The Straits Times, 2 October 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.853 THE STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 131 1 Tn li oka U0 jrardi lian.limp M dscid (il at tli' ■S\viiiiiiiiiii;Cliil)yi".l,-:-.l: 1 morning. Than raa avarybkli tide, anil fnnrtwoii oompeted onder conditions that were favour able to raoing. Tot n-snlt 1. 11. (i. Allen ISOMO, P. Liiiton oar, ••i. K. 1!. CoalHc ■■>', mbo. C li.
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  • 61 1 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Whabf: Magnet. Victoria Graving Dock —Nil. Albert Gravinii Dock Hong Bee. Sbction No. Lightning. Serbia. Bharata. 8 Benalder. 4 Sofala. 5 Marudu. Sultun. 6 Antenor, Calypao. Borkeo Wharf:— 7 /.illah. 8 Bantu, Ronn. 9 Man.-lu-. jAßi.isr.'s WHAMr:—
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 525 1 f NOTICES. NOTICES. WEILERY Mtn«mstfMtt V.B.T TJ I HJT t1 ISMAIL RAHEEM II 111 1 A It I M Bras Basah Road. X\AV/v4X JLTA.JLXj.\. ..uiht,- y,,i, win iju.i „,.w Bw^fc Enriched 20 per cent. a.- to-date selection of aitui,-:-, B^^BsH^s^^B with Cream 'ilr for wedding <Jr liirtlxluy '^TOALiMHJ ir;:,,":,,;;': 1
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 143 1 I)A\ U\ l)\i. Monday, 2nd October. High water, ii li p in. League i'o it bill I. S.Y.A. Y.iiiipir.-.. 8.8.C. ground. (.i-tumii liomewiuil mini eloaam. I, HuiuimiiiiM Co, -riH- Tonador." Opera Yap Chow Clionj;. Tuesday, 3rd October. High Wutcr. I H 11. 111. Mi p.m. riiillmrmom.- Choir. TaodUn Club HlO
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  • 547 2 The Rubber Industry. In The Time*'" financial supplement of i.c -I -I August appear, a CDininii.;. call v from its Col>'inho eorrospondcat t.n ilie "Rabbor Qrorag Industry of <' vli n which says Reduced Area Under Tea. At lir.l I irrcal dial done in int rplantillg tea i"
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  • 282 2 SI AM NEWS. Tmi BWH C liiiu-NC lii»|'iul i;i the Varawaj Roavd, Bangknti, «as toraiallv epeaed »v tha Istli Beptembsjc \<\ tike Kiny wko «.i^ acootnpMied \>\ n. li. ti,,. Crawi Priaoe. A laqp bmmm nblml, inclndiiig priaoas ami mHsm, saeathen of Mm Dipsomatie Osxsa, anil trading sWasSB .-eaideata. The
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  • 62 2 RelLijjht Danger! Wr'.l better look out When ur -!•<• suc-h mi hbsmmm >i>« 'I'll it peril's ahead, there i^n't inm-h doubt, I.i Imp-, its v »h|> mi tlu> line. W« fitl jii-: tin- saOM when M ga« bad cough O ii s.ifft\ hank- Up secure, IK buj ins, tba stud
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 Aw flaw leal Snl«.« Wanted, To Lei etc., will be found on pajjc 6. Ehuaa aaotatioaa, aamctai aasaaiaf news mul paaatdaat lists, besides; < **TT l t »"J i'l-ni.iiifi- ailvcitiheiuent, will be found on I :iUfs JO a 111 11.
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    • 399 2 NOTICPS. SLEDGE MjLJL Sole Agents J. TRAVERS SONS, Ltd. 8 Boat Quay, Singapore, RELIANCE MARINE INSURANCE Company, Limi^d. RISKS AT CURRENT RATES. SOL EAGENTS: J. TRAVERS SONS, Ltd., Boat Quay, Singapore. Singapore Sporting Club. NOTIfi:. No Motor Cars or Motor Cycles will be allowed in the Sporting Club premises during
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    • 388 2 NOTICES IND. COOPE CO.'S BURTON LAGER. $12.50 per case of 6 Doz. Pints or 4 Doz. quarts. OF ALL DEALERS. Jeffreys' 1 edinburgh 1 STOUT. $14.00 per case of 7 Doz. Pints. OF ALL DEALERS. July -7 m i aaasis^ee4aW l>^WTF3r^V These tiny mji^ClA Capsules HVaB superior t0 Copaiba, 1
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  • 805 3 MIKASA EXPLOSION. Official Report. Tho following is from the "Japan Chronicle" of the 13th September: Ye trrriay «'<• published an "extra." Btaiiag tint an explosion had occurred mi board the lagajup "Mikasa," and that tlic killed .mil wounded amounted to six hundred men. I^ater an olhcial information confirms the report
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 BuRMI and Cutb. Slight injuries of this character are of frcuuent <iccurrence in alimi.i cv.-iv lioum'lioUl. Wlnlc ilkv arc nut clangorous, excoot wlien blood poisoning results from the injury, they an .'ii,n unit*- painful and annojmig. They ran be i|Uii kly healed liy anplTing Cfcamhariiin'i Pain Halm It albntke pain
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    • 233 3 KATZ BROS., Ltd. H Having taken over the Sole Agency for the sale of the products of the well-known factory La Flora de la Isabella ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH Manila Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco AT THH SAME PRICES AS FORMERLY SOLD BY The Compania General. Katz
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  • 504 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 2nd OCTOBER. l.viu an. WO iiiiilci'KtHiul. is iii a fair way to Uine; shortly restored to her old status as v I'rown Colony which menus that she will U relieved of the iucubiiH which in involved hv aihniiiistnition under the (loverninent of 0M
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  • 406 4 Thk Czar, so to-ilay's wires tell us. has raised M. Witte to the lank of Count. The man whom the Czar thus delights to honour was lately in utter disgrace with his liiiix ri:il Master. Powerful enemies had ousted the theu M. Witte from office, and were leagued together to
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  • 95 4 Thk blood feud in the Perak Club, in regard 00 the rule providing for the exclusion of jiK-keys from the club premises, was the occasion of much spirited discussion jat the half yearly meeting of that body on Wednesday last. Mr. K. W1 Birch, the Resident and ex-ojfficio President of
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  • 19 4 to pressure on space some eorres]xmdence and other matter of local interest has to be held over to-day.
