The Straits Times, 28 February 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SO 91,673 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 28 1905. PRICE 15 CEBV
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  • 111 1 ri(,in Kcb ii i the P, From" 1 1 N By the P 10 U Chn*nn ('ue on ii" M.'ii' li. TIM! t.m;i.k (I miii< DUa I) <•• in London A' rired .lan 90tfa 1' I fob 13! h Peb i II: N I) I. K. I,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 680 1 NOTICES. •oq *8 ©Jjclna O a^os aq] iiiojj jo saijaoojQ puß saußsuedsia 118 uiojj pnq eg 01 •jaqjo ou ;übm jjim noK puß Kij, •sjopop Suipßei dip \\b Aq t4 9iqßJtiDoJd )sag ai|}.. pejßpap U99q SBq 'uoijpaduioo ou sjbgj (0) 'XlllAl 3Ulini "GERMANIA" C ement Meets tfie Jiigde^t Requirements. A
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    • 209 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. Automatic /^^M^^^^\ Improved Manifolding Blow. |i WflH|l Manifoldin g Method Increarc Manifolding 1 Wy 'Superior ManiColding VowSr. Result. The Hammond Typewriter Doable faced Manifolding 1 \V> Acting Hammer Spring: '^Jmml* «t^ l 1 f^i No. 2 'Manifolding" Hammond (universal kkyboar It ia fntui-ijed with the I'mvergal Bavboard
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 WEATHER TfcLEtiRA < (h h. A. A- C. Tel. •.'Tin rniBfAKV. iiaromotyr :>, >.•>; i li.ri"-: .1 ii orca ol M 1 v. r .T M\ M I n. I M M
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 28 2 Foiled By Japanese. A Tukio wite Myl Tinattempt to blow up tlic bridfi al llucheng was foiled hy the arrival <>t Ja| inefp reinforcements
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    • 14 2 The Russian cavalry are cotistai.tly active in tin direction if NtuchwanK.
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    • 17 2 A Wanna telegram Ifaraa* ampiOTM .ire n M ttkfl«d with the tod have n
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    • 26 2 Generals ikharoffraporu Ben inefl was finally capture 1 by !>..>,,.• :iii-m; advancing >>vt-r ti.eir own (Uad amid exploding mines and wire Mtanfltawita, and kMinffcontidorably
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    • 160 2 No Torpedo Boats Among Hull Trawlers. Finding of the Commission. The test of tii.- Nottb Sea Commitsionere' report hears •vidaol o wnpi mis.-«- s uni contradictory, thus accounting for the aiklaariinf .harai t. r of prert si)Admiral Uojestveiisky's |»tiihmi,; orders to open fire in case of evident
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    • 19 2 PrinccM Margaral of betrothed to Priaca Oaatavos^adolphua, eldest son of tht- Cioa ii I'rince of Sweden
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    • 39 2 licLind beat Sc..tia:.ii al Rogb] bj ll pointa t»i In ihe Association aiatcti i limlami and [raland, the icon L'l'.ll IMlll. The Army beat the N > nil. The King and the Prii i I Walei were prtsei.t
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    • 45 2 iwi that tbi I peri He rc| on the part of Roati tvaeoafa ritiooi until the 1 i-t The i -till unkr.. 12 olhcer* and SOU man h:i\ takm to hospital 'lho pWOM Thu .1 i tdvancing mi the held r.y the EtutttMM
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    • 26 2 The ilealli us announced ot Sir Uaitin Ooaiaiin, British Minister at Lisbon. [Received afsei mt heji («m i" pees* venter. l
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 734 2 NOTICES. ODGAPORE SpORTDW vLUB Programme for the Spring Race Meeting, 1905. May 3Oth, June Ist and 3rd. FIRST DAY. -/.;>/, SOtit Mnj. I. lliK MAIDKN PLATB.— VaIm 1800 for Maiden Hors.-s. Weight Mt. .ill). An altewaoo* ol Hb. to f\-(irifTins imported Into Bettlement' i N »'*y State* Distance R 0
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    • 662 2 NOTICES I Owners of Griffins are entitled to enter for either of the follow in« serie6 of Kacei Free: So. 1:—1 i 'ay— Race So. 7 Set-ond Day— Race No. 7 Third Day— Race No. 7 g*HM No.:: Pint Day— Kace No. 6 Second Day— Race No. 1 Third Day—
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    • 1090 2 I NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. A Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY M is a pleasing example of the de- ifl licately flavored mature spirit fj li so grateful to the palate of the P U H 1 connoisseur. Its absolute purity places it in the first line i of dietetic stimulants. Mr.
