The Straits Times, 28 June 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. .JUNE 28. L 904. rMU. 21,471 PRICE 15 CEITI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 794 1 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Xaa 'i U registration „l birtl ithfl in the Straits Battlementa in IMS b.M bi en published. The total Dumber ol births registered menta during 1 90: i •vas 16,60* and ii equal ;i enkU birth raleol 26.86 per thousand of tba eatimated population Tbe Singapore rate
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    • 772 1 NOTICIiS. NOTICE. I lhan P.ijin Luem also i:»ll«d Lady MnDtri Buriuwongf>e of Uan^ikok in the Kingdom o( Si ira, wife o' r"hya Montri -uriauonjiso now residing in Banskok but living rvpßrt from my said hesbanri, h?reby ivit to give notice tbat was formerly in my own richt the owner of
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    • 741 1 NOTICES^ Caledonian Hotel* 77 Brass Basiah Road Biz New Billiard Tables Excellent Cuisine Splendid large well furnished bed-rootfta with bath-room 1 attached. (Charges Moderate ales, aril beers of the vei >'. be<t wiiality T. M. CONNOLLY, Maruign. .lime T2 21-12 iOVKRNMENT NOTIFICATION. rN Monday July IHtu next at ll*i».u Government
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    • 671 1 AUCTION SALES. THK TAN KIM TI AN STEAMS HI! 1 COY. LTD -1,, Liquidation AU(TION SALK OF OFKICE FURNITURE. MILNttKS 1 SAFKS, &c. Jo be hcl<l at No. a, Raflen Place. S,,tu ,r/.(»/, fii J:,hj, UKM, '1/ U M TwoMilrmr-" firoptoof safi s. i> Utniirg (.1 ""t'lndaH TytKwriler No 7:
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    • 359 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. John Little Co., Ltd. Reductions in Prices OF PROVISIONS 4V WINES. ffojiee On and after July Ist our Prices of Provision* and Wines will b reduced. Revised Price Lists may be had early in July on applfcation. •ii.ii. a> i John Little Co., Ltd. Have always on show
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  • Reuters Telegrams.
    • 33 2 iMndoo'-'.ih June IteuterV eiorrefpoudent at the Rusoidn haaaV|«artara,al Liaoyang,t>ayß tiMit tLe uniim Jdpanfse urnues under Generals Kuroki nitl Oku ara now f ciog an imm«n»c army undar Gtneral Kuropatkin.
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    • 36 2 There are at ltust thrico tlie number of troopf, «s aoaipartd with thoee engaged in previous lutlleß, now prepared to fight The proximity il the i.tiny season renders gajaj battle absolutely inevitable.
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    • 30 2 Un Uifluilit-r iiium, s t l'«st«-rs! telfpr.-im from LiaoyaDg a»t»«-rt8 that General Oku is withdrawing his troop*, having apiarently ahundoned t lie lutended junction with General Kuroki.
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    • 39 2 l.oiuUm, 27tK June. "t'orkshire beat Somerset by stven wickels, at Hull. Lancashire beat Surrey by 70 runs, at '.be Oval Suhbex beat Oxford I'niversity by s.x wickets, at Brighton. Leiueßiemliire defeated Hampshire 0y 219 ruiii-, a LeiceMer.
