The Straits Times, 5 July 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,477 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JULY 5. 1901. PRICE 15 CUTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 710 1 NOTICES. Caledonian Hotel. T7 Bra** Basiah Road Btl Now Rilliard laMrc Kjtr»'ll«nt Cuisine ■*pl*ndid laree w« 11 furnifliod bud n>oiu>» w>*h buth-roonr' att;ich«^i i Charge* Moderate' Hpinta, alae, »tvl lie«r«< (if th<- rery bent (Minlitv T. M COIIIIOLLV, Mitnaqi r. June -J2 SI 12 NOTICK I. Lim'lioni.' H<- N. N
      710 words
    • 639 1 NOTICES. takarab] pjHn m -hrn it"- m I I mun.-'l has aev«-iMj hii coiinoition wi.h tl« IrdUn flil Well Supply I from t<< 'lav. [M a nuKn.»|iore. 1-t ,lal>, IHM. Jul 4 7-7 NUIIOK i« h.ret.v fFiT«>n that the |i |aj rst of ~»-Hri I.iai v H.-i.h in
      639 words
    • 349 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. John Little Co., Ltd. P I 1 Sole Manufacturers t E [^PEEHFREAN&CgLl c J E F 1 /PATAtAREJ j F |f Over 1,0 0 0.0 00 1 q Made^Sold Daily q PXT-A-CAKE BISCUITS, per tL 40 cents, per 2 Ik. ti» Jl 25 I on nppiinnti .1 John
      349 words
    • 261 1 NOTICES. Wednesday Thursday Friday AND SATURDAY Tfye Last 'Jive £Dai/$ of our SALE, d Katz Bros., Ltd. Li%l[of cf iicaticua fcr nw Liccr c<» tmd r<r<«»l of lictnc*% ta>~ f^ aa> bc'ccr»t<f«r«4 en the 6lh July t> lh« Lk«b«tag Ju«fic<» PtF! H H"' '-K LKKN'€E> f 1 N N VST*
      261 words

  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 52 2 Chinese Orant Indemnity. S iifji us, HA I r» Chinese M ivi- arraagad to ttttle the caw> of the mail r of the pondent Klzel by thi i«hieriiig (Jeneral Chu, iiriprisoniag lor live y the officer '.vlio m in charge of tlit troopf, and p.ivinif taj
      52 words
    • 41 2 Chinese Junk Blown Up. A junk vi ii N'W try in.-, ward bound, struck n miofl Cliinchow an<l Fuochow, mJovm M ne <»f hat Ml wm killfil ir wounded The re»*. Ibi n i n ShanhfiilcM
      41 words
    • 16 2 The J^panene occ'Jpifd Kaiping June _'~t'i, mi ir.- asjaMag Ibcwanl towards Ta«lii hiao.
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    • 11 2 Heavy nin- nre oeigbboili i"i < V-* I
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    • 15 2 It ri in^ntioiied in I tIM asabarketi Alirnil Skry: ret'i->' t I' Ar'hur
      15 words
  • 95 2 |g b(M v»ry ,i i.t t!i»- r connecting Mil ir with tbe alow i >> in which the v, nuoh granblii r- mlik h i« nnly 24 mil. trom \\>rr. i» r in hurrtiDfl n| 11 illy .ri' i ll*-<l for just y> |pf the ftrst in >r
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  • 18 2 v H M rh i iim M tt r H was am ill Or« bill
    18 words
  • 20 2 lor Singapore M :t Ilium) Mr I with tl from I VESKH ADVKRTI*EI> -^T»'"^*> a^ 1 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 455 2 I NOTICES. GLACIER ANTI-FRICTION Jl METAL Korth* 1 ngju'in^soi 1 toavy B^aohinery< y^ TESTIMONIALS FKOM SOMR OF THE LAROHST xSJfIP and MACHINERY BUILDERS. J P\RTICI I ARS FROM Lj BORNEO Co., Ltd. P. BAILEY'S PATENT I m "AQUA-THRUSTER" f i Pulsating Pump. a^a^^^ m. «L /^"^^at. a^L^ I L'^-VrP aT^
