The Straits Times, 26 April 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.720 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26. 1905. PRICEII S CENTS.
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  • 102 1 VISBIL'B FLU De*TIN- Namk. Kio. ATior. UkTm tkmmmm Dut str Paian^ 'i-.'nd Jchn Davi- Biit *h. Batavi.^ J:'nd Mil iti. Durban 24th C Lopfz i/. Lopez Spa »'.r Harcelona 24 tti i/criup Uendrik Dut b'sh Batavia -"th Aragyee Brit str. Fenang 26th D'ucitiuii str. Hongkong 26th KVrfiri Dut Btr.
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  • 124 1 for Prrttffif,r Tim*. To morrow. Singora and Bangkok Redang 11 a.m. Bangkok Singapore noon. Malar and Linggi Khtng Seng 1 p.m. Hongkong A Swatow Hong IK<.n I i p.m. Europe via port* Simla 3 p.m. Madras via ports Tteata 3 p.m. I\ Swet'ham via ports Penang S p.m.
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  • 78 1 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. Bast Whaef— Nil. Victoria Graving Dock Zweenn. A.LBKRT URAVINO DOCK— NiI. Section No. 1 Zatuania, Teenta, Carlyle. 8 Nil. t C. F. Laei«. 4 Catherine Apcar. 8 Nil. 6 Calyuao, Siak. Borneo Wharf 7 Trave. s Airlie, Bemuohr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 297 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. with Cream. 6|tf|||| Sterilized- Not Sweetened ■teS^F^yl Perfect Substitute for Fresh CONDOR CEMENT Singapore, 13th March, 1905. Messrs. C. DUPIRE CO. Dear Sirs, We have carefully tested tbe samples of" CONDOR Cement which we had selected from ■hipuMOti Mured in your godowns. The
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    • 61 1 NOTICES. Manufacturers' Life INSURANCE CO. Head Office TOPONTO. CANADA. New Investment Pans. Kid iwinents with Guaranteed Dividend 5% Gold Bend Policies Special Endowments. Apply for rate? and particulars W. A. WHITE, Manager, c/o Meßsrs. GUTHRIE CO Ltd., General Agents. Tun U w. 10-6 WANTED A 'hicese Bill Co'lee'or; security $4,000.
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    • 295 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ROBINSON CO. (o) g-eii^tlieim: ein" s High Grade Boots and Shoes AT POPULAR PRICES. 4 Tan Willow Calf Boots 2k LINED LEATHER MFa m $7.50 per pair B W OXFORD AND DERBY SHAPES. ROBINSON CO. Compania General DE TABACOS DE FILIPINAS. Singapore Agency i Battery Road, No. 4
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    • 319 1 W6e Straits Wimes. AND &6? Straits SBudget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE in ADVANCE. Daily issue per year $30 00 do per quarter 7.60 do per month 2.60 do per copy 0.16 Weekly issue per year 18.00 do per quarter 4.60 do per copy 0.4U When lent by post, there is added
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    • 38 1 A Lingering Cough may result in consumption. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures coughs, colds and influenza It contains no harmful substance and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. THE DISPENSARY. General Agents m.w.f. 30/4
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 35 1 WEATHER TELEORA!*. F. A. «fc C. Telegraph Company.) 26th April BOfiGROXQ.- 10 am. Barometer 40.0.' Direction of Wind kabt Force of Wind 3. M ax.Temp in Shade 73. MANILA— 762. w.s w 2. J». 23.
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  • 1340 2 A British Admiral's Views. The following article by Admiral E. R. Fremantle, on the all absorbing tropic of the hour, is from the "Westminster Gawstte": Now that Admiral Rojdestvensky'a Armada has at length left the too friendly shelter of Nossi Be, hi Madagascar, it is natural that speculation
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 344 2 NOTICES VICTOR KEYLESS SAFES. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. CROSS LEY'S OIL AND GAS ENGINES. IMPORTERS Borneo Co., Ld. HPHE gTANDARD J^IFE QFFICE. pays upwards of Haifa-Million Pounds Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and haye increased over 40 per
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    • 564 2 NOTICES. PURE MILK ggg^gglljl ri A CERTIFICATE J£ 'rfr S ETE -!J! D M JS Dn.A.B. Griffith., Ph.D. F. E. S. of London. Q TsiV C^.^^ nJF P Ifi 1^ Analytical Chemist ann Assayer Member of the Chemical ff* kfr -i\\^S*^ mTm i flfi Societies of Paris and M. Petersburg,
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  • 71 3 It is reported that a big Company is being floated in Ceylon with a capital of Rs 3,000,(00 for the cultivation of rubber. It is expected that in the course of a tew years 1,300,0001b5. of Para rubber will be turned out annually by the Company into the market of
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  • 102 3 At 12.30 p in. on Saturday two Macaos, blacksmiths employed at the Dock, went into i«n opium shop in Teluk Blangah Road and called far 2\ cents worth of opium. They wanted credit, but, the coolie said his towkay would D t allow it. One of the Macaos then struck
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  • 116 3 The follow. nir F. M. 8. appointments are gazetted:— Mr. A. Hdo R Fonseca to act as Revenue Auditor, Selangor; Mr. W. H. Lee- Warner to net as Inspector of Schools, Negri Sembilan; Mr. J. W. Goldthorp to act as Assistant, D. O. Tampin; Mr. W. H. Mackray to act
