The Straits Times, 15 February 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times SO 31,662 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15 1905. PRICE 15 BEIf S
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  • 392 1 By Lt.-Oi.. thk Hos'ni.K A. Murray, V.D., COMMAVDAXT, S.V.C. Sintja/iorr, 14"' I'cln-ituni. s. V itfgt, F. (i Allen is transierreil from the S. V. A to the stall an.l i> pTOMOfJ Quarterin.iMer Sergeant, B. V C, witb ellect from this date. S. A Orderly Orficei for next week:—
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  • 84 1 For Per tttamrr Timr. TOMORKOW Knrope via ports Sio\!n ,1 p.m. Madras via ports Tara 8 pm. Penang A Oklflßtta Ku,n Sanii 8 p.m. Kiitiiroon A Calcutta Prntakota 3 p.m. I. Hwlillll via ports I'tnnng S p.m. Mum -nk A I'alembanK (i. (1 M*fir 4 p.m. Friday. t'»nang
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  • 233 1 From Europe— By tho I. <k O.s s. Malta duo on 18th February. From China— By the P. AO.s s. Simla, duo on lHth Februury. TIMK TABU OF MAILS lU'lt left Singapore Due in London \rrivc .Inn »th S 1)1. Feb -->nd Feb Ist Jm Ilih Ii
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 722 1 NOTICES. De Dion Bouton Motor Trucks. to) As used at present in Singapore by Messrs. FRASER NEAVE, Limited. ECONOMY, STRENGTH, RELIABILITY. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO C. Dupire Co., AGENTS. 6 INSURANCE BOND THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. A lo -il British life office will insure your life at
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    • 433 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. >o 26, RAFFLES PLACE. >^ A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF B^T^^J^^^ GRAMOPHONES j£* THERE IS ONLY ONE GRAMOPHONE. M SlvE that you get a (iraracphone and Gramophone K cords as MaaaliMtorid bi The Gramophone Typewriter Ltd. London, and that same bear the well-known TRADK MARK as under. TRADE
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  • 1256 2 Russia and the War. F,0,,, 1/.. Dmmjnei Dupatek.) 1..,,,./..,,, .sii, Tlie coiiiiiK'iits of the Fremli praai up on the fit. Petersbuiy n, tremcly Int t<-i Mb« jowaaJi predicting tho tarly dciwiifall ol CV.ans m Hu>sians in America aiv tlj and liavt sent £100,000 to MtUt tht ivvolutinnar.r
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 287 2 NOTICES. VICTOR KEYLESS SAFES. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. CROSSLEYS OIL AND GAS ENGINES. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. VACANT 'n large room f>uitab'c for a marrie j rupleora bachplor, and also one small \r>ply to K. c/o Strnits Time*. Pet 17 m.w.'. v.c. EXPANDED METAL 'British Manufacture) suitable tor tin infinite
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    • 720 2 NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. jj Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY Q is a pleasing example of the de- mM j£ licately flavored mature spirit /||m jB so grateful to the palate of the iU H 1 j connoisseur. Its absolute p^^k ttß^^. purity places it in the first line /^fk^Hß^ f ji
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  • 131 3 (/■>■■/) t'.xrhn There are new (7th Feb.) ovwr 3,000 i! b Port Artliur at Shanghai.! Abool 300 arrived that day, and the Dtficials here find it aline! impossible to! provide accommodatioa for the large: crowds. Xll arraafnaeata whatever had l-ot-M made by the Russian authorities f< r .urnmiiKxlatinj;
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 Every Community has been benefitted by the introduction of ChambcrUiai'i holen and Remedy into tiii- eonntry. Then is leareclj a Drighboarhood bvl that someone can be found whoae lift hu bei n Hived by its th< known inediiin.' lot of stomach and bow*] tronblw, inunediate relief and can always be
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    • 428 3 NOTICES. Superior Teak Household m mm Furniture. IMPORTED FLOWERING PLAN'S ETC: The Property of F. LeJerer, Esq (leaving fjr Eur>pe). To be sold at D.iWt y", Dalvey Itoad, Saturday, 25th February, at 1.30 p. m. Drawing Room, Bedrooms, Dining Kessa well up;. nitre I in I!; \lv thromrsoat, an.l m
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    • 214 3 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK. PENANO. Th« above Dock utuat;d il Provinct Wellesley, at the entrance of the Pryt River has lately been lengthened and deepened, and ia now of the following dimensions Length of the blockt 320 feet i Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on till at ordinary
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  • 31 4 UlLiKßMANN:— Theodore Hilteriiiaini of DusneMoy, Germany, -erimi partner in the Uri.i- Ililterinann Hro- \!am.'he«ter and B ad fonl and Brinkmann au<l Co., Singapore and London. Aged 78 years. (By telegram).
