The Straits Times, 30 July 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,499 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JLLV 80. 19* H PRICE 15 CCITI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 473 1 NOTICES. Galedonian Hotel. 77 Brass Bassah Road Six New Milliard Fable* Kid-lit n! Cuisine. i Uvro will foraishod bod rnomn i with i ttfa roooM attaekoi Charges Moderate ill bOOT ai tlie very T. M CONNOLLY, Jl-I-J m n eoottag 'town nnii removing mangroTe trp, mi the i^lan 1 Bl
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    • 367 1 NOTICES GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 1.-i'.er- Mill be. i.-cl'lfml M the Colonml Secretary'i offlce up t o noon of the M<i Auiju-t, IHO4. for th« following worker— I Addition* and alt.-ra'ionn to mam kit.iirn and supply of rice *te.amerK Criminal Prison. Supply aid erection of rooting to the RpKt-rvoir at "M John*
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    • 308 1 NOTICES. OOVKKNMENT S'OTIFICATION Tendtm will l^ wmn at la. «^k>nial i\- Ofßcv Singapore., an«l Resident Coun.illor* OSI Pemina. up to notn of the eth ilay of Aiuti-! IMM. forthe bire of a »t»<«n) pel nion'l. inclu* rortifloatcd effl.-ient crew for »urrr» work in Penang Harl>our, round the I*l* Penan
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    • 366 1 NOTICES. Mm VVt, ihe urHertiffnetl. ilo bi '<-ti..- that on the :ftth day IMTX M.M io (bye Miew y,*r' ,11 oui '••nefiiial inUrett and ifooiw'll in th.tra<l.< (r lu»in«-»» raftisd 0:1 bj .m at Bangkok onrter the Chop K»«nim Hu r Hoa, and altoall tv«- b.^oa- an<l otb*rd«a«a i 'lue
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    • 211 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Mining Machinery. We b<* lo inform you iKat we have arran^i-J ta^th -Mbs»r%. Gilfilian Wood 6* Company lo undertake the representation of ovr Company for the Straits Settlements. Malay States, Dutch East Indiev Philippine Island*, and Siam. In making th M srrangemeats we are providia< our A^enU with
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  • 723 2 Wate. siuhnr Picnic c !5 y the wenic in lVr ,k Riven m boa Mot „f h( Governor. Oa t1,, KM Jol, c. of Malays, men women, tad -Inldre,. began to wfn.l (heir way by roa d in i rail to a peculi., pi lv lpol
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  • 168 2 For Singapore Per P. <C. Mi'lu-m, fioni I lvi ■>. fui- Amml Mr. W. M .rave, Mm M \\itlia Major and Mn Hrnli. for.l Mr H J. Mack. I Lr P. A O a. JHai >»•> ra, eeSMCtirC with tbe (•teamer Curvmtctuiri at Colombo, from London July
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 396 2 NOTICES. To H M the King TO H. M. THE KINC. rfcHJtltaThtxf« To H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. TO The House of Lords. TO THE House of Commons. Buchanan's Whisky IS Regularly Supplied, j In buying Buchanan's Whiskies the Public are protected against overcharge by retailers as the
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    • 719 2 NOTICES. MONEY TO LEND. ON MORTGAGEES. From 11,009 to VX),O X) oj small intcrrst cili Kood Apuk to I M. I.KVY. I.*V IVissep str^t. .lul\ M s>« MACNIYEN ft CAMEBONS PENS. They i'ome ai> a i-oon and a blearing (■> m*r», [aa Pickwick, the Owl, «nd the Warerley Pen." THE
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    • 479 2 NOTICES. WILD WITH ECZEMA And Other Itching. Burning. Scaly Eruptions with Loss of Hair. Speedy Cure Treatment. Bathe tba arfected part, with Not Water and Cutkura Soap, t* cleans* the aurfac* of crasta and acalcn, mn4 Motttn the ttikkaawsl cutkla. Dry, without bard rubbing, and appiv Cutkura (Xatment freely, to
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    • 12 2 RIAKN'S HKADACHK iTKK Cona Mart bt Sttarnt and you <-t «ka faaaiaa.
