The Straits Times, 3 February 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times HJ. ai 65.J SINGAPORE. EJUDAY. FKBKI'AItY -> 1905. 15
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 690 1 NOTICES. NOTICI S KO 'I I r IlltyL' V P3Ssr AWA: 1 nM> :M»MX." PARIS, iooo. BPVtSBABaf^ o i th.' „ I' Ii 'leu viii 0< n-t'bettQiulit}; urn' liurabiLty.are loerefnte R] V X II NAC CHFAPEST. ■llV' -ir^apore. ivt r Keb 1 s-'s FOR SALE. 1 "Peugeot Tricycle, nearly new,
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    • 450 1 NOTICHS. ROBINSON CC. GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWLAR IN ALL TEXTURLS SUITABLE FOR ALL CLIMATES Jndian §auze Singlets §10.50 doz. Jndian $auze Singlets $15.50 doz. PURE) WOOL (NAT SHADE) SINGLETS GUARANTEED UNSHRINKABLE NATURAL SHADE MERINO SINGLETS "Sensola" Brand Unshrinkable #27.50 HALF HOSE in Ca«!mu.-r. -ilk. Silk ao. W\> .1 i ih!.- Tln-a.l, Oatton,
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    • 231 1 s,nqapo Hl oo lf club KKBIU'ARV M.MHI.Y MKI)\I. Ih'lin s Will «>•• op ti ;i h oh Maw 'i i\ .tli iii-i M-"n r- 'i .X fal ritbwia df ..i.rni iv o Iba f noon but the ttr»i rou d- ula} •II M U B__8 (I >>>! I""1 SOCIKIA tO>IMI
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    • 53 1 Municipal Notice. SINOAIMIKR FIRE BRIOADR. Sub>tr b.rji to the I e'er hone 1 xcha. «c anJ other persons, on discovering an out-hreak ol fire ara rcjuc-letl to rinv up the telephone H\chart|je i i mediatel> a.ij not No. 81. Central Police Statio.i hereto- oie M w 1 .<>•;./ Singapore Fire
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  • 399 2 i- tion by ihe il'i .nii.ii .mil .1 tau'uvll speech t.. hu regimen) of prisoners, w.i^ thi ksare the transport which brougl ill. '11l lloni |>a|i|\\ He UM- folll Wi liy lii.- will .mil two other ladiea Rti six children, irho are the orphans i S' 1; -<-i>
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 625 2 I NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. J Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY M is a pleasing example of the de- I aft* lic&tely flavored mature spirit >' 3p so grateful to the palate of the rUI\T f yO*^^ connoisseur. Its absolute /j^^^^l purity places it in the first line 44, <fl^ I HflHI
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    • 12 2 INK i t „.ii. i illne 'i i> at nmv m'iu .S7i
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  • 16 3 .a the Slej p I in- than irti- they Port Ar- h: fl'ghl all iilti'A
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  • 69 3 t tiny I or men join I annually, and a i;. Ii m immediate dental attention, the quacy of the prcaen( exceedingly limited dental m.iIT h appanut One I the 8. African »am i that the toldier no) nlv "marcnee on hii itomach," but
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 STEARNS' WINE, for loss of appetite and general weakness. It aids digestion.
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    • 428 3 NO] > X JjJrVV,/k^^ OC V~/KJ., straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, 4e, rj Ural'te steleonite A BEST Kitscm Oieieonii:e Gasoline *aO st amP ed 1 tamps Lamps Veiling Material. f M N otcti (Ceilings I _^iv_ 1 ioo> ao power I Simplest and cheapest Petroleum JP^T *X lig t with
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    • 98 3 EMmERSON'S C 6 ROBINSON ROAD. On and ftei February i&t Luncheoi rte will be tir ;ed, but full tiffins can be d fi om p. n. until 3 p.m. Ji,n jo fa Manufp. Reinforcing Cone; EXPANDED METAL LATHING venting >iry roi EXPANDED ICETAL LATHING sly tißt'd ii, t HERCULES CtMEI.
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  • 20 4 ('rouihkk On :ii-t Janaary, <n M \.lh Nelli wih "I K. W. i -p.m. her, C'viltiuial >ur>;H'.n. M I
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  • 821 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 3RD FEBRUARY Ths: '"z v I ..I lea "ri i complete p i!iiic .1 NKO. Tl mil Af' i resisting to the pol ihod lh# ii oi bis pa -i'le it (N I'--: and oi<>ewheta Kw i tementary r*iijtioui .i i i
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  • 504 4 PoUAWIM n the above, &'.ill iii pa i Jits aLent the i itcraal att'iirs ol RiittMa, it would seem t';at the Httempted aaaaeaiaathm of the Chief of Felice at Odeaea w;ibit odm of a series ut similar attempted anaaMsaatiaa*, of which the ahaoajim aVaeaiaa pol cc otK-.-ialx tue apparnnlly
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  • 189 4 O nckkmnu the treatment ol the Chinese in South Africi, Mr. W Evanc sTtHea is a reeeal i«t ttr Tha coadiii ma under which they work <l be -etn to ne believed. Fney live in bi^t, airy, briajat, well-ven'ilated raaajM,wkbj ill p.iB«ible oonvenii-nce bin kitihen syitfl steam tookinu; bath aad
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  • 113 4 I'hk lailur r*isarkabla jell ol ui> wta'htr *hicli has saeoaeaW v< ry eaily t>nt very short wnt ?t:i».)i., li is i|ijiare.ntly alitaJy had viaiMe etTteli apoaow lui'i! w.iter Miii ly, and it is new olb"ci>»lly "'Hirieil the rapplf to i riv.ue liouses etc from theB'h Mat willlircnt liom
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  • 11 4 A I)i;tch gunnoit beaaad through the put ilns inoiiuijg from w»t
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  • 14 4 Ihk I'nUmenli 'n "Hh\ down tliis Iroaa Fdoaog eiftbteaa norafei ami one ooit.
