The Straits Times, 29 June 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 31,472 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 29, 1904 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 805 1 NOTICES. 'iOVKKNMKNT NOTIFICATION. ON Monday July lHth next at 1 1 :«i a.m. (■■v, i rin. Ml will Ut UptOMCtlnn in the Land Office year Leases of the following properties situate Koath West of and within eapy launch-run of the town I of Singapore. The Island tailed Kulau Hebaro!; area
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    • 590 1 NOTICES. IS SETTLEMENTS AND •ERATED MALAY STATES. l-HORTICU'LTURAI. SHOWS r»t of a series of combined Shows, leld on tbe Race Course at Kuala on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 6th and 7th of August ni'\t. he Show will tx> opened by* Excellency The Governor ir.Tuhn Anacriion K C M 8 at
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    • 546 1 NOTICES. Caledonian Hotel. 77 Brass Bassah Road Six New Billiard Table* Excellent Cuisine. a Splendid large well furnished bod roc nj with bath-room* attached. (Charges Moderate) .-pints, ale*, aivl beers of the very y T. M. CONNOLLY, iune_22 111?* T) V the investment of a sms D sum annually for
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    • 647 1 AUCTION SALES. THE TAN KIM TIAN STEAMSHIP COY, LTD—/,) Liyiidativn AUCTION SALE OK OFFICE FURNITURE, MILNERS' HAFE^. &c. To be helrl at No. fi, Raffles Plate. Saturday, li.d Jit!-:, IW)4, itt 11 am. TwoMilcer.-' fireproof safes, v Rc-miDx ton Standard Typewriter No 7; large w ii 1 InK1 nK tahles.
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    • 560 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. At Our <| Which oale On Friday tde Ist. There will be some Very Special Lines in our DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. 7 Udies' Hoje, a pairs for «0 4o\ Wool Travelling RUGS, each Jfc 0" Do Shoes, 50 cent*, ".-.etuis A 1 00| Coloured BLANKETS each »SQ Do Slipper*,
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  • Special Telegrams to the " Straits Times."
    • 89 2 Losses In Battle.tUm*f)Mi Kflfl 1 AtChefoo, tbeCbimrte report ib* •'if 1 lipmm lorptdo-boata anJ '.«< i.rL-.r reweh w«re .ii-:ihled in tl agrat tialrins M *»rl Arthw bm »«-rc lowed .iwav. The Bmtfan battfciljh* '"i"^' Ntnertvea Tr. tba m pain uoiaraoo' TO*iog to behM>Wf|«alO. The patch ,nk
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    • 24 2 A lmira! AWaeMi l\n\ d Urn -sport of beat.s from \'-vv liwanz i> .ider lo Ir* v. that artMs l>l
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  • Reuters Extra Service.
    • 25 2 Lmttm, MM -i" The Hum oi Uafii bat <H< t^p r p»K>rt of &yi leJnm »bW had conßidered tho Militia md Volunteer .iUfftinn«.
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    • 32 2 L).d Djnounhm re asefcwei t!i»' 'if we lost tho i-* .ni'inni al he only thins KteWwM toMeJH In I.ordDjnoMnlnnoie'i^'r'ini 011 •'>T)rription w^- un-.c f -sary OTdOf thi )ireoav4aocM.
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    • 27 2 1. -»ni LmuJwix e»ywi wi t'" 1 bop? hat the Government [iropasals for the luuajwill'tm of the annv would h. owblicly saoouaoed before vory-kMff.
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    • 63 2 Intii-H m^ofOommoiis, Mr AiaaM Burster adniitled that some of th» proposals BMde by the ■bowwitia— Commissions seeine-i to ho of vtiy kmbtfoi eh««cUr. R-ir he rccarJea O\o pnpowll »»l rtfercaefl tj hWMJI pnpo*»*'J *nJ cilioieii.'y of Hi.- .ixiliiry forces io bd iDos'.. vnliiiiMa. They would probably be
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    • 21 2 Tbt Ueose ofO»«iiaonttn*i«q«H»nMj l(.ba!<-d Urn [/eeasin* Bill. In lha divisions which resaheH tl-f G .vftmmrnt unj.rity Mint I iunc2r<il.
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  • AT K EL. King and Kaiser.