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  • 19 4 Thb Colonial yacht S,,i Mi m wont into dock at Tanjonu Pagar today for her customary half yearly overhaul.
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  • 21 4 On Saturday. Mr. Seth assumed charge of duty in the third Magistrates Court Mr. Column now rules in the Fourth Court.
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  • 26 4 Mr. Foo Choo Choon's mine, fifty acres in extent, at Tronoh is said to ha c been sold to the Tronoh Minining Coini>anv. Ltd.. for t4(K),000.
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  • 22 4 (iovKKNMKST rewards are out at Peuang for the arrest of five |>ersons concerned in committing murders there during the past twelve months.
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  • 28 4 The losses of the Japanese during the recent war amount to 4U.180 killed; sue climbed to 10.97(1 died from disease 15.300, making a total of 7-2.450 deaths.
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  • 31 4 Thk Police have liecn successful iv recovering some of Hrn valuables which— as already rapareai in the Btiuitl Tun,* -were stolen from a Japanese restaurant in Beach Koad some days ago.
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  • 43 4 Among new arrivals at the Hotel de l'Kurope are Mr. H. C. Pearson, Mr. R. W. Munro. Mr. and Mrs. L). B. O'Connor. Mr. I). Percival Mr. Henry Vincent. Mr. I). Munro. Mr. W. Baker, Mr. Harry Cole, and Mr. aud Mrs. Leater.
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  • 38 4 Last night, the Cornwall Minstrels ueiy presented with a silver cup by Mr. Khoo I'hee Soon I the father of Mr.' Klioo I'eck Siewl. after performing a good programme. This is the second presentation the Minstrels have received.
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  • 34 4 All those vocalists who contemplate taking part in the production of The Ancient Mariner" at the forthcoming concert of the Philharmonic Society, are reipicsad to attend the Tanglin Club reineatsal at H.-L'i to-morrow night.
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  • 59 4 Mi:. P. .1. lliiii.Kss, the Straits Government Analyst, who is now in Ceylon, has been laid up with a severe cold at N'uwara Kliya. He had to |M>st|)one his visits to several rubber estates, and also his departure to Singable. whither he was to have journeyed in the P. fc
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  • 46 4 Wk are pleased to learn that Mr. Chan Kun Shing. of I'enang. and Mr. Tan Yew Wee, of Singa|x>re. successfully passed the necessary medical examinations here, on the HOtli SepteinlHi. ;iu<l ha\e registereil thenis«lves as medical practitioners under the Medical Itcgistration Ordinance of the Colon v.
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  • 54 4 Miss Uiiiv Williams. Teacher of Standard 111 at the Matties Girls School, is leaving Singajxire permanently for Australia tninorrow. He. sister. Miss Olive Williams, a pupil in the school, accompanies her. The school thus loses a candidate for the local Cambridge Junior. Miss Ksther Norris will take charge of Standard
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  • 64 4 The Jay.i 11«,1, says that the British sailing ship A hint grounded a few days ago near Aujei. but got off again. The si< aaaar Uiiuil, then towed her to Katavia. The damage done to the A turn through some seams i>l>eniiig. is set at 2.(KM< guilders. Her cargo. coul
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  • 58 4 It is understoocl that the l!ev. I). Holland Stubbs. the Military Chaplain to the Garrison, will leave for home this winter— his term of eastern service being long since expired. The liev. Mr. Stubbs will probably be siuceedcd here by the Key. P. H. Hunter, until recently Acting Chaplain to
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  • 72 4 A corres|M)ndent wishes to draw the alien ttOB of the authorities at St. Andrew's Cathedral to the niisU'liaviour of some boys from St. Andrew's House during yesterday n evening service Tlieir conduct was anything but edifying, he says, and should he put a stop to. There was no rcsjionsiblc man
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  • 146 4 THE "CHATHAM EXPLOSION. No Delay of Mails. tIWIIIIU'I telegram from lieiiter announces that the wreck of the Cliatlitnii in the Suez Canal will have to undergo another explosion before the channel is completely available for shipping, the first blowing-up not having proved entirely effective in Metroying the hulk. Meanwhile no
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  • 79 4 A sKKiois stabbing affray is reported by the Police. A row had oecured between one nc kisha puller and another with the result that one of them engaged three friends of his to waylay the other disputant. This they did effectually in the neighbourhood of the Power
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  • 427 4 Tii fc. Bandmaiiu ()|>cra Company has arrived from Hongkong and will ojicn to night in the Town Hall with The Tot -a dor. The full list of iM-rforiuauces is given in our advertising columns. We mid. TKtand that His Kxcellency the (Governor 1ms extended his patronage to
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  • 230 4 The first of an anticipated series of smoking concerts in connection with the Masonic Italy of Biagaaofa «TM baU on Saturday evening, w hi'ii 0 iirograinine of aliout '20 items, contributed by some ol the leading talent of Singapore, was gone through. Notwith standing the counter-attraction of the
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  • 286 4 Thk Chinese partnerships registration cpiestiou was raised a fortnight ago in the Hongkong Legislative Council. The Governor said the Chamber of Commerce there should take it up first. The Hongkong r«hfttaj»A poMi out that the question was raised as far Imi k as 1K74 when the Chinese community
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  • 101 4 Thk Hongkong V. M. C. A. is on the down grade owing to its dinging to class, distinctions, as was brought outlivilissensionsamoug t-lie iiiemlM-rs about admitting soldiers and sailers to membership. At present, says the Homjkomj Tcln/ru/iii, candidates for admission have to submit tlieir names vi a coin mittce of
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times.'