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  • 128 3 The P. 0. Company lias in circulation in London particulars of the steamers appointed to the various dates for the outward passenger season, which usually commences in the early autumn. What is especially interesting in the present programme ot steamers is that several vessels which have hitherto carried the mails
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 653 3 NOTICES. -H w X X Hl'.N Xj Avfl JjXXvJp.»« Oty KjKJmy Straits Settlemepts, Federated Malay States &etc. Uralite QtpipnnitP A BEST Kitson oieieaniie m Gasoljne j .^i 1 Lam P s Lamps (Setting Material fIM N~"N Steel (Sellings l^l '•••^•-•-c— ••^er i I^^^ I Simplest and cheapest Petroleum SKI) IN
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    • 572 3 SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. From Ist April, 1905, and until further notice. Train Service fop Week Days and Sundays. DOWN TWAIN*. DOWN TRAINS. „i A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M P.M P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M SINGAPORE o 6.36 7.40 10.00 12.35 2.02 8.16 4.41 529 650 10.30 12 20
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    • 126 3 PARIS T nyy HrDMAMHC HONGKONG LYON IjEVY IIEnMAIMUb Shanghai MANILA KHARBIN ILOILO PORT ARTHUR 3, BATTERY ROAD. Diamond Merchants Jewellers, Opticians, Watchmakers. Repairs neatly executed in our up-to-date work shop. April 10. THE EVER WELCOME BEVERAGE. m coco w KPuTL Unequalled for Its nourishjillk J B '■>*• stimulating and dietetic
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  • 27 4 .loavUlM:— At 11 Lloyd Road. MaMfMO, ob the Mar. h, Kura'lia, wifs of the late Parsick .10.-i^iiin aged 77 years 1 month and ::i'i.i\-. Deeply regretted.
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  • 766 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY. 26 TH APRIL. One of the most tantalizing circumstances in connection with the present war is tha attituJe of the Government of the Netherlands Indies in respect ot the prohibition of ihe despatch of telegraphic news therefrom, by legitimate channels. According to the
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  • 406 4 Information obtained by us locally does not bear out the statements appearing in an article from a Globe correspondent which we reproduced yesterday with reference to oil deposits in Timor in relation to that island's value as a possible naval base fcr the invasion of Australia hy Germany, who is
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  • 21 4 Share quotations, general shipping news, and passenger iisti, besides shipping, and insurance advertisements will be found on page 10 and 11.
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  • 13 4 Advertisement* of Sales, Wanted, To Let etc., will be found on Fag* 6.
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  • 8 4 The Straitt Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 32 4 Today the Jewish community are celeorating the Feast of the Passover with all the ostentation which attends this ancient Festival. Jewish offices in town are closed and will remain closed to-morrow also.
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  • Special German Service.
    • 43 4 ifHn, MM April. M. Delcaos^'a withdrawal of his resignation has been foreseen at Berlin. His remaining in office is regarded as desirable in facilitating Germany's reluctant poiicy directed against the establishment of a French protectorate over Morocco.
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    • 18 4 Count Taffenbaeh, fcfcoGanatt Envoy to Morocco, will leave for Fez on tbe Ist May.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 58 4 Third Baltickers Believed to Have Passed. London, 26th April. The correspondent cf 'he Htm York Sun at Baigon ha.s arrived at Kamranh Bay and rrport3 the passage at ten o'clock on Sunday morning, thirty miles south ..1 Kamranh, of nine large vessels, inclu<iiiic; a battleship and cruiser.
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    • 17 4 It is stated nr Kirnnuih that Alinital Rojdestvensky Las g< I ptal Slimulni.
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    • 18 4 A Japanese hospital ship passed ihe Yangtse estuary on Sunday afternoon, steaming soutli.
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    • 19 4 The deaths are announced of C;>.pt. OShea (of PRrnoll fame) ami M I. the Russian Minister a* Peking.
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    • 220 4 The MM for tl:o Gnat Kafa Stakes resulted aa Cdknra: 1 Long Tom, 2 Karnk. 11!, 3 Car. The betting 1:1 the City and .Suburban is:— B/1 Ddan Swift; ioo,» Laveuse, Pharisee, Queen's Holiday 100 7 Vril, San«ovino. Although the »b«roaboats of Adaaital Nigabotoff are unknown, it is not
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 51 4 London, MM April. A message from Rome states that Signor Tittoni and the British, French and Russian Ambassadors bave conferred with regard to the situation in Crete. A telegram from Malta announces that the British warships hammtium (with Rear-Admiral Lambton on board), Lancaster and Min-n-,i huvu proceeded to
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    • 28 4 Heavy Defalcations. Mr. Bigelow, President of the First National Bank at Milwaukee, lias been arrested. The defalcatioas are put at £300,000 through speculations in wheat.
