The Straits Times, 9 February 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Hi. Ji.657 SINGAPORE. IHUBSDIt, FEKRI'ARY 9 1905. PRICE 15 CEIf S
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 919 1 NOTICES. NOTICES. SINGAPORE ft KFUNJI RAILWAY. H| J_f Notice i» her. l>y ew-n that fr m .Int. Wm Mm her of iheG. t-rsl OlHcps (,f thsrnU>.\ r% ATM VvE W ">■• irmo/nl :'mlankßwl tothonnv I M I fl-J J IMffl IX bu l.iinL in Kvir Valley «ca<l the Illcdl
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    • 283 1 NOTICES ROBINSON CO. A Shipment of Steel Trunks. OUR SPECIAL STEEL CABIN TRUNKS THE "EMPRESS" Extra quality spirally moulded round top fitted with Patent Automatic Triple safety Lever Locks in the following sizes. 24 in. 27 in. 30 in. 32 in. and 34 in. "STAR OF INDIA.' VERY SUPERIOR STEEL
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    • 187 1 Singapore. ilcMrs. John Little Co., Ltd ,i«n? Kelly and Walsh. IM {afflt.s Hotel. UtrJes Tiffin Kooun Mleipin Hotel lotel <ie la I'aix lotel da i'Europe Hotel Netherlands Tanjoug P r l;e KefreshiiHMit Buffet. Taah Roni Kailway Station. Ihe Crown Dispensary, Selegie Koad Sepoy Lines and Kampong liuhru, the papers can
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  • 186 2 ten v. S.CC. Ok 1 jtie I wtl tn.l, hut ihil to li:e b n. io< k tiic h-iil in o i i half ari'i kept il ben most ol the time, Mmod, tin- Clob dian, beinj; called upon to save repeatedly. 1 lih L i al who, bowtrtf
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  • 222 2 i.N tin* *****0 Jtlnndt (Soatbern Philippinet) t lie inhsbitsnti (Morot) te»-l ri-'-tive tiniier regular pTtnswnt, MXi the Americans are hard put to it to ket-ji onier. Now am: then iOBM headman breaks rut and detieo the Government. TraODI then cally out to brine him to K ok.
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  • 134 2 Says a home paper:— At a recent performance in a Russian theatre, seated in the boxes, was a Russian Grand Duke. At his side was a lady friend, who drew the attention of all present by the magnificence of her jewels. Suddenly, during a pause in
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  • 135 2 One cannot help noticing in Hongkong, says a writer in the China Mail bow careful every one is not to drink anything that is in the leaet likely to be harmful to his system It seems that in Ceylon, in the old days, people were not
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  • 126 2 Seldom, says the Daily DispaUk, has t lie uncertainty of scientific deductions been better illustrated than in the case of Professor Kuess's gold production theory. In 1894, the year of bis prophecy, the supply was valued at £36,750,000, but so remarkable was the upward tendency during
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 403 2 NOTICES. I "Eagle" Cement IN THE LONG TESTS MADE BY S A RAW A K GOVERNMENT (For their own Satisfaction) has come out n TOP 10 BRANDS WERE TESTED. Wse Madras Municipal Engineer pronounced Eagle Cement as the best 6e dad ever tested. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co.. Ltd. GARRETTS PORTABLE
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    • 730 2 B NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. }J Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY Q "f is a pleasing example of the delicately flavored mature spirit DADT so grateful to the palate of the I UKI /^Sb. connoisseur. Its absolute iW^fl L» P ur ity places it in the first line JBL nSi^.uL W^cH'tL VKRY
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    • 19 2 STEARNS' WINE, for thin, nervoui and fr.tful people, old and yoaD| inediat.' iiem-fit. [atprove* tht quality iv the blood.
