The Straits Times, 24 November 1904

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. SO. a i, 505 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER U. 1904 PRICE 15 CEim
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 728 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk jtt£s3SS^± Enriched 20 per cent. Z^^^iSirS with Cream. RrjefP Sterilized-Not Sweetened. «r-T7^cig«j A Perfect Substitute for Fresh FOR SALE_ ce n e Serpottet Motor-sBoat Complete with awnings, oars, mast, speed, tools, etc., tO Seat 8 tO 10 persons. S Miles an Hour. One 6 hp.s)e £)ion 53outon
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    • 77 1 NOTICES Caledonian Hotel. 77 Brass Bassah Road Sis Billiard Fabler Excellent Cuisine. piendid large well furnished bed-rmma with bath-rooni« attached. (Charges Moderate) Spirits, ales, and beers of the veiy best quality. T. M. CONNOLLY, Manager June 22 21-1:? LADIES. The CASH STORE," No. "5, Roi.ia•on Ro.'d, have received a new
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    • 636 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. SPECIAL SHOW OF TOYS TOYS TOYS! oi every description DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS Clothes to take ott'. All exceptionally <joo<l value. A. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Sterling Silver Other Articles BUITABLK FOR Christmas Presents. CALL SEE THEM. ROBINSON CO. FURNITURE AUCTION. ESTATE OF AUCTION SALE OK SHARES. At No
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  • 783 2 I STURY UF SEI.ASLOH. i/.'.v 'ii- Htrio*) (i U from <j. ifMUy) r-'orkine-Out. Meanwhile rhe wrangling betwei tho i-lcrk and Ah Heng bad pi the whit.- man paying little attentioi to it. All heng always protested lit tin.-, .mil now th. white nan began i remember the place
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  • 57 2 At thu Supnnif Court, Hongkongj on the 12th NOV. the Chief Justiw, Sir 11. EH Ili.'ikolty, retervmi judgment in the ease in which the Osak.i MCMO Kaisha MMd t be r.iptain and mmcfl (rf s.s. I'romithi in for damaged for ftliag ed breach of charti-r. 'I M Briacipil point nis
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 295 2 NOTICES. "VICTOR" SAFES With Combination Locks 'NO KEY REQUIRED! ALL SIZ-ES lUST STOCK. THE VICTOR LOCK Co. Particulars from Borneo Co., Ltd.. Sinifa/torc. JEFFREY'SJBC: EDINBURGH STOUT" Specially JB For the Brewed El Tropics. "T^; Baan 7 doz. pints $1 5.00 of all dealers. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. TULLIS'S LLAMA-HAIR BELTING
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    • 709 2 MC»T» t-S. BtsssTl #ssff% sssssTjssK MB^sssVV sV\ sssssß s^^ S^ssssssssssssL^sssssHasssH '^•^■■■B C 0 [¥^n Years 01(1 J) [t^B. ~^m '■w Vaa;vi^rd Whisky is apleasin; exanple of the delicately flavored mature spirit so &ratef ai to the palate of the connoisseur. Its absolute purity placet it in the first line of
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    • 65 2 F. Carlyle Quine, R.N.R. Marine Surveyor, Inspecting and Exporting Engineer, Refrlg. Mining Machinery, etc. Mr. Quine is in a position either to quote, inspect, or export in the interest of his clients. Address, 38 Uim St., London E.C. OctB OAGGINO Co. Navy Contractors, Ship Chandlers Sailinukers, Provision and Wine merchants,
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    • 48 2 Protect Youhmki-f ami i:»mi!y ;>i? ;tI ittacks of pneumonia IV ■■.curing a: mcc a bottle- of CfcMberlaia'i Remedy. If thn Wllfr lie first appi .ir.UKv "'i COM -or will ha av,,i,1,.d Ii shr»yi •■•<" wid cures quickly. Bold Ly all Dml«s TBB DIBFBNBARY, General Ag ,t» 'Mi 1 1
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  • 854 3 Tht Prospect:We an- IP** ltn |>rol>aliU' 11 .1 itartel in 111. ran for tin.' Cup l<i ha 1 1111 tin- \v<. k ;it 11. !:-i ha\ iiiL arrived tm I' folhm 1 A 11-I 1.1 i::ui 1 l.ii-U-lr viii 1 Australian 1 Bumioofc iKnch^h) (Aaatranan) li.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1077 3 NOTICES. HERCULES^CEMENT. n,,v. i. STIVEN CO., Smpt**. Singapore and Kranji Raiiway. From Ist November, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. r»oTVN. BUM Tr.,,,,,,:, -m,l.;> „tijj SINGAPORE «.38 7.42 10.00 12.35 2.(1 :<l5 M 0 5.80 10.; 0 18.18 II 3D Newton I 9jt 7al
