The Straits Times, 18 February 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NU ai.665 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18 L 905. PRICE 15 CElfl
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 512 1 NOTICES NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CI.UB. TJ 1 If 11 None. f\ m^% 4 I IT -JVudersare wanted fur the supply of Ifl M 1 I IM# 1 I I refreshments ut tiie R<we Courte during IW^ \lf j II 1# the K-M-e we?k and during training. For IUCdI ITlllA :^3SI
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    • 407 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. sfZ 26, RAFFLES PLACE. ■L^sS|. K LARGE CONSIQNMENI Of WF^^^lfc GRAMOPHONES tfT THERE IS ONLY ONE GRAMOPHONE. M SKK that )(.ii p. t a (iramcphoDß and (iram >p!tone Records :»s M inufaCurt d d v The Gramophone Typewriter Ltd. London, ;.rd that same he«r the v. j
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  • 1867 2 Vci Mother bliuard, exceeding in ■evenly, tin recorded .1 fortnight ■go, v* descended nj»'ii m daring the I.L-i veek, .Hid baa carried arid* cpraad otiaaater in n- track sinji- bave been sunk mi inly eoul .nni <vi 11 ..11 land .1 uurtilx 1 "i death! frosn expo*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 493 2 NOTICES __j j Jj\zJ popular \^m]\^^ SUPPLIED TO H. M. The King, H. R. H. The Prince of Wales, House of Lords, House of Commons, PRICE $13.50 PER CASE. SOXjID EVERYWHERE. lACIIVEI rAMEBOS'S PENS. llj.-y roil.. ijli-ssinp .j men. Pickwick, 1 1 Nad the averUv Pf n THE WAVERLEY PEN.
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    • 734 2 NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. 1 Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY Eg is a pleasing cxair.ple of the de licetely flavored rrature spirit nrtDT* itCM so grateful to the palate of the I (JHI |i connoisseur. Its absolute SHaalx purity places it in Ihe first line /Mflt\ cf dietetic stimulants. Mr. J. jflui^B^BS
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1274 3 notices. HERCULES Nov. 10 J 1 Singapore and Kranji Railway I r rom ist November, 1904, and until further notice. Train Sorvice for Week Days and Sundays. DOTCNI tilr> Tm.n. on Suu'i.j. uui &M A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M P.M. PM A*. P.M PI SINGAPOKiT o 6.3? 7.42 10.00
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  • 10 4 IffcMTHLAt.I Call Hermann >netliln^- <.n February -mi in Iterlui
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  • 410 4 The Straits Times PRICE 16 CENTS. SATURDAY, 18th FEBRUARY JrtKiiNu from the first operation in land purchase under the new scheme, which permits a tenant to hold Government land in perpetuity on an approved quit rental, the arrangement is not calculated toajhra permanently satisfactory results. Abuses are bound to follow
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  • 210 4 It will greatly gratify the local (employers of clerical labor to learn that the mischievous strike of the assistants in the accounts depa>tment of the i Vacuum Oil Co. on December 31st, has been met with appropriate punish- merit. The striker", with the exception of the ringleader, have been fined
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  • 168 4 THEG.anti Duke^ergius whose tragical death is reported by wire to-day was an uncle of the Czar, and had reached the forty-eighth year of his age He was at one time credited with liberal leaning* and was Governor of Moscow Latterly when the revolutionary spirit rose high in Russia, he ranged
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  • 102 4 The Goiernmriit (hizt'.te of last evening's date has only come to hand this afternoon, but it contains many important announcements. It i-i-i aid- the appointmtritsof Mefrtre. John Anderson and W, H Shelford M Provisional l-uoflicial Members of the Legislative Council, and ann.iun 'c* the resignation of Lieut Colonel the Hon'ble
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  • 40 4 This being the laet diy ut the Chinese New Year, tl.e public is again warned ol the danger that will accrue from fire crackers j those who venture to be abroad with frisky horses any time after duck this evening.
