The Straits Times, 3 May 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.726 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. MAY 3. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 723 1 NOTICES. CONDOR CEMENT Singayiore, 13th March, 1905. Messrs. C. DUPIRE CO. Dear Sirs, We have carefully tested At samples of COXDOH Ceient which we had selected from shipments stored in your godowns. The tests uniformly showed the cement to he one of high quality. THE TENSILE STRAIN WHICH IT STOOD
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    • 257 1 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Portland Cement in caskp, with the trade mark hereunder shown, and known throughout the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Siam, Borneo and other neighbouring countries as Hercules Cement," is manufactured solely by the Breitenburger Portland Cement Fabrik, Hamburg, who are the sole proprietors
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  • 195 2 Appointments. Mr. Cecil Wray to be Resident, Pahaftg. Mr. F. M Baddeley, Revenue Auditor Pahang. Mr E J. Hrewster, D. O. Kinta, and Registrar of Titles, Perak, Booth. Mr. "A. T. Dew, D. O. Lower Perifc Mr. W. P Home, D O. Batang Padang Mr H. Berkeley, D.
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  • 109 2 The statement in Reuter's telegram that there has been a hitch in tbe work of delimitation between Siam and France, is incorrect. Owing to tbe inaccuracy of the maps at present in existence, the Bangkok Times explains, it has been necessary to make careful surveys and maps
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 344 2 Japanese Captures. Vladivostock is exceedingly hard pressed for coal, and the Russian Government have offered such enormous inducement* to British owners to venture thkher with coal that it has sucoeeded in tempting many ship-owners to undertake the almost impossible task. Japanese watchfulness has, however, rendered nearly every effort
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  • 87 2 Skveral seizures of contraband opium bad been made at Bangkok at the date of last mail advices. It is said, by tbe Bangkok Times, tbat do check is kept by tbe Government there on tbe amount of opium prepared by an out- going Opium Farmer. The outgoing Farmer sells as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 484 2 NOTICES. PURE MILK. Ij^^^^^jdA CER I IK ICA lE. j£ jjPll|||||||||||ntf^Hl 511 Z -o- pm MM UNSWEETENED kl|| JJ Dp. A. B. Griffiths, Ph.D. F. R.B. of London, D \fxp\ *C^ njf > laH Analytical Chemist and Assayer Member of the Chemical M% jnriL\\^V^3 J*y iP fifi Societies of Paris
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    • 120 2 Cure it now! Ik is a bad sign when you have tbat obstit nate, lingering cough which will not be shaken off. You are near the danger poinof serious sickness when you let that cold hang on. Cure it now, and cure it quickly, safely, surely. Coughs, chest-cold, bronchitis are
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    • 234 2 r £HE g'PANJ)ARD J^IFE QFFICE. pays upwards of Haifa-Million Pounds Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 15 years. The Business is conducted with Economy, the premiums are moderate, and
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  • 191 3 London, 12th April It is stated that Admiral Rojdestvensky has transferred his flag from the "Kuiaz Suvaroff" to the battleship "Aurora." It is stated by the Press of St. Petersburgh that the Malacca Straits are being closely watched by spies, both Japanese and English. It is also
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  • 704 3 The Wire Gun Trouble A recent pi«cc of WOffc which was successfully undertaken by the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company in connection with the refitting of both the "Albion" and "Glory" stands out, says the "Hongkong Telegraph," prominently at a time when it is of the utmost
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 22 3 BTBARNS 1 HEADACHE CUBli, ear) b* nJrtaiued Frora «1! dißpeusarien (qaii kry i y part) Nc er W without th» Genuine. m.w.f.