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  • 1514 2 Decline in the Tin Output lor the first tour Months. i'fkan, .•'Hi. The tin output f Pah.-mi; t'<>i tli period from .January- t.« April thu> year imountcl to 6,4*20 jmul-. M againM ..fl^ in the c<>rris|xiiiflin^ |xtkkl oi MM i Ihhm •>' I,lm pi'uls. The luty mImM aVcun
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 396 2 NOTICES. GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES. WITH WOOD-BURNING FIREBOX. PARTICULARS PROM BORNEO Co, Ltd., SIJSGAPOEE ft \y \2l Fl m. i n! ADVANTAGE OF EFFrOTTNO ASSUKANCEB HAHLY IS UFK. fTis an advantage to effect Assurance 1 early in life. By the rate of Premium increaaei; Death may ocenr Bam* the Provision is
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    • 303 2 NOTICES. OILSEEDS, COPRAH, SPJCES, &c POTOTSCHNIC I FRANKft, TRIESTE, AUSTRIA.) Ageuli* nail Produce Bmki'i- ipcc-Ully i»r >iich Khipner* who haviui' no Ollice on Ibe iiu.liiiont, m i»li lo Havn VERY encr^pti.' anl VERT nlialile Representatives in Barope. I'ututaehadjl rind Piaakel nre Utmtal Aji'iit- for f.mtinoptal Europe of ioai« ol the
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    • 451 2 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCITcO. FIRE A LIFE OTAL INVEBTED FUNDS BXCBEI £12,000,000. Tar i-in^BST mbb office in the world BOUSTEAD A Co Ageuts. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital 212,750 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, Ageuta for tho Coin oauy, are prepared to accept
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 109 3 VESSM S AJ)VERTfSKI) TO BAII, H onglinj;, Va dnetBlfa .luoe, Behn Sleyer. TacTiii via ports. ""i/«, due Ist July, Man»fi Id. Hollnnd yin port. tfncbf*,«n Ist July )';ii"lil>'lSydney \i.i |>oi t^ Aauta, <lue Teh July, Bon*taad. Fr^mjintlc vi.i part-, Ch iron, ou Bth July, Mene^eid. Baltic porH, itorir, d in-
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    • 226 3 NOTICES. NEW STEAMERS FOR SALE. A new steamer at present coming out to Bangkok is offered f>r sale. A superior Boat, I ads about 1.500 .ton* on 14 ft. 6 in. draft, steams 10 krot* loaded, I'imen«ions Length 234 ft. overall. Breadth 33 ft o in Depth moulded 19 it
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    • 623 3 I NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. EXPERIMENTAL RUBBER TAPPING W"»Mert Clrk (Outdoor) to assist {■>: about six mon'bs Snlnrv I 0 per ir rn«ein W itb nnfurn: 1 h- :< quarters. Aptly to Drrector. B itnnioul Gii.ipus. Colonial Secretary* Office, "intupore, I7t j June, 19>'4. Line 1 W OOVERNMKNT NOTIFICATION. for tho
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    • 574 3 NOTICES. V For functional tronhlc*. delay, pain and those irrogulariti'* peculiar to tbe sex. Prescribed by the hlpticM French I Medics) authorities and superior to I Tnns«y,. Mcl Drops nnd Penny I royal I CITAPOTE-AUT, g, r. Vi iennp, Parti rMATl'col| R««iw»< PhnkUM p-«.--ib« r.rtaiauh'i MatiM a* tkc Mtl active
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    • 661 3 NOTICES. rRB LET— Hoo*e No. 11, Ropfala Road, and alto No. M Wilkis Road. Apply' to A. S. Phooker, 1 Malacca Strf ot. Jane 3 l_-7 f IX) BK l.&'t: oflcen on the second floor 1 No. 7 Battery Road. ontry. Apply to Gutbrte 4 Co. Ltd Agent*. n.a.
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    • 664 3 SHIPPINO RAVI Qj&J ONE GENERALK ITALIAN A FOR HONGKONG. Dm Italian s. s. IHOHIA. 4:110 torn. Captain Ma«;ui?ini, having left Bombay on the 17th insk, may be expected tc arrive bera on Monday, tbo iHth inst., and will have [>rompt despatch for the For freight and passage apply to BKHN.
