The Straits Times, 23 February 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 THE Straits Times. SO 31,669 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2* 1905. PRICE 15 Oil? I
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  • 479 1 BT Lt.-Coi.. TBK llnN'r.i.i A. MUBBAT, D., ConunuiT, s.v.c. SiiK/n/'Orc, :l't f'el/ritiii'i. s 11. K. (fat Qumnai hrn ham paMaad to accept thf reaignation of Uent. Col. Hon. A. Murray. V I' Commaadaal Hnaapan Volaaleaf Corp* «ith affael from the l-t March. tfjH. B. K. lha Gavamot baa
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  • 68 1 Wharves at Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. Kast Wmakt— Nil. Viat >i:i.\ (iuvvpNu Dook— Baieadine Onia AI.Hr.KT (JKAVINO !>>CK Kimlhli. Bkonoa Ni>. 1 Capri. 1 Tliriil>:,, liv-U S Inimrn Nil. „5i baron, ttongkok 6 QIWMMi <'ulyp»i> H >i 7 Dagmai Climii 9 Airlic .1 UIDIHK'a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 350 1 NOTICES. De Dion Bouton Motor Trucks. As used at present in Singapore by Messrs. FRASER NEAVE, Limited. ECONOMY, STRENGTH, RELIABILITY. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO C. Dupire Co., AGENTS. Grand Cinematographic Exhibition. or thk Russo* Japanese War, licensed by the Army and Navy of Japan, WILL TAKE IM.A< I TO-NIGHT and
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    • 378 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. 5 Strong Points PERFECT V 3; ALIGNMENT! VISIBLE WRITING! Q c COMPACTNESS! EASY RUNNING! llfli^P(^ll BALLBEARING! THE ROYAL BAR-LOCK TYPEWRITER ll. e Bar-Lpck it the only Typewriter J{S>zgA' Hi TK D I 1 the writing of which is in eipht from Bp 1 116 odf-LOCR V'Y jkJL^^r
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 187 1 DAY BY DAY. Thursday. 23rd February. Hiffh Water. 0-4S p.m. Kinta Race*. Seoond Dajr Dalla- Co'k Concert, 'low 11 Hall a Bishop Old ham* Keception. 5 1.1 FhilharmonU' Orche»tra. 4.4'> Friday, 24th February. High Water. Ii: a.m 1-33. pin Herman outward mail due. 2. Municipal Con.miMiion. 2 3". TanrHn Clul>.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 186 2 Said to be Practically Decided. •Indemnity the only Obstacle. l.'fiilun, •J'Jtui Felirunry The -St. I'etcisburg oorrespondont of Router's Agency telegraphs Despite denials and according? to information from a source enjoying high patronage, the question of the con ditions mi which the Hussian Govern ment would be prepared
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  • 536 2 A Straits Cricketer joins issuer in a Home Dispute. The Suggested Sixth Ttxt Match, which has tx'en enliveuing the press a» home, has elicited a sarcastic letter winch appears over the initials of "R. C. 11. iv the Call Mult Gazette. This ha* agniu elicited an t'liduneiueut
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 359 2 I "TIMES" Mining Candles ffiurn 463 Minutes! They keep hard and hum brilliantly in the hottest underground working. Price is slightly more than for the best Ordinary Mining (Bandies but the Saving works out 1 at 8 p^r cent after reckoning their Extra Cost! IMPORTERS: BORNEO Co., Ltd. T;. KVEHY
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    • 702 2 NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. jM Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY U is pleasing example of the de- H Bm He a tely flavored mature spirit nn DT *WtM IjP so grateful to the palate of the IUK 1 connoisseur. Its absolute Mj^^^ purity places it in the first line MaXSHaV aWVjfl H
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    • 40 2 I'iik (jlhkat Sluksh vl Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlm ii tin- I rvatiiH-iit of bowel oowplaintl BM made it standard user the gwaUl i the ci\ ilizi d world. K >.v all Dealers. THE DISPENSARY. General Agcnt> 2&VS
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  • 343 3 I'orl D ck*on, 21^ February Therk wpre numerous reports of mng robbarlei i" kb« Berembaa dlatricl I hiaeM Not Complaii i qoarteti rict, and the 1 once MMSrabaeil) it tlio i >hb«M I irresi t daring a>;ng-robbene*onrecoaj was tl.e ono I J tne gai g •ho Maered
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  • 410 3 h i. ataaad by aha penoaa who aw tm ponaible fur >'» appaaraana oj the Lv I ujht that it is imokatoai, iuodorou*. Un •nlosive .."-I aooaoißkal. Tho afaafti „.r it (i.ulelius 4- Co.. Telegraph Btree« The Lux Light has been Luedin ra»ny pl»c*« '"> Singapore and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 1 'HANOI I ATED often l>rilif;> i>D diarrhoea. F< r tiii* raaaon laaay experienced traveller! carry ;i bottle "i Cl imbei lain i Colic Ckolan and Diarrhoea Remedy vita tham to ba 11 •.1 in 1111 11 eawrgenej TM I 1 ipa ration l> tmn for 1 Ii can not
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    • 1145 3 NOTICES. HERCyLES-^CEMENT N0v.,,, STIVEN CO.. 5i,,,,,,,,.,-. Singapore and Kranji Railway From ist November, 1904, and until further notu Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. oow». Kltr Tl nsu Urtomlt A H A.M. AM P.M. P.M. P.M rM PM AM. PM PM SINGAPORE ■< 8.38 7.42 10.00 12..' iS 2.(4
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    • 222 3 IRIGAUD'S Hananga OP JAPi.I TOILET WATER Rigaod's Kacingt W« Ur his the sweet perfume of the Kanangi Flower of cooling action on the skin, tnd is must refreshing »lRIGAUD C° PERFUMMS 8, rue TlTlena*. 8 •t tatitaueaal BATAM BRICK WORKS Broku Mi iiai..-; I'KV \N(7 »nd H 'NOJ Assorted Brick-Suppliers
