The Straits Times, 6 February 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SO. 11,654 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 6 1905. PRICE 15 CEIfl
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 490 1 NOTICES. FOR SALE. 1 Peugeot" Tricycle, nearly new, fitted with new tyres, $450. A splendid opportunity to obtain a motor tricycle at less than half-price. 1 6 H.P. "de Dion Bouton" voiturette-Model 1905 complete, with lamps and spider seat for syce, 3 $2,600. jE Apply to C. Dupire Co., 8
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    • 463 1 Second Hi rse. A Handicap for all I ;l-l lI.IV barred. Distance, htrlong*. Entram 4. The Thy Siaki.. :i-."iii pjß, ValoN 9450| 860 of which so Second Horse. A ll.uidicap for all Maidmsa .md S, H A. Bz-Onfflins, maidens at time "t entry. Distance, 1 mile. Entrance S K>
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    • 358 1 (-90 [> in. ut ef v.h'.ch |M goes t.> Second Horse. A handicap for all Kinta 19n5 Griffins that have run not won at the meeting. DietaaMS mi longs. Entrance. |10. 9. The Winners Handicap. Valve (000. A Handicap for wiiinor i Distance, 1 mile. Forced entry, s's'i Ex-griffins Optional.
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    • 882 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR IN ALL TEXTURES SUITABLE FOR ALL CLIMATES Jndian §auze Singlets $10.50 doz. Jndian §auze Singlets $15.50 doz. PURE WOOL (NAT. SHADE) SINGLETS GUARANTEED UNSHRINKABLE NATURAL SHADE MERINO SINGLETS Sensola Brand Unshrinkable #27.50 HALF HOSE in Cashmere, silk, *i!k and ffool, Liik Ttuead, Cotttm, Merina ROBINSON
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  • 1567 2 Messrs S Fijrjris Co.'s Annual Review of the M.-rket During IQO4. v.l- had another jear cj acUr.ty, »nJ telerred to in our last Annual Xt i- lias liolu 0 int.ii.wa, awtd uuoU-r ha> not been „i..i U the diinand. i>ear" Htliag iia- resulted frequently in a eornei.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 332 2 ViT U-. "n,^ -I*U**U*iJ*U*U~lA I i These tiny BIV ■*J& -•'L^ aa leS HhM^^d|H^MH superior WJ if [aVV to C' p.iha, 1 j tJ Jarlr Cnlx.l>s, and 1 j^^^lnjcctii'iis cure the saiue ilim-.ix. -us t in.-M.- drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. ss >^ Each Capsule bcart the n«m« (tulDll
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    • 461 2 9 TRAVERSTAV/NY f^B «s plfasinn exampk of \t > A -y licsUh (lik\cred maturf spirit so krelef I to tlic palate «jf the 1 UK 1 y^l^^L corroi' m r It-. f Ul pur it) ;:la< i JSuJbbbibbbb '<jeW-tiej cW-tic Mimulant?.. Mr r*^^^ Hcrcn. F.f.C. F.-.f.. :hc v W OLD
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    • 135 2 BWAII r ITi li.. MECHAN CAI ay Rl BCTRICAL F\ril\i-!is, Iron ani Brass. Founder* Iron and -"-r.Ship sr.d Br»o<c AND GENErtrX T CTORS. ::ery, Kngiues, aiiii BoiL«ra,(n< vaada*oaiidhaad) l *B^ba>ar' ing tools and accessaries are kept in stock. MIRBAU ROAD. I Addr»»a HOCAN." I. BC. (-Jth I s*l :on»).: on»).
