The Straits Times, 10 February 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. 80. 21,658 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10 1905. PRICE 15 CEIf S
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 327 1 NOTICF.S. BINQAPOEI .fe KIMN.II HAIUVAY. Koltoa la bao by rfvaa that If m oatp her. of the Ge: tr;!l Offli- '8 <f th s r+ilw»y art- remo'ed frc m Tunk Road to the new bu lilin. in U ver Vnlloy «< mi f'H inz thr ■<!n ilcipal \»rd. W TEARI
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    • 384 1 NOTICES ROBINSON CO. A Shipment of Steel Trunks. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS THE "EMPRESS" Extra quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple safety Lever Locks in the following sizes. 04 in. 27 in. 30 in. 32 in. and 34 in. "STAR OF INDIA." VERY SUPERIOR STEEL
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    • 430 1 6 7, INSURANCE BOND THE CHINA MUTUAL UFE INSURANCE CO. LTD. I i ll B t. Il I I.' i fH..-e Will insure y >ur 1 f at o Uiim'y i ifob in case n. they will pay our bm-iielax) '.NM'AI.I.Y Hi-- rii'n innir d for 2O YEARS then tit*-,
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  • 601 2 At the OataaC A lovi match transpired t n tuic.ruii k Irip if the P M 6 s. v '■< i d to in < usually r< ma ti md toinawl t ainful ttqvu I a: fokobama, sajr- th« Mming Po*t. Koth natcbev, like suinnitT mo tbiagi
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  • 233 2 For Singapore Per P. A s. s. Malacca from l.oaoor J»n. 7, due 10th Feb Mrs. Umber, Com ml V rs. I. Kidk, Messrs. Byrae, F. \V. Jones, C .('tain Shipmaa nud Mrs. Shipmsn. Per P. O. s. c. Marmora connectinc with the steamer Nubia at Colombo,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 103 2 STANDARD p)LICIES id-:.! for these oon•iuui> -lemlilv to increase. NVw ior over i;\.<**<\*Ai («ums assured) iea „\i r v ';i -ir. J 1 *if> a :n;' I. rtu])">illy for OLhur offi^. in the < i >,i\F.: OOMFAST.*. siamlnrd {.iff Offict, Singaport GRIMAULT A C° Medicinal Skin Soap /fj,3ij7ritt»tVt>'/.--'.'--j"<-^<:-<^f, '■'--■'■•-••■'■-'■'■'•■'■'■•^p;
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    • 533 2 NOTICES. i 1 Two Genuine Articles. |J Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY O is a pleasing example of the de- Jlb ■fl licately flavored mature spirit n ibM I so grateful to the palate of the I(J H 1 J yO-3^. connoisseur. Its absolute ji^L /J B^^^l purity places it in the
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    • 177 2 HOGAN COMPANY, LIMITED, CIVIL. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENOINEERS. Iron and Brass Founders Iron and Copper Smith:, Ship and Bridge Builders AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS. All kinds of Machinery, Bagj Boilers, (new and second hami),«rigiceering tools and accessories an kafrt ia itock. MIRBAU ROAD. Telegraphic Address HOGAN." Oodet used, A. B. C.
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    • 79 2 Grateful Schoolmasteh. \V. 1{ Wyatt, Esq., public schools, Baaibiafbam. N. S. \V., says "After suffering some time of a very bad attack of dysentery, I was induced by a local chemist to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It anly took one dose to relieve, and after a few
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  • 734 3 Germany's fleet and the (ierman Shipping sub>idies. Tlie Berlin Comapoadant of I nautili I'm n *jm><</' nl wlltfS: lii [ Aagto-Egyptiaa newapapai tin.' I IHUWllll— "f the upiuioni [iipraawd bj Uh Qanaaa Imperial Chancellor regarding the peaceful and irieiidly inclination of Germany towards Iff hart has baea
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 10, Charnley Grove, Blackpool, Bng. ointment cared bm of piles in months miicc the core, and 1 want t" I have had no return oi tl.i- annoying complaint' daring tlie period. (Signed) Mrs. Bowaxtli. (Of all chemists.)
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    • 370 3 NOTICES XX J X X DnUQ,. O6 vUi. Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Ac, Uralite stplponitp A BEST Kitson Oieieoniie j Gasoline Jlo ng Stamped X lm VSV S LaiTipS Qeiling Material. (T^ ofeel (ceilings jdm*. I loo> Joo> 40 c nd|e power j J 1 Simple!»t and cheapest Petroleum
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    • 715 3 Singapore and Kranji Railway From ist November, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. X3O "W IK Kltri Trmin on Siindmy( lM All. AM. PM P.* P.M P.K. PM A.M. P.M. PM SINGAPORE d 6.38 7.42 10.00 12.30 'i.U 315 -MU MO 10.C0 12 1h
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  • 632 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 10Th FEBRUARY. The passing through of the Chinese Envoys, the other day, who are going to India to open negotiations on the Thibet question brings to mind a diplomatic muddle The full extent and reach of '.he Thibetan bungle only came to light
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  • 641 4 Bom weeks agu we referred to ihe action of the Clyde ImM Market Wttmu in extorting exorbitant and illegal rentals from the fi.» hm o tigers at the market. .So tar as we have been at>le to gather, the Municipality took no action in the matter, tbnagli the evil was
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  • 381 4 In another column will be lo'ind particulars of the making-over of the British North Bjrneo district of Lawas to the K.i j ih of Sirawak. As pointed out by us at the time, a lot of political intriguing went on before the cession was agreed to, but alls well that
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  • 149 4 PaoVMua Von MeiiZrjJ, whose death !i.< chronicled in our special Berlin telrgram to day, was the famous artist and painter, who was in close touch with GffMl Court atl'iiis and who was olten entrusted by the Emperor William with the execution of nival woiks of art. There are many of
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  • 21 4 Share quotation!, general ihippiuy uewi, «iid passenger list*, beiidei ship ping, insurance advertisement! will bf found on page 10 and 11.