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  • 884 4 Bom remarks on the extraordinary plight of the F M t?.~ where there are no juries and where even British subjects Cm li:id no court of appeal from the rulings of the Judicial Commissioner— appeared in these oil nuns yesterday. They
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  • 496 4 W'k hear from Hongkong that the new railroad from Kowloon to Canton is going to be started within the next four or five months. That is to say, a beginning will be male with the constructional work. This announcement is made on absolutely good authority and has more than a
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  • 389 4 General Stoessel's reserve broke down at Colombo. A Times (.'eylon representative had gone on board the mail steamer to interview the General, but the latter refused to be drawn. The reporter was then resourceful enough to hand to the General the telegram which Dr. Morrison, the famous Peking correspondent of
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  • 324 4 Much has of late been made of tin finds in Burma, and high hopes have been aroused by the brilliant reports of prospectors especially in Lower Burma. That they have jumped too readily to conclusions is more than probable. Judging from appearances, further examination of the finds is likely to
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  • 135 4 The news that M. Kossutb, the son of the famous Hungarian Patriot, Louis Kossuth, has been received in audience by the Emperor Fiancis Joseph is indeed an historical event. Louis Kossutb, who died in 1»94, was an irreconcilable foe to the House of Hapsburg from whose anti- national rule he
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  • 113 4 The Viceroy of Canton remains firm in counteracting coolie emigration trom his province to the Rand. Neither orders to the contrary nor promises, apparently, can move him The Viceroy, at the date of last mail advice?, was very much opposed to allowing any more Chinese labourers to co to South
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  • 47 4 We hear that Mr D. K. Somerville, Manager of the Straits Steamship Company, Limited, is to be appointed successor on the Legislative Council to the Hon. J M. Allinson, who is leaving for home nearly next month. Mr. Somerville is presently a member of the Municipal Commission.
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  • 21 4 It is said that the commander ol the army in Netherlands India, LieutenantGeneral W. Boetje, will go home in May next.
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  • 25 4 The Rev. N. J. Cocvrkik returned by the M. M. s 8. Urnest Sin, evening, from a very enjoyable trip to Kandy and Neurali i.
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  • 22 4 Thb harbour was covered with ;i heavy rain mist this morning which mace it rather ditticult to Mta the arrival of steamers.
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  • 35 4 Chief Insp. Foi.ey of the F. M. B. police leaves for Port Swettenham by the s. p. (MMftr this afternoon. Mr Foley has been on a fliort holiday in Singapore. He is stationed at Klang.
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  • 34 4 The annual meeting of Urn Pr—by terian Church will be held to-night at 8.45, when the reports for th. year v ill be presented and a musical programme tendered. All friends are cordially invited.
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  • 36 4 Ordkks respecting the departure of 11 M 8 PiMfMMM for home .r to have been countermanded. It i.x said she is to be detained on the China station for the next six weeks or two months.
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  • 33 4 The Appeal Court will sit on Monday the presiding judges being Lional Cjx. Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton ami Mr. Justice Hyndraan-Jones and Mr. Justice Law. There are over 20 cases to be heard.
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  • 34 4 MksBrs. Hankin and Knixkbk, comanagers of the southern branch of the China Mutual Life Insurance Co. send us one of their useful and well printed calendars which they are issuing to their Chinese clients.
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  • 34 4 The P.&.0. extra steamer Uaznguu left Moji at noon on Monday vial is expected here on the 2:tnl iaatant, There is a report from M<>ji that tin; Mazngon struck rock off Bukura, Hikophima (Japan).
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 675 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. lif'l 0 O Artists and WllSOn tt UO Photographers. The only First-Class Studio in Singapore. The LeadiM Hour; (Jp-to-Dato and Progrestive. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. New Stock of Silk Curios and Silver and Sold Jewellery. TtUphene No. 146. Inspect ion
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    • 209 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL.~ THE Dallas-Bandmann Opera Co. TO-NIGHT Wednesday, 15th February, LAS I PERFORMANCE OF THE CINGALEE Thursday, 16th February, (trand production of the romantic light opera, THE DOOHESS OF DANTZIQ. Catherine I |.j.*.-ber....Mr». Henry D.illx-. Napoleon Mr. Henry Dallas Friday, 17th February, Grand Fashionable Night 1 ii'lcr the
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    • 53 4 Share quotation!, general ihippiug newi, and paMenger liiU, betides tihipping, insurance advertuementi will h* found on page 9 and 10. Advertiiementi of Sales, Wanted, To Let, etc., will be found on Page 6. STEARNS 1 WINI utiiMcn and yowu girh; tkaj jM-iiallv beiKtitcd by M > HM. A mitn l-ui
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  • Special (Bcruian Service.
    • 50 5 llmtiii, 14ft February At Dar es-Salam, m German fat! AfritH. Russian cruisers, which have eaiM it that port, havn been prohibited from coaling from the Govern ment stocks rf fuel there The cruisers were requested to leave German coast teiritorial waters within 24 hours.
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    • 63 5 GLORIOUS VICTORY TO THE CZAR. What the Kaiser is Reported to have said. The I'ttit l'<iri.-icn stated that M. Witte, t lie Russian Minister of State, alleged that the Kaiser had prophesied glorious victory to the Czar. Thin statement has been officially and sharply contradicted. In military circles at Berlin
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 34 5 lrtinJvii, 14/ h February. It is announced at St. Petersburg that the state ol siege has been proclaimed at Vladivostock. Part of the inhabitants of Vladivostok have hurriedly left the town.