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  • 461 4 Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY. 23RD FEBRUARY. Std.xk w;tlk as not I BtiSM limkc, nor iron bars a cage. At the BMM tune there an comparatively lew assail so gifted in affability of Riiiueiameut that they prefer the comparatively cirnuiiscribed joys of an English penal lust it ut ion
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  • 387 4 BlMtroai i* generally speaking too uiiima«:in>rive to conceive and propaga'e lunders," but it seems to hay« been taking a model from Shanghai o! late in that respect The result we regret to say, is often more dioMtr lit to the newspapers tbaa to any individuals because a properly il ;t
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  • 481 4 Many will have noticed the remarkable brightness of '.he evening star during the pist few weeks, and it U worthy of note that in less tbau a month hence, on March 21st, that quee n of all the pknets.Venus, will beat her brightest for a cycle of nine years, and
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  • 220 4 The political methods of the late M. |Syvtton appear to have been as questionable as his domestic relations, and they reflect with disquieting simplicity on the rank corruption which now seems to permeate the entire body politic of the Fair Republic. Judging troin a Brussels despatch to the Matin, describing
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  • 21 4 Share quotations, general shipping news, and passenger lists, besides shipping, and insurance adveri'sementg will be found on page 10 and 11.
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  • 13 4 rrti-sementa of Sales, Wanted, To Let etc., will be found on Page 6.
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  • 7 4 The Straits Budget waa published this morning.
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  • 9 4 The British transport Olive is due from Hongkong shortly.
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  • 15 4 The Laisang is due from Hongkong on the 26tb Feb. on her way to Calcutta.
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  • 18 4 The Lightning, is on her way from Hongkong to Calcutta, and is due here on the 27th instant
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  • 15 4 Mh. H. Conway Belfiei.u has again taken up his permanent appointment as British Resident, Selangor.
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  • 18 4 The F M. S Automobile Club proposes to hold a Motor Gymkhana at Kuala Lumpur in April next.
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  • 23 4 Two hundred and three deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the lsth instant. The ratio per thousand was 41 »>■'(
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  • 27 4 A kikisha man at Hongkong has been sentenced to six months' hard labour for blinding his fare (an American) a itli pepper with intent to rob him.
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  • 28 4 The (Jerm in mail steamer I'rinz Regent Luitpold having left Penang on the 23rd instant at 9 a. in may be expected here to-morrow at about 2 p.m.
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  • 31 4 The Malay Mail notes a rumour that Mr. E. L. ttrockman, of the Colonial Secretariat, Singapore, will succeed Mr. A R. Yenning as Federal Secretary of i tie I*. M. States.
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  • 29 4 The Paknam Riilway Company,. Bangkok venture, made a profit of over 37,000 ticals during the second half of 19U4 A seven per cent, dividend for tnat term was declared.
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  • 31 4 Mh BrcKLE, the Editor i>t :ii>' bat just been married and everyone •«eiin to have missed the opportunity of saying something about the connw tion between Buckles and uafaooi doubleharnees— Asian.
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  • 35 4 This yeir'a Spring Rice meeting in Singapore is fixed for 80th May, Ist and 3rd June. The racecourse will bo opened tor training on IBlh March. Entries close at noon on Saturday, I'Oth M if.
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  • 44 4 As it is only in the Bangkok appeil c.ises that it is necessary tor the tour Judges lo sit, and the last one is being taken to-day, Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton will be able to preside as ii'ual in the Small Causes Court to-morrow.
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  • 35 4 Messrs Wilson Co have taken some charming studies of Miss Violet Framptou and Miss Queene Suachan, the popular beauties of the Dallas Co. Copies may be obtained at their establishment*, Battery Road and Orchard Road.
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  • 47 4 Hkkk Fkieuknthai., the well-known pianist, writes from Manila that he hopes to reach Singapore early in March, and he intends if possible to give a pianoforte recital. The recital may be given in the Teutonia Club, out deflate and further particulars will he made known later on.
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  • 43 4 A MtTHoDIST Church Conference closed its bittings at Kuala Lumpur on Monday last. Among the matters decided upon was the raising of a fund to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Methodist Mission in Southern Asia, to amount to $400,000.