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    • 87 2 VK.Sv.I..- AllvlShllMiJi I«'.-AJI. Hongkong, hchia, due >th Kcli., Behn Meyer. Baltic (ions', Hu<iin/ :uc h^g r.f March E. A IK fori >wettenh;im. 4«ayyM, every Tue» lay Koe Uuan. l'eluk A: sou vi.t port", Sappho nn Vlondays, Sdangur 01: WeUansaays. uou Hvr l*rr,.Q oi, Fridays S s S. (^o. Pi rl
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  • 417 3 Port Diekion, tSrd Ftbr A .asi. robber; in reported to have 1 Parit Tinpgi on the Koala iMali district on the llth February, l d looted 1 .ill tke valuables. >ne himaell 1 hi> fri They immi i be 11 a'ter to the Pol < v The
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  • 155 3 Calcctta, February Utfa Mr. Justice ?>ale, in the Calcutta High Court, i yesterday, granted a decree dissolution of marriaee against rasp <n- dent in the case in which Mrs Vivier.nei Marse DafUM Willis sued Lionel j William Willis fur cruelty and mite n duct. Mr. Morison, for
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  • 86 3 X V K Bteamer rrived in lie »rge Darling, 'he chi( Ij burnt. Be w n wn to the I c wirii -i i ii he traneferre I ihi ital tv the band holding mp, md immediately the dvi] iiiL r the burnins lii iii! on
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  • 92 3 Imi a trial eztendine over three days at the Criminal Sessions, Bombay, Ctrl Von Her Linden w«r unanimously found L'uilty on the Mb. Feb. ot the murder ot Ins mother-in-law, Mrs. Nadler, and "t tli«- a'tempted murder of lii« wife, Mrs Lfadao. The parties c ncerni I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 23 3 STEARNS' WINK. iilLhoiigh containing Iron, in a aaoat uxcollcnt form, does not constipate or blacken the teeth. The beneficial effect is really remarkable.
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    • 794 3 NOTICE^ HERCULES Nov. in tu.thj. STIVEN CO., Singapore. Singapore and Kranji Railway From ist November, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. 00-WN, Eltri Tr ii;i ou SunJiiy< c w n nc »M AM. PM. P.M P.M FM PM A.M. PM PM SINGAPORE i 6.38
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    • 231 3 •pas* Fine Skin fi^&f s 'nade finer, and 'jad is BMdc ct^r by 'DARTRIXG"LanoIine' "^r^r N" imit.T.ion cm t^.ir -h;- N [•DABTmmo' roiu LstHiatHt IM4 .'eKUiflf I DAKTRIKG LA KOI INI fOIIJ SOAP 1 9ramopdones From $20 Upwards New Beoords, Bands, and songs of all nations, "Gramophone" Records iOu«i>Ms2.7s apiece.
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  • 32 4 Dallas:— On the i.'rth Pah, v Mkaaata^ Kraok Dalla*. h^cil tn yenrx I'UFKIS:- On the 15th Kel> .it Slmngbai, Captain Purkis, late of the I. CSN. (V» ■taMMf Kitiq-iiii'i. n^i-u Hjmti
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  • 944 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 28TH FEBRUARY. At tlie date ut Im( mail adriCM iruin Cliina, (.'iniosity wweu c ketn us i i tiie in it German inuve in Cliini li a.° iindeistood Uiat t.ieiiiiiii.y vm rtuuiuft not only at securing I cr 1.» n Id ii. .->.,.,
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  • 21 4 Share quotations, general shipping uews, and passenger lists, besides shipping, and insurance advertisements will lie found on page 10 and 11.
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  • 13 4 Advertisements of Sales, Wauted, To Let etc., will be found on Page 6.
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  • 16 4 11. M S. Vengeance leaves Hongkonp on theBh March for Colombo where she will pay off.
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  • 20 4 A meeting of the Legislative Council is called lor Friday next Seven bills are on the orders for confident' ion.
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  • 23 4 At Penan)! last Friday, the P (J. C defeated in eleven from H. M. 8 Theti* at soccer by five goals to nil.
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  • 17 4 Fkum Messrs. (itithrie .V Co. w. have received aneat aluminum cigarette cate. !t advertises Tennant't) Pilgener beer.
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  • 26 4 The monthly missionary meeting will be held in Prinsep Street Church, on Monday next, at 8 p. in and will he addressed by Mr. T Kldridge.