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  • 30 4 His bmUKI Mr K. P. (iuetitz Governor of British North Boineo who has been compelled to take a trip to these parts fbf healths sake, left Sinjapire yesterday for Penang.
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  • 10 4 Tkb mail from Europe is due to-day at 2 30.
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  • 21 4 Thk Straits Chinese Jubilant Minstrels gave an lUipr g.«»i performmnce at the "Pen? Ann K-ik"Club last night. The programaM was excellent.
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  • 29 4 That tine raoahone Fafajaw has gone the way of all B^eb, dying, at, l'enang on the 14th Kjb., after Roion maad the course for a pipe-opener at half speed.
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  • 29 4 Youko Jack Bctlin, who rode Radium to victory at :lis reoenl P^nang race meeting, broke hit lea through a fall on the course the re on the 14th Lnsr.
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  • 26 4 Mr. F. Alcil-BTIs, «jitor of tha femk I'inneer, has, it is understood, severed his connection with that journal. Mr. M M. Morton has* been appointed editor.
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  • 25 4 It it understood tiiat Chief Inspector Hennessey has retired from the Pera'« Police service, and that hit) place is taken by Inspector Crompton from Selangor.
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  • 26 4 On last Saturday evening the annual prize distribution of 81 George's Girls' School, Penang, was held in the Town Hal), which vaa crowded on the occasion.
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  • 28 4 To-day's share tjuotation changes are: Buyers- Tanjong PagarsS3ss, Howarth Erskine* 5212.50. Sellers— Federateds Sl7O, Riley Etfgreavee S2OO, Straits Tradings $42. List Transactions Howarth Krskine* $215, Straits Tradings 142.
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  • Special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
    • 27 4 Sl,(ii,gkai, \7th l''<slniury. A riblo from Chefoo reports that ISO none Hn'iatatits (Russians), including women nnd three Chinese. b*ve arrived there and have landed
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    • 55 4 Chinese at Chefoo Suspected. The Chinese are believed to have been iaapHaatad in the death ol the Germtn attacl t; ihe Ranoiaaa, i who h is not been board afaaaMha departed for Pigeon Bay ;n; n Anaust last. I The Chinese who bnv<s Ipinfed at Cbefoo
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    • 29 4 A steamer reports that .">dO Russian convalescents, unfit for lurther military service., are coming to Chefoo, en route for home, the Japanese having released them
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  • Special German Service.
    • 64 4 Berlin, 17/Zi lUnawfL There has been an explosion at the Kremlin, Moscow, and it it rumoured that the (uand Duke Sergius has been ki led. Berlin lUth b'eliruory. Despatches from Moscow confirm the death of the Grand Duke Sergius, who was the victim of a bomb,
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    • 12 4 There has been a demonstration against the students in Moscow.
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  • Reeutcr's Extra Service.
    • 30 4 London, \~tlt fialnawy The deaths are reported of ViceAdmiral, the Superintendent of Malta Dockyard, who died at Malta, and of General Lew Wallace, the author of Hen Hnr.
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    • 18 4 The Duke af Coburg is batratsMd to the Princ3?s Victori i Adel.»i !e of II ;1-stein-Glucksberg.
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    • 37 4 Mr. Bra lrick, replying to a <juestion by Mr. Bryc J sta'.ed that the Thibetan Expedition cost which amount was charged to India in view of the ieotthrtt It wm ■adwtakeai in the interests of India
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    • 49 4 M <[■-. a! Oyarna reports that part the body of 9,' 00 Russian cavalry, mentioned in the despatches of Ke^ liiih, began retreating; to the northward before tho arrival "f the Japanese reinforcements. The latter pursuer) them and inflicted -inn damage, but the Roniaa artillery covered their retrett.