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  • 140 3 P. &O. tiling on .'i,,; 1 Mr. A. E Malßolland. Mr. B. F. W Cornell, Mr W. A Crii^', Mr. mil Mr- Bl id P .1. M, -fll. R1..1 t ll,' Mlling on 16th M..>. b Un. K. \V. WM.i,. 2 ebiUien and mi.. I, Mi
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  • 364 3 N. D. L leaving 6t li I > .Mi A Brown, Mr. and Mi-. C. rMdeniann| .ni.l rhil Mi-. <'.. olive U L'ormirk nd Ul< ,Mr 1. ring \l. C larger, Mi. Hempill Mib. li I1I 1 EUgi y, Mi- Srhonii r, Mitm z v C. >choUe, Mr I •arm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 Good for young and old is Steamf Ji'mr. Enricbai the blood, aids digests uapro' m Brtrition, increant weight. It cures
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    • 307 3 NOTICES. HLTTTENJBACH BROS., CO., "Dagger" Brand GIANELE] Perrier-Jcuet 77 nr ?7-~ r ,-o MAJiNO jiatural K 6 TABLK WATERS. *A/f 9 F Tll qualities DRY SWEET. fi Guinness' Stout n p f K JipoUitiaris Largest Sale in the Straits. Quarts, Pints, fc I'mts. r HERCULES-^CEMENT. Nov. Id u .ihs STIVEN
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    • 137 3 IH:; FRENCH HAIK DWESS!N(i SALO V B. CARAU. 80k Proprietors. II ol liriioa hairdreiwing diploma ii ln< oH n-!v ir ..v I. fl b!,i.. k. tl'*« h ir. H i|| kinds of hair v „;k, p rii New Arrival 0' -I l.r. Kti)ili<-li perfl 1 8 :n»or», -hirts an ncckli
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  • 1052 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. MOND A Y, 6TH FEBRUARY. VBHZCCI it always in such a tangle f politii -iiij lii'atinns that it is ih'cult to follow them all. o! ars sgo, it will bt> reinem- and 'Jerniany proceeded republic into the pa> inent just debts by int-ans of
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  • 15 4 cml i&ippinf Jt.ige. li*u, ping, insurance advertiseiufciK^ will i* found on page 10 and 11.
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  • 26 4 (idin: in vi ul iteamei i .i/i.-c having; left L'okwbo on the Bth at 1 p in imy be expected ban ou Friday at 3 p.m.
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  • 26 4 On Saturday afternoon a match v,-di played between die V..M > A andthe Poliea. Tbagaaaa raanltad in a rat lit r e.isy win for the formt I
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  • 23 4 Tut annual camp meeiiiig of the I'en uit Volunteert wai Bxad to bt held from 3rd inst. to 7th inst. both days inclusive.
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  • 28 4 Owners ol adiog to race at the forthoi Knl i c n ling are reminoe lots 01 Wednesday, Bth ui>' at 7.30 p.m to the Honor;»r\ Batu Gajah.
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  • 37 4 A sothk i>i the Pmris Jomrnml oiii-iel aanoanei vi ooio, t h-i sxhuiidredth part of a dollar, is to he coined for use in Tonquin [t will bi made of pore rin( :i s 1000 5 gi
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  • 26 4 Ht row of lie Society per on British (on oi cial P Far East WH Brcnan, C M <■ < -II B. M. ConsulGeneral at Bh uighai.
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  • 43 4 Amomsot the cw- ii at the customary Twelfth Niulr. juvenile fancy dress ball at the Mansion II urn wan the Chineu Miniatei and Mn a. Chanp, the Crown Prince of Johore, loohtt Abu Bakar and Ahmad of Johore, and nun v civic dignitai
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  • Special German Service.
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 88 4 Lokil.ok, 41/, I'eliihanj. Iv reference to one section of the Czar's ukas; of reforms, a committee of Ministers na9 decided to recommend a series of measures limiting the individual powers of Ministers with the Czar, eepec ially in reference to alterations in, and suspensions of the laws. These
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    • 9 4 Ron haa leit Ji!\.util r Righb
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    • 13 4 London, Uh tkvm rejiort!- n. it in n Jan 28 b
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    • 10 4 The report (ii'ik:, he n weliat, ii iooomct.
