The Straits Times, 1 February 1905

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 11,651 SINGAPORE. WEIXNESDAV. FEHKLAIiY 1 1905 fnICE 15 CLf
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 685 1 MITICI NOTICES. \VANTHI>. ihaq] Mill/ IUCdI IflilJi lit Sbad Omen, Enriched 20 per cent. o ;to. Canada with Cream. "EAL \Ul^ Kruliv. <■; i!. am. m> Divi Jf^Bri Sterilized- Not Sweetened \3*\y^C W A. WHITE, Manager. ifeFS-y A Perfect Substitute for Fresn Milk. i FOR SALE. 1 "Peugeot '"Tricycle, nearly
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  • 459 2 Interesting Experiments. As an instance of the n i tli ex nerimental method in studying which it would not ordinarily i>c tl)oii!;l't nppl cable, man li interest attache* t« i recent i Maria Borst, entitled EducaUlity and the Fidelity »l Bvidi no 1904), Bays i reviewer in
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  • 390 2 Bwttaag b> Clockwork. .Mnule Carlo, Dec. A im a 8j -i' in is iindi i- trio] i, break the baah of Moate Carlo, awl n icreating something uf i tenaatton by it* moc Mci A quiet, fur Kiiijivl, ■tan entered tit- Canum last evening and silting
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 597 2 N K S. NEDERLAfIOSCtT INDISCHE HANDELSBANK. vNctherlan'l- Inau i ommercial Bank) ESTV.UI .MEO IJ6J. Paid-up Capital ,7,'J". 0,000 (ahoul W00.O0O) lawn Knml r 1,572,000 (tM 1181,000) He.-d Olficc Amsterdam. Head A "ency j Hatavia. BRANCHES ru* II How ibaj i, SenMrsAgi •i ■> Bandoeng, Mid Well CORRESPONDENTS IN J»V» i
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    • 625 2 BANKS. Hongkong 6' ShangK&i BankinfE Corporation, p vl d-op CAPITAL $;<;,ooo,ooo FIEBEBVB PDSD:— sterling Roservc l l o,ooo,o/10 ai-rnnnnm Si Ivor Kiserve 7,iK«,000 f It.-serve Liability of Frnmietora $10,000,000 court okTJTkectors. I Kaymon<l, E«q., Chnirman. li. K TssbUm, Esq., Depnty ChairniiiM. K. Basts, E<q. Hon. K. Sbewan. tton. W. J.
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    • 780 2 NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. £1 Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY B is a pleasing example of the de- K g licately flavored mature spirit n JR. so grateful to the palate of the r 0 H 1 connoisseur. Its absolute Jrm. J'^^k purity places it in the first line /^fy TBaV M
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    • 78 2 Bvkrt Com mi in hi >y iln- introduction of Chamberlain'! Colic, Chok i a mid Remedi into tin-, country. There U scarcely i neighbourhood but that lomeone can i» found waose life hai 1., n v ed by it iii- h i- tli. i i known medicine i" nil fora*
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  • 229 3 i h natii nal of ili' Mi Cai p Wl.iin, r\ n from high to low, i o 11 1^ ha bit, .in-. i thosi too poor to own ingredients and boxes is. iii every town, quil n businci it soli": iii th"<- smallest nettlementii mm
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  • 104 3 1 ti.- Editoi f tli. In Mr. Itl Peuin >ula published in In Editi 1< 900 m one pound) rom i three i. il h:« iiala and i^ not accurate, it a im il ili. i i the Bot niic 1 tl ii- P P returns a ti.