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  • 842 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 24tb NOVEMBER. iV Mall liik i..)Wn ii itl her ii burnt ilown on Tuesday (nomine, instead ot only Mes-rs. .loim Liule Co s furniturt factory, we in (jht expt-ct more t'avoiable consideration in the proper quarters tur tliH .■.ii^^trsuou th<i f proper arrangement*
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  • 333 4 Our spe.ual Ja^ine^e uirts to-day show that Fort Arthur is now in t-ote (li->tres< Thfi Jai>iitie«e h :ve broacbt heavy i?ui.s to bear upon that limraitar ot the Far Kjsi. They «tra to luve been used lor the Aral Una with tremendous eflaet i» tl<e attack on ili« October. Tbe
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  • 153 4 An-'l'hkk rival has sprung up to compete with tbe Straits on the world's tin markets. We have already described the recent discoveries, and mining plants set up on the tin tields of Alaska and the Transvaal. We now learn, in connection with the recent discoveries of minerals in the German
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  • 109 4 The Bailie Fleet has secured special privileges in the Suez Canal. A telegram from Berlin says that the Governor ot Suez has convoked a meeting of the foreign consuls, and asked them to inform the shipping agents that during the passage of the Baltic Fleet through the Suez Canal, other
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  • 21 4 M Bkrteai x, the new French Minister f.»r War, iv succession to Oentra, Andree, is a stockbroker of Socialist Radical politics.
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  • 22 4 Share quotations, general shipping newt, and passenger hats, besides shipping, banking and insurance advertisement* will be found on page 10 and 11.
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  • 13 4 Advertisements ot Sales, Wanted, To Let, ate., will be found on Page 6.
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  • 21 4 Thk D-itch mail biearmr (irn-je left Mngapnre on the 2»ih Oct b r and arrived at fienoa on the 18th taut.
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  • 19 4 U.<lllley, A»«l. Illltlll _1 Q •VH, (,«yU;n, lik-ly ,o llp a inkier app u iin,, lellt in the F.M.B
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  • 12 4 Ettrik" for Satnafor ChrtrtaMl Meeting cl)-t: C I-' OOOa iHI :!rr Deoniber.
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  • 21 4 The Directors of the Tronoli Mines. Ltd., have declared a dividend of one shilling |kt share payable on the ".21th instant.
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  • 19 4 The Dutch(}ovf steamer Fai '/.'arrived thi* morning from PulembaiiK ra r-wU f'rDjiinhi ShR leaves on Sunday the •J7th instant.
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  • 19 4 It is reported that the Nippon Yusen Kaisha ha* decided to indelinitely poetpone the re-opening of tlie Boonbaj service.
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  • 22 4 TaaOHantalDelnoion Company will open at tbe North R Huh R.i,d Ih.O Theatre Hall to-night Particulars will be found in oar arlv*rfi«#wjaat columns
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  • 28 4 Thk offers of English and America l firms to lay tbe second line of rh< Siberian Railway bam hce.n ji^ott.r\ The Baaatan Gorenaent will buiUi the lint itself
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  • 33 4 The China Mutual liner hhUmek arrived this morning from London with a general cargo She i« now chartered by the Nippon Yu*en Kaisha, ol which Messrs. Paterson Simons A* Co are the agents.
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  • 31 4 Inspector Dunne had a Chinaman before Mr. Sproule yesterday for fraudulent possession. The man had but just completed a term of six weeks. He was sent to prison for four monthp.
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  • 36 4 Mr. Robektß Staston. of New York, who recently returned to London from Java and Sumatra, where he has been inspecting properties on behalf of English capitalists, sailed from England for New York on th« 29th ult.
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  • 40 4 Thk (iprniJin mail steamer I'rui;: llegent Luitpold having left Hongkong on the if.'lrd instant at a m. may be expected here on Sunday at about 4 p. m and will probably be despatched for Europe on Monday at p. 111.