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  • 57 4 fhk Straits Echo of the 20th instant mentions news having been just received by one of the leading European linns ol Penan? through a wire rrom London stating that several cases of tine Para sheets have been sold at the record price of 6-i 41. jer pound. The rubber in
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  • 61 4 Thk many friends of Mr. \V P. Fisher will grea'ly regret to hear that a cablegram was reeeivtd here to-day announcing the death of Mrs Kisher at Kilinburgh yesterday. Mr Fisher who iias been at home attending his invalided wife fir over a year, will have the sincere-it sympathies of
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  • 59 4 Thk Chinese Community at Kuala I. 'iin| ur kept it upon the, 18th inittai.t. The occasion being the celebration dl the first annivers»rv "1 the inauguration uf thu Selaneor Chinate (..'ham her i Commnrce. The celebiation w-i< hell on a grand ccale, \\it i proftm decorations of buinlinu'^ n<l i-vtrpreenc,
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  • Special (Berman Service.
    • 104 4 Ordered from American Builders. Herlin, 22ml Felnmnry. A Cairo despatch to the Frankfurter //exiting states that the American shipbuilding firm of Lewis Nixon and Co. (otherwise the Crescent Shipyard Co which was fjrmerly the United States shipbuilding Co., of Elizabeth, New Jersey) communicates that it has
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    • 27 4 Nothing is known in Berlin concerning the peace treaties referred to in Reuter's reports. The war spirit is abating among the highest Russian military authorities.
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    • 33 4 The Thirc' Baltic Squadron, consisting of two battleships, three armoured criusers and five other ships, has made the passage of the Kattegat unhindered, taking in coals and provisions near Skagen
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    • 29 4 The subject of the war, or of peace, was not touched 'ipon by the Czar in the course of his convers itiin- wrh Prince Leopold.
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    • 18 4 Admiral Bienaiim-, in tiie Kiencli Chamber, referred to the (.erman navy as a model one.
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    • 19 4 The railway strike v Russia. The school -aiikes are jlho ii ing in the country districts.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams .
    • 15 4 L>rd lJailley dtuies that as i ing the Vioaroyatt* oi lrel<»iiii
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    • 45 4 Premiers Appeal to Unioniste. Mr Baifoor, in I'ailiament, said it was evident Home Kule was still living, burning (I'lestioii and he appealed to Unoiiists to sink than diflsrODOSS and not to lot ■'in ill r o tiitroversies imperil the Unionist caut>e
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 49 4 Liberal Leader's Attitude. Londiin. 93rd b Mi. Redmond's aßSondav i rejected by 2»rt to KM v. >■ In the course ol tin H. Campbell I!. inii'iin.iii i lie still continued to BOppOft v policy of thorough fnnisiannt J alteration of the whole nrstwa Irish of gnvernaMat.
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    • 27 4 A Hill has been introduced in the House of Lords authorising the enlistment of Militia for service al roa 1 when emhodir I
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    • 34 4 Lord Docoughmoro, Under -v i, v, fjr War, inaounood thai rccroiUog under the new oiao ye:ir.^' iy»U most satisfactory. The Booabw enlisted between 87th Oot. and llili February tM 8 Il'7
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 450 4 LATEST ApVERTISEfVIENTS J Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST OUST APPLICATION. Api 16 81 -a WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. New Stock of Silk Curios and Silver and Gold Jewellery. TtUphone No. H6.
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    • 351 4 TOWN HALL. THK Dallas- Bandmann Opera Co. LAST NIGHT, LAST NIGHT, LAST NIGHT. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Thursday, 23rd February, A Grand Miscellaneous Concert WILLBK (IIVEN BY THK ENTIRK 3TBBXGTH OF THE COMPANY. Last Night. Fred. C. GORTON, li'ifxitfits Manager. i-vi, n *i-2 WARREN'S GRAND AMERICAN HIPPODROME AM) ZOOLOGICAL CIRCUS OF WILD
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    • 58 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Drs. Kew Bros, and Hahn, DENTAL SURGEONS, No. 2 BATTERY ROAD, liartered Hank Buildings. Ooiisuliinx Hours h. in tn I|> in and 2 p in. to .">|>.ix>. Telephone No 2 1 6. Feb II v.c G.R. Lambert Co. P OTOORAPHERS. Just Arrived LUMILRES DRY PL TES t-'nglish and
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    • 64 4 NOTE On Page aof to-day issue will be found a number of Tcli-grams received prior to noon. H. M. S Thttit, wliu h •in Bond iv tad i* bow thars, Isavea th it iurt tor l\>r Hweitenbaa »n i 1 Hint (Saturday) bha si Port Kirn 'ill jili M irch,
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  • 109 5 LATEST. Reuter's Telegrams. Ill,' North Bw Inquiry Commission kim <|.l« i«<1 it! r«|...rt, which will prol.ahly pttbtiabed <M Saturday. A laconic lelegiaill from Baku atjl that ail the <.Hi<i- tli. ic an doaad ami the rtiweti Wad with oacym A Fnih h ibilM lias land.'d ln tlty <>! Itow ami
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 157 5 <, who wa- w by the Municipality ol Theodoaia, •'<! dressing a large crowd, justified his sur Mdsr and was indiguawt miarepra ■entations that had been published The throng included many relatives those killed at Port Arthur General Stoesael himself consoled the widows and orphans The
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  • 162 5 V«*tcr4ay'a Play. »ii\vi' iK.riu.i-. 'i. a--. Mi- .1 Uana aa4 Mi CrUwtok •••■ii Mm NichuUor .i.- 1 Mr Haaba y<i I. •> Mi WiUonand Mi. t. BaUwaaa bwl Hr» ■nd Mi leav« <•<>. >. and 1- an.! Mi Helbsrl leal Mr-. Wa.1.1.H mi.i Mi Penaaj < B.