    • 75 4 Siml.l. MM,,,/,.,-. At a tarewell dinner to Lasi Curzon last evening, the Hon. .1. P. Hewett C.1.X.. Chief (ommissioneroftlio Central Provinces, made an appreciative and eloquent reference to the new Anrjo Japanese Treaty. The Oiraniinaat of lana will u-me Simla for Calcutta. about Nov.
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    • 33 4 Breaks in Two. ofaaalaay, Orfetw. The cruiser Siillij which has been for long time stranded on the Indo China coast has hroUeii in half and now lies sunk in dee]) water.
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    • 77 4 Chinese Envoy Leaves Before the Finish. Bimlm, M Too Chines Knvov. Tang Sh.-.o yih. who came to India to discuss the TUbataa question with the Indian Government, has left for China on the plea of 111 health. without having concluded the negotiations in regard to Thiliet. The OUaaee
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 72 4 aWiew, r.nh ITqifnaaWi. At Sun rVaacano, on the nnnaahai of ins return from his trip to the Orient with Miss KiH.sevelt aud |>arty, Mr. Tatl. the I. S. s, ,-relary for War, dt -eland that the CMaaao boywM a^ain-t American gotxls was not iiupoi
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    • 18 4 Jirrliv, :«nli Beptamtk r. The Iraiuo Itussian Treaty has been signed ,t St. I'etersl'iiii;
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    • 19 4 KllsMH IkM remove. l the emli.ilgii lip. ill the e\|Hirtatioii of hor>es trom the Kmpir,
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    • 173 4 Admiral in Chief Koester ban .f|> pointed a inemlH! of tlie llerienh.i II of Lords) of li ussia. The Pnunan Utraai nf Tirdi ii .cm,. i of, tir>t. the priaoai of On- royal bunilj who are of age. including the mom •>! the formerly soven-ign familial
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    • 39 4 The Caai has ennobled M. Witte, giving him the rank of Count. K. Witte has ..ciived IVom tin- Kai-e, a portrait (of the KcJaar) ami the chain and insignia of the Order of the Bad Baffle.
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    • 17 4 Ke|.re~entatives ol the Rnaajaa peasantry arc to participate :it the in\t Zemttocu cotiictciio
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  • 82 4 On the Qenaaa niiiil steam, r ■rhfah arrived tliis Morning from the north, tin .c are .'IIKI Ilih-im mfinjmio men. women and children baud tor Odeeea. Daring tin- steamers atay, nuj „i tin,:, came into town from the wharl .md lWll objects of niiich attention M Ibaj
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  • 32 4 OwXßßtf •if motor ears will l»- interested to learn that they can l>e supplied with uanibets for their vehiel.-s l>v applying at the office ol the Cl.iet I'oliee officer during boginens linui.s.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 31 5 JM Si 1, tartar. A further explosion will required to complete the demolition of the s.s. (hnlhiiin. Tratlic tlnough the Canal will probably be reston d in KM days.
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    • 15 5 Kan. 11 I- .'vary has baaa reap|>ointed Prime Mini- U 1 of Hungary.
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    • 88 5 Proposed Revision of Laws. Ltmdtin. lit OMmnw. Har.m vMtscli. tlir I'riM.lcnt <if the I'oun •il ..I Ministers. MM MBMBMi in tlio K.-h lisrath that the limeriiiiient |>ro|x^>s to Hunuarv that tin r.-|H .tivr I'arliamrnts ..I Vn-tna uimI Hnnyary should « t<. mi., t in Hm spriiif;.
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    • 31 5 London, :'ml Qetattr. There is much talk in Kussian and (lerinan papan abaaA new and dose raaaaniehaaMßt iMfwccn the two Kinpir.s. as a rejoinder to the Anglo Japanese Agreement.