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  • 35 4 Dr. Braddou. State Surgeon, Neeri Sembilan, returned to Seremban on Saturday last aft«r his twelve months' leave. Consequent on his arrival, Dr. Milne, Acting District Surgeon, reverts to his substantive appoin unent in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 42 4 The U. 8. Government hassuspendtd its transport service between New Yoik and Manila W<i the Son canal, and until further orders, the service between the Philippines and the mainland will pass through San Francisco and be handled by the army transports froiu^here.
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  • 46 4 We regret to have to record the death of Dr. A. 8. Newman, U. B. sanitary inspector at Moji, which occurred very suddenly at Hiroshima on the night of the 6th instant. He had been aihug for some time, and his nervous system wa* much impaired.
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  • 62 4 The following is the rebult of the Liverpool Autumn Cup run early tlr month: Capt. Bewicke s Wild Ltd eh. c. by Gone Coon-Wild Mint 4 years G si. 4 Ib. 1. Mr. R. A. lienning Whmtr Xtlltr eh. c. by Florizcl ii- Curbstone ist. 2 lb. 2. Lord Carnarvon's
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  • 58 4 The examination of the racehorse Vtvrnbroker, wbi'jh lately died at Penang. .•iiovved death to be due to eungebtiuu of the liver, that organ bein^r about lour times the normal weight. Turner, bit jjeka* and trainpr, was much cut up over the loss, and l'a>nibroh<r'* stable Companions were exereistd wuh crape
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  • 53 4 Thk captain of the German mail boat, which arrived in Colombo on the U' h instant, brought a letter from Captain Collas, of the French rwofwwlJMlll PwajlMTa." stating that she had broken her screw frame and had •sustained damage to the abaft. The French guuboat I'okckl towed her into Colombo
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  • 60 4 At the Supreme Court, Hongkong, on the 15-h Nov the owntrs <it tie North German Lloyd steamer Wcmgkti proceeded against the British Imu Steam Navigation Company for $10,000 damage", sustained, i: is alleged, l>> the collision of the defendants' ss E^MM with the Wo.igkvi in the barb >ur there on
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  • 60 4 Thk Penang Muiiiciiuii'y has agreed to the foUuwiof resolutions aboui the town milk supply -That milk analysis, and prosecution for adulteration be not adopted until a standard bitixed based upon in format ion obtaineu fiom Singapore or elsewhere. That all milk sellers within the Municipality be licensed who have a
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  • 81 4 Thk total mortality amongst huniai beings reported to have Iv-m. caused n> wild animals in India in 190.J was 2 7.9 against 2,.">itfs in 1902. llie m>rtalii) due to leopards remained stationtr\ while the number of deaths caused b) hears rose lrom 90 to 117 and 'hose r>> hyenas declined
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  • 184 4 HAIIUE TRIBUNAL -ND JAPAINHN,. MOUSE TAXES. I(*uttn,t4ih Tha Hague I', wi,,,-, ■Mimolad to diet dm tbe |aaitkm ol the HouaeTaa inJ ipan, baa m ri'.- Tribunal baa given td^ partier ejßieruca t !l !><-'■ I6ti] to present tbeii CIS—, and |ba Japanese QoverninetX till Feb. Ifitfa to lodaa
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 172 4 PARLIAMENTARY VACANCY. laubu, 21th Km>. Tin; aaaounoanMal of the resignation ot Sir Henry Seynu.ur Kinn, >l P. U Hull, was an .>rror It was Mr. Richard Rip?. M. P Cm Westmoreland, vboat name should have been teleer3phed. RUSMAN POLITICAL REFORMS. The meeting of the Russian Baiaaifm at
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  • 68 4 We are indabtad to Mr. Ttoaka, the Japanese Coosol M Sin^uiwre, for the following oflicial tt;lt;^rain from the Foreign Oliice it Tokyo. KIKES AT PORT ARTHUR. It.-,-!. Wednetdas, 9*jp. Tha Japanete army at Port Arthur reports Some boiklinjt* near tbe ai.-enal oaught In iirjout noon on thd
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  • 151 4 Summons withdrawn. Baron MrJioward m lbs Magistracy I hia ■imiim. Mr Montana H.«ru-, mr ■Mtar, who was raptMtMad by Mr. A K Lowt-il, appeared iv answer to a turn inuns, is-ntil at the in.-taiice of Mr J C jiihtantin ot Hall! I Hut el, to tbua
