The Straits Times, 3 October 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.854 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 139 1 In the British Court for Siam. the otliri day. !>efore His Honour Judge Skinner Turner, a man named Krancm Lanehny area ehaigad by the Mioa with lxiny ilrunk and disorderly and with assaulting the BoHoaaa i others. Accused pleaded Ktiilty. all< sa was very sorry
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  • 64 1 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. Eaht Wklßl- Maipiet. Victoria Graving Dock Sea In Albkiit Gbavixo Dock Hong Bee. Section No. Lightning, Serbia. 3 Bharata, Kofnln, Strathnu.ri.'. I Urlaim. 4 Quito. 5 Marudu. 6 Antenor. Bohxko Whabk:— 7 Zillah. Castor ■< Ocennn. 9 Nil.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 921 1 NOTICES. NOTICES. Hfl I Vem*%^ f% sfj OL VISIT I^/1 |>C I I■ I >Ld^ KOR ('IIUI"rtAKE( IIUl rtAKE Hl|: SILVER-WADE XTXXXX^aIIeLCLXVL^r ISMAIL RAHEEM BRAND jf'.3k Bras Basah Road. Sdensedmm IV1 1 I\T WKHm Where yo Nvi tilltl II w alul Ilu > "^K IWR I cl^ t !lt< S(
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    • 176 1 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co Oct. 4 At Sale-i-.ioiii. No. and 24 Tanjong lth v. Nos. II and 11 Cecil Street Produce asaesras. Nos. 20. 21. 22 an.l Kislur Street No. 17 Magazine Road. Jso. .■>:< Upper Hokien Street. Ac. 2.H0 p.m. 4 At Sale-room, land and house No. 41
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    • 536 1 HOTEL RESIDENTS. Raffles notel. tii* Grate Arck-btshop Ai athiau, Mr. aad Mn. Kiiiam. (Coiuu I lor Gi'iin.Miy;. Mr. aad Mn. D. Wilber, (Consul General for U. 8. Ai. Mi B Koudanovsky. (Consul Oeaml for l{u.> siai, Mi A. S. Olarovskj, i:u-.;i.i M lnitter-Beaidani m Jadge Skin m-r Tan i.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 147 1 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday. 3rd October. High Water. (I V 2 p.m. i'lnllriini.mic Choir. Tanulni Club. MO Town Band. H. S. Reservoir .1 to 6. Hau'lnmtin <. La Poupee." Opera Viip h m ChaaK, 9. Wednesday, 4th October. High Water. 1-47 a.m. 1-32 p.m. Germnn outward mail due. liandinann Co.
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  • 355 2 Apropos the rrcont Reutor telegram nii-iitiniiiiiu the guucral desire folt in the Australian Comni Miwciltii for a greater influx of immigrants, the following h interesting While theoretic il refonncrw -xnd agitator* in this country (says a writer in the Philadelphia Bulletin have been t liking
    Reuter  -  355 words
  • 303 2 bill new shop-houses in the main street are Hearing completion says the Malay Mml ci>rrL's|xinilriit. ami rive more are in courHe of iM'iny built. It is said that an agent, representing some towkuys in Kuala Lumpur, having obtaineil a licence, is now proH|iecting for tin abuut the
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  • 304 2 Tuk Miibui .\[ni! complains of business being tuUßpandia theK. If. S. owing tomoxt of tin- money available being in tlie hands of chettics who form a Trust. In its opinion the remedy is cheaper money uncontrolled by chcttit s, and until the country is better known
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  • 21 2 Shark quotations, general shipping news and passenger lists, besides shipping and insurance advertisement, will be found on pages 9 and 10.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 374 2 NOTION. (LEDGE MILK. Sole Agents J. TRAVERS SONS, Ltd Boat Quay, Singapore, RELIANCE MARINE INSURANCE Company, Limited. RISKS AT CURRENT RATES. SOL EAGENTS: J. TRAVERS SONS, Ltd., 8 Boat Quay, fiirigrapore. Singapore Sporting Club. BOTH E. No Motor Cars or Motor Cycles will be allowed in the Sporting Club (remises
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    • 119 2 AT THIE! INTERNATIONAL RESTAURANT D'Almeida De Souza i treets. 50 cts. Tiffins Open Sundays. 4- STOP July IS tu. th. flit. %tJtt Simpson Co. COACH BUILDERS. By Special Royal Warrant of Apoointment to HIS "MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII Harness Makers, Billiard Table Manufacturers, and Motor Engineers. Head Office and Factory:
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    • 48 2 Anyone that ha« sore throat Must know he's caught a cold. Our good advice he then should note, And do what he is told Which is if he has got the sense To hasten to procure The thing that sells for eighty cento. Borne Wooiw' Great Peppekuixt C'i-re.