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    • 34 5 An attempt is baJaaj BMtfla la connect Signor Tittoni's inc. ting with Prime von Ciielow at Itadeii liaden. with a plan for the 1. constitution at the balance of ]M.wer.
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    • 30 5 The|.|o|iitiatory utterances of the Austrian Premier ami other influences are contributing to appeal to the more moderate of the Hungarians ami to separati them from the coalition.
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    • 16 5 Traffic will resumed by all shi|>s through tie- Sue/ Canal about Mli October.
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    • 22 5 Tin k.nsi 1 has peraoaally daoofsaad M. Witte with the (iranil Cross of the Irder ■t th. Bed Eagle.
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    • 42 5 The Hungarian ooajitktaiata an arrang ing a great torchlight Bfoeaaaioßj for tlie Hrd ( i tn paaa ana fi—nlli flub. The Socialists are arranging a simultaneous counter di 'ministration. The |M.lice arc taking extensive precaution- to men nt .1 light.
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    • 55 5 Not Approved in Russia. Till' HiiRHegtion fur :i Bniwo Owimn A Hi MM lias bamcoolj ririivcil in Hllssia. Many praoiaaot papwi, iaoMiag Hm Sovotti ami tli-- Hum, advOMta an iindor -landli.^ witli Knghuid in |Hifiriiii i to Hi allianir «itli I iiiiiiany. wliicli. thrv say. mmII iavohc l:
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  • Reuter's Ertra Service.
    • 38 5 tniufoa. -Illlli Si /ill ml,i r. I ..hi I If into lias changed his plans, audit is now arranged that he will leave Mnrseilles on Nor. 'lid. and arrived in Boaahay <m Nov. 17th.
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    • 51 5 The thrill is report. .1.;.<. ;.< a|»town of K. ii \.iniiral Sir William .liinies Lloyd Wliiiili.n. K.C.H.. formerly Mvdroynipher to the RoyaJ Niiv\. who was a inruilvei of the British AsjHiation party in Smith Africa. which has Uen l.olilmu the annual meet me at that U*l\
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    • 11 5 M WitteH n board the L'sar'i yacht at I'.joclUoe.
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    • 22 5 Tlie Paris market is dbpnaaad i" conse I'lciue of the failure of the Liicantadc lalh! an important anajar aoaaajaajy.
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    • 30 5 M. LalK.nylis, .1! the Egyptian tiiuiie, i'ompiin\. with which tin |ale M. Cnmier. wlio ri'eentlv coumiitUsl s in iiie. was connected, baa died suddenly at Gairu.
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    • 25 5 Mileinian Walter Vaughan Morgan, the proprictorof "Wkt'l Who" and various trade payaaja, has Ixcn alaaaai Lord Mayor of I-ondon for 1906.
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    • 26 5 American Gunboat Sunk. Klivcii Americans and "24 native* were ilniunol tlmmuh the sinking of a yunboat ilurint; tlic n< i nt Iv]i)ick>ii at Manila.
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    • 30 5 1.,,m10n. M Malar. The Canadian (ioverninent has invited the Australian (ioverninent to establish preferential trade relations between the two colonies. The Canadian (iovernnient is considering tin matter.
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    • 232 5 Latest Appointments. Captain the Hon. llukli Tyrwhitt. M.V.0.. has lieen appointed l'ommi>dore in command of the battleship RmmM in which the Prince and Princess of Wales proceed to India, and his brother, tho Hey. Hu(,'h Tvrwhitt. has been ai>i>oiiitcd Chaplain to their Royal Hielmesses during the
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  • 366 5 Perak beats Singapore. Tn BtaNJftpON Rifle Association, which has had some fifteen iiioiiilmts in practice during the last fortnight, commenced the first of its various aunual fixtures yesterday morning, at lialestier. by firing off against Perak. The selection of the Singapore team was left by the S. R.
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  • 15 5 Thk lln'ilii ariivid yrxU-rriay from London with 2(t. r > harrcU of picric acid for Japan.
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  • 166 5 Tn Bounboya HandtUblad talk how, at BotteßMnt t.lavai. a Chinaman who had many t-i't-ilii n--» iml tn insure liiinscK for tin ii- hnrftt He WM very sickly s<i tiny ■at a bait MBfl hearty fellow to jiersonate aim. Tli-.' substitute passed a medical i \aiiii.ation. iiikl i ii-n i id
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  • 2762 5 A SHERWOOD ANNIVERSARY. Torchlight Procession. 1 1\ Satunlay night Tan^liu Barracks were in fill on tlie occasion of the celebration by the Ist Battalion of the Sherwood Foresters of a famous Corps anniversary. In the South African war. on the 30th September, 1901, General Kekewich's column wan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 For all internal complaints take Woods' Great Peppermint Care so cents.