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  • 204 3 "Dalziel" Report A Dili. ul telegram sayi tuai a V~ v roaaion lias been eauted i" Pkhm by the account* received of the diagraceu i which marked the departure i the cruiser Gukhen from B i the china Sation. It i that fully half the crew were
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  • 140 3 Mr, Benuet Burleigh, the Daily Telegrap wai dcom .v.ud bound from Manchuria l>v the p, >v o. Coromandel. To a DmHs pretentative .'t Hongkong, li<--aid that while with 1 1 1« Japeneae forcei he went .is near ai poaaible to l > 1 1 1 JapaI Ruaaian
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  • 252 3 PORT ARTHU R. Wreckage in the Harbour. According to a Japanetc "flu-Mi report th< Rntai&i) gun-boat Djijdjit i- tank to the .ul of tin i|- da t i< >«i in item harbour of l'^rt Arthur. Her three m.i-t^ are viaible above tlic ■rater. She wai rank i>y slivl! Are after
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  • 79 3 Thk following federal appointment! have been guettad: Mr H J HI. fie'd to he nn Assistant Purveyor, Kuala liernas- Kuala Semantati Railway survey. Mr. W. Hope to be a 2nd Claes Inspector of Pi lice. Mr. <; K Forrect to be a Cadet. Mr. M Baddeley
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 Cmam.k Of Watkh oflasj btilfS .m diaiTboaa. Fur tliis saaaosi many azMriftlKri travellers carry a bottle of Chambarlais's CSotio, Cholara aaaj Diarrhoea Rwutiy with tfcasa to ba aaad in t-is<' of aa asaa^atkoy. This pnpantion h-i^ n'> sqnal as rmc far bowel coiiijilaiiits it can tmt ba obtainsd while on
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    • 282 3 NOTICES. HERCULES tull s STIVEN CO, akypon. Jofjn Jbittle ®0., Jbtd. FUSSFLLS GREEN BUTTERFLY BRAND BHsbssssssssss^Bssssslbs^Bs> pure COW'S mj MILK STERILIZED ""^""'■"■'•■■■•tBSBlIlBBwBBBBSBBBlSBSl^'S'^^ u;n .11.1. eil to In! the I taken from th* eat I rf t" slag in tlio lie host Try I 'aataiai in Norway. This >»^ICM rAinir i
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    • 477 3 Singapore and Kranji Railway From ist November, 1904, and until further notice. Traiti t Service for Week Days and Sundays. XJKjy/v JSt Ei(ra Trmin( on Slin laya on AM A.M. AM. P.M. P.M P.M F.M. P M A.M. 1 M P.] SINGAPORE d 6.36 7.42 10.00 12.35 2.(4 Hi 4.-J0
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    • 162 3 !RIGAUD'S JXananga, OF JAPAN TOILET WATER Rigand's Kananga Water has the sweet perfume of the Kanaugj Flower of Japan and a soothing and cooling action on the skin; it rclieres mosquito bites, and is most refreshing after perspiraiion. RIGAUD &C PERFUMBRS 8. rua ViTlenn*. 8 Beware ot ImlUtlmal HOTEL DES
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  • 370 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY. 9th FEBRUARY. ii' i^ dilticult to nVira out bow it ••ould prolit anyb >dy t.) prove that the hero of I\>rt Arthur was even ■on oulpablfl tbaa Manbal B^zii' ■urrer.den bit lortreti lor :t pacaaiarji ■itnation; yet report! to thai i fleet i
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  • 306 4 The lute Jeltibu Mining and J lading Company, a tew years back, did a lot of tin mining in that section of Lower Burmi known as Mertui to little purpose. Af'.er heavy outlay the Company abandoned the field Since then prospecting for tin lias b^fcn actively carried on in Merpui.
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  • 208 4 It would be interesting lo learn on what authority the shipping laws are twisted about fo as to deal kindly with such vicissitude? of the deep as detrimentally all'ect vessels in the aarvioa of the Siraits Government. The immortal caFeulthfcso-toniSVoie//eisone instance. A later one is the stranding oftl.e Seamen- at
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  • 201 4 In our i«sue of yester.l:«y, we put-li-ihed a paragraph from the the Manila Tinieii describing the success of the s.s Sishn.i as a blockade-runner at I*. rt Arthur. In common with moet of the inli resting news items that we glean ir nn the Manila psporg, it transpires that the
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  • 20 4 Share quotation*, general ihippiDp newt, and passenger liitt, benides ship ping, insurance advertisement! will found ou page 9 and 10.
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  • 13 4 Advertisement* of Salts, Wauted, T < Latj »tc. will be found on Page 6.
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  • 7 4 The 6traitt Budijet was published this morning.
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  • 10 4 The Dutch gunboats li/i and 9tidtms lelt yesterday for Khio.
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  • 11 4 A pU;ue isol itijii i* umi :r construction at Bangkok.
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  • 10 4 The Sea lielle l«lt on lighthouse ins; ection dut> )ts'erday.
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  • 20 4 The .Singapore cricketers relumed by the Selangor yacln Esmeralda yesterday afternoon Toe Etmeratd.a is to be overhauled at Taajoag Khoo.
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  • 28 4 Thk Afiilay if it is informed tint Mr. Bradbery, the well known Singapore athlete, is to be transferred to one ol the .v.raits Trading Company's branches in Perak.
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  • 40 4 Mes-hs. E. C. Wilkb and Co. at Hoof kon^ have setun <1 the contract tn 1. -ill ot Mi->i> G iman and Company to Balve tne <S lira ivs bury, now str tnded on Bombay >Sliool in the China Sea.