      455 words
    • 437 2 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE Sl LIFE rOTAI INVESTED FUNDS KXCEKI XI 2,000,000. TRC I AJtOEST FIRE omct IN THE WORM UOUSTEAD 4 Co., Aftnti rill. LONDON AND LANCASHIKK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY C»piUl £2,127,600 Paid up Capital 212.760 Reserve Fund £1,073.650 The undersigned, Agent* fur the Coui tiany, are
      437 words
    • 213 2 NOTICES. Crnmps, /^^VtCETAaLE^fWk M Cholera, 'I l*Jfi t»r M Birn*, Bronco. Bltee \1 B eS^|( ||ll \^S£< JAMES WATSON ff CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES \h\ rite m ur in TMii flUatnei i Dl M 'C V: A. S OLD: SI2-S0 per case Duty eitra S4 M(NDED>B-50 per case. Duty estra
      213 words

  • 393 3 ng tion thai tkii qaaotkw ia -till eseitißg In IV-irh.untiit tin M M tintion of acoeptiag .i- nal th« imprimatur, vhick tha Baen 1 Ht.iti- for the Ciloniis hi aa Ajritit. eatea Mai »U ..tions tin- i. llin- h.i '"ii (acted an imiaiaai
    393 words
  • 4 3 -in, Aio date* We
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  • 594 3 The stotnoili, «ay< Souw^tH- i< .i slave winch i~ oblifad t(. aocepi ihmif imp' ■(■<! upon it but laa) .vi i i 1 1 iljrj ci mlty I .i twre The iniiiciit Preach aataot l"<--happily nanaMdi m Uasartawl pi fact There i* somet luinr aaiaaj aad pitiable
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 6 3 DACHI Cdff 1 "tie. m I
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    • 105 3 THE AUCTION MART No. 2 D Almeida Street (111 r-,r t I Mnr. .rt'ln Btnk) H. L. COGHLAN aY Co., ' n r ictnttd Auctioneer* The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter Inepeot the UNDERWOOD moat perfcd Ugi Gndartt Co., Ltd. N.V A^'tH'." J. D' A. PERE.RA. il'iUMlllHMA FLORIST. I
      105 words
    • 259 3 NOTICES. La*a*jia^kl^aaViaßßHia>alal rarlaaetlei 1 tr*»nr»' delay, pain ami UMM irr ,n anti-« peculiar to til-, asx. I»re«crti-<1 by lti« afgßHl Francb Medical intl 1 1 latrtet t. Tawef Mccl i>rop« anri Peony royul CHAPOTFATT H r Vi'iennr. ParH iuno«B*<i i'ht«ruu aa«aai or,.*^*-. n.t*. M t»» m« urtiw «n1 ■an.. >
      259 words
    • 642 3 NOTICES. Y^ANTII) a tamhle *h« own* a v bode, as a runner. Apply to Strailft Times office lune n \N| >.\ oimr-i.rjre t-rrn n 1 M rutepj^r f r Import l»pw*> n«. nl Security for f'/^m m i|u '■"> to eonimer < Al ply to X R r/O Strom Timti
      642 words
    • 599 3 NOTICES. '■'UK mortbly sewing me«tinß of the I rv.un h «nn i ktiofl I a>M«l MiaeNM HeeJM stninf..r.i »<..•' ..f Mr<. (inffl h< K»nn< ti '•il> nil. I a.m. la— Sl |»OOMH al Ktoer Horn I K hrhaahatan onl> Tel«|(i No April 18 'P<» HK I.XT: oJHi««i< on tbe mhooil
      599 words
    • 661 3 SHIPPINQ OCBA^ BTIAMfHIPOO, F.T!> fOE BROOMI PORT HRDL4NI>, OHHACK* ASHHfKTON. JARN 1 IRVON' aKRALUTOH AND r KMANn.h lhc romp»n>'« r OMAMOM -VtWitoris r» -\i f.iptain B* I, m ,lti. h-r* .'lt/ Juo« ami ii int*-n.1e.l to nail for the aboT* port* on Tanaday. Mb July. For freieht or p is».,i{e
