The Straits Times, 14 September 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.838 THE STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 17 1 Arrived ivr Uahetm: Fw— Port BwaMaahaai Kaian. K. Bfoaaar, Uaalop, 1-. Adams, OaaMn, BTamßaadCnahen,
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  • 37 1 tt n rs iit tli<; sh^?\ Mi^ tourt. RM Anienatn witness siuil In 000 ■ii-i-ii* 11 hkUtwl it wirkiil of 11 man to (-:ill *****1 .111 Ainciican. Mninu tlir .lass „t aaBM ..f th. Aiiu'i icinis lien-.'
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 364 1 NOTICES. NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. ■K Q Tenders will Ik- received at the Colonial g^M f K «1 I I V Secretary's Office up to noon ou Tuewlay, the flg W 1 I■« I I I 1/ l»».li iiiHtant, for the erection of Steel Bridge lOf I I I 1/ Work
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 137 1 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 14th SeptemberHigh Water. 114 p.m. Full M.K.11. 1 I a.m. Deli Bicw PtulhanBooie OrckMtam. Totni Kail MO Friday, 15th September. High Water. 11 N a.m. II M p.m P. ,v <>m..«rl mini «lmLegislative ('.mm U. Mfc PotoCM Tc.iiriiiimeiit K.I!.!' (up Saturday. 16th September. High Water, tp
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  • 682 2 Situation in the Philippines. Mr. Taft, the United States Secretary f"i War, and jKirty. including Mis> RooasveH, had I cordial reception at Canton. They met with n<> discourtesy tioin the Chinese there A represonUi live of the "China Mail" then sought, an interview with him. Mr. Taft
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  • 131 2 I'll, following jiai'tiiiilais of .In .1.her llviiiaulu- I'm Mining Co.. Ltd., appear in a l,i>ml<>u eaa^ssßponury itngirtomd ia Edinburgh, Aag. itli. Ifl.icklnw. PJ Kint; Alxi deed. Capital £30,000, v £1 Objects. To pcuxstaaa oc otfcerwioo m i|iui<\ devt Kip. m'II. or otherwise deal willi any
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 26 2 \i>\niri>K.MKM> of Sali's Wanted. To Let etc.. will I*, fmnil M Bag ti. :oi- I'ulpiUth -n si lh<- Iliurt taku WsasV Qtsal lVp|H-riiiiiit «'nrc. 80 cents.
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    • 336 2 NOTICES. SLEDGE MILK. mmJW* Z> TYt^WS'Sf^HWI^Hv *Hss^s^HMH^^^V Sole Agents J. TRAVERS SONS, Ltd Boat Quay* jßingapore. RELIANCE MARINE INSURANCE Company, Limited. RISKS AT CURRENT RATES. SOLE AGENTS: J. TRAVERS SONS, Ltd., H Boat Quay, Singapore- 50BAN COMPANY, LIMITED, CIVIL. MECHANICAL ANO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, Iron &nd Bras* Founders Iron and Copper
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    • 331 2 NOTICES MOET CHANDON THE CHAMPAGNE DE LUXE Stocked by all the best Wine and Spirit Dealers. BUCHANAN'S "Red Seal" 7 Years Old. "Black White" 12 Years Old. ALL DEALERS July 2H Apollinaris J'/if Queen of Table Waters." ■ii'Lin. uNDEk Royal Warrants or Appointment t.--tils MAJESTY THE KING AND B.R.H THE
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  • 369 3 Resentment Aroused United States Consul Anderson. Atnoy. writes to die Depart lent ot Commerce and Labour, at Washingion m April, as 1 follows There is considerable complaint in and •bottl Amoy relative to the GOUTM of he Japanese authorities in connection with the coolie traflic with Formosa
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  • 480 3 To one who has followed HollandQueen from her childhood to her present state. MI. says .1 I).tily Telegraph Correspondent," have, the change In the idol of lhe Dutch people, so pronounced within the pasi two years, is painful in the extreme. From the bright, win.-ome face the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 887 3 notice^ 2: HERCULES STIVEN CO., Singapore. Nov. 1(» tu.ths. SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. From Ist August. li)Os> and Until Further ISToticeTrain Service for Week Days and Sundays. 1 i s?Z™ DOWN TRAIN*. DOWN TKAINS. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. SINGAPORE ,I'iHi 6.56
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    • 201 3 NEW FILMS. 10,000 feet- 10,000 feet New Films have just arrived The finest assortment of films ever seen in the East. FOR LISTS APPLY TO LEVY HERMANOS, 3, BATTERY ROAD. IS TIKEIR^ Death in Rubber Stoppered Bottles? SEE "STRAITS TIMES," AUGUST 14th. 1905. DRTNK Mpollinaris ''The Queen of Table-Waters" SUPPLIED