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  • 32 4 Al.l chances ol'Milvirig Urn l'iw.sliun, a liic-n Htranded oif ot ll.iinan, i her earfO, are now gone He.vy mm,tf breaking over tli« MBMHMOfttM vt-sil whi.-h ate MBIJBg l"-< ""<■ <pl M>l t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 573 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. ESTABLMUM l»Ci> Wine Spirit Merchants, (London. Glasgow. Hongkong. Shanghai) SINGAPORE. &k,ic:e: list oit application. \pl M tu.ths.. v.c. JVASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. -TBPT-— Animal Ckvp Sale laaar- k* oi »«rtoo» aaiaana, aaaaahpaed mid Ivory »«>•. i-> Baa
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    • 44 4 G. R.LAMBERT Co., PHOTOQRAPHIC ARTISTS. Oresham House, Battery Road, Orchard Road, So. J. oi.o'. f.» sittinir) and portraita, tint hire to (o NT *'■•> M«.l ahouH be male withuot <J«Uy. I UrMt Virietjr ol X'maa Carda oa Postcards Tasteful X'maa Mounts. Wot 4 u^
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    • 45 4 A Hobe Throat may be quickly cureu by applying a flannel bandage danipencu with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A lame back, a pain in the side or chest -liould be treated in a similar in.iiinii U'or sale by all Dealers. TUB PISPENSAKY. General Agent* 30/; l
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    • 17 4 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a j.«r Icct autiseptic <l.iitil'nre, etsai M niawinril the reoth ■< j rr//r«. my. 1
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  • 1770 5 MaaM v Snanithai finutu met.-r 1 twtween Miuni;h<ii ».is resumed i it llongkong the two I vi.l Brndbcrv. faced r -i. and Laaaiag The tfal In tin n.xt p ball to ill ri.l.irv hit for I. Next ever Barrett Iwuagh) ap tl tl n i to
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  • 176 5 Meeting to Select a Candidate. A Meeting of Chinese, Arabs and other members of the Asiatic community was held yesterday afternoon at the office of the Hon. Tan Jiak Kirn to select a candidate for the vacancy in the Rochore Ward of the Municipal Commissioners, caused by
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  • 120 5 Mk. J H Herley, manager of Mess rs. Mnynard <i- Co 's Dispensaiy, appeared before Mr. Nunn at the magistracy 'his morning to answer to a charge of 'he firm having had on their premises illicit opium to the value of 5240 ■■ertrt Reynold" had made the seizure
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  • 76 5 Oliver Tatlock was brought up be fore Mr. Howard at the 1' dice Cour his foienooD on a charge of havint committed criminal breach of true; ti I(k h. A»M»tant I Viniiii-sioiier of Police E Spinks identified the accused as the per -hi mention*
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  • 71 5 A 'rk'ftbx pull«r who had not taken a lesson from gtntle treatment is tie wiv M t ui'ten iiays' recent y jiiveu nim by Mr fla*aajft, appeared again before iha M ici-tibt*-, ye-'er- ay, f(ir Bte»]ine 'iiki»ha mounting. Mr. Sp one rein uk. d that ac fourteen da\ b bad
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  • 1054 5 Meodilty, (ktoter 2Sth, 1904. Dear Sain, I had occasion this week to visit what l.niuhm Opinim calls a "T^gal I.umi iiarj-" and during a pause in the Luminary's adviw wp got talking, and the Walsingham Club camp under discussion. You know it is the successor to the
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  • 113 5 Has the Prob'em at last been Solved? From Munich comes the intelligence that Ii W. Reichel has succeeded in solving the problem of pWagrtphiag in light-true colours. Hy means of his process, whereby coloured photographs are produced true to Nature by oheanral means, any amateur can turn
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  • 85 5 Last Sunday, a !>elan«or hunting party composed of Messrs. Douglas, Crichton. and Byrne hagped a npleudid wild hour which used to freijuent the npichbourhood of Weld'» Hill, near Kuala Lumpur. It weighed 170 •attics (18$ «.' The carcase wac borne into Kuala Lumpur by four coolies Sportsmen, discussing the kill
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 122 5 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co's ■'alproom yesterday afternoon: Frf ehold land at McPberson Road 01) Serangoori Road, area 60,229 *q It beinp part of Grant 185, together with the cattle ehedg erected thereon Bought by Syed Hood for $6,100. Freehold laid at
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    • 394 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS RAFFLES HOTEL. Wo-nigdt and Every ffigftt During- vYlter .DinnerProf. Hack Meier's Viennese String Band of 20 ARTISTS From Berlin Sc P&riaWILL PLAY SELECTIONS OF CLASSIC MUSIC, A VRKAT TO THE HAK SARKIES BROS., near*** Nov. -21 jo-100 F Some Opportunities ■Jg J» Brlnsmead $325 new price $800 R.
