The Straits Times, 17 February 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times U 11, 664 S NGAPORE. ERIDAY. FEBRUARY 17 1905. PRICE 15 CERIS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 659 1 NOTICES Milkmaid^ BRAND jmL IVII U M^i Jfc^a. Jay «^kl'^r£ s0 ««o| m- a., tkii Full Cream. tbadbhim Largest Sale in the World. T 1 De Dion Bouton Motor Trucks. As used at present in Singapore by Messrs. FRASER NEAVE, Limited. ECONOMY, STRENGTH, RELIABILITY. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO C. Dupire
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    • 271 1 NOTICES. Alexandra Hall. 449, North.llridge Road. TO-NIGHT OEOROE STILLWELL The <ireafpM| Magician in the vvorlo. Dtract from the Empire Theatre, LoaaV >i am 1 in. 11 1 uiaw— nnMimil MAUIi ■lIIIHUM NEW I he Indra Permata Theatrical Company also give their Opera. One admission to both performances Prices Reserved $2
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    • 508 1 NOTICES. NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB ZZ inccpu hILLfITTS lender, n-e war to.) for th- fu-,.1y (f ■lUOaUlll IIILLUI I W WSSIBLE AWARD '^■a^aaaßHa^^A. Mutu-^r:; irir^^ tr :Mni For -iirand pr.x. par.s. „<><, nc n c ''s.vr'triV!- OfHigh6itQu»Utf »ndb»Tni«GreaU«t Durability, »re therefore W0 IH 3^ fiingnp^re iportine Cui. CHEAPEST. aW> I
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 31 2 I.untluit, I'Jtii tilmuiry. Paipalßßtl fium aVkMaaa oofiaapoai dents iLo* thai the JjpajM energfitic.illy punning tapping operations, bnakiac Mm arooad vithdyM* mite and tli .wing it with Int.
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    • 51 2 To Turn Japanese Left. Reuter's Tokyo correspondent rffr rti iliat, y.iXMj Kukri tn civalr), v. t'li artillery have appeared 90 miles west of Uaoyang, uher<» II attempting to croM th« Hur.h<>, aid Itireatentne Marshal OfKuHf* ri'icme |aft A aimalianeoiai iacreaae ol has be«n mliown in die Russian
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    • 136 2 ff Mr. Balfuur, in the House of CommoM, *atd h« saw no ground for Bir 11. Campnell-Bannerman's ■oggaatim WiatUie Imperial Government should eetftufe the Indian Government in relation to Thibet. lie hoped (hat the negotiations with Afghani*'an would terminate tuccr«shiHy. Bir H. C. Bannerman was Bcofotwdly
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    • 26 2 Si 1 im l ii i ..iid Willox, M P. f >r the Brat n I>•I >• v,-. .ii oi Liverpool, has •eaigattd aki
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    • 17 2 anothei diaainnd veighiai carats baa i< an I ua»l ia in' Miiib at EVatoria.
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    • 68 2 Mr. .1. A. M ■!■...jin .>! P ii |.ivl.i notice that Uie amcßdmaal tv the pubtieatioß ol the l hibet Blue Buuk. it miael v and calcotatad to dioainiab a dignity uno security vi me Uommiski nert daa|i>tchad apoa laparial buaineee, ai. to tindermiiie. conndtnev in the
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  • 214 2 Marked Dollars Utilised. A Chinaman tigmvl in the Police (nun al l'ciiuiig CM Saturday, before I. I. BMm and \V Ptd nn a 'I -elling tiif.inns without lieaaM fhrimm to many Aootißg oat nfM both on land and sea ol late there, the detective^ .it PtHM have
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 431 2 NOTICES. FODEN STEAM WAGONS \mk iMA'l} flp-tfSSfciiMß^^P 4v) \VfKQmB AND TRACTION ENGINES PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd. GARRETTS PORTABLE ENGINES AND STEAM ROLLERS. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd. EVERY FACILITY in rciicn with Life Atmrancf it njforded k| rrm. gTAXDARD TIFE QKFfCfc lor lfa« largest and wealthiest of the Prov,.;tnt
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    • 739 2 NOTICES Two Genuine Articles. 3 Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY U is a pleasing example of the de- tjf licately flavored mature spirit T^i^T^rT^ ftl X so grateful to the palate of the PUKI H y^£^ connoisseur. Its absolute Jj"%^ Km purity places it in the first line iU^kjfß^^ m\jM of dietetic
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    • 79 2 Ukvti.i ii. BcaooutACfn \v. i; VVyatt, fan., public NBoall imiu. K. s. \v -:iys: "After (Offering souk' lime i.f I \i'iv I, ail .ittack of lysent«ry, I was induced by •hi-ini-t to try Chamberlain's Colic, ,'linlciii and Diarrhoea Bmm inly took one dose to relieve, mid ail< r 1 lew