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    • 330 3 NOTICES. JIU i- 1 JiJN JjAvll ijXVvJo», OC L/O», Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States Aetc. Uralite Steleonite BEST Kitson Oieieomie Gasoline Stamped X Lam PSP S LaiT^S Getting Material fM Steel (SeilingS 'I .4ifc» I '<>•. aoo, 400 Candle Power 1 Simplest and cheapest Petroleum I BED IN JPW U
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    • 208 3 Eight-Inch and 10-6 Inch IDEAL RECORDS. 8 inch Price $1.50 each 10.6 inch Price $2.25 each Ideal Records are made for use with, and to fit, all types of disc talking machines Ideal Records are made by the greatest artists whose names are world famed. Complying with the repeated wishes
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    • 96 3 NEW FRENCH BOOKS Exlave O. I)' Houville Contre 1' Impossible M. A. de Bonet Le Serpent Noir Paul Adam Les unes et les autres. A. Guillaume La Cite de 1' Amom an Japon. Tresmin Tremolieres La Guerre universelle. A. Niemann Jadis Frederic Maeson Soldats de la Fi« Jean Troy Sus
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  • 637 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 3RD MAY. It has been previously noted in these columns that our Tientsin contemporaries differ materially from little birds in their little nef-ts, inasmuch as that they utterly fail to agree with each other. The latest trouble between them is anent i banquet
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  • 411 4 One of the most interesting examples of what a Colonial administration can do is furnished by the great Commonwealth of Australia wliere the population is at a standstill and oriental immigration is forbidden out of deference to the behest of a knownjthing labor party. Tn the Philippines, the American colonisers
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  • 276 4 Some days ago we complained of the inconvenience caused through the restrictions placed by the Netherlands Indies authorities upon telegrams concerning the war. We must reiterate, to the credit of those authorities, that they had the courtesy to announce in advance the restrictive measures they intended to enforce against such
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  • 162 4 The attention of the Municipal authorities is called to the insufferable nuisance caused by the daily transit of a long drawn cut line of eight-soil c;irts which proceed from Singapore down the Kallang Road every morning a« tbe hour when the traffic is at its densest. Apart from such vehicles
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  • 21 4 Share quotations, general shipping news, and passenger iista, besides shipping, and insurance advertisements will be found on page 10 and 11.
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  • 13 4 Advertisement* of Sales, Wanted, Tc Let etc., will be found on Pagt 6.
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  • 8 4 The Straits Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 9 4 The Singapore Cricket Club bowling tournament commences on Friday,
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  • 12 4 Thk Govern nifcnf. of Burmah has withdrawn its plague restrictions against Singapore.
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  • 19 4 Thk Penang Swimming Club had a net profit of 5i, 721 in 1904. It can muster 127 active members.
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  • 16 4 The torpedo-depot ship Hccli left I he wharf yesterday and anchored close to the battleship Vengewce.
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  • Special German Service.
    • 40 4 Ninety Workmen Killed. Berlin, 2nd May. There have been riots among: workmen at Warsaw. The military fired upon them. Ninety rioters were killed. 75,000 workmen are on strike at Lodz. There have been riots at Minsk and Kalirch.
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    • 19 4 A succession tax is to be introduced in Germany. It is expected to yield 100,000,000 marks.
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 33 4 London, sM Mtff The Warsaw strike disturbances were renewed in the suburb of Praga last night. The Hussars fired on the crowd, killing four and wounding many.
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    • 66 4 Followed by Volleys. At 9 A o in the evening a bomb was thrown into a military patrol in tbe chief street. The troops thereupon fired three volleys. The bomb killed two Cossacks and a policeman, and wounded two ladies. Many were killed and wounded by the volleys
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    • 27 4 During Naval manoeuvres oil' Bereheven on Monday night, the torpedo destroyer Syren ran on a reef and broke her back. No lives were lost.
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    • 39 4 Horrible Details. Reuter's correspondent wires from Warsaw During tue fighting yesterday the troops not only tired, but used the butts of their rilles, bayonets and swords, breaking the heads of women and children and inflicting terrible injuries.
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    • 42 4 Troops at Kalisch, in Poland, entered a church where the congregation were singing patriotic songs. A fight ensued in which some women were killed. In consequence of the bloodshed, a general strike has beeu proclaimed throughout, Poland and Lithuania.