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  • 29 4 The ice has shitted the mines at Vladivottock, and access to the port is very dangerous. Two Get man vc-m ].< have been injured by mine?, and tliree men killed.
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  • 33 4 Sik Robeht lakdi.nk, the senior peltner jn Messrs. Jardine Matheson .md Co., Hongkong, who hd?ju>-t died at the age ot 80 years was an old China hand, his arrival there c'ating in 1546.
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  • 31 4 tou crossing the railway line with a bullock cart when an engine was approaching, Snlleh bin Tail was yesterday lined ■*."> by Mr. Culman. The man's license was suspended lor a month.
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  • 27 4 About 250 Russian prisoner;, including many officers and their wives, who have been released on parole, weie through passengers by the M. M. I'olynesien yesterday, homeward bound.
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  • 37 4 We hear that Miss Betty Widler, a Sinuapr re yt tuiß lady, who is at present in E >ughai, is to be married in June at the northern Settlement, to Mr. W. Y. Turnbull, areoident ot Shanghai.
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  • 95 4 Prince Leopold ct I'russia, whose departure for the Far East is announced in our special telegrams today, comes out by the Norildeittscber Liner the Prim Eitel Friedrieh, which leaves Genoa to morrow. It wae on this splendid i i kj i now on her second trip to lUe Far East—
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  • Special Service.
  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 65 4 An Epoch-making Affair. London, 2Hth Fehttuiry. The newspapers, commenting on the text of the North JSea Commission'!! report, consider that it is substantially in favour of Orent Britain. The award shows that the Admirals are skilled dipt matktt and the paperb declare that the example this enquiry
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    • 32 4 He:ieral .M.iessel, Ml Mtiviaf at Moscow, was cordially welcomed by the authorities. He proceeds t j St. Petersbr.rg on Wednesday He i« returning to Moscow fof a prolonged stay.
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    • 43 4 Almost the utiole of Yemen and South Sana (Arabh) are in a state of insurrection. Two towns are in the han<U of the insurgents who are itici-.'asing in number. It ia <iilli'jtilt to Mmd retafbreeaMali and moreover the trjops are deserting.
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    • 15 4 The d«uli it aiiiiiurioeii of Mr. Guy B:x>thby, the well known m.veli>t.
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    • 43 4 General Kiiropulkin reports that the Japanese It ivi- tiirnei both laaln of the Russian force M Tiinkhechen. He also vaguely reports Jd|) lnH^e attacks at several oilier poiaU, some of which have been .ipparently riiLct s-ful, and ■there repuli-ed.
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  • 241 4 Monday's Play. I.ADIKS SINIiI.KS. A. CLASS. Mi- Siilxmaun beat Mr* I. CattH 'i-3, (i-J. Mr-, Siiunders beat Mis. Kv»n« 6:t, til. MIXKIi lIOL'ULES. V. OU Mi«. liiinn huil Mr. I) ul<-> beat \li«~ .1. (•unn anil Mr I'rinwick ti J, tt-'J. B. CLA-.S. Mi»M I^-a-^k .unl Mr. BettartNka
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 791 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST OUST APPLICATION. Aplia tu.tb.s. ai-3 WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL 6c CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. New Stock of Silk Curios and Silver and Gold Jewellery. Ttliphont Ho. Hi. Itupection SolieiUd.
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    • 665 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. IMMEDIATE SUCCESS 7) F WARREN'S GRAND CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE Maaaaaai oarriad by ttorm An Immense Audience Frantic with DaHght. 8432 persons passed our check gates, last night. The Wild Anlmali in their performance fairly paralysed the Audience. Everything Piomised Performed. TO-NIGHT Another Bumper House M THE 810 SHOW
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    • 53 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hotel de l'Europe. "Fass Beer" Iced ON Tap Can be had from TO-DAY. C. Cha>tor, Manager. G.R. Lambert Co. Hi.OTOORXPrIbKS. Just Arrived LUMIERE'S DRY PLTES English and Continental sizes, AND EASTMAN'S FILMS. Feh ■•0 ik Hudson:— (Jn tlie I6tll Kel>. at Slinri^lml the wife of Kiir I. Hudson,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 104 5 Plenty of Fighting but Little News. Lmdtm, tMk hV>>ru<iry toooonU of the fighting in Man churia are of tin most meagre oharacter They are still almost eicluMvely from Russian sources They indicate that the engagement nt Beresnefl Hill the beginning of a great bittk, part of a general
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    • 42 5 Renter's correspondent at St. Petersburg wires lii order to ensure the continuance jf the railway service the Government has ordered all the railway men in the Empire to be treated as soldiers subject to martial law
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    • 23 5 Router's representative at Warsaw wires Every policeman is now accompanied by si.ldiers as the authorities fear the police will strike.