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    • 24 5 The situation is somewhat more hopeful at I.iHz (Russian Poland). The workmen at many of the factories there have resumed work.
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    • 188 5 Loiidon, loth February. Parliament has been opened. In the <ieb\te on the Address, Sir Henry Cimpbellßannerman spoke. Htsiid that the 6s?al issue was 6 '.i1l overshadDwing every other political ,|uestio:i He then vi^orou^ly condemned the Government for clingin? to office, though the feeling of the country h»d shown, beyond
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  • 29 5 Thk Colombo Municipality has undertaken drainage works in that town hi the Mansergh system. To meet the outlay, the assn-pment has been raised from 11 to KM per cent.
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  • 32 5 It is reported that Mr. Kugene Sandow, the well-known Strong Man," contemplatea visit to the Straits and V. M. States in the near future. He has a good variety company with him
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  • 33 5 Thk lemi-oßoia] FrtmatmbuM (Austrian) ooßtradicta the statement of the acquisition of a coaling station on an Bml India i-bml tor the use of the Aiisin II v .nun ravy and merchant mil n..
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  • 34 5 President Roomtblt, in a special i stress, urges the appointment of :ix onmmcirnid agents, who, he propotef, sluill visit various countries to study their industrial life anH supgesl new methods of stimulating American trad*.
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  • 51 5 Tin Opium farms throughout Siam Prop) r have Nen let to a Syndicate for a heavy increase on the previous rental for tbe iliri (i-vfarly term. The increase <: h( chief farm is co great that the poaaibilitj of tin' syndicate losing mooej is, siiys the lhi gkcik Times, lreely
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  • 51 5 Bb»idu tin: loraijis loan v m million sterling to bp raised shortly, the BiaacM QovwmM&t lias under consideration I proposal to raise another loan in Siam, of three million ticata, payim.' ti par oral interest The HangI in df rstands that the issue of this loan will not he long
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  • 356 5 Theatre ijoers in Singapore had an opportunity last night of seeing the mm Ii tnlhed about Cingalec which, although it was a great suicess at home and wl nil drew rtowded houses nightly at the Gaiety, met with a rather poor reception in India and Ceylon. 'The
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  • 233 5 Annual Meeting. Th< annual ■weting "t the Suwapor* I'olo Club was held ye-ttiday evening in the Exchange. Mr. E L Bradonan ])ie-i<le<l over a avail attend. i n<-t- "f mem hers. The minntat of last imtling were read and eonanaad The t'ha.rnian in uioving that the report
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  • 241 5 Fined for Furious Driving. At 5 .i' l |> mi "ii the 19th ult Borgoart Tlirale and P. C Diokaon WOW M duty al the K-|il.\ii.uUv They -aw I MOtOt car lii-ina: driven at ficm M to 11 miles .hi now Boon alter the car parsed th«m
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  • 50 5 Arrived i t th February. iv, Qtmmit* from Msnafllw Mr ani Mi-. Wail inoiit. Mr. 0, Laag, Mr. II K. Mnv. Mr. nnd Mis- living. From Diiboutil Mr. C. Patiaro. Krom Colombo— Bo» Fttiker Coa.ri or, Mr. B«tael Te, Mr. W. P. Met nlfe, Mr. I. A.lan.B.
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  • 243 5 Two Malays Pal;>p and Xaiap w*iv htt'"rt' Mr Sproult yesterday for the t licit <>f |1« at No. 7 J Sultan Bond on :>th mst. Insp. Hranagan withdraw tlic charge aga/inst Naaap, expecting liim to give evidence for the Crown. Tho man gave evident* in the opposite direction.
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  • 32 5 Yesterday the Chinee Protector went off with Police Insp Dooley to speak with the coolies on the Courtfield. The men have apparently been satisfied, as the Courtfield continued her voynpp thi« morning.
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  • 35 5 The advertisement concerning the transfer of the agency of the Trading Company Holland" from Mr J. \V Neuman to Mr. B. J. H Frongenheim is slightly v tried from Monday's issue an.i now appears correctly
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  • 44 5 Genkkai. Lekkkvrk of the French Army is a passenger on the French mail. He prjeeerts to Indo-Chioa to take up a sub-commsnd in the French garrison there General Lefebvre some years ago had charge of the erection of the fortifications ai Cape St Jame?.
