The Straits Times, 6 October 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.857 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 44 1 A ru hunt lias been KraDMd in- toinoiiow afternoon, to meet at Newton station, when.-c the start will In niiiile poneta-I ally at ».!•'> pan. The rinish will Im- near the Thompson Boad Police Station where gentlemen are requested t.. -end their •yoaa,
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  • 57 1 iNWKcroa Kii:kk. had 11 Chiaeae before .Mr. s, th this morniag tor gamblin|L Nine of then w. re lined s:i each. The other two were very yorag ami Mr. Beth had a mind to yiM them a mild tanning, but he put them in a corner
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  • 97 1 Tm. FtatM 0/ Cewbrn the ITtfa Sept. says that "winy to the further delay in the dotation of the Malacca Bobber Company, I tbeCokanbo agents an inviting ■harehowara to H|iplv lor a refund at the ratonf .Js. 14 (Hr •bare with, if they desire it. the option of taking up
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  • 90 1 1 the passengers on board tli P..;. mail steamer ofoapoHO, which arrive ikm the ■Jtlth September at Colombo, a-aa Mr. W. Matt!.,-vs. of the tinu of M.-sis. Coode. Son ft (.'oiiMiiltiii^ liiigiuecni (or the Colombo Barboar Worka, Mr. Xattbewa went Kiraight on to aimmnore by the s. CoromamdeL He
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  • 382 1 The (ieinmn mailateaiaer Prbutm Wet arrived here cc vii October »u'i M 8 paaaaagan, ..1 a-bom IW iliaeiiiliailiaii at fliiiga|i<ini A Uot Ibeaa were Kroin Bremen Hn. IoBBJ Jonsen an.l ebild. From KoKenkni Mr-. J. de Brnya, Mr- .1. ma Baneraid, Mi^s .1. Bane»el.l. Mr,. Ilolznicli.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 518 1 NOTICIIS. I NOTICES. Milkmaids BRAND f^ fONDENSEDIW I VI 1 \Z MS&L Guaranteed Ww Bi»t\fr T^^* aaa^ m thli Full Cream. tudb um on ever* Largest Sale in the World. TO ARRIVE SHORTLY ONE 6 H,P. "DE DION VOITURETTE 1905 MODEL, 3 SPEEDS AND REVERSE TAKE YOUR CHANCE AND BUY
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    • 169 1 SUPPLY OF STERILIZED UNSWEETENED CANNED MILK. Tenders are invited for the s'ipply of Sterilised Canned Milk to the llospitnis m Belaagor for IBM ]H-ri.Ml of twajva month- from the Ist Jaanary, iiim>. The terms of colltriict enn he ascei tmniil from the state Bamjana, Balaagor. Tender- -li «!ii qaota the
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    • 360 1 NOTICES. i DMI'AM TIIASVI I.ANTK 01 BABCELONA. FOB MANILA. Tbatipejuah mail rtaamer/S/. i t.V/.QS is e\|>eete<l la inri\e lien fr.nn Kiii.>|h as Thnraday, tba lath liwaanl. ami will h:i\, l>n>ni|it iiaajieaiili forabora port. l-'i.r fniylit aad eaaaaji i'i'l''> ItAIU.OW .v (I). I WANTED, A reliable typewriting ekwklortwo or thm nionths.
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  • 329 2 A telegram from Norway sta'e-i that the Arctic steamer Terra Suva, which wont to the relief of the Kiala-Ziu^lor [tolar expedition, lias rescued Anthony l-'inla and all the other* conuocted with the expedition, with the exception of one Norwjigan seaman, wiio diexl from natural ctuses. The ship
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  • 221 2 London, 16th September.— The hearing of the charge against Hugh Watt, formerly Liberal Member for the C'amlachic. division of Glasgow, of having attempted to iuduce Herbert Marshall to kill his < Watt's! divorced wife, continues at the Bow-street police station. Yesterday the Treasury called a newgvcndnr named
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  • 273 2 A < -i:imk. so jjliastly in its details, as to recall the exploits of Jack the Kipper, says the Sorllt (Inn,, 1>,,i1,j Sewn of ScpteniIxr I.), was committed ill a small shop in North Szcchucu Koad Kxtcnsion on the day before. Sarah Abraham, a Jewess of Indian
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  • 84 2 Hkloisk Darmax, a dancer in theatres am" a singer in church choirs, is in custody in New York on a charge of bigamy. She has four husbands living (says the |fm corres|)ondenti. and the charge was brought by one of the number, a French wigmaker, whose purse
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  • 21 2 Shark quotations, general shipping news and (MMM lists, Deasdaa shipping and insurance advertisement, will be found on pa^es 10 aud 11.