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    • 23 4 A Saigon telegam dated Mth inst says the Baltickers have captured two steamers bound from Saigon to Japan with rice.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 683 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1,2,3,&4, High Street. Jart unpicked a fresh stock of silks of various sorts, beautiful Kimonos, Maltese and Ceylon lace collars, Handlewood an<l ivory ware, Chefu bilk lor gen'lo.nen's euits and Japanese and Indian curios &c. etc. New Supply of Gold and Silver
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    • 602 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE FITROPFAM CIRCUS Grand Gala Performance EUROPE'S STAR ARTISTES For the first time in Singapore. Out 1 Brand and Faiewell Performance. LAST NIGHT IN SINGAPORE. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Full Box $15.00 Box Seats 3.00 Fir t Class 2.00 Second Cla?B 1.00 Gallery 50 cts. Seats can be reserved
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    • 170 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE OP VERY VALUABLE CHINESE JEWELLERY. To be held at Powell Co 's Sale-room. On Thursday, 27th April, 1905, at 11 am. Now on view Powell 6" Co., Auctioneers. Apl 36 86-4 LOST. On the 20th instant, 7 Tanjon? Pjpar Dock Company Limited shares. Scrip No. l-.'b7,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 168 5 To the Editor 0/ the "Straits Timet." Sir,— Several appointments in Class I of the Federated Malay States Clerical Service are now being held by clerks who have not yet passed the necessary examination under the Scheme. In seve:;!l cases clerks, who are
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  • 103 5 Mr. I*. Mackknzik Skixnek, of Bangkok, bat arrived in Singapore en professional business connected witli the registration etc. here of a new Siamese industrial venture to be known as the Kelantan Corporation Limited, of Kelantau, Banukok an<l Singapore. This concern is not to be 0 nfounded with
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  • 147 5 V.M.C.A. vs. E. Co. Foresters. Yesterday afternoon the Y.M.CA. and E. Co. of tiio Sh.rwood Foresters met en the Old Jail Site in a League fixture. The V MCA made a poor show ami \u ru out- classed by the soldiers, who won by three goals to nil.
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  • 146 5 Another Tanglin Robbery. i<orae time during last night or in the early hours of this morning, burglars entered a European residence off River Valley Road. On awakening this morning the pc .pie in the houue found a ladder placed against the frcnt verandah. Two Bi:« timepieces and a
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  • 140 5 The term Eaater ppss ''though not common here would, however, appear to be known. A (Miiimmn feeling that he must have e^ns, or in their absence, fowls, started cut on Sunday night to plunder roosts. Duriug the early hours of Monday morning, he is supposed to have paid
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  • 38 5 Armipos of the paragraph in yesterday's issue anent the arrest of a C'jndurtorof the Ordnance Department and a Russian, at I'ulo Hiani, we have been informed that Mr. Raine has been retained for the defence in both cases.
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  • 37 5 The Master-Attendant Botilies '.list information has been received from the Superintendent at tianyuwangie (,lav;i) that the white buoy on the south point, of the DepUord Reef was changed, on the 16th April, for a green light buoy.
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  • 1720 5 Lincolnshire's Narrow Escape. The b. b. Lincolnshire arrived at Hongkong, from Rangoon a few days ago with a cargo of rice destined for Japan. To a Daily Press reporter, Captain Alfred G. Clark thus related the circumstances of a very narrow escape from the Baltic Fleet At
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  • 55 5 Followiho upon our recent telegram announcing that the projected purchase by a London syndicate of Messrs. Geo. Ftnwick Co.'s business at Shanghai had fallen through, it is interesting to note that it is proposed to increase the capital of the Company from $1.50,000 to $450,000 by the creation of 12,000
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  • 655 5 Port Diekion, 22nd April. A Chinaman named Chai Yen was on 10th April arraigned before the Senior Magistrate at Seremban for having committed robbery at Seremban on 26th February last. The evidence adduced was as follows:— On 26th February one Lee Yin living at Ser.awang left Seremban
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  • 140 5 There is a number of good milks on the market in this part of the world at the present time, and the number of them seems to be daily increasing. By this we mean natural milks as distinct from the tinned, variety. The latest artival of which
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  • 77 5 It is officially reported that, since the war began, thirty-two steamers ot over one thousand tons each have been captured by the Japanese navy. The above number includes the Sungari taken at Chemulpo. The total tonnage of the steamers is about 100,000 tons. On the other hand the number of
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  • 23 5 Two hundred and nine deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 18th in«tant The ratio per thousand was 43.07.
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  • 25 5 The Officers of the Johore Government are giving a banquet at the Johore Hotel, to-night, to celebrate the return home of His Highness the Sultan.
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  • 23 5 The Manila electric street railway began running on the 10th instant. The arrangements were a thorough success. The cars started amid great rejoicings.
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  • 43 5 There was a very large attend&nce of members at the Swimming Club on Sunday morning. A polo match between teams n presenting the S.V.A. and R. Q. A. created a good deal of interns', the R.G.A.'s eventually winning by five goals to one.
