The Straits Times, 24 March 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.m)4 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY. MARCH 24. 1905. PRICE 15 CKNTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 285 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk ad !§2> Enriched 20 per cent. with Cream. ShfiMj^ Sterilized- Not Sweetened it*™'"™' 0 A Perfect Substitute for Fresh Not S^gC^y IVlilk. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING. ANY BIGYGLE CAN BE TRANSFORMED INTO A MOTORBICYCLE BY FIXING ON IT THE "MOTOSACOCHE" ANY BOAT CAN BE TRANSFORMED INTO A MOTORBOAT
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    • 174 1 «n,CES TO BE LET. A large, airy, and well lighted office at Nos. 3 and 4 Malacca Street. Immediate Entry. Applytn CAMPBELL CO. orT. i~ BC-YD Co. Man h 20. M EMPLOYMKNT WANTED. Kuro;>" in. M ":r- tl »fa, .les-i-i pmp i>• i-iu. \'i\^ ti'.oiougb know.fcj.'' ot Kiikli:h acd i;.
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    • 646 1 NOTICES. JOSEPH fiIILOTTS^I "ORAND PRIX." PARIS, I OOP. ■*> A OfHigbotQutUty; and having OrekUnt Durability, »r»Ui«»ft)M W0 Vi MR J%k OHCAPCST. I M ROBINSON^ CO. I CROCKERY o i^ ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN %1 DINNER SETS Vlfe- F° r 12 Persons. ~t&^£*±& arge variet V Patterns White grounds with -^S— E_ Decorations
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    • 399 1 notices. WANTED. First c.'ass kanakaputty at once. Apply Manager, Seremban Estate, Seremban. Mar 24 THE ASSIZES. Armed Robbery by Sham Huntings." At h atwisi iii- ii: Sir Lii fit! O x and a jory, ibe bearing ■i- r ana ■> > i iha eh r( Bgaiaat and Win I' 1
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  • 1322 2 Titanic Struggle Before Mukden. (Wrn.M BMHnI SakhaioiT report- I liat tho JaaaasM eaatand Beiaaaefl Hill at the point of the bayonet. He adds that the Japanese advanced OW the bodies of their own dead, exploded .surface mine-. and cut their way through tin Raaaaaa barbed wire
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 375 2 NOTICES "Eagle" Cement Has for many years consistently given the highest tests of any brand imported into this market. It is now recognised as the Cement for all High Class Work. was recently described by a local Government Engineer as "A Perfect Cement" In spite of the enormous quantities sold
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    • 715 2 I NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. J Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY U lit 1 is a pleasing example of the de- V 3g£ lie ate ly flavored mature spirit nr\ r> T f It J^ so grateful to the palate of t he 1(J H 1 f'■ ft >£^s^. connoisseur. Its absolute
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  • 219 3 For Singapore. lVr P. A O. ss. Victoria connecting with Ibe eteamer Coro-> a- <M at Colombo, from London 3rd March, due Ist Ap il Messrs. 1. H- Connel, C Everitt W. J. Hoslcine, LuitoD, and E. D. H Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Gahapan. Per P AO.
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  • 104 3 Unless your bowels move regularly once a day you will suffer from such symptoms as these sick headache, liver trouble, sour stomach, cold hands and feet, coated tongue, wind in the stomach, yellow eyes and sallow complexion, dizziness, bad breath, chilly, shivery feelings. Doan's dinner pills cure these complaints, because
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 328 3 NOTICES. rIU L 1 JLli JN Jo AOxjL JjXtU&tt OS OvJKj Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States tote. Uralite qtpipnnitp *4 BEST Kjtson Meieonilß m Gasoline • 1 Lam ps Lamps (Veiling Material. i /d -i- i Im d y t>J^/ KseillflQS "00. »00, 400 Candle Power I I Simplest and
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    • 180 3 KELLY WALSH, Ltd. NEW COLONIALS. ALSO The Prodigal Sou by Hall Came. The Mask by W. Le Queux. JUST PUBLISHED, Playing the Game, a story of Jipan, by Douglas Sladen. outlaws of the Airiey The Geography of Asia George Griffiths. The Bell in the Fog and other stories by Gertrude
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    • 280 3 J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. e7//ia? Jiwards AT THE St. Louis Exposition. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Received the only GRAND PRIZE That was awarded. GUTHfiiE Co, Ltd., Sole Agents, m.c. H. ABRAIYIS *(sf)e Morse Repository ORCHARD ROAD. 200 Horses, Cobs and Ponies. We have just landed a shipment
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  • 30 4 BooTHBV.— On the -.'titli F.-li. ;a Win-li-v 1.0 pa, Baawajke, <•»> tfewcil HootliUy, *Hm4 son ol ihi- late 1 hoin.m Wil.i- !:<>.tt li>>> ai Adelaide, South Au«ira la, kg*4 .17.
