The Straits Times, 29 November 1904

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. NO ai,SQO SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 29. I9(H PRICE 15 CER 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 450 1 NOTICES. OR SA- fc one Serpottet Motor-53oat omplete with awnings, oars, mast, SPEED tools, etc., tO Seat 8 tO 10 persons. S Miles an Hour. I One 6 6p.@e £)ion fßoiiton Toiturette Fitted with Extra Strong Tyres, and a Platform for Luggage or Syce. \n> turther information regarding any one
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    • 157 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. SPECIAL SHOW OF TOYS TOYS TOYS oi every description DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! Clothes to take off. All exceptionally good value. Sterling Silver Other Articles SUITABLE FOR Christmas Presents. CALL SEE THEM. ROBINSON CO. RS 8 if* lH- »f Q5% >y < 0% i"! Wl 1 1\ AND
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  • 284 2 JAPAN r SE ANNO^RIV Object to I'.ritish F-irms Dealing with Russia. London, MU Ne The JapanoM l<ofitioi) pntHivnl] denips th« pnrebaae of Cardifl '.1 ipan nwntioi cd on th< 2 i:niifi>r ondenitamlt that tbi merits of liMtinl) enal for RnMin and ba inpply moaition« from iirm« Invp
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  • 174 2 Competition With the British lncu>tr\ Judging by recent reports from Indii aud Ceylon, '-ays the L, A >' A'-/./'--the competition of Java in the <■■ market* of the world is causing alarm 80 far, tin; Javanese produce has 1 been sufficient in balk i<> affect prio appreciably,
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  • 129 2 \\Y {Malay Ma hear that the i-a«l i ■bo arrived c reoentlj nd eventually to officer the Polio drafted <<• China for a i iupli .1. i p C II the object ol this expeiwivi pi ing. If they were to be di p ted populatioii fifty
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 145 2 BENZINE.. We hive ipfweated thr Chin !lu:tt Hin Oil TradiDg Co.npanv, 246 South Bri.icp Boad, Kle afeats tOT tb« aatt avd di-ti^u'ion of oar Beazioe. Tt ey will ,ie!;verv „r,U. r !i :,lu] ettle SYME4CO. Nov... CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. —^-> B. I. S. N. CO., LTD. Ret m Tickets Single Fares
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    • 713 2 Baal I W Im <C 9 Jen Year s OldJ jj <S| eav Vanguard WKtsky is a pleasing example of the delicately flavored mature spirit so gratefal to the palate of the connoisseur. Its absolute purity places it in the first line of dietetic stimulants. Mr. J. Heron. F.1.C., F.S.C.
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    • 66 2 F. Garlyle Quine, R.N.R. Marine Surveyor, Inspecting and Exporting Engineer. Refrig. Mining Machinery, etc. Mr. Qtiitxe is in a position cither to quote, inspect, or expert in the interest uf his clients. Address, 3d Lime St., London E.C. GAGGINO&Co. I N'^ivv Contractors, Ship Chandlar* it Bailmakera, Provision and Wioc murchanU,
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    • 16 2 ,v applyiag :i Danoel I »i dag dai ith Chaml d i i THE DIBPENS \ltV. <'.■■■
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  • 753 3 Opium la the F M S. Kvtiht Lumpi't; Ml NW. 'ipium Duty KHrm is beine I>l .l.n.naiv mr tills If M l;m- I I I■/ I. GoTWb-,-i a dI fit, 111 l IK iin ppi i '.o i .mi) tlilHciilly expt a in lioinp tlie work departinen-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 947 3 NOTICES. U 5? 'Tvi Z 1 I P F' HULA P jfl r 5 1h il 3L EL O$& is (L Wl t N Nov. 10 tuiii>. STIVEN CO., Singnjtorr. Singapore and Kranji Railway From ist November, [904, and until further notice. Train Service fop Week Days and Sundays. SINGAPORE
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  • 1229 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 29th NOVEMBER. Jomh whs wry empty on Sunday as a resul", of the latest regulations wliii-li f.>ri.-id all ppr<ins save Chinamen frosa gambling there. The Hotel was desolate compared to ordinary S*h-rr.i'h-j, arjd it is fiir to asautn* that the revenues of the
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  • 392 4 Whii.k naturally deploring tbe ne set sity of raising th* Minicip il Asse-s--menf, there seeius little doui)t Nut tha' the Munieipjl Commissioner* cannot get along very well without doinp t jiu^ thing to meet the increased txpendi tares rendered necessary by unwitt extravagances and equally nawiat Hcononoies ia the past.