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    • 15 5 Prince Kri^drich Leopold of Prussia ban Hturted for the Far East, via Genoa.
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    • 38 5 The Tim** coi respondent at Bt Petersburg says the transport of troops for .he front has been greatly delayed all the winter None if the reinforcements deepatohed in December will reach General Kuropatkin before Anril
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    • 13 5 are announced of K srl M >rl. y ud Sir Wemyss Reid
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    • 33 5 Beater* c Respondent with General Kuropatkin, says the Japanese have captured an outlying position and are now threatening the Rneeinn main 11m battle hat hitherto been fought in blustering snowstorms.
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  • 187 5 W'k have to ackamrladaja bom Mr Ci. i' Owen, Secretary of the Straits Racing Afs.uiation, Iho receipt of that invaluable guide to Straits racing men, ili- Btri iv B icing Calendar for 1904 Like all it> predeceeeon, the la: t ?i is^u. is an improvement on the
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  • 185 5 SeiSMfC of the Monjf IJet at Amoy. Tbi diflicaltka <i the Wee Bii: Steamship Co liave been accentuated by i!c Miiure of the Company's ss which vm reported from Am.iy hy a tclecrnni to hand late last evening Prom the accounts so far available it st-ems
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  • 2219 5 Meeting of Shareholders To-day. Speech of the Managing Director. At 2 30 the afternoon, aaextraordinai y meeting of the Tanjong Pacar Deck Co was held at the Singapore Exchange, to consider the subjoined resoluti'jni 1 That, in view of the arbitrary action of the Government, in introducing the
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  • 99 5 Mr Arch'ie;icon and l. eu f Frinr, who iffide together at Pulo Brani, have lost some property, which is believed to uave been stolen by a Hylam tukang iver who has absconded. Lieut Frur lost a watch, a ring and *75 in uics. Mr. Archdeacon lost
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  • 306 5 Successful Opening: Performance. A picktd tent wi'nesfed the opening ( of Warren's Circus at Beach Road \mt night. Mr. Warren has brought a ktraag I'jra'iinUion ■Aiih him and the Circus should draw large audiences during iis -eason in Singapore. The programme contained twenty items, including a number of
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  • 64 5 As extensive camphor forest it said to exist, on the borders of Szechuen, Kweichau and Hunan provinces. It is s iid to extend 100 miles, but it is only recently that the natives have bepun to produce camphor for the market in that locality Little is krown of the r'fiiou,
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  • 59 5 Captain Humer of the German s. s. H>hr.#<un reported tan', on a voyage f r m riownba) n:o Hongkoi jr, the vessel ■*iuck an uncharted coial rock in M:cis«:r Ftrait. The hearings piven r»y iba captain are .">iiri.O S. and 118 56 12 X, with the light of D^yan. Davattcan
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  • 517 5 Maltuxa, MIU Fel>. At last the Victoria Memorial Fountain is an accomplished fact and it only waits a formal opening before becoming a thing of use ac well as a Kof beauty. Constructed of glared enware of greyish green and blue tints it lifts its bead some score
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  • 48 5 Ykstkkday a Chinaman walked into Levy Hermanos' establishment, in B ittery Koad and helped himself to a gold bracelet valued at $60. He was making i.IV with the bangle in his pocket, when one of the shop assistants, who was watching him handed him over to a constable.
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  • 48 5 A large shipbuilding firm is conten:pla ing tbe manufacture and installation of some 18 000 horse- power turbines iv a d-atroyer which is shortly to he built. "If this destroyer is built," says The Shipping World, "it will oo the most powerful in f-xistenee hy a^ou' _> 000 horse-power."
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  • 26 5 I PMUMBrI Roosevelt has, say 6 a tnlt gram to i Hongkong piper, defined tii< j Monroe Djetrine and announced hi" I intention to maintain it.
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  • 60 5 A vai: c oi i"500,t 00 has, forinsuran. purposes, now been placed on thPremier Company's bij? diamond. I: I was declared on the 2*th Jar, ary i'loo,ooo only. The stone is insure. through from the mine to Londoi j against theft and marine risks. The size of this diamond is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 NOTE On Page aof to-day's issue will be found a number of Telegram* received prior to noon.