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    • 46 4 K ,-i.TeiV correspondent wi'.n Qaaaral Kuropatkin reports that the Japanese bombarded Putilott" Hill with 8 inch fiege guns on the 14th and lotli inst. The guns were doubtless from I'ort Arthur, and their presence creates a new situation in ibt Russian Centre
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    • 37 4 The Orient liner Orizahn has gone ashore to lh«s southward of Kremantle, \V A and will probably become a total wreck A .varship has gone to assist her. The passengers and mails have been lauded.
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    • 66 4 SIR A. Mac DONNELL. Mr. \V)inlliain tlie Chief Secretary ibr Ireland, replying to a question by Mr. Craig, Conservative M. I*. tor South Antrim, stated that Sir Ami... MacDonnell, the I'nder Secretary for Ireland, had assisted in formulating Lord Dunraven's schema, which the Government regarded as altogether in admissible. But,
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 66 4 Lmmlm, \~tk Feliru-iry. The Czar has summoned a Coumil oi all his Ministers to meet at Tsarc k< esrlo M. Witte is included among them The Czir will preside over the meeting. I'he pmpOM wliii-h the Czir has in view is to tin- advisability of transforming the Council
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    • 11 4 GRIPENBERG AT St. PETERSBURG. Uwwnl (jripenbtrg has arrived at St. Petersburg.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 34 4 liOnd'iii, \~th t'tl'tunry. Mr. Asquiih's amendment to the Address in favour of an early dissolution of Parliament, on account of the fiscal issue, was rejected by .til to M 0 votes.
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    • 35 4 Mr. J. Chamberlain sad thru he would welcome a dissolution, and that there was no difference of optaioa between him lad Mr A J. Balfour regarding the need for fiscal reform
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    • 120 4 Only Way to Stop Commercial Outrages. Mr. Balfbw repeated the ;irgum.-rrs i which he had previously urge 1 in favour ot a liscal p jlicy 1 >">kin^ t. > retaliation and threats ugiin-f I' > ver- hiving hostile tariffi This policy, in his opinion, j already had
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    • 38 4 Killed by a Bomb at Moscow. i Lmtdm IBM fte/tMry 1 Tne Ciran^l-Dukt' Bargiu was (riving to t he Kremlin (Moscow) when a homb vai throwa udat !ii- i'» ri^e. The Grand Duke tH killed
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 149 4 I'iv.i iii )iu Maa bava died res. ill o* inj iri'--i rej^ivdl in tho tx^l ,i .-.miii n in at QiMWMtoam Router's correspondent witl) (ieni' Oku wires that tli ,t tailara t the previous r.ti'i induce* the belie! that little i« to be feare-i from tba pcaat vity of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 414 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. -KSTABLISHED ISM) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow. Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST OUST AFFLIOATION. Apl 16 tn th ILe WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. New Stock of Silk Curios and Silver and Oold Jewellery. TtUphjK yo ii>- Intpeetwn
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    • 250 4 TOWN HALL. rai Dallas-Bandmann Opera Co. TO-NIGHT Saturday, 18th February, (BY SPECIAL REQUEST) THE ORCHID. Monday, 20th February, The Girl from Kay's. Tuesday, 21st February The Cingalee. Wednesday, 22nd February, Three Little Maids. Thursday, 23rd February, Grand Miscellaneous Concert. l'riccs uk ihuil. i', at Robinson Piano Co. Fred. C. G&RTON,
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    • 212 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PARA RUBBER SEED, Ordors I dil-pJ for delivery from Mn< on «ar«l -i. $I.M) pjr 1 ,0- "*> Apply t gaaajar PA TALI N3 E^TvlK, .Se'aogor. Feb 1M W-8 OOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION, RAFFLES .(URLS' SCHOOL A French mistraftß is> required to uiv»-ii-TM t in n tbe h »:lur classy
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    • 34 4 Share quotation!, general shipping newt, and passenger liiti, beiidea ship ping, insurance advertisements will be found on page 9 and 10. Advertisements of Sales, Wanted, Tc Let, etc., will he found on Page 6
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  • 719 5 LEAVING SERV ICE WITHOUT NOTICE. [-'our Clerks Fined. Twtuntoj .iftt-rnooii. Mr Maxwell .utmg ONUUMKMMf of the Court of R<' .|UcM> mi to l»';ir <a»t i" which Mr Mr \v A Doirlay, Miinfw °f tne Va.uiiin Oil Coy., claimed daaafM again* fomr derki V K Oliveiro, D.| D'Sowa, Yap Keag l.<"g
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  • 32 5 Thk C.limiUl Government i« >• by the Wiihp Moil <,( the 16 h 9th. lo bay« expended #70,000 in tha preview ciV in tl;i' parchan I Tanjor»| r which w m on the market.