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  • 37 4 Thk German mail reamer Prinzens Alice having lelt Penang on the yui instant at 11am, in iy be expected here to-morrow at about 3 p. in and will probably be despatched lor China ■tnd Japan on .Saturday.
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  • 35 4 The Strait* Kclw s.iys that MrS'.pnensN tinioiis ruober estate Jebong" is now in the imrket, and that, i( sold, its owner will probably noc return to I'erak, much to the disappjmtment of his many friends.
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  • 43 4 Mr VV J. Folky, the Chief Inspector of Folsce, KM. 3 m rived here this morning Dy ilie ut. Malacca with four China■<n. ordered to <c oanibtie<i irom the l-'.M 6., u'id one Javanexe lunnlic to band over to the Netherlands Consul here.
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  • Special German Service.
    • 53 4 Russia's Critical Position aVr.'ta, Ml Mraarf The Uoi man preM heralds the unniverhary of the first nction of !he wir with praii>f< of the JaptMMet Mu-ccsses, and hints al thu oritieal preitio« of Russia On eveiy ,-ii« ihere hie ii.-p<i:s of disunion aasoag tl.e Itnatiaa CMrf
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    • 35 4 The Brkwa Aaibaaaa4oi al Buriin gave SHiisfici oi daeiaralionaia respect of the gptecli ol Mr. Loa, the Civil l.>rd of tlie Admiriilty, which was interpreted as having heen ttetifawd fain at (Wmany.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 31 4 Sheltering in Switzerland taadaa, »'/< FMibib Iteuter'i correspondent at St. Petersburg says that Father Agaphon, one of the leaders of tha R'issian revolutionary movement, is known to bp in Swi'/prlai.d
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    • 82 4 Academic Revolutionaries will Be Summarily Dealt with. M. Trep !l', (i. v^tiior (ieneral of St. Petersburg, hat suniii m -il the Curator of the Kluca'.ij;i Ddpartinent, and has informed him that be(Tr«poO) is determined to pat il ;«n aaarehy amnnj thu members of tho academic bodies. All
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    • 75 4 Says he was Left in the Lurch Charges Against Kuropatkin I PS Ueaaral Grspaabetg and bieateffl ava mired at lik r-k They are on t!i? way St Patanborg Reports are curreir hat QeoenJ Gripanowg i 3 gaiag t.i St. Pi for the purpj-e or aeeaeiag (Jeneral Kuropatkin. The
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  • 130 4 \M impiirtunt naM f>l tttefl i- reported fi in tin- Hotel lie I'Krope. At Untivmningot the Wkk lin<f wish pre«--ot vifitors, and the ■■■afar. Mr Cha)tor, gave up Ins room so tliat it OoaW be BMd by one ol tbt; guests. I■ the room he left
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  • 190 4 Procession To- Night To-day the Hindu uommuni'y <f Singapore are hoHing liigli teatival over ti.e toimal ing'.aliatiun ut the id 1 of Urn great Qjd Siva in Orchard Ku3a iimple Tue Temple lias just been rebuilt and rt-<icc>rated, and the building Ijcks remarkably lianisjme with
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  • Reuter'S Extra Service.
    • 35 4 lioiidmi, »th Fehruary. A Deotao iaraad under tin' band ot the Czar appoints M. Kobeko, Councillor of the Umpire, the President of on influential -oiniimtee f <j revise the KtisFi.-ui eaaanfaMp IVess lava.