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    • 432 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS RAFFLES HOTEL. I THE BEST SARKIES BROS., PROPRIETORS. VICTOR SINGING MACHINES reproducing the actual voice of famous singers, differ greatly from those giving mere phonographic imitations. We have just received a large consignment ot tine records and machines embodying all the latest improvements. 'ihey may be heard at
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  • 710 6 The Currency. Tin' IVn ing Ch mmi i« beld it- annual nei tl n ui.uv. Mi A. G dolie ox).! lion men! h ■■< from tuna to time from I (Utiom of th<- Currency Commission, especially in allowing Straita ba fivoly aiportad to Sumatra and itiui
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  • 441 6 .-i>MK Chinese Peculiarities. .uid .in incliu I ill- Jllil.rll.. h.i.l pii'.i -.hip evening. With a great many of the customi menl iuned, thi were probably more r V-- familiar, the minute lich are, of o T n m, i h 1 1. :n! part to etiquette, are
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 573 6 NOTICES. V)fie Straits V)imes. A XI) Wlje Straits budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE in ADVANCE. Dnily i--iip pet > IWlOQ l» Mitel MB In per in.intli i-5« do per n»|py "•I s W-i-kly i^«ue petjm* H.iw do per ijU.uti'i 4."0 do |>ei copy When «ent kf Mat, there is added for
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    • 777 6 NOTICES. FOR SALE. 1 boritonUI "Caledonian" in N.H.P. Engine, with automatic expansion gear L'J' cylinder, '.0" stroke, fly-wheel W ri" din i), 10" (act, guaranteed in •j.ood condition v for working. Apply to Hi \1.I>TKK A CO, Lti.. tu. th g. u.c. FOR SALE. A valuable piece of agricultural land
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    • 633 6 NOTICES. 'I"O BE LET, imall Brrt Hoor offices facing OlTCOWta Bridge Rjad ar.d FliDt Street. Apply to (luthn Ltd.. \wnK IX) BE LET— No. 17 Armenian siroet n.xt to Bi An irew's House Intely in the ocjqj ation of Messr-. Tomliuson and Suitable for a bomilitig boBM Apply to
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    • 715 6 NOTICES. BANQUE DELINDO-CHINE. NOTICE Th« Singapore offl e of Kaffl s Pmm. i 1 1 t>' DMDtd irom t he it March 1906. tod will be prepared to trnrs el 'ill I r Unary bunk;: The Maacg r l Houasn Feh tu th. 7< S I X i A PO
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    • 17 6 STEARNS' \VIXE, in a< :ng an Imn Tonic. :s the bi'.-t l.i Oil preparation knoma I vorld.
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  • 441 7 U 1,1 i i■ v.i,,. 1..,.- jii-i visit in. Trouoh >■ enaftei arrival. To one who i> ueither a iiiiiuiii; expert II"' iuspec- vi 111 K WV -i. .iv ..i what Uy lllls departiueni v a McAlistei and Kile} liargreave* wi rksbi i> rolJ ed int.. one, and
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  • 148 7 A Tall Mystery Explained at Last. M. Paul tocira, Urn new Pr» ol tin Kn in 1: C hamber, bas published mi \i\ 1 nir- ol Ins term of office an 1. \•:i or <ie: c i;il ol lm:o-China He! 1 1- :i 1 hbracteristic itorj ol
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  • 85 7 I HI with the exception of M n D iin a>;d Nwf eveniup I 1 England. The local to ollidnlly give then Sever J I V andt!.. m i.:n (M, R \V M, in (.arti'-'( .arti'-' 1• w. re v. 1 1 it 1 ii- civ <i Faffa<r<
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  • 1296 7 P. O. Per Chita i ■ailina; on SMd March— Mr. A. K. MalhoUand, Mr. K. P. \V. Comall, Mr. W. Mr. ud Mn. K. W BraddelL Mi ■ad Mr-. Mlin.-on, Major Uenei U Sir A Dorwmrd, Mr. P. J. Bonew, Mi-- Uoothamm, Mi iindMi- Payne- Gall way,
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  • 27 7 I'cr Rknamin, laavtag Ma Mnnh-Mr. unil Mi- Th. .Solist, Mi-. Murray ICuliertnou iiml daagfcter, Muster Cirrol. Mrs. Uarkie, Mr. ami M K \V Oloeii.