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    • 202 2 NOTICES MOET CHANDON THE CHAMPAGNE DE LUXE Storked by all the best Wfoe and Spirit Dealers. BUCHANAN'S "Red Seal" 7 Years Old. "Black 9 White" 12 Years Old. ALL DEALERS July JS For functional troubles, delay, pain and those Irregularities peculiar to the sex. Prescribed by the highest French Medical
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    • 161 2 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH A LONDON. Established 1797. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount insured .£335,000,000. Losses paid 11,600,000. Premium income. 906,000. Insurance effected on almost every description property at current rates of premium. Risks for 10 days are now accepted at 4 cent per $100. THE BORNEO
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  • 470 3 The interesting and c\tr popm.i French piece Iji l\.up-je' is to g\\ v l>v t.iie l<;'.ii(lninnn op«n Co., I and realist in a betUr II lltolllainlilH ol tho piej.- by thus- wliu bava in. I MMI il. we give tl;e "plot" below: Inc funds of th- nionastery are
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  • 294 3 Couiti Katsura, the Praouer <-f .lapan, received tin' PrMkdtatl and VnvPresidents of both BoMM fA the Diet and a number of lead.^ii; nembwi of the two Houses, <m Sept. 9th to whom he communicated the mbttaaea. <>t the Treaty of Peace. All the Other Miniters of
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  • 13 3 Advkktiskmk.nts of Sales Wanted, To Let etc., will be huml on pane 6.
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  • 116 3 Thk iTccts <if the norm— iliaj aada by the KUitiic Tramway Co. in Urn matter of prac-lii-ally ilouUinj; tin- ilisiam-i- fur the Ktanding fans him: Ih'cii very "rent. Vciinlny the cars cm the SacaagMMl section urn- crowd 'I from four ill the aJtafMNM till late at iiii;lit. Kven the ruin
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 151 3 NOTICES. HERCULES Nov. 10 iu.,l, STIVEN&CO., «w>re. KATZ BROS., Ltd. (o) Having taken over the Sole Agency for the sale of the products of the well-known factory La Flora de la Isabella ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH Manila Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco AT THE SAME PRICES AS
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    • 351 3 SINGAPORE ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS, Ltd. REDUCTION IN FARES. the MUdmWtm i:ki.:ct.i. naai urn.i. (omf. into operation on ist October, 1905: WHITE TICKETS. First Cla«« 8 Cent* Second Clats 5 Cents Between Keppel Harbour and T. P. D. Entrance any dibtance T. P. D. Entrance and Johnston's Pier do T. P. D.
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    • 250 3 FOR THE RACES. A fine assortment of powerful field glasses just unpacked. Novelties In Pliable Opera Glasses lix s.s.. Oceanien New Gramophones and records. LEVY HERMANOS, 3, BATTERY ROAD. c 31 I eT* a^ IT *aT* GREEN IHVI-I BUTTERFLY 1 »J^^*^eWfcJiei%y BRAND 11 I- not condensed H^ f l\ r
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    • 68 3 I Lad weak I i.~.k le nj bai, With a ooagfa an. l a sold 111 mv hi ad, IMy frianea van aßaighiiig, aa the) Ihooa^t 1 »m dying, Hut I Iwiiislkxl nil ft-urs »litn I suml liiui 11.1.1 nm> hava U.i- ana, Ulll to die tlint I will not
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  • 769 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY. 3rd OCTOBER. A HWMMR couimunicates th, di tails of an extraordinary incident which seems at a first glance to merit the serious attention of the authorities concerned. We would state however that there are two sides to tiie story. On informants version is
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  • 639 4 Hkitkk's announcement to the effect that Lord Curzon— by the Kings asfeaaaai desire— is to remain in India to welcome tin Prince and Princess of Wales, helps to dissipate a common rumour that has Ik en dis seininated freely by the American anal to the effect that the retiring Viceroy
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times.'
    • 63 4 Officers Absolved from Blame. Simla, :'n,i OtUkmt. Lord Curzon s final order in the notorious Kolt case has been issued. It absolves all officers from the charge ot malicious prosecution, but blames tin Hoard of lit venue for premature and hasty a.-ts. Mr. Holt's
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    • 32 4 NUBIA'S PASSENGERS. Sir M. Hicks- Beach and Admiral Nebogatoff. Hi'iit/kcn.,, 3rd Qpfatei. Sir Michael Hicks-Keach anil Admiral Nehoajatow! are paaaaagan by the Nniit, from China, due at Ihajßpan on the 12th instant.
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    • 102 4 The China MeieluinLs rt— ffnit struck a mine ninety-miles we-tof the South proinontoiy on Saturday. Fifteen wan drowned, inihidinu the Kutfiueers, Messrs. Muir and Mauehan. [The China -Merc-lini.tK BtaMHhipHaM llu was a steel screw Hteamslnp of t,TCotOß*aad 170 nominal hoi-Bepower. Slu- was limit In tluUraiigim>ntli
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    • 9 4 M. Witte lias been made a Count,
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    • 15 4 1 raffic through the Sue/ I'anal will Ik resumed on the Hth just.
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    • 12 4 The cruiser Natal was humdwd CM Satin day.
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    • 27 4 The I'rinee ol Walaa ha- -iynitied his iuahi liv toexUMid histouru> Honnkonj;. where he had haaa aahai to unveil the Kinys statue.