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  • 396 3 IMr dl»t > M 111 w lIUIKI.iI „f uiimal and i^ytabk specif!- i> nmoii .in i urrence t<> be Mention- 11,, t notei nalass the mine) i nan ordinal v int«n Buck, i in- case with mineral <hs t. mon( li- 'L l in < 'eylon, nantittet
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  • 287 3 bo lbii singlet on toe I ii k c>t a i mall ChiiM boy vovkl appear a M ol nlei.tilicati.'ii tl an alleged thief in a country loiltd aiaglfil M tile hacks of ll r. aa mi. re the rule tl. i v .pUDi: I ;ti.ation ottered
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  • 48 3 nium<'ii via ports, tttmm, itue l»t ist K Hoo^kong, Ajictii, dm- M Augt., »,i ."••imiiK anil < alcutta, A. A/- W, ilu« 3rd i .i raon Simons. r iiiiiiiiilli" v v |<oit-, l'uf",on Ith Augl., ad, Eaalaaa via port*, Afirimf, due >!i Auut., Uouh d
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 >ummhi Complaint is the ch ldrena l<ingeroua enemy and the mother a i foe. Immediate and pr< itinciit is always necessary. Char olio Cholera and Diarrhoc ■iy, givpu Ming to directit.ii> "Mjdy known K bj All Di TUX DISI'P .aeral Ageuti 31 -7
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    • 387 3 NOTICES. A GIFT FROM ENGLAND. LACE COVER GIVEN FREE TMf l0 MADKAS MUSLINS. fHMMIIM MO|v| M-.l I lIM Ns Popular Parcel 2J 6 Carriage Free. Ss^aaffit^aTS j .1. w>.i. l l n.likt. 1.i.,,n*r.-,.,, Cartkhav aetLtii fr i-....,. I-.». *Viu »*l.. i»r<»- !•>»«. 1 V-w Art 111. .11 1 rt,,..
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    • 469 3 NOTICjgS. Tfff Pnrif>inq Vgrnt WlHti ispvusali W i,i Hot (,oyntrks.| I "S§niUt Disinfecting Hud I i 1. l «<i.. hm .:i 1 •»i t>, I Sana. is D,sinfpcl,ng Pc»dtr I i. n.. panaW k«a«a^aa4i ---«^«i I i "Saiitss EactlfHut Sttp Kin§ ung c tnai*- U •«nh <w hln .-i I
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    • 511 3 NOTICES. f/VYI jflT^W Tnesr tiny flHlg^UaZ^ Capsules BVH —superior iWiTflslMw to c 'P J;b- \^MM^BW Cubebs. and cure the same diseases as these drags I in forty-eight hours without I inconvenience. i toca i tfMk kaan urn mm (aUDn FOR DISEASES IV TM OMIT. SRIMAULT'S SYRUI Of Hrn PHotmin or
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    • 624 3 NOTICES. R(K»Mrt at Eber Hooa*.," Kber Koa.l for larhelors only. Telepbona No. A|>r.l IH l*i BI LKT oflcea on the tecond floer I No. 7 Battery Road. Immediate ntrr. Apply to Outhrin A Co. 1.M., A#»s^a. o c. 'I O HK LET, auall flrat floor offices. 1 facirs; CarenKgh Bridji'-
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  • 56 4 vt...M On die iinl July, at (lie li«-n«ral H'.opitnl. Sirnr»|H,rr, r I'A»L Si yKI lair Kc.'MtiHi >t the I'briatian C'einvtery, Bukit Timitli 11-i.-l. «.-el tl? peats, <t«>piv re»{rett«Ml. B\o<>T HARlr.— On the i*9th July, at Miiifa p<>r. Mm i ai i-iiivr B\i.»T II titri. «jrwd 25 y<»ar«, only
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  • 877 4 The Straits Times PRICK 16 CENTS. SATUROAY. 30TH JULY Mh J. K Xii« ii, as Acting Resident Councillor, -ict^ the Administration report on Penang for IJHW The revenue reached 9j,4"ii. iW againsr ar outlay of »1,76^,.'»47 The t il ton nage shows an increase over ]'+)2 o! M^MI tonn and
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  • 203 4 hiM Ma*thew Sat Inn the new Govern >r of Hongkong, who«e irrival there iM'in >n i <'d hy c ir «pcii il wire tc -day, sliuMed thai henteaiit I imiip^ oh ieply \n& to ihe address of wehome He at aace dealt with llie most l>'jri<uig <|ues tion t h»»re.