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  • 275 2 Thb .Slim Free Prrtt throws the following sidelight on the ScliularshipH quostioii, on noticing the Queens' Si larships agitation hero: "Daring recent yean King's Scholarahipe hn\e been grauted in Smin, and several tf me m ire intellectual and assiduous -indents of oar local schools have been lucky en
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  • 281 2 Of all the pen ois in Coney Island last night, (says a Canadian journal of recent date) no two were quite so happy us Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morrison of Jamaica Bay, for on Sunday Mrs. Morrison caught a 575 pound loggerhead turtle at Rockaway Inlet, and
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  • 209 2 The business people of SouthjC'hina. both Chinese and Eurojican, have been made acquainted, some of them in a practical way, with the confusion which has reigned in the financial world there through the closing of some bogus banks, and the difficulties which others have had in meeting
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  • 197 2 Ox his return to London after an extended tour at home and abroad, General Booth received a most enthusiastic welcome. One of the leading evening newspapers wrote "No Englishman could more reasonably claim the welcome due to the conquering hero than the wonderful old man who returns
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  • 72 2 KsNi-iinthc prevailing < in Bnaas*. The people are debauched by idleness. Their c>(l>;o is dulled by the insup|><>rtiihlc tedium which drives them to drink aud vice simply pour passer In temps." is there for the Itussiau to do outside his immediate daily task A whole army of
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  • 523 2 In Bu'mi Comclei. Iv C red Alter bix Wars <•■ k«M«M Sulfcrin^ r- kin acroiula .iiui swo 1.11 Qiands By" Dp. Williams' Pink Pills "I l.kc to think now of the pain 1 suliered tor all those years. The remarkable change from the misery
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 237 2 NOTICF.-S "TIMES" MINING CANDLES. THE HARDEST, MOST BRILLIANT AND CHEAPEST. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. SIDEROSTHEN S| PAINT. Hi The standard preservative for Iron and Steel. Resists the action of Sea Water and Acids, will not blister or crack under tropical heat. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. .Inly Jl The demand for
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    • 120 2 D ALLAN'S TELEPHONE 540 AUSTRALIAN HORSE REPOSITORY. 3& 4 Koek Road (off Orchardßoad). TURNOUTS of every description FOR SALE (Rubber-tyred or ordinary) New Shipment of HORSES, COBS, PONIES, priie Carriage pairs Ex Euryalus." First class turnouts (rubber-tyred or ordinary) for Hire AT SriORTEST NOTICE DALLAN'S REPOSITORY. Tel. 540. M Dr.
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    • 44 2 Inventors are eccentric men. And make some wonderful things* From babies' fcx,d and patent boots To sailing balloons with wings. But health comes first in this humdrum life, And this ycu can best ensure, By fending off insidious ills With Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 19 2 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE can be obtained from all the dispensaries (quickly by post). Never be without the Genume. m.w.f.
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    • 211 2 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. N'tice is hereby given that the Transfer Books of the abovenamed Company will l>c closed from the 4th to l:tth October, both days inclusive. By order of tlte Directors, J. S. M. RKN.NIi:. Secretttrv. 837 THE GENERAL ENQUIRY AND REGISTRATION AGENCY. We beg to
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    • 780 2 NOTICES. Wfie Strait}: iDimes. AND (9#e Sl/difs SBudget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. V AYABI m ADVANCE. Daily issue |>er year 130.00 do |>er ijuarter 7. 50 do |H-, month 2.50 do |«rc>|.\ 0.15 Weekly issue \vr year 18.00 do naranartM 4.50 do per copy 0.40 When sent by post, there is added
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  • 1060 3 History of the Dispute A Singapore <vnvsj>«mclcnt writes tliua to t lie- i, rist I Times Situated a ckgrce or so north of the Equator, in tha tearl of the tropica island kiiiL'.loins made famous by A1bu- s c i ,u-.-sts and the druggie f.,r ti •;•<!.• muf—rj
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  • 222 3 Arnorosof the nnnouuecmout cabled some .l;i\ ;.._u> by .n:r Hongkong eoßmnoadaat, to the effect that Admiral Ni-liogatoff is procoeiltag home by P. fc O. Nubia doe here next week, the Ttmet of Sept. llth publishes a st. Pt terabura despatch st.-itin« that the wife of that unlucky officer
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  • 218 3 "Elevated" train falls into Street. Aftp.r being worked for 36 years without killing a ]>ass< ii(jer. the elevated railroad in Ww York was. on Sept. 1 lth. the scene of an ace i.lent in which 11 pcrßons were killed and 4-J seriously injured. A train was going round
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  • 148 3 At tho nnmial meeting of the Hongkong ioket Club, on the Mas September, the Caainnan said The amount of time and labour wnstc<l over collecting chits aud making oat bills fur same is something appalling and, if the Club is to continue ruuniiiH it. 1 am <>f opinion a cash
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 57 3 NOTICES. Gjianelli frLajnds flatural Milk GTJABAITTEED PTJEE. REPLACES LOCAL SUPPLIES OF FRESH MILK. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED BY THE MEDICAL PROFESSION FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS USED IN THE HOSPITALS. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 00-i Sole Agents for Straits Settlements, Federated Malay Stake,. to. STEARNS' WINE a great nutrient tonic in convalescence from fevers,
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    • 344 3 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCH INOISCHE HANDELSBANK. (NETHERLANDS INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK.) ESTABLISHED ISSS. Paid-np Cipital/7,200,000 (about £600,000) Rewrve Fund /1,572,000 (akat £131,000; Head Office Amsterdam. Head Agency Batavia. HMMM The Hague, Sourabaya, Semarang, liidraniavoe, Baudueng, and Weitevreden CORBESPOMDEBTS i» i»w» Cheribon, Tegal, and l'ecalougan. LONDON BARKERS William Deacon's Bank, Ltd. P4RIS BANKERS Comptoir
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    • 414 3 BAMKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporaticn. PAID-UP CAPITAL SIO,OOO,<XXJ KKSKHVEFIND:— Sterling Reserve «10.000.0<K)i la -nAnnn Silver Reserve 8,5«),000| 181-WO>oo Reserve liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRFCTORS. H. A. W. Slade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt. Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. H. Schubart, Esq. E. Goetz. E. Shellim, Esq. G.
