The Straits Times, 30 June 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times NO. ai,473 SINGAPORE. THuisDAY. JUNE 1904 MICE 15 CEITI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 812 1 LATBST ADVERTISEMENTS. '4NTID Immediately assistant in Kngineering Store, matt be energetic and capable of keeping stork books. Apply T S. V. c/o .Strait* Timn. lane 80 a c. r pHE monthly sewing meeting; of tfae X Church Work Association will b« held at Mission House, Stamford Boad, residence of Mrs.
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    • 505 1 NOTICES. Caledonian Hotel. 77 Brass B*s*ah Road SU New Billiard Tables Excellent Cuisine Splendid large well furnished bedrooms with batti-rooms attached. Charges Moderate Spirits, ale*, and beers of the very best quality T. M. CONNOLLY, Managtr Jw 2i-l:i NOTICE. Ag Bsiioitsr for and on behalf of huen I'bjn Montri Furijavongeo
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    • 480 1 NOTICBS Ideal Milk Enrfched 20 per cent. Gh?^ Sterililc4-Hot Sweetened. t«^"^«ojj*J A P«rf«K Substitute for Fresh John Little Co., Ltd. Redactions in Prices PROVISIONS WINES. fiotice On sad after July Ist our Prices of Provisions and Wines will be reduced. Revised Price Lists may be had early ia July oa
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    • 407 1 Auction Sale AT Messrs. H. L. Coghlan 9 Co.'s Mart. About 1 ,500 »or«<. Tin aintokf Land The undersigned ore instructed by Tbe Liquidators of THE JBLEBU MINING TRADINd COMPANY (In Liquidation) To Slll by Auction, at Thb Maki, D' Almeida Street, Singapore. On Tutufuy, 6lh Jvly 1804, of 230
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    • 221 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I OUR fSalef Begins To-morrow. Katz Bros., Ltd, Robinson Qo. Buns! Rifles I Guns Rifles d,. Oims! Rifles! S^fcw Cartridges I^^ Cartridges E? Cartridges All our Guns arc made in i.uglancl by a first class maker. A large assortment of Gun* to select 'row in varioun Urades In
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  • 1086 2 Bek'iici .1 largely attends H meeting of the Omtral .W\m\ toclat] Mi Jvjm st in the society's u>otns in Alhemarle (Street. W. M. Q. da \Ves«diUkv, Lon don correspondent of the Xoroe Vrtmya, delivered ;in mlilicss on J lie Problem of Asia." Sir A. Lyall presided,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 174 2 Sulphuric and Hydrochloric Acids APPLY TO THE SINGAPORE PLANTING ft PACKING CO., oe Horth Bridge Road. SINGAPORE. Mars o.e. High Class Egyptian Cigarettes Best Quality I Exquisite Flavour I ManuAtctund l>j JEANOU ft PATTARA FRERES Purveyor* to H. M. the Queeu of Si mi. Tobacco de Cavalla. Tobacco de Xanthi.
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    • 123 2 NOTICES. tf* l fljO'^**»tfMßßM MB KT9 TO A H JP I Jill A^A Q QO3NELLS LATEST 111 U IQlaltham WATCHES W W f Stem winding F escapement The best pocket timepieces in the world Macdonaldg-Muir ISSSSd SPECIAL &^a SCOTCH j WHISKY. Ife^j^K KIM HIN 6-C?, The Highest Authority on foods
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    • 47 2 Ask for it AND i TAKE NO OTHER. i^l,V m: OBTAINED at Cheng Co., Ten& Qiue Cm., Menu Hin Co <r.\ am. n Chow Kit Co., Kmmla iMmjntr, F.M. KIM HIN 00., Singapore, SOLE AGENTS FOR Straits Settlement*. Federated Malay States, Borneo and Siam May 18 17-7
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    • 255 2 NOTICES. T MOTION JF CO. WATCHMAKERS. J EWELLERS, OPTICIANS. KH'AIRS PROMPTLY BXIO Apollinaris kTlu Qiuen of Table Waters" •LIED UNUEK ROYAL WA*«ANTS Of Appointment to MAJESTY THE KINC AND H.R.H. THE PRINCE OP WXLES. Ann' ai. Sale 30.000.000 v E. CALDER HAS JUST LANDED 26 Horses, Cobs and Ponies. All
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  • 319 3 Straits Merchants Bargaining. The peailuiy season in Mergui which extends from September to the middle of May has just conic to a close, and the pearling boats arc "in dock." as high winds and muddy sva water. MM* aa prevail at this tiiiH< of the ye.v. inter
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  • 394 3 Mr. Snow Prospecting. The Mmmfann Utisetit takes aote ilim th« mieiiMi; industry i^ going ahead M Mergui. Tb. mining in.ln 111 1 utag ahead aad wliat proaui be a praftUble diwery of n Urge bed of lead satphidt ore lih> ,erv lately Wen ?iindi- l>y Mi
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  • 10 3 Exchange aud share quotations will be found on page 8.