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  • 202 4 AllrtKl> (V'IAHN, a StOW i> i II Hongkong on t>>e lit hue liner hum was ch^rgetl before the M tster Attendant y. »*.-r I iv •> iptaio Buller. «nd was sentenced to I tine of lluu or tin iith'e rigorous imprisonment. \>l man I M Touii) t •i|' mi ft
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  • 219 4 Thk Survey De| trtiuental K«v jt\ lor lih 1.1 shows an increase of work I tit* Survey School is a succeee, and it if expected that most of the students will soon be able to |.a*s their tinal examinations The report i» signed by Mr A Murray, as Surveyor (ieneral,
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  • 55 4 MaM*l iiitt, August Ist, ociag a Bank Holiday, (lure will be no i--tli« MmM The tolt>grams of Sunday an i Monday forenoon will li^ printeti it i tl mi Monday, an. l will be delivered to all subac rihera who wish to send Uiubies to t lit- office bj
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  • Special Telegrams to the " Straits Times."
    • 29 4 Rumoured Capture of the Russian Stronghold. A' < heloo it is rumo'ire-1 tl>3t Port Arthur was taken by the Japanese, on the Linh ins! after lodine 1 ».'•»*> men
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    • 15 4 WEIHAIWEI REPORTS RUMOUR. r roiu Wei'hat-wei independent IMRt! the tune phm > Ui> f..-^n r«n-ei\ f.l
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    • 25 4 IS I! PROBABLE 1 in- U|ia!.« -ii intfhai tLink the report provable owinz to the fact ih*t preparations w«re beir.e mad« r the final assault
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    • 52 4 Ih.Hykomf, nth Ab% -ii M«tllie« N tt lnn has irrired and h« h**n sworn in as 'Governor. In a Hilef ipAevli, hn > v| :ti». tl prosperity of the colony in tlie fore front, aud ezpretse<i a desire to see the speedy const ti tion of
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  • 64 4 SLAUGHTER AT TASHICHIAO. Two Wue*ian OeneraU Wounded. The following olli-i*! teiecrim from the Kor^un »i eJt Tokyo li»« be«n receive.] by M r I'miki laWlaaaajai CoaeqJ n jianra|iirr .i »eral »ku lurthw reports, imon^ other things, that, io> jriini statement"! ipti'ed Russian officers, il Kir ipatkin was present in tbe
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  • 43 4 R USSIANS LOSE TWO THOUSAND MEN. Tim <»eoeral also reports that Us* Kuteiao rastialties n mounted to abo«t -',"ou, while th i»f t the 'ipao-<--to ibout I Tbe amount o* r Htj, aa'wvil nuinr*- .t 'n*»r« taken is nltr invest ia jt i
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  • 415 4 Handicaps for to-da\ s Event* It v err >r in my •.elejrjni aocDt the Thursday's ricinc. I tt«t*i Ml M protest in tike R >vister» K»oe was broocbt agaiost Mr. I > mail, tbe ri<l«r of LmJLy VioUt. M*v e h«*n acilDst Mr Siarr, tlie rid.T <»t inA
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  • Reuter's Extra Service
    • 42 4 l>«n>(on, .Mh July General Oku reports that, according to the statements of captured office the Russian 'JeneraU SakharofT ami Konradoviuli were wounded r tl action at Tashichiao. The Russian casualties were about .',OOO The Japanese c«^i»!ties were about 1,300
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    • 21 4 The vessel taken by the Vladivostok squadron, mentioned in the message ot the -«th inxtant, was the Anbim.
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    • 22 4 In tbe House of Commons, the I sing Bill was read for the thir i i_M7 to 129 votes
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    • 51 4 The Uustian correspondent- at the ■eat of war dwell upon the extraordinary mobility of the Japanese army at fashichiao. The Russian*, up to the last on iLe da> of tbe Tashichiao action, believed that they were victorious, until the Japanese, by a turning movement, compelled them to
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    • 24 4 RUSSIAN EXTOL JAPANESE PLUCK. cirrespondents extol unflinching bravery ot the Japaaeee charges under a murderous tire They estimated the Russian losees at >n.. thousand
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    • 24 4 Vr Vrnol'i Korfcter, the Secret ir\ lMe for War has infotsMi Hi sMI toeata that he d(«es not seek re—-/-to Parliament
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    • 37 4 Indicate* recrudescence of ((revolutionary Spirit. Tbe papers consider that tbe atsaasiaaliou >f M de Plehvo indicates tha' rit of rtvolution. that has been rigorously repressed for MM n a.'iiii raiding its head in Kuseia.