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  • 13 4 Advertisement* of Salu, Wanted, Tc Lat, etc., will be found on Paga 6.
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  • 8 4 Vitm'l Cncus is Uue here from India hliorily.
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  • 12 4 H. E. Tiie Gjv-iiij' is dining on bcaid ELM. B i>ti* to-night.
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  • 17 4 Ir is Raid thai \l,< re ire go ><1 bmbv |i:juiiterteit So n>'i! 1:1 circu.jtion n tuv\n.
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  • 14 4 The Dutch batll«si>i|] D$ Wmghr wt to l-.v. H lind to. K.i> 11. Jciuuaiy.
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  • Special German Service
    • 29 4 Herlin, OtK February. Protesßor v,m MenzHl.the well known artist, is dead. The Rnichtanzeiger and Sorth German Hazette contains the wannest eulogies of the late Professor.
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    • 33 4 Peace Rumours. The Russian loan in Paris has failed. It will probuhly he introduced again in April but before then the peace movement is expected to set in.
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    • 71 4 The iiisurrn'.ion amongst the Con-gress-Poles is ;u turning a national Polish character, and is reported to be spreading amongst all the Poles. [Coii^reK- Poland i- that portion of the old Poliah State Inch waa formed by thu Congrea* ol Vienna into a Kingdom, with the Czar atKing.
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    • 17 4 The strikes have spread to the districts aro'.imi the Ruhr, a tributary ol the Rhine
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 21 4 l.uhiioa. WA February The hoßpitals at Waraaw are full ai patients and are refusing to ulinit any more.
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    • 39 4 Expected on Sunday DaaaiM the official annjuncetnunt to the coutrary, rumours arc rifi Petersburg that there will b>3 a redumption of the i:* mT.'il strike on .Sunday. The wh f il.; sitinliciii ta full at uncertainty.
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    • 26 4 Kiag Oasai ol H m l< j n is in nd\tif.r^i\t health Hrn lias naad«OVCf tlie ro; i': lunctioiirt to the Crown Prince.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 144 4 10(/l February. Ileutei s i rrspoudeut at Tukyo wirea tliit Mr. Tukalidstii, ViLel'resident i)t the H.u.k ol lip m, laill on the 17lh inst. lur Amtriu.i anu K..t.aiid. Tins is regarded in Luodon presaging a iiuw fureigo Japantbe lav;.. The Argmuine man ol war Untguuy has returneil to
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  • 65 4 A CLine.-e live per ctni loaa ol one million sterling will he lacuto. ita Friday (Lo-ciu>) iii L'jadoei ami Bwrim at «7. King Oscar ot .Sweden Uaiibferred Ills luncli'jnti (to the Crown I'i baaMM he was not robuHi, in (High lo ileil will] the new cnsis arieiLijj
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 15 4 Thk neutrality obh^.i, i-jim oi British PtMMMnIH liavu b«MB rtmMmirtt by aii Or.ier in CwUOfllL
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  • 12 4 THt (Governor General of Kiench iiulo-China will probably visit, l.ikuun tuiH month.
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  • 13 4 RmouuloM nwiriniim the importation ot Uuga Cctiue liitoliucn in S.u.iwak on tith Januai).
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  • 18 4 I'aiu.iajum ii.eeib on Tuesday next, when lliu Kinii Will pel loan ihe u|ttlnng rcii inory in lull HaM
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  • 21 4 Last ni^ln biUKiaia i>;iiJ a visit to No. AllMld i B«d !l>ey it QUID I i r ul -liver t\>
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  • 25 4 Wu hear Mi. it il I', ibe G wnor ia foil g I r erititi v >tl tin I ibu in the Hhuuicic to-UiOirow night
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 546 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THESE ARE NOT TIMES TO THROW MONEY AWAY Buy your rovisions at THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, And you will aave nionty THOMPSON THOMAS Co., 17 18 STAMFORD ROAD. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. New Stock of Silk Curios and Silver and 'old
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    • 388 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. THE Dallas-Bandmann Opera Co. For a Short Saaaon oil* TO-NIGHT AT 9 THE ORCHID. TO-MORROW Saturday, February nth, THE GIRL FROM KAYS Mon Fab. 13th] Th# ce L r *T° m Tuei. Feb. 1 4th > TK ri nn .i. M •.ad 1 5th j Th
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  • Correspondence.