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  • 67 4 lamentable puMieiUion of their Mepeotfve letters wliidi btOMght dtmmx to an uiifortunat.- epiaeda one iraaU have thouylit that Lonl Curzon would ha*e preferred to innke lii. .1, partine as unostentatious aM possible. Tins is apparently not so. Had it l«,u the eaae, the Kin« Wv.uld never ha\«- .lieniiied of WOCfjiag
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  • 370 4 !i MM :i pity, in view «;t the popular ■teM wbJeh attended Hwinpwriin ol '•'< Uiuuliiiiinii OjKTrt Camp/my at tin- Tern Hall last night, that the iiiana«< nieiit of the Hotel de 1 or sum,- other convenient esUhlixliment. did not aiNUaji us on ftm vions occasion*— to rcniiiin o|>eii
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  • Special German Telegram.
    • 6 4 [By nperinl amaafeawwi with OtUmatimoht U,.,i,ir
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    • 56 4 eVrfiw, tnd Omtoktr. Soin,- nyooo workim n eniploye<l at the eleitrie works here have ln-en dismiss, I to,la\. The fii.nieii at the Klectrii- works him joined the "trike. The workin;; of the i-1.-ctri. tramways is thus rtWeeaaad. In Itcrini there are over one bandred dirt'iM -lit abotrio
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    • 21 4 Sijjm.r Tittoui. after bavins, rafjaajad in i.i.i-l satisfactory discussion* with Prince von Muelow. returns to Italy ru Bl me.
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    • 50 4 Porte will not Recognise New Commissioners. In a note to the I'owi 1 the Porte n Men to aokaowledgß the aewlj appointed intei national Coiiimissiouer- U> h-<\: after the tiiiaiKi-s of Macedonia. Bad i.-.|'iests the Powers, through the Turkish Mithoritieii, to refrain from sending the ('omiuissioiiers to Salonika.
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    • 29 4 llcrr von lloseii. who has I- n m'afntillt lllH the Meneeo Af^aeaaemt in Paria, waa ie.ei\ed by I'usiileiit I.oiilm-1 h<-i'ore stalling for liaden -Ituilfii.
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  • Reuter's Telegram.
    • 35 4 London, 1 The l-'reneii cruiser Siilii/. which has Ih.ii ashore in TonKii.M M,,y sin. lant H has broken in two. She cost a million poOßck --t. i lion to h lihl.
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    • 21 4 A territie storm on IheooaetoJ the(inll ot .Mexico has devastated the eotl oropa over a htt>Jl ana.
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    • 34 4 Homeward Mails Carried on a Tug. Tiler.- are now thirtj lhi{M iit Sue/ awaiting paaaaga throo^i the Canal The mail-, iiave h* .1 -cut to Port Said l>> a tun.
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    • 44 4 Washington's Warm Reception. President Raaaavclt .it.iim.l to W.i-li inyton for the til .t time sin, the treaty IM eoneludt -d. He «us gteetuil by aa Maembbgu ..t MOOfiOa people, the da lataatioa beinfi nnnjnaHnl vine.- the «n loodk aeooried t.> rre-i.lent Lincoln.
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    • 12 4 President l.o'.diet lias opened important ooßgreai on tuberculati« at I'.ois.
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  • 34 4 malted in the akafag of tin < rtaHialiineal a blah stand- at the »erj dan ol the To i Hall so to apeak nearly hall' an hour before thecurUin fell on T*nr— itui laat uiulit.
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  • 41 4 liv a misprint in last Friday issue, the amount mentioned in connection with the rebuilding MheuM of the Tonalin C1 ib appeared aa *2(Hi.ikni. It aliould ban read mOOO, which b expected to be raAci nt to oai oat the work.
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  • 45 4 Tax local laaagi roftbeSonUa isritisi, i-§,-, anil Marine Insuranc- Comp&n) informs us that his beadoOoe advfaei by cable that a dividend of 2.">", perannmn baa been declan d for the year ended Slat tuuust, IQOS, Mid that MOjDOOhaa been add I the li.-, rvo Funds.
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  • 66 4 Thk lnanv fiien.K of Mr. N. Adi-, the malar broker, will tenet to heat that he has ban luid up sine, Wed:n -sdav lust with an atUck of blood |K.i-,,nin.j „i H,,- Kg. Tlie doctor ,\|M-ets that he will i>, able to bi in and out again n.-xt week, but
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  • 132 4 At the meeting ol the wisl.uive Coam d on Friday MXt, the bill for making pm\i sion for the public wrrioe for the year I"**; will lie submitted for first reading, on which occasion 11. K. the (imernor will delm-i Ins annual address to the Council. The other business of
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  • 12 4 W.khU' Great Peppermint Cure la inf»llib!o fur Children's Stomach Truublcn. HO cents.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 312 4 LAT EST ADVERTISEMENTS Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (KSTAM.ISHKII 1«M) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE AND PENANG. PSICB LIST OIST APPLICATION. \l tv ih u. e. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street, And Branch Store at Hotel de I'Europe. H»V( i.. t .|him.l
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    • 252 4 WANTED 11 Chine-*, llillliiew Apply nt the I'lianm>cv. Batten 1! ma, SinaMnf*. 1 -Vis DR KEW BROTHERS. Dental Surgeons m the only aaataai i.i tin- ariaay •he ha«a the BMflKai 1111.1 aM capable of inserting i:i:^()VKAiir.;:itKii)(;i:sami porcelain INI.AY BHfaHB, Meoaaieai by the profession te l>f lli |ierf, ti< f dental
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    • 172 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WILSON CO., PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. THE LEADING AND ONLY First Class Studio in Singapore. KVKRY DAY OF THE WEEK We produce photographs of the highest potisible excellence, which can be inspected in our Studio ALL THE YEAR ROUND. BO BK cent, of the best Cabinet Portraits tahaa ia Siugaimre
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  • "Reuter's Ertra Service.