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  • 226 5 Outrageous lieachcombcTs. An affair of a most unusual char.. ter «as reported to the Uonghong ii the I 1 1 Ii m-t in conn, etion with which two arrests have l*en made Four Europeans went to a Chinese gambling hOUSe in -lei try then luck, and after playing
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  • 80 5 Con-iirnmciit lor India. i Mrge con ignm nts of the i > ice nfli d snatched t i [ndis .in,! t i- hoped that s sufficient supply will have bom •n! OUt by thl end oJ ihe irooping season to enable the local authorities to place
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  • 1177 5 CONVKTBD MAN LIBERATED ON A POINT OF LAW. Judges Di-jiurn Tlu- Appeal Court yesterday afterii..mi judgment in the Bangkok >;i-4-. K«'X. v. HOME P;ilin. ;i murder c-as<-. 1 1. hi \V. H CofljWT, tin Att<niKv («iici;il. j|)|K-;uing for the Crown: Mr \.iii ham for the other ssis.
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  • 179 5 AsBUUg the recent arrivals at Kaffles Hotel is Mr W Kmeiy Stark. F I! V. S an einineiit Knglish eccle-iastical lawyer, who is more gem rally known abroad a- I uliicjuitous and !,-ervaut traveller Mr >tark's tsuvesi have not yet DSVUnei Malaya, and he dees net exited to
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  • 170 5 At Houchoug, a bw days ago. Johu Hoodie, master of the British collier F.ijn mi, a' i, i'il'. BVBSS*UUad fourteen of hi- crew [or FefUSUg t" continue the ad tbershy hujpendtug the pro I the vesM 1 0U her way' to japan for which they had signed
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  • 110 5 it 1- a-serted that one third of the world's supply Of ruhher is obtained from l'ara fames, and .11 the Malay Peninsula the cultivated trees are mainly of this kind. The annual consumption of rubber throughout the world comes t.. 80,000 tons, but the demand js far beyond
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  • 110 5 The Kilench railway from T uquin, which is to open out Western China. has been in BOUtM of construction for several years and good pro<.'i: lx>en made but the work is now proceeding slowly as the hill country has been entered and the difficulties to lie overcoats arc
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  • 71 5 Thb following cards r^'urnad for thn K binary Medal I, !ut riturne.i no eardi M -1- Ilk hit, Darby, Martin, Ww ll[)nnn Welsh ami A <i. It. 11. W«bb l>. Biranoada 11. It. Salmon. l i II Wright I. BnkiM R, ii i:iii« K II Dark.-
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  • 192 5 Ah iti midnight on the 21st inst Inspector Dunne entered an old unoc oupisd house iv Hill Street and found two Europeans and three Chinese sleeping there. He took them to the station. Yesterday, they were brouitht before Mr. Sproule and charged with vagrancy. One of tbe Europeans siid
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  • 177 5 Yrstirday, Inspector Kirke prosecuted one Ismail for ciiminal breach of trust in respect of three turns of $24 65, $15 20 and S5 respectively, such sum? having been paid to him on behalf of Dr. Von Wedel. Samy, a bill collector of Dr. Von Wedel, said that
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  • 83 5 Yesterday afternoon, the case of J. Goodenough vs. A. F. Mitchell for tn '.icing away a married woman was on tbe file of tbe Bench Court. Tbe case had been sent back from tbe Court of Appeal in order that further evidence might be taken in the
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  • 77 5 Thk Annual Exhibition of the .Singapore Art Club, will be held at Government House by kind permission of H. E. tbe Governor, on loth March, at 4 45 p in Members cf the Club who intend exhibiting are requested to s -nd in their work, not later
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  • 63 5 In the Appeal Court this morning the healing was continued in m the matter of the estate of F. J. Robertson, bankrupt, and in the matter of an application by the Official Receiver versus W. A Tilleke of Bangkok. Hon. W. J. Napier appeared on tbe side
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  • 45 5 An vices from Paris have it that the Siamese Government seeks to establish uniformity in extra-territorial jurisdiction. It is negotiating with several Powers— ltaly and Germany, for instance to enter into arrangements as to consular tribunals like those already enforced by Great Britain and France.
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  • 59 5 Os the 17th instant a gang of Chinese attacked three gharries near Menglembu in Pprak. Two gharries escaped, but the third was held up. The occupants were an old Chinese lddy and her grandson, and they were'robbed of about 200 dollars. The grandson grappled with the robbers but was overpowered
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  • 58 5 Bangkok has a Debating Society (Mr. C. Xajlcr, president) whic'.i is in such it nad way from lack of public interest that the <jue6tion of dssdution w-s brought up at its annual MSMral meeting on the 15th instant. But the idea of holding more meetings •ii.d lowering subscription rates found
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  • 147 5 A laruk snake of the boa species ».«> killed yesterday morning in a swamp near Kirn Seng Bridge by kg me Chinese. aoottaa employed at a boat-building yard on the upper reaches of the river. The reptile was discovered nslefp by one of the men who at once dcspatclWd it
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  • 133 5 The l'ahang Corporatiou are finding a difficulty in the collection of Isutpeesl The Malay Mail hears that they have to go 'miles' for it. At Suugei Lembing the miners are down NO feet below level. Pollock's mine is to have a new start shortly, we hear.