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  • 514 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 24th MARCH. In them any i cal law ;.t;ains'. bull i carts nakiag UwaNalva* Balcta^M h\ •qorikion iaaamaanef t«d»alta**«a Im m iMtoawd aan ol b iUot oukrr f By =on. c taotaatic irr> nfat of the Ordinancw, which n ibodj in aotborit) mcbi
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  • 618 4 A obave difficulty has arisen in] Turkey from the conflicting claims of France and Germany to the privilege of accommodating the Sultan with a loan. Tho financial groups intending to assist him stand under the patrouage of the Governments of France aud Germany, and know that their Governments will support
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  • 203 4 Ie ri.Kwho untir-i s iin'l binken ia the K I i-l Will RUp \\i and like v tn.i iv:-u 1 wiag iMnfiU i im| tratirt /,;.<■ rtidj ifl vfaii 'i v.t- Bod i nbUahm] in ni! tifi riUg TiKti to h day's m iii Scrne llni.'l btl m t«wn m
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  • 180 4 Apropos of Christian ohaii'y, w« have never seen in the putatively respectable European press of the East anything so blatantly and vatjartf ■inconsiderate of human and ChriHtian feelings as the article headed A Ureat Wrong— Whose Fault f which appears in the is"f ue of the Mafayaia aVakaai t >
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  • 21 4 Share quotation!, general shipping news, and passenger lists, besides shipping, and insurance advertisements will be found on page 10 and 11.
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  • 13 4 AdvertisemenU of Sales, Wanted. To Let etc., will be found on Pagi 6.
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  • 18 4 Thk annual men it pot 'im Swimming Clob takea plaeai to-night at tlie Drill Hal!, at 9 0.-lock.
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  • 17 4 Thk B in-.eo <-o ,as auents for trie Empire Typewrite/, s(-:ni us m artiatia calendar tor IS-'*-"*
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  • 19 4 I'hk Rtv W .Murray will •erriea ia BnglUh in the Johore Church on Sutnla> nnl at B IS MH
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  • 20 4 ■|'he 129 th Biluehii wen i" I- K H.ichi tat H >ns'{.ir'C On •ristant by the tran«p I ffa rfi'iiji
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  • 21 4 lS9dp->ti. uprs r" -i^i re'! it Sii,4»ii". < i u r l r the "'l < \c. 15th •n'-t m hon« md ur,
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  • 23 4 '"k. PalliMi rep rt- t.i tbi that the rion a 1 tii» Kail v hns been hrok- n in.) v d t len.
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  • 25 4 Thkkk m■• rairly 'H iwall nn in In- Inrj'. nr th*a mon ag I rr>3n fell off twaki n act ad hy n sanipTti coolie.
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  • 26 4 If tbe T< ti II ill ha n>t oth^rwiai I, a Populai OrcheatraJ Com '-rt •ill be civHn by the Philbi Society on PYfclai aifht npxt.
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  • 23 4 A FausRAM to th< rime* of VevUm dated London, 15th March My*: Mie vii! er market i- i f roaaj, i nd ii.
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  • 31 4 W'k hav< received froni M r of thi KM S. rail* >nii •.1 la it b< utei '.er trai >n that sybtesn 'rom l»-t K^lrtiiry this year, until further nutu c.
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  • 24 4 Wi are informed that Mr I head Mataewi ii- roreivci Ir >m 11iCxi'fll'T ippoiatmei t, live Couiii'il iluriiir the abaew Mi K. W. Preagrava.
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  • 30 4 Mil I I .'.'l I'M 90 pfll^rs Buy; ra— Maynardi ¥l.",, lefts tIiSSO, Btraiti Trading* $4i»."(i, rapjoon Patari 1375, Buraita St. inthipe VUSM. Seller* Bile) II tr[reavw 1225, Btn»i HtcamsbipaSlJS.