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  • 679 4 very intimately concern Singapote, Md I Hi.;. I' ill ■■••;!>• L reni.' this Sciil v.ji' ;i! hav4 M M picture of thl place. However, n it> a biggish district I'rom a Johore point of view, and, though it it buQering from
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  • 427 4 Nut quit*: a year has elapsed since attention was called by the Straits Time*! to certain discrepancies that then obtained in the housing and treatment of Cblneee immigrant* and other native passenger? at the Quarantine Station on St.; John's Island, and the result of the enquiry, that ensued was th«
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  • 231 4 Ai' Tokio (.leap rWMtNMftt is nxpressed at the tiilure of ilih Russiin liovcmmeiit lv furnish information Menial the JipMN prisoners. t\r>l>njhensi >n in felt in .Japan regarding Ihe treatment extended to those prisoners. It is probable that thf American »;overnoier f will be asked to iinki: h pointed inquiry at
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  • 212 4 In Negri sembilan a few weeks they fiaxaited certain laws respect ine the behavior of Mahomraedans in the dominions of the Yam Tuan They had to go to mosque 01 be punished, and there were a number of things that they were not to do. In the report of the
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  • 195 4 The extraordinary case of the Chinaman Li Mm is again referred to in our: correspondence columns to-day. Li Mm was a coolie on the estate of a Mr. i. C. Kobertson in Kudat He was shot— accidentally it is believed by some police officials who were bunting a runaway laborer.
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  • 163 4 A Bili to amend tli, Municipal Ordinance of 1896 is to be brought before the Legislative Council Tht abatement of objects and reason* appended to the Bill says: 1. I Inlanding of goods from the rivers and canals in the Town of .Singapore has never been pr >perly regulated. It
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  • 244 4 TOKYO AND ROME. The Pope has received the Coadjutor to the Archbishop of Tokyo. (Mgr Mugabure) and has expressed hi» pastlication at the i-oinplete. lirm'ty tjecofsW la CsUmHm iv l.i pan. TOLSTOI'S LATEST. Count Tolstoi Imi written an extraordinary letter, nine columns in length, to the Km Therein
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 238 4 TOGO'S REPORT. rin An. tiff ft Am A detailed report from Admiral Togo shows that after a steamer had cleared the mines in the way, the Russian Heet steamed out oft' Port Arthur in line of battleSuddenly, when about seven miles from the Japanese fleet, the Russian
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  • 473 4 JAPANESE OFFICIAL TE LEO RAM. li ivny-.i, "i^fiii Monday. The following official telegram from the Foreign Office at Tokyo has been received by Mr. Tanaka, the Japanese Consul at Singapore. OFF PORT ARTHUR. Adn.iral Togo's .I. tailed report of recent t.perrions off Poff \rtliur runs as Mows: The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 667 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck IVlacgregor Co. ■h>) WBUNHKD I^>l Wine Spirit Merchants, .(London, Glasgow. Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. i=I?LLCHI LIST OTnT A.FFXjIC^TIOIST. \pi)6 >i.c. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. rU*P opened treah Msak oi Btts Ml alliSH beauty and bent quality importo.l «r<.in Tmtia,
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    • 64 4 G. R. LAMBERT ft Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO. Highest Reputation, anting* Daily. A/ivt>\tmst<tt Kkould t>e made, if pSMiMSh <>n>: jay beforehand. Charges Moderate. ju... ii "•<; JoHXSTtUU. -At Pit'anuloke on tho i«th May, I9<M, the wife of K. H Jobmtone, A»sUt:int Cou'wvator »l FureHta, of a ton. UAUXWKLL On tbe
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    • 15 4 NOTC Telecama and local nc»» received prior to noon to-day are published on Page a.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 251 5 To 'ht Editor of tht Straitt Timtt. Sir, Knclo.sed pleaso lin.l a trnnslH- ioii documoni relating to 1-i MmV case. Tin; original which is mritUa in Chin^i<e, has been forwarded to H. K. the High Commissi .no: Ke^Hrated Malay KlatM »nd Botneu Your^ truly, J.