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    • 75 4 Cannot Understand the Outcry. Mr Lee, Civil I, nd of tlie Admiralty, speaking at b-'tstleigli, referred to the extraordinary outoiy that had I ten raised over hi> la--; apatcb, wiucli, he said, >vag a |>1 mi recital of eerlain Naval reforms. A mcKiiim- Ii i I
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    • 170 4 The t'/.ar h;ts approved and referred to a committee of Miaiaten lot immediate leti^l ition a series of most liberal proposals by the Minihter ot Finance, dealing with the condi tions of 1 ibour, md raeognisiag notably the workmen's right to strike, which was hitherto a crime. A remarkable
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  • 34 4 In additioi mentio; 1 i* n I t at to-n». v i f t::t- Lrui-ia tive Council, tl i will the secu:ui lite Ue> »al rendiag o! t 1 c \i\\ k tioc Bill
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  • 69 4 It is M mil any Araeri mn with a clean aaii and otien *hen it im*l clean, eio |e( t> an) .it aboat any plat ing, Urn i rotting t i his j up .:i tii« ad -it Urn month. It at' t..k<-.i I wad- bag -omi: lin- amrniag and
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  • 70 4 The ll'htgt-.t'l. Urn s-ijs that \.i\>i .Siamese (iovtrnniem has under con•iUeralioa tl.c question o. raisiag a loaa, il at it hai d yet beendw r.< 'i to |«aoa it in I. oi. don, and io*t Urn flnTirnnawt a^ks tint oaa laiUoa sterling. A r present thi- BuUBUM OuTcrnawni at the
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  • 66 4 Arnwa.ra. on Urn l-t iaat.,aCbioainan, named Seah Kirn Kwuii, w.ik observed by two deuctive» ir>uig to effect an entrance into ihe II kiof. Chiistian Church ii. l'anj .iv ii, v Ru:i'l He proanptU ai it-.: id and yesterday arraigned b- fora the Bench Court on a charpe ol at;,
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  • 75 4 Tim cd^o of tin; Mngapurt Club ■gainst thirty-Unit: ol ill K»-iv.»ntB was on the lirst Magi*tr*t«'t lit- inih morn in^r. Mr. urn r ;>.pp>! in-ii for tlie dab and asked an .icj turn— l M the ground that If r. Gttwoa, Urn i of the C üb, was enp;iged. Ii
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  • 100 4 l)i KiN(i Urn st.»> ot Urn D illaß Oppr.i Compm y in Singapore, Mr t:. Ctiaylor of the Hotel de 1 Europe has krraaged with the au'horities to have his place kept open till 1 in lor ihe c..nveniLnce of theatre* goen Bud tl.< conpany. Supper will be servt d
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (MTABLtfiBID ls«4> Wine Spirit Merchants, '.London, Glasgow, Hongkong. Shanghai) SINGAPORE. LIST OIK A.FFZjIO-A.'.TIO.N-. ApllM v.c. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. New Stock of Silk Curios and Silver and old Jewellery. TtUtiiitmc No. US. Intvcctun Srlir.iUd. HOTEL de
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    • 226 4 TOWN HALL. Dallas Bandmann Opera Co. For a Short Season o«lr TO-NIGHT AT 9 AND TO-MORROW Friday. Fehrutry mth, THE ORCHID. Sat. Fen. 11th' The MM torn won. 13th' Kjys. Tue«. F eb. 1 4th T Ed lath. TheClngaleo. Thure. Feb. 16th) The Duchess of Fri. i;m Danzig. D 'in-
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    • 137 4 LATEST ADVBRTISBMBNTS. SCRAP IRON" Auction Bale of old scrip ir in and ateel j cnttinge, etc M Messrs. Howart Krskine"* Works. Uoirl-y. IM'A Felron-y, nt-'Mpm. H, L. Coghlan V Co 1 i onsid Aaetioqeers |Mi 9 NOTICE. In consequence of the had state of the ground, the 8. C. C.
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    • 26 4 STEARNS 1 WINE whets the appe titc, aids digestion, improves assiuula tion, strengthens the stomach so that food docs good. Aaamt 1 Wimt the Meal T.iiuc
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  • 2351 5 IMS. vs. Colony ,-iiikU- Innings Defeat Thi» mi'ili was resume 1 at Kuala Lumpur at 937 on Momliy morning after the teams had been photographed. The Colony bad \o* h.<W h( ir wickets on Saturday lor 67, in reply to the K M. S. total ol Ml not out
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  • 266 5 En Route to Tibet. Vr-tfi.iv there left Singapore for Cakatta the two Chinese latperial Commissioners, I'ang Sio iiuan ar.d Leong Si Vi, who are m 1 mission to the British Indian (overnment for the purpose of < urn to geme ittiilnstanding •n the Tibet sa
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  • 209 5 Russet's Infantry beat the 5. C. C Thk S C. C. boefca* te=im had a sur prise in store for them )esterd;»y afternoon when they met a team of the 95'.h (Ru'sel's) Infantry. With the exception nf a couple of officers, the Indian regimental team was composed
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  • 23 5 Dr. Modin Cakthiw, a gradoaU ol London University lihr been sppeintid Assistant Medical Officer of Health under Dr. H. Campbell Hightt at Bangkok.
