The Straits Times, 13 September 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times x\O. 21.837 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 65 1 Wharves at Which Different Ship.* are Berthed To-day. Kvs, Uiiu:i Pen „f Airhe. \i, loau (.nivini; 1).« k I'lorids. Al.r.ll:r (M:v\lM. IWk: lloiit! Mo!,. Sh im No. 1 Tccsta. I Okhla. l'aknam. :i Van (ioens. 4 Diir.laiius. I Manat.,,,. Kin* Chow. Siak. BmudWiut 7 Alavia. s
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  • 468 1 I-., Mm...: k. Commandant, 8.1 ,C I .'tli nil" 1 B. A. Orderlj OOoat tor next awak: l.i.ut. D Robertaon. Ordarl) N.C.O. Corpl. I. A. B I'iira.l.s Monday, IMb mat., atA-aOp.m. Tluirailay, Hat mat., at B p.m. Friday, Mad m-t.. atH-M p.m. Hi pr. gan dri*. Carpi.
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  • 229 1 Action From Peking. As Imperial Bdiat iasaaj at Mtiag ou tin Ist >i jiUiiilHi tliat Censor Woii({ lia> iiKinoiialist-d tliat tin- liovoittiiiy iiioveiiient ayiiinst Anniit;in pKKlucts tlnoiiyliout the Kni|.in is assiiiiiini; propmlioux beyoml \di slial.l, limits, and has asked that I iwawrti sliould Ih' taken t« protect
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 NOTICES. POWER FOR COUNTRY HOUSH LIGHTING, FACTORIES, SAWMILLS, PUMPING OPERATIONS, ETC, IS BEST OBTAINED BY INSTALLING THE I nsssßßaaV- —^-_Mnßß| ««a»»n»aBn»«» ■■■^^^^fc^^aW^*. Clean. Economical. -?^^SSSi For particulars apply t > C. Dupire Co., SINGAPORE AGENTS. Two .sjilemliil tonics, Iron and (.'o< Liver Oil are cumbined in Sltmrmt' W*m most acceptable
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    • 237 1 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Bapt Is A: Hale-mom. machmcr\. ,v,- of Pnnjoni Mining Cojr. Ltd. in Liquidation, -' |> in. II At HaJe-r»onf. aiillaSl. N<>. 12-s Sve.l Aiwe.- Bead. No,. 1. 1. 4. V 21 and •>• .lalan Sultan. Nos lvtand tae Batch Road. N'.~ 1 and Hokien Street.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER TELEGRAM HOKOKOKG. l-.'ni Si.i--. —10 a.m. Uarometer ttM Dneelioi, „f Wind k.k. K.r.e.f Win 1 1 M:l\ .Temp 111 Sli»,le H5 MANILA 1-iih- Tttl. 1. 81. 27
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    • 144 1 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 13th September. High Water. 102<l p.m. Thursday. 14th September. High Water. 111:1 a.m. 1 lli p.m. Full Ham. l--) Assizes. I. iV O. homeward mail closes. H. Del. Raaaa, Philharinonir Orchestra. Town Hall 8-M. Friday. 15th September. Hgh Water. 11-89 a.m. 11-40 p.m. P. A 0.
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    • 76 1 WEATHER REPORT. Kiimlani) IMn lliapiinl, MM Stfl., .90S. 9 a. ji. 3 r. y. r. x. Kkji .bks. Bar. :<-.' M.96T I SB.BTOJ SB.M6 +.a£ Temn 7«.2 7-..0 74. S Wet Bulb Ther 74.0 7:1.M 7H.0 o- DirofWind.. v, s.k. etta, 'i Max. Temp MJ g Mm. ISJ fll Max.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 20 2 linfm. IMft September. Four reyiiiKiits of Russian infantry, with artillery and cavalry, have arrived at Baku.
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    • 47 2 King Emmanuel's Interest in the Sufferers. Kin^ Victor Kniinamiel hat* arrived at Montelcone. which is tin- centre of the earthquake region. Dag Victor Kii'iii.iinirl is motoring from village to village, pcntoually questioning tlic )Hitlii|iiiik<' sufferers, and encouraging the iiutlioritios in the work of relieving the
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    • 31 2 Thi' M. C. C will Henri a strong team, under Mm captaincy of P. F. Warner, to South Africa, at the iK'yinniiin of November.
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    • 41 2 How Baku Besieged were Rescued. Mr. I'rquhart, the British Vice-Consul at Baku, dashed through the besiegers at the head of a small escort of cavalry and rescued the four Englishmen who were besieged in a house at Baku.
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    • 23 2 It is understood that the Anglo-Japanese treaty will be published at the end of the week, simultaneously in London and Tokyo.
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    • 55 2 The Prince and Princess of Wales leave Genoa aboard the lirtiowv on the 21st October. They arrive at Messina on the 21st where they stay six hours, arrive Port Said 27th and stay 24 hours, arrive at Aden on 3rd November, and at Bombay at
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    • 12 2 Lord Minto's staff includes Lords (limtiimv and Fraiuis Scott.
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    • 34 2 Hough weather in the Channel prevents M. Blanc's horses from crossing for the St. Leger. "The above telegram was received after going to press yesterday and was issued as an extra.