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  • 91 5 AB is Haul. The s/ //7 s ays. that aU the 10th instant Inspector Conlan sssda S large seizure of forged (lowi nineiii notes at Hukit Mertajam It appear- that ill' Inspector dash rd into an attap hut and i'nni...lialelv scooped in' a gang of counterfeiters, who were
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  • 93 5 A raw nigh's ago burglars atti apt) tcioreak into the residence of Mr H. L Coghlan in Grange Road. Mr Coßhldii heard a noise and m getting up apparently disturbed tliß burglars. Mr. Coghlan's fyce and another native saw three Chinamen running away As Grange Ruad is s'.roigly
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  • 22 5 Arrived 33rd February. I'er Mulnrea.— From Port Swettciilmm Uinhop and Mn Oktham, Mr ■asuma Mi Nicliul-.Mi, an<l Mr». Fryer.
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  • 44 5 m Society in Naples is greatly interested iv a separation that has just been decreed between Prince Linguaglossa and his wife, a daughter of Signor Crispi. The newspapers on many occasions have spoken of the occasions have spoken of the eccentricities of the princess
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  • 67 5 It is reported from London that the working-men's representatives at St Petersburg, who were recently revived iv audience by the Czar, were selected by the employers the working-men eon •equesrtly insist that they were not fairly represented and in the hope of being allowed to present a petition to the
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  • 66 5 Yksterday afternoon a horse drawing an empty victoria was tefn daehing along River Vullry Iloid at a great pace with the pyco running behind it. Apparently the animal was stopped before miy damage was done, as no report of injury has been matio to the police. One 'rtkifclm «•:>« u;>-
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  • 464 5 I'c.kiug 111 tlie heyday ot the I<«.| not the city of a golden dream that Miik den is today t.i the adveatuitir wi knows his world and can play 11. Stories that aeUM down the coast from I lie Northern town tell ol fortui,. md lost on the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 24 5 The warning symptoms ef consumption should be heeded without delay. Commence with moderate doses of Strum*' Wim and consult the fumilv physician at once.
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    • 160 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I I I i RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER ON Saturday, 25th hebruary, 1905 Band in attendance j AFTER LHWfIB j 1 I SKATING VICTOR SINGING MACHINES, reproducing the actual voice of famous singers, differ greatly from* those giving mere phonographic imitations. \\V have just received a large consignment
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  • 520 6 Th. .^pfain .1 t lart.'.- vaaatl, HWrtly •xpacMd at Hongkomj from Shanghai. has eajUM hi- agent- that M .11 arrival at llongl taMb owehari tl t his I' M I' th «,.u!il iforoe »<nW pra Int charging of erewa, l>> captains of .sailing lups and n.iMi|. and the
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  • 207 6 Pr ode* 11... m-v,.|i hat I hiltppuw Ejttraditioa Hill The new •■ml- the c.\lr; l diti,.n lawi ol tli. I'.utod SUtes to the Philippine [alanda rwo rtc-t caw HTTwd to call at 1 l 1 ■l'"ii>a.-v ■litmn.v 1).., land iras mad,- by the n >-rn,nent of Britisk
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  • 142 6 Important Application in Supreme Court PenaiiKIn the Saproaw Covt, 1\ Thmndar laat, v application m to tha lion A F. O Law. I'm Al.ii. j C. iukliii. barriafe r, t.. HOCtM thf si\ mimtli. notioe an .1 banruter eaa pnetiaa in this (■•l..a y aad .-tdiiiit kin
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 642 6 NOTICES. SITUATION WANTED. Experienced English governess desires an engagement. Thoroughly understands tbe teaching and management of children. Excellent references and testimonials. Disengaged middle of April. "Governess" i/o Messrs. Pttcairn, Syme A Co., Bamarang, Java. tn. th. s. WANTED. Employment by a European as clerk or in any other capacity. Apply
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    • 613 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. A large and airy office at Nos. Sand 4 Malacca Street, from ISth March, 1906. Apply to CAMPBELL 4 Co. Feb 28 7-a TO BE LET. A large compound hou*-. "Clovelly No. 1-r Orange Grove Koad with tennis court. Entry from 10th March, 1906. Apply s.t
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    • 630 6 NOTJCES. rBE LET, small first floor offices facing Cavenagh Bridge Road and Flint Street. Apply to Gutbrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. v.c. rBE LET— No. 17 Armenian Street next to St. Andrew's House, lately in the occupation of Messrs. Tomlineon and Lermit. Suitable for a boarding house. Apply to WILBONA-CO.