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    • 55 3 Not a Minutk should be lost wlit-n a i-luld ahowi viii|)t<niis nf iriiu|). ('ham berlain'i Co(uA Kumdy gtvsi M mob ■I tile chilil Ucniiiis liuaiM'. in iv«n afli'i tin- crnU|)v iout;li appears will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all
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  • 1572 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY. 14th SEPTEMBER. In the issue of the MeMMMI Mntmiye to hand to-day, Mr. Cherry bids farewell to its readers and the Key. Dr. Went introduces himself as the new Kditor. In that capacity. the latter gentleman publishes a paragraph in his leader columns
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  • 302 4 HiiiHKl: criticism does not appeal to l>o in favour with the (io\eminent at Hongkong, whereas the cartoonist seems to 1m- practically anathema. Whatever may In- the MOM of this state of affairs it MM H us. from this distance, that the authorities of the Colony were acting uik.ii lines that
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  • 262 4 Am.r-r three weeks ago. Captain .Mansscii of the German steamer Mmmitu MMOMted to a summons issued at tin- instance of Inspector Wilson for bringing decrepit jK-rsons into the Colony from Sandakan. During the investigation held by Mr. Bryant, it was shown that ten diseased ciMilies had been brought in the
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  • Special Telegrams. "Straits Times."
    • 48 4 Palopo Occupied. »Mfley, lidi Btptembtr. Tin Dutch Hoops ha\e attacked Palogxi. the capital of the ii-fractorv trilM' in l.nnn. The enemy sii-tained rather heavy bjMM the Duuh had only six wiinndiil. On Monday aftenn«on. PalofM was .le.npi. d by the Dutch. The Queen tied.
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  • 214 4 Til)- .liny party in Japan, who want war to the hitter end. are naturally indignant aX thr moderation of the terms with which Japan let off her defeated be. Th.ii wrath took shape in lieice liotiny. In the uproar the voice of Ifae lu.Klerates ooald hardly !><• heard. Their \i.w
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  • 76 4 RftCTn wir.-d lecently that th. leim- oi tin- new Anylo Japanes.' allianci' would 1). published shortly. In this connection r. h intf'icstinn to not! that some of tin Londoil pa|His. discussing the alliance, assume it is British gain, sinci' the Japan. >c Id aid in the defence of India.
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  • 39 4 IBBOCMMM Vorkshirciiian i In, in on Con. spoudence Coluiun to lav, the projlriot) of tarring and fcathiriu^ all the high authorities of the Municipality as aaortol protect MJbJmI tin- present crude niidiu ..f the Fountain op|x>sit< 11 1. Club.
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  • 12 4 H. M. S. Flvr.t went to the wharf tllM morning to ooaL
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  • 19 4 At the Assizes this afternoon the trial was continued of Sen^ Vcav and Chan Mvi on .< charge of coining.
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  • 21 4 TuP.iO, mail sWamer Ckutm Penally at (S a. in. to-day and may In expect c.l at Singapore at p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 24 4 UatßV .lustici- Sir Lionel Cox inn.- foi Malacca on Monday afternoon tor tin A--i. which are HMfllinillil to last till tin < nd "I week.
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  • 26 4 This nwrwing, Captain Bowecit, < laiiiblinu Sn) pli ssioii Department, proscciltcil a Chin.' man for purchasing a wha wa\ lottery ticket. Mr. ('..1111,111 Ii I him 116.
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  • 26 4 I'iikkk aie complaints in the paper* ill what is called sIHH-liorniny "at ShHiiyliai horse auctions. Chinese hid in Otdei to improve the prioai for tin- nellw.
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  • 35 4 Mi:. K. H. I. O'FUHBBTY, ISiini-li'i Law. son of the late C'apt. O I lab. aniveil at Penally on the 7th hist. l>y th. s. s. I'linlnhin He intends stai tin;; piacti. tin re suortlv.
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  • 30 4 Thk TeatM Planting ('oiiipiuiv a .10h,,, venture, established at Hongkong, held nil extiaordiiiary Meeting on the 6th iii—t.i lit. Nt whii-li it continued a resolution to wind the concern up.