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    • 396 3 Iwl ||ci/» All the latest English Sony's which now meet with so much success in the Town Hall. SOLE AGENTS: LEVY HERMANOS, 3, BATTERY ROAD. c 31 The Cairo Tobacco Manufactory THE SUPERIORITY OF HAND-MADE CIGARETTES. Nothing is more annoying when smoking thnn to have .lust mid email pi. I
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  • 1391 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY. 6TH OCTOBER. Xo man may !><■ twice indicted for the sameohVnee under the English law but are we to assume that the (ioveriiinent authorities were on the ri^ht tack wlicn they decided to prosecute the principal Crow n witness in the alleged perjury
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  • 13 4 Advkktiskmknts of Sales Wanted, To Let etc., will be found on pa^e 6.
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  • 10 4 Thk DuU-li (i.ivcinnMiit stcaniii Pkmrut arri.ed this morning from rontianak.
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  • 17 4 At London, on the Had September, tine Para was a trifle easier. Plantation Rubber quotations were stc.i.h
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  • 19 4 Thk Indian Telegraph Department is erecting I.IMK) miles of new win s iv ion Motion with the Hoyal visit.
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  • 21 4 Mm. Kmkkh. a cadet in the X.M.S. Service 'eft for home yesterday in the s.s. ('niton Sergeant Brereton went with him.
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  • 18 4 It is understood that the Handclsvenen iging Amsterdam contemplates the of a branch in Bangkok vcrv shortly.
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  • 26 4 Tills morning, two Bengali milk \.n,l.,is were fined S2f> and S"2O by Mr. Bryant for soiling milk watered to the extant of W., and l'J respectively.
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  • 27 4 Last night, when a tram oar was slopping at the Kreta Ayer Police Station a Chinaman. who wished to get off. jumped out and received nasty shaking.
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  • 33 4 Thk Karangan Hydraulic Tin Mining Company held its half-yearly meeting at I'enang on the 2nd OeOMer, and pass, d tli. report and accounts. The latter showed loss on working amounting to over V2-NIO.
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  • 40 4 Ml:. .II'sTUK Law ruled in the Supreme Court at I'enang on the tad instant that the latter had no jurisdiction iv Kedaii. a Siamese vassal State. The |H>int inn in an action for damages for alleged trespass on land there.
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  • 38 4 Whilk fishing oat I'cn/.ance. Mr. P.oyton. a visiting angler, hooked a shark, which struggled fiercely for nearly three.piarti is of an hour before lieing galled. The shark Weighed over Ktlh.. and was lietwccn 4ft. and .Ift. in length.
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  • 43 4 t ait. Shut, (it UM Aiiiltoxt. wlmli I. It Poutianak on the M inst. ami aniv<<l ban last ui-jlit. it]>oits that early \<st. ulav nrrrrningi a aaoond-claaa Cbineae paaaengei on Ikmii'il (lisa]>|Kai<'<l and hail not Ihtii found. It i- hand !><■ Ml oTet board.
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  • 38 4 A iv; u.KAi'H published yc-unlay nlirrnl to "Dalian's Australian Hone K< po-itorv ol Shanghai." Tht name intimUU to be yivcn was the Dallas Hone Repository Co., ut Shanghai. Dalian s Australian OHM l{o]M>siU)ry. "f fHwgHinm. lias iii> liiiiinlns.
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  • 47 4 Thk typhoon which struck Manila on the 2dt!i Baptember is to have been the worst one experJenoßd ainoe the Aumi iiiii occupation. In the city, rooli ware tan of and trees uprooted in the business district, while telephone anil liyht wires w. re torn loose in hundred*.
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  • 57 4 A I'l.antkk writes to th<' Ttmtn "i Cyhii: -HnhlK-r. I am aiea of robber, one hoars of nothing else. We t.ilU robber at tea. at hreakfust. at lunch, ut dinner, at aanpar, in U-d. oat of bed, and, even when we are not talking at all. we talk of ml.
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  • 53 4 What it is to an American! i'Ksi.l.nt liooM'Veit. it m'cims. at a recent luncheon „n lMMird the Vafflototr not ov i r an c\ceedini;lv delicate matter of precedence between the Knssian and Japanese naana envoys hy Inilt ing to the door of the dining saloon with a "Come on for
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  • 52 4 Hkhiiik the Marine Court yc-t.r.lav. A. CuaiagbaVß, seaman of the s^ilinj; "ship I.. Suttini was oharged with ileoertion whilst hi< TOtacl w:is lying in tiie toada. The onrt ordertnl the accused to he put on hoard. A Chinese Illiailtlag hrmafl limner was Hikkl for boarding the '■>■/( [m, before she
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  • 59 4 a aanca has bean circulated by the Masi.r Attendant to the (fleet thai ves,,U arrrring from infected ]Hnts have to aneha hi the propel quarantine anchoraye. Com plaints have been made by the Port Health Officer of delay and inconvenience caused through vessels anchoiiiiy .K, h,,. In future vessels will
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  • 60 4 A\ Australian noßaapandaM wrJtaa to a Calcutta aafrapapar -What witli Munderah. Lon»> Tom and Clicison t.n lie Great Scot in your next Vieeroy'a Cup. it should be a most iataaaMng MOa. I snp|K>se Wonla your way think it a yood thiny for Scotly but take it from me. if in-
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 51 4 Threatens no Power. liriiin, 1,1 h OeUbmr. Prince Von ISiielow. on Imiii^ questioned by Krencli n.vvspa|Ni int. i viewers, tvvice asserted tlnit the understanding lHtvv.,n (ieruiHiiy and Russia wan on the same footing as tin-dose relation, between l-'rance and Italy. The un.lerstaiidinv; did not tin, at. n any
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    • 28 4 MM Hnelow then explain.,l to ill. iiitcrv ievvers his reaaona for ti listing ill the maintenance atnann between l-i. (icrmaiiy and witii other Powers generally.