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  • 1240 6 LOfdoi', (h:,,> r TV excitement, of th< bow ■•nr-c. tin- Mdc<) > ■>■_■ »»i: the Baltic Squadron i i 1 tii«- Gamecock fahing 9i I Sl'il. .1 IH' 1.1 1.1 I 1,. eight boon old the London pi I with indignant letti Icondil on nf peop I .iii-.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 644 6 NOTICES. K IECATKD MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. WANTED. l». eiperi.-nced Dreb-er.s salary #7 4 -i'| \w r\nnam each, with fiee unfurnished \pplic*tion- stating isfi with assA 1 alsa<- to<)ual fitation and cbarac- tor should l>e sent to the Resilient Knt ■at Kagri s.mi.ilun Fxtcn-lon Bensi :>»n, on or before ltt DaMMsbfi
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    • 545 6 NOTICES. FOR SALE. Small pony and trap belonging to Lieut. J. Mansfield, R.E., who is leaving the Colony shortly. Apply to Lieut. J. j Mansfidd. R C. ALEXANDRA BARRACKS. Nov If FOII SALE. /^HAKKY and pony harness, etc :\J eorapl' te. Kobinson I'iano Co. Nov 10 v.c rOK oALI
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    • 610 6 NOTICES. r) BE LET— After thorough repairs, No 3 Lloyd Road, suitable for a boarding house or n large family. Apply to N. N. ADIB, Ca Raffles Place. _Ott 2« q c. TO BF. LET, srns:! •,r.-t floor offices fr.cir,g (im-r.-xL-: Pridge Rond an^ Flint Mntt Appl) (iuthrie 4 Co.
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    • 905 6 NOTICES. NEW YEAR SPORTS, 1905. NOTIOB. A public meeting will be held in the Excharge, on -riday. the 28 h November at 4.45 o'clock p.m. To consider the de>irab lity of holdii g Land and Pea 'ports 0 Ist Janu»ry- "*A anil approved of to appoint Committee- of Management, j
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    • 377 6 NOTICES. I Tsfie Straits VSimes. ANU Wlje Straits SBudget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE in ADVANCE. Daily tone per year PBM '<» per qaarifi 7.6" do per month 2.50 do per copy 0.15 Weekly i>>.ne per year IS.WI do per qaartei 4.00 do per copy 0.4" When sent by post, there is
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  • 179 7 lit ISMMftaal Indian |pih!i-h<d. i-ontainiiiL' i Kitt'hcner l<mg- 111] .It It'll -< 111 lll'' Till in. mi put in— mi ui.Ur in (.'hut 1- plciMil I al tin- MaMtiag n eaan autdc by Hi* Exci-llciu-y. »ni onanisatioa li i:.( have m :i[)- iv of Stall- aiid 1
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  • 84 7 Tnr|«Mio gunboa', employed in the naval will l. t placed in ■■ommi*••.■rly .i- t t»- at CliailiHui to s /i>/,/f,i/.r, as tender the Kha will h«- einplnved for the ■■'iikeis. I hi- chance is in •<ith the policy adopted f-v i >i|l c'ltutine vi-cr-U ■I the fiimll t\pe
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 207 7 NOTICES *NyCarlsbergßeer JLffl^Lfl Very light Pllsener Beer, especially brewed for Tropical «WCAPLSBERCfI^ Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail Dealers LtZ^ Sole Importops *~J| JAMES WATSON CO.S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET i FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD $12-50 per ense. Duty extra V. V.O. SPECIALLY
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    • 672 7 NOTICES. THE SWEDISH %mSkssmmtesP JJL/V/./V Jw/\iYl JJL :|=|p|ita|||rf BURNS KEROSINE OIL. Gives a beautiful, Intense and even light of 50 to 700 candle-po- ci The Lux Light is in immense u«e for Railway Stations. Estates. jggf Hotels, Factories and Workshops, etc. For vessels, loading at night, we have a special
