The Straits Times, 10 May 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.732 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. MAY 10. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 297 1 NOTICES. i 1905 MODEL MOTOR CARS. We offer but the latest! Why Because we carry no stock. All our cars are sold before arrival Besides our famous and so much liked deDion" cars, we can also offer Peugeot, Richard Brasier, Serpollet makes at very low prices. C. Dupire Co., SINGAPORE.
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    • 958 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ROBINSON CO7 (o) FULLER'S CHOCOLATE. FULLER'S SWEETS. FULLER'S BISCUITS In 2 Ib. 1 Ib. Boxes Fancy Hampers. H ROBINSON CO. May 10 VACCA MILK Retail at 28 cents per quart bottle. HOOGLANDT Co Wnolesale Agents. EMPLOYMENT WANTED A British qualified man (\I.I») desires empbjnie-- 1 in a Naiire
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  • 117 2 Dail; 1 -t> amef i'u«u .1.1111 in o irai on the uWwu Laaki sad having on board a tow (onign 1 md a large number of Chinese I v. .ili.. g. ncral cargo. When (Ih\i-m1 wai tw<uty miles from Tungthou, llames WWB noticed in the 'tween deckt which
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  • 11 2 1 1 let 1 E iei 1. The 1 AgricultjiK 'ter.
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  • 45 2 tha R km 1 1 iijj: I. s 1 "ifle s .1. nr Ti be 0; Lvi itimaDla benefit, and vbati r. relief to the f ringer sex to knoto t their Seal ones were In position to themselves aiid their halplera little 01 es.'
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  • 74 2 At Colombo, on tb< 20th alt, wbilt one of the (Mtrolsuxi tr»nk taj| alongside the Dutch kx v 1 pumping the oil into bet tank-, a fire broke out in the pumping machinery. It i> a very u'-.usual o^'irrence, and this is the first time such a thing has taken
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  • 69 2 The Government of the United States of America has made a pift of 4,000,000 dollars to the Christian Brothers schools, to enable that order to open English schools in the Philippines. The schools are to be established and conducted by the Brothers. Several of the Christian Brothers from St. Joseph's
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  • 77 2 The London Qazeite announces that the King has been pleased to approve of Mr. Richard Kiliani as Consul- General of Germany at Singapore, for the Straits Settlements and Cocos Keeling and Christmas Islands, Johore, the Federated States of the Malay Peninsula, the Colony of Labuao, the part ot the Island
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  • 86 2 Tiik Malay States Guides are just now, po the Slraits Eclto says, very greatly handicapped for European Officers. Captains Owen and Packer having resigned, the Companies they were in charge of are to be temporarily placed under Native Officers pending the appointment of officers by the War Otlic; Lieut. Martelli,
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  • 22 2 Vu Balf<u7r, replying lately to a M AH M irkb m, Lib* ral [D N in the i.-, 1 I think fit.
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  • 86 2 it. I i:d by a allltl, Whict' U'lß b i i^t., by Bwan. Hunter ami Williuiii Richardson, Limited. The K>. l*,, ny is 400 ft. in length by II li in breadth, and will carry a large cargo as well as having accoaunodatioo for both European and Chinese passengers The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 70 2 Children Like to Take It.— The finest quality of granulated loaf sugar is used in the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar to iniiple syrup, making it i|iiitc I t to take. Children like to sake il and it
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    • 645 2 NOTI ES PURE MILK *S^T^ Srfpf ■<>■■ S rNSWEETENED kJ|| Jj Dp. A. B. Griffiths, Ph.D. F..IU. ot Lor.don, O 4\O^^»»l JmT> istsl Analytical Chemist ana Assayer Member of the Clicmical 1 V\\^S%»sy mTm M I CQ oc etieB of a s an(^ vt# Bactenolo»ical f-^»V\ A 4f A Kxpcrt,
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    • 359 2 Singapore sporting Club, SPRING RACE MEETING Tuetday, 30th May, Thursday, Ut, and Saturday 3rd June. Tickets of admission to the Grand Stand z&a now be had of Messrs. John Littlk Co., Ltd. Daily Ticket 94 Season 910 Ladies' Tickets, Free, can nun- be I obtained on application to the Secretary
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    • 332 2 NOTICES VICTOR KEYLESS SAFES. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co.. Ltd. CROSSLEY'S OIL AND GAS ENGINES. IMPORTERS Borneo Co., Ld. t- I EXPANDED METAL pays upwards of Haifa-Million Pounds I (British Manufacture) Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed I guitable for an infinite variety of buildEight Millions and
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  • 328 3 It is mkfc rl'ivi thai we, "CShiaa Renew," have U) aiilieiiiKv the death "f Mr. de Lassar, the Raenaa Minister at IYkiML:: which occurred, tli< other day, after a I"hl; illnese, which had reduced his ■tnagth aliii(i;-t U'vond hope of recovery. The end, though
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  • 167 3 Mr Edwin Tiunian. who died rocentlv. at Putney Hill, had l>een. for half a century, dentist to the Royal Household. lh~ dual claim to notice, however. ;i>- a correspondent of the "Times" points out. is his work in connection with the
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  • 288 3 Nmls, April. To-day Mr. Louis Dane. Lord Curious Foreign Secretary, and the •■ther members of the British Mission to K.-il.ul, arrived here from Afghanistan. Interviewed on their experiences, they speak in the warmest terms of the hospitality of the Amir and his chiefs. The British were
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  • 32 3 Sib Grobge Merkiyth, who has been earning his living in Hobart. Tasmania, as a cabman, arrived in London on 16th inst. on his way to Ireland to take over the family estate.