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    • 14 4 There have ban huail npio.ii ions 5,,. in the Austrian Paih.tiucnl.
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    • 22 4 Jananaaa are oonrerttng the Japan loan in the (ierinan in,,n.y market with the kno.. ledga of the (iermau (iovcinment.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 48 4 ENGLAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY. Prince von tiuelow's Views. London, Be* I Prime von ISm low baa been interviewed by a repres,iit,itive of the Temp*. lie says Germany ban no idea of obstruct ing Ki.ncli Colonial policy, provided that Oennaay'i commercial intereHta and dignity are raapeoted.
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    • 83 4 The talk oi an Angfe-Uerataa oonfliot being inevitable is nimaonM) Bow Govenuuenta ara t.«, alive to the eonvquciices of such a cmillii t to !>■■ iutlneiK I'll by pies, oullnirsts. [naamantonal solidarity is oo« Un deeply banded koaUon anyone to beo tertin* •jiiiul- in an] Inhnnational naaiml
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    • 36 4 He Uoped that tbe relaxation of Franco Geraaaa relationa premdc t<> thai mutual coiiliilent c w hich the (Icrmaus would uelioni.'. once they were convinced that France had noaanil trying t, iaolate Qermany.
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  • 127 4 Reuter's Extra Service. LATEST. Si'vi'iity-sfVi-ii sU'iinifi'K an lying ;>t Port Sai<1 ami Suez. inchMling Mxtean mail boata. 'I'lir Kiiyli-li |i:i|nt-. while agreeing with 1'iiiMi' \'cni I'.iirlnw that ;ui Anglo-liurman conflict in not inevitable, ooniment on the yriillncss anil c\ 'nii'isin id terman diplomacy. They an i:irlimil nonpfeaTol Prince Von Buekrw'i
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  • 86 4 A wikk Iioni t'ali -1111:1 clau-d 'JTtli Hep. teaabar says The native oomporiton and in< ssnii-n ;it tli<- Qovern it "i India mm! Bmflkl s rictai i.a. numbering several Ihouttait, an on strike. Th< Calcutta UasetU; .In.- yesterday, bah not yet been published. -Mii^U'r printern and private prewoii Uireaten In
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  • 84 4 Thk assiimplioii that Lord Ciu/,.n will hasten to re enUr the Hoiim- of Commons as a i/iimitl in: ni, siip|B.itei of the Drew nt (lovernment is decidedly Ear-fetched, nayn Tenth. He is v staunch I'ni' Trader, an. l his Indian experienoK bare probabl) widened his political outlook to a consider
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 632 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS EXCHANGE :o: Owing to the present high rate of exchange wv are allowing the following DISCOUNTS On purchiiscs of 850 5,, kdA 7 ■20 "> and b% On deponta ot $00 ■>„ and 7 1 •20 B% and />•■., If yon can get better terms than these that
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    • 336 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. IMiKI! THK I'ATKIPNAIiK N M. E. The Governor SIR JOHN ANDERSON, FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY THE BANDMANN OPERA CO. Bj naemi arramjamanl with Mr. Oeorgc Edwarda wffl present -ro-isriCH-TriT The Well-known Comic Opera CATiH OF THE SEASON, 'l'lie lutc-st Vaudeville Success. Note Seats previously Keservtnl
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    • 14 4 For Cold in the Head and Cough Duke Wooii Geart Peppermint Cure. Xl ciuta.
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    • 10 4 For all internal nnmtilainta take Wo Peppermint Cora so cent-.
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  • 393 5 Tin riling, the third ordinary general j rueotiufl ol tlie rtingapore Col.l Dtoraga Conpan) ".is I. 1.1 iii the Company'i Oflee, (In sii.'i', Houm Mi. Gentle preaided. The report and accounts ,which bare been bean pnhnahed in the S-, .'is|,,,wed that during the twelvi inontlis
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  • 147 5 Yks|m:i>.\\ afternoon tin- fun.ial took plan of Mr. A. I'aton, of Messrs. .Joliu l.ittli- an Co.. who ilie<l at Ihh nc 1 Mount /ion Coataga, from lu-art iliHt-asi-. Hi- bail Ihi-ii tin- tinn i-inploy for about alxtaaa yoaia. and nt «as i-iiually well likril
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  • 111 5 Tin.-, lunrniiiy. Mrs. Inylis of Nelson ltoad re|K.itcd to the I'nlii that a burglar entereil her house by a window <\n\\ nstairs w liiili had Ih-cii left O|K-n. The window was covered with In as-, wire which the thief or thieves had int away in order to effect an
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  • 63 5 A llvlain bojf employed in the Horinan lii.iiscliol.l. No". ll>H Iliv.-r Valley ltoad. ruported to his master that he had lieen awakened by a noise, and had seen another llvlaiii Ikiv. win. hail ban previously employed there, leaving the house. On the occupant making a Taunh.