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    • 572 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE "CRAG" HOTEL PENANG HILLS A well Known Health Home Crisp and bracing- atmosphere. ALWAYS DELIOHTFUL Instead of goiug to Europe fur a cure Why not to the "Crag." next to your door. Go if your doctor sends you Go if you want a spell Go for a
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    • 87 5 OPERA YAP CHOW CHOM. TO-NIGHT Co'lME TO NIGHT Urtnber 190.'. A Cran.l rilllliaHaill Special 1 Entertainment Special 1 1 I Tableaux! Heal Tableaux" Clowns Jokes Hoai I New Sceneries unil Nan I Maatarij Mum.. Halmliona llmaal Soap. TV liidm M I'.-iiiMtj HmMml l.iiii|nin *f SEI.ANOOR Will a)a«*a Dutch Btat} lallllnl
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  • 466 6 Londoners will probably be treated, early in October, to a very beautiful and original perform.mcc which may be giwn other as a curtain-raiser at a West Knd Theatre or as a 'star" turn at .ne of the leading Music Halls. FujJ-ko. a dainty .Japanese actress, who *peaks
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  • 232 6 The la.ost Hulk-tin of the Imperial In-:itut< gi*M iatanstiiag puticalan of I T —f** of rubber obtained from Fh-ik it'i'ticti total at Parlakimedi. Canjain DJstrict, and forwarded from India by tb' on BoONOOaM Products Tlic s|wcnnen cmsistod of a ■Ngk llat lik BrifhilH CO grams (2
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  • 198 6 Th<- ik'w thoroughfare from the Stniiid to Holbora, wliii-li is to be known U K iiL r -w;iv, is now rapidly approaching completion. Tlw tectioa betomm Grea: QnMO -I root and HoHxirn has bcon busked ;om<- tiiiK\ all bill a few fool on tin- utli ill,'. uMicicntly
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 15 6 For Cold in tl, e Hiwl ami OsSJSjM take Woods tirmt lVpi»iniint Cure. 80 cents.
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    • 619 6 NOTICES. CHINESE Dispenser wanted for Penang. He must have had considerable experience and be a thoroughly good man. A knowledge of Cantonese is also desirable. Apply "British" o/o The British Dispensary, 3 Raffles Place. c 948 WANTED- Bookkeeper (Chinese) for. a Europeau tirm nf merchants in Penang, good BMMBSSN for
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    • 583 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. AUCHENCAIBN— TangIin Hill a well ■itaated and commodionß Hesidence. Entry 15th August. Apply to A. M. McNni^ c 48 Syme A Co. TO BE LET. A compound house of two stories, No. 88 Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 18-2 Prinsep Street. c IU TO BE
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    • 657 6 AUCTION SALES. FIRST CLASS EUROPEAN RESIDENCE. To be let that pleasantly situated house Goldburn," Seraogoon Road, healthy locality. Tennis court. Good stabling. Electric trams ]>ass the door every few minutes. Entry Ist September, 1905. H. L. I oghlan IV Co.. Home Agrnf. u96 MORTGAGEE'S SALE. To be held at Powell
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    • 1218 6 NOTICES. SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. From Ist Auiruet. 15»O5, nnd Until Further Notice Train St'rvice for Wsjsk Days and Sundays. •>" nmiiwj only. DOW. .RUNS "WWIT TR.IKS AX. A. SI. A.M. F.X. P.M. P.M. P.M. I M. P.M. A.M. P P. v SINGAPORE d. .6.00 6.36 7.40 10.00 12.:«
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  • 1783 7 The Yokohama Riots. Tli.- trouble evident ly. says the -Japan Chronicle," ol t >i<- lltii s.|>t.. ii not yot over Serious (liturl.iiKcs broke out in Yokohama ob Taaadaj n.-l.t. when elevsa i>"ii'<' boxes «•< re destroyed, M police officials injured, and ower M arrests made. Ultimately, the
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  • 233 7 The new Viceroy of India and Lady Minto have known many adventures by land and sea. They made an expedition to Dawson City and to Klondyke. where they slept in police barracks later, they" did the journey from Ottawa to Montreal, a distance cf some 120
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 25 7 STEARNS WINK is very palatable An excellent tonic for children, especially if they are pale end thin. Do not delay. "Mutt be Steams'." It cures.
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    • 783 7 N»HCES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with n l Jl n^^l I 1. 1 nJ^^^TiaVn nEa^vl K^*} (t«i«aHih!d«Ss^i29!^*^^a«NC^^WfLUlO^XTßr^^or hZu JAMAICA <**nnot tptmk #1 EHe 4wß too highly of it." ■J^^aP H k vk^^^V Bl mJm Km m\ wb
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    • 1078 7 NOTICES. SJUSAPORE SPORTING CLUB. PROORAMME FOR fHE AUTUMN RACE MEETING, 1905. October 17th, 19th and 21st. FIRST DAT, Tuesday, October 17th. I.— THE MAIOKN PLATE.— VaIue »6(IO. A Kocefor Maiden Hone*. Weight 9st. 31b. Entrance S2O. DisBHMS, It.C. 2.— THE LAWN STAKES.— VaIue »600. A llaiulicap from lOst. 71b. to
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    • 512 7 NOTICFS. The Race Courw will be nffir-ialh open fnr training on Salmilu) Mtt tagaat Entries close at noon on Saturday, 7th October, 1005 Kntry f.>rm« mi be bad ai Ifca fUee Omnvs, at the iaajDM cinii. at Mean. John l.ittle.v Co., or on u|>|ili<uti"H to the Secretaries at uy 01
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  • 546 8 The lire on the s.s. 'Chatham." Tw bUowing i- bom the Kfypr&ra Purl Said, September 6th. An aeoidaat nrri.l betweea kJL II and kil. M dating tin niylit. It anpean that tin- Chatham, luirinij soin, 7d ihI.I ions of (lviamitf on l> I. whidi ntiit.l tin anal
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  • 315 8 A wkkk ago, Mr. Cardin. Marine Enaineei. living at TanjOßg Pa",ar missed a gold chain and pendant value $2<) from a <lrawer. He had a Hylam 'boj,' Seoiiy A Sinn in Ins employ, <>n Bataraa; ''<' this ■w wearing the article. The Iwy had been hut a
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  • 119 8 A \hiltiii Mail correspondent says that Mi I! (1. WatHou was in Haub last week on a visit of ins|H'ction. in his cajiacity of Commissioner of Lands and Mines. The Toßg Slioon Kou^si are just completitiH a larye watercourse from Urn Hepas t,> Mr. Tan Lams newly s.le.te.l
    119 words
  • 144 8 Tuk Banaantbor medal was played for on Saturday afternoon. Bootaa: The annual general meeting was held on Friday last. The accounts for the preceding year were passed an.l it was divided to raise the Monthly Suhscriptiou to »l.. r >() The following officers were elected: President.