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  • 47 3 A good arcumpnt for withdrawing foilf <! t'Mik notes from circulation is to be found in the following. Through slightly scra'ching bis tinrer with the edge of k limit note, Herr Ohly, a bank cashier, of Essen, in Germany, his died from blood poisoning. What price Straits notes?
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 EXTRA CHEAP! Are Hie good Dutch Cigars Tlor de Babia $2.00 per 100 Volante 2.80 LOO !t tlamo ]o() l'ii^iii:.' 800 100 EXTRA FIN;; tbn Botk v Co. for $5.C0 per 400 Tiie Cavenagli Bridn Cigar Coy. Opposite t *«*tllffnaa. &Pl WPORTANI »0 'L! Uh.'u }«m i-ij m itiak BRITISH
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    • 475 3 NOTICES. J"l w 1 XiiJN IjA.V/XX JjJrIVJO >;j OCv KjKJm) straits SetUemeHts, Federated Malay States Aete. Uralite Steleonite .4 BEST Kitson a Gaso|jne 9 stamPe 1 Lampsj Lamps Getting Material Mm n Steel (zei lings I |00 oo Cwidle Power I Simple! and cheapest Petroleum 1 IN awV\ U x
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    • 441 3 SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. From Ist April, 1905, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. DOWN THAJHt. DOWN TRAINS. A.M. A.M. A.M. F.M. P.M P.M P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. PM SINGAPORE d 6.36 740 10.00 12.36 2.02 8.16 4.41 529 6.50 10.30 12 20 358
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  • 355 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 10th MAY. The experimental length of patent Indian stone paving in Battery Road is now completed along oue side of the street and will shortly be open for traffic. It presents to the eye a tine travelling surface with "ribs" which should give
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  • 249 4 A Corbiupondbnt writes that the editorial note in our issue of yesterday, on the subject of a code for GrsntiuAid schools comes as a God- send to hard-worked managers of aided schools wherein there are sometimes from one to two hundred children in what is generally termed the A. B
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  • 166 4 The Police Curt reports ot >- ;a) show that h lanci) ootsotal aivl two constables of thj M.trine P.)lica bara been fined $10 eac'.i t'jr extortion a constable was thit imrninz !ii,J in default a montli, for tiie theft of a goat, and that a lance corporal and two
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  • 22 4 Share quotation!, general (hipping news, and passenger iisti, besides ship ping, and insurance advertisement* wil! be found on page 10 and 11.
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  • 13 4 Advertisements of Sales, Wanted, T; Let etc., will be found on Page '6.
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  • 8 4 The Straiti Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 8 4 The French gunboat Comets left for Pontianak tc-day.
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  • 10 4 H. M. S. Vengeince went out cruising eastward this morning.
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  • 15 4 Raffles Library and Museum buildings are at present undergoing a much needed reclamation and cleaning.
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  • 21 4 The Perak Turf Club will, so the Perak Pioneer believes, hold its annual race meeting on fcth, 10th and 12lh August.
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  • 23 4 Yesterday afternoon a horse drawing a carriage containing some Europeans bolted in Orchard Road and smashed up a 'rikisha. No one was hurt.
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  • 28 4 The coolie ship Lothian arrived this morning from Hongkong with £047 coolies for South Africa. One man died this morning, and six of them during tbe voyage down.
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  • 34 4 A Lecture on the Life of Queen Victoria, illustrated with lantern views, will be given by Mr. Herbert West at the Epworth League in the Methodist Church to-morrow (Thursday) evening at 8 p. m.
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  • 36 4 A correspondent suggests that before H. M. S. Vengeance leaves for home, Rear- Admiral A dair should be approached with a view to permitting the excellent band of his ship to play in the Botao'cal Gardens.
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  • 30 4 For appropriating fourteen logs which he found in the Kallang River, a Chinaman was yesterday fined foO or five weeks' imprisonment by the Marine Magistrate. The man went to jail.
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  • 69 4 Special German Service. SCHILLER DAY. A Memorial to be Raised. Berlin, 9th May. The popular celebrations in honor of the centenary of tbe death of the poet Schiller came off with great eclat all through Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The Schillerbund DeuUcher Frauen (German Ladies'^ Schiller S-ciety) collected 250,000 "marks
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 79 4 France Assures Japan. London, Wlk M«y. The Japanese Minister at Paris has not lodged a protest .gaicst the harbouring ot the ftaltit Fleet] with the French Government But lue Minister pointed cut the facilities accorded to the Russians [in French Indo-China waters for concentration aud ri'victualling purposes.