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  • 31 5 Special Telegram to the "Straits Times." LATEST. HiiKjhm.j mil OeMtr. Sir Michael Hicks Beach arrived aHtuight. So far lie has not called upon tlic Governor. Nothing lias )h-cii arraiifjeil about it.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 291 5 Ft the Editor nl the Struit* Time*." Dkah Sih, Will you be good enough to allow me space in your valued journal to thank tin -Tiainwav Co. for the reduction of fares'.' At the same time 1 may be allowed la say that .In se
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  • 296 5 Veronique at the Town Hall. V. roni.pii- still running at the Apollo Tliiatre. London, with yreat success was stayiil by the Handmann ()|iera Company at the Town Hall last niyht. before a larye audience. Our Town Hall sta>;e is not a desirable setting for such a piece,
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  • 315 5 THE SO UTHH CELEBES CAMPAIGN. I i'rom nur Juvii Corrrspimil, nl./ Sniiiiiliiiijn. •J'Jth September. Tiik Princess of Lmvii. who tied on the approach of the Dutch troops, after the cap luring of I'alo|>o. the capital, has offen-d her submission. ()u 19th September, she surrendered td tin- i-nMuiianik-r of the expeditionary
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  • 2437 5 THE SUPPLY BILL His Excellency's Annual Address This Afternoon. The legislative Council met this afternoon, the Governor, Sir John Anderson, in the chair. The Bill for making provision for the public service for the year 1906 was introduced. His Excellency addressed the Council as follows Honourable members of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 637 5 TANJONG PAGAR REPORT. Tiii' TanJong Pagai [>ook Company iawed ha laat Dlnutau' Bapnrt, over tin- aafantnte: „1 tin- Hon. W. P. Waddeli, Chairman, yostorriay. In vie« ol tlie OOaoing arbitration, mil the staU- uf tbc market an regards tlie eonipan\ 's shnna, it 1 everj Hew is of iatnreat to
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    • 263 5 raoei my am. Assi is. pneman. I'retlioltl ami Leasehold Land t.iX.666 i 9 Doaka, Wnarraa, Godowna, Coal Hull, lin^s. Mnehina Shops. Ktuinilries Kleetric II, 'Use nml I'lnnt. ,Vr. :<.:U9,467 16 Land at Sand] Point 26.H17 M MOVAIU.H IMIOI'KHTY. Working I'lant. Boiler and Masting sneers, Ban Mills, fte, 210.M06 36 Rairwav
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    • 14 5 Woods' Great Peppermint Cmc i« infalliii v ftf t Children's Stomach Troubles, by cents.
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    • 532 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMRNTS. RAFFLES HOTEL. SPECIAL MENU TO-MORROW NIGHT IN" O IB JL IsT ID BARGAINS IN PIANOS. (O) KACHALS (1) Pianos by BRINSMEAD (1) HAAKE |2> and many others, to be sold S2OO (two hundred dollars) below original wllini; nnre these pianos have bad very little use, and are as
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  • 2889 6  - Thirty=six Hours in Rhio Hun Yip. llhj V Two of us <1 fidcd to spend the weekend in Rhio. The boat that took us there was not so very much longer than the lineal space required in which to write her i'.;r:!e in full. Of this length about a quarter
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 469 6 NOTICES. THE Straits i Isimes CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES Singapore. Messrs. Juhn Little Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Hall!.- Hotel. Rafllos Tiffin Rooms. Messrs. Kirn k Co. avail >v Co. Adt-ljihi llutoi. Cliuan >v Ca, K,.ir.nson Road. Hotel dc la Paix. Hotel de I' Europe.
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    • 601 6 NOTICES. FOR SALE. Para Rubber seed from 7 year old trees, quantities of 10,000 or upward; to 1 million for immediate delivery at $2 per thousand, packed in double gunnies. Freight extra. Seremban Esiate, F. M. S. Mi FOB SALE. Billian Timbers 22"x12 "\l2" ia ltaftors s"x 5" and B"x
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    • 540 6 AUCTION SALES. FIRST CLASS EUROPEAN RESIDENCE. To be let that pleamntly Rituatcd houM H Qoidbon," Saraagaaa l{..a<l, healthy knality. Tennis court, ( Htahling. Klectric^trams pass the door even few minutes. I Kntry Ist September, 1905. H. L. CoghlanffCo.. wn i.,.,,,,. AUCTION SALE UNREDEEMED PLEDGES On Tieeday, M Oatobar, UM, at
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  • 616 7 Comments in the Russian Press. A fierce controversy began in the Rus•ian Press on the 4th Sept. regarding the new Anglo -Japanese treaty. There is no denying the fact Russians of all classes feel disappointed the Chauvinists because they discover that it spoils their hopes of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 240 7 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES CO. LTD. Jl The "SAEKULAR" j>*jj Sfck Incandescent Spirit Lamp. j^r For inside or outside lighting. PROOF— i A large stock has now if ARRIVE D J A perfectly steady light for 20 HOURS J I with one charge. /JjffrlgE SIMPLE! RELIABLE! -^^•f^BS^ DURABLE! ECONOMICAL! V ym
      240 words
    • 188 7 rFUor X XwlL/ B Nobody can <rril>e the lOrturei nf JJ neurnlgU N.. hnm.iii *oidt will con»vy J an i.ln of iho a»!ul paint thai >hoot Jj th.ou S :> 1:1 c '"(1.-rcr't 1.--.. J. If rcl-hot H wirci ..i-~ •abslhsMd fur the ocrrti, the J pain would be no
      188 words
    • 1091 7 NOTICES. BIU9APORE SPORTING- CLUB. PROGRAMME FOR THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING. 1905. October 17th, 19th and 21st. FIRST DAY, Tuesday, October 17th. I.— THE MAIDEN PLATE— VaIue MOO. A ltaee for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. 31b. Entrance 120. Distance, R.C. 2.— THE LAWN STAKES.— VaIue MOO. A Handicap from lOst. 71b.