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  • 44 5 Invitations are out for the wedding of Mr. Zack M. Maitin and Miss Market Chatfr The ceremony will take at the Armecian Church in Hill Street on Tuesday, 7'.h March, at 4pm A recepiion will be held afterwards at Halcyon," 134 Seranpoon Road
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  • 52 5 M Rikfait, the newly api-jinii d French Minis'er for Siam, arrived here by the M M. iceanien. He proceeds to Banskok vim Saigon. Apropos of the appointment of M Rirl'aut, it may be noted iliai M Padous, a new French adviser 10 Urn Siamese G >vernment. pioceedf! to B.ii.ikok a
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  • 57 5 1/ i a;, contributors to the Japanese War Fund have each received a very pretty medal a» a mark of the appreciation of the Japanese Government of their generosity and good feeling. Considering that the Government has its hands full at the present moment, this act speaks volumes for its
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  • 59 5 Mr. Marcosi, the famous inventor of wireless telegraphy, has become betrothed to Princess Giacinta Ruspoli, daughter of Prince Ruspoli, one of tbe foremost Roman nobles, who traces back his lineage to the 14th century. Princess Giacinta who is tbe fifth and youngest child of the Prince, is now in her
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  • 69 5 Before Capt. Bjldero, MasterAttendant, at the Marine Court this morning, fourteen native firemen of the b s>. Smnit Prince were charged with refuging duty yesterday while their vessel was> in the harbour. They were each sentenced to twenty-eight days' rigorous imprisonment and in addition have to each forfeit two days'
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  • 81 5 The cable stearaer StvpUaa, which arrived here from Nordenham yesterday, will lay out a cable of 3,500 kilometres length between Menado, on the island of Celebes, to the island of Tap, of the German Carolines group, and from Tap to Guam and the North American Lidrones group. At Guam the
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  • 69 5 Figures of January. The following return is compikd from figures supplied by the Gold Mine Managers •v• v •«*c-»*r. SSSUtSt v"""'v Malaysian Co r >SB 5-J6 -21,040 Knub Australian (JoM Mining < '<>. :!,H-J1 414 ii.' K.'chuu Ciil>l KieKls, 4i'4 s» ;t,JOIKJ Itatu Bemawah Co.,
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  • 213 5 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANK. The statement of affairs of the Hongkong and Shanghai Ranking Corporation, for the half year ending 31st December la-t. reads as follows: The net profits for that period, including 81.4WJ564.J1, balaem bronght forward from last account, after paying all charges, deducting interest paid and due. and making
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  • 244 5 The Straits Chinese Jubilant Minatrals," a newly formed company, srave by invitation a Chinese New Yeur entertainment at Mr. Oon Chin Soon's house last night, at Japan Street. The minstrels are all Straits Chinese bah. is and they were attired according to the characters whom they
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  • 40 5 The Hongkong Tramway C-impany has had to lower its fares Thfl fares on the various sections ire now fifteen rent* ard five cents for fir«t and third classes respectively. These are to be reduced to ten cents and four cents.
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  • 72 5 Wintry weather has prevailed in North India. At Allahabad on Ist inst. a train on the Tlurnai Railway wa- BMW bound for 2-1 hours between Mndgorga and Kuch stations At Quett;> there has been a week of continual MOW. At Delhi there was sufficient frost to freeze water in fountain
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  • 71 5 The Penang Chamber of Commerce having represented to the Government that the quantity of subg-diarv coinage now in circulation in that Settlement is excessive, tbe Government has in reply put the following questions to the business men there: l.What quantity of subsidiary coinage have you nnw that you would find
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  • 140 5 A mono t he passengers who are passing through Singapore by the M.M (keauieu today is Capt. Lecoispellier who was for many years one of the most popular and aole commanders in the service of the Messageries Maritime?, and as recently as September last he passed through here in commander
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  • 144 5 Dr. A. Willey, Director of the Colombo Museum, came back there recently from j a visit to Travancore very much struck' with the up to date methods adopted at p the Museum there of displaying natural ajatory specimens which cannot be stuff- ed in the usual way The usual method
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  • 312 5 A corresjxindent writes to the l.itnilnt, inn/ I'liiiid Hijiri" of -Oth January The Bill entitled the Court.- Ordinaiu Amendment Bill, regarding whose proviMOM I recently «ent I despatch. M to i>c praeoooW with law tka Mr PNVM, i>ne of the MUlboTl of the Legislative
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 20 5 STEARNS' WINK a great nutrient took in i-onvalt" -cl ■!u-e from fevers, inInenaa and pm umonia. Gives benefit at oncf
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    • 319 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. OUR MOTTO We Fear No Foe RAFFLES HOTEL, SINGAPORE EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL, PENANG STRAND HOTEL, RANGOON VICTOR SINGING MACHINES, reproducing the actual voice of famous singers, differ greatly from those giving mere phonographic imitations. We have just received a large consignment ol tine records and machines embodying all
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  • 1318 6 A conesauudeui wtitm .t» follows aader dal Mukden, 20th Dec: Tlil- Mifhtfnl crisp rningi wbea you have i" ikivei around th furnished n oni i I jroni second i ,-cml break the ice in youi vaafa basin befon performing yoar bk mini an
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 481 6 NOTICES. TUfte Straits Thirties. AND Wde Straits WANTED AT ONCE. Experienced Bill Collector. Must give feood stcurity. Al ,lv KELLY A WALSH, LTD, Feb 11 17-2 WANTED. A partner, Chinese or Ma. ay, with $5,000 for an Investment in a paying concern. Liberal profits guaranteed. Apply to G. A. c/o
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    • 626 6 NOTICES. TC BE LET, small first floor offices facing Cavenagb Bridge Road and Flint Street. Apply to Guthrie A Co.. Ltd., Agents. oc. IX) BE LET.— No. 17 Armenian Street X next to St. Andrew's House, lately in the occupation of Messrs. Tomlinson and Lermit. Suitable for a boarding house.