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  • 370 2 In a r. port published by the London Hoard of Education ap|iears the following |>aH<<a*;e with reference to Hongkong's educational system In the Far Ka>t. (nivernineiit takes a prominent part, and mission work in either confined to some special department or. at least, is not the most
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  • 159 2 Tin: must fashionable <!>>(_; in London is the NdMM spaniel, a fact plainly demons traUil at the Westminster Aquarium Show <it tli<' Ladies Kennel Association. Ainoii^ all the tiny pets in their silk-lined |mhs ncme at: i. nt' d so iniich notice as the I'ekingeHe. which were
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 NOTICES IND. COOPE CO.'S BURTON LAGER. $12.50 per case of 6 Doz. Pints or 4 Doz. quarts. OF ALL DEALERS. JEFFREYS' 1 EDINBURGH STOUT. $14 00 per case of 6 Doz. Pints or. 4 Doz. quarts. OF ALL DEALERS. .lulv .7 Whe Strait* Isimes. AND &he Straits sBudgef. SUBSCRIPTION RATES.
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    • 165 2 MARTINS* JipiQL&STEEL (jTLi»TLadies.| PI LLS •T.-ei r«m«a> for >U Imniulllo Tboo»:: '■|"i«I" el Y«r:lr (MliTn tb. t;u.» .0 :h»' r-. tigs. H ft: rf«ful*rii7 of tha byiua 1 tim.'.y iw- KWtaJBH-*' .bmwhCUMttlKNOCW&ielUltK -tht h EXPANDED METAL (British Manufacture) Htiitttblc for an infinite variety of buildup mid other frngfomm. The cheapetit
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    • 12 2 For Palpitation of the Heart take Woods' Great Peppermint Care. 80 cents.
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    • 705 2 NOTICES. ON SALE EVERYWHERE 20 Cts. per tin ||B "SLEDGE" i^ne^^^c BRAND m -cp -rz? T t t it^ hep t^i £Z3 X -tlj -C\j X -L-J -L j±j J-J UNSWEETENED CONDENSED HYGIENIC MILK FOB CHILDREN AND INVALIDS. The highest medical authorities ngive that the addition of sugar and the
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  • 893 3 TONQU N TIN MINES. 5i,,,,, ,11,i TriiHihilnl for Tkt Mmiwj JmurmmL" To Uh north of T«afMM, iK'ar tlie ChtMM fnmtiar, in the district of CaoH.iML'. than arc <'.\t»'nsiv tin depaaito, willed ■■•in U) ii'-titutc- OMI Of tin 1 cliicf niincral tOOTOM "f wealth in the country. Theac doposita lio in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 65 3 BbaßS i|iiotatioiis, general sbi|>|>iiig news ami Baaaeaaar lists. iH>siiles auaaaag and insinan.-e ad\ eitiseineiit. will In- found on pane* 10 aad 11. With artificial modes of life New ailments oft appear, And in Mf midst diaraac is rife. MOM div:idl'ul <'vcrv y<ai\ Wt win) Mad MlfTer stomach pain. Or sUipUss
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    • 609 3 NOTICES. "Best" Incandescent Gasoline Lamps. MAKE BURN GIVE A BRILLIANT THEIR OWN GAS. WHITE LI3HT. O O LAMPS SUITABLE STREET OTHER PRIVATE HOUSES. '^Lj?9\^M OUT-DOOR LAMPS. Sole Jlgents: HUTTENBACH BROS, CO, NEW FILMS. 10,000 feet -10,000 feet New Films have just arrived The finest assortment of films ever seen in
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    • 159 3 iDALLAin TELEPHONE 540 'AUSTRALIAN HORSE REPOSITORY, 3 4 Koek Road (off Orchard Road). TURNOUTS of every description FOlt SAI.K (Rubber-tyred or ordinary) New Shipment of HORSES, COBS, PONIES, prize Carriage pairs Ex Eyryalus." First class turnouts (rnblicr-tyrcd or ordinnrv) for Hire AT SHORTEST NOTICE. DALIAN'S REPOSITORY. Tel. IM. Alexandra Brickworks
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  • 596 4 the Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 13th SEPTEMBER. A i ohkksi'omikxt wlm is really a luminary of the local Bar, but who seeks to hide his critical acumen under the now de plume of Censorship" writes to advocate tho apimiutiiient of a Municipal AitiKt." Heaven forbid Things BM pretty
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  • 291 4 Thk I'enang Municipal Commissioners d'Scussi-d the water supply ij.iestion there on Friday. The supply falls abort af requirements, and several schemes came up before the Commissioners. The arguments for and against each scheme fairly puzzled the Commissioners, until Dr. Looks showed the way out. He took the ground that what
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  • 214 4 Thk anti American boycott at Canton has had the unionised for etlec -t of disorganising the cake trade between that |«vi and Singapore. The Boycott ComniitUe at CV.nton decided nontetime ago that, as the majority of the tea shops. restaurants, and eating houses there had large stocks of American flour
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  • 8 4 Thk Mraiej Bmift will be eahUebed tomorrow morniiif,'.
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  • 13 4 AiiVKKTimkmknts of Sales Wanteil. To Let etc., will be found on p.i^i 6.
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  • 22 4 On account of the Teutonia L'lubconccrt on Toeeday next, the weekly practice of the Philharmonic choir on that ni^ht is .ban doned.
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  • 25 4 It bprOBOMd to have riHe match Ik tw ten kaHM representing Perak ami EHagapON to be shot off on Ist OcUilier at tlieir respective ranges.
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  • 28 4 Osk of the Sinniiiiore Krunji I tin I way ferry lioats came in this Mniaj and anclioKd close to the MHMr Attendant's pier. She is to lie overliaulwl.
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  • 56 4 The first consignment of Rabbet ban iula Kstate (Perakl, which was of mixed quality. has just ban sold in London at the high price of ti«. :i|r/. pal pound. A TKi.KiiitAM received from London states that the new A ngo .Japanese Agreement expr< ssl\ covers the contingency of an attack
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  • 27 4 Thk damage caused in Shanghai by the laeast typhoon was several million taels. The numlicr of lives lost at Woo -sung is estimated to iuuiilht two hundred.