      661 words

  • 964 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 5TH JULLY. I I ■•v-ur.linry .lisoreptn, b,v.- mkmi hfMtM the Japanese and F-Ui»M in r-p.irts th it Inu irrivej fr >m •>t J lniu ih> put w«fi!c. I.Mve no.l >.»f,t. m the p- thi' »m anil or •ho •'•lht i- i,i in Ik*
    964 words
  • 318 4 I ik. us now to oi4i i v .'inning o! I i* i« i*> «nd r«t in 1 *h) mini m**4 jmv rr-p.»r' «rm tiuent in ib«- r.- DM •imiO worth ot ri.'h'-.i^ -i n »v»r» tl broke <Mit, md if* d**trur»i -n <r i' in Mof lile isiva i
    318 words
  • 653 4 TMK i-»p.TN Itl I BJBBM 111" l.'_'i.| il, VB C uitcil jhle on hVi Uy I «nt iii,-:n.|« m dffiparh f n> in ibe Secretary n f Su> v (l the pr j'Cti.l htrl.iir works o« li. me The drvpafch which bt; ir« dai. M I rur»« 'Imi Hir With
    653 words
  • 168 4 Co 'oaii m wh tIU insnAciant hi i 'h. u«m M tlrpen'i >• ||kS| -«r-» ab|,- t> ..t'^in from 'pnava -i i .i> r >i I UiJ iriued, "«i pnnin n> liih -I hi»|. I i i b.»y w.: S!»l,.| I HCUOI. I 1 .111.--i i! i i !>i i|t
    168 words
  • 276 4 ']'H^ rfd liw t!ia' won'l ;rrt will cease find* daily application in t tl •lawn of the twentieth «ntury l ov.-ry upon discovwry in electricity ♦nd physic; oa«t<i AmmA up<.D long established beliefs, md .pnefs tim^. hoooured «heori«"«. The royei rt-iay« Ut which we callH fiou the oth*r day liavinstance,
    276 words
  • 17 4 To-DAtn bank 4 "> rue is The h-.mpw.r i h "I ry »he Ut<yu clv««« itCn r liv
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  • 17 4 T»i» i. merits L«. ji^t. Ihnner wnt to take plao« at the H)<l. I'jik Hot«! on fa
    17 words
  • 13 4 imu'i Concert is .t th-? Ten'oi in Clijb en the 1 <'h m>-».int.
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  • 27 4 Ths I' vV <* n in-»ar.i mail steaojet II i tfkii k at 3 p.m on S« ur. *y and s- nfevlsSsval <i a.m. i. li BrMtaf m
    27 words
  • 8 4 H»XI l-r it Ut ll I »>e «pital
    8 words
  • 23 4 fw > Hiidkkd nl lit y i^Vhn were r»-gu..»" i. jre during the <*• k en li:iiC Mi J I ra io pet lhswM»w4 •mM7I
    23 words
  • 41 4 ii Jure, Im H>r«.*ah (lold Minim: C Miipany eru«h« t <t siusm I t >i*-l<] <-l lv.'i uumw and nx penny I H"!<1 I tin ivt-r .^e utouii a; 10 p*-i.n> ut-iyh'* t<-ji ii 7*l* HuKNtr. II A ft*, A
    41 words
  • 29 4 i»»n iiuiiitnil) fii h.-it-ea who oik u-i-turrd hue oil tli** ?ii' j»-ot, i« nov, i Bngtaad wiiri his drain, t.rokm d an i in denier n> o -luiiie »'n
    29 words
  • 39 4 The C-»min< i. U*§lua A«- in Sinn r- M- <. U ii mviarier— will n(»n ii ir new f>rvin.>« un -.i ur I«> ii 1 1 .10 hin •ml Muli-il mv i..- i is aMaad >n i hat imam
    39 words
  • 38 4 al >. irHcer.t |M tigfel iß|»l'!i I iMMIfIMd COM It V i»li.liit> > lluie will Itieti I. .•Huh* r el I i!ni'» n II SM I!. I 1 c. »>rili»ir U nut ii ul HpiM t•• .tb.<ut tKiuiil-" 8
    38 words
  • 30 4 i in It I Ah I the llrneli irt r r »-rj. S-wril wtt**M«i r >r -ii lUliiiit; li i| in Mill Mr I!.'-* «i it i i'iith«.