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    • 49 4 Reuters Petersburg correspondent states that it was known that a con •piracy existed, but it waa believed that its sole object waa ihe assassination of M MuravietJ, the Minister «>: Justice, the windows of whose carriage were broken with stones yesterday when he wa« driving in Peterh^tl.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 30 4 THE KNIGHT COMMANDER." Britain protests to Russia. ■sin, 30cA I r Arti. v li.r linge, tbe I Ambassador at St. Petersburg lodged a protest against the sM the Knigkt '.'esaassMsW
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    • 28 4 NEW RUSSO- GERMAN TREATY. I iti, !o«. (merman 1 I n in illor, .»nd Mr tie Wr siao Minister of Kinan Berlin, the new llusso (Jerraai mercial Treaty
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    • 20 4 Nl r !>urnovo, the late Mr 1' assistant, h»s been app>infei Minister ot the Interior <1 interim
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    • 27 4 REIGN OF TERROR IN FINLAND. Ine /Ai./y T*Ugmpk'< corrt-s-pv^deat at At Petersburg says tin II terror prevuiN in Helsin|ii"nrs The. depor'aiioi. of prominent has again been begun.
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    • 35 4 After a prolonged meeting Cabinet t "ou-icil at Paris, a Note telegraphe.l to tlm Vatican, which it i* report.' t m\ I the I MBfilefM I oi relatioru t.-ween the France
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    • 23 4 ln-4 King has lalegr*i Mi,|tthy on th. «WfJ Minii,:i II iy, th- Amer ary of Sute. tins also iolences
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 541 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. ESTABLISHED Le*4l Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST OIT APPLICATION-. \pl i<i S. MX. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. r«vt>i\e<i h besh SSasiaasßeal of «ilk. rtr ben t« call ibe attention t>f %[*i
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    • 93 4 G. R LAMBERT A Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC AWT STUDIO. ( H7« Highest Reputation. Situate ••My. A 1 itiiif ;ti -houlil be made, if |>.>--iWr, »ui> day beforehaDd. Charfes Moderate. Juu. II 9Jt% t.lKKl.t Sk\ lI.LK.— \t Yokohaiii.i, on thr lit h Lily, MsM I Hull. K«., I s 11 fX II
      93 words

  • 551 5 ...ul fortnightly meeting ol the v luifii'i! nomissi utan was Imld at v --i.-rday »fterMr i; ti. Broadriok, I'renident, I and there were also present ■rlaod Allen, A. J. Watkins, -lie newly elected Commis)r Murray EtobtftawS. Cos, ,nT, C I s joders, l.»« Ckooß and Mr. WiUiame, tha
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  • 49 5 printing dm iiineH ooaiigaad t" U>■ 1, [pohj ire on ha »rd Tin; Kreemasons of tfog, kwoaiht i >r ■"■r, nid miv nti tli i 1 it is i the if* m I PwSwaf i id Ins li c on tii' -r led when he It tbe holding up."
