The Straits Times, 21 February 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times SO ai.607 SINGAPORE. JLUESDAY. FEBRUARY 21 1905. PRICE 15 CEIf I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 477 1 NOTICES. De Dion Bouton Motor Trucks. (o) As used at present in Singapore by Messrs. FRASER NEAVE, Limited. ECONOMY, STRENGTH, RELIABILITY. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO C. Dupire C 0... AGENTS. WANTED Board and lodging I y bachelor, private family preferred. Apply to L H. c/o Strait* 1 Feb-JI .BNGINSBB8 1
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    • 476 1 Compania General DE TABACOS DE FILIPINAS. Vast Tobacco Plantations in the Philippines supply their choicest leaf only fot the tr irtiifactuiv of I, a Flor de la Isabel t Manila Cigars and (Cigarettes, with which, as regards excellent quality and low price, no other Manila Factor) can compete. Our sales
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    • 472 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. /Jk 26, RAFFLES PLACE. tt^H^ LARGE CONSIQNMENI <H- Pl-||^ GRAMOPHONES *tf THERE IS ONLY ONE GRAMOPHONE. M SKK that y< v get (iramephone mid Gramophone Records as Manufactured The Gramophone Typewriter Ltd. London, m 4 that same bear the well-known TRADE MARK a« under TRADE "Tf3lL^ MARK
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  • 602 2 Interest inn Researches by a German Professor. In tin' lataal i-Mic of HipHml then i- i liiL'hlv ialniealiag article on "Insanity ia t lie Malay and Egyptian ftacea, baaed upon the reBMnhaioi Praai km Kraavekaof Uaidall>erg, who uitntlv availed aiasaat* «>f an opportunity to study iwmmi&J among
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  • 192 2 Letter From Mr. J. Chamberlain. RlPLYIIG ''i .-I i n \n MrII II Dapper, tl Often, for advice tJ Planters Mine tta I r I tO«l I I iv< i fl n; M i .1 Uhambeiluin I j.i.iii!. i :!n ir pit <■(-. 1 Hhoulil •j look
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 382 2 NOTICBS TYPEWRITERS. 30,000 111 f cc sr:l **Tß U O Hi SUPPLIED TO Admiralty War Office General Post Office Board of Trade Office of Works Telegr .ph Dept. AND ALL THE Local Government Offices. Price $150 Complete. Brief Model $175 Insurance policies Model 200 IWPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. To. DR.
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    • 610 2 NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. Vanguard Whisky is a pleasing example of the dei£& licately flavored mature spirit '~w so grateful (o the palate of the connoisseur. Its absolute /mTE^^^ purity places it in the first line bVmbl of dietetic stimulants. Mr. J. Heron, F.1.C., F.S.C., the f^aßafcjtelfr well known chemist,
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    • 178 2 TRAVERS'TAWNY M PORT M VKRY (HOICK OLD |™*i»BB Showing exceptional quality $£t K and value. f4 HO&AN COMPANY, LIMITED, CIVIL. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. Iron and Brass Founders Iron and Copper Smith: Ship and Bridge Builders |am GENERAL CONTRACTORS. All kimis of Machinery, Ecgicce, and Boilers, (newand seconu Land),eii.zii)ef ring
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    • 51 2 Kt (7m m iv Tki \ti.1) sprain will the injured person for tlirco or Eon weeks, but if Chan: iialm l- i'reoly applied I cnu i.:iv bt affaetod in wry ii I I'am Halm also cures rheum*ti»m, cute, bruises and burns. For sale by afl iealers. THE DISPENBAHY Grli. I
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  • 145 3 Rich Haul of Coal made by the Japanese. Tn musber of Rq*|ian and ot!i<>r foreign merchant Bteam^hipi captnred by the 'k ni the wll i I t thin 84. *l»ioh I'll been 1 »pl in d lince the ultiino. Of th tal nnmbar, 10 ■teamen carried eargoei
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  • 153 3 Where it Can be Seen. It is well-known > hat a total tclipfe of the ran of loaf duration will oeew on Angact 80»h neat, and tint by %-v d fortune the shadow track passes at *i> > ■ariona distance from the B-i«i«h fs'' ic ;tnd
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  • 104 3! > tliroußh Mr Ljuis Darin, the Biiiish Special Bntroy now at K-thul, Kr a strip of land on the sea fjr tlift purposef of making a ritlwaj in seaport. Tlie Amef-r consider* that (his concession would b. 3 prelenirile to a ■übeidy, and would tfatify to Great
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  • 71 3 Tm uihor morning Mr r.^ en,Magi(- 1 quiry iuu> cl tailor Ti m\ linant, .1 oil the "th ii t > li's simp with 1 ?■"> no! imo time la A ft ci and lie hi i,t to^ccute ;iiml a k-ii him to refun the na
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  • 69 3 Captain E P. Martin. .1 in< Unti-ii ■choonei 2,796 t.'us. baa just reported a( Hongkong thai on February 8 in latitude R. 19.30 N longitude 1 12.38. 15 E, in the vicinity of tl ■els. be paaaed 1 -jiar or ntaat, covered with bamadaa, which wai