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    • 177 4 Mr. Balfour Gives the Facts in Parliament. Replying to Mr. Walton, in the House of Ohmmh, Mr Bilfo'ir stated that thn French A nbas=ador to Great Britain bad tuppiied the following hit. nnatijn to the British Government in regard to Is* Baltic Fleet As soon as Admiral
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    • 58 4 What Happened at kamranh As regards the assistance which the Baltickers arc allegtd to have received from the French authorities at Kainrant Bay, Mr iiilf, ur said: I am infornif d that there are only two Frenchmen there, neither of whom is a French official. They
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  • 41 4 Thb German corvette Sperlier, Capt. Pree, arrived from Hongkong this morning en route for German West Africa. She will coal at the wharf to-day. Ihe Sperber lighted no warships on the voyage down. She is expected to leav.- on the 13th.
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  • 43 4 The 'Temps" points out, as to the stay of the Baltic Fleet at Kamranh, that France's constant practice has been not to fix any limit to the sojourn of belligeren' vessels in French territorial waters, but to prohibit hostility during their stay there.
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  • 72 4 We have received from Mr. C. T. RobinsGn, the turf accountant of 22 Raffles Square, a very neat little waistcoat pocket diary that ought to be in the hands of every lecal sportsman. This little book gives a list of all the important lacing fixtures, time records of great races
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  • 81 4 In the opinion of the "Perak Pioneer," the F. M. S. foreign money order system is about the dearest in the world. This from the fact that the Post Offices in those States have no direct dealings with foreign offices for the transaction of nullify order business which is
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 132 4 London 10th Miy. The Standard is not surprised that tbe Japanese feel bitterly aggrieved at the assistance given to their enemy. But that journal trusts that the Japanese will forbear from any semblance of attempting to dictate to France in tin; matter. Tokyo would othei wise be
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    • 40 4 Saigon advices dated the stu May state that the Russians have left Honkohe, southwards hound. They ha\ I moved towards another bay where French men-of-war have located them. Admiral K^jdestveiibky itaU he was leaving the h.iy immediately.
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    • 200 4 Luncdtiiiiu beat Leicestershire by nine wickets. Yorkshire beut Gloucestershire by an innings und 5o runs. 'Ihe Ftaaca resent considerably the charges of vi«Ution of neutrality. They insi.-t that they h:ive done every thirp possible from the BMBMBI that Adinir .1 KojdwtrMMky arrived at Kamraiil: Bay BIUHMMWMtd. But they are
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  • 220 4 Befurc Mr. JsKm Laalas Thoratoa to-<lay wore heart! m a CM arising out d the adiiiiinstraui.n ol the estate of W«a Guuu il.>. who died m 1884. He loft his piojK-r. y to his tivc sons, three oi whom weio appointed trustees aud executor.,. One
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 741 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WASSI AMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1,2, 3, 4, High Street. Jutt unpacked a fresh stock of silks of various sorts, beautiful Kimonos, Maltese and Ceylon lace collars, Sindlewood and ivory ware, Chefu Silk for genllemen's suits and Japanese and Indian curios &c. &c. New Supply of
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    • 405 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CHARLES ROBINSON, TURF COMMISSION AGENT, 22, Raffles Square, (near Mercantile Bank). Office hoitn 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. aiullp in. to 1 p.m Mr. Kobinson respectfully begs to notify his numerous clients, and sportsmen of Singapore, that he has opened an office at the above address, where Price
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    • 103 4 Biliousness is only another name lor clogged or sluggish liver caused by rich food, or by eating too much meat, or by, taking too little exercise. It is a common complaint in this country, but can be quickly remedied by stimulating the Qow of bile, which softens the mass. M
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  • Correspondence.
    • 377 5 To the Editor of the "Straiti Timu." Sir,— Like your correspondent, "A Sailor's Friend," 1 also think there is plenty of room for, and no little need of, a Sail r'l Missionary m Mnpipore. But our J;u-k> i using the word m a coinpichensiv. mm) are
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    • 160 5 the Editor of the Straits Timtt." Snt D ilia .t n bai i,ivcn a much problem to solve than tLe previous >nr I;i r?t»ly, 'lie accommodating friend would he :he loser of SI thai. Ailv.iii' c m *"i' -Min'iitii young man... ?:.5O Paymeal i<> Pawnbroker to re,|...Mii tlit-
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    • 191 5 To the Editor oj the "Straitt Times." Sin, -With reference to the letter of Cold Storage Co.)lie in your issue of yesterday's date, may 1 say that I think one way of improving the sale of his goods and inf pirinir conli.leneo, would r>H toiasae ;i detailed
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    • 153 5 To the Editor of the "Strait* Time*." Dear Editor, Assuming you are kind enough to interest yourself on behalf ,i| '.lie Singapore reading public, I wish to ask you, or some of your good readers, if tiie syndicate who are circulating .i monthly pamphlet here titled The A <>tr<ilian (ioml
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  • 171 5 S. R. A. MEETING The fifth annual rifle meeting of the >. R. A commences on the 10th June. The entrance fees are rheaper this year. i.e. 1 1 events for $6. The General s Cup and the Governor's Cup are open this year to the S. S. and F.
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  • 151 5 The following are the odds for the Singapore Derby and the Maiden Plate, at the coming Singapore Race Meeting, a* quoted at noon to-day by Mr. C. Rjbinfon: Singapore Derby. 6to 4 Devilment 3to 1 Wincaroon 3to 1 Cadenas 6to 1 The Idler Bto 1 Cornwell 10 to
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  • 14 5 An electric tram car made its appearance on the Scrangoon Road again this morning.