    • 27 2 IMA Ju>" ba rmngnrt at K\d\ isiUfday evrnii^', !'ne Kiag an<l tii-- Ksii i\-xcln«iv>ly to y-i' iiti'iu ousting u*ch other. Pjlitic- wore a n)-n!i >n-l
      Reuter  -  27 words
  • 19 2 |*Ie Fortbn <>l)i:o at. Tokyo hw Nen r'coived by H*. Ttoak*, Mm C usul at JJaytpnm,
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  • 48 2 Itemea 2.1S p I' Ti,e Taku«han anr.j. nf'.er -ix bnun' ter«n fulitine on UM *7lh :fO'«pii d Kensluiiling, >li MkM nor.heeet of Btnyea. Urn uemy's i'oroc ccntiitod of Q»« latUlkNH iiafunry, two refbacataol aiV :i:>. Jill MSIeBD ?»n8They fi--<i •:> *i«>td»t lewarot |"ri.,utL,ing. Cu*Japao««oo»»ealti«« v estimated ion
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  • 1032 2 Cobdcn Celebration Stir Robert Oiilen, the statistician, speaking at llayward's Heath, Sustex, on the 6th June, at .1 demonstration in honour of the :ent«aary of Oobd that the succes* of Cobdeu'H roniaiercal policy was incontrovertible. Iv the s-xty years which had elapsed siuce its adoy tion, Groat
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  • 33 2 A Chinese coolie was trying I" re VI a bag of rin from ;i ■tow in a few days ago when I munbor of H.ipi fell <>n him. lie died sborth sAentaim
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  • 24 2 A Btrafes-bon C'liinaman MSMu Chia Hang Ouan has Im.-ii arrested in Mini on a charge of kidnapping a Strata born CliiaaM girl frnm MBg»por»,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 405 2 'NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement IN THE LONG TESTS MADE BY SARAWAK GOVERNMENT (For their own Satisfaction) ha* come out 10 BRANDS WERE TESTED. HHje Madras Municipal Engineer pronounced Eagle Cement as the best be dad ever tested. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd. CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES USUAL SIZES IN STOCK PARIICJIAWS FROM
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    • 253 2 ma For Discriminating Smokers. ■■^■y Cigarettes Absolutely Unique In Quality. Hand-made from seleoted paroela of the ftneet Virginia Tobaocos. To the cultured and discriminating smoker, tawe aro no other OlfawUoa that will give suott keen sausniotion and 'Tijojinent. No. 555. No. 999. AstoHas. O.d.n«ry M t*. Ordfa*7 «*>. BUh»d Ho«u
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  • 542 3 Thk other day *<> puWWied a wW«r tindiiiK fault with tame bw Jwt parsed in IVruk in wliici. prwrni rMtri ••ion? were placed i nth«ahofttingl of h'u.i- .'-I'l-cutlh -i.ipt- Tho law wabrouuht before the I' Ooonali <"•• Ktate on the it'tli May. UrniMial interest wa^ pirt'ed
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  • 340 3 ADVERTISING CATCHES. Advertiaan tn d P"W" ipint to purr, mi i Kt< n( thai wiao awake (hi.- hi win prweailj lay i' possible to '.ivc in luxury N h* rt '<> aotuiMg a \.ar For eAßiiipl-, tli'Tt nppt-arca in the Uauy Mail an adveruaeinaal ai iurni.-hiiig company whu h contained
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  • 110 3 At tl.. lit moment. Kyi tho Elrctrital Mmjarim, when the eyes of the world arc oeatnd M the F.n- East, it may be of iuttrost to note that Dalny was dm "f the MIIMIHMiixi coiimiuni Uh as regards the explication of electri-i-i'v tc [Miblic Ulid private
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  • 624 3 Opm V ar I.'t-cbivd. The dnurd Company has nm« aga'n DOOM to tlir front and refused tn take BmH ■jpjnMhM 'lying down." The corrcspoiidencc between Lord lmervlyde, the Chairman cf the Cunard Line, and Mr. Ballin, MM agen 1 of the German lines,
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  • 264 3 In the report o! the Maritime Tiadt of Bengal for 1903-U4, Mr. Foley, tht nifu-iiitiiig Collector of Customs at Calcutta, writes: A feature of the yeai in the petroleum market was the amal giunation o.f the Shell and Transport t'ompanv with t li<- Koyal Dutch ana other Ccmpanit's
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 ETMOUI TOOTH POWDER, a per feet antiseptic deotrifico, cleanse* an' preserve* t no teeth
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    • 672 3 NOTICB*. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. EXHEKIMF-NTAI. RIM'.BrK TAPPING tci Cl ik (f)ut.lo r) »o wUt foi ft!" v' ■-i* non ha H uirv 0 <■' :i ft HI with BOffl qun't»Tß. >p ly to I'in-i tor. R it inii-ai Ha n». Coonial t-ecretary'* Offlvn, ~in»ia|>Oiw. 171 June, IH 4. OOVERNMENT WOTIFTcATION. W«nted
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    • 638 3 NOTICES. CHAPOTEAUTS PHOBPHO-CLICEHATB OF UNI It io«.reikct viul cucrg. anJ nerve I forcr, curck O/twtf. I uuq..juc, mad Hn-taut tutatu 10 •dulu I ■ad children. w uruus. it WML »m mur The NEW FRENCH REMEDY mm ii l7^i3T*ilm mawk I hit wnuhl awl highly popular rm«l>. uu-.l in Ihe I
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    • 618 3 NOTICES. ri KB LET-Hooea No. 11, H^phU Road and »l«o No. -M W ilkio Romd \pply to A. 8. fchooker, I Mala.ea Bf<_c» Juno IX) UK LET o«ii*. 01 the«-< Wo. 7 Battery Road. law ntry. Apply to Outhrio <% 00. I .hi AgeniU. ue._ 'I O BE LFT fnitll
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    • 680 3 SHIPPING "ifiteSCpil LLOYD KOK KUROPK. l'hu Imperial Gorrnan m,,n -l;.;nier SIMTKif, 7,!H)U tons, Oapt lin WiinHmi, left Honoring on Kridny. tin .'.th in»t., at a> dnight and may be expected to arrivH hpr« on Wednesday nior >my, Mm •JPtn instant at 7 a.m. nhe will probabl.' be dwpitchwi (or Europe