    144 words
  • 178 8 Saturday's Ties. CBAHI-I"NsIII|-. Miles l*at A H Withers, 7-5. 6-2. I). Sis, Capt Donajowski scr v A A Lermit— l PIIO»KSsI,.N I'alHs. TeJ I HoldenWebb and H<we beat Law" 1 Cleaver and Perkins, M, t-t, 7 -"i. Hat 1 1! T lieid and Ferguson beat
    178 words
  • 126 8 Arrived 30th September. l'er In,, 1, 1 M7ii From Saiidakan Mr. and Mrs. Donga, Mr. Pherson, Mr. Templeton. Mr. Gadi-hus, Mr.Hansen aud Mr. Parker. and October. Per SrUwaor From Telok Anson Mr. Bairnes, Mr. J. Bowes, Mr. A. J. C. Hart. Mr. Woodward, Mr. Hence aud Rev.
    126 words
  • 73 8 K.XTKXSIVK thefts from the British steamer (ioltimoutli hay. been brought to light by the [xilice in Japan. It is alleged that some of the crew, while at Kolx-. stole IM tins of white paint, four rolls of woollen cloth, and some leather, blankets aud linen, value, l at about yea
    73 words
  • 23 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. In*! Ortnber. 1905. The Netherlands Trading Society today quote the 4/ins bank rate at 2/ljj. The Mercantile Bank quote it at
    23 words
  • 621 8 The following is from the Mining Jouru;:l" of the 2ud September: London, Ist September. This market ha* also suffered, in sympathy with the fall in other metals, the ■HIM being also greatly accentuated by the heavy decline in the price of silver, which event was taken advantage
    621 words
  • 93 8 Gambier buyers 9 5.30 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 11.2.5 Copra Bali 7.55 do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper. Black 26.00 do White, 5% 36.00 Sago Flour Sarawak UM do Brunei No. 1 -2.*) Pearl Sh«.> 5.40 Coffee Bali, 15% basis UM Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 25.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
    93 words
  • 263 8 (Mki» vxtii.e Bank.) On London— Bank 4 m/s 3/1} Demand 2/11 Private 6 m/s 2/1 {J do 3 m/s 2/11 On German y Bank d/d 2.15} Private 3 m/s 2.18 do 6m s 2.20 On France— Bank d/d 2.65 Private 3 m/s 2.70 do 6 m/s 2.73 Oh India—
    263 words
    • 577 8 Alii,,;. Daft. tfr. 71-4 loaa, Capt ISaasbank, 1st Oct. Fr>m Ruicljernm>-.iii. J:;nl Sept. (i.e., and u« d.p. Daamtoh Co. Pec Baadjarmans:ii. Ttli M*. .<«».■., Brit, .u: M« tons. Out William. 1st (><■'.. Kiimi Hoiu>krmj. -iutli Bapt, G.c \V. MaailiM <■,,. For London, f.— \V. Auihmi, Gar. str.
      577 words
    • 78 8 Vessels Namk. Dnnrautaw. D»Tf ■Itueric Urit str. Alha:iy Bent. 2Htli Sam 1,,,,.,'siu- ->9th linliiini Sia str. ll:ui("kok :ii)th AhmhM Ger str. Bungkok :)otl. Koh.iCliniiii str. Bangkok .M)th Oltaaab Brit str. Am,n :»i)tli OlemfaUoeh str. Java Nth "i""'"' sir. Natuna Ih. :(i)th ftB«l str. Slmnylmi .[nth ''<•'".'/" str. Langkat
      78 words
    • 41 8 tor I'tr ITf**ani lilM To Morrow. Bangkok tUra Boon. P. Htu-nliain ,v PanangAm n'h.m Sam 1 p.m. P.BweUaßaa*nTiapor*mßrateaf ;t p.m. W1.1,M..,.,V. P. s't.nliam Paaaag KUtn* l p.m Teluk Anson la port* Stlumfm :t p.m-IV-naug and Deli Valgfa :i p.m-
      41 words
    • 130 8 Fiom BraoH -H> the N. D. 1,. s. s. Alirc due on tilli Oct. From China By Um M. M. h. s. /'W v due on Mb Oct. Left BhtgUHM I'iic in [jdiiiliiii Arrived Ann. -':tiil N. l>. 1.. Sipt. 17th Bapl u;th Ann. tttb li. I.