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  • 57 7 I.-i Cmitimitm toarlns Ittk Mareli tm M.iiM-illi-s—Mr, W..1 lletealie, Mr .1. Dauin I.i llriiiiiirn kmTiag -7th Mnrrli— Kor Martetllet—Mr. L. Doseopaa, Mr sod Mi>. Van Beaten sad child, Mr! need, Mr. Lapierre, .Mr. i: \V. Hoilett, l.i c A. EUdeUlfe, KN. Pel To, „!,<■ leax iii^' loth April—For
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  • 73 7 ,\..i a few l'"!iI miiK-s have bi in tb Japan m Empire I late, anthoritiei aw taking meaaures their irorkinf [< promising goldbat Ixon found al Nakatsu, I■■ linaaahi p ..ut pin of tarter of a bough I he Bmelting is carried on prii •-111.... and the
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  • 196 7 oi Singapore Pel I' ftCJ I s f kifia. cm: oi-tin,' with Hie steame- Mnlta at Cnlomi>o ft" m Lon:..i r'al) iun Sr M ir< :< St.rT-Si-rgt. l dcrson Mn Anck- -„n, M 0 Emerson nn-l P I. Kn iht. Mr V. R Crum Ew ib; Mis-es
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  • 23 7 Malacia is ahead of Singapore as regards its Vittoria Memorial, an interesting accoui.t of which will be found in our Malacca letter to-day.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 CiiANi.K oi WARS often brings on diarrhoea. Fur this mm many ix |k-i iiiK id travellers carry a bottle of 'liamU'i I. tin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bawady witk then to be naed in OMe "i .hi emergeaejr. This j n- 1 > 1 1 1 1 > 1 1
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    • 424 7 NOTICES. NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING. THE KECHAU GOLD MINING COMPANY, LIMITED. Notice is hereby given, in pursuance of Section ld\ of the Companies' Ordinance, 18 that a General M> eting of the members of the abovenamp I Company will be held at the offlcn or Mr G. A. Derrick, tiresbnm
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    • 39 7 NOTICES. "ROUSSILLOiSF" CHAMPAGNE IND COOPE Co.'s X LAGER BEER jll BREWED PROM M MALT HOPS ||j|jl Of all Dealers. IND COOPE Co.'s ALE AND STOUT IN BULK Specially brewed for the Tropics. Barrels containing 36 gallons Hogsheads 54 gallons.
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  • 1642 8 Inquest further Adjourned. Yesterday, t'ne adjourned inquest in ooting accident at Rallies School c the 17th inst. wus continued by Mr. A Gentle, Coroner. Messrs Mayhew, White, and Marsh sat as a jury. Mr. V > Jward with Mr. Rime were present interests of the Crown. Mr
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  • 63 8 Mk Maxwki.l, the wull-known Knglish war correspondent, passed through Singapore yestirday, accompanied by Mrs. Maxwell. He was attached to tb. first J ipanese army and lias witnessed every fight in M»nchuri;i, from the battle of tli,- Vn'.u to the surrender of Port Arthur. He was here with the Prin :e
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  • 325 8 Another Bangkok Case. Ji'ugmknt was given in the Appeal Court yesterday in the bankruptcy case of F. J. Robertson of Bangkok. The Official Receiver claimed the property of Robertson for the benefit of his creditors. Mr. Tilleke also claimed the property under a bill of eale. The
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  • 206 8 Ax iceet leaf which tpf«ara witli this isEue, illustrates a new cotnbined lamp, stove and heater which is being brought out by the Vacuum Oil Co and which, it would tettn, t tight soon to become an tffice fixture in every gcdown where the chiefs or their
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  • 208 8 Defendants Fined. Vk^tkiiday, the enquiry into the allega ion < fpi nir.R in a common earning 49 Club Street on the Ut inst made against twenty-eight Chinere, wa? returned by Mr. Xunn Mr. Bailey, I Secretary for Chinese Affaire' conducted the enquiry fur the Crown
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  • 269 8 An in) i 01 taut function was held on the premises of the Jean Humiltcn Memorial Training School" Mt. S, phia, at 7-30 o'clock this mornicp. Hi"» Excellency the Governor, B shop Oldham, Dr. %'<«', an I other missionaries and trienrti; met to aitnesathe
    269 words
  • 300 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. r-ir -i il i l/l I j;"; .->tb ft 1.. Fn.t., i. -rtettenbam.: Q.c. and 60 d.p Strait* Mteam*h.|. t'o>. Ltd. For PortSwattei bam, -v |M» K,i> Port Teviik. Bit ilr I*7 tori I ■aape, MM ¥t m D Nil. Syme A Co. V— X H Rmklnhl, firit.