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  • 18 4 Lieutenant O. M. Dundai Moi'ai baa rcaigueJ liib couimismon in tin IV I i "fe' V o.u.i t'l-r-..
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  • 22 4 I Mm Ma«-i kkt.ih, of 37 Syed Ali Koad, reports to tbe the lot* oi a laifja I uuiuber of poultry.
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  • 14 4 Mb. Michael Babkibs Maktin is gazetted as lia.iug taken oat letters ut natarahaaiiou here.
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  • 13 4 Tins week's liovtrnmmt (Jatctte cun- tains orders of ban.sbiuent agum.t eighteen Cbiuese aliens.
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  • 19 4 Tub Britith Beam. i £e««VrOataV, jwluld on a v. ))<*■_' it in New YuM t' ■Biugiipure, eucountaced a u> clout).
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  • Special German Service.
  • 25 4 We an indeblc.'l to Mr Triiii.ka, the J.ipanese Con-nl v, (Mngapor*, lor tl.e tulliiwiijc oihoiHl telegram from the Koreixn OSea al foky«i
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  • 142 4 Russian Regiments Annihilated. Id a <>«i/ 111 Friday IWM Mti'htl Oyataa rpp..riing of th ii.;n'*' Ighlini liom s lie 2olh to tile 29 Ii -I ir, wtien the enemy ma driven to Oik rieht hai.k ol tlit Hunh.i aayi Tha ci em> ooaaiatarJ ol tbe First .Sibt-riHri
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  • 184 4 in m .KK..W and Monday oext, which «re li litlaya, tl* I ublie oflsci will b loaed. Tin i i:uih i:t i I lii 6 ruiU I 'tii ri.i>i i >.w. .-r will it |'ii illßi m\ in llit afiotiiouu on Muudity. Kubscrirwis io Ult -Li inu
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  • 23 4 Ir w notifl I that on M ii s i v i eon iin Km |i Rail*) i) tri'l I a ou Ciaoday.
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  • 27 4 A Lacnoi too induct xi!e» at -ii taI've. Ktwiibr ikelV O i ii- -:i- n i;r I nil -I I Pjwel! A- Co., for tl >i->i l»
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  • 25 4 RBtUMtim in W Ikio and 8 plra tiink th it i .i i.n iba bnildi ii I" I'iein 10 an occ isional visit of iv
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  • 39 4 Mk Zaobahias ..i St-i .1 iit ii.'o ma tlie M"U ilia' ll« ItiM jtisl bl i-i ill 111 M.IIK- Ml' Ift !>1 I'll! ID A lit" «i rp !or Mr I- ike r. hlimmJ bis khiiliuga p. i ii>
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  • 25 4 tmtSi i i.v.l yesterday from \I iv;i) littvuiK niven 'li.' hninii II.IMJIIC < I I ■oa. 1 1 i Nd* V r.i Io Saigou, |>iuvi<l iifl.
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  • 43 4 T"K I' i I r I ,mn .mi.. [toil 11 i. k llms n i,i i ids; ;.i il hi chon d in ibi i Stic it iiuiiiiii I r L ihon and ii exptvUsJ to tail on v i- 6 ii m»i
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  • 42 4 I) dk 1! 'i mk n. i ton ol Don Call a iiti kvivcU i mi I i k in M lachuti i, waa i i heirti pi .;;■> al, wiii v lih visiled I ii. bit it luin i" Xt
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  • 20 4 Thk II imhiitii 11 lerik i 1. i i.i I .'<IO llu-«i .11 r. UgeOl Inilll I'^l v.i.i'. now Shu
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 413 4 f \"ST ADVERTISErHEN're. NOT TIWES NEY AWAY TH I STORES, THOMPSON THOMAS Co., 17 18 STAM!-''RD ROAD. WASSIAMULL ASSOftiULL U, GO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3. 4, High Street. New Stock of Silk Curios and Silver and old Jewellery. t.ret vn S,l. >„'. ST. VALENTINt'S BATH HOTEL 29, BUHIT
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    • 181 4 vrnsr *ovEKnsRMt-:\rs. rOWN HALL. Dallas Bandmann Opera Cd. Gr nd iinj Ji^hl Tweoday 71H brany, A x j: :.iiry Girl We- diy fa < i, i ;.i»t y Ufi Vii. ww-»asfojay. Tu «J fhurs Feb. IR..i. 'ha Ouc>>ete oi Fri. N •'••J ua.iz y. i'l IO I a-. ll:H .1.