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  • 136 3 N. D. 1.. Liner in I)juisc<-t. During her iveiiit run down the coaat Sytiiwy to llelboarn the N.D.L ls. (.'in i» mm encountered very thick fog, caused by the recent Imsli tires in New South walei and Victoria 80 dealt ■rat the atmoaphere th.ii tl wm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 67 3 Chang 01 \V \i often bringi no diajThoea. Por thi- reuon many experienced traveller. i;niv a bottle <>f ChAmberlain'a Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with them I rued in oaea <>f an emergency. Thii ion has no equal ure foi ■t Ik- obtain- 1 while <mi board the <liim, and
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    • 494 3 I Singapore and Kranji Railway. From ist November, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. DOWN. Eitn< Tra n< on A AM. P.M. P.M. P.M P.M. PM AM. P.M. P.M SINGAPORE 6.3? 742 10.00 12.05 2x4 H.lo *A 0 5.30 10.90 12 18 369 Newton
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    • 256 3 H. ABRAIYIS V>6e Jiorse Repository ORCHARD ROAD. L>e<> Hotats, i' > ami Poi it> We Lav jii-t la „1 v abipi Nat hfcn'lsorr!" Pole I Han acd < ■rringe p ir-. AaaoafM thii rhipmenl n.ihont doubt are some of the r>e-i el« I of anir n's ever landed in Hingapor
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  • 841 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 21st FEBRUARY. Iron, ih, ucb tiie cheapest of all the rr.etuU in the arts, is aVillh'laM the most universally valuable, anj without it no modern country can ba cemmen.:;.!.';- Independent So far, <nve for some minor deposits in Japan, and comparatively undeveloped
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  • 832 4 Port DscKOM bai tot Ion.; en; >yeJ me reputation of o«ui^ (MM of the few yUoes in Llie Suai'.s where one coulJ secure an unfailing supply of most excellent lab, both a< regards variety and quality. Sereiiban has profited by this, and thanks to Mie very convenient early rnornins! freight
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  • 161 4 By the Japan mail, further aewi aai been received about the alleged murder of a German attache" from Port Arthur by Chinese, an mentioned in our special wire from Shanghai published on Saturday. It wm reported at Tokyo tiiat the French N'.ivy Department has obtained evidence showing that the French
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  • Special German Service.
    • 31 4 Berlin, 2Ulh Felrniary. The remains of the Grand Duke Sergius were quietly interred in a convent at Moscow where they will rest pending their transport to St. Petersburg.
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    • 37 4 Government circles at Berlin are reserved in their expressions regarding the occurrences in Russia. The Kaiser has declared in writing that he is not meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.
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    • 13 4 The Third Russian Squadron has paused the Danish Island of Langeland
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 36 4 [jondon, 2lst February. The funeral of the Grand Duke •Sergius on SMd inst. (Thursday next) will be practically private. The Czar and the leading members of the Russian Royal family will be absent.
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    • 22 4 The King and the Prince of Wales have called upon Count Benckendorr), Russian Ambassador in London, to express their condolences.
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    • 31 4 it is stated that the death of the Grand Duke Sergius has had a crushing eflect on the Imperial Family, the Grand Duke Vladimir being terribly affected.
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    • 47 4 The IWajMpa'i i irresponden' at Bt Petersburg saxs mi ing the highest Russian dignitaries, the conviction is growing that it is in the vital interests of the (ijvi)rnmnnt and dynasty that the present war should he (n<l i is soon as possible.
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    • 23 4 General Gripenberg has been favouraily received by the Czar. There are influences working to undermine the position of General Kuropatkin
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    • 43 4 Employers and Workmen to Meet. Uaw. Jt i* aaaosnosd at St. Petersburg that the j;iiiii;.->. m appointed to examine the grievances of the workmen, has issued a most elaborate scheme, whuroby the employers and workmen will lalaot delegates on the Commission.
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  • 15 4 Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Va.nkknkn I Perak, are leuvuif; tor tiurope in May next.
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  • 17 4 Thk Ksm cf ifafayi is to be iticreastd by two pages at the end of this month.