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  • 36 4 Tin Telephone Co. bare entered into tin otrii|>atioii of their mi w otlirc- in Hill St>. I next to Messrs. WbilMtwnj LaJdhtw'a m w tnriMingp, but the Kmlhui^c will nut be removed for MM time \< I.
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  • 166 4 Mil. I'vkktt. the 11. M.I Mast,., „f the Anylu lliiiicsc School at IViiuii",, I is 1,, i interviewed by thr Slnnl* Behv on tin i|iustion of nboUnhing the Queen 1! Scboli ships. His opiirioii runs thus "An to alxihtion. 1 say i.Uilish tin in by nil MM, not ln-caiiNv it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 315 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (RNTABLISHED MM) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London. Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE AND PENANG. PRICE ULIST O2ST APPLICATION. May tu. th. I v.c. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street, And Branch Store at Hotel de I'Europe. Hum jn-1 ..]*m.<l lin,' sunk
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    • 404 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Teutonia Club. Tuesday, 19th September. GR vND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCtRT (.IVkS BY Madame Bassett-Arral, (Under patronage of H.E the Oovernor, Sir John Andrson.) Assisted I>\ local amateur-, the Liedertafel. and full orchestra, conducted by MR. Im SCHLIEBNER. Open t i inemberHof the TenMniii und Xaaff) 11 1
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    • 12 4 Kor all uoiiipl.tints take Wwxia' Client lVppirinint Cure 00 i cuts.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 79 5 How Germans must Solve a Great Problem. lirrli,,. Ml aVpt The Kni|Hi 11 William delivered BjaMßi at (oh!. 11/ lo the |>eople of the Hhenish district. He dwelt npoa the gnat culture ihigh rivilisation I |irohluMl which the Germans must solve l>\ union at home, and resolute
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    • 45 5 Powers Mediating but War in the Air. \t Stockholm the Aml>assiiilors of the Powers, including the German one. are mediating iM'tween Sweden and Norway. The .pmrrel Ix-twi^en them on the ipies tion of dismantling the frontier fortresses has taken a warlike turn.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 24 5 [taainil. lUh S'^triitbtr. The Knssian paMC commissioners have sailed from New York. I'.aioii Komurastiirtson Thursday 1 to-day I despite his illness.
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    • 21 5 The Cabinet Resigns. The Hungarian Cabinet has lesion*.! owinu to the Emperar'H refusal to agree to universal suffrage.
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    • 18 5 The St. LaajW ri'siilled as follows. 1 (li. iliac, .mil.-. J I'lilvmelns. :t Cherry Lass.
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    • 17 5 Iniversal satisfaction is expressed at the eaeaaa of Admiral ToajO in the MihiMt --I'l-sion.
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    • 95 5 It h understood that tin King and the \dmiralty have telegraphed their sympathy with Japan in her loss. i'h. Time* atyi that Kngland. as the oldest Malatiag nation of the West, teels poignantly the heavy blow which the .lapaiii -se Nav\ has sn,iaincd. Fortunately, however, adds the
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    • 25 5 It is 1»1i,\.,l that Huron K ilia has typhoid fever. sjiecialist ha- been summoned. The Raiun'i ibliiiii to Japan is paaßjMMd indefinitely.
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    • 32 5 The \lllelic.lll liislmpO on n< 11 has stalled t n\ i-y to the Mikado the Pope'noongratiilalioiis on the magnanimous paaoa conditions and the treatment of lioinan Catholics in Japan.
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  • "Reuters Extra Service.
    • 94 5 MIKASA" DISASTER. Ship May Possibly be Repaired, tmrfin. Nth ftpaMbr. The pa|MTs is press the most profound kj inpathv w illi Japan iv the Mikiim disaster. .tii.l tin recall similar disasters which have occurred in the Itritish Navy. The Mihmam was anchored at Baaaho. The tire started at the base
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    • 15 5 Firing continues in the ontaldrtaol Haku. Incendiarism and plunder are rife at KalaK-liain.
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    • 13 5 !M.iny factorial on the Volgi are in nail ..I (.1,1.