    • 61 5 To tiu BdUor of tht "Strait* Nws." Sih,— l beg lo inform >ou for publication that under date of the »:b HVhruary, the Japinnse GoTernmant Imvt! added to their list of Conditional Contraband, the following articles; Clothine and materials, coal an 1 otbat fuels. The latter item wa«
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  • 434 5 "THE OHCMID. Pirst Time Played in Singapore. Labt night before a crowded audience ■The o<cliid" made its eWwJ in Singapore, und must be chronicled as a big raooees in the annals of >tage life of tlll place. 111 1 comparatively a new play, having been run iv the new OaietJ
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  • 162 5 The epee'aele ol llewsra Fraser .mi! Heave's nic motor l^rry has now bn-. me niinn ill i- it illi'lfcS :iloi!S th. ptihln- streets, although everyone eye- turned follow it wh»-n It firsmade its appearance in Singapore The fi in have the vehicle :i vny Complete trial
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  • 141 5 Thetis" M.'n Capture another Mon«ter. The harbour bomb* io have been in(ested by big "haiksHuring the lust few week-< [l will he. remembered that two law one* went captured recently in the harbuur, oi>o hj Mi Bred«nbera if the uiK r I'uirol and the otherbj tin-
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  • 65 5 I'iiK ;ii' ot the le.c'ure to be given by l)i Pbilp.ii Crowthi i -.n the V M, I) A n> ii "..ih ermneouHly stated in our iph yttu i ;iy mh Hafnrday, rh« ml h|« nh< i.1.1 hivp r«. a «l Hhluml v, ihe n
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  • 26 5 Thr I' i intern 'li.ite l« I I' i i> n ■< 4 p. in. <r: TVir. r. ■<■ i- xi>- ct (I t" arrive here n. irjw.
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  • 1369 5 Defendants Discharged YmUWMUAI afternoon, V, tilingnm, Pjraisamy and H >h Yang Peng were arraigned before Messrs Howard and Niinn, sitting as a Bench Court, the first on the allegation of having on :ilst December last made a charge of housebreaking and theft against 1. -ill Chin (a
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  • 19 5 The dedication of the Protestant Church, now in building at Bangkok, is expected to come off early next month.
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  • 26 5 The French cruiser Gui-hea, which is coming out to the K*st in place of 'he IJhftte-niren'iuH, will be fitted up as Sagahip eh arrival al Saigon.
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  • 27 5 A Bill been introduced into the Missouri Legislature making it an offence punishable by a fine of s«K)do!s. to tip a u liter, chef, fr steward.
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  • 28 5 Wk learn that the tight between Ja<;k McXnlitVrt and Sp tf Drummond of H U. 8 rhtUt k OsT as MeAuliffe is understo^il lo have hurt his arm
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  • 22 5 The 11. M Company's steamer (Msawisa let' Colombo at 11 am. yesterday sa4 noay be expected here on Tuetday at about daylight.
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  • 33 5 It i« understood that the Thetis will pay ofl' at Chatham in June. She will he relieved on this station by the turi which is now on its way here from the Pacific.
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  • 35 5 To-day at about '2o pui the launch haMlo rescued three men whr> were found clineing to a buoy of) Tatijong Pagar. Thet-e men belonged to a twakow that had been run into by a launch.
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  • 37 5 The Penang Volunteers went into camp on the 4th instant along with the Malay States (Guides. The principal event was the shooting competition In this, on the s"h, a Perak team won by 40i to 886 points
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  • 37 5 Thk cable between Menado and Guam has been despatched from Holland This cable wll establish c> mmunication between NetherlandsIndia via America and Holland. The new -y-tem if expected to be in working order by Ist July next.
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  • 34 5 Mr. A. E Bknz c, the Secretary of Messis Howarth IrakaM and Co. Ltd and Mrs B-nzie, proceed home on vacation next week. Mr P Pollock will act as Secretary during Mr. Benzie's apsence.
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  • 42 5 It is i- nil that the Math has an xct Dent amateur theatrical company nsj board. Perhaps we may have tiie pleasure of seeing them bef>re the I'l.etin leavew for home. It i« known as the Empire" of the China 11. et-
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  • 48 5 W'k have In acknowledge from Meatn <iuti rie A Co, »he at>ent^ for M icfcie's fimous White H.irse Cellar Whisky very neat little pocket book and calendai which hi a« g od in its way as the popular bevt r i^e of wh'.ch it is a fair reminder.