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  • 344 5 ltiia atiermon the Boropaaa Police Cluh meet '.he Tyros" in a friendly game of Aawetation Football on the |tro>n> I at Panglimn Prang," l{i\vr Valloy RoaJ. Warren Shield Tuk of War. The following teams are in th« iir»t round of the Wurren Shield Tug-ol'-War Competition JJ C M
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  • 156 5 The Malay JUrnl thus »k?tch<.- i he career of the Resident General of the F M. 8. who is now Sir \V H Treacher. On this auspicious <x-ca.sion perhaps a brief glance at our Resident -General* official cAreur will bo of intercut to our re;«lois ll
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  • 68 5 MMMh Levy Hermanns of Paris, who have but recently opened a branch at Sincapore hnve just sold an enormous diamond of I If) Carats to the Sultan of Deli, Sumttra. It is the celebrated stone known a« the Napoleon which was rfti'iwtly discovered at the Cape, and
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  • 329 5 SI.NQAPORE CATrtOLIC CLUB. < larden Part; Tnt Fourth anniversary of tbu opening of Urn Singapore Catholic Club was ivlwhrated last nigbt by agardeu party, which was largely attended. The prounds surrounding tbe building are nnything but large nevertheless the space was utilised in the best fashion, the lawn being occupied
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  • 379 5 k-i,.«i>av, a Kling named Fakirsah was arraigned before the Bench Court, for selling canii without a license; possession of gauja not purchased from the farm and using a false trade mark Mr Parsons with Insp. Tyrrell prosiv.ited. The defendant was fined IM <^n eauh of tho tirst and
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  • 153 5 {from Krchaugen.) 2l»t June. The Netherlands Government and France have concluded au agreement respecting the laying of a cable between Saigon and the west coast of Borneo, to with the Pontianak-Batavia cable. Tho agreement provides that any cabks laid in the future from Java in the direction
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  • 613 5 Committed for Forgery. Yhsi'EKD.w alternobn, K. J Holiuberg was before Mr Seth for preliminary enquiry into three counts o! forgery the allegations being that, on 4th April last he forged two cheques in the name of C G. May, Superintendent of Work?, Public Woiks Department, for $975 and
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  • 310 5 In the claim that the present war is one of civilisation versus barbarism, the Kokumin a news paper which usually reflect* official opinion in Tokio, points to the difference that mark* the treatment of war prisoners by the belligerents. The Russians murdered cruelly some Japanese soldiers whom they
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  • 57 5 We learn that this forunoon while Mies Anderxon was coming down to town wiih her companion in her carriage, an acciden: occurred. One of tho horses go', a leg broken. Fortunately the occupants of thd oarriage were not hurt. Misb Anderson finished her shopping and
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  • 118 5 Entertainment for Children postponedt II Thursday. Owing to the fact that to-morrow i» a mail day, wi.h two mails to be attended to—the B. I. and German mails both closing late the repetition of the Fancy Fair at thtTeutonia Club, arranged for the benefit of tbe children in
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  • 679 5 Half-yearly Report. 1 hk report for the half-year to March ■V. slates that the tonnage is now 366 9;*7 tons. The four steamer* of the Moldavia claw are all now fully at work, and their performance has alread) established their reputation. Th* I'iiurii, Britannia, Arcadia, Owina,
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  • 30 5 Thkkb wm very Urge attendance at t lim B »nlcal Garden* last nigfat when the band of the Manchester Regiment played an excellent sel«>ctJOD of music which was much appreciated.
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  • 492 5 Important Land Case in Court. All important series af land claiaM was opened to-day before the Chief Justice, 9ir Lionel Cox and two Mseisors who were nominat. ljy the parties. The land <lis j<ht Ii \< arisen in cousequencc of the Govcin menjt haviug acquired certain lands
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  • 7 5 To-day's bank 4/m rate is 1/11 f^.
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  • 9 5 I'hk Str'iit- Budget will b« [lliMWid > in jirrow morning.
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  • 13 5 Dysejiiehy has broken out ii epidemic form at Saigon ■ayiiiilrilj at.i->ng the Garrison.
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  • 20 5 Wk are glad to learn t,hat the late*n«ws from Sarawak conrerninp Mr* Hose, who has been ill, is very hopeful
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  • 23 5 I't-K nomeward mail by thu Ziett closes at 10 a in. tomorrow, and tha; by tht> Znminia at p m »n the «amday
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  • 24 5 Thk P. and O. intermodule, ttaaamei i'eyfon lett Hongkong at 10 a.m.. 01 Saturday and is due to arrive hern 8 a.m. on Thursday.