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  • 90 5 E. Co. met the RarHesiansin a League football match on the latter's ground, yesterday evening, and a good game resulted. Clever passing was exhibited by both sides, the soldiers showing themselves adepts in the use of their heads. The home team worked hard, hut although they succeeded in bringing the
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  • 811 5 The Raub Australian Gold Mining Co's Mine Report for the four weeks ending April 22,1905, to the Chairman, and Directors of the Company, is as under I beg to submit my monthly report on your mining, and milling operations. The Mine measurement and Assay results of prospecting work
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  • 33 5 Capt. ('I. Rubs of the German steairur Britgavia, which arrived from Penang this morning, reports that he passed several men-of-war going to the West yesterday afternoon at One Fathom Bank.
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  • 20 5 It is advertised that the Keppel Harbour Depot of the Cold Storage Company has been removed to 88 Neil Road.
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  • 347 5 The Roaring Lion of Thomson Road. The recent dismissal by a Magistrate of the summons issued at the instance of the Chief Police Officer for an alleged public nuisance caused by the roaring of a lion belonging to a Circus menagerie in Thomson Hoad, and
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  • 562 5 The following propenies were d^p =ed of by auction at Powell and Oo.'l -.i'crooui yesterday afternoon. There was a large attendance of buyers. The goodwill and book debti <i the •I gainbier and pepper traders now carried on at No. 0 Xortli Boat Quay. Singapore, under the style
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  • 15 5 The Siamese Royal yacht Malm Ckakrhri is expected to arrive here on Thursday from Bangkok.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 425 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER Saturday, 13td May, 19C5. Band in attendance. Just Arrived ex s. s. Jiratdoon Jlpear Another Consignment of our Special Teak Pianos. 3UILT AT OUR HONGKONG FACTORY. THE IDEAL PIANOS FOR THE CLIMATE MERE. HANDSOME MODELS, FULL IRON FRAfIE, FINE TONE. Small model $435. Large
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  • 332 6 W.tli rt iwiiHV to the letter we published yesterday under (he above hiwitiag from "A Sail.>r"s Friend," the following extract (ran the "flosjrtli dual Morning illtwiwrting as showing what is being low in tfie way su^ested in Hongkong Those who know bow much (ho work of
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  • 142 6 A dwarf man, such a.s In idly liad Ut.ll seen in Bombay, armed there, the Other day, and was the object of much 1 on ;he pad of those who vitnc-»l bin at the Nation. Tlie liny man, who is considered to bl the smallest ,il Ml dm
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  • 143 6 Tli. i'.nii..iis Cbio— l "i 1 !i tame hai been the sulijcct ef many a mythical ■tenr, and an Ka>i m ■■ymjmi v I is the Uatei, so mjt MM "Tumi km." The nenben of a new dob, which is proud of 1 1 1- ->,
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  • 30 6 The Duke of Manehestf r is to start work as a railway clerk on cue of his father-in-law'H railways in America. Mr. Zimm>Tman w<irs liitn to become a railway magnate.
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  • 36 6 Majok-Genkral haE betn appointed Russian Military -•ttache' in Liundou. Fur some yenrs there has probably been no better known foreign) r in Nortli China He t> is also passed s^me c jnsiderable time in Japan
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  • 40 6 A discovery of smokeless coal i.s understood to have been made at a place called Jambongou, ou the north-east coast of the British North Borneo Company's territory. Full details have not _v«t Ik-.m received, but invest iarntinns are in progress.
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  • 53 6 It is stated in the ilnbnj Miil tint Mr. Ward, of the P. W. L> is now in charge of three Urge districts, namely Klang, KuaU Selangor, arid Kuala Langat. Formerly, it says, there used to be an Assistant Engineer nt Kuala Langat, an Executive Engineer M Kuala Selangor, and
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  • 54 6 Dr. Morrisox, the c irrespomlent in Peking of the London Time*, who has jeen to Korea, draws a striking picture >f the results of Japanese activity in Korea in the Tiuies. He compares the results to those in Egypt, and says that t is a year's record that any nation
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  • 52 6 The F. M S mining world s verely criticizes the promotion of the Tronoh Valley Mines Co which now has small chance of going through The KnOTf Gazette says that people are iskinc, where is the Tronoh Valley poherre anyhow? Altoge'lier t!ie showmg-ap of this projeeb bat rai-i a whirlwind
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 370 6 FOR SALE. Rubber tyred s-irirle riH-pba in excellent order complete Price '50. Apply 'T. J." c o Strnit- T:mts. May S v.c. SHARON 104 River Valley Road Rooms with verandahs attached available. Excellent tennia courts and stabling. Telephone No 714 MR?. Mc?ALL May 4 3-6_ BOARD AND RESIDENCE to be
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    • 410 6 iSOHCEg. THE Straits H)imes CAN BE OBTAINED Af THE FOLLOWING PLACES Singapore. Messrs. John Little Co., Ltd. \i«*ars. Kelly aad Walsh, Ltd -tallies Hotel, tallies Tiffin Roomi Messrs. Kirn Co. tdelphi Hotel, lotel de la Paix. Intel de l'Europe Hotel Netherlands, Tanjong Pagar. r he Refreshment Buffet, Tank Roao Railway
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    • 633 6 NOTICES. 'f'O BE LET, small first floor officer I facing Cavenagh Bridge Ro*d .it Flint Street. Apply to Gnthrie A Co Ltd., Agants. v.c. IX) BE LET— No. 17 Armenian Street next to St. Andrew's House, lately in the occupation of Messrs. Tomlinson and Lermit. Suitable for a boarding house.