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  • 56 5 Two dergyasaa of the Church of KnuUn I are likely to he appointed to P. rak, cays the I'inang Gazette. One will be R'aiioned at Taiping and one a 1 Ipoh. I'liat Paiping will sbortiy posses* a young and si ergotie pa Ire is certain H'- i-* in all round
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  • 66 5 YanniUY, i Mai ij employed in the \V < i l)t-|iariineiit whs arrettfd in b taoond-baad metal shop in Kirn il Stre.t tr)inu to <ii°|i >se of a mml (|iiui'ity <i| lead. Et quiries Hicitf tba flaet iliat the defendant hail takrn the Lad from lb< Store. This tnornin. he
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  • 708 5 The Cession of l.awa.i. Tan taps* hip Council at, Sarawak ra!!i-i| loyethii in the Ibih .f«nuary when the Hijfta llnda announced the transler ol the l.iwas itiver by the Briti-li N'onli B irnpi) (iuwrninent to the (i iveirureiit ,f [Sarawak, and his departii'e Cm th.v plawl
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  • 41 5 Thk ulouJy waatbat of the pabt two days culminated this afternoon when thoitly alur one o'clock a dehice of rain tell and continued heavily for ■early an hoar. This is the heaviest short rainfall we have had for some tirce
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  • 50 5 Thk Bbsi announces that Admiral SkrydiiiF, has received a new post as Coiriminder-inChief ol Ihe Third Pacific which, it is now said, will leave Libau at the end of April. Captain Klado will be appointed Chief of .Staff to Admiral SkrydloU, and will proceed to the East with the llnet.
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  • 49 5 Caftan W, M I- 'Oweu, Assistant Superinttiiidtnt cf Polite at I'ei.aiiff, is leaving that port for BinKapore on ti.-in-t'er, tomorrow. Assistant Superintendent Whitehead of Bin»(apore succeeds him. Mr. 0. B Wliitciiead has made many friends during his stay in Singapore. He is a very keen and energutfle police officer.
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  • 59 5 The Post and Telegraph I)jp irtment at. Ktigkok has found that the ne-w B 1. service is impracticable foi Bangkok mails. At present the. Bangkok mail connection at Singapore is a mere t c r of h.tpha/ ird. Banpkok mainly depends upon the Nortli (ierman Lloyd Orient line tor
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  • 98 5 It i> noted by I'oiuiiitirml Inttlli- ;/</"■' that: "The Indian differential UriA <>n sugar have had the desired ciToct, and have almost entirely put a utop to the import into India of German and ustro-Hunganan sugar, fffcila the import of sugar from tinglaud and Java has largely increased. India imported
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  • 172 5 Wharfs at Which Different Ship* are Berthed Fo-day. Bast Whabf— Nil. Victoria Uuavimq D>>ck Uronwer. \LBtRT Uravino Dot.k— Keatorer. SUCTION No. 1 )e KlStk, <i. <J- Dnen.l.l- 2 lasMsasMt o« s.-in. S Flllllr:.. 4 Achilla*. fi Sultau. 6 I'liam Tliyr.i Wharf 7 Hebe, Uttaa. s \ininil
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 573 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. l< U I I.KS HOTKI.. SPECIAL DIN MR TO-MORROW NIGHT HAND IX ATrKNDANCK AFTER DINNER THE BAND PLAYS ON THK LAWN. VICTOR SINGING MACHINES, reproducing the actual voice of famous singers, differ greatly from those giving mere phonographic imitations. We have just received a large consignment oi fine
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 193 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 10th February. H lfh Water. 1-50 a.m. 1-47 p. ill S.V.C. Maxim Seotion Drill. 5-I.V The Orchid." Town Hall. Yap < how ThonK Opera 9. 'ineniatofrraph Ke&ch Koad. •> Saturday, nth February High Water. a.m. MS 8.8 Cricket. K.K. v. V.M.C.A. Chinese New Year 8 port'
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  • 762 6 General stoessel and the Interviewer. The Kobe Ckrtmiek imhliehni ilufollowing remarks concerning Mr. Emerson's alleged interview with General -i unel We recently published an i rii >; with General Btoeawl at Nagasaki by Mr. Edwin Emerson. Mr. Emerson acted for ourselves and the Ttndtm, and the
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  • 106 6 The nummary of shippine, cleared in S-iicon in 1904, issue! by Messrs m. 0. Hale Co., Lloyd'B Agents in that port, shows that out of a total tonnage of 481,070, 235.917 was British tonn.ige and only 9:i,:4M0 waR French tonnage. These figures come out as follows British shipping
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  • 230 6 Mb. Kdwi.n K A. Abbky hag almott finished his picture of the gorgeous coronation fo-ne in Westminister Abbey. The final brnah-etrokat in tins aflrmpt by an Americin painter, ta represent the medisi-val pomp which survives in modern Kngland were deterred, alleges the Xeir Yoil; \\',,rbl, by a
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  • 166 6 I'll.- ih r I, I l; ,j Association furmuil for coangaasajsi of cotton cultivation v, Dutch Colonii information on thai subject. The Resident in Baajei llltlill habeaa rtqaeaitd by the Duic-i. Colonial Minister to have experimenti earned out with view k'i t m< rum pit in thai province.
