The Straits Times, 27 February 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times >O 21,672 SINQAPOKM. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 27 1905. PRICE 15 OEM*
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  • 84 1 to M Sarawak A Vtng i m ;;,i. I';.;. -nil I i ni I p :.l I in m I", (-'hum H. Whattßoon 1 p m .t CbooHDd riam&raog Gang Ami i pm P.^'tenbaDl 4;. mini; h'ixtna 1 p.m.'(n.ii .V i ;il.- It.: I'inrtv Sp.m I*
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  • 99 1 r"'om I di 1 1 By the P. 0. tin on ii M Prom I ii. n* -H> th« P.#O b.B Chunan n 1 M ireh". IMI TABLE OK MAILS IMK I. I Siiil' II i l)u« in London Airiwil Jan iOih I1I 1 i) ISita
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 312 1 NOTICES. TERM AIIUITI POLICY Ilk RATES ARE SO LOW THAT A PERSON CAN CARRY 100 PER CENT MOKE INSURANCE "ii !l,i> ul. m than nnt l^ ordii ivy endowment. Write for rat did Mid full explanation! CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO LTD fTii^yeon CrJpn, HAN KIN fr KNOCKER. Managerc, Hoiltb
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    • 169 1 NOTICF 1 Ideal Milk fg§s£££aat Enriched 20 per cent. Ip ""vlitrl with Cpeam Sterilized-Not Sweetened feP^Sisd Perfect Substitute for F.'esh "Qermania" C ew| ent Meets tfje HigCyz t Requirements. !±J2 L 1 Ccmpaaia General DE TABACOS DE FILIPINAS. i'.i iii-s in t Ue Phili|>pia mppljr tbeii r ioi leafoalfhi ul
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    • 159 1 NOTICES ROBINSON CO. Automatic Improved Manifolding Blow p^M|panifolding Method. Increase Mnnifolding 1 vi^ml^ry^^j^Ky Superior Manifolding The Hammond Typewriter Double faced Manifolding 1 \V> WA Irdept ndant Feed jH^^Waß^^^^^^^^^V\ Release for work on No. 2 "Manifolding" Hammond (universal keyboak > It it fumii-lieii with tLe I'mvergnl XV \b ;i All •<■>
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  • 1614 2 The Fruit Pigion. The following report <-n th« Large Fruit Pigeon ("Carpophaga Whartoni") of Christmas Island has baM sent in to Ci.virimn'iit by Dr. R. Curator of the Raffles Museum. Siiujn/inrr, isth .Xovnitt',,, />/j. 1 have the honour to lay before- you some, observations on the large
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  • 82 2 The Bu A,: o, at lloua ko«| i l..riiK-riv ike t'liaia ;iiid Stmermidm) ha> beea >uld to J«B»atH hi £16,000 >h< ii a vessel ol M 6 mlt tons, and mm limit iiv Maaos. \V. llajnilton and (.'t>tn[K(iiv. ol P< in 1891 The ia drftu, mnmi
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  • 62 2 VBB3E 1.8 A I' U<i IM Hongl oog, I due .£th i. bu nUUc |)oriB, i M !i E. A C >. Port Swetienl: im /lraui,.f, c. day, Ko« Gusn. l'eluk Abson via pert*, Smppke <>ti Mondays, tiflawj' r 0:1 v\'.<i 1 tfv» c or. Krniivs S ftX (Jo. Pert
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  • 72 2 At Ormond, Florida, furl lit i raoordi have bwa mada m tin- kufcomo bile competitions. The maim neord •M Ikmlpii IklW tunes Tin- l, th t t im<Ml thai "f Mr 11. 1. Uuwdfii, flic Hiislou million;ui>'. who with a 100-h.p ■Minvdes eormtwi Urn v Id 15 s<.'c His car.
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  • 86 2 Tho dufantl of the tut at thne ...<'k winch (ook pad 111 tin- National Antarctic Expedition, r-mwadtl !>>• Captain Scott, Ims ll H <v (..inpl, ill., mh ol Urn DiMomy to tin- Bodaon lt.iv Cunijiaiiv Tli.' [Vila Nova ,ui.| Hi.- M..HIIIIJJ. tin- two relief ikip (lls)l.iM'.l of. th,. liisl tO
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 651 2 NOTICES^ HBfje Straits ISimes. AND Wde Straits budget. lIORTGAOBa7B BALI try, :'"'.">,"•' J 30 p. m Albert Street LeasphoM HIIIO, n eh 7,5(0 square feet compriced in Lease No. I*Bl, dated July 1840 for »:> years. Toother with HM Ewammb reaklence end dth«reeo, kco»-n Vo. 9", tlbert treit. Sin^'i|ijre. Powell
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    • 716 2 NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. i Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY D is pleasing example of (he de- lie ate ly flavored mature spirit T-fcr\r»rn so vratcfvl to the pala(e of the PORT Z connoisseur. Its absolute W^ purity places it in the first line ty A of dietetic stimulants. Mr. J <M!k
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 162 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. DailjtMea aeryoM Mimki .1.1 |iei .|iiutci 7.60 ilo |.er muiali MO do per kly Umio por year UL66 do |>ci ijaarfi 4.00 do per copy WLcn sent liy post, there is- added fot the 4n:ly i ■ne, two dollar" a quarter to Home ami Foreign
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  • 360 3 Tasn junkmen have been arrested, charged with the Diurder ol the <'<•> man A 'Mile, Gilsjenheimb, and the 'reach t'uve.rville, arbo left Fort Arthur in a junk lust August. Two of the men thearrested h lye admitted throwing the attaches overboard The crime was discovered owing t> tlie
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  • 37 3 A TKLtSRAM h:is been reot-ived fron: \],..r. Boustead A Co, to the fffect that the Bwady ilh in i'trak ha« received tin* i> :<^' t. r its fecorrt shipmeni j of Plantation Rubber, the Brut .''etching r In
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  • 35 3 ti.vKKNMKM bai been strongK' urged !> ih» Peoang Chamber ol Commerce phonic a mmunicaticn be ancd up b#tn Ben 1 111 1 thi i.-tru'tt of I'erji k, ;md ultima ti'ly, as the railwaj idvancet, with Kingapon
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  • 50 3 Thi: Pen ing Chan tnmei Cornmitl led b .i Chamber mil D be held there in .lune IS*'"), confined to schoolboy? n the ages of 17 and SO and that th< tubjects: -I Btglish Conversaliou, Trantcribiag i riting a letter from rough outline Handwriting 8. Ariih-ua-'ic. 4. Shorthand. 5. Typewriting.