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  • 253 4 In ,i n nl i .i-, m in idrartenth du.-eiii-eu Mr Bertentut the sua mm 't'ti Qeneral Aii'ln- as French Minister for \Y\tr-as a political nonentity. Oiar igaoraace, ,i<<M9ti-ii by tliat of ctTtiin Prenoboen in tin OoloBy, DiuVt i xrut,,, tiin BTRW for which we now hasten to npoiojto. H.
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  • 222 4 liii'.BKii oontinaei to go ap. Messrs. Bandi lands Buttery and Co. ct Penang have just been sdvised thai mio of their consign menU of fine dry well-eared pale Perak-grown 'biscuit' has fetched 6s. Id. per pound. This is good news in deed and retalhlishfw B record for F. M. 8.
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  • 23 4 Shan quotations, general shipping uews, and passenger lists, besides shipping, banking and insurance advertise incuts will be (band oa pags 9 and li>.
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  • 12 4 Several items of local interest will I c found on Page 8.
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  • 8 4 The Strtn't.i Jtntli/et will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 14 4 Tm annual Borneo dinner at 'he Hotel Cecil, London, i> Qxed foi 6tl December.
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  • 18 4 I'm; ohri* f pning of tie young [tali ra Prince wll tik i^m-,- on Deeem 1 r 4
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  • 17 4 Qos nriot c. will lake plan- from K.n< P»<ir; and Silnnsing 01 >\V.1.».. iv K-i,y ■>„ ..„■■;>, .j-
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  • 107 4 Special Telegram to the "Straits Times." FACt: TO FACE. lioth Armies on the Alert. ilk gktu,2n h.V sii <;;ii. ia] news from ibe Rn«si m beadqaarten il 1 tfa the rival ire fi m Bbabo, in I both an we ting fortifications. Ibe Japani w ilant and are nsiog w
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  • "Renter's Telegrams.
    • 71 4 Liability Under the Foreign Inlistment Act. fjeaasw, MM Not Lord LanedowiM,ma letter to Hrii Cbambi rsof Snipping and Comn says thai althou^b oeotral traders m trade even in contraband with belli gerenta at Iheii own risk, they should also bear in mind that under the Great
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    • 25 4 NEGOTIATIONS A letter from Lord Lansdowne to the Liverpool Cnamber of Commerce that communications aro still between England an.: Bwaia subject of contraband.
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    • 78 4 Ihe (ierman Uud^t, shows inoreasi expenditure of tea millions sterling. A loan of fourteen millions iterlii will be re(|uirwl to m^et, the extra demands. The increase includes five millions extra for the Navy, a million and half extra tor the Army, and two and half millions for the
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    • 45 4 The home newspapers, while admitt ing the British Government's difficulty in dealing with the (juestion <>f the sup ply of coal to belligerents, owing t 1 the existing state of the law, express sympathy with the irritation displa; ed in Japanese circles.
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  • Renter's Extra Service.
    • 60 4 General Koropatkin reports that the Japanese delivered a fierce attack on bis troops on Tbnradaj last, bat were re pulsed with heavy loss the same d The Japanese were again repulsed on Friday, and a further attack was olf on Saturday morning, but the Japanese again advanced,endeavouring
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    • 58 4 Premier says she will Sacrifice Everything to WinThe Japanese Premier, interviewed by Renter's correspondent. says Russia must see that tin' war can not be concluded by the issues of t few battles. The war means lil 01 dr^ath to Japan, and she is prepared to
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    • 17 4 Latei The Dalai Lama ii is reached Urga ■ad proceeded I > monastery at (jliiirvlun.
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    • 10 4 Tim Japanese Diei has opened its -eesion
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    • 19 4 The death i« Bononnced of Viscount Ridley; Ibis cause* i racancj in the Houae of < mmons.