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  • 424 3 The Autocracy's Ca.<e. l'rinoe Meatchersky, editor .>f the Qrotdamn, and the fonaMel ipokenian of tlie autiK-racy, Holds that tho 111anguration af bmi reforms as are at in Kussia haa boeu aotually prejudiced by the irrespoiisihlc agitation for a constitution which is now in pngn Speaking
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  • 198 3 It rould thai appear thai th it igati of motoring outweigh e-i ntl bof a promiaed bridegroom \>> be v church on the day appointed foi ins wedding This we gather ft. itory m the Cai t..1<l by Gabriel, the noted French racing motoriel He layi hai
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  • 187 3 A young Malay, appeared the othet r ving, before Mi Ebden at Peaaag, on a cnarge of having *ut by post a letter tminiH a Itamp which had already Ikm.mi H 111 Gordon \\'il >n. in charge ot the Poel Offioe, proeeonted: the aeoMed ad:nittv«l the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 29 3 Any itching >I<mi diseaae, such v pik*, chilblaioa, tcmrvy, pin p in cis. 1 quickly relieved and permanently eared by Daen'i ointment, which m ly !>•• li.-ul ot all chemiati
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  • 37 4 MURPHY: -On the (ilh February, fti R«M kong, Capt. Alex. Murpliy, Chief Mat.- M i Sun Let. Kll:KWOOD:-Onthe.Hn February, at H<>ii;> kun^, Janien Kirk wood, Fir.<t Kujjnn >■< I M. CuHtoiiis *.n. Churn Tina, Aged 58 )eam.
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  • 830 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 17th FEBRUARY. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good,"and from reports now published it seems tbat the war in the East tided tho collieries at home over what threatened to be a very bad season Indeed tl.e statistics show thU 1904
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  • 333 4 Advicks to hand from Labuan b\ the is. Kedah, state that Rajah Brooke! o' Sarawak has formally taken over the •erritoiy ot Lawas, and a steamer has; already arrived there with the renusite officials and police. The news in received at Labuan with feelings of apprehension mingled with others of
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  • 366 4 Bo many 8 vii I .;,'i association* in l*pin, that stir up a pang of regrei fof t*mfi i 'ims hit ate rom re, and pi cm dent t<> me'ii'iry -by Bulling ibt :iirt tea psragrspue from the c lumo iiecido.i Social Departuret ar.ii O. her Muter*," in the latest
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  • 171 4 At the last meeting of the Penang Municipality the President submit tod a letter from Government regarding the alleged nuisance caused by the iiulincrimiuate use of bicycle horns and b«lls on carriages. The President remarked that il would be a very good thing if md« thing wen done, to eheeh
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  • 85 4 I.\ our article yesterday ariunt the Boilers OniinaiKe the "dished" was erronsosjsljf rabetituted lot the wor.l "hfinisperioal h mat also be Mentioned that all vrs-eb or launches carrying nssssnnsri m 0 rerneaent •urvwy ami ..ii resssle having i Hriti^ii cr Colonial rei:i.«ttr aresleo liable to mrvey. Bu' priva c ljunchep,
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  • 119 4 I he carrci^e diiving mt;iDl;er) if the public are reminded that it will be well for all who drive in vehicles, but who have not leaden l««ged horare, to l>e home before dark to morrow; elee th^y willbetakina ri,ks To-ntarrow is toe last day ol tl.e dunaag Rww War, and
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  • 10 4 The German Brunei 9*»*dUr left I r U.itavia this morriing.
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  • 10 4 Skvkhai catei of phiEue wer<; ii. Manila early thi* month.
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  • 14 4 xnmaoAY afternoon the Foi Qlaaf iw pan the p >rt from wen to aaat.
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  • 12 4 Tbi Mandate, of l'l> tuoutii, hrjilgli tbe port fr jiri ni ruing.
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  • 40 4 111 Wai. n.i; l'.\i. jan is at Killanc. Baparrifing the work of making the tunnti f n tiie reaerv ir. TnK^wiminiti2 Cl ib launch will leave i uoday ar 8, 9. i 15 in :i ;t i 11-80 8 and •">
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  • 21 4 I.ahok quamitiei Tii banknotes am vow in drealatioo at Hongkong 'Ilk notei imitated ire ihoKeotth? Hoagkoog ii i Shanghai B:i;k m
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  • 36 4 W e are indebted to DaendeK arnl Co. for copies of the I.3iiilon Times of 2J»rd and -J4 f h Ju 1 iry which arrivi d to day bf the Datoh mail steamer Komtta Willm I.