      130 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 139 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Go., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Hum- alwiiv> in stock new silks of every kind and description. Indian, Japanese, Persian carpets of different cokmra and uses. Ready-made crepe and silk suits for gentlemen. Cotton and silk Japanese kimonos for liidics and gentlemen. Ivory
      139 words
    • 50 8 CORRECT TIME-KEEPERS BY Roskopf Manufacturing Co. THOUSANDS SOLI) Every Year PRICE JjfL PRICE $2.50 $2.50 These Are Best Swiss Made Keyless Watches, Heavy Numerals in well finished nickelled cases THE BEST VALUE OBTAINABLE, WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co 7 For Wind ou the Stomach take Wood*' Great PeppenMut C ure. 40 tents.
      50 words
    • 18 8 STEAUNS WINI assists tht bochj t. nuke use of nature's nourisliiiuiii Thus it cures. Increases weight arid stnni;tli.
      18 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 94 8 WEATHER REPORT. Koitiloiiii K,ri.,t,, Hatpttal, <hi.. t'joo. k. m. I r. h. :i I-. m. ItKMuih-. Bar. M c .ik7 ->.\. sic, -jo,. (mis l.iiip &,.:> 86.6 77. -r s Wet Kiilli'l'lifr 78.0 KM 7'>.o l>n of Wind hoots ~.i >.. t gs Max. Temp iil.n L Mm 7:i.-| Miix.
      94 words

  • 1092 9 Negapatam. The average visitor to India, and, M fact the ordinary Anglo-Indian him it. says the "South China Morning Post," seldom enters or leaves the great penintula except by way of one of the two big sea-ports, Bombay or Calcutta. A few, certainly, come in from
    1,092 words
  • 611 9 > Full Details. The following telegram was arranged for by two papers in Japan, the Jiji ana the ■Jd/uin i tiioitir/e Ihe Matin (fans) states that the following is the text of the Treaty ol Peace, which consists of hiteen articles 1. Ibis Article provides for
    611 words
  • 186 9 Mki.i«ui:nk. Any. Tin- Mm Minister 1 us received ;i letter aixl certain ilix-uiiii-iits from the l<<-\ f. W. W'Hlkcr. niaiiiiyiny ilinitor of the Papuan Indii-trits. I.irinU.l tlininy tlie proiMwuils of tin- c(iin|mny in aHHMOtion with the work it r<>nUiii|ilut< .l.nii^ in Hrilish New (iiiima. Mr. Walker mt
    186 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 328 9 NOTICE^ HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS FOR LIGHT AND POWER DYNAMOS, MOTORS, SWITCH BOARDS. Wires and Cables for all Purposes ARC LAMPS, OPEN AND ENCLOSED TYPES. Vn\\±\\ made Incandescent Lamps, Nernst Lamps and Parts, Artistic Electric light Fittings, Special Accessories for Interior Wiring. CEILING FANS, WALL FANS, TABLE
      328 words
    • 125 9 What we Do, We do Well. mm^ mmmmmmm Good Work TELEPHONE NO. 348. Low Price Let us Quote. mm Quick Despatch Every Description n{ PRINTING From a Visiting Card to a Newspaper. Catalogues, ADD Expresses, Wedding Cards. m ANYTHIHG Menu Cards, Visiting Cards, g> ELSE Bills of Lading, y Insurance
      125 words
    • 233 9 NOTICES. \V\\y^k I Aprry/vssA* <//ete/y aotyteo 4 to t/>e ff/v*//>? <//ffest/ve powers. X \\\l\ K. V 1!i k Food N?l I Mllk Food N?2 I Malted Food NQ3 S WWW V7 ag Wia/MAs. I /?0m3e06/noaCfis. I /mm 6 moot/is tpm/t/s. J !"Help!" j a Nobody cnn.lrvrribc the torture. H ■MnlfU.
      233 words

  • 1283 10 Notes by a Home-Going Colonist. Tht- following is frcm She "Ceylon Observer" London, Aug. 14th. London has, daring the past week, given itself up wholeheartedly "and spontaneously to the welcome and entertainment of Admiral Ciillard and the ■ftn and men of the French "Sqaadna of tho
    1,283 words
  • 416 10 Old Soldier Attacks Modern Spirit. A i\ rrcspoudent who signs himceh Old Soldier and Father oi frokners. makes a severe attack on certain |»h;i- .s of modern sport in "The Standard." He writes i must begin by saying that I ha. c tne Sovereign i uniform
    416 words
    • 701 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used atr. steamer sb. ship bq. barque; sen. schooner; Yet. Yacht Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— United States Fch. French Ger German Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger; U.— Uncertain T. P. W.—
      701 words
    • 692 10 Namt, fort, probable dot* of arrival," and I namt of agtmt: Stkauu*. Agamemnon, China, Oct. 2"i Mansfield. Alcinons, Chink, Oct. 11 Mansfield. Alicante, Manila, Oct 8 Barlow. Alston, Hongkong, Oct. Adamaon Gilfillar. Amiral Nielly, Saigon, Oct 11 Moine Comte. Annam, Djibontil, Oct. 9th M. Maritime*. Arcadia, Colombo, Oct.