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    • 739 6 NOTICES. TO LET. Brathay," Gilstead Rond. Fntry Ist April. Apply to J. W. Hrttf. n'en c/o Byme Co. Feb 18 awl v c. TO BE LET. From Ist March, l»06. Koom on first floor, in Gresham House. >o. 17-19 Ba.tery Koad, suitable for an offi c. L ccupicd at present
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    • 611 6 _BA_NJCS Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 81C 000,000 RESERVE FUND:— -<terlinK Reserve $10.000,r00 finf IW Silver Reserve 7,000,000 f•" m U Reserve Liability of Proprit tors $10.000, (YV court of~d7rectors. A. J. Kaymomi, Esq., Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, E«q., Deputy Chairman K. Uoeti, Ef-q. I Hon. K. Sbewan. Hon.
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    • 530 6 BANKS. NEDERLANOSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. (Netherlands India I'ommer? ii EanlO (STASLISNCO IMS, Paid-up U|»ital/7,200,000 (4M £600,000) Rtwnf Fund f1.072.ifi)0 (about tl81,(X 0; Head Oifice Amsterdam. Head Agency Batavia BRANCHES The II .■nine, Sour.iuaya, *ew u-huk, InJiamayoe, Kaiiiloe.'j.', sad NVtoieaei. CORRESPONDENTS IN J*V» CheriKon, Te al, 1! Jo. ijhd. LONDON (-INKERS Wiiliaiu
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 171 6 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. Daily issue per year IW.OO do per <|narter 7.60 do per month 2.50 do per copy 0.15 Weekly i»sne per year 18.00 do per quarter 4.00 do per copy 0.40 Wheu »ent by post, there is added for the iaily i>-Mie, two dollars a quarter
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  • 174 7 In im: in Charles Hardii may not U- 111 British A so important •even j and vai ied eni-e in diplomacy, Berlin. Sofia, Bucharest, Pan-. Teheran, and St. i dove duty mi. nu Dl i I I mguages, and i- a flßcull P Turkish, and Russian All
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  • 668 7 Lady's Story. The Shanghai Mercmfj) say* A TOUng lady, who arrived here by the s.s A u »ti nl ir n, tells the following pathetic tale of sufferings Since the siege ol Port Arthur began there has been nothing luit misery amongst the majority of the population although
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  • 374 7 Are Made Miserable by Kidney Complaint. Many "uimii have kidney trouble, but unfortunately they do not know it by that name. They think only men have such troubles, and that their own dull, heavy headaches, dizzy, tired feelings, faint spells, and irregular heart, come from
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 128 7 VE93II s IDVIRXIS! D i Mi. Honrton 0 Ap I |*th Fe!> I Dnnkir < on fleb Miinn Toir>tp ,1/i.r ,1,1-. '||>; Pel F lid'ii r-.rN Kvphy doe be« <.f March i'or* ''wi't V»- h 11 Awun v Pom 1 iv K«w Tiluk Anw>o vi> port*, s'--I in 7 l«.
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    • 892 7 NOTICES ASLEEP IX THEIR SADDLES. 'In hand-to-hand conflict men shouted, struggled, wrestled, thrust, advanced, and withdrew. By dusk the cannon and muskets were almost useless, and, as darkness came down, the survivor* fell atletp where they ttood, riders in thrir tiitldle; hone* in their track." It was an infernal battle.
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    • 832 7 NOTICES. JL THE SWEDISH ]r**% BURNS KEROSINE OIL. Gives a beautiful, intense and oven light of 50 to 1,000 candle-power. LUX The Lux Light is in immense use for Railway Stations, Estates, Hotels, Factories, Workshops, etc, SMOKELESS INODOROUS INEXPLOS.VE FOt InS P* Cti n and t wholesale rates ECONOMICAL >«
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  • 258 8 The Merchant Service Guild at I long c ju-i received letter- tram their sotieitors at llelboui Sydney, Australia, who are respectivelj &ti James Hall, and Mr. Walter Marks. Mi Ball, in Kferrinf to the ton ti the 0 liner Aiutrwia when entering Melbourne, itates t eons ternataon has
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  • 117 8 The Paris correspondent "i the DmUu alludes to the recent bad luck .if tin French Far Eastern squad Be lays the French Fai Eastern [Uadron appears to be bo deplorable condition. The D'Aua*, which had been thoroughly overhauled, arrived s com eck The De*eartf*, winch
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  • 109 8 in the afternoon the SOts January Japaneae Beat found t)ic Britiah 3,233 tons) with eon- navigating toward* Vladivosin the direction of 1 1 -kk; id< d -ci7x-«l her. The Austrian iteamer Burma, which captured "ti the Hokkaido on tln23th Hit., I'll her way to Vlail tit 111 1
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  • 79 8 Wharfs at Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. ItARF— Nil. Victoria Gravino Dock—Sou Meu Albkkt (ii:wi\(i Dook— La Smjne Section No. 1 Carlyle, Charea. 2 Wruy Castle, OeCarpentiei M S Saxon Pi ime. 1, 4 Tara. 5 Thyi:., GUmlogaa. 6 Dun. liai lon. I r.»hii HARr
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  • 228 8 P. O. Per Simla -ailing on 16th February— Mr. <'. .1. Saunder-. Mr. K. F. Cameron, Mr I. K. Solomon. Per C/i"«"« sailing on -'nd March Mr. A. K M UmU tad, Mr K. t. W. Cornell, Mr. W. A. Greig, Mr. and Mr-. Braddell, Mr. and
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  • 418 8 Per /.i'(,,, leaving Nth Felnuiry— Mr. C. Bchalse, Mi. CanaTefcaeL Mr. H. Il Matthias, Mr-, and >li«s Gilvary, Mr. LassMrt, Mr. A. Puine, Mr. G. Vreetie. Mr. and Mr*. Ukoaod dePraMrUle, Mr-. (Jklmizen. Mi-. li.-tl.Mi :»nn Vuxelpoel. Wr Goette, Mr. and Mi« Fu\, Mr. ami Mrs ISruya/eal.