    30 words
  • 61 4 At tli« Si n)|'.iri) > iruonJufe 7 il- M^gHMU' !>••• er« r. TTi,. iiiK tfcmrii I'sfe^ ix lir» i. M •<•• C-ttL), M ilt ijo 'fsjlai" X r i lff. r y y~X H-r CA. it'>' n Miilf^F^ *> 'I Sir J,«ipe» L%la*\ l biwL N.Hi .•«,,0.,%
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 699 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. KSIABLISHKD lhrJD Wine Spirit Merchants, (London. Glasgow. Hongkong. Shanghai) SINGAPORE PRIOE LIST ON" APPLIOATIOM. I V I \pi H< 'v ths v.c. V WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. Ha** 4*p«n«»H a tr«4»a utooh of aswai ol m*rT»ll>iH« hennty
      699 words
    • 28 4 G. R. LAMBERT a Co, PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO Highest Reputation. SMtlng, Oanly A r ,-r ...1 ,f« B b«Mii,| \m .niwlr, it day >•••(■. r.-rmi, i jt Cnartea Mo4«rate.
      28 words

  • Reuter's Extra Service.
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 54 5 i WUiWXMT Sri-AMI H N\ kLCklil). Over 700 People Dro«ncJ r) with seven huodi .'mi brtanrl V »rk. s*ni. U .1 •Ire i m inly 17 I migrants Saved <)f 1 1 lly I in launcl Six I ifehoats Smavhcd In Mea\> SraI 1., r.ii' r 111 m]
      54 words
    • 33 5 Peace Delegates Attend the British. 1 Mtlsthnatl tml Ii i* IMM ivi .i Ihe Til i r (;,.m_ tse He in-i«t«l u|. ..i the fib) N cnvi'. it-- i- *u,ilil ||fOI
      33 words
    • 12 5 1W mnn Marvtvuri Rmm IWJ \nrg. bay, I v
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    • 34 5 I T'-rcy, Iha I'nlcr-Smretary of h't I.- for I' m in Af />, »t iti-il in the H 'i of Commons thnt 11 IL S hi« been j-%1 to N'pw- <•'
      34 words
  • 13 5 IT mIV R Mil MiiV '""'I no, fT .,r.,,r,ft I U pajd hj
    13 words
  • 892 5 SINGAPORE LAND CASES. The Awards. J BaWn wan dolivrred to day in the ■et 'vhi'h wan submitted to the CMef .fuAtice, Sir Lionel Cox, and two /iisbcihois, R*v. N. J. ('ouvreur for the i'Hfrnmeut, and Mr. (teorge R D.'rriok i tli" pajtaM to the claims. I'll.; tirnt laim considered wait
    892 words
  • 107 5 The f'hief Justi'-e «-iid thero wjs only one ojajeatloa MM it was as to th« value of the land Mr DoffM tho ight the award should bo 76 cents per^i|iiare foot, and Rev. Mr. Couvreur was of opinion it should be. :i'J cents. The amount
    107 words
  • 190 5 Arrival at Port Dickson. Ihk Uetf, with H K Sir .loun Anderson, Hmh Cinimi^inner if the Fedemted Malay Stntow, Mi»H Andi»n»on ami suite arrived at Port Dickson irly or Kiiday morning. H K ind party landed at M M while a aalnta wa^iiiril II Kendeut General, tIM :u'finc
