The Straits Times, 4 August 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. \O. Ji.s<»4 SINGAPORE. IHURSDAY. AKUSI' 1. lf>«>! PRICE 15 CENT}
    13 words
  • 14 1 Mi« I i Phe Court fin Pert ction with '(■.</..» i Vie
    14 words
    7 words
  • 4 1
    4 words
  • 10 1 .v tlull, i Orchard ritfa I I
    10 words
  • 23 1 i Ml' Ml 1 1 ('ln P r H i' i' .it Wbit»unl f Penai i p t H 'I
    23 words
  • 42 1 I pi i; di .'1 lh« I \i r 'hinanicti f«i obiit ruction n,..\ 'llll'V [II and «l -|»«i'\. ly red paj i .v m i i lira VWtll 111. i Ml fi „1., l Kirn. poaed Tin dafuailaiiti
    42 words
  • 28 1 I iik Municipal Commiaiion v»ill bold ung "ii Saturday a< i: i di i bi ol the Kinai n i ii iniHir on the 1. 1 r BeUtJ
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 366 1 NOTICES. Caledonian Hotel. 77 Brass Bassah Road St m Billiard I .t I. Kx. ll.nt CaW 'A It I, (Charges Moderate 8 pi i T. M CONNOLLY, Mm JlllM »H o'oriial I ho Ml. :i\ of Au rll I' M ill l l Further mf. i Hmrl our unrt) I
      366 words
    • 423 1 AU( lON SALES. POSTPONL Mr NT. [4lh ii i I I I HH Friday, the sth ma ant. at 5 p.m. \l I. \i I \N ti -HI ..'I i'l:Y \.N Alt I JOS Horses, Carriages, and Harness. S p. m. Sharp, on FRIDAY, AUGUST sth, DALLAN'S i: i
      423 words
    • 398 1 AUCTION SALES. I 1 1 > I "I VAU »l:l K I K!l I H: \i ■DAD. I' >W.!l I 1 I n>\\ i Roi jrt i r II riKi i.i.v HI I I tTKDxKAHil i:K>ll>KN I I M iMUH'KlClY i I "I.: 'iciv-iN LANOQUART," 58 acre* i 8 acrot
      398 words
    • 279 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Milkmaid BRAND Mill/ Iflllli 4 Guaranteed Full Cream. t «aul uum Largest Sale in the World. John Little Co., Ltd. LADIES Showerproof Coats In I att-«l Mit md I aitor mjJ. MU,v Porous Yet Rainproof l:ntirel> H\i?ienic AVERAGE WiICHT 1 lh. Lengths 5O 92 *>4 Lanajtha. 59.50 512.50
      279 words

  • 475 2 Some thought* sp j red h^ m from Tienisin to S,, ir a 0 r r* >••■■ 1 upan terrain laid to bay* beci •ately from Ihegreai A.,, Arthur B] me admiral i> aot on the MnriH Mdwhea I ,1,1 r ha«on.y r.-,ei,ily ">"'"""">■ ol the >..--.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 202 2 Purest and Superior quality of Citronella Oil. FKOSI recent Estate Tamptn, Mmt Certified to be Genuine BT Government Analy-t «ML ><»LI) A I No 39 Upper Cross Street. SINOAPORE. Kut term' m«]>!y 10 M. C. S. MOHAMEO k CO., \s> nts f«r tkf I ofrßt EkUtr 1 itnerlU Hit W.
      202 words
    • 311 2 NOTICES. Dalmann Co. Havinjr been appointed (leneral Affcnts Ml THK SWITZERLAND' GENERAL; INSURANCE CO LTD. ire |>n Mand to awopt f>*.*;i ri<k^ at rurii'iit rat of pn-iiiiuiii 1- 1 L Anker smit Co. 1 v in.r lu-i-n appo nted uit> K THK INTERNATIONAL LLOYD INSIKANCR COMPANY. ■in (> >'„< I
      311 words
    • 124 2 NOTICES a 9 K^l JBiaa I bV-as ■k^bm 4 H Baal Ravi a^a jiMli al bm a^^rl w^m K. bw IZJ Q QO3NELL& LATEST 111 Q FINEST SIBERIAN BUTTER < >l>t;iiii:i >l« liom all L>enl«?ra For Witoletale Rale* Apply to c/v\e§sp§. K,atz Bros.. Led.. SOLE AGENTS GRAND HOTEL, Ltd..