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  • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed od page 8
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 11 3 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, per(ect autiseptic dentrifice, cleanses an<* preberves t.'ne teeth
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    • 325 3 New Steahiers FOR SALE.^t^ A New Steamship, at present coming out to Bangkok, and built especially, with light draft, for Bangkok, coasting, and imilar trade, is offered for sale. She is a superior vessel of about 1,500 tons, with every modern equipment, and will be followed in about two n.unths'
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    • 641 3 I NOTICES. GOVERNMENT VOTIFICATIOK. EXPERIMENTAL RUBBtR TAPPING Wanted Cl»rk (Outdu vr) to assist, for «b >v' six months L Salary fJO per n enoein with unfurn »ned Director, Botanical Gardens. Colflfciecretar.v's Office, MingaHkl7ta June, 1904. a a OOVERNBBKC NOTIFICATION. WftnK'.l for the^fc|t«* Treasury a Hhrofl able to write atf3H«i ED
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    • 508 3 NOTICES. IRIGAUD'S K&naaga OF JAPW TOILET WATER Plqandi Kanangs Wa- tsr htt the tweet ptrfunx of the Kininga Flower of Jjp»n and a toothiag ao4 cooling iction on the skin; h relieves mosquito biua, and is most refreshiog aJr C* PCRPVIURS a, ru» TlTtoaae. Ptnt-Frtnn •t IsiWHae-il Struts Parcel fr
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    • 608 3 NOTICES. rw\) BE LET— Horn* No 11, Sophia I Road, and alto No. Wilkie Road \pply to A. S. P hooker, I Malnsea Strret. Jane 2 BB LET offices on the second flooi No. 7 Battery Road. Imraedi.u. antry. Apply to Gatbrie A Co. Ltd. Agent*. a-e. TO BE LET,
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    • 666 3 SHIPPfNQ "IORDMTSCHIR LLOYD. FOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AM) JAPAN PORTS. Tbo Imperial German qmii steamer PR. REO.LL ITIOLD&m tttns, CapUin Xi runner, having left Colombo on B<iturdafy the 26th inst., at noon, may he expected to arrive here on Thursday, the .'fcnh'inst at about 6 p.m. co rout<» for aboveports For
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  • 15 4 Bru R. On the Uta June, at Hanphow, Aukkii U:m\u Svkks, _'<*1 t- yeai>.
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  • 1036 4 W'hii.k much sympathy will be expressed for (be hard-pressed soldier, and sailors of the Czir now at tbc front, on account of their seemingly hopeless predicament, the civilised nations will pause ere recognising as one of Iheir family, such a nation
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  • 171 4 Strange and various tales are published as rnniiag from Port Arthur, and it is difficult at time. tt> decide which are really true report*) and which are pure "Bunders'* concocted in Shanghai or elsewhere. Our special telegram to-day seems to dissipate the rumours of semi-starvation in tbe stronghold, and indicates
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  • 20 4 To-day's bank 4^pa rate is 1/11-ft. Katz Brothers Clearance Kale begins to-morrow. Particulars will be found in our a&vertifting columns.
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  • 27 4 The s.s. Seneci Capt Gunie», fir Boston, New York, having If ft M mila on the 28 A inst. is expectei to arrive on the 3rd July.
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  • 31 4 The German mail eteumer Mm Rig«nt Luitpoli hiving left Penang on the 29th inst. at 1 p iv. in iv be expected to arrive here to-d.iv at about 5 p. mi.
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  • 29 4 Launches will leave Johnston's Pier on Sunday for the Swimming Club at 10 and 11 a.m. and 8.18 andtfHO p.iu. It is stated that :iO tiffin* will be prepared
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  • 31 4 The M. M. s.b. Ooeanien with dates from Europe to the 10th June left Colombo at 10 pm. on the tnkt June and is due here on Monday at about noon.
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  • 30 4 A corresho.ndknt writes to say that tbe P. W. D. have at last commenced repairing a poitioa of the Changi Road. He declare, that work is going on very slowly.