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  • 238 3 I'rofi »soi Cbai 11. Kicbcr, i i tin. University ol California, Bays the San Francisco correspondent ol the Dmlii Mini, i^ |,i,i. ii i oaf iii-w<i- syllogistic propobitions .i- East hk tli.\ are proposed Th< machine I* rlainu to Im- .mi imp n that |t invent .1
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  • 106 3 France mid Japan. Osaka, January Lti It 1- i ikfrapfaed r froni Londos thai the coaunentt mmh in the I'lriuli PreM >»i the alleged moml repori embodying Japan 'a ttrategiea] <lr gains) Indo China, mi|>|m.s«'il t<. have been irritten by Baron Kodania and ■ddreeaad i" Count Katrara, tin-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 923 3 NOTICES. —mm— aa—«aaaaaa— »mm»mmmmmm««mmmmmm«M n n.., ■Bmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammwsammmammiai .mmi— i i in- aarni xx TT'nrTrNrß a ph rpoq fir c^c* g AAI^ XiJllJ3/lvn JJJAUO V QC V>/V>/^ straits Settlements, federated Malay >!;iu\ fa, Uralite stplponitp Jk BEST Kitson jglggQgg. d Gasoline %0/in a.^ 1 Lamps Lamps GeHing Material Ct f 1
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  • 304 4 The Straits Times, PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 1st FEBRUAY. Au. our readers—but mi's especially our Carman readers—will be pleagtd to learn that we are arranging for a regular daily (iiTiiia:) ;<-lfgraph Mnka from Berlin, and we publish to day the first despatch received in connection thetewith. 11m neara that this
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  • 708 4 It is iadieative of the tnttrpriiing activity of Singapore thippini that mm alraady heara OiMitrovaray anent the. potantialitiaa of tho l'.n, mm Canal so fir as it affects this port That the opaning of this important shortcut between the Atlantic at i Pacific Oceans will have far-in i thing :mJ
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  • 529 4 I losa lieading .it Will Aiam-. Mr. J. H. Knigiit-Adkin jontribute3 r.n interesting and spirited poem to the oarrent is?ue o! tho Sptetuivr, [tt theme is tlie Kentish uiionßaa whose name all'iid« the tiile, am wh.j (be pionce r Engh.-h ihipboikUr of Japan. From :hr jontext ot thn very
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  • 155 4 ■MM \V;lh«lm Eitel Friedrich, the second son of the German Emperor, who will be 22 years of age next July, ha* just recovered from a dangerous illness The Prince is the Emperor's darting. The Empeior doe* not rake the trouble to conceal the fact that, of all his sons, the
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  • 8 4 The Straitt Budyet will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 12 4 The oriafeat match, >. C.C r <Jir- i-ut' «'ii s i unlay, it
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  • 26 4 li. M > li.ifir.-iitmt ail! leave Victoria (B C) for China oa March. Tit ■orning tba Mmg rft of London patted through Urn pen Irwa veat t"
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  • 20 4 I'iik Dutch in ul sit.iiner Komngim h'sgentis whi.ii lift BiogapON on the 7th atnve'l at Qanoa ">> tna 80 b iust
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  • 25 4 I'm- Boraiog, tht Binsapcra-Kranji Railway ferry launch Si>:ytip<,r?, cume out «.'f iha Sintiapoif* Slipway Co'a. tl^ck at Taaj 'its; Khu. She left l<r Johore tu<i..y.
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  • 26 4 Wnondentaad tbai vbaa the \Wmk Wo vaaat Batavia, thre large Dntch ctaiaartj pointed grey, arrivtd at that port ro»tib)y t».«; m\.-tfrijus cruiser* !i«ly i oil ra.
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  • 37 4 We htar that !Vv. i:a>> a| Chineiie fi<iit;rman at Taluk Kuror eaoghta erooodila about teu feet lone in thf-ir nets. Ifcey tic-.l the laurian securely to lon^ polef and are k. aping it rtLve in a eteak
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  • 34 4 Mil Wu.mvmson, the nnaiteiaJ A'lviter to the Xi" "I Buua, i- on visit to r*<jnani and I'akr;. It i^ uaderalood that his j umay ia in connection with tba currency »t tii>' .Siamese .Stales
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  • 43 4 Malay Da. Jnliut Scril i ci Japan died cv ItbeStrdJin. rbapmzima icau >v.iiitl.iiiinriii: n of lunge, oamplioated b) an abscess c;l tba liver. T.'ih aervi irendared by !>■ tfa pi- 1 teranty-fiva fear* in the eaute <■! JTapaneae lurgical icienoi art highly \-i l-.-n i.i
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  • 51 4 Hi the indoatriaJ ooapaniea Icatabliahed in receni \"-,'.r* in Mbanithai thanMtt me e*ful ii laid <■> t.u thai Bbai gbai l'i:!p an I Papi > L oapitaJ ol TI-. 450,0 10 ii mule n profit last rear of Tit 11,271, nr I thins over SO par c et.r, T!<
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 58 4 Searching Inquiry Ordered. lttni<li)ii, 1/ feayacrw. Cooal Leawiuiff h;i- informad >;r Chariest Hardinßethat he has ordarad i aaanaing inqolry into the Waraaa attacks on Britiafa i Boiala, tad taa con plate tffaoeaaant of Iba placardt posted a; M mov Mad Ul in He ;il*<> expressed his uaq>i*lifled ditapproyaJ
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    • 60 4 A Protest Against Russian Methods. !i\s thouaaad part iblad in I'aris yesterday avaaing i\. in liissia. Bztraordiaary poli ma wera lakaa. As ii- 1.-.ivi boaab w is thrown aad ttro Bapablican soarda were woundcl There have beea several arrests. Another l-omb has been luund outsids the residence
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    • 99 4 I .niiilun, l*t A- bnutry. The death is announced of Mr. Lawrence Jacksou, lately Judicial Commissionei ia the FatVlßtad Malay States Mr. .awrt-n.H Cell Ma -tack-on kc, WfeO had but lately letirml iidiii Urn peat M .ludiciul omnith- luner K. VI. 8. (in whirli lie
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    • 39 4 Still Says They were there. Capt. Kli»J'), nivin^ eridaaca in Pans before the North Baa [nqniry, emphatically aad tntiaily reiterated his ttory us tv the aeonntar with tofpado bjati irhioh varaaaaonn Urn .i-iiint: Bi
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    • 14 4 I'rir.cess Victoria haa bean -i upon for aj)p<:i)<l:' m sing statisfacturily.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 30 4 LaaaTow, I I I Tba Rt lion A (i Murray P.C.K.C, •Secretary t'r rtootlind, bat been appi>in?c: I I ta Lord I (i i1 II Scotland, with ■>
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    • 78 4 Russian Position Weakened. Bautai Tokyo that i •re k'T,- the itlon I bal it will pn h ibly c MDp< i i ta it. il ohanga of ih; Ruraian front in thai neighb ur hood. The Japa let .1 [eikutai, holding the Mr .in; KuuUd wjiks. It is
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    • 11 4 1i liii.-li itaainei WytfiM Uabaad, i fIF Hokkaido.