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  • 652 4 Lord DoKOCeMMag nhu is mentioned in to-day's wire as having expressed uPtipafcSß opinion* in th.? Mouse ol Lords on the home 'lefence i]ii«btion wus in tliis part of the world from I *9^ to 1001 as Secretary 'j Sir Henry I'l
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  • 255 4 Ova special telegram from Shanghai to-day fully accounts for the latest Russian naval disaster off Port Arthur. The Russian squadron was fit for sea but not for b.ittle. The vessels had 6iilFered considerably in the many engagement* with the JupiiLOM:. From lime to time, came reports that the damaged vessels
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  • 258 4 We are informed that H II :he •-'uliiiii of Johore will return to the Straits about the beginning af .September, and will be here in time for the usual celebrations at Johore on .September 1 7th, which will this year be his •Jlst birthday. The negotiations for the consiruction of
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  • 198 4 Wuaj may be termed tho Singapore Bisle^ begins on Saturday L'.frd .July and judging from 'he programme it pioraises to bo ao exceedingly interesting meeting. This is the fmrth occasion on which the Singapore Kifle Association have held wapiDschaw" as the .Scotch call it, at the Balestier Ilange, and there
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  • 7 4 To-day's hank 4/m rate is 1/1 Ij
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  • 7 4 Thk Unfit B»<>get was published this morning
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  • 24 4 A tiger ti A ft>et long and :> feel lii^li was trapped at Bungkalu Bukit. Muar. some days ago and h.i<; ban mhi to Johore.
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  • 21 4 Thk Dutch mail steamer A". Wilkm HI tthich left CHaaapore n Uth of June arrived at Siu/on tl.e 29 of July.
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  • 25 4 Captain Bkooks of the oil Msa .:er I'ebtyo, which arrived this morning from Lungkat, reports litavy rain, thunder, and lightning but very little wii.d outside.
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  • 50 4 The Muar State Engineer, ladle Awaug bin lloosain, S.M has just returned to Muar from survey duty in connection with the extension of tlir Kadana Gold Mining OtaoMoioa ;it Mount Ophir or Gunong Laiaag. A number of new gambier and pepper plan tations havo bOM st.trted uj) livt rin Muar
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  • 60 4 Tun Austrian steamer Ftitmm arrived from Moji yesterday with i,700 tons of •OaL The Cierman steamer J-> arrived from Sydney yettterday with •1,903 tons of coal. The British steamers Agineourt and Qwtm Eleanor uiivcd from Barry and Noilolk respectively uti the 27ih witli O.l'uo and 4.M0 toiu of coal. The
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  • 37 4 Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times. OUTSIDER PREFERRED. A' win f.iiHiftui-, 28th .In, i, Mr. C. H. Alliii, of :he General Post Dftice, J.ondon, hit, been appointed Director of Posts and Telegraphs to the federated Malay States.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 51 4 LmMMN, 2~th .hi, A long despatch received from Sakaoroi points to a gradual Japanese movement on all the roadi leading to Haiahaßg and Liaoyang. A despatch from Tokio says that, ifter severe lighting on the 27th June, the Takuslini army ooßwaioi the I'enshuilingpa*'; routing h noiiaiilanlilii Rawioa
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    • 74 4 Glentral Kurop-itkin reports Mia". nine divisions of JapaaOM infantry and (everal brisiaun of cavalry ,ire now idvMncing along a tront extending for >ne hundred md twenty miles. The Japanese right wing is in the ■jeighbourhood ot the Taeling Pass. The left win*? is in tho neighbourjood of the
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    • 26 4 The laaUa| inovuments threatened o cut oft the retreat of the KussianK lolding thn 1 [)iss«!<, and nOOtpoMoi hem to avasoata the latter.
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    • 29 4 It is believe 1 at St. Petersburg thai ;i )itched battle is imminent in tin; riaWt j of TWaMebJao when the Ruclian re^istnni'- 1 i* centred.
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    • 47 4 Mr. K W Bftckett (C) moved the adjournment of the House of Commons, in order to ask the House to consider Ibc al inning doScioaeioi in the itroßftli ot the Military drafts despatched to Booth Afriftl an>l ln<lii. and tlit del ijr in army reform.
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    • 9 4 yorkatairc '>eat Soaorojt ti. Hull by 370 tuns.
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  • Reuters Telegrams.
    • 30 4 OoMnd MaodoaaU, witb reinforcements for the Thibet Expedition has reached Qyangtot, af'.cr h ivit:.ti^h' at the Naini Monastery, wJMM the Kritisii OMOaHioi won 5 killed ;»nd wounded.
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    • 27 4 A dMßatoh from <!eneral Kuropatkin states that, on the -Oth inst the Japanese occupied the Moticnling, 'i'aelinp, ■ad K'Mish'.iiliii |i.i>m-. eofgjng the retreating BojoSoß*.