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    • 36 4 WHO WON General Knropatkin raporta tl a hui :!'a- tbfl I Aj.ii.':u kh "r 111, i .1 the 1 it b ink <>l ih« Hanbo and drove oat the H The latter, however, wen qmntl; ii
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    • 46 4 At Japanese Seizures of Contraband LoWaWi nth Ftbruary Great uneasiness prevails in (iermur. ihipping oirolei regarding tbc the Hamburir rawoll bonnd for Vludivostock with oifgoi ufcon Tlie recent seiiurei c f (Jc-nran steamj the Japanese have VI, With (ierinaa ihippan .< >■ against the J
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    • 32 4 A i. .\->. nablj i.e C'/iir. tdl pt«d b) a 'irity. K uji i'...: lion imp iibl< i boat l 'i thi at ilrpre- i:i until i i
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 14 4 nuinbereil 7. 1 Prisoners report that tour infantry regiments were nearly unihilai
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    • 11 4 General Nicholson's appointment uOovernor ot Gibraltar is officially continued.
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    • 81 4 Japanese Night Attacks Turned The Scale. ■■•it, 4(/i i'rl,rminj. Keuter's.Tokyo correspondent reports that tbe battle of Heikuutai was more extensive and more desperate than was originally indicated. For four days the battle hung in the balance. Tbe Japanese position was critical as their position was outnumbered. Field Marshal
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    • 5 4 iii Elm lealth.
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    • 21 4 Doml wice, on wlncii j.i ol Warsaw and day al Lock, wl I a million. M 11 >
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    • 18 4 On Kri R ii v. re i 'vity, a>,.l A I Heikoo
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    • 11 4 Mi; .1. 13th Jan to ;i letfc r from Cllililli' r
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    • 70 4 It is now beyond doubt that the .•a.Miultit?- it Warsaw far exeied thofce •t St. Petersburg. Hit; dead are buried at night miuet guards ol tic. The looting is the work of Hooligans incited thereto by the police in order to Jiscrndit the revolutionary movement.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 211 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I THESE ARE NOT TIMES THROW MONEY AWAY Buy your i roviaiona at THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, A.nd you will nave mon< y THOMPSON THOMAS 8f Co., 17 18 STAMFORD ROAD. W New Stock of Silk Curios and Silver and old Jewellery. FOR SALE CHEAP. GHARRY AND FOUR-SEATED VICTORIA.
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    • 150 4 TOWN HALL. rHE Dallas Bandmann Opera Co. For a Shirt Season only Grand Opening Night Tuesday 7th February, r t liHrminp :v(r im i A Country Girl Wed'day Feb Bth, A Country Girl Thursday Feb. 9th I T k.n«.i.'j Friday loth The Orohld< Sat. Feb. 1 1th > i#_ Moo.
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    • 13 4 G.R. Lambert Co. THE BEST KNOWN STUDIO IN THE EAST. fab 1 uo_
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    • 38 4 NOTICE. These Berlin telegrams are received every morning in time for delivery before 1 1 o'clock. The subscription to the same It "5 per month. Intending subscriber* to this Special Service should notify the Straits Times at once-.
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  • 434 5 Uliveiro and Corncliua affain <in trial. <)\ 1 try enquiry into the alle 812,850 be Hon. K. I, Penney on the ;i.'ii of Beptert m. and K Oliveiro, the formet it that time financial clerk empli j tariat. Cornelin il will be remembered, acquitted, at •iy
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  • 45 5 I hk attention of Ownen u called to thai the BntriM for the Kinta 't February Also tl ified by the value o! M-ik.\* won meant atnwwof i tlOO will b« taken tkei won in other count riei Bpecial traini will bp run
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  • 2203 5 F. M. S. v. The Colony. This match oommenced at Koala irday morning. The turned out fairly promptly, ikipper of the V. M 8. ride, taking in Hubback with him to bai, niter winning the toe*. The weather i he desired, and the ra pretty tast.
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  • 182 5 Novel Experience for the Colonial Engineer. \\"k understand t un «ri received from Cap ;ii,; Murphj this morning by the M later At& to say that the Mm Mine me ■ahori II Cape Bachado o^ii en^inei Shortly afterwai Murphy lent an. 'tin r wir the Sea Men-
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  • 45 5 The London d iily cind weeklj describing the Children's Fancy Dress Ball at the Mansion House on January nth, all c<>u)ment upon the btately hearing :nid gorgeous attire of the Crown Prince of Johore," ;ind the other little Johore princes who attended that festive gathering.