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  • 32 4 Thb total amount of tin ore exported by the Tributors on the land, of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Coy., during the month of June was :»00 bas. equal to 225 piculs
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  • 20 4 The P. &O. inf^flßiate steamer Borneo left Penjgpif 10 pm. yesterday and ia^tflßcted to arrive here at 7 a.m. tatflrorrow.
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  • 22 4 rhji^rTernoon the Rangers meet tbe A^HFat Association football on tbe dflpTanade in connection witb the Rescue fixture* A good game is expected.
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  • 31 4 The Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce intends to erect a triumphal arch of welcome in Yap Ah Loy Street on the occasion of H. B. the Governor's visit to Kuara Lumpur.
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  • 30 4 Cait. A. Stewart of the s.s < 'other. us Apear, which arrived from Hongkong yesterday, reports that a Chinese passenger jdlnped overboard while the vessel was leaving Hongkong, and swam ashore.
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  • 36 4 Thb departure of the s. s. i.'ourt/Uld witb 1,500 coolies from Hongkong for South Africa was fixed for the end of this month. The coolies refused to leave earlier owing to a high festival coming off.
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  • 33 4 When Mr S. E. Williams, i'erak Government Printer, goes to Singapore, Mr. Mahoney. Assistant Government Printer, will act for him till the federalization of the Printing Offices takes place, which will be shortly.
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  • 45 4 Thk next meeting of the Chinese Christian Association will bo held at the Prinsep Street Church tomorrow at 8 p.m. when Mr. Beow Poh I.eng will propose "That Protection would be of advantage to the polony," <»nd will be opposed by Mr. Kiong Chin Kng.
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  • 59 4 It is reported that Mr. Tung Hungwei, a native of Cbekiang, China, who has just graduated from a Japanese university, has been engaged by his compatriots at Batavi.i, the capital of Java, for the education of their children It is stated that the Chinese in Java now number no less
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  • 53 4 On Sunday night last, a Chinaman committed suicide at the Chinese Club, in MacAlieter Road, Penang, by cutting his throat with a razor. He died immediately afterwards. Another Chinaman cut his throat with a similar weapon, but wai arrested before he had time to finish the task. He was removed
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  • 68 4 His Excellency Wu Ting-fang (known in the Straits, where he was born, as Mr Ng Choy) the Senior President of the Chinese Foreign Office was recently received in audience by tbe EmpressDmager and Emperor of China. Mr. Fbio Thian Si at (known in Mandarin circle, as Chang Cbin Hsun) formerly
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  • 81 4 C. C. St. Clair, me cnampioa heavy weight pugilist, issues a challenge to Jack Me Auliffe, any time ur place within three months, and backs himself to knock him out in ten round*, for any «take from SI ,090 to S3 000, proper deposits to be made with a responsible
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  • 135 4 La&t night a special dinuer was given at tbe Hotel de I'Europe. There was a very large attendance of quests, some 300 being {resent in the Urge dining ball and the menu, which has already been published, was of an exceedingly reeJieche character. The dinner revealed the
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  • 200 4 A Marine Court of Un«(uiry was held nt the Master Attendant's office this morning to enquire into the charges oi drunkenness and gross misconduct brought against I). Munro, second Officer of the s s. hlandtrt. Mr Michell, the Senior Magistrate, presided and the Court consisted of
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 145 4 Dearth and Privation. Shanghai, 90th June. A letter h»s been received bare from Port Arthur, dated 24th in*tant. The letter says that prices at Port Arthur rule high, but that wages follow suit in rising. The foreign residents are not suffering from the dearth. The Chinese residents
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 243 4 Tendon, 29th June There ha; been a debate on the Army in the House of Commons. Mr. Arnold- Forster s Opinion. Mr. Arnold- Forster, the Becretary for War, spoke. He denied that recruiting had fallen off, but admitted that it would be difficult to exaggerate the seriousness of
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    • 104 4 Japanese to be Kndly Treated. London, 'Mtk Jun*. A semiofficial telegram haa been received at Bt. Petersburg from Liaovang to the effect that General Kuropatkjn Las issued an Order to his army how to treat the Japanese soldiers. The Order directs the troops to treat fallen and
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    • 51 4 Advicss from St. Petersburg state that yesterday -VI men entered the Mfin, a submarine thure. The normal complement of the Deifin is ten men. The additional number cau«ed the Dclfin to sink prematurely. Loss of Life. One lieutenant and twenty men were drowned. Tim I) Ijin was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 577 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ca Id beck Macgregor Co. 'ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London. Glasgow. Hongkong. Shanghai) SINGAPORE PRTCJi I- IST O3ST A-IF^XjIC-A-TIOISr. jfpiia" v.c. WASSI AMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1,2, 3, A 4, High Street, Hate opeoed a fre*lt ISMS oi »iiUs of niarvi;iioni> beauty aud best
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    • 116 4 O. R. LAMBERT A Co., P«of OQHAPHIC ART STUDIO, limn Kin IK* Highest Reputation. *lt«i»oa Dairy. Appointment! should be made, if possible, one day beforehand. Char t es Moderate. Jmn. II u.o. Miidri.— On the 'iOtli Jane, at Hongkone, at the Government Civil Honpital, the wife of Mr. 8. K.