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    • 24 4 ANGLO- RUSSIAN CONVENTION. The Ai.Kin-iiiisaiaii Uuuveo iuo pi ridei thai Commfostona ol Enquiry will ahi'lc hy the deciiioni i j nity ol BDwnbi rs
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    • 46 4 ZEMSTOV CONGRESS AND I TS RESULTS. It ap| I ,ir.- tii. l U two of three nobles Zemttov Cungreas, bat there i Olbcial deputation to Hit pjii a Mirski i -<■ Hn -:nlt nl of Ihe Congri n tbi -n*' ihe general feelii Congress it n KStic
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    • 53 4 A fuiioi ue-paicu Iroiu d u*t*t Kuro U i m li.ntiiii; un the -I'll i i ii .it; ujk "i! ii i; i--: Mi fol I im iho i. Tne fighting ooni tn i 97 ii, tii- i id dislodge i the latter wai Hi n-.' ilicy
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 622 4 LATEST ADVRRTISEMRNTS. Oaldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABUSHKO IW4) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow. Hongkong Shanghai) SINGAPORE. prioje; list oit applical'ion. 1 |.|.'.l:.t. :l j. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., iMdian Store. No. 1, 2, 3. 4, High Street. 1 llaai) H, S lU .i A- iI 1 fr.-.-nt*, Kiiilin.l.lfn'.l giiiyl*. ft y! .n
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    • 112 4 G. R. LAMBERT a Co., PHOTOOR.«PHIC ARTISTS, Crexhum House, Battery Road, Orchard ff.iarf. So. J. .r-. hrriMhpMl |>.rlniib4, I. lit lux t..«u M Ikl X'MSS Mail .h ..1' 1 I- ,nii.|e without l.liy. OflM V.,i,.ty ..f X'mae Cards on Poetoarde Tasteful X'mae Mounts. s-.n 1 K.mmas: -Oa the 1 1
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    • 13 4 Advertisements of Sales, Wanted, To Let, etc., will be found on Page 6.
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    • 23 4 NOTt TeSSftwaS ami lutal iir»« received prior to noun tn-i'i\ .ir<- iMihli.lnJ on I'.ik<- Tiik I.i eh mail I! U n i'7ih November.
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  • 690 5 1 iil ine<?tins of Mie Municipal aid -'erdiy alter- Mm i ipal iluilding, Mr. (Praeidaut) pteeided. Pl n- iM'-iMit Colonel M .1 -vmmler*. 1 A .1 W. F .1 lActii Ihe .11 ik 1 ■11 oving that the ■I, sated that 1 nradby thi Oee»B ird, aonected, w-.
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  • 120 5 Believed to be the Knight of St. Qeorg*. At daylight this morning the Signal Serceant 'jn duty It Mount Kaber dis r jvered alarge British s f e«mera«hore off Alligator Island. This island consists of a small coral reef with a f>w mansrove trt>es on it, and
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  • 99 5 Chinese passenger jumps off the Bonbat. ait 0. van P— re, of the Siamese rtMMr Baribat, v hicb arrived yc-ttr->ia> from Bangkok, via ports, reports tin: at 7 16 p in on Sunday a Chinese passengt-r jump' «.l "V^rtnianl whon the ve-sel wai c t! Polo Tinggi,
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  • 39 5 I'm: (i^rinan MHMI ftttrm, formerly nalia, has bt-pii npUind by the Japanese whilst attempting to run the bin kaile of 1' >rt Arthur The- cargo ot the Veteran wis found to consist of clotliing, blanket*, medicine, preserved mi'tits. ot
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  • 62 5 \V ith regard to a pencrmpb yesterday aMMWBOtM an At Home on the Onttm on Friday .lUernouii, we should expliin m order t>i avoid conveying a wrong impression, that personal invitations have been issued, and the an[..''inrement of the incident made in these columns :is a mere social ne»> item
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  • 83 5 Mr. H Lbmabb Ba i., KaMgtrof i lie Insurance Ptpart— > of MmMI Adanison, (JiMttaa a- Co. Ltd., ha? returned from an fight MOatlM trip home and ruun f lif world, ri i America, Honolulu, the t }<*, .\n*n]\i, NVa alami, N«->v C«uu.e;i, and Honck.nj; He arrived here by tt»<^
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  • 78 5 The well known Italian Opera Com v .i:r- b Mi A V W iccia hai arrived lie.r^ ea rmto 6r< -I vn to k mii i Tin ooeapany inclod <• •:,> I'rima Donna Soprano, Margherita Vis<iilo, and Uaeteaor, Sanoc f'esare Xiv iiii, bothofwhoei were favooi ■hen they appealed lure in
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  • 84 5 In c "in I'": v> b '!i' pr --i: lan Medical School for Bu&ffapora, Urn a 0 an *t it iba C >lonu is beet ii .1 P 1. ihal lotial s,l urj "i X7^<i i»-' 11:*****1 .1 1 j )urnaJ v Imi to .1 vei 5 Rood i D
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  • 1347 5 Preparations for the Anniversary ol Scotland's Patron, Not so very long ago -three or lour at Bloat wa ha I occasion to call attention to the (act, that the only pi ioe >1 Imp rtance Baat of 3u »befe ma ..iM.iv raan of Bcotland'a Patron Saint
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  • 86 5 Uackmeibr's Band gave an agreeable surprise to the dining-out community of Singapore, by appearing at the Hotel de l'Europe last evening, and playina there until 11.30 p m The band had been advertised to sail for Bangkok yesterday, but owing to a delay in the departure of the
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  • 25 5 A Wdst Inliau in^dicil man heliew s tl::it beri-heri is caused by eating ri39 that has st>>od for a day or two ifter being cooked.