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  • 48 5 nr I ly altaTßOOfl the Urgent. wbieh lii- tiwm visited niriii.isted i, .11 .1 of Cipt Steward, irgo froti N'-w Ymk I '1,. r She m.ide the ru>. trom rk to I'.-n tog, via the: Oapa ot ,i- I .clieved in,, on re >r.l. She ird »il Company
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  • 1294 5 JUPPKAUX MURUbREKS I ATTEMPT TO BALK TMIi HALLOWS K>mi i _<.),-,/ ./.i/i/. i I "in nili hut* iii ij.ack siKtcMion rang out bboii the im.K" nielli, ,ir ni '■'<" "•'> loci tl»i~ MOnUBf, .in. 1 Lsajs Th. i, |h.t i Iroin 111. dii.-.tion „f tli.- pata, and
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    • 109 5 tolluu iii^ eitrnct Irum the >«.///. Aimtralinit >'■> 11; I nltn'l-ir, dated Adelaide, June Ist, \9*>* ought to be borne in mind by uur linal «;>ortsinen, in case the man and liorse should come along totbesepart*. K >'»'r> (owner i and the bay gelding winch ran ia the Totalizator
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    • 58 5 The following team ha» h«n selected t -sen* the S.CC.— —A Ovlou \i iie a in.-' to he pltve 1 >li *I >n day mi I' <y begin* :«t II am. shai( I! I K-i., r^i-«r.l K. Hrkf> 1 toeaMsft l; I. l.rt'i.'hri W Ihtmaaa tl I' lirinitl X
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    • 87 5 W't jre.itly re^r.-t kj inn ruioe the death of Miss Bagot Harte. whicl ivMtred at the tieneral Hospital last night Mis« Hare whji w\is only i" years of age, wa* well known and highly popular with all classes in Singapore. She nine out from Kngtand
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    • 88 5 Chinese Woman and Children Burnt to Death. Thk police authorities have received a telephone message from the Malay r*l in charge ol the station at Chau Chi K*ng. MatiM that last night a lamp eip|.>ded in a hut near the 7. milestone in the Thompson Ro*d, setting
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    • 101 5 L\«i niaiit tli»- Yap OkN I hong rhjaalrinal Coampaa] «t .k.-e.l Kdward Vt'.Mioin under the partronage of the lloii'Nc Tan 'iak Kirn at tlieir hall in North Briu?e. I! tad Tha proceeds of the night's perl.-I'nance wen- hi c«» hi a-«ii«t the fundu oi •!)>• Chinaal
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  • 854 5 PA HANG NEWS. Shocking Murder of a Child by its Sl-tter. JApif, 21 Vf July. Th. .lii.ii, M r,,,,, from Mala Lumpix ihu m n^ hum dispose.l a aaaj ..f -nurd, r TI.. I es»ors wen. Mr K \V.,t-..;, Imam IVaag r; s,ta Raja ..f 1',,!,,, Tawar th. |>i.. M
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  • 311 5 1 1 is seldom that appeals for help I are aariously considered in tbaae saic days, when it is a <tat» of each for I himself and the levil take the hind- moat," hut an instance which seems to he re-tlly deaerving has been broight
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  • 79 5 At tue annual (taneral meeting of tbe Singapora Racraation Club bald last night, the following Commute* vaa elevted Prmidant, Mr I Taaaenaohn Vice-I'reaid^nt. Mr I Ptraira Honorary Secretary. MH I Mo»? CapUin. Mr S /ehnder, and Maaar* t- M Chopard, H C Hofan, 1 1 M Martia,
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  • 28 5 Arrival*. i i M«m(- I M< U...M1 aT.t h«f«*a. A \l M. I>«y. Riac. W J Wi«W». |»»|ift«K J»- mm »n.| Mi- H.»f If jr
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  • 15 5 Mr A W. Daaiselarir is leavmc for Knffland kf 'h^ I" and < v on Monday
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  • 13 5 Trir l'«naiiK mini.ipal BMW M M litkCi amo.intad to WI Tb« oiitlay waa*
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  • 27 5 1 m»: Convaa* Dehool will not reoiwn iday nr x t a* or iginally announcad, that day beiof a holiday Claaaaa will recomiiiertt-e on Tuesday mat aad.