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    • 13 4 STEARIN' WINE, is the great nutrient tonic in convalescence from fevert, influenza, pneumonia.
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    • 45 4 NOTC -1 eleframs and local news received prior to noon to-day are published on Pace a. It is now learnt that the Russian gunboat* Ov&tniattcky (1,600 tons) and (Jaidamak (41 > tens-) were both sunk by accidental contact with mines off Port Arthur on the 4th.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 52 5 r« aW Wittr tht Strati* Timm." Dkar Sir, -As you reproduced the Oiylon Gbteri'tr'e criticism of my letter anent Jehong Estate, perhaps you will he so obliging as also to publish attached copy of my reply. I am, Dear Sir. Youri Faithfully, E. V. Carey. Klaug, tttfa
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    • 883 5 Mr. Carey apostrophises the "Ce>lon Observer." J'otlia tidilor,"CeyloiiUt>server," Cohml>o Dear Sir,- In your issue of 2rth May you are good enough to comment upon a letter of mine addressed to the Strait* Tiwyx in hich^l give an account of a visit which I paid to
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  • 91 5 Thk (.ilasgow steamnr Kirblale has been sold to Japan. The KirhdaU is v steel ger«w steamer of ;»,<W4 tons gross, and I 876 tons net register Shn was built by Mess-r- Bartram, Harwell an 1 Co. Suiulerland, in 1894, and is owned by Hie Kirkdale 8.
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  • 1461 5 MR. RTZELS J^^teK (Frum our i Vref/umJ^k Xeuchuong Bth J unt^nß^^ Much regret and concern is being nA^fc fested among the European community here over the tragic death of Mr. Lewis Etzel, who was special war correspondent to the Daily Trltgruph. Mr. Etzel was we 1 known in
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  • 149 5 Preparations In Perak. A representative meeting was held at Taiping in the District Office to consider what arrangement* should be made for the reception of His Excellency the Governor. Almost all the Government Departments were represented and the Chinese, Malay and Tamil communities also.
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  • 284 5 WRECK OP THE HOANGHO." Ureat Loss of Life. Amoy, June Amoy was startled and shocked a few d»ys ago to bear of the loss of the steamer Hoangfto, which Buttertield arid Swire's put on the 9team launch run to Chin Chew and other northern ports. For some weeks she has
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  • 522 5 On Tuesday Mohamed Ali tv arraigned by [nap. Howard before Mr. Beth oo the allegation of having stolen some tine last year paper and type valued at toOo from the store room of the American Mission Press. The case was postponed yesterday: bail being fixed at 91,000. Chan
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  • 197 5 The following passengers left here on Wednesday afternoon by tbe imperial German Mail steamer Zieten For Penang:— Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Rassett, Mrs. and Miss Case, Mr. Remy. For Colombo Mr. K. Bauer. For Genoa:— Mr A. A. von Mechel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Russell. Mr
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  • 171 5 Serious Fighting at Tientsin. Trouble and strife among the coolies awaiting shipment to South Africa seem to have already begun. On Thursday afternoon (says the and T. Timu of June 1 1) a serious affray took place at the Camp of Messrs. W. Forbes and Company's
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  • 206 5 Poor Meetlnc tsATUHDAY, says the Malay Mail, saw the conclusion of our race meetingone which turned out to be tho poorest we have had for a lorjg time. We have before advanced the opinion that the recent prevalence of horse sickness at Singapore may have seriously interfered with
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  • 135 5 The Fanny Stanley Operatic and Dramatic Company gave a performance of tbe burlesque. Cinderella." On this occasion a new actor appeared in the caste Mr. Robert Stepbenson, whose ability as a female impersonator is well known. Cinderella as a burlesque is very funny, so much so that the audience
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  • 106 5 General Botha has re<iuested the Transvaal Government for reinforcement of the troops in the frontier districts near German Kat,t Africa. Thu German troops commanded by von Ludtvein have advanced too far into the hinteiland driving before them the Baodelswarts. It is feared vow that the natives, who have