      124 words

  • 126 3 hmm, OS tax When bii i I in n i Hitting, i thr p Bdia| i mil. hi I in I thr I iiiUml ..l>. ut the wrbeu leag Thibet I BOt -II t<. vil B (icnt ral. .vi.i 0 I I i Mllll. -I I Porti
    126 words
  • 6 3 :ln- inorninp, I irati i-ikiuha :i!.i>lia
    6 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 8 3 .ii li .I. it. BBfl I |„i.i1.«l in
      8 words
    • 669 3 NOTICES. NOTICE. GERMAN CHIEF COOK At present working in the Hotel de l'Europ«f, seeks employment in a first class hot. I He is able to undertake FRENCH ENC LISH GERMAN. and ITALIAN cookery. AGREEMENT REQUIRED. Vi ply to L. BRUNINGHAUS, I' tl I IKm I A 111! I TIIK Vl-|;<
      669 words
    • 282 3 NOTICES. W\\|H> imine«lia'ely in l»wyer'n Ifl.r. for the month of Aojr»«t rr tin's i-le'k y X Vth'.roujihiv "-xji. .--il Bt -i,.|,. ,-i |on »t '•> r »-nrf«t- nient in on h»-r rapacitj 13 s> Br* in t. M. It, Ap|i> lo Mit. I/o Strmi > 7 June M il a.
      282 words
    • 437 3 NOTICEF r** RIOAUD'S t.| Kana&ga LJj "i JAPAN HI TOILEI WATER J 4 "Iflaud'tltDaaatWt jL^___J2i^^ U* >ii ptrfujr.t JJ Bj 7|A of tbt Ki'iiiigj lUn>«r of I t_'' «^l wothiag mi I,- jf± I "lr-lklS|lt-RICAUD4C I H rue ▼Irleoa* j V»^^ BVwar* Ji <^ 1.U.H...1 < 1.1 B .-X« RKiARV
      437 words
    • 517 3 NOTICES. HUOMfI al Eber rfe«w I bathe It 1 "tiiv Tefepl 7' v II) RB i r I I i.'oa.i Inn Shi okn \mt 1 I |'i>: If 1 on tbe M«nnd floo> I No 7 Battery K'wwl. Imr •nirv to Outhne A Co 1.1 I Ai<»nt« o 'I <>
      517 words
    • 490 3 SHippira \VEHI AUSTRALIA* -IKAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED KOK BROOMK I <>UI lIKKI.'M) o K ONHLOW, CARNARVON, KHALI) TON AKD KUKMWII.K rboC.xnpany't tteamf-r PAROO lor I'lptvn Miilt, will be lies aalehad for the ai.-jve pert- Thwreday the ith Auuuct. I Hh ha« PMi'llenl aecomnio«lnti I |.a<" n«er« and iarrif« a stpw
      490 words

  • 1141 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 4TH AUGUST. Tiik MMWAm concerning tlie Improve.! H trl> >nr heme whirl) d*. just 6e*ndr»wn up by niPintier o! tlie Cominitee ot the .Singapore < lumber ol ('miiineree, and which we |>iibiiaJi on anoih' r |m^« aj this i»sue, i» a MMIm u-kI
    1,141 words
  • 635 4 S'V| I. 11 ,1 |>ai r > v BJ tin.' wit 'he re nu I the Amen in anstcKrj. hy ■rune an Amcrictn l'.»-r»^.'" ggMjajg tortl. iftjg ni-nes of all American r 1 lamilie«er to ni! ilie in i'in< or crest*. Tins would have been a comparatively kggajgjlasj .ict in
    635 words
  • 41 4 ACCIDENT TO COUTESS DE BONDY. W aai the It m the vat vi 1 .ippriMihtNi tb< LasSai Plain Ike I. Itl 1 I i 1 her ausn* Heaawwils lia it h.i'i C'-untesa. 1 1. 11. I' M Was HBM I m
    41 words
  • 5 4 Ih. n hshed this awrniOK
    5 words
  • 4 4 homeward mail 1 in
    4 words
  • 5 4 1 r K 1 LasafM
    5 words
  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
  • 50 4 Pn»»ian» Kriven Hack from l\ei,,rt Hatching. i at l«>lc> i > received by Mr fan i, th Can* re. It.- l«| 1 m 1..-H. j. Th> FIEKCF. BnniOOLI TMU LASTED TWO DAYS. their }>>-iti"ii thmain >»nIv »h.> 1 1 It lillen M\NV CASUALTIES. JapMM mi 1 i
    50 words
  • Reuter's Extra Service.