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    • 634 7 NOTICES. The Race Course will be officially open for training on Saturday. 26th Au^uit Entries close at noon on Saturday, 7th October, 1903. Kntry forms may be had at the ltaee Course, at the Singapore Club, at Messrs. John Little A Co., or on application to the Secretaries at any
      634 words

  • 318 8 De Foe v. De Fae. Vk>tkhuay afternoon, Mrs. J. Dc Koe sought inaiiitcmiiico for lierself and two children. Mr. (liccnticld i.ppcared for the complainant. a BKMafa liml scciniiioly been agreed upon, but a hitch arose about thf date from which payuicut should be made. Mr. Bryant ■aonaa
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  • 24 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. tit I, October, 1005. The XetheiTaiKlK Trailing Society to-day [{iioteh the 4ms bank ratt- at I/If. The Mercantile Hank (juntos it at
    24 words
  • 354 8 Oambier I 8.30 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 11. .17* Copra Bali 7.5S do Pnntimiak 7.00 Pepper. Black buyers 25.50 do White, 5% 3.">. 511 i Sago Flour Sarawak 2.90 do Brunei No. 1 -2.*.-, Pearl Sago $.40 Coffee Bali. 15",', basis 23.00 Coffee. Palembang, 20% basis 85.00 i
    354 words
  • 250 8 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterdny. Man -of- War, etc. Plirirw. Diit. Ciovt. li^ht h :i>e ten.l.r. :)7". tons, 27 crew 450 H.p. ('apt Krone. 6tli Oat From Pontianak. I*- I!.U. TKAOINQ VESSELS. &c. Amh,i.-i, Brit. atr. IMtoaa, Oaptßeott, sth Oct. From l'oiitiuiiiik, lir.l Oet C.c., ami 18d.p. Wee Bin
    250 words
  • 55 8 Vtw:i_- Xam>. ilX \{l,. "f-TlNATION. Urn I:,:.h-U i.. i,. M,,,,, fan RMrrJ alnloehg Drti rflMa y.7.,w,., ratom B. Hi, km,,* Out str. lintaMa -i,. riUnihaag .tr. Si>ur:lK;l\:i Brit »tr. (lima *tt. ltllllHk.ik rtr. TrTunir rtr. Jan Ow Hoegkong str. Saiyoii Mr. Bmnti* mi. i.-i, M t,ti, r.tli tilli Mi
    55 words
  • 80 8 tvr Per BMWr Tim. Ta-Hoaaa*. Triiii!£inu Kflantan Bmm Wkatt HU 7a.m. HaaoMaa via parti J/«r«rf« 9 a.m. India^in tUmg Tkpt 8008. 1' Swettenlimii via portaPia .Sraf I p.m. Hongkong and Bwatow // p.m. r .Su'vttfiiliniii riaportaafafarra :t QowuaUo, Meimdo. tW. iwm p.m. P. S'enham vi:i porN i
    80 words
  • 131 8 From Ef hope— By the 11. I. s. 7 >,«r.i due I '(n Saturlit. ri- MU IS\ t!i. M.s.-. foluunirn due on M 0.1. II>li: TMII.K Of Sllll.s I.IK. L,oit Miii;:i|>ori' Dm- mi ion Arrived /Log. S8rd N.D.I.. M|it. I7ili s,i,t iiitl, tag. -'HI, ii. I. Bapt.
    131 words
  • 63 8 Wharves at Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. E*ai Wiukk: Magmt Vtcnißu Owing i>,>< K Nil. Ai.iiniiT (iutTiMi Dock Hong IV. tin nox No. Rwrnlri. tunaiU. I' S..f:il:l. I OtauJocby. 4 Van Biamadyk. Batho, Si.ik. 6 Nil. Borxko Wkabt -7 ZiUab. 8 RhaatU. ■J Taaaau. jABMSK'f
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have always in stock new silks of every kind and description. Indian, Japanese, Persian carpets of different ookmn and sizes. Heady-made crepe and silk suits for gentlemen. Cotton and silk Japanese kimonos for ladies and gentlemen. Ivory
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    • 116 8 WMTEAWAY, LAIDLAW CQ.'S Have Just Received a New Smart and Stylish Selection of HATS in all the Latest Parisienne Fashions. BLACK HATS FOR THE RACES. SMART HATS •FOR THE RACES. \\e Jlave just unpacked a oew and well assorted stock ol milliner)* requisites of even description Onr Milliner who has
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 161 8 DAY BY DAY. Friday. 6th October. HiHii Water. 141 p.m. Huncliniiim Co. "The Gatefa of the Sens,.,,.' ft, Saturday, 7th October. High Water. 517 a.m. 434 p.m. B.T. outward mail due. HcftM.4 Co. Meetin;;. 11. Bai 6 I'.iitries Close. Hotel da I'Etliap*. Musical Tiffiu. ■aflai :i..u-i. Baaokl Diaaar. Paatr Hunt.