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    • 870 6 NOTICE^ MUNICIPAL NOTICE Not cc is hereby given that in terms of Section 84 of the Municipal Ordinance No. XV of 189fi as amended by Ordinance 1 Xof 19T0 and HI of 1903 an election of one Commrasioner (or Central (No. 2) 1 Ward of the Town of Singapore (Mr.
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    • 796 6 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. On Tuesday, May 6th. will be put up to public auction at the rooms of Meters. Powell and Company the property d*scribpd in the Schedule hereto annexed. The up>et price will be $11,000, the annual rent $50, and the tile will be the ordinary Statutory lard Grant
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    • 160 6 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a pti Feet antiseptic dentifrice, claanes II >r»HPrv«>t the tppt.h, rrry rtfrnhing BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Chins INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARfKR Lhipitu l £800,000 BANKERS k,Ltd ilNi Carreut, Accounts ai >i inter- nnuiini on > Maraed I <•■, M ilitoregt \i .il!u\i 1 Depoj-ts
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  • 334 7 In connection with the iloroccan question the Foreign Office at Berlin is now busily engaged ia negotiating the French there. Negotiations had takt'n place Ixtfore the Kaiser started on his trip along the Mediterranean, and an amicable settlement is expected shortly. The German policy towards Morocco
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  • 142 7 The Milling and Mining Co.'s miue a: Pantai has. says the "Malay Mail," been averaging between five and six piculs of mm a day since the new battery has been (it work. Tin' neighbouring mine, belonging to Messrs. Isaacson and Ring, has not. we understand, started yet. Ore
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  • 192 7 N. D. L. REPORT. A hoiue paper says The report of the Xorth-tieiinau Lloyd Company tor the year I'JOl attributes the raxa*o*mMl results achieved to the disastiuiis sni hi rSSM waged last year with the C'unard Line, which exercised^ disastrous sflsd apo* iii-.ijhts and considerably illinililsliod Urn pStSSSagM liilhi: The
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  • 63 7 An Upoiunfry planter, »li recently tHiuruod to Ceyion from Irip to the S-raits, wrilt hto the Its* Ctylo-n that he prowtli of rubh' i .i I other products thero is very fine on alluvial flats Hh caw tapnin? I done on Lowland* and Uukit R It, among other places. Ommn
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 538 7 BANK Hongkong b Sh&oghai Banking Corporation. P li.; BKBXEVB il'NlcReserve »lo,oooOUo I H Kloo oa .^ilrer Seserve 9 8,1)00,000 1 000 OW 4 Keserra Liability of lroprietorg 910,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. H. E. Torakins, Esq., Chairman 11. W. Slaiie, Ksi| Deputy Chairmiui. K. Uoetz, Esq. ,1 Schabart, E»q.
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    • 639 7 AUCTION SALES. MESSRS. POWELL fi* CO.'S Forthcoming Sales. S itnnlay, 20th May at 2 p.m. 1 At Mour.t Farqubar," Sepoy Lines Housebold Furniture. The property of Dr. Leisk. Saturday, 27th May at 2 p.m. At Hntherleigh," Tanglin. House hold Furniture. The property of E. F. H Edlin, Esq. Powell Co,,
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    • 313 7 We have a Sfw Secret Remedy ab*o-* hi.. Iy uului .i< n t.i the profession. P«rman«t curfsiai:. to.r.dnyv Y\» refund none? if w» do not cur*. Y' u can be trratcd at bom* lor tbe s.-iEH' pri>-e with tht* guarantee years we hay« mm rurmc p»iimt» in every country
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    • 298 7 NOTICES. nii«i AoentS for lih mm MhC£ßE SAUCE. _t \_t\\\\ ■MbHb > «**tfi 0 "WWW T fl"*^"! jf_\f '_rm— I VyP Celebrated Oilman's Stores WLffi s^a*a*aHsHsaa«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«a«aHßHsls^ Handy Things^ Handy Prices. STEPHENS DAY AND MARTINS. n |L TEin uetnt uc r>rnj?i\ JS-4 •8' << evnunfj THE iiuiuuii \tm ii Oil nvin
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    • 180 7 THE RAFFLES ASIATIC ECHO 81-WEEKLY* nADVERTIBERn ADVERTI8ER is one of the leading Romanized Malay newspapers in the East. Intending subscribers to the paper or advertisers will greatly oblige by applying to K.IKI.K-i PRESS, '.'5 Robinson Ko d, ingapore. Apl 19 18-6 Messrs. Simpson <V Co., Coach Builders, Jfladras. Tv H
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    • 31 8 Man -of- War. Sperber, Ger. torpedo gun vessel, i,lOO tons 120 crew, 8 guns, 1,600 hp. Captain Prce 10th May. From Hongkong, 3rd May. German Coneul. For West Africa, 13th— Rds.