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  • 44 3 Abovt pis months ago, the Gambling Suppression Drpartment was abolished. aid trr duty of prosecuting in gambling iakmal inspec- Bx| i ii shown that tn eir ii uid more Uiaii full, ai be Bupprestion Departmeal lias shed wil ii Uij Bowers, 4 Police, in
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  • 63 3 A !.ti^t' property, standing ii iimjs cff the Ku R d (l i elonsinß to the f the lat( Datoh i' ingliina iiae be d purchased by the Perak Got rt, m ,f si> ri f ooo with a view in turning it into Court House 810,000 bai been aaaetioned.
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  • 57 3 iir. Committee ot t! Penang Ch unb* r of Commerce i 1 :s approached 1 wking tl am to ejnsider ti^ question of lupplementinß the '>!iir< .;i;ril BpplianOM th which tati -i in Weld Qnay th b«ek ot Beach Street, when n ich valuable merchandiae ii itored. H. E has
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  • 86 3 Tin: i. Mtriemrtiukin, Captain C. H Barota. pot Iwk to Honckong on tli*16th Peb. I wiiv.' tin! s. k. Ihrur ll (Captain K. 0U( n) of Bargei! with lit-r main~l:af broken. The MmrionttkMni bound from lluniikong for Shanghau had mcl ihe disabled iteamar, flyin. ■igoaii < I tii~! r <-v:.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 (IliVlilll Si Hui>[ m \-ti.k. -W. R. I Wyatt. Esq., public snßOols, Sruulling ham N. S. \V.. s:iy-: Alter rafter- mi; some tints ol s nty bad attack < dysentery, I wm irahstml by ;i local ■Iniiu t ii 1 1 y Chunberlsin'i Colic. and Diarrhoea Remedy. Jt Hilly took
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    • 812 3 NOTICES. A X JJiX^I JJXWQ^ CX KJKJ.) straits Settlement, Federated Malay States, Ac, •Da tt r Brand *"<*■** tfpottinaris Jif ffatural Cham P a ne THEQ UEEN TABLE WATERS. Cll/I h P 111I 11 two qualities C/ \Un. DRY SWEET. Guinness' Stout Largest Sale in the Straits Qaarfe Pints, JPinte.
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    • 252 3 I H. ABRAMS V)()e Morse Repository ORCHARD ROAD. :;(iii Bom Cobt .in i Pouiu \V s I'rvi just, Ib> rto'i n ihipoH n1 o' »cry bHndsomo J'olo fMlea, Lad sa Hacks, Harness, Cobj sad Oarriage pairs. AmoDgtt this (bijinent without i!oubt are some of the be-t elafSOfaaii al lan.'ed in
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  • 174 4 ■AffUß: On the 29tli Jan m 4. Kaigbton*, ('ninlierley, tlie Kk\ I! K. li,ii!l«— ale* won oi the lute \V. Wimei RaJba, BwiN :iml Mm. Kiill.-., of 7, ('arnpilen hill>{Mri|fii,lm Kson On the'.'.nli Jan., hi kiii^ilnwD .l.iu-i'. ne^r Dover, Lnwrcm-e Colvile, X.C (elde»t MT i Mag miii of
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  • 806 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 27th FEBRUARY Oir special (i^rman telegrams lay stress on the passing on the German eoinrmreial treaties in the Keichetau despite formidable oppositio-.i. 'I'nis renal', h pal to th-i skillul pilot* ing of Count von Kuelow, the Imperial Chancellor The Loadoa Tmm Berlin
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  • 21 4 >hare quotations, general uhippiiig vows, and passenger lists, besides shipping, and insurant ;tdverti«enienU will be found on page lij and 11.
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  • 13 4 Advertisementu ol Salei,, Wauted, To Let etc., will be found on Page 6.
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  • 11 4 Ihk withdrawal of quarantine restnctioaa htre againei Bangkok h:^ r.een gazettci
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  • 17 4 I lie Dutch sieamer M*dm*, trading DB! in Ibeaa parts has led, cold to Japanese for Sfi.ViM.u
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  • 14 4 A lir^e Frenca wutaiii tiirouKh the poti oa Baton noon from \\\st to East.