      161 words
    • 25 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. HONOKOHQ. i). 1. -10 Barometer j:i :>i, direction of Wind \nirn PonaoCWiad Max. Temp in Bhada .nil Manila. 1;,.. i. L 7
      25 words

  • 1494 9 Rls it Safe? is stating an obvious fact in tin opinion of "W. Lints Smith" in the St. James's Gazette" to say that doubt, exists as th? wisdom of allowing tin- evidence which finger-prints supply to weigh .-.gainst a prisc.ner, especially ii, murder trials. The average Engli;limai is
    1,494 words
  • 452 9 An cdic! cf the (inn Em] << i. translated by the "North CkJu Daily News. nun: —Some i m ago we <i dered the selection of I number of young men of ability fr> m tli. 1 varioiu province! i i vn<l them abroad to itndy, and we
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 706 9 NOTICES. TWO OPERATIONS FOB KIDNEY DIBEABE. l';un aod W ,ikn< -> iii ilu 1 Back 1) V./X >\w\\> I'ck r Apl (Jrinai v Diai rden, ate. l'.il'i lit MifTi red 90 Y-;ir>.. and 38 |i. boi t i i > ill- i kfaxwi il Plate, Pddiagatoa, Olaajow. F.i llnily \<:rs
      706 words
    • 560 9 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS FOR LIGHT AND POWER DYNAMOS, MOTORS, SWITCH BOARDS. i Wires and Cables for all Purposes ARC LAMPS, OPEN AND ENCLOSED TYPES. Pritish made Incandescent Lamps, Nernst Lamps ami Parts, Artistic Electric light Fittings, Special Accessories for Interior Wiring. CEILING FANS, WALL FANS,
      560 words
    • 70 9 Whoofitc c.ik.ii. )iv thre chlldrea, ■offering nvdi from whooping cough, have been entirely cured after u-iin; two bottles of Chanilicriiiiii > Coogfa Remedy. Jom (;ii\!:.(.;:it. Grafton, K. S. \V. There is no danger whatever from h ing cough when the HMgh il kapl loom and ezpad ration **mj vf the
      70 words

  • 860 10 D scontent with the New Constitution. London, Aug 20th. Directly tho zar's manifesto promulg. ng the new Constitution was pub L.'li- i the Go\trnor Mitcow annulled the privileges ex-t-nded to meetings of EeasSvaa, and inlimated that under the la' .st ukase the further discussion of constitutional questions
    860 words
  • 500 10 Reply to Critics. I The following letter has been received from Mr. G. A. Witt, General Agen;^ for the Sabuig Bay Harbour and (Joar Company, Limited, regarding the harbour charges, 4c, at babang Bay, Pulo Wai, North Sumatra, and has been issued for the informat.Mi of the
    500 words
  • 219 10 The abnormal conditions of the rubl-or J imir.'t have tau-^jd has bet;i det>eribed U a rapacious exploitation of the plant it n:n-:. l he state cf things on the i\'e oast of Africa appears to be parti- -ularly bad. In the Gtrman colony of Cameroon,
    219 words
  • 719 10 Story oi Kevenge. A strange ta.o aoima iroiu Peking lciiiuida uae oi st .nes of the jiid...e Ages, says luc "iwk.i Cn.iia u»A\y .\i'Wk. A certa.n MfltujA pr.uou oi Second Uiuei, wuu uolu* an Important Palace appoiniii.iiw, had a t'a- o.iriu.- secondary coupon m whom
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  • 207 10 I.vipg at Carmnrthen gaol, awaiting trial on a charge of attempting to murder .i lady and gentleman, with whom he had boon in service at Tymawr, it a butcher ranted Schreiner. he has proved to be the most remarkable prisoner on record. Schreiner is a living statue. He
    207 words
    • 1548 10 Under this heading tlu- t Mowing abbreviations are Übed I— str.— steam. >- ih.— ship bq. barque sch.- -schooner .t. Yacht Cru. Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat Tor. Torpedo H.p. Horse-power; Brit. K.itish U.jJ.— Uuited State* Fch.— French Ger —German Dut.— Dutch G.c— General i .i go d.p.— deck
      1,548 words
    • 669 10 .Viimc, port, probable date of arrital, and name of agenti. ■aatauaa. Agamemnon, China, Oct. °2> Mansfield. Alciuous, China, Oct. If Manatield. Alicante, Manila, Oct 8 Darlow. Alston, Hongkong, Oct. Adamson Gilfillau. Ainirnl Nielly, Saigon, Oct 11 Moine Comte. Annam. Djiboutil. Oct. 9th M. Maritime* Arratoon A|>car, Honkgong, Oct.