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  • 71 5 Wharfs at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf— Ganymede. Victoria Graving. Dock— Purnea. Albert Gravino Dock- H. N. M. 8. Utrecht Suction No. 1 Prinz Sigisniund and I>igat<> 9 Vat Shing. 3 De Clerk. 4 Saga. 5 Charon. „6 Agamemuo ,i i, 7 Tnngganu
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  • 609 5 Story of the "Hitachi Maiu." A Nagasaki despatch of th» 17th iust states that on the morning of the 16th inst, Sergeant Tadokoro and 35 men from the transport Hitachi Mam arrived at Mutsuren. They were nearly all wound cd. They were taken aboard the Vmm Marti
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 185 5 NOTICES. BAFFLES HOTEL. (First Class Travellers only Under the Mo«t DiMtin^ni^hed Patronage 01 H. E. Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G., Governor and Commander in -Chief, Strait* Settlement*, nnd llijra <"omnii«,i,«ner, K.M.s The Select Rendezvous er THE ELITE OF SINGAPORE All Comforts. j w »v SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. The merit of a
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 121 5 DAY BY DAY Thursday, 30th June. High Water. 11-51 a.m. Football. Range™ v. A.T.A.. Phil. Orchestra l'ractice. j. TeutoniaOub Fancy Fair (lor Children) 5-30. Town Band. li. S. Reservoir. 8-30 to 10k Stanley Co. Town Hall. 9 V. M.C A., Zetlaml .Home. p.m. Friday. Ist July High Water. 1-4 a.lO.
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  • 186 6 n M.v.iob K. <i. Broaukkk B. V. L Tii. CoMMAM'VM. B.V.C V.COBNi Kutir-: During theaWnce •a duty of Lt. Col. the Honble. A. Murray tic uv\\ SMiiol Officer. M.ijoi !.<•. "ill perform thf dnties of Acting i 'inimandant, S. V \ktii.i.kkv t>rderly Ollirer for the :.-uing week.— l.icut.
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  • 105 6 Berlin, .lune 17. The Oordoc* btnnett motor-cur race took place in the presence of the Emperor and Hrnpress of Germany and Prince Henry of Prussia. There were L-hteen btartere. The race was won *i > a Frenchman named Thery in five ..ours fifty minutes and three seconds, seating
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  • 97 6 40 Lives Lost. The China Merchants tteaui Navitdtion Company's steamer Harshin (Captain J P. I,owe) has been lost near Fooohow. Forty natives were drowned. The crew were saved. The Haethin traded between Shanghai .:.a the Coaet. She left Shanghai on c. c 14th inst. for Fo^chow, and wai
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  • 111 6 H M.S. Sparrowhawk" a Total Wreck. ?ha.v.hai, June lt».— The torpedor tt destroyer ■Iwl; during the .i-uuueuN res of the British fleet ofi the saddles (a group of islands in the mouth of the Yangtse) struck an uncharted 1 :ck H.M.fc. Glory, the flagship, went
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  • 310 6 For Singapore. t"er P. 4 O. 8. born"' from London May 88 due Ist July- Mr. Caw, Mr. J. B. V. Brown, Mr. A. B. Blunn. Mr. and Mr». W.llett, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cook. Per P. 4 O. 8. s China, connecting with t:. steamer Clnuan
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 11 6 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE, Curet "Mutt be Sttarnt' and you get! tti.-
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    • 156 6 NOTICES. Libby's Potted Meats TEN CENTS PER TIN. June 1. Sold by all Stores. Sample ftottles free. CARBIDE OF CALCIUM Tt«^ Packei in 2 Ib., 10 lb.. and HOTb Tins Acct.vlliU' I illinu- miml OHNMIHI Hi I ni. Mum hi. nrtur' r* l>1 flll Bmatmmi Acie-.-oiies ni eve)} imriftMM. Always
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    • 303 6 Jseyfjiermanos EL, Bras T3asah Road HOTEL BUILDINdS, OPPOSITE THE COLLEOE) lomega" watches FRIZB "t the Swiss National Exhibition, Oeneva, 1896 HIOHBBT I»H.ISSEJ »t the International Exhibition, Brussels, 180S HIGHEST FRIZB the International Universal Exhibition. Harts, 1000 V 5 YEARS GUARANTEED An K.xfellent li«-lis«bl«- Timekeeper «>1 KleflMtt Simplicity AT A MODERATE
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 667 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Fur China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gnlf. Continental, »nd American Forts. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mall Line. Outward (for