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  • Correspondence
    • 226 5 ftp Hit MM "f Ihr Strut!* Timn." Sir,— When arc the Municipal Officials going to plant fresh trees and shrubs round the Fountain If we were not such an enervate lot I would suggest that, to mark their -.-use of annoyauce. the Europeans of the Settlement
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    • 73 5 the i.tlii.-t „i t)i, Strait* Timrt." Dkak Sir. Through the medium of your valuable pn]H-r. could you not suggest to the Tramway Coni]iany to |iost bills on the corners (1 f the streets notifying the public of their fares from place to place as at present the general
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  • 433 5 l.i m Wkk Tioni; has a place of husiness »t 97 Boat Quay, known us Chop Wan t'hun. He employed several servants, among them (ian Boon Tok. His manager's name is (ian Chan .li. An iron safe was kept on the premises. It had duplicate keys.
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  • 230 5 On Monday morning, a Malay woman ami her (laughter went to 21KI North ItMgi Koad. a secondhand shop kept by Yap Win i hi ami seleeled for purehaxc a |>air of handles which were priced at MS. The woman asked that her daughter might be allowed to take
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  • 819 5 Debtor Sent to Prison. Is the Bankruptcy Court thif morning. Mm Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton, a motion by the Official Assignee. Mr. A. M. Pountnev. came on for hearing. His motion was that Khoo Syn Thuatt of Chop Klioo Chin Hin, race-mill owners, be sent to
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  • 48 5 Nkw visitors at the Hotel de l'Kurope. arrived yesterday, are Mrs. Q. George. Mr. B. A. Starling, Mr. H. J. Hightield, H. Chevallier from Knglaud. Mr. Dnserre from France. Today Mr. E. .1. Evans arrived from Vancouver aud Dr. W. F. Dunlop from Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 76 5 Tuk Governor of Hongkong, in a kfMofc to the Legislative Council on the 7th instant, expressed his appreciation of the sup)xirt given by the community there to the Volunteer movement. At the same time H. K. staKxl that he would not be fully satisfied till every Briti*hborn |>erson who had
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  • 85 5 Tin bubonic plague has broken out in a very virulent form at Colon, in the Panama canal strip. Many death* have been renorted. mostly of native laborers connected with the canal. Numbers of the Americans employed by the Isthmian Canal Commission aru returning to the United States on account! iff
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  • 469 5 Ties for To- Day. CiMunnNSHir. D V PerkiiiH v L K Gaunt B. L M Woixlwanl ncr v M H Mergler— l G A CliHiiey icrvKßS Robertaon 2 P J Spronle Ber v OP Griffith-Tones scr, to finish W.l H«skiim--2 vH T White 4
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  • 29 5 The Hongkong Budget is exjiected to close this year with a deficit of over 878,000. The revenue for 1906 is estimated at I7JM7JM, w ith an outlay of 87,056.955.
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  • 38 5 Tuk orders for the day at the Legislative Council meeting to-morrow afternoon include first reading of the Currency Note Amendment Ordinance, committee stage of the Final Supply Bill, and third reading of the Native Labour Contract Relief Bill.
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  • 48 5 Pam carters were this morning fined 85 for conveying balks of timber along Tanjong Pagar Road without anyone in charge to warn approaching vehicles. The balks were said to be so long that it was not possible for the carts to make a complete turn in the road.
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  • 46 5 Thk Race Course golf ground has been placed at the disposal of the Singapore Polo Club on Saturday from 5 o'clock for the Tournament. The Sepoy Lines and Garrison Golf Clubs have placed their grounds at the disposal of the Singapore Golf Club for that day.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 20 5 liik Btr*Ut 1uu1,,.t was published this i.ioininj;. Por < old 1:1 til*- 11.U.1 und Coughs tilke Woods pptrmiul Car*. n> oaaat.
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    • 12 5 For Malaria) Troubles and Dysentery take Wood's Great Peppermint Cure. 00 censt.
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    • 14 5 Woods' Great Peppermint Cine is infali We for Children's Stomach Tronb!is. b J centE.