    • 32 5 Death* of the Commissioner. l.omlon, tml Ihtnhr. Captain Sir DomM SUwurt. Com missioiiei and Coiiiinander in-Chief of the Iliitish Bad f rica rHutautOin*!, has died at Nairobi, "f Benmonio.
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    • 27 5 Then !i. bn I I marked de. yellow fi .it New OrU'ims. which is aaoribed ki tin -ysU inatic destriHtion of in"-|uito.
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    • 33 5 Lord Hias-cy has offered to erect a large niuiilxr of w.Kxlen eottagi's on thr Knglish model for the Italian eortkqfMln ■oflowto, md the offer has BOH gratefully aercptcd.
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    • 27 5 Itii-sia. tln.inyh I'ranee. has niadi' repre si -ntatioiis k» Japan ante her treating pri -oners who atUnipt to OMOna as ordinary criminiils.
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    • 49 5 The Colony of Itritish Columbia, though appreciating the prowess of Japan ill tinwar, and tin iMiietits of the new Ailiiince. has not modified its attitude towards the Asiatic iiiiiniyration <\:u -tion. A renewal of the anti Japanea* legislation n,. s i Maaion i- ci.nsidere.l certain.
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    • 25 5 <;>, at Itritain's ivvcn.ic for the half-year shows an increase of f74jMQ, M cinp.ire.l with 1904, and despite i';ie reduction ill the tea duty
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    • 38 5 Lord Curzon Will Welcome the Visitors. MtheKiag'i apeoioJ wioh, Land Oarooo will stay in India to welcome the I'rincc and PrinOßM "f Wales to India. The Pitiii iii lms ins]Mcied the boom at I'oitsmoiith.
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    • 39 5 Seven people were UDed and many injured iii a cyclone at Capetown. Malneakarj am vi. ok) d and hundred-. booMlaaa. H. M. S NATAL." Tbeeruiacf Smtml, IMK) omm, onoofl Sl] knou. baa been ■nooeiwfully launched at Harrow.
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    • 104 5 Sensational Disclosures. The American liacloaores, are daily DOOHBfag i remarkable. Tie eminent banker, Mr. s.-hiff. cx-direc tor ot the EqoJtabk Company, has caused a aiiooi Him by deponing that the directors of large Hvm Vorl< t ocynaotono are i negligible quantity and are valueless for ebeeldng
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    • 7 5 Witv h.i^ been. enoJei Count.
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    • 19 5 The result ol the IViiicc Kdward Handicap was: Cape Verde tir-t. filenamov s, ,on,i. Cliallacimlx' third.
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    • 24 5 The discoveries of aVfota lor Ixuiibs and explosive* iv tin boaaei of taneoJoaaal Constantinople is causing much IX liny in Turkey.
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    • 20 5 Til -re have been lifty case-, of cholera in „t hill .1 Week, twenty ei^llt of them
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    • 57 5 Officers Entertained by Mikado. Ki -liter cable* from Tokyo Otoal pi i par aii'iis are Ik int; made to mIOMM the ItritisV. China Sipiadron. whi.ii inives iv Japanese m the 6th teat nud remains there a fortnight Vdmiral Sii (miiii.l Noel anil his officers trill
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    • 29 5 I inborn of Commerce at Tokyo li«s 1», n held to onsidcr the 1m st nn thods of pushing the development of commerce after the war.
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    • 48 5 Tremendous Loss of Military Stores. London, trd Octolu r. Fire has destroyed twenty-seven army stores buildings at Hiroshima. The buildings are still blazing. Tin- fire is believed to be due to incendiarism, anil the damage is set at from five to tell million yen.
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    • 27 5 The brand new Japanese steamer Bmmm, oftieeied by foreigners, was sunk by a mine iv the Yellow Sea on Saturday. Fifteen were drowned.
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    • 25 5 Mr. I. .Machell. adviser to H. H. the Khedive in the Kyvptian department of the Interior, is Majftjol to the Countess Victoria (ileichen.
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    • 110 5 The draft RMoka bml^et for 1006 proviiM tor extensive railway construction, especially the development of northern llnssia liv direct line l>ctttecii St. l't'tersbso] uml Omsk. It is understood that it has also been decided to In-oin doubling the Siberian line. At a meeting of the Associated Chambers of Commerce
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  • 656 5 "The Toreador." Whkn |m| ill. liandiuann Opt-ra visited uk in Siny. i|miii- there were mauy who Mid upleaaaat tlimys ulHiut their rapidity of departure, which deprived the town of .In pleaMiiv of witucssiiifj their pedantauce on the last nijjht for which they were billed to appear. But
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  • 13 5 [The Strait, 7'i'im.j. is not responsible for the npinionH of its correspondents.]