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  • 23 5 Two hundred and thirty lour death* were registered at Singapore during thweek ending on tho 18tb instant 11.. ratio per thousand wm O
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  • 22 5 Thk Kiug of Cambodia lias dou. away with the punishment of Hoggin:. criminals and offenders a time-hor oured institution ot the land.
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  • 22 5 The imperial Mail laaaflaw, J'reuiw left Port Said yesterday afternoon outward bound. Shp it Am here on Friday th>3 15th July
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  • 23 5 Hkkk AUJBUt FRrEDINTHAI., tilfamous pianist, is shortly expected 31 Penang on his third tour round' ih. world. He is new in Aug».r ili.t.
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  • 26 5 A now site ror laii lock Sen;;. Hospital is likely to comprise ibou thirty acres of land between Balestteand Moulmein. Thompson and Mand;. lay Ro.i lr.
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  • 30 5 h i- reported that the Maca authorities have adopted the offer o a French syndicate at Hanoi, subjec. to certain modifications, to instal ai electric light service for the Colony
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  • 36 5 Ai Sun^ei I.embing, the Pah'aiu Corporation's mine, 2,680 tons of ston* were crushed in May, the yield beink 40 tons of tin oxide. M head? o! stamps 11 >r t.i IV it .in outla*- o HKLUO
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  • 35 5 l\ May iast. the bailing K llialii Compiny crushed 1,100 tons of stone The outturn wa^ la tons «f oxide O' tin. \f> head« ot stamps ran fcr dayb. The wirkin^ expends -tood a; *!<,75u
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  • 39 5 TaTI Malaya .'ontribut. v Lo 'I. British and Foreign Bibh Society Centenary I' and amounted > about X.K'\7> which 3 iijs been forwarder to l.inlon by Mr W. H. Frizell. th<honor my I i;al treasurer to the above mentioned had.
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  • 45 5 It will interest the many friends vMr. G. A. 1. Bosancjuet, who was PriVatV Secretary to Sir Frank and Sir Alf-xande-Swettenham, when they were (iove'rnorii' here, to learn that he is now going oir to Southern Nigeria as Private Men tary to Mr. Walter Egerton.
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  • 50 5 Wk have received the following inlormation from the Manager of tin Duff Development Company, Limited For two weeks ending 1 8th June lor running time of iMOi hours the Dredge.: recovered 10« o/. IS dwt. 10 grs. of gold Estimated net profit for tho tw. weett'> being £327- 5-1 sterling."
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  • 45 5 A \iai:r:a ,c has been arrangeu to take place next month betweei Robert Campbell Grey, of the FederateMalay States Civil Service, and hicousin, Gwendoline Bruce Blake, onl> daughter of tbe late Walter Blake, a viand granddaughter of the later waltei lilake, of Meelick, County (i.ilway
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  • 65 5 Thh Inspector of Mines, Ku.u Kangsar, and Mr. Dykes, the Warden itMines, I'erak, are about to proceed t. the New Territory of that State on tour of inspection. This official visiof mining authorit,] jfl, will doubtl. result in a number of practical sugge* tions lor the development ot the vasi
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  • 65 5 The Assistant Secretary to tbi Calcutta Port Commissioners is undei prosecution for misappropriation ol I,^oo rupees Hie counsel admitt." that the accused had taken the raone> bn*. with no criminal intent, and wV prepared to give a cheque for th. amount. He hid taken the money v ,an advance an
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 80 5 NOTICES. RAFFLES HOTEL. First Claaa Travellers only I niier the Mom I)i«tin^niiheJ fiirona^ 1 <■' H. E. Sir John Anderson. X.C.M.6., Ufraraor aari Commander-int'liMf, st.^it- S<>ttl«nimti, and Hiirb Comroi«iilon«r, K.M.s The Select Rendezvous OF THE ELITE OF SINGAPORE All Comforts. j^ f SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. Kzchanoi and ahare qaoUtions will
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    • 19 5 CHILDREN ARE THE SUNSHINR of the home. SttanU* Wimt mm Urn suuhhinc brighter A splendio! leak; tb« little ohm.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 166 5 HAY BY DAY Tuesday, 28th June. High Water. 11-4 pm Football K.E.v. BUUan Mali. T\ ro* vs. Police Team. !i«n Rand. Kipluuade. tt to It. Wednesday, 29* b June. High Water. 0-0 11-16 a.iv. N. D. F.. homeward mail clow. In. 8.1. homeward mail clone*. 4. 3.V.C. Maxim Section. 5-15.