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  • 228 4 Reuter's Extra Service. LATEST. The crowds have stoned the patrols at Lodz. The soldiers fired, killing two and wounding a boy. Two were killed in a similar encounter with a police patrol. A bomb was thrown amongst a patrol at Lodz, but without eflect. The patrol fired, killed three and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 944 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, &4, High Street. Just unpacked a fresh stock of silks of various Boris, beautiful Kimonos, Maltese and Ceylon lace collars, Sandlewood and ivory ware, Chefu Silk for gentlemen's suits and Japanese and Indian curbs &c. dec. New Supply of
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    • 331 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. George Klphick. May 3 GODOWNS TO LET. Palmer Godowns An on R)ad. tevernl uodowos. one storied, 00% ia cou se of ere. tion. Entry end of April. Some of tbe godowng are nearly completed and may now bs in;p9cted Nos. 7. 8 and 9 Merbau
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    • 300 4 LAND SALE. The following properties were sold by auction at Powell Cos saleroom yesterday afternoon Freehold laud at Jalan Trus and Jalan Tebrau, Johore Bahru area 9,720 sq. ft. Together with the dwelling house, pineapple factory aud citronella factory erected thereon No. 50 Jalan Trus, Joliorc Bahru (but without the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 65 5 To the Editor of the 'Straits Time*." Dear Sir,— ln reply to Usurer's enquiry my answer is:— 2o% pp'iand 9% lost --29%. If the borrower had invested his irißtalmeuts instead of paying same to the lender, he would have gained 9% or £9 thus:9 nios. tab
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    • 102 5 To the Editor of the "Strait* Time*." Sib,— Tiio letter in your issue of Monday headed l; Of interest to Accountanf-' and signed Usurer" presents an interesting problem and tbe solution in my opinion is as follows The borrower received £100 lor 3m then 70 •W 10 Or £55 toi
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    • 78 5 To the Editor of the "Strait* Time*." Sir. I see in today's issue of your valuable paper several solutions to the Case for Accountants sent in by Usurer." The following solution is not given viz t'b for 1 .jr. iDterest £2S for > >i;s. £5=40% .625 for 3 <]rs. «5=26|%
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    • 259 5 To the Editor of the "Strait* Time*." Sir, I am amused to see the violent efforts that are beiug made to solve an -irithmetrical puzzle in your columns. Possibly the following may save them both time and trouble. In the year 1890, on the Ist of February, a case was
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  • 293 5 At the Assizes yesterday afternoon, Lee Chin Sai, a Hylam house-boy, pleaded guilty to a charge of having stolen jewellery and money to the value of about $1,800 from the house of Mrs McLennan.where he wag employed. Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, passed sentence of six years' imprisonment.
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  • 431 5 Attack and Rob a European Captain. About midnight last night Capt. E. H. Koenig of the Dutch steamer' "Ophir" was on his way home from the Adelphi Hotel in a 'rikisha when he was accostt d by two Hylams in another 'rikisha and was beguilded by some
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  • 149 5 The following are the odds for the Singapore Derby and the Maiden Plate, at the coming Singapore Race Meetins, as quoted at ROM to-day by Mr. C. Robinson:— Singapore Derby. 2to 1 Devilment 4to 1 Cadenas 2to 1 Winearoon 4to 1 The Idler sto 1 Cornwell 10 to
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  • 36 5 The contract packet steamer Thongwa," with the London mails of the 14th ultimo, left Negapatam at 7 a. m. on the 30th ultimo, and may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning, the 6th instant.
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  • 38 5 On Friday, the Legislative Council will be asked to vote $31,200 for a site for a new quarantine camp near Ballestier Road, and 128,370 for further cost of engineering surveys etc. in connection with the Singapore Harbour improvements.
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  • 62 5 As regards Kuantan in Pahang, the Master Attendant notifies that, in consequence of the movement couth of the Sand Bank there, on and after the 15th May, 1905, tbe marks and light for the South course will ba placed on a lined bearing N. W. N., and vessels should be
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  • 62 5 Negotiations are, says the British North Borneo Herald, in progress with the Sabah 8. S. Company, by which it is hoped that Sandakan will get a weekly mail service. The N.D.L steamers run regularly every fortnight and the Sabah boats will probably follow seven days after each N.D.L, instead of
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  • 1159 5 Although the going was on the heavy side, a good morning's work was gone through yesterday. With such a number of horses on the track at the one time it is quite impossible to follow the work done by each one separately, and when watching one or two
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  • 138 5 Thr thermit weld is utilized for joining the Singapore tramway rails and may be seen in operation in the streets where line laying is now in progress. The same system has also been used on the Sydney tramways and in other parts of Australia The largest thermit
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  • 33 5 During the rain squall this morning the s.s. Scott dragged her anchors and was in danger of colliding with the German steamer Manila. A tug was sent to her assistance from Tanjong Pagar.
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  • 33 5 The B. I. Hezi'-cuia arrived this morning from Rangoon with a cargo of rice for Japan. The Sofala is also in the roads with a cargo of rice. She arrived a fortnight ago.
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  • 42 5 The Perak Pioneer notes that there was a special train on the 2Sth April conveying Mr. Alma Baker and servant from Taiping to Pennng. Tbe little trip cost him nearly $200 A passage from Penang to London costs but a trifle more.
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  • 42 5 Mr. Bell, the Municipal Engineer at Penaug, baa warned t lie Municipal Board that the water supply there is dangerously short, and urges measures to check waste of water. The Bo^rd discussed the matter on Friday last without coming to any decision.
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  • 43 5 The Penang Amateur Dramatic Club successfully staged the farce "The Little Sentinels" on the 28th April despite the discouragement of a poor house. When the curtain rose, only the first five rows of seats had occupants, the remainder of the hall being empty.