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  • 23 4 Yk^tkuday iftenMN Mr. Cilmm sentenced a Sikh to hx montliK 1 i for stealing .1 Sikli. Th« defendant hud previous i:i tion.
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  • 32 4 A 'rikisha puller tuu b«, n airoateddt Hongkong for UMOlting his tan, aa American, with intent U< r,>'.\ Tiie puller had two eonfadamtaa ui;e of wboM thrtw pappoc into the AnMtieanii eye».
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  • 30 4 The Mi-:'i»r Attendant not l, the qnaraiitiiM restrictionn re pl.igiie against Port Bandar have been withdrawn. The port of T;»y Sui in Fornmsa is declared to be iaffetad with plague.
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  • 34 4 9 Twii new Malts have been kdmilted t<> the Americ in Union. Thuy are New Mexico and a new state formed firom union of Oklahoma and the Indian territories. The bill has jusi Cjngiess.
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  • 33 4 The B. 1. Tur.ihii, wliicl' arrived from Calcutta and Rangoon via Penang this morning, was quarantined, as a -mill pox occurrn.d while the vmm! m at Penang The crew are to be vaccinated.
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  • 72 4 < >a DM to the Town Hill being further 9Dgagcd by the Dallas- Bandman Co. on l'hursday next, the weekly practice of the Philharmonic OrobMtra will ><« lield at 445 prn on that day, as yesterday. A full attendance of nit inbdrs h specinlly reiiuested on this occasion Mr Scliliebner
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 423 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ult Eatable, Edible, Comestible, Esculent, Alimentary, Cereal, Cibarious, Dietetic, Culinary, Nutritive, Nutritious, Succulent, Potable Pote-t, PROVISIONS, THE AUSTRALIAN STORES AM INEXPENSIVE INDEFECTIVE. \A#"I P O Artists and WMSOn UO. Photographers. The only First-Class Studio in Singapore. I lie leading Borne; Qp-to-Data and FrocrMtive, WABSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Stor<e,
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    • 439 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. II IK Dallas-Bandmann Opera Co. TO-NIGHT Friday, 17th February, I mltti tht dfattawhhcd patronage and in the presence of H. K Sir John Anderson K I M.C and suite. THE DUSSEB3 OF DANTZIC Catherine I'ppsi-her Mm. Henry Dalla* Napoleon Mr. Henry Dallas Saturday, 18th February, (BY
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    • 56 4 G.R. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS. 2 superior 018-jes to be let at Urea* ham House, second H >or. RENTS MODERATE. Feb. X, v c Wisk:— On the l»t Felimary, at Kuala Lebir, Kelantan, the wife ol Mr. IVr.-y P. Wise, of a daughter. Haink Kobkrts:— On tli<> Jn.l KeUnmry. at Shanghai,
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    • 35 4 Mi». r t quotation*, gtmr:.! ihipping news, And paeawga) bate, beudei il ping, insurance Advertiienienti will U t'ouud on page 9 and 10. Advertiieoicnt; of f-'iitb, Wan Let, ate., will bt (oucd en i'a?t 6
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  • Special German Service.
    • 55 5 {Mm, fWi. Mi warf Prince Leopold is visiting the Czar at CzAikoe Selu prior to his departure for the Far Baat, where he joins the Russian forces as a German Military Attache" The I'iince will sail for the Far East from Genoa by the Njrddeutscher Lloyd.
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    • 26 5 Admiral Tiipit/. has announced to the Navy Department a new programme for the projected increase of the German Navy (FMltnvoil •<]<;) in 1906.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 40 5 l.cndfii, lUk February. Mr As<piith's amendment to 'he Address (calling upon the Government to place the fiscal question before the country immediately) has been introduced. The debate on the matter *as lifeless. A division is expected to-night.
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    • 15 5 The third Baltic fleet has left l.ibati for the Fai East
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    • 28 5 Four killed—Fourteen Injured. Lvii<lun, \~th February. An explosion has occurred on board a submarine at (jneenstown A sub-lieutenent and three others were killed. Fourteen were injured.
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  • 299 5 The Singapore public had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. and Mrs Dallas in The Duchess of Dantzic" at the Town Hall last night when this phenomenally successful romantic light opera was staged for the first time in Singapore That the audience had not forgotten these old
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  • 105 5 ALLEGED G RATIFICATION CASE. I h;- morning, Mr. Perkins (l)iewand Sapier) ippeartd before Mr Howard in the Summon! Court and said he had (troetad by the Deputy Public Prosecutor to npply that the case Senp Hei<g Guan (for having P in. en the Hrd intt. at the Mr. W. K
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  • 74 5 I apt night .icase of theft occurrfd tt the Hotel ries Irdfe Mr J. H. Da\ ie, whe is a resilient at the hotel, lost $;}."> which was stolen from a locked box on. turning $50. His boy," a Hylnm, lias absconried. Mr. Davie will be leaving
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  • 1837 5 Awful Sufferings of a Stricken Crew in Borneo Waters. Labuan, 13th Feb. The following tragic incident is no creation of Savage Landor or of Younghusband, but is stern reality and of recent occurrence. Early in the morning of 6lh February last a sailing vessel with
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  • 54 5 Yesterday morning, Det. Insp. Tyrrell boarded the P. and 0. b. b Simla and arrested a Spaniard on an allegation of having absconded from Manila with property valued at £2,000 which was all recovered. In the afternoon, he was brought before Mr. Howaid, and a postponement asked for till Saturday.