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    • 597 6 BANKS. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000 000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve 110,000,0001 rnnnftni Silver Reserve 7,<>00,000 f II W,WO Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 court oF"dFrectors. A. J. Raymond, Eaq., Chairman. U. E. Tomkins, Esq., Depaty Chairman. K. GoeU, Esq. Hon. K. Shewan. Hon. W. J. Gresson
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    • 655 6 BANKS INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. fiical Agents for the Ur'ttd Statct cf Amcrir i I China and th* Philippine Itiand Capital .Mi 53,547,2M.0<Birmin Mi |3,!M7,2W. HEAD OFFICE 1, Wall Street, New York. LONDON OFFICE. lti readneedle House, Bishopggate Street Within, London, E.C. LONDON BANKERS. National Provincial Bank of England, Lt«l. GENERAL
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  • 209 7 Singular Case ConcerniriK sea- Damaged Coffee. A oaac of considerable interest to -ill pei N coffoo planting, was reveeJad ia bfao 9oa»hwarfc Police Court on Jan. 21th ult when an adjourned application for an order to destroy 80 ton* of ooffea bscrie* cams before Mr,
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  • 191 7 The Silk rhma l)mlu StWi MJI Our «treeta have been full of Russian n. v uamhatant* from Por. Arthui- during the liolulay>. and as these visitors ii. lik«-lv to be «"i'n us for another ten day* at least, we are glad to be able to beat testimony to
    191 words
  • 125 7 Paul Doumcr is Ureatlv Feared. Paul Doußar, tha new President ut ih. Chamlier of l'< J.uties. H I .>..|imig personality in Praaeh polkaa He was Financt Minister in the Bourgeoii Cabinet, and for sin years General xA Indo-China. M Duaaiat is forty seven year- ..Id. and siaee
    125 words
  • 226 7 For Singapore Per 1' s s. ffawila from London lan. l'l duo Mtfa Feb— Mr. F. I B<?nton, Mr J W Wilson, Lieut. Ifurd. R.v. C. Y. \\h:itl.'V it I1I 1 A s Una, conr.etting witb th t steamef Malta at Colombo from Lon i I.I) 3.
    226 words
  • 107 7 During the examination held at Os ford l'\ groups ■>" college* for awarding acbolai hips, no fewer than four (;lastudents. n,.w attending the Latin and Greek ekuaai at the University, H.d open scholarship* .>i exhibition at different collagw. Mr Albert 1. li Brayne has bet n elected to an exhibition
    107 words
  • 378 7 Comment in Europe. December baa seen ret another rapid i is. ,v the price or raw rubber, and the market is rising all along the line (says the. Omm in i Zeuutu/.) This is the mono remarkable, as it is usual for a full to occur towards
    378 words
  • 419 7 The Mexican Govern meiit has of late yoars ohown a disposition to encourage lun. M' immigration to the republic, making a concession, among other things to a Chinese steamship line to engage in tha trans|x>rtatiou of Mongolian labour<>r^ ke its western ports. Xow the Cliiii" M MlfciaNr,
    419 words
  • 90 7 The Turkish Ambassador in Vienna. Mahmond Xitlim Paah*, oraatad teaadal at a diplomatic dinner given by Count (iiiluolmwskv nil Jan 14th, by i-i -fn--i iilt to OaTar ln> arm tv Madam SarafnfT. wife of the Bulgarian diplomat ir agent, whom ha had baafl asked to lake IB to dinner .M.ilimoiid
    90 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 23 7 stkac.v- HEADACHE CUKE :.ui be obtained from all diapaaaatiai quickly liy p<^i). Qtvai itMtaai relief Avoid imitation* Keep the Geuuiot baad* i th
      23 words
    • 51 7 As Usually Treated a sprain will the injured person for three or (oar weeks, but if Chamberlain's Pain Balm is freely applied a complete cure may be effected in a very few days. Paul Balm also cures rheumatism, cuts, bruises and burns. For sale by all dealers. THE DISPENSARY. General
      51 words
    • 689 7 NOTICES. NOTICE. I tbe undersigned, TAN BENG CHBOW chief partner in tbe cbop "CHIN ANN" of 35 Phillip Street, and chop 'CHIN f-UAN"of Beach Sti-flat, hereby decla c that TAN KIE I'KOK ha* never been a partner in the above ehopa, Which *r« the sole property of mysalf and TA*
      689 words
    • 360 7 JNOTICES. A^ THE SWEDISH J||||, LUX LAMP. jgW BURNS KEROSINE OIL fV Gives a beautiful, intense and even light of 50 to 1,000 candle-power. LUX The Lux Light is in immense use tor Railway ►Stations, Estates, Hotels, Factories, Workshops, etc SMOKELESS INODOROUS INEXPLOSIVE F r Itt& P« tion "d t
      360 words

  • 22 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. Sard Mraar*, 1905 iy'a -t/m bank rate is 2/- 1 iftnian steamer lltlene hickmer* this morning from Batoum with ':»pan.