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    • 10 4 a^rika ba bn km oui i< I'lili-^
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  • 14 4 JAPAN ESE OFFICIAL NEW. indabtelto Mr Tanuka,- the 1 official 't i Foreign kyo
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  • 24 4 Russian Dead Found. X, i i M < Ham;i report Tne ii;i:mK t 1 I! iin I >' in tb« iiiii ction ol
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 525 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. lAi'l 9 P Artists and I SOP! dt UO. Photographers. PavnuraUy known tbrongfaoat ilif Kast as tbe beat boot* for Hiajh date Arti-tic Portraitt .m>i Bui irgemaata. %gf 2 to 4 p.m. Best Time for Portraiture. Thouel irjvan in our opeeially deeixnad 3tndio tbronahovt tba day, rt to
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    • 129 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Miss Murkens AND Miss Merrylees Hir I.di, tlou Trio) Will. (iIVK A CONCERT IN THE TEUTONIA CLUB '10-niulit at H o'clock. Open t>> aMeahan of the TaafHa and Taatoni i Otaba, and their friends, r 'K TilkUS APPLY T» THE SEntETIRIES. ••k at riu: i) .or. .Lan l'S
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    • 34 4 Share quotation!, general ihi(.piut newt, aud paasanger litta, betide* ship piug, insurance advertisement! will b» tound on page 10 and 11. Advertisement* of Salei. Wanted, It Let, etc., will be found on Page 6.
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  • 165 5 PRINCE EITEL FRIEDICH ILL. January, Prince hi i Rriederich, who has IU lisly ill, i- OUI Ol d ' r CROWN PRINCI: (iOING TO ITALY. The Crow ling <m a tow to Italy m tb« bi tinning "f Ft bruary WARSAW RIOTS. 11,.. ri It \V d-.iw
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  • 102 5 Bomi übm during laat m^bt or in th* early hour* ft 'ms aiamins burclars oaiiJ i visit I "Clay too) No. 6 Pater «on Road. I lie occupaati of this "mess I tii-- >li deoUre, steep with all tiieir windo n ar..! doon ipea. This mornirc Mr
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  • 164 5 .•s-C.C. sherwood Forester-. I'hk on tho B<pl day afternoon »tweea the 9 C.C. and the .^in'rvv.i ii r\'ie-j'«r< attracted a pood de>l 't in;. Piiy commenced ponctuaUy, toe Foresters defending the sea ar.d with I rather Htrongsun lacing them Mr. refoTwod. Tue tinmf were well mnt lied and a
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  • 198 5 Traced to Johore by Energetic Polite Officers. «)n Friday afternoon a chinting saw t Chinaman 1 mding near Clyde Terrace BMrket with puepiciooa lookinc bag over )\\< shoul l< r, Thinking that it ini rr'"• contain i iiiim the vultura" demanded to the content!, but tl 1 hi
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  • 14 5 arrived fi m Malaci whrra be whb his anj H >llotr,' uill Lines I
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  • Correspondence.