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  • 538 5 Kuala Lumpur, 7th February, Thk Chinese New Year has been duly and successfully celebrated, both by Chinese and Europeans in trie F M. 8. the former by the expenditure of much Bun powder on bombs a;id cr<icker*, by feasting sad other deliglr?, at il the
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  • 121 5 In p. Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox. heard several Magist rates' appeals yesterday in the Supreme Court. In the Oooidenongh case in which A. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell are appealing against the sentence of imprisonment passed upon them, the husband atked for a postponement of the hearing in
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  • 105 5 Thol..h the Chinese Ne.v Year fire cracking is now nearly all over there am complaints even airing the Chinese themselves at the growing custom 01 bomb-throwing as distinguished Iron, the use of ordinary crackers Small boyc appear to be the chief offenders and several instances have come to light
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  • 42 5 A Leul're will i c d livtred on Hatur day, next, the lHili in*t., in the above Association Rooms at 8 45 p m. entiilec "Sir Parsifal" by Dr Philpot-Crow-ther. Members and their gentlemen friends are cordially inviud.
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  • 69 5 Another Capture Aniithkk capiuie i><t.-btrii made by the Japanese. 'I'lif Austrian steamer Siam, bi'Uiid for Yladivoftock with coal, lias been captund tf)' Hokkaido. The Sium is a tteel f crew steamer ol 3,100 grofi tonnage, was built r>y Mi—r- R s st■: t j h ti-. i: and Co.,
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  • 263 5 February .Monthly Medal This competition which t.x.k pleas ua Saturday last wa» well attended, th.iv rxniL; forty entries, and play besßf (>• >■ sible both morning and afssnseosi mill to the holiday for Chinese New Tear, there was not so much inconvenienci caused t<> member-- WI .ivorcrowding
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  • 74 5 Ladie«' Monthly Me.lals f r F^v Mi*. Fc.wlie 4S -,r Is Mrs. Wnd'lell 6>— 0 -US Wrs. Allinxon '0 M Mm Watkin« «9— li M Mpdil won hy Mr- F vli« Mfno' Monthly Medal for Jomvnrv K. D Bewaa hh_4 M Di Ko-d 96— io=.s« [>r.
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  • 140 5 A di-pi'tk has, says the liangkul; Times of the 26 'ii. l inuary, arisen between the Hgents of the North Germ-in Lloyd nt Singapore and the Chinese rice importers. The trouble was caused by damage, to the extent, it is .~;iid, of «ome S8 00"!, sustained by
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  • 103 5 The Chinese N«* Y«-*r pports will be held at Hong Lim (irfen <>n Saturday commencing at 2 p. in. A very good programme DM been arranged. H. E. the 'loverii"! bat kindly consented to distribute i!ie prizes. A kihst class variety entertainment is being given early
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 255 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL. C < J SPECIAL DINNER f Z N K Saturday, Htf) \february, 19C5 K rr BAND IN ATTHNF)ANCE. U -TO-DATE. THE Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. VICTOR SINGING MACHINES, rvprodnotvf Uh actua] rokx of i'amons iit»g*r«, diflTer irreatlv from thoag ffjnimg more abmograpi i imitation^. We Imve
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 205 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, g'h February. Hieh Water. I tt 'tin 111 |>.m Philharmonic Orchestra. T.iw. H B.V.C Basra ttootlep 5-15. "The OMhM." l..wn ilall t« Yap Chow Ttmrnj Friiiav. 10th February. Ilitth Water 1 r.i :i m. 1 -47 p. ui f Sflslsllw Council. L'-3il. Miuuil|iiil Com Million. '■<"■
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  • 2672 6 t.nmln,,, tttk Owiag to a roiitinuaiirv of the lica\y weather raeariad 1 >>t waah many diaastors have In en np. rtad frdin varioM parts of the coast, and t lit- list of minor <\i>ii;ilties |c small craft and tilling il a liipi^ one. Three ataaawi n sunk
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 625 6 NOTICES. I To6e Straits V)imes. AND Isfje Straits SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. Daily i»«ue per year t3u.(xj do per quarter 7.50 do pa month 2.60 do per ropy 0.16 Weekly Usne per year l*MO do per quarter 4.00 do per copy 0.40 When sent liy MSt, there is added