    22 words
  • 1151 8 losing prices for tin for aaea i oth. were as lollows: I'be Manny Journal thus reviews U*e fa the -aniL period Then a better market this week, witk position shown to force value* 1 The Straits have sold fair qaan t ad America hai bought on The
    1,151 words
  • 175 8 Mcacan. Lewis Peats latest report .lanuaiv. '_'7th 190"). Para The market has beta very firm siiior our laM and a rnillilllinhfcl businea bai been done at rather higher .11. In. lmi- Fine llaid at 3 for .i.iiiuaiv deliweiy, 5 '.i t.. S4 for Jauuary February and
    175 words
  • 872 8 The following is the General Product Letter kindly furnished to us by Messrs Jehu 1 1 addon A- Co., the well known Colonial Produce Merchants and Coir Jiission Agents of Salisbury Square, Lou ion, E.C., and carrying prices up to the iate of the departure of the
    872 words
  • 222 8 'lambier buyers f 875 do (Cube Xo. 1) unpicked i'> 25 Copra Bali 8 w do Pontiaoak f> --q I', Black buyers "26 oe .1. \«,5 S „37.50 >:it;.> Hour Sarawak 3 .>,, la Brunei No. 1 3'y-, Pearl Sago 4^ '..llec !<uli, 15^ basin 0400 r>ffw.PaleaibaMNW%ba«ia 28 00
    222 words
  • 526 8 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Borol*r, Brit. 9tr. 2619 tons. Opt l,<n, 28rd Feb. From London. 17th Jm. Go, and 1« dp. Faterson .Simons .<r Co For Honjkong, '4th— W. hatavier, Brit. str. l>lfi tons, rapt Mellor, 22nd FeL. From Palembaug ;O:h'Feb. G.c and I d.p. j>wee
    526 words
  • 134 8 from EUROPK-By the K. D I. l.uUpolii due on J4tti Kebrunrv. From China— By the M M I. s. s fobj nrsien due on 27th Fi'bru :< y. TIME TABUS OK M.HLS I'Ug L>UMngnp*re l)u« m London Arri*ed Inn Uth B. 1 Feb 6th Feb Ith Fan
    134 words
  • 74 8 '<» Per tieamtr To MORROW IWI Ilok- 7,7,,, S'hamA T. Anson Hiir i^,,,ui Am«y Puvthta i>. Time. 9ar. S p.fl: •1 p m. 3 p m I'enariK C i|cn( i A ,-r,,/,..,,, ran^jernn^- n I |'.m M4TUUUT. ■vimlakan via ports Krdui, f'.i'tonharn A IVn.-uiL- s iney via porti
    74 words
  • 171 8 v il- in.. 11 1.!. mndenl ol 111, following il, I, Ks l" )Slt the formal shutdown i1 inapecti 1 the 600 hi r e pow< 1 Westinghou ""i! in tli, Palace of Machin lIUI w ""I .1 perfornanei which baa had n<i tuirallel "i turbiae hiatory. The
    171 words
  • 179 8 British Dradgina Comnanv l t 1 1 I 1 workST. ;—iv i.mji .i,,-.!.,,. f the Krillll 7 n 2 i- twin '"'"I 1 1 f 850 .tons n,., ■'■■■<" 30 i, ebmfl 13 ft 8 i,,.. whiu sh<CM,, ,,,,,,1 of 8 J kn<)|> Thf i;>v,t<.st
    179 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 82 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have just received a large MJXirtiniini of .Japanese, QhsMM, an 1 Ituliaii tilks of all kinds and col urs. liMlnti. ud Peraiao carpets flf all swaa, run and baocboßM iv ry good*. Also many pretty articles of
      82 words
    • 59 8 WTTTTEAWAY LAIDLAW CO. CASH DRAPERS MILK OF FLOWERS Price $1.60 each. Pr k\ VI ROSKOrF WATCHES Price $4.00 each Pr cc 95 cent£ each .'SB ~S- *< 2f RftlTt V3i.a3S!bbH j arf i O L__ i, ii •j g^ AA- Sami a ffIBBB •> BEST RAZOR HONES Price 85 cents
      59 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 91 8 WEATHER REPORT. KauiaiM Kerbau Hospital, Waal ISO.: **.m. J|i it). '.»[> ni UesiaßK Bar .8)987 0.900X9801 Temp cl.O 770 77 6 Morning WB'lbTher 78.5 74 8 74 0 clea day DirofWiud ms. s». oalm ov'rcavt.rnin Max. Temp M> nt Mm 7.9 night cler.r. Mftx.inSun 149 6 Tt-rr. ra<l 70.0 Rviafall
      91 words

    • 931 9 Under thin heading the following abbrevta r,ion» are used «tr. steamer; «h. ship; bq. barqne »<■„ schooner; Yet. Yacht Cru. Crnuer; Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Hortepower Brit.— British t U. B.— United States; Fch. French; (ter. German; Out. Dntoh G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger; U.— Uncertain
      931 words
    • 528 9 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Btbamers. Achilles, China, Apl 2 Mansfield. Agamemnon, L'pool, Mar 27 Man-field. Alcinoua. Liverpool, Mar h Mansfield. Alesia. China, A. ir 6 Bebn Meyer Ajax, China, Feb 26 Mansfield. Andalusia, Hongkong, Feb 27 B. Meyer Apannia, Newcastle, Feb—; Bomtead.
      528 words
    • 250 9 P. O. I'er Chmmm sailing on 2nd March— Mr. A. K. Miilholland, Mr. E. F. W. Cornell, Mr. W. A. Greig, Mr. and Mm. K. \V. Braddcll, Mr. and Mrs. Allinson, Major (JenenJ Sir A. Dorward, Mr. P. .1. BurgexH. Per Formosa sailinar on Bth March— Mrs.