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  • 23 5 Mk G. J Amery, .ne Assistant Dis-trii-t Officer at Kuala Selangor. go^s on leave shortly, and Mr. E Macfadyen will act for him.
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  • 27 5 Mk. K. Belfield, the Acting Legal Advisar, W. M. S., is going on long leave early next month, on the return of Mr. A T. I) Berrington.
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  • 28 5 It is expected that the Nippon Yoaban Kaieba will declare the usual dividend at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum for the past hq lf- year.
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  • 29 5 turn Hon C. H. Strutt, M. P., Chairman of the New London BornSo Tobacco Co., is now on a visit to the estates of the Company in MaruJu Bay.
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  • 33 5 It is reported by the Vetnh Pioneer thai J)r. IJ.1 J N. Gerrard is eventually to be transferred to Parit Buntar, Dr VV P Meldmm to Gopeng, and Or. It. Dowden to Taipeng.
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  • 40 5 Now that Honguong has adopted zone time, the directors of the British North Borneo Company intend to ar: ■•.(!:■:>; for the adopinn of zone time in L-ibmn and North Borneo, and to send iaatraetiona to that ellect to Mr. jCiiieri:/ aoc>rdin?lv
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  • 46 5 Thk next me.: Ul4 the Cliine?e Cbriati in Assueiation will be h-ld in ihe l'ritisop .Srreet Church on Kndaj evening next hi 8, whnn one of the niciu ber* w:ll move Tliat thi- Honaa con[aidera that the Hat boor Boh— ta will prove advantaeww* '<• i^» Colony."
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  • 56 5 We 'ii;ders! iini iln' <t t-ullision noeur. red ;it Taii.j 'Fij I'.iair last V idai betwean tto tiwnaan itoamw Willetwd with Japtneaa refng'-es oubwycl tod ti." Brici ih itnaraar if Hit TbttWUUkad, it is uii'lerslood, was ynina alungaki* thp whnrl when she biimped i i.t- 'In JiVlm winch ins l>ing
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  • 91 5 I Is the our-w of me Hearing ot a eas* dl he MtL'istracy to-day in which Uhiueae ni cliaraed with nulawfoi puaaaaaioa of -•:<■'■:.-.. thtt bad riten aiolati trom inoitft Chinas*, [utpaeti 1 Hit-key I Id Mr. Sprouli-, tin MaKtatratO, that con ;>lainis of tuml ittwlint i:i Urn Uukit Timah
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  • 43 5 IMb Uuiiid I'm ii i»' I ■■•>' UM* C piny doted the yew endiog on tbe :iO h April list with 1484,311 far durribution. The report recommenda a lividi iid of 18 percent, to »h i ebolA n and i'< |i^r cv.v.i. to contributor.