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    • 34 4 Share quotations, general ihippinp news, and passenger lists, betides ship ping, insurance advertisements will bt found on page 10 and 11. Advertisements ot bales. Wanted, It Let, ate* will he found on Page 6
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 11 5 V I IJ J 3 I, i: toper
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    • 64 5 A Sympathevic Reception. i .Urn n'« dopntMion Cztr numbered $4 I'h.'v were accompanied by M M M.nix'i-r for Kinarife, and M Trepoff theCMefol Polioe, who I Iy appoint* I OjveriMir <it>neral of 81 P.»tar«bur« TheCfir gave thetn sympatheti* I .m- i m- isut that .ui -;i
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    • 37 5 i .Im- i H»rn«» BU'JCeen* Sr Pi „i. if i Pn -i '-ti' f be Pro hate D A Imiral-y Division Mi 11, rj B i-i.iv. Deine, Recordi r of Man Mr lusti K in*"
      37 words
    • 47 5 i K i sits that on i- r.i> I- Rii i thun mp II the J ipaoi M to i .-'i Us up in- wi re repuh< I ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. An mp« cs«ful iem| i las rei ij i, I P.iliitat Od(
      47 words
    • 67 5 111 1 .'>;.:,.-- I hh- b«wn Scotland M V I rl| II -"1 It utill in i-i t'" <>f -iese. A «trike hn« begun in iheadjiinins Russia Mm »tei for Just inted ImbatHe i bj -i M no hin M IJulici", i »ni rv, and farm* r Duke Hi
      67 words
  • 70 5 Mi:-. I) IWSB, who r. ridel i»t the Mansion, lias U-on the net m of B theft Wh I.- ii ua- i I .luu' to a friend .n an adjoin ng rom, some one »tola her pni n h h d !r.t i'.n a tew minutei in I, i ro
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  • 55 5 Ti.mii i:> have rx« bj <:. vriiiin ii t' i t; -<' followli g «r< rk in c net ii wi Ii the Bin ij; RailWSA E Qnthris 4 Co., for thi nt I V the ivni.'i' Teck Chiang, for the -m|>p!y .t t in- Mr S. Arunftsalam, for carting
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  • 74 5 11 i Co. sriid us a large and we! [in t id ii it i c of '.he Van tlr /:<, i on,- .i i v eng< i t- .in. 11 of tie K i .ke Paket\aarl Maatschappij main uiug i lv- regular i .> ■i<■ ii r-in M|.. 111
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
  • 36 5 )hi Hotel de- I l.i i nut ir 1 Ki>ad, is n under new mana^enent, ilu hogiplrv having been ::ikrii over ty Mr F liii^ey, .vli i t, licrs the patron- iiih Eiuifi <\nnr |ut lie
    36 words
  • 39 5 <v> F wwi a rill s in itch •a> li.''' 'IF Bt !li« Uilthtir-r rdn>;e t.'uns representing tiiH local Km i r P !i'<- •in. i II M s //,.(>. i >rs win. by larga margin ol !H p 11:1-
    39 words
  • 45 5 I'hk Courtier 8 igomnw >j v< 5 that tin K'ii^ ul Siam vnl ih irtlj tend b i?i I brotlli r, Iip I) rnr-.i g, t U tie n to i iy II M'« to M II ii .vi r in i >•' 'i Ol Kiev.i,
    45 words
  • 43 5 This m r.-'in-^ F A Cm ii nd I O iv. i ii wi- c <• Mr S(iroul< 1 charged in couik i >n \m'li what iIcnown i- lh« <i vernmcDt lorKed in<i|'.i>- cafe lie i x minalii n «aagain > j mrn«l r > weak.
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  • 50 5 Ori is Cltdi Ci i.i. kn, i citiwn of the United states, has baan granted exd«si patent privileges hera as regards I r n^' (Ire i filly BBCHotbI tareeta, an improve) ent on Eraarma, .'uni improvements in or relating to apparatus for mea nring and recording the v of projectiles.
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  • 90 5 Am no thf na<-»^ngers leavine r>? the Biytru ivi M I'll iv >r t liolid<y aii> i ia Mr K A Brown, wh ieabibnoe v .11 ii, ite wi i i|> in loc I inn^i a c II v .11 l r.-'nri li^lt in sil nit hs lim' Two r.t
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  • 440 5 Vl, ,1 I. ay, M D i n. Ii iwii j ar-(k'« li.- I i i i ■[<':•■ 'I. ■I 1)14 I, 1- M .slul v com I v I) I i- i ...I oy, fti .1 i lip l). ..,j.i,|<1 1 > > I 'l
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  • 198 5 Nine- Foot Monster captured off The Thetis." Hincfi the dig shark wit captured by Mr R:edtii( ere a fe* day? ago from the c.ible siciinor Put/d, several sharkKavi b> en swimming obout the harbour. One iiaitirnlnrly larpa shark eirehd mwM H. M S afu for couple ol
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  • 151 5 Tbi police an.l Mr. I'olman arft accounting for ha>l char icf or». A couple. ago, this Magistrate sstit tiirfe itode*irabld rhinrse t > pricori lor time moatbi V "terday I' H suit t li rfp murp for nix min'li" This Bfltion, •»t .-ill tin es de^irahle, is particularly
    151 words
  • 122 5 A -m w.i. oraeorfita iiv»i bet in length fnm lip to t.i I. vii I'-mnht in tbi upper nMches if !h« Siniiupore IJivtr Vf-Hierdny BWDing l>v >< >n ChIMM C lolifs empl iv ii if a h .;»r building yar") th<»re. Fbfl laperttiiioQi coolipß •leflsred thp 8 luri^n to be
    122 words
  • 41 5 Tlip haneh will let a Jnhnrtoa'i I\r for the < mi :i ng C 111 r m:i.i g ;it 1 1-13. SitMiliy at 0, 111,; Nt 11. l*. 3 PM.I 5. lloadaj at lu-30, returning at 12- 13.