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    • 24 4 The King has visited Hamburg where he wis received by the Burgomaster and Senators, and u.i* enthusiastically welcomed Ijy ■•rowil-
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  • 45 4 Additu nai. bufciness a; tho tnaeting of the Legislative Council on Friday in Et, ii.'-lucle moUoM tOIBOBd SiOD.IKJO ■ON on t lie Malacca Kail way, and to call lor harbom worka toadon. Hills on <|uaranline civil DKM i.ciuie, and volunteer-: <ip: dooj tor first reading
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  • 81 4 Thk Fuwn und oluuteci liaiiiJ ..ill play «t tlih Hiuli S.;tvii:e lteservoir, not tonight, l>:u to-morrow evening from tv in [> vi, (.t'catlit-i permitting) The following is the programme M.n.-h (Jre.'im: hem l.^ypl '..L.i fa Oveittnr I'lih I'.oheniian Girl" O. Mi-tia Wult/ r,.,,, K. U. I'roul Si'lei'limi Krnani i.mi
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  • 118 4 in April, On* Tiong, Koh Don and Tan When wm Birsfti 1 l-y Sergt. Reynolds at '>•'> Bali I-ane for keeping a placa for llm piirpott ol aduiiuslsriiiK morphiiie. l'lu j y were arraigntd it foie Mi r i *l MDltBMd tO tWO months' riporoiis imprisonment. They
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 296 4 LATESi* ADVERTISEMENTS. WILSON Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS •ORCHARD ROAD AND BATTERY ROAD. Tho r«oaMUn§, simlio. I p-to tl.m- nnU Progressive Photographic Supplies. Itargesi Slock. Best Goods. Bowcsi Prices. I ■nforlant All Purchases Guaranteed Fresh. i yuntituf We are the house for it. Wilson Co.. Photographic Art Studio. 'MM* f.w.n.f. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL
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    • 92 4 li. OTOMUNE A nn HAVK ILWAYfI I.V HAM) XXI v« Silver Ware Satsuma Ware Cloisonne Ware sdronz Ware Porcelain Ware $lass Ware <7intimoni Ware Jsacquer Ware Panels, framed Screen, sBlind Biakemonds Matting Sic, etc., etc. G. OTOMUNE CO. Collard and Collard Grand Piano. Having purchased a now Hiauo the Singaporß
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    • 549 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL Wwo ffigdts Only. Fanny Stanley's Comic Opera AND Dramatic Company. Wednesday, June 20 Ohkmn.w. liibi Bail CINDERELLA CINDERELLA IN a ACTS. S|»>i ial l'ni;H)ffni«'pt of the Great Kn^h«h Hnrle«(|in- Female Impersonator, Mr. i;.»>>«rt Rteph<-n«on in hii Bret appearance in He will appear in rhe part of
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    • 23 4 G. R. LAMBERT A Co.. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO, Highest Reputation. Sittings Daily. dfftittmimlt -h.mld be made, if |«is-ilile, one •lay lieforebaod. Charges Moderate.
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    • 22 4 STEARNS' WINE, relieves the ilis tressing cough of influenza, and hroa cliitis It invigorates and iucrcn^c sii-tancc to the inro.vta of iiaMM
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    • 15 4 NOTE Telegrams and local news received prior to noon to-day are published on Page 2.
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  • 771 5 S.R.A. Annual Meeting;. i- (he convenience of thobe who practise foi i venta In the s. U, A Annual Meeting, it may be s'it«il that the following days bar -;m daily act apart during July for fr.icticfi at rangai .i^ hi ited below ml nih Sinvin 7
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  • 71 5 Wharfs at Which DMIcMBt Ships, are IJerihcd To-day. huu inymsss. VirroßiA Ukatuio Dot k -P« \i.iiki;i OiAvisia Dock— 11. N. M. 8. L'trwlii Racnoa No. 1 I'm' Bigiamssd, Zamanlaaod Ksigate. \1 siiiii^- ii.i Unipeata. ■< Rmteog im. l Buribat. 4 Ischia. 5 hiak an.l I'haron. ii
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  • 325 5 Many Chinese Poisoned. A MvsTEitio! a poisor.ingcase occuret Jl )csterday afternoon which ro-nlted ir a number of Chinamen hein_' taken suddenly ill It appears thai sbool 5 pm. yesterday i (.'hines^ I: iwkei ■OM sDmc cakts called I' Obial K ye i crisp '\ike made of t!