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  • 49 5 We call attention to a notice of application for probate of the will of the late Admiral Bush, of Bangkok, who died on the 3rd inst. at the age of 86. The executors applying for probate have sworn the estate at a million and a quarter ticals— about $750,000.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a pet feet antiseptic dentifrice, claanea ac pratervei the teeth, vtry rtfrethinf.
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    • 323 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER O N Saturday, Jipril 29td, 19C5. BAND IN ATTENDANCE. WE MANUFACTURE, IN SOLID TEAK UPRIGHT IRON GRANDS. $100 cash And 17 monthly payments of $25 each. Prompt cash $475. Absolutely guaranteed for this climate. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd. 33, RAFFLES PLACE. ADELPHI HOTEL
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    • 192 5 Opera Yap Chow Thong To-Nigh To-Night oit.vMi hmhuki Wednesday, 26th April, 1905. The lidra Ptrmata Tliratriral Uapaay of Nelannr wn.i, >tai.k liv njm AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL, No. 499 North ISrid K e Komi, The ni.'Mvtllor.- play named GAMBAR ALAM Beauties Beauties I HeanticScenery I Aiti-u-- I I CoatEOM Musir
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  • 1089 6 The "Mining Journal" of the "tli mat. reports for the week ending .March 30th This article has remained firm almost throughout, the scarcity of spot metaJ increasing almost, and the backwardation between cash and three months has widened to £4 per ton. The Banca sule took place
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  • 200 6 Further Trouble. Sydney, March 29th. According to advices received to-day by tb# German steamer Prinz Sigismund," further trouble has occurred in German Kew Guinea between the natives and the Roman Catholic misstnnan.It is alleged that recently some children from a tribe, known as the Bailings, at New
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  • 30 6 The Government notification published in the Gazette of the 24th March, by which the port of Bangkok was declarer) to be Infected on account of bubonic plague, has been withdrawn.
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  • 44 6 The junction of Selegie .aiad and Albert Street is always crowded by vendors of edibles of kinds. This obstruction will later on prove very inconvenient to the' tramway This <norning Inspector Dunne bad seven of these vendors before Mr. Sproule. They were fined nominally.
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  • 56 6 Wandering lunatics still abound in the town. During the current month eight men have been sent by the police to the hospital for observation. The question is how do they manage to get dumped down here in such a wholesale manner Since the beginning of the year, more than a
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  • 62 6 This morning, P. C. Daley prosecuted Tan Seng Quan, a boy employed by Dr. McDowell, for being in possession of some tea and coffee stolen from his master. He was arrested with it in his pot session by Corporal No. 9, Mahomet Tambu. Defendant said the head boy gave it
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  • 68 6 It is a thousand pities, says the Times of Malaya, that those at Ipoh with whom the greed for gold has become second nature, should be so eager to foist companies of the South Sea but ble order upon the public. We have hpd fiasco after fiasco in the Native
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  • 67 6 At the general meeting of the Penaiig Turf Club, a proposal by Capt. Talbot, seconded by Mr G. H. Stilt, that an allowance of 7.lbs be given to all animals imported into 'he Straits or F. M. S. as subscription griffins, in Race 1 on the first day, and that
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  • 80 6 Six motor-omnibuses, the first placed on London streets by the London Motor-Omnibus Company, began running on 28th March between the Strand and Brondesbury. The fare for the entire journey was fourpence. Passengers travelling from the Strand to Brondesbury by the old omnibuses would have to change twice, and pay eightpence
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  • 111 6 The friends of Mr. Edwin de Vries, a Straits Government medical student, will be glad to learn that he has passed as Assistant Surgeon at the Medical College, Madras. Mr. de Vries is one of the four Straits students who went to Madras in 1901, and is, we understand, the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 468 6 NOTICES. THE Straits V>imes CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES IN Singapore. Messrs. John Little A Co., Ltd. fcastn Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel. Raffles Tiffin Rooms. Messrs. Kirn Co. Adelphi Hotel. Hotel de la Paix. Hotel de l'Europe. Hotel Netherlands, Tanjong Pagar. Tbe Refreshment Buffet, Tank Road
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    • 627 6 NOTICES. ROOMB TO BE LET, with board at "Braeside," 118 Bukit Timah Ruad (near Newton Station). Apply S. E. S. c/o Straiti Timn. Apl 6 n.C. TO BE LET, small first floor offices facing Cavenagh Bridge Ro*d and Flint Street. Apply to Guthrie A Co., Ltd., Agents. n.c. rpo BE
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    • 647 6 NOTICES. WANTED. Two competent PRESRMEN must thoroughly understand Wharfedales and platens. Smart men only wanted.— Strain Time*, Singapore. Jan 4 n.c. VACANT. One large room suitable for a married couple or a bachelor, and also one small room. Apply to J. K. c/o Strait* Time*. Oct 17 m.w.f. u-c. VACANT.