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  • 193 5 According to late advices from the Southern Philippines a state of active warfare now exists on the it-land of Jolo, General Wood, the Governor of the More Province and Military Commander of the Department of the Southern Philippines being, at last advices, scouring the jungles of that island with a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 FOR THE COUGH OF IN FLUENZA, Steams' Wine is the re liable prompt remedy. It soothes thr air passages.
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    • 142 5 NOTICE. COLD STORAGE SUPPLIES Orchard Road Depot. Customers are notified that on and after Saturday the 29th instant this business will be carried on by the undersigned. Frozen Meat, fresh batter and other articles can be purchased at the Depot for Cash. Monthly accounts opened with European Residents, bat no
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    • 460 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, THE TRUTH MUST AGAIN BirrOLD "GENERAL STOESSEL, THE DEFENDER OF P TIFFINED AT RAFFLES HOTEL, THE SAVOY OF SINGAPORE. From "The Sphere," London, March 18th, 1905. WE MANUFACTURE, IN SOLID TEAK UPRIGHT IRON GRANDS. $100 cash And 17 monthly payments of $25 each. Prompt cash $475Absolutely guaranteed for
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  • 1510 6 Sir John Fisher. The iiK'chajusin of Fishers busy braiti says the "Daily Chronicle" is like that i>! a chronometer— silent, unresting, and unhurried when attached to a lyddite mine it ensured shattering explosion. Always ready, like his great exemplar Nelson, with a plan to meet the difficulty
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 621 6 NOTICES. Wde Straits TBimes. AND Wde Straits budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. Dally twine per year $8(1.00 do per quarter 7.60 do per month 2.60 do per copy 0. 16 Weekly Usne per year 1800 do per quarter 4.60 do per copy 0.40 When sent by post, there Ii
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    • 809 6 NOTICES. rriO BE LET— No. 15 Devonshire Road. J. Entry from Ist May. Apply to M. H Sassoon, 161 Cecil Street, or at No. 87 1 Short St-eet. Apl 7 «L_ 'PO BE LET— Devon Villa, River Valley Road, and 103 Lloyd Road; also Salt mat Bukit Timah. Apply N.
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    • 625 6 NOTICES. ROOMB TO BE LET, with board at "Braeside," 118 Bukit Timah Ruad (near Newton Station). Apply 8. E. 8. c/o Straits Time*. ApIJJ n^c. TO BE LET, small first floor offices facing Cavenagh Bridge Roid and Flint Street. Apply to Guthrie A Co. Ltd., Agent*. p.p. rBE LET.— No.
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    • 543 6 NOTICES. WHITE SOUND TEETH produced by using ROWLAND'S ODONTO which preserves and beautifies the teeth, strengthens the gums, and gives pleasant fragrance to the breath it eradicates tartar, prevents and arrests decay, and polishes and preserves the enamel. SoW by Stores, Chemists, and K. ROWLAND SONS, 67. Hatton Garden. London.
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    • 405 6 KIDNEY POISONS ROB THE SUFFERER Of Health, Happiness, and Life. The kidneys are the most important organs of the body, because they filter the blood. When they are well, they drive all liquid poisons and waste out of the body. But when they are sick, the whole body is sick,
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  • 431 7 Reduced Production Expected. lv their report of the 15th April, Messrs. Warner, Barnes >V Co. Ltd., of Manila, state The larger receipts and the dullness of the home markets had its effect on prices during the past fortnight, and a moderate business was done on the basis of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 598 7 BANKS. Hongkong tf Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-DP CAPITAL $10,000,000 KEBERVE FUND:— Sterli ab Reserve $10,000,000 Bilver Reserve 8,000,000/ IS WW OOO Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. E. Tomkini, Eaq., Chairman H. W. Slide, Esq., Deputy Chairman. B. Uoeti, Esq. 1 H. Setanbart, Esq. Hon. W. J.
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    • 775 7 NOTICES. AoentS fOP LEA PERRirS WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, n** s*» D I a^,— SPECIAL WARRAJT %dL| Wtt< tf LV^Ls^ B H H PURVEYORS TO I*lBP< Qf'THE KING. 1 I Celebrated Oilman's Stores I SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. From Ist April, 1905, and until further noticeTrain Service for Week Days and Sundays.
