlaml. The bandon City .V Mi.llaud Hank. Ltd. SINGAPORE UUANCH. Cuririit AaSMSem are opened and interest illow.'l at
      826 words
    • 584 10 BANKS. Hongkong <V Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,0C0 RI.SKRVE FUND Sterling Reserve J'O.OOO.OOOi MBiMOioo hilver Reßerve 5,5(0,000 1 Reserve liability of l'roprietors »10,000,000 COURT OP UIKHCTORS. H. A. W. Slade, Esq. —Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. H. Schubart, Egg. E. (^>etz. Esq. E- Shellim,
      584 words
    • 69 10 NOTICES. PHOSFERINE The) Greatest of all Tonics. J RADIATES HEALTH. J J Proprietors Albion h Par» n% Limited, SI J 17, Farringdoo Koad, London. E.C. H. ABRAMS X^de Morse Repository ORCHARD ROAD. Has just landed ex s. s. Wahda" 25 SELECT HORSES, COBS AND PONIES. All are thoroughly broken into
      69 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 660 11 BUCHANANS BLACK WHITE Ilulils top |)lac<- in tin)ii<j)irst class «f Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve* years old. i tr> STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Jnpan, Penan g. Ley lon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean I ids, Plymouth and London. Through MiiN of taVihaj taanaa tat OWna -Km
      660 words
    • 748 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KoninklijUe PaUetvaart Maatschapplj. T'nder contract with the Netherlands India Government. A'jentt at Singaji,,re Sun- Ai.kxi v, i.atk J. Daenkki.s A Co., 2-3 Coi.i.ykk Qcay. The undermentioned (Utes are only approximate Steamer lioin l.xp teil Will be Jesjatched fer Van dtr Pontianak Oct IS Hilliton and Pontianak |Oot
      748 words
    • 575 11 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURQ. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, aud Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg niul>ncea month for llreini-rliaveu direct, calling at Peuau^ aud Colombo. The arrivals of the next steamers
      575 words
    • 647 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Qerman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Pcnang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      647 words
    • 722 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' gteamern are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straita, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward Bteamer each month extends to Vancouver,
      722 words
    • 607 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTKD FINDS BXCKZD £1-2.000,000. THE L.IBOE.ST KIBE a>NOl IX THK W111'.1.1.. BOUSTEAD .V C0.,-.l ;<.n«.. THE LONDON ANI> LAWCABHIBE FIXE INSUKANC i: COMPANY. Capital i' 2,127,500 Paid-up Capital 212.750 Reserve Fund il ,073.M0 The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to
      607 words

  • 3 12
    3 words
  • 62 12 A man wbo HIM :il>:mt bis \v. >• 1;. aril win, Mfpudi it Ha primary duty, Bad* no eeml>:ili<;ii inure ili-piiitiu^!. inori- apt lo until him for svrioiix wmk. than parting ttCKB BOOM to liny.M' in the nib aJteMtuoon, deUrering a jia<'k df vi^itiny-canU. varied by perfusetnry (Minvi'i'siitiiiii. M-aU'il at
    62 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 250 12 NOTICES RILEY HARGREAVES CO. LTD. Jl The "SAEKULAR" jg*t Incandescent Spirit Lamp. MQ[ f/r For inside or outside lighting. I r mT —^STORM PROOF^ A large stock has now tfVm I W A perfectly steady light for 20 HOURS A with one charge. /o SIMPLE! RELIABLE! f^ DURABLE! ECONOMICAL! CAN
      250 words
    • 145 12 t\ v V^H Longed=for 5 Relief i> from the agony of -i terrible head- <> (t ache might be within easy reach (t of every sufferer if she but knew it. Those shooting pains that i almost drive one wild can be .j instantly allayed, and rest and sleep so
      145 words
    • 656 12 NOTICES. 'Jor JYews of tde Straits, Strdiits Times. IT lI^S THE Largest Circulation O F ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FO R Isdegrams, READ ip Straits Times. It may tie obtained in Singapore at the following places Messrs. John Little A Co.. Ltd. The Refreshment Bullet. Tank Sepoy Lines Kampong
      656 words