    300 words
  • 97 8 •muMei do (Cabc So. l anpidced Ltfj ''opra Bah LU ■i > Pontianak 7.8" i'ep|>er, Black J5.37J ilj White, 5«. 37.5 > Sftflo Flour MHMTak 3.2" do Branei No. 1 3.U'> Pearl IBM 4.40 L'offee Itali, 15^, b*sit -J4 «i Coff-e.PalenibanK, JO* l>a«i. MM Ooffife, Liberian No. 1 -js.fto
    97 words
  • 116 8 On r. —Bank 4 in 1,11 Demand l /I \j Private 6 ua/s J do Bras l'/- On Urrmonu— lUnk .l/.l g.03 Pri. ate 3 ni/a do Sm/i iSfti Uaiikd.i! J.4»i Priv:ito :t .'.3' do 6in I J.55i Onfmdia BaakT.T. U7J l'riv:u- K)d 15" Hnn.]loi\g— .1 .i I
    116 words
  • 67 8 ROW siri ,li,i(/ 1i,,,I.-; ieu:.din 11-I 1 v Kiitna p.a Bangkok po p r, Xi ru(OOD A C;i!< i ti.i 1',,, p P .-'ii-ini AT An-.. S :,igor 1 p „i Be i^kftlis AU n -in a,,,, Colo m o <iv to a m. K'kawangAPonl ;ri :i p
    67 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 62 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have just received a large MMXtaMBI of Japanese, Ohiuese, and Indian iilks of all kinds and col« ure. luUHn, and Persian carpels of all sizes, rugs and handsome ivory goods. Also many pretty articles of silver and
      62 words
    • 332 8 New Fresh Lines. A Gent's Brown or White Canvas M A Ml Oenl's Tennis Shoes inide of fine snivri..r f'nni* in White ami jfl ii /l1^» Brown, exact to illustration, neat leather ro.> ear*. »!rap< ,m 1 heel piece. J^k Hi Ln rht-yf Shoes are also fitted with ItMtl.ei \\^\■s
      332 words
    • 18 8 Has your Capital Shrunk in 1904 READ OUR UEPUSIT SYSTEM HUM THOMAS CO,, The Australian Stores. m» s-7-03
      18 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 126 8 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, iBth February. Hillh Wai>;r. 0 27 pin S.V.I. Company Training. S»V Wan ii rinim. 9. Yap Chow Thong Opera. 9. Wednesday, ist March. Bigk Water. 5.4) h hi. 8 7 p.m. Kecliau Company Meetiiiif. |2. Koot'-nll Lcajjue. K.l'. Vtmfttm. S. U.C. (irimml. (iulf dab Meeu. t-U
      126 words
    • 60 8 WEATHER* REPORT. f rrtk i..,i uo6' *n m 3|> t »j, m RIIUBKS. T<nr ;30 (j 0 ».fS li b.'.o 8«6 MorninK v, i'. 1 bThar 78 111 .r\\ lad w > n .Max. Camp wi i> Mm T.i:' .-Sin, UBC Terr, rad <M 9 RMufall .ikUi.l lini i
      60 words

    • 1137 9 L'mlnr this headim; the followin; tbbi i „ion 3 are used: utr.— oteamer;ab. «hip; l><|.--barijaej sell. schoonoi j Yet. Yacht; Cm.— Cruiser;— (iunboiU; Tor— Torpedo; H.p. Horsepower; Brit.— British i I. S.— lulled States; Fell.— French; (Jer.— 'Jerroan; Dut.— Dutch; C.c. General-cargo d.p. deck paswiper; I.—U
      1,137 words
    • 468 9 A'jnM, port, prohnlil* thile ot nrnm! awl name of agent*. BTIAMKKB. Auhillis. Chin i, Ail I; Manvfipld. \K in -i :i nor], l.'|io<il. Mar -J7 Mannli ■< VKinou-', Liverpool. Mar H M.insfielil. \le«ia I'hinnfM ir (i Behn Boiiual UoiKßiini!. Mir M; P <). l«erije<!orpf, Sydney, Apl 13;
      468 words
  • 243 9 L»«i l!u}«r» Hhps I'iausac iion>. BOLD t 9 1.4,600 t M 17.60 Btmuwah U. M. Co., Ltd... .MOuoimumL t. »hi i 1U 1(1 (Dofened, 2U.IKIU 9 Hi in Kudaua U. M. Co., Ltd. UVdiO 1U 8 (l'rel.) K,j.>7 1 I Kechau U. Field.., Ltd. (f.p.) IMM i. 1 l»/-
    243 words
  • 152 9 400,000 SU.4UU unuauoJ. 2,000 4,600 80,000 12,001* A 6,000 2,760 35,000 600 2,000 6,000 7b& oousoad. 300,000 40,000 uniMiwd. 37,000 4 1 I 1 TSaff Development Co., Ltd. 13.00 noni luo I 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. t 60 l 60 Fraier Neave, Ltd. 1 126 i I 126
    152 words
  • 48 9 Howarth Erakine, Ltd. 7% .1 Kiley, Harareavee, Ltd. 6% Singapore Muuicipul 8% m Taiijodr Pair« Dork Vo., Ltd. 8Y I! 260,000 8Y preui. 226,000 2% prombayen. 400,000 2% preni buyer*. 1,878,000 1% prom buyem. 866, 800 2% dli. nom. 26(1,000 2% pram buyei. 1.385.5K- It I'leui Linn..