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    • 181 7 NOTICES. NOTICE. The Hotel de l'Burope Syndicate beg to inform their customers that for any bills paid their Bill Collectors on and after to-day, a separate receipt, bearing the signature of Mr. C. Chaytor, the Manager, should be asked for. No bill will be valid without this receipt. HOTEL DE
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    • 383 7 AUCTION SALES. VALUABLE CLUB FURNITURE NEW ENGLISH BILLIARD TABLE Auction Sale of valuable Club Furniture at Nos. 46 and 47 Almeida Street (of! South Bridge Road) Saturday, 9th May, 1905, at 2 pm. A NEW FULL-SIZE ENGLISH BILLIARD TABLE with all accessories including a set of gas brilliant lamps teak
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    • 691 7 AUCTION SALES. LAND AND HOUSES, ROCHORE ROAD. MORTGAGEE'S SALE BY AUCTION At Messrs. H. L. Ooghlan Co.'s Mart, Monday, Bth May, at 2.30 p.m. All those three parcels of land held under Qovernment Leases for9U9 YEARS, situated at Bochore Road, Singapore,' together with the three shop bouse* erected thereon and
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  • 570 8 Tli.' JapsMMM papers, including in the, Kukumin. are writm- very vigorously about the Kamranh Hay scandal. They point <>ut that it is quite possible that Admiral Bojihwli— my made previous ■jTWfomentl to take refuge there. They say .l.ipan sincerely desires France's friendship, but France must be sensible
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  • 122 8 I'oh Exa Jon, Hylum, met a fellow national, Him .100 Kinrcg, in distress on the 2Ut ult out in the Ballestier dis trict, and offered him shtlter for the ni^lit. Toil was accepted. When Poll Eng Joo woke from his slumbers, he missed his companion and with
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  • 89 8 TheN. D. L. v Tnngganu brought in troni Bandakan yesterday a fine large specimen of the proboscis monkey. One of these animals landed alive in Europe would be worth a small fortune, but they do not take kindly to sea voyages and rarely reach the continent alive when attempts are
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  • 300 8 A few days ago, a paragraph appeared in these columns on the subject of ladies and letters. This morning, T. de M. Braddcll who was retained for the defendant appeared before Mr. Sproulj. Ins pector Brace, at the same moment, handed the case up and said that the
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  • 128 8 Au old Cbinaman named Lee Pong ke«.p=. a small shop at 83 Waterloo Street. On the 19th ult.. a Chinese lad walked in and presented what seemed to be a *5 note for change. The old man ac.vptfd it. The following morning he discovered it was a badly
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  • 187 8 The .liji Bhiauw" of Tokyo referring to recent journalistic changes in Shang hai. asserts that Russia is well known for "buying up" foreign newspapers and using them to serve her purposes, and nowhere is she more active »n this than in China. The papers do not carry
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  • 336 8 Mr. Brown's Case. The 'Manila Thnes" of 19th April publishes the following in regard to Mr. R. W. Brown, formerly connected with a Singapore banking concern and later of the International Bank, Manila There is a possibility that R. W. Brown, formerly manager of the International
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  • 22 8 Mr. de Brugn, who resides at Grastlands," St. Thomas' Walk, has reported to the police that his boy and $90 are missing.
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  • 40 8 A company is said to have been floated in London, with a large capital, to plent rubber in the interior of Kwala Lamo, close on the Jesse lton-Beaufor; line, where the scil has been ascertained to be of good quality.
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  • 39 8 Dk Mckrav Robtrison has givfn notice that at the next mer'ingofthe Municipal Board to beheld or Friday, he will miv,-:— That Alexandra Roa<l bedeclanda read within certain distance of which night Foil is not to bo used as manure.
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  • 68 8 Mb. Silas C. Pknny, the editor and founder cf the T>mts of Malaya, arrived in Sicgapcre on Monday on a shott business visit. Mr. Petny having put the Ipoh paper on its feet, financially, proposes fo seek a wider field for his journalistic endeavours than is afforded Ijy the tin
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  • 91 8 The Pauper Hospital closed the year with the income slightly over the outlay. A letter was rc-ceived by the board of management from Government on the 31st March, 1904, stating thatjit had been decided to remove the hospital to a site in the neighbourhood of Mount Faber, and at a
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  • 90 8 A recent refusal of the Selangor Government t;> grant loans to aid in building shop houses and coolie depots in Kuala Lumpur meets with some disapproval there. A committee of the Sanitary Board appointed to report on the question of overcrowding, proposed that the Government should give money to meet
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  • 96 8 The performance of the band of the 9oth (Russell 1 Infantry at the Botanical Gardens yesterday afternoon wa* much appreciated by the fairly large gathering present. The afternoon was a perfect one and the usually quiet gardens were quite livened up' Residents of Singapore have few chances of hearing a
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  • 14 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 3rd ¥«y, 1905 To-day's 4/ in bank rate is 1/1 1 rt
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  • 17 8 The German steimer I 'erona arrived yesterday from New York with 10,476 cases of petroleum and turpentine.