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  • 45 4 By a p;iiiter'ri e 1 r,r the Indo-Cliina S. N. Cos. steamtr Lni Sitvg wal ami rtispd yet-titday as sailu g lor PtBSBg ■md Calctui i. Tha port if destination should have been Botigkong. Phe adTartaniiwi at i; pean in its !onn on t >v
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  • 59 4 To-day the no.- n i,<-s f M En Chin, tha mother o4 Mr BnahLiung h. took place with pt:it poanp The entire community of which Mr. sedi LianK Seuli i- tliu hmdman ia pr.'eent, mi inr-. r«-»i i:i thooaanda. Tb« n eaaatoß was > i (treat langta »tnl i ig
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  • 126 4 Thb Chief Jus'.ict) aad the Ariiiei ('ourt wer« kept waiting qaartarofan boor this morning throiigii the tat«D< v of arrival of the lotirain of the jury a*ho had an uiSaiahad cmi bafon Uiem. Wuen the foreman did put in an >| ■■> ance at 11 15
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 430 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CIGARETTES. BEY plain per box of 100 $1 40 MIKADO 100 2.00 KING Gold-tipped 50 1.50 IMPEKATOE plain 50 1.50 KKGINA Straw-ti])ped 100 2.65 Genuine Egyptian Cigarettes SAMPLE BOXES FREE i,S APPLICATION. THOMPSON THOMAS Co. The Australian Stores. March 24 tlfi l PHOTOGRAPHIC ART Wll^nn HPf\ !C! C
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    • 393 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GHARRY FOR SALE. NKWLY PAIRTBD ETC. PRICE $90 Apply F.M.Q. c/o tfrafti Mar 22 o .e. Dps. Kew Bros, and Hahn, DENTAL SURGEONS, No. 2 BATTERY ROAD, Chartered Hank Building*. Consulting Hours .i.ii: i 1 iii and 2 p m. to 5 p.m. Telephone No 216. Pah
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    • 166 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. For Immediate Sale. Owner leavim; the Colony, Bay Australian Gelding thoroughly reliable, v et uf Silver mounted harress, and Victoria, all in good i condition. Any roaionable trial allowed. PRICE $650. Apply DALLAN'S Australian Horse Repository. 3, Koek Road, (off Orchard Road.) March 8 SCRAP IRON AND TEA~klm7\NK>v
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
    • 88 5 llonqk.jrg, 24th Mirth. Barioai niMionwjp troulilos have broken out at Kiating in Szechuen The rebels have been defeating tin troops there Assistance has now been sent. [KIATIN<; i»nn important Bilk raining osntrH with ii population <>f about :25,00a It i•ilnate<l on the Men KianK a tributary that
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  • Special German Service.
    • 35 5 llerlin, Mhl March <; iv-rnur Bethman-Hollweg of the Province of BrandunSurg (whose official residence is at Potsdam) has been appointed to succeed ihe late Freiherr Hammerstein a? Minister of the Interior for Pnuaia
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    • 73 5 Germany to be no World Power. Tile K ii- '.r, in the course of a speech at the unveiling of a monument to the Emperor Frederick at Bremeu, vowed that never aeaiu would he aspire to dominating power. All the so-called World- Empires, he said, hail been destroyed.
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    • 55 5 The Czar intends to definitely decide anent the continuation cf the wnr after he i-.'Mrs the report of a special ooami'H'iu that i-i to t-e appointed to enquire into th^ military position The appointment of this com.: meani virtinlly tint the Czir is yi^lding to Mse
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    • 8 5 Kurop kin ha- re' to the t'r
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    • 49 5 k i, ttx Jap.ii> re, !or th« following olliiii grami I'r.ira >h* n Office at T kyo. RETREATING RUSSIANS. -I" in IH «ra fay, OQf detachment. following up MMay, «ntered K y ;nc retreat- ii- .nli riy manner in a 'ion a!jn,> tbfl r uhv iy
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  • 'Renter's Telegrams.
    • 196 5 Britain and Japan. Striking Article in the Times. twwfaw, £.\td Mare) idiag arti-iv in the Tkmti based upon a letter from its corr^?|>uii<Jti,t at Tokio dated 10th February. In this the Japa ose views regarding i h Bril in Ml forth. Tiic article >(■ c] m« tint,
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    • 51 5 I 24th Mur.l, :!:t fur tlie iivt par een intert al Russian loan of 200 million roubles, has been signed. The loan will be issued at 96 and will be redeemable in fifty years. KAISER SAILS. Tii.: K;ii~n hM«l(.fi Bremen aboard a liner for LidßWr Tangier, ami the
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  • Reuter's Extra ervice.
    • 39 5 London, 'Mlk March. Serious agrarian disturbances are reported from the Kovno province and Warsaw, also grave conflicts between military and peasants in the district of Ostrom. It is reported that many have been killed and wounded.
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    • 96 5 The new Japanese battleship Knuhima has been launched at the Elswiek yard, in the presence of Biron Hayashi, Japanese Minister in London. [The Knshima will have a displacement of [MOO t>>n~ .v.l sp. cil of 18 5 knot*. Her protection will he most complete, and her armament
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    • 28 5 There are at present tiiir:y-four colliers it Jibcmtil, whera the Ba'tic i squadron is expected to arrive at the end of thn mon'h.