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  • 31 4 Cha Yam. who wasse\< rely Maided al the l'.,wer Station on the 4th inst.. died last night at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. An inquest was held this morning by the Coroner.
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  • 35 4 Thk arrangements for the MMOfag of the new Victoria Memorial Hall are to he considered at a met ting of the general committee to lie held in the Hall at 4..10 p.m. on Tuesday next.
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  • 46 4 Thk gas pipes which have for months decorated the sides of BaHattiar Road arc it is satisfactory note being put under ground. Does this mean that the residents of that road are at length to have the long c\|>ccted boon of a luininant at night t
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  • 49 4 Tin sixteenth auiiivcrsarv nimitinij of the Chinese Christian Association was held at the CCA. Hall. Piinscp Street, last night. Mr. .1. Polglasc presiding. An excellent musical programme was gone through. The report Of the committee, presented by the Honorary Secretary, showed awaroipro greM in the affairs of the Association.
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  • 62 4 A skxsatioxal shipping ease was on at IVii.uig a few days ago. Tho ease turns ii|K>n I sum of MQ/000 claimed for goods delivered by one Kader Mydin to Venjoor Pakir w ithotit a"bill of lading. 'The an est of the latter for which a reward of 8">00 had been
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  • 435 4 At the Assizes yesterday afternoon. In tore Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton ami a jury, j Seng Ycow and Chan Mvi wire charged with i counterfeiting King's coin anil being in |his session of instruments and materials lor coining. They pleaded not guilty. Mr. I". .1. Sproule. Deputy Public
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 46 4 A .Major-General of Hussars. lintm. r.'ih iTiffiiiii.j. The Kmpcror William, when at (dblent/.. s|H!cially distin, 'iiished Prince von linelow h\ imikiiioliiiii a Majar-Oaaanl aMaehed u> the Royal Hussars at Monn. one of the most exclusive regime its in the icrinan army.
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    • 12 4 The Crown Princess is in tlir fiiiniU v. -v
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    • 32 4 Probably Held at Cadiz An iindcrstaiidin..; ragarotag the place at which to hold the Mmoooo Conference hi i\|H< Ui\ to In- rriu-luil shortly. The choice will probably fall nil Cull/.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 75 4 /.<!/„/..». l.llh UepUmber. The Japanese battleship Miktua cauuhl tire ami blew up. The casualties an- put al BM, TlmJHmm mm UMkalToga'i tagriiipand iliHtintjuislied hersilf in l'ort Arthur. She was h most iKiwerful ironila.l. an. l was huili :it Barrow in Mi. it la reported jthal tba
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    • 12 4 CICERO SCRATCHED. n; m is s< i allied in the St. LajH
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    • 23 4 .Mounted I'cisian Kurds continue t., join the Tartars in massacring Armenian-, .nd pillaniny tlieir villages. Horrible atr<K itics are re|»nt(,l
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    • 46 4 I >es patches ti, >im Italiii yesterday afternoon show that the situation b beooming WOTHe every minute. The town is full of who bare politically destroM-d the eijdit witli aitillerv. Th»' Tartars and Kurds are still phindi lag the landed proprietors.
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    • 14 4 I'rinee Tsitsiianotf has been assassiimteil at <iori. in the Titlis diatrict
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    • 40 4 Owners' Demand for Protection. A conference nf the leading naphtha firms has memorialised the C/ar. declaring that they m ill not attempt to res the industiy unless si.lid yuarantec s nf adc<p::il< a letliun arc yivc n.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 55 4 Advises Them to Retain Office. .S, ltcilters eottHMMNMBt cable, li.nn Tokyo: The Cabinet h«s pnMMJ to tin Sfikada an acknowledgment <if its short lin^s. craving the laUMrial judgment tin > if si mil Id remain in office or retire. Tin- Kinperois reply advises tin ni.-mh, iof
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    • 41 4 Cossacks have tired volleys into a meeting al 1000 Social Daamnieal TiHis There well' Km casualties. Many were trampled to deall. in the ensuing [TMlfr MM Triiiianol). ISMMBMI of Railway*, has Ixfli assassinated in a niijddxiin inn station.
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    • 34 4 Opened by Prof. Darwin. ProiMaor Darwin htm t'ormallv opened tlx great Victoria Kails bridge, on the /.uiiilm sj. in the presence of the ineiiilxi s of tl't Hi A--., ciation.
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    • 41 4 < ien< ral h'nUiishiina :tnd )vanui-I,\ i<s|m, -live .lapanesi- ami l£u-,,i.ui .innistio. Commissioners, n ii 1 1 al Shtihotsii. tn UMMTUU to arrange details, e\eept in NMtld to the neutral MM alH>vi' Tiiincn. uliirli is left t" -]«■< iill delegates.
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    • 22 4 The Channel Heel MM left Cop. Illia-. II lifter m most friendly reception, which the PCMMMM of Queen Alexandra accentuated.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 363 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS l]fcWfcMßMMj*^J^jM^^j aj- K^^iijo* o J*^^^e3Hprl^rr™^Fff O^O, View of the premises pledged to progress and pre-eminence in Photography. :iyo WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL 6c CO., Indian Store, No. 1. 2, 3, 4, High Street-, And Branch Store at Hotel de I'Europe Ha«« jut opeaed a flae ataok Of Bmm of all
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    • 421 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Teutonia Club. Tuesday, 19th September. GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT i;ivk\ K Madame BassetUArral, (Under patronage of H.E the (iovcrnur, Sir J"hn And rson.) Assist! d by HMbI amateurs, the I.iedertafrl. aal full orchestra, conducted by MR. L. SCHLIEBNER. O|h n to members of the Teutonia and TmM)
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    • 12 4 For Wind on the Stomach take Woods 1 Great Peppermint Cure.^Bo cents.