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  • 121 5 fa is cot mrpriticf to h* ar ibat the condition of ibe iaJaabita&la of Maocharia, i i a arid* in ■> itn by the BaMiaae, it becoming d lily mure alarming. A letter trom a writer in Northern China declares that the most populous and be?' cultivated sec-
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  • 255 5 A I'lisr Okkick Circul ir ann t ..I' dr>-t iimil i i L >nd nby 1 i <.• ill i y this route ,)ii board tin Navigation Penanp b boxhoid I bis correspondence to Iv on b i ird) to provide an a Iditi >i with
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  • 9 5 1 ci i '<■■ i-Sinn i I i Freud ai
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 liieiru-iU cf Selei, Waatrd, T< T.«t, «tc., will b« fouud on Pftfft 6 cwt qaiek- ibortly under (l_' roundi to he Bred px t minute and with I and nccui higher I
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    • 191 5 T.\TrST ADVcRTISEMENTS. THE Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. have Large stock.- of Representative English and German Pianos, at Home Prices. Specially made for this Climate, They have also facilities for repairing all kinds of Musical Instruments. Jan. SI John Little Co., Ltd. £f .~u Special Harness. Bta h Brown as Illustration,
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  • 1570 6 Its Position and Prospecta. W IM Ultibe o Heel |pr< in 0 A In. i.ii K jestvensky, l> hitherto proci y two i ill ci > K Ht, are now »b at r in p irtant The lii dit ■■>■■ n >■ tisiifi* in-. 111-. 1:11 M
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  • 8 6 •i i>r> obtained from all ■liii-kly I>V J'.mnne
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 571 6 NOTICES. Wfje Straits ¥)imes. ANIi V>6e Straits SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYAHLH m ADVANCE. Ully i> pel $WMHI .'(i |iii .|imltei 7.80 <lii |ier iiKinth "2.60 pereopy v.15 <■ per year 18.00 (ti. pa i|imrtt:i 4.00 1.. pel ropy O.*i Mfhen mdl by port, there la added Im the tally lasae, twe
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    • 698 6 NOTICES. NOTICE. For Sale a Clement Carrard Trl> Car 4M.P. an ix e|ln.iii! O; portunity to „i :i vry in Derail- nee in n "ir y D W condi'ion. I hree ire-- tear. Wat r cooled STRAITS CYCLE AND MUIORCO. Jan _.i FOR SALE POST KQK TAMI'S, price lists sent
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    • 638 6 NOTICES. I'O "E LET— From lsi Hank, No. B-B Mo nt -ophi i. \pply '.o E. Nalhai, H i hank.'>' Alley. Feb 2 v. .ii LET— No 8 off Kampoaf tan t Koad. a commodious bungalow, dr* md airy Rnr.- nin.l. rate. Apply to K. J. K Tim Angt 90
      638 words
    • 641 6 NOTICES Municipal Kotice. •mOAFORB FIXE BKIOADE. Subscribers to the Telephon;.- Hx:ha jte and other persons, on <••«• :ovt ring an out-break of fire art •equc ted to ring up the Telephone Rxc-ianjje i mediately, and not No. 11, Central Police Station, as hereto, [ore. M W. PI TT, Singapore Fire
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 391 7 STRAITS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Reduction of Capital agreed to After ■-.mi. trong <>|>|K mi., n. .1 l •78 M d II t 1 i t i, Bui i i rif t i ie> were SUC< I wful ilk t ibfl. RliKiein<liler»; I in iv ted to Lhe Sting Tie mail \s
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    • 342 7 NOTICES. Riley Hargreaves Co Vi Ltd. E' GINFFRS- SHIPBUILDERS, AND GENERAL C NTRA< SINGAPORE. AGENTS FOR Some of the sizes rolled 8 8 9 Q 1O y 1O and up to 29t 12 At least twice the strength of any other rollel steel C 4am o* of e^ual weight. Apply
      342 words

  • 571 8 Preparations in the straits. Oxi would hardly expect a little ou' j: the way place liku Penang, possesling an obsolete for with no guns, a im ill Volunteer force, and no troops or defences whatever, to take any interest in the passage to the Far East
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  • 91 8 Li m Chin had a quarrel with Chua Gue on Saturday afternoon about the rent of a room in Duxton Road. Lim Chin stabbed Chua, almost disembowelling him The injured man was taken to the hospital where he now lies in a most precarious state. Lim Chin was taken to