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  • 667 5 RAID ON THE "CHENG HONG KOK CLUB. A Batch of Chinese Arrested. YfcJTKRDAY, twenty-eight Chinese and a Sikh (watchman) were before Mr. Nunn, the Chinese for playing in a common gaming house at 49 Club Street on the night of the Ist inst., and the Sikh for obstructing Mr. A.
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  • 53 5 The Bangkok Nursing Home, depending as it does on public subscriptions, does not pay its way. It is 23,000 ticals in debt. The subscribers met on the 7th instant and decided to srrre the advantages ol the Home with the public by starting a Eecond class ward for non-subscribers, thus
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  • 67 5 A man was brought to hospital at Colombo, the other diy, with a fish in his throat He had caught the fish, held it between his teeth, and was attending to his hook when the fish slipped in and got stuck in bis khfO&L An operation had to be perform.
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  • 58 5 The following are recent British North Borneo appointments:— Mr. I. C. Brackenbury to be acting district officer, Labuk and Sugut, with effect from 11th November, 1904. Mr. 0.0. Irving to be acting district officer, Beaufort with effect from 11th November, 1904. Mr. W. H Beech to be a magistrate of
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  • 84 5 The P. and O. outward mail steamer Malta left I'enang at 8 o'clock this morning, and is expected to arrive at the P. and O. wharf at 5 p. m to-morrow (Saturday). The P. and O extra steamer Tientsin left Bombay on Wednesday afternoon and is expected to arrive he'
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  • 121 5 Hu-sia department is BOW working under immense difficulties Traffic on the Trans-Siberian Railway is completely disorganised. General Ku ropatkia'l stores of ammunition are .il ni"M deplenished, and it is at present linp.'ssible to get more sent through. The sccti..n of the railway is also broken. •Japanese
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  • 180 5 Ii i~ mie hundred years ago tn-il;iv that one of the iim-i remarkable sea fights in the annals of BritM* took place. Sir Nathaniel Dance, on his way home from Canton with lioet of ll East liidianieii, encountered I lie French squadron under Admiral
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 NOTE :—On Pace a of to-day's issue will be found a number of Telegram* received prior to noon.
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    • 257 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL SINGAPORE SITUATION UNSURPASSED. ALL COMFORTS. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC FANS. 1 ELECTRIC BELLS. j L-j TERMS MODERATE L-r VICTOR SINGING MACHINES, reproducing the actual voice of famous singers, differ greatly from those giving mere phonographic imitations. We have just received a large consignment ot tine records and
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  • 384 6 Pimples Cured In Province Wellesley HV Dr. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. I n purities in the blood are the cause of skin disorders such as Eczema. Pimples, Boils. It is a mistake to try and cure eruptions such ax these by means of salves and ointments
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  • 729 6 P. O. r Per Chusan sailing .'n.l M.irch -Mr. A. K. Miilhollnnd, Mr. K. K. W. Cornell, Mr. \V. A. GreiK, Mr. and Mrs K. W. Bradd.ll, Mr, ami Mr». AlHiikod, Major General Sir A. Dtirwanl, Mr. P. J. Burgess. Per ronnota sailin? on Hlli March -MrSerle
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  • 210 6 For Singapore. Per P. <k O. 8. s. Marmora connecting with the steamer Nuoia <it Colombo, from London Jan 20, dne 18th Feb— v>Us N Evans. Mies Tedlie, Misses Wilding, Rev. P. Rees, Captain and Mis. Loeock Messrs. R. 8. Fry, A. B. Ward, H Conwa> Belfield,
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  • 1610 6 One of the Dlhrim Inter, tewed. i Btoc Ml would n. it allow hnu•etf i" be interview d al Colombo. Hut General 9mm, in- Chief oi 1 1 statf, M commuuicatnc enough i, 1)1, I j> i Bairn proved in >U im .idle ti> the inti-r\ kwii and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 433 6 WANTED AT ONCE. Experienced Bill Collector. Must give i >Dd snurity. Apply KELLY 4 WALSH, LTD, Fpl, 1 1 17-2 WANTED. A partner, Chinese or Malay, with $6 000 for an Investment in a paying concern. Liberal profits guaranteed. Apply to G. A. c/o Straits Timi-t. Feb 13 tm VICTORIA
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    • 621 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET, small first floor offices facing Cavenagh Bridge Road and n'Bt Street. Apply to Outhrie A Co. !.t. Agents. no. rpo BE LET.— No. 17 Armenian Street J_ next to Pt. Andrew's House, lately in the occupation of Messrs-. Tomlinson and I.ermit. Suitable for a boarding house.