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  • 21 8 The American steamer Missouri arrived yesterday from Port Natal with 9,269 tons of coal for the U. S. Government at Manila.
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  • 95 8 Gumbier S-85 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 12.12 Copra Bali .r 8.301 do Pontianak 780 Pepper, Black 26.55 do White, 5X 3775 Sa,k,o Flour Sarawak 320 do Brunei No. 1 3.121 Pearl Sago 4.40 Coffee Mali, 15a basis 24 00 Coffce,Palenibamr, 20% basis 25.00 <\.i1«... Liberian No. 1 laciica,
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  • 132 8 On London— Bank 4 ni/i 11l Demand 1/1 1J Private 6 m/i 1 11 do 3ms 1/11 l On Germany— Hunk d/d 2.02} Private 3 m/i 2.05J do 6 m/« 2.07| On France— Bank d.d 2.46} Private 3ms 2.62J do 6 m.s 2.641 On India— Bank T. T 14.6)
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  • 249 8 TRADINQ VESSELS, &c. Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Bnwada Brit. str. 3 210 tons, Captain Wadge. 3rd May. From Raccoon, 27th Apl Rice. Boustead Co. For Japan, D— Rda. Hok Ijioe, Dut. str. 397 tone, Capt van derUaret, 3rdMa>. From Batevia, 30th Apl. Q.c and3d.p. Kirn Hock Hoe. For
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  • 57 8 Vsssel's Flag 4 Destin- n Namk. Rio. atios. Kiel Ger str. Penang 2nd Brit sir. Deli L'nd Ikhona gtr. Rangoon 2nd Maygrovi- str. Port Said 'md Hit: ii etr. Palembang ?rd Ceylon str. London 3rd Den of Kei'tii str. Hongkong 3rd Selangor str. T. An son 3rd KUtna str.
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  • 120 8 From Europe— By the N.D.I, s.s. Bayern duo on 4th May. From Chiwa— Bv the M. M. s. Polynesien due on Bth May. lar2Ut N.D.L Apl 15th Apl 16th Jar -.'3rd B. I. Apl Hiih Apl 16th far 27 th M. M. Apl 18th Apl 20th far
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  • 119 8 For Per steamer Tim*. To-morrow. Billiton A PontiaDak Fan der Lijn 9 a.m. K Vahing A Kuantan Stephan 10 a.m. Bangkok Korat -j p m Malacca and Linggi Kheng Seng 2 pm. Kurope via ports Bharata p ni. P.Swefuam via ports Ptnnnrj 3 p.m. Batavia 4 Sourabayi I'un
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  • 60 8 Arrived and May. Per 8.8. Ceylon: From Yokohama to London Mi»> ISirnj-t From X"l»- to Lomlun —Mrs. A. N. BaSMll, Master fi MiHansell. From Sluin^hai to I.nmlon Mr. and Mr» G. V. T. llmfclll. Mr W. Hnnir., Mrs. Leo, Smith, Mr. nn.l M>«. K Iv lio.i-.-.
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  • 59 8 Th« following kMMMgsn are expected to arrive by th>' German mail eteamer fiayern, due here on Thursday af iinoou tin; 4th inttanl.— MerM>. K. I. IsMtUaa, M. C. Lutz, H.Schwarzwuller, Menke, I! T. Bebadd, Mr. and Mr*. J. Paris, Mr. and Mr- Halgai Jantzen, MeB»r». Otto II hum maim, M
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  • 90 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. Cast Whabf city of Bbataghaai. Dock— lientong, iohanna. Albkrt (jßaving Duck— <ili'n«^le. Section No. 1 Indian Monarch, Knkdale, K u in Sang, Zweena, Sarie llorneo. 2 Hliarata, I'enan^.l'urt Tewlik. 8 Den of Kelly. 4 Minilya, Saint. Hag*.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 59 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have just receive 1 a new stock of silks of every colour, and description. Best Japanese crepe and silk kimonoi, caslunere and Canton crepe shawls, ludi*n, and Japanese curios, etc. Gold and Silver jewellery can be obtained
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    • 296 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co. ♦"^•^^^**^3S2JmM7 LUNA NIGHT lm DUCHESS LAMF> S -^k ••SUNRISE" STOVE. lAMD In brass Exact to Burns Petroleum Oil, has finches 7*** 7 inches THE BOY LANTERN. .nd che.p«. „ov, of i,. kiid ,b. H igh lnche ,bo,, bu°e, f^k STOVES %Jr These stoves can I _^Bm.^a^Ba^LJ Every
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 151 8 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 3rd May. Hi K h Water. 10- in p.m. Football. Co v. V. M. C. A. CW. A. Raffles UirU' School. 4. Yap Chow Thong Opera. 9. Thursday, 4th May. High Water. 10-40 a.m. 10-37 p.m. New Moon. 10-45 p.m. It. I. outward mail closw. 3.