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  • 41 8 l'er CalHhmien leaving 13th Man-li— Mr. J. Dupire. Per OCWMHM lenving JTtli March Mi. and Mr>'. Van llouten and child, Mr. l'nactl, Mr Lapierre, Mr. It. \V Mullett, Lt. C. A. Had.litre, K.X. IVi leaving ICth April— Mis. l.urinux
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  • 28 8 Per 111.,,,,,,,,,,, leaving 3Utli .March— Mr .111,1 Mrs. Th. Soh<t. Mi*. Murray l:»l>ert*on nml ilau^htiM. M»-ln Carrol. Mi>. Markie, Mr. ami His V \V. omen.
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  • 103 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 15r/i Fehmary, 1900 To-day's i/m bank rate is 2/- To-day's share quota' ion changes are: Buyers— Riley Hargre.ves $190, Tar.jong Pagars 5340 Sellers— Ma>nards $2-1, Cold Storages *9 50, Stra t6 Steamships JlttO. Last Transactions Howarth Ertkines S2lO The B I Sofala arrived yesterday from Rangoon with rice
    103 words
  • 961 8 The following is the General Product Letter kindly furnished to us by Messrb Jehu Haddon ie Co., the well kuowi, Colonial Produoe Merchants and Coir mission Agents of Salisbury Square, Lou don, E.C., and carrying prices up to the date of the departure of the mail to
    961 words
  • 110 8 liamhirr buyers f P.S7I do (Cube No. 1) unpicked tt.S7j Copra Bali 8 ifU I do Pontianak 8.07J Pepper, Black l.ny.-i- 25.75 Ho White, S•: 39.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3. 17J j do Brunei No. 1 3..5n Pearl Sago 4.611 < Coffee Kali. 15 > basis 23 00 f*niTn.r»U—iaar
    110 words
  • 128 8 On t.o,«lo»— Bank 4ni Deiuan.l 1/11 Private 6 m/« do ."< in -2/i O.i IwrsMSSs/— Bank d/d S.OR Private 3 oi/» S UBJ do 6 in/- -<~,\ fsj risilll tsnt I I -'.4'r. Private I ss s do 6 111 i.S.'i} Ou India— Bank T. T. 147 i Private
    128 words
  • 790 8 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Abenjrlttif. Br t str (,438 tons Oajri K-ith/uth Feb. Fiotn Cubstsn J;»rv Cement Futerson Sum hor Hongko g 15th -\V Adatn Bri'. ftr 2, U8 tons, Oast Bro<lei Uih Ftb From Bon. l»hv 2nd Feb C-)t-ton. Huttenb.ivli Hro?. Fur Kol>o, ***** -W.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 229 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, Ho. 51, 52 High Street. Have jusl received a large a^sortim-ut of Japanese, QMmm, and Indian lilks of all kiudH ami col ur.-. Inditn, and Pentan carpettrfall sizes, rui and baadwNM wciy goodt. Also mtny pretty arti<l<>s lilver and gold Jewelk rj
      229 words
    • 144 8 THE LOWEST PRICES FOR, CfiSH. f K Em!m BB m a m^m«Ba»>mm^ml imrMhi^fC/IfAA/ X) r-^x\ chimnky >\vh-:; s m».^ mr^io^N v P joe 80 cen each MMII THUNDERER \VHI>I I .X-= I'.K-I Prioe 85 cenfe each. Prioe 75 cents osch jt\ RKL\ VT POLISHING I.' >TH ft/ i^^k PP> a
      144 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 169 8 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 15th February. High Water. 7.41 Ml Man llayu 11. vi (Moll, festival >.\ .1 Sla\im Section Drill BJO. S.V.A. Gun Drill 5.3 U. I'resliyteiian Church Meeting. «-4.'> The Cingalee." Town Hall. 9 Yap Chow Thong Opera. 9. Thursday. 16th February, High Water. ti-.VT I 111. Sol
      169 words
    • 29 8 WEATHER TELEGRA (••<-. F. A. AC. Tei'pni f < 14th Fehkuary HONURO.\ Barometer Direction of Wioa M >i Force of Wind Max.Temp in Shade At MANILA— 7H4 w.p.w. 0. M. U
      29 words

  • 1584 9 What Life in it If Like. 'I'll, Umptmj,' t(Mj educated w.Umio.r* in the Army imdwmi m to enlial lM it (writw 15m1.,, i,,n ln Bmrprr-. H«*/ Mfcre mv m< i i,. arrived, demanded, among otb r ,i. oertiicate of Illy poliUcal trust wort hi '•■>" Hi.- police