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  • 116 5 DkMUAU l ;uii '.i (J.i-il Sinch wa> I on ilm lid iii't. rot ili' "Miin i<;tiit-ci Munchi in 8 n :i Bond, hik! fui 'in Hi C Wfl v.-i-i sent to tilt vi i'l.. r>- he t-',i'«d Ik 1 i. fono< moni Ik ngo, paid lo Munch' 1 with
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  • 854 5 Thk Of —ml Manager's Report for raoßtii ending 28th January, 1905, is as follows The Chairman and Directors', II mh Australian Q. Ms Co Ltd Singapore. (ientlemen,— l beg to submit my monthly report on your mining and milling operations The mine measurements, ;md ats.iy results of prospecting
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  • 371 5 HEAR IT MURMUR It i' not often 'hat poets bloom in the fertile soil of Negri Sembilan, and therefore it is with joy we hail the following soulful utterances of A Voice" from Seremban Unfortunately the pages of the poem were not numbered, so the verses have to be allowed
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  • 76 5 Annual Meeting. The annuil cenpral meeting of the Sineapore N.irsing Association was held yesterday in the Municipal Council Chamber. Mrs. Whddell presided There waR a small attendance of member*. The report and accounts, as they have already appeared in the Straif? Time* were unanim usly adopted. The following
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  • 165 5 Ox the Mtk of June last, -he death of a young baba named Cho Tek Ho was, it was alleged, caused by Lim Chens San stabbing him in the back with a penknife while the parties were, with a iarge crowd, watching a show at Ann
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  • 237 5 We b?g to acknowledge receipt from the Hongkong Daily Press, per Messrs Kelly ai;d Waif h, of a copy of the 1905 itsueofthe "Chronicle and Directory for Chinß, Japan and the Straits, etc.'' This is the 43rd year of the publication of this
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  • 193 5 The New Club to be Again Considered. Thb Anini'il General meeting of the TantMn Club will he held at the Club on Friday next, :14th inst. at 8 pm. The bu«inesB of the meeting will be To reueive the Cun.imuec Keport and the lion. Trfiuturer'* Statement, of Account*.
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  • 256 5 'lhe Dramatic section of tfae S. C. R. C. gave a very successful concert and variety entertainment on Hong Lim Green last night to the members of the Club and their friends. It looked as if the heavy rain in the afternoon would spoil the
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  • 286 5 This is the !i«t of appsata which is :o I'm lie.iri] before the Appeal Ci>urt which <"ommen<'6S its sittings on Monday rf xt Grand an.l SoloaMM r the Po Od Marine Insurance m 4 Godown Coy, Limited K ,h Chiana K':n i Tee Kali. Mooea Bthaaa Sbooaa
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  • 76 5 The Times of Maluya a reports that the following changes will shortly take [iliee amonff tho District Surgeons <>i the Porak Medical Department Dr Clarke goes on long leave. Dr. Mtldrum acts 1< r him in Teluk Aneon. Dr. Gerrard is tn bo in charge of the Krian district, Dr.