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 319 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABLISHED 18M1 Wine Spirit Merchants, (London. Glasgow, Hongkong. Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST ON" APPLICATION. Xfiif. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. ■agli saasaais ism ~r a>ealia»askel r ariew M .:i.— ii .'i I in il- 1 1 i'il
      319 words
    • 329 4 FOR SAI.K Thw Imp," w ir-. K rate ii%ok 1 tr»pp*r ii)»« i... -i nisulirlv iriT^n. mi a taped i>v lvi» mi hv l*o'.» Clob Life Oeri ri ■•w. Price #»vi «:ie hoj>l u«\ wth India nitiWr wheels laaaaaaajrear. prieeiMK) Om I -t Entflifh h«rriH»«, 111 asc I liMabeveweaM 1*
      329 words
    • 26 4 G. R. LAMBERT a Co.. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO. ■i-i<»ii-«ii l-co.) highest Reputation. Sittings Dally. Afpotntmtnti -liKiiiil )>r wiulp, if |><i--ilile, i i\ >»-t->r<*lian.l. Charges Moderate. aawli
      26 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 62 4 ■AI l»t MAI rhursda>. «th August. M Friday. sth AujuM iii. M I --1.-- lr«M. I I Saturday, 6th August 1 M i 1.1 < .1 l: a 1.0.U.1 n Sunday. 7th August 1 11' 1 tStl I Monday Ml. MMJBJaI ■tga w 4l .i lv 1 H.ri. h Tuesday,
      62 words

  • 2779 5 HARBOUR IMPROVEMENT SCHEME. important Memoranduni on the Subject. xk 100 11 QUORATE lok nil U QUIHI Ml NTS Utl PORT. ill tt Xi X|i 11,.. ilia 1 1 .-.''l II 1 nui up hy a nn idee ul ibe i iiii'k r of 1 ,1 .1 -I. nil *olumni 1111
    2,779 words
  • 89 5 An Important Kcnort. li.-- Kiwitivp t'omnnittee ,1 h I hi i tn iiiteresttai re|Miit laVf lai Ikei ■II Immi bratea, inclnlinu tlah. tint tv« diat«»e it not inle. tn.u* itnl tli.i nut trjiirmiaiible from <<■ motlu-r I'iiey are <)'>nM|iil il vaaetr in, a« it generally supposed, mciesainsj.