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  • 44 5 •>••»•• ,i phi r 1 n tr-*|t-S I, in Wl in J hr|| i- Miller. Ph- rv M II 11.I 1 P If .1 Hhrol M- I I-. Mr 1 r M r. .1 Mi. .1.1 Mi f 1 Ri in 11.
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  • 309 5 Sunday SHI r-'ciiru«r\. ST. \MM:iwslMiihi 11.— 7 .•"in i'-l I i 718 it.™ II ''v n..,-,..n hnral) '< B■ 11. 'v 1 anioi l| lain) j M i" I'vi-i -.11 f 11 d N mi St MXTTHKW*! St mv i i\i< _'I 14a.m. Kiwi, limy Srixi.-i- S ].">
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  • 112 5 HaoBTLT »ft«f in 1 lIV v^-'-nllva riki.-li.i i.mli.-, «bo wan pullina two h: -l iv eutupatiioti tlong H > v 1.• k Road in iiis v>f!ii.|.', 1 1.:: i, a i in a faiul in the r id a.y Tli« I ire« o > illy ilig^ted From il," r«hiet« and
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  • 112 5 l> will gratif) ilio buineroua frfendi of Bishop ami Mrs O.dham to kip'W ba lha) ir« 1 kii g io| rev ulj well. Mrs. Ohihnm, though mxihh )e i B«a) from 8 ng ipor*, look* len j m Dg' r than wh. n -ii- left it. The Bi«hi»pii ihi s
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  • 84 5 Wharfs at Which Oiflerent Shirare Berthed To-day. tAsT Wharf— li 8. D.ienilel« i 'IIMMRIA IJRAVINO UilOK— Nil. \ni.i GBAVisin Dock Heitorei SM.*noa No. 1 K.rth of tow k, Kuuif", I Willtni M. 1 2 I', Ijua SAIL .in. 4 l.owllier < «-lle 6 Pakna.i,. 6 Airaioon
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  • 55 5 Rk y^stP:-da>'» editorial ratiamnoi to lee 1 bt nke>, the imminent of Ihe iml"> e» of tin; SCC took place on t lie Bfth nit., not o" Chii- mm I1I 1 Their mnih ontlM Fir^: M u'i-tt < fi jmteiday, but v wna ol i ■unmoßfN iii'l not heen lha
    55 words
  • 123 5 TRI folloa in« pmhm r.ui-is ,;r.- i N|>t- ii >rriv* h*ro l)y 'h« (J'-urun mail Hi' r P/MMM j4/(' < '*iik h«W n Kiiil.iv ike 10 ii ii st. Mr.C. >S (i m c 1V., 1 1). I ,1 Mrf. N«-lfM r, Mr U■: i, M-- and Mr- <i Qanakwer,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 54 5 L 1 1 i.v .be\t :D b sprain will>!. the injured person for three or (our wceis, lvi. if Chambcrkun'a l';iin Halm 1 .it- Iv applied a complete cun .1 in a very iVw dajr Pain I.iii re* rheum.iti l>t-n i and burns. For gale riy all ■ealen THE
      54 words
    • 92 5 Cbackeu »r« tun hr^rt torn that ;u <: 1 ming tiiP bUi 11 m of Londoi socieiy. A w.-ll kr.'Wu firm ii.nkts oraekers wbioh, instead of comxining the euatOßU) tra.-h, ;itc lillr i wilk mi a'l prosentsot great value »v hardiaworei iiih;-, vu T < ni--» t charms, brooches, anal
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    • 503 5 I |TF«I %f>VRW ISKMKN IP, j i J L_J A Boon A ANOTHER n jp Cpcclal Dinner p On SKATIKG r F p N i: MU .J LTo S'porc. II L I THE Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. Have Large slocks of Representative English and German Pianos, at Home Prices. Specially
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 200 5 OAY BY DAY. Friday, 3rd February. Hij:h W 01. V :i" 1 111 1" ."'7 1 .11..11. Rprrial Din al MaMas BeaaL Biinfffr in 11 i'li.i'.ln (•• Kh S.V.C. Maxim 8« lion Drill 5 s. r.h_'iiietf' A—u.iM i..n. NUriue Club, 8-4.V Wa>aii: K -mil. Yu). ke« Taoog «i*»» Saiurda.. 4th
      200 words

  • 56 6 »eior< Mr. Richar I abo ii Aftei .'i i-. I!. in v i -I 111 Third Army Port Arthur. I! and I .11 ll !:t don ii ibe penini i joined the army ou August i Pi i \r: Inn From August 19th to ber Bth lhe
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  • 11 6 ■■Iki Word Nev.. Miss I1I 1 j< ke,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 267 6 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OF PAHANG. i, Qrade ll :ii Applica- tlmoniali health cert i tv th. s. 14-al WANTED. Cashier; Security Apply to a. i. C M WANTED. Bill Colle .tor for Kuropeun firm. Security lor J.'.liOU i. .[Uiroti. Apply l>> letter to K. Z e/0 StraiU Tun-*. Inn 28 tL
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    • 425 6 NOTICES. I NOTICE. For Sale a Clement Garrard TrlCar 4H.P. TWi ll aa ci ej.tionnl opportunity to obtain a very moderIn aeai ly n i »ndi lon. Fhree tpeed chanue uenv. \Vati»r cooled STRAITS CYCLE AND MOTOR CO. Jan 25 FOR SALE. i'( I'ACiE STAMPS, piice lists Bent free on