    190 words
  • 203 5 Mr.-i- K'tbt Kill c I rOfJMi Juiirt 3rd ■a tbt folio 1. 1 Th. 1 mH tin bl the Straits, and liquidation I »pe<ulative Mdbßf» hero MM ibi pri.*e i)i»/i %m j.'.m If i i,h. 1 lav June, /f|*•\d tl i -t. ductioii jtir.iiied a MsaTMM >'f buying
    203 words
  • 154 5 A i-vck, ntm-.i aiu-ipe in beaafv \lr -e:n ■aatwdaf ir; a enaTM lieKlik'elit drivinK Hill ther. by L'AU«ing much damage tn iln»'e 'nki'li i«, ii il ii 1 1 if in c ,ne uf t *ie txillern »v 'tiJh I i to aaa* to tiosi'ital The man eipUined
    154 words
  • 111 5 i'hipki, f|« J.i... -K mmmmmtMt, tlin ImiiiuU' (nii-t. rf> r .»-v*-|i.«i er <*€irr«-a (tondent, bat koaw h'H-d h |{l1 Ainle it t»i- »r .nt tin OUKcri Irsawaji (Klmn Kiner«un, Jr i» one i I ifeip] hfni known •>( ihu lounuer ne*>p*prr men who imtkH war reporting their field
    111 words
  • 86 5 Ik the Swttow di 'riot severs ■ttibborii cliii lights litve been Ii ueli I Lite, .md ihuy are now r<><-tic «ll) < If o -inrrence At the cml of tlif»li.ln j (li«k'u-line BfajaM like |l >■■ Hi.- .ictors cut nit and tat the v^lx •isaiis if tliH
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  • 340 5 Contraband of War. (J »i»e Hih Mr r.. Walton a»fc«U -he First Lord of the Treasury whether .my reprewet tat ions had bean made to the RuMiin 'ioverntnent in referoi><>i > their proclamation de. laratory jfr.n trabnnd of war, particularly in rep ard to food nd '•<)•.' m,
    340 words
  • 239 5 Ai it Ki*l, the Kmpwrur Willum, in hiatp««cb, referred an King Kdwjr 1 iTOiirs dirt cud towaidw I tlie preservation of peac*. and invoked 1 the aj i it <t m! in his md Kms liilward'* •tTaM Knp E'lwiri, in lim reply, *aid h* t% il^t-ply luiii'h-d at
    239 words
  • 105 5 ».urn the public i dancer nri«n fmrn IIM r rle and artillery ranee* la th-irtly la c«»me b«fire tho L-tti-Uuvr I V)iun t -r euouiMii'i ii. I'lic ur-n ii hi. c ipplie* to in> inilitiry lnpd sypMpriMai furllie sV^MM ol i i ll«--:'ftni.*', an artillery
    105 words
  • 104 5 m .\i> i who to 1 1 •Iv ii i'"lin H >n|(k»nH I ippeared at the M.imMi »c> th>-re on tbe .'*ili June rharx^d with hvnt bvM tniin drui k in«hi»ci'y. H»- tdmit'H hi- rl i si, 1, l«'«l r<> t th<t theli'i'i <r ii II •m.'korttf
    104 words
  • 89 5 The Nwitfaporf Amu'sm open*! to d*y thf Ctn. i Justus IjuiM-l t'ox on th« Wnrh The Calendar it not renurkabli iv any respr<'t Thert- m tw ruurdei cases, a large number of forgery i»im indeed the rharges of forgery Mtra to m at every nitting of the Asaiaaa