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  • 32 5 Thk total amount of ora eipor-. the Tributen on the lands of the Royal Johoi- Tin Mining Co Ltd .luring the in.Mith of July, waa i> ha|rs Kjual to .V |>i.- ilt
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  • 34 5 I; is tiiiiuiiiK-ed that li I li Phn I'uhlun of China, Chief Cotmniaaioßer to the Ht I" it Exhibition »i)l arrive in "-mi: *>y the Krtnch mail Polyin M >> raaal H China
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  • 42 5 Thr roadway near the lunttiui ot Ans» n lload and lanions I'agar Uoad ia being taken up to lay the pointi lor the crossing ot the tramway When the lines were laid down tome months ago •he pointa liad not yet aflfaad
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  • 39 5 M I HAi I xiiMHi, A*». Siiperiiitemient ot I'olica, Bia«apora, has bean Kranted leave of abaaoca with half salary fur twelve month* to be taken after one month and twenty five days' vacation leave, omtnencing »>n th<' Ird
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  • 39 5 Thk Mutual I tut by the Ni|.|><in Vuscn Kaislia M\ Colombo yesterday and may baexpactexi to arrive hurt- oa !'h'ir«(.ldv neit, Hi [in at 7 <N>. a.m Sha ia followed b] tha i« /.if/-, ot tun liii-kti.ll 1 ti.-
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  • 40 5 Wi n>({r« t to announce the deatti Nlr wiio. for th« laat tet had tilled th* |h>si nt lUcistrai QMataM Vm«t«ry at Buki Heed Hb md r»«-ii in tha inunicipi aarvit af >r about fourteeo ymir> Pi dacaavml )«av«r .n
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is everywhere MhjMM ledged to be the most successful n.rduiiie in use for bowel complaint* It a 1 ways cures and cures quickly. It can be de pen<lcd upon even in the most severe and dangerous esses of cholera itiorbus, dyseu tery aad diarrhoea
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    • 19 5 m IHN7I iu>dv NOUIIIHBD Weep str.iiiij j l>«<ctor ti Attains Win. will ;i»»im MM v k Uil O II
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    • 445 5 NOTICES. yj V SPECIAL MUSICAL DINNER TO-NIOMT AT RAFFLES HOTEL. July rt -'o-H/ OPERA YAP CHOW THON6 ProbaMv Our l.aM Week COME Thr Issra trtmtu Tkitivil aa si <W»i..-.-O««.' Ik* Ml'»>|« •< !•>• Taa i Will MSI Urn i rum BTITLtB if nun M I I IH> ALCXANORA TMEATRI MALL
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    • 137 6 I'n<ier thi* lieinlmy the following nhhreviasaeeai -etr. —ataaaanea. -rlu|«;lm|. tea seaaaaati Vet. —TasßfttOra. Cruiser; Gbt. -(iiiiiboat; Tor. —Teriietln; II f Bone-power i Brit. —British; I", s.—l'nite<i 1 rli I'n'iuli; (it'r.—(ieriiiikii; Dm. IVitch O.c —(Jeneralcar>;o «l.i>.—Ueck j>a»I attain i I I. —TanjonK Ta^ai Wharf; I I 1 l>
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    • 461 6 Vessels which have Previously arrived, and are still In Port. Inly, from Port Kwettenbaai, lSthJory. Qx aad6ta.p. WeaMaAOa. hi Mam, (J—Dock. Caiypso, Brit. str. JttH ton*, (^apt Lowry. ily. FtomDeli,S6thJuly. U.c.and U Mansfield A Co. For Deii. 80th Chnkrabh Sia, ati -iM tons. Captain fril Jul). From Bangkok. 17th i.e..
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    • 560 6 flame, port, probable dae of m i •<m( name oj ap'-u«. Htbamies. laay, Aujj H; Boustead. Alboin, Bangkok, Aug; Borneo Coy. Bnndjf rmiissin. Jul\ 31; Dat-mirl-Amiral Olry, Colombo, Aug 7 M. Comte ntenor, Liverpool, Aujf M Mansfield. Aparima, Calcutta, Auk h I Boustead. Australion, Colombo, Aug 29; M.