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  • 50 5 In oar idverti»< aient columDS to-day I it to* aanouncen dI i B laartobe el<J <m December l- ia I. and :ini »t Aj)tboß7'i Bcba 1 Middle Ro»d, in >id oi the fund* if ibe Portugu m n invent the Btiua Im tool Bto 6 p m. on each day
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  • 80 5 Is the BupraoM ***** to-cliy tuts '-.ituii; wai continued, before Mr. Jus: ic^ Leelta rbomtoa, of the eaee in viii:h Jkffti Bin II. .y* Mahomed, Duo Vlt-iiln ofJ'liore, eZMOtOt of the will t the late Sultan or .1 liore, ela;m-d ■ossets-ion "f certain land at IViuk Blangab. Metm. BUI and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 STKAKN-' WINK appc iit<- and asiists 111 Iha assmillatiOU of .d The beaafeial i-ffett ..>• m.en IJi-jjrrs-ii.n an. l l-.n^ ur (>asv picilv.
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    • 22 5 STEAHNS' HEADACHE CURE, can be obtained from all dispensaries Hiuickly by post). Gives inttant relief Avoid imitations Keep the Genuine handy.
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    • 314 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL. SPECIAL DINNER On Wednesday, the &Hh Instant BAND IN ATTENDANCE Vm m m (h SARKIES BROS., m*Mmi Some Opportunities' fc JlftX l Brlnsmead $325 new prkc '800 R. P. Co, Ltd. 285 550 370 550 360 500 380 550 Knight 180 400 Schledmeyer 375 750 Richter
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  • 863 6 A boaaa aaau ','iv«s mac intemtinf details of tlic linn hntxe, m ;> tl. l«ppu!;iily called tbc "ChHnchusi-s. lxnlv of these men it will be recalled from ;i telegram puhli h have blown np way in m < ra i pli along proved h ■in to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 492 6 NOTICES. WAN7BD. V slum t youiiK Eurasian or Chinese Bvk. Must write n ro d hand. Apply. w\'h copi«M of tettimvtil Ja, to C. s t i n WANTKD. Lp| .iili .i-ions and •alary required to K." < o tlii* paper. Now 2 tuth.s. 3-1-' rAMTBDTO I'URCHASK. ttmm within a
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    • 670 6 NOTICES. TO BB _BT. 2 cimpcur-.d house, Xos. 10 and 82 Sophia I Road. Api'iy to L«)H LUM. No. N4 Xorth Bridge Koa.i. fhoi )«on Bead. foi r:., i-.-,i t'uropeam, tUmied witu.;i i ■hart t.i--. from Newton Station and 14 nii!e« '<"•?" Town. Apply to j W. C. ABIMONX, I
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    • 623 6 NOTICES. I TOO BE LET— After thorough repairs,' 1. No. S Lloyd Road, id it able for m board ins hoa.«e or a large family. Apply to N. N. ADIB, jO liE LET, small Int floor office* I facir-g Cavenspli Kridge Road am Flint rtrec-t. Appl} to tiuthre 4 Co.
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    • 926 6 NOTICES. NOTICE. CONSULATE-GENERAL FOR THE NETHERLANDS. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Inform;.Mon regarding the condition* or, wh eh the Auction- of Ouvei'UDMOt ccfl c will take plic-e at Ba avin .iv nip Mia cirrtnt year may be obtained from lh€ nnder»lßi <• I il BPAKLhB, Con«ul-General for the Netherlands Singapore, v.'nil August, Jit.M.
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    • 396 6 NOTICES. Vflye Straits XSimes. AND whe Straits {Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. Daily issue per year $3»ihi no per quurtei 7.50 do per month 2.50 Pefcopy 0.15 W eekly issue perjenr 18.00 do per quarter 4.111) <lo per copy u.4'i VVhen sent by post, there is added loi Hie
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  • 265 7 |SO|-K)II(. 1., title "f i |Hi|mhu iliu> the l!nii-ii .mil Kotviga j I nl b b] il.- Society's I ■>. h .i in i.v row |.n t lir I umc i!. iii the i ."ml K..i in i' amply to H Rate of yean :-inii
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  • 77 7 A DIVER'S EXTRAORDINARY PERIL. h cmippa are ili>- ntnmg \V;,|. M.i... ;l KtOTJ Ut ulll.-ll li -I I lii k. who bad desa uded i" ii Hlkd 1 1 1 j with cotton »t down fix I' •mi pump* iren i i,i.i..k in mi. cotton.mi. .ii- Miction drew tin- diver
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 8 7 1 ■pi -111. i.i.-h Xl 1 .40 11
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    • 197 7 NOTICES #Ny Carlsberg Beer Very Jljtht Pilsencr Beer, especially brewed for Tropic*' Cllm.tei. Obtainable ?t the principal Hotels and Retail Pealerr TAMES WATSON GO'S SCOTCH WHISKIES \KH THE BtZST VALUE IN THE MARKET i FLAG BRAN!> If YEARS OLD: .< Duty extra V.V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8-50 per case. Duty extra
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    • 234 7 NOTICES. f THE SWEDISH 3URNS Xl OSINE OIL. I Gives a beautiful. Intense ard cv«n li^hf oT 50 fo 700 «^U p W^^^r The Lux Light is in immense v c for Rat!wa\ Stations. Estate*. wSp Hotels, Factoriis and Workshops, etc. For vessels, loading at night, we have a special
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  • 366 8 Raeaa Qerr:. n Pariiament. ffat I Kovi 'iii-i aj. Tbe < w :l 1 s ga 1 "»y 1 c gv motriec 1 t I position tln= year by meant t C a^, d »itli Au»Cr j- Etoada. Bwita rlaad, a v Italy The ralae Caate v.