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  • 792 9 TUe Army K-tima>. I lot I lie y.'.ir end iug March SI, 19l>C>, am.unt to .£29,813,100, against £J8,9(H).i;00 last year, a net increase on ordinary and extraordinary services of £913,100. We give the details for this colony, so far as they can be obtained from the various
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 681 9 NOTICES. CHARLES -H-jfi HEIDSIECK'S wfsp) White Seal fHft' Champagne. jtP SOLE AGENTS I A Behn, Meyer 6" Co. A A Singapore and Penang. DEPOT: JhUBK I I ■an. |s<m4 Jtlll\ 111 11. 1 .V I I^^^; M trcfa :<0 m. w. f. THE IANJONQ PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwhiohts, Eniunehis,
      681 words
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    • 305 9 NOTICE^ For N«fVoUs Phosphoglyeerata j|^H OF LIME Tfii meiirn mttnttM or t/ii ntrcoui t/ittm. For hrtinwork? rs, proftMtonil ttipn. tMchtn, itudMlt*, lotsei. dyipcptit of oinraat Wf^m^^^M orinin m«omn:« 117 S «^n ll readily astimilncd ud "*47 p-onout digntios. PHOSPHOSLYCERATE SYRUP ICHAPOTEAUTI PHOSPHOBLYCERATE WIHE (CHAPOTEAUTI PHOSPHOBLYCERATE CAPSULES ICHAPOTEAUTI PM Vivians*. PAJW-ffMNCI
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  • 181 10 THE GERMAN NAVY. The Kcv. A. T S. Ooodrick in -Cornhill recalls the fact that the German Revolution in 1818, through its Parliament of Professors at Frankforts not merely aspired to unify the Fatherland, but to provide it with a fleet. Ibe blockade of German porni by
    181 words
  • 236 10 Tlio Poak Plow" points out that the Bill which has just boon iatrodaead in- ih. Btrait* LagUativt Council, by direction of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, embody if into a single separate Ordinance :lu> provisions of the Criminal Procedure and Penal Cod« 6 touching tin.' pflllishnwnl of
    236 words
  • 279 10 21 tears of Shipbuilding. Sir Andrew Nebla at the luncheon given upon the HtHMM "i the launch of the JUMUMM battleship Kashima, took OOBHKNI to refer to the fact that in the course of this yi'ifr the Elswick y.ird would attain its Majority, and that siuoe 1884 it
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  • 67 10 The task of drawing up a revised per.alcode for Siani is about to be undertaken by a n< w Commission, under the presidency of M. Padour, the new French Judicial Adviser. The Comlui.sMon will consist, the slum Observer hears, of two European lawyer*, M Padoux himself being one, and two
    67 words
    • 1337 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are u«ed: str. steamer »h. ship; bq.— narqne sch.— schooner Yet.— Yacht Cm.— Cruiccr; Gbt. Gnnboot; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power Brit.— British i U. S.— United .vates; Feb.— French; Qer. German; Dut.— Dntch G.c. General-e&rpo d.p.— deck paxtenger; U. Uncertain T.