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    • 599 6 I NOTICES. I BOARD AND LODGING. Comfortable rooms with verandahs attached, available at 6 Oxley Rise. Feb 7 tn. th. s. v c. FOR SALE. /^I HARRY and pony with harness, etc., VJT complete. Robinson Piano Co. Nov 10 v.c. FOR SALE. One phaeton with new rubber tyres and extra
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    • 622 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET, small firjt floor office* facing Cavenagh Bridge Rosd and Flint Street. Apply to Cut line A Co. Ltd., Agents. n.c. rBE LET.— No. 17 Armenian Btreet next to 3t. Andrew's House, lately in the occupation of Messrp. Tomlinson and Lermit. Suitable for a hoarding house Apply
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    • 645 6 NOTICES. Municipal Notice. SINOAPORE FIRE BRIOADE. Subscribers to the Telephone Exchange and other persons, on discovering an out-break of fire arc requested to ring up the Telephone Exchange it mediately, and not No. 81, Central Police Station, an hereto, fore. M. W. PETT, Superintendent, .-Singapore Fire Brigade. Feb. 3 Ki-2
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  • 262 7 A Foreign Oiiner's Impressions. A t- reign officer who was lately with .n Manchuria, in the a letter received in St. Petersit one mtv good point about the Russians. They don't know when they have been beaten, and they (prickly recover from the effects
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  • 242 7 250,00.-) tons of Them Slip Down. "The white rlifT> of old England" suffered a serioi rhsejs "ii .'an. loth i 260,000 tons of chalk at St. Mania ret s Bay, near Dover, slipped down to the foreshore. There was no sin when the coastguard patrolled
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  • 203 7 Such progress is being made with the railway- in Western f.ud Central China that, according to Emfimmrimf, we may soon expect to see the great coal and iron deposits of the Celestial Empire effectively worked. China's resouroes of ri'.il .1 r1 < 1 iron are among the largest
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  • 86 7 The teacher of a class in a town school noticed gome eieyling going on among certain of the boys, and called upon one of the culprits to tell him the cause. "Please, f>ir," responded the lad, "Turner says he knows of a baby who was fed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 72 7 STEANS' WINE, a general tonic and strength restorer. Always reliable. "Must be SUarnt' Take no other. It Ares As Usually Treated a sprain will disable the injured person for three or four weeks, but if Chamberlain's Pain Balm is freely applied a complete cure may be effected in a very
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    • 613 7 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. I'Mlt-UH CAPITAL ..$10,000,000 RBBBBVK FUND:— -terlinc Reserve $10,000,000 7n nnnnn Silver Reserve 7,000,000 Ml'M 1 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 I court oFUTrectors. A. J. Raymond, Esq., Chairman. H. E. Tumlcinx, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E Goett, Esq. Hon. R. Shewan. Hon. W. J Gresson N
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    • 560 7 NOTICES. Jt THE SWEDISH ojSJjk LUX LAMP. pBJ BURNS KEROSINE OIL. Gives a beautiful, intense ami even light of 50 to 1,000 candle-power. L U X The Lux Light is in immense u*e lor Railway Stations, Estates, Hotels, Factories, Workshops, etc. SMOKELESS INODOROUS inexplosive For Inspection and economical wholesale rates
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    • 444 7 THE FRENCH HAIR DRESSING SALOON, B. GARAU, Sole Proprietors. Begs to inform the public that he has been able to secure the ser»i< sof Mr Cascbiere Vincent, from Paris, newly arrived, a well known specialist in all kinds of ladies hairdressing diploma coiffeur, paslicbear, etc.; he brought with him a
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  • 396 8 <iirl> Knoutcd. ii Jannar) 6tb A sensatioaaJ signed by 1 1 < the mosl prominenl men in Russian political, i,- rcles, bai bet n the ill /.mull, in the form of i i the 'i\ iliaed world _i,.i' in appended to the mam wake it
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  • 234 8 ni- capacity ai \dministral t ■-h K. w Guinea for the Federal it ol Australia, Captain Itai liit upon ,i happy t■■ xpedienl 11.- i- pro»i > n,- u w.iilik. tiiU's by a series ..t nc danoes, which in the usual ill be followed, as one