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  • 137 8 liik following is a copy of a notificaton, iasued by the police, and signed by the [nepector-Qeneral of Police which his been posted in all tiie foiling villages round the island, it is printed in English, Malay, < hinese and Tamil '■All fishermen and others who have t" go 1
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  • 365 8 Interesting IVnani; Case. Sir l.ioml C"X delivered judgment it Peaaag am the :Hst January in the ■Mipiviiiv Court in a suit. Lean I. in I Hin r». Helm. .\l<-yer and Co., I*l.-1 1 tit i tl rleiiaod damages for mrongful diaaiiaml. Mm was a stark in tlif
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  • 286 8 Dollar Question. The tightaeM which has prevailed in the money market for .sometimeetime past invites, says the >',ntl< I'hum Morning Inf. the earnest attention of the local Government. In spite of the fact that Manila lias shipped all its Mexican and Spanish dollars to Hongkong, and of
    286 words
  • 33 8 A cm kkt match was played at Tanjonp Paear last Saturday between the Dock Co'r team and the S. R. C. 2nd clcvi i Scores, 8. It C. 74, Dockers 95 (BoRle I.',).
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  • 104 8 Skvkx Chinamen entered a house in Deli Street near Tatijong Pagar Police Station at 1. :!0 on Saturday night and forcibly took away Sii-lo worth of property. They are still at large. i">!r: epeciaJ tillin at St. Valentine's Bukit Tiraah Road, yes- we > great success, about 50 -■Hi -t
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  • 30 8 Srrdanii, Dut gunboat 1,040 tons, 90 crew 8 guns, I ,SO<l h.p. Capt J. P. Guspin, 6th Feb. From Tinjong Bali, 4th Feb. Dutch Consul. For Riow, U —Kd<.
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  • 1150 8 Arrivals since Noon of Friday. Alicante, Span. str. 2,855 tons, Captain Aqeo, 4th Feb From Liverpool, 21th Dec. Gc, and I.'d p. Barlow A Co. For Manila, 6th—W. Atting, Dut.Btr. 704 tons, Capt Neijts, sth Feb. From Bandjermassin, Ist Feb. G.c, and 43 d.p. Daendels A Co.
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  • 241 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 6th Ftl'i-unry, 1905 Co-day's 4/ra bank rate is 1/11" PRODUCE. i J.l" do (Cube Xo. 1) unpicked 1-.37J Coiira Mali B.*) do Pontianak 8.25 IVi.per, Black 26.37J do White, 5* 39.ii0 <a^.i Flour Sarawak IN do Brunei Xo. 1 UN Pearl Saco 4.6<J Coffee Rali, 15i basis MOO
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  • 71 8 For Per steanur Time. To-morrow. Labuan 110 110 Oft'MM Mai 9 am. P. Sham A T Anson B. Whatt Soon 2 p.m Sarawak 11. of Sarawak S pm. Malacca A P. Dickson Bentong 3 p.m Bandjermassinetc. Sarie Borneo 4 p.m Wbdmbsdav. KlitntanATringganu£ort6a< 11a.m. P.H'tenham A Penang Kistna 1
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  • 138 8 From Europe By tbe XI) Ll I 4M I due on 101b February. From Chinii— By the M M. K Simmu due on lOtb February. I eft SinKaporv Due in Lonoon vrrn«< Dec -'3rd P. A O Jan I6tn Jan 14th Dec 29th N. D. L Jan
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  • 89 8 Wharfs at Which Different Ship., are Berthed To-day. 1 Hast Wharf— Carl) le, <; i;. r*Bf<ili Victoria Graving Dock— Nil. Alkkrt Graving Dock— ie« 1 Suction No. 1 Firth tt Pmius, leKkra I. in Baag > S Calniin'otta, I.mvtlier Caatla S BUk. 1 M 4 I
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  • 70 8 On the 7th ult. the steamer Steplmn was despatched from Nnrdenhani with the cable from Meuado (North Celebes) to Guam (Philippines) on board this cable will establish communication between Netherlands-India via America and Holland. On this occasion there were present various authorities both from Holland and (iermany. It is expected
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  • 80 8 A si'Kciai. general muting of th< ■haraholden of the MawagarMi Mari ■:r... add ..i, 23rd D,. c over by M Andte Lebon, sanction* the issue of «jo,ooo preference tbarea ol 250 eeeh. M Lecat, the Ado tor, read a report by the b tors showins; the position ol pany, and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 82 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have i'i-i reoeivi »«tortmenl of Japan re, Cr mete, an I Ind'an silks of all kinds and colours. [ndian. and Persian carpets <rf all Met, rugi aud bundKuae iv ry goods. Also many pretty articles of silver