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    • 516 6 NOTICES. Board Residence MABLETON," 12 Mount Elizabeth Riad. MRS. SIMMONDS Dec in n.c. r |'O Uh— No oon KampoDK Juvi K. Rond. a commodious bungalow, dr\ and airy. Kent modi-rntp. Apply to K. J. R c/o Straits Tim,*. Außt 20 v.c. 'pO BE LET, small firn Hoor offleet L
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    • 219 6 BAD COMPLEXIONS Dry Thin and Falling Hair and Red Rough Hands Prevented by CUTICURA SOAP WWILLIONS aaa OonomA Soap, nssistod ay Onioau Oixtwiixt, lyi for pfiiirriag, purifying, aad biaatlfylag the skin, forcleansItX ing the aaalp of emata, aaalaa, ami flaiiiaa*. and tho etoppiag of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and
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    • 59 6 by the introduction "i Chamberlain's ('■ilic. Cholen and Diarrhoea Rented) into tliis country. There neighbourhood but thai someone can bi found whoee life hai been wed by iti i. I' i -i known awdicine foi .■ill fornu of itomach and hovel trouble*. 't never faUa t>> jive iauaediate relief ..!>i\
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  • 271 7 Ih I 1,.' I i|iink. rather plaintive <!ki It is difficult to believe I be i- proud i thirty yean *nd thai die v the devoted, tender mother i I a lUlwari Imperial Guard* man. wh.. till this fatal war broke out v mainly known ai the bert
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  • 168 7 In null!.. Id 'ill;. lype übip which will, in American parlauoe, literally "lick creation," though whether the cewel laid down in 1905 will !>.• of thi- type little uncerUia. The Ijord dedgosd aariy this y»»r by Mr. W'ati- were without (|iu'< turn the Bnaal and iii"st powerful of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 19 7 STKARX^ 1 HKADACHE I obtained from all <'i-| (iiuickly i'\ j Avoid ' ions Kct-p t li.' I
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    • 227 7 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, Ltd. NEW COLONIAL LIBRARIES. BOOKS ON THE WAR. No»tromn hj Jam \,h Conrad The Campaign with Kurofatkin by Douglas Story $8 OO Mabtona Lane bj W W Jae«bi With Kurokiin Ma> cluuia Little Blue PffMM by A. (J. Hal,- b >' F I>almer 3O The Prospector by
      227 words
    • 731 7 NOTICES. Agents for LEA PERMITS WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. a^aV SPECIAL WARRANT 7S^SS^f^^ bl^bHbV j^fc PURVEYORS TO fg''''laHP»*Mirl THE KING. Celebrated Oilman's Stores mjf 1 jl THE SWEDISH if^^Sr, LUX LAMP. r BURNS KEROSINE OIL I Gives ;i beautiful, intense and even light of 50 to 1,000 candle-power. lux The Lux Lighi
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  • 314 8 i.i. < „i mi ii !»"in yt-ti kv I'llllUlMMM S I s r. in 1 I. iII I'"' ipi I Me. ll li On T »y, Till K. li. i nr-,1 j H li Sim bi Maxim Compam <»nlerlv Olfifrl 101 next ««'.'k Capt Reiii li 11 Unlerl)
    314 words
  • 543 8 l\ \i rch-M .i K V w i ..1,,. .1. in W. 1 i, vig, klr. .i id Mi- lim I. 11. IVr '..n.".-" Miilni' .in »ih Ml, ih- Mi-. I lilioß on Itiih \l ll Mi- K. W W. 1.1.. J .lull. -ii and li,],
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  • 63 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 3rd Iritary, IMM iii i>, 't- i- in ink rata i- 1/ 1 I'he /,'ii'nn ar'ivi^d this morning Irum Rangoon with tSO.UUO caseß of oil f r Seang Ti;ik Bee Co. Th" I' a 0 ./(/i"« arrived Ibii nnrni iz from L >ndon with 18 tons of shells
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  • 101 8 Uambiei I 9. in dv (Cube No. 1) unpicked VI 374 Conra Bali 8 <W do Pontianak *'-'•"> Pepper, Black 26 37J .Ij White, 5 i 39 U> Sai(o Flour Sarawak 3.10 do Bniuei N<« 1 3.30 Pearl Sago 60 Coffee Kali, 151 basin 2* 00 '..'1... IVilfiiilianc. •-»<)>,
    101 words
  • 122 8 uik 4 in l/il j Dsmaail i/!',i 1 riviitv 6 ni/n 'J .Io 3 m s -V On dmmmnp llaak 4/1 20! I'mate 3 «r/» IN ll<l 6 111/rt i 9a Vrmum- lunk .1 .1 Piivate Sm i iti. 6ms 1M Oh lndiu-Tia.nV.JJ 14r»4 r*rhrac«aods 149 >« }I >ngl»nq
    122 words
  • 35 8 Men -of- War. r«Mci dt Gamn, Port. cru. 8 101 tons ■.'J« cKW, Hi kuc«, ri,Ci(iii b p. Cnptain V.i- ode Caivalbo, <r I Feb. Frrm Honeko 2*ln Jan. Portu^ue-^ Con-ul. For Libfon, rith— Rds.