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    • 148 5 In the House of Commons, Mr aJaawwlh moved a resolution condtmnire (be suggested ten per cent tax on mannf i 'ured inports. Mr Balfow --a .l the QovaHUMBI I would n jt r. lr'it'if it* in the d> bate, and he reeommen'ifil Mliiisterinlints to abstain from v i'i"p but
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    • 144 5 The following ire th* retul's oftlra Cambridge Local exaniattiont in D >cember lait 4 boys pa=*.ed tb« .Senior Exam:— 1 2 from Bt Xtviti's I neti tattoo, Penanc 1 from Anglo ChiMM School* IVnanj; 1 frcin R..IH-9 Instiiution, 8i: gapore. 20 boys passed Junijr Exmn:— 6fri-m Five
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    • 76 5 The 'Civil and Military Gazette' of tlie 3rd instant says: It was an Irishman who wrote to a friend to enquire about a lost umbrella, and added to the same letter the postscript: "Don't trouble: I've just found it." But the Adjutant-General in India is a Scotsman.
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    • 113 5 Thi funeral .t me l, t i e Mr JB. M N ughtt ok plaoe tbii morniog with military honoari Tbedeoeawd i Qui ncr in tue Sing in >re VJunU V'llin; and n mj of his oomradet l''-ei,l as a \;\*t murk of re- I'' I Th« Town and Volunteer
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  • 1055 5 An American Tourist Decorated with the Legion d'Honneur. Among the MMagMI who went mi I Hongkong in the same liner with 'riiuv I Leopold of Prussia yesterday, wa» n American gentleman with a grey KMMtacfcl wlio singularly enough for n American carried in his button-hole he red
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  • 175 5 A ncciit issue of the Chemist am Druggist" publishes the following report of interest to all proprietors of patent medicines Judgment has recently been given by (he Civil Court of Marseilles against three defendants, Brachet, Maille. and Chazot. who were indicted at the instance of the
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  • 163 5 The arrival h«re this morning of Messrs. Burns. Philp and Co.'s steamer Guthric with the first consignment of frozen meat from Australia for the Cold Storage Co., marks the inauguration of an important new trade for .Singapore. According to an Australian paper, "the cost of
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  • 166 5 Yesterday's Play. Championship. v. A. \V. Hailey iinlinUhetl. B Singles. 1 1 Mr. Lent F. O. K IJm.wii Mf C M M ~on-:< beat VmM Hi', fi 4. C Singles, i.i .y.i— a Leat rWwt hi; it i Ba<iileley-4v. Conlrhei I iinhr.inhed. LIAkMHM.
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  • 151 5 Ties for To- Day. Championship. ilanbtiry v. Dr. W<io.lJoneK. K. F. Salzmanu v. Mile,. A. \V. Utility v. Hiu hwnliiy to U* A Singles. t. Si|/lu;uill Mil V. A MlllliMHl I to Writ B Singles. KolierUon K. B. S. *cr. v. Sjir..ule»l to lini-)i. C Singles. Nfiiliway kct. v. .Secheh<ye
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  • 95 5 Dk. J. M. Atkinson, who with Mrs. Atkinson i a ptHM|« fir England by! the P ami O sr. Japan, wil! not likely; i-eiutn to Horifkong whrre he hns for many years icted »s I'rinc-ipal Ci\il, Medical Officer aii'i ;ilso served on thei Couocil. 'J.i him a pr^t dc»\ is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 424 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL. j0. m SPECIAL DINNER Saturday, 25td Mared, 1905. Band in attendance. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co L«' C MANUFACTURERS OF UPRIGHT IRON GRAND PIANOS $425 to $550. 'ihe result of 30 years experience and absolutely [reliable. @as 6 @redit or .Hire Purchase System. 17 THE PARIS CINEMATOGRAPH.