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    • 757 6 NOTICES. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. BORNE(T\VHARF. Cold Storage Supplies deliverec toshippimr alongside I'anjong Pagar wharves or at the roads. Week Days 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays 7 am to 8 a.m 5 p.m. to 6 p m. Telephone No. 1026. Apl 17 KMJ THE partnership hitherto carried on
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  • 383 7 The Ipoh correspondent of the "Pinnng Gazette' 1 says under date loth April Tales of new tin mines are afloat, and with the still steadily hardening market more local speculation Beems justi. fied. I suppose that so long as the greed for gold has mankind in its grip
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  • 422 7 The Currency Change. Our Suiulakiiu BOfnspoadsdtJ mi the I."ah nit. wind v that tfce Oovwss—< British North BotKM iuU'iiiU'd to adopt Urn Straits CuiTcncv. '1 lie follow in_- Prodaiaattoa dated i >t April Im.lilies appeared in the "Oassite" VThorMi i( is the lnttiiticii „t Urn (i.ivonmicut to
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  • 55 7 It is not often that prisoners sentenced to death escape with their live* Such an instance has occurred in Ceylon. Lately a murderer was to be executed at Kandy, but, a* the hangman failed to attend, the execution did not come off. The murder's sentence has since been commuted to
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  • 629 7 The following is from the Mining Journal of the 25th March This market has been strong throughout the past week, the cash position being well controlled, and bears have had to cover their commitments at a high level The backwardation on forward metal haj also widened, and the
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  • 250 7 For Singapore Per P. 1 O. i. s. India connecting with the steamer Malta at Colombo, from London March 31, due due 38th April— Mrs Desborough, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs K. Parker. Mrs. W. Cook, Messrs. W. Skinner and A. O. M. Weaver, Lieut W 8 Brownrigg, Mr.
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  • 68 7 With regard to the employment of lascars on the P. O. and Orient Company's steamers, Mr. TborDourn, chief engineer of the P. O liner Moldavia, in an interview at Adelaide on the S7th March assigned the engagement of black labour on board P. O. vessels not to any excessive heat
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 18 7 STEAKNS' HEADACHE CURE Ml he obtained from all dispensaries quickly by poeO Never be without tb> Oenuine. m.w.f.
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    • 672 7 NOTICES. f jA r t "fr iV .*y^'^ lfc3 %lattMaiia 3 fsK' >*^****« a y3fi' l7ff^^anfcJßLKj|Kl 7ff^^anfcJBLKj| K i &M A||Bnts fOP LEA PERRirS WORCEBTEfiBiiIRE BAUCE H^^| $HP ajaaM' SPECIAL WARRANT fcjJß! Wns< lr BSJBaBa. iT SI £ro PURVEYORS TO fT" l "J§HPP*ni|" I 1 1 1 KING. H~ W
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    • 646 7 AUCTION SALES. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC. The property of the Revd E. G. Evans. AUCTION SALE At the Mission House, Stamford Road, Friday, 28th April, at 3 p.m. Drawing room, Dining room, and Bed room furniture minor household requisites. Also a half plate camera with tripod and double dark slides, in
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    • 397 7 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital XBOO.OOC Reserve Liability of Proprietors .£BOO,OOO Reserve Fund £800,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Mindland Bank, Ltd SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
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    • 597 7 BANKS. Hongkong 6" Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve 110,000,0001 lO nnnn«i Silver Reserve 8,000,000/ 1 000 0T0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. E. Tomkliu, Esq., Chairman. H. W. Blade, Esq., Deputy Chairman. B. Uoeti, Esq. H. Sobabart, Esq. Hon. W. J.
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  • 807 8 Presentation to Rev. E. G. Evans. Ok Tuesday afternoon an address and purse were presented to the Rev. E. Uriilith Evans, on the eve of his departure from Singapore on relinquishing tils duties as assistant priest of St. Andrew's Cathedral, after a tenure of three years service,
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  • 45 8 At the annual meeting of the China Borneo Co., Ltd, at Hongkong, the Chairman (Mr A. Q. Wood) said the year's operations showed a fairly satisfactory result, but not quite so good as was anticipated. A dividend of Jl per ehare, absorbing 846,000, was declared.
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  • 64 8 A 111 aBY football match will take place ou the S.C.C. ground on Thursday between tlio B.C.C. and the United Services With so many warships in port the I'nittd .Services should have ample men to choose from, and when these are combined with the pick of the Garrison, they should
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  • 296 8 This morning, Mr. J. Orner, of Shrager Broß., responded to a citation issued at the instance of the Postmaster General, calling for an explanation of the failure of Shrager Bros, to report the departure of the s. 8. Hindoo to the Postmaster General, as required by the
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  • 169 8 THE N.D.L STEAMER TRAVE. A Fine Passage. This morning there arrived in Singapore the Norddeutscher Lloyd extra steamer Trave. She came direct from Port Said, and her master, Captain Urban, thinks he has made a record trip from that port, as the run thence was done in only thirteen days.
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  • 44 8 The following telegram dated London 14th April appears in the Times of Ceylon The rubber market to-day was unsettled, rubber from Ingoya has sold for ti ;<{(] aud from Taldua at 6 2. The quotation for fine Para is 5 6 Several parcels were withdrawn.