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  • 51 5 Last night about i* o'alock, Mr. Hunt, Rallies .School, was sitlinz in his room at the school with h friend rameil Joaqaiaa. Mr Hum's Hylam buy was apparently handling a gun, which went off m killed him. The police were informed An inquest takes place this
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  • 41 5 Thk By/ inline Minstrels will give selections of their sons* and instrumental music at the Club House of the Straits Chinese Marine Club to-night, when a largo attendance of representatives from the various local Chinese Clubs is expected to be present.
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  • 57 5 A big local Chinese linn is understood to be in difficulties over land and rice speculations. The amount stated to be involved varies from $1,040,000 to SI, 160,0 i 0, and the Chittes are said to be hit to the extent of from S^OO.OOO to a round million. The head
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 STEARNS' WINE is pleasant to lake. Its effect is certain in prevcutiig aoagfea and colde. It builds vii and -i n-iiL't hens
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    • 24 5 STEARNS 1 HEADACHE CURE can be obtained from all dispensaries ijuickly by post). Gives instant relief Avoid imitations Keep the Genuini handy t t.h.«.
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    • 41 5 The Great Success of Chamberlain's Colic, Choler. and Diarrhoev Remedy in the treatment of bowel complaints lias made it standard over the greater i part of the civilized world. For sale by all Dealers. THE DISPENSARY, 28 2 General Agents.
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    • 483 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I 1 I 1 RAFFLES HOTEL SINGAPORE. SITUATION UNSURPASSED. ALL COMFORTS. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC FANS. 1 ELECTRIC BELLS. j TERMS MODERATE t VICTOR SINGING MACHINES, reproducing the actual voice of famous singers, differ greatly from those giving mere phonographic imitations. We have just received a large consignment ot
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 182 5 DAY BY DAY. .Saturday. iBth February. High Water. IU 25 p.m. Katfles GirU' School nfcn>ghrhuj Atternoon P. ii. outward mail dne. S.C. C. Cricket. Cricket P.W.D. v. V MCA. Special Dinner at Hotel ile I Kuro|ie. 1.0. G.T. 8 The Orchid.' Town Hall. 9. Sunday, 19th February. Hind Water. 8-46
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  • 1031 6 Official Report. Mr. 11 M s Mathti— levm Secretary to thr CkuwMwl ni Uurm.i. h.i^ imm4 the following letter, dated Ihe Kith June. 1904, to the Government ni Imlia I .mi directed to rabrail tin- following brief aceouj of what has hitherto u^-n dow in t lii>-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 567 6 NOTICES. WANTED phrtner, Chinese or Malay, with $(> OOO for an Investment in a paying concern. Liberal profits guaranteed. Apply to G. A. c/o Strait* Timrt. Fab IS N»L a GOVEKN M BIT N'< til FICATION A TYPECASTEB. Wanted for the Government Printing Office, Singapore, from the 10th March, IHO6.
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    • 623 6 Notices. TOO BE LET, small first Boor OSbH X .wing Cavenngh Bridge Ro*d and Flint Street. Apply to Guthrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. v.c. rpo BE LET.— No. 17 Armenian Street J. next to Bt. Andrew's House, lately in the occupation of Messrs. Tomlineon and l.frmit. Suitable for a boarding
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    • 598 6 BANKS. Hongkong tf Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL ..$lO,OOOOOO KEBERVE FUND:— merlinf? Reserve $10,000,000 117 r^r^ Silver Reserve 7,000,000/ 17 i OOO Rfleerve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. J. Raymond, Esq., Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E. GoeU, Esq. Hon. R. Shewan. Sia,. H. W.S,ade.E.