    • 70 5 /'.< (Ac Editor of thr ''Strait* Time*.' Dkau >m, 1 w .ndi rai oat it to look aO.t-r the pittej ovc: ilm n eiving b'>x in the (i IM) A i eanifM lee tbe ord p."*1. for tht l;rii > I the :>nss. I won.lei the P
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  • 249 5 I'nhuly (ilee of certain (ierman Residents of Singapore. I'iik Prench mail otaaawr DnwUtea ■hich leit tttngapora tor Culombo on Jan 16 n, broke the holts nf me uf iplinn of in tin -!uf nl 7 a tri '.:i rhoradajr the Ifth intt, ami i-.d to
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  • 241 5 .i i of Newtc ii i ittage,' Bukil Tim»h Road, were the victimi „t .i i-. bh yin broid dajrl Rht on San(i c>- |H|l Ie I t.n.e A puree containing no'.et tad silver was <«'olen from >he ol the i c w■ ea vat
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  • 220 5 The annual meeting of the Singapore Nursing Association is fixed to be held m the Municipal Board Room on Friday, Fofa 17th. at 4.30 p.m. The committee's report of working of tho Associntion. to bi I.. -'-iited at the Mating, is in the following terms: The officers
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  • 53 5 i ea-ty ii to Pi rt Artl i i db the 13 I ta Bf 1 reprei d irma and of all the divWinn* 1' itw wa* from ;hn (I|d to the S < I :■< ;il N i):i reviewed the t>ntire furee as they marched p wr, this m
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  • 945 5 A Talk about the Philippines. CoLoam Banal B. MoOor from M Hiiila ie at \,t> *•■< xtayiua at Raffln 11.-ltl CokMl it Uwj i« Deput> Col-If-ctor of r*n.touis tor ib« Philippine I*' ii dp. Kiom the very nature of 1 tie nin the United
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  • 446 5 i On the I lth Dec. Ong Tio Urn wtm\ i arrested for Ix-ing in possession of four j'r.kiiia bodiaa, w«m pan- at aariaft, .In--' pans at wild Is. six pans ul shaft-, thn^- pain limps, etc. 'il.ri<- caar| wevi again-t the defendant. Yes U-ntay. the ca-i-
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  • 219 5 A Taqaiag towu Uelivcty jjoalul peon iiaiiicd flu w,i>, amjpi Hie r,,,/K Pmmmr, seiiu-iiccd on the L'Ttli .lan. to six mouths r.jjuinii- linpii.-..inmiit ioc niak nig away wall a iiuauuty 11-h.i- M to him for delivery about a fortniylii lni.rt'. it wookl apawti that tin- paoi -ie
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  • 74 5 I ii!-: Xi nch v n«port Lao*, i d \ir i irriv if. 8 ligon thia a ii M .r ::.fc^. Tht 1. ■< »»nt aloncside thou:. il :id !k !-i ivinue her vt.jage 10-morr i< t: kinc bomi 9 officer* ■'>■) civiliana .-'ii I US hiierß, all Xt( neb
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 172 5 LAND SALE. i ik foUowiag pnpartiai wan diapaaMl| <■, liv aucUun ai I'ciwell A Co I Mlt- luuni yv»U-l"ila\ alUliiijoli Agricultural laud at I'oiigul Koad, fteagapon, .ma I .arc- 2 rooaa, k> potei comproed in SUtatoq Laud OraM Ko. I6fi l*. i ii t by Para Nagaya t'lntty i. i
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    • 704 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A Boon |H| AANOTHbK p Special Dinner p <//, Satin;!,,,, r ti, Frhrnari, T L SKATING F aptii mm rh I MUSIC. II I To Spore I I THE Robiwson Piano Co., Ltd. Have Large iStocke of Representative English aiid German Pianos, at Home Prices. Specially made tor
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  • 2373 6 lv the Mutiny Journal of date 7th iiisUut, All Waltei Ily Laniard port*: I 111 -(J.H .ilmuk .j>h.i toai changing luumi »mi an irregular tone. i in- otraiU £131 lot-, at wlmii baeiawet doai tins ii.ul u> vttiii on p*mm ban, th< 'riling tx .n^ impoi i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 580 6 NOTICES. lofje Straits 73imes. Wde Straits budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. m perjreet PQ.6B iii) per I]" 7.5ti in par Month M 0 do per BODJ 0.15 Le.oo .tn pel qaai 1 4.1 m do i»-i eon 4 1 f... the I qu .hi .tn 11. Miic tad f
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    • 630 6 NOTICES. VACANT. Rooms with orarii. rreeonaMe prices. Apply. MKS ORBE Wo. I" Wilkie Koad lan U B-3 VACANT One large room suitable for a marries couple or a bachelor, nod also one small room Apply to .1. K. c/o Strait* Time*. Oct 17 m.w.f v.c. COMMON SENSE-NUTSHEU mrdi.w rk .n