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    • 648 6 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, HANDSOME DINNER SERVICE, &v. Also a choice collection of plants. To be held at No. 114 Emerald Hill Road, off Orchard Road Saturday, 18th February, 1905, at 2 pm Handsome drawing-room rattan furniture, valuable photogravures, Japanese panels, dressing tables with mirror attached; washstands.
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    • 361 6 VACANT I.'ooi; n with board; re\sontl>le terms. Apply Mrs ORRS, A Wilkie Rial. Feb 14 IS-3 'I 0 BE LCT— Pait of Colder Quay, at I pn»ttnt in the o.cupation of Messrs Sjme A Co. Alto No. li'Alraeida Strc<t. Dales of entries to be ascertained from MEYER PROS. Feb 8
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    • 111 6 I VESSELS ADVERTISED TO HAIL. Europe, Z.eten, diu> \9'.n Fd.., B«hn Mayer. > Odessa, P. Mar:e, due 20th Feb., E A. Co. f Penu >K aud itonibay, Cnpri, due 21 st f Feb., Behn Meyea. Baltic ports, Kugby, due beg of March E. A C). Part ttWttUsahtm, Av.igym, pvor, i'l
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 175 6 NOTICES. Wlje Straits 13imes. AND Wfie Straits SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE in ADVANCE. Daily Issue per year $30. 0U do per quarter 7.50 do per month r >" do per copy 0.15 Weekly imne per year 18.00 5o per ijuartei 4.00 do per copy ".4" When sent by post, there is
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  • 190 7 A Nn\nl Expert is Not Despondent. Mi .1.111.. the naval expert, mtaag ia the Daily Chronicle, is mat dsspoaaea( .1^ to Admiral Kojestvunsky caaaoja. Trm.' be iK-dgcx las Emmh nttiaists around with a good many hypotheses. It of uoiurse, undeniable that wore the Baltic nest
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 12 7 ZYMOLB TOOTH POWDER, a perfed antiseptic dentifrice, cleunos and tlir- t«elb, >•*/(/ rtfmhina
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    • 660 7 BANKS. IT NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HAMDELSBANK. (Netherlands India Commercial Bank) ESTABLISHED ISSS. Piid-ii ('•pital/7,200,000 (stoat £600,000) RmriT Fori /1,572,000 (abut £181,000) Head Office Amsterdam. Mead Agency Batavia. BRINCHES The Hague, Sourahaya, Snmarang, I ndramayoe, Bandoeng, and WeltevrecleD cohhspohdihts java 'heiihon, Te«al, and I'eealongan. LONDON BANKERS William Deacon's Bank, Ltd. rams bankers
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    • 607 7 BANKS. Hongkong V Shanghai Bantifng Corporation. I' AID- UP OAPiIAI. B. uk > u«.. KESERVE FUHD. Sterling ReserrclH'UUU.mxj I f^r>/vv. Silver Reserve «T; WO.OOO w Reoerve Liability of Proprietors 9 ,CXi<>,<>o< COUKT OH UIKECTOKS. A. J. K&ymond, Esq., Chairiuau. H. E. ToiokiDS, Esq., Deputy Cbairmnn. K. UoeU, Esq. Hon. K.