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  • 222 8 Baoajnu tbeG iv-arnmentofQaaamvl Mr. 1 ommercial a. bat State's ii!. .Mr. I oed I Qu nsland last moatb,with inflmaaHiin that biamiaeion 1i 1 ai a Buooesa, eapt v ially in Java. A reporter of the Briakane Dxiiy Itml, who interviewed him. Rives foil wing farther particular* Mr
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  • 361 8 Ie you care about fichtinp rr.u:. and would fascinated foi an Lour cr so, get •Tr.itlies and Discoveries by I! dyi i i Kipling in Itacinillan'i Colonial library, which is to hand through ihe courtesy of Messrs. Kt-liy Wtlmk, It is a collection of sketches, and of
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  • 65 8 Wherts at Which Diffcreat Ship* are Berthed To-da>. r U IIAHF— Nil. Viikjkia Graving DOOB— Swanlej Graving Dock— Flevo. lHII— Ma I <arl)li-.S!iiiii in;". i. 2 Kau San.-, rtfiminrttr S Zulila. Tl!>r;i Scuvt-ii S l'ur.... ilJie. Whabk: r.'.'rtTc»l,k. Airli.-. Cat!,.' 1 V Van i Baaafe
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  • 21 8 w in Mutowead rdtngtotha ./..p, (ll of M.s^ daotht* -I It r. n AokLtoCtuM 1 -■■I'". the Uwman I. I' I:
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  • 118 8 Great amusement was caused among tlit. Cbineee in Boath Bridge Koad near the Police fetanon yesterday morning by a peculiar mishar which tefel a trio ot their countrymen Two portly Chinese, who had hired a "rckisha, were lolling comfortably back in the vehicle, as they were being pulled across a
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  • 53 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. •J9lh SoremUr, 1904. I'o-day 4,' m bank rate is 1/1 1 The British stbamer Seneca arrived this innrning f'om New York with a cargo ot kc-rosine 0.l fur Chetoo. To-dayi share qu. miion char.gesare Buyers-, Hongkong Btnk» $705. Sellers Kibacgs IISSn List Transactions Kabangi *1 27!,, Duffs $11,
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  • 97 8 Bi«rtta 9.6.-, do (Cube X«>. 1) unpickcil 13 Cm Hali v 875 dv I'ontianik (j 3'i I'emier, Black bnyer* 28.75 d> White, 5^ offer 4-'. OO ■si!.'" Flour Sarawak 3(jj it Uruufi No. I 3.3 j iVarlSa^o 4 00 Collec Hali, 15,, baab 'J3 (X) olli"-, rii:i-inl>au<-, -'i^X l)n>i-
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  • 96 8 "b« /.0,,rf.,,,_8ai.k 4n. Demand i/n'a' m*i# yjja 0,. ocn^-y-ifiik d 3 r •>"• isru ate 3, j* I'rivaieaua 5 -4af it Fi r m f^' 0, '/•Wffiowv-lfc.nkda s**lff Private HUd,.... i J .li»! On Sh<iny!i<>;—lUnk il d Private 3d ,i r 7t 0» Jm»a Bank T. T. U6( Print*
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  • 834 8 Arrivals .since Noun of Yesterday. ifIMMUM, Jl.t r iJ. t ript Day, Mia .No ttma Yckohami inh Nov. Be, ami :8 a ilan»fletd A y'o For Liverpool. L -K is ttoribai, .Ma. str. i»s teas, Oapt van Dean 28th Nov. From KaDgkok, :~\A N ..v. G.c inaSOd.p.