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    • 610 6 NOTICES. Board Residence MABLETON," 12 Mount Elizabeth Riad. MRS. SIMMON DS. Dec 19 v.c. npo BE LET: Ftom Ut March acorn 1 pound ho'iae Duli'in Road Apply "R 8 "c/o Meyer Bto* Jan II uc. OUK LET— No. t. off Knmpont; Javn Road, a commuJious bungalow, dn and airy Rent
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    • 510 6 NOTICES. Humber Cycles THF Standard of Excellence. Latest Catalogue, on application te BORNEO Co ltd. ROUSSILLON CHAMPAGNE A WINE OF HIGH QUALITY AT A MODERATE PRICE. 2 doz. pints $36. 1 doz. quarts $34. OF ALL DEALERS. IMPORTRI) R\ BORNEO Co., Ltd. 386 THE LARGEST ORDEH EVER PLACbI) FOR TYPEWRITERS
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  • 43 7 What .i y distil ill U h tve m ii v n oall) 16 '■jLV•!i I Thi il p i p ndin: thi ir wealth <.r.> •■■■■l i i r s 1 1 > re ii i.v citen it> n
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 106 7 STEARNS' WINK, tot all waatu| It iaeraaaaa weight Com inaaptives find it yeotl. Can l>< •:'ki-n all aMUMH GBATETUL S( It inI.MA.-TKIt. \V. (< \\'_v.itt. Bag., public schoole, Bandring nun. N. B. w., nja: "After raCer ing mom time of a vary bad attach o v. I was iiuliuid In-
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    • 522 7 NOTICES. > p— MAKES THE SKINasS OPT as fl,*^ r M *i** ROUGHNESS. REDNESS, HEAT. Cr IRRITATION, TAN.anJ KEEPS THE SKIN I SOFT. SMOOTH, and WHITE Ay. THEVEAH ROUND. Drliahtfulln COOLING X REFRESHING durlru) th> mummer I Bottle l.,l,9.and»6each. M^BE ETJjAM_&_S ON^lieltPut.amJ MARINK CLUB. Tlii i nil y< aily general
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    • 703 7 NOTICES. Jt THE SWEDISH ■-jgfe LUX LAMP. ||SJ BURNS KEROSINE OIL. f-^ Gives a beautiful, intense nn< l even light of 50 to I M M cm i d le-po wnr. Lux r rhe Lux Light is in immense usefor Railway Stations, Estates, Hotels, Factories, Workshops, etc. SMOKELESS INODOROUS inexplosive
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  • 144 8 th Jat I Ml .1 XXIV t a short ad- followed by iii'- 1 i i iio 1 lt-f or Kuala Lumpur by vie 11 26 train i.-iy accompa:iit:;i by the Revd F washfcldini |5 n hy th It v(i 11. C. I i -•.,>■• d i
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  • 31 8 iranl How shall I train, and what are h pecti ot a sita ition when writi i antless ff-minine I «:r k lit] tnd I tb( if I
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  • 78 8 tnbution t»t prizc> al er'i Institution, Penaag, came on the 27 tb January. Mr u'l.n. the Superintendent of Educabo nis j"-epenf, praised up St Xavier'i and said tiiat, in all respects, j tied i share towards ing ti decided inperiority of the schools in Penang over tbose of
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  • 109 8 Chi easiest way of makinz money." iung wamor, "iato blackmail 1 once did it. I'd got cnej patent lemonade machines, and i while I was making lemonade it exploded and cut my hand rather h.i.ily. I got the doctor to give me a ite showing the amount of my
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  • 57 8 Saturday was igalanichl at the i! 800 guests sat down to a special auitier, among them ie Hon. Ta?i .link Kirn and a This was the lirst occasion on which t!ie new marble Moor in the main dining room was used. was generally admired. The the 95th (Russell's) Infantry i
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  • 58 8 An excellent musical programme has prepared for the MerryleesMurkensconcert it the Teutonia Club sight. Among those who »ill assist nicert are Mrs t, W. Barker, Mr* (iad, Mr. Valois, and Mr. LehrenThe concert is for members of /lin and Teutonia Cluhs anrl tl r friends, and it should be noted
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  • 59 8 Paymaster of the Fearless Drowned in the Bay of Biscay. DMMAI l>f:i- P. VAUQfUM LIWM I i Fi >m I 111 1 irrl. Mr. Pi i ■»"'>\i mber 1901, i w < in-Cbid D mi ten the B ii.. »eathi mat Ai aade 1 1 tin- ship, it
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  • 114 8 A Bai»k w i ii M Vicken, B i ai I Maxim (Limi'e<'), of i.'i\: receiyed an order from Uiciralt; to build i<> new rab- i new acldiiionsto the labmarine ti are to be built, upon lines the outcome cf special experiments carried oat bj Cap!