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    • 147 5 Vacuum Oil Co.'s Speciality Department 44 ROBINSON ROAD. Have now h>r pilh :hu tollowi Petrolatum Oil. DBCorpajsnd for keeping iron and metah Iree Erm nisi. ,\n rxceik't.t nil for iporting guns and rifles, Vacuum Lrather Oil. The best and mo i reliable leather proservaivo on the market. I) not poli
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  • 1267 6 One of the most interesting Reports included in the recent Decennial at-i !<■- published by the Imperial IfaiitUM Customs, is, says the >'/iuki Mtritm, that Commissioner Ohlmer on the Trade etc., of Kiaochow. Th« period dealt with, it is to be remembered, is the decade ending
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  • 602 6 Feeling the Pinch. Tokyo i-. -ay- Xliina Mail i poiidtnt, latlusg til-, -tram of the war Although all the ttruaculur pa|x.-rs maintain a tout- cf cheery optimi-m there is no evading tht fact that the withdrawal of so many m< n from tht industrial path- of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 651 6 NOTICES. Isfie Straits ¥>imes. AND Wfte Straits {Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. Daily issue per year |3noo do per quarter 7.60 do per month 2.60 do per copy 0.18 Weekly U»ue per year IS. OO do per quarter 4.50 do per copy 0.40 When pent by post, there is
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    • 621 6 NOTICES. r LET— Furnished flat, Whiteaway Laidlaw new buildings, occupier leaving for England. Apply C. A. R. c/o Straits Times. Mar 16 n.c. TO BE LET, small first floor offices facing Cavenagh Bridge Road and Flint Street. Apply to Guthrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. n.c. r|X) BE LET.— No. 17
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    • 699 6 NOTICES. TO BE SOLD Public House in Hongkong, full licence, good position, long lease, cheap rental. Apply P. H., c/O 6'rrot<« Times. Mar 13 26-3 TO BE LET. That spacious Chinese dwelling house, now known as St. Mary's College, No. 49 Hill Street. Entry Ist May. Apply to WKEKIM YAM,
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    • 645 6 NOTICES. SINGAPORE MERCHANT SERVICE GUILD. A General Meeting of the above Guild will be held in their room in the Marine Club on Tuesday, 18th March, 1906, at 7 p.m. Business Important. All masters and officers are cordially invited bo attend. J. G. POYD, Secretary. Mar 22 ye-S JAVA-STRAITS EXCHANGE
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    • 14 6 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDKK, a perfect antiseptic dentifrice, cleianes and preserve! th« teoth, -very refrethtng
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  • 764 7 Comparison with the Straits. Speaking on Chinese labour on the Rand at political meeting at lv Cornwall, on the 15th alt., Capt Fran* o,ts m i a.. Mid that thoss who Il <1 been khan knew thai living in Bout* Mil, i WSS not the same
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  • 141 7 Recently tba Agricultural Department of Queensland wcurad wwphw <■! ili< pineapplei exported from Bwgapore for the purpose of having analyses mi lli. i >Nt in t ct the tins alongside the local pineapples. The Miaister fOlf 01 Agri culture then wid afterwards that it appeared »wy doubtful whether
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  • 256 7 It is the constant strain of every-day '.uties that makes bachache and lame back for both men and women. The salespeople standing on their feet for hours at a time, reaching to high shelves and lifting heavy rolls of goods: the housekeepers in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 37 7 Abundant Evidence can be produced that Chamberlain 'B Pain Halm will positively relieve rheumatic pains as well as being unexcelled for cuts, bruises and bur"- For sale by all dealers. THE DISPENSARY. General Agents tb.f.s 31 3
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    • 201 7 NOTICES. Straits V)imes CAN BE OBTAINED AT TIIK FOLLOWING PLACES IN Singapore. .lastre. John Little A Co., Ltd k.kJtrs. Kelly aud Walsh, Ltd -Uffles Ilotel. taffies Tiffin Room* Messrs. Kirn a- Co. \delphi Hotel Hotel de la Pa is lotel de l'Europe Hot*] Xithcr'.aniK TaBJOBg Pagar. H* Refreshment Buffet, Tank
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    • 581 7 BANKS Hongkong 0* Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL .110,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,0001 aigrrannn Silver Reserve 8,000,000/ 18 uuu uuu Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. E. Tomkina, Esq., Chairman. H. W. Slade, Eeq Deputy Chairman. K. Uoetz, Esq. E. Shellim, Esq. Hon. W. J. Gresson
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    • 442 7 BANKS. INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. fUtal Agtnttfor the United States of America in China and the Philippine Itland. Capital e.ld $3,147,200.0(1 SnrplM .6*14 |3,547,30«.00 HEAD OFFICE. 1, Wall Street, New York. LONDON OFFICE. Ihreadneedle House, Bisbopsgate Street Within, London, E.C. UUntOh BANKERS. National PioUnclal Bank of England, Ltd. GENERAL BOREIGN BUSINESS
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    • 1208 7 AUCTION SALES. f First Class Tanglin Auction. naW .U. Sale of VERY SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The property of F. W. OLSEN ESQ. (leaving for Europe). At "LANCARFE," Tanglin Hill Road, Saturday, 25th March at 2 p.m. Most attractive goods in OAK, WALNUT, and TEAK the Europe-built articles specially selected and
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  • 896 8 ii iterday, tn< prelinnnary enqiurj into the alfegaUon -t niMchieJ bj f fire No 57 Aral. Btawt, agaiart Tan Tek Chv.-. Yap Oi. Pool and Tan Bang Tt-ong. broVb< th< police and Mean. Katz B AgMta of two insurance comai roomed bj Mr- Si'roule. d pn m
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  • 698 8 ]v the Supreme Court yesterday afternoun Mr. Justice Leslie lUoruiou heard the completion of the inotiou by Air. A. Hane Lowell lor a rule caiaug upon tile s>eiiiui MafMtnaS auU tUe oupeimlcudent of fnaons to siiow caut« wiij a writ of hasejM corpus should not be
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  • 392 8 DUbea, »*l Van* A very iiiterostiug incident occurred outside the Court liouse at bcrciiiban laat Hatanmjl aluinoou, which attracted a large crowd ol people. A white cock, BMM Mcl candles, and joss sticks an lying on the ground. The magistrate was there t-00. A Chinaman wai to
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  • 98 8 l'l;.\ii ntaraed no tuidf >'e*«n« Xin L.L .lone-. < He-. Murray, ReU, Allen. O. A. Wii»ht. C II Wright. Dun". I>X, Q«tite I an<i Neagle. 'J he folinwi! o iid« were rr turned for t I M r.ii Me<^!: J. )i. Onrtiy 91 7 -<4 K
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  • 305 8 Arrived 32nd March. Cv Ftrm -From London -Mr. H. K. CoMa Mr. C W. ('Hrtwrislit Ity .'»rn,, —Prom H<n«k<. n) -Mi. .T. I! IVar~e. Mr. I). Watt, Mrs nn Mis> Watt, Mr. T Muheaev, Mr-, f. H May. Mr Mit1 li, 11. r»r. Hri-I Mi- AtUn.-mi, Mrx.