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  • 15 4 Thk ini-uG <>i b.tnißhment orders against eighteen alien* is notified in the last Gorernmrnt Q.uette.
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  • 15 4 (JiAKANriNE rostrictkw are in lore* here against Bbaagbai OWtag to the outbreak of ninallpux lliere
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  • 20 4 Mk J.E Coopek, KitJiucia! Asoistant, Pottoo Department, at I'enane, has it is san 1 applied l\ir peusion from March Ist.
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  • 21 4 Thk QaraUM Btail steamer Mm lleinrieh left i'ort Said yesterday outward bound. .She is due here on Friday the 10th Mauh.
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  • 22 4 Mr. I- at. Woodward lia» been appointed to act us tho Deputy of the Attorney-General by notification in last Friday's Government 'Juzette.
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  • 31 4 m 111 1 i< reported at Penang that Dr. li'-iiani is to ba appointed SSur^eun to the M «l.iy BtatOl (iuiues in succession to Dr J A Lt'L'i;. tiiiiiil on pension.
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  • 31 4 If k D. 6. a.mi'hki.i., acting British Selair or, i- *pp tinted is Oommituooer of Landi and Slinw, federated Malay Blatea, with effect i in the 18th F. bru irj, l!»"->
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 473 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London. Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST OUST APPLICATION. Apl 16 tu.tb.s. n.c. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1,2, 3, 4, High Street. New Stock of Silk Curios and Silver and Oold Jewellery. Ttliphtnt No. US. Inspection Solicited. Mme.
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    • 169 4 FOR SALE CHEAP. GHARRY AND FOUR-SEATED VICTORIA. Apply C.O.D. c/o HtniU Timm. Jan. 27 u.e. WANTED. Employment by a Kurupean »<• clerk or in any other capacity Apply to H. W. 8. c/o 'A* -tin-id House. Feh a' J3-J AUCTION BALE OF MKROHANDISE. At he Auction Mart, Nos. 1 and
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    • 365 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL." THE Dallas-Bandmann Opera Co. LAST 3 NIGHTS, LAST 3 NIGHTS, LAST 3 NIGHTS. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Tuesday, 21st February, The Cingalee. Wednesday, 22nd February, Three Little Maids. Thursday, 23rd February, Grand Miscellaneous Concert. Prices aa usual. Plan at Robinson Piano Co. Fred. C. G4RTON, Business Manager. Feb.
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    • 21 4 Share quotatiuus. general news, and passenger lists, besides shipping, and insurance advertiMMiu m^ will be found on page 9 and 10.
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    • 31 4 Advertisemtuts of Balot, Wanted, T<* Ixt etc., will be fouud oil Page 6. STXABNS' WISE, prceiuiueutly tho ideal iL'constructi\c tonic ulicn till wliola lyttelti is lift in .i itala vi ili.j'i'
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 48 5 A Royal Lament. M I, I'rl.nnn,, I lie Cs-ir, in a piihliahfd aranifrrto, laments th* death, hy the t« irked handf of asp^Kgiris, of hi« uncle and friend "vhota a-boUlifa, 1 says 11.6 Maj#aty, was d«v I't-'l to ratatlvei md to tli< Father!.. 1. 1
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    • 41 5 A nfuseii daapatah from (ienera) Kuros>atkin confirms the cinrcundinp of a Ruaataa dataebmant. Tba despatch does not raoord tinloss of Russian guns, hut it ineniins an attempt to save them The Japanese pursued th« Russians for twenty versts.