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  • 1770 5 To tht Miter </ tin strait* Timm." Sir. The recent correspondence in your columns under the alxive caption should echo the sentiments of the majority of the oMKm clement having interests at stake in our Far Kastern Colonies who are in constant contact with natives. I particularize
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  • 425 5 Y'o the Hikr 7i«iM." Sn:. "On and after Oct. Ist the fares on the Singapore Trams will be reduced by half." This new arrangement did not give the least surprise. At the commencement the management was either attempting to acquire an unreasonable profit, or their experience in the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 662 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE "CRAG" HOTEL PENA.NG HILLS A well Known Health Home Crisp and bracing- atmosphere. ALWAYS DELIGHTFUL Instead of going to BvBOfM for a run 1 Why not to the "Crag." next to your door. do if your doctor sends you Go if you want v spell Go for
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  • 375 6 Action at Canton. There is no doubt that, at Canton, Viceroy Shum hai been lately endeavouring to cruth tho American boycott. He uas imprisoned Mvenl oi -he clii.f agitators, NMtd proclamations stonily all public me -tings and sptecn making, and warned tho p^aple that if they an.
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  • 518 6 Among the eccentricties of human nature the celebrating of queer anniversaries is prrhaps as little noticed as any. Almost everybody makes merry over an iiiniivcnary of some tort, and MM of th?ni nr2 anniversaries that would Eeem to call for anything rather than merriment, says the "Pittsburg Gazette."
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 650 6 NOTICES. CIIINKSK Ilispenwr wnnteil for Penang. He must have Im.l collsiilernble experience an.l be a thoroughly good man. A kno\v| (l li;e of Cantonese is also ilexirahle. Apply "British" c/o The British Dis|KiiHary, 8 Raffles Place. t -2IH WANTED BaaUsMMf (Chaaasa) for Kuro|H>Hii linn of me ivlmils in IVi.mipJ. good
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    • 549 6 NOTICES. BURMAH CIOARS Fresh conaijniment just received from RangmnanJ on sale at THE DIIKMAH CIGAR STORE, ">4 Vuturia Street (opjiosite Portuguenc Church). M TO BE LET. A compound house of two stories. No. 28 Sophia Koail Immediate entry. Apply to l'.msep Street. U 111 TO BE LET. ISMAH.IA." Tannlin, furnished
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    • 700 6 NOTICES. Adrift f= r and Hans Helpless Many a man and many a woman drifts upon the m^i^ breakers, helpless wrecks of their former selves. Are you drifting Are you losing vigour growing thll weak and nervous and trade hark easily upset? Brace vp take I 1/ Hall's Coca Wine
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    • 358 6 MORTGAGEE'S SALE. n'edntulay, 4ih October, at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. Dwelling house No. Clyde Street, Singapore Town, I.HIK square feet, part of Lease No. 505 for 999 years. Lot 2.— Three dwelling houses Nos. 59 and in 1 Clyde Street, and No. 42 Jeddah Street, Singapore Town, .1.271 square feet,
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    • 641 6 AUCTION SALES. FIRST CLASS EUROPEAN RESIDENCE. To be let that pleasantly situate.! houM ••Ooldhiirn."S.-r»n(!<x>n Road, healthy lunalH i Tennis court. C.kkl stabling. Klei-tru- trams iiass the di>or every few minutes. Entry Ist September. IMB. H L. loghlanty Co.. 1 1 iii h Agents. ctt MORTGAGEE'S SALE. To be held at
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  • 900 7 British Administration. A Record of Success. In pale blue covers, with the imprint "Kuala Lumpur, printed at the F. M. S. Goxernment printing office," there has been .'ssucd, says the "Morning Poit" a small volume of rather more than a hundred page.-, hearing the unattractive titla, "Manual
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  • 631 7 The following letter appears in "Indi in Engineering The prcgresu of IMb industry in the United States has been extraordinarily rapid during the last tew years; or.gmaily smarted m 187"J, its davtop— 1 wai extremely slow, and no less than three out of the six original ma nutac.ohes
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  • 309 7 It is nut generally known, says the "Siud Gazctie, that the Sind dawk stainpj which ph-lateli Us prize so h;ghly. w^re the first postage s.«mps used 111 India. They were introduced by Sir Bartle Frere in 1854. In a private letter to a frjond, quoted in Martmeau
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 200 7 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE &CO.,LTD. NEW fashi6ns RACE WEAR. A."/fi/-'*)ic" jj/'" %*V LATEST PKOnrCTIONS IX TRIMMED >»..-^ t PARISIAN MILLINERY Jfr y^ f spkciai.i.v sii.r.cTi:i« rm: rs hy a ■■LSj. \*o^^& WL A '^A CHOKKST DKSKiXS AND SMARTEST V' J^-^ effects in *mr ladies dress I *^XF Hr^'^ MATERIALS. LACE, LINEN,
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    • 214 7 H. ABRAMS W6e Morse Repository ORCHARD ROAD. Has just lantled ex s. s. WaMa" 25 SELECT HORSES, COBS AND PONIES. All are thoroughly broken into both harness ami saddle, [napection invited, and any reasonable trial Kvery horse guaranteed according to the description given. f H.H. NOTICE. It licreliv 'Ji<<. n
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    • 16 7 For Cold in the He vl an I nelis take Woods Great Peppermint Cure. 8 cent*.