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  • 54 8 f» pcatiMa. of the funer; 1 of Mrs. B»ah Eu Chin to day (which is said to bf one of the moat, rrgtly Chinese funerals vm held in Sin^apore) will ho shown on the Paris Cine■atograph (foot nfForl Caooint) tomorrow oinht The n..ii.apei*ient has nrrßncetl lor n stries of
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  • 14 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. •>\t l March. W:> fa-day's -tyni i ai k tar i* l/llj|
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  • 86 8 ijainMer s ''-"i do (Cube No. I) mimicked lis: f O.pra Bali do Pontianak 83' BsaMCi Black l.uyers i White, -> 39.1 Flour Sarawak 3.-.'i do Brunei N->. I Ml PaariftM C«mM Kali, U l)»t.i» >*00 ■•rtH-«e,Palfnihanp,2i) l<v: M.M O*~\ Lil>erian No. 1 '-'•2.3.) 1:. i>ca, unmil l'"lHke i
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  • 321 8 m Um*m—*mk 4 i/us Demand 1/11 I. ■.Vlv.iU' 6 111/ V do 3m/s 2/0 T1 1 mil T lTi»ate3ir/» 2 Us* do 6 ni/» F rant, -Rank <\ d l*H Private .1 in MM do 6ms '2.65 On /«rfia-IJank T. T 1464 rrivnte3oa« 1«» i On Hongkong—Hnnk d d
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  • 88 8 P,ry Tw-Mokl i W. Snndakaa vift fflfM fcamii Bftm I'aleiTibanw H'tmir.r 10 a m. Pulo Laut B. Papai)//«u' "an 11 i Hong^uiu au'i AmoyM >h rn 11 pm j IV; -.1.;.' a^d I'.iciaiii; .V V-j iujiAm „i r P.St<4ub«Bl A I e...Mn; /'(/> 8, ny M\i run.! \!il(U;i:u
    88 words
  • 27 8 Km IMtl -i H Hnt.nt-, -tr KwintAQ -.Mrd y, tetkiek Qei fa i Wh ti Bin Brll Telobin L'Uh ■tiff T.An oa JlTh M ilw -.tii
    27 words
  • 103 8 nmi i I in U.M.a* A. li. Mr v Fr m( lIIN- Hj 111 M if. 8.3. ftcntl.'rtl H i. bingup i> 1' ii i -I .on M U. M. 7lh Mat ■■■I. ..::h P. (i. Mm ■< M i Mai ••■i. -.'"i.t it. I. Ifar i
    103 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 K A J. CHOTIRMALL Co, JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Have in-i received law sVtortnwßi of Japan— c, Obimaae, an! Ind an alks of all kinds anl colours. Iwlinn atid Persian carpe«<tfall f-izes, ragi and hnndnOmw Krciy goods Also i.iany pretty aiticlrs silver and poldjewelkry m< with
      85 words
    • 265 8 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co. SUnTG-AFORE Have Just Opened out Large Consignments OF THEIR CELEBRATED MERCERISED TUSSORE SUITINGS. Owing to the increasing sale of this splendid material, which is now being extensively used for G&at's Suits, Ladies' Costumts, Skirts, etc., Childrcns "Wear, <tc., etc., and to Scope with the growing demand for
      265 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 213 9 PENANG The al>ove Dock situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Pry« River has lately been lengthened aiv' atepeaad, and is now of the followiiu dimensions Length of the blocks 320 feet Breadth at entrance r >o Depth of water on sill at ordinary
    213 words
  • 866 9 Ml J. W. 1)1.1 1, v the iio.iUhuni r oi i,.a, and ..i hutghai tho othw Ui; i I ter able than Mr. Davidson to give i oounl of ill, inhabit tia ol 1- M oil i COBtll <<t his ro.di'ii. 1:1 l. ml Mr id 1»
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 487 9 NOTICbS. Charles Heicisieck's White v rhainpajrw* .11 1 ko tm beim, Meyer ft Co. DEPOTS < v, Singapore: L 7*B •mm luhn Littlr <•-, Ltd. il l)r!i: •■-A |Man ti:i:,:;r! X .vuuhawrbrr. 1. A G. 'v V*pi >„ ;r, ihni/ii |^v-\ S. 1.. -.'I V;ir»|i .v Co. v.^g^J IH
      487 words
    • 521 9 NOTICES. Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd. ENGINEERS, SHIPBUILDERS AND QE iERAL CONTRACTORS SINGAPORE. AGENTS FOR: Some of the .-i/es rolled: 8; x 8 9 9 1O x 1O *nd up to 2©i x 12 At lea^* Iwica the strer cth of any other rolled fte«l col'imnj of equal weight. Apply for