      1,337 words
    • 461 10 Name, port, prohabl* dale of arrival, and name of agentt. Steamers. Armand Bebij S:iii{on. May tj M. M. Aberkur, Hamburg, May ti B. Meyer. Agamemnon, China, May 7; Mansfield. Annam, Raig n, May 2:1 M. Maritime*. Atholl. New YurK, Miy :>H; A. dilßllan Ayuthia, Cakutta. Ma.- 14: Uorneo
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    • 294 10 PASSE NGERS B O O K E D HOMEWARD. P. O. Per Coroniuudel, sailing on lltli May Mr. E. 8. Haslam, Mr. MacUregor, Inspector ami Mn. Williams an<l child, Mr. Mocilonell, Mr. Ward, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. J. McLean, Mr. Kowand, Mr. Latham, Mr. Net Ititt. N. D. L. Per Preuasen
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    • 181 10 For Singapore Per P. 4 O. s. s. Britannia connecting with the steam r Hi mill ;it Colombo, from London prii ll.doa IMb May Mr J. F Gaze Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Marshall Mr. L C. Bin -kbui-n. Per P. &O. s. g Mtmmlim connecting with
      181 words
    • 245 10 Number of Shores lune i Paid Value I up to Company Buj«r. Btlktl' LASI Tiacaae SOLD. f f 13,600 6A>! mtmtt. 4,000 20,000 10,000 6,a>7 10,600 36,700 .10,000 160,000 aj.uoo 1,000 mim—i. I 10 «7.60 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd- 12.00 i:>.u S 10 I lli 10 10
      245 words
    • 149 10 100,000 SO.OOU unuuued. 2,000 4,600 30,000 12,00" i sX •,000 2,760 36,000 600 2,000 6,000 785 iiniMned. 300,000 50,000 uniuusd. 17,000 1 4 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd. 10.00, I 10.00 f 100 60 f 126 100 10 i 100 100 I 10 60 f 100 $100 f 100
      149 words
    • 48 10 Howarth Er.kine, Ltd. 7% Kiley, Hargreavea, Ltd. 6% Singapore Municipal 8 A 6% TanjoDg Pasar Dock bo.. Ltd. tt Z 260,U00 ii preni. 22fi,UJ0 2% preui bayen. 4UU.OUU 2% prem buyrra. 1,878,UUU 1% preiu buyun 656.CU0 2% dv. uom. 2CU.UUU preui buyeri i tjmjtm \X t>r«im liny.r.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 C'uildken Like to Take It— The fiu«st quality of granulated loaf sugar ii used in the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the roots <ss»d in its preparation give it a flavor mjihUi to maple syrup, making it quite ploasant to take. Children like to Ui« it and it has
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    • 179 10 NOTICES. FRANZ JOSEPH NATURAL APERIENT WATER. The strongest and at the same time the most palatable o the Hungarian Aperient waters. Uniform in composition, it regulates the functions of the body without fatigue and is highly recommended by physicians fur constipation, liver troubles, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, piles,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 704 11 BUCHANANS BLACK WHITE The favourite at home and abroad 12 YEARS OLD. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p ero, STEAtf NAVIGATION CO. For Chlr.-, Japau, Penang, Ceylon, Austrnlia, India, Aden, Egypt. Medlter. anean Prrts, Plymouth and London. Through i'llls of LadiJ^ .ea 10 1 for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amoricnn Forte.
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    • 702 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KonlnklijUe Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contrast with the Netherlands India Government. Agent* at Singapore i Ship Agency, latk J. Daibpdbls A Co., 2-8 Collykb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer t rom cxpted. win oe Despatched lor Van der I/yn Poßtianak Apl 90 Billiton and Fontianak May
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    • 499 11 HAMBUROAMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURO. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of the next
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    • 638 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mail Line. The fast and woll known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      638 words
    • 804 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES OCEAK STEAM SHIP 00,, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are tl«fipat"he.; troni Liverpool ontwards for the Stinit: Cm..:i tnd Japan every week, and from Japan home wards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer Men month extends to
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    • 521 11 INSURANCE COMPANIESROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEID £12,000,000. THB LABGIBT FIBS OFFICI IN THI WOEL* BOUSTEAD A Co, AgenU. THE LONDON AND LANCASmEI FIRB INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,600 Paid up Capital. 212,750 Kwerve Fund. .£1,073,550 The undersigned, AgenU for tL« Company, are prepared to accept fir* rim
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  • 939 12 What Santos Dumont Will do Next. There is a fascinating paper in tile "Fortnightly Review" for February entitled, "The Future of the Airship." The author is M. Santos Dumont. the Columbus of the aerial world. He telU us that he is about to spend a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 591 12 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Sole Agents For the HORNSBY-AKROYD patent Latest Improved Stationary Type, j fl 6T I I^I 6S Portable Type, Oil Engines FOR ALL PURPOSES Oil Engines Will work with CRUDE OILS, liEltONE!\'E or WITH ANY ORDINARY PETROLEUM Cost of working with cheap oils
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    • 318 12 NOTICES. Jor Jiews of tfte Straits, tt Straits Times. IT HAS THE Largest Circulation O F ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FOR XVar Tpelegrams, THE C*± #J. t" otraits Times It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places:Miun. John Uttlt Co., Ltd. The Butlel. Tank S*poy Unit
      318 words