      250 words
    • 417 9 Per Saekten leavinj/ 6th M.-.r. h-Mr. .1. C. Vcigelpohl, Mr. and Mm. Lederer, Mr and Mm. A. Fre^e and child, Mr. I*. Horn, Mm. Hamilton Price, Mr*. Bowea, Mr. Carr, Mr. T. D. Canning, Key. Pundleider. and Mr. Lowenthal, Mr. and Mr*. Scbolz, Mr. Cornwell, Mr. and
      417 words
    • 27 9 IVr Uummmia, leaving 3Wli March—Mr .in.l Mr- Th. Sohst, Mrs. Murray RahSttSN ami daiii/liter, Manli'r I'arrol Mr-. Muckir. Mr. an.l Mi< 9 W. (ll.en.
      27 words
    • 73 9 PWrWyMiin, leaving 'J'lh Kclniiiiry —F«n Mameillen—t^neral rle llt-vli.-, Mr C. /.•Will, Mi. K. Hulloway. Per CmUdmmt* leaving IM Mhiili K.h Man.eille»—Mr. W.J Meloalfe, Mr.,). Ilni.irr. I'er O'canien leaving J7tli March —For Mar ■>eille» —Mr. L. DosHoijne, Mr. ami Him, \'«n Houten and child, Mr I'lidcil, Mr. Lapn'iir, Mr.
      73 words
    • 56 9 Japan via ports, P. l.uit/iold due °J4th Feb., Bebn Meyer. Hongkong, Itchia, due '-Mb Ftb., Behn Meyer. Baltic ports, Rngbu, due heg. of March, E. A. Co. Port tSwettenham, Avagyee, evory Tuet Jay. Koe Ciuan. Teluk Anton via porto, Sappho on Mondays, Selangor oo Wedoetdayt, and
      56 words
    • 248 9 *JL v >» Nambei of Share* :r I Issue Value Paid np to Baym atiim Transai Uons GOLD. t 13,600 I 10 $7.60 Bersawah U. M. Co., Ltd.. ,500 uniaraed. 4.00U f 1U t 10 (Deferred) 1,000 f 10 10 Kadana U. M. Co., Ud. 10,000 f 10 8
      248 words
    • 131 9 400,000 i 1 IO.OUU unuausd. 2,000 100 4,600 SO 80,000 i IX 12,000 IUO 3,400 10 6.00U f 100 .2,750 > 100 35,000 10 600 60 2,000 100 S.UUO t 100 JOO.OUO 10 SO.OUO iminuvl :<7,'«hi 100 m 1 Doff Development Co., Ltd. t 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd.
      131 words
    • 46 9 Howarth Ei.kine, Lul. 7% KUey, Hargrearea, Ltd. 6% Singapore Municipal 6% 6% Tiafrr r^a?lW* r« m.i r^ I 260.UW 1.878,0(HJ 666,6' H' t!6O,IKKI i.m.wi JY prem. 2% prem buyer*. 2% prem buyers. 1% prem bnyen> '2% din. Dam. -X pteni buyei* IX i.r.n.. )..i v
      46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 261 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. UPAIBfI PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Messrs. Simpson k Co., Coach Builders, .ftartras. In II I. Id. kin_ 111 Hi* Eiftllrirv Sir John ArirnM. UMM. u ,,r Iho SlruiU HrttlameuU. I i'.«i..|fue and all .nformation may be had of otir A* H. ABRAMS, The Singapore
      261 words
    • 163 9 #Ny Carlsberg Beer Very light Piltener Beer, especially brewed for Troplca Obtainable at the principal Hotel* and Retail l'«aler» Sole Importops lf?E E^iM _^nI f_ sf^_^^ P_l___n_-t-_-^_*^ <^*3 tj_Vy Ljj "I'Kfr A _I^_ filfSSHa-R. r- TV'S nflU Pfct-'A. 1 '*_S£S_sl r___X ti V_cl K_C jAfi^ m** f?__t___; __L_H V\ "_fc.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 730 10 At the price you pay for your STEMGAH, you are entitled to the very best. See that you get Buchanan's "Black and White." You can have it for the asking. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p;e?o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean P. its, Plymouth and
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    • 723 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Konlnklijke Paketvaart MaatsohappiJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. AgenU at Singajtore Ship Aobhcy, latb J DiBROBLB A Co., 2-3 Coli.yee Quay. 1 he undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From txp'ted. Will be Despatched for Brouuer Paceh Feb 17 Paneb, Asabai, Belaw»n-Deli. BajaJ, and Edi Feb
      723 words
    • 473 10 HAMBURGAMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURO. The etearaers of thi« Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerbaven direct, calling nt Penin? and Colombo The arrivals of the next
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    • 650 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Snei, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
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    • 707 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES ICEAR STKAM SHIP Co* Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Ho., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatrheri rom Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China rod Japan every week, and from Japan home»ard» 'or London every fortnight and foi Liverpool monthly. One oatward ateamei iach month extends to V
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    • 519 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. royallnsurance co. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEBB XI 2,000,000. THC LARGEST FIRB OFFICE IN THC WORKS BOUBTEAD A Co., AgenU. THE LONDON AND LANCAHIiiKi FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital. 212,760 Reserve Fund. .£1,073,560 The undersigned, Agents for the Com pany, are prepared to accept
      519 words