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    • 722 6 NOTICES. Katz Bros., Ltd. ARK NOW SHOWING. The Latest Novelties in LADIES' ANDCHILDRENS' HATS. Ladies' Sailor Hats Ladies' Toreador Hats Ladies' Untriinined Mats Girls' Sunshine i?its Boys' Galatea Sailors Boys' Drill Sailor Cips Boys' Navy Cloth Sailor Caps Girls' Leghorn Hats CHILDREN'S SUN HATS TRIMMED EMBROIDERY. Infants' Sun Bonnets Infants'
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  • 296 7 Honour to a li. I. 5. N. Master About three v an ago, the officers and crew of the H I 8. K. Cos 1.,,.,,!,,;,,, rescued tli<- pawenger'a and crew "t the dUlia a Manila steamer from dangi 1 in Philippine waters on being caught in
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  • 302 7 Planters in Kapar an nayi tli<- Main 14 paying at th« rate of SI an .11 land reserved by the Govern im nt as i".nl approaches to their pro perty Thu is one of tlin^ lit t U taxes which are of infinitesimal value to the State but
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  • 152 7 The Standard pnnta the following We have the bed authority for uiting thai no limit will be put, for tliupon die importation ol I aboor into the Transvaal saying thai the influx must op ooner oi later. The arrival of indentured Chinese labourer! lias already boul an incraaae
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 81 7 W i a often brii r t!-.i^ mm many ex traveller! cany a l»>tt!r r rlain't Colic, Cholera and nedy wit h to In' i^'<l in c» <■ of an emergency. Thii ireparation liaa qua] m^ cure for towel complaints. It can nol Ik- obtainil while on board the
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    • 402 7 NOTICES. SAVE YOUR HAIR With Shampoos of Cuticura Soap and Light Dressings of Cuticura. This treatment at once stops falling half, removes crusts, scales, ant' dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates hair follicles, supplies the roots with c.icrgy and nourish* merit, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome,
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    • 331 7 NOTICES. JTMa*. Agents for LEA rPERBirswoRC^ alii V* BY -^AjOT^fiLs H M V m HH purveyors to •£s*fflHßstt«iSiaf THE KING. I Celebrated Oilman's Stores I #THE SWEDISH BURNS KEROSINE OIL. Gives a beautiful, intense «m<l even light of 50 to 1,000 < an die-power. LUX The Lux Light is in
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  • 31 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. IS/.'i rUrasVf, 1905 1 Uy's -t/m bunk rate is 2/- Tiie British steamer Hom/my at rived yesterday from Port Said with a cargo c >vi!t for the Borneo Co.
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  • 475 8 Lewis and Peats Report. London, t"th -Inn. Para llk 111.11 kct has, be«u very nim during the past week. Sellers have beta very few aud not much b<ibincs>s lio-i been dune. Spot Hard has been tifui at 5/3^. Fob, March sold at 5/2^ ciosiug, IsUstl Soft ha> been
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  • 76 8 l.uwi, t X.75 Cube No. 1) nnpieked 1-J.37J Bali 5.«., '■■I I M 8.074 I Black M jjs, |2j Will MiS, 3.17} Brunei No I 3.311 4.60 usoo '-M.50 Übsrian No. 1 -23 00 imall 1 fn moil Hnk^- 480 mall peai vied do -'.In I 7t> 7.1
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  • 123 8 On London—Bauk 4 ni Demand 1/11 Private 6 m/s 2 do 3ms 2/.J (hi Germany—Uanli. d/d 2.03 Private 3 m/s 2.05^ do 6 m/k 'J.o7i On Franrt—Hank d d 2.494. Private 3ms 2.fi3i do 6ms 2.65| On India—Bauk T. T. 147J Private 30 d s 151 On Hongkonq—Bank d
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  • 76 8 h'-r P,r steamrr Tnnt HOWMY, EmopH via port? Xiten "am. Malacca and iinggi Khrmj Senti pni P. fc'ham* T. Anson Sapphc 3 p.m Batavia Sou abayt h'au faMf p.m. 1 rKKDAY. P.S'lmmAT Anson H. What I 50,., 2pm Malacca ifr I. l)ick<»on Brntong .'1 p.m IVn.-i-.i: and Dei
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  • 118 8 From Europe— By the P. A O. as. Malta due on 18th Febrnarv. From Ciiini— By th- K. I) L e.s Zieten due on 19th Februuy. TIME TAIH.g OK MAILS I>CK Lt ft Singapore Dum in London Armed Jan 9th N. I). L. Feb -'r.d Keb lst(>)
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  • 27 8 Arrived iBth February. I'er Saupho From Telok An»on Mr. aud Mrs. H. .Jones, Mrs. Agassi/ MeasrKoenitz, T. C. B Millerand A. H. Donaldson. m
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  • 56 8 The following paatengara are expected tv arrive here by the Imperial 'German Mail •teamer I'nnz Reijrnt Luitjiold due on the 24th inatant —Mr and Mm Ch. School-•ii.-i-tt-r, Mr. I'd Frankel, Mm. Elnhout and hild, Mr. and Mre. Knoopx, Mr. R. H. Smita, Mr. Paul Hafl'tnami, Mr.