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    • 212 8 THE BEST STOCK IN THE FINEST SHOP IN THE BEST KNOWN SPOT IN SINGAPORE. LADIES' BLACK BAR SHOES. V/V Ifev Ladies' Black Bar Shoes not exact Im J mL Sjgj to skdeh, a very smart show for j£?V evening wear, heimtd lot nii'l strap, Jj\ Mgwrior finish tole and Dppen.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 165 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hotpital, Feb., 190. r 9 a.m. 8p m. Hp.m Ksmakks Bar j 9.992 -2».80r> -jH U44 Temp 88.U 188 8 76 6 Morning, WB'ibTher 76.5 75.0 730 day and DirofWind 11. n.k. h.e night clear. Max. Temp U0 7 Win 7 -Ml Sun 151
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    • 34 8 WCATHER TELEGRA K A A C. TVflJ IIJ I I .>«... 6th Fbmnmky tiOhUKO.S r. Barometer 3O.'.'ft Direction of Wind wist. Force of Wind Max.Teiup in Mmo.- fi4 MANILA— 764. we t. 1. A tt.
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  • 353 9 THE FORTIFICATIONS OF VLADIVOSTOCK. The which, for U] hai marked tii. fortificatii took, is aboni to end, irritea tl Daily .\r»-A and already gaard i the Shantung coolies, vrh< ha\-« comprised tin tor in making tli«' Bmmi port Hcond I*, it Arthur, iias reacl.e.l Chef o. The i. X I
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  • 81 9 1 tic hl'w Fraueb Cabiaei has beu forme, l a> follows M. Roavier lu-ti.e M. I'liaimiK tmiga Mnii-ln 11, li, Miniates of Interior M. BtiauM Minister of war If. Barteaiu Minister of Maiinr M TkoBMOB Minister of Colonies M (leim-nttl Minister of P. Workl M (i.iutlucT Minister
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  • 80 9 (iUATKFCI. S( -*****11. MASTK.l!. \V I! Wv.ii i. Km., puiilic achoota, Mitring liim. K. S. saya An. i MifT.i Mg MMM time <>i ;i .civ l>;td attack lyaaataty, 1 was iatfoead i>y local ■iirmi-.t l.i try 'li;iiiil)<-r!;iin's Cdlii-, liolcra ii'i'l Diarrhoea Remedy, it mlv t".ik MM <1..-r In le'irvr. ami
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 591 9 NOTICES. Charles Heidsieck's White sal Champagne SOLE Alii NTs Behn, Meyer Co. m tiW DEPOTS »2flk A Imrs Littlf k (V, Ltd. 1 le«vni. h'untzfl A Srhuhtnarhtr. .m,^^ linfn ria *i H G. Hoppenste "^3 imn. 8. 1., n lima A .~^-l lANJO DOCK COM •t Siiip mi! Mariuc
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    • 261 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCH MAKERS. JEWELLERS OPTICIANS EUtPAIRH PROMPTLY BXKCOTIU. Messrs. Simpson Co.. Coach Builders, .flatlra.s. To II I. 'I. king Nwanl VII Hi* Eircllrncy Sir J«ba Andersta, LCJU. Governor of the ->tr:iit» Settlement". i'«l«li|(iic ami all iliforrci.tinn may be )>a<l ..f .nr 4. H. ABRAMS, The Singapore Horse
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    • 351 9 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET. FLAG BRAND. 10 YEARS OLD: $12.50 per case. Duty extra. WO SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8.50 per case. Duty extra OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALERS, OR Me A LISTER Co. Ltd.— sole agents. Mining Machinery. We beg to inform you
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    • 186 9 NOTICES. (■IFOR LADIES^ rJDRETiHOMOLIE < S"APIOL" it the most sure remedy against the Sickness, and other effects caused by ths delay of the^reqular perloas. HtGUIN, HiII!. 165. Rug S'Hoport.PUHlS MACNIVEN CAMERON'S PENS. They come as a boon and a bleating The Pickwick, the Owl, and the THE WAVERLEY PEN. S»H
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  • 622 10 ,1 To Take The Oath. legrams, t litmen fiom Port no w quart* red Inaaa, a,-,, allowed to take walks tO j betweea 9 o'clock in the morning and I o'clock i,, the after These, t and nun who Hre to be sent home after taking the
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  • 72 10 Evebv Ciimmi niiv has been benefited I by tile introdoction ol Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy! into this country Then is scarcely a neighbourhood but thai someone can l>e found whose life has bean saved by its nae. It i^ the beal known medicine fur mull ami bowel troubles.