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  • 17 4 MaatM Huwakth Imsui bay« obtained liie contract ioi building a Itiincli tot tli.- K. M 0 Railway
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  • 20 4 HU M Baa H'/fitt Ilia arrived froiß ralobaa yaaterday. She was di-tuiiic.i there for eight days owiaa la b.iti weather
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  • 23 4 Ihk Couri i I Appeal (I oiel Jutio bu Lkh.lC x. Justices Law. rhoratoa ir.d Hyodman Jon< n imi I lings this Biori
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  • 22 4 Thi /'r,-:/, 1,.,,!--)-,- iayi tl. intended to appoial an additional r the K M. 9tati i, to be styled taicf .fu.iicirl CommiM
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  • 21 4 P4O mail iti amei ahMi left Colombo at B p. in. on Saturday >ir.d is expected tv arrira moon, :trd prox.
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  • 27 4 H'akkkn--. Circoa, from all accounts a vv t i) excellent ibow, opena to-night ;it the Baacfa B ad n i lamation. Poi partiealan i-tre advertiaamaat to day.
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  • 28 4 Thk P4O I aawaid laail Itit Hoagkoi at I p in vi "i if ia expected to arrive here at o i in on Tbtuadajr, :2nd prox.
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  • 31 4 kUawa. Boa* k Co, Ltd, Electrical Ensinetrs at IVn r< t lt contract to inai J in I light up Ku..l i Lumpur Town Ball with electric light and electric fans.
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  • 26 4 A Loanoa wire to tne Tim* <.i Ofio* dated 10th Pabmai Bubtor rwyara are effonsf ai Hd aad foi iii.. Oajrloo raober, but taar aoaa ii>iiil:il»le.
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  • 25 4 A row expurt at H ingkong, upon heiii^ iatarnawad on I shall ol the Pai/y iWM, aajratbat itiaeaeapat to racing stud there, than a. pore.
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  • 38 4 A Cbkbbt aaateh vaa patjrad mi tba .S. C .C. •■ml of of the Baplao Saturday aftarnoon iween tcaiiiH rtipraaantiikg Kt^lutid and the Rent. England baited Irataad knocked up 8« runs The Rest t-ored 180 for eight wickets.
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  • 31 4 Ihk Laa ;iii. iiu Uaaaral and Canicular Average" is Uie tide of a useiul little text book by Lawrence Duaai ii ...y of wliich ii forpobUahar, Rffiogham Wilaoa, 14 Thrtadneodlo h
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  • 34 4 Ir in raportad thai Haadow. the itroag man, will open liii exhibition in on thci'iiii u| iy 1,1 xi. briogia| bia own tent, tad, after ttaara, will prooat d to tha >tr ii'.-s Battlementa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 447 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ORANGES AND LEMONS AT THE THE AUSTRALIAN STORES 17 18 STAMFORD ROAD. Ill" I 0 O Artists and WllSOn Ot UO. Photographers. The only First-Class Studio in Singapore. Ihe Leading Howe; Dp-to-Date and Pnyca>iTp. in. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1,2, 3, 4, High Street. New Stock
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    • 535 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WARREN'S GRAND CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE Of Highl. Educated Wild Performing Animate. I^, BWMB Koad (opponite Harries Hniel). THE ONLY 810 SHOW In the Bait. TO-NIGHT Grand opening Night. Monday, 27tli February, at 9 pin II Huge I't-rfurhiiDK forest Bred Lions Timers, l.eo|.anl», Bears, Do^h, 30 Traineil Hones aai
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    • 587 4 LATEST ADVBRTISBMBNTS. WANTED. el; no pi: an assistant with a knowledge of English and German. Must have experience of .Store Business Apply, stating Nationality, Age, Profession, last (Salary etc. etc. and send copies <>f testemonial.* to A. R. T. Strtriti 7'imm. Feb. -i~. 4 3 AUCTION BALE OF HOUSKHOLD rUaUITURB,
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    • 54 4 G.R. Lambert Co. P.-OTOORAI'MbRS. Just Arrived LUMIERE'S DRY PL TES English and Continental sizes, AND EASTMAN'S FILMS. Feb 10 uo Wisk— llAKIiORl) i -Ul UmSOUi I hi., al >l Luke's ('lunch, l^aktajgl M>;i'l, W, \iln-.l John, necnnil koii of Willutm WiM, In Mal.rl Charlotte Hemietts, eldest (iuu^lil.'i ol Mr ami
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    • 30 4 STEARNS 1 WiNK stiiiiulau n app tite arid assists in the assiuiilatioii of other food. The beueficial effect is sten at once. Deprt-ssinn an<l aMajeai p» Bl i away r;i|)idly.
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  • Special German Service.