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    • 119 5 STEARNS' WINE represents bub (Yd Liver Oil and Iron, and can be taken with especial benefit in Anoemia It cures. ARTIE TULLY Turf Commission Agent. Artie Tnlly begs to inform his clients that he has a $10,000 book opened on the Governor's Cup. Double Events on Maiden and Governors Cup
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    • 605 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Raffles Rotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, 16tfj September. SKATING. BAND IN ATTENDANCE. c 41 BARGAINS IN PIANOS. (o) KACHALB (1) Pianos by BRINSMEAD (I) HAAKK (i) and many others, to lie mU t'iOd fmo hundred Mam) below original selling price these pianos lime had very little use. and
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  • 1571 6 In Ceylon and the base. In the year 1875 it was contemplated y the Indian QuiSTliasant to obtain from Brazil supplies of fcs* <lf tin- very valuable Imlia mbbei plant, ■Hotm BraribMMta. 1 As tha climate of Calrulla lia.l b»M found I" be ilnsuitaliNfat the cultivation, it
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  • 159 6 Expected Release in November. It is understood the* Jabez Balfour will be released from Parkhurst convict prison in November next. He was con-victe-d in November, 1896, with four other persons, of frauds .11 connection with the Liberator Building Society and other companies, and sentenced by Mr. Jestioa Bruce
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 50 6 Most Popular Because It Is the Best. Messrs. Philpotts <fc Son, storekeepers, Picton, N. Z., say "The best selling cough mixture in this district is Chamberlain "s Cough Remedy. Everyone likes it and speaks well of the results after using it." For sale by All Dealers. THE DISPENSARY, General Agents.
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    • 569 6 NOTICES. APPRENTICE REPORTERS wanted for Singapore's new morning paper "The Eastern Daily Mail." Fine chance for smart boy. leaving school. Salary from start— STRAITS PRESS Agency, 29-30 Winchester House, Collyer Quay. v 164 AN English-speaking Collector wanted for the International Restaurant. Security required. Apply on the premises. v 196 CHINKSK
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    • 581 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET ON LEASE OR FOR SALE. A large and substantial European bungalow, built of bricks with five bedrooms, good stabling for two horses and out-houses complete, situated •n Serangoon Road about 150 yards from the tramway terminus. Apply toG. A. Fkhsanpf.z, 43 Raffles Place. (The Dibpknhai.y Biii.i>ino.)
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    • 485 6 THE Straits Xpimes CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES Singapore. Messrs. John Little <t Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh. Ltd ttaffles Hotel. Raffles Tiffin Rooms. Messrs. Kirn Co. H.oh Co. Adelpbi Hotel. Chuan <fe Co., Robinson Road. Hotel de la Paix. Hotel de l'Europe Hotel Netherlands, Tanjong Pagar.
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    • 715 6 AUCTION SALES THE PUNJOM MIMM, COMPANY. LIMITED. /.V LIQUIDATION. AUCTION SALE 01 tiik VALUABLE MAciIINKKV tmi PLANT, BUILDINGS Tools. Stolen, T'liliiitls, the BNftCtJ of th« l'unjoni Mining Coiii|miiv, Lot, To ht lielilat POWELL A CO.'S SALEROOM Monday, the 18th Sept., 1905, an 2.30 p.m. |H\ onler of the Liquidator) The
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  • 2190 7 Marvellous Water Cure. I'enani:. Sunday 10th S< (.timlcr. We ;irr in.t in aeaeaeatoa oi ;i hydropathic mUbliJi— l hi Pawing ai yet, but all the sain.- we UtVM tin-- week had a „,,,.t wonderful exaatpfe of H'«' »'"<< ir emu and although lha patienta, who were awfariag from
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  • 663 7 The Australian Outlook. The following is from the "Australiai. Mining Standard With slight fluctuations the tin advance is still strongly maintained, and if it continues it will not be long before it nuuehes he record. The highest point touched of late years was in 1900, when it
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 59 7 Tmuh is no Damn whatever from lockjaw or blood poison resulting from a wound when Chamberlain's Pain Balm is promptly applied, it is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also causes wounds to heal without maturation and in onethird the time required by the usual
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    • 1471 7 NOTICES. 1 i^% VfATCHFS IKL Hi TWAKM i^^^SS^^SRRSS^SS^ Better than ever -the best watches j| in the world. Be- hind them are half a century of high reputation and a j j strong guarantee, i good for all time. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL
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    • 536 7 BANKS. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID IP CAPITAL »10,000,000 BEBERVKFUND:— Silver Reserve 9 M..VK).(HIO »>"••«••"."«• Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Slade, Ksq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. H. Schubart, Esq. E. Goetz. Esq. B. Shellim, K«i. O. H.