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    • 751 7 NOTICES. Jt THE SWEDISH T WgL. LUX LAMP. BURNS KEROSINE OIL. Ym Gives a beautiful, intense and even light of 50 to 1,000 candle-power. LUX The Lux Light is in immense use tor Kail way •Stations, Estates, Hotels, Factories, Workshops, etc. SMOKELESS INODOROUS NEXPLOS.VE FOl> InS P* cti d X
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  • 209 8 Vi-ikkimv, a Cbinamaa was arraigned before Mr Oilman for the tliolt of a pair of joss candlesticks value Williok Street on Wednesday. Leonard explained that the same .indlesticks had been stolen on I inst. pawned ami recovered, but the thief escaped On Wednesday pete pawned in the same
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  • 187 8 A tire occurred on board the BMW' •'•ln. at Kowloou Docks, a few day ago. At three o'clock the second officer was awakened by a noise. Jumping out of lit— bunk and hurrying on deck he fouud smoke coming from Xo. 3 hold. The chief officer,
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  • 320 8 MASI ]>ec'ile have been enquiring of late what is the meaning of the cutting up of the streets that is going on in the neighbourhood of Rallies Siiuare and Bittery Rjad The explanation is that the Municipality are going to light that re zion by
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  • 225 8 To be Opened on the 15th of March. The new electric tramways will be opeoed on the loth of March. Splendid progress is being made in the work of constructing the Power Station in Mackenzie Road Difficulty was experienced at first in the matter of finding foundations,
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  • 248 8 On Friday, 10th February, Loh Tan was arraigned before the Judicial Commissioner and two assessors, Messrs. Bagnall and Wickwar, on the allegation of having on the 27th December last' committed murder by causing the death of Oh Choon Hi at Titi, in Jelebu district. Mr. Butler, Assistant
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  • 158 8 Wharves at Which Different Ship.. are Berthed To-day. Kast Wharf— Nil. Victoria Graving Dock liurendine O»ria. ALBf.KT Graving Dock— Nil. Suction No. 1 Carlyle, Charon, Islander M '2 De Carpentier h 8 Nil. 4 Nil 5 Nil 6 Wray Ca.tle. 81.KNKO Wharf 7 Kodak, i.Huto, Pentakota.
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  • 145 8 The Journal of the Straits Branch of the Koyal Asiatic Society, for January, contains the following articles Methods of computing time for planting in Borneo by Dr. C. Hose Notes of visits to certain parts of Siamese Malaya by C. \V S Rynnersley; Hunting Invocations by R
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  • 175 8 The Bench Court was occupied yesterday afternoon enquiring into a case in which a Malay syce, Haji Osman, brought a charge of dishonestly retaining stolen property against six Japanese, one of them being a woman. losp. Brace prosecuted, Mr. Van Cuylenberg appeared for all the defendants. The
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  • 24 8 Arrived i6th February Per Simla:— From Shanghai— Mr. A. \V. Prior. From Horizon;,'— Mr. C. M. Phillipb, and Mr. F. Mentinor.
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  • 114 8 From Euhopk— By the P. 40. s.a. Malta due on 18th February. From China— By the N. D. L g.s. /Aeten due on 19th Februvy. TIME TAISI.E OK MAILS DUX. LtUMngapore Due in London Arrived .Inn 9th N. D. L. Feb 2nd Feb lstfr" Jan Uth B.
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  • 25 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 17rA February, l»or> To-day's •tym bank rate is 2/- The Hudson arrived yesterday from New York with 137,000 cases of oil for Shanghai.
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  • 92 8 (Jamliier bnyen f 8.75 do (Cnbe No. 1) unpicked 1-J.371 Copra Bali S.iiU do Pontiauak 8.U74 Pepper, Black 25. \i\ do Wbite, 5^ 39.U0 Sago Flonr Sarawak 117) do Brunei No. 1 3.30 Pearl Sago 4.60 Culfee Kali, 15 > basis ■_•:».>! Coff-e.l'alembanK.iOXbaiU 24.50 Coffxe, Liberian No. 1 23.00
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  • 131 8 0" T.ondon—Bank 4 m a 2/Demand 1/11 tf Private 6 m/a -rh do 3 m/a 2/-} On Germany—Bank d/d 2.08 Private 3 id/» 2.06J do 6 m/a 2.07} Oh France—Bank d d 2.494 Private 3m a US) do 6in>i Oh r,,<lUt—Bank T. T. 1471 Private 30 da 161
    131 words
  • 68 8 MAIL S C LOSE. vm Prr Mtmmft limr. TO MOKKUW Patambaasj Hatavi-r stain r.-'t.'iiham A Peuang Pin Stn<i ■> pm Rnndjermnß-in cti'. I umi ip in MaKccaA I*. l)ii 1/ ap DaU Sum air ti p ni Bangkok tin p ni Rnngkok Tnnnli., :i p. m K.-.ngooii A Calvuttik p.m
    68 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 212 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, fto. 51, 52 High Street. Have just ivwiwd a large apsortuient of Japanese, Chinese, an I Indian silks of all kinds and colours. Indian, and Persian carpets of all sizes, rugs and handsome ivcry goods. Also many pretty articles of silver and
      212 words
    • 172 8 SEWING MACHINESNOTE THIS SPECIAL OFFER. Frister and Rossmann's "Housewife" Hand machine (COMPLETE WITH ACCESSORIES) PRICE PRICE four *P^iKHn FOUR WEEKS MmmJ^r^r WEEKS ONLY ONLY #22.50 <#sj»^ r #22.50 I I O DC A O K.I These Machines are of such Sterling wUlt rXIIMwUINi Quality that we want to place them
      172 words
    • 372 8 [DAMSON'S 500T5T FOR ALL CLASSES. \^w»trrnS^y Unequalled for STYLE, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT OUR TRWE MARK STAMPED ON THE 801E8. TO BE HAD Of ALL DEALERS. 23 LONDON WALL, LONDON, E.C. Udink, 17th Feb. From Pontianak, IMk 1 Fej (i.e., and 10 dp. Lim Ah Bam. For I'onti
      372 words
    • 143 8 Hie Lrong, Knt. tr IMk Feb. From Telnk A" ic. and 134:1. p MraiU Steal ifa Per Teluk A noon. KumSany, Brit. sir. ton*, I'.ipl Builer, 14th Feb. From Hon«koi mli F*l. 1.1 l\, and r>B dp. Boustend A Co. For I'enang. MMMMf*,Brl i RobinMa, 13th Feb. From BMgt Ik,
      143 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 267 8 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 17th February. High Water. 9-46 p.m. Surging Association Municipal Ollice 43U. SVC. Marim l/oiiipnny Drill. 5-15. Yap I liow Thon;.' Opera. 9. The Duclie»« of Dantiic. Town Hall, 9. Saturday, 18th February. Hi(th Water »-4(i a.m. M-57 10 26 p.m. Kafflex Girls' School Prize-givini: Afternoon P.