    • 47 5 trim, JMIi Ftl inerf t■ Kaieer'a imp to the MciitM i: i- wll ineftt'he King of Italy i S il'lkk as al i eany announced WhiV he will al«o meet the 'v 8p lin and Portal J l Vi§u and l. -i
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    • 26 5 DjuUrAtiuiid Irom n.l c ipitals state, that K.i-M.i hai taken no steps in n ird to brin^ii <j about a peaoa in I'.r East
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    • 26 5 ProftM i H.-:ipy <:inrl.Mii Uasti.ui, »Im> emiii. nt ,-i eci «H«i i-'i pwtlyfic, <•( il i tii arxi kindred ti\m Dt«, hM A\*& »< Trinidad.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 68 5 Alonj{ Entire Front. (on, :'>iii Hai raerw. i> ipi< :hei r v, .1 i' 8 Petarebnrg reo .rt tint thi J ip.i lese m ide ar Bill > i K ibrnwf SSrd rhe ai tj Ii >- r >ulee l, bot vas yeeterJay when lbs Itai«i»ne were forced
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    • 28 5 il H ikhan ff r<p Railway bridge io the rijinity of Haiofaeng his baeo •>) iwn up, iaterraptine the I i|> me* c iinn inioal i
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    • 28 5 i ii. Peti i-• i i reee ■■ates that the whole Kt.-t m Siheii.i an the Caucasus virtually cut off fa i R .-i<
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    • 15 5 lon.' Shi. Ji. the Chineee Thibetan Commicaioner, Liaa i'€en ipp Minivti
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    • 11 5 hJOi -7 i iih rhird B Iron <- tea i
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    • 40 5 l'lie whole "l the Caneaeoa is in a Ktittc ol d irehy. I peara to be :i Bjeneral strikt inovenifiii ol a Bemi-rev Motion irj ra -tt-i The movement ii din •.1 bj (i.ihih: i vi st. Petersburg.
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    • 20 5 For., ious i icial feu Ii are adding to the troubles, and am reenlting in horrible alrocitiea
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    • 99 5 Umdam, -t'.ih February] It is otlicia'iy ann-tar.ced that, the I'riiu-i .<i J Prin f W visit ludia in Novembei The workmen in tbe railway sh-. pa ai chit ii on the Siberian Railway line have struck w rk with i demand f r thp •topping ol be war. The
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  • 67 5 Koi LOWING i: fay t, r ifce ii Qilf Cid lnoiit! 1\ C. l. II M— M =7« >;. (J S, h !l -\\Z «79 i|.,n. K (J I'nniev MI-IO «H4 II M. Woolleonb* us- in Ih I- .R.i 100- U) -U0 Sir A K K.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 42 5 Disorder at Petersburg and Warsaw. London, &'tii ftenMßry. The strike has broken out afresh at tha iriit Putiloil works. II disorders prevail at St. Petersburg, whete tne troop* have been again called out. Ml.- ire parading th« Greets of Warsaw.
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    • 21 5 Thi officiate tnmitii nappjintedto re.vise the. jtoattao ufcii.-oi ship recomoiends the abolition of the presh cen>or?hip
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    • 14 5 Meanwhile wventren prominent litprary men were arreeted at Moscow at midnight.
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    • 17 5 I'll number of Russian piisoners iiikpn by J:ipnn during the war is 44,500
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    • 63 5 8 < far aa ti;-. la is concerned, (everything is at a aundetill) at Baku The rnMch mts and the people of the bettei il Meeing fioin the town, where the liots are characterised by atrocities. Men and wi men are being burnt there, ai.d the corpses
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    • 25 5 n.« demand* of the Mriken on the W tv. Vi<?iii--» Railway have been coi^eded l»y tiie Government, and Uaffic is btinn resumed.
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  • 283 5 Li/it, --i ■>' ■'<■' ,mk BaeMei t Oaceral, Mr. W. T Taylor, 0 MO, arrived in Raub on the lt>.h February, and, in accordance with thh already published, B Prat, and .-'(aipam or. two I llowiagdayt. On the 18th, Mr, di Wr iv, tho Resident, tßtertained a i
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  • 180 5 Mil 11 D Chopakd, whjsc death on Saturday inoriiire, at the nge of 72, wi- BOBOOBMd in a briil paragraph hi lilt'- day'u issue, was widely known in Singapore, na having been Chitt < ii-th in the Marine Dtpartment for many jears. Some seven
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  • 224 5 On Saturday nvning, I! ■tiles Hotel was a scene joviblity and good fellowship. The dinir.y room was specially bright and cheerful. The occasion was a complimentary iinrei r'»»B by tba member? of fh* Sii or» < If f'!iib to the ftcil Mm.J, M Allinson who is
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  • 28 5 This Hornißg, ln?p. Sullivan had i.ii.c cases of kits- 11/i'm oi. lit public loads belor^ Mr .--proule. Tne ueltndants, ten in Dual bt, woic radi fined a dollar
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  • 28 5 Yacor, a Mrv»ni in tl.c employ ot Mr. pprt-'iiiw m Baturoy cbarfd by Hergeai.l Mur«loeii bel».re Mr Nunn lor s-tealm^ ctMtl brlpUfUM to his mafcltr. Hoßota mek'a imprisonment.
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  • 36 5 Ab,'UT s uulouk lt-t night a sang ot eight Macao?, who dtclurtd they were ohintcngs. cntred a Ci.ineee shop in Bdlestier Ro.d ;.nd ransacked the place. They cleared out wit.i jewellery and elothiug valued at a
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  • 41 5 Mail advices trom .Saigon say that the French lnan-oi-nar Hiitly lemains hard and last on the rtck upon which she had struck otf the Tuijijuin coast. Arracgements lo tl jat htr < tl' have been made with a salvage company at Hongkong.
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  • 53 5 A planting cire-p' indent writes thu> to the Time* of Ceylon:-' -A protit of R19.000 off 23 acres ot 7 year old rubber is not bad. A hundred acres of it would pay the Governor's i alary It woiks out at R 820 an acre Tbe tstate is in the
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  • 41 5 The Australian Commonwealth Government has abandoned all hope for the present of securing a contractor to carry English maiis, and on the 3rd Feb. the arrangements made for carrying on the English mail ttrvice under the poundages) stem were made public.