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    • 75 5 WHAT OF CRETE No Annexation by Greece 1.1.1! Britain, Frame, I'aly, and (i >ye presented to Germany and Austria 1 N\>te Drastically replying to Prince George's memorandum of November. data siys that the protectinp Powers will uol tolerate the annexation of Cretp without the consent of the inhabitant* tmt
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    • 57 5 Tne l^iliiu ItusMin pipers, while denouncini: 'he assassination of the (ir.tnii Dukfl -<ergius, declare that the need f >rr<»f)r-ns U I irjely responsible, at it pr>mV.ei revolutionary propipanda. rhealirm tOOMlonad at St Peters burg by the murder of t >c Grand Duke Sergiuß, his h^n intensified by
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    • 12 5 Fresh strike tnubli-s are announced rom different t.srts of Russia
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    • 22 5 j newspapers JVoc&i Dai anil V \»l 1 Skum, have been warned a third time an<l suspended for three month"
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    • 92 5 Satisfactory Settlement Probable. Keuter 1 rapre— ntativa at Bfc Petersburg wires: —If, iasemi-officially declared that the 'h:rpe of breach of parole against thrpe nIK >er~ uf the /.»«•<, interned at San Fraaciaeo, must be due t3 a misunderstanding. As far as is known the oAeen 1>
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    • 255 5 The Part Taken by Sir A. Macdonnell. Charges Refuted in the Lords. /....■ii/»», Jyiik Mraary Speaking in the House of Lords, Lord Dunraven referred to the modified scheme of Hjtne Rule for Ireland (which had been suggested by the Irish Reform Association) He said that Sir Anthony
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  • 199 5 The Question of the Marriage. Pi rm-a.nt to the direction given by ■he Supreme Court on the l-'th inst. in ■lie appeal presented by A. F. Mitchell in the cace of the King on the prorecutifni of James Goodenough against the adjudicntinn and conviction of the Bench
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  • 602 5 Japanese in Java isce the war in Manchuria began 10 IM people in Netherlands India fancy tt.ii, in case of success, Japan will I; trlinur schemes uf conquest in that •i intry. Japanese travelling about in that quarter are readily taken to be at w .rk hpyinc
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  • 20 5 Tiik Town and Volunteer Band will pi .y at. the HiRli Service Reservoir this I evening fct «30 weather permitting
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  • 505 5 Nearing Completion. The Victoria Memorial Hall is near ing completion <»ri<| i? expected to be ready for formal r>ppninir in about a couple of months I i« mtlier difficult yet to judge of the l>emty which the completed structure *ill pre«ent. as the schem«» "f ennMnniion provides
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  • 78 5 The performance of The G'.rl from Kays" by the Dillas-Bar.dmann Opera Co. lact night was 1 great success, and earned the tumultuous applause of a fairly large audience. The Company repeats The Cingalee to-nighr. Tomorrow the Three Little Maids make their one and only appearance of this season,
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  • 74 5 Chia Sino Pksg, a Chinaman who is alleged to ha» c fatally stabbed another Chinaman in Garden Street about six weeks or two months ago was brought up at the Macistracy this morning and charged with the offence. After the murder it is alleged that
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  • 103 5 SINGAPORE GARRISON GOLF CLUB. The monthly medal of t'lis Club was played for on Uth inst. The following members returned cards: The tie between Messrs Sime and Rober'eon was played oil' on the 12th inst and resulted in a victory for Mr. Robertson, «ho accordingly wins -the medal M. Sime
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  • 73 5 I An important nut came on for hearing in the I'enarg Supreme C^urt. on the Uth instant at the instnnce of the Official Assignee and Official Receiver, involving mim of 170,000 in regard to 'the sale by public ■uolioa of Beitam Estate under the hankruj U-y proceedjin^s agunst Mr lUniel
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  • 316 5 The Appeal Court continued its Fittings in the Supreme Court this morning Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, presided, and the other Judges on the Bench were Mr. Justice Leslie Thornf( >n. Puisne Judge of Sinenpore, Mr. Justice Law of Penaug, and Mr. Justice Hynriman-Jones of the Federated Malay
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  • 29 5 The Attorney General argued tbat it was a right verdict and that the Appeal Court had no jurisdiction to revise the jury's decision. The case is proceeding this afternoon
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  • 16 5 We hear that the s. s. Ban Wluitt Hin i" a few days overdue from Kelantan.
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  • 14 5 To-day's share quotation changes are: Federated Engineerings 1175, am. Fraeer and Neaves $102, sellers.
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  • 17 5 Hehr Fkikdenthal, the famous pianist, was giving performances at Hongkong, at the date of last mail advices.
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  • 21 5 Mi) Zein Pawanchee has been appointed editor of the Chahyah Pulau riming, the Malay weekly owned by the Criterion Press, Ltd.
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  • 28 5 Plagie cases were getting fewer at Bangkok at the date of last advices The precautions taken against it by the authorities' meet with strenuous opposition from the ignorant.
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  • 31 5 On Sunday afternoon a sailor from the German mail steamer Zielen was drowned while bathing off St. Jame6s with some companions. The body had not been recovered up to this morning.
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  • 48 5 The Russian newspapers publish details of the proposed re-orgarisation of the Volunteer Fleet after the war. The number of ships will be largely increased, and new passenger and freight services started, one of the most important of the projected new sailings being from Libau or W'indau to America.