    89 words
  • 49 5 1 1 .it .1 work t ntii .i Saaa*, ililiie* and other Herbert Thciuat lla^ r. 1 h< .1 m 111 1 1. in 1- 4 jinitnalirt id. l -lii. n ..I IM Hipoulic IIu»KMM pan inuttur an. l a til |„»v.| ililni-i > j., to fwwaon* bailing fi ill
    49 words
  • 204 5 IMr tollowin^ |.r.>|«-rtie« m. 1. ditpuMi! of v i> in tion at I'uw*-: CoY ■aiamou yesterday afternoon Freehold land and abophouse thereon known V ~^nr,.- m K>ad an "41un.11 I M farftVMM Kre«h.>ld lan.i and »ho|ihoun« tin I I toad, are* I'<M»*, It Hough* by I'aliandi PUlay v
    204 words
  • 21 5 1 hi' llm ptaMMa •a'«'i »i| ply it r- C» infhi il ion md »l\». try Knfini'-r to t lie <>. rt*iaav -..<
    21 words
  • 21 5 xi 1 i» ii 1 .j, •h.-r t!iinc«. n |»o- 1 lie will a. liltrr*. .in.l v i»i and Hi** x >
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 126 5 NOTICRS. RAFFLES HOTEL, Ur Weit l^^Jwusical Dinner On Saturday 6th inst. A DELPHI HOTEL 4. rll ml Itn ti\n,mil .\iijh'. ii. aaaaai i«r sai ..n m >n -i m a. tune cdwaro vm. *rt:< hi. ihwi ie I ueMla>. <>th August. n><>t at 7.30 pm. 'I s arm fewl *tUri*J
      126 words

  • 94 6 Mow the other Half" Lives in Singapore. curtain I broofhi to D wlucli v iratoo in the Baprcmi lit of Singapore yesterday. On Um ired to be one of the i cbittj Dtt a debtor, hut with tln> openum lie cut it quickly appeared th:»i a i-
    94 words
    • 15 6 For Singapore I I I I M mrmy Ic-p M i .iroay*
      15 words
    • 83 6 Us4m tin- > i ,H>ll« i Ml .lh -lil|.; b i Vwbt <ru. Crnlaer; Übt. -Gaakeati I'm Twri^l"; H.p. Writ Itrit l-h IT. S. I HU.-.1 Kill -Kreiit-li; lift.- IJernmn l»ul Duicli ;<■ -tienerKl i-mi :il i> dwl> |«i« I f Taajoos r.1'.0 raajona Pagai B w
      83 words
    • 358 6 VESSELS WHICH HAVE PREVIUSLY ARRIVED, AND ARE STIL IN PORT. trriveu and ar« .till in Pori. Pi trr» I i, Meyet a < F*Ya»aM w Bmn Wii <ruan. Brit. ttr. IM' too -mtt ,n. 31»t v !';n AC« For 1,1 H Natuna l*lai 1 ForNatu:u LooacChaa. Fr-j«-rma«»in Hnt. »tr. 6"
      358 words
    • 229 6 tmd winu of agm.STIiMBIS. Mting, Br»r.'!j< .1 ilj ,'i 1 •Veoir Aniiral O!r\ < \j fomte Vntnnor. I.ncrpool. Au»: *'ar.»field. Apa; ii-ii». ("»1> utta v uj. \u«tmlien. Color M Milne* \u»trii. it I tvautenlxrg. umh a. Baagkoh I "o Coy Ba lenia. H. |f< Ballaarat. Hontfkom; P.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 5 6 31SABMI and you (rtt genuiot
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    • 102 6 HOTEL I)KR NKDKRLANDKN BATAVIA (/ATI I tMM] oa*« Hctrl. Kiowe for iti etcellen: food. Wry frt^uentij- ri»it»d by Britub p*o\ En«:iaa *p««kta4 Mrrant*. Evrry 11 nmaaoriatlnr Me*»«c far on board of all tb^ (teamen. a r MF. K K N Proprietor Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ld rum d m v-AVxan.irrtßrickworktCu.. 1/
      102 words
    • 199 6 NOTICES. W Tsevy Hermanos il DEALERS IN Diamond*. Preciou* Stone.. Pearls. Jewellery. Watches. Chronometers. Repeaters silv c r» cl.ick*. (iraphuphone». and Optical <i.«.d> NOVELTIES HY KVEHV MAIL Importers <>i iii«- Ortubttwl u.ii "OMbg a. Arc now openins a Itraiuh in Snifap.,. Bras Basah Road, No. 93, (Raffles Hotel building opposite