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  • 104 5 An affray took place between a numbir ot Chinese boatmen on the Singapore river on Saturday morning. The swilt current caused two ivakowi to collide aud one was slightly damaged. Its crew abated the men no the other boat roundly, and on the abuse being returned, the parlies came to
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  • 143 5 «i A hoksk attached to a phaeton and driven by a Javanese syce took fright on Saturday morning near the Chinese l'rotectoraie cn>l bolted up Haveloek Road. The syce was thrown from off tne box and received several severe cuts and hmiies, anJ the runaway collided with several 'rikishas bb4
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  • 266 5 Saturday's Play. LADIES SINGLES. B. (LAS-. Mrs Brooke beat Vlisa Newton t--2, 60. Mrs. Scott Russell beat Miss Wiwhart 8 2, 1-6, 6-4. CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS. Mr-. Waddell and Mr. Wishers Iwat Mr- L. Carter and Mr. D Kerr, :> 6, 6-.">, 8 4. Miss Gunn and Mr. K.
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  • 142 5 A mestinu of the .Singapore Football League Management Committee was held in the Y.M.CA last week, and players C A and J Johnson were subj.ende'l for ore month from taking part in League foot hall, date to count from 1st Marek. Their oflence was signing on" lor both and II
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 As an ulciil I run Tonic STKAI{N> V7JNE ia toferatad with K rpa t latialae ■ion.
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    • 32 5 Iron l- .i food to Anaemic persona Bad in conjunction with Cod Liver Oil as found in Steam*' Wine, provides a most excellent Tonic. It improves the qua-| litv of the blood.
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    • 219 5 NOTICES. VICTOR SINGING MACHINES, reproducing the actual voice of famous singers, differ greatly from those giving mere phonographic imitations. We have just received a large consignment of fine records and machines embodying all the latest improvements. 'j hey may be heard at No. 38, Katties w quare. THE ROBINSON PIANO
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  • 427 6 The ClcTßyman h>. made .^ir stamforJ Famou.-. Bai i ..'\s ot the dntn I R. ]\\.,r< liard R.llles, wii > iii- .1 t Camberley on Jan 29i.U alter a long illncHs at the early age of 48. To the d» ceased clergyman, more than
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  • 205 6 It would tliat thi< attack uu Xiuthiatun m a Buterpieo A Russian stupidity and g< Mundoi iiig, write- th< wcli'.v.inj; eorVMMM dent of the XtiA China l)a< The Russian* had an omlwilllilll force, time in abundance, and e\erything in than favour: liiil they knew not til,
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  • 107 6 Tin- Rmbuui and other (oreiga mer ehaut steamers seized by tin J reports the Jujhui CkfnieU, (earl] this mouth) nuinlxT thirty tomt, ol which nine were raptured MM 1 1 1< Ikt ultimo. Of the total riiiml >■ steamers earned 0H|OM "i WYMi .mii other coal. Tho qmantity
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  • 72 6 VESSELS AT TA NJ ONG PA GAR. v I. rves at WMck Differ t Shipare BcrtricJ lo-<la\ MI W'iiakk- < trlyle. Ki Vi i r.RT QCATOM DOCK— Stcnoa No 1 LigktniBKi Helangoi -J It.irt-n.l :> OrW. 4 Bogor, Hydra il i,. ti Ajax I in Whai :k UUmroy, Hi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 404 6 NOTICES. THE Straits V)imes CAN BE OBTAINED AT THK FOLLOWING PLACES IN Singapore. MaMrs John Little Co., Ltd fc«ars. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd Raffle* Hotel. Raffles Tiffin Rooms Adeiphi Hotel. Sotei de la Paix. Howl de I' Europe. llote. Netherlands Tanjong Pagar. The Refreshment Buffet, Tank Road Railway Station. The
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    • 744 6 NOTICES. FOB SALS. A 2| H. P. Beeston Humber Motor Cycle and trailer in thoroughly good order. Price $860. CoBts7fii> Apply to H c/o Straits T*me*. feb 2 P 282 FOR SALE. A fine collection of Lantern Slides, including views of Singapore, Native Btates, Borneo, Java, etc.. by the beft
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    • 632 6 NOTICES. rBE LET, small first floor office* facing CaTenagh Bridge Koi.J and Flint Street. Apply to Guthrie 4 Co. Ltd., Agents. v.c. qX> BE LET— No. 17 Armenian Street 1 next to St. Andrew's House, lately in the occupation of Messrs. Tomlinson and Lermit. Suitable for a boarding house. Apply
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    • 832 6 NOTICES. Wj^^ Tanglin Sale of High Class Furniture. Saturday, 4th March, at 2 p. m. THE HONOURABLE J M. ALLINSON. Leaving for Europe) AT CLOVELLY. ORANGE GROVE ROAD. Teak Dining Room tornitare of the very best Myle and iiiuiiiiiii.aiire, including h liandaume teak telescopic dioing table, inaxsively built and of