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  • 138 8 THE SCOURGE OF INDIA. The weekly ifcords of plague ii are motl mar. t"<>r they ihowl that, so-fr 'ruir thedir'-;ie tendinf to .lie nut. in. ;i r. curring cold Qnds tho nPt n ire widely spreavl, new wad :h(^ m every ri?- i hieLcr, sajs the In 190- iStu recorded
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  • 152 8 <nn i rnment Experiments. Dikixi. the I ist three or four >cii> experimerits wi:h rubber-yielding trees and creeper? luve been actively carried on in Bnrmali, the (government of India in 1900 sanctioning an expenditure of R2lo,i<iu to be spread over a perio'l of twelve jtars for this
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  • 250 8 Their Value as Settlers. The Acting Gjvernor ot Jamaica, in his annual report ot; the colony, tnakesome exceedingly complimentary and zratif)ing remarks on the Indian immi grants in that cour.try which tend to show that, while South Africa thtoivt every obstacle possible in the way
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  • 44 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. To di>'« l/m banh i I/I T■ H I H i tS26 i Traditip" »4a jr.. lie; yes'.erriy fr w Liveipc i iriifa I,OCK tOI 4.1 I i 1 I! 1 •ri IfStl Jai u:t:.. rru*h I i 7 1 I
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  • 492 8 The following is the General I'roUuce Letter kindly iurnislied to M by M. --i Jehu H>iHif Co., tin- .ii. kaowa Colonial I'roduuc Merchants ud Com aission Agtnts i-t' talisbarv square, l.ondou. E.C.. anu tari)..ig pneai u^ t of the departure of tii'. t< baud, on
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  • 101 8 OaatUai &.&> do (Cube No. 1> nnpieked 12 37J Copra Bali 8 idl do Pontianak 825 Pepper, Black n 26.12J d> While, 5 39 in Sago Floor Saraw:i I. |0 do Brunei No. 1 3.30 IVurl Sago 4.60 Ooflba Hali, 15 bbassx s s 23 00 "'>fl>e,Paleiiibnnj:,'Jti baniK 24.80
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  • 120 8 ■>„ '...„</.,. -Bank 4m. I/: I Demand 1/11. Private 6 ni/* I/-1 do 3in I/I I;? '^.i OtTBM ..«—ltank .1/<1 -.'.OM Private 3 a/» -"«i do 6m/». y,( riann Bnat .1.1 Ji: Private:! oi Mil do 6m MS| <)u r>,di(i -Bank T. f. 14f Private 3u .1 .11!' 'm
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  • 623 8 Krli. transport 4,002 tooi, 75 Liew, i :t,()i ii h p. Capt Bru. Ist Feb From lateon, ;9thJin. French Consu'. For Mnr9''-i!! c>, :nl-W. TRADINCJ VESSELS. &c. Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. AlLoin, Brit ttr. ffiO tons, (•■pt Kalstor, 31etJin. Frcni B jiiibsy, lath Jan. (J c. Borneo Ooj
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  • 75 8 IoXORKIIIV Kui'opc \i.i ports C«fm xndt Ma Ira- \iii ;oil- Mmm**A* 3 pin PtiMllfl A V'llluUttU IJflktil'r -I t |i.m P.Swet'hajnria ports- /'m I i>.m Hitn^kon-j AmUomApcar pru Mlll.l ll:--\ [I :.l Friday. Billilon .V Foiitiatmk Plm «Vr /•> Bangkok I'ri'Vilnn \> a.m l.a^'U.m I 1.0 110 Ci
    75 words
  • 34 8 Kro -i < TIMI lim, I eft Singftpnr 1 Dm P 1 (I HL ■Mi -n i >■ M la >.!•■ i Jim 911 i I Jan titb H I. I IHh M h <
    34 words
  • 200 8 Arrive* jotli Ja' uir> I'-i .!■<>'. U 1 Hill- From s in [1 VI < <i i I'arrtai John Wiii. II From Hoaickons hr I II ihn, Mi KlMlll 5,,1_.,, V, Pw M, John Hewitt. M i I. Kaddfo lira. kii.l M,-- I 11,,,;, ni I i
    200 words
  • 69 8 Wharfs at Which Diffcmt Ship. are Berthed To-day. lASI Wharf— N.i Vioroau Q \..ii':RT (Jfmim; Dot S Mnm N". I liith ..f Dorno. i l I ._> 2 Zxiuaaii i 3 I'li'ini;* 4 Merioi <■<■ 5 l\<ti<i"lu- t> H\ h'».-.r iWuu A, i.-, i bieng ,<