      199 words
    • 34 6 T h c UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER «for buying a trp«»rit*r '••pe-jt tne ISDERWOOD Gurhrie Co., Ltd. PILSENFR BELJK KEY BRAND J"l bt I HKM \RK OP l*lMli> N ißßkl «itkMt I BFHN MEYER A Co
      34 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 385 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. I Lhina, Japan, I'enanit, Ceylon. \llstralia, India, Aden, l^eypt, rrnnean Ports, Plymouth and London. Bill* of l.i<t" 1 n '>r about Mall Line. Out \uk? 3 .uk .'1 Corotntadel I pt "> irilk rat Auc Aug I I H
      385 words
    • 1137 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatsohapplJ. Ao'nhnt nilori!Oritr «c t Wlfll the Xetlierlan.K In lia Government. un-l.rmMntioned date*, are only approximate. Kxp'teJ. IPifl i, c Despatched for 1 Sl(iU ••Jl -'Siak, B<>ngkali», Deli, Paneh, Bila¥'l Cu.. rli* 11 A»«ahan, i»n.l |V|i Vinjt lalj *«Baw«in.Boerahayaßandjerma*sin. Kot.lUro.- Moea:aDjawa, Samv /.V,,»i, N.i rin<Ja m
      1,137 words
    • 590 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCMER LLOVD Imperial Herman Mail Line. of h hW mn<J W nonn m »t*«m«n .^".Hamburg via Rotterdam, Ant StS 1 S ulh m Pton, Oihmlur. (*noa p* pl I 0 1 f»u»>x, Aden, Colombo rennoK -inga r or«., Hongkong, Hhan K hai! iwck %Ort Kot t0 Yokoh
      590 words
    • 547 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES ~KT. K. JAPAW MAIL STEAMSHIP To.. LUI. a i.jjuUr PMSBMBTLY m.vntainml lx>tweea Jnpun an r the follow i nu M.W TWIN SCRKW STEAMRMS, 1 I'd* r M til Contract nith thr Imperial MpMMW IJMMMM »jh- ,hI' i{n. I f-«r thp i'omp«ny< European S lighted throughout l-y r with
      547 words
    • 415 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES C.P.R. I, I Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. MM FAST KoriK ■BTWBBJI china IAPAITAJID BUBOPE VIA ''ANA v and I hi; i-niiki, gTATBS. 1(....... fr.,i., Honirkon/ vi Miihiklmi gsMMaIH (lnl—4 8. im*. n*tatia wd I Twin Screw F-inpremi HU T..n- >>„..,h1 |9 knot*. raoroißD saiukos
      415 words

  • 66 8 1 I If I ♦till rerm The Ha.tu t cct it n< d. ar* dan ■I tlickMgMar. bs led in :lie t-: iking the northern pauace I jid ti.e remam'ier proceeuinc I It this court* mttt i« mi th« JapaMtt i*e of tail,- a their .ar a dot*
    66 words
  • 26 8 \VharS at Which Diffcrtnl Shin. arc Berthed To-da> Al»» i v I Cm I I 6 Htm »n4 Hiliiwb .v 1 S
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 56 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. •tj .>! |0M hi bl I U ill .(I tb<! INSPECTION WELCOMED. W, 1u,.!,,, V x l,.,ti«i. -ilk ta'.lr ..<fr« '•"«*»>! i i. Mephone Mo. 254. Have you Money to Invest? Cuiisult our Deposit Sjtin 7J
      56 words
    • 116 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW& Co./Simgr^ 1C A ADOZEN GENT'S HANDKERCHIEFS M sl/l: h > N viii.> J ALL: 95 CTS F> R I Sfc *ir StrilU'' INA COARSE OR y^ f J iia^ MEDII M RAH Hats 95 WITH riRN O\J:R TOPS 9 IN (i()()l) Hi;\lMl:R MIX I L RHS Sale Price
      116 words