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    • 23 7 STEARNS 1 WINE improve both a n petite and digestion. It back heakh to the weak and skklv. But .>'«//< m' if inc.
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    • 700 7 NOTICES. THREE LUCKY WOMEN. Sufferers from Indigestion Tell of their Cure by Mother Seijjel's Syrup. Food is one of th? first moositios (if our lives, as necessary ti> us as tho nir we breathe. The first cry of new born iataut <s the plea for food, and the need of
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  • 1109 8 Thi 'j"int: this tDornina wan i hin piov.d. ..wing to the r;iiu of y.-stnlav after v.and in ooaaeqncnoc the uiajoritj of h..|-s. s were given gi«»l working ga"ops. Several, how evot, wen- noticed to b, -fill ni and have evidently aot got m-i-i their Among the beat work
    1,109 words
  • 1022 8 The Solicitor's Shoes. Kvm I II \s .lons, a Klinu who bail Ixvii in tin- employ of Mr. Han-is when occupying room No. t> Hotel ile PBaNM, was yesterday llhwgH J by his tormer mastei ith the theft ,il a pair of slux's anil two pair of
    1,022 words
  • 116 8 A Hint to other Singaporeans. Tiik ineiulH'is ol the Tcutonia Club including several ladies went out to sea Kast on Sunday in OM of the new N. I). L. local IxhUk. kindly lent for this occasion by the oinpanv and their local Agents. The \),,n,,1,i. Captain Kodenbur».
    116 words
  • 91 8 Mkmiikiis of the Singapore Police Force are still protesting against the necessity which they have been put under to weal" ivy the heavy service boots forwarded from India to replace their present foot-year, (hie well-known Police representative opines that while -2-4 im-h boots may be all
    91 words
  • 164 8 Jumps into the River. This mom if while two prisoners limn Mr. Hoo|>eis depaitiiunt Here U-ini; brought down to thr Central I'olice Station in charge of a mill, i iikilii. one of them, a Chinese. shipped off his haiuli -tiffs and jinn|>ril into the liver ill an
    164 words
  • 174 8 Last Night's Play. .v. Cn— Sis,. Hvm.i, Tay Boon (iimu 17 lx?at Onjj Teck Urn ear. B. Cns>. S. .lifi Ong Siang +.i l>e*t Xeo Kwe Ho scr. Tan 800 l>iat 5 beat Senli lientf Joo. Other ties will be played off on Wednesday
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  • 21 8 TIJK (ierman mail sUiiim-i Primemi AUct left IVming at m>oii to-ilay and is c\;ici Ud here to. morrow at 8 p.m.
    21 words
  • 23 8 Tiik P. ft <>. extra steamer Ifmapwi left Kombay on Friday iiiumin*. and is expected to anise here at ti a.m. on Tucstluv next.
    23 words
  • 56 8 Ai:i:im.kmksts are in course of completion for the formal opening of the Victoria TheMOdal Hall on lsth iust.. at 4. -h) p.m. b loliu Anilerson will call Mpun 11. K. the (•o.eruor. Sir John Anderson, to perform the inaugural ceremony, and Mr. I), (i. liroadrick will l»e amonn the sjH'akers.
    56 words
  • 65 8 I'knam.'s veteran tiainci anil jml;i v. Archie Campbell. jink-ci iU to Australia ibis mouth on a holiday. Dufaaj the many years •Archie' haM." says the Piuaug Qmmttt, "been with us he has always U'en well to the front, the powwftd local-owued Htable over which he holds s\vu\ having won practically
    65 words
  • 110 8 Mark Twain. cniiiniriitiiiK on the iieaee iiyrciimnt. says: 'I think the Czar will now withdraw the small humanities that have beeu forced Bpoa him. and NMM his mi iliii'viil barbarisms with a. lelievetl spirit ami imiueaMiirable joy to think that Cnssiau lilxrty lias had a last cliiuici- and loot it.
    110 words
  • 160 8 Yesterday's Ties. (inviii.ssiiii-. L E Gaunt beat Miles. 6 2. 6-4. B. Sim. 1 Is. H Fort 1 v 0 P (iriftitb-Jones scr un finished. \V S Barrett 2 beat C CiinraUi J, 6- >• Diamm fmi Tik. H J Carter— 2 v F C
    160 words
  • 89 8 'I'llK. result of the Uiwliny at tin Tanylin Club for the September Monthly Medal was as follows A H Wither C Cunnuli II A Mason A H Simpson yah mm I. I. Hunter R T lleicl 1> Ritchie B 0 Ilnrtnel! W I. Krinp A K.ilrtNiill T O
    89 words
  • 26 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. M OMaftjr, The Xetherlauils TratliiiK Society to-day quote the 4 ins bank rate at -2 I The Mercantile Kank quote it at 2 I,V.