      267 words
    • 22 8 WEATHER TELtMir (A h. A. C. Tflrftrr,))!; < lt>TH KeIIKI'ABY HOXUROh<, Barometer Direction of Wind ss Force of Wind i Max.Temp in Btede.
      22 words

  • 1120 9 The samar Revolt. Hamar, says the s,,:>! .1/.,,, a., i /■*,<>. was uiH. the BKjet looriahtng island in the Philippine group. To-day, it is an ftbaolatf) wiM<rnr- the t"«iiImiiii. the whabitaata sithei Bordered or hiding in the interior, reloctaal ■lliea "f the Fulajan isMUfents, who hen in. ill.-
    1,120 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 686 9 NOTICES. Charles Heidsieck's White Seal Champagne sole aoents Bthn, Meyer Co. J2RI Singapore and Ptnang DEPOTS. !lfljfi>i^ Si n giipore (SHv7 Insn. John Little <o, Ltd. (nsvrs liunt/i-l Srliuhmarhir. Jj^^k G. Hoppenst? Bourabmyn '"~rf> <j 1,, un Vi<m|> ft In. U§^j_Ss| tn.w THE lANJONQ PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. •aiPWRiGHTa, Engineers,
      686 words
    • 256 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Messrs. Simpson <k Co., Coach Builders, .tliulrn\. To II I. »i. king KM VII Hi* EitrllrNf) Sir JoVii \iul.imii. LC.sU. Governor of the Mmits S< ttl. vi.-i." CiUl'igui. an.l all inf.Tinaliou Btf li.vl of our ki t H.ABRAMS, The Singapore
      256 words
    • 570 9 NOTICES. Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd. ENGINEERS. S IPBUILDERS. AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS SINGAPORE. AGENTS FOR: Some of the sizes rolled 8 x 8 9 x9] 1O xIO and up tv 29; 12 At least t.vice the strength of any other rolled steel columns ti r«]SMI *»%ht Apply for tables of safe
      570 words

  • 500 10 M r. J. Ptaaeck AmonK the (i lobe-Trotters. Sayi tlie London Wmrld Modem conditious of life have made extensive navel possible to an enormously large section of the public wLc in other days never left their own country, or even, it may be, their own parish. This
    500 words
  • 248 10 Steam or Motor? The matter i i new fin engine mii came up befon the Fenang Municipal Oommusionen "ti Friday. Mr. Clayton gave an opinit n agaiiul ;> itntin fire ea.liir. li. mi. count of the lorn of tune m uji iteam to enable the engine to
    248 words
    • 943 10 Under this heading the following abbrevla- I I iun» me used:— «tr.— steamer; sh.— ship; hi).— >ar<jrje sch.— schooner Yet.— Yacbt Cm.— Onuser; Gbt.— Gnnboat; Tor.— Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power Brit. British i V. S. United I States; Feb. French; Ger. German; Dot. Dutch; G.c. General cargo d.p.—
      943 words
    • 580 10 Name, port, probublc date of arrival, and name of agent*. BTKAMEKB. Achilles, China, Apl 2; MAasfield. Aginicni on, L'pool, Mar l' 7; Mannfield. Alcinou-. Liverpool, Mar«; Manstield. Alesia lii:m. Mar 1 ebn Mt>ycr Ajax, China Fob 2f> Mnnsfield. Andalusia. HoD^kong, Feb 27: B. Meyer. Antenor, Liverpool, I-Vl> M;
      580 words
    • 203 10 No ter I«n. Paid ■Share. yriM °P C PP Ily n.ircr* i'<:iiT* TranMc tIODS eoLc. iii.6oo 10 $7.60 Beraawah U. M. Co., Ltd... ,500 .mn»ued. 4.J00 f 10 f 10 iP^Wndl iO.OOO f 10 10 Kadaua G. M. Co., Ltd. 10,000 10 8 M» re( i&2» \v l KecLau
      203 words
    • 144 10 400,000 1 S",OUU uniitouod. 2,000 IUO 4,500 50 4U,(»J Il's 12,000 I'm 3,400 I 10 S,OOO 100 2,750 I S 100 35,000 i I 10 li'JJ I 50 2,(100 I'JO 6,000 MO 7os mmatt, 300,000 t 10 60,uuu unissued. 37,000 lOil I A 1 Dull Development Co., Lid. I
      144 words
    • 30 10 Howarth fcr»kine, Ltd. 72 260,000 JY p rem RJey, liergre»r«, Ud. «X S% pre v buyer. I.S7VWU 1% prem buyen. t-JU. n.-m o u A. w;: gJ^S g fc-5^