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  • 303 8 Interesting Description. In t lu r.nly hoan of the BMtaiag i ilu 13th .lan., we were startled by a npoti that ;i body of Russian- nunib. ring 2,000 odd. had outflanked tin- .lapeneaa Uaat, ooaaajai Kew-eawaai proper and were iiiarchinj; southward- oa tlii- town, ay- the Kewchwan pondent
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  • 424 8 Mr. BaMtmr on the Defence <>f the Empire. 1., mi 1 'Ml Mi Halt\ in I ia^t loglit ;it the I _"v. churned thai the Oo' 1 amen! w*n entitled to th gratitude "i tbe nation In itrengthenin. 111. defeno 1 tha Kinpiro tiny li.kl done muili toward*
    424 words
  • 375 8 HV 1.T.-Col.. THK HdN'BLK A. MtBBAV, V.D. Command ant, S.V'.C. Sinf/iijwn :tl> Iriintary. V A liii.ii-. OrileiU Ollicei fur next week:— l.ieut li. a k Tasssssa Orasrhj K. c. <>„ Corel llMinson. Parades: On Monday 13th iiixt. and on Wednesday, iS'h but at MO ;>.ni. 10 pr H
    375 words
  • 210 8 Van little ha» been heard lately of Mr lieunet burl, lgli, remarks the Japan Chronicle. There i^ little to be wondered at in this as the big gun' has passed through llongkoug. it was announced in London on December 6th that the proprietor.- of the Daily Telegraph were
    210 words
  • 194 8 Purchase of the National Company's System. The negotiations for aojuiriug the National Telephone system by the British Government hnve been Wffliphtmj, and, cm tilt- NMKMBkMai of Parliament, Loud Stanley, the Postmaster-General, will submit the terms of the agreement which has been arrived at. Thus the todf-cU&KTed
    194 words
  • 128 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 1906. To d.i;. 's 4 ii b ml: ra»p i- 1 To-d:i> ■'< h! i| otation eini n kfC aWiian Fraswandßfaaw tlOl. 8 Hers -Howarth K--kiie *****0, r.ii:.Tradines S4l'.l'o. Mr. Walter Hy. Harnard ol Lime Street, London, report! that the yieible supply of tin on toe Mist Deeeaibn
    128 words
  • 101 8 'iambier buyer* 9. l-.'J do (Cube No. I) unpicked ISJf] Copra Bali 8 rtO do I'oDtiannU m 1,71 Pei per, Black buyei- -_'i>. •_',-> do White, 6r6 r 39.00 Sago Flonr Sarawak 3.15 do Brunei No. 1 3.30 Pearl Sa«o 4.60 Coffee Kali, 15 ba>is '_>3 00 'nff>?e,rHleiiiban(;,'.ti>. 1,*.-,-
    101 words
  • 126 8 On London— Bank 4 m.'i 1/Mjj Demand 1/11 v I'rivate 6 m/« 2/-fV do 3in > ij. On Germany Bank d/d 2.02 Private 3 d/i 2.04 do 8 mft 2.()6 On France Hunk d d 2.48 I'rivate a iv c 2.A-2 do 8 m,« 2.64 On India -Hank T.
    126 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 66 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. la\c juat Roeivud a large •ssortuieni of Japanese, Ohinet c, an 1 indan tilke of all kinds and col ura. Indian, ana P**tmim carpets cf all sizes, ragl and haadsone i? ry <?><><]*. Also many pretty articles
      66 words
    • 222 8 THE BEST STOGK IN THE FINEST SHOP IN THE BEST KNOWN SPOT IN SINGAPORE. LADIES' B ACK BAR SHOES. 'Fs^ m^\ j La<lu^' lilai Bai Shoe* nol eiad fcT^ I.'1 I evening WtfsV, headed tOB strap, *«^V I^l I superior finish sole «it dup it. MV; f I P<icc $5.00
      222 words
    • 454 8 Men-of-War. /.i asMsMa, V.M s. >•>.■!. 7i tons, r> h;i ChatChik, Hth V^b Praai Part S veiteuh .in, 7th Feb. r.M.8.00*l Tm Port S>\ettenhim. U.-KI-TRAUINQ VESSELS, &c. Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Achill't, Brit 4 4 "3 Uns, Captain rtiomp'on, !»tb F^b. From Liv.r. 001. •th .l*n. &j, Min^fldld 4
      454 words
    • 311 8 ':odnu. Mb F b fi, (i,-. and 4d.p v hor Simrkep. V— X itassawa »ih Fob. From I) i fi I* i'- Bubo Met k it^ii iltb-\V. Sriil,:ns, Bri H U( j ?aT Hth Pi C ro c and BS d j v ir lUth— Rds. wui ft*, v italph.
      311 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 24 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. 4 0. Pmgrufk Ovataa >^th Fe'.ruaiy HONUROSO.Barometer 30 Jio direction of Wind >. w Force ol Wind i' Max.'lemp in Shade 4rt. MAST
      24 words
    • 46 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kuixlanp Kerbau Ho jiti'i :ih feb., 19v',. ■Un m :ti. Bar Temp U.u »7 U -trir.Th.-i- 77.0 76 H T: I) rolWind v v un i i_i Sun i ir rad HHit K..inf»ll ril rbH standard v i foil oararaUj also that al
      46 words

  • 1027 9 SHIPPING IN PORT. Under thin beading the following ablirevu lorn are need:— str.— «teamer; «h.— ship; bq.— barqne sch.— schooner Yet.— Yacht i Cru.— Cnuser; Qbt.— Gun boat; Tor.— Torpedo; H.p. Hone-power j Brit.— British U. B.— United States; Fell.— French; Uer.— German i I>nt.— Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.