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    • 861 10 Under this heading the following tions ureu-e4: str. ulcaruer; sh. ship; Inj. barque; st-h- -choouer Yet. Yatlit Cm. Cruiser; lib I..—Gaakaat)1 Gaakaat) Tnr. Tor|itxlo; H.p. Horse-power; Hrit. liritUhj U.S. lulled States; Fch.— French; lier. German; Dut. Dutch G.c. (Jeneral-cirgo d. p. —deck p&ssenger I". Uncertain T. SJ.5
      861 words
    • 395 10 Name, port, probahle date of nrnnO, and name of agentt. MMasasasi Achilles, Liverpool. Ffb 8; Mansfield. Agamemnon, L'pool, Mar 27; Mannfield. Alter. Antwerp, Feb 15; East Asiatic Coy. Alcinono, Liverpool, Mar ft; Manefield. Airlie, Sydney, Feb 16; Boustead Aji.x, China, Feb 26; Mansfield. Andalusia, HoDgkong, Feb 27; B.
      395 words
    • 224 10 ber I-ue Paid Sha V>lce "P Comt>an > Urn Bajtn st',l,.-, Tran*»c tiou* GOLD. f t 13.»"" I 17.M mmmvm v. M Co., U4... ,SOO unu i.-d.l V« i 1" f W (Deferred) I "J 10 twiWMtt. M. Co., Lid H>,OOU 10 8 ,I'rei MO7 ll*] Knr.viu Ci Kielu*.
      224 words
    • 116 10 to,u\i »niMu»i. 2,000 4,500 ■mi.UW I i,WL< I H,umi 600 .'.INN' 7»6 Mat, >w W.IKX) unirtuol. i 1 I IUU I in luo 10 iiai luu lv I 5H w I(H. 1 l»uH Development Co., Ltd. 10U Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. I 60 Friwer Neave, Ltd. lUS Boagkooa i
      116 words
    • 13 10 Howartl. h-U, I i.t. -weaie*. Ltd. 6* ren,luv.-, 6, n t 8
      13 words
    • 366 10 For Singapore. Per P. A O. 8. Oceana, connecting with the steamer Hrnqal at Colombo, from London Hth Jan, due M th Feb —Mr. Goldie Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Clark, Mr. W. Peel Mr. H. Gordon, Mr. 8. Dunn, Mr. K. Allen, Mr. D. Kerr, Meafcrs.
      366 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 471 10 tJANKS NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. (Netherlands India Commercial Bank) ESTABLISHED ISSI. Cittd-uf 'aj.ital/7,200,000 (about £600,000) Knerve runil /1,572,000 (aUut £131,000) Head Office Amsterdam. Head Agency Batavia. BRANCHES The Baajaaj Sourabaya, Kemarang, liidramayue, Bandoeng, and Weltevreden CORRESPONDENTS IB J*V» Ckerikea, Te^al, ami Pecalongan. LONOON BANKERS Williun. Deacon's Bank, Ltd. PARIS BANKERS. iiiiptoir
      471 words
    • 606 10 BANJC_S._ Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation paid-up capital ..$10,000,000 keBerve fund:— Sterl i ne Reserve 1 0,000,000 .^nmn.™ Silver H-serve 7,000,000 f" OW QO Reserve Li-i:>ility of Proprietors 910,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. J. Raymond, Esq., Chairman. H. E. Tomicins, K» H Deputy Chairruai, E. GoeU, Esq. Hon. R. Sbewau. Hon.