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  • 91 8 ftr P*4s*mtt Ti,,,.. TO MOKKOW r>n«ng it I'nlcuiii r .1/" ii ip m 1' Vhuni 1 \n-,i i :i p.m I COJ l«Uad X |MII. Itenui>;ili>.ii.J BagkD riTtiiggmm Ip.m. MalauritA I' UieUoo »j '.j-'i a pm Knrope Ha po.ti >'■■ p 0 boil anil Siuni-.r:iiiL' /'I 4pm Kriabi
    91 words
  • 120 8 From Europe i;> tbe H M M Puniin due O' the "Mi I i fii U r From Chirm— By the I*. A *.t. Simla due on 9th llMaavaar, Ool 1OM1 M .M (> i Kin Not Out (>i-f I JK: m Nov r:i .N Ocl .-Hi
    120 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 133 8 K. A J. CMOTIRMALL Co., Jewellers Silk "enchants. High Street, Telephone No. 254. Have just landed a Fine Collection f New Goods for the Chri tmas Season. 4 Hll MmH m.iMul.. lur.'-, (Inn,-. Mi Ufa »Uk ;>:.;-... i.i;., > it, art ,«BbnU«fwwk an.l curiogitie*. Indian klmwU, Maltenc a r. law
      133 words
    • 839 8 SAMPLE BOOTS SHOES. 47 Pairs to be Sold AT GNC?I .ess 25 pen cent. Reduction. LADIES' BLACK 2 BAB OES Size I. Price 110.00. Saniplo Price 97-M per pair. LADIES' BLACK BAB SHOES. Size :i. Price S8.75. Samplo Prior- 9ft-66 per pair. LADIES' BLACK FANCY BAR SHOES. Size 5. Priee
      839 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 224 8 i»AV BY i»A> Tuesday, 29th November. Hkrh Water. 84 1. M I-.. I Hill. I.", S .V.C. Maxim Sei-tion Drill. !t. 8.1 I. Alaima Drill. r,-30. Knl l RehcaiMd. '•Ku.-emai.leii" C. Hall S-4f. Town liand. Institution Hill. sto 6. YapChsw lionp Opera. Nortli Bridge Kd 9 Wednesday, 30th November. fflftfc
      224 words
    • 24 8 wtATHtH rELEeae If. it. I I i "■> i \oAWt, HtirometHr i'ireetion o; U in.i force of ;n.: MaiaTemp ia Bbede w UAKiLA mtbr. i. •_'»>. ■>
      24 words

    • 865 9 Inder thin beading the following abbreviations firenftcd:— «tr.— steamer; sh.— ship; bri.— banjne sell.— schooner Yet.— Yacht Cm.— Criu»er; Gbt. (innboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Hone-power Brit.— British U. S.— United States; Fch.— French Ger.— German; Dnt.— Dntch G.c. General-cargo d.p. deck pas«enger; U.— Uncertain T. P. W.—
      865 words
    • 575 9 AW, purl, probable date of arrival, ond name of agents. HTBAMBBB. A. Apear, Calcutta, Dec 6 F. Simon?. Allanton, Moraran, Dec 6 P. Simons. AmbrU, Hamburg, Dec 1 Behn Meyer. Aparima, Calrntta, Dec 7 Bonstead. Auf tralien, Colombo. Jan 26 Maritimes Ayatb ia, Bombay, Dec 28 Borneo Coy.
      575 words
    • 170 9 For Singapore. i'er I. A O. s s. Pa'aw n, from London Oct. 29, due 3rd Dae-Mto J. Tarbat, Miss Short. Mr. and Mrs \V B. O. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Aspin, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. E. Cox, Mr. C. R McCubbin, Mr. J Kelso, Miss A. M.