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  • 243 5 I'lie following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell >v Co.'l talelroOM vi sterday ■iteraooa Freehold land together with tin r. -si leiu-e and out-houses thereon known as No i iMmeidi Road. TangUn area ft. beau part of Grant No. to. Bought bj Sect Chuan Kiat for
    243 words
  • 81 5 1 bear, MY! a writer la ll' II mid. thai M Mcnier has ofdeied ;i forty horse power motorcar, which is t.i be the last word" in regard to luxury. This bags wag.iM-.-.tlon" i-, to contain two beds whicl an be hoisted to the n-ilin^ when lot in
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  • 89 5 ii is ii .>■ iiieil by i^he .Secretary of ibe BjpUa Tin Company that, on looount of the continued droticht and onse j .cuit shortace of water, it has to il.iy been decided by the Directors 111 it \i is necessary to teniporaiily suspand sluicing operai.ions at
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  • 175 5 /•>..,« Ihe Fiel'l) 1 read in your issue of April i an iri:J(> on Bast African shooting by Sir Bdmund I.echmere, who states that he irsa ihootiLfl hippo from a canvas boat wliirh be had the misfortune to capsize, and further states that owing to the
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  • 292 5 On Satnr.lay lasr, a Nfalay natnnd 1 I'uted mis convicted hy the Bench Court and sentenct-d to six months for dklMMMeUjr retaining a stolen brilliant. 1 An uncle of his named Haji Achid hin r Abdul Qanee had been accepted M hi. J r bailpr, hiving sworn that
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  • 179 5 Tin following is the programme ,ir nifri for the first anniversary nurtm,' >f the Singapore branch of the Young Men's Christian A«OCMtMM which is to held at Zetland House, Ainu man St the Association 's residence club >n Thursday evening next,
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  • 566 5 I I From Kharbin BSBM details ut th lldeatli of the two Japanese spies, sho 'jtasra lot trying to destroy the railroad ITasj wi if nilicerv t)ne ef thi'in Juko Iha .i littlr IH-fi>r».- his 1 xpciiti.m, ask.'i fer paper t^i writ»- to his wifr It STM ii
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  • 223 5 For Singapore. Per P. 40. s r. BtraM from Lon.loa May M due Ist July Mr. Case, Mr .1. E M tirrmn Mr. A. B. Biunn, Mr. ant Mr? Willett, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cook. Per P, O. a. s Of—, connecting with tr.- Chu-an at Colombo,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 150 5 VESSELS ADVEKTIBED TO SAIL. Tac ma viti porls, of.fa, due 1-1 July, Ma: sfleld. Holland via port", IfodMre, on Ist July Daeadfls, Sydney vii ports, false, due 7lh July, I Boastead. Fremantle via port>, h 'ton, on Sth July. Mnn-iinld. B»ltic port Mu.-i'.d v l.'th l u!y, E A. Co.
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    • 67 5 OR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOROOYNE. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Each Bottle of this well-known Remedy PO» COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, DIARRHEA SPASMS, ETC. Hour* mi tho C.iverninent Stamp ili- ii.iine ol the raiaasar DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE. Numerous TsatiaaaaasJi beaa laaasaal PhyKioians aaeeespaaj ssesj ltou!e. Sold in l«.»tll«H,
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    • 651 5 NOTICES. RAFFLES HOTEL. First Class Travellers only I nder th* Mont MaMaaaaMtal'' M H. E. Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G., nuaaaai aaal Oaaaaaaaasr-in-Caief, fHrsit.*- sjptlem-ms i> 'rtaaei. W.U.B. The Select Rendezvous or THE ELITE OF SINGAPORE All Comforts. j-"- a.-. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. List of applications for new Licences and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 156 5 DAY BY UA* Wednesday, -■<)' h June. Hich Water. 11-16 a.m. S Maxim Se.;tiou. .Vlj. S.V.I. BiesMa Drill. ,"i-16. Stanley ('■>. Town Hall. 9. Pall Moon Dinner. Hotel as l'Euio|..-. Thursday, joth June. High Water. ')-:r> an.l U-.'il a.m. Kootlmll. Kanj{eis v. A.T.A. Phil. Or.hcstra Piacti S, V.M.f A., Zetlan.l
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  • 437 6 A coßßgf poaiiturr ihus wiiut to tin \talni; W-U fruit P<hang: T"i ir i| ie wat' r riclit.l WtiflMtO time been well conlin>f»Mi, Hut the mxny dinputts annul: thinrefrom still leave a lot to be answered 1 &nd many aiigrieved partit-s to be aatisfii-d We- m.w
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  • 157 6 liiKi/ovnuii 01 u-. ><'iiej>i branch o! p.e BritiM! Madioal Association make- < fresh stait this year. Hindrances it he wav h;id delayed publication «'t -li i^H7. Changes for the bett«r may enaLie the Jo -ni v to re-appear -:ih greater chanjo of regularity in ■ss-.:e undei the sipervision