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  • 75 8 Wharves at Which Different Ship. are Berthed To-day. iSast Whabf— XU. Victoria Uravinq Dock— Barendine O»ria. Albkbt Graving Dock lapara. Skction No. 1 Kedab, Charon, Aker. Taroba, Fan Sun- i Nil. „4 Flinuliire. 6 Beatong, I'iiij.' Bney. 6 Wray Castle. BoHNEO Wharf 7 Quito, Pentakota. 8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 79 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have, just received I large assortment of Japanese, Chinese, and Indian t-ilks of all kiuds an«l colours. Inditn, tod lYrsian carpets of all sizes, rugs and handsome ivory goods. Also many pretty articles sf aiber and gold
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    • 518 8 TRADINd VESSELS, &c. Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Antral i >h,, Feb. str. 3,263 tons I.e Cerf, 18th Fel> From Saigon, 15th Qc, and 21 d.p. Moine Oomte ACo Havre, lHth-Rils. Bentoni, Brit. str. 210 tons, Capt Quine, 18th Feb. From P. Swettenham, i6th Feb, G.c., and 61 d.p. Straits
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    • 360 8 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac The property of M. Wool, V-. To be b*>tcs at Mablston, Mouct i 1 •izii.. tli Rea I Suivniay, ls//< fUrasvy, IJK'.*>, at 3 45 pm. (•n vii tl i-.'o i);r. |/i i.i i. sals. Powell 8r Co., Auctioneers. Feb '0 lg.-i
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    • 1375 8 BIG VALUE FOR GENTS. Black Cashmere Socks with Fancy I;m Lisle thread and Cotton Striped Checked and Embroidered Sock h with Fancy Str i pen. 00l and Fronts, very high class Foot Wear Durable makes. Price $1.50 per pair. Pine $1.00 and $1 25 per pair. SELECTED CASH VALUE FOR
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 29 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. I K. A ■<• C, Telegraph Compu 17th Feiiki'ahy HOBURONU Barom>-te- 3C.-.'7 liirectiono:' Wino east. Faros of Wind s kTaz.Tamp la Ahads 59. MAXII.A-76J. WNrt. 0. 26. U.
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    • 1013 9 Under this beading the following abbreviations araued: "tr. steamer; nil. «hip; bq. barqne sen. schooner Yet. Yacht Crn. Cruiser; Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power Brit.— British 1 U. B.— United States; Feb. French; Ger. German; Dnt. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck passenger U.— Uncertain T. P.
      1,013 words
    • 564 9 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent?. Steamer.-!. Achilles. China, Apl ManshVld. Agamemnon, L'pool, Mar 17 Mannfiold. Alcinou", Liverpool, Mar H Mansfield Alesia China. Mar Bebn Mcut Ajax, China, Feb 25 Mansfield Andalusia. Honiikong, Feb _'7; B Meyer. Antenor, Liverpool, Fob Mansfield. Aparima, Newcastle, Feb
      564 words
    • 242 9 _2T*= l urn him (Mlm Trannw tIOUK 60L0. 9 9 13,600 10 $7.60 lieroawah U. M. Co., Ltd 500 uniMued. 4.J00 f 1U i, I 10 (Deferred) 2U.UUO f 1U 10 Kadaua O. M. Co., Ltd. 10,000 10 8 (I'ref.) 6,207 C 1 1 Kechau G. Pieldi, Ltd. (f.p.)