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    • 214 5 I'Hk i omprtitiun for the pr te |irt;««ii ted by the C»pt*in of Hal Club n aa follows There were ten other competitor* bit they lid not return ihe tivo <>t»* for nine holet re.jnireJ to -jua T»i»- inf lal f>r the na->nth of J .Ij M
      214 words
    • 52 5 Yw»-"'l t\ I'l i\ >n\\'\ Cr.#w Kwn r.«-«- Dr. 1 >B I» i (Srmi- Final) rm«"heow Kmn «nd WYe Km H H ÜbH Ku Km U..1 finia YeowK*« 12 4-9, iMnfortivday nil) h^nr J x> an! Chi i H S*ow l*«ih l.»nc »n T')i-^ 'I) i I
      52 words
  • 77 5 E. M S. NOTES. ■0 iwing, it is M the bullnck cart» h t.inz t^ ;«p*d tr.m 'in« K Ihe remedy C mp%n> ir.r'. „in_ Tli«> c«»nv«»* bn iiban I md th« v pMsWa] on a* (ul pouible. Th^jr at* •nd t.» be very i I cn«aaa<«diou< ItoC Ibml m
    77 words
  • 118 5 Martclw^icrf V Police. Continued Hiarinf KtkTHKRMIaM MkaMMi <^ ci ..«orde,l T eoßduct 4 ....H,,r ji.iMil- ..ivii,'- \r, i „r iii tl.e fa'iiiK IMW r?1 tm I lut Iha k wa« •ru.-k by Wm -r. Lite in- n bad n>l re-ri Aith f<*"d wbfti b««jan. cuii^,
    118 words
  • 75 5 Whviis at W hich Dill- rcrt Shiparc Hrrthcd To-day. > <H<wr 4l*Bjm*i* *n I rbikrahiwng.. n i i.mvisu IKhk- 4 nrlrl*. I \iH»RT(iRWI\.. Uxk II N M llr«hl ia4 l*nr»«». a X Kt>-U« »txl I mn n < 6 Hi\gmt Nil. ItdkNKl W Mkl 7 >
    75 words
  • 101 5 A MKMORIAI signed by a I irife i. M rr~id«-n:« in bWmJMB\ ha* MM I the Iji'utenant-Cfovei j of B'irma, i-omptaining about thj uf J aho ilen. in i higher wages than in M other "t i India. 1 his ur 'M t due, main!. M 1 A
    101 words
  • 20 5 tm people i-x|.t it proceeds tofii IM a -iiM-ni "Al.t-Jiis the J*; tin V U'hir !>• th* /'T, .ar
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 NOTF .plctr-' l0 Vl k*w> > im«l piior to noon to-day «7\. P»*»luhed »n l> aK r j.
      17 words
    • 15 5 DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOU CATCI COLD but begin now with .Stew W%,,. ia inooVraie dose*
      15 words
    • 156 5 NOTICES. RAFFLES HOTEL. Flret Claaa Traveller* only I »4er tl,.' Mo*' -"i P»».rona;;i! -.t H. E. Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G., ur .n.l OMMHOMi m < bitrf, rHnuta awUkU''. BJI <'->oia«lssiaosr l K M Special Musical Dinner —a* On Sdtui'<l(i;f. fh< 9/// Mali, Scat* Ui*vr\c4 pre\iou«l>. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. OPERA Yap
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 65 5 1 «> f |Rj Tuesday, $lh Juij. y <&W ■Mkl n m .4 fl Wednesday, 6 h .1..l > M 1\ 1 Huh Mas IM"i 1 > X I PS LMtgmai: JMmI 1 MM... Thursday. 7m Ju"> Ili./h W it 1 1 11 Frtda> Mh July. 4 iii>." y "-'urtimy.