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    • 13 4 Wikkls' (imit IYpi-crnnnt (uru is iaffcUibl for Children's Stoinuch T roubles. «U Matt,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 321 5 tin milt "I II"- Xtr.illi /i/M.«." Htm, In reply to .1. P.'s MM! in your y.sterday's i ■m. I Ing to say that my advertisement was made up according to information received from several Malays. wl ilmil i v my way when MMBhMf for tlie dogs in Urn
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    • 165 5 l-,lir..r ih,- Strath Tl Sin. Broken Legs should lie able to obtain relief by laying lii> mm baton th. Judges. lam constrained to think this from my knowledi;e ..1 a oaM in which a landlord bad to pa) np for damage earned u> furniture tlnoneh his act.
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    • 127 5 th I iitar n| Wnrth rum." Di-xi: SlB, I must Ih a man of ••xcerable taste, for I cannot conscientiously join in the apparently unanimous condemnation of that horrid fountain." While I admit that it lookiil much better partially concealed among the foliage, were the water running
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    • 192 5 th. I Him ■■> I*l Timn." Si!.-. For tin- most reliable inlm malion on public matti is it is customary logo to official d.x'imicnts and publications, but the cvract froui the home Board at Bdnoation'i Mri OB eololliill educational s\.tenis. pnbli-hcd on the third page ol yesterday's issue
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    • 188 5 7',. i:,l,i.t ii,. Sfm I The widespread disgust at the Fountain s hope that tMaffapon is waking up to a sense oi artistic requirements. Son f the ere. lion- which have Imm n put ip recent!) ire really very is [111 more hideous. I wonder,
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  • 615 5 Annual Meeting. Tlih annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society was held this morning in the Muni ripal Board Boom. Hon. \V. K. Collyer, President, presided, and there were also present Mr. \V. K. HoOMT, Hon. Treasurer, Mrs. Waddell. Hon. Secretary. Key. H. C, Izard aud Mrs.
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  • 118 5 Tiik. Penang Muiiicii>al Commissioners. having )>aid Mr. O'Hallorau. their formt r Soietary. fi'id and the price of his passage Home to induce to him to break his aaWMMM and vacate the )xist of Municipal Secretary, have appointed Mr. Biggs to act as such for six months. on
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  • 189 5 The following properties were disposed ot by auction at Powell rt Cos saleroom yesterday afternoon i.and at CHMM Street. SiugaiMire Tow n. area Im<ki m. ft. comprised in least- for '.•'.I years Iroin Septcmlwr IM4J. quit rent S'2. Together with the shop. house thereon known as No. 17
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  • 17 5 An armistice having been arranged. th< It issian army withdrawn to Harbin, and the JtMM l" Mukd.'ii.
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  • 992 5 An Argument Vkstkkhav, Li Chek Tong appeared before the Bench Coilrt on an allegation of criminal breach of trust in respect of $sl>o. the prolierty of Hnp Chooii Hui. Mr. Greenfield for Mm .1. fondant observed that Sergt. Nolan, who had charge of the case. ha»l instructions
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  • 47 5 Whilk tin' Assi/is Court was sitting M-sti-nluy afternoon, tin- punkah above the Jary-box mm %WMJ from its i»le at one MM. hiiu^.ny il.i 1 show it of dust down upon the heads of the jurors. Proceedings had to lie MMMd till the broken pmikrth was tied up.
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  • 295 5 H. M. S "FLORA ARRIVES. H. M. second class cruiser flora i Captain H. (irant Dalton I arrived yesterday evening from Trincomalee. on joining the China squadron. She will remain here as Senior Na»al Officer's ship for the preHent. The Ftoru. which is a sister cruiser of the bits on
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  • 712 5 Yesterday's Ties. A. SiM.i.Ks. H A Mason 4 l>eat W J Maysou scr. 4(J, 60, 6-2. D V Perkins— A beat C A Leggatt *t, 61. "•■>. B. BaMaM. 1 laskiii- si -I- heat Capt Jones scr, 61. ■*>-'. 7-5. H T White 2 beat
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 For Cold IntM Head ami '<m*;h« take Wood* Gnat IVpi* niiim Con
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    • 20 5 STEARNS 1 HEADACHE CURE can be obtained from all the dispensaries (quickly by post). Xever be the Genuine. m.w.i.