      521 words
    • 517 9 LOOK AFTER YOUR BLOOD d Yo r lies th Wil I ook After itseit Here Is Proof I hat The Cures Wrought By Dp. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS The Qreat Blood- Builder AnJ Nerve Tonic \r: Permanent. The ad taaan the baety, and yivi to the \..ri"ii^ onaaa thi ittnßgtl I
      517 words

  • 743 10 The rtatement that the late Dr. Cad (>;:n Weber believed that ia ii\« yeais, had ais life been ipand, be cuuld li;n.o discovered synthetic rubber, has, says the Indian Buobci II orUI, agaia brought before the trade, particularly Uiomj who an laveauag ia rauiwi piantingi Urn iV.ii that
    743 words
    • 1058 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer; ah. ship; bq. barque sch. schooner Yet. Yacht Cru. Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor.— Torpedo; H.p. i Horse-power Brit. British U. S. United States; Fell. French; tier. German; Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck pastenger U.— Uncertain T.
      1,058 words
    • 478 10 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. STKAMF.IiS. Achilles. China. Apl 2 Mansfield. African Prince, N. York, Mar 31 Boustead Agamemnon, China, Apl 30 Mannfleld. Alcinous, China, Apl 25; Mansfield. Andalusia. Honukong, Mar .'3; B. Meyer. Airlie, Sydney, Apl 24 Boustead. Aparima, Calcutta, Apl Bonotead.
      478 words
    • 654 10 P. O. Per Japan sailing on -.'4th March- Mr. ami Mre. C. ST. Banks. Per Malta sailing on Mst March— Mr. and Mrs Evitt, Mr. E. C. H. Woolfe, Mr. C. \V. Darbisbire, Mr. Freeman, Mr. Downie, Mr. Le Fevre, Mr aud Mr*. K. Warrack. Mr. J
      654 words
    • 241 10 Number p. L»n v3S IJ£ <*•»«"»* Bo^" Tiftnsa Share* *_J^ Uon* GOLD. I 13,5 m' t 10 fIM Ber»awah U. M. Co., Lid... I IS.OO 4.JOU t 10 f l'J (Delenei) x..«■x tVNU 10 in uantU. M. Co., Lid. I lou. iJ.two if 10 S (i'ref.) B.OU noiu. MOT
      241 words
    • 140 10 50,'XJU ,!Ul»aue I. 2,000 4,600 SO.UOU 8,000 ii,;io 35.U0U 6UO 2,000 5,1)00 71SS uniuiuwl. ■iOO.UOO yj.ouu uuibiu. 87,0-iu Slll Dull Development Co., Lid. 11.60 t 100 f 100 Federateil Enginieiii'i; Co., Ltd. 4 50 60 Fraxi-r Neave, Ua. t I°^6 125 Hongkong and Sliaiigliai bank 100 J 100 Howorth
      140 words
    • 37 10 Hov»artU Erskine, Lid. 7% Kiluy, iiur^rcaves, Ltd. tt% Singapore Municipal 6% 1 T»njofiu P»imr Do-U Co., I,M. S\ Tl 260,000 ■i..N,IHNI 4UU,UU0 S'*" nrvui. in buyen. •J> o nun. imyt i« 1& paui Imyen >•/ ..r--., !nv
      37 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 liv wlii.-h |*i. pie have that caroaic diarrhoea is inenrabb is mistake. CbamberUin'a Colic, Cholera ami Diarraoea Remedy not Dtriy pvea te relief but srili effect a permanent cure. It never f.iils .md is tto take, For sale by all dsalen. li r i: DIBPENBART. c. 31 3
      48 words
    • 192 10 NOTICES. #NyCarlsbergßeer; Very light Pllsener Beer, especially brewed for Tropics Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail I'e.le r« so!e Irnporiors *~J v.c saWBMaWSaraBBBBMMBMa^MB^BHBaIMBB JAMES WATSON 6? CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET. FLAC BRAND. 10 YEARS OLD: $12.50 per case. Duty^extra. V V O SPECIALLY
      192 words
    • 96 10 N'lTHisci Like Bmaoosci '''o truth lcaiiiiii by actual experience does more good thau sen *K| Lcars about." Tell a man that 1 borlain's Colic, Choluia and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure cholera awrba unl lie will most likely forget it heJon tiie end of the day. Let him In i