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    • 462 7 FRANZ JOSEPH NATURAL APERIENT WATER. The strongest and at the same time the most palatable of the Hungarian Aperient waters. Uniform in composition, it regulates the functions of the body without fatigue and is highly recommended by physicians for constipation, liver troubles, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, piles, obesity,
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  • 594 8 THE ALLEGED ABD UO TI ON CASE. Cross.-ex*iii.imiionof Mrs. Cioodenuugh. IfcaaM ol thaaitaai abduction Mr* .1 Goodwcugh,UM details of wliton Ml hilly given in these oUIUMM 18 tin issue of Thursday la^ was .ailed again before the Itench Court, consisting ot .Messrs. Howard and Colman, yesterday As has been already
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  • 69 8 ijcnana'a Hlfliaf iland may MM) stay at Ri llles Hotel a day u> ■Jan taaa oiinu.a:l> upeced, ii ta*« the music lovt-:s of tin 1 1 will have cause to rtjoicj. To -I.'. I y apn iiil icqaart, tl band wil > |.ul. r ani- in ni old :;nd new
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  • 694 8 S^ittini. in Bankiuptcy this morning. .Mr J ustici; Leslie ThoCDtoa gavejudgipent in theeawof S;tmynat!ien Cliitly against Itam samy Cliitly He said the pfalintlfl was applying lur a dtclnraUoo that the ehajM dated l:«th Nov IMS, inadt- by Gwee fing Watt in favour of the piaintiti' was
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  • 139 8 Rovers Y. M.^C. A. •> k-tkui,ai afternoon a football match in connection with the l.eagm fixtures was played on the S R. C. end f the Et-planade, between the K aver* ■M the V M. C. A. The garae was well < ontested and rebutted in a draw,
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  • 105 8 The H,,,,,,k0,u, T,1, l ea rn S on very good authority that the Ist das* nniKHired cruiser ll,hju,. 12,000 tons l>iult at Barrow in 1901, is i o relieve the Cicm,. The new cruiser for China, which has a speed of SI knots a*, has a
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  • 71 8 Wharfs at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf— Nil. Victoria Graving Dock— Swanley. Albert Graving Dock— Klevo. Section No. 1 l'alamcnttH. 2 Zuidu. >■ M 3 .hiii-M-p. Qfeuw 4 Nil. it 5 I online--. ti Paroo. I.i.KN hi An Mil- 7 Airlie, /monster Sophie
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  • 93 8 The celebration of the annivertiary of Trafalgar in London by the X ivy League on Oct. 2lst (tbe 99tb •inniwr.-ary of the battlr) was cairied out in an effective manner. Some of the mementoes from the numerous pr ivit.u:il branches were tas'tful de vice*, but in the matter of ell'
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  • 106 8 Cambiei buyert. do \C\xhv No. I) unpicked Copra Bali do I'ontianak Pepper, Black d. While, s<.5 <. Sago Floor Sarawak do Itium-L No. 1 Pearl Sago Coffee Kali, 15 l>a»'» Lotfee, Paiembang, 20% bwis... Coffee, No. 1 T«i ioi-a, a'"" 11 Flake do mcd Hake do small peurl
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  • 101 8 Oi> London— Bauk 4 m% Demand I'rivaie 0 in do :ii«- On Gen*,!*./— Bank d/d Private 3 n/ H do Kiii.* On Fr.n,,;- liank .1 d Private »m do (i in On Imlia— liank T. T trivat*3Odt> O» .'/awt-on?— lh.Dk d d Piivate :iu d On AAfi/iyA«,-_H K nk