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  • 73 5 Thk Harlequins," last year's winners of the Singapore Football Association Cup, are meeting F." and G." Companies ot the Sherwood Foresters in a friendly game of soccer this afternoon on the S. R. C. end of the Esplanade. A good game is expected. The Harlequins," who are a combination of
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  • 69 5 The Tiwtes Malaya understands that new rules have been promulgated by the Perak Government in respect of applications for conversion of agricultural lands into mining lands which provide, inter alia, that $25 should be deposited for every acre before the matter can be dealt with by the State Council; that
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  • 119 5 A rather serious carriage accident occurred on Sunday night in the vicinity of the Esplanade, the night being Chap-lak-mei" when the Chinese "nonias" of Singapore drive out in open carriages to the Esplanade. One of a pair of horses attached to a barouche took fright and rearing and plunging became
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  • 33 5 This morning H. K. the Governor, accompanied by the Colonial Sac retary and the Colonial Engineer went in the steam-launch A lbvquerque to visit the wharves and the Government dxk at Pulo Brani.
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  • 39 5 AaoiT 8 20 on Saturday last a Chinaman was seen struggling in the water oft the Esplanade A Bengali de,tectiv« tried to rescue him, but the Chin:: man sank and disappeared. The body vat recovered by the police yesterday.
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  • 40 5 A BoyanEBE who was stabbed in the right side during a dispute in Lavender Street a few days ago, has succumbed to his injuries Two Boyanese have been arrested by the police on suspicion of being concerned in the affair.
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  • 48 5 Yesterday, Wee Ah Yin was charged before the Bench Court by Insp Sullivan for housebreaking and theft of some clothing at a house in Sophia Road on 13th inst The evidence was insufficient and defendant was discharged. He was however detained p— ding the hearing of another charge.
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  • 50 5 The N orwegian Rteamer DM airivad from Bangkok yesterday afternoon living the quarantine flag. The Chief Officer was suffering fro'ti smallpox. He was landed at the quarantine sta: lor The crew are to be vaccinated. Tl Doll will be released from quarantira this afternoon. Her departure for Bangkok is uncertain.
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  • 84 5 Two Chinese coolies had a dispute on a twakow in the Singapore River yesterday morning and came to blows. During the fight one fell overboard and was drowning f^ast when a Malay f prang into the river and rescued him. A number of Chinese coolies saw the whole occurrence but
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  • 33 5 GIEAT dissatisfaction is said to be at pt«M nt expressed by all sections of the oa— unity, both in Pan am and the KM B, mi-nt the defective system of postal arrangements there
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  • 33 5 Captain Cartum*, formerly the iiM>ter of t h«- hi cku'id runner, the ss. N -Aon, la* ob atnad £\W damages from Mr. Bpttial, lur wroocful dismissal, in the British Supreme Court at Shanghai.
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  • 33 5 The fifth anniveisary of the Straits Chines-e Marine Club w is celebrated in grand style on Saturday irsht. There were a number <>t fiuest* present m.d the Bj/antine Minstrels played during the evening.
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  • 42 5 A IClim alleged to be the proprietor of the Eistern Pharmacy Ins just bad a claim, brought by him f"r S4O against Mr. II C. De Kilva, disallowed in the Court, of Requests on tbe ground it r. Mcd on false pretences.
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  • 46 5 K< -i .i cases of smallpox occurred on the Kritish s>t< Miner 01 Hetu oi. the way from Hongkong to Hingapore. She wai quarantined on arrival yest< r1 iy Two of the European and two ol I < Chinese craw were attacked. I are to be vaccinated.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 STEARNS' WINE, as a reliable remedy has been received with favor by men prominent in the profession of Medicine
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    • 24 5 STEARNS 1 HEADACHE CURE, cau be obtained from all dißpensarici (quickly by post). Gives instant relief Avoid imita oni Keep the Genuim handy».
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    • 180 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I j RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER ON Saturday, 25th February, 1905 Band in attendance AFTER DINNKR j SKATING VICTOR SINGING MACHINES. reproducing the actual voice of famous singers, differ greatly from those giving mere phonographic imitations. Wo have just received a large consignment ol tine records and machines
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    • 609 6 P. O. Per ChumiH sailing on 2nd March— Mr. A. E. Mulholland, Mr. E. F. W Cornell, Mr \V. A. Greig, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Braddell, Mr and Mrs. Allintion, Major General Sir A Dorward, Mr. P. J. Bargeas. Per tormota sailing on Bth March— Mrs. Serle and 2
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    • 28 6 l'er RhaiHHui, leaving 30th March— Mr. and Mr». I'll. Solut Mix. Murray ltoberUou Kinl daughter, Master Carrol, Mrs. Maekie, Mr. nnJ Mir. K. W. Olsen.