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  • 277 6 kich Stnke Reported. Vdvim irom the provwoM ilis ÜBBIiOM PBpOrt :< rick gold strike l>v id A I— lift II BWMMCtWi wln> said U 1 have BXttsetoa 1-8 ouuees iv a short r imfc, tli'.u^'li ha b using uiilv jirmiitive met hi Mi- t 'hit fol
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 14 6 -ikarns iip:adache cure, (,'uros "Muft ht Strain' 1 and you get v thn ijHtiiiiiii
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    • 177 6 NOTICES. HMfMiiMi Pavnion system First Glass Hotel van Horok. OAROET (JAVA) Medical Attendance and Medicines Gratis. i>!*<M w. b. '9 ALLEN'S -Si.? JLUWG BALSAM tZ 1 ■jr Bo)»i Warrmnt to HU MajMty King Edatrd STRENGTH md vigor, activity ot body and brain, are :>cst attained by taking a regular course
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    • 597 6 INOIICHn. Agents for LEA SPERMS' At 1/i WORiitSitaSHIK S*U(i£. m^a.^^^ i^m bw a^L. v Mar ar M BO Special Warrant His Majesty '>>. Purveyors to The Kini?. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. PA IS fW MANILA Jbevy Jiermanos :m US Urn** Basal i Road KAPFLFS HOTEL BUII DINUS, OPPOSITi: TUT COI.I.E<M "OMEGA"
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 644 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. i\.r China, Japan. I'enan^. Ceylon, Australia, India. Aden. Egypt, Mediunanean Ports, Plymouth and London. lhrouifb Bills of Lidin^ is-n^>u fo .Jhina Coa«t, P.-rsian rtulf '"ontinpntal »n.l \mi>rican Ports. '-'•.-.nn-r- .-.ill leave 'Jnaapora on 'ir nbou Mall Line. Ihitwnrti [for
      644 words
    • 1092 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Honinklljke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. I'nii. i i out art aril h lUr Nothdilnndp inrliaGovprmient. I i \t. S ni/npore MIIP A<; Ni y, UII J DaESDSLS Co., 1 3 Ooi.! Vtß QUAY. h un^ermentinnad dates aro only approximate. J nien ''rom IfaH Uaapai^ml |ai i Ponti mnV Juno t*
      1,092 words
    • 617 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial German Mall Line. Ibo am) well nown mail steamors of this Company sail fortnightly from Rrri;!en -Hamburg via Rotterdam. Autwen', Gibraltar, Genoa. Na l^>, I'oit Knrz. Aden. ''oloin' o, rVtaaaa, Waaajiora HonikoDg. Phangh^i. Nas<i='.K:, nntl Ko! o to Yokohama and back. They nro
      617 words
    • 654 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIRS. N. Y. K. I JAPAN MA L STEAMSHIP To., Ltd. lar roRTHIGH v.v i .int iii!.'d betwtea .lipn I ;in<l Europe bj ,he i I Ida irnr Nl-W TWIN SCRBW STEAMERS, Und r M-il Contract with the li Fnpanoso Govc nment. specially dfteigno'l 1 r ilih ('omparjy'g Kuropein
      654 words
    • 404 7 «*TJ-AMSHI»' COMPAnifv C.P.R. j I Canadian Pacific Railway Company'a Royal Mni' Steamship Line. i ►"A3l KOU'l'h atrrWKKB UHINA I 'AP\N.ANnE"R()}K V k ANOTHE UNI: ■:> s, Itiiutc from H.nijjk.)..' in Shan <h.i Najfasnki (Inland lapnn) K..lh FaaaaaMMi v atarla aad vaaaaa I "in >. raw R n fHaan Ma
      404 words

  • 1 8
    1 words
  • 1377 8 'nder this heading the followin ./o revisions are used: str. steamer <a ship: bq. barque; sen. schooner fet. Yacht Cm.— Cruiser Gbt.-Gun-fcoat; Tor. --Torpedo H. p. Hone-power Brit. British; U. 8.-- United State* Teh. -French; Ger— German Dut. Oaten G.c— General-cargo d.p. -deck MMenger; U UnceiUin; T.
    1,377 words
  • 547 8 H vir, port, probnble date of arriia. mnd name oj agentt. HTIAMIBB. liv, Liverpool, July IS; Manaheld. Vltiiie. Bandiermassin, July 3; Daendels. \in. Magon. Saigon. July I 0; Mone Uonite Nielly, Colombo. July 6; Moine Comte. Vnnam, Colombo, July "l 8; M. Maritimes. \parhnii, Duneuen, July 3; Boustead.
    547 words
    • 91 8 Nuclei d." (Cu'.e X'> 1) uopiekeil Topra Bun do Poctlaual t'epper, Blnck do Whit«, Sago Floor S:.r.iw do IJimirl V, Pearl 8aco Coffee Ball, 15% i,a-t-Coffee, Coffoe, Llbeilan No. Tapioca, small Flat. do med flake do tmall peaii do mod I* fin km Opium Bennrc Rice, Raopiot Rice,
      91 words
    • 115 8 Or --Sank 4 m/- i/ll Demand i/u"» HrlT»t« 0 n> do Sn/> I/Ill On Of nnnnv —Bank Mo 1 9» PrtTate S i../» %M do J 05 0. mm- Psok d/d 451 MvttaSab id di 8 m.» i30j On <*<«<«— fiauU T. T. 146 VrUate SO d/- 149 On
      115 words
    • 360 8 Brl«t Tin Mine MM B*»»wah Gold Mine (•7.60pd)|15 <K>, sellers Briiwh Tin Mine $8.80, aellers •Fr»»er ft Neare $»G, rnyer-. H Wong Shanghai Bank $*****. Hnwartb Enkine, Lt. $21J.. r >o, »ile> *Jf>lnbns (in liquidation) 20 ct». Rpdana (fully paid) $111.1.11, n ,,m- ■lo (prefg. $4pd) $4.00, nominal N'"al
      360 words
  • 124 8 fi' HerstiamcT fkm To-Mouuow. EaauitanA lriag^anu SttjJia-i i* ajß, Singoraam! Bangkok Btribmt ila.ia Maiacea aad Muar hong Wmm l pm. Malacca and I.inggi Khing Srif) 2 p.m. GoroDtalo via port* Siigora a p.m. Mala ca P. Dickson H> ntoiui p.m. Amboina, etc.. Catuphu I p.m. Cbonanrl Samnrnng Uiann
    124 words
  • 119 8 From Europe -By the N D. L. U. I'.i.r. Rrnent LvUpoldtivr on 30th .lune with rtat^s to the 7th June. TIME TAULL OF MAILS M I Left Singapore Due in London aJriaad May IMb P. 40 June ith June 4th May Iclh 8.1. .luue iL'tb Juut l:ii.