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  • 234 6 rising industry in Ceylon it thai of taming the juice of the papaya fruit and t riv to account in the pi'vparation ai papniae. 11,. n plantations in the neighbourhood ol Colombo, where the papaya grown exclusively wnli this COB object in view. Mr C Drieberg, Superintendent ..i
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  • 110 6 An jataiaatiag picluiv of Poll Arthur is contributed to Continental contemporary iiy ,i resident of many _\v;4rs in tli< town. 11..!■.. The in habitants of Port Arthur won;, tonished if they knew in tin- iihii.lof Europeans, the town praesat as I place with a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 470 6 NOTICES. Tdfje Straits Wimes. AND lode Straits VV ANTED I M M EDIATBLY. By a Earcp an firm, one bookkfeepac an!" two clerkl Mj^t !><■ able to stirt ly by letter Riving references t K B 1 70 straits 7 Ftb 1 u.c. WANTED. At Chrittmaa Island a Chinese clerk,
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    • 686 6 NOTICES. FOR SALE. tHAKKY and pony with harness, etc., VT complete. Robinson Piano Co. Nov 10 v.c. FOR SALE. Tbe property of The H,, n J. M. ALLINSON, Leaving for Europe. Brown mare, nearly new harness and RUBBER! YRED victoria. A good Australian pony, nearly new harness rriii palanqaii in
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    • 622 6 NOTICES. r) BE LET, small Grit floor offices, fajing UaT<sni\gh Br.dge Koad and Flint Street. Apply to Guthrie 4 Co. Ltd., AcentP. q.u. ri» BE LET— Nc. 17 Armenian Btreet 1_ next to St. Andrew's House, lately in the occupation of Messrs. lomlinson and Lermit. Suitable for a boarding house.
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    • 625 6 IF YOU NEED A TONIC IRY THEM. There is Frcsli I ife Vigour for uu in every Dose of Dp. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. It is by their direct aettea n the blood, which they strengthen, enrich, and at the same time purify, that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
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    • 36 6 Thk CJitKAi Si i tv of Chamberlain* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the treatment of bowel complaints liis made it standard over the part of the civilised world. by all Dea!i-is. THE DISPEXBARY. s
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 168 6 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE in ADVANCE. Daily iuae per year *30 .00 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.90 do per copy 0. 16 Weekly issue per year 18.00 do per (|narter 4.00 do per copy 0.40 When sent by pout, there is added lor the tally isMie, two dollaiB
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  • 191 7 EmslaKD has had in lime past some claims to be considered not only the! but the most enlightened country in the world in the mattei of I railway travelling. But if some allegations made, the other day, be Mue, there are parts of her syßtem in winch
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  • 203 7 lioon to Tin Miners A lilljj all' lira Ist Peb t ud Ding A liiis and Mi H s Martin Tlu was a tl 1 characteristhe puddli t are thai it is much the ordinary podin diameter j whereas ityle ia about 20ft. in diameter. On
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  • 397 7 His Sufferings Most Acute During First Two Days. Pol the first two days through which a strone and healthy man is doomed to exist upon nothing, his sufferings am perhaps, says the '.'hieago Chronic! t, more acute than in the remaiuicg stapef he feels an inordinate,
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  • 574 7 Experimenting. The insulating niau-nai known BS "New (Jiitta-pi-iilia. or ■(hittaQentsch," bat had its first practical application in the United States. A cable insulated with "Gntta-Geatsch," has been under test for sbottt [on months, betwseu fortifieatioM on Long bland sound. The cable is one mile in length -single condactot,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 72 7 Kvkky Community has been benefitted hv the introduction of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lUmedv into this oountry. There is soarosiy neighbourhood but that someone can be found whose life has been saved by its nse. It is tho ln'st known medicine for all (onus "f stomach and bowel troubles.
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    • 618 7 NOTICES. I iNyCarlsbergßeer nfl?{jS&^lfo3<B Very light Pllsener Beer, especially brewed for Tropical I NY rAR^RrPfI Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail Dealers. Sole Importer* AN ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FURNITURE AND EXCEPTIONALLY FINE PLANTS. THE PROPERTY OF C. B. WHITEHEAD, Esq. to Bl KILO at Fort Canning Road.
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    • 255 7 NOTICES. Rfley Hargreaves Co., Ltd. ENGIMEERS. SHIPBUILDERS, AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS. SINGAPORE. AOENTS FOR: Some of the sizes rolled 8 x 8"' 9. x9] 1O xIO and up to 29j > 12 At least twice the strength of any other ro'.led steel columns of equal weight Apply for tables of safe
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    • 188 7 NOTICE. The Hotel ii. l'Kurop« s>ndicate beg to infirm itifir cuftom<-ri that, for any bilU paic! their 811 Cnllecton on and after t"-ii; i te receipt, bearing the signature oi Mr C Clutjtor, the Manager, slu nl.i be asked for. No bill will be valid without this receipt. HOTEL Dl
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  • 979 8 kunninK the Blockade juring th« Bo« War, Bkukwood'* HagariiH was fortunate 111 its contribu UK •Linesman la the Russo .lapa ac it ha* found a sucoessor IB A l,, n, arly as graphically <u od. In the January issuo Ik pw tv account of the running of
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  • 272 8 A iucttiug of the British Astronomical Association was rcicntly held, the President (Mr. Crommelinj in the chair, wheu, after fteling reference to the death of the Rev. J. M. Bacon, the well-known aeronaut and astronomer. Dr. Downing read a paper on The Date of Easter in
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  • 256 8 According to an American paper China. Kugland. France. Russia, and tht I'liiteif States each claim to be the hr,iin- of the richest man. The list compiled by James Burnley, the Euglish author, i> ai inlliiw- AlU'rt Beit, ii. mi. nds. London 500,000,000 dols. •I B.