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    • 45 6 Per lulidonitn leaving 13th March— Mr. ,1. 1 Dupire l'er Urcnnirn leaving 27th March— Mr. and Mrs. Van Mouien ami child, Mr. I'aanl, Mr Lipi. re, Mr. K. W. Hullett, Lt. C. A. Rart cliflo, X..V Per Tanranc leaving loth April— Mm. l.oiiau.v
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  • 1050 6 Interesting Explanation by "a Most Prominent Personage." H. Dru. the St Petersburg euCraepOß dent of the /.</., ,1, /'</;,... has sadeavoßTed to elicit some statement of interc-t from M Witto. but from what he -ays h, appean to have nut with a somcv h 1
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  • 1661 6 Debate on Indian Attain. !on'/« A (liniKi «.i.s guraa l.i-i m^lit la Mi Brodriek by tli< Imperial [ndaati hi IX 1 Eijnr'i Hotel, and was followed by .1 deli;ii< llntisli Trade with Indi.i. Aiming tin- mm Lord Rear, Bn Ceorge lluvtrr Caabb, Sir Jolm Bug liain, Sir (i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 565 6 NOTICES. SITUATION WANTED. Experienced English governess desires an engagement. Thoroughly understands the teaching and management of children. Exosllent references and testimonials. Disengaged middle of April. "Governess" c/o Messrs. Pitcairn, H\ me 4 Co., Bamnrang, Java. K.'h 7 tv tb. s. WANTED. By two gentlemen board and residence with private family
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    • 616 6 NOTICES. rBE LET, small first floor offices, facing Cavenivgb Bridge Road and Flint 6treet. Apply to Gntbrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. p.c. rpo BE LET —No. 17 Armenian Street next to St. Andrew's House, lately in tb > occupation of Messrf. Tomlinson and Leimit. Suitable for a boarding house. Apply
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    • 597 6 BANKS. Hongkong 9 Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL .110,000,000 KESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve slo,ooo,ooo l Silver Reserve f 7,000,000 f >TOO|(XX) Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. J. Raymond, Esq., Chairman. H. E. Tomkuu, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E. Goeti, Esq. Hon. R. Shewan. A°H.Tpt J -£r 011
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    • 240 6 NOTICES. JAVA-STRAITS EXCHANGE TABLED Dollars and guilder exchange tables showng equivalents of guilders iotc dollar? n:d versa at ratet from f.lOo I fl^o| per $100. ascen ling by quarter 0' guilder, as dedicated to the bairman Sirgnpore Obaatber of Commerc.-. llan<i aomely be.i J in c.-fi. Price %2.W pocop>, to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 81 7 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS Limited. SPECIAL OFFER 4 .^^VEBAIsTDAH -r. a-iv/r-pcaa -iv/r-pca HIPS' ij? HipS! 3-lstss Du^le^ usntstiner T 1 Earner Gpal Flint Brass \^J \f -FORGONE WEEKT S[f7? POWERFUL HANGING LAMPS No. asM TOO D i pOR w. y "T^ 2erctainer $4.35 E Burner FATZ BROS.7LTD. in W. 9ramopdones From
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    • 1228 7 NOTICES. #THE SWEDISH ITV A liD BURNS KEROSINE OIL. Gives a beautiful, intense and even light ot 50 to 1,000 candle-power. LUX The Lux Light in in immense use tor Railway Stations, Estates, Hotels, Factories, Workshops, etc. SMOKELESS INODOROUS For Inspection" and INEXPLOSIVE wholesale rates ECONOMICAL /*f Apply to Gadelius
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  • 1476 8 Ii vt 01 the Times correspondent's Letter from Port Arthur. The following is the full t«xt of the latter of the Peking correspondent of the Time*, referred to in the various despatcbee, wherein it is alleged that Gcner.l Stotml noiil not have surrendered Port Arthur By
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  • 73 8 Wli3rves at Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. t.ssl W lIAIIK Xil. Victoria ÜbavinoDock— linrendim- Osria, li-br.RT OIATHM Dock— Kedali. SaOIION No. i tliaron. Apcar, .la|>arn. i> I T. null. i, Kail S.uij. 3 Snevia. 4 Montruv ii 5 Oopaak. 6 Olaoeiu, j Bi.K.sgo Whakf 7
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  • 349 8 A Company ib now being organised with an authorised capital of $200,000 of which, however, it is proposed to issue only $105,000,— to take over and work the Balgownie Rubber Estate at Kajang, about midway on the line from Kuala Lumpur to Seremban. The total acreage of
    349 words
  • 141 8 The Directors' Report presented to the annual meeting of the Co-operative Ccffep Curinp and Trading Co., Ltd., at Port Dickson ou the Iltli inst.. showed a very pleasing state of affairs in that unostentatious industrial of Negri Sembilan. Though coffee is now almost overlooked in the
    141 words
  • 192 8 On Saturday morning a number of C h in eee spoiling for a row went in for it in Muar Road at 6 10. Sergt. Murdoch with some assistants plunged into the melee and arrested twenty of them. YePterday, they were brought before Mr. Sproule, and were fined
    192 words
  • 74 8 Powell and Co. fee -At Sale-room, Household Knrniture 11 a.m. 23— At Sepoy Lines, Valuable Household Furniture, Pianoa \-c, 2 p.m. M Al Sale-room, Varioux Town Properties. 2.30 p.m. At Alnert Street, Leasehold land and house, Uvm. At Brass Basen Road, lenxehold land and*, I M p.m.