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    • 32 6 /Vr tifmrr limit. I MOITDAY. Malacca and -Linggi Khtnf tieny iBAa irisOAV. Sarawak A'i- hin.j 10 a.m. C'bon and Samarang Ofaaa Jaa 4pm Wi[.st*ruv. ThikFremant )<■ via ports Farm a
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    • 142 6 From Euro,*—By the M. M. Fetpmsien due on Monday. with dates to the Btb July. F"rom i uma— By the M M. s s. Tonkin due on the I*l Aujiutt. Left *inc»pore Due in London Arrived June vnh K. P. L. July 4th July 6th JuuelOth P.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 Cholera Horbvi ba» lost its terrors iv the home where a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy n kept It never fails even in the most severe and dangerous case*. For sale by All Dealers. THE DISPENSARY. Oeneril Agents 31-7 JAPAN COALS. TUE MITSUI BUSSAX KAISfIA mrovi t
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    • 694 6 SHIPPINQ WEST AUSTRALIAN STtAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, UMII ID FOR BKOOttK PORT MIDLAND, OOBBACK ORBLOW, CARNARVON, (iKRAI DTON AND FRKMANTI.K lii.C impair. steamii FA MOO, »,mi tons, Captain Mills, will be m patched for the n)>9ve pert* on Thursday th- Uti Augu t Phe ha* excellent a> commodation for pa* senders,
      694 words
    • 296 6 NOTICES. Wilts for LEA PERMS' «|f #t WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, MAM*- *4ft ll Special WirraitjHßßfe iwf**?* Purveiors to The Kino. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES, 1= Jfaevy Jiermanos §L t OEALCRS IN Diamonds. Precious Stones. Pearls. Jewellery. Watches. Chronometer*, kepester*. Silverware. Fancy (iooes Clocks. OraPhophones. and Optical SaaisV NOVELTIES BY EVXRY MAIL liniM.ii.i-
      296 words
    • 127 6 Kirn Chiang A Co.. jm. South Brid<e Uoad Wine A Spirit Merchants General Storekeepers. Fresh Crushed Food Padd> o fmlrnltit. liar >ln|>ttini!- O«alit> (luarsntced July IH Dahls Milk. NORWEGIAN PURfcCOW> MILK, STERILIZKD AND QUITE MOWIOQENKOUS. By pr«*T»iaK DuthinK »h»t*»eiU a4j»j ■akapt afceetutely tree trerr Ouaranteed to be aawUtely pare milk
      127 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 33 6 WEATHER TELEGRAM. h. E. A. A C. TfUgmph Company. I -*TH JriY. Hoy<*Ro*Q.— Barometer 'JW*i. IMrectionof Wind Soith. Force of Wind f. Max.Temp in Bhade 82. MANILA: -767. Calm. 0. X4.4 23 b
      33 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 511 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. cm \MSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. china, Japan, Penan*, Ce>lon, u.-tralia. India, Aden, Lgypt, Medlterrsnean Ports, Plymouth snd London. Bilhi of buMnf hwaad for PsraUa '*.ilf (Continental, nn ?'ortB. leave Singapore on o.- about Mall Line. Outward (Jor China) inoal Aa« T Malta —pt
      511 words
    • 654 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke MaatachapplJ. a,. Under '""i t«-»ct with the Neth*rlan.i» India Government. s '»9<y>" Ship Auiw-v. i.»tb J Diksubls k Co., 2 3 Oollybb Quay. lue uo«lerinantion--ii dste^ are only approiimats. Kxp'teL, Will be I •esratchei! for raasWaTsaei Koerabaya July JO s.,uraU»a. Boeleleng, AmpenHO, Macassar. Banda, Amboina, Bat
      654 words
    • 469 7 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. MAMBURO. The kteamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg. Bremen. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the tMrait*. Cnina, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre -»nd Hamburg and onc> s month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penana and Colombo The arrivals of the
      469 words
    • 621 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oerman Mail Line. f '.h?/',* 1 aDd nomn ■••> ••earner* m. n^ n T J mU f <"-tnightly from BremenJlarnburg via Rotterdam. Antwerp rtouthampton, OibrMtar, Genoa, Naples, Port rtafd. Ruei. Aden, Colombo^ Penang Hi ngapore, Hongkong, Hhanßhai, XBsjasaki, and Robe to Yokoharos and Tbe)