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    • 342 8 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Amirol Ponty, Fch etr. 4.100 tons, Capt Simon. 9th Hay. From Marseilles, 13th Apl. Gc, and Wd p. Moina Comic A Co. For Saigon, 10th W. Benlomond, Brit. str. IJM tons Captain Hencerson, K'th May. From London, Ist Apl. He. Paterson Simons
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    • 73 8 Vessel's Fug 4 Destik- n Name. Rig. atiok. Uat Thyra Brit str Saigon 6th Puglia T»al cru Colombo Bth Betwada Brit str. Manila rfth Sofala str. ManiU Bth Ban Liong Dut str. B'jermasin Oth Uelene Alenstll Ocr str. Hongkong 9th Serbia str. Hamburg 9th Will o'the Wup Brit str.
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    • 85 8 For Per tttamer Time To-morrow. Anamba it Natunu Is Flevo 8 a.m. Malacca and Linggi Kheng Seng 2 pm. Europe via ports Coromcmdel Sp m. Madras via ports Thongwa 3 pm. P. Swet'bam via ports Amhent 3 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Pm-ing S p.m. Bangkok Providence 4
      85 words
    • 129 8 From EITROPK— By the P. AO. a.s li^nnnl due on 13: h May. From Cmsi-By tha N. I). L s.s. fVn» ten due on 15th May. TIM! TABLE OF MUM MM I* ft Singapore Duhi in London Arrived Mar -.'Mri B I. Apl I6tk Apl IMb Mar
      129 words
    • 175 8 Arrived Bth May. PeiM.M. a.s. Imm Krmn Bil;iu«Mr. V. W. K-M.lin.incl, Dr. Benjumin. Mrs. Kenj.iiiiin, Mim. BMUMsia ■■in.l two ebildrsa. Mr. A. Simmon*, Mr. :inl Mi. J. (iarienu and 2 children, Mr 1!. T. llaylcy, and Mr, B Hnmer. loth May. IVr M M. ft* '.a flsfM
      175 words
  • 759 8 An excellent morning's work was gone through by most of the horses and griffins yesterday, and the Course was in splendid order, though perhaps a little on the heavy side. W'ingaroon was one of the first to make an appearance, and our expectations of seeing a good gallop
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  • 62 8 At a BMMsi cimfcreiuv of F. M. S. I. dentl tlif foUowusf rcßolution was pi Mcd Thau it is advisable that facilinld Ik- affords*! ;o the eUUnra si Tamil inmiiifrants to MqWM a knowledge of their vernacular UuMMft, with the making Urn FvderaJcd Malay I'r.iin the poiii: .if viiw of
    62 words
  • 501 8 This morning. Insp. Gallagher brought up Lance Corporal 311 and P. C's 171 .itnl 203 on summonses, on the allegation made by t-wo Kling carters of having extorted one dollar from one and twentyfive cents from the other three mouths ago. Recently the matter reached the ears of
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  • 145 8 S. V. I. ORDERS. < Irderly ortioer for next w.-ek Lt. Millard Orderly N. C. O. No. 1 Coy. Sergt. J. B. Westerhout. Orderly K. O. No. 2 Coy. Corpl. Sont Ong Joo. Parades On Tuetday, 16th inst., at J-3" C pany Drill and Fire Discipline. On Saturday, 20th in»t
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  • 257 8 At the Assizes yesterday afternoon, the jury brought iv a verdict of guilty against John Wilfred Augustine who was charged with criminal breach of trust as a servant and criminal misappropriation of over *1.000 while in ihe employment of Messrs. Syme and Co. Sir Lionel Cox passed sentence
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  • 153 8 May Monthly Medal. There were more than thirty er'riee for this competition which was played for on Saturday last and the following day and resulted in a win fnr Mr. McKenzie. The scores returned were as follows J. McKenzie 43 45 88— 6 82 J. B. Kobertson
    153 words
  • 93 8 Wharves at Which Different >hips are Berthed To-day. Kast Wharf Bent.:i^. Dock— Flevo, llan Seng OMB. Albkrt Graving Dock— Nil. Section No. 1 Indian Monarch, Eakdaie, Zweena, Sarie Borneo. 2 Itria, Parthenia. 3 Sophie, Kickmers, Dundaa. •i Pelayo, Thong* a. 5 Benlomond. 6 Briggravia. Borno
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  • 64 8 The "Bangkok Times" says that, despite the trying heat and the plague scare, this has so far been a very healthy year there. There is a good deal of fever on one side of the river but it does not appear to be serious, and the only cases of cholera
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  • 59 8 Christ Church, the new building erected by the Protestant body in Bangkok, was opened for Divine Worship on the 30th April. The dedication service was conducted by the Chaplain, Rev. H. de Courcy Blackeney, assisted by Canon Greenstock and the Rev. J. Carrington. The order of service was a modification
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  • 54 8 The fallowing gentlemen, composing the French Commission appointed to confer with the Siamese Commissioners on the delimitation of the Franco-Siamese boundary, arrived hi Bangkok recently from Chantabobn. Commander Bernard, Capt. Tixier, Capt. de Batz, Capt. Oum. Dr. Brengues. M. Besa.'eras, and M. Ponn (interpreter) The Commissioners are at present staying
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  • 12 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. Wih May, 1905. Co-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/11 if.
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  • 18 8 The B. I. I'mballa arrived this morning from Rangoon with a cargo of rice and cotton for Japan.