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    • 529 6 ENGLISH -DUTCH-MALAY VOCABULARY. U*»-fdl to En^isi people travelling n Java Cumniled by J J- Keabler, Soe-a bava. can r<w l>-« obtained, price ,tf Kelly and WaMi •'ininipare FebJ^l IM HOTEL DES INDES No. 2 and 3 Stamford Road. The I'udersiKned having taken over tin management uf tbin well known hotel,
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    • 7 6 HEADACHE in li" quickly by ij. Genuine
      7 words

  • 970 7 It is announced in a London paper Chat the managing directorship of one of the leading insurance companies' there will shortly be vacant and no doubl judging by the uilariei that an paid to the beadi "i »me other rimUar i i panics, there are many people
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  • 351 7 The l'l' r ays the l'enanj; Chamber of r.iinmeiirce annual report, wai comploted in all reepecti during the year. It con wharf 800 feet long and 50 feel wide, with i viaduct 166 long ;;nd 50 ktt wide. The depth of water alongaide thonter face is aboat
    351 words
  • 294 7 The prhiloges of th<- F. M S Rail».iv> will panapa, th< Malay MmU ■•an, be r\tonded to the small but rising village of Thambun. a plaiv famous for ,in,> of the leading mines of Perak known M the Thainbun Mi no. A ntuni of carts that pass to
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  • 170 7 At Clm-iicliuaiig, iioar Lnichnigchuu. (China) Male time ago. oumrod a suicide I I MUWMiag AwMtoT, A man. who;* family had anM been well-to-do, went int.. ihe rton of liis adversary with I lio had bad a lawsuit and lost. ind demanded a lam sum of money. threatening to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 75 7 Bvan Community has been benefitted "V tin? introduction of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy into tliis couutry. There is scarcely a neighbourhood but that someone can be found whose life has been saved by its Me. It is the best known medicine for ill fora of stom;icli and !>owel
      75 words
    • 222 7 JSOTICEB &or Jiews of tfe Straits, Straits Times. IT HAS THE Largest Circulation—— OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FOR XVar Welegrams BEAD THE i i otraits Times. It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places:Mc.r. John Llttlt Co.. Lid. Tht Rtlreshncnt Bullet. Tank Sepo> Lines ft Kaaaponf
      222 words
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    • 225 7 J^ STANDARD pOLK V. OF £500 STG. I Payable at Age 55 or at DeatD. t pwtvMMH Omtu .it tka Rat* oi Per nii'uti i i'l 10 'I It BOfIMMMMI 11 1 1 if commenced at .V. £9 I In if commenced ti r'n, 1t,,!,* U>l i,11,,l Aftt, m SU
      225 words

  • 663 8 "HockLeonz" Tanjonjj Pajjar Tu K Collision. M \iti.NK Court of Enquiry was held at ihe Master Attendant's office thu to eii(|uire into the collision irbich occurred between the small Malay skipper, n-.i the tug Bon^wu at the Tanjong vliarf recently. Mr. E. C i, the Senior
    663 words
  • 28 8 Wi regret to hear of the death at of Mrs Hunter, the mother of Mr K. L Hunter, a well known local resident, tor whom much sympathy is
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  • 90 8 uts Settlements Fugitive Of), nders Order it is notified that it il (or :n>) Police Officer of th^- Stats of l'erak to execute, without .i;ent, within Province Wellesley or within the Territory of the Din lings the lawful warrant of auy Mdg^trate of the Slate of Perak for the apprehension
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  • 685 8 Half- yearly Meetinjf. THt stvrr.ty-ninth ordinary half\eirly meeting of shareholders of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was held at Hongkong on the 18th Flab Mr A J. Raymond (Chairman) presided. The Chairman, after reading the report said (Iciiilt men,— 1 think you will lock on
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  • 135 8 Loan Kncanaa has decided to tr> interesting experiment will) a view to encouraging and developing inut ketr> iv the Indian Army. It is to relieve certain regiments of the usual musketiy routine and leave tlieir Commanding Ollii e>> thaolaM froedOßl to !r:iin then. as they tliink
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  • 92 8 Last night about ten o'clock Mr. Macnaught, of Messrs. Fraser and Xeave's printing office, met with a serious accident at Zetland House, where he is boarding, lie was discoverod unconscious on the ground below his bedroom window, and it is presumed that he must havo accidentally overbalanced
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  • 73 8 It is reported in a private telegram that there has been a serious fire at Kudat, British North Borneo. Tlip Singapore friends of Di and Mrs (jiddy, and Mrs. and Miss Vincent, who are all at present in Kudat, will be pleased to hear that they have
    73 words
  • 93 8 liangoon, 9th Fel'ruary Up to this t veiling there have bepn nir.e reaths from p!aguo in Rangoon, ilit- total number of cbtes up to date being about twenty. It is now as clear as Mich matters can be that the outbreak was not indigenous, but came here
    93 words