      621 words
    • 644 7 N Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co.. Lti regular FOBTMdHTI.Y sern.-e is mainlame<i lietweea Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. t'ndfi Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese (tovrrnm*nt, s|>ei'iallv desiifoed for the Company's European UaMed throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First end Second
      644 words
    • 787 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIBt C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company'! Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THE FAST ROUTE BKTWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AXD KUROPK, VIA CANADA VXD THE DNITaTb STATES. Moate from Hoagkoaff ria Hbaagkai, Nagasaki (lalaixTseaof Japan) Kobe. Yofcokania, Vi'-tuiia and Vanroerer. Twin Hrrew KmpreM Hte»n»«hi|* §„<»*> Teas— Hi^eU 19 ka-.i <. raorosiD sailimos
      787 words

  • 25 8 COMMERCE FINANCE ltfl'4 rat -IP. Willii p. lOt states that the opinion in bat 1 -tablislan. I would m and Am. -trial undertakiv. •tra enti
    25 words
  • 68 8 i in the brewers v M .de to Dantttj na;i iuar--ti toleadi: I il c encouifie drm.« Hungarian i- Igl I t-rd i i ibem in tbe n ■er-March tbe> would if to pTCJi I (thai writ: indard -.ii state* ■jueentland barley would am against uny barley sold IcttM, MM
    68 words
  • 78 8 I .nr%B*M ia Pontianftk 1- <m. Bia I.u.vom do WtaiM, (6* Saito Flnnt Svi*%> do RniD«l No. »>Ar! 8»to Coffee Ilrfcll, 15^ i>a»t» ;"off*?, i*\!rnj» adc. t.'\ b /cffee. Siberian No. 1 Fftplork, «m»l! T y .\kt i« mH fluke to ■nil 1 do IB«I dr rm Ml !<«n*i»i
    78 words
  • 77 8 1* '••rffw ~B*ok 4 m,t m 1/11. Dammnd 1/11 KriTt'.cl K I'll do lull 1/11 i r.-Bmak aid I.M( do Imh -Rtok d/d Pri»»re»oii **9 do «a I.l IMt*-B*nk II MM 0« H««fi#r»-B»iikd/a liPri»*t«3Jd/- TI JU On SA-»n#\ii-B*D* d/d Prl»M•I0<!^-. Cm J~a- Bank T T IIT PTlT«r*Wrft ll'. Ah
    77 words
  • 130 8 I I uj, to :Ml > Bojrf* tolWn Tf» t I GOLO. f llei-itwati (..Mi m n i. 1" 1" i. 1 t 1 Jl 1 t 1 1 I I 1 I M r»ff«tred) I" K^lan I I.eM k 1 Kechau <. Fi*l Lvi (ip.) 19 rib.) IB
    130 words
  • 156 8 TRADING VESSELS CO. .(rivals since Noon ol Ycsteida^ t tier itr WT tor.- 'uly From fwatow. cl July j.,and •> Meyer *Or I lite, Ital «tr. UT I .rmer From Muar. .'»th Jnl\ O.c .and i^RinoACo ForMaa-.3oth-Ris Snnn. Brit. »tr. l.Vii' ton«. Pap' Hij Fr >m Hongkong -'.'nd Ju y.
    156 words
  • 59 8 I I. Hi 'IP I ■_'."••> 1,000 1 1... It I 1" i < 1.i.1. t .i.rfhai Bank I 1"" HuwHrth Kr«kiaf, Ltd. K i Lt.i. 1.. H .:.-,lf, 1.1.1 1"" 19 »t»fl»|>ore<(i],lSt „,„„,< ...,Lt<(. (f.u.) (Contril..) M ntJi •JW» iOW.M> IIJ.'«. DOIll. > IWi I I'M! <•'. 70.00
    59 words
  • 21 8 Kr-kiin-. Ltd. 7 Blley, IsjpN I £»,<•»• \'i (i.ii. bu I <7v I frem ituyi I Co., Ltd. a 1,165,9im> pa
    21 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 757 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, NO3. 51 52, nigh Strut. me new goods for pents at low tftfiM A tresli new variety ol *old tewelier> coMb«ia| iI B* Umh o: r >««ris and !.r»"Hio'w «tonen sold ntic* *et with diamonds and rubits brv>odie« stt »tth t>eail«
      757 words
    • 912 8 NOTICES. k.( -,m and fi «0 Kided by tbe C'lui.. I Stf/iO to the «*con'i r or*e provided there are five *t\it*r- th<> property of different owner* A handicap frum 10 *t. Ib*. to »t. 7 lb« for all r>om*». En ranee Ditlance IJ mile. I THK ORAND BTASD CUP.-
      912 words
    • 225 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AmericanZ-T Waltham Watches. WE ARE OFFERING FOR A FEW DAYS THF ABOVE WATCHES AT THE FOLLOWING LOW PRICES Goldfiiled Cases Hunting large size $30 mcd. 30 small 25 1O CARAT GOLD FILLED CASES GUARANTEED FOR 2O YEARS. U.S. Standard Silver Cases Hunting Large size $18 Med. size 18
      225 words