      170 words
    • 224 9 Number of Shares Issue Value Paid up to Company Uuycra Sollora Trunsactiong fl SOLD. 13,500 10 $7.60 .400 uuiuued. 4,000 f 10 10 20,000 I 10 10 10,1X10 10 8 6,-.'H7 1 1 10,501) 1 19--16,700 1 1 110,000 1 11/8 50,000 1 1 150,000 1 18/10 20,000 100
      224 words
    • 132 9 400.UU0 k 1 1 juo uauauad. 2.0U0 100 100 4,600 f 50 50 -.ii.OiiO I-J5 US l-.'.000 i 100 100 3,400 $10 1< 6,000 100 100 2,760 I 100 1 100 36,000 I 10 10 800 I I 60 I 60 2,000 1 100 S 100 6,000 100 f
      132 words
    • 19 9 I gowartb BJktne, Ltd. 7% HW.tW) 3J i-rehi. ilngapDrß MTrlißipal 8% 4uO,uuO zz (mmi °l)W' '*Mte 4% St». ■•«■>
      19 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 214 9 NOTICKS. js^f^ss For fnnctioi ilirmibles.delay, pain m i. lies peculiar to •i PHterlbed I th» lil^li»st French ■otlK Hi;. sai supenor to I 'I irapt anrt I'cnny roy»l i OTFAUT. r. ViTicnno. Pail* ItM Ifjlmtnl aad MfcTiCO INJECTION is used in recent ¥ATICO CAPSULES- .-'-"CbronicciSM Sulphuric and Hydrochloric Acids/ v
      214 words
    • 304 9 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHAtTHt. Ca|>it;>: XSOO.OOO Reserve Liability olProrrielorpiSOO.OOO Rp«prvr> Finn! £HOO,OOC' BAmuna Kank of England. National Bank of Sc Hand. The Ixuidon City A Mindland Rank, Ltd BINGAPORI B«UNCH. Current Account* a-p opened and interest allowed at pw cent, per annum
      304 words
    • 494 9 I BANKS. Hongkong 6* Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAI'ITAI 51C,000,000 UESEKVE FUND: sterling Reserve* 10,000,0001 7n nnnnn Silver Reserve t 7,(IU0,000 f '1.0 00. 0 00 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 810,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. J. Kikymond, Enq., Chairman. H. E. Touikin*. Ks M Deputy Chairman. E. Uoetx, Esq. Hon.
      494 words
    • 501 9 Per F. A O. 8. India connecting with the Rteamer Coromandel at Colombo, fiono London Nov. ib' due ih\M Uec Mr. A. You iik Mr. and Mrs. Dare. Mr W. T. Knight, Rev Mr, Dennys, and Mrs. Dennys. I'er P. AO. s. g. ti>rm<na from London Dec. 10 doe lUth
      501 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 643 10 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPAN I ES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. i ..i China. Japan, Penanx, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. lliroutjli Hills of Lading ksMed for 'hina Cor»«t. NnsM Gulf. «nd American I'orts. -t-nmerx will leavo Sincapore on or lUout Mail
      643 words
    • 682 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contrast with the Netherlands India Government. Agmt* at Singapore SHIP A<;n»cv, LATS J D*ENI>RLB A Co., 3-3 Coli.yer Quay. '1 he undermentioned dates are only approximate. MaMM From Bxp'ted. Will r^e Df>t(,atcheri for Sti nerd" Toon Hagan Ai.i Nov SO Batavia |l)e<- 1 lirouver
      682 words
    • 392 10 HAMBURGAMERIKA LIME. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are detpatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhavdn direct, calling at Penane and Colombo The arrivals of the next
      392 words
    • 599 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oerman Mail Line. Tbe fast aod well known mail steamers of thi3 Company K;«il fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg -i:i Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Geno*, Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexindiia, and vice versa) Port f*aid. Suez. Aden, Colombo, lVnang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      599 words
    • 682 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES ICEAN STKU SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. ft., Ltd. Tlik Companies' rtWMn are despatched rom Liverpool Mtwaida for the Btraita, China tnrf .Japan ■varywaak, ami from Japan liomc- N for liuntluu c/eiy fortaigkt and foi Uver|>»ol BOStMv. OM uiUwmh! ittUM lach in;,!.::, cxiends to Vancouver
      682 words
    • 557 10 JNSURANCH COMPANIRS. ROYAL INSURANCE CO Flße <sc i.ihi TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS BXCBEfi £12,000,000 nil. i UMIH TIM 01 m I i 111 BOU3TBAD A Co, a THE LONDON AND LANCASIIIRH riBE INBI RAN( E I OMPANY ltal £3,13 Paid up i apital. '212,750 licserve l-'und. _L ,»j The undesigned. Agents
      557 words