    26 words
  • 98 8 Oambier ..8 H.37J do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 11:17* Copra Bali 7.55 do PontiMiiak 7.00 Pepper, Block 28.00 do White. V 86.25 Sago Flour Sarawak ->.'X, do Brunei No. 1 LM Pearl Sago 5.40 Coif ee Bali. 15% basis 28.00 Coffee, Palembang, 2C% basis 25.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
    98 words
  • 257 8 (Mkkhntii.kßvnk.) 0a l..mdm,— Bank 4 m/s 1 Demand 1 I Privates m/s 1 do 3 m/s 2I On ffiitit Tlniii iiJW I.M Private 3 m/s I.M do 6 m/» SJOj 0* /-i.imv— Bunk (1.1 MS Private 3 m's 1.19 do fim/s 2.7:1 Oh Imlm— Bank T. T. I.'i7[ Private
    257 words
  • 191 8 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. TRADINO VESSELS. &c. 1:,,,, Whmlt in,,, Hnt. Htr. Iff kana, Cant RavvliuKson. 3itl Oct. From Telobnn, JNtl, Sept. (;.c.,»niU(itl.|). Btratta Sttaaaahip Coy. Ltd. For Telobnn. 0. ltdx. Caatar, Bar. rtr. 774 tana, Cant Martin, M Oct. From Hongkong. Hallast. Kala Bros. Pot Laagkat, M
    191 words
  • 46 8 Vmi-Nivl '"'it'i!. Pamiuuiaia. Das 1.,.n,1,;, 1:,i,1,i Brit rtr. Colombo tad ii,;/ i,-:,,, it Up rtr. I'.iiti.-ui.k tad Whnll tfaw« r ir rtr. P. Hwettenliam Snl '■'"'"< rtr. Palambaiig Snl Dul itr. I'alemlmuK Snl HhHHI 1 Get rtr. Moluocaa Si 1 ..1 Sanwmi Bar str. Barawak Srd
    46 words
  • 92 8 h.-r atmmrr I Tn.M Hamhaa, Peotianak,«to.t7i 1 >».m. P. si, nham S Peuaufl KlmHui i I'iineh. Aaahan, P»nanfl l««*«ii noou Keliiutiin I i.1,,, Uuiif<ki>k .1,111.1 Xinlt I Tfluk vim |>..r:s s, ;j Panaag and Del. < s p.m. JCalaon ,v Port Diokaoii 11,.,,., 1.i..,, P. Diekaan and
    92 words
  • 120 8 From K'tuniE -By the N.D.1.. s H iUet due on 4th (lit. Prom China B) tb« M. M. t. a. due ou Ma 1)1 t. M T.vlil.i: iik ii.vllji ni k. IjCft Slll^U|pi|-r An*:. tSrd D. I. Aii);. Mill 1!. I tag. Mb M. If. Ann. BUt
    120 words
  • 26 8 Arrived 2nd October. Par A'iwh.l rr.,1.1 Panaag Mr. Linaiak, Mr. stev.-ns. Mr. Kinioot, Mr. aii IHi H bid, Mr. BoaMU, Mr.Caaiai maml Mr.
    26 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 107 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Hum iilwavs in stock new silks of every kind and description. Indian, Japanese, Persian carpets of different colours and awes. K.iiilv-inudc crape and silk suits for gentlemen. Cotton and silk Japanese kimonos for ladies and gentienfO. Ivory
      107 words
    • 100 8 SEWING MACHINES IN THIS WE LEAD FRISTER ROS MAN'S jk ft FANCILY MACHINE. i^BS9n«a^^^flnl T, s "lustiiition, mounted on l>csl wiilmil wood WY l| lms(1 w tn i()\!>r. blight parts heavily ))lat<'d. easy to yp "j I iiuuiipuliitc. will turn out any class of work in j^nnnnnnnJ^gniHMMHpPS^k HH^» faultless style,
      100 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 33 8 WeATHER TELEGRAM. HONGKONG. Sxi»Oi i. lit ,-,.i,i. Ban muter :,,i n; I >i i. 11.1 1. n .if in,l 1... t-, .f wiii'i Max. T«np in Sh.ulr 7i MANILA. IN,, no. j. j..