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 135 8 K A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCH ANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. tUvejoßt received a large MMrtmenl of Japanese, Oninete, an I [nd<an t-ilka of all kiudu an-l ■..l«.ur?. Indiin, aid Persian carpeta of all aiaet, nup and kandaome Worj |ood^ Ahe naoj pi j a-ticlei d gold
      135 words
    • 65 8 Npuci OF REMOVAL WHITEAWAY. LAIDLAW CO. fßeg to inform tde public of Singapore tfyat tfeif have Removed to ficw and extensive at tfje corner of STAMFORD ROAD HILL ST EET. -TKAUXS WINK wU on the whoU Sjstaat, aiding digestion, improving uutn ■■i^lit and itnagth I'rinted and published by lJ»irJ Alexander
      65 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 901 9 The Pi Tii Berlin corn 'I Hi- intervi low has lia.l jmlilisii-. i in the I bring up many, it i- bardh disclaimer* will ii ,i«i ma\ i wli nai iun Kingdom n< i I t ho out by the 8 I man ii. Prem it will
    901 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 461 9 NOTICES. Charles HeidsiocU's White hampa^iie NU MWNTI Wchn, Meyer Co. DEPOTS .Im Utth ft I ■nh m kfi I If f• hip tad CDguii- Repairs 'i descriptiosM ia th» I r the 1 tandrtu .uropeas bhip ■rrighte auu Bngin« Oraviug Duck* up to »00 feet in tod 21 feet
      461 words
    • 259 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS OPTICIANS REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED Messrs. Simjwn i Co., Coach Builders, ii I !L KhgN«tri!il I mi, k.l !.<• h. IBRAMBI flic ini;a| 'tfi- lir DRAPERY i o pnj :> .-Im ;!n' .r 6 ii Ing, 'to. lnt} kiiKlhj Fnvitei H. S. J FFARJEE, rchsffi
      259 words
    • 368 9 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARK IHri LJKSi V\LU. IN 1 M i MARKbT. FLAG BRAND. 10 YEARS OLD: $12 50 per case. Euty extra. WO SPECIALLY RECOMMEND D $8.50 p?r case Duty extra OBTAINABLE FROM KUTAIL DKALBRS, OB McALISTER Co. Ltd.— sole agents. Milling IMs-ciiinery. We beg to
      368 words
    • 203 9 \OTICRS. This Whisky is re I tared GUAtU <•■ I. NOTHING F*NFR Macdonald&Muir Leith. OldV^ttON CDCriAI 4*^J SCOTCH WHISKY. m^MM K\M hIN C-C9 SINGAPORE Obtainable it ;.li the l< v inf Stores ST. ANDREWS HOI I (1 '-i'- I llolllt Eur^ipejn au.t BsßrasSßel boys win i 'ire ti' attend tfl
      203 words

  • 235 10 Tiic captain ol tin Italian uteaim r VomfUU-HM, wkkb arrivwd rec Btlyfroai Labuan with .1 cargo of Cardilf coal, dot! uot it present know his destination. M]PI the Ctaiaa Morning CTpon ■nival at Hongkong, he made auxioni iiniiiii m m i" where the Bah i were. Inferences
    235 words
  • 138 10 During urn put year Swangor exported 800,412.17 piculs of tin, as against 292,G()1.f<;i piculs in the pluvious year, or an increaaed amount of 102 ton--. The duty raaluod m |5,158,649.M. Thk was $618,649.59 in excess of the cstunalc, fcut was 1235,650.50 lan than in 1903. Wi'diKMiav. it Feb.,
    138 words
    • 925 10 Under this heading the fallowing abbreviation* arenscd: —ntr. —steamer; ah.—-ship; Imi. barnae; sch. —schooner Yet. —Yacht: Cru. Cruiser; Übt. —Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Hone-power Brit.—British; U. B.—United States; Fch. —French; Uer. —German; Out. Dutch G.c. —General-cargo d.p. —deck pastenger; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—
      925 words
    • 478 10 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. Htkamirs. Achilles, Liverpool, Feb 8 Mansfield. Agamemnon, L'pool, Mar 27 Mannfield. Acer, Antwerp, Feb It; East Asiatic Coy. Alcinous, Liverpool, Mar H; Mansfield. Airlie, Sydney, Feb 15; Boustead Ajax, China. Feb 26 Mansfield. Andalusia. HoDgkong, Feb 27; B.