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  • 839 8 I'hk lollowiag are exteaota from the i<cently publitJl. il Pw»k .Icpaitmcntal reporti I. 190 Tin >tatc Surge il (Dr. Wnghti com plain- thai Man is really no provision f.n education of di.-s.i-. Tin training we i,o« attempt to give to this < lass of siilmh.l inatm in oat
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  • 58 8 laj M talk lavrima hears that the (limes, of Manila are about to form an ass,H iation which will be known as the (bines.- I'loleetiM One of the ..l.j.cts of the association i- to ci.-ale I hieiidlv feeling between the Chinese of Manila and Americans and to end.-aioi to
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  • 63 8 Tilf. steam, i t *V,, which left Shanghai .-:i :',|st Aueu. t. encountered typhoon on tin nest .lay. and letiiiued thither on the lib instant badly damaged. She brought Aft] lour m. tuber* "I theorem of the steamer which foundered iv the typhoon. Oah one Chinaman waa drowsed. The /V,7/,7i
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  • 347 8 The stability of the native hanks in Hong kong and Canton is says, the Hnn<jkn)i,j Dnilij Prwat, frequently the occasion of serious heartburning among the )>etty traders of the Colony, and should any doubt be cant upon their solvency the reaction would certainly affect Kuropean houses. It is
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  • 250 8 Thk annual nieetiuu of <iuinness aud Co.. the yn at linweis. was instructive in an iuverse n-c. The balance -sheet showed that for the year ended .lime Ml the total value of the business was f K i.( K X sterling: and the uiiiulM-r of shareholders present to transact
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  • 110 8 Mk. P. Kismkkikl. aliei-iiianjiy nationality.. wbe »as Opium Kami bMBW at Ban^Uok met his death by drowning there a few days ago. under strange circumstances. He fell bvetbomed from lioat and was at once carried away b\ a strong current. Mr. Krinekiel had Ikiii in Bangkok for some siM-n or
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  • 176 8 Di:. H. N. Allkx. American Minister to Korea, has lieen recalled. His Secretary K. V. Moman. succeeds him. In IHH4 Dr. Allen west to Korea as a medical missionary. An insurrection was brewing and the life of the crown prince was attempted liy MBaaafaa, The |>i nice was in a
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  • 340 8 Extradition Cases. Hmn MbM disappeared from Siani alxmt the first of August having with him over 12.1MK) ticals which it is alleged he had stolen from a Chinese towkay at Bangkok. It was suspected that he made for Singapore, and about the 20th idem. the Bangkok
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  • 190 8 Ox and after the 14th day of October. 1905. tlie rate of postage to be cluiryed upon letters [losted iv the Straits Settlements and adIrcsxed to any place in the Colony, the r'eder »te<l Malay States and .lohore w ill Ik- three i-ents for any weight not exceeding
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  • 10 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. I in, gsjiHiMttr. Bnaaha «t-nt aaj td tothiy.
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  • 315 8 Sanderson Cos. Report. 17th August. .Spot. The auctions wore resumed ca Friday t lie 11th. after having been suspended for the holidays since the '2nd inst. The offerings have ban some what moderate, and all kinds have again met with good competition, nearly all selling at full
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  • 93 8 Gambier lnn.r- 8.65 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 11.50 Copra Bali 7.45 do Pnntianak 7.10 Pepper, Black buyers 27.00 do White, 5",. 37.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.10 do Brunei No. 1 3.024 Pearl Sago -|.40 Coffee Bali. IV., basis M Coffee, Palembang. 20% basis 20.00 Coffee. Liberian No. 1
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  • 134 8 (Mkiuaxtii.k Bank.) /.i..,i/i,ii— Bank 4 m/g Ml Demand 2/1 v,. Private 6 m/s 2/1 h do 3 m/s 2/1 j On Germany— Bank d/d 2.17 Private 3 m/s i.l'.t do 6m/« 2.21 on France Bank d/d 2.6»>A Privates m« 2.71J do 6 m/s 2.744 On Imha— Bank T. T.
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  • 132 8 on r Ilifnii Waili 4ms ..21 H Diinan.l 2 I Private 6 m/s I ds 3 m/s S/l» flu tTiran»| Tlsnfc iljil 2/17 Private 3in s IM do 6 m/s Mi O» />«».,— Bank d I 2. W.A Private 3 m/s 1.78J do 6 m/s 2.74J tin
    132 words
    • 179 8;,,.,. Brit, str. IM t..n-. apt llth S.-pt. Ki. .in Port Swettenlwm. 18th Hept G.i-.. ami loti ,i.ii. Bteaita Bteamahip Ltd For Pott Swettc'iiliaiii. ltith lids. y.iri.i, Brit. atr. MM tana, apt Mills, lltii Sept. From l-'r.-mniitlr. 21th Aug. 0.0. Hoii-teu.l ,v < I'or I'l.niHiitl.-. I. U.