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  • 1732 6 Apotheosis of the Anglo- French Entente. 1 am, <h,r Own Ctrrmf*Umt.) I'm i«, lriiltnj IM Aniiii't. This week has marked the crowning |Miiiit (if the entente cordiale. French aeataawat has been more .strikingly appealed to by the reception of Admiral Caillard and the officers aad men of
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  • 68 6 Tiik mortality amongst CUmm in Baag kok ii]i|N'iirs t<> the Slum (lli.-rrnr to llOMMnt if one iniiv judyr by the number of burialH at the. UMMM criintery. Apparently, some sickness sec ins to Imve attacked them which, curiously MOOsh, doee dot affect Mm Siamese in like ratio. It is unlikely
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  • 75 6 AnviiKs from Achoen to tlie 4th Septeni Ut tell of two HUCCeKHfuI MgMMMMNi itli tlie enemy in remote districts. A patrol under Lieut. Snnigne li.-id just killeil nine Achinese in Tripu. inchiiliiiK a chieftain. Captain Voltman. operating; in upper Woyln. kille<l twenty of tin- enemy including 'si\ women. A i.oted
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 618 6 NOTICES. AITIvKNTKT. RBfOBESM wanted for Btaflapore'i nan morning paper The Beaten Dadv Mail." Kme ohanea lot smart says having school. Salary from atari sTU.WTs PRKHH Aawiey, H «> Wiaeaeslet Beaas, < "llyer Quay. 1 H. I AN BngUsh-epeakinfl Collector (ranted far the International Restaurant. S.i mity required. Apply on the
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    • 583 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. U< HKNC.ViRN Tanglin Hill— a well sitnnted and i-ommodioiiH Residence. Dntry 1 -"> 1 1 1 At'gust. Apply to A. M. McNkh., 0 48 Syme ft Co. TO BE LET. v i mi |h mini house of two stories. No. 28 Sophia lioad. Immediate entry. Apply
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    • 574 6 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and Chinr. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £1)75,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City .v Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
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    • 584 6 BANKS. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporaticn. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 110,000,000 > „a«wnnn Silver Reserve 8,500,000)" 18>500 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors »10,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. H. A. W. Slade, Esq.— Chairman. A. llaiipt. Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. H. Schubart, Esq. E. Goetz. Esq.
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    • 12 6 For Malarial Troubles and Pjllterj tak Wood's Great Peppermint Cure. HO c»ii»t.
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  • 1549 7 Straits and States Planters Chuckling. The following article has been contributed by Mr. E. F. Skertchly to the "Times of Ceylon": There are practically only two subjects in Malayan conversation at present, one is tin (with a capital T) and the other rubber (in the biggest, block
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  • 241 7 Jowakiis niiuniglit on tin Iztli \nyn-t. a man entered the c iob of some lions at Black |mhil iKnylnmli while under the inlhience of diinl,. and In waaterriU] mauled and partly eaten. TbeaCaii was not discovered until shortl\ atterwaids when a nan bond two horn--, s loaminy
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  • 141 7 'IK Baal Hnrneo Company at Amsterdam h m mmmi Hi animal report, bow wbiofa it appean thai the woridng of the ooal mines ma routined to what »;is striitU nnrsMirv. The iMiMtion of the Compain is overshadow. <il liy th<' contracts with the Woyml IVtruli inn Oonpaar, whiili is working
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 554 7 NOTICES. II 1 I Celebrated Oilman's Stores I Till. MUSIC MAKES THE SKI N1 Madame ßassettlMme Blanche Arral vELV EtJi &&*^XICL') \^M/Y|l4? WUI receive a limited nninber f trrt/f^C^ UlVd of pupils for M.n.,,' I,'ssons vocal %^kM o i^o^Tsl C 2J REDNESS. HEAT. the French or Italian methods, '"^IL o
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    • 666 7 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice ig hereby giveu that in terms of Section 34 of the Municipal Ordinances 1H96 v, 1903 an election of one Commissioner for the Rochore (No. 4) Ward of the Town of Singapore (vice Mr. C'hoa Giang Thye resigned) will take place at the Municipal Office, Esplanade,
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    • 68 7 in the 1 oaw-fangted dayi of the pry in^' .< 1 Of buth-haaliog ami trano that'i hypnotic. As life's secrets unfuld. it- ii woiid.r the oKI King of Terrors is still so daapotie But his grip is as s^ron;; as 11 ni in Urn long Long ago, ere the world
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  • 265 8 It must havt'Pxeu all an\ioiis moment for thus, hvine near the sea to have e\]n rienecd siinh I stoini as the one we bad on Siitur day Bight i.'nd SepUniU 11. sa\s a M,il,ui Moil eorii s|Kii!ileiit. It was ,|iiite nnpiere dinted, tin only wonder lieinj; that
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  • 243 8 A' I' ■!^h Aufutt, (SOS. I'm prioi of tobacco obtained by the Tirili| an I obaoOO Kstati is. in the opinion of the Kadat Coßwajoadoat of tin Permk Piemmr, \,i\ enomucagfaig. EthaagowaptoadoOai and twenty eeuts ponad ami tin whole ay, i'.'^i ;iii,-i works out to seventy eij,'ht