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  • 254 10 Number of Sbares Issue Paid i Value up to Last Company Buyers Sellers Trausacll.UK 60LO. 13,000 f 10 *7.50 Bereawab G. SI. Co., Ltd i,WJ uui.-i«L 4.00U 10 10 (Deferred) 8.00 > 10 i 10 Kaduna G. M. Co., Ltd. 10,000 I 1U 1 8 (l'ref.) 0,207 X
    254 words
  • 153 10 400,000 i K. i 1 ).Uuu uui n ued 2,000 100 100 i. j 40 I SO KO.OOO > W 12S 1-J.OUO 100 JMI inn I io > 10 U.OOO 100 100 2.750 100 100 ;:-f.iHKi s in -in <■<»> I 60 60 2,000 100 I I 100 5,000
    153 words
  • 95 10 70,000 »,oug u..i»u«d 6.OUU li.ixm I.SOO uuuniMd 30,000 L!,SUUuui»u«l 2,000 tiiu nu H 1,000 IS uulaauad 30,000 4.00U uulksuM 150 X 1 1 X 1 X 1 tioo 9100 1 •100 »100 1 1 X 1 X 1 $100 iioo X l •100 us Bukit Kajuli Cicely Rubber Kstate
    95 words
  • 47 10 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 7% MO£M M i,r.-in. Kiley, Hargiiaven, LU. 0% Wi.ouO ft, mm tavan. Singapore Muuiapal 6% ..J 400,000 pram buyan. h 6% 1,»78,UOO 1% piriii buyan. <% 0.V),.-,(iO X%du. uoui. Taiijoug l'ujni- Uock Co., Ltd. 6% •.'.'hj.ihui t% prim l.uj.-i-- 4% I.Jim.Aou iiit-in l>'i>.-i». I
    47 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 105 10 Üblm your bcwrls move ngularlj :i dly you will KUffai from such ■ymptoau as tlioso: Sick boadacbo, liver trouble, sour stomach, cold h:i;ids ;> 2 l cl fn't. mated tongue, wind in the ■fcomach, yellow tjm and sallow compl \ii m. dizzinoss, bad breath, chilly, shivery fo?lings. Dean's dinner pilleuro
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    • 15 10 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per feet autiseptic dentifrice, cleanes anr preserves the teeth,— very refreshing.
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    • 23 10 PHOSFERINE Th* Greatest of all Tonics. 5 5 RADIATE* HEALTH. J U Proprietor* Athlon P.irvri», Limited, I tf, Farrinxdoo Koad, London. B.C. •■•'•■aaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaa*
      23 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 703 11 BUCHANANS BLACK WHITE Holds, top place in the highest clhss of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. t 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India. Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Port*, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China CoaHt, Persian Gulf,
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    • 1309 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Monlnklljka Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. T'nder contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agentt at Singapore Ship Aoenct, late J. Daekdelk A Co., 2-3 Colltbx Qdat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be despatched for Van der I. in, Pontianak Oct 4 Billiton and Pontianak Oct. A
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    • 643 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Qerman Mall Un: The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
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    • 561 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCIA9 STEAM SHIP Go,, Ltd. AMD China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liveipo)l monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to Vancouver,
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    • 611 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12.000,000. THE I.AKIItsT riHK iICKU'K IN TIIK WORLD. BOUSTEAD Co.,— Agentt. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,800 Paid-up Capital 212,750 Reserve Fund £1.073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at
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  • 537 12 i :i the Hu> iam who t >k part .n the defence of Purl Arthur. writes a Kiisi.ui uoi respondent, has once move been revived by Qeaeral i sww ping i-i'inl ■•miia.. on 1 1 \'i. Admiral Lcln iipKi hi tin MutuiA r. n might i.c remembered, was
    537 words
  • 245 12 Trench and German Regulations. A few dav'j ::i:o ire pablithed "conimuntque" Usacd by the Govenuneßi of India relative to the question of the loadline of tt< i than British. e,i- tering i r leaving British j> its There is| no compakory load-line in French or (JcrniM
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  • 75 12 itinli Coßsn] at Poochow my thai lie !"it li.ih practicalh ceased t..' be a rprriiitiußKronml for coolie labour. In 1904 nl\ Koine l,non left Poocfaow Roinj) ohiefly to Tonqnin. Bnch «<m»li". as still emigrate i<> m.i take Nliip there. Inn bom Ktaoy. An I ii"' s,,ntii AMeaa Gorernineiit j u.nt
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 117 12 Baton and Can. Slifb iajarias of tins chaneter an of freooenj ooenrnnes in almost every houshok. While thov arc not ■aoferooa, taunt vhan blood poisoning results front ihe injury, tluv are often qnit« nainfal aad annovinf. They ran In' quickly healed by apfMying Chamberlain's Pain Balm, [t allays the pain
      117 words
      117 words
    • 660 12 NOTICES. SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. From Ist A«trtist. 190fi, and I'ntil Fnrther N'otioe Train Service for Week Hays and Sondaya. iwid DOW 1»«m». DOWN TRAINS AH. A.M. A.M A.M. P.M. l.M. I'M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. I' V SINGAPORE </..6.<X) 6.36 7.40 HUH) U.M 1.01 :i.Hi 4.11 Mg BJO lOJO
      660 words