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  • 83 8 A- SiiiytM. 11 General Kaogk'l appointmen! to be Dircc-tnr-General of thr Medical Service of the Ariuv 1-, the knell of the parting; in of primiution by Miiinrity. we hope it may alao bt taken 1 an oiin-ii that the' time is fp Be liy when the Army could
    83 words
  • 89 8 •W Prr»ttnM>r To- MORROW. I'ontinnn'. W-U,'tktWitji a m Labuanand Manila MmtUm »i\m. Mnniljermns^.n t.- Altim/ llum ranaas and Colombo Hilkumim lpm Penang via Padang Vim Outhnorn ip m Ana'nba mNaan i Is r>»ai nnak 4p at P "'to'ham reuuni! Pm Senq >> p ni Menalo, etc, 'Irinpgnnu 3
    89 words
  • 42 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 10/ A February, 190:> To day'? 4,ni la- k rate is 1/11,; Toduys (.hare quotations pre: Ruyprß I'ahatiK Kubangs i»") tents, Fraser anil X ayes SIOI Selleis— B ranrahaflS Bru eh» *3 50, BtoragM •■S9 7. r >, .Straits Trading- $42
    42 words
  • 102 8 Oaatata irayir- f 9.124 do (Cube Xo. 1) nnpicked 12 37 j O'ojira Bali 8*) do Pontianak g O"J Pepper, Black 26.W1 d> White, 5; 39.00 SaX" Klour Sarawak 3.15 do I: n No. 1 3.30 Pearl Sapo 4. g0 Coffee Haii, 15. basis 23 00 CoH>e,Palenil>an2. 2ii% basis
    102 words
  • 133 8 T~ ifn laali I m!t in; Demand i/n Priv»te6m/» i do 3ni s 2/. 9a r;. ,/<p<, /—Bauk d/d -.'.iiPrn ate n 2.04 do U in/s -j 1 1, On Frun, -Hank d d _M-; MfMt I' ni l'.-J do 6ni B 'J.S4 'J/i f,,ilia— Bank T. T. Utii
    133 words
  • 123 8 t. m kuropti j.s .s I; i due on luth rooraatjr. from OhlßSt ..y lli« M 41. K. .Vm..> due on lUli Kluu.iry TIMK TABLf O* Hi.l MM 1 ell rtiQ«apori l»u« in Londoo urivn I- 'I'll --no Jan :..»t Jan 2nd MM. Ja,, MIO Jan Mth
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 276 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co, JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51,^52 High Street. Have just iceeived I large assortment of Japanese, Qbiajaw, an J Indian tilks of all kinds and col urv«. tndi. n, ud Pernan carpets of all sizes, rugs and bindsmn< iv ry <?oo<ly. Also many pretty articles >f
      276 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 26 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. E. A. •<• C. Ttifaraph 6'o»n/>rt 9th FKT-.Rrvßv HO\i,ki..\ Pfirnm.-ter 30.56 I'irpcticaof Wia:. >. vv Forcß <.f Wind \I->a T In Rha la., 4.; MA.KILA wai
      26 words

  • 932 9 Interesting Possibilities nf a New Mining Industry. A specimen of grey-blur corundum, weighing about 3 oz., wan forwarded tc tlie imperial ut*- by Air l.cuuard Wray, Curator of tho i'erak Alumuiji. in November, IMS. He stated that this material bad been colii-cied utnr l|>"li, in the
    932 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 697 9 NOTICES. Charles Heidsieck's Whiff Sr al Champagne SOLB AOBNTS Uehn, Meyer Co. Singapore and I'cnaurf -n* tVVtV DEPOTS. jjj|j^^ Si 11 tufton- "fsw^ lf»n. Mi Littlr ie Ui •-ssrs. fiantnl A Srlmbinarhrr. G. Hoppenste. •nsrs. S. I M HsTsf <•• (gj^g^| 111 t THE IANJOISQ PAOAk DOCK COMPANY, LTD •siPWKiGHTS,
      697 words
    • 361 9 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET. FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD: $12.50 per case. Duty extra. V V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8.50 per case. Duty extra OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALERS, OR McALISTER Co. Ltd.— sole agents. Mining Machinery. We beg to inform you that
      361 words
    • 354 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPILY KXKCUTED. Messrs. Simpson Co., Coach Builders, Tladra*. T* H I. I. kjftg Edward VII Hit Emllm) Sir JtVi Asdersu, UJU. Ooxraor ot the Mr. it- s. ttl.-m.-i-' Catalogue and all information may be had of our A. 4 H. ABRAMS, The
      354 words
    • 596 9 NOTICES. THE London Directory, CY>NTAININ<; V(!r 2 no P ll of eon ■ieiiHeil coiiiiurK'ial matter, enableo enterprising tinders throughout tlie Empire to keep in clone touch with the trade of the Motherland. He*ides being a complete commercial uuide to London and ita Suburbn. the London Directory contains lista of EXPORT
      596 words

  • 472 10 by Mr. ChaniDerlain. Lo.iu^a. .i...iv.ay i-ili.— .wr. C I ;uutuuiu Jisstcimiij aauro**d a.v aaiii•UG« O.vwu t*;l3vHX »L I'MStOB, ill l.illlsSMmrt it-iinrrnH •>»!'■ As^iitu kba» Ui» toit oi a nat.oiiß proapetvtg rmri ou eoMtparaUva, not on posit^e, •Utistith. ana mat air li. CanptMilUannarniau'* »wu*uient thai there wcie io,ujj,uuu
    472 words
  • 153 10 luu |m i cent is the distribution for I a South Indian gold nwin which cannot be beaten, we expect, by man. Liutaiioal iii South Africa. The following describes briefly th< acosss sjaiaed v" India had sson Kolar goldfielda, every Kolar jx.sbcssed a C'liain pion I>.-.