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    • 642 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijko Paketvaart MaatsohappiJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India, Qovernment. Agenlt at Sinaapore Buir Agincv, latk J. Daenubls A Co., >-8 Coli.vkk Quay Ihe undermentioned. dates are only approximate. Sxp'ted. Will be IMwpatched for awaim^ i De Keck- PoDtitnak Jane 89 Pontianak .Inly CamphMm Batavia Jone '21 Batavia,
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    • 427 7 HAMBURGAMERIKA LIME. HAMBURG. I'be siearaers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewar U, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre andHamburg'and once a month for Bremsrhaven direct, calling at Penana and Colombo The arrivals of the next steamers
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    • 642 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ND.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Uerman Mail Line The fast and well nown mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Ant werp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore. Hoofekonc, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama an I back. They are
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    • 638 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N V K^ JAPAN MA'L STEAMSHIP Co.. Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by tbe following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. I nd. r Mail Contract with the Imperial Japnnese Government, specially designed for tbe Company's European K-rvicc, lighted throughout by Electricity. provided with
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    • 525 7 STBAMSpiP COMPANIES C.PJ?. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THE FAST ROOTS BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. Koute from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sen of .Japan) Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Ktiif re-» Steamiiliip« BfMl<i Tons— Speed 19 knot«.
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    • 1365 8 Under thii heading the following >»»r*TMAions »re need str.— lUuntr; A. chip; bq. barque; sch. schooner; r«t lacat Cru.— Cruieer Obt. Gun aaat Tor.— Torpedo H. p. Hone-power •rit Britieh U 8. —United States f eh. —French; Oer. German Dut. Oatoh; G.c.— General -cargo dp. deck •assenfsr;
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    • 570 8 forl, probabU tlatt ft/ art it n mnd *am» oj o# ent*. Stiaiiiks. Aiax, Liverpool, July I MamtieM. AltiiiK. B&ndjei'massin, July 3; Daendels. Am. Macon. Saigon, July 10; Mone Comte Andaluttia, Enrnpe, July 18; Been Meyer. A. Nielly, Colombo, July 6; Moine Comte. Anglo-Australian, Cardiff, July; BorneoCo Annatn,
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    • 542 8 Sinoafobi, 30th Junk, IWM PROOUOC Uambtei bayern 7.75 do (Cnbe No. 1) ma picked U.oo Copra Ban •o Poattanib M 7.7s Pepper, Black do White, 35.iL'i Sago Flour Sarawak J.oj 4» Brsnet No. < 170 Pearl Sago 4.40 Coffee Ball, 16% bail* Sl.oo Coffee, Palembang, SO* 1 .24.5
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    • 80 8 SFerttemmer 1,...-10-Mobeow. A T. .Vnson Amhsrt: 3 p.m. A T. Anson Hy€ Ltxriuj .1 p.m. Dvv... />» fCUrk 4 pjn. and Hyiiney Sigiti.iitmi 4 p.m. Mk»«in I', d^r Cnp*Mtu 4 p^n. MiTI'EBAV. g A Amoy Pmtakoin 7 a.m. I via poitx Manila y a. in. Padang via ports
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    • 116 8 SM— By tbe N. l>. s.« /Yin? rfdneonaOth June with d«tN le. >-By tbe M M s Himsla.ia .(T TIJIK TABIi OF Mill Left Singapore Dae ia London Arrived May 13th P. AO. June 4th June 4th May 18th 8.1. .lune IStli Juoelitb May 2Srd M. M.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 98 8 K. A 7 J; CHOTIRMALL Co. JETTELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, KTos. 51 ft 52, &lg& Street. Just arrived a new shipment ot Indian, Chinese and Japanese silks of various kinds, Chinese embroidered eobtumex, Maltese lace jackets and handkerchiefs, Ceylon lace, pretty grae* cloth work, silk sbawU of various kinds made
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    • 637 8 I List of applications for new licence* and renewal of Licence* l» be considered on the I6th July by the Licensing Justice*. PUBLIC HOI SE LICBtfCB*. uLii^i..^ No n^ meof J!8&L« ,3', fa ta 1 [Mr* R. Goldbert 15 and 46 North -.'nd For ronew»l ot Bridge Boad Licence
      637 words