    119 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 99 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS .AUD SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. ai nved new abipment oi Indian, Chinaaa and Japaneee of varioitb kiiiu Cli:m-o —broidwd coatanaM HaltßM lace iacket!- and h.indkerclm C'.ylon lace, pretty jjrass cloth work, eilk hhawls ot 'various kinds made in India, cushions and
      99 words
    • 842 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. /T"f>nvaia f'KAIW TRAN»iPARKXT SOAP '^B^'V, NOTE OUR PRICE I V'iiV^>cA Walsam Plate Powder Wp a-jCh J JliSfßafaWi I<AI K (o|o<;Nlt itLD liS(il,|Sil -^^^T^S r^^^ira Wicker .oven d Kottlekl^^llii'i.Vo 1 J^M gi Sponge Bags $1.70 per bottle t* t VV l! H'^"f r> I t'h«r«-k*-! Watt <] ro<A
      842 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 30 8 WEATHER TELEUHA iT. li. A. .<• C. Trlrgraj!> f4m*«a* L'Btm I«m HONGKOhQBarometer 2tt.sti Direction of Wind N.F. Force of Wind 1. Max/Temp in Shade BL M YNII.A |<'alm. 0. ML M
      30 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 445 9 INSURANCR COMMAMPPOYAL IN SI) RANCH CO. FIRE LIFE TOT A! [NVBSTED PUNDB ill2,UOO,0l»0. THE I.AIU.KBT Fir.X nrFICS IN TUE WOKLI BOUbTEAD 4 Co., Agents. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CapiUl £2,127,600 Paid up Capital 212.76 C Reserve Fund £1,073,560 The undersigned, Agenta for the Couj pany, an- prepHrud
      445 words
    • 530 9 I HANKS. hEDERLAiSDSCHr: HAND I MAATSChVPPIJ. rlanda Trading S<m ietv. eit.biijh.d i*t« CAPITAL. 60,000,000— (abt £6,000,000/ ISSUED CAt ITAL. f 46,000,000 -(abt £3,760,000 RESERVED FUND. f. 6,000,000 -(abt. £417,000. IK ..i (Miii in Amsliidam. Head Ariikv in Hat-i\i.->. i.IcAN. I Run erian (IVh) -..n«'i->v laan nxan Ijiifj p >al*a*i«ng K
      530 words
    • 391 9 Hongkong SKa.ghai kib| t i r\l!».| I i.r.SKKVK Y\ Nil -t.Tiinu Reen „i >ia -,-|{-s..rvc f,.fiH«,Ql>» I Hew i re UaMMj >i Prapi iiton I COURT OP UIKHCTORS. .1. Ka.vmon.l. X-,,.. Cbatnaaii H. l;. Tonikiii Ra*>, Di-|iiiiy CiiHiriiiiiii. K. (joct/, K.-y N. A. Sieb^, K>.i Mon. W. /.SneMM j(_ |f,g|a*W
      391 words
    • 273 9 fJOTICES. C. A. RIBEIRO Co. Stationeers, Printers Bookbinders, Rubber Stamp Manufaceurers. PRINTING CEPARTMENT AT NO. 35 ROB/NSON ROAD OFFICE AT NO. 3 BATTERY ROAD. TELEPHONE NO. 906 Apl M ui.w.i. u.t. Mbrams HCR3I REPOSITORY. Ui I 200 annoamt than are MtrerKl «fll bred P i rv H I'^nies I V'iy
      273 words
    • 689 9 Arima Water The renowned natural mineral table water recommended by Japanese Government AnsvKsis. ?VLb I I POsTTI < Y. Shibuya Co. AC I I C. Janssen, Cebu. BUM f U i-. IHE TANJONO I J^UCK COMPANY, LTU Ban-waisra, KMoaaaa, iiu utt I FoUNl)l,i:», WriAhriN>.< 1 This Company axecuts Ship aud
      689 words

  • 212 10 PENANG. The above Dock .situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of tho Prvc River has lately been lengthened and deepened, nnd m vow of the following dimensions Length of tho blocks 320 feet Breadth at eutrance 50 Depth of water on sill at ordinary spring
    212 words
  • 1725 10 Journey up Country. From a Md<ty \lni Cbm Taa whole of tho fiiitile vaila] of ihK i ti.'.in i^ uc -opted, and oarriea, ooav •ratively "peakuiK, alar|(ep>pala ion •l.n.y ol the puoplti are eitltivatori r.i j ~nidll way, especidlly tho^e on the lower •m. inn of the rivet; wlnle
    1,725 words
  • 10 10 Exchange and .hare quotations will be found on page 8.
    10 words
  • 20 10 Shipping adTertisemontt, with dates •f sailing etc., will be found on page < General shipping news it printed on page 8.