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  • 387 6 ENCOURAGEMENT T0 MINI NG. X.M.>. Ahead: Is West Australia, there it a loud cry 4 the Government dees not do .igh to encourage mining enteri rise During the course of a political tddreas delivered lately, tbe Mayor of -Calgoorlie, Mr. Norbert Keenan, laid articular stress upon the desirability of tbe
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  • 362 6 Russian Craft. lut Lkaitnrtoslai-, one ol the large ~:n-screw Bteamere belonging to the busman Volunteer Fleet, captured by the Japanese at the commencement of war, has been converted into a LuieLt transport. This is the ill: vessel seized from the Russians .h has been insured for X7.0C0 for
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  • 111 6 For Sinxapore. cr P. AO. 8 liornev from London due Ist July Mr. Case, Mr. J. B. 'I Browa Mr. A. B. Blunn, Mr. and Mre. >* licit, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cook. fr P. s Oftlaa, connecting with ill- steamer C'fiwan at Col->rabo, from Jwndoo Juue
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 11 6 STEARNS' HEADACHE CUHE, Oures "Mutt be Slearnt' and you »et the
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    • 207 6 NOTICES. t r THE BEST^V I WATCHES IN THE WORLD .<% Jlbrams HORSE REPOSITORY. We have la.v over 200 ii<->r»t-f. Uobt auu Pwuim mitaMt l^r all purposes, auiungftt them are several well Lrrd I'olo Poniec and very showy Harness Ponie? A veiy !.<st pair of srell- mat died 'ty!:sh K.iy
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    • 515 6 NOTICE*:. fm St I CHAMPA6NB A J jm&^\ 'n two Qualftiks Waaaaam Jj^^Sk DRYfcSWBBT Or Wtmm Quarts Pints 1/2 Pints aHl^lj HUTTENBACH BROB &C° p l^ g^ r-23r -23 Penano a Singapore tu. i c J."»-.j-v.>" r PA IS gmg Cti MANILA Jbevy Jiermanos Eu. 98 Bras Basafa Elbad KAFPLES
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 674 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. China, Japan, Penanc, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. IhrouKh Bills of I<a<liiu ls»««d for ijhina Coast, Persian Gulf Continental, and American Forts. 4t<>*mer? will leavo Kuignpon m Mall Line. ihuward {f'rr CM Simla
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    • 1070 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netharlands India Government. .1 gent* at Singapore Shjt Aq»ncv, i.atb J Dabndkls A Co., 2-3 Ooli.tkb Quay. J h« undermentioned dates are only approximate. ■<i«umer From Ex p" ted. Will be Despatched for:— D< K Ponti%n<ifc Juno V9Ponti;inak Jnly 1 OmpA»4M
      1,070 words
    • 636 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oerman Mail Line. The fast and well Down mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Nanles, Port Said, Buez, Aden, Colombo, Penane, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama aid back. They are due in
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    • 640 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. XT JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co.. Ltd. A regular FUBTNIQUXLY service is maintained l>etween Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCRI-W STBAMBRS, Und r M*il Contract with Ibfl Imperial Japanoso Gove> nment, specially designed <* ihe Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with
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    • 498 7 STfeXMSHIP COMPANIES Canadian Paoifio Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTK BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANAD\ AND THE UNITKD STATES. Kouto from Hongkong via Shanehm Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan) Kobe Yokohama, Victorio an* Vancon^ei Twin Screw EmpreM Steamships— fl.iJO" Tona— Speed 19 knoU. PROPOSED SAILINOS
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    • 1327 8 ijader this heading the following hbreviations are used: str. -steamer •k ship bq. barque sen. schooner f «t. Yacht Cru.— Cruiser Obt. Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H p. Horsepower Brit. -British U. B.— United States reh.— French; Oer.— German Dut.— Dutch; G.c. General-cargo: d. p. --deck •asseugnr: U.