  • 288 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. S7M Ftmwf, 1005 lo-'i.u's 4/ui bank rate i I To-daj's (b>T< quotation ihari(.ef- irt-: Buyer?— Sip i n> J.{, Hi wnih Brakinc* Sj->0, Ki!e> ElarsrtarM ty%) Sli; Sellers— R \a! .1 ore- *i, TronobsSlb Last Tl»— llui I Prfharg Corporations J-;J ,'tO, Kil ar gs 9(i ccnlf, Sipiaui
    288 words
  • 966 8 Arrivals since Noun of Saturday Hnv.-t,- 4,i7T t*M i:> ni. I F.l' Fiom Yokol a.ii.i. Via X!. lie :.i ,:.*h\'ld i'o. For (l.»uoi. i: H .liir.mte, Span bn tu Fe >. F:o!n Manila, t b U8 Hnd 70 <l p. ttarlnw AOn Ko: (Jo oinb'>, L' R"<.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 248 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. ilave juM noeiTed a large assortment of Japanese, GNUMM, an 1 Ind an tilks of all kinds and colcurß. Indian, Bad IVrsian tarpets of all sizes, rugs ami handsome ivuy |Beda Also many pretty articles of silver
      248 words
    • 109 8 WTITTEAWAY LAIDLAW CO. CASH DRAPERS fmmr x^'^^Lm Jt II stationary oiso -~^"Si:§ \^^^m P^'ce $2.90 each. pj ll »*!^B^Br 1 it* r^ajv*^-.^ vim 1/ ii: 11 f\\\ puc •.1 *^g^B^Br .'lll. ix I 1 I U 1 1.K3 PI" N KN V6S Prtc^ MOO T m*f Price 9S cents each
      109 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 280 8 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 27th February. High watar. 4 in n in. S.V.I. S.|Uhd Drill. 5-: i" S.V.A (,un Ml] 5.3". \V<irreu'> inn- <>|n-ri» I Tuesday, 38th February. Hikli Water. 4 J6 a 111. 6 I' 7 Tanjont! I'a^nr IJock Meetinj; Ut I nvei.inj; Tahiti at Mmint SepMa, S.V.I. Powpaßj
      280 words
    • 19 8 WtAlHbH TCLtQIU (A.. K. A. A C. i,i,,,,<-, L'r.TH K*. in QKO& i ilirOlBtlir Force of Win) MANILA <■ u
      19 words

  • 1710 9 A Uise. The notification isMwd Pwbw illi IV iiulia iul.lki manufacturer of another 10 jx-r cent riat m ■aehsßieal "chkls km iimhtiam enst si hmw.-Ic.iii,.-uitelligeaoc to thoM primarily ilsnluil by it V<t 111 m will U' lew, Emjmt,,. who will <(isj>ilt > 'At JMtifl cation in
    1,710 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 691 9 NOTICES. Charles Heidsieck's White S«al Champagne SOLR AOENTS Hehn, Meyer Co. T |fc Singapore am! DEPOTS *Ak^'3 Si iirtiipoii vBJLytQ fenn. Jthn Little i <•> Ui n»vsrs fillnl/'l Sc SrhllilMUrhiT. ffjtk G. Hoppen»ie <■ urn \iiro|i ct in. m.w I IHb IANJONd PAGAK DOCK COMPANY, LTD •bipkrigiits. Engineers, Ircn and
      691 words
    • 257 9 notices. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIIts PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Messrs. hiuipson Co., Coach Builders, .ftadra.%. To II I. N. king Edward VII Hit K\n li' ii. > Sir Jshi Anderson. k.C.1.6. Goteruor >.( the strait* Settlements. CaUlogtio and all iuformiit i-.n may be had ol our Ag It H.
      257 words
    • 460 9 NOTICES. Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd. ENGINEERS. SHIPBUILDERS, AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS SINGAPORE. AOENTS FOR: "-^y^j! BsßßaPßs^rijK^r L?w BHMetfsBSSBBBBBBI^S^H SBSMaiE^^^S^/^V^^a^^^B^BPpP^^^^ Some of the sizes rolled 8' x 8 9 x9i 1O xIO and up to 29.; Ml 2 At least twice the strength of any otlier rolled steel columns of eip.»i weight
      460 words

  • 190 10 LI ST OF PA SSENGERS. For Singapore !Vr 1' A O s s rtiM come tin? witb tb. siean f Mnllu at Colombo frrrn London Feb 8, duo SrJ Mirch-SutS-Sergt. A. A' derson Mrs. Andersrn, M< ssrs. C Emerson and P. L. Kn iht, Mr N. R Crum Bwir« Mis-cs
    190 words
    • 782 10 Under this heading the following abbrerU ton* areoned: «tr. (teamer; «h. ship; bq. larqne ach. schooner Yet. Yacht Cru. Cruiser; Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power Brit.— British U. S.— United States; Fch. French; Ger. German; Dot. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.v. deck pattenger; U.— Uncertain T. P.
      782 words
    • 497 10 S'ume, port, probable date of arrival, ■iitd name of agents. Steamers. Achilles, China, Api 2; Mansfield. Agamemnon, l.'pool, Mar 27 Mannfield. \lcinou«, Liverpool, Mar n Mansfleld. Aleeia China, Mar 6 liehn Meyer Ajax, China, Feb 2f> Mansfield. Andalusia Honpkonij, Feb 27 B. Meyer. Aparima, Newcastle, Feb Boistead. Bengal,
      497 words
    • 788 10 P. &O. Per Chutan sailing on 2nd March Mr. A. E. Mulholland, Mr. E. F. W. Cornell, Mr. W. A. Greig, Mr. and Mn. K. W. Braddell, Mr. and Mrs. Allinson, Major Cener il Sir A. Dorward, Mr. P. J. Bnrgens. Per tormosa aailins on Bth March
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    • 221 10 :r jtt Laisl Buj«r. B^l-r. Trans* GOLD. 13,500 10 17.60 Ber.awah G. M. Co.. Ltd ,SOO •luismied. 4.J00 10 10 (Deferred, 20,000 10 10 Kadana G. M. Co., Lid. 10,000 10 8 (Pref.) 8,-"J7 8 1 1 Kechau G. Fields, Ltil (f.p.) 10.60 Uk 1 19/- 'contrib.) M.7UO i'
      221 words
    • 133 10 HI.WW UOWUItd. 2,000 4,600 i i.OOO 12,000 3,400 8,000 2,760 :*5,000 600 2,000 5,000 7V6 miMned. 400,000 M.OUO uniwucd 37,000 1 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd. 11.<Wbob 100 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. $50 60 Franer Neavc, Ltd. $126 125 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 100 100 Howarth Erskine, Ltd.