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  • 44 8 The Malay Mail hears that an attempt is being made to extend the cold storage scheme to Kuala Lumpur. The Singapore Company is not prepared to embark upon any further expenditure, but it is hoped that the matter will be arranged through private agency.
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  • 44 8 M. Beau, the Governor-General of French Indo-China, has secured the approval of the Minister for the Colonies to proposals for stationing consuls in the Siamese section of the Mekong Valley, and for making a railway from the latter to Hanoi, the capital of Tomiuin.
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  • 47 8 The death occurred yesterday at 1 1 Lloyd Road, at the age of 77, of Mrs. Km alia Joaquim, widow of the late Parsick Joaquim. The funeral takes place this afternoon, leaving Lloyd Road for the Armenian Church at 4 o'clock, and proceeding thence to the cemetery.
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  • 56 8 It is said that Prince 1. mis of Battenberg has devised an improvement in I the signalling system ct the British navy. His method is declared to be far beyond any system used in the European services. The American system was thought to be the best in operation but this
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  • 89 8 A passenger by the s s. Airlie which arrived from New Guinea this morning, reported having seen a veritable cordon ot Japanese warships in the Straits yesterday. The news created quite an impression for a while; but it transpires that the passenger was in error. Captain Williams,
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  • 18 8 Caldbeck Macgregor and Co., as agents for St. Raphael Wine, Eead us a calendar for the current year.
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  • 21 8 The Resident-General of the F.MS, is expected to arrive he; o to-day from Port Swettenham by the F.M.S. yacht Her an.
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  • 87 8 An interesting cate, involving some letters and some ladies, is the latest scandal to enthral a certain section of the Singapore community. One lady has been arrested for forcibly entering another lady's house and carrying off the letters in the case which letters, by the way, are alleged to ha
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  • 525 8 Professor Garner's Investigations. Professor R L Garner, naturalist and student of the language of monkeys, will (say- the "Philadelphia Public Ledger") go to the West Coast of Africa, where he will make his headquarters at Gaboon and Cape Lopez. From these places he will make his
    525 words
    • 235 8 <;»•., I, ier buyen f 8.70 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 12.12} Copra Bali 8.30 do Pontianak 7.80 Pepper, Black buyers 26.25 Ho White, 6/. 37.75 Sago Flour Sarawak 53.171/3.20 do Brunei No. 1 1.30 Pearl Sago 4.40 Coffee Kali, 15 basis 24 00 Cotr-e, Palenibantf, 20% basis 25.00
      235 words
  • 354 8 Man-of-War. Trave Qer. transport, 2,429 tons, 141 crew, 8 SCO hp. Capt Urban, i'6th Apl. From Bremen, ltt Apl. Nil. For Shanghai, 26th-W. TRADINO VESSELS, &c. Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Airlie. Brit. »tr. 1,492 tons Capt Williams 26th Apl. From Australia, lM Apl. Q.c, and 9 dp. Boustead A
    354 words
  • 189 8 Arrived ajrd April. Per C. Lopez y Lopez From Manila -Mr. T. C. McSaren, Mia* Annie Cornelius, Mr. Francis Cornelius, Mr. Manuel K. Cujagan, Mr. L. O. Cornelix, Mr. 8. R. T. Silva, Mr. 8. R. G. Silva, Mr. T. I). DchuH, and Mr. Juan Garcia. Passengers
    189 words
  • 94 8 This morning, Kling syce was charged by Insp I'irstnna, P. C. A. Department for working a lairio horse. A certificate from Mr. Snort showed that the animal h"l b»en treated in the infirmary and declirrd incurable. The Bvc>? eai'l he bad purchased it from a Chitty
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 131 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL C 0.,; JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have just received a large assortment of Japanese, Chinese, and Indian silks of all kinds and colours. ludian, and Persian carpets of all sizes, rugs and handsome ivcry goods. Also many pretty articles of silver and
      131 words
    • 276 8 AIDS TO THE TOILET. J Pint Bottle $1.25 eaoh. "TATCHO" 1 $2.50 oily and non-oily EA.U I»E COLOGNE. Price 55 cmts rer bottle. Prices 40 ota. A $1.85 ;f$ *^KB3H=fei 3 (akl 1U box (ALVERT'S I^r^~"|l -[RV.-' I WITfIMMN I HVVXUVTI V I II IF DRESSING YvrrKß VELVET SOAP COMBS
      276 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 133 8 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 26th April. Hij{h Water. 4 :t mm. Hock»y. Ampliiti in- r. B.C.C. Yap Chow Thou* Optra. 9. European Circus. I'.c.u li Koad. 9. Thursday, 27th April. High \V liter. I It I H. I M p.m. P. U. homeward mail .lose*. 3. Philharmonic Orchentra. 8-:tn. Football:
      133 words

  • 1052 9 A Bad Year and Low Dividends. Sir William Ingram. Bart., rvotntly made some interesting ;ind illuminal mij comments <m the trend of events in tinillustrated paper world. These were contained in his address to the shareholders of the Illustrated London News' and the 'Sketch" at their annual
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 679 9 NOTICES. CHARLES -sjfr HEIDSIECK'S r^T White Seal Champagne. l -I Ml a<;kntB j 1 Behn, Meyer fi? Co. Mm Singapore and Pei'.ang. oepot >?rrTT^ 1 vrs. I v.^:, v. 'I Joli- LITTLI lo I I I^^^J Mvn b 90 m. w. f. THE lANJONQ PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LI D. BamrKloßn,
      679 words
    • 591 9 _J NOTICES. Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd. m SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS, SINGAPORE AND IPOH. Telegraphic Address: "Hnrgneaves" Singapore. HART'S PATENT "DUPLEX" srffgLg Adjustable /qHB^ die stock pipes. Thread cutting tools. A GKEAT VAEIETI OF SHIPS AND ENGINE ROOM ffgH*iBliljg STORES AKD OTHER REQUISITES. SSa^Smk town store, machjnist'3 SET^ 13, Battery Road.