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  • 127 8 "."Jnd Nov. From I. Suettenhiui, :h !foi li.c ami lit" c.p fltraltt Htnmmhip Coy Ltd. Kor Port Swattenbam. Redany, Siam str (98 tons, (,'apt Rann 21ts Nov. From Bangkok, l-'lli Nov. B.c jndHdp 'lhe East AsmticCov. Ltd. to Bangkok, Mb -K la. Art Tringjiuitu, IJui. str. Hi tony. .N;n Klal
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  • 86 8 MAILS CL OSE #W ftfiLi I'O-MOBIUXV Europe via ports Ckuta Hongkong and Japan Qiuuti Batu I'ahat A""' l« MuaranU Malacca Sn Munr ipn 1' .sham 1 Anson Bon llm Qum -i I"" P. S'bani T. A nson Hue h on;i 3 p in Shanghai and Japan Xnlusk Billitoaamt nat
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  • 95 8 From Europe -B> th« t due on tbe -'f>! > Nuv^mler From Ohin«-»y Uw P. O. 1 due on i4th konawci TIMK tftHJ OF MAILS DU« Left Singapore Duo in LjßdOl -v. O_-t ,oth M M 0 t »l« So. r; SS kits id. oct' IM b
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 415 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., Jewellers Silk Merchants, High Street, Telephone No. 254. Have just landed a Fine Collection < f New Goods for the Chri tmas Season. l Mtu rtw munnfurtarf* Chin.-.- an.l Japanese Mlk and »ilk fancy good*, art embroiderymfkMaMriaftlfe Indian*, Mallow; raJlar! Ceylon law iawrUon* Silk
      415 words
    • 808 8 FOR iHOME FRIENDS II ITEAS &> PRESERVE 3, We will deliver Free of all charges the following case ot Tea or Preserves at the nearest Railway Station to any address in the United Kingdom within 3 weeks of receipt of order and remittance in Calcutta, at the rates given below.
      808 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 193 8 WAY BY DAY Thursday, 24th November. High Water. 10-39. p.m. S.V. Maxim Sec S.|aadand Hide Drill. 6-15. Addre>s of Welcome to Bishop Barillon. Catholic Club. 8-30 Philharmonic Orchestra. 8-3 1. Yap Chow ong Opera. North Bridge Kd. 9. Frldaj 35th November. lli_-h Water. 11 -'.ln m V O. homeward mail
      193 words

  • 896 9 1 SHIPPING IN PORT. thb heading the following abbrevia■eußed:—Mr.—steamer; sh.— «hi)i; bq.— »eh. schooner j Yet. Yacht Crn. Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor.— Torpedo; H.p. Horsepower; Brit.— British I". S.— United States Ken. French; Ger. German Dut. Dutch G.c. General-cargo d.i>. deck pas•enjrer j U. Uncertain T. I. TV. Tanjong
    896 words
  • 641 9 VESSELS EXPECTED Aanu, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. BTIAMHB. A. Apear, Calcutta, Dec P. Simons. Agamemnon, China, Nov 26; Mansfield Wanton, Moimran, Dec 6 F Simons. 1 Hamburg, Dec 1 Behn Meyer. U»««ptta, Dec 7 Hou.tead a£2E£^ iL2lii mb<> Jan 1 Maritime* miaiong, London, Dec 80
    641 words
  • 322 9 For Singapore. Per P. O. 9. s. Victoria, connecting with the steamer Bengal at Colombo, frem London Oct. 28, uue i'"th Nov.— Mr. and Mr. Meiklejobn, Messru Mitchell Gr»%~ J. R Ni holso-i, and V Brook. Per P. AO. s s. Palaw n from I ood<)D I
    322 words
  • 15 9 Number \.n-\ f l«ue Paid Company '■■>■« hta Tram.^Shares V alue U P lo Way
    15 words
  • 94 9 13,6«W 10 87-50 liereawuli <i. M. Co., Ltd... 14.00 VX<*< out imismit-d. 4,000 3 10 10 (Deferred) 3.00 20,000 S 10 lv Kiidauu U. M. Co., Ltd. lU.OOuom. 10,000 10 6 (I'ref.) «.00 noni. 6,'J07 1 t 1 Kechau O. Field*, Ltd. (f.p.) «.sO' 10,501) 1 19,- (contrib.)