      242 words
    • 142 9 luiV "I 4 1 f 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd. 10,1X11 uuimiukL 2,000 f 100 f 100 Federated Euj,'ineerinn Co., Lid. 4,500 9 60 f 60 Fraser Neave, Ltd. 40,000 125 9 l-JS Hongkong and Shanghai li&iik l-J.OOO I 100 «100 Howarlb Enkiue, Ltd. 3,400 f 10 $lo Maynard
      142 words
    • 41 9 Howuilh Krakiue, Ltd. 7/, 260,000 3V prein. KUey, Uwgreaves, UJ. 6% 226,000 2% preiu buyei.. Sionaporo Municipal 8£ 400,00(1 1% prem bnyeis K i.B7H,iK«i 1% i.reiu lmy.i». •A «55,60» 1% (ll*. M«. Tanjuri IVmm l>..rt ii ti. f/ MU,OW pr*a
      41 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 249 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY KXKCUTKI). Messrs. Simpson Co., Coach Builders, Htulrn.%. U II I. 1. king IM VII Hi* Fiollmn Sir Ms \tttmt. JUtMM. m lUm Stmts S< ttleincutv. H. ARRAMS, The Sinicapore Horse Repository. Not 3D v.c. CHAMPAGNE LOUIS ROEDERER." Ettra oV*y and Carte
      249 words
    • 195 9 b^. NOTICES. #^NyCarlsbergßeer SL^^Wf^Hxm YeT !'t ht PHsencr Beer, especially brewed for Tropic* H "htalnable at the principal Hotels and Retail Dealers. l^c^ —^^^p^^ 1 ~^^j I .*n\m Impnrtftro W J BAGNALL HILLES Contracting Electrical Engineers and Importers OP Electrical Steam Apparatus. Have always on hand a most Extensive Stock
      195 words
    • 386 9 NOTICES. DR. S YAMAMOTO, JAPANESE DENTIST, No 352, VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. Jun 17 to. th. Ifi 4 BATAW BRICK WORKS. KIMN/.K Mk|)AU>,' PENANU »n<l H \NOI Assorted Brick-Suppliers Prices Moderate. Office 1 35, Prinsep Street. uepot l'ulo Saigon s s ALHADT. 1 tin ■sir n,.t '11 ll) a 11 TO
      386 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 743 10 rAt the price you pay for your STEMGAH, you are entitled to the very best. See that you get Buchanan's-'Black and White." You can have it for the asking. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. 43? O, STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penanf, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Prrts, Plymouth and
      743 words
    • 1230 10 STEAMSH I P COMPAN l ES. Koninklljke Paketvaant MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agrntn at Singapore Ship Agbkcy. LATK J Daksdbls A Co., 2 3 Coii.ybk Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. 1U rrom <xpwu.l v^ui o* oekiattoeo 101 Janiiem Bawea: Feb WJBa^ean.Poerabaya, Banrljermassin Kota-Baroe, Balik-Fapan,Moeara-Djawa,
      1,230 words
    • 661 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      661 words
    • 739 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES WW OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co,, Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers a. e despatched Tom Liverpool outwards for the Straits, Chins tnd Japan every week, and from Japan home wards for London every fortnight and foi Liverpool monthly. One ontward steamer wen month
      739 words
    • 522 10 ss. INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL CO. FIKE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. THE LARGEST FIRE OFFICE IN TUB Woßi.l BOUSTEAD t Co, Agents. TLIE LONDON AND LANCASHIRI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital. 212,750 Reserve Fund. .£1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Com pany, are prepared to accept
      522 words