      65 words

  • 287 6 I Mattaoa, th.--■■uif barataa Ft,,,,,. who bnNajhf km rwa«| to Urict hai un. nt»<l M ,,v t l and igeniona BMtaod of stopping a leak at »«a Bovad from Norway to Cap. Town, rparii omi tcrnffir weather Bay of Biacay, and wai coi i >
    287 words
  • 54 6 CONCrssiONI i l ffacl at the Intent4tioiial Convention. hrin| a latiout winch a*',! 'liout delay Ml *r» in the amount which aawa, awiaally, I r i u; muni i i ..i spi i r RBA P }I r (oraiyo dm M-K.ll ..f tl.. n| r t( l>ri\ ai
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  • 23 6 I le of Kn vita i half i i wool, \\'!n n tin oil i n HIII-.I I i
    23 words
    • 849 6 Under this heading the following obraviationa are u*ed atr. tteamer; •hip. bq. barque; ach. achooner, f«t. -Yacht; Cru Cruiaer Obt Gun Mat; Tor.— TorpWo H. p. Hone-power ■rit Britiah: U. 8 United HUtei; 'ea French; Ocr German; Dut. latch; Or General cargo dp. deck •aaaengvr; U. -Uncvitain;
      849 words
    • 451 6 mm, fort, probablr daU of nn,.,, •ml immik oy ag'Ht STBAHiaS. Aniif, Nyttiiejr, A'JK 1".'; Bouatead Ajax Liverpool, Juh I- Minnfi.-ld Am. Makoo. Saigon, July 10; Moo. Couite Aixlalui-iR, Kur. pe. .'uh' In Hrhn M»ynr. A Nielly, (olomlK) lali Moim- Cotnt.Anj;lo Australian C'aruit!. July; BorneoCo \nnam. Colombo. 'n!y
      451 words
    • 111 6 fo-Mouov. P.S .< i' m. ' A rVnai >^ p.m. Vnv .-\ad Milfu n p m MalaceaA P IH jk»on H<my .1 p.m. f*wa;o» a:iJ Amo* filr k 3pm P. B'hati) A T An»on tt I n<K>» 3 p m fenang aoJ l)«-li lalypto Sp.m Shanghai and
      111 words
    • 112 6 frita Europe —b> IM I* A Simlm lilt- od lith July with daU- to t tie 1 7th Krom rum*— B> th*> P O. Br*o*l due on Tbunda). Left Sinciporw Put- :n l.oiloa \rn»e<i VuvMth 1' A O June Uli 'ud- Jth U«v'A l BI Jure ilth
      112 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 54 6 NOTICE. FEDERATO SAW HILLS. Ltd., Sungkai. v quantity nd sizn.s <•* L"M..| j.i>-mii> wi Mftranti. Chengai and bard wood can al«o bt> kupplied in :iny sizea and (]iiuiitiiira »rdcr- carried out *ith l)*apatch. 11 Manager. Sawmills, Sungluti. RATES MODERATE Tel*-, t ;.ni \<|.li. "•awmill." Sunghai 11. No. 7. Ml—ll I
      54 words
    • 323 6 NOTICH>. S 1 Champagne ;1 JBlfig^k In two Qualitib* 111 QuAftTS Pints Pimts j^'^'i I ftitTiJofl HUTTENBACrt BROB *C° -P BBjI W r-^^B Penanc a Singapore wTm^rfaW til A Gordon Bennett Cup Race. The srand International Motor-Car Race was won by Mr. Thery on a Georges Richard Brasier Motor-Car. I
      323 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 246 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. l af China, Japan. Pen an g. Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden. I opt. Mediterranean Portii, Plymouth and London. lhrou«li Hill* of I. I r '»r ,:hn •nd Afloerteaa -!,.«mp" will lea basal Mall Line. r I Rengi -•■|'t i.ii,
      246 words
    • 954 7 STEA/VISHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Pakctvaart MaatschapplJ. Under i-ontrai't with the Netharlandft India Hovi-rnment. -t w v rr Hmip A(imcv, i.aTB J Dakkhbij A Co.. 2-.1 Ooli vrh Qr v i !i nni'nrmentioned d»te« .ire only approximate. im«r From Kxp'iej Will ba linspatchod for A .So«-ral>av» Inn- •> iSo»-raliaya, lloelel.-ng. Ampeoarj, Masaasar,
      954 words