    48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 279 9 NOTICES. Por fnnotlonal troablei, delay, pain and thote Irreeularltlee peculiar to the MX. Prescribed by tbe hlgbeit Frenoli Medical autborltles and superior to Tantey, steel Drops and Penny royal. CHAPOTEAUT, g, r. VlTi«nne. Parla lUfiowaed Ph;, ncuna pre^crirM GrimAoit's Mtti** v tkc tnoit 1 ir %mi »t th« h*m* tine
      279 words
    • 164 9 NOTICES. #[NyJ3arlsberg Beer Very light Pllaent-r Beer, especially brewed for Troplca Climates 'thtninable at the principal Hotelf and Retail Dealers Sole Importors J| K. &K. Kuhn Komor The leading Art Curio dealers in the Far East. PisM Art Curios of every description always on hand SILVERWARE, A SPECIALITY. Inspection is
      164 words
    • 14 9 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect antiseptic dentifrice, cleaines und preserves the teeth, very rtlrtthing
      14 words
    • 324 9 NOTICES. HOTEL DES INDES No. 2 and 3 Stamford Road. I In 1 I'Dilersi^neil Imvic^' taken over thr inana^rineDl nf thin well known hotel, kiuilly solicit" trie piitroiiHce "f lii" aji friends mil ih<- pulilif Tlie Imtcl ix run iid fii »l efaaM linen Anil in in I lie iuwueiliate
      324 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 703 10 At the price you pay for your STENGAHa you are entitled to the very best. See that you gel's"Black and White." You can have It for the asking. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penans, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Key pi Mediterranean Pfrtg, Plymouth and London. Through
      703 words
    • 1263 10 ir STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. IToder contract with the Netherlands India (iovprnmeoi v Ayi-iil, ,it Singapore SHIP AotNCV, LATR J DIKifDBLS A Co., 2-8 Col I.VBB QIUY. I ht> iinHnrmenlinned dittp* are only np|>roximat» m—s»i» From rxp'tei Will )>e iWtat'hed for IbrAsM Sambas Feb -t Sarnbus, Peraingkat, Siry awtns
      1,263 words
    • 651 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Merman Mail Line. I be fast in.: well known mail (learner* of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg Tia Rotterdam. Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Mexindria, and vice versa) Port Said. <uez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Honukong, Pban^hai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
      651 words
    • 633 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Pacific Mail Steamship Co Occidental and Oriental Steamship Compare lino Kit»t» Kaisha Hit Ihret giuat steamship lines bet »r.i OHIMA, JAPAN, ami KUKOPK, via Mono lulu and Sao Fist* i<cu >|>«r innE Ibe am "•_\OUO ten, i win < iv noiiium KORKA And tMBI.kIA. together with trie wellknown
      633 words
    • 499 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO HKH URL O'lAI. INVKHTSD FUNDS E.YCEEI £12,000,1)00. TMB LARGEST FIRE OVfKI IN 1 Hjr. Woßi.l HOUSTEAI) ft A «enU UK LONDON ASlt LAMGABHIRI r'IRE IMBOEAJtCK COMPANY Capital £-2, 127,600 Paid up Capital. 212,5 50 Keterve Fund. .£1,0<3,6j0 The undersigned, Agenu lor tbe Cou (any, are
      499 words