      179 words
    • 64 8 Vl-sM, NoiK. JgJ I>1>UMII..\. llh nh,,, li u. rokobama Uth BiMfcil (in rtr. limiKkiik 1 1 tit Xrrtw Dni -ii Poafiawtk imti Wai sti LangfaU |:ttli o/,r,, Brit rtr. AnstmliM 18th Aim in str. 'iilculli l:ltli Itr. I'alcjiil.aii- |:;u, r«M*l ~t.. Ma. has I lt!i /vi Mr. r nwtiwii
      64 words
    • 73 8 For r BMaarr 1 i tfaaaow. i-nn.-1.. A-.ilihij .l>l-Ii ..l. I:, Salmk un<i DJMnUa Htmf H« l»;itii\m. Souriilmwi. it. ■l'.n, -mliilu-. rmilMlMli 111 fTlln IViinii^an.l Colatnbo Rkti ia I'tliik All-.1111 m:i parti L«m« [tllliiljel'lMH^sin, vU\ /.in-.,/.. |>.n Sp.n. 1|,.,: Batcuut. [liHtmi mil 4mo) I'enuiif' \i« parti H« S!bij
      73 words
    • 121 8 Knnii Braon Hv tin- P. »O. i.s. <*■ (lim,. n Friday. Pnaa Cnu By the K. l>. L. 1;,,, due cm IMb Bent. veil .-.iiiKiiiKin- ■> Aug. M PT*O. Ail)-. Ttli N. I>. I. tag. llMli 11. I. Aim. l-'tii M. M. AiiK. 'til. M. K. Ann.
      121 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 556 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Have iilwins in stotk new silks of every kind and description. Indian, Japanese, Persian carpets of differ* nt colours and sizes. Heady-made crepe and silk suits for gentlemen. Cotton and silk Japanese kimonos for Indies and gentlemen.
      556 words
    • 89 8 WHITE A WAY, LAIDLAW Co.'s Tailoring Department SPECIAL VALUE IN WHITE DRILL SUITS. -Tl I#i.1 i. A Strong> White DrilL Thoroughly Bleached. Each Garment Cut by Our Own Cutter, Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. PRICE $21.00 for SIX SUITS or $3.75 each A very Superior White Drill. Wear |j B and
      89 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 35 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM ■ONOKOKO. Ura Ek rt.— M I Baroni.-tci H Dueclion „f in. l reneoi Wind 1. Max. Temp in Bkaa HONGKONU.- litl, xmx llepnakinu Ea»t Baabae Channel. MAMI.X. litl, Till, u.-.vv. I. :;n M
      35 words

  • 1716 9 Tin- following artictt bj l.ady Law 4>ou appears in the "South Cluna Mm iug l'oso" ol the ;)th ScptciniK.'! Si rung grey >kics ana a .stormy grey ■M an lin ii-nal exix'riejnce' nl tra>ei ler.s hatWHa Hongkong, the Metropolis o| I lie rar Last, and Manila,
    1,716 words
  • 384 9 The statistical 'uiMiuary nf vessels totally lust, condemned, otc. now published by Lloyd's Register, shows that, during 190-1. "the gross reduction in the ■fajtm mercantile marine of the world amount-cri to 80" vessels of 738, 115 tons. Uftadtßg .ill vessels of Uss I 100 lons.
    384 words
  • 649 9 Knowing that Mr. Weatherly, formerly ''f llarmston's Circus now visiting Kangkok. had some experience of elephants in the course of his professional career, a representative of the "Siam Observer" recently had a word or two with him on the subject. A home paper had stated that practically
    649 words
    • 159 9 I'mltT this heading the following abbreviation» are used :—str.— steamer sh.— ship bq. —barque sch.- -schooner Yet.— Yacht Cru. —Cruiser Obt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. Horsepower Brit. British U.S.— United States Fch.— French Ger —German Dut.— Dutch G.c— General cargo d. p. —deck pasnenger U.— Uncertain T.
      159 words
    • 741 9 Iliiturier, Brit. Btr. 213 tons, Capt Mcllor, 3rd Kept. Krom Palembang, 2nd Sept. G.c, and lOd.p. Bwe© Seng. For PalembanK, 11. —Dock. llorilxit, Siam. str. 352 tons, Capt Van Deurs, 11th Sept. From Bangkok, 3rd Sept. G.c, and 136 d.p.