      30 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 195 10 p Ny Carlsberg Beer jHf-rH^^*jjß^ Very li|tht Pilsener Beer, especially brewed for Tropic* IJ^TTT7rrrß>l Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail Dealer*. B NT lAh^DtKG g Sole Impopfera 9f M BAGNALL HILLES. Contracting Electrical Engineers and Importers op Electrical Steam Apparatus. Have always on hand a most Extensive Stock of
      195 words
    • 57 10 NA.VIGAZIONEGENERALE ITALIAN. FOR PENAN'G AND BOMBAY. The Italian 8. CAl'KI, 4.200 tone Captain Belsito, having left Hongkong jii the IMh inst., day be expected tc irrivj here on Tuesday the 2Ut inst. and will be despatcdeJ for tlu above poits on Tbursda) the inst. For freight and passage apply to
      57 words
    • 426 10 NOTICES. H. ABRAItTS V>6e Jiorse Repository ORCHARD ROAD. 200 Horses, Cobs and Ponies. We bave just larked a Bhipinent of very handsome Polo Ponies, Ladies Hacks, Harness, Cobs and Carriage pairs! Amongst this shipment without doubt are some of the he-it cl.vs of sola a!s ever landed in Singapore and
      426 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 704 11 At the price you pay for your STENQAH. you are entitled to the very best. See that you get BuchanaiVs"Black and White." You can have it for the asking. S TFAMSHIP^^OJVtPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Prrts, Plymouth and London.
      704 words
    • 1261 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. Agen. > at Singapore Ship AosyCY, latk J Darsdbls A Co.. M Cot i.tbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. rui»in-T from xptod. win o« i<»-»ratcn.. Van I'.iemtdrik Billiton Feb IS Billiton, and Ratavia Feb i 7
      1,261 words
    • 654 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUJSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Qerman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice verta) Port .Said. Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      654 words
    • 731 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIBS ICEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers aie despatched rom Liverpool outwards tor tbe Straits, Chinft tnd Japan every week, and from Japan homeirarda 'or London every fortnight and foi Liverpool monthly. One ontward steamer inch month extend* to Vancouver
      731 words
    • 522 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE~CO. FIRE LIFL'. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS BXCKIf] jLi:',ooo,ooo. THt LAhoEST M MVKI IN THE WOBi BOUSTKAD A Co., AgeuU THE LONDON AND LANCASHIBh FIHE INSURANCE COMPANY CauiUl £2,127,5(/O Paid up CapiUl. 212,75u Reserve Fund. .£1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Com pany, are prepared to accept fire
      522 words

  • 626 12 Ilii' present height of raw rubber says tin- Gummi Seituno, ;> mtv important questiuu for tin- whole india rubber trade, both manufacturen and ilualsirs That Journal published late v some wisnarki m the sulijrct which it followed u|> with a ststemenl from a Brussels cxjKTt in reply
    626 words
  • 191 12 Lasl month, several American .1 a tinned in Mindanao, 1 1 1« Southern Philippines, attended ■> wedding of tbe lighter "t .1 lloro kfahon raedan Chief- .in Ifandi A- tli office! I eholdins the scene, along with an int<T ter, a More fanatic suddenly inn amok
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 18 12 R1 BARNS 1 be obtained from n!! duptasari** ,'iii-kl' liy port) >""V'- i.o withont th» O?naine in.» f.
      18 words
    • 393 12 NOTICES. ITCHING HUMOURS SPEEDY CURE TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOUR. Bathe the affected parts with hot water and CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin and scalp of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply CUTICURA OINTMENT freely to allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and
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