      591 words
    • 308 9 NOTICES. Tor Nervous //^^f' CHAPOTEAUTS R Pbospboglycerate Jht moiirn rtitoratlot of tht ntrcout ijtttm. dil men, teachers, stadeau, 0 tni debility, iimiatl losses, dyspepsia of nerroms nj b x^n r id >:mi| i d ud "^^> pf* difetuoil. PHOSPHO6LYCERATE SYRUP (CHAPOTEAUT) PHOSPHOBLYCERATE WINE (CHAPOTEAUT) PHOSPHOBLYCERATE CAPSULES (CHAPOTEAUT) ru. Vi )Imm
      308 words

  • 163 10 Tokyo ,lN|>atrh IUtOI that the ke „t Vladivottock began I" thaw about the •»:,tli ultimo, the harboar beiag aov 1,, In «'ot uv. and the pr.pai t i-ns 1( id to l>e tlioroiiirlily completed. The farei of infantry m the land defence dt the port v said
    163 words
  • 86 10 „-,i Moby Hail c -r. m at to begetting i. rument 9 that Baao appe limei q deteited lt vi LOOKHng Kirak, loc in Pabang being D1 -t. UOMlit- i oure. ■i r fioin Ceyntment i- iesisi in) Burv< r in Penann. in i; (I >-.n.ment IMr. U
    86 words
  • 162 10 Latest Russian Project. project 'i i-.iiniect-wuh the Black Bea y j item itabliabed b»tween the I hai ocempM i Etuaiaa Oowrnniwit i. ago f oraiga •ngUMOT wen ia> vited to draw ap project which wovld enable tin- biggaal wanhipt to past fn>m oue sea t>
    162 words
  • 87 10 A firo broke out at Rangoon on the 7tli April in the native quarter of the town in building utilised hv Chine=p n.nH Bumnese traders. The flames upreiid so rapidly that one unfortunate Burmese woman was unabK? to save all her little rhildron, nnd
    87 words
    • 984 10 Under this heading tbe following abbrevla dona are aud: str.— steamer; «h.— ahip; bq.— barqne j »eh. schooner Yet. Yacht Cm. Urniser; Gbt. Ganboat; Tor.— Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power j Brit.— Brituh U. B.— United States; Fch. French; Ger. German; Dnt.— Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck pas•enger; U.—
      984 words
    • 535 10 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. ■naanaaa, Armand Behic. Saigcn. May H M. M. Aberlrur, Hamburg, May B. Mey< r, Agamemnon, China, May 7; Mangfie'r l Alcinoui, China, Apl tfj Mansfield. Airlie, Sydney, Apl 24; Boastead. Athridge, Calcutta, May 7 Boostead. Ay uthia, Calcutta,
      535 words
    • 320 10 P. O. Per Simla sailing on 17th April— Key. E. E>a->s, Mrs Evan* an<l -J Irfaaat, Mr. and Mrs. Wickett and child, Mr*. r'ulsforU, Mr. and Mr-. Kuwlan 1 Allen, Mail Murrinun, Mr. Oil**, Mr. C.irr-, Mr. BagaaU, Mr. Hichaids tad family, Mr. To--h, Mr. A. IJ.ker,
      320 words
    • 226 10 > ii in Lei of IT Issne Value Paid np to Company Buj.r. Stli*n Lunt Transac tions SOLD. f m i* W $76°7 6 Bel w li v M Co.. Ltd.. 12.00 13.00 4,"j00 t 111 lIV (Deferred! 1 8 J i"'? 7) 2 V Kechau G. Fields, Ltd.