    1,584 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 706 9 NOTICES. Charles Heidsieck's VYhitoS. al Clmmpa^iie SOLE AQENTS Behn, Meyer Co. ~*ft ifiure nnd Penang. \iii t 'T«J' DEPOT*. Singapore ~wf^ tmn. John Little Ltd.<l .iSriokiiarhiT. /j^Bk G. Hoppenste. SlllS 111 ra liv |tt i "Tft A ft.s--- S. I, 1 111 Viif«|i A \jgjSJ3g m w.f THt lAIMJONQ
      706 words
    • 274 9 NOTICES. Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd. ENGINEERS. S^ IPBUILDERS, AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS SINGAPORE. AUENTS FOR: Some of the sizes rolled 8 8 9! x9] 1O xIO and up to 29 Ml 2 Ar least twice the strength of any other rolled stetl columns cf equal weight. Apply for tables of safe
      274 words
    • 221 9 K. &K. Kuhn Komor The leading Art Curio dealers in the Far East. Fine Art Curios of every description always on hand. SILVERWARE, A SPECIALITY Jnsptction is Cordially Invited. A Visit to onr «toie ia uiway* ioteieatinp, IKZTTIEaiIsr &o ZECODUHOIR, 25 Raffles Place. S<-|,l ■■■'-i-of> To PRESERVE your HAIR Nourish,
      221 words
    • 526 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKER S. JEWELLERS OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXKCUTKI). Messrs. Mnipson Co., Coach Builders, ifiatlra.s. T» II I. K. kin* Nhupl VII Hi* Eicfllriicy Sir J.Vi Alters*.. UJU. Oorenior ol th* itmiti BttUumeiit«. •tal. qua an.l all mf.irnj ilion may be lia.l ti our A. H.ABRAMS, The Singapore
      526 words

    • 936 10 I 'mliT thin heading the fullowin« abbrevta- I tiont are aaed:— itr.— atearoer; »h. ship: bq. aarqae sch. schooner Yet. Yacht Cru. Cnuaer; Cbt. Unuboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power j Brit.— Britinh j T T S.— United States; Fch. French; Ger. German; Dot. Dutch Q.C General-cargo d.
      936 words
    • 564 10 Same, port, probable date oj arrival, and name of agent*. Stcamkrs. Acbilles. China, Apl 2; Mani>neld. Agamemnon, L'pool, Mar 27; Ma.inh'eld. Aker, Antwerp, Feb IS; East Asiatic Coy. Alcinou*, Liverpool, Mar X Mansfield. Ajax, China. Feb if> Mansfield. Andalusia. Hongkong, Feb 27; B. Meyer. Aotenor, Liverpool, Feb Mansfield.
      564 words
    • 179 10 For Singapore. Per P. Sl O. a. a. to armor, t connecting with the steamer Xubia at Colombo, from London Jan 20, due 18th FeU— *'i«s N. Evans. Mi-6 Tedlie, Misses Wildine, Rev. P. Rees, Captain and Mis. Looock, Messrs. R. S Fry, A B Word H
      179 words
    • 235 10 i UM Buyan S*Uara Tnuuac lion* r GOLD. 18,500 j I 10 j;.S'» tmmmtk v M. Co., Lv: ,M 0 Mh^ 4,j00 i ID I M (Dclened, t),<m t 10 10 SiadauaO. M. Ca., Ui. i,«■■!i iM 8 iii.-i., 0.-JU7 1 1 KecUu <;. Fields Lid. (f.p.) 10,500 *1
      235 words
    • 146 10 «w,uoj k 1 SO/WU inuiiuc 1 'J.OOO t 100 4,500 50 S't.'lW 126 12,000 fKM l,«o i iv ti.IX.KJ IUU .1,760 S 100 :.:>, 'Mil IU 6UO 60 2,000 f IUU S,O(W c 108 .i ml. ,000 iv iO.OOO ÜBiUU*l. 37,'« J Ut llhl 1 Dutf Uevelopuieut Co., Ltd.
      146 words
    • 40 10 Howarth Kr.ikiue, Ltd. 7% !£SO,UOU 8> prein. IMey, Uargreavei, Ltd. 6% JJS.IWO ■>% preni Imyert.. Singapore Municipal 8% 400,000 T% prat bi ii 6;j H gp i. U BM.MU .iis. num. Mock I' |,t,i. „v '1 I *< I-,. 1 „i..,
      40 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 137 10 Story of a Slave. To bound band ind f«->l f>r years bj %hf chiiins ..f ilii j, the worsl form •f slnv.'iv. Mr. W. Kii. ■.<■!■•-. Tragant Street, Bath, B I w»s prostrated with SHatica. From my the bottom ■<! m\ crnciElii pai would rl Day and nil-Ill I differed.