    1,027 words
  • 461 9 Name, port, probable liiite of arrival, and name of agent*. BTBAMBBB. Agame mnOD, I.'pnol, Mar ir7 Mancficd. I Aker Antwerp. F»-b If.. East Asiatic Coy I Alcicou-, Liverp' 01. Mar Maukfield. Airlie. rtydnev Feb .6; BonsMad AJas, Cbina Feb .'f. Yam-field Andalusia Htovkonx, Feb 27, B Meyer Aoten
    461 words
  • 249 9 For Singapore I'er I. 4 O. s. s. Malacca from London Jan. 7, due 10th Feb- Mrs. WVabor, Com m! Mrs. T Ring, Messrs. Byrne, F W. Jones, Captain Shipman and Mr*. Shi [> ■MS. Fer I. 4 O. s. s. Alarmura connecting with the steamer Kvbm
    249 words
  • 601 9 P. O Per Simla Milling on 16< b February— Mi C. J. B .innder«, Mr E. F. Cameron. Per I'husan nailing on 'md March— Mr. A B, Malbolland, Mr. E. F. W. Coro«ll, Mr. W. A Ureig, Mr. and Mm. Braddell, Mr. B. Xa demon, Mr and
    601 words
  • 230 9 ;:r 5 Last Bojm ttalkn Tranaoc tioin 13,600 H I7.SU Bemawab G. M. Co., Ltd ,400 nniMU«U 4,JOU 10 10 (Deferred) 10 10 Kadana U. M. Co., Lii. 10.000 10 8 (Fref.) «,*>7 U 1 k 1 Kecbao G. KieMc, I-t.I. (f.p.) 10,600 U 1 19/- (ooctrlb.) J6.700
    230 words
  • 136 9 40,000 uauwuol. • 4,600 30,000 12,000 3,400 6,000 2,760 35,000 600 2,000 6,000 785 JuiMiied. 300,000 50,(lu0 urn »uo.i 97.0U0 a 1 H 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd. 1 100 t 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. I 60 60 Fraaer Neave, Ltd. 126 125 Hongkong and Shanghai LJunk 100
    136 words
  • 39 9 Howtrth Krskine, Ltd. 7% Kiley, lUrirrearee, Ltd. S% Hingkporn Muiiici]- il 8% -••^6,000 400,000 1,878,000 86i,500 2&O.O0C i «m n.« 3* preiu. '1% |<reni bnyen prem bnyer" 1% prem buyer2V die. Dom. i% fteva buyer» l\ prom Vnv<T»
    39 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 354 9 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET. FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD: $12.50 per case. Duty extra. V V O SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8.50 per case. Duty extra obtainable: prom retail dealers, or McALISTER Co. Lid— sole agents. Mining Machinery. We beg to inform you
      354 words
    • 364 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO W A T C H M A K E;R S JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. RKPAIKS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Messrs. Simpson Co., Coach Builders, .tl a finis. I" II I. I king Kd*ar<l VII His EirHlfßcy Sir J«hV Aider Mi. k.1.1.U. Moveraor of the itrmite Settlement". J»t* 'Ifiio aud all
      364 words
    • 9 9 ZYIfOLE TOOTH POWDER, a parfisct antiseptic dentifrice, oleanes nird
      9 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 738 10 At the price you pay for your STENGAH. you ire entitled to the very best. See that you get Buchanan's "Black and White." You can have it for the asking. STEAMSHIP COMPAIMIRSy P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, I'enanr., Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean P< rts, Plymouth
      738 words
    • 755 10 STEAMSHIP PANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands In'lia Government. AgrnU ut Singapore Ship AomcY, L4TJS J 1)«BNDKL8 A Co., S-8 CoiXYaa Quit. l bo undermentioned riateß are only approximate. ~^W.»ni-' n.ID Xp'»«il. Will r i- |»HU ftPQ lor:Dr Kock Pontianak Fel> Sink, BengkalU, Paneh, Asahan, and lielawan
      755 words
    • 498 10 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURU. I'hu steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japaa. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a mou-.h for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Pdi isi aad Colombo The arrivals of the
      498 words
    • 660 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial derm an Mail Line. Tbe fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suet, Aden, Colombo, Penans, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
      660 words
    • 753 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES JCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd, AND China Mutual Stum Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamen are deapatrbco rom Liverpool oat wards for the Straits, Cliin.i tnd Japan every week, and from Japan home yards for London every fortnight and foi uiverpuol monthly. One outward steamci )aeh month extends
      753 words
    • 526 10 INSURANCE COMPAN ms ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIXE LIFli. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEBI £12, 000,000. THB LABUBBT HBE OITICE IN TUB woßi.l BOUSTEAD ,v A K euU THE LONDON AND LANCASUIRI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY CapiUl £1, 127,500 Paid up CapiUl. 212,750 Reserve Fund. .i 11,073,5. >() The undersigned, AgeuU for the
      526 words