    153 words
    • 1206 10 Coder tbia heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer; ah. ship; bq. barque sob.— schooner Yet. Yacht Cm. Cruiser; (ihU»-Gnnboatj Tor.— Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power Brit.— British j IT. S.— United States; Feb. Krone h; Her. German; Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.n.— deck paswnger; U. Uncertain T.
      1,206 words
    • 479 10 ivame, port, pruoaoie date oj wnrwtv, and name of agents. Stkamers. Achilles. China, Apl a Mansfield. Agamemnon, L pool, Mar 27 MaDDtielil. Afcrr, Antwerp, Feb in. East Asiatic Coy. Alcicouc, Liverpool, Mar n Mansfield. Airlie, Sydney Feb 16; Boustead Ajax, China. Feb 26; Mansfield. Andalusia, Hongkong, Feb i'7;
      479 words
  • 611 10 P. O Per .Simla sailing on 16th February-- Mi C. J. Sanudern, Mr K. K Cauier n. Per Chiuan sailing on '^n<i March— Mr. A K. Mulbolland, Mi. K K. \V. I mell, r W. A. Greig, ilr. .inu Mas. Bradih 11, Mr. K. Ai, dersoD, Mr
    611 words
  • 46 10 HonKkoa.. O. Apar, due :Jth Fe I*. t i on S.inons Dunkirk, A U < I IMa F. !> Mom Comte. Odessa, r.Mnr.. dus J-'th r«b-E, Co Btlti port*, Huyb.,, duo beg. of M*r,.-li F. A. Co. turt rti'ttnham, Avagy,e, every Tue> Jay Kj« (.iu Mi.
    46 words
  • 225 10 I -sue I'oid Hiyi 11.. n MU I 9 13,600 M $7.50 Hcrsawnh G. M. Co., LtJ... 4.J00 10 10 (Deferred) *J,OOO $10 10 Kadana O. M. Co., Lid. 10,000 tlO 8 (I -re/.) «,O)7 it 1 X 1 Kechau G Fields, Ltd. if.n.) 16,700 1 1 yneentland Uanb
    225 words
  • 141 10 *oo,uou W.UUU uwmue I. 2,000 *,■>"» JJ.IAKJ L-','"«i >.!'« I B.UUU 35,000 tkcj 2,000 5,00u IM inisansd. .'in,,.,, 37,uw 4 1. K 1 Oulf Develupiuuni Co., Lul. f 100 I I 100 Federated Kuginoering Co., Lid. 60 j 60 Kraaer Neave, Ltd. < 1*26 126 HougkoDg aud Shaugtaai
    141 words
  • 44 10 H iwartli Ertkine, Lai. 1% X.ley, Uargreavoa, Ltii. ti/, Singapore Municipal Bi s>. Tonjonu Pn«m I)o<-lt Co., I 1.1 jjy ••-I I s»),uuu 4UI',WJ(J I.tCH.UUU C66,.Mlti 40U,MK1 I S-" (,Icm. '2% |.rein l.u\«tk in Inhere m Lujti .11.-. QUUI. I i.-n, i uy«t>
    44 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 173 10 EYIIOLE TOOTH POWDER, a jkt feet antiseptic dentifrice, nhantS aad pt»>- ths ••I'tri. iwry rrfrr*kinf Truth stronger than iricton. A lilacksmith's .-xper ence. M'inton si 1. ci Belfast -I Mifferud turrilily with Kbeuniatlsm in my righl inn. It 11 fleeted me lo snob ■n m* in thai I ul only
      173 words
    • 772 10 BANKS NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. (Netherlands India Commercial Bank) EiTASLISMED ISSJ. Paid-up (apital/7,200,000 (aksnt £600,000) Krsfrve Fond /1 ,572,000 (absnt £131,000) Head Otfice Amsterdam. 1 tead Agency Batavia. BRANCHES The Hn^'ue, Sonrabaya, Seniarang, hi'lraumyoe, Bandoeng, and Weltevreden CO»»t»PO»DE«TS IB J«V« Cfaerihon, lo al, aud Pecalou^'nn LONDON S«HHERt. W UHa* Deacon's Bank,
      772 words
    • 624 10 BANKS. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL ..110,000,000 REBERVE FUND:•Herling Reserve f 1 0,000,000 „7,™™*, Silver Reserve 7/100.000 f 17 v v 00 Reserve Liability of Prnprtntora $10,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. J. Itaymond, Esq., Chairman. H. E. Toiukuu, Esq., Deputy Chair man. E. Goetz, Esq. Hon. U. Bhewan.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 743 11 At the price you pay for your STENQAH. you tre entitled to the very test. See that you get E uchanan's "Black ai d White." You can rave it for the asking. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. 6?O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penanf, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean P.rts,
      743 words
    • 764 11 _STEAMSH IP COMPAN I ES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschapplj. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agent* at Singapore Ship Aqbbct, late J Dabhdkls A Co., 2-3 Collykb Quay. The nnrlermentlonnd (inlet are only approximate. Will be DftSDatchfd f r Altin-i ian«ljerma«»in Feb Banrljcrmasfiin. Kola-Uaroe, Mo*>ars Djaxni ■'irnarinda Uotilon^nn, D n^gala,