      33 words

  • 1528 9 l.rst Impressions 'I'lir following ar.irlc l>y l-ady LjMTMW In. in tin >"Hlll llill.i Morning I.-l Than can be no doulit dial Japan i |ii<stn.. iiliciioiiß MM Bl luiida menially 4m to loiistLlutional Govern incut, tlic natural re-Mill of winch is naU.uial coluMon and unity of tlioii^lii DM
    1,528 words
  • 187 9 Qualities and Distribution. II ftf. Consul at Pan I. Mr W A. Churchill) has forwarded the following particulars of the supply and shipment of india-rubber in that district The percentages of igualities calculated on the figures of the 17 preceding years are as follows l'i in-
    187 words
    • 1013 9 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq. barque sell. schooner Yet. Yacht Cm. —Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— United States Fch.— French Ger —German Dot. Dutch G.c. General-oargo d.p. deck passenger U. Uncertain T. P. W.—
      1,013 words
    • 711 9 Scime, port, probable date 0/ nrriial, and mime of agenti. Stum ins. Agamemnon, China, Oct. 2.5 Mansfield. Alcinous, China, Oct. IS Mansfield. Alicante, Manila, Oct. H Barlow. Alston, Hongkong, Oct. Adamson illillan. Amiral Nielly, Haigon, Oct 11 Mnine Comte. Annam, Djiboutil, Oct. 9th M. Maritimes. Arratoon Apcar, Honkgong,
      711 words
    • 278 9 FOR SINGAPORE Per I. <v O. s. s. (7iii/<i connecting with the steamer Artiulin at Colombo, from London Sept. 15, due 14th Oct. Mr. nml Mrs. K. A. Unison. Messrs. S. lloby, O. U Hamicrnmn, 0.1. Duwsoii. .1. C. Inghs, K. Moiil<s<lklc, A. LaaaaaO, H. Hughes. E.
      278 words
    • 67 9 Good ron Athletes. Red Bird Cycle Depot. Bendigo, Vie, Aug. 13, 1901. 1 have pleasure in stating what benefit I derived l'pntii using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. 1 have used it freely in training for various bicycle events and have every confidence in recommending it to all athletes as performing all
      67 words
    • 235 9 Number I Lanl i i i i GOLD I I 1.5,000 I 10 17.50 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 1300 1.40U uuia.uad.! 4,000 10 10 (Deferred) 8.00 20,000 10 10 KadauaG. SI. Co., Ltd 3.00 uoiu. 10,000 10 s il'r.-f.i ti.2n7 1 1 Kechtu G. Fields. Ltd. (f.p.)
      235 words
    • 155 9 400,000 1 50.0U0 uniKiiad 3,000 > 100 4,500 60 80,000 liiS 12,000 100 3,400 10 6,000 100 -J. 750 I 100 :i.i,u» 10 000 M L',ooo i 100 A.OOO I 100 7»& lIUUIMUt '1 300,000 10 V),UUU llllluur.l 37,000 100 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd. ..I H.UO B.SC 100
      155 words
    • 87 9 70,000 1 11 9,000 unuuuied 6,000 1 a 1 y. l i l I.SUI UUIMUt'I .w.oou SI H.SUU lIUUMM I 2,000 tIOO 1100 S.W unusiud 1,000 1100 »10U 30,000 £1 11 4,i"UU uniMUVI 150 »100 »100 Hi(» »100 tM ISukit Hajali Cicely UnhlK-r Kiitati- V., I'rv. Palalnii; KubbcrCo.
      87 words
    • 48 9 llowiirlh l.rskin.. LUI. 7% ltiU-N. Hurgri'itvus, Ltd. (1% ..I Sini^,i|K,n Miiiiu i|Mi li',. Tiuijuuj; I'' U'Mik Cu., t.ul. t>% i% I ■J-'MMMO 9% pn-ni. Ji">,000 i;,, |iriin liuyrr... tOO.OOU i.i.iii buyon. l,H7S,00U I., |in in Ijuyutk. o.V.,')O0 ilik. uoui. i.0,000 S% i.r. in l.uyon.. 1JH4M iiruin b'i)er».
      48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 29 9 Tiif. Kxt'Kt'i iatini; Pain from roms, buuious, or chilblains may Ix avoided liy .1 frve application of Clianibcrluin's Pain Balm. For sale by all Doalerv The DISPENSARY, General leant!
      29 words
    • 544 9 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve »10.000,000 i Silver Reserve H.SOO.OOO) 18 SUO OUO Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF UIRFCTORS. H. A. W. Slade, Esq. -Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. H. Schubart, Esq. E. Uoet/.. Esq. E.
      544 words
    • 58 9 Before You Start on a journey, procure a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This ntay save you much trouble and annoyance as it can not be bought on board the cars or steamship. For all forms of stomach and bowel troubles this remedy liis uo equal. For
      58 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 700 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in tho highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. r »6 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO Par China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Port*, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast. Persian Gulf,
      700 words
    • 1248 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. I'nder contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore .—Ship Aokncy, ijite J. Co., 2-8 Coi.i.vkr Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be despatched for Japara Batavia Oct. 2 Batavia, Java-Coast, Socrabaja, Makassar, Amboina, Haparora, Itanda, Gisser, Boela-baai
      1,248 words
    • 629 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Herman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shangnai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      629 words
    • 617 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co,, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. T-n., U«l. The Companies' Bteamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, ('lima and Japan every week, and from .liipan home, wards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamor each month extends to
      617 words
    • 653 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL IHVKBTED KINDS BXOBKO £I2.(KNI.IHMI. the i. a in. km ram otnoa in an nata, BODSTKAD .V C0., -Agent: THE LONDON AMD LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital OJ9UM Paid up Capital K. SIS.7U Reserve Fund tI^TSJU The iinderngiicd. Agents for the C.ynp*nv. arc
      653 words