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  • 16 8 Tiießritishsteamer Parthenia arrived from Philadelphia this morning with 10), '00 cases of oil for Hiogo, Japan.
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  • 16 8 The British steamer <)!ter*pool arrived this morning from Rangoon with a cargo of rice for Kobe.
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  • 120 8 lismhier I 4.65 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 12.12 Copra Bali 8.20 do Pontiauak 7.80 Pepper, Black 25.60 do White, 5X 37.75 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.15 do Brunei No. 1 Pearl Sago 4.40 Coffee Kali, 15£ basis 24 00 Cnffre.Palen. >>ang, 20% basis 25.00 Off«ie, Liberian No. 1 22.00
    120 words
  • 103 8 On London— Bank 4 ro/s 1/11 Demand 1/11 j Private 6 m/« 2 do 3ms l/ll;» On Germany—Bank d/d 2.024 Private 3 m/a 2.05 i do 8 m/> 2.07}, On France— Bank d d 2.46) Private 3ms 2.62} 'do 6ms 2.54 j On India—Bank T. T. 147} Private 30
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 117 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have just received a new stock of Eilks of every colour, and deEcription. Best Japanese crepe and silk kimonos, cashmere and Canton crepe shawls, ladiio, and Japanese euros, etc. Gold and Silver jewellery can he chtained at
      117 words
    • 119 8 HAVE YOU A Taken Advantage of Our Novel f Advertising Scheme If not, don't hesitate, but secure: this wonderful Bargain at once Over 3j Feet Y~O\ TliE GIAWT Long, in Five <^V JJ-J f Sections, has a vA\ I g »*lll Range of 25 miles. V* V Made of Drawn
      119 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 132 8 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 10th May. Hi,<h Water. 1-a a.m. 3(1 p.m Municipal Nominations Yap Chow Thong Opera. 9. Thursday, nth May. High Water. 1-44 a.m. 3-28 p.m. Football. Y. M. C. A. v. A. Co. S.F. Football. Vampires v. S.V.A. V. M. C. A. v. A. Co. I*. (>.
      132 words
    • 37 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. (<f. H. A. <fc C. Telegraph Vompinu.) 9th May. BOXGKOft'i.— 10 m. Barometer 30.' 5 liirui 'ion of Wind east. Force cf Wind 1 Mnx.J emp in Shade 51 MANILA.— 762 w.a.u 2. :!0. 25
      37 words

  • 1166 9 Klang and Poit Swettenham. Ml Watson, lie district surgeon at Klang. has sent in a report M Uio progress of the anti-malarial measures carried out at Klang and Port Swottenhatn. These measures have been put in force since since 1901. Klang and Port Swetteuham were then centres of
    1,166 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 684 9 NCfTtCES. CHARLES T^6 HEIDSIECK'S *fl White Seal iWF Champagne. |T^^ tOLK AfiKNTS t Bchn, Meyer Co. A~A Singapore and I'nnavg. DEPOT I 3rSl I ban. luua, tCado^y JOH> LITTLK d Co L'd. gW^Vir.-h 80 m. w. f THE TAN JONG PAQAR DOCK COMPANY. LID. Shipwrights, Engineers, Ikon Kkass FoINDKH?, WHAKKISGER3,
      684 words
    • 403 9 NOTICES For Nervous /^^^^n CHAPOTEAUT'S K Ptiosphoglycerate jM OF LIME THt rnodtm ri it o ratio* of tns n*roou9 tysttm. For prortMtonal men, tcacbtra, sludenu, ti and in debility, temmtl Inssei, tfyaptpsia cf nenroot Hf ongin i&d io^oninis. IT7 S X^^ Ii i> rfi'lit) issimlUttd tnd «fj promoiM dijf juod.
      403 words
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  • 580 10 A Story of the 'Cullinan" Diamond. On Tuesday, April l. ,i pepreeeatativ« "Iron ;;iid>U'. 1 Trade! Journal." at tile invitation of the Pretaiei (Transvaal) Mining c,, viewed the giea: Cullinan"diai id at tin office* >t the company ia Holborn Viadnct. While tlnnkin^ the directon for the
    580 words
    • 1173 10 L'ndcr this hcadiii^ the following a'ubrevt iora arc used: ctr. steamer; «h. ahip; bq. >uqac sch. schooner Yet. Yacht Cru. Crouer; G'ot.*— Uunboat; Tor. Torpoto; H.p. Horse-power Brit. British ;U. S. 1 'nited 3',ate»; Fch. French; Ger. German; Dut. Dutch; G.c. Gcneril-careo d.n.— deck pa»itnger; U.— Unoertalc
      1,173 words
    • 533 10 Sams, port, probable date of arri— C, and name of rtjr^ifx. Abrrl. ur. Hamburg, May ••^M«Ver Ambria, Hamburg' May .'iSj^in Meyer. Annnro, Saig' n. May 2^ M/Maritinibfr; Athill, New York, M«y 25 A tiiltillan Ayuthia, Calcutta, Ma. 14: Borneo Cnv Raysrn, Htragkong. June 12. Bohn Merer Bengal. Colombo.
      533 words
    • 278 10 For Singapore Per P. AO. s. s. BHkmKim connectiag with the steamer Beng il a'- Colombo, from London April 14, due 22nd May— Mr. 1, F. Ga«e Mr sird Mrs. G. J. Marshall Mr. L C. Blackburn, Miss G. Cooper, Mrs H H. Hudson, Messrs. R 8.