      133 words
    • 47 10 Hjwarth Erskine, Ltd. 1% Kiley, H»rgre*TOß, Ltd. 6% linxaimro Municipal 8% 6% r*ti|(intr P»»ar !>oi>l V., LM. 6V t 260,000 ■-"26,000 400,000 1,878,000 666,500 '26ti,i«m I r,( M i SY prem. 2% prem bayen. 2% prem buyers. 1% prem buyers '2% ilia. num. 2% prem t)«jei»
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 496 10 BANKS INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION F'uoil Ageutifor the Vnittd Stalu of Amenta in China and the Philippine Itland. CipiUl .Md *3,»47,2*.#» %mjm .•mmtamm UFAD OFFICE I, Wall Street, New York LONDOS OFFICE ihreadneeHle House, Bishopsgate Street Within, London, E C LOM)O\ HAKEEMS. Natlooal I'roM.Hlal Hunk of Englaud, Ltd. QENMtM, PQUKWN PI?SIXESB
      496 words
    • 522 10 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Bantling Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10 000,000 RESERVE FUND:— s*terlin<? Reserve 110,000,000 i-»n r v>«nn Silver Reserve 7,000,000/ 1 > UW WW Reserve Liability of Proprietors 10,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. J. Raymond, Hnq., Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. B. Goeti, Ksq. Hon. R. Shewan. Hon.
      522 words
    • 152 10 THE EAST ASIATIC CO., I.TD FOR COPEN'HACKN AND BALTIC PORTS. Ihe British g. s RUGBY, U exp.-tted to arrive from Bangkok at the lemoning of March, and will leceive n piompl deapatch for the above ports For freight and passage Apply to THK EAST ASIATIC CO LTD Agents. feb 2
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 732 11 At the price you pay for your STEMQAH. you are entitled to the very best. See that you get Buchanan's "Black and White." You can have it for the asking. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penanr, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Efypt, Mediterranean PrrU, Plymouth and
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    • 722 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. UDder contract with tbe Netherlands Iftttla Government. AgenU ai Singapore Ship Ao»»rY, l*t» J Djkhdxls A Co. 3-3 Coi nria Quit. 'Ihe undermentioned dates are coll approxiniate. j -I Sfnmer Prom Sxp'ted.J Will be Doaratcbud lo> M'rkut Sambas Feb Jf. Sambas, Pemangkat, Biotkawang, Hempaw.i, rind
      722 words
    • 461 11 HAHBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURG The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tho Strait*, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penan? and Colombo Tbe arrivals of tbe next
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    • 646 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oerman Mall Una. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Ham ourg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
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    • 621 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES JCEAN STEAM SHIP Co,, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers &r* despatched Tom Liverpool ont wards for the Straits, China md Japan every week, aad front Japan home »ard» for London every fortnight and In Liverpool monthly. One outward steamci jaeh month extends
      621 words
    • 525 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFI2. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEEfi £12,000,000. THE LARGEST FIRE OFNCI IN THI WOBL* BOUSTEAD 6i Co., Agents THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,601 Paid up Capital. 212,750 Reserve Fund. .£1,073,550 The undersigned, AgenU for the Cou panj, are prepared to accept
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  • 231 12 Tin JfaaVvu Mail learns that the gru;it sunapot now visible ap|icared ninute dot on the suns disc. Some distance from the Kast limb, on tlie-'th ultimo As the sun's, rotation Smrriad it towards the West limb it d slowly iv s»iz<- and forme<l I fair but not
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  • 189 12 It i> not at all unlikely, siiys Vom- nnil Intelligruif, that the Crown Agents question will be reopontd in the present sesaioa "t Pariiameat, t"t there are several DSembers who dislike the idea of mil lions of public money lieing spent oa other than <>|«n lea der"
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  • 161 12 Shingles of Portland Cement. A company has recently been formed it Michigan, for the constract&ot^a^aaiaaaal Portland oeraent The sjetaod as manufacture is Jesaiibed as (oUowi I'lu shinglei arc made of Portland cement over a metal vertebra or reinfori> m-ctit thai terminates in loops M either -i<l<- for
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  • 143 12 PENA NG HAR BOUR SUR VEY. The iiirvey fox tlu propoaed harbooi ■•in-, -.iv- the lecttitlv piib'enang Chamber of bommeree niiuial report, w;i> commeaeed iv June last and will be completed with Irv plans, 'sections, and date in February i Tin- survej n Port Cornwallis t" Southern harbour limit and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 126 12 The merit of n meJicine. Don it i-urc P What Rheumatics say N ti;illo\\;iy. Saou Mill. LoOdOD, Wrilet: 1 invf been gnal rofcrer from Klieu1 nj jretn. Dnrins ilii~ Tims, I have tried rarioai advertiMa rheumatic 1 in olla, ointments, .'mil embroca- leg* pained ma aothat they v "iilil wake
      126 words
    • 328 12 NOTICES. "MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with too taitUr of it." Ik^V I■ A2V£l RU j>D"l Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES "sIIeS^ Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, .ad -WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMAN BLOOD. Fortify the System against
      328 words
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