    74 words
  • 158 8 Java is comparatively unknown to tourists and globe trotUr*, though it abounds in grand ano imposing scenery It famishes also ;t striking example cf hew the people of the Malayan race can be mind by natives under European control The inland has hitherto been on 1 of
    158 words
  • 223 8 Vori Di>-kson, 20th February Theke were several r bberies at Port Dickson before the Chinese New Year. The police were busily occupied in investigation ami search for robbers. At Sendayan, a place miles from Port Dickson, an old man, who was employed as a gardener by (he
    223 words
  • 71 8 At the Hongkong Police C'uurt on the Iltli instant, the master of the steamer Emma Luyken was charged with clearing from that port for Singapore without, having two certified engineers on hoard, which was required, under t! Merchant", Shipping Act, of any vesstl holding a passenger certificate. Defendant admitted the
    71 words
  • 244 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 2l»t Mi wary, l»", To d.«y's 4/m hank rate i» 2!- PROOUCE. tinmliiri buyer- i ("75 do (Cube No. 1) iinpirkeil I'.' :l7J Copra Kali << m do I'ontianak s n~\ Pep|*r, Black I.unpi- It 75 <1 White, 5 3WI Safio Flour Sarawak S.I7J do Brunei No. 1
    244 words
  • 380 8 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. tireid Nor. s'r. H!8 tons, Cupt Folkman, •JUt Feb. From Bangkok, 1 7th Feb Ut. 100 Seng Chan. For Hani?kok, 2fith— Rd*. Chturterho%ue, Brit. str. 1,278 torn, Captain BainbridKe, Hush Fob. From Penaug, l«ih Feb. G.e.,and 177 dp. Weeßir. o. For China,
    380 words
  • 114 8 From Ei'kopk Isy Hn- Nil l.v l/iold drc on -Itn Kebrunr.t. From Cms v -in lli .\l. I MtfM due on gTlh Februwy. TIME TABLE b BUIM DVI LHt Mngapjr- U l:lll llth IS I. Jan ihth M. M. iOth P. O. Jan 23rd N. D
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 64 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. I last- juM reoeivod large avsortaeni of JapMatae, Ohntete, in 1 Indian .bilks of all kinds and colours. Inili ti, and l'ti>i;i!i carpel! of all net, rqn and hMHsMOM n ry g*otW. Also many pretty articles of
      64 words
    • 124 8 WTHTEAWAY LAM) I, AW CO. CASH DRAPERS /w£F X II T *TIONAKY DISC j Mf *.^ft 'GmwAiL'CHorrtH a w '"^bT Price $2. 9 fa each. §JM 'II 1\ .*^a*taV MILK Ol I LOWERS Price $1.60 e^ch. PFN KN YES ROSKOFF WATCHES Price 54.00 euch Price 9S Cents each lf^\. I
      124 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 31 8 WEATMEH TELEGWAIW. (I h. A.& C. rsufi-asi) I BOTH FIBRUAKV UONtIKONV.BMrometer 30 1 1 Direction of Wind ...BAM Force of Wind 4 Max.Temp in Hhade MANILA- 7ti3. wkst. I Ml :t
      31 words

    • 1088 9 I Under thu heading the following abbreviation* arenaed: »tr. utenmer; «h. ship; bq. barqne »eh. schooner j Yet. Yacht Cm. Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor.— Torpedo; H.p. Hone-power Brit.— British U. B.— United State*; Fch. French; Ger. German; Dnt. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck pa**enger; U.— Uncertain T.
      1,088 words
    • 508 9 Name, port, probable date of sjrtwai, and name of agents. Stiamers. Achilles, China, Apl 2; Mansfield. Agamemnon, L'pool, Mar 27; Manntiild. Alcinous, Liverpool, Mar I; Mansfield. Alesia China, Mar 2; Bebn Meyer Ajnx, China, Feb J:> Mansfield. Andalusia, Hongkong, Feb 27; B. Meyer Antenor, Liverpool, Keb 11 Mansfield.