      137 words
    • 234 10 NOTICES. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE QUEEN OF SIAM. JEANOU, PATTARA BROS. THE WELL KNOWN High Class Egyptian Cigarettes Marufacturel io Singapore at No. 64 High Street, opposite the Hotel de I'Europe BRANCHES IN Cairo, Djiboutil, Bangkok and H iukone Tobacco de Cavalla. Tobacco de Xanthe. The best
      234 words
    • 90 10 NOTICES. f-Ufci A ents for LEA PERRIB S WORCESTERSIiIRE mZL U r^sß m« SPECIAL WARRANT %dsßl Ig^Hj^ lt IC1 Xi purveyors to THE KING. I V^p Celebrated Oilman's Stores §^M LVM-Uld^ INDOCHINA STKAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED FOR BATAVIA AND SOURABAYA. Ihe ("omp.inv'rt seasjsnev hAl BABQ, .;J>\ long. I apt. Sfitcbell,
      90 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 689 11 At the price you pay for your STENQAH, you are entitled to the very best. See that you get Buchanan' s < 'Black and White." You can have it for the asking. ST EAMSH I P COM PAN I ES. p; o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO For China, Japan, Penanf, Ceylon
      689 words
    • 1162 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklljfce Paket aart MaatschapplJ. Under coatraet with the Netherlands India Government Agrntt at Singapore Ship AosifCT. I.ATK J DabHDBM A Ob M 2 3 OoiLYBB Quat. I hn undermentioned dates are only approximate. :m<" From I Bxp'ted.: Will be IMapatcbed fcr Van llofimiinrp Sambas Feb 1: Sambas, P_mangkat,
      1,162 words
    • 679 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.DX NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oerman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company Rail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Oibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexandra, and vice versa) I'ort Baid, BaAi, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hadfckong, Shanghai. Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      679 words
    • 750 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES ICEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam Nay. To., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are deapatcheri rom Liverpool ontwarda for the Straits, Chiu.". md Japan every week, and from Japau home rarda 'or London every fortnight and foi .lverpool monthly. One outward atean:ei ■ach month extend* to
      750 words
    • 504 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE~CO. FIRE LIFI3. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEEh £12,000,000. THE LAKI.tST TIUF. OHUE Dl TSTS WORi BOUSTEAD k Co A§*m THE LONDON AND LANtASII i h FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital i:^,127,50t Paid up Capital. 212,760 Reserve Fund. 1,07 3,550 The undersigned, Agents for the C ass pany, are
      504 words

  • 666 12 Advice from Manila. ilowiug is from the Manila Sunn of the parti in the iv ii. .i enjoy the iwiitj from mbm that" Manila lia.s enjoyed ii^ tiiiK'. and ih« Strmitt nan ooiumenta al tact* apon the ohimrtsr .mil raganet of tka baachcoitih<rr ral, not iK^ltcting to give
    666 words
  • 66 12 :nl- 1 tfata beading the following para- nil ;i|)jh;iiv in tbe l;il<,t yoong wciniiiii. Hi" Bowea Park, N., i tailed f"> China to !><■ marriad to Lonii Kcix. .in Kn^'li^li architect, > o iraa i f the Hongkong Volunteer 1 >>ntingenl t tbe Alexandra Paloeal the nation
    66 words
  • 84 12 I'ho Bt. Fetarri>«g fimiM|wiiiil»iil <<i Yen t.l,. irr;l ]»lis M f..l Without ;i IUOOeSi at mm it is ly admitted that it will be <litli tha Rinnan army to retain nd abb.. lately impOMiblc to n Port Arttiin It follow., as I MM. corollary thai all liojxs
    84 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 18 12 STEARNS' MCADACHE CUBS ba i'lit;iiin>(i iiom all dispensaries 'kly li_v post) Never be without th» Uenuine. m.w t.
      18 words
    • 226 12 NOTICES. NOTICE WATTS Co. Jiave just unpacked several sets of .New strapping JinrnesS' Jiandsewn tdrougdout, and of tfje ffiest Englisfj Material GUARANTEED. gg INSPECTION INVITED. 20, Stamford Road, New Buildings. Feb. -J m.w.f YEARS' SUCCESS. j&W the WORLD'S REMEDY por Jjfcf Coughs, Colds, J^ Asthma, Bronchitis, stil Influenza Whooping- Ip||
      226 words
    • 464 12 NOTICES HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Sole Agents For the HORNSBY-AKROYD "tent Latest Improved Stationary Type, Portable Type, Oil Engines FOR ALL PURPOSES Oil Engines Will work with CRUDE OILS, KEKONaK\l < or WITH ANY ORDINARY PETROLEUM Cost of working with cheap ..iU ib LKSS THAN OKI FABTBING
      464 words