      96 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 677 11 At the price you pay for your STENGAH. you are entitled to the very best. See that you get Buchanan's "Black and White/ You can have it for the asking. TKAMSHIP COMPANIES, P O. STEAK NAVIGATION CO. For Chirm, Jnpan. Penan*. fey!on. Australia, India, Aden, Beypt, Mediterranean P<rts, Plymouth and
      677 words
    • 691 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. AgenU at Singapore Ship AOKKCT, UTI J. I)»KMDKLB A Co., 2-3 CoLKTRB QUIT. Ihe nr.i'ermenlioned dates are only approximate. Steal From Expte-1. Will be DospntchciJ for H out man Bandjermassin Mar 26 Ban- jcrmafain, Kota Baroe, MoearaDjawn, S.-in.a.indii,
      691 words
    • 500 11 HAHBURGAMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURa. The .iteamers of this Company maintain a regnlar service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Ko.ter.iam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a moiuh for Bremerhavdn direct, calling at Penan; and Colombo The arrivals of tbe next
      500 words
    • 624 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (lerman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of tois Company Bail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naple°, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alox.u.iiiii, and vice versa) Port Md, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Pacang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      624 words
    • 84 11 HOMKWAaD. 1906^ Pr. Alice Mar .0 Pr. Reg. Luitpold Apl I 1 Pr. Heinrich Apl 1 7 P.h Friedrich May 1 Preuuen May Ir> I Roon May '.'H Bayern June 1 2 Zieten June N Sachien July 10 j Gneitenau July 21 S harnhorii Augt 7 I Pr. Heinrich Augt
      84 words
    • 724 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES JCEAN STEAM SHIP 00,, Ltd, AND China MutHal Steam Nay. Co- Ut Tbe Companies' steamers are despatched rom Liverpool oat wards for the Strait*, China knd Japan every week, and from Japan home »ardn for London every fortnight and foi (ilverpuol monthly. One outward steamoi iach month extends
      724 words
    • 503 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIXE 6t Llhli. TOTAL DfYCSTEDrUKDS EX4 U £12,000,000. thk i.arot. i ran on ■>«, BOUBTEAJ |Mts i TiiE LONDON AND LAN FIXE DWURANCB < CapiUl X-i,i. Paid up Capital. 212,761 Reserve Fuud. Jtlfi The undersigned, Agenta tar tsM pany, are prepared to accept tire run
      503 words

  • 721 12 ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS OBSOLETE The -iotor Omnibus in London. l'ii< l-iiiuluii ratepayer look* ai thai UU-st. OOflUMtitOt lur BMMagjK tiiillic, the motor bus. with mixed feelings As a tired citizen, anxious to tfet home as <juickly M ht- can when llk day's work it, ova the iK-w Bom 1 p things
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 41 12 00l if Insane. troul led »iii' sleep- .aiiiß in -houill I 1 i phyciiinni could ilo il me extraori ti ial. In iiw I v\:... I can now ■■•-I -it H at M ii.;, u| hi I 1 'I'rKRJ i H
      41 words
    • 406 12 NOTICES. Jor Jiews of tfe Straits, ~i~ StirdilLS Times. IT H-A.S TIHIIE Largest Circulation O F ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FOR XVar telegrams, EtBJLS ~r JStrciits Times. It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places:Mmn. Jobn Little A Co., Ltd. Tbc Refreshment Bullet. Tank Stpoy Lines Kampiing
      406 words
    • 507 12 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. MECHANICAL AMD ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Solo Agents For the HORNSBY-AKROYD patent Latest Improved Stationary Type, \/j\ I g-Z.. O fif In S Portable Type. Oil Engines FOR ALL PURPOSES Oil Engines Will work with CKUDB OILS, H. KltO*» K 2'a or WITM ANYOkUINAKY PETROLEUM Cost of working
      507 words