      692 words
    • 293 10 FOR blNGAPORE Per P. .t O. s. s. CMm connecting with the steamer Arcadia at Colombo, from London Kept. 15, due 14th Oct— Mr. und Mrs. E. A. Murxon. Messrs. S Kobv, G. L. Bannerman, C. J. Dawson, J. C. bgM, K. Moulesdale, A. Lansdell, H. HugheH,
      293 words
  • 239 10 dumber of Shares Is.mii- Paid Value up to Ccmpany I .HHt ißuyers Sellers Trauxactious SOLO. 13,000 II.MO uuia-ued 4,000 20,000 10,000 b,207 10,500 86,700 110,000 50,000 150,000 ■20,000 10 17.50 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 12.C0 10 10 10 K. 1 1 1 x.1. 1 1 1 100 I
    239 words
  • 143 10 400,000 JuOuUuuu-uad ■2,000 4,500 80,000 1-2,000 3,400 6,000 3,750 35,000 600 2,000 5,000 785 uuiMAUid. 300,000 WfiW UUlMUtfei 87,000 1 100 SO 125 100 10 100 100 10 60 I 100 100 1 1100 t 60 125 100 10 t 100 1 100 10 50 f 100 t 100
    143 words
  • 79 10 70,000 B.OOu ui.i~.uod 6,000 6,000 l,WoaniK>u*d 30,000 < W.SOu uuu»iMd 2,000 UUuuuuiwd 1,000 30,000 4,000 uuimu«l 150 HW i 1 1 Bukit Rajah X -2.1-2.6 1 1 1 Cicely Rubber Estate 1 s%l're. 1. 5.0 K. 1.10.0 1 1 Pataling Rubber Co. -J. 10.0 «100 •100 Ribu Planting Co.
    79 words
  • 48 10 Howarth Erakine. Ltd. 7% Riley, Hargreavca, Ltd. 0% Singapore Municipal 6% 6% i. <% Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6% t% 250,000 1% i>rem. 2*25,000 2" v pma buyers. 400,000 2% prcm l>u>x'!~. 1,«7m,ooo 1% prciii bayrn. 055,500 ilia. noin. 250,000 2% preui buyem. I.'I'iO.JOO 1 I'lcui b'liL'in.
    48 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 15 10 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per feet antiseptic dentifrice, cleanes an* preserves the teeth, vtry re/rtthing.
      15 words
    • 588 10 BANKS. Hongkong 9f Shanghai Bai Kir K Corporation. PAID-CP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FCND:— Sterling Reaerve $10,000.000 > „3,***** Silver Keserve 5.JH0.000," 11 500 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 COURT OP IMRFCTORS. 11. A. W. Slade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. H. Schubart, Eaq.
      588 words
    • 169 10 BANKS. Chartered Paak of India. Ai>»tr>lia and O«na. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. < "P'tal £800,000 Hrserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Keserve Fund £873,000 BANKER*. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. I lie London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1
      169 words
    • 63 10 NORDDEUTSCHEH LLOYD. FOR EUROPE. The Imperial German mail steamer MOON, 8,022 tons, Captain MeiiuiK. left Hongkong on Wednesday, the 27th inst., at 1 p.m., and may be expected to arrive here ou Sunday evening, the Ist October. She will probably be despatched for Europ. on Monday, the 2ud Oct., at
      63 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 696 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australls, India, Aden, Egypt, mediterranean Port*, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf,
      696 words
    • 678 11 STEAMSHIP GOMPANIES.> Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. T'nder contract with the Netherlands India Oovemment. Agents at Singapore Sair Aoemcy, late J. Daekpemi A CV, 2-3 Coixtes Qdat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be despatched tor Japara Batavia Oct. 2 Batavia. Java-Coast, Soerabaja, Makassar, Amboinn, Saparoea, Banda, Gisser,
      678 words
    • 581 11 HAMBURG AMERIKA LIRIE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of the
      581 words
    • 638 11 STEAMSHIP. COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      638 words
    • 601 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAS STUM SHIP Go,, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Cc. f Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to
      601 words
    • 651 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12.000,000. THE LA Ml KMT FIKK OiriCE IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD Co.,— AgenU. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CapiUl £2,127,M0 Paid-up CapiUl 212,750 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The mndersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire
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  • 806 12 A Big Concession. The following from the "Times of Ceylon" Mr. V. Wickwar, the well-known Mai iv planter, was in Ceylon the Other day on the way to England Mr. uickwar, told our reporter thai he is going home partly in < i<> 11
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 106 12 Town Clk.bk of Kuuai:a, N. Z., Cubed hi Si lATICA. Goorgo Rohoit Hud km. Town Clerk Kuninra. N. 'A., says: 'I ha»e vcrj' groat pleasure iv stating that, hnvini; n^od (.'haiiilKTlain's Pain Balm in a very sovero attack of sciatica, I found immediatolv relief. Had before tried many other embrocations
      106 words
      294 words
    • 266 12 NOTICES. 'D*or ffews of tde Straits, Straits Times. IT 131.A.S THE Largest Circulation O F ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FOR V)elegrams, THE CHI *J_ w Straits Times. It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Mrart. John Uttu Co.. Lid. Th« kilrtihmtnt Bullet, Tank i Sepoy Llnai
      266 words