    243 words
  • 163 8 in-rn:. in his report 01 the Kiuta District il'erak' For last year, writes as follows 011 the Kinta Land Ottiei The chiel featun s of the year* work in i! Laad Office wen tin nytciniatiratina of us s'.ill to be dealt with, the adjustt ov, ilappinu titles,
    163 words
  • 128 8 I It in vi turbine steamers of the Allan I. in, the I injiiii.iii and the Viettrimn, seem I be i.dtilliny the most favourable anticipa- their ri-conl breakiuu pro|H nsitii s. > far, tbi Virgimam jam thahaal parJorMaaoi to her 1 .-.lit KtUlg up lately Uw u<
    128 words
  • 66 8 THAT FOUNTAIN." Thk l-'oiinlam op|Kisite the Hon^kon^ and Shanghai ltank was iv play today. Some of the vents. csjK'i iallv those for the topmost spra\. appeared to be partly choked, as a result no doubt of lony disuse but this defect should soon disap|Har if the Fountain is kept ■Obg
    66 words
  • 216 8 Thk Honykoii'; Hotel Company rinds it of aO-gOOd tod, 1 laiehiyh dividends, and propose Ui water their capital stock instead. The -hail-man at a ueeitt meeting of the Company said, with repaid to the doubling of the present eapilal of SfMNMMNI which the directors proeoaed later
    216 words
  • 154 8 Tm ie|Hiit on .lapanes*- pa|Hi inakiny. h\ Mi. Oswald White, student-inteipietei in the lolisulai service at Tokio (Miscellaneous belies No. livt.'n. is very entertaiuilij;. The Japanese article, however, beini; ot a s)K-i.ial ehaiaeU-r. is little used abroad in fact the export to China is the only MM of
    154 words
  • 28 8 Arrived 13th September. IVi /....»n .—From Telok Anna rh Mulncca— Hon. T»n Jink Kirn anil family. Mr. A D. Allan. Mis. Amhronsm and Ha Tirwit
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  • 121 8 Mir. T. Kr. Cvklislk. H. li. M. Consul at Hanoi, was n-i lived on the loth lilt, liy tin acting (iovernoriieiieral of Kreneli Indo China. Hitherto no < iovci nnient had thought at i 'stiihlisliiim h Consulate there. Now lluillrtWi other yreat lowers. will simiii follow the British. Consuls are
    121 words
  • 117 8 Thk Shanghai Ciiirrrtal Uuzetti -~n\-~ that it is promised iv the I'nited Suite- to recruit Chinese Ittioiireis foe work iv eon notion with the Panama Canal, for the eon striietiou of which IUUMKior -Jini.imki Chinese lalnMiii'l- will l>e required. The eorres|xindent who eoiiinuiiiiiates this seheine to the Vnirrnml (iti-.rftr advises
    117 words
  • 124 8 Tiu: I-, hi i&i'hi, of .Infill n which arrived at HfcaaaAaJ on inst. from Nagasaki, had a terrible experience in ■> typhoon. Her boat* weir carried awuy. the liridye was su.aslicii. ami the vessel u as driven out of her MM Several huh passengers wore ko affected liv their
    124 words
  • 639 8 There are iv the world nations, as well as individual people, who "won't know each other, or who are not on speaking terms. Two nations more or less continuously in our eye are unacquainted diplomatically —Japan and Turkey. Though during the last two years questions
    639 words
  • 61 8 With reference to the noturioii, roaring lion ot Thomson Koail. it is interesting t<> note that a London magistrate has decided in a n-i-i-ni cast that a parrot is a noisy animat within tin- inclining of the Act anil l.a» onli-nil the owner Up remove it. A iiriyhlioiii whose Sunday
    61 words
  • 117 8 piii\ MY. tylfUi'Htu was ri'n iviil in Hi ill};i.iniH on tin- mil Sept. tlint tlu.iiyli tin lafM of tin- roarnt ty|iliiHin was felt by tlit- straiultil irnisor Sully. tin- ciuix r In r x4t BJM iinliariiK-il ami lay intact aftt-1' her rough i-x|K.-iU-iKi- iminy tii precaution* taken i>y tin- siilvins.
    117 words
  • 85 8 Thk huh, 1 Battar II "W</ nndeistaiids that a Krench rtdilici eoin|)auy of sonu> j prominence ha« recently patented a machine whereby the canvas in old ruhlier is entirely separated from the rublier. The procewt is quite mechanical, no chemicals or heat being unecl. In these
    85 words
  • 5 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. Illli S-plrmli'r. IMS.
    5 words
  • 42 8 KKsi i.r of work for tour weeks en lin_c '.Ith StpU-mU'r Unkit Ki'iii'iii Stone crushed :i,.">4 tons. ■old ohtnined .'i7ll oz.. average jh-i ton :i.20 ihvts. linkil sfilhrrw SUme crushed 2."i2:! t-.ns. cold ohtaiiied IHH oz.. average iK-r ton 1.40 dwts.
    42 words
  • 90 8 Oambier «-65 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 11.30 Copra Bali IM do Pontianak 7.07J Pepper, Black 27.30 do White. 5".. 37.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.10 do Brunei No. 1 a. 3.02$ Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali, 15",, basis 23.00 Coffee, Palembang. 20% basis 25.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 2:f..50
    90 words
  • 264 8 1 Mi m vNTii.r. Baas.) On l.nmiwi Bank 4 m/s -I Demand 2/1 A Private 6 m/s 1/1] do 3 m/s Ml On litrmanij— Bank d/d 2.17 Private 3 m/s 2.19 do 6 m/K 2.2 1 On France— Bank d/d 2.66 A, Private 3 m/s 2.71 do 6 m/s
    264 words
  • 81 8 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Man-of-War. flara, H. M. twin -screw second-class cruiser. MtO toaa, MS oraw, Mgaaa, 7.000 b. p. Capt Ualton. 12tli Sept. From Trineonialee. (itli Sept. Senior Naval Officer. I'.— ltds I'm lint. si,-, mi ions. ,i|ii (ii-.-l. 1-Jtll Sept. Prom ISatavm. '.Itli Sept. DaaodetsA Co.