    20 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 155 10 Nonet** GRAND HOTEL, Ltd.. Nos. 18, 19 A 20, BUND, YOKOHAMA. Situated in ItoFIIfiST PHMllflN on the BUND, commands »n unbroke View ol' tbe Hapbour and Tokyo Bay. Caters to First Class Travel Only A St 11 Launch um'.er supervision of a competent Ajcent attends all incominK and i nt?oinir
      155 words
    • 313 10 Mil ICI b I Sulphuric and Hydrochloric Acids, j APPLY !<> FHE SINGAPORE PLANTING A PACKING CO., oe Horth Bridge I?oad, SINCiAPORF. Mar v.c. Yomg Ue Seng Co. 27 Kline Street. Hare alucayx o$» hana Hats Caps boo 1 >hoes Perfumery Ho-itry Lamps Cutlen tal I Blackwell's, MortOD'b Preserved Provisions.
      313 words
    • 429 10 VIIICLV Wde Straits TSimes. Wfte Straits ADVERTISING RATES. ■AYAEJLH IH ADVANCE. ,ier i;ich, vo'niun ro^a^nre. 1 Kll-1 n-.-rtion $1 i) ccnt^ Second iivl third inacrtio.i.'cai Ii M eSBSji fourth, 'ifth, and «ixth V) centSevenlli to nigbt<Wßtli U rentNineteenth »üb«equ<!nt,, 16 rentIVr ""ek of Ax days, to t'C .'liannfl diily if
      429 words

  • 907 11 The hack Door of Nevkchwan*. A Ih a History City «vi HaY rhmpi in i.y^one ages, M it* name implies, on the sa, which is further and farther aw.iy iroin th>- plain It hM played M »mall part in tho history of the country In the e.ulv part, of
    907 words
  • 287 11 Prussian Scientist to Visit Singapore Di. Hecker, Professor of Astronomy ;it, tbe Prussian Geodetic Institute, Pot< dam, has just concluded a series of observations hi the Melbourne Observatory. He was appointed by the Internationa! Geodetic Association to travel round thi Indian and Pacific Oceans and
    287 words
  • 479 11 .jt Prioet I the board ot din i Canal Ctaßpsnr, .vhioh is to at the annual meetinft of rehold* i«, oontaini tbe followinf •m. Mft: Two f ecial eaoaH bava eootribulad t-> ihe „f |be liaffic in 1 1 1 i Mid !'orr;i;on is '.he coinif
    479 words
  • 131 11 A 1 -Ai .ii ha« won in estate valued at Sl.uoOooo I .i J.i'm Donabae h r^-id^t o' i'm-iiiihi', Ptaofjlvania (Uni'^o *late») Spv.t;il jears ago, wlnlf \u w»< pwpwrting in the I'nnitieil <nr) ICiWBUHM i»l B 11 f'ounly, Ky he m»-' a man nam> d Bowman,
    131 words
  • 352 11 The Manchurian city which the pi nf se mutt Capture. The city of I.iaoyaug is probably the oldest iv Manchuria. It is situated on the Tai-tsu-ho River, which runs into the Him, a largo tributary of the Liao. It is about forty mile*) in a direct line \V. 8.
    352 words
  • 597 11 1 inn be rMMMntand twt .he I, M mlJ> urnui, that .^ir Frar.cic Lnvell, C.H.G., Dean of the London f Trapieal Medicine, who, in he i :tr!y iurt of last winter undertook .n expedition lo tin; tropics for tkr enlisting support on o«Miaii >f
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 248 11 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET 'LAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD $12-50 per case. Duty extra /V.O SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8-30 per ctse. Duty extra I KN IJJ.K tBOM UM KAIL DKAJ.EUS, Ol» McALISTER Co.. Ltd sole agents j£t Ny Carlsberg Beer (S/"!;'..«n cry
      248 words
    • 157 11 NOTICES. jDr. S. Yamamoto, JAPANESE DENTIST. No. 352, VICTOR A STREET SINOAPORE. Apr II '3-7 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR COMPANY. Rubber Tyred Carriage and Pikisha WheelSPK< FALI.V M.U>K FOR US. Carbide or Calolum Benzine WMOLMMALM AMD MMTAII MXKt.m;. > THE LAJU BICYCLE. May IU in. w.i. v., SLEDGE MILK. IP
      157 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 272 12 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES CO., LTD. ENGINEERS, SHIPBUILDERS, ft GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Singapore. Ww*«!-«««j Street Town Store i«i.^ Battery Woa« gngines j||H Boilers HORIZONTAL f MNJf^Mr LANCASHIRE VERTICAL I I ylffijyffllpr CORMSH PORTABLE fJlJ^^M^ln LOCOMOTIVE WINDING COLONIAL HAULING VERTICAL -_Pumps Mining. Horizontal and Vertical, Direct-acting Duplex and Special! Sinking Pump up to
      272 words
    • 159 12 NOTICES. JYews of tde Straits, Read tde It has the Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA 3*or WAR TELEGRAMS Read The Straits Times It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Messrs. John Little Ct> The kefreshmeU bullet, iunk ItMtf s«po> Lines and Kanip..n K baliru
      159 words