      478 words
  • 109 10 Number Uu>l Shte, ffl T 60LD. t 9 13,600 f 10 $7.60 iMilt ii. M. Co., Ltd.. U.'M 13.UU unissued. 4.JOU 10 f 10 (Ueleiitidj S.ol SJ.OOU 10 10 Kadaua U. M. Co., Llii. M.'iv n<.in l'J.OOO t 10 8 (l'ref.) S.O") von.. 6,207 1 1 Kechao U. Field*,
    109 words
  • 127 10 iO.OW I I 10 10 ISelal Tin M.L'o., Ltd. 00,000 f 10 (0 Brnseu Hydraulic Tin M. Co.. Lt.l 50,<,00 10 10 Kuran^an Hydraul.e Tin M. li., i.r.l ri.UOO I'fO i II.KJ Kiut.i Association, Ltd. 3,WW 100 |KO (Deierre.l) 00,000 1 I Kiuiaiiu Mim-, Ll 1. -*i,:.' Hi 1J
    127 words
  • 148 10 MM,MM W,O"M unittsuod. 2,000 4,51*1 40,000 12,000 i 3,400 »,000 > -',760 M.OOO i 6U'J AOOO 5,000 m iuimusJ. 1 JOO.OOO ;O.OUU uoiuuxl 17,000 X I.H I Dull Development i i.i.i. IMi *Ml Federated Engineering Co., Lhl 50 .>" Kianor Neave, I Ad. V 26 9 |S3 UuuxkuuK auil
    148 words
  • 30 10 llowartb Krhkiue, Lti!. 7% Itiley, llaiKie.ives, Ltd. 6% Singapore Muuici|>i»l li'l 6% Z 260,000 225,000 65ft,6"10 3V from. [.reni Lujci~ 1% iiiein bayen 8X U:<. bow. -:l i'M.-I-1-/. I-,,,,.,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 14 10 BTKARNB' HEADAGHI CURii, from all dispensaries 1 wilhout f h» I Q. to I
      14 words
    • 277 10 NOTICES. Allen's Lung Balsam I will positively break up a deep, racking cough past relief by other means. SOFT DELICATE SKIN 1- soiiml lo .I <■ laitia •ho avoiM |i ii MaaM essMStia, ami w-c ROWLAND'S KALYDOR which .ill a^ all l—niag. itriuljility of the skin, externiinalc^ US and freckles,
      277 words
    • 264 10 NOTICES. ST Agents for lea ft PERRirs Worcestershire sauce. W& a^H SPFXIAL WARRANT jgSSKa/S^ tt^JHtk j} j*Os PURVEYORS TO t si" l|^3Sir* l THE KING. I Celebrated Oilman's Stores I Petrol Motor Launches. From Jt'ss to i^6so delivered in Singapore (complete). Engines quoted separately if necessary from £22 and upwards.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 730 11 At the price you pay for your STEMQAH, you are entitled to the very best. See that you get Buchanan's "Black and White." You can have it for the asking. •STKAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Knang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Piit*. Plymouth and
      730 words
    • 1215 11 STEAMSHIP COMPAN I ES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Ayenttat Singapore: Ship AOBRcr, LATB J Dakhdils A Co 3 3 Ori m br Qt-*v. The unilormrntioned dates are only approxim^iu. MaMati -M.;,, Kzp'ted. tVHI be irrtcatc'in Mmkm* -Sambas Jan 30 Sambas, Pemani; at, B<na:ka«raßfl Mempawa.
      1,215 words
    • 670 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Qerman Mall Line. lho !u3t unj -.veil kaown mail Bteumerb of tbi* Company tail fortnightly from Bremen- Hamburg v a Kottof.lnm, Antwerp. Southampton. Gibraltar, Henoa. Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) I'ort Said. Snez, Aden, Colombo. Penang, Singapore Hongkong, £han«h.ii, Xatrasaki, ar.J
      670 words
    • 674 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES !GKAN Rill SHIP Co., Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam Nay. To., Ltd. The Coinj/inl^s' steamer* me despatr-hed rom Liveipool i.nt wards fortbe Strait', China md Japan ever]' week, and from Japan home rardu «or I^>m!on every fortnight and fo> uverpuol rr.ontlily. One o-Jiviaad item:.;; otch month extends to
      674 words
    • 507 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE^O. FIXE LIFli. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEEIi £IL\OOO,UOO. THIS LABGKBT PlltK OFFK E IN TIIE W0B^» BOUSTEAD i Co., AgenU TJIE LONDON AND LANCASHIRB mi IXSURAN'CE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 laid up Capital. 212,750 Ueserve Fund. .£1,073, .'i.Mi The uudereigucd, Agents for tin i pany, are prepared to
      507 words

  • 394 12 iin Plight <>i the Portre*s. Russian lettt i intercepted I>t the ilockading Bquadron gays, ac .1»hl; to correspondent This month either we >liall I" reacn..i Port Ait h mi- will pas- mt i the i ion 'in liv< are eveiy more in danger and we iVar thai be
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 188 12 Not Be>ond Hope. ho hnve euffere I year after year li Ki. vi intifni will be s.-In-i to ln;ir of 1,1-1! ii 1- proved an alxolote cific. I conditioo* of Bbeum mv< re ii"" from lint cause, thai rannoi Immediate!) 1 menl iv cared l>j Little* ii'iiinl Balm People who
      188 words
    • 166 12 NOTICES. SHIPBUILDERS, MECHANICAL, /Js\ ELEOTRRAL ENGINEERS, V/ BOaERMAKERS. /^Jy J*s j/ Coiitracturs Telegraphic Atfdres* W &V JY ■>■ "HABGni:AV[S' I Xv k X" I<rU ir H SINGAPORE 7 ROOFS. BRIDGES fP.IH V^ O 1 MR CONSTRUCTIONAL WORK J* Head ()iiui Uorks Read Street. Singapore. j^^^ Brunch: Gopeng Ro?d. Ipch. aQ^
      166 words
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