    81 words
  • 174 8 Vi-ii-Nvmi. 1,' 1 V Dasiauwnt. l>*n criii,. Oat sir. Ratajomi leafa i. .hinrriiiiii.,n a Krii sir. HaiaMi lOsb hi,, ,l, r >|« sir. Livarpuol imi, Siiliihinlii hut str. Smiyi Hanna IMb 1,, I. S I 1n;,,; SOk. a —M L lOttl ll,,lii,ii' sar. PsJsmbuifi lltb liinnii ting S.iinarany llth
    174 words
  • 79 8 tor I'rr llllff ffc To-Mnßiu>». Sin-..,-., ml Itimijk.ik 11,,n1,,,l 7 „.ii. K ruhm-A TriuggMlU.Uaf //ill'/ 11 ,1.1,1 Manila I/,. fa 'J p.U Malurru and Lhlggi A7.,i/.i -nx ■> p. in Bawy via parti :i | Hatoi rl« parti :t p.n Baaajkong .Van K»g :t p.m P s-.vctt.-Mliiun via
    79 words
  • 131 8 From Ki-iuii-K ltv tIi.M.M. OlMimifH due OB Wedliesil.iv. From Cuiw liv tin- P. .v 0. S. a. 1:.,,.,,, 1 (111 I I Ufa Sepl. Left Sni({ii|K)n- Dm- in boudon Arnw.l AiiK. W P.*O. lag. -"'H' ta| stl All).'. 7tli 1.. S.)it. Ist Aiik ll»t Ami;. KMli
    131 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 206 8 K. A. J. CHOTiRMALL Co.J JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Have iihsavs in stork BBW silks of every kind and description. Indian, Japanese, Permit carpets of different odours and uses. Beady-made ereps and silk stuts lot gentlemen. Cotton and silk Japanese kimonos for ladies and gentlemen. Ivory
      206 words
    • 379 8 WHITEAWAY. LAIDLAW CO. Beg to Announce the Opening of A NEW DEPARTMENT A Tailoring Department Has Just been Opened Under the Supervision of an Experienced Cutter. A Perfectly New Stock Has been Imported Our Materials, Linings, etc. are Quite Fresh Stock. The Quality Of Every Piece of Suiting is Assured.
      379 words

  • 1024 9 Speech by Lord Roberts. -\t the cniK'lusion of his inspection of the Public Schools Brigade, at Alder shot, on August 7th. Lord Roberts delivered the following address to the boys Boys, I was very glad to be able to ace?pt Colonel Gough s invitation to come here and
    1,024 words
  • 563 9 \v t I oca ng".ln all -\vc: <r. tnr i ed to th' mi. .in Court. tl'U uttl «ketch at the Baravece, seal by a reliable Domapaadsßt, auhei interacting reading. As DverrOM knows, until quite recent I v tli yiuiig Empress ef Ru: la was regarded
    563 words
  • 678 9 An Unfortunate Spec by The Captain. Captain Vibert, commander of the P. and O. mail steamer "India, says the ur.tish Australasian." is to Ih> o a grctalkted upon At meow <i hi- ai(ion agains. the 'IV man Syndicate. Miijipci of ftwn f I .ng boais like
    678 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 417 9 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS FOR LIGHT AND D OWER DYNAMOS, MOTORS, SWITCH BOARDS. Wires and Cables for all Purposes ARC LAMPS, OPEN AND ENCLOSED TYPES. British made Itttttodescent Lamps, Nemst Lamps and Parts. Artistic Electric, light Fittings, Special Acces^i-ies for Interior Wiring. CEILING FANS, WALL FANS,
      417 words
    • 70 9 No Othkr Liniment will heal I cut or bruise so quickly as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. No other affords such prompt relief from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for cletp seated pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment ;i trial and acquainted with its
      70 words
    • 253 9 The HEWFRENCHREMEDI kao£ B mark fhii lucceiaful and highly popular rrmnlj. uvd :n tht rontinrnUl HoipiUl< l.y Kicnrd. Kmlin. Inbial. Wlprm md ..thrrt. combm. i all th,- (o be v.u x hl in a ml.m, ni thr kind, and iurpi««-i cvrrythinii EbhcfM f HERAPION NoKaUi, •'•ort t-fu**. tiltt'n fi'u
      253 words

  • 390 10 As a Sportsman Ailiett his interest in racing has been limited to presenting the customary trophy at the Calcutta Races, and he cannot be said to have done more than extend a benevolent patronage to Polo, the retiring Viceroy has proved himself a keen and
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  • 353 10 To The Court of St. James Thr following information from thr "North China Daily News" will be of interest: 11. E. Chang Te-yi, Chinese Minister to the Court of St. James, has lately writton t;> the Central Government thf.t as his t?rm of offu-e of thre?
    353 words
  • 121 10 Thanks to American adaptability, (jiiick |MTii'i>ti<>H and roadineHH to profit by experience." Frederick W. Seward writes to the Tnlninr of New York, "some excellent consuls have been developed out of very unpromising material. A British Minister, who had served iv various countries, once told me that he was
    121 words
    • 885 10 Under thin heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq. barque sch.- -schooner Yet. Yacht; Cm. —Cruiser; Obt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— United States Fch.— French Ger German Dut.— Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger U.— Uncertain T. P. W.—
      885 words
    • 793 10 Stunt, port, probable d»tt nf arrival, and name of agent: Steamer*. AchiNea. China. Sept. 25 Mansfield. Agamemnon, China. Oct. 25 Mansfield. Alcuious. China, Oct. IS Mansfield. Alicante. Barcelona. Kept. 14 Barlow. Alting. Bandjernuwsin, Oct. 1 Daendcls. Aniirnl Nieliv, SaiKon, Oct 11 M..ine Comte. Antenor, China, Oct. 1 Mansfield.
      793 words
    • 286 10 FOR SINGAPORE I'er I. O. s. s. BrUaaafa connecting vita the steam Cliimm at Colonih... from London Augt. 18, due IMB Sept Mrs. Warren. Mr. H. N. Turner. Mr. Bovd. Mrs. BorgsS, Mr. and Mrs. Trowell, Mrs. W. Powell. Mr. I. Mr. .1. Halsey. Mr. 1». Hnthorn.