    35 words
  • 509 8 \rrivals since Noon ol Yesterday. 'tianr, Seng, Brit. str. l'i'2 tons. Cvp 1 a n Danlop, 3rd Feb. From SumaratiK. l-t fan. U.r., and .'.'d.p. Tan Kirn Tinn. For lav.. Mh-Kls He'ie, Hnt str. 815 ton-. Captain Inkster. td F«Q Deli, Ut Fb. Qe.aud 0 iy.
    509 words
  • 79 8 Fin Pit ittani' r linn. To-morrow. B«indjerniu»nn etc. Dr Entnt 8 ».in Vn Mcl iv P. Pick ot\ Malacca S p m Ui li .Sumntrn 3pm Penanii and Deli Hft» p m. Anamba A Natuna Is Hanka 4 p.m. Mcwr>Y. Europe via ports Bmgtm H a.m. Manila Alicante
    79 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 656 8 K. J. CHOTIRMALL LLE! SILK M [ANTS, No. 51, C 2 Hiji'i str*eet. jj.,. ;,,|,!i ,n- ii L ti'k« of all kiuda Art') col r. (i) m- ami htntUcMU'j iv ry ».>.!- .v!.» inaaj pr ;y sWlklwl j M vvi Ii ■i.m.un b aud j ;ul 1,,..,. ■< T.-li'i Ini'
      656 words
    • 865 8 India Gatsi 7 Vc Half S v VI. Oj\K:} A Sizj 50 32 34 39 40 Oldl'rh'a Sfi.()D, 7 2i\ 7.m>, '.mm :m;d i 0.2:», 10.80 Removal Prices ("G.^o, 6 60, 7.00. I 10. 7 3 Jj), C.« In la fin Vc*l», fure White Tl^fa3/3«w». THE POPUI AKUIMUY. V_F W.
      865 words

  • 244 9 MtWi<l-Vt. mi". l.»« a\UC 1.-o.: L.I uia.ij agu, v i «ri.-.iu am i' ii. wuicli i raiueiitbtii raa hut t.Jiie, a>no..g urn ttij ifclaUtJa daaarihed m gi ii.i» lam bean -i on ii.uui.u In i region .i ings in the boratta oi B«l of Dr. i..
    244 words
  • 323 9 1 in .11 tt.aiula ii.,..»-r f i C ■'uli:^ 0 IgO Hi. ...;in.l.i lui.iw. l>' l.iu-iv. i,j i i under nil lli. Manila ulwaj in Lv I. '1 li- ;< applications v.. rt i eouaulerod, utraci i in uiie •■•iiuiii hi irn tag iii, v t ll-
    323 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 251 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION 8? CO WATCH MAKERS. JKWELLLRS. OPTICIANS. KM'\!i: PI Messrs. v iii»i»H»n I Cck Coach Builders, ii i M kiaf ii«:"-il \ll ii, 1 rt Mr J*la U4n H. MS RAM >, it,, ttm Wa»aa HaaaiaHari DRAPERY. I p s' ci'cl (>. n'l i' i. i ftutf&oiion kindly
      251 words
    • 389 9 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO/ SCOTCH WHISKIES ARK IHE KEST VALU i IN THE M\RKET. FLAG BRAND. IOYE^-RS Ol D $1 i 53 per w. I uty ex'a. WO SPECIALLY Rl COMMENDI D $8.50 uer case Duly extra OBTAINABLE KROM RBTAIL DRALBBM, (>U McALISTER C>. Lid.— jole agents. IVfining Machinery. V.\
      389 words
    • 459 9 \'(»T!CF: < Wjf Fu-ifylng Agent .aa.e 111 1 Hot Countrk s.| I "Santas Disinfrcfim F yd grrwral or pffMXMI pHM is ittaWnaafM) eflrrtivf. ll coiiiulcietv •'i-infK'i* Ihal h n-«- in wh><h I i "Sanies "0 sinf. c'rg Pcvdcr VI i.i!,. besl (il r ,u-.ti.i,. ar.<l I iMi«ftK tnrt d
      459 words
    • 793 9 COn D KEEI* NOTHING ON Ml S »/Vl v CI I t 1 i is Oi*. WILLIAMS' INK pILLS chk«>> ie 1•% 1 r ia ci iei: > r HI K I DMi W Mr. K. J. saliiiniiii .1 dark ia tin offioe of tho Ned: iiandd liaasaehappij nt Noakaafaa,
      793 words
    • 16 9 STKARN8 1 HEADACHE CURi v; be 1 btaiaad from all diap boa) th Jenuinr m w.l
      16 words

  • 585 10 Th" <' 'in i Miil, thus d<schil>c9 I' r: Arthur: red." The »te«ner King Alfred, which in bow in i h tndm, bavi „n,ity .:f i'ort Arthur aad i i Japan, bocom led h got Port Arthur on December 3, and s!e remained then until Dooombar 12.