    94 words
  • 122 9 30,000 60,000 •50,000 1-2,000 3,000 60,000 244,306 160,0. IJ 15,000 2-2.000 -■3,000 2,000 2, 100 160,000 10 10 f 10 $100 8100 S 1 1 1 1 I 10 9 10 10 lv 1 l 10 10 I 10 100 $100 1 1 196 1 10 10 10 7
    122 words
  • 145 9 400.0U0 OOOunuatud. 2,000 4,500 SO.OOO 12,000 3,400 S.OOO I i,760 :t5,000 I 600 2,000 5,000 i 30o|000 i.OOO uuiwued. 37,000 It l i Dull Development Co., Ltd. I"- 1 100 S 100 j Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. IW.OU 1 SO 8 50 Fraaer Neave, Ltd 100.00 IW.3W 100.00 $126
    145 words
  • 46 9 dowarth Enkiae, Ud. Tl ?80 'SS« a iiley HargreaTaa, UA. 8% 'J56.000 2% prem buyeioiingapore Mnnieipal 6% 400.000 2% pram bojer^ 6% i 1.W8.000 1% pram bayer*. 4% 8*6,600 25 dU. nom. rujoßg Pagmr Dock Co.. Ltd. 2« prem buyer.. 1.*».«" fl IX Prrfii MltfM,
    46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 334 9 NOIICKS. BANKS. k 'chartered Fank of India, jf*^ RIGAUD'S Australia and China Jf fT~ INCORPOnAICD BY HOVAL U&H&&ffA CHABTBR B Cbpital x*00,00( J Resfrv > 1,,.J ility ofl'roprietor* jCHOO.OOC M "I JAPAN p. |t p, f.00.0« TOILET WATER i;,"Sno. 1 National lV*r.k of Sc> tland. J Piqaud'. Kan.njiW.- n>a I/irp(i()r
      334 words
    • 483 9 BANKS. Hongkong 9 Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITA 1 11 ,000,000 REBERVE FUND Sterling Reserveslo.UUU,UUU» mttnnnnnn Silver Reserve f 7,«M0,000j »».«».W» Reserve liability of Proprietors 510.0n0.000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. J. Knynmnd, K»q., Chairman. 11. E. Toiukfn*, En|., Deputy Chairman. E. Goetz, E*q. Hon. H. Shewao. Hon. W. J. (Jrewon
      483 words
    • 242 9 INDO-CHINA .STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED FOR SAMARANC; AM) SOURABAYA 'I he Company'^ steamet h'AV SAXh I'.'Jol tons, Captain vl.t hell bavinJ left Hongkong on the iUih mat may b« eipeoted to arrive here or or about the i'sth idem, and will have prompt despatch for ibe above ports For freight
      242 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 570 10 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. f fcAMSMIP COMPAN I fci>. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Pa* Cblna, Japan, Penan);, Ceylon, Australia. India. Aden, Erypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. .1, Bih« of Lading kwaai fot (o'i-t, rVrMin Oulf. Continental rieaa Ports will leave Singapore on or »!>out Mall Llae. •-i ijar
      570 words
    • 1218 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijko Paketvaart MaattchapplJ. Under contract with tbe Netborlands India Government. Agent* nt Sunjaport SHIP AomcY, LATB: J DaENDBIS Co., 2-3 Col I.YBK QrAV. 1 hp undermentioned dates are only approximate. venmer Krom Kxp'ted. W l l i t c I >«>*patched 'or Inn Hogendorp Sambae Nov 21 6(Diba»
      1,218 words
    • 656 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDPEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexandria, and vice f erss) Port Said, Aden. Colombo, Penane, £im;apore Hongkong, £ban«hai, Nagasaki, and Kobr to
      656 words
    • 736 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES IGEAN ITIil SHIP Co., Ltd. AN"! China Mutual Steam Iff. To., Ltd. The Coi:ipani<"-' stsaasn an darp rom Liverpool uutwtds Im ii BtraiU, I !hiaa md .lapa-i ever; weak, and fross Japan at yards *or ev-\ kvtßl^lt and f o jverpjui moathly. One n:«vJ lac-h month extc:
      736 words
    • 524 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES; ROYAL I INSURANCE CO. FIXE I.IFI-. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED .fI2,U(MJ,OOU. THK I ■MISS! Fllti. niril t l\ mi. WORI-i H('L>TKAO c. AgeutfTHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPAN? Capital X_',l27,juu Paid up Capital Jt L' 12,750 Reserve Fund. .11,073,550 The undersigned. Agents for the Coni pany, are
      524 words