      278 words
    • 154 10 t'ASBKD CiUNDA STRAITS OR AKKIVED FOX C)KI>EK» Fl*g <k Date vt DMtn- Kg. Date Rio Ship's Namb. Captain. Sailing. Kkomwheke ation. ..iakk Apl Brit Glene3k Aptil '.'-I Singapore Ch'istmasls J?o» M sh. Kcoiti=h Hiils Blackmore Jan 11 Cardiff Hongkong „-'7Am3Bh Manuel Llat-uno Nichols April 1 Hongkong Baltimore Ja
      154 words
    • 251 10 Nuuil-er of Shares Is»ue Wilue Paid I ap to Company Buyers Sailors U-l Tianaac tions 1 i GOLD. If 13,5^1 flO 57.60 Bersawah Q. M. Co., Ltd.- 12.00 13 00 fjty. uuiuuaJ4 4.J00 I S 10 10 (Deferred) 8.00 40,000 10 10 Kadana U. M. Co., Ltd. 10.00 noru.
      251 words
    • 155 10 400,000 10,010 UUI«.-,U>;.i. 2,000 4,600 W.OOO 12,000 .K 6,000 2,750 35,000 600 2,000 5,000 WS uuiud. 300,000 w,ku mmimt 57.000 k 1 4 1 Doff Development Co., Ltd. lO.Oo| 10.0J 100 S 60 t 126 I 100 t 10 < 100 t 100 10 60 100 100 100 Federated
      155 words
    • 49 10 Biwarth Erikine, Ltd. 7X Hley, Hargreavea, Ltd. 6% ahg»poro Municipal 6% i 4% i i Hujooe P««»r Dock 00., Ltd. 61 iJW.OUO 3V prem. 2M,OW 2% prembuytr*. 400,000 2% prem buyers. 1,H78,000 1% prem buyen. 655,500 2% Sis. nom. 250,000 2% prem buyeri. I.XRK.CINI V>,, v „t
      49 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 117 10 Will Experiment No Mopl. "One of our boys rather delicate and subject to contracting croup and colds very easily," says John Congdon, Ilavclock, N. Z. "We have experimented with many kinds of cough mixtures, but have had such splendid results from using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that we now use it
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    • 260 10 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, Ltd. :o: NEW COLONIALS. NEW FRENCH BOOKS The marriage of William Ashe by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. Exlave G. D' Houville Conan Sty™ Bherl Ck Contre f Ira P°" Lble Ade Bonet The Storm of London by F. Bick- L e Serpent Noir Paul Adam be s r
      260 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 681 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE The favourite at home and abroad 12 YEARS OLD. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES P &O. STIAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Prrts, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of I.auing issued for China Const, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports, steamers vi'l leave
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    • 1201 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklljk* Paketvaart Maatsohappll. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. AgenU at Singapore Ship AomcY, latx J. Dairdbu 4 Co., 2-9 Oolltbb Quay. The Undermentioned dates are only approximate. oteamer rrom Kxp'ted. Will oe Itaspatctieu for Ailing Bawean May 8 Bawean, Soerabaya, Bandjermas- Way 1 sin, Kota-Baroe, Falik-Papan,
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    • 638 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Qerman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
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    • 446 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES OCEAN STEAM SHIP Go,, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamer* are despatched from Liverpool oat wards for the Straits, China tnd Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and foi Liverpool monthly. One oatward steamer jach month extends to
      446 words
    • 519 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEIB £12,000,000. TH» LABGEBT FIRE OFFICI IN THB WOBH BOUBTEAD 4 Co., AgenU THE LONDON AND~ LANCASHIBI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CapiUl £2,127,500 Paid up CapiUl. 212,760 Reserve Fund. .£1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for tha Company, are prepared to accept fir*
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  • 453 12 Ship's Crew Refuse Duty. On the 18th April, at the Bombay Esplanade Police Court, before Mr. Kur•ondas Chubildas, Third Presidency Magistrate, a case of considerable importance to commercial circles was called up. Captain George Hay, Commander of the steamship Riverdale," lying in the Victoria Dock laden with a
    453 words
  • 271 12 Serious Allegation Against Kuropatkin. lie eonoMDeMMW of hostilities between Japan tad Bwna, numerous in-1 i;i-. have lKtMi reported of Russian leaking wrong use of the Red and l>oing attired in ChineM dre>s with the object of de- the JapUMM. Evidence has imw b< to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 134 12 Something Worth Reading. 11l R. Swift. 13, Beaconsfield Roivi, BM6X, writes My wife wivs vout'N'ii for a Ions; timo with pain in tho Wr: miilk'.il n^i-tnncr was employed in Afi"r naiag only half the contents of HTottle of Litti.k's Oriental Balm, this Hri::i was ramond in a few days. My
      134 words
    • 289 12 NOTICES. 'Jor JYews of tde Straits, T" oLrdiltiS Times. IT 11.A.S THEE Largest Circulation O F ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FOR XJOar telegrams, THE CiJ A t otraits Times. It may be obtained in Singapore at the Mowing places:— Mwn. John LJttU Co., Ltd. The lt«lr«hmen< HuHet, Tank Sapoy
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