    585 words
    • 1038 10 Un<l«r Him beadinK toe fnllowinu ahWrevia m< areaswl:— »tr. —•reamer; Ah. —ihip; b.(. ir.|ne; aeh.—nchoouer Ye.i. —Yar.lit; Cm. r; <tiit. —(iunbuat; Tor. l'ori>c<lo; H.p. !l .r-epowrtr Brit.—»riti»h I' S—l'micl Si.>u<js Kch. —Kreiieh; Ucr. —•ierumu; Dm.— iliitrh; tj.-. —<nsiitiral-carKi> ii.ii —<itt< pn»-<en-r«r; U.— Um*rtaiu T. VV— i^njong I
      1,038 words
    • 567 10 MMc, p >rt, prJxihle 'U.'h of <imrnl, iivi wimrt of qpMfe A«'h !'<•§ l.iverro'l F. bM Mnn«fpM. \iiim m-io i.',. 01, -7; MHM H fl X, V r ui*-rp F-. r. Ei<t v-.hiic Co/. iou, I. veip 01, Mir Mk „neld. Airii« v'n K.-b 0, rlifi-itil j
      567 words
    • 459 10 rot 3iiiK«,<ore .'••r P. .t O. g (Jen, mn !i j sU-sm.-r rf» ng I nt i oiom o from oQJ.jn -.ih inn, due -tv p' i> vir UoMie. Ir. ir,il urs. J A. <:l;irk, Mr. p.,.| Hr. H 0 Mon, \tr s. Dunn, Mr R
      459 words
  • 92 10 lojue Paid Share* V alue U P Comiuu> GULu. J Last lt;msa Muuii m££u W- 60 I Be^awah v!. M. £2. |S *SS I X.<™ O .M. l^..u i VJucuusiuod K»ab o M.C.... J.u;. i, 14.00 1".'IO DOlli S.l«' i..!I O S.IH 7 5 UOIII. ii :<• 3tx>
    92 words
  • 100 10 1,1 OU .Ii.oSUO tf.OOU 4,JU<' 3U,(niu U,UWi 5.40. J, O-hi ifcMNb .iW,th«. UK. J« IJO iou lv I'.lf I'AJ r if c l'H> i imt 1 !>..« Utv,:,,,,., joo fuduiaieti h.i-iii.-«riu> Co., Ud 30 bi;^..i IIL N,,^,, bl l-o llim^KuUK >Hai. K bai U.,nk >mo iiuwiiri.u Kiwi lm, 1
    100 words
  • 23 10 1.-kllif, |rVil_ i*/ t e>, IIIIMIMC, Lr.l. b,i '■i;»«|riir.. Mniifl; ;il h A *'/m lI|UI.J I'HrfHl Itopfc I'o, 1.1,1 0V KtW,UiIU Mb.MW
    23 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 198 10 Facts of nhsorb njj interest To UtMW w'u) rir«* .ti t c clutches of I lirumat sm, ntH r-l -i I o-i r-B'i in, to L i i.i of ili.-o Hufnl rtnioti II line ri— of torinr wnul nnwii rueioMaa 10 -<| iy h 1.1.1 i. 0n.. 1 in rr-it
      198 words
    • 721 10 i\UI ICK> Charles Heidsieck's rii:iinp;iiriio| aai h Mwwfi nmd Ptnnnq. \S >;'{\ Of POM 'fT*-* Imr, Mi I.i" l' r«, LM. :amCm i .v Shnkmnrbrr. ri Wi. G. Hop3en%te. i '^anBEBSH Son rn i//. i d.«C-- 1 N 1., uu JiiTup h (o. "^^__J w\ lA^JO^G pagai* DOCK COMPANY,
      721 words
    • 596 10 bAN K Hon^kons V SS%oeh%i Baokine Corporation. i'Mit-ri' r.\t'i i~ «io,.>«»oon lIR4RRVR CUVI) "I -f.nnnnn R^imrvA Li>il>il'tv >' imii4«>r« tH'jMMM COURT oT~ i77kRCTO«S. I -I K-u-non.l. Baa., rhoirmnn H I Tailrtas. fca.. niaaw fiaawowa, K U00'7., I I I Hon. K. Slifwin. llan U .1 ..,.-,>o.i I N VSleUißfiq# SrbotirrL,.