      508 words
    • 259 9 Por Singapore. Per P A O. s. s. Manila from London Jan. 21. due 26th Feb.— Mr. F. J. Benton. j Mr. J. W. Wilson, Lieut. Isard, Rev. C. Y. W list ley. Per PAO.s. s. China, connec'ing with the rtteamer Malta at Colombo from I. on
      259 words
    • 105 9 j£TA==_ 2L Bmftn 8»lUr. TtUMC 60L0. I 13,500 1U $7.60 Uenwwub U. M. Co., Ltd... MM udimuoO. 4.J00 f 1U I 10 (Deierred) 80,000 I 10 10 Kadaua O. M. Co., Lid. 10,000 10 8 (I'ret.) 6,-Ml t 1 < 1 Kechan U. Fields, Ltd. (1.p.) 10,600 < 1
      105 words
    • 126 9 ju.uuu m f 10 Belat Tin M. Co., Ltd. 50,000 10 $10 Bnueb Hydraulic Tin M. Co., Ltd 50,000 10 10 Karangan Hydraulic Tin M. Co., Ltd 12,000 $100 $100 KinU Association, Ltd. 3,000 $100 100 (Deferred) 60,000 M 1 1 KinU Tin Mines, Ltd. 144,306 1 1 Pabang
      126 words
    • 132 9 400.0U0 pO,OOO uniuued. 2,000 i 4,600 80,000 12,000 8,400 6,000 2,750 35,00U 600 2,000 6,000 786 uniuuad. 300,000 W.OUO uniMued. 37,000 4 1,4 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd. 100 $100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. $sil $60 Fraier Neave, Ltd. 126 S 125 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 100 $100 How&rth
      132 words
    • 44 9 Howartli Enkine, Lid. 1% KUey, Hargrove*, Ltd. 6% Singapore Municipal 6% Taoj'oDk- I'KioiUork < 0., Ltd. it *t '260,1)00 &26.UUU 400.M0 1,878,000 86A,t00 280,000 l.»«fi.B0«i 3Y prem. 2% prem bayen. prem bayem. 1% i>rem buyer. 2% dv. uoim. 2x prem I'U^rit lx pram. l»i\««.
      44 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 262 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. RIPAIBB ntOMPTLY EXECUTKU. Messrs. Simpson Co., Coach Builders, V minis. h H I. 1. king Edward VII Hi* Emllrirv Sir John AideriH, k.( .Jl.ti ■M "f MM VratU S.llli-m.'iit». CMBhSJM ii-l .ill MMBBMaS m»y U- haii "f .'iir A> It H. ABRAMS, The
      262 words
    • 172 9 NOTICES. jl Ny Carlsberg Beer aT*rfltflrTff?3E>J»l Very "n t PUsener Beer, especially brewed for Tropics' Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail l'««ler» sola Importers 9^ M BAGNALL HILLES. Contracting Electrical Engineers and Importers OP Electrical Steam Apparatus. Have always od hand a most Extensive Stock of Electrical Apparatus. QUOTATIONS
      172 words
    • 205 9 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, FOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, AND JAPAN PORTS. The Imperial Qt.rinan mail steamet PRINZ REGENT 1,1/ TPOLI), «:JBB tons, Captain Kirchner, having left Colombo on Saturday, the 18th inst., at 1 1 p.m., may be expected to arrive here on Friday, the *J4th inst at 7 a.m. en route for
      205 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 737 10 At the price you pay for your STENGAHi you are entitled to the very best. See that you get Buchanan's"Black and White." You can have it for the asking. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES^ o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia. India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Prrts, Plymouth and London. Through
      737 words
    • 1207 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. AgenU at Singapore Ship Aowtcv. latx J 1)»«RDIL8 A Co., 2-3 Coli.yfr Quay. I he undermentioned dates are only approximate. St-am^r Krrrn -xp'ted. Will be Itacpatcbtd for:— Brouwtr Parch Fel> 17 Paneh, Asahnn, Belawan- Deli Bajai, and Edi
      1,207 words
    • 648 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oerman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Buei, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      648 words
    • 718 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES ■ICEAN STEAM SHIP Co,. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamer* are despatched rom Liverpool outwards for the StraiU, Chios md Japan every week, and from Japan homevards 'or London every fortnight and foi Uverpuol monthly. One oatward steamer tach month eitenaa to Vancouver
      718 words
    • 515 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. fikr i in:. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. THI LARGEST PIRK OFNrF. IN THE WORIS BOUSTEAD Co., AgeuU THE LONDON AND LAMCASHIEI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY CapiUl £2,127,600 Paid up CapiUl. 212,750 Reserve Fund. .£1,073,550 The undersigned, Agent* for the Coia pany, are prepared to accept
      515 words