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    • 576 8 \<tm«,port, pj-Jttt^t datt o' v\i nur.c cj agmli. STBAMirg. Aiax, Liverpool, July ISj Mau&nold. Alt.oin, Bangkok, ,'une; Borneo Coy. Alti'iK, Band] rtaaesin, July S; Daendels. Am. Migon. Saigon. July 10; Mone Ootnte A. NieUy. Colombo. July 6; Moine Comte. Annan/. Colombo, July 18; M. Maritintes. Apiirim;: Duneden, July
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    • 93 8 tambiei do (C'abe No. 1) anpk-ked 'opra Bal' do I'oatUosk 'epper, Black do Whlce, (SJ, lago Floor Sarow ik do Brnnel Ni. 'earl Bago "otree Ball, 15% ba>l« 'offee, Palembang, Vffee, Llberian No. 1 r aploea, tmall Fluke do mcd flake do »ui»U peaj" ie need it m 'Id
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    • 123 8 5r n ttank 4 m/» ml t* Demand 1/1 1J Private I m/s 2/ do S re./; 1/1 lj tin Cfermmi, —Bank d/d 1.99 Private S n>/« :.i >:. do I n<N 2.06 0> Kink il/d 8.46 Prtratt S m/t 2.49 do 6 m/« 3.61 On fiuM«-Fi=i T. T.
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    • 354 8 B'«AwahUold Mln< (s7.sUpd)sl s '<<■'. aeUers. Brnneh Tin Mloe 18.00, seller* *Fr«aer Neare f 96, buyer-. H kang Shanghai Bank 1(67.60. Howarth Ersklne, Lt. 9210, buyer*. Jelebns (in liquidation) 20 cte. K'dana (folly paid) f 10.00, nominal ■lo (prefs. $4pd) 1 4.00, nominal. N'"al Bank of Chi>a A(*Bpd)s3B.OO, buyerdo
      354 words
    • 166 8 IT- Fertteamer 7.,,,, To-Mobrow. Europe via poll 3 Ziettn 10 a.m. Pontianak IT. O'lhe Wi»f 1 p.m. P.s'tPnbam A Ttmi-'u Aiaovee 1 p.m. Billhon A Pontianak H.M'hatt 5..,., p.m. (Joro&talu via ports Singom 2 p.m. E.S'tenhamA Penang Kittnu 2 p.m. P. S'Sam 4 'f Anson Selunpor 3 p.m.
      166 words
    • 150 8 From Europe— By the K. 1). L. s.s. hrias Regent Luitpold due on 30th June vt it h dates I to the 7th June. From Chins— By tbe N. D. L. a. s. ZUttn due on the 39th June. Left Singapore Due in I.ond May nth P.
      150 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 98 8 K. A. j; CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Stroet. loaf arrived a nev. shipment ot Indian, Chinese and Japanese Bilks of various kinds, Chinese embroidered costumes, Miltcc* lace jackets and handkerchief?, Ceylon lace, pretty grass .loth work, silk shawls of various kinds made in India,
      98 words
    • 359 8 WHITEAWAY, JAIDLAW CO. A perfectly Fresh Stock of GO-CARTS and convertible MAIL CARTS. We have a Large Range and no two are quite alike. STRONGLY MADE GOODS BEST WORKMANSHIP CONVERTIBLE MAIL CART Foot well can he be raised to level ol Shaftl n.akii v i <in ( le Btacper. !Va
      359 words