      596 words
    • 176 10 NEDERLANOSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. (Netherlands India tommercial Bank) csTaausMto tees. Paid-ui fiiita! 7,200,000 (asuit £600,000) Itwrvf Fuad fljtttjim (iIMHt tl3),tXK)' Head Office Amsterdam Head Aeency batavia. BRANCHES Hiihu.., MaOMMMBi N^nniran;;, lainsaafoo, ■aaaaaait mii w «ltovrodeu CORKESPOMOIMTS IN J«V» raonki LONooa aaaaioa. Wilh fearoo's H»nk, LM. <;■ .iii.uiir Kitinaal d K«c«HMe >l<-
      176 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 631 11 At tHe price you pay for your STENGAH, you ire entitled to the very besr. See that you get Buchanan's "Black and White." You can have ii tor the asking. SHIP COMPANIES. P O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO Fur China lapa*. I'rnanj., Cl viiiira'ia India. Aden, Egypt, M <<lt-rranean P.rts, Mymoiith
      631 words
    • 513 11 STEAMShIM roninklljke PaUet I'nu.-r ii>oi.uci .sub tti- Ne Aqrult nt S npnftorr r-HIV AOt>CV, L> h<- n-'*.'n».r».irt Ih i:tn.|jermn«!«iM Inn 'onlianak Feb t k'l.rl. ;..tavia <"c!. 1 If.. tandjermassin --eb < I'" ■> OwtStMH 'ennriK b It -."ivn r eb i STOOMVAARTMAATSCHAPPY NEDERLAND." STEAMSHIP COMPANY NEDERLAND. 1 Fortnightly Mail Service
      513 words
    • 698 11 COMPANIES. aurt MaatsohapplJ. thenands I n>M» Uovernr cut IB J l> EKHEI> <t <"0.. 1 :ii i 1 Ykl: Qi>M itew «r. or.' ...|.rnv '•»vem Hoer; bnj i a <ij r -'asfin Kot •-'>••'• Hulik-Paj a ,>;oe-itn Itawo .i ..j s;n ri ida Ft-l. 4 i >k Kenui-aiii, V nen,
      698 words
    • 674 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NOROOEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial (lermnn Mail Line. Fka fast mil well known mourners' of tMs Company «ail fortnighUy fiom Brpmen-Hfimhure via Rotterdam, Ar,t. w-rp, Roatbaaiptoa, Whealtar. (ifn'-T Xa l«>s, (.onnpcti.-n MHrfcii^s. Naples. Mpxindiia, and vice versa) l'ort -ian) •^uez. A;len. 1 olon <;. RasSBJL Hon»kon«, Phant-h.ii. Sa/s:
      674 words
    • 680 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES iC£AJf BTIAI SHIP Go Ltd. AND China Mutual Stfiaro Nay. To., Lt;!. ITie ('otupauies' steamers arc taspatta rom Liverpool outwards for the ftraha, CUI .nil J»p»n every week, and from ,Ji|iai. at rard^ 'or l/ca.lon every lonniunt and h .iverpwol uionthly. One ontwanl ucb month Kiteudx to Vancouver
      680 words
    • 467 11 INSUW-.NCP C'imi»»mf«; ROYAL liNhlvkAiSwh Cu. lIKb «c LIU:. j TOTAL INVKBTKD rUMUtI I lioLol EAIJ Uo., TliK LUMXiM .\.\.i i. ->M Filit Neil U v.\ Capital. £3,1; I'aiU up Capital. .x H2,itX ItOSOrvs i und. .XI, 1 The uuuuisigucii, AajsMs lur I paiijr, are piL-p.m-o n. lt ,(<i at uuiieui
      467 words

  • 326 12 Bta I-aergt, Fulton, the famous Queen s f 1 1. .I.t .i ..i moi no I.i Vvehl vi > a ribution t" the i M -.11. 1 1 I. ile. get I ultou c. ii ioers, aa tvery shi.i.t |ujj .....i ium tnai tne authonUei wouM
    326 words
  • 110 12 tir.;nt> of Ij rd tt> Planter*. t i' I. .id fi r rul tii a .n lin 11 age pri to 1 tl .ndii try, iaiu. tperime ital I n has al* iblL bed iber cultivate d will I with the ol i taining Pi A I
    110 words
  • 278 12 r'rixatitins of the Siej><--. the Nagasaki correspondent thy Atri •iii information (i-'.n the Russian officen now at thai p it ivet .in !<(*■;« df the rafferinsi and m ni-atarvation ol those within ili<- l>c=.i y«i fortn Ai .lin- to t Ih-i- >t,-itc-in its. the supply of fresh meal
    278 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 92 12 I i >• II >OLM '-T 1 H W. It. Wv Eso pabli* schools, Randringli ■i. N tt Aftor s'lfT; I i i ime I .i >*erv 1 .1 attach ol rfv ->«<--• I was i:iiliicr<l !>v local i.i t to try f'h-' tm'. ..-i'.. Colic, 11.,.'.... 1',... v I,
      92 words
    • 264 12 NOTICES. I SfIITBDILDEBS, MECIIAXirAU ELECTBICAL EN(iINEKRS, V/ /cv BOILERMAKEB& jtf C^j/ Contractors Telegraphic^Aidre* t >/ > V) >K "H\RGREAV[S"/vX Str(>liV lwi SINGAPORE <t/ ROOFS, BRIDGES /PJH. COKS7RUCTIONAL WORK. jy A^r J/ Plan. Esiiante^ on Application. <*^* Head Office Works Read Street. Singapore, j\J^ Branch Gopeng Road, Ipch. iQ^ /Agencies Bargkok
      264 words
    • 483 12 NOTICr-S HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. M&CiMNICAI A^D ELECTRI •.■./> L ENGINEERS SoL Agents For the HORNSBY-AKROYD pateht Latest Improved Stationary T\pe, j Portable rypa, Oil Engines FOR ML PURPOSES Oil Engiisjs «ti| v><> k vi h Cm t oil KlOiC^l^l^l'i v *\u\ M ii O-t ,i v .1.1 »vi i i.
      483 words