      764 words
    • 501 11 HAHIBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURG. i'be steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Hotter Jam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are dospatchoi 1 fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Brcmerhaven direct, calling at Penans and Colombo The arrivals of
      501 words
    • 669 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial German Mail Line. The fast and well known mail stenmerw of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples. Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore Hongkong, Shanghai. Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      669 words
    • 738 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES ICEAfi STEAM SHIP Do,. Ltd. AND China Mutual Stein Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched rom Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China uid Japan every week, and from Japan home yards 'or London every fortnight and fo. .•lverpuol monthly. One outward ateainei lach month extends to
      738 words
    • 523 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIXE Lin. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. THK I.AKIiUST riltK UFFICK IN THE WIHi.l BOUSTEAD A Co., AgenU THE LONDON AND LANCASHiRI FIRE IN'.SURANCE COMPANY. CauiUl £2,127,500 Paid up CapiUl. 212,75u Reserve Fund. .£1,073,550 lbe undersigned, Ageuu for the C'ui»pany, are prepared to accept 6re
      523 words

  • 465 12 IU Growing Popularity. la both ltd aspects of pleasure ;<ncl |)iofit niotonng has, says the CmltntU KffilMman, emphatically proved iU pe.uliar suitably to Indian conditions. The elaborate trials recently i"" lucwd l.y the Western Motor Union, with such enterprise and sucooss. has made it plain that
    465 words
  • 229 12 MOll-.. Julii- Botelho Moniz, Director ■i the Zambesia Atrricultural Company n IfoaaambtqtM, has lx>en on visit to Ceylon Seen W I reporter MoH Motnz chatted on L«rtaiii products in .Inch bl MM interested. Talking "f rubber iv Zambesia it was interesting to am that the product was
    229 words
  • 153 12 The oapttr by tkc Japaaaaa ot ?till .•Mother ttaaaMr i- 1 Njaortad, and tbii time the haul is .1 valuable one. On January 18th ;i Japanese war-ship stnp|>od the Kriti«li steainrv OakUy, 2,4 M tons register, as the* vessel was rtirlSliag •^h th,- TmakUM Strait Upon ■x.iniiiiation it
    153 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 22 12 BTKABNB' BGADACHI CURE I I 1 obteiaad from .ill disprnsarie" 1 juickl^- by pctt). Ncvl!' 1 B vvithoul th» Genuine. m.w f
      22 words
    • 330 12 NOTICES. ypr ftews of tde Straits, READ stirdiiLS Times. IT HI.A.S THE —^-Jiargest Circulation ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. FOR XVar telegrams Straits Times. It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places:Maura. John UttlaACo.. Ltd. T*a Rilraabmant Buffet. Tank s»po> Lln« A kaapong Bahru Maaara. Kally Wal.h. Ltd.
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    • 389 12 Notices HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Sole Agents For ™c HORNSBY-AKROYD patent Latest Improved f\ 1 p— Stationary Type, gf Q g Portable Type, Oil Engines FOR ALL PURPOSES Oil Engines Will work with CRUDE OILS, K l l ICO««i: I or WITI ANY OKIiINARY PEllSl I U>i
      389 words
    • 130 12 MARTIN'S d\i±&L*dh^r} p| LLS BUNKERS. FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO 111 kom >pro»ite Wentern Entrance to New Harboai LIOUI^~FUEL 30/(Thirty St.lliip) Kr t«a f. o. b. m Hm tr Rate »f drlivrn 2W( teas prr mm. STOCKS ALSO ATSuez, Bombay, (Jolmnho, iviiiiu^ Bangkok, Hongkoup, SliangDui, Vokuhama, Batavia, Sourabaya md Balik Paftaa (I
      130 words