    • 592 7 »TBAI»»r1IP OOMPANIBB. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Merman MaH I. me The fast and w.<|| nown mail steamer of this Company rail fortnightly frori H Dipmen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Ant werp, Southampton, Gibraltar. O-non 7 J*» l|<> Vf > T t ""id, «oez. Aden. Polom»<o Penang, Hingarore. Hongkong, Hbanifhai >aicasaki, ami Kor«
      592 words
    • 494 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ~TCy. k. JAPAN NAIL STEAMSHIP Co.. LUt. I K' WMMWITLI maintained l»-t»wn Japan and Kur Baa f"llo*ing M W TWIN SCWI U STI AMI kS I'nd r Contrv t with the Imperial Jap-in™.. <; O ve, nm.»nt. *pe.ially <lMign*><l f. r the Company* European Hervio-. ■gMsnthrougliojt l.y
      494 words
    • 224 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES CP.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. IMK FAATI ■OOTI BFTWEKNOHIN' N.ANDKLKOPK.VIAf-ANA Iv FBI UNITKI>HTATEB. i has ■eagasag He Baaaxaai »ki( lnland Sen «f Japan I. >.«k..h«ni», tlateaia aaa i«m ftsrew aaawsai MaawaUga I T<wm-K|w.«d 19 Un..t«. PROPOtKO SAILINGS rmoM HOMOKOVC. J N| SaaJAaa i»« RM
      224 words

  • 720 8 r rat* m n trlandf 1 1 i i-clared a divitk i ri* -gainst ttU in the form< r year The 8.1. steamer Ch.prn ftnivod irMtordftf from Rangoon with H) t ll4 i of kerosine oil for Singapore. The IMti«h steamer 'his morning from Batoum with
    720 words
  • 106 8 \rr i ai- tine* Noon of \esterday 'iwm Brit »tr UM im« C»pta Pu< kham. Mh July K-onn Bafui Ma> Oil >'atert< r. Simom I mmtam, Brit »ti ."«MSloo». < < Mol»onald, »rd Jul, Trom Auikland 7ih June (VI Knitter) A <\> for I'al-utta. MI. Brit. »ti
    106 words
  • 61 8 Gatuoici di uw Nu 1 1 am-ii kr<i Corn Ran do Pomlantfc Pepper, Black do White, (6% Sajo Floor Sarawak do Brtnet N Pearl 8a«o Coffee Rail, 15% I Ml* Colfce. Paleataas, KX Coffee, LtberiaD No. 1 Tapioca, •mall Fiakr do mcd flake do imall pear' ie mcd dn
    61 words
  • 145 8 Of i, i Hh.r.- v F'ftKl lip tv Otafwi i Mast GOLD. I S I<> r 6o i.» .r. i; M 14..*' umuuwi 00 t 10 I I" n'..u f W i 1 1 i. I X t t 10.. I 10 M 1 I 19 1 1 II
    145 words
  • 65 8 1 I Ji 1 I I I l*,<wu I IHNI I,MM lldl B,(MI > he. f M UNI N 9 I<HI t I'm I In f»o > IW I'M. |l«. I" t HOI J-'-'lt I Kr iinriti 1 •••■•■K u H I Mhaafliai lUnk •('•"Mill, ».,.k,,,, I .1 HHi
    65 words
  • 34 8 (>w«Hl> ICr.kin.-, Ltd. 7 Ul*jr, HantrM r*x*r Dock Co Ll.l 6 1 "t I I -1 i I'i.w i" J 1 1 I |.r» in !i,. n. .in. I inn l«iin/ „«l '!V«I«
    34 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 172 8 K. A. j. CHOTIRMALL Co.! 1 JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Koa. 51 52, Biffh Street. .ew goods tor genie at luw )irit< > A irtsh new variety ol gold jewellery ronMstii.g ot necklaces oi ix-arl* Hal precious stones gold rings set with diamonds and rubies r r.>otliff set with pearls
      172 words
    • 304 8 For lurthir particulars a* to veaacU In h«rb .uf »r»sel« >p. -t. j etc.. tee pace ft. AUCTION SALhb. ALCTION SALK OK CNRKDKKMKIt PLKIX'.KS I Hoai the foil. >wiiii! ]>a»uai:up» fu BE HMD A. POWII.I h Oil's SALE- 8008 Ua Thursday 7ih July. 1t94, at !oam So. t»: Ifmdlf I:
      304 words
    • 566 8 Whiteaway, Laidlaw &Co SKU^TKI) VAM'KS yn>i l-HUKS' WKAIi. thf \lol II &h^ IMI "LEILA inn viwi^i /^Jti-Ai v f" -«*^n 1 1 inn':!. tnmmed or., r. ".I 'yj^jf' t smbroider) ift* Price $2-OO each PHce M-»O each J THE "URSULA^ THE "EMPIRE" Vv^^JSAa 7 Price 51 -9O each aook very
      566 words