      741 words
    • 761 9 Same, port, probable date of arrival, mid name of agentt. Ktkahbrk. Achilles, Cliiua. Sept. M Manslielil. t«MM ('hum, Oct. M; Maustield. Alemuns, (hum. Oct. U; Maustielil. AlicHiii. HareHoua. Sept. U Barlow. Alting, Bandjvruiassin, Oct. 1 1 Amiral Niell> Saigon, Get 11 Moine ''omtc Anterior. China, Oct. 1
      761 words
    • 299 9 TOR SINGAPORE l'er P. 4 O. s. h. llritainii,! connecting, »uli the strain Oilman at Colombo, from London Augt. 18, due I.lth Sept.- Mm. Warren, Mr. B. N. Turner, Mr. J. Boyd. Mr-. Hurfies. Mr. and Mrs. Trowell, Mrs. W. Powell. Mr. .1. Mr. J. Halsey. Mr.
      299 words
    • 242 9 S U £T j vS£ |J?S <*-*-* T™Li i i i i dumber of Shares Issue Paid Value up to BOLD. 13,000 f 10 17.50 Beraawab G. M. Co., Ltd 12.00 J. 400 „,,1,-ued. 4,000 10 10 (Deferred) S.OO -20,000 HI S 10 Kadaoa G. M. Co., Ltd.
      242 words
    • 149 9 ■4W.UOU >UUHinti»u<d 2,000 4,500 HO.OOO 13,000 3,400 6,000 •2,760 35,000 000 2,000 5,000 786 uiuttutd. :)iio,ooo I.iJUU usiaaued 37,000 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. ..I H.UU H. 50 100 50 125 100 10 100 100 10 t 50 t 100 100 100 t 50 125 t 100 10 t 100
      149 words
    • 89 9 »,000 uDiiuuad 6,000 6,000 i, 'Mi mtmmi :iu <hmi I. 1 <<i ,iui- ii. -I 2,000 usu uni.sued 1,000 IS» uDiuuad 30,000 4,000 uuiwued 150 H\o x, i j. i £1 1 II 11 II C 1 tIIKI 1100 tioo tioo £1 1 •100 fIOO •100 M dukii luijau
      89 words
    • 52 9 Howarth Erskine, Lt4. 1% Riley, Hmrgreaves, 1.t.l rt-., „i Siugapore Municipal U" o i 4"j i Tanjflng Pagar Dock Co.. Ltd. 6% 8% 2.W.000 i% prem. 1/225,000 i% prem buyers. 400,000 2% prem huverv. 1.87H.000 1% prem buyem. 65.5,500 '2% dis. nom '260.U00 2% prem buyers. 1 ,365,500 1%
      52 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 15 9 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per feet antiseptic dentifnoe, cleanes an« preserves th« teeth,— very refruhing.
      15 words
    • 145 9 APCAH" LINK OF STKAMKRS. ion honokonc. KasTl, Apcar Cn.'n Htcamrr AMMATtMtS tPVAR, Captain Fry. liaving left CalrutU in the 9th insUnt, is due to arrive hero oil Monday, the lHtli idem, en route for the above x>rt. For freight and paaHa^e apply to PATERSON. SIMONS A 00.,—Aftm*. M ••APCAR" LINK
      145 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 752 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 twelve years old i c 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO Par China, Japan, Penanx, Ceylnn Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Prrta, Plymouth and London. Thmncli Hills of Lading ixsued fat (lima «-t, Persian
      752 words
    • 1202 10 JSTEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljke Paketvaart Maatechappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore Ship Aokncy, late J. Da km. us 4 Co., 2-3 Collvbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From TExp'ted Will be despatched for Van '..xii» Billiton Sept 12 Billiton, Batavia, Java-Coast, and Soerabaya
      1,202 words
    • 644 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial German Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suee, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      644 words
    • 600 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OOEAH STKAJM SHIP Gi.. Lid. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Lie The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Ja|*n homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to Vancouver,
      600 words
    • 615 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVIOSTKIi 1-INKS KXCKKO £12,000,000. tiik uaMM tuiK niii.i: in \m. MM*. BOIiSTEAD A Co.. Iwiii. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE KIKE INSIKANCK OOMPAXT. Gaaatal..' MJfITJM Paid-up Capital ■JIJ.T-VI K.s.rvc Fund £1 BTMM Tlie undersignwl. Agents for the Company, arc pre|mred to accept fire
      615 words