      226 words
    • 160 10 400,000 50.0J0 unuiao.l. 4,5«0 80,000 12,00" ,X 6,000 2,760 35,000 600 2,000 6,000 785 uniMued* 300.UM UK mtmm i 37. mi.. A 1 4 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd. I 100 j $100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. 60 I 60 Fraser Neave, Ltd. \7?, Yfu. |J on K kon
      160 words
    • 44 10 Howotih Krskine, Ltd. 7% Kiicy, Hargreaves, Ltd. *>% Singapore Municipal G% Tnnjontr Pnvftt Poeti Co., Ltd. 6* Z 2S0.UK) £26,000 4OO.UUU 1,878,000 6S6.&O0 i!5U,0OU i.!i«r..ei«' V£ prem. !i% [.rera bayoit. 2% prem buyert. 1% prem boyrn ■i% dis. nom. 2% preui buyen. pi'wn.. hnv»r«,
      44 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 140 10 The merit of a medicine. It determine-! by the test, Poos it euro What Rheumatics say P N. Galloway. Snow Hill. London, writes:— 1 have been n sufferer from'isru for many years. During this time. I have tried various advertised rheumatic remedies, oilß, ointments, and embrocations. My legs pained
      140 words
    • 159 10 NOTICES. I C. A. RIBEIRO CO. Requisites for the Legal Profession. Green Silk Ribbon Bill of Costs Wafer Seals Tape Indenture Paper Silk Twine Draft Paper Handmade Paper Judicature Paper Foolscap Paper Etc., Etc., Etc., Requirements in all kinds of Printing undertaken. Moderate Prices. Prompt Delivery. Good Workmanship. Trial Solicited.
      159 words
    • 165 10 COMPANIA TIUSATLAXTICA OP BARCELONA. FOR MANILA. The Bpani«h mail steamer ISLA DE PAN AY, ia expected to arrive here from Colombo on Thuradav, the 27th instant, and will have prompt despatch for above port. For freight and passage apply to BARLOW .V 00., \«ent». Apl -26 i»4 STOOMVAART MAATSCHAI'PY NKDERLAND.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 693 11 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE The favourite at home and abroad 12 YEARS OLD. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p. era STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, J«p»n, Penanr, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Bgypt, Mediterranean Prrts, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Ladint; issued for China Pcrsina Gnlf, Continental and American Ports, steamers will leave
      693 words
    • 708 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatsohapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Goveramant. Aqentt at Singapore Ship Agency, late J. Dabhdbls A Co., 2-3 Oollyib Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Mp'Wi). vVlll oe I'Atpatcned tor Merkut Sambas Apl 26 Sambas, Pemangkat, Singkawang Mempawaan Pontianak Apl 26 Van
      708 words
    • 506 11 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURO. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bromerhaven direct, calling at Penan? and Colombo. The arrivals of tho
      506 words
    • 643 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (Jerman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Buei, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      643 words
    • 478 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES OCBAfi STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are denpatchnd from Liverpool outwards for the Strait., China md Japan every week, and from Japan homeward, lor London every fortnight and foi Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer saeh month extend, to Vancouver
      478 words
    • 509 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTEtTfuNDS EXCEIB 12 ,000,000. THB LABOSST FIRE OFFICE IN TH« WOtLLt BOUSTEAD k Co., Agents. THB LONDON AND LANCASHIEI FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital. 212,750 Reserve Fund. .£1,073,550 Ths undersigned, Agents for the Corapanjr, are prepared to accept firs
      509 words

  • 247 12 The Johore Railway. Another woman haj furnislu-.i tho United States with a >totv of romantic interest. She i^ Mr- Blo> Fswio HooaW, the daughter of an Alabama physin.iu. a tall brunette, aged thirty nie. whose talents in the field of lu.eruational diplomacy and finance are a source
    247 words
  • 200 12 The following is from the "Investors'" Registered at Edinburgh, March 11.t,h,I 1 t,h, with capital of £30,000, 111 £1 shares, to acquire the estates and known, as Tereutang and Gadut, Linsum iud Siliau, and Third Mile Estate, all in 'be State of Neijri Scimljil.ui,
    200 words
  • 141 12 Fair Results at Singapore. The annual nopod "ii die finu^' with big guns of tlie ooampsaioi of tiki RoyaJ Garrison Artillery at the ran re.sses in the Empire shows an Uaprovwmtut in niaiksiiian^hi]). aayl a home paper. At Malta 15 units earned firstclass marks.
    141 words
  • 135 12 The Plague in Rangoon. Rangoon, April Bth Fifty tbovaaad \\\\> wore killed all over Rangoon town during the month of M.itrli li t liin uuiiilkt, the PlagW antlim NapoaaiMa (01 1 1 1 daatnictiow, by fire, of 37,662. The Port TniM MthoritiM report that these rodonts h.iw
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 393 12 NOTICES. Jor flews of t6e Straits, ~w Strdiits Times. IT KCA.S THE T.pygAQ*. Circulation O F ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FOR VOar telegrams, THE Cil A t otraits Times. It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places llturt. John Utllt Co.. Ltd. The Relrobment BuH.l, Tank S.poy
      393 words
    • 76 12 An Editor's TIMUKMTT. L:iM winter I contracted a severe cold, the only 0110 to my recollection that ever gave me any trouble. Mr. l'o;ik, our chemist, suggested a trial of Ouuabarlain'l Cough Remedy. I procured one bottlo bmt did not finish it— there MM BO necessity. The remedy is an
      76 words