      286 words
    • 78 10 PASSED BUNDA BT rKAITS OH AKHIVKD rOK OBUJSHB. Flao j Date. Bm. 9mft N on Datk or Sept 1 Brit s.*. Fulwell 2 Dut «.s. Kkiilhlus 2 Brit b<]. Lynilhiir-t 2 Brit h.B. JeluiiKa :;<i,i x.s. Itzehoe S'Xor b<i. Dag :i lint 8.8. Smut Kegtilus SJBrit h.B. Camb.VHeH 1
      78 words
    • 244 10 NS -S 00-,-, T,™, of Sbaree Issue Paid Value up 60LO. 13,000 10 17.50 Immml 6. 51. Co.. Ltd 12.00 B.JW ui.ii.utd. 4,000 10 10 (Deferred) S.OO 20,000 10 10 KadanaG. 51. Co., Ltd. 2.00 man. 10,000 10 8 (Pref.J H.OO nom. 0,207 X 1 X 1 Kechau G.
      244 words
    • 142 10 )IMI llUlnMied ■2,000 100 I 100 4,500 50 I 50 80,000 Sl'-'".* 125 12,000 t 100 t 100 5.400 > 10 10 100 ioo •2,7»U f 100 I 100 35,000 10 I t 10 600 50 M 2,000 100 I I 100 5,000 100 I f 100 785
      142 words
    • 81 10 YU.UUO 6,000 6,000 1,1H» UUI»SU«<I 30,000 12.9UU UUI"Uf.I ■2,000 tiW uutH»uod 1,000 IV UUIMUKI 30,000 4.UUU UUI»»u«k1 1M x 1 1 i 1 1 tIOO 1100 1 SlOO 1100 J- 1 1 x- 1 1 1100 »100 1 •100 Bo IMIKII lUijHIl Cicely Rubber K»tait' 5",, I'rt. Pataliug Rubber
      81 words
    • 52 10 I Howarth Erakine. Ltd. 7% 250,000 i% prem. Kiley, Hai-greaves, Ltd. tt% 'JOS, OOO t% gnm Imw-rs. Siniptpore Muuici|»l 6% 400,000 2*^, prem buyt-r». 5% 1,H78,000 I'. 1 pri-iii Imyi-. 4',, O-Vi.-'MW S%di>. Dam. Tmj«iig P««»r Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 240,000 2",, prem Imimt-. 5% I.Wj.WO 1% prem I
      52 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1078 10 I>UI iti:." 1 at^Bßaaaßat*- A^aaaW^ J/^X til SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. PROORAMME FOR THE AUTUMN RACE Ml.l.iimi ioos. October 17th, 19th and 2 1st. FIRST DAT, Tuesday, October 17th 1 Till: MAIDKN IM.ATK. VahM WOO. lim-rf.M Mki.l.-ii 11..i5,.5. \V,i«ht *.t. :ilb. Kntninii- MO. ITirtSnilS K.C. I, THE I. AWN STAKKS. VaIUS
      1,078 words
    • 408 10 NOTICES. The Kace Conrw will he officially open for baiaiagsa Sniunlay. -Jiith Aagaat Bnirle. close at noon on Saturday, ;m October, io<i.s Entry forsee may he had at the Race Course, al the Singapore (lull, at Messrs. John Little A' Co.. or .n application to the Secretaries at any ot
      408 words
    • 42 10 Doan's dinner pills, which are sold by all chemists, immediately relieve a constipated stats of the bowels, stimulating the- flow of bile, and driving out all the pdisonous waste matter. They restore a regular and aatural action to the liver and bewete.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 742 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in the highest cltiHS of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. 46 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. ior Chtna. Jnpan, Penan*. Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Etypt, Mediterranean Peru, Plymouth and London. ThrouKli Rills of [aaflhig basal for China Ooaat, IVrsian Gulf. Continental,
      742 words
    • 1283 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KonlnkUJke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agentt M Singapore Ship Agency, late J. Daendelh A Co., 2-3 Coi.i.yer Quay. The nadermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be destatched for llnmirer Siak Sept 13 Siak, Bengkalis. Assahan, Paaeh, and I Belawan -Deli
      1,283 words
    • 648 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      648 words
    • 588 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAN STEAM SHIP 111.. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co.. Ltd. The Companies' Bteamen are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to Vancouver,
      588 words
    • 616 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS KXCKED £12,000,000. THI LAROr-ST KIRE OFriCE IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD A Co..— Aaents. THE LONDON AND I.\N( \SHIKK FIRE INSIR.\NCK OMPANY Capital £2,127.500 Paid-up Capital X 212,750 Reserve Fuud £1,073.550 The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept
      616 words

  • 602 12 Mr. Henniker Heaton's League. Mr. Henniker Heaton, M.P., writes as follows to the home papers with regard to the new league which he is initiating for securing universal penny postage, it is announced that over five hundred peers and members of Parliament have already given In
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 249 12 NOTICES. *3or f{ews of tfie Straits, :r,:e.a.:d Times. IT KLAS THZIE Largest Circulation O F ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FOR V)elegrams, Straits Times. It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places ■MM John Uttlc Co.. Ltd. The Rclreshment Bullet. Tank Sepoy Line. Kwapong Bahru M«-.. K...y W.l.h.
      249 words
    • 128 12 VIOLENT METHODS are unnecessary to conquer bitter enemy of civilization— Rheumati>m. All its forms, including Rheumatic Gout, can be cured permanently, safely and inexpensively by Little's Oriental Balm. Rub it in well— and plenty of it— that-; all that st.inJs between you and perfect health and comfort. Nothing like
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