      606 words
    • 39 10 NOTICES. \T^k f Jp/zy/essAre o"/eti/y adapted to Me ffn>M/>? J/ffesf/Ve powers K. I Sl?*? 41 y I M Mk Food N?2 I Malted Food Nf3 'jT ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect antiseptic dentifrice, clestnes and preserves the teeth, <?/•// re/rtsluny
      39 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 567 11 At the price you pay for your STENGAH. you are entitled to the very best. See that you get Buchanan's "Black and White." You can have it for the asking. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO For China, Japan, Henang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden. Kgypt. Aledlterranean Hi rts, Plymouth
      567 words
    • 674 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands Indi.i Government. Agent* at Singaport Ship Agrncy, late J P/ENr<KLS 4 Co., 2 3 OOLLYBB QUAY. Ihe ur.iiermpntionerl datp? are only approximate. iom fri.n. KxpMO. \> Hi te i»ftpatc'i»o lor De Koi-k Pontianak Feb b Biak, Uengkalis, Pwneh, Asahan, and
      674 words
    • 480 11 HHMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBUKU. Ihc stei»r.iers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, an I iiotterJam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. HomewarJa, they are despatched fortDleh'iy for Kivre snd Hamburg and once a mjd.h for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penani; and Colombo The arrivals of the
      480 words
    • 627 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail line. The fast and well known saafl steamers of this Company sail fortuitrhtly from BremeD-Unmbart; via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexandria, and vice vena) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      627 words
    • 702 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES JCEAU STEAM SfflP Co,, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched rrom Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China md Japan every week, and from Japan borneirarda 'or London every fortnight and foi Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer Mch month extends to Vancouver
      702 words
    • 484 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL >MJKANCfc Cu. FlkE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEEB £12,000,000. THE LARGEST FIRE OFFICE IN THE WOBLI BOUSTEAD k Co., Agents. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FiXE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital. 212,750 Reserve Fund. .£1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire
      484 words

  • 187 12 MODERN ARMY'S NEEDS. The Uternativc to Compulsory awaits the nation find themselves opposed [trained opp nents on the Seld ..i battle. i hold this vi ttrongly, and wouM urge my fellow countrymen, with all roe al my itwnmaud. t" li»»l< plam facts in the face." Thai is .i pregnant pasaags
    187 words
  • 293 12 THE INDIAN COOL IE. Widely Wanted. I [ndiau labour* r ud», and thi countri< too thankful lii ii subatituti 'I tl Chinam Lndiau in A .hi lab< urer makei the d, .in. l it ia not fi 1 lii ii"iii.| ariae on all bands. be nt»n t und, 11thougli n
    293 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 15 12 STEARNS' WINE will bring back the lost strength and vfgor, but it is Steams' Wine.
      15 words
    • 206 12 NOTICBB. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease wiffi w« csmuit ipatk BK^^Bs^a^a^BWa^awZ^a^aT^fT^a^avHl ton tucbir of it ICVII J^OJI a»■ a^aw > Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL ACT. HORITItS T "S T -E^ Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, .ad r, WONDERFUL
      206 words
      285 words
    • 103 12 MAHTIM'h APIOL &st eel #TOrLadlesJ PI LLS ''•i-tf P»Ti»dy I ,r ill BUNKtiRS. FRESHWATER ISLAND >„!■< .-lie U/ertera btraacete Kew Harfc*« LIOUI^~FUEL 3O (Thirt) Ikalafi) tn fun 1. h. m imjrn linU of idbarj Jon |am |ifr km STOCKS ALSO AT 1 kohamu, 